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2 According to Tripcode Q

below are his questions, according to him.

4 10/28/2017 >>147012719

5 HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several

countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be
flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in
defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the
operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and
ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.

6 10/28/2017 >>147023341

7 Mockingbird

8 HRC detained, not arrested (yet).

9 Where is Huma? Follow Huma.

9 Where is Huma? Follow Huma.

10 This has nothing to do w/ Russia (yet).

11 Why does Potus surround himself w/ generals?

12 What is military intelligence?

13 Why go around the 3 letter agencies?

14 Who has ultimate authority over our branches of military w\o approval
conditions unless 90+ in wartime conditions?

15 What is the military code?

16 Where is AW being held? Why?

17 POTUS will not go on tv to address nation.

18 POTUS must isolate himself to prevent negative optics.

19 POTUS knew removing criminal rogue elements as a first step was

essential to free and pass legislation.

20 Who has access to everything classified?

21 Do you believe HRC, Soros, Obama etc have more power than
Trump? Fantasy.
22 Whoever controls the office of the Presidecy controls this great land.

23 They never believed for a moment they (Democrats and Republicans)

would lose control.
24 This is not a R v D battle.

25 Why would he place all his funds in a RC?

26 Mockingbird

28 10/29/2017 >>147104628

29 1 Open your eyes.

30 2 It finally came out that Rod/Bob were key players in the Uranium
31 3 Don’t you think POTUS would be tweeting about removal given clear

32 4 Why did POTUS meet Bob under the cover of FBI Dir interview?

33 5 Bob is unable to serve as Dir per the law.

34 6 Gowdy comments on Comey (history will ....)

35 7 POTUS has everything.

36 8 Not everyone is corrupt (fewer than you think).

37 9 Follow Huma.

38 10 Operation Mockingbird.

39 11 Priority to clean out the bad actors to unite people behind the America
First agenda.

40 12 Many in our govt worship Satan.

41 13 Not about Republicans v Democrats at this stage.

42 14 Where is HRC?

43 15 Why is the NG called up across 12 cities?

44 16 Trust in your President.

45 17 God bless, Patriots.

47 10/29/2017 >>147106598

48 18 Some of us come here to drop crumbs, just crumbs.

49 19 POTUS is 100% insulated - any discussion suggesting he’s even a

target is false.
50 20 POTUS will not be addressing nation on any of these issues as
people begin to be indicted and must remain neutral for pure optical
reasons. To suggest this is the plan is false and should be common

51 21 Focus on Military Intellingence/ State Secrets and why might that be

used vs any three letter agency

52 22 What SC decision opened the door for a sitting President to activate -

what must be showed?

53 23 Why is POTUS surrounded by generals ^^

54 24 Again, there are a lot more good people than bad so have faith. This
was a hostile takeover from an evil corrupt network of players (not just

55 25 Don’t fool yourself into thinking Obama, Soros, Roth’s, Clinton’s etc
have more power present day than POTUS.

56 26 Operation Mockingbird

57 27 Patriots are in control. Sit back and enjoy the show.


59 10/29/2017 >>147109593

60 28 Follow the money, it’s the key.

61 29 What is Pelosi’s net worth by way of one example. Why coincidentally

is her memory apparently going?

62 30 Cover for possible future indictment to plead what?

63 31 What if John M never had surgery and that was a cover for a future
out if needed against prosecution?

64 32 Why did Soros transfer his bulk public funds to a NP? Note this
doesn’t include massive slush funds that are pulled by several high

65 33 Why did Soros’ son have several meetings with Canadian PM and
how is that related to Clinton’s?

66 34 Can you rely on being able to board a plane and fly away?

67 35 Why is MS13 a priority _ nobody got this.

68 36 Could people pay such gangs to kill opponents and why / how to
insulate against exposure?

69 37 The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed.

70 38 Also many are thinking from one point of view, US only, this evil is
embedded globally. US is the first domino.

71 39 Have faith.
73 10/29/2017 >>147166292

74 40 Some of us come here to drop crumbs, just crumbs.

75 41 POTUS is 100% insulated - any discussion suggesting he’s even a

target is false.

76 42 Follow Huma tomorrow.

77 43 POTUS will not be addressing nation on any of these issues as

people begin to be indicted and must remain neutral for pure optical
reasons. To suggest this is the plan is false and should be common

78 44 Focus on Military Intelligence/ State Secrets and why might that be

used vs any three letter agency
79 45 What SC decision opened the door for a sitting President to activate -
what must be showed?

80 46 Why is POTUS surrounded by generals?

81 47 Again, there are a lot more good people than bad so have faith. This
was a hostile takeover from an evil corrupt network of players (not just

82 48 Don’t fool yourself into thinking Obama, Soros, Roth’s, Clinton’s etc
have more power present day than POTUS.
83 49 Follow the money, it’s the key.

84 50 What is Pelosi’s net worth by way of one example. Why coincidentally

is her memory apparently going?

85 51 Cover for possible future indictment to plead what?

86 52 What if John M never had surgery and that was a cover for a future
out if needed against prosecution?
87 53 Why did Soros transfer his bulk public funds to a NP? Note this
doesn’t include massive slush funds that are pulled by several high

88 54 Why did Soros’ son have several meetings with Canadian PM and
how is that related to Clinton’s?

89 55 Why is MS13 a priority?

90 58 Operation Mockingbird
91 56 Could people pay such gangs to kill opponents and why / how to
insulate against exposure?

92 57 The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. These people
are evil.

94 10/29/2017 >>147167304

95 59 Why wasn’t HRC prosecuted for the emails? Put simply, Obama
ultimately OK’d by using the non govt email addy to communicate w/
Clinton. Obama also had an alias along with each of his cabinet
members. Therefore indicting HRC would lead to indicting Obama &
his cabinet etc which could never happen. Remember he lied about
knowing but that ultimately came out in the dump. Poof!


97 10/29/2017 >>147169329

98 60 Huma
98 Huma

99 61 Husband in jail.

100 62 HRC, Muslim Brotherhood, or child?

101 63 What would you do? Kiss your child goodbye and leave without a
mother or father for Clinton?
102 64 Where is Huma today?

103 65 Was she with HRC on her book tour?

104 66 RE: Military Intelligence / State Secrets

105 67 No FBI

107 Do you think they aren’t in control of those respective agencies?

108 70 What is most valuable?

109 71 Information

110 72 AG Sessions on leakers.

111 73 Fire or prosecute?

112 74 Reorg is underway and happening.

113 75 Coincidence Senate Republicans pushing for Fed Judge

confirmations last week?

114 76 Why are Senate Republicans dropping out? Not by choice and were
offered a choice (rest assured they will vote pro Trump).

116 10/29/2017 >>147170576

117 77 Projection

118 78 D’s can’t lose control over the black population.

119 79 At some point the great awakening will occur whereby these false
local / national black leaders are corrupt and paid off to help keep the
black pop poor and in need.

120 80 D’s formed the confederate states against freeing slaves.

121 81 D’s formed the KKK.

122 82 HRC’s mentor is who?

123 83 What happens if the truth about Haiti is released? Do D’s lose majority
of the vote?

124 84 Through the looking glass.

125 85 They rely on the MSM to keep the narrative going but tech is
entrenching on their controls. They missed this in 2016 and
desperately attempting to censor now due to CIA cash infusions. This
will fail.


127 10/29/2017 >>147173287

128 86 Remember, the FBI, and MI, have an open investigation into the CF.
Why did Comey drop this? Who was the FBI director during the Haiti
crisis? How many kids disappeared? How much money sent to CF
under disguise of H relief went to H? What countries donated big
money to CF and why? How much was owed by accepting? When
she lost how would this be repaid? What did Obama do with cash just
prior to leaving office? Repayment to those who donated for
favors/access? Dig!!!!!
129 87 Again, good people were forced into bed with this evil under personal
and family threats. Could you live with yourself helping to cover up
such evil despicable acts if given a safe way out? These people
worship Satan _ some openly show it.


131 10/29/2017 >>147175452

132 88 Key:
133 89 Military Intelligence v FBI CIA NSA

134 90 No approval or congressional oversight

135 91 State Secrets upheld under SC

136 92 Who is the Commander and Chief of the military?

137 93 Under what article can the President impose MI take over
investigations for the 3 letter agencies? What conditions must present
itself? Why is this so VERY important? Who surrounds POTUS? They
lost this very important power _ the one area of the govt not corrupt
and directly serves POTUS.

139 10/30/2017 >>147181191

140 94 Military Intelligence ref above is the absolute biggest inside drop this
board will ever receive.
141 95 Now think about why Antifa plays right into the plan? Always ahead.
Good guys are winning.

143 10/30/2017 >>147181801

144 Now think about the timing of POTUS traveling to China/SK. I’ve said
too much. God bless, Patriots
145 10/31/2017 >>147433975

146 98 SCI[F]

147 99 Military Intelligence

148 97 Now think about the timing of POTUS traveling to China/SK. I’ve said
too much. God bless, Patriots

149 100 What is 'State Secrets' and how upheld in the SC?

150 101 What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies?
150 What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies?

151 102 What must occur to allow for civilian trials?

152 103 Why is this relevant?

153 104 What was Flynn's background?

154 105 Why is this relevant?

155 106 Why did Adm R (NSA) meet Trump privately w/o auth?

156 107 Does POTUS know where the bodies are buried?
156 Does POTUS know where the bodies are buried?

157 108 Does POTUS have the goods on most bad actors?

158 109 Was TRUMP asked to run for President?

159 110 Why?

160 111 By Who?

161 112 Was HRC next in line?

162 113 Was the election suppose to be rigged?

163 114 Did good people prevent the rigging?

164 115 Why did POTUS form a panel to investigate?

165 116 Has POTUS *ever* made a statement that did not become proven as

166 117 What is POTUS in control of?

167 118 What is the one organization left that isn't corrupt?

168 119 Why does the military play such a vital role?
169 120 Why is POTUS surrounded by highly respected generals?

170 121 Who guards former Presidents?

171 123 Why is that relevant?

172 124 Who guards HRC?

173 125 Why is ANTIFA allowed to operate?

174 126 Why hasn't the MB been classified as a terrorist org?

175 127 What happens if Soros funded operations get violent and engage in
domestic terrorism?
176 128 What happens if mayors/ police comms/chiefs do not enforce the law?

177 129 What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?

178 130 Why is this important?

179 131 What is Mueller's background? Military?

180 132 Was Trump asked to run for President w/ assurances made to prevent

181 133 Who is helping POTUS?

182 135 Who is helping POTUS?

183 134 How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?


185 10/31/2017 >>147434025

186 136 There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks
(inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our
country. Realize Soros, Clintons, Obama, Putin, etc. are all controlled
by 3 families (the 4th was removed post Trump's victory).
187 137 11.3 - Podesta indicted

188 138 11.6 - Huma indicted

189 139 Manafort was placed into Trump's camp (as well as others). The
corruption that will come out is so serious that deals must be cut for
people to walk away otherwise 70% of elected politicians would be in
jail (you are seeing it already begin). A deep cleaning is occurring and
the prevention and defense of pure evil is occurring on a daily basis.
They never thought they were going to lose control of the Presidency
(not just D's) and thought they had control since making past mistakes
(JFK, Reagan).

190 140 Good speed, Patriots.

191 141 PS, Soros is targeted.

193 10/31/2017 >>147437247

194 Get the popcorn, Friday & Saturday will deliver on the MAGA promise.
POTUS knows he must clean house (gov't) in order to 'free up' and
demonstrate who has authority in order to pass important legislation.
This was always the priority. Remember, AG Sessions cannot look like
an impartial player that is out to get all former Obama team members
as we need him for other important work. All will come into focus and
for anyone to think POTUS is not in control is kidding themselves.
Also, he's 100% insulated with zero risk of impeachment (fact).

195 10/31/2017 >>147440171

196 143 Why does Obama travel in advance of POTUS to foreign locations?
196 Why does Obama travel in advance of POTUS to foreign locations?

197 144 Why is this relevant?

198 45 Focus on the power of POTUS as it relates to the Marines.

199 146 How can MI be applied to prosecute bad actors and avoid corrupt
agencies and judges?

200 Biggest drop on Pol.

Above is reason why the shills are sliding. In case you didn’t know,
shills log and send new info back to ASF for instruction. They use a 5
prong pre packaged injection (one post auto generates four more at
random designated times). Common drive of posts they all tap into.
Since they misjudged the influence of the MSM they are aggressively
looking to censor throughout major platforms in exchange for CIA
slush funds and WW access for expansion of said networks.
Everything they do has been forecasted and prepared for.
201 11/1/2017 >>147441378

202 147 Why did Mueller meet POTUS 1-day prior to FBI announcement if
Mueller COULD NOT be offered director due to prev term limits rule?

205 How was this obtained given salary as career official?

206 151 Why is Pelosi’s memory going?

207 152 Could it protect against prosecution?

208 153 What is the Mayo Clinic?

209 154 Who sits on the BOD there?

210 155 What if John M's surgery was fake?

211 156 Why would this occur?

211 Why would this occur?

212 157 What could this prevent potentially?


214 11/1/2017 >>147443190

215 159 Why do D’s want to control the black pop?

216 160 Why do they intentionally keep poor and in need?

217 161 Why do D’s project racism on a daily basis against R’s?
218 162 Why do black elected officials do the crazy talk on behalf of D’s?

219 163 How do D’s cover the historical facts of forming the confederacy, KKK,
and oppose all things pro black re: legislation?

220 164 What happens if D’s lose the slave grip on the black pop?

221 165 Why do D’s, through the funding of the CIA, prop up and install
Hollywood/media assets?

222 166 Does this fall within Operation Mockingbird?

223 167 What were the historical advantages D’s gained by having MSM and
famous people peddling narrative?

224 168 Who exposed the pedo network within H wood?


226 11/1/2017 >>147444335

227 169 Who did POTUS meet with yesterday?

228 170 Was AG Sessions there?

229 171 How many MI generals were on the WH list to attend a separate

230 172 Could those meetings have been combined?

231 173 Why were certain rooms in the WH renovated? Clear bugs and
tracking devices.

232 174 Where was the meeting on Monday?

233 175 Why aren’t phones allowed in this room (one of many).

234 176 What firm was contracted to conduct the renovations?


236 11/1/2017 >>147444934

237 177 I’ve dumped some crumbs like this over the weekend which started
the intense shilling. At this point we are far enough along you can
paint the picture without risk of jeopardizing the operation.

238 11/1/2017 >>147445681

239 178 Who controls the NG?

240 179 Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US?

241 180 Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines?

242 181 Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize?

243 182 What former President used the military to save the republic and what
occurred exactly?


245 11/1/2017 >>147446992

246 183 Note MI has the same SAPs as NSA, CIA etc as designated post 9-
11. Why is this relevant?
247 184 Who can be held hostage and controlled?

248 185 CIA thinks its foreign offshore assets are strong enough to defend
against the US executive (not accounting for military use on domestic

249 186 Why does the Constitution explicitly grant this authority to the
President and what is it to prevent?
250 187 Some things must remain classified to the very end. NK is not being
run by Kim, he’s an actor in the play.

251 188 Who is the director? The truth would sound so outrageous most
Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc.


253 11/1/2017 >>147448408

254 189 Any person making statements they will not be seeking re-election
was put in submission. For the betterment of the country not all will be
prosecuted and all will do as told. You will see more of this occur (not
normal yet disregarded) and even on the D side.

255 11/1/2017 >>147449010

256 190 Follow up to last post.

257 191 Return to comments re: Pelosi and John M (some of us refuse to say
his last name for a reason).

258 192 This all has meaning - everything stated. Big picture stuff - few
positions allow for this direct knowledge.

259 193 Proof to begin 11.3.

260 194 We all sincerely appreciate the work you do. Keep up the good fight.
The flow of information is vital.

262 11/1/2017 >>147449624

263 195 Think about it logically.

264 196 The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once
11.3 verifies as 1st marker).

265 197 Biggest advanced drop on Pol.

266 11/1/2017 >>147450817

267 189 Not everything can be publicly disclosed because so much ties back
to foreign heads of state. Much will be revealed, we want
transparency but not at a cost we can’t recover from.

268 11/1/2017 >>147451052

269 RESPONDING TO: >>147450119


271 190 Well done. Picture being painted

272 11/1/2017 >>147452214

273 191 Some things must remain classified to the very end. NK is not being
run by Kim, he’s an actor in the play. Who is the director? The truth
would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject,
274 192 The pedo networks are being dismantled.

275 193 The child abductions for satanic rituals (ie Haiti and other 3rd world
countries) are paused (not terminated until players in custody).

276 194 We pray every single day for God’s guidance and direction as we are
truly up against pure evil.

278 11/1/2017 >>147453147

279 195 Would you believe a device was placed somewhere in the WH that
could actually cause harm to anyone in the room and would in
essence be undetected?

280 196 When was it reported Trump Jr dropped his SS detail?

281 197 Why would he take that huge risk given what we know?

283 11/1/2017 >>147454188

284 198 World stalemate.

285 199 We all have the goods on everyone else.

286 200 That’s part of the reason why some things that tie back to foreign
heads of state will remain classified (not all).

287 201 We are in one of the most critical times of our country. Trump and
others are working to balance the we’re doing well for America (for the
common person to endorse) while at the same time purify our govt
and remove the bad actors who are entrenched. There is so much
string pulling and blackmail that we need to cut these off to truly gain
the power granted to us by the Patriots and hard working people of
this great country.


289 11/1/2017 >>147454631

290 202 Maybe one day but it cannot go slow. The initial wave will be fast and
meaningful. It will send a signal to others immediately and you’ll see
the tide turn (not even the MSM can hide and rest assured some will
be jailed as deep cover agents).
291 11/1/2017 >>147455196

292 203 I’m hopeful my time spent here was not wasted.
293 204 Note few if any shills inside this thread. Reason for that. It’s being
monitored, recorded, and analyzed and don’t want the clutter.

294 11/1/2017 >>147567888

295 205 Q Clearance Patriot

My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will
undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the
land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and
destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order,
we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from
the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest
announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the
public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be
openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers
in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public
officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be
actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to
retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent
extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety
and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being
exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will
unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and
evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the
Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to
provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens.
Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time
will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to
provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and
conduct these operations (at home and abroad).

296 11/1/2017 >>147567928

297 206 POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific
locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the
nature of the entrenchment. It is time to take back our country and
make America great again. Let us salute and pray for the brave men
and women in uniform who will undertake this assignment to bring
forth peace, unity, and return power to the people.


299 208 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that
whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Love is
patient, love is kind.”

300 209 God bless my fellow Americans.

301 210 4,10,20
302 11/2/2017 >>147581302

303 211 Military Intelligence.

304 212 No media.

305 213 No leaks.

306 214 How many MI generals have been in/out of WH in the past 30 days?

307 215 Focus on Flynn.

308 216 Background and potential role.

309 217 What is the common denominator in terms of military backgrounds
close to POTUS?

310 218 Why did Soros transfer the bulk of his ‘public’ funds to a NPO?

311 219 Why is this relevant?

312 220 Who owes a lot to very bad actors?

313 221 How can she repay as payment was made under promise of victory.

314 222 What cash payments occurred by BO during the last 90 of his
Presidency to foreign states and/ or organizations?

315 223 What slush fund did AG Sessions (through DOJ) put an end to?

316 224 How does Soros, Obama, Clinton, Holder, Lynch, etc all net many
millions of dollars (normally within a single tax year).
316 How does Soros, Obama, Clinton, Holder, Lynch, etc all net many
millions of dollars (normally within a single tax year).

317 225 What was negotiated on the tarmac between BC and Lynch?

318 226 Remember it was expected HRC was going to win during this time

319 227 What if the wizards and warlocks tipped off a local reporter as to the
supposed unscheduled stop?

320 228 What if the NSA under the personal direction from Adm R had this
meeting miscat and logged under a false identity to prevent bad
actors from locating while also verifying to said players all was clear _
no logs.

321 229 What really happened when the wizards and warlocks revealed what
they had?
322 230 Was Comey forced into the spotlight shortly thereafter not by choice?
Right before the election no doubt which would cast suspicion?

323 231 These are crumbs and you cannot imagine the full and complete
324 232 If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control, we as Patriots
were prepared to do the unthinkable (this was leaked internally and
kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud).

325 234 Dig deeper - missing critical points to paint the full picture.

326 235 There is simply no other way than to use the military. It’s that corrupt
and dirty.
327 236 Please be safe and pray for those in harms way as they continually
protect and serve our great country.

329 11/2/2017 >>147581516

330 237 They are the true Patriots. We will never forget. Let these coming
days be remembered in our history as the time we fought to recapture
the republic from those evil bad actors who for so long have sacrificed
the good people of this land for their own personal gain.

331 238 Fight the good fight.

333 11/2/2017 >>147586045

334 240 Four carriers & escorts in the pacific?

335 241 Why is that relevant?

336 242 To prevent other state actors from attempting to harm us during this
transition? Russia / China?

337 243 Or conversely all for NK? Or all three.

338 244 Think logically about the timing of everything happening.

339 245 Note increased military movement.

340 246 Note NG deployments starting tomorrow.
341 247 Note false flags.

342 248 Follow Huma.

343 249 Prepare messages of reassurance based on what was dropped here
to spread on different platforms.

344 250 The calm before the storm.


346 11/2/2017 >>147588085

347 251 Would it blow your mind if I told you BO has been to NK and perhaps
there now?
348 252 Why did his administration do little to slow their nuclear and missile

349 253 What deal was done with Iran under BO?

350 254 Why was the deal sealed under top secret classification?

351 255 Why wasn't Congress notified?

352 256 Why after all BO left office, all of a sudden NK has nukes and the tech
to miniaturize for payload delivery within the U.S.?

353 257 What about NSA, CIA, DI etc all confirming tech won't be in place for
5+ years (statements in 2016)
354 258 Why is all of this relevant and what does it tell you?

355 259 Big picture is rare


357 11/2/2017 >>147588421

358 260 4,10,20


359 11/2/2017 >>147590619

360 261 What a coincidence the mountain that housed NK’s nuclear weapons
and testing collapsed. Unbelievable timing. I wonder if critically
important materials as well as scientists aka the bomb makers were
inside when it happened. Shocking no global news agency suspects
we had nothing to do with it. Enjoy the crumbs.

361 11/2/2017 >>147591125

362 262 We serve at the pleasure of the President. DJT

363 11/2/2017 >>147591663

364 263 These crumbs are not meant to scare anyone but merely inform.
Resistance will be dealt with swiftly. The core focus is removing
entrenched and fortified bad actors within our federal govt (past and
present) as well as others. Simply be diligent - phone numbers will be
provided if you witness an uprising or other domestic violence (in
addition to 911). Any military seen is for your protection as well as to
demonstrate our resolve. Watch for confirmations tomorrow

365 11/2/2017 >>147592019

366 264 Before POTUS departs on Friday he will be sending an important

message via Twitter. God bless.

367 11/2/2017 >>147632662

368 265 Follow Huma.

369 266 What just broke w/ Huma?

370 267 What did HRC instruct Huma to do re: Classified markings?

371 268 Why is this story just now coming out?

371 Why is this story just now coming out?

372 269 What relevance does it have?

373 270 Why is Donna running for cover?

374 271 Was a deal granted in exchange for something?

375 272 Who made the deal?

376 273 Do we care about Donna or those who instructed her to violate the

377 274 Why is this being leaked v. simply prosecuted privately?

378 275 Who is attempting to change the narrative and soften the acts that are
forthcoming this weekend?

380 11/2/2017 >>147634822

381 276 Why is the information re: BO important re: U1 and export approval to
Canada to EU?

382 277 Where is BO today?

383 278 Did BO and/or his admin ever make false statements that U1 would
never be exported from the US?

384 279 Who made those statements?

385 280 Who did they report to?

386 281 Why is this relevant?

387 282 The public has been given a select taste (i.e. sampling) - rest assured
others have it all (100% verifiable and impossible to refute). Why is
this relevant?

388 283 Who controls the narrative?

389 284 Why are left wing organizations beginning to report on DNC/D

390 285 Does the CIA have operators inside the MSM?

391 286 What happens if exposed?

392 287 What happens if tied back as 'knowing' to execs?

393 288 What does this have to do with 'leaking'?

394 289 What if it can be verified no sourced stories (made up) were in fact
(and approved) to be published?
394 What if it can be verified no sourced stories (made up) were in fact
(and approved) to be published?

395 290 The wormhole goes deep.


397 11/2/2017 >>147636035

398 291 You can paint the picture based solely on the questions asked.

399 292 Be vigilant today and expect a major false flag.

400 293 Does anyone find it to be a coincidence there is always a terrorist

attack when bad news breaks for the D's?

401 294 What is that called?

402 295 Military relevant how?

403 296 BO could not and would not allow the military to destroy ISIS - why?
403 BO could not and would not allow the military to destroy ISIS - why?

404 297 How was ISIS formed?

405 298 When?

406 299 How has POTUS made such progress in the short time he's been

407 300 Alice & Wonderland.


409 11/2/2017 >>147640127

410 301 What is Q Clearance?

411 302 What hint does that explicitly refer to?

412 303 DOE?

413 304 Why is this relevant?

414 305 Who would have the goods on U1?

415 306 Does stating 'Q' refer that person works in DOE?
416 307 No.


419 310 What is being continually stated by all D's?

419 What is being continually stated by all D's?

420 311 Russia is what?

421 312 What did the Russia reset really provide?

422 313 Clearance/pathway to complete the U1 deal?

423 314 Why is the Canadian PM so important?

424 315 They never thought they were going to lose.

425 316 The calm before the storm

427 11/2/2017 >>147641320

428 317 Follow Sen Grassley. What is different effective this week?

429 318 What do you notice?

430 319 Why does Sen Grassley (one example) have a higher than normal
amount of security detail?

431 320 Why is Grassley and others held in a secure location?

432 321 When did this start?

433 322 What has been different this week?
433 What has been different this week?

434 323 U1 FBI informant.

435 324 Have secret sessions been underway?

436 325 How could this be discovered?
437 326 What must be reported even if filed under 'State Secrets'?

438 327 It's a name recognized around the world.

439 328 Alice & Wonderland.


441 11/2/2017 >>147642680

442 329 BIG DROP

443 330 How did NK obtain Uranium?

444 331 How did Iran obtain Uranium?

444 How did Iran obtain Uranium?

445 332 Why the cash component?

446 333 Was the hostage component a cover?

447 334 For what?
448 335 could any of the cash component be handed off to other people

449 336 How many planes carried the cash into Iran.
450 337 Where did the planes carrying the cash depart from and land?

451 338 Did all land in Iran? Did all land in the same location?

452 339 Why is this relevant?

453 340 Who controls NK?

454 341 Who really controls NK?

455 342 Why is this important?

455 Why is this important?

456 343 What does this have to do w/ NK?

457 344 Why is this important?

458 345 Why are wars so important?

459 346 Who benefits?

460 347 Where is BO TODAY?

461 348 Where is Valarie Jarret?

462 349 Alice & Wonderland.


464 11/2/2017 >>147643257

465 RESPONDING TO: >>147642589


467 350 Dear Patriot.

We hear you.
We hear all Americans such as yourself.
The time has come to take back our great land.

The time is now.

Rest assured POTUS is backed by the absolute finest people alive
who are all dedicated to the eradication evil and corruption from the

Find peace.
God is with us.
God bless and be safe.
-The WH
468 11/2/2017 >>147645024

469 351 Review BO's financial disclosure when he submitted pre-D election
campaign. What is the annual salary of a sitting US president?

470 352 What home(s) were just purchased by BO?

471 353 How does it reconcile?

472 354 What is the net worth of Pelosi?

473 355 How doe sit reconcile?

474 356 What is the John M Institute?

475 357 Notice any patterns relating to the CF?

476 358 Where did John M obtain his surgery?

477 359 Why is that relevant?

478 360 What surgery did he supposedly have?

479 361 How many days until he was back in Congress and sitting on the OS

480 362 What is John M's net worth?

481 363 How does it reconcile?

482 364 What is Maxine Waters net worth?

483 365 How does it reconcile?

484 366 What does swamp refer to?

485 367 What does money buy?

486 368 Alice & Wonderland.


488 11/2/2017 >>147646189

489 369 List out all who have foundations. Why is this relevant?
490 370 How can donations be used personally?

491 371 Analyze the filings.

492 372 Who is charged w/ overseeing this?
493 373 IRS?
494 374 Corrupt?

495 375 Politically motivated?

496 376 The level of corruption in our country (and most others) is so severe
there is ONLY ONE WAY.

497 377 Alice & Wonderland.


499 11/2/2017 >>147646606

500 378 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

501 11/2/2017 >>147648154

502 379 Look to Twitter:

503 380 Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......."

504 11/2/2017 >>147661217

505 381

The Clinton campaign is attempting once again to sweep important

questions under the rug about top aide Huma Abedin, her family ties
to the Muslim Brotherhood and to Saudi Arabia, and her role in the
ballooning Clinton email scandal.

Her mother, Saleha Abedin, sits on the Presidency Staff Council of the
International Islamic Council for Da’wa and Relief, a group that is
chaired by the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Yusuf al-

Perhaps recognizing how offensive such ties will be to voters

concerned over future terrorist attacks on this country by radical
Muslims professing allegiance to Sharia law, the Clinton campaign on
Monday tried to downplay Ms. Abedin’s involvement in the Journal
and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Clinton surrogate group Media Matters claimed predictably there

was “no evidence” that Ms. Abedin or her family had ties to the
Muslim Brotherhood, and that Trump campaign staffers who spoke of
these ties were conspiracy theorists.

To debunk the evidence, Media Matters pointed to a

“fact-check” piece that cited as its sole source… Senator John
McCain. This is the same John McCain who met Libyan militia leader
Abdelkarim Belhaj, a known al Qaeda associate, and saluted him as
“my hero” during a 2011 visit to Benghazi.

506 382 >>147661243 and >>147661332 (duplicate)

507 383 Senator McCain and others roundly criticized Rep. Michele Bachmann
in 2012 when she and four members of the House Permanent Select
Committee Intelligence and the House Judiciary Committee cited Ms.
Abedin in letters sent to the Inspectors General of the Department of
Defense, Department of State, Department of Justice, Department of
Homeland Security, and the Office of the Director of National
Intelligence, warning about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the
United States government.

508 384 Why is this relevant?

509 385 Who took an undisclosed trip to SA?

510 386 What was the purpose of a f2f v phone call?

511 11/2/2017 >>147664082

512 387 How did SA welcome POTUS during his trip?

513 388 Why was this historic and not covered by MSM?

514 389 How did SA welcome BO during his trip?

515 390 How did SA welcome HRC during her trip?

516 391 Why is this relevant?

517 392 Not suggesting SA is clean by any means but they play a role in this
global game of RISK.
518 393 Combine all posts and analyze.
519 394 The questions provide answers.
520 395 Remember, information is everything, the flow of information is no
longer controlled by the MSM but by you/others.

521 396 Hence, why we are dedicating 'critical' time to distribute crumbs which
can be followed in greater detail to paint the entire picture once more
information is released.

522 397 Why has POTUS dedicated so much time into labeling the MSM as
fake news?

523 398 Why is this relevant?

524 399 We are fully prepared that all social media will be shut down to
prevent the spread of this information (i.e. POTUS' Twitter etc. and/or
mass censoring).

525 400 Sealed Federal orders pre-submitted as prevention and masked as 'in
general' (though that does not account for rogue agents/programmers

526 401 Dates (impending actions) are deliberately provided for authenticity.

527 402 Alice & Wonderland.

529 11/2/2017 >>147679416

530 403 You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.

531 404 Of those (less than 10 people) only three are non-military.

532 405 Why is this relevant?

533 406 Game theory.

534 407 Outside of a potential operator who has been dialed-in w/ orders
(specific to his/her mission) nobody else has this information.

535 408 Operators never divulge.

536 409 Alice & Wonderland.

537 11/2/2017 >>147680054

538 410 Highly recommend someone take all my crumbs and put into a
massive dump (a single shot). This will be considered the biggest
'inside' 'approved' dump in American history.

539 411 They are beginning to understand as Podesta's attorney was just
540 412 All my dumps are being recorded but again it doesn't matter.
541 413 Alice & Wonderland.
542 414 WHERE IS BO TODAY?!?!?

543 11/2/2017 >>147681912

544 415 To those watching (you know who you are):

You have a choice to make.

You can stand up and do what you know to be right.

Or you can suffer the consequences of your previous actions.

Make no mistake, you are on the losing side.

The choice is yours.

545 416 If you decide to take down /pol/ and the net we will be ready.

546 417 4920-a 293883 zAj-1 0020192

547 418 Alice & Wonderland.
548 11/2/2017 >>147679416

549 419 Fellow Patriots,

550 420 I'm being advised actions have created accelerated counter-actions.

551 421 We have not yet ascertained the scope of the attack.

552 422 Watch the news outlets.

553 423 POTUS' Twitter take down was not by accident (as referenced several
hours ago).
554 424 Should the lights go out please know we are in control.

555 425 Do not panic.

556 426 We are prepared and assets are in place.

557 427 God bless - I must go for good at this point.

558 11/2/2017 >>147687684

559 428 :::::Flash Traffic:::::

560 429 Three letter agency embedded tracking/up-channel into POTUS'
Twitter to specifically target through specialized geo and send his
561 430 We anticipated this (see post a few hours ago).
562 431 It has begun.
563 432 Perhaps more posts to follow as expected imminent departure.

564 11/2/2017 >>1476689362

565 433 Let's be real clear.

The CIA just attacked the Command and Chief which was
immediately detected by NSA/MI and alerted to POTUS.

566 434 What does this mean?

567 435 What actions are immediately occurring?

568 436 If this leaks, or the immediate action ongoing at Langley, you'll have
your verification ahead of schedule.

569 11/3/2017 >>147816901

570 437 Where is John Podesta?

571 438 Where is Tony Podesta?

572 439 Did one or both escape the country and was let out?

573 440 WHERE IS BO?

575 442 What is the difference between commercial and private re: security
clearance for departure?

576 443 Who is the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) head?

577 444 Which party did he contribute to?
578 445 What is of particular interest when researching?

579 446 How does HS interact w/ TSA?

580 447 What updated post 9-11 protocols were put in place to prevent/stop
inbound/outbound C-level targets?
581 448 What local airports are in close proximity to DC?

582 449 What happened shortly after 9-11 (specifically with all aircraft)?

583 450 Who was authorized to depart? ONLY 1 PLANE was authorized
during this 'mandatory forced grounding'.
583 Who was authorized to depart? ONLY 1 PLANE was authorized
during this 'mandatory forced grounding'.

584 451 Who SPECIFICALLY authorized this?

585 452 What airport did the departure take place at?

586 453 Why is this relevant?

587 454 How does it tie together?

588 455 Podesta's plane has military escort (i.e. tag) and is being diverted
(forced down).
589 456 Short delay.
590 457 This will be leaked.
591 458 Watch the news.
592 459 Have faith.
593 460 What fake news anchor will not be on air tonight?

594 461 Why is this relevant?

595 462 What was stated in the past?

596 463 Where did the $18b from Soros go?
597 464 Why?

598 465 Can it be used by bad actors (escape, bribes, rogue contractors,
599 466 Slush fund?

600 467 Did the US gov't seize/stop/track other slush funds that prevent or
create risk to operate?

601 468 Why did JK travel to SA recently?

602 469 What is SA known for?

603 470 Where do the biggest donations originate from?

604 471 Why is this relevant?

605 472 What else is relevant w/ SA?

606 473 Safe harbor?

607 474 Port of transfer?

608 475 Why was there a recent smear campaign against JK and POTUS?

609 476 Why is the timing important?

610 477 Who released the article?
611 478 The council of Wizards & Warlocks cannot be defeated.

612 479 Nice view up here.

614 11/3/2017 >>147817468

615 480 What data just dropped?

616 481 Why is this relevant?

617 482 HUMA.

618 483 Where is HUMA?
619 484 Who is HUMA connected to?
620 485 What organization?
621 486 What is HUMA's family history?

622 487 How did HUMA meet HRC?

623 488 What did HRC say about HUMA that demonstrates how close they
624 489 Why are D's dropping HRC all of a sudden?

625 490 Were deals made w/ select D's?

626 491 Can we expose every crooked politician?

627 492 70.00%

628 493 HUMA.

629 494 Follow HUMA.
630 495 Alice & Wonderland.

632 11/3/2017 >>147819733

633 496 God speed to those who will be put in harms way. You are the bravest
men and women on earth.

We will never forget.

All share one title in common and that is the title of "Hero."

"The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in

green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my
soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even
though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are
with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table
before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with
oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all
the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever."

634 11/4/2017 >>14795558

635 497 [Repost]

Why did JK travel to SA recently?
What is SA known for?
Where do the biggest donations originate from?

Why is this relevant?

What else is relevant w/ SA?
Safe harbor?
Port of transfer?
Why was there a recent smear campaign against JK and POTUS?

Why is the timing important?

636 498 Martial law declared in SA. Why is this relevant?

637 499 How much money was donated to CF by SA?

638 500 How much money was donated to John M Institute by SA?

639 501 How much money was donated to Pelosi Foundation?

640 502 How much money was donated to CS by SA?

641 503 What other bad actors have been paid by SA (bribed)(Not just D's)?
642 504 Why did the Bush family recently come out against POTUS?

643 505 Who is good?

644 506 What are the laws in SA v. US (charged criminals)?

645 507 What information might be gained by these detainees?

646 508 SA ---> US

647 509 Why is this important?

648 510 What force is actively deployed in SA?

649 511 NG?

650 512 Have faith.

651 513 These, the crumbs, in time, will equate to the biggest drops ever
disclosed in our history.
652 514 Remember, disinformation is real.

653 515 God bless.

654 516 Alice & Wonderland.
655 517 The Great Awakening.

657 11/4/2017 >>147979863

658 518 Follow HUMA.

659 519 Who connects HRC/CF to SA?

660 520 Why is this relevant?

661 521 Who is the Muslim Brotherhood?

662 522 Who has ties to the MB?

663 523 Who is Awan?

664 524 What is the Awan Group?

665 525 Where do they have offices?

666 526 Why is this relevant?

667 527 Define cash laundering.

667 Define cash laundering.

668 528 What is the relationship between SA & Pakistan?

669 529 Why is this relevant?

670 530 Why would SA provide tens of millions of dollars to US senior gov't
671 531 What does SA obtain in exchange for payment?

672 532 Why is access important?

673 533 What happened when HRC lost the election of 2016?

674 533 How much money was provided to the CF by SA during 15/16?

675 534 HRC lost.

676 535 Loss of access/power/control.

677 536 Does repayment of funds to SA occur? If so, how?

678 537 Why did BO send billions in cash to Iran?

679 538 Why wasn't Congress notified?

680 539 Why was this classified under 'State Secrets'?

681 540 Who has access to 'State Secrets'?

682 541 Where did the planes carrying the cash depart from and land?

683 542 Did the planes all land in the same location?
684 543 How many planes carried the cash?
685 544 Why is this relevant?
686 545 What does this have to do w/ NK?

687 546 What does this have to do w/ SA/CF cash donations?

688 547 What does this have to do w/ ISIS?

689 548 What does this have to do w/ slush funds?

690 549 Why is SA so vitally important?

691 550 Follow the money.

692 551 Who has the money?
693 552 What is happening in SA today?

694 553 Why is this relevant?

695 554 Who was Abdullah bin Abdulaziz?

696 555 What events transpired directly thereafter?

697 556 How was POTUS greeted compared to other former US President's
when in SA?

698 557 Why is this relevant?

699 558 What is the meaning of this tradition?

700 559 What coincidentally was the last Tweet sent out by POTUS?

701 560 Why is this relevant?

702 561 Was that an instruction of some kind?

703 562 To who?

704 563 Why is this relevant?

705 564 Where was POTUS when that Tweet was sent?

706 565 Why is that relevant?

707 566 What attack took place in SA as operations were undertaken? Flying
708 567 What US operators are currently in SA?
709 568 Why is this relevant?

710 569 Questions provide answers.

711 570 Alice & Wonderland.
713 11/4/2017 >>147981354

714 RESPONDING TO: >>147977181


716 571 Very smart, Anon.

717 572 Disinformation is real.
718 573 Distractions are necessary.
719 574 SA is the primary, US is secondary, (Asia/EU)...

720 575 Alice & Wonderland.

721 11/4/2017 >>147986661
722 576 What was POTUS' last Tweet (prior to)?

723 577 To who was it addressed?

724 578 When was POTUS' Twitter taken down?

725 579 Why is this relevant?

726 580 What was POTUS' last Tweet (prior to)?

727 581 Who was it addressed to specifically?
728 582 When was POTUS' Twitter taken down? Has this ever happened
729 583 Why now?

730 584 Coincidence?

731 585 How many times did the attack occur (secondary clean up)?

732 586 What is the purpose of tracking?

733 587 What is the purpose of disruption?

734 588 Why did POTUS have military guards (uniform) while in HI?
734 Why did POTUS have military guards (uniform) while in HI?

735 589 Why is this relevant?

736 590 Do military guards (uniform) typically assist the USSS?

737 591 Why is this relevant?

738 592 What flying object was recently shot down?

739 593 Why is this relevant?

740 594 How precise is geo tracking (non-public c-level pro)?

741 595 Why is this relevant?

742 596 Alice & Wonderland.

744 11/4/2017 >>147987614

745 597 Q=Alice

746 598 You'll soon understand the meaning behind Alice "&" Wonderland

747 599 Everything has meaning.

748 11/5/2017 >>148016618

749 600 By the time POTUS returns from his trip the world will be a different

750 601 Alice & Wonderland

751 602 Alice (Lewis Carroll) =

752 603 The Bloody Wonderland =

753 604 [Repost]

Why did JK travel to SA recently?
What is SA known for?
Where do the biggest donations originate from?

Why is this relevant?

What else is relevant w/ SA?
Safe harbor?
Port of transfer?
Why was there a recent smear campaign against JK and POTUS?

Why is the timing important?

754 11/5/2017 >>148016670

755 [Repost Lost]

REPOST OF >>14795558

QUESTIONS #490-503
756 11/5/2017 >>148016731

757 [Repost Lost]

REPOST OF >>14797863
Follow HUMA

Questions #510-561
758 11/5/2017 >>148016769

759 [Repost Lost]

REPOST OF >>147981354
Disinformation is real.

QUESTIONS #565-568

[Repost Lost]
REPOST OF >>147986661
What was POTUS' last tweet

QUESTIONS #574 -589

[Repost Lost]
REPOST OF >>147987614

QUESTIONS #591-593
760 11/5/2017 >>148016876

761 Graphic is right.

Add above points to graphic.

Stay organized.

762 11/5/2017 >>148019575

763 605 We need to get organized.

764 606 Things need to be solved to understand what is about to happen.

765 607 Let's start w/ Alice & Wonderland.

766 608 Hillary Clinton in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.

767 609 Saudi Arabia - the Bloody Wonderland.

768 610 Snow White.

769 611 Wizards & Warlocks.

770 11/5/2017 >>148019905

771 612 When big news drops please re-read entire graphic.

772 613 This is so critical and why information is provided in a certain order
and why some topics are continually emphasized more than others as
those will be the recent happenings.

773 614 This is the purpose of this new thread (re-organize).

774 615 Snow White

775 616 Wizards & Warlocks

775 Wizards & Warlocks

776 11/5/2017 >>148020085

777 REPOST OF >>148019575

Things need to be solved to understand what is about to happen.

QUESTIONS #560-563
778 11/5/2017 >>148020278

779 617 Simplified.

780 618 Alice & Wonderland.
781 619 Hillary & Saudi Arabia.
782 620 References:
783 621 Hillary Clinton in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.
784 622 Saudi Arabia - the Bloody Wonderland.

785 11/5/2017 >>148021501

786 623 Please add crumbs above in new complete graphic.

787 624 Organized and in order.

788 625 Critical for understanding and review.

789 626 Spider web.

790 627 Hillary & Saudi Arabia (Alice & Wonderland)(see above).

791 628 This is staged and deliberate.

792 629 Snow White
792 Snow White

793 630 Godfather lll

794 631 Godfather lll

795 11/5/2017 >>148027165

796 632 Who funds MS13?

797 633 Why did BO instruct HS & BP to release MS13 captures at the

798 634 What agency has direct ties to (2) major drug cartels?

799 635 Why is AG Sessions / POTUS prioritizing the removal of MS13?

800 636 Why is AG Sessions / POTUS prioritizing building the wall?

801 637 Immigration?

802 638 Drugs?

803 639 Who do you hire for a hit?

804 640 Who can be eliminated after the job is complete?

805 641 Who was found dead (2) shortly after his (Seth Rich) murder?

806 642 What affiliation did they have?

807 643 Classified.

809 11/5/2017 >>148022145

810 IN RESPONSE TO >>148021760


812 644 Finally.

813 645 Correct reference.
814 646 Saudi Arabia - The Bloody Wonderland.
815 647 [=] Alice & Wonderland signatures

816 648 Study.

817 649 Important.
818 11/5/2017 >>148022342

819 650 My signatures all reference upcoming events about to drop if this
hasn't been caught on.

820 651 Snow White

820 Snow White

821 652 Godfather III

822 11/5/2017 >>148023976

823 653 Ten days.

824 654 Darkness.

825 655 Scare tactics (MSM).

826 656 D's falling.

827 657 R's walk-away/removed.

828 658 SA --> US --> Asia --> EU

829 659 Disinformation is real.

830 660 Distractions are necessary.

831 661 Focus was US today while real happening in SA under same context
(military control, martial law, missile strike (rogue) etc).

832 662 Necessary.

833 663 POTUS' Twitter attack (see above).

834 664 Important.
835 665 Why is this relevant?
836 666 What was the last Tweet by POTUS prior to SA?

837 667 Why is this relevant?

838 668 SA (1), US (2), Asia (3), EU (4).

839 669 Where is POTUS?

840 670 Why is this relevant?

841 671 Military operations.

842 672 Operators in US.
843 673 Snow White
843 Snow White

844 674 The Great Awakening

845 675 Godfather III


847 11/5/2017 >>148025825

848 676 Why is MS13 a priority?

849 677 Could people pay such gangs to kill opponents and why / how to
insulate against exposure?

850 678 The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. These people
are evil.

851 679 Why wasn’t HRC prosecuted for the emails?

852 680 Why wasn’t HRC prosecuted for the emails?

853 681 Put simply, Obama ultimately OK’d by using the non govt email addy
to communicate w/ Clinton. Obama also had an alias along with each
of his cabinet members. Therefore indicting HRC would lead to
indicting Obama & his cabinet etc which could never happen.

854 682 Remember he lied about knowing but that ultimately came out in the
dump. Poof!

855 683 Snow White

855 Snow White

856 684 Godfather III


858 11/5/2017 >>148029633

859 RESPONDING TO >>148028820

860 Thank you Anon.
861 685 FBI/MI currently have open investigation into the CF. Why didn't
Comey drop this?

862 686 Who was the FBI director during the Haiti crisis? How many kids

863 687 How much money was sent to CF under disguise of Haiti relief and
actually went to Haiti?
864 688 What countries donated big money to CF?

865 689 SA?

866 690 Why is this relevant?

867 691 Snow White


869 11/5/2017 >>148029962

870 RESPONDING TO: >>148029250

871 692 Confirmed.

872 693 Classified.

873 694 ((HRC))

874 11/5/2017 >>148031295

875 Seth Rich only mentioned because it directly relates to SA.

876 695 Las Vegas. What hotel did the 'reported' gunfire occur from?

877 696 What floors specifically?

878 697 Who owns the top floors?

879 698 Why is that relevant?

880 699 What was the shooter's name?

881 700 What was his net worth?
882 701 How do you identify a spook?

883 702 What can historical data collection reveal?

884 703 Was there any eye witnesses?

885 704 Who?
886 705 Was he registered as a security guard?
887 706 Why is MS13 important?

888 707 What doesn't add up?

889 708 Was there only one shooter?

890 709 Why was JFK released?

891 710 What do the JFK files infer?

892 711 Was there only one shooter?

893 712 Who was in LV during this time?

894 713 What was the real mission?

895 714 Speculate

896 715 Why are survivors dying randomly?

897 716 What do each of these survivors have in common?

898 717 Did they talk on social media?
899 718 What did they say?

900 719 Were they going to form a group?

901 720 Why is this relevant?

902 721 How did they die?

903 722 What CIA report was released by WK?

904 723 What can control a car?

905 724 How did the (2) of the survivors die?
906 725 Car crash?
907 726 How does this connect to SA?

908 727 What just happened in SA?

909 728 Who owns the top floors of the hotel?

910 729 What happened today in SA?

911 730 To who specifically?

912 731 Was POTUS in LV that night?

913 732 Yes/no?

914 733 Why was he there?

915 734 Who did he have a classified meeting with?

916 735 Did AF1 land at McCarran?

916 Did AF1 land at McCarran?

917 736 What unmarked tail numbers flew into McCarren that night?

918 737 Trace AF1 that entire day.

919 738 What do you notice?

920 739 Classified.

922 11/5/2017 >>148032210

923 RESPONDING TO >>148031978


925 740 Correction:

926 741 HRC was a puppet but her strings were recently cut.

927 742 She's now on her own and fighting for her life.

928 11/5/2017 >>148032910

929 RESPONDING TO >>148032489


931 Review my other threads.

932 This is why complete graphics are so important.
933 743 BO paid the debt prior to leaving office.

934 744 HRC is not currently in SA.

935 745 Bill wants a deal.

936 746 Playing the former President card.

937 747 Watch the cookie quickly crumble.

938 748 Where does Soros fit in?

939 11/5/2017 >>148033178

940 749 What happened in SA will happen here, Asia, and EU.

941 750 Keep digging and keep organizing the info into graphics (critical).

942 751 Hillary & Saudi Arabia

943 752 Snow White
943 Snow White

944 753 Godfather III

945 11/5/2017 >>148033932

946 RESPONDING TO >>148033380

948 754 Amazing how things make sense once you are asked a question.

949 755 That's the entire point of this operation.

950 756 It's up to you all to collect, archive (safely), and distribute in a graphic
that is in order with the crumb dumbs.

951 757 It will all make sense.

952 758 Once it does, we look to you to spread and get the word out.

953 759 Time stamps will help you validate authenticity.

954 760 Your President needs your help.

955 761 He wants full transparency for the great people of this country.

956 762 Everything stated is for a reason.

957 763 God bless, Patriots.

958 11/5/2017 >>148139234
959 764 Game Theory.

960 765 Why is this relevant?

Moves and countermoves.

961 766 Who is the enemy?
961 Who is the enemy?

962 767 False flags.

963 768 Shooter identification.

964 769 Shooter history.

965 770 Shooter background.

966 771 Shooter family.

967 772 MS13.

968 773 Define hostage.

969 774 Define leverage.

970 775 MS13.

971 776 Shooter.

972 777 Why is this relevant?
972 Why is this relevant?

973 778 Flynn.

What is Flynn's background?

974 779 What was his rank?
975 780 Was he involved in intel ops?
976 781 What access or special priv?
977 782 Why is this relevant?
978 783 Set up.

Who wins?
979 784 Who becomes exposed?
980 785 Who knows where the bodies are buried?

981 786 Who has access?

982 787 What is MI?

983 788 Who was part of MI during BO term?

984 789 Why is this relevant?

985 790 re-read complete crumb graphic (confirmed good)

Pain the picture.

986 791 Disinformation exists and is necessary.

10 days.

Good v Evil.
Roadmap of big picture is here.
Review post happenings.


Crumbs not only for /pol/.

The silent ones.

Others monitoring (friends and enemies).

Snow White.
Godfather III.

988 11/5/2017 >>148136656

989 RESPONDING TO >>148136656


991 Graphic is good.

992 792 Please update and continue to log.
993 793 Important more than you know.

994 794 Review each sentence post happenings.

995 795 Big picture.

996 796 Signatures have necessary meaning.

997 797 Snow White.

998 798 Godfather III.

999 11/5/2017 >>148143472

1000 799 US assets.

1001 800 Location.
1002 801 Who was arrested in SA?
1003 802 Define.
1004 803 Background?
1005 804 HUMA.
1006 805 Foundations?
1007 806 Institutes?
1008 807 Soros.
1009 808 Who was killed in SA?
1009 Who was killed in SA?

1010 809 Who fired?

1011 810 Who really fired?

1012 811 Why would we fire?

1013 812 Follow the money.

1014 813 Who pulls the strings?
1015 814 Strings detached.

1016 815 Open season on puppets.

1017 816 Who are the puppets?

1018 817 Where are the puppets?

Secret agents.

1019 818 A Cooper family background?

1020 819 Why is this relevant?


1022 11/5/2017 >>148143562

1023 820 Who is the Queen of England?

1024 821 How long in power?

With power comes corruption.
1025 822 What happen to Diana?

1026 823 What did she find out?

1027 824 Why was she running?

1028 825 Who did she entrust to help her flee?

1029 826 What was the cover?

1030 827 Why is this relevant?

1031 828 Why now?

1031 Why now?

1032 829 Old.

1033 830 Connection.

1034 831 Bad actor.

1035 832 London Mayor.

1036 833 Background?

1037 834 Affiliation?

1038 835 Connection to Queen?

1039 836 British MI5 agents dead.

1040 837 When?

1041 838 How?
1041 How?

1042 839 What was reported?

1043 840 What really happened?

1044 841 Why is this relevant?

1045 842 Wealth.

1046 843 Corruption.

1047 844 Secret society.

1048 845 Evil.

1049 846 Germany.

1050 847 Merkel.

1051 848 Migrants.

1052 849 Why are migrants important?

1053 850 What are assets?

1054 {repeated 2 previous questions twice, so is really important}

1055 851 Operations.

1056 852 Satan.
1057 853 Who follows?

1058 854 What political leaders worship Satan?

1059 855 What does upside down cross represent?

1060 856 Who wears one openly?

1061 857 Why?

1062 858 Who is she connected to?

1063 859 Why is this relevant?

1064 860 Spirit cooking.

1065 861 What does Spirit Cooking represent?
1065 What does Spirit Cooking represent?

1066 862 Cult.

1067 863 What is a cult?

1068 864 Who is worshipped?

1069 865 Why is this relevant?

1070 866 Snow White

1071 867 Godfather III

1072 868 Speed.


1074 11/5/2017 >>148148004

1075 RESPONDING TO: >>148147343


1077 Graphic confirmed.

1078 869 jD79-x10ABy-89zBT


02:00 Z
1079 11/5/2017 >>148149435

1080 870 14.5995° N, 120.9842° E

1081 11/5/2017 >>148152047

1082 RESPONDING TO >>148151281

1084 POTUS
You are all heroes.
Come home safe.
1085 11/5/2017 >>148154137

1086 Now is the time to pray.

We're operational.
God bless the United States of America.
1087 11/5/2017 >>148154941

1088 Please pray.

Operators are in harms way.
High risk.
High value targets.
Please pause and give thanks to those who would die to save our
More to follow.
1089 11/5/2017 >>148155343
1090 RESPONDING TO >>148154996


1092 871 Nothing is a coincidence.

1093 872 We are at war.

1094 873 SA cut the strings.

1095 874 They are scrambling for cover and using any means necessary out of
their remaining power/control.

1096 11/5/2017 >>148155609

1097 875 Code:

May God also grant all of us the wisdom to ask what concrete steps
we can take to reduce the violence and weaponry in our midst.

1098 876 Note when we just sent the go orders and when this Tweet went live.

1099 11/5/2017 >>148156129

1100 RESPONDING TO >>148155375


1102 877 Nothing is as it seems, Anon.

1103 878 What occurred?
It flushed BO out.
1104 879 Why is that relevant?
1105 880 Analyze time stamps of my go message to BO's Tweet.

1106 11/5/2017 >>148156937

1107 881 MSM.

1108 882 CIA counter-ops.

1109 883 Will all fall down.

1110 11/5/2017 >>148183670

1111 Important Context:

1112 884 What have you learned about HUMA?

1113 885 What organization is HUMA?

1114 886 Which US President is affiliated w/ HUMA?

1115 887 What year(s) did this occur?

1116 888 Who funded on behalf this President?

1117 889 Why is this relevant?

1118 890 What year(s) did this occur?

1119 891 What just happened in SA?

1120 892 Why is this relevant?

1121 893 Who was arrested?

1122 894 Funds frozen.

1123 895 Why would this former President be funded pre-political days?

1124 Repeat.
1125 896 Why would this former President be funded pre-political days?
1126 897 Why is the relevance?

1127 898 Was the MB affiliated to any of these organizations/people?

1128 899 Fast forward.

1129 900 Why are the events in SA so important?

1130 901 Why was JK in SA recently?

1131 902 Why was POTUS' last Tweet re: SA prior to the happening?

1132 903 Why was POTUS' Twitter taken down days before under cover of a
rogue employee?

1133 904 Refocus again.

1134 905 Who was arrested in SA?
1135 906 Any ownership stakes in US co's?

1136 907 Why is this relevant?

1137 908 Twitter.

1138 909 Las Vegas.

1139 910 Recent events.

1140 911 Why would investment be made in a former President pre-political

1141 912 What year(s) did this occur?

1142 913 What faith does HUMA represent?

1143 914 What faith does the MB represent?

1144 915 What faith does Huma represent?
1145 916 Who are the bad actors?

1146 917 Who funds majority of US 'senior' politicians?

1147 918 Fantasy land.

1148 919 Fantasy land.

1149 920 Was the former President of the United States groomed to be
Command in Chief?
1150 921 Is this possible?
1151 922 Is the US political / election system corrupt?
1152 923 Who owns poll machines?

1153 924 Soros?

1154 925 Why is this relevant?

1155 926 They never thought she would lose.

1156 927 Fantasy land.

1157 928 The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a

1158 929 POTUS is our savior.

1159 930 Pray.

1160 931 Operators are active.

1161 932 We are at war.

1162 933 Goodnight BO.

1163 934 Snow White.

1164 935 Godfather III.

1164 Godfather III.

1166 11/5/2017 >>148185083

1167 Important to archive.

1168 936 Above & next drops have high probability of shutting down /pol/.

1169 937 It is being safeguarded for these transmissions but not 100% secure.

1170 938 Who owns /pol/?

1171 939 Why is this platform being used?

1172 940 What recent events almost occurred re: /pol/?

1173 941 Why is this relevant?

1174 942 Stay alert in main US cities (DC), sporting events, and other
conservative gatherings.

1175 Repeat.

1176 943 Stay alert in main US cities (DC), sporting events, and other
conservative gatherings.

1177 944 More false flags imminent.

1178 945 Elections (tues) no longer matter at this stage.

1179 946 Snow White.
1179 Snow White.

1180 947 Godfather III.

1181 948 Above will have context as news unfolds.

1182 949 Summarize and paint the picture.

1183 950 Critical.

1185 11/5/2017 >>148185905

1186 Social media platforms.

1187 951 Top 10 shareholders of Facebook?

1188 952 Top 10 shareholders of Twitter?

1189 953 Top 10 shareholders of Reddit?

1190 954 Why is SA relevant?

1191 MSM.
1192 955 Controlling stakes in NBC/MSNBC?

1193 956 Controlling stakes in ABC?

1194 957 Controlling stakes in CBS?

1195 958 Controlling stakes in CNN?

1196 959 Investor(s) in Fox News?
1197 960 Why is this relevant?

1198 961 What is Operation Mockingbird?

1199 962 Active?

1200 963 Who is A Cooper?

1201 964 What is A Cooper's background?

1202 965 Why is this relevant?

1203 966 Snow White.

1204 967 Godfather III.

1205 968 Speed.

1207 11/5/2017 148186256

1208 969 US Military = savior of mankind.

1209 970 We will never forget.

1210 971 Fantasy land.

1211 God save us all.

1212 11/6/2017 >>148189295

1213 RESPONDING TO >>148186000


1215 !!!!!!!!!!!
1216 11/6/2017 >>148286961

1217 Crumb dump incoming fast.

Archive immediately.
Upload to graphic
1218 11/6/2017 >>148287184

1219 972 Why was the arrest of Alwaleed and others important?

1220 973 How is Alwaleed and BO tied to HUMA?

1220 How is Alwaleed and BO tied to HUMA?

1221 974 Why did Alwaleed finance BO pre-political days?

1222 975 Why did Alwaleed finance BO pre-political days?

1223 976 What is HUMA? Define.

1224 977 What book was BO caught reading?
1225 978 Why was this immediately disregarded as false?

1226 979 What is ‘Post-American World by Fareed Zakaria’?

1227 980 Why is this relevant?

1228 981 Why would the President of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA be
reading this book?
1229 982 What church did BO attend as pre-POTUS?

1230 983 Who was BO’s mentor?

1231 984 How is Alwaleed and HRC connected?

1232 985 Who was HRC’s mentor?

1233 986 How is Alwaleed and Bush Sr./Jr. connected?

1234 987 What occurred post 9-11?

1235 988 What war did we enter into?
1236 989

1237 990 What was the purpose and disclosures given re: justification?

1238 991 Who financed 9-11?

1239 992 Why, recently, are classified 9-11 pages being released?

1240 993 What just occurred in SA?

1240 What just occurred in SA?

1241 994 What FOIA docs are being publicly released (recently)?

1242 995 Why is this relevant?

1243 996 What information is contained within these c-releases?

1244 997 Why is C Wray important with regards to these releases?

1245 998 What does money laundering mean?

1246 999 What is the single biggest event that can generate many nation states
to payout billions?
1247 1000 Who audits where the money goes?
1248 1001 $15,000 for a toothbrush?

1249 1002 Reconcile.

1249 Reconcile.

1250 1003 Why did we attack Iraq?

1251 1004 Halliburton.

1252 1005 Who are they?

1253 1006 What do they specialize in?
1254 1007 What is oil field service?

1255 1008 Why is this relevant?

1256 1009 What ‘senior’ level political officials are affiliated w/ Halliburton?

1257 1010 What is the primary goal?

1258 1011 What is the primary mode of influence that drives corruption?

1259 1012 What does money buy?

1260 1013 How is this connected to SA?

1261 1014 How is this connected to Alwaleed?

1262 1015 How is this connected to LV?


1264 11/6/2017 >>148287236

1265 1016 What family was permitted to leave immediately after 9-11?

1266 1017 Who authorized the departure?

1267 1018 Why is this relevant?

1268 1019 Was anyone else permitted to leave?

1269 1020 Repeat.

1270 1021 Was anyone else permitted to leave?
1271 1022 Was it a private plane?
1272 1023 What can private planes carry v commercial?

1273 1024 What airport did they arrive/depart from?

1274 1025 What was carried on a private plane to Iran?

1275 1026 Why was the Bin Laden family here during 9-11?

1276 1027 Coincidence?

1277 1028 How does SA connect to the Bin Laden family?

1278 1029 Who in SA is connected specifically to the Bin Laden family?

1279 1030 What did they deliver?

1280 1031 To who?
1281 1032 Why?
1282 1033 What does money buy?
1283 1034 Why are the events in SA relevant to the above?

1284 1035 Who is the financial backer for human trafficking?

1285 1036 Who is the ‘broker’ for underage sex?

1286 1037 Think SA.

1287 1038 How does FB & Instagram play a role in capture?

1288 1039 Think ‘Taken’.

1289 1040 Fantasy right?

1290 1041 Why do select senior political officials have foundations/institutes?

1291 1042 What is money laundering?

1292 1043 What does money buy?

1293 1044 Why is this relevant?

1294 1045 What other people were arrested in SA?

1295 1046 What are their backgrounds?
1296 1047 Are any connected to the Podesta Group?
1297 1048 Why is this relevant?

1298 1049 What do you need in order to prosecute senior political officials?

1299 1050 How do you avoid public misconception?

1300 1051 How do you justify counter-political attacks to the mass public?

1301 1052 Why is information so vital?

1302 1053 Is the country divided?

1303 1054 Why does the MSM portray the country as being divided?
1304 1055 Why is this relevant?


1306 11/6/2017 >>148287326

1307 1056 What is money flow disruption?

1307 What is money flow disruption?

1308 1057 List the Billionaires.

1309 1058 What family history goes back pre_WW1/2?

1310 1059 Why is this relevant?

1311 1060 Why did the Bush family recently break silence and attack POTUS?

1312 1061 Coincidence pre SA arrests?

1313 1062 Who audits the billions paid for war?
1314 1063 Who audits the billions paid for environment policy (side note)?

1315 1064 Where do the funds go?

1316 1065 Offshore?

1317 1066 To who / which entity and/or org?
1318 1067 What slush fund was recently terminated by AG Sessions?
1319 1068 What is Fast & Furious?

1320 1069 What is the underlying theme?

1321 1070 MONEY.

1322 1071 Who controls the FED?
1322 Who controls the FED?

1323 1072 How did political leaders/’talking heads’ accum assets in excess of

1324 1073 What was the net worth for each prior to taking office?

1325 1074 Reconcile.

1326 1075 Why is this relevant?

1327 1076 Snow White.

1328 1077 Godfather III.


1330 11/6/2017 >>148287396

1331 1078 Why, by coincidence, is there a terrorist attack (or mental health c-
level attack) within a short time post negative D news?

1332 1079 Do you believe in coincidences?

1333 1080 They think you are stupid. Puppets w/o power. They want your guns.
Why? No power left.

1334 1081 Who funds ISIS?

1335 1082 What email published by WL connects SA/Qatar to ISIS?

1336 1083 Was HRC connected?

1337 1084 Why is this relevant?

1338 1085 Why is controlling the narrative important?

1339 1086 Do most people investigate for themselves or simply follow?

1340 1087 Why is the MSM so hostile towards POTUS?

1341 1088 Who controls the MSM?

1342 1089 Why, each and every day, is the MSM pushing a particular topic?

1343 1090 Coordinated?

1344 1091 Who sets the narrative for the day?

1345 1092 How is the narrative communicated to the MSM?

1346 1093 What does the NSA/MI have (at least what you know of) that allows
for data collection?

1347 1094 Think Snowden.

1348 1095 Why is the NSA limited re: ability to capture and unmask US persons?

1349 1096 Who sets the narrative?

1350 1097 US persons?

1351 1098 Who can violate this rule?

1352 1099 Who cannot violate this rule?

1353 1100 Why is Adm R so important?

1354 1101 Who wanted him fired?

1355 1102 Why?

1356 1103 Why wasn’t Adm R replaced by POTUS when taking office?

1357 1104 Why is this relevant?

1358 1105 Who has the ultimate power to designate classification?

1359 1106 Who ultimately sets classification?

1360 1107 Why is this relevant?

1361 1108 Fantasy land.


1363 11/6/2017 >>148287473

1364 1109 Why were the acts that recently occurred in SA so critically important?
1365 1110 What US assets are in place in/near SA?

1366 1111 What assurances were made to protect the Kingdom?

1367 1112 Who shot down the missile from Yemen?

1368 1113 POTUS declassify_speech_Jap_11_5

1368 POTUS declassify_speech_Jap_11_5

1369 1114 Was it really from Yemen?

1370 1115 How do we know?

1371 1116 Why is this relevant?

1372 1117 Who are the puppets?
1373 1118 Who are the puppet masters?

1374 1119 Who pulls the strings?

1375 1120 What provides power?

1376 1121 What if US elections can be rigged?

1377 1122 How are JFK, Reagan, and Trump different from the rest?

1378 1123 Why did JFK surround himself w/ family much like POTUS?

1379 1124 What if it was bought and paid for?

1380 1125 How would this be possible?

1381 1126 Why are there no voting ID laws in place?

1382 1127 What do you need an ID for? List. Compare. Laugh.

1383 1128 What is the argument for not allowing voter ID laws to be enacted?

1384 1129 Why are immigrants important? (MB)(Votes)(Attacks)

1385 1130 Why are illegals important? (MS13)(Votes)(187)

1386 1131 Why is open border important?

1387 1132 What did BO say on the campaign trail last year to illegals within the

1388 1133 What did BO encourage?

1389 1134 Was this illegal?
1390 1135 Who owns sizeable stakes in voter machine co’s?
1391 1136 Who decides what voter machines are used in elections?

1392 1137 Why are some ‘important’ counties still manually/hand counted?

1394 11/6/2017 >>148287529

1395 1138 What does money buy?

1396 1139 How do you prevent tampering?

1397 1140 Why are most forms of media left-wing?

1398 1141 Why is H-wood left-wing?

1399 1142 Why is the narrative so important?

1400 1143 Why do liberals defer to racism w/o proof?

1401 1144 No proof.

1402 1145 Who is HRC’s mentor?

1403 1146 What party was he affiliated with?

1404 1147 Proof.

1405 1148 What party formed the KKK?

1406 1149 What party formed the Confederacy?
1407 1150 What party abolished slavery?
1408 1151 Why are D’s attempting to erase history?

1409 1152 Is the black pop truly free today or enslaved by the D party?

1410 1153 Refer back to black pop crumbs.

1411 1154 Why is this relevant?

1412 1155 Why is there an attack the day after bad news is published (D)?

1413 1156 Do you believe in coincidences?

1415 11/6/2017 >>148289594

1416 1157 Nothing is random.

1417 1158 Everything has meaning.
1418 1159 +++

1419 11/7/2017 >>148452545

1420 1160 +++


1421 11/7/2017 >>148455482

1422 1161 Previous was deleted. Curious.

1423 11/7/2017 >>148453749

1424 1162 Photo of STORM CLOUDS

1425 11/7/2017 >>148457032

1426 1163 The graphic is your key.

Let's pause and say hello to the rogue intelligence agencies currently
monitoring these threads.

Was the money worth it?


1428 TRIPCODE: Q !ITPb.qbhqo
1429 11/9/2017 >>148779656

1430 1164 Trip added.

[C]oordinated effort to misdirect.

Guide to reading the crumbs necessary to cont[I]nue.

Attached gr[A]phic is correct.

Linked graphics are incorrect and false.
Graphic is necessary and vital.
Time stamp(s) and order [is] critical.
Re-review graphic (in full) each day post news release.

Learn to distinguish between relevant/non-relevant news.

Disinformation is real.
Disinformation is necessary.
Ex: US ML NG (1) False SA True
1431 1165 Why was this necessary?

1432 1166 What questions were asked re: SA prior to SA events?

1433 1167 Why is this relevant?

1434 1168 Think mirror.

Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you.

1435 1169 What is a map?

1435 What is a map?

1436 1170 Why is a map useful?

1437 1171 What is a legend?

1438 1172 Why is a legend useful?

1439 1173 What is a sequence?

1440 1174 Why is this relevant?

1441 1175 When does a map become a guide?

1442 1176 What is a keystone?

1443 1177 Everything stated is relevant.


Future provides past.

Map provides picture.

Picture provides 40,000ft. v.

40,000ft. v. is classified.
1444 1178 Why is a map useful?

1445 1179 Think direction.

Think full picture

1446 1180 Who controls the narrative?
1447 1181 Why is this relevant?
1448 1182 What is a spell?

1449 1183 Who is asleep?

1450 1184 Dissemination.

1451 1185 Attention on deck.

1452 1186 There is an active war on your mind.

1453 1187 Be [p]repared.

Ope[r]ations underway.
Operators [a]ctive.

Graphic is essential.
Find the ke[y]stone.

Moves and countermoves.

They never thought she would lose.

Snow white.

Godfather III.

Iron Eagle.

1455 11/9/2017 >>148781546

1456 1188 [C]los[i]ng [A]ct:

1457 1189 Dismantled.

1458 1190 Impossible to clean.


1460 1191 Operations --> [N]o [S]uch [A]gency

1461 11/9/2017 >>148782302

1462 Photo taken from inside an airplane

1463 11/10/2017 >>148871375

1464 POTUS NAT SEC E briefing 3:02am.

Please stand by.

1465 11/10/2017 >>148872500

1466 RESPONDING TO >>148872136


1468 Confirmed.
1469 11/11/2017 >>149063235

1470 1192 Hard to swallow.

Important to progress.

1471 1193 Who are the puppet masters?

1471 Who are the puppet masters?

1472 1194 House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+

Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+

Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+
1473 1195 Focus on above (3).

1474 1196 Public wealth disclosures – False.

1475 1197 Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’.

1476 1198 Think slush funds (feeder).

1477 1199 Think war (feeder).

1478 1200 Think environmental pacts (feeder).

1479 1201 Triangle has (3) sides.

1479 Triangle has (3) sides.

1480 1202 Eye of Providence.

1481 1203 Follow the bloodlines.

1482 1204 What is the keystone?

1483 1205 Does Satan exist?

1484 1206 Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?

1485 1207 Who worships Satan?

1486 1208 What is a cult?

1487 1209 Epstein island.

1488 1210 What is a temple?

1489 1211 What occurs in a temple?
1490 1212 Worship?

1491 1213 Why is the temple on top of a mountain?

1492 1214 How many levels might exist below?

1493 1215 What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the

1494 1216 Why is this relevant?

1495 1217 Who are the puppet masters?

1496 1218 Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?

1497 1219 When?

1497 When?

1498 1220 How often?

1499 1221 Why?

1500 1222 “Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”

1502 11/11/2017 >>149063271

1503 1223 Why were the events in SA extraordinary?

1504 1224 Who was arrested?

1505 1225 What will bank records provide?

1506 1226 List names, family history, investment/ownership stakes, and point-to-
point contacts.

EX: Alwaleed HUMA BO Citigroup US Control

1507 1227 Why is this relevant?

1508 1228 House of Saud.

House of Saud US Control

Follow the money.
1509 1229 What power shift recently occurred?

1510 1230 Was a new King appointed?

1511 1231 Coincidence?

1512 1232 Dark to LIGHT.

1513 1233 Why is this relevant?

1514 1234 One side of the triangle removed (1st time in history).

Other sides falling.


1516 11/11/2017 >>149063400


Afghanistan - Canada
1518 11/11/2017 >>149063442


Cayman Islands - Iran

1520 1237 >>149063509


Iraq - Pakistan
1522 1239 >>149063549


Papua New Guinea - Zimbabwe

1524 1241 The FED and the IRS

1525 1242 FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on

its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws.

1526 11/20/2017 >>149063582

1527 1243 List of Republicans, in the House and Senate, who have announced
they will not seek re-election:

Bob Corker.
Charlie Dent.
Jeff Flake.
Lynn Jenkins.
Sam Johnson.
Raul Labrador.
Frank LoBiondo.
Tim Murphy.
1528 1244 Why is this relevant?
Re-read crumbs.

1529 11/20/2017 >>149063644

1530 1246 Wealth (over generations) buys power.

Power (over generations) buys more wealth/control.

More wealth/control buys countries and its people.

Families combined (TRI) = NWO.

Inner TRI families will collapse
1531 1247 What is the keystone?

1532 1248 What Nation dominates all others?

1533 1249 What Nation has influence over most others?

1534 1250 What is the keystone?

1535 1251 Return to SA.
Strings cut (+++).
Puppets (+++) in shadows.
Each side of the triangle controls a certain subsect of power brokers.

Power brokers are also labeled as the puppets/servants.

1536 1252 What is the New World Order?

1537 1253 Why did POTUS receive a sword dance when visiting SA?

1538 1254 What does this mean culturally?

1539 1255 Why is this relevant?

1540 1256 What occurred in SA?

1541 1257 How did POTUS remove one side of the pyramid?
1542 1258 What did POTUS receive while visiting China?

1543 1259 Where did POTUS dine?

1544 1260 What is the significance?

1545 1261 What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to
eliminate the NWO?

1546 1262 Who controls NK?

1547 1263 Who really controls NK?

1548 1264 Who controls several agencies within the US, EU, and abroad?

1549 1265 Why is No Such Agency so vital?

1550 1266 Enormous scale of events currently ongoing.

1551 1267 Why is Russia helping to kill ISIS?

1552 1268 This is not easy to accept nor believe.

Crumbs make bread.

Operations active.

Joint missions underway.

The world is fighting back.

Refer back to graphic.

The Great Awakening.

Snow White.

Iron Eagle.
Jason Bourne (2016)(Dream/CIA).

1554 11/11/2017 >>149065482

1555 1269 Rogue operators are here.

Failed to shut down site.
This will only get worse.
Archive and coordinate.
Crumbs dropped will soon paint the full picture.

The picture will open the eyes of the world.

We can't do it without you.

God bless you all.
1556 11/12/2017 >>149122955

1557 1270 How did Soros replace family ‘y’?

1558 1271 Who is family ‘y’?

1559 1272 Trace the bloodlines of these (3) families.

1560 1273 What happened during WWII?
1561 1274 Was Hitler a puppet?


1563 1276 What was the purpose?

1564 1277 What was the real purpose of the war?

1565 1278 What age was GS?

1566 1279 What is the Soros family history?

1567 1280 What has occurred since the fall of N Germany?

1568 1281 Who is A. Merkel?

1569 1282 What is A. Merkel’s family history?

1570 1283 Follow the bloodline.

1571 1284 What year did the Titanic sink?

1572 1285 Why is this relevant?

1573 1286 Who died on the Titanic?

1574 1287 What ‘exactly’ happened to the Titanic?

1575 1288 What ‘class of people’ were guaranteed a lifeboat?

1576 1289 Why did select ‘individuals’ not make it into the lifeboats?

1577 1290 Why is this relevant?

1578 1291 How do we know who was on the lifeboats (D or A)?

1579 1292 How were names and bodies recorded back then?

1580 1293 When were tickets purchased for her maiden voyage?
1581 1294 Who was ‘specifically’ invited?
1581 Who was ‘specifically’ invited?

1583 1295 Less than 10.

1584 1296 What is the FED?

1585 1297 What does the FED control?
1586 1298 Who controls the FED?
1587 1299 Who approved the formation of the FED?
1588 1300 Why did H-wood glorify Titanic as a tragic love story?

1589 1301 Who lived in the movie (what man)?

1590 1302 Why is this relevant?

1591 1303 Opposite is true.

1592 1304 What is brainwashing?

1593 1305 What is a PSYOP?

1594 1306 What happened to the Hindenburg?

1595 1307 What really happened to the Hindenburg?

1596 1308 Who died during the ‘accident’?

1596 Who died during the ‘accident’?
1597 1309 Why is this relevant?

1598 1310 What are sheep?

1599 1311 Who controls the narrative?

1600 1312 The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.

1601 1313 It must be controlled.

1602 1314 Snow White.

1602 Snow White.

1603 1315 Iron Eagle.

1604 1316 Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream).


1607 11/12/2017 >>149124567

1608 IN REFERENCE TO >>149123755

1609 Confirmed.

1610 1317 Go deeper.

1611 1318 Signatures are IMPORTANT.

1612 11/12/2017 >>149140639

1613 1319 Patriots don’t sleep.

1614 1320 40,000ft. v. necessary to understand [US]/SA/global events.

1615 1321 Paint the picture.

1616 1322 Decrease altitude (we will not fly that high again).

1617 1323 Higher the altitude greater the [risk] of conspiracy ST.

1618 1324 Many cannot/will not swallow.

1619 1325 What is No Such Agency - Q group?

1620 1326 Who has clearance to full picture?

1621 1327 Important.

1622 1328 SIS is good.

1623 1329 +++Adm R+++

1624 1330 What agency is at war w/ Clowns In America?

1625 1331 How does POTUS shift narrative?

1626 1332 (New) Age of Enlightenment.

1627 1333 80% covert.

1628 1334 20% public.

1629 1335 What has occurred over [th]e last several months?

1630 1336 C-info leaks?

1631 1337 Operations (think SA + ???)?

1632 1338 CNN sale?

1633 1339 What co’s rec large cash injections by Clowns In America (public)?

1634 1340 Why???

1635 1341 Who does [i]t hurt?

1636 1342 Who control[s] the MSM?

1637 1343 Primary objective from beginning: POTUS discredit MSM.

1638 1344 [W]hy is this relevant?

1639 1345 How is information transmitted?

1640 1346 How are people inform[e]d?

1641 1347 Why was Sarah A. C. attacked (hack-attempt)?

1642 1348 Why was Op[e]ration Mockingbird repeated?

1643 1349 Why was Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream) repeated?

1644 1350 Think social media platforms.

1645 1351 Who are the Wizards & Warloc[k]s?

1646 1352 What council do the Wizards & Warlocks control?

1647 1353 Think Snowden (inside terms dropped).

1648 1354 Alice & Wonderland – understood.
1649 1355 Snow White – understood.

1650 1356 Iron Eagle?

1651 1357 Godfather III?
1652 1358 Speed?
1653 1359 Everything has meaning.

1654 1360 Disney is a distraction.

1655 1361 Senate & Congress = puppets (not all)(power shift).

1656 1362 For [GOD & COUNTRY].

1657 1363 For HUMANITY.

1658 1364 GERONIMO.


1661 11/12/2017 >>149151705

1662 1365 ::::WARNING::::

1663 1366 This is not a game!
1665 1368

1666 1369 Do you believe in coincidences?

1667 1370 How many coincidences do you need before you believe?

1668 1371 This is the biggest insider drop in the history of the world.

1669 Pray.
1670 11/12/2017 >>149152902

1671 1372 This is a direct attack.

1672 1373 The article is disinfo but made to send a message to POTUS.

1673 1374 You are witnessing history.

1674 1375 Coincidence?

1675 1376 God be with us all.

1676 11/12/2017 >>149157229>>149157291

1677 1377 NYT/Clowns In America article released today re: Q-group is a

DIRECT attack/warning re: what is being dropped here.

1678 1378 Read between the lines.

1679 1379 Why was the article published today?

1680 1380 POTUS has been briefed.

1681 1381 New measures active and in place.

1682 1382 Update the graphic.

1683 1383 _DGB79FTWA-0ZjBT_19-T_yes

1684 1384 _Conf_13_pre-lau_yes

1685 1385 _HTzD09BA_conf_yes

1686 1386 _^yRTPCCA-7^DFWTAb_yes
1687 1387 _green1_green2_green3_green4_conf-ZDjTwT9Ry

1688 Godspeed.
1689 11/12/2017 >>149160361

1690 Photo of American flag. Filename - Freedom.png

1691 11/13/2017 >>149262582

1692 1389 Distress cal[L]s to others will [d]o you/family no good at this stage. We
know whe[R]e you/the family are at all times and can hear you

1693 1390 _D7g^-_%19FZBx_decline

1694 11/14/2017 >>149401052

1695 1391 How do you capture a very dangerous animal?

1696 1392 Do you attack it from the front?

1697 1393 Do you walk through the front door?
1698 1394 Do you signal ahead of time you will be attacking?
1699 1395 How do you distinguish between good and bad?
1700 1396 Who do you trust to keep secrets?
1701 1397 How do you prevent leaks?

1702 1398 Who do you trust to complete the mission?

1703 1399 How do you prevent warnings being sent?

1704 1400 Why is Adm R. so important?

1705 1401 Why was the source code to former NSA collection p’s publicly

1706 1402 How do you blind the Clowns In America?

1707 1403 What was Snowden’s primary mission?

1708 1404 What was Snowden’s real primary mission?

1709 1405 Was Snowden truly acting on his own?

1710 1406 Nothing is as it appears.
1711 1407 What show is being put on by AG Sessions since his confirmation?

1712 1408 What show is being put on by POTUS since AG Sessions’

1713 1409 Why was AG Sessions’ confirmation challenged heavily?

1714 1410 Why was RR’s confirmation smooth and easy?

1715 1411 What was the vote count for RR?

1716 1412 Why did Sessions recuse himself?

1717 1413 Why is this relevant?

1718 1414 What group has vocally supported RM repeatedly?
1719 1415 How do you capture a very dangerous animal?

1720 1416 Who is best to conduct the attack?

1721 1417 What is the one force necessary to retain control?

1722 1418 Why does the US Military play such a vital role in this global game of

1723 1419 What is money without power?

1724 1420 Why did POTUS depart Manila 30 min ahead of schedule?
1725 1421 Why is AF1 landing in Hawaii?

1726 1422 Does AF1 have in-air refueling ability?

1727 1423 Nothing is as it appears.

1728 1424 What is the nickname for DC?
1729 1425 What was the DC vote breakdown between Trump & Clinton?

1730 1426 Why would sealed indictments be outside of DC jurisdiction?

1731 1427 What purpose would this serve?

1732 1428 Why are judicial appointments being rapidly completed?

1733 1429 Who can you trust?

1734 Have faith, Patriots.

1736 11/14/2017 >>149402892

1737 RESPONDING TO >>149402286


1739 1430 Isn't that curious?

1740 1431 What's below?

1741 11/14/2017 >>149467638

1742 For the coming days ahead.

1743 1432 Ask yourself an honest question, why would a billionaire who has it all,
fame, fortune, a warm and loving family, friends, etc. want to
endanger himself and his family by becoming POTUS?
1744 1433 Why would he want to target himself and those he cares about?

1745 1434 Does he need money?

1746 1435 Does he need fame?
1747 1436 What does he get out of this?
1748 1437 Does he want to make the US/world a better place for his family and
for those good and decent people who have long been taken
advantage of?

1749 1438 Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of mass murders occurring
to satisfy Moloch?

1750 1439 Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of children being
kidnapped, drugged, and raped while leaders/law enforcement of the
world turn a blind eye.

1751 1440 Perhaps he was tired of seeing how certain races/countries were
being constantly abused and kept in need/poor/and suffering all for a
specific purpose.

1752 1441 Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn.
1752 Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn.

1753 1442 Why, hours after the election, did seven people travel to an
undisclosed location to hold a very private & highly secured/guarded

1754 1443 Why didn’t HRC give a concession speech?

1755 1444 When was the last time a presidential candidate didn’t personally give
a concession speech?
1756 1445 What happens if the border remained open and the MSM continued to
1757 1446 At what point do Patriots, and hard working men and woman, become
the minority?
1758 1447 What about voting machines?

1759 1448 Who owns the voting machines?

1760 1449 What about voter ID laws?

1761 1450 Photo ID? When is it necessary and must be presented? Make a list.

1762 1451 Reconcile.

1763 1452 Would the chances of defeating evil grow less and less with each
passing year?
1764 1453 What does ‘red line’ mean?

1765 1454 Why, again, were the arrests made in SA so very important?

1766 1455 What strings were immediately cut?

1767 1456 Follow the money.

1768 1457 When does a bird sing?

1768 When does a bird sing?

1770 11/14/2017 >>149467690

1771 1458 Who financed 9-11?

1772 1459 Who was Bin Laden’s handler?

1773 1460 Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

1774 1461 Why not MI?

1775 1462 If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately
kill him and not take him alive?

1776 1463 Why wouldn’t we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible
T-level events?
1777 1464 Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct
‘another’ mass extinction event.

1778 1465 WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

1779 1466 Fantasy land.

1780 1467 Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people
1780 Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people

1781 1468 Why do D’s push for gun control ‘directly’ after every tragic incident?

1782 1469 Why is this so very important to their agenda?

1783 1470 We, the people, are who they are afraid of.
1784 1471 We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake.

1785 (The Lord's Prayer)


1787 11/15/2017 >>149490950

1788 _Conf_D-TT_^_v891_0600_yes


Bunker Apple Yellow Sky [… + 1]

1789 Yes
1790 Godspeed

1791 11/18/2017 >>149921023

1792 1472 ++

1793 11/20/2017 >>150166904

1794 1473 What is a key?

1795 1474 What is a key used for?

1796 1475 What is a guard?

1797 1476 What is a guard used for?
1798 1477 Who unlocked the door of all doors?

1799 1478 Was it pre-planned?

1800 1479 Do you believe in coincidences?

1801 1480 What is information?

1801 What is information?

1802 1481 Who controls the release of information?


1804 1483 Who disseminates information?

1805 1484 What is the MSM?

1806 1485 Who controls the MSM?

1807 1486 Who really controls the MSM?

1808 1487 Why are we made to believe the MSM are the only credible news

1809 1488 Who controls the MSM?

1810 1489 Who really controls the MSM?

1811 1490 Why are we made to believe the MSM are the only credible news
1812 1491 Why is this relevant?

1813 1492 Why are non MSM platforms cast as conspiracy and/or non-credible?

1814 1494 What happens when an entity and/or individual accumulates power?

1815 1495 Define corruption.

1816 1496 Wealth = power.

1817 1497 Power = influence.

1818 1498 Influence = control.

1819 1499 Rinse and repeat.

1820 1500 What power of influence was recently discovered (specifically re: 2016

1821 1501 How much power of influence does Twitter, FB, Reddit, etc. have in
influencing the minds of people?
1822 1502 Has the stranglehold of the MSM been diminished?

1823 1503 What is open source?

1824 1504 What has become blatantly obvious since the election of POTUS?
1825 1505 Why would they allow this (visibility) to occur?

1826 1506 Were they not prepared to counter?

1827 1507 What miscalculation occurred?

1828 1508 What opposite impact did this generate?

1829 1509 How did POTUS recognize and invert?

1830 1510 What happens when an entity and/or individual accumulates power?
1830 What happens when an entity and/or individual accumulates power?

1831 1511 Define corruption.

1832 1512 Define censorship.

1833 1513 Define ‘controlled’ censorship.

1834 1514 What action is Twitter taking effective mid-Dec?

1835 1515 What is the purpose of this action?

1836 1516 Possible test to understand public / gov’t response?

1838 11/20/2017 >>150166936

1839 (cont..)
1840 1517 When was this announced?

1841 1518 When did events in SA transpire?

1842 1519 Who controlled a large portion of Twitter stock?

1843 1520 Why is this relevant?

1844 1521 Define oppression.

1845 1522 Who controls the narrative?

1846 1523 Who really controls the narrative?

1847 1524 Who guards the narrative?

1848 1525 Does the MSM shelter and protect select ‘party’ members?
1849 1526 Does this protection insulate these ‘party’ members?

1850 1527 Who controls the narrative?

1851 1528 What laws were put in place to protect the MSM from lawsuits?

1852 1529 Who specifically passed this law?

1853 1530 What is immunity?

1854 1531 What prevents a news organization from simply ‘making up sources &

1855 1532 What prevents a news organization from simply ‘making up sources &
1856 1534 What previous SC ruling provided protection to reporters from having
to reveal their ‘confidential’ source(s)?

1857 1535 How many people are unaware of the ‘truth’ due to the stranglehold?

1858 1536 How must people be made aware of an alternate reality?

1859 1537 What are crumbs (think H-wood/DC)

1860 1538 Define ‘lead-in’ (think play)?

1861 1539 What has been occurring recently?

1862 1540 The stage must be set.

1863 1541 Crumbs are easy to swallow.

1864 1542 What if Hugh Hefner was /a Clown In America?
1865 1543 What is a honeypot?

1866 1544 Define blackmail.

1867 1545 How could this be applied?

1868 1546 Fantasy land.

1868 Fantasy land.


1870 1548 No Such Agency.

1871 1549 The hunter becomes the hunted.

1872 1550 Operations underway.

1873 1552 Disinformation is real.

1874 1551 Operators active.

1875 1553 Disinformation is necessary.

1876 1554 Silent war (some gets out).

1877 1555 The Great Awakening.

1878 1556 Iron Eagle.

1879 1557 Godfather III.

1880 1558 The Hunt for Red October.

1882 11/20/2017 >>150172069

1883 QMAP 1/2 confirmed.

1884 This is the key.
1885 11/20/2017 >>150172817

1886 1&2 confirmed.

1887 You will need for coming weeks.
1888 1559 Put it this way, six attempts were made to silence the witness
scheduled to appear tomorrow.
1889 Special operators on guard.

1890 11/20/2017 >>150173114

1891 1560 Bots deactivated upon arrival.

1892 Keep up the good fight.

1893 It’s spreading.

1894 11/20/2017 >>150212477

1895 1561 Expand your thinking.

1896 1562 What are patterns?

1897 1563 How are patterns formed and isolated?

1898 1564 What are data sets?

1899 1565 What is a map?

1900 1566 Re: Twitter (repeat)(important).

1901 1567 What action is Twitter taking effective mid-Dec?

1902 1568 What is the purpose of this action?

1903 1569 Possible test to understand public / gov’t response?

1903 Possible test to understand public / gov’t response?

1904 1570 When was this announced?

1905 1571 When did events in SA transpire?
1906 1572 Who controlled a large portion of Twitter stock?
1907 1573 Why is this relevant?

1908 1574 Expand your thinking.

1909 1575 What is the real purpose of this action?

1910 1576 What is the SS?

1911 1577 Who is the primary person protected under the SS?

1912 1578 What action is Twitter taking effective mid-Dec?

1913 1579 Would POTUS be able to use Twitter post action?

1914 1580 Define the ‘known’ action.

1916 1581 Why is the MSM ignoring this action?

1917 1582 What transpired w/ POTUS’ Twitter account a short time ago?

1918 1583 Re-read crumbs on this topic (necessary).

1919 1584 Two scenarios (lose/lose).

1920 1585 POTUS advised by SS to terminate use of Twitter due to new website
tracking policy (cookies) amongst other spyware not disclosed (risk) –
1st time they failed (re-read).

1921 1586 POTUS silenced on Twitter due to new policy (re: SS / risk).

1922 1587 Direct message failure.

1923 1588 POTUS refuses to be silenced.

1924 1589 Bad actors gather metadata and targeting.

1925 1590 Small example of the ongoing silent war.

1926 1591 Options?

1927 1592 Regulate?

1928 1593 Problem: time to complete.

1929 1594 Solution?

1930 1595 Patriots, get the word out.

1931 1596 Jason Bourne (Deep Dream).

(repeat)(important)(necessary)(lose/lose)(cookies)(re-read)(re: SS /
1935 11/20/2017 >>150214731

1936 1597 POTUS opened the door of all doors.

1937 1598 Expand your thinking.

1938 1559 What is the keystone?

1940 11/20/2017 >>150214824

1941 IN RESPONSE TO: >>150214567

1943 1560 Red Oct sig has not occurred yet.

1944 1561 Follow the map

1945 11/20/2017 >>150215418

1946 IN RESPONSE TO: >>150214997


1948 1562 !!!

1949 11/20/2017 >>150215871

1950 1563 Why am I here during the day?

1951 1564 Why is this relevant?

1952 1565 What does this infer?

1953 11/20/2017 >>150254865

1954 1566 Good will always defeat evil.


1956 11/20/2017 >>150257653



1958 1567 Good will always defeat evil.

1959 1568 No rigging / blackmail this time.
1960 1569 Wizards & Warlocks.

1961 11/20/2017 >>150260900

1962 1570 Coordinated effort to silence.

1963 1571 It will only get worse.
1964 1572 All for a LARP right?


1966 11/21/2017 >>150388962

1967 1573 Expand your thinking.

1968 1574 Captain Mike Green.

1969 1575 _Conf_D-TT_^_v891_0600_yes

1970 1576 _green1_0600

1971 1577 Bunker Apple Yellow Sky [… + 1]

1972 1578 Yes.

1973 1579 Who countered?

1974 1580 Do you believe in coincidences?

1975 1581 Learn how to read the map.

1977 11/21/2017 >>150391223

1978 1582 What was posted prior to the stringer?

1979 1583 What keywords were within the stringer?
1980 1584 Why would keywords be left in the stringer?

1981 1585 Future shows past.

1982 1586 Learn to read the map.


1984 1587 Everything has meaning - EVERYTHING.


1986 11/21/2017 >>150393065

1987 1588 Keywords:

1988 1589 Confirm.
1989 1590 Green.
1990 1591 Sky.
1991 1592 Why were keywords added in the stringer?
1992 1593 What was the purpose?

1993 1594 What was previously stated?

1994 1595 To who specifically?

1995 1596 ++
1996 1597 Who countered?

1997 1598 Learn to read the map.

1998 1599 Missing critical items.

1999 1600 Graphic is key.

2000 1601 Ordering is critical.


2002 11/21/2017 >>150395774

2003 Archive immediately.
2004 1602 Stringer = code = command.
2005 1603 What stringer was provided (2) days prior to event?

2006 1604 What were the keywords in the stringer?

2007 1605 Confirm.

2008 1606 Green (Yes).

2009 1607 Sky.
2010 1608 Why were keywords provided?

2011 1609 Guide to reading map?

2012 1610 Lord d R.

2013 1611 What was previously stated?

2014 1612 ++
2015 1613 Who was the pilot of the plane?

2016 1614 Bad actor?

2017 1615 Who was the pilot of the helicopter?

2018 1616 Green?

2019 1617 What was countered?

2020 1618 Who was on the ground (outside) shortly before the collision?
2021 1619 Who was in the home shortly before the collision?

2022 1620 Learn to read the map.

2023 1621 We may have overestimated your ability.
2025 11/21/2017 >>150400112

2026 RESPONDING TO: >>150398185

2028 1622 Shadow war.

2029 1623 Act II, Scene IV.

2030 1624 (Movie idea – thoughts?)

2031 1625 (Characters)

2032 1626 Good guy (pilot of helicopter).
2033 1627 Bad guy (pilot of plane).
2034 1628 Targets (on ground and in home).
2034 Targets (on ground and in home).

2035 1629 (Story)

2036 1630 Upon receipt of the ‘go’ code - Good guy flies during a blackout
window provided by unknown agency w/ unknowns (ordinary people
by the look of it) to a select location (re: highly classified mission) who
was given the 'go' order by 'x' to execute (delivery – (3) for care_).
Bad guy intercepts message due to rogue operator embedded in
tactical observation unit and takes out Good guy by top down invisible
2037 1631 Mission failure.
2038 1632 Encore: What has since occurred by Targets?

2040 11/21/2017 >>150400638

2041 RESPONDING TO: >>150400127

2043 1633 What US President was nicknamed "Eagle" by the USSS?

2044 1634 FlyEaglesFly

2045 11/21/2017 >>150405959

2046 RESPONDING TO: >>150403252


2048 1635 Sniffer progs would kill the site.

2049 1636 Everything has to be carefully crafted and tooled prior to release.

2050 Godspeed, Patriot.

2051 11/21/2017 >>150406974

2052 RESPONDING TO: >>150404273


2054 1637 What does the "Owl" represent to certain cults?

2055 >>150407593

2056 RESPONDING TO: >>150405114

2057 NB: no text, just replied to post

2058 >>150412315
2059 1638 Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.

2060 1639 Follow the Owl & Y head around the world.
2061 1640 Identify and list.

2062 1641 They don’t hide it.

2063 1642 They don’t fear you.

2064 1643 You are sheep to them.

2064 You are sheep to them.

2065 1644 You are feeders.

2066 1645 Godfather III.

2068 >>150412500

2069 1646 Rothschild_Symbolism.jpg

2070 >>150412717

2071 1647 You are learning.

2072 1648 You needed a push.
2073 Godspeed.

2074 >>150417001

2075 RESPONDING TO: >>150414073

NB: no text, just replying to post

2076 >>150417146

2077 RESPONDING TO: >>150415097


NB: no text, just replying to post


2079 UPDATED "QMAP" graphic compilation of posts 11-11-17 to 11-21-17

attached to row

2080 11/21/2017 >>150424047

2081 1649 Identify symbolism (Owl / Y).

2082 1650 Which performers/celebs supported HRC during the election?

2083 1651 Who performed during her rallies?

2084 1652 What jewelry and/or tattoos present?
2084 What jewelry and/or tattoos present?

2085 1653 What other events do they attend together?

2086 1654 What does HRC represent to them?

2087 1655 What celebrities have owl / Y head symbols?

2088 1657 What politicians have owl / Y head symbols?

2089 1658 What powerful people have owl / Y head symbols?

2090 1659 What powerful groups have owl / Y head symbols?

2091 1660 Why are they worn/shown openly?

2092 1661 Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.

2093 1662 MSM role?

2094 1663 Push conspiracy theory.

2095 1664 Social media role?

2096 1665 Push conspiracy theory and institute new rules allowing for ban.

2097 1666 Censorship.

2098 1667 The graphic is key.

2099 1668 Re-read graphic (ex: what family did Soros replace (Y)).

2100 1669 Part II – How were they ‘adopted’ into the cult (as children).
2101 1670 What were they provided for obeying and staying silent

2102 1671 All that you know to be right is wrong.

2103 1672 The ‘cult’ runs the world.

2104 1673 Fantasy land.

2105 1674 The world is fighting back (& destroying the cult).

2106 1675 20% public.

2107 1676 80% private.

2108 1678 The world would otherwise collapse.

2109 1679 40,000ft. v. (again) and need to decrease altitude to avoid ‘conspiracy’
2110 1680 Was necessary.

2111 1681 GODFATHER III.

2112 For God & Country.

2114 11/22/2017 >>150433983

2115 1682 USA vs.

2116 1683 Necessary to cut strings from foreign bad actors.

2117 1684 Necessary to form WW alliances to defeat.

2118 1685 Think Merkel is a coincidence?

2119 1686 They are puppets.

2120 1687 They are weak.

2121 1688 They are scared.

2122 1689 80% dark ops necessary.

2123 1690 20% public for justice.

2124 1691 The stage must be set.

2125 Have faith.

2126 11/22/2017 >>150434351

2127 RESPONDING TO: >>150434251

NB: no comment, just reply to post


2129 11/22/2017 >>150435422

2130 1692 Why are China & Russia communist S/closed?

2131 1693 Can you find an owl / Y there?

2132 1694 Was this to prevent evil from entering?

2133 1695 Was this to protect their children/people?

2134 1696 Why was BO shamed during trip to China, SA, other locations?

2135 1697 How was POTUS hosted?

2135 How was POTUS hosted?

2136 1698 Compare.

2137 1700 Fantasy land.

2139 11/22/2017 >>150486603

2140 1701 Who really controls NK?

2141 pyramind.jpg
2141 pyramind.jpg

2142 11/22/2017 >>150512900

2143 1702 U1 – CA – EU – ASIA – IRAN/NK

2144 1703 Iran Deal.

2145 1704 Why is this relevant?

2146 1705 Re-read drops re: NK / Iran.

2147 1706 (Y) What does it mean to be covered in gold?

2148 1707 Which couple was photographed covered in gold?

2149 1708 The public release was a mistake.

2150 1709 Who released the picture?

2151 1710 Who has all the information?

2152 1711 (Y) What does it mean to be covered in gold?
2153 1712 Can you locate one other pic w/ Y head covered in gold?

2154 1713 What does this represent?

2155 1714 /_\


2158 11/22/2017 >>150513545


2160 11/22/2017 >>150513895

2161 RESPONDING TO: >>150510227


2163 1716 Gold.

2164 11/22/2017 >>150515203

2165 1717 Ancient Egyptians considered gold “the skin of the gods” -- specifically
the sun god Ra -- and often used it to craft objects of spiritual

2166 1718 Why is this relevant?

2167 11/22/2017 >>150515835

2168 1719 3 sides form what shape?

2169 1720 Expand your thinking.
2170 1721 Re-read crumbs.

2171 11/22/2017 >>150517837

2172 1722 U1 - CA - EU - ASIA - IRAN/NK

2173 1723 Where did it end up?

2174 1724 What was the purpose?
2175 1725 Who was suppose to win the election of 2016?
2176 1726 Why was the Iran deal kept from Congress and placed at the highest
level of classification?

2177 1727 Meaning, a United States Senator could NOT review the deal but
other foreign powers could.
2178 1728 How much money was hand delivered by plane(s)?

2179 1729 Why in cash?

2180 1730 Where did the plane(s) actually land?
2181 1731 What was the cover?

2182 1732 Who paid for BO to attend Harvard?

2183 1733 Why would this occur pre-political days?
2184 1734 Who was the biggest contributor to the CF?
2185 1735 The graphic is the key.
2186 1736 Why does the MSM push conspiracy w/o investigation?

2187 1737 Who controls the MSM?

2188 1738 What does the word 'conspiracy' mean to you?

2189 1739 Has the word 'conspiracy' been branded to mean something shameful
in today's society?

2190 1740 The world cannot handle the truth.

2191 1741 This pill cannot be swallowed by most.
2192 1742 Risk in painting this picture.

2195 11/22/2017 >>150522442

2196 1744 Rizvi Traverse Management.

2197 1745 Happy hunting.
2198 11/22/2017 >>150523420

2199 RESPONDING TO: >>150523213




2203 11/22/2017 >>150559154

2204 Bad bread not updated.

2205 11/22/2017 >>150559269

2206 Bad bread.

2207 11/22/2017 >>150559381

2208 RESPONDING TO: >>150559263


2210 We are winning bigly.

2211 11/22/2017 >>150559818

2212 RESPONDING TO: >>150559502


2214 1745 You made the list.

2215 1746 It’s rare, feel proud.

2216 1748 Pick up your phone.
2217 11/22/2017 >>150560899

2218 1749 Can’t wait for the green light.

2219 1750 Teams on standby.
2220 11/22/2017 >>150561736

2221 1751 $4.9 billion in government subsidies.

2222 1752 Why?

2223 11/23/2017 >>150562337

2224 1753 Rizvi Traverse Management.

2225 1754 Very important.
2226 11/23/2017 >>150562694

2227 1755 Why did BO scuttle the shuttle program?

2228 1756 What is SpaceX?

2229 1757 Expand your thinking.

2230 11/23/2017 >>150562920

2231 RESPONDING TO: 150562774




2236 >>150563217

2237 1758 NK _ SpaceX.

2238 11/23/2017 >>150565108

2239 RESPONDING TO: >>150564270




2243 1759 Do you believe in coincidences?

2244 11/23/2017 >>150565710

2245 1760 The world cannot swallow the truth.

2246 11/23/2017 >>150567199

2247 1761 What is FB?

2248 1762 Spying tool?

2249 1763 Who created it?

2250 1764 Who really created it?

2251 1765 Nothing is what it seems.


2253 11/23/2017 >>150567655

2254 1766 Focus on his wife.

2255 11/23/2017 >>150569482

2256 1767 Keyhole.

2257 1768 Happy hunting.
2258 11/23/2017 >>150569779

2259 RESPONDING TO: >>150569615


2261 1769 Clowns In America.

2262 11/23/2017 >>150570023

2263 RESPONDING TO: >>150569907





2266 11/23/2017 >>150679159

2267 1770 _27-1_yes_USA94-2

2268 1771 _27-1_yes_USA58-A

2269 1772 _27-1_yes_USA04

2270 1773 _Conf_BECZ_y056-(3)_y

2271 1774 The_Castle_Runs_RED_yes

2272 Godspeed.
2273 11/23/2017 >>150681065

2274 Reminder.
2275 Unclassified setting.

2276 Monitored and analyzed in RT.

2277 Future answers past.

2278 11/23/2017 >>150681832

2279 1775 What news broke?

2280 1776 American contractors where?

2281 1777 Hanging from feet?

2282 1778 Re-read dumps.

2283 1779 Why is this relevant?

2284 1780 News unlocks map.

2285 1781 Expand your thinking.
2287 11/23/2017 >>150682686

2288 RESPONDING TO: >>150682213



2290 11/23/2017 >>150686780

2291 1782 Who is Betsy D?

2292 1783 Why is she relevant?

2293 1784 Expand your thinking.

2294 11/24/2017 >>150697929

2295 RESPONDING TO: >>150697054


2297 1785 Who knows where the bodies are buried?

2298 1786 The map is in front of you.

2299 1787 Re-read.

2300 1788 Expand your thinking.

2301 1789 Purpose for time being spent here.

2302 11/24/2017 >>150698662

2303 RESPONDING TO: >>150698169


2305 1790 Expand further.

2306 1791 Make the connection.
2307 1792 Map currently has 43 confirmed connections.

2308 1793 Important to understand.

2309 1794 When this breaks many won’t swallow.

2310 1795 MSM not trusted.

2311 1796 You are the voice.
2312 1797 We are here to help guide.
2313 1798 Future proves past.

2314 1799 You are the calm before and during the storm.

2315 11/24/2017 >>150767674

2316 1800 DPbNwxvVAAAEST1.jpg

2317 11/25/2017 >>150869010

2318 1801 USA_leadership change

2319 1802 SA_leadership change

2320 1803 GER_leadership change?

2321 1804 PAK_leadership change?

2322 1805 40,000ft.

2323 1806 (8, 7, 6, 5......).

2325 11/25/2017 >>150870083

2326 1807 RED_RED_

2327 1808 _FREEDOM-_v05_yes_27-1_z

2328 1809 _FREEDOM-_v198_yes_27-1_b

2329 1810 _FREEDOM-_v-811z_yes_27-1_c

2330 1811 _FREEDOM-_vZj9_yes_27-1_y
2331 1812 _FREEDOM-_v^CAS0R-T_yes_27-1_87x
2332 1813 _FREEDOM-_v&CAS0R-T2_yes_27-1_t
2333 1814 _FREEDOM-_vEXh29B_yes_27-1_ch

2334 1815 _FREEDOM-_v_stand

2335 1816 _FREEDOM-_v_stand
2336 1817 _FREEDOM-_v_stand
2337 1818 _FREEDOM-_v_stand
2338 1819 _FREEDOM-_v_stand_CAN
2339 1820 _FREEDOM-_v1_stand
2340 1821 _FREEDOM-_v1_stand
2341 1822 _FREEDOM-_v1_stand
2342 1823 _FREEDOM-_v2_stand
2343 1824 _FREEDOM-_v3_stand
2344 1825 _FREEDOM-_v4_mod_D092x
2345 1826 _FREEDOM-_v4_mod_CAS80^

2346 1827 _FREEDOM-_vv1_stand

2347 1828 _FREEDOM-_vv2_stand
2348 1829 _FREEDOM-_vSHAz1EVCB_yes_27-1
2349 1830 _FREEDOM-_vSA_US_yes_DC08vC_EX_y_AW_Conf-go
2350 1831 _FREEDOM-_vSA_US_yes_DC09vC_EX_y_AW_Conf-go

2351 1832 _FREEDOM-_vSA_US_yes_DC10vC_EX_y_AW_Conf-go

2352 1833 _FREEDOM-_vSA_US_yes_DC11vC_EX_y_AW_Conf-go

2353 1834 _FREEDOM-_vSA_US_yes_DC12vc_EX_y_AW_Conf-go

2354 1835 _FREEDOM-_vSA_US_yes_DC13vC_EX_y_AW_Conf-go

2355 1836 _FREEDOM-_vSA_US_stand_DC14vC_EX_y_AW_Conf/stand

2356 1837 _FREEDOM-_vSA_US_yes_DC15vC_EX_y_AW_Conf-go

2357 1838 _FREEDOM-_vSA_US_yes_DC16vC_EX_y_AW_Conf-go

2358 1839 _FREEDOM-_vSA_US_yes_DC17vc_EX_y_AW_Conf-go

2359 1840 _FREEDOM-_vSA_US_yes_DC18vC_EX_y_AW_Conf-go

2360 1841 _FREEDOM-_vSA_US_yes_DC19vC_EX_y_AW_Conf-go

2361 1842 _FREEDOM-_vSA_US_yes_DC20vC_EX_y_AW_Conf-go

2362 1843 _FREEDOM-_vSA_US_yes_DC21vC_EX_y_AW_Conf-go

2363 1844 _FREEDOM-_vSA_US_yes_DC22vc_EX_y_AW_Conf-go

2364 1845 _FREEDOM-_vSA_US_yes_DC23vC_EX_y_AW_Conf-go

2365 1846 _FREEDOM-_vSA_US_yes_DC24vC_EX_y_AW_Conf-go

2366 1847 _FREEDOM-_vSA_US_yes_DC25vC_EX_y_AW_Conf-go

2367 1848 _FREEDOM-_vSA_US_stand_DC26vC_EX_y_AW_Conf/stand

2368 1849 _FREEDOM-

2369 1850 _FREEDOM-_vGER_US_yes_000BVx_LO_yes_[… + 1]_Conf_y

2370 1851 _Conf_4_3_good_EXT-TVB7xxj_ALL_FREEDOM_#[1-43]_EX_27-1

2371 11/25/2017 >>150875388

2372 1852 T: B, F, J, 1,5,11-20, ^

2373 1853 _Conf_d-ww_CON_off[dark]_

2374 1854 _Conf_SIL-_EX
2375 1855 COMM_Castle_Active_7ZbV-WT9
2375 COMM_Castle_Active_7ZbV-WT9

2376 1856 RED1_RED2_

2377 1857 SAT_40k_se_c_[30m]

2378 1858 Godspeed.

2379 1859 P_pers: WRWY

2380 11/25/2017 >>150876856

2381 1860 _Conf_goTWIT_P_act-small#_

2382 1861 RED1_RED2_

2383 UPDATED Q-MAP: 11-1--17 TO 11-25-17 ATTACHED TO ROW.


2385 11/25/2017 >>10956085

2386 1862 Test

2387 1863 4Chan infiltrated.

Future posts will be relayed here.

2388 11/26/2017 >>10956374

2389 1864 Flash Dir_

2390 1865 Start_code_activated/instruction

2391 1866 LOG1_^67FVc
2392 1867 _4ch_n
2393 1868 _8ch_y
2394 1869 _Conf_y_[8]_8bCon
2395 1870 Key secured.
2396 11/29/2017 >>10925

2397 1871 Snow White utilized/activated to silence.

2398 1872 This was not anticipated.

2399 1873 Control / protection lost.

2400 1874 Routing through various networks ('jumpers') randomly has created
connection/sec issues.

2401 1875 Working to resolve.

2402 1876 Select people removed.

2403 1877 Stay strong.

2404 1878 We are winning.

2405 1879 More to follow.

2406 11/30/2017 >>12916


2408 1880 Where is BO?

2409 1881 What is the purpose?

2410 1882 Who fired?

2411 1883 When?
2412 1884 Reconcile.

2413 11/30/2017 >>13092

2414 1885 Focus on Hussein.

2414 Focus on Hussein.

2415 1886 Revelations coming very very soon.

2416 1887 HUMA - SA - Hussein.

2417 1888 HLR (first).

2418 1889 Civil rights attorney.

2419 1890 13th District - Sen.

2420 1891 DNC.

2421 1892 Hussein v HRC v McCain.

2422 1893 Why is this relevant?

2423 1894 Follow the money pre-pres.

2424 1895 Follow the connections pre-pres.

2425 1896 Why does Hussein travel ahead of POTUS?

2426 1897 Why did Hussein travel behind POTUS?

2427 1898 Think Asia.

2428 1899 Think NK.

2429 1900 What was told re: NK during the past 8 years?
2430 1901 What dramatic shift occurred re: NK post election of POTUS?

2431 1902 Reconcile.

2432 1903 Define hostage.

2433 1904 The Sum of all Fears.

2434 1905 Why are sexual harassment claims all appearing suddenly?
2435 1906 Coincidence?

2436 1907 What is a pill?

2437 1908 When is it hard to swallow?

2438 1909 How do you remove your enemies from positions of influence and
2439 1910 Define stages.

2440 1911 Define puppets.

2440 Define puppets.

2441 1912 Define puppet handlers.

2442 1913 Define proxy war.

Define proxy war.

Define proxy war.
2443 1914 Expand your thinking.
2444 1915 Why is Justice stalling release of c-level info?

2445 1916 Think.

2446 1917 Does POTUS control all matters classified?

2447 1918 Think.

2447 Think.

2448 1919 Have faith.

2449 1920 These people are losers!

2450 11/30/2017 >>13215

2451 1921 What if NK had miniature nuke payload delivery in 2004?

2452 1922 What if NK had ICBM capability since 2009?

2453 1923 What if the previous tests that failed were staged?
2454 1924 Why would this be relevant?
2455 1925 Who is involved and why?

2456 1926 Biggest cover up in our history.

2457 1927 U1 - CA - EU - ASIA\NK.

2458 1928 Iran deal.

2459 1929 Russian reset

2459 Russian reset

2460 11/30/2017 >>13282

2461 1930 Sidley Austin.

Happy hunting.

2463 11/30/2017 >>13601

2464 1931 The Asia Foundation.
2465 1932 CIA-RDP84B00049R001303260026-4

Happy hunting.


2467 11/30/2017 >>151561953

2468 1933 _Start_IP_log_4ch_y

2469 1934 _Conf_y_

2470 1935 _Lang_v_US_jurid_y

2471 1936 Snow White Pounce.

2472 1937 _Conf_actors_1-9999999_per_condition_89074-b

2473 1938 No nets.

2474 1939 Re_8ch_carry_good_
2476 12/1/2017 >>17283

2477 1940 WH party w/ 400+ guests.

2478 1941 Whoever posted those insider pics did not take into account the many
WH public and private sec cams which can triangulate and time
log/IDEN the person responsible.

2479 1942 We will investigate.

2480 1943 Think.

2481 12/1/2017 >>17290

2481 >>17290

2482 Be here tomorrow.

2483 1944 The story unfolds.

2484 12/1/2017 >>17359

2485 1945 SA controlled US puppets.

2486 1946 Strings cut.

2487 1947 D’s dropping all around over sexual misconduct (1st stage).

2488 1948 Coincidence directly after SA?

2489 1949 Don’t you realize the war has gone public?

2490 1950 List who will not be running for re_election.

2491 1951 Coincidence?
2492 1952 Phase I.
2493 1953 Easy to swallow.

2494 1954 Loss of power/influence.

2495 1955 Good time to prosecute.

2496 1956 Just wait until next week.

2496 Just wait until next week.

2497 1957 You are all Patriots.

2499 12/1/2017 >>17474

2500 1958 Less than 10 can confirm me.

2501 1959 DOITQ - coincidence

2502 1960 Twitter retweet - coincidence

2503 1961 Twitter keywords - coincidence

2504 1962 Pics - coincidence

2505 1963 Meant only for you.

2506 God bless.

2507 12/1/2017 >>17546
2507 >>17546

2508 1964 Hussein is evil and a real loser.

2509 1965 No special treatment.

2510 1966 Shopping around for a (new) handler/protection is fun to watch on the
SATs / spy comms.

2511 1967 Morons, all of them.

2512 12/1/2017 >>17586

2513 1968 89074

2514 1969 Underground massive data center?


2516 12/4/2017 >>34081

2517 1970 Have you been watching the news since Friday?
2518 1972 Who is Peter Strzok?
2519 1973 How was he compromised?

2520 1974 How was he paid?

2521 1975 Who is Melissa Hodgman?

2522 1976 Company?

2523 1977 Title?
2524 1978 Date of promotion?
2525 1979 Focus on the date.

2526 1980 What events re: Peter recently occurred that you now know?

2527 1981 Think HRC emails, Weiner laptop, etc.

2528 1982 Dates?

2529 1983 Date of promotion of wife?
2530 1984 How do they stack the deck?
2531 1985 Who do they want inside the gov’t?

2532 1986 What are puppets?

2533 1987 How do you control a puppet?

2534 1988 #2 in FBI?

2535 1989 Wife connection?

2536 1990 What is a pattern?

2537 1991 Follow the wives.

2538 1992 Keep watching the news this week.
2539 1993 Future proves past.
2540 1994 Re-read crumbs.
2541 1995 (Small)
2542 1996 How many D’s / R’s will not seek re-election?
2543 1997 Why?

2544 1998 What just passed in the Senate?

2545 1999 Why?

2546 2000 Who is their new handler?

2547 2001 Do as told?

2548 2002 Why is this relevant?

2549 2003 Do you not understand the gov’t is being gutted publicly?

2550 2004 Bottom middle top.

2551 2005 Hussein Iran connection.

2552 2006 Bombs away.
2553 2007 Merry Christmas
2554 12/4/2017 >>34110

2555 2008 #FLYROTHSFLY#

2556 12/4/2017 >>34250

2557 2008 RED_RED

2558 2009 Remember?

2559 2010 Hussein AIDS Video.

2560 2011 Hidden message?

2561 2012 Response?
2562 2013 Twitter.

2563 2014 Roles.

2564 2015 Actions.

2565 2016 Expand your thinking.
2566 2017 News unlocks meaning..
2567 12/40//17 >>.34290

2568 2018 Date Peter/Comey cleared Weiner emails?

2569 2019 Date wife was promoted?
2570 2020 Do you believe in coincidences?
2571 12/4/2017 >>34323
2572 2021 Re-review RED_RED stringer.

2573 2022 Focus on Hussein AIDS Video.

2574 2023 Cross reference.

2575 2024 Date of stringer vs video?

2576 2025 Learn to decider.
2577 2026 News unlocks message.
2578 2027 Find the keystone.

2579 12/4/2017 >>34407

2580 2028 Red Cross is corrupt and used as a piggy bank.

2581 2029 Future topic.
2582 2030 Diseases created by families in power (pop control + pharma billions

2583 2031 Think AIDS.

2584 2032 Future topic.

2585 2033 Relevant.

2586 2034 #FLYROTHSFLY#
2587 12/4/2017 >>34447

2588 RESPONDING TO: >>34409


2591 12/4/2017 >>34502

2592 RESPONDING TO: >>34447 (self; Q post directly previous)

2593 2035 Expand your thinking.

2594 2036 When did Hussein travel to Asia?

2595 2037 When was the stringer released?

2596 2038 When was the RED video taped?
2597 2039 Do you believe in coincidences?
2598 12/4/2017 >>34522

2599 2040 Learn to read the map.

2600 2041 You have more than you realize.

2601 12/4/2017 >>34635

2602 2042 Dates: 25, 27, 28.

2603 2043 Stringer, RED RED, ASIA.

2604 2044 Analyze the connection.

2605 2045 Learn to read the map.
2606 12/4/2017 >>34655

2607 RESPONDING TO: >>34602


2609 12/4/2017 >>34738

2610 RESPONDING TO: >>34663


2612 2046 RED CROSS RED RED.

2613 2047 NK.

2614 2048 Hussein.

2615 2049 ASIA.

2616 2050 Why was that STRINGER sent out?
2617 2051 Decode.

2618 2052 News unlocks message.

2619 2053 Future proves past.
2620 2054 Where is the RED CROSS?
2620 Where is the RED CROSS?

2621 2055 Runs deep.

2622 2056 Children.
2623 Pray.
2624 12/5/2017 >>34917

2625 2057 RED RED 9/11.

2626 2058 Funds raised vs distributed?

2627 2059 Oversight?

2628 2060 7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills.

2629 2061 Those in the know never sleep.

2630 12/5/2017 >>35004
2630 >>35004

2631 2062 Who knows where the bodies are buried?

2632 2603 FLYNN is safe.

2633 2064 We protect our Patriots.

2634 12/5/2017 >>35048

2635 2065 RED Haiti.

2636 2066 Children.

2637 2067 $
2638 2068 Since POTUS elected what changed w/ RED?
2639 2069 Since POTUS elected what changed w/ CF?

2640 2070 Since POTUS elected what changed w/ Mc_I?

2641 2071 These people deserve …. . .. …….

2642 12/5/2017 >>35166

2643 2072 RED RED stringer 25th.

2644 2073 Hussein RED video 27th (response).

2645 2074 Hussein in Asia on 28th post stringer.

2646 2075 Analyze.
2647 2076 Coincidence?
2648 2077 More than one meaning.
2648 More than one meaning.

2649 2078 Hussein RED Indictments variables.

2650 2079 Think circle.
2651 2080 Expand your thinking.
2652 2081 Take multiple paths.
2653 2082 One connects to another.
2654 2083 Learn to read the map.
2655 2084 The map is the key.
2656 2085 Find the keystone.
2657 2086 What holds everything together?

2658 12/5/2017 >>35519

2659 2087 +FLYROTHSFLY+

2660 12/5/2017 >>35560

2660 >>35560

2661 God bless, Patriots.

2662 We are proud.
2663 12/5/2017 >>38330

2664 2088 Bye Bye Johnny.

2665 2089 Update the list.

2666 2090 Watch the news.

2667 2091 WAR.

2668 12/5/2017 >>38366


2670 12/5/2017 >>38394
2671 2092 #FLYALFLY#

2672 2093 Runway lights being turned on.

2673 2094 FLY HIGH.

2674 12/5/2017 >>38406

2675 RESPONDING TO: >>38396

2677 2095 FAKE NEWS.

2678 12/5/2017 >>38467

2679 2096 Key - unlocks the door of all doors (info)

2680 2097 Stone - the force / strength capable of yielding power to act on info

2681 2098 Key+Stone=

2682 12/5/2017 >>38507

2683 2099 Adm R/ No Such Agency (W&W) + POTUS/USMIL =

2684 2100 Apply the Keystone.

2685 2101 Paint the picture.

2686 12/5/2017 >>38514

2687 RESPONDING TO: >>38503


2689 12/5/2017 >>38537

2690 RESPONDING TO: >>38504

2692 2102 Normal?
2693 2103 Coincidence?
2694 2104 Draining the swamp?

2695 12/5/2017 >>38627

2696 2105 R


2697 12/5/2017 >>38638

2697 >>38638

2698 2106 Godfather III

2699 2107 Be prepared for what you find.

2700 12/5/2017 >>38682

2701 2108 +FLY+

2702 2109 Banks control Gov’ts

2703 2110 Gov’ts control people

2704 2111 SA controls elected people.

2705 2112 SOROS controls organizations of people.

2706 2113 Ready to play?
2707 12/5/2017 >>38701

2708 2114 WONDERFUL friends.

2709 12/6/2017 >>45363

2710 2115 Goodbye AL.

2711 2116 Add to list.

2712 2117 #FLYSIDFLY#

2713 12/6/2017 >>45424

2714 2118 HRC tried to cut a deal today.

2715 2119 WE SAID NO.
2716 12/6/2017 >>45494

2717 RESPONDING TO: >>45476



2720 2120 Why is the SS now protecting key members of No Such Agency?

2721 12/6/2017 >>45541

2722 2121 Watch the news.

2722 Watch the news.

2723 2122 Leakers exposed.

2724 2123 These people are stupid.

2725 12/6/2017 >>45557

2726 We represent YOU.

2727 Never forget that.
2728 We never will.
2729 MAGA.
2730 12/6/2017 >>45581

2731 RESPONDING TO: >>45563

2733 Shutdown.
2734 12/6/2017 >>45609

2735 RESPONDING TO: >>45569

2737 2124 Why are Sara & John getting all the ‘real’ scoops?

2738 2125 Expand your thinking.

2739 2126 Why are they now under protection?

2740 12/6/2017 >>45723

2741 2127 AL back in the news today after #FLYALFLY#.

2742 2128 Another coincidence?

2743 2129 Follow the news.
2743 Follow the news.

2744 Merry Christmas.

2745 12/6/2017 >>45814

2746 2130 What if No Such Agency alerted May to the kill plan per POTUS?

2747 2131 What if the attempt was ordered by ++?

2748 2132 Why?

2749 2133 FREEDOM Caucus?

2750 2134 FREEDOM.


2752 12/7/2017 >>46591

2753 2135 Strike package Bravo-dT450-1

2754 2136 _Conf_^_y_7
2755 2137 [R]_( )[+ 4]
2756 12/7/2017 >>46652

2757 RESPONDING TO: >>46647

2759 2138 This is not a game.

2760 12/7/2017 >>46773

2761 2139 _Go_A-Strike_B-04_00

2762 2140 As The World Turns.
2762 As The World Turns.

2763 12/7/2017 >>46820

2764 2141 Reached est 1.2mm, Patriots.

2765 2142 You are reaching more than you know.

2766 2143 1=2, 2=4, 4=8, …

2767 Godspeed.

2769 12/7/2017 >>50693

2770 image 1 - Pope John Paul II at Jerusalem

2771 image 2 Thor and his hammer

2772 12/7/2017 >>50787

2773 image 1 Hillary young (college) on stairs

2774 image 2 (Hillary with Bill & baby Chelsea)

2775 12/7/2017 >>50834

2776 RESPONDING TO: >>50813

2778 12/7/2017 >>50896
2779 2144 Pictures unlock ‘deal’ presented that was declined.

2780 2145 Puppets going wild.

2781 12/7/2017 >>51313

2782 image of Huma Abedin and John Podesta

2783 12/7/2017 >>51735

2784 image 1 Obama hand on chin showing ring "There is no god but Allah"

2785 Image 2 Obama with Post American World book

2786 image 3 Angela Merkel - signature hand posture

2787 image 4 Hillary clinton with an old man

2787 image 4 Hillary clinton with an old man

2788 12/7/2017 >>51739

2789 image 1 Hillary Clinton with Lynn de Rothschild

2790 image 2 Hillary with Sir Evelyn de Rothschild

2791 image 3 Hillary and John McCain

2792 image 4 Hillary and George Soros

2793 12/7/2017 >>51744

2794 image 1 Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal (R), Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton and Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah
Khaled al-Hamad Al-Sabah stand together to pose for a group photo
before a US- Gulf Cooperation Council forum at the Gulf Cooperation
Council Secretariat in Riyadh March 31, 2012.

2795 image 2 Prince Alwaleed bin Talal

2796 image 3 Prince Charles Windsor with Prince Alwaleed bin Talal
2797 image 4 John McCain with "moderate terrorists"

2798 12/7/2017 >>51750

2799 image 1 John McCain with Free Syrian Army general Salim Idris
2800 image 2 Bashar al Asad with Prince Alwaleed bin Talal
2801 image 3 Queen Elizabeth, Prince Harry with Prince Alwaleed bin Talal
2802 image 4 George W Bush with Prince Bandar bin Sultan

2803 12/7/2017 >>51984

2804 2146 Rothschilds (cult leaders)(church)(P)

2805 2147 Banks / Financial Institutions

2806 2148 WW Gov Control

2807 2149 Gov Controls People

2808 2150 SA
2809 2151 Oil Tech Sex/Children

2810 2152 SA Controls (assigned) US / UK Politicians / Tech Co’s (primary)

2811 2153 Soros

2812 2154 Controls organizations of people (create division / brainwash) +
management / operator of slush funds (personal net worth never
reduces think DOJ settlements Consumer Iran Enviro pacts etc etc)

2813 2155 /_\ - Rock (past)(auth over followers)

2814 2156 _\ (present)
2815 2157 (Future)
2816 2158 Order is critical.
2817 2159 Strings cut to US/UK.
2818 2160 Expand your thinking.
2819 2161 Swamp drain.
2820 2162 1 - sexual harassment exit + future
2821 2163 ….
2822 2164 [R] - No.

2823 2165 Bomb away.

2824 12/7/2017 >>52122

2825 2166 Can you find a pic of Alwaleed and Hussein or Clinton or other US
2826 2167 L.

Heard you can’t sleep anymore.

Don’t come here again.

2827 12/7/2017 >>52134

2828 2168 #FLYROTHSFLY#

2829 Sweet dreams.
2830 12/7/2017 >>52157

2831 2169 For Green.

2832 —end—
2833 12/8/2017 >>54349

2834 2170 Renee J James

2835 UPDATED Q-MAP 11-25 – 12-08-17

2836 12/8/2017 >>55699

2837 Subject: MONDAY

2839 2171 These people are sick.

2840 12/9/2017 >>59684

2841 2172 screenshot of POTUS tweet

2842 12/9/2017 >>60141

2843 2173 News unlocks map.

2844 2174 Future proves past.

2845 2175 Why was the Lord's prayer posted?

2846 2176 Which version?

2847 2178 Why is this relevant?
2848 2179 What just came out re: the Lord's prayer?

2849 2180 What can be connected?

2849 What can be connected?

2850 2181 Do you believe in coincidences?

2851 2182 Re-review the map post relevant news drops.
2852 2183 Godfather III.
2853 12/9/2017 >>60172

2854 RESPONDING TO: >>60150

2856 2184 The "marker."
2857 2185 Learn to read the map.
2858 2186 News unlocks the map.
2859 12/9/2017 >>60201

2860 Subject: MONDAY

2861 2187 Tangent.

2862 2188 Expand your thinking.

2863 12/9/2017 >>60244

2864 2189 Justice.

2865 12/9/2017 >>60291

2866 RESPONDING TO: >>60267


2868 2190 What has been said about the US Military?

2869 2191 The speech yesterday verified and unlocked so much.

2870 2192 Expand your thinking.

2871 2193 Re-read crumbs.
2872 2194 Re-listen to yesterday's speech.
2873 2195 Connect the 'markers.'
2874 2196 News (in all forms) unlocks the map.
2875 2197 Expand your thinking.
2876 2198 The Great Awakening.

2877 12/9/2017 >>60336

2878 2199 What was the USSS codename for Hussein?

2879 2200 [R]
2880 2201 Define.

2881 2202 They knew all along.

2882 2203 Expand your thinking.

2882 Expand your thinking.

2883 12/9/2017 >>60350


2885 2204 Who currently protects Hussein?

2886 2205 [R]

2887 2206 Why is this relevant?

2888 2207 Who currently protects B/H C?

2889 2208 Why is this relevant?

2890 2209 Learn.
2891 12/9/2017 >>60365

2892 RESPONDING TO: >>60336

2894 2210 A person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of
2895 2211 They always knew.
2896 12/9/2017 >>60382

2897 Be the autists we know you are.

2898 2212 It's about the BREAK.

2899 Godspeed, Patriots.

2900 12/9/2017 >>60421


2902 2213 Timestamp US Military against POTUS' recent Tweet - US Military.

2902 Timestamp US Military against POTUS' recent Tweet - US Military.

2903 2214 How many clues must we provide?

2904 2215 As the World Turns.

2905 12/9/2017 >>60470


2907 2216 We love our U.S. Military. On behalf of an entire Nation, THANK YOU
for your sacrifice and service!

2908 2217 Timestamp.

2909 2218 How many clues must we provide?

2910 12/9/2017 >>60507

2911 RESPONDING TO: >>60444


2913 2219 Don't mistake journalists invited to parties as 'insiders'.

2914 12/9/2017 >>60523

2915 RESPONDING TO: >>60476


2917 2220 The" vs "To.

2917 The" vs "To.

2918 2221 Everything has meaning.

2919 12/9/2017 >>60568

2920 2222 Timestamp my post re: US Military vs. POTUS' Tweet.

2921 2223 Why did the USSS codename Hussein 'Renegade'?

2922 2224 A person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of
2923 2225 Who does the USSS currently protect?

2924 2226 past, current potus & family, incl HRC

2925 2227 Why is this relevant?

2926 12/9/2017 >>60630

2927 2228 Not understanding why the drops today aren't being understood.

2928 2228 Expand your thinking.

2929 2229 Important.
2930 12/9/2017 >>60660

2931 Post: 1:34 US Military

2932 POTUS: 1:37 US Military

2933 12/9/2017 UPDATED Q-MAP TO >>60660

2934 12/9/2017 >>63599

2935 2230 4th quarter, Patriots.

2936 2231 We fight together.

2937 12/9/2017 >>63628

2938 RESPONDING TO: >>63621

2940 We are all so very appreciative.
2941 God bless each and every one of you.
2942 12/9/2017 >>63644

2943 Please pray tonight.

2944 Good people in harms way.
2945 12/10/2017 >>70055

2946 2232 Blunt & Direct Time.

2947 2233 Adam Schiff is a traitor to our country.

2948 2234 Leaker.

2949 2235 NAT SEC.

2950 2236 EVIL.
2951 2237 Tick Tock.
2952 2238 Hope the $7.8mm was worth it.

2953 Enjoy the show.

2954 12/10/2017 >>70088

2955 2239 False flag(s).

2956 2240 POTUS 100% insulated.

2957 2241 Expect fireworks.

2958 2242 JUSTICE.

2959 UPDATED Q-MAP TO >>70088

2960 12/11/2017 >>73368

2961 2243 Do you believe in coincidences?
2962 2244 Blunt & Direct Time
2963 2245 BDT.

2964 2246 Think currency.

2965 2247 Think fireworks.

2966 2248 Thwarted.

2967 2249 Message delivered.

2968 2250 These people are sick!

2969 12/11/2017 >>73461

2970 2251 :Owls:

2971 2252 Light will overcome d_a_rkness.

2972 2253 Light will expose darkne_s_s.
2973 2254 Light will _reveal_ darkness.
2974 2255 Light will defeat darkness.
2975 :Owls:

2976 12/11/2017 >>73994

2977 RESPONDING TO: >>73904

2977 RESPONDING TO: >>73904


2979 2256 Follow the wives.

2980 2257 These people are stupid.

2981 12/11/2017 >>74037

2982 We have a special place picked out for GS.

2983 Really special.

2984 12/11/2017 >>74050

2985 RESPONDING TO: >>74029


2987 12/11/2017 >>74128

2988 2258 Risk of another shutdown.

2989 2259 Be prepared to lose access.
2990 12/11/2017 >>74533

2991 2260 FOR GOD & COUNTRY.

2992 2261 FREEDOM.
2993 2262 _ ]_y

2994 12/12/2017 >>82056

2995 Merry Christmas

2996 12/12/2017 >>82276

2997 Timestamp [Q] post [:03] against POTUS' Tweet [:13].

2998 [10]

2999 No coincidences.

3000 12/12/2017 Q-MAP UPDATED

3001 12/12/2017 >>85689

3002 RESPONDING TO: >>85627

3004 2263

3005 2264 Why must it be isolated and away from the 2016 election?

3006 2265 Have faith.

3007 2266 These people are stupid!
3008 12/13/2017 >>85926

3009 Patriots, rest assured we are in control.

3010 2267 Watch, confirm, and disseminate.
3011 2268 The country is not divided, this is fake news. ANTIFA was organized
purely for optics re: division.

3012 2269 It’s FAKE!

3013 2270 Estimated 4-6% we consider ‘hopeless’ and forever brainwashed.

3014 2271 Re-read crumbs re: slave grip the D’s have on the black pop.

3015 2272 Why is this relevant?

3016 2273 Why are jobs/economy (growth) relevant?

3017 2274 This requires a DEEP CLEANING.

3018 2275 These people are stupid.
3018 These people are stupid.

3019 2276 You are safe.

3020 2277 Have faith.
3021 12/13/2017 >>85959

3022 2278 “Special.”

3023 12/13/2017 >>86111

3024 RESPONDING TO: >>86037


3026 12/13/2017 >>92626

3027 RESPONDING TO: >>92291


3030 2279 You are learning.

3031 2280 News unlocks map.

3032 2281 Future proves past.
3033 2282 Not everything can be stated 1:1.

3034 12/13/2017 >>92710

3035 2283 “Documents from the Obama administration have been transferred to
the Barack Obama Presidential Library. You may send your request to
the Obama Library. However, you should be aware that under the
Presidential Records Act, Presidential records remain closed to the
public for five years after an administration has left office.”

3036 2284 RAIDED by the GOOD GUYS (per POTUS).

3037 2285 Shockingly quiet.
3038 2286 No leaks?
3039 2287 Presidential libraries are put in place to retain control over self-
incriminating c-doc releases.
3040 2288 Scam!
3041 2289 Review the law.
3042 2290 What is different re: Hussein’s PL?
3043 2291 Who controls?

3044 2292 These people really are stupid.

3044 These people really are stupid.

3045 12/13/2017 >>92737

3046 RESPONDING TO: >>92647


3048 2293 End is near.

3049 12/13/2017 >>92789

3050 RESPONDING TO: >>92680


3052 2294 Bad people watching.

3053 12/14/2017 >>93181

3054 Saw this in last thread.

3055 2295 Focus on papers on table.

3056 2296 Graphic at top.
3057 2297 They all belong to the same sick cult/club.
3058 12/14/2017 >>93246


3060 2298 Image at top: boy, boy/girl.
3061 2299 Enhance.
3062 2300 What else do you see?
3063 2301 Archive - watchers will now erase from web.
3064 12/14/2017 >>93267

3065 Getting closer

3066 12/14/2017 >>93287

3067 Godspeed, Patriots.

3069 >>93312

3070 RESPONDING TO FAKE Q: >>93267

3071 2302 Tag: USSS

3072 12/14/2017
3073 12/14/2017 Drama on /cbts/. Board Owner disabled tripcodes. Q unable to post.

3074 12/14/2017 >>99480

3075 Blocked from posting entering 'trip'. It would appear this board has
been compromised.
3076 12/14/2017 >>99500

3077 This board is compromised.

3078 Cannot enter trip code to verify auth.
3079 Trip code on 4 has also been modified.
3080 God bless,
3081 12/14/2017 >>99548

3082 Godspeed, Patriots.

3083 12/14/2017 >>99658

3085 24hrs to restore trip code or departure.
3086 Godspeed,
3087 Messages following are from 8/pol/ with the correct tripcode: !
3088 12/14/2017 >>11043803

3089 Lost access to /cbts/

3090 No ability to enter trip code.
3091 12/14/2017 >>11043832
3092 2303 Shall we play a game?

3093 2304 Find the spider(s) and build the web (the ‘map’).

3094 2305 Remember, they consider you to be the fly (specifically, the ‘feeder’).

3095 2306 Remember, they never thought she was going to lose.

3096 2307 Therefore, they never thought investigations and/or public interest into
their criminal acts would be exposed/investigated.

3097 2308 Therefore, they never thought they had anything to fear.

3098 2309 Therefore, they openly showcase their symbolism.

3099 2310 Therefore, they were sloppy.

3100 2311 Hussein’s last speech in Chicago re: ‘scandal free’.

3101 2312 Why did he continually emphasize that phrase?

3102 2313 As a backup, they infiltrated and control the narrative (the ‘MSM’).

3103 2314 As a backup, they install only those on the team.

3104 2315 As a backup, they blackmail those that aren’t.

3105 2316 As a backup, they defined ‘conspiracy’ as crazy/mentally unstable and

label anything ‘true’ as such.

3106 2317 This works given most of what they engage in is pure evil and simply
unbelievable (hard to swallow).

3107 2318 The ‘fix’ has always been in – no matter which party won the election
(-JFK (killed)/Reagan(shot)).
3108 2319 This was always the promise made to those who played the game
(willingly or otherwise) (i.e., they would never lose power).

3109 2320 Power of the (3) letter agencies.

3110 2321 Power over the US Military (WW dominance to push against other
nations and install like-kind).
3111 2322 These people are really stupid.
3112 2323 Follow the husbands.
3113 2324 Another Hint:
3114 2325 Ian Cameron

3115 2326 McKinsey & Company

3116 2327 Clowns In America.

3117 2328 Dr. Emmett J. Rice.

3117 Dr. Emmett J. Rice.

3118 2329 Federal Reserve.

3119 2330 Everyone is connected.

3120 2331 How about a nice game of chess?

3120 How about a nice game of chess?

3121 (No ability to enter trip code - last dump)

3122 12/14/2017 >>11043839

3123 RESPONDING TO: >>11043835


3125 Fake.
3126 12/14/2017 >>11044319

3127 2332 Trip code on 4 working.

3128 2333 #FLYSIDFLY#

3129 2334 We don't like to say his name.


3131 12/15/2017 >>11045052

3132 Being advised to update code.

3133 2335 Serious hardware being used to break.

3134 4 is not secure.

3135 12/15/2017 >>11045057

3136 Updated.
3137 12/15/2017 >>11045061
3137 >>11045061

3138 RESPONDING TO: >>11045057 (self, previous post)


3139 Confirmed.

3140 12/15/2017 >>11045072

3141 RESPONDING TO: >>11045061 (self, previous post)


3142 Confirmed
3143 12/15/2017 >>11045132

3144 We may have exhausted our ability to maintain safe-comms.

3145 2336 Snow White.

3146 2337 Rig for silent running.

3147 Unknown return.
3148 Godspeed, Patriots.
3149 12/15/2017 >>11045213

3150 2338 _Conf_term[5]_y

3151 2339 _SECFAIL-490b

3152 2340 Private OP_END

3153 12/15/2017 >>11045246

3154 2341 Follow the crumbs.

3155 2342 You have it all.
3156 2343 SEC Conf will be analyzed.
3157 2344 Dark [10].

3158 2345 Enjoy the show!

3159 12/18/2017 >>121327

3160 2346 FLASH_BREAK_

3161 2347 /\* /\ /\*

3162 2348 Shall we play a game?

3163 2349 Map is critical to understand.
3164 2350 Future unlocks past.
3165 2351 DECLAS_ATL_(past).
3166 2352 News unlocks map.
3167 2353 Find the markers.
3168 2354 10 & [10].
3169 2355 12/7 – 12/17.
3170 2356 Concourse F.
3171 2357 Terminal 5.

3172 2358 Private_operated plane (OP)?

3173 2359 ATL -> IAD

3174 2360 Extraction/known.

3175 2361 Dark.

3176 2362 Darkness.

3177 2363 Learn double meanings.

3178 2364 SHUTDOWN.
3179 2365 Q/POTUS-1

3180 2366 Q/POTUS-2

3181 2367 Q/POTUS-3

3182 2368 Q/POTUS-4 [10]

3183 2369 Q/POTUS-5

3184 2370 “Special Place”

3185 2371 Why are drops highlighted by POTUS shortly thereafter?

3186 2372 Coincidence or message?

3187 2373 “The Great Awakening”

3188 2374 POTUS today.

3189 2375 Unlock?

3190 2376 CLAS_OP_IAD_(future).

3191 2377 How about a nice game of chess?

3192 2378 SPLASH.

3193 2379 FOX THREE.

3194 12/18/2017 >>121409

3195 RESPONDING TO: >>121392


3197 12/18/2017 >>121449

3198 RESPONDING TO: >>121446

3200 2380 Extraction_GOOD.

3201 12/18/2017 >>121519

3202 RESPONDING TO: >>121501


3204 2380 We would not 'intentionally' harm a person in the pursuit of a TARGET.

3205 2381 This was retaliatory re: ATL.

3206 12/18/2017 >>121555

3207 RESPONDING TO: >>121535


3209 2382 BISHOP (cult).

3210 12/18/2017 >>121559

3210 >>121559

3211 RESPONDING TO: >>121553

3213 2383 Clock started - 10 days.
3214 12/18/2017 >>121650

3215 2384 Why did the WH link posted turn up 404 (2) days after?

3216 2385 Expand your thinking.

3217 2386 Do you believe in coincidences?

3218 12/18/2017 >>121690

3219 2387 House of cards.

3220 2388 12 deals rejected (today alone).

3221 2389 Panic in DC.


3223 Enjoy the show.

3224 12/18/2017 >>122123

3225 2391 Term_[#2]19_y

3226 2392 NAT_SEC_

3227 2393 NAT_SEC_A,H,H, L, B, E, classified Cdg-23k
3228 2394 FREEDOM_#1-43
3228 FREEDOM_#1-43

3229 2395 CAP_H(9).

3231 2396 MAVERICK.

3233 2397 JUSTICE_FED_J[1-4]_remove + appellate

3234 12/18/2017 >>122211

3235 2398 19 OPs [now].
3236 2399 Operators active.
3237 2400 Operators in harms way.
3238 2401 POTUS awake.

3239 2402 No sleep during OP.

3240 Pray.
3241 12/19/2017 >>126896

3242 Newsweek article:

3243 2nd article

3244 2403 Same day.

3245 2404 Coincidence?
3246 2405 Only the beginning
3247 12/19/2017 >>126948

3248 RESPONDING TO: >>126928

3250 How far away is the closest star?
3251 What do you think?

3252 12/19/2017 >>126998

3253 RESPONDING TO: >>126934

3254 2406 ‘Conspiracy’

3255 2407 Theme will be pushed.

3256 2408 BIG threat to them.

3257 2409 All absorbed in RT.

3258 Feel proud.

3259 12/19/2017 >>127012

3260 RESPONDING TO: >>126988


3262 No UN troops.
3263 Fake.
3264 12/19/2017 >>127064

3265 RESPONDING TO: >>126931

3267 Roger that.
3268 12/19/2017 >>127069

3269 RESPONDING TO: >>127057


3271 2410 NAT G.

3272 12/19/2017 >>127154

3273 2411 We won’t telegraph our moves to the ENEMY.

3274 2412 We will however light a FIRE to flush them out.

3275 12/19/2017 >>127286

3276 RESPONDING TO: >>127237


3278 2413 We have tremendous WW support.

3279 2414 SATAN has left the WH.

3280 2415 Day of days.

3281 12/19/2017 >>127379

3282 RESPONDING TO: >>127305


3284 2416 FOX 3?

3285 12/19/2017 >>127397

3286 2417 Bill Binney.

3287 12/19/2017 >>127421

3288 RESPONDING TO: >>127396

3290 2418 Thought when we 404’d the link that gave confirmation.

3291 Learn.
3292 12/19/2017 >>127429

3293 RESPONDING TO: >>127420


3295 2419 PATRIOT of the highest caliber.

3296 12/19/2017 >>127449

3297 RESPONDING TO: >>127411



3300 End is near.

3301 12/19/2017 >>128296
3301 >>128296

3302 2420 Define CORRUPTION.

3303 2421 Iris Weinshall.

3304 2422 New York City Department of Transportation.

3305 2423 Responsibility of DoT?

3306 2424 Budget for past (5) years?

3307 2425 Former commissioner?

3308 2426 Empire State Dev Corp?

3309 2427 Urban Dev Corp?

3309 Urban Dev Corp?

3310 2428 Dept of Economic Dev?

3311 2429 Integrated Resources, Inc.?

3312 2430 US Senator of NY?

3313 2431 Follow me down the hole.

3314 2432

3316 2433 These people are STUPID.

3317 12/19/2017 >>128438

3318 2434 CS/Soros.

3319 2435 CS/Playboy.

3320 2436 CS/Heidi Fleiss.


3322 12/19/2017 >>128547

3323 2438

3324 2439 Are we there yet?

3325 12/19/2017 >>128629

3326 2440 Twitter rants can be harmful.

3327 2441 Lesson learned?

3328 2442 How about _SIERRA_C_?

3328 How about _SIERRA_C_?

3329 2443 How about ($22/Singapore)?

3330 2444 When does a bird sing?

3331 2445 Goodbye C.

3332 12/19/2017 >>128724

3333 RESPONDING TO: >>128571


3335 2446 3,000+ saved by the raids in SA alone.

3336 2447 WW lanes shut down.

3337 2448 Bottom to TOP.

3338 2449 [HAITI].

3339 2450 [RED CROSS]

3340 2451 [CLASSIFIED]

3341 2452 High Priority.

3342 12/19/2017 >>129526

3343 Board owner, mods, and other patriots:

Sincere thanks for all that you do.
You are true heroes.
Long overdue - my apologies.
There will be a day (within the next few months) that a scary but safe
personalized message finds its way to you on multiple platforms
recognizing your contributions.

We thank you for your service.

3344 12/19/2017 >>129599

3345 RESPONDING TO: >>129558


3347 Safety first.

We have the USSS, NSA, and DHS, also protecting this message.

No random IP needed (though we can implement at a moments

3348 12/19/2017 >>130030


3350 2454 DIRECT: CODE 234 SEC: B1-3

3351 2455 DIRECT: CODE 299 SEC: F19-A

3352 2456 [ C P 19]

3353 2457 Show the World Our Power.

3354 2458 RED_OCTOBER>

3355 12/19/2017 >>130064


3357 2459 SWEET DREAMS.
3358 2460 P_pers: Public (not private).

3359 2461 NATSEC_19384z_A_DT-approve

3359 NATSEC_19384z_A_DT-approve

3360 12/19/2017 >>130170

3361 2462 21_[ f ]_SEQ1239

3362 2463 22_SEQ_FREE_9-ZBA

3363 2464 22_WH_POTUS_PRESS

3364 2465 Divert-ATT_CAP_H
3364 Divert-ATT_CAP_H

3365 12/19/2017 >>130185

3366 2466 1_y

3367 12/21/2017 Q tripcode entered incorrectly on /cbts/, thus did not show

3368 12/21/2017 >>139686

3369 RESPONDING TO: >>139380


3371 We were inspired by anons here to make our efforts more public.

3372 Find the exchange 2 days ago.


3374 Feel proud!

3375 12/21/2017 >>139691

3376 Trip entered but not showing.

3377 Anon suggested Q post in /pol/ to verify
3378 12/21/2017 >>1106894
3379 /cbts/ error in trip.

3380 12/21/2017 >>139761

3381 Test.
3382 Following post on /pol/ to verify correct tripcode
3383 12/21/2017 >>11068701

3384 Trip test.

3385 Following posts on /cbts/ after authentication in /pol/

3386 12/21/2017 >>139784


3389 12/21/2017 >>139792

3390 Pass entered incorrectly first time.

3391 12/21/2017 >>139851

3392 RESPONDING TO: >>139840


3394 2467 We listened.

3395 2468 Find the exchange.


3397 2469 No coincidences.

3398 12/21/2017 >>142621

3399 Test.
3400 12/21/2017 >>142639

3401 Did you find the exchange 2 days ago re: WH EO today?

3402 We listened.
3403 Feel proud.
3404 12/21/2017 >>142660
3404 >>142660

3405 RESPONDING TO: >>142639

3406 2470 ES (Goog) resigned today post EO.

3407 2471 Coincidence?

3408 12/21/2017 >>142996

3409 RESPONDING TO: >>142811



3412 Correct exchange.

3413 2472 Anon(s) changed our mind re: Private / Public.

3414 2473 We are listening.

3415 2474 Highest priorty.

3416 Have faith.
3417 12/21/2017 >>143007

3418 Trip not working on multiple devices.

3419 12/21/2017 >>143025
3419 >>143025

3420 RESPONDING TO: >>143007

3421 12/21/2017 >>143034

3422 Trip working on one device only.

Multiple devices necessary
3423 12/21/2017 >>143174

3424 2475 Track CEO resignations.

3425 12/21/2017 >>143223

3426 RESPONDING TO: >>143179


3428 Hope you enjoyed the Xmas decor!

3429 2476 POTUS will verify directly to provide crumb auth for dissemination.

3430 2477 We are crushing these sick people.

3431 God bless, Patriot
3432 12/21/2017 >>143258

3433 2478 We are in this together.

3434 2479 No one person is above another.

3435 2480 We stand together.

3436 2481 Watch the news.

3437 Godspeed, Patriots.

3438 12/21/2017 >>143329

3439 2482 Soros takes orders from P.

3440 2483 You have no idea how sick and evil these people are.

3441 2484 Fight, fight, fight.

3442 2485 Day of days.

3443 2486 Game over.

3444 12/21/2017 >>145363

3445 2487 News unlocks Map.

3446 2488 Future proves past.
3447 2489 Stringers important. Hint:
3448 2490 12/19 22_WH_POTUS_PRESS
3449 2491 Divert-ATT_CAP_H (Find Post)
3450 2492 News: POTUS Tax Bill Speech (learn (22)(2+2_)). AT&T Diverted
Capital Home.
3452 12/22/2017 >>145408

3453 Test.
3454 12/22/2017 >>145418

3455 RESPONDING TO: >>145408


3456 Trip works on single device. Multiple devices required.

3457 12/22/2017 >>145498

3457 >>145498

3458 All devices provided specifically for comm here.

3459 Secured (heavily).
3460 Non Win 10. Multiple.
3461 12/22/2017 >>145878

3462 Test.
3463 NB: testing other devices ability to use tripcode. Test successful.

3464 12/22/2017 >>145882

3465 Test 2.
3466 12/22/2017 >>145885

3467 Test 3.
3468 12/22/2017 >>145899

3469 Fully operational.

3470 Resolved.
3471 12/22/2017 >>146127

3472 2493 How did NK suddenly have miniaturized nukes upon POTUS taking

3473 2494 What was stated during Hussein’s term by agencies?

3474 2495 How did NK suddenly obtain missle guidance cap?

3475 2496 What is leverage?

3476 2497 Define hostage.

3477 2498 Their last hope!

3478 12/22/2017 >>146147

3479 RESPONDING TO: >>146134


3481 2499 Why is the ‘i’ missing?

3482 12/22/2017 >>146058

3483 RESPONDING TO: >>145983

3485 2500 Define Shutdown.
3486 2501 Was ATL shutdown?

3487 2502 Will NK be shutdown?

3488 2503 Who controls NK?

3489 2504 Leverage?

3490 2505 Remove leverage to capture the flag?

3491 2506 Capture the flag to end the rule?
3492 2507 End the rule of who?

3493 2508 Who controls NK?

3494 2509 TRUST.

3495 12/22/2017 >>146268

3496 RESPONDING TO: >>146142

3498 2510 Why is EM provided BIG WW subsidies?

3499 2511 No subsidies = ?

3500 2512 Clown contribution in exchange for access code?

3501 2513 Why relevant?

3502 2514 Amazon Echo?

3503 2515 Google Home?

3504 2516 Clown contributions?

3505 2517 Apple Face ID Tech?

3506 2518 FB Face ID Tech?

3507 2519 Catching on?

3508 2520 Bombs Away.

3509 12/22/2017 >>146328

3510 RESPONDING TO: >>146206

3512 2521 Do you believe in coincidences?

3513 2513 Keep list updated.

3514 2514 Flood unstoppable.

3515 12/22/2017 >>146454

3516 RESPONDING TO: >>146326

3518 2516 What do Clowns do w/ the access codes and tech?

3519 2517 Who controls NK?

3520 2518 Who really controls NK?
3521 2519 What families are protected using leverage? Bank/ Financial
3522 2520 NUKE strike package leverage? W
3523 2521 hy is IRAN protected?
3524 2522 Why is IRAN funded by the US?

3525 2523 What news about IRAN broke?

3526 2524 Drugs?

3527 2525 What about WMDs?

3528 2526 Why did Brennan / others provide false intel re: NK capability + IRAN
Tech / NUKE DEV?

3529 2527 Plate full.

3530 Have faith.
3531 12/22/2017 >>146599

3532 2528 We are moving fast.

3533 2529 Remember, not all within the C-A, D-J, F-I are bad apples.

3534 2530 House cleaning (TOP).

3535 2531 Restructuring (1 to 2).

3536 2532 Operations 24/7.
3537 2533 Speed.
3538 12/22/2017 >>148761

3539 RESPONDING TO: >>148729


3541 2534 TRUST WRAY.

3542 12/22/2017 >>148746

3543 RESPONDING TO: >>148634

3545 2535 MISSILE.
3546 2536 MISSLE.

3547 2537 FOX THREE.

3548 2538 SPLASH.


3550 2540 RED_OCTOBER>

3551 12/22/2017 >>148848

3552 RESPONDING TO: >>148751


3554 Patriot, your country needs you.

You are not alone.
God is LOVE.
2018 will be GLORIOUS!
God bless,
3555 12/22/2017 >>148994
3556 2541 ‘Yellow Brick Road’.
3557 2542 F-I speech - history.
3558 2543 Wizards & Warlocks.

3559 2544 Alice & Wonderland.

3560 2545 Solved?


3562 12/22/2017 >>151134


3564 2546 [DNC BREACH / DOSSIER]

3565 2547 [DNC]

3566 2548 [SR]>
3567 2549 [WL]>
3568 2550 HUSSEIN>
3569 2551 DNI DIR>

3570 2552 CLOWN DIR>

3571 2553 CLAS: 1-12>
3572 2554 GOOG>

3573 2555 CROWDSTRIKE>

3574 2556 DNC>

3575 2557 (SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)>

3576 2558 DWS_DIR>

3577 2559 F-I/D-J ASSIST>

3578 2560 INSURANCE

3579 2561 /_\ >

3580 2562 HUSSEIN>

3581 2563 HRC>
3582 2564 LL>
3583 2565 JC>
3584 2566 AM>
3585 2567 PS>
3586 2568 (SUPPORT: CS, NP, AS, CLAS-1, CLAS-2, CLAS-3, CLAS-4, CLAS-
5, CLAS-6)>

3587 2569 BRIT INTEL>

3588 2570 HRC CAMP PAY>
3589 2571 DNC PAY>
3590 2572 CLAS: 1-4 PAY>
3591 2573 STEELE>

3592 2574 PODESTA>


3594 2576 CLAS: 1-9>

3595 2577 US SEN NO NAME>


3596 2578 US SEN CLAS-1>

3597 2579 US SEN CLAS-2>

3598 2580 JC>

3599 2581 LL>
3600 2582 HUSSEIN>

3601 2583 [FISA 2]

3602 2584 PRES DAILY B>

3603 2585 US SEN NO NAME>

3604 2586 NEWS SHOP>

3605 2587 BUZZF>






3611 12/23/2017 >>154238



3613 RESPONDING TO: >>154006


3616 2591 2011 Shuttle Program terminated by Hussein.

3617 2592 US loses space dominance.

3618 2593

3619 2594 IRAN Nuke deal.

3620 2595 NK Nuke/Missile Tech.

3621 2596 SpaceX.

3622 2597 NASA Tech to ?

3623 2598 HRC SAPs (private server).

3624 2599 Connected.

3625 2600 $$$,$$$,$$$.00 (pockets).

3626 2601 EYE OF RA.
3627 2602 Left eye [marker].

3628 2603 Symbolism.

3629 2604 EVIL.

3630 2605 STUPID.

3631 2606 JUSTICE.

3633 12/23/2017 >>154468

3634 RESPONDING TO: >>154372

3636 2607 What rocket fired today?

3637 2608 [i]

3638 2609 Message sent.

3639 12/23/2017 >>154505

3640 RESPONDING TO: >>154429


3642 2610 Who was suppose to be the next President?

3643 2611 Expand your thinking.

3644 12/23/2017 >>154535

3645 RESPONDING TO: >>154477

3647 2612 Future news will unlock more of the message.
3648 2613 Missing [i] confirmed.
3648 Missing [i] confirmed.

3649 12/23/2017 >>154583

3650 RESPONDING TO: >>154493


3652 2614 Message back.

3653 2615 UFO put out to detract from drops.
3654 12/23/2017 >>154682

3655 RESPONDING TO: >>154644


3657 26162617 It’s coming back in a big way.

3658 2618 Space is critical to our NAT SEC.

3659 2619 Was terminated for a specific reason.

3660 Godspeed, Patriot.
3661 12/23/2017 >>156837

3662 2620 12-23-NK.png

3663 12/23/2017 >>156848
3664 2621

3665 12/23/2017 >>156879

3666 2622

3667 12/23/2017 >>158078

3668 2623 SEARCH crumbs: [#2]

3669 2634 Who is #2?
3670 2625 No deals.
3671 12/23/2017 >>158144

3672 RESPONDING TO: >>158096

3673 2627 Coincidence?

3674 2628 News unlocks Map.
3675 12/23/2017 >>158162

3676 RESPONDING TO: >>158138


3678 2629 Who posted first? [#2].

3679 12/23/2017 >>158219

3680 RESPONDING TO: >>158194


3682 RESPONDING TO: >>158202


3684 2630

3685 12/23/2017 >>158261

3686 2631 Who is meeting in secret right now?

3687 2632 WE SEE YOU!

3688 2633 WE HEAR YOU!

3690 12/23/2017 >>158439

3691 2365 ENOU[G]H IS EN[O]UGH.

3692 2366 _CONF_AW-CjF78-82(Z 00:00)_

3693 2367 :OWLS:

3694 Good Hunting!

3695 12/23/2017 >>158900

3696 2638 Side-by-side graphic?

3697 2639 Locate and create.
3698 2640 [:22]
3699 2641 SEARCH crumbs: [#2]

Who is #2?
No deals.
3700 2642 [:27]
3701 2643 How can FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, the man in charge,
along with leakin’ James Comey, of the Phony Hillary Clinton
investigation (including her 33,000 illegally deleted emails) be given
$700,000 for wife’s campaign by Clinton Puppets during investigation?

3702 2644 [5]

3703 2645 Previous also logged in graphic form [10] + others?

3704 2646 Timestamps important.

3705 2647 Countdown?
3706 2648 Markers.
3707 12/23/2017 >>158980

3708 RESPONDING TO: >>158952


3710 2649 5 minutes.

3711 2650 Missing 10 marker from past.
3712 2651 Missing 15 marker from past.
3713 2652 Timestamps have meaning.
3714 12/23/2017 >>159016

3715 RESPONDING TO: >>159016

3716 2653 Graphics should be in same time zone.

3717 2654 Delta relevant.

3718 2655 [5] Today

3719 2656 [10] Past

3720 2657 [15] Past

3721 12/24/2017 >>162785

3722 photo of Gen. George Washington crossing the Delaware River on

Dec 25-26 1776
3724 12/25/2017 >>172761

3725 RESPONDING TO: >>172726


Celebrate this SPECIAL day in a BIG way.

God bless you all.

3728 12/25/2017 >>172884

3729 Thank you all for your trust, faith, and patriotism.
WE are privileged to serve you.
Please PRAY for those who would lay down their lives to protect our

You are safe.

God bless.
3730 12/25/2017 >>173382
3731 2659 10, [10-9]
3732 2660 Operational_window(5-6)_FDeltaC25-26

3733 2661 Secured.

3734 2662 Floor is yours.

3735 2663 Twitter FW_

3736 2664 Twitter [kill_rogue]




3740 1/4/2018 >>238914


3741 2666 [J-Go_dX)-2-8

3742 2667 Everything has meaning.
3743 Who is AMB Matlock?

3744 2668 YES.

3745 2669 /[RR-out][P_pers]

3745 /[RR-out][P_pers]

3746 2670 EO_CLASSIFIED_WH[ -6713A]

3746 EO_CLASSIFIED_WH[ -6713A]
3747 2671 SIG_con_MAR39sv3665BECD
3749 1/4/2018 >>11115887

3750 2672 What makes a movie GOOD?

3751 2673 GREAT actors?


3753 1/4/2018 >>239015

3753 >>239015

Lock routed CA IP and tag.
Secured and fixed.
Previous pw was let go.
Safeguards in place.
3755 1/4/2018 >>239349

3756 2674 10-Jul


3758 1/4/2018 >>239222

3759 >>239015
Ill just confirm here that this poster is Q.
I suggest the /cbts/ board owner re-enable trip codes for all until Q's
tripcode is confirmed or reconfirmed.

3760 1/4/2018 >>239917

3761 >>239222

Would like to confirm for everyone that this is indeed Q. Have

checked using teh mod powahs. User has indeed posted from that
device before and made a verified legit Q post.

Post last edited at 01/04/18 (Thu) 08:09:10

3762 1/4/2018 >>239968

3763 Q IS BACK
Greetings glorious anons! Trips are now re-enabled because of a
heads-up from Codemonkey that Q has posted again on /pol/. See his
post here: >>239222

Checked and ayed.

3764 1/5/2018 >>248590

3765 2675 Follow the MONEY.

3766 2676 Loop Capital Markets.
3767 Happy Hunting.
3768 2677 BIG NEXT WEEK.
3769 1/5/2018 >>248629

3770 One post today.

3771 No other platforms used.

3772 No comms privately w/ anyone.

3773 Don’t get lost.

3774 1/5/2018 >>248746

3775 2678 Why is Hussein traveling the globe?

3776 2679 $$$,$$$,$$$
3777 2680 Acct # xx-XXXxx-x-39670
3778 2681 Acct # XXXxx-XXXx-2391
3779 2682 Where did the MONEY come from?
3780 2683 How do you destroy the most POWERFUL country in the world?

3781 2684 Direct attack?

3782 2685 Covert OP by [CLAS-59#241-Q] to infiltrate at highest level to destroy
from within?
3783 2686 Think GAME.
3784 2687 Who are the PLAYERS?
3785 2688 What are the REWARDS?
3788 2691 We will make more public.
3789 2692 SA was strategic.
3790 2693 “We know” “Do as we say or face consequences”
3791 These people are stupid!





3793 1/5/2018 >>251626

3794 Trip !2n is fake.
3795 IP today is same as always and secured.
3796 If mods are stating otherwise board is compromised.

3797 1/5/2018 >>251705

3798 RESPONDING TO: >>251666


3800 Posted 4-5 times today.

3801 We anticipated life to be short on each platform given verification and
message spreading rapidly.
3802 We can limit outside exposure but cannot protect against internals.

3803 BO please advise IP reading and verify site still safe/auth.

3804 1/5/2018 >>251731

3805 RESPONDING TO: >>251685


3807 False.
3808 Did they get to you?
3809 Board compromised.
3810 1/5/2018 >>251826

3811 Test Device 1.

3812 _END_
3813 1/5/2018 >>252070
3814 There will be no further posts on this board under this ID.

3815 This will verify the trip is safeguarded and in our control.

3816 This will verify this board is compromised

3817 God bless each and every one of you.
3818 Fight, fight, fight!

3820 1/5/2018 >>4657

3821 Test.
3822 CodeMonkey pls log and confirm IDEN.
3823 1/5/2018 >>4706

3824 CodeMonkey - once IDEN validated can you provide a secure board
to post under your control to prevent future issues.

3825 IP / device kept the same for your verification.

3826 IP / trip secured at highest level.
3827 BIG events coming.

3829 1/6/2018 >>6067

3830 As I mentioned on >>>/sudo/66101, I updated the code for super

secure tripcodes because someone found it was excluding capital
letters, thus making them less secure. I immediately changed the
code on January 5, 2018. Because it wasn't really announced except
on /sudo/, this might have caused some confusion. Sorry about that.
Regarding any Q posts that happened then, I can't verify anything
because it seems the posts have been deleted. However, let's
assume Q's post history wasn't the same. That does not necessarily
mean his tripcode has been cracked. Q might have changed IPs,
reset his connection, used cellular data, used a different VPN provider
or even a different IP location from the same VPN provider - there are
a number of reasons why a post history might start from scratch.
Again, I cannot verify his posts because, well, they don't exist

3831 1/6/2018 >>6139

3832 Based on the access logs, which I had to carefully go through just for
this - and this alone, I can confirm this is Q (>>>/thestorm/4706),
using his verified tripcode.

3833 1/6/2018 >>6196

3834 A summary of events.

>January 2
I added super secure tripcodes. /cbts/ BO secures one.

>January 5 (Japan time)

Someone on /sudo/ pointed out that super secure tripcodes excluded
capital letters, a big oversight which I fixed. I changed the code and
announced it just on /sudo/. /cbts/ BO doesn't know about it and
continues using the tripcode he secured, but because the code
changed, his tripcode also changed - this led to confusion.

3835 Q comes back and posts on /cbts/ normally. Post history is not the
same, IP hash is not the same. /cbts/ BO assumes, incorrectly, that
this is not Q, even though there are a number of reasons why a post
history may start from zero, including changing VPN providers,
changing VPN IP locations, using cellular data, resetting your modem,
posting from a different location, using a different IP (hotel, restaurant

/cbts/ BO deletes those posts.

Then, Q goes to /pol/, where he is banned, and then /thestorm/,
where he asks for verification.

Around 12 hours later, I confirm it is actually Q using his verified

tripcode (still uncracked) on /thestorm/.

3836 1/6/2018 >>256225



3838 1/6/2018 >>6326

3839 About creating a global board just for Calm Before the Storm-related
happenings, I must decline the request. But why?

8chan tries to give anons all the tools they need to post as freely as
they can provided this happens within the boundaries of the law. I
created the tripcode whitelist and super secure tripcodes because I
saw there was a need for it. As admin, I have other tasks, like
understanding the code I inherited and implementing additional
features our users want without breaking the website.

Creating and managing yet another global board would reduce the
time I have to update and maintain the 8chan codebase and this
wouldn't be fair to the 16,500+ boards 8chan currently has.

All of this reminds me a lot of the early GamerGate boards (not the
later split). Try not to fall prey to board brands. The board name
doesn't matter because you are mission-oriented, first and foremost. If
board x falls, move to board y; if board y becomes compromised,
move to board z and so on and so forth. This is the 8chan system.
Finally, I probably wouldn't be a good BO. I'm forgetful and quite busy.
What if you need immediate action and I'm traveling or shoveling
snow or walking the dog? You would do better with a mission-specific
BO that is knowledgeable about these happenings.

3840 1/6/2018 >>256326



3842 1/6/2018 >>256446

3843 RESPONDING TO: >>256410


3845 Enabling/Disabling public mod logs is a board owner setting. I can't

override the board owner setting. Please ask the board owner to
enable/disable the logs.

3846 1/6/2018 >>6623

3847 THEY Divide.

WE Conquer.
Anticipated – human nature.
Anticipated – interruptions by others.
Matlock meant to become PUBLIC.
CM – thank you for IDEN verification.
CM – how can a secure ‘read only’ board be set up whereby the
message can be safely delivered?

If a board was created, you verified IDEN, and control was w/ you/us,
that would eliminate confusion as to IDEN/AUTH correct?

No mod management – only info dumps.

Fact-finding, archiving, discussion, etc. can then be done on a
designated ‘follow up’ board.

Message is all that matters.

Time is severely limited.
3848 1/6/2018 >>6658


NO comms w/ anyone privately.

NO comms outside of this platform.
3850 1/6/2018 >>7930

3851 2694 Marker missed?

3852 2695 [RR-out]

3853 2697 POTUS Tweet - RR/out.

3853 POTUS Tweet - RR/out.

3854 2698 Why is this relevant?

3855 1/6/2018 >>7958

3856 RESPONDING TO: >>7935

3858 2699 Timestamp.
3859 2700 Decipher.
3860 2701 Think clock.
3861 2702 Wind the clock w/ all markers.
3862 2703 Relevant.
3863 Future proves past.
3864 1/6/2018 >>7980

3865 2704 Why is POTUS referring to the Black pop now?

3866 Refer back to crumbs.
3867 1/6/2018 >>8039

3868 2705 How much did AUS donate to CF?

3869 2706 How much did SA donate to CF?
3870 Compare.
3871 2707 Why is this relevant?
3872 2708 What phone call between POTUS and X/AUS leaked?

3873 2709 List the leadership in AUS.

3874 2710 IDEN leadership during Hussein term.
3874 IDEN leadership during Hussein term.

3875 2711 IDEN leadership during POTUS' term.

3876 2712 Who controls AUS?

3877 2713 Who really controls AUS?

3878 2714 UK?

3879 2715 Why is this relevant?

3880 1/6/2018 >>8091


3882 1/6/2018 >>8159




3887 2717 Look familiar?

3888 2718 Note the desk.

3889 2719 Where is everyone this weekend?
3891 1/06//18 >>8223

3892 RESPONDING TO: >>8172


3894 1/7/2018 >>12425

3895 2719 “Whatever happened to this Pakistani guy who worked with the

3896 2720 150 mile restriction?

3897 2721 What airport is within 150 miles (home)?

3898 2722 What events can be tied to airport?

3899 2723 When specifically?

3900 2724 When did POTUS Tweet the above?

3901 2725 Why is this relevant?

3901 Why is this relevant?

3902 2726 Planes & Trains.

3903 2727 FEAR.

3904 1/7/2018 >>13082

3905 2728 Hussein/HRC (& many more) must be terrified!

3906 2729 Ahmadinejed talking.
3907 2730 Where did ALL that money go?
3908 2731 How many planes?
3909 2732 Where did the planes land?
3910 2733 Why were Clowns/private contractors escorting?
3911 2734 Why cash?
3912 2735 Why offshore cash?
3913 2736 Why wasn’t Congress notified for approval?
3914 2737 Where did the bank wires originate from?
3915 2738 Coincidence all donations to the CF terminated post defeat?

3916 2739 What did AUS/UK obtain in exchange for all that money?

3917 2740 Where do majority of Rothschilds reside?

3918 2741 Why is Hussein traveling the globe and visiting major financial
3919 2742 [$115,000,000]
3920 2743 Who are the Muslim Brotherhood?
3921 2744 Who is AWAN?
3922 2745 Who is Huma?
3923 2746 Who is VJ?
3924 2747 Who created ISIS?
3925 2748 Who controlled ISIS?
3926 2749 What was the purpose of ISIS?
3927 2750 Who is MS13?
3928 2751 Why were known MS13 members released after capture?

3929 2752 Who controls MS13?

3930 2753 Who FUNDS MS13?
3931 2754 Hard to swallow.
3932 2755 Watch the news.
3933 2756 Stages.
3934 1/7/2018 >>13097

3935 RESPONDING TO: >>13061


3937 Coincidence?
3938 1/7/2018 >>13128

3939 RESPONDING TO: >>13104


3941 Coincidence?
3942 2757 Who received the stolen intel?
3943 2578 Who paid who?
3944 1/7/2018 >>13138

3945 RESPONDING TO: >>13129

3947 Could you sleep if you knew the truth about EVERYTHING?

3948 1/7/2018 >>13147

3949 God bless Patriots

3950 1/7/2018 >>13359

3951 2759 US taxpayers are paying for it all.

3952 2760 Paris accord = scam (trillions)
3953 2761 Red Cross = scam (billions)
3954 2762 Foreign Aid = scam (trillions)
3955 2763 WAR = scam (trillions)
3956 ………on…and….on……..
3957 2764 Who audits where the money actually goes?
3958 2765 Who actually receives the money?
3959 2766 The US taxpayer is funding the very people we are engaged in taking
3960 2767 Slush funds everywhere.
3961 2768 Think GS pays for Antifa out of his own pocket?
3962 2769 The hole is deep.
3963 Feel sick yet?
3964 1/7/2018 >>13412

3965 God FOREVER bless our brave men & women who would give their
life to defend this GREAT country.

3966 God bless each and every Patriot in the world.

3968 1/7/2018 >>13528

3969 2770 How are Senators worth many millions of dollars?

3970 2771 How does MW live in a $4mm home?
3971 2772 How many past/current politicians have foundations or institutes?

3972 2773 CORRUPT.

3973 2774 BROKEN.
3974 2775 TRAITORS!!!
3975 2776 JUSTICE.
3976 2777 JAIL.
3977 2778 DEATH.
3978 1/7/2018 >>13549

3979 We will never lose again win this is finished.

3980 1/7/2018 >>13615

3981 RESPONDING TO: >>13534


3983 2779 Review the Congressional investigation on PP.

3984 Be prepared for what you learn.
3985 2780 Next question - how are they allowed to operate?
3986 These people are SICK!
3987 1/7/2018 >>13668

3988 2781 7th floor is no more.

3989 1/7/2018 >>13696

3990 RESPONDING TO: >>13655


3992 Mark as graphic material.

3993 1/7/2018 >>20530

3994 RESPONDING TO: >>20277


3996 Confirmed.
3997 Add to graphic.
3998 1/7/2018 >>20558

3999 2782 Good[win]

4000 2783 [win]/when

4001 2784 [15]
4002 1/7/2018 >>20604

4003 2785 LOCK: 15-10-5

4004 2786 DEFCON [1]
4005 2787 [1] SIG
4006 1/7/2018 >>20631

4007 RESPONDING TO: >>20603


4009 Do you believe in coincidences?

4010 2788 [2] Q Chapters.
4010 [2] Q Chapters.

4011 1/7/2018 >>20735

4012 2789 DEFCON 1

4013 2790 4/10/2020
4014 2791 FIRE & FURY
4015 2792 (9) states of CLAS-ready go-live.
4016 2793 (34) commands LIVE.
4017 2794 CODES command ACTION.
4018 [non-nuclear].

4019 2795 [1] OWL [1]

4020 1/7/2018 >>20857

4021 2796 P_pers: [1] Confirmed.

4022 2797 _ACTION_DBF5Cz-BSY-1_y

4025 1/7/2018 >>21093

4026 2799 Original [15] min

4027 2800 DEFCON [1] CONF

4028 2801 Revised [1] min

4029 Coincidence?

4030 1/7/2018 >>21121

4031 RESPONDING TO: >>21093

4032 21802 Original missing "Q"
4033 21803 Revised including "Q"

4034 Coincidence?

4035 1/7/2018 >>21153



4038 1/7/2018 >>21212

4039 21804 Marker [1] Confirmed.

4040 21085 Confirmed: 15, 10, 5, 1

4041 21806 [0]

4042 1/7/2018 >>21237

4043 I'm glad this has been resolved. The posts were Q's after all.

4044 1/7/2018 >>21439

4046 Do you understand what just occurred?

4047 POTUS Tweets [15 min] between.

4048 POTUS missing "Q" in select word.
4050 POTUS mods Tweets [1 min] between.
4051 POTUS adds "Q" in select word.
4052 This was not meant to signify AUTH / established.

4053 This is to train you how to understand the correlation between posts
and Tweets.
4054 Future proves past.
4055 Wind the CLOCK.
4056 The CLOCK and the GRAPHIC are ESSENTIAL.
4057 Feel privileged - POTUS just spoke to this board [P_pers]

4058 We serve at the pleasure of the President.

4059 1/7/2018 >>21574

4060 RESPONDING TO: >>21481


4062 Graphic form for each correlation a MUST.

4063 This will be the AUTH tool you use when all of this becomes public to
provide friends, family, others.

4064 Do you think POTUS re-tweeted MAGA PILL for no reason?

4065 We chose this BOARD for a very specific reason.

4066 We believe in you.
4067 1/7/2018 >>21644

4068 RESPONDING TO: >>21582


4070 1/7/2018 >>21679

4071 RESPONDING TO: >>21584


4073 1/7/2018 >>21777

4074 RESPONDING TO: >>21626



4077 Directly after POTUS alters Tweets to [1] min interval and adds "Q" -
use graphics.
4078 Learn.

4079 1/8/2018 >>23580

4080 DEFCON does not refer to Defense r Condition w/ regards to prev

4081 Thought clear.
4082 Now crystal clear.
4083 1/8/2018 >>32189
4084 /greatawakening/

4085 1/8/2018 >>4

4087 NO private comms past/present/future.
4088 NO comms made outside of this platform.
4089 Any claims that contradict the above should be considered FAKE
NEWS and disregarded immediately.


4092 1/8/2018 >>5
4093 Future dumps here.
4094 Secured.
4095 Interaction to continue on dedicated /research/ board.

4096 Suggest new board created.

4097 Current BO’s claiming private comms and self promoting.

4098 Patriots point - we will follow.


4100 1/8/2018 >>1

4101 This board will be used for Q related research.

4102 1/8/2018 >>7
4103 Confirmed.
4104 1/8/2018 >>25
4105 Thank you Patriots.
4106 Please begin migration.
4107 We didn’t like what we saw.
4108 Good solution.
4109 Protected by CM.


UPDATED Q-MAPS (BOTH) to 12/07/17 (-end-)



Also attached to row.


Operation Mockingbird - CIA infiltration of news and entertainment


Implying HRC was detained and released on own recognizance within

strict limits, passport would be flagged unable to leave the continental

Huma has attended several public events and been seen with her
family in NYC.
Huma has attended several public events and been seen with her
family in NYC.

This may have something to do with Russia as events progress, due

to NK and Iran.
- To prevent a coup and ensure the safety of executive.

- The Generals he picked are loyal to the country and well respected
in the military.

- They are experts in strategy.

A military discipline that uses information collection and
analysis approaches to provide guidance and direction
to commanders in support of their decisions.

Because the 3-letters agencies have been infiltrated by bad actors

who are not acting in the interest of the US


Military code is a system of conventional symbols for the covert

transmission of secret military information through communications

The conventional symbols are made up by the staff headquarters and

may be numbers, letters, and so forth. The simplest military codes are
conversation and radio-signal tables made up for a definite span of
time or the duration of a combat operation. There are combined-arms
and special military codes (for one combat arm or one service of the
armed forces, such as an aviation or navy code)

(Anthony Weiner, husband of Huma Abedin)

Anthony Wiener is in the Federal jail.
POTUS will not discuss ongoing investigations into the Swamp.

If POTUS did so, it would invite criticism and a media storm upon
which there would be focus, capitalized on and distorted, which would
be inappropriate and damaging to the POTUS and the office.

POTUS is going to let Lady Justice prove nobody is above the law.
POTUS exercised his authority granted to him through irresponsible
allocations of power to the Executive Office. Everything POTUS is
doing is legal because the swamp made it legal for it's own nefarious

Jeff Sessions (Attorney General) is the only person who knows

everything. Literally everything.

He knows where the bodies are buried.

He knows the bank information.

He knows everything.
He probably knows things the President doesn't know for the sake of
A President interested in the pursuit of justice instead of obstructing it
to cover their masters asses means actual tangible enforcement of


The people control this great land, the President represents the
people to the world, and monitors, protects, and defends the people
that control this land.

They never thought they would lose the Executive Office, and when
they did it was an immediate declaration of war between the Patriotic
Factions of the US Government and the Swamp..
The partisan bickering you see publicly is a dog and pony show and
dramatics for public consumption.

Less investigations happen into (registered) charities because all

monies are donated and go towards “good causes” so long as the
charity isn’t being used to make a profit. Open Society Foundation
offers grants to individuals and organisations, however the majority
are organisations. You don’t have to apply for a grant like most
charities, OSF will actually approach you if they deem your
organisation suitable for “investment”

Operation Mockingbird- the CIA placed a bunch of assets into media

organizations to control the narrative. This was done AFTER it was
made illegal for the government to subject the American people to
propaganda, but they got away with it anyway.
POTUS will not go on TV to address nation. POTUS must isolate
himself to prevent negative optics. POTUS knew that removing
criminal rogue elements was a first step and essential to freedom to
pass legislation. Someone has access to everything classified. Hillary,
Soros, Obama etc don't have more power than Trump. Whoever
controls the office of the Presidecy controls this great land. Democrats
and Republicans never believed for a moment they would lose
control. This is not a RvD battle. Soros donated all his money recently.
He placed all his funds in a RC.

Pay attention, look at things with a different point of view not the one
you are used to. Look at things you would not ordinarily look at or
believe. Look at the the bigger picture.

Rod: Rod Rosenstein, Department of Justice.

Bob: Robert "Bob" Mueller, Special Counsel, former FBI Director

Bob actually made the delivery of the sample yellow cake uranium to
the Russian representative of the buyer.
When you make maneuvers on a chess board, you let one move lead
authoritatively into the next move, preventing the need to go on
defense, you stay on offense. This is accomplished by beginning with
the greatest threat, allowing it's removal from the board to lead to the
next . If you attempt to take all the pieces too quick before the set up,
then you get rushed, and lose some key opportunities.

To appear to be in a inferior position, and to appear to be hostile

towards FBI in order to continue controlling the actual narrative.

To hide the purpose of the meeting, so the press wouldn't figure it out.

Mueller has already served as FBI director and is disqualified by term

limits from serving in that capacity again.

Perhaps Gowdy had been told the full picture at this point and felt like
in the end Comey would be viewed as doing the right thing, working
with President Trump to help drain the swamp.
NSA/MI have access to all electronic communications, therefore
information. POTUS also has access to all levels of classified

Decent Patriots still outnumber the corrupted evildoers and

Huma Abedin political staffer who was vice chair of Hillary Clinton's
2016 campaign for President of the United States

Operation Mockingbird was an alleged large-scale program of the

United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that began in the
early 1950s and attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda

The Swamp is a global one, and everything from it's trade to it's
healthcare policy is enforced with the United States Military. The
POTUS is currently the TOP DOG of a LOYAL United States Military
focused on bringing justice to the people who carelessly abuse it as
an institution.

Some in our government are hidden, but some are forthcoming about
their beliefs, eg,

He's an Atheist. A Satanist. And He Wants Your Vote
The corruption is pervasive and not limited to outward public ideology
or party.
Hillary appeared on a recent episode of a late night show

The National Guard, historically, answers the role of activation for

foreign war, and domestic emergencies where there is, or shall be,
civil unrest.
Mockingbird. Open your eyes. It finally came out that Rod/Bob were
key players in the Uranium scandal. POTUS would be tweeting about
removal given clear conflict, but POTUS meet Bob under the cover of
FBI Dir interview. Bob is unable to serve as Dir per the law.
Gowdy(Head of House Oversight Committee) comments on Comey
(history will ...). POTUS has everything. Not everyone is corrupt.

Follow Huma Abedin. Operation Mockingbird. Priority to clean out the

bad actors to unite people behind the America First agenda. Many in
our government worship Satan. Not about RvD at this stage. Find
Hillary. The National Guard was called up across 12 cities. Trust in
your President. God bless, Patriots.

Some in my group and other patriots come to give anons small pieces
of information, not classified, not 40,000ft view, small pieces of
Trump has not violated any laws or ethical rules for which he could
actually be impeached or face criminal charges.
Do not wait for Trump announcements to signal that a huge
happening is occurring such as arrests of politicos and other denizens
of DC (the Swamp).

MI which identifies any US citizen's involvement in a plot involving

enemies of the US being armed or abetted directly falls under DIA
processing mandates

Hamdan v. Rumsfeld: While Congress did not authorize military

commissions, they left open the possibility of executive (presidential)
formation of such.

Military is the only uncorrupted branch of government, and have taken

an oath to defend "the Constitution of the United States against all
enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC."

Do not be discouraged that the Swamp still exists, or think it cannot

possibly be drained. Measures have been taken to remove leverage
and options of bad actors in our government and worldwide.

CIA infiltration of media. Designed to present the populace a viewpoint

amenable to deep state/bad actors that is not reflective of reality.
POTUS is 100% insulated. POTUS will not be addressing nation on
any of these issues as people begin to be indicted and must remain
neutral for pure optical reasons. Focus on Military Intellingence/ State
Secrets and why it might be used vs any three letter agency. A
Supreme Court decision opened the door for a sitting President to
activate the National Guard. What must be showed? POTUS is
surrounded by generals. Again, there are a lot more good people than
bad, so have faith. This was a hostile takeover from an evil corrupt
network of players (not just Democrats). Don’t fool yourself into
thinking Obama, Soros, Roth’s, Clinton’s etc have more
power present day than POTUS.

Operation Mockingbird. Patriots are in control. Sit back and enjoy the

The flow of money shows networks of corruption and money



Unfit for trial/incompetent to stand trial

The people on the Board of Directors Mayo clinic could do that for
him. It would protect the Board members as well. He has a good
reason to not know anything that would incriminate them as well and it
is in their interests that he be protected, as him having a condition or
lack of mental fitness to stand trial would protect them.

To better protect the money: to keep it off his own personal "books" for

1) protection from prosecution

2) to launder it into other offshore accounts.

Not if there is a flag on your passport and TSA will stop you at an

- The usage of gangs as assassins is straight out of the CIA/FBI

- MS-13 is a vehicle to stash weapons around the country, essentially
sleeper cells to be activated at some time to unleash chaos, violence
and mayhem.
Yes. Using gang members as assassins gives plausible deniability as
well as a disposable agent. Intermediaries can contact gang members
so no direct contact will lead back to the one who ordered the

There's been so much deceit and corruption for so very long, the
Anger of the American people could be dangerous to the bad actors.
We want them in court not beaten in the streets.

There is an international, well entrenched network that must be

dismantled in an organized and careful manner. The United States will
be the first in which this occurs, but it will also happen in other

It will take time but it can be done.

Follow the money, it's the key. Look at Pelosi's net worth by way of
one example. Her memory is apparently going. It's cover for possible
future indictment. McCain never had surgery and that was a cover for
a future out if needed against prosecution. Soros transfered his bulk
public funds to a Non-Profit. Note this doesn't include massive slush
funds that are pulled by several high ups. Soros' son had several
meetings with Canadian Prime Minister and that is related to Clinton's.
Can you rely on being able to board a plane and fly away?
MS13 is a priority - nobody got this. People pay such gangs to kill
opponents to insulate against exposure. The truth is mind blowing and
cannot fully be exposed. Many are thinking from one point of view, US
only. This evil is embedded globally. US is the first domino. Have faith.
Follow Huma Abedin tomorrow.

There are and have been more than one person (not necessarily from
the same group, office, department or agency) who posts important
"insider" unclassified information in the form of short posts (crumbs)
intended to generate research and answers on a specific topic or
person in a given area.

Trump has not violated any laws or ethical rules for which he could
actually be impeached or face criminal charges.

Huma Abedin was at Hillary's 70th birthday party at Elizabeth Frawley Bagley’s house in D.C.:

Do not wait for Trump announcements to signal that a huge

happening is occurring such as arrests of politicos and other denizens
of DC (the Swamp).

MI which identifies any US citizen's involvement in a plot involving

enemies of the US being armed or abetted directly falls under DIA
processing mandates
In ex parte Milligan (71 US 2 [1866]), SCOTUS ruled President may
only activate martial law after showing that the civil authority cannot

Hamdan v. Rumsfeld: While Congress did not authorize military

commissions, they left open the possibility of executive (presidential)
formation of such.

Military is the only uncorrupted branch of government, and have taken

an oath to defend the Republic from enemies both foreign AND

Patriots in the government and POTUS are working hard to purge the
bad actors, who are not the majority and not limited to one political

The individuals/families named only have tenuous power, based either

on family wealth (see fund flow disruption below) or protection/support
of those with wealth. If either are cut off from accessing that wealth,
their power disappears. POTUS, on the other hand has the power of
the US government and Military that he wields, for the good of
America not personal gain or power-grabbing.
The trail of funds from the named persons/families, through
intermediaries including foundations, NGOs, contracts, investments
based on inside trading provides the key to who owns whom and can
help generate a map of corruption within the network of bad actors.


To build a story around "mental deterioration"

In order to be able to be insulated from prosecution, can claim mental

incompetent to stand trial due to dementia

Signals not only that he is afraid of prosecution, but is an admission of

guilt by trying to build a cover for a future plea of mental
To better protect the money: to keep it off his own personal "books" for

1) protection from prosecution

2) to launder it into other offshore accounts.

Besides being a conduit for drugs and weapons, MS-13 functions as a

shadow, proxy-army for the deep state and bad actors, committing
assassinations of opponents political and otherwise. They also
function as sleeper cells to be activated at a later date to unleash
chaos, disorder and mayhem on the public. This must be stopped and
cleaned out immediately.

Mockingbird media is how the public is not aware of the answers to

the questions Q just posed. The connections are purposely avoided in
the Mockingbird media to cover for the cabal and the network of bad
actors' deeds.
Using gangs as assassins has historical precedent and provides the
person ordering the initial "hit" layers of plausible deniability by going
through several intermediaries in the underworld (separate social
spheres). No one would expect, hypothetically, for Nancy Pelosi to
ask an MS-13 member to kill someone.

The extent of corruption is pervasive but still within the reach of the
common person to grasp. But the level of degeneracy and occult acts,
and the widespread nature of that, is so shocking and foreign that
most people will not be able to accept the truth that many members of
our government engage in this activity. It is simply too shocking and
horrifying, and yet it is true.

Criminal law enforcement, biological health science and Socratic

strategy: let the subject roam until you reach the nucleus to learn
every function and structure of the entity before neutralization or

Diversion and Informal Social Control

edited by Günter Albrecht, Wolfgang Ludwig-Mayerhofer

Googlebooks, Netherlands
Hillary wasn't prosecuted for the emails. Obama ultimately OK'd it by
using the non government email address to communicate with
Clinton. Obama also had an alias along with each of his cabinet
members. Therefore, indicting Hillary would lead to indicting Obama &
his cabinet etc, which could never happen. He lied about knowing
which ultimately came out in the dump. Poof.

Huma Abedin, wife of the notorious Anthony Weiner, former assistant

to Hillary Clinton
Huma Abedin, wife of the notorious Anthony Weiner, former assistant
to Hillary Clinton

(Anthony Weiner, husband of Huma Abedin)

Anthony Wiener is in the Federal jail.

She chose to be loyal to her child.

Huma chose to sing lovely tunes about HRC so her child has a
mother in his life.
November 13, 2017, attending (campaigning/PR) Glamour’s Woman
of the Year party with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour (Mockingbird
operative), Liya Kebede and Ibtihaj Muhammad:

Yes according to .

Military Intelligence has access to the aggregate of all the info
possessed by any US intelligence agency. Some of the info is State
Secrets and cannot be brought out in open court.

Loyalty, without it you can't have faith in the information your people
bring to you, and upon which you make decisions.

Ability to trust your intelligence/good intel. Confidence in your


11/14 - Sessions testified that there are at least 4 cases of leakers

being indicted.

Fire and prosecute Must set a precedent to prevent future hijacking of

Ongoing effort to weed out Obama holdovers, those who are disloyal
to our nation, corrupt and reorganization to reduce waste and fraud.

No coincidences.They will have their hands full in the courts with

processing cases from indictments.Need bad actors out of the mix for
justice no such thing as coincidence.

They have been presented with evidence of their crimes and given a
choice to either step down, decline to run for re-election or face public
humiliation and prosecution. Sen R like Chaffetz left to avoid
prosecution, and NOT lose their med/pension packages. The
remaining Globalist Party disloyal Republicans-in-name-only are
engaged in a oratory Civil War; unable to let go of power.
prosecution, and NOT lose their med/pension packages. The
remaining Globalist Party disloyal Republicans-in-name-only are
engaged in a oratory Civil War; unable to let go of power.

Huma Abedin's husband is in federal jail. Hillary: Muslim Brotherhood

or child? What would you do? Kiss your child goodbye and leave
without a mother or father for Clinton. Find Huma Abedin today. She
was with Hillary on her book tour.

Regarding Military Intelligence / State Secrets. No FBI.

POTUS installed his people within each top spot at each 3 letter
agency except 1 (Adm Rogers (Dir., NSA)) - kick started this and
scrubbed all POTUS nominations to verify oath). You think they
aren’t in control of those respective agencies? Look at the most
valuable information AG Sessions has on leakers. Fire or prosecute.
Reorganization is underway and happening. Senate Republicans
pushed for Federal Judge confirmations last week. Senate
Republicans are dropping out. Not by choice, but were offered a
choice (rest assured they will vote pro Trump).

Psychological projection Accusing your opponent of exactly what you

are doing.
The Black population in America has provided a reliable voting bloc
for Democrats, and are rewarded by expanded government programs
and services targeted to their community. Democrats have historically
committed voter fraud with this population group by bussing people
around to vote multiple times at different polling locations, having
felons vote (illegal except in VA), dead persons voting in order to
swing elections in their favor. Without this voting bloc, Democrats
would lose seats in local, state and federal elections.

Unless something really radical, hard evidence comes out, Blacks will
be in denial. So conditioned by identity politics, they will say such
actions are racist.

Incorrect. The impetus for forming the Confederate States was abuse
by the Federal government and denial of State's rights.

Grant, Reconstruction and the KKK

Wikipedia - Ku Klux Klan
Robert Byrd
(Also Saul Alinsky)

It will put a severe dent in their reliable voting bloc of African

Americans. It will also disgust many others who have voted D their
entire lives.The new revelations will be extremely disconcerting to our
younger generation and a lesson in trust.

People are seeing a mirror-world where things are backwards, and

what they believe is real is not. It is easier to keep control of the
population (especially the black population for Democrats) this way.

NB - Most likely meant "encroaching" instead of "entrenching."

Without narrative control and control of the flow of information, a great

deal of control is lost. New policies and practices are being rolled out
and implemented across social media to regain some control and
eliminate the proliferation of facts, information and events that are
counter to the narrative, but it is too late.

See Streisand Effect

"the phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a

piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing
the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet."

Projection Democrats can't lose control over the black population.

At some point the great awakening will occur whereby these false
local / national black leaders are corrupt and paid off to help keep the
black population poor and in need. Democrats formed the
Confederate States against freeing slaves and also the KKK. Hillary's
mentor is who? What happens when the truth about Haiti is released.
Will Democrats lose majority of the vote?

Through the looking glass.

They rely on the MSM to keep the narrative going but tech is
entrenching on their controls. They missed this in 2016 and
desperately attempting to censor now due to CIA cash infusions. This
will fail

Letter to James Comey July 15, 2016--CF in violation of nonprofit

purpose with millions in questionable donations. Photo attached to
row is letter by Marsha Blackburn, U.S. Congressman Tennessee.
Those who come out and denounce their own acts under the cabal
should be forgiven as they contribute to this shifting of power. We as a
people should be careful not to go into automatic witch hunt mode as
some might have been good people forced to do wicked things..

The FBI, and MI, have an open investigation into the CF. Comey
dropped this. Someone was the FBI director during the Haiti crisis.
Many kids disappeared. Money was sent to Clinton Foundation under
disguise of H (Haiti) relief went to H. Countries donated big money to
Clinton Foundation and how much was owed by accepting.

When Hillary lost, how could this be repaid. What did Obama do with
cash just prior to leaving office? Repayment to those who donated for
favors/access. Dig!!!! Again, good people were forced into bed with
this evil under personal and family threats. You couldn't live with
yourself helping to cover up such evil despicable acts if given a safe
way out. These people worship Satan. Some openly show it.

MI has the most access to mined data and classified information.

They have the best information gathering tools, They also have more
power in general and are devoted to the constitution. MI can take over
the investigations for the other three in cases of high treason.

MI does not answer to Congress

United States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1 (1953)


- POTUS is the Commander IN Chief of the military.

- The Chief is General John Kelly, POTUS' Chief of Staff, a Marine.

The Insurrection ACT allows POTUS to use military (& National

Guard) as police force in the event of terrorist act, natural disasters
and disorder that state police cannot contain


TRUMP'S PRESIDENCY. Specifically, the Las Vegas massacre was a
great opportunity to impose these powers -- 911 style, esp. since the
cover story crumbled so quickly. The fact they didn't intervene
suggests there is something going on behind the scenes.
Military Intelligence v FBI, CIA, and NSA. No current approval or
congressional oversight as State Secrets are upheld under Supreme
Court. The POTUS can impose Military Intel take over investigations
for the 3 letter agencies, but conditions must present itself. This is so
VERY important.

Someone surrounds POTUS. They lost this very important power - the
one area of the government not corrupt and directly serving POTUS.

Certain bad actors will be facing a military tribunal charged with

Antifa = Terrorist which will allow Potus to use PATRIOT Act detention
for Military tribunals

If terrorist organization Antifa fears triggering martial law, this threat

hanging over them can be used to silence them forever and remove
them from public influence.
The Military Intelligence reference above is the absolute biggest
inside drop this board will ever receive. Now think about why Antifa
plays right into the plan. Always ahead. Good guys are winning.

SCIF. Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (pronounced

“skiff”), a U.S. Department of Defense term for a secure room. It can
be a secure room or data center that guards against electronic
surveillance and suppresses data leakage of sensitive security and
military information.

A military discipline that uses information collection and

analysis approaches to provide guidance and direction
to commanders in support of their decisions

POTUS will be out of the US when Antifa and other groups plan to
gather and overthrow the government on Nov. 4, 2017.

State secret privilege (SSP) makes it so the president can refuse to

present evidence if it's secret information that would harm national
security or foreign relation interests. After 9/11 Bush expanded SSP
so that evidence could be withheld and cases dismissed in U.S.

DOD must have clear and verified reason to believe the Republic is at
risk and must execute their duty to protect the POTUS and
Constitution. An executive order is invoked which enables POTUS to
mobilize DNI to create a war council of sorts
DOD must have clear and verified reason to believe the Republic is at
risk and must execute their duty to protect the POTUS and
Constitution. An executive order is invoked which enables POTUS to
mobilize DNI to create a war council of sorts

Military law can be applied to civilians, but only in special

circumstances. If a nation declares "martial law," military authority
replaces civilian authority. Under martial law, the military operates the
police, courts, and legislature instead of the civilian government.

If Trump declares martial law (i.e., under the pretext of Antifa

problems), it will be to circumvent the corrupt judicial system.

According to Wiki: Michael Thomas Flynn (born December 1958) is a

retired United States Army Lieutenant General, who served in the
Army for 33 years until 2014. Flynn's military career included a key
role in shaping U.S. counterterrorism strategy and dismantling
insurgent networks in Afghanistan and Iraq, and he was given
numerous combat arms, conventional, and special operationssenior
intelligence assignments. He was appointed by President Barack
Obama as the eighteenth director of the Defense Intelligence Agency,
serving from July 2012 to his retirement from the military in August
2014. After leaving the military, he established Flynn Intel Group
which has provided intelligence services for businesses and
governments, including ones in Turkey.

It shows Flynn is a patriot and not compromised.

Adm. Rogers didn't want to participate in Obama admin's spying

scheme and wanted to alert Trump to illegal wiretapping of his
campaign, make his loyalty to America and the Constitution known.

Of course he does
- During one of the Debates with Clinton she started to make
accusations, Trump said, ' Be careful I know things, I know alot of

- He made multiple references to HRC’s 1980 to 2012 adventures in

the election debates that made JEB & HRC flinch.

Yes, Trump has turned the NSA's collection system that has been
used by the Deep State (as the world learned from Edward Snowden)
against them. The extent of the possible data collection and tools for
doing it were revealed by Wikileaks Vault 7. A lot of collected emails
and phone calls are being reviewed and utilized on behalf of the US


HRC was known by Saudi intelligence and French intelligence to be

too weak of a actor to win on her own. Like stacking the deck of the
nomination by buying out the field and installing DWS as DNC chair,
WJC wanted to ensure HRC won, by rigging the RNC.

- [SPECULATION] Bill Clinton as a stalking horse guaranteed to lose

to Hillary

WJC denies this on TV.

- [SPECULATION] break away Patriot groups within Special Forces

and IC recruited Trump..
According to those who thought they controlled the field, yes.

Yes. Voting machines were flipping votes; states such as Georgia

were reporting computer attacks; dead people were voting; dems
were voting multiple times, etc. TPTB wanted Trump to run as a Pied
Piper, thinking he could be propped up in the primary and tanked in
the general

Massive efforts were employed to educate the voters to be on the

lookout for flipped votes in the electronic voting machine booths;
DDOS (direct denial of service) attacks were being monitored and
countered; citizens were filming voting violations and calling the
police; voting rolls were being scrutinized, etc.

- Additionally, there may have been other efforts to thwart vote fraud
behind the scenes that are not publicly visible.
1) Notice to the cheaters,

2) Notice to the network of cheaters,

3) call attention to public,

4) show the public how the cheaters (who cried about his claim of the
'game being rigged') would publicly and stridently oppose an

5) to pressure those in the network of cheaters to talk/turn others in to

save their own hides.

Technically, yes (he calls these truthful hyperboles in his book) but for
important things or promises he's made, no


-Disaster Recovery Agency / Backup Government Agency,

-Executive Authority Office,

National Guard

The US Marines.

-MI or the NSA.

-Naval Intelligence or the DoD
It's the one organization left that isn't corrupt, and it is powerful and
controlled by Trump. Military tribunals. They can bypass the corrupt
judges, prosecutors & juries (who can be bought or are zombie
Having the military on your side prevents the possibility of a coup and
gives power over the other 3 letter organizations.

Secret Service, X US Marine Honor Guard. Also, PMCs

Secret Service has been compromised and shown to be corrupt /

underfunded for past 8 years. SS has been audited 4 times and found
to be in failure of Duty Certificates and Code of Conduct with no
change in behavior

State Department Secret Service (SS)

Trump could use them to declare Martial Law

1) evidence of bad actors calling for and organizing insurrection

2) links to bigger bad actors (ANTIFA is infiltrated)

3) flushes out bad actors and their networks

3a) allows to “follow the money”

4) calls people's attention to the fact that some really do hate USA
and want to destroy it

ANTIFASCISTE AKTION is the actual name of the Communist Party

in interwar Germany

4a) constant indoctrination in “education” and those affiliated

5) keeps it in people's faces so they can't readily forget

-Because the MB infiltrated Obama's admin, universities, social


-Ted Cruz tried to in 2015 but the bill didn't pass. Michele Bachman
tried to in 2012 but it didn't work because she claimed Huma was MB.
Huma was defended by Pelosi, Ellison, and McCain.

-They can classified as domestic terrorist group

-He can be declared an enemy of the State.

-Americans involved with Soros can be charged with crimes up to

sedition and terrorism.

-Marital Law would be declared

10 U.S.C. §§ 331-335 (President may use the militia and Armed
Forces to suppress insurrection and enforce federal

Send in the National Guard

Marine Corps Law 1834 gives President authority over Marines for
any duties President sees fit.

As outlined in 10 U.S.C. § 5063 and as originally introduced under the

National Security Act of 1947, three primary areas of responsibility for
the Marine Corps are:Seizure or defense of advanced naval bases
and other land operations to support naval campaigns;Development
of tactics, technique, and equipment used by amphibious landing
forces in coordination with the Army and Air Force; and Such other
duties as the President or Department of Defense may direct.

because its the Marine Corps responsibility to to protect the president

and Us dignitaries abroad . and technically the Marine corps doesn't
really protect the president in a direct fashion that is up to the secret
service security detail. the Marine Corps does however have the sole
responsibility of transporting the president by helicopter to air force
one or camp david or anywhere else he may need to go within reach
of Marine 1 source. If answer to #31 is correct, Trump can send in
Marines without asking Congress.

Mueller was accepted for officer training in the

United States Marine Corps in 1968, attending

training at Parris Island, Officer Candidate School,

Army Ranger School, and Army jump school. He

enlisted in the U.S.M.C. and served in Marines from 1968-1971

NSA and MI and aligned persons around the world in and out of
governments/ngos and business.

Military Intelligence, a network of persons in governments, business

and organizations worldwide.

Excellent intel from multiple sources: MI, NSA, Leaks

The Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) Military
Intelligence look at 'State Secrets' and how upheld in the Supreme
Court. Something must be completed to engage Military Intel over
other (3) letter agencies. Something must occur to allow for civilian

Flynn has a military background. Adm Rogers (Dir., NSA) met Trump
privately without authority. POTUS knows where the bodies are
buried. POTUS has the goods on most bad actors. Trump was asked
to run for President. Hillary was next in line. The election was suppose
to be rigged. Good people prevented the rigging. POTUS formed a
panel to investigate. Has POTUS *ever* made a statement that did
not become proven as true/fact? Look who POTUS is in control of.
Look to the one organization left that isn't corrupt.

The military plays such a vital role. POTUS is surrounded by highly

respected generals. The Secret Service guards former Presidents.
They guard Hillary. ANTIFA is allowed to operate. The Muslim
Brotherhood hasn't been classified as a terrorist org. What if Soros
funded operations get violent and engage in domestic terrorism?
What happens if mayors/ police comms/chiefs do not enforce the law?
What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?

Look at Mueller's background. Military. Trump was asked to run for

President with assurances made to prevent tampering. POTUS is
always 5-steps ahead. Someone is helping POTUS.

"VPU-2 "Wizards" Navy Airforce

VPU-2 (the Wizards) based at Barbers Point Hawaii

aircraft carry the "most sophisticated optical, electronic, infrared and

chemical reconnaissance equipment...

collecting all manner of emissions across a "wide swath of the

electromagnetic spectrum."
Group: Naval Research Laboratory Military Support Division Scientific Development Squadron ONE (VXS-1) https://en.wikipedia

**note the Warlock insignia. Lightning bolts from a satellite to the

earth. **
1. Warlock Green / Warlock Red Shortstop Electronic Protection
System (SEPS) System is capable of prematurely detonating
incoming artillery and mortar rounds

2. The Warlock radio frequency jammers are made by the New York
and Simi Valley firm EDO."

Tony Podesta

Date given as deliberate misinformation

"All warfare is deception"
Date given as deliberate misinformation

"All warfare is deception"

Do not expect all the guilty in government to be indicted and found

guilty. For the sake of the nation, some will be offered deals (plea
deals, immunity in exchange for testimony) otherwise the government
would collapse as the corruption is so widespread (70%). Rest
assured that our own style of housecleaning operations are underway
and cleaning up the corruption within the system so we can more

The network of puppeteers and their puppets were not expecting to

lose the office of the Presidency, but they have, and thus have lost an
enormous amount of control.
There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks
(inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil control our country.

Realize Soros, Clintons, Obama, Putin, etc. are all controlled by 3

families (the 4th was removed post Trump's victory).

Nov 3 - Podesta indicted

11.6 - Huma Abedin indicted Manafort was placed into Trump's camp
(as well as others).

The corruption that will come out is so serious that deals must be cut
for people to walk away, otherwise 70% of elected politicians would be
in jail. A deep cleaning is occurring and the prevention and defense of
pure evil is occurring on a daily basis. They never thought they were
going to lose control of the Presidency (not just democrates) and
thought they had control since making past mistakes (JFK, Reagan).
Good speed, Patriots.

Soros is targeted.

(SPECULATION) To cover his tracks; he's being sent by his handlers

to personally remind foreign entities what they should be doing and
what will happen if they don't.
(SPECULATION) Obama is actually doing what the Democrats
accused Trump of doing when meeting with foreign leaders post
election. Only Obama is out of office now, so that would be a violation
of the Hatch Act.

- He would know he must communicate in person, otherwise it will be

known and gathered by SIGINT by the NSA.
- One reason to set up the narrative he wants pushed regarding the
trip, also he wants to find an opportunity to have Trump assassinated.

- To know first hand exactly where POTUS goes while in Asia,

attempting to determine how much he actually knows, depending on
who he talks to and where he visits.

Obama is usurping the President. Treason.

Marine Corp is subject to Posse Comitatus (PC) under DoD
regulations. POTUS can disregard PC via the Insurrection Act during
times of disaster/unrest.

- He can assign their duties as he sees fit.

- Posse Comitatus Act only re: Army/AF. Marines not subject to PCA.

Military Tribunals.

THEORY: Pres. Trump was interviewing Mueller to be his special

prosecutor as he promised on the campaign trail.

A trick used to hope that they won't prosecute her or use it as a


-Though not typically a defense by itself, amnesia or dementia is a

factor courts can consider when determining whether someone is
competent to stand trial (Mental fitness)

-Yes; Mental Ability plea. You cant punish a invalid or mental insane
According to wiki, The Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit medical practice and
medical research group based in Rochester, Minnesota. It employs
more than 4,500 physicians and scientists and 57,100 allied health
staff. The practice specializes in treating difficult cases through tertiary
care. It spends over $660 million a year on research. However, some
speculate it may participate in organ harvesting.

Barbara Bush, Dick Cheney, Cokie Roberts, Jeffery W Bolton, Eric

Schmidt, Walter Mondale, Ursula Burns (direct Obama connection),
Alan Mulally (direct Obama connection)

If fake, he's setting himself up to avoid prosecution and/or testifying


In order to preclude criminal culpability in court, i.e., Mental fitness

In order to preclude criminal culpability in court, i.e., Mental fitness


Obama traveled in advance of POTUS to foreign locations. Focus on

the power of POTUS as it relates to the Marines. Military Intel can be
applied to prosecute bad actors and avoid corrupt agencies and
judges. Mueller met POTUS 1 day prior to FBI announcement, but
COULD NOT be offered director due to prev term limits rule. Pelosi is
begging for a new special counsel.

Look at Pelosi's net worth. This couldn't be obtained given salary as

career official. Pelosi's memory is going. It could protect against
prosecution. Look at the Mayo Clinic. The Board of Directors are
corrupt. John M's surgery was fake. This could prevent prosecution.

Keep them voting D

--As it is the perfect victim population that is very sensitive to
perceived threats and very predictable in how they will respond as
long as you have some lenses to focus that rage.

-That victim group is used as a proxy to attack normal Americans,

without the DNC doing so directly.

Keep them voting D

- Aggression, depression, and disaffection can be bred into the
controlled ghetto's to culture a human explosive.

Keep them voting D

- As unfortunately the cultural reaction is predictable. Rage, riots,

deaths and chaos.

D's NEED victims, as it is no use simply shouting fire you must also
be the one opening the door you want them to go through
So it's not a white (or a jew) D telling blacks how to vote.

- Black officials stir up and focus injustice that they themselves

provide and do not suffer. It allows events such as the NFL or BLM to
occur with apparent spontaneity allowing political pressure to prevent
police and destroy authority keeping the Dems to have access to drug
trade and other trafficking routes needed by the CIA and FBI

- They tell the lie that the parties switched.

-Through control of curriculum and textbooks, build the false history

- Through being the majority of teachers and professors,

propagandize and reinforce the propaganda all through a person's

-Through audio/visual media, countless movies and documentaries

portraying a false history

- Through "outreach" programs and party platform portray their own

party as the protector and provider of the black population

D's lose power forever

-The Blacks, like Latinos will gravitate back towards the libertarian /
right wing (like Ukrainians and Polish did when the USSR lost their
hold over the Deep State USSR proxies)

Another method of propaganda that gives them easy access to a

large portion of the population.

You need control over the message at all times. Controlling the flow of
all news and entertainment in an age of media gives ultimate control.

Politics is Downstream from Culture. Hollywood,et al creates popular

Control of propaganda and the narrative.

- Ronan Farrow

- Corey Feldman, though he did not name names until recently.

- Rose McGowan recently

- Robert Downy Jr. (as Himmmm on

- Amy Berg's documentary "An Open Secret"

- Elle Magazine Article: Amy Berg Uncovered Hollywood's Worst Kept

Sex Secret

- Roseanne Barr
- Pamela Anderson (via Julian Assange and WikiLeaks)
- Justin Bieber
- McKulley Kulken
Democrats want to control the black population. They intentionally
keep them poor and in need. Democrats project racism on a daily
basis against Republicans. Black elected officials do the crazy talk on
behalf of Democrats. Democrats cover the historical facts of forming
the confederacy, KKK, and oppose all things pro black regarding
legislation. What happens if Democrats lose the slave grip on the
black pop. Democrats, through the funding of the CIA, prop up and
install Hollywood/media assets. This does fall within Operation

There are historical advantages that Democrats gained by having

MSM and famous people peddling the narrative. Someone exposed
the pedophile network within Hollywood.
Sessions, Mike Pence, Rex Tillerson, James Mattis. President
Trump’s schedule for 10/30/17 11:00 AM Receive daily intelligence
briefing – Oval Office 11:30 AM Meet with Secretary of State Rex
Tillerson – Oval Office 12:30 PM Lunch with Vice President Mike
Pence and Attorney General Jeff Sessions -Private Dining Room 3:30
PM Meet with Secretary of Defense James Mattis

Unknown number, specifically.

We know that the United States Secret Service, National Aeronautics

and Space Administration, Federal Emergency Management Agency,
National Park Service, and the Department of Education were at the
WH later that day.

No. Needed separate meetings. The meetings with the non-military

(civilian) could have included the military, however, the military's own
meeting would not have included the non-military.

Because numerous leaks came out of Trump's meetings in the WH

starting after inauguration, and phone calls were leaked too. Trump
spent much of August, while the Senate was in almost-recess (not
officially declared unfortunately) out of the WH, operating from
Bedminster and Trump Tower (after security work was done there)
while he was out of the WH.

Situation Room
CIA can turn microphones on the phones to listen in. Source:

General Service Administration source

Someone met with POTUS yesterday. AG Sessions was there.
Multiple Military Intel generals were on the White House list to attend
separate meetings. Those meetings could have been combined.
Certain rooms in the White House have been renovated to clear bugs
and tracking devices. There were meetings on Monday where no
phones were allowed in this room (one of many). A certain firm was
contracted to conduct the renovations.

Due to information that Q has posted on 4/pol/ this weekend, there

was a strong reaction and concerted efforts made at subversion,
distraction, deflection, confusion and disillusionment. However, the
operation is advanced enough and confidence high at successful
outcome that anons are able to use the information given without
jeopardizing the efforts/operations by Patriots.

- Normally the states; the state governors

- During peacetime each state National Guard answers to leadership
in the 50 states, three territories and the District of Columbia. During
national emergencies, however, the President reserves the right to
mobilize the National Guard, putting them in federal duty status.

Charlottesville, VA - ANTIFa (anticipation of lack of law and order)

Texas - hurricane
Florida - hurricane
US Virgin Islands - hurricane
Puerto Rico - hurricane
California - wildfires
Montana - wildfires
The NG is mainly activated by the states, the POTUS needs
Congressional approval to activate the NG.

If the states activate them, POTUS can take control of them. This
would allow the Marines and the NG to work together under one set of

This is shown in the Posse Comitatus Act where by the POTUS can
take control.

- Abraham Lincoln - CIVIL WAR resulted

He declared Martial Law which suspended habeas corpus in the US. More specifically he imposed the suspension on "prisoner

Someone controls the National Guard. The National Guard recently

activated in select cities within the US. The National Guard work in
coordination with the Marines. Conditions need to be satisfied to
authorize. A former President used the military to save the republic.

SAP = Special Access Programs; things changed post 9/11 to

encourage intelligence-sharing between agencies. This can include
greater ability for those compromised to learn more and share more
with others so compromised, to leak, to undermine operations for NS.
MI has different oversight than IC. They wouldn't be subject to the
same corruption from the Joint Chiefs and SecDef that IC would and
they have access to the same Information and SAP's

Anyone who has been compromised by bribery, drugs, personal

foibles, sex, or their family members

- Congress
- Anyone with children/family

Controlling/comandeering the agency's access to funds would

drastically hamper its operations, limit its ability maneuver and force it
off balance. No access to funds = drastically less options

Allows the president to enforce US law when those supposed to

support US law do not.

Prevent the breakup of the country and keep the Federal, State
balance of power

Article I, Section 8; Clause 15, the United States Congress is given

the power to pass laws for "calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws
of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions."

The President of the United States is the commander-in-chief of the

state militias "when called into the actual Service of the United
States." (Article II, Section 2).

Also the NG can be deployed under title 32 to protect infrastructure. read bullets 1,2,3 10 U.S. Code § 12406

The Organisation and Guidance Department of the Korean Workers’

Party (the OGD is the crux of real, as opposed to symbolic, dictatorial
power in North Korea)

The Military Intel has the same SAPs as NSA, CIA etc as designated
post 9-11. Someone can be held hostage and controlled.
CIA thinks its foreign offshore assets are strong enough to defend
against the US Executive (not accounting for military use on domestic
soil). The Constitution explicitly grants this authority to the President
and look what it prevents. Some things must remain classified til the
very end.

North Korea is not being run by Kim, he's an actor in the play. There is
a director. The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans
would riot, revolt, reject, etc

Both have personal foundation, both are making efforts to convince

the public they have "health issues" (Pelosi indirectly by having 'brain
freeze' moments and memory issues) to lay foundation for non
compos mentis that may insulate them from criminal culpability/unable
to stand trial for crimes.

Federal corruption, personal foundations, Uranium One, North Korea,

Iran, bad actors' network worldwide, politicians declining to run for re-
election, role of military and intelligence, all are important to the larger
picture. Only a few positions in government afford access to the
information necessary to see this picture directly.

Soros fund manager Howie Rubin was accused of sex trafficking and
Anons doing research and answering questions, building the big
picture, breaking it back down, making memes (graphics &
infographics) for the public are essential and appreciated. 4/pol/ is a
free (uncensored, uncontrolled) medium to exchange and compile
information and create products that will disseminate throughout the
Internet and into the culture to reach the public in a way that is not
possible with the media due to Operation Mockingbird. This flow of
information is critical to the effort to reclaim our Republic and stop the
bad actors' network throughout the world.


Free of sentiment or emotions clouding judgement, this situation calls

for cold, hard logic.
The military is the only part of government and intelligence fully under
the control of POTUS. Military can arrest and try traitors when the
system of law and order breaks down and the courts no longer are
trusted to dispense justice due to such widespread corruption.

We are at a stalemate in terms of intel on other countries and their

intel on the US. This is ideal regarding strategy as it allows equal
destruction, a lose-lose for both or all countries. In regards to the US
in general, relieving everything would cause mass panic and chaos,
exactly what the cabal of bad actors want. A divided nation warring
upon itself to be exploited from. This pill, if fully relieved at once,
would sooner kill 90% of people if they knew. It is too hard to swallow.

>What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies

During the 1950s and 60s, federal troops and federalized National
Guard forces, accompanied by military intelligence personnel, were
deployed to help integrate Southern schools23 and to help deal with
civil disorders in Detroit in 1967 and other cities the following year
after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.24 Throughout this
period military intelligence units also continued to collect data on
Americans at home who were suspected of involvement in subversive
activities.25 In the late 1960s, the Pentagon compiled personal
information on more than 100,000 politically active Americans in an
effort to quell civil rights and anti-Vietnam War demonstrations and to
discredit protestors.26 The Army used 1,500 plainclothes agents to
watch demonstrations, infiltrate organizations, and spread
disinformation. 2

' According to one report, the Army had at least one observer at every
demonstration of more than twenty people.28 The Army's activities
were summed up by Senator Sam Ervin: Allegedly for the purpose of
predicting and preventing civil disturbances which might develop
beyond the control of state and local officials, Army agents were sent
throughout the country to keep surveillance over the way the civilian
population expressed their sentiments about government policies. In
churches, on campuses, in classrooms, in public meetings, they took
notes, tape-recorded, and photographed people who dissented in
thought, word, or deed. This included clergymen, editors, public
officials, and anyone who sympathized with the dissenters.

>Hahahaha, Trump has had MI infiltrate Antifa and all the dissenting
local govts.

Always 5 steps ahead!

Please be true.

North Korea is a proxy state for the cabal, controlled via the CIA.
There have already been many arrests for human/sex trafficking, not
only in the US but worldwide.

We know the network, the routes and the high level players. The
routes have been disrupted, but the network cannot be truly
dismantled until the high level players are in custody.

North Korea is not being run by Kim, he's an actor in the play. There is
a director. The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans
would riot, revolt, reject, etc.

The child abductions for satanic rituals (i.e. Haiti and other 3rd world
countries) are paused (not terminated until players are in custody).

-Cuba NEWS coverage on permanent hearing loss and other
neurological symptoms on embassy officials.
-implying high tech weaponry/directed weaponry

The NYT and other outlets reported this on 9/18/17

Reported on Sep. 18 he dropped SS, reinstated on the 25th.

Because the SS detail was corrupt or compromised in some way

-Necessary/throw others off the track (focus on him)/ability to meet

with others without SS detail present
-Because he feared they were infiltrated, as they were with Kennedy.
A device was placed somewhere in the White House that could
actually cause harm to anyone in the room and would in essence be
undetected (think Cuba). When was it reported Trump Jr dropped his
SS detail, he took that huge risk given what we know.

Must bring the whole world to a stalemate. Stalemate = no world war.

An interesting twist on the oft-stated premise that politicians must be

compromised for the powers that be to control them. Trump uses the
same info for good.

Realpolitik and a diplomatic insurance policy.

World stalemate. We have the goods on everyone else. That's part of

the reason why some things that tie back to foreign heads of state will
remain classified.

Trump and others are working to balance what we are doing well for
America while at the same time purify our government and remove
the bad actors. Some are entrenched. There is so much string pulling
and blackmail that we need to cut these off to truly gain the power
granted to us by the hard working people of this great country.

If 1 or 2 in cabal and their network of bad actors are arrested, it can

be ignored or downplayed by Mockingbird Media, and the story will be
spun. It has to be "One Fell Swoop" that is so big it cannot go
unnoticed and will shock the nation, and the world.

Blitzkrieg. The enemy will not have time to regroup, and there will be
no way for the media to spin it.

This was a direct challenge to Soros and the cabal. Trump knew that
Soros and the bad actorss were monitoring the thread. Trump,
through Q, used the post to get Soros and the Globalists to back

"The best general wins without fighting." - Art of War
JFK made a fatal mistake by staying in the country as purges were
taking place. POTUS and the Patriots learned from this and acted


A military discipline that uses information collection and analysis

approaches to provide guidance and direction to commanders in
support of their decisions

Media does not have access to information gathered by Military

Intelligence (MI)
Therefore, and in combination with strict access protocol and chain of
command, there are no leaks from MI.

This 10/5 meeting

~ 10 based on photos.
- Flynn was a Ranger and a COINT officer in Afganistan.

- General in Obama admin

The Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, General Flynn,
discovered what Obama was up to and blew the whistle on his
operation that was creating and funding Jihadi groups that were later
called ISIS.
All Generals

Marines: John Kelly, James Mattis, Joseph Dunford

So it could not be confiscated during arrest

-Because he feared they would be confiscated if they were in his own
account, but he still wants to be able to use them for social
engineering, subversion and general mayhem by controlling the NPO.
He knows some serious shit is about to go down and he wants to
cover his ass / keep his weapons loaded.

-He's also afraid of those above him

Because the US dollar is still the common currency, we have access
to all dollar transactions. Once he put the money there, follow where it
goes and who sends receives it will show other actors and possibly
telegraph their next move.

Hillary Clinton
She cannot repay with access, power, control, because she lost; she
can repay with cash payments via BO cash payments (see #93) or
even CF money, or possibly repay "in kind" with human trafficking

Iran and Palestine

Obama's campaign slush fund:

Pay to play schemes, bribes, money laundering, shorting markets via

hedge funds, insider trading on the stock market.
Pay to play schemes, bribes, money laundering, shorting markets via
hedge funds, insider trading on the stock market.

- Lynch would ensure that HRC email-server investigation would not

really go anywhere, would quash investigations of the CF.
- Lynch would remain out of reach of investigations in the future
- Lynch would keep her life.
Lynch was appointed by Bill Clinton, owed her career to the Clinton
family, expected quid pro quo.

It means that the wizards and warlocks have infiltrated the bad actor's
camp, there is a mole passing along good intel to them.
How Was Local Reporter Tipped off on Clinton-Lynch Meeting

If bad, it means they wanted to jettison HRC at a later date

-It could be monitored and recorded and used in future cases against
bad actors.
-That would put the Clinton camp in a very bad position, and would
bolster the hand of patriots: evidence for future prosecutions, ability to
present evidence to those in the web to get them to turn on fellow

Comey was forced into the spotlight, not by choice, right before the
election, which cast suspicion.

Military Intelligence. No media. No leaks.

How many Military Intel generals have been in/out of White House in
the past 30 days? Focus on Flynn. Background and potential role.
Look at the common denominator in terms of military backgrounds
close to POTUS. Soros transfered the bulk of his 'public' funds to a
Non-Profit Organization. Someone owes a lot to very bad actors. She
must repay the payment that was made under promise of victory.
Cash payments occurred by Obama during the last 90 of his
Presidency to foreign states and/ or organizations. What slush fund
did AG Sessions (through DOJ) put an end to? Soros, Obama,
Clinton, Holder, Lynch, etc all net-ed many millions of dollars.
Something was negotiated on the tarmac between Bill Clinton and
Lynch. It was expected Hillary was going to win during this time
period. The wizards and warlocks tipped off a local reporter as to the
supposed unscheduled stop.

The NSA is under the personal direction from Adm Rogers (Dir., NSA)
had this meeting miscategorized and logged under a false identity to
prevent bad actors from locating while also verifying to said players all
was clear. No logs. Something happened when the wizards and
warlocks revealed what they had. Comey was forced into the spotlight
shortly thereafter not by choice. Right before the election no doubt
which would cast suspicion.
These are crumbs and you cannot imagine the full and complete
picture. If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control, we as
Patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable (this was leaked
internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring
fraud.) Dig deeper - missing critical points to paint the full picture.
There is simply no other way than to use the military. It's that corrupt
and dirty. Please be safe and pray for those in harms way as they
continually protect and serve our great country.

FIVE carriers in the Pacific, THREE in W. Pacific and TWO in E.

Pacific. TWO carriers in Atlantic. SEVEN carriers underway
It will prevent China, Russia, NK, and other state actors from
attempting to harm the US during whatever is coming up.

Three are for potential NK attack/defense, Two (US West Coast) are
for national defense, Two (US East Coast) are for national defense.
FOUR are in reserve.

POTUS is in Asia on an official tour, our of the US while Antifa

threatens to overthrow the US government. NK has become ever
louder sabre rattling, SA in a quagmire with Yemen and sovereign
fund falling rapidly. Having a show of naval force in this area of the
world projects strength and confidence, and is part of "The Art of the

-First time in history a U.S. Navy supercarrier visited Guam on Nov.


-All 7 US Carriers in opperation, Nov. 9th
- US and South Korea:

- Russia at N. Korea border:

Nov. 5th Texas Church Shooting

Note the increased military movement. Note National Guard

deployments starting tomorrow. Note false flags. Follow Huma Abedin.
Prepare messages of reassurance based on what was dropped here
to spread on different platforms. The calm before the storm.
Yes. Although former President Clinton had been there to retrieve the
two vanguard journalists.
Because they wanted them to be nuclear capable.

Iran Nuclear Deal. Scientist, Tech and Cash Payout of frozen Iranian
-To eliminate interference of govt officials (including Congress) who
are beholden to KSA

- Many Congresspersons are owned by KSA

- KSA is the mortal enemy of Iran

- Congress would balk and interfere on behalf of their owners.

- Because it was given to them by the Obama administration via the

Iran deal.
- He was paying off HRC debts she couldn't pay without being
The intelligence community was either lying or wrong. If they were
lying, they knew that NK would be armed and capable well before
then. If they were wrong, they would show themselves completely
inept and incompetent.
That the Obama administration, along with the Intelligence
community, armed an aggressive, rogue state with WMD's making it
capable if hitting North America, NATO nations and East asian allies.
It would blow your mind if I told you Obama has been to North Korea
and perhaps is there now. His administration did little to slow their
nuclear and missile capabilities. The deal was done with Iran under
Obama. The deal sealed under top secret classification. Congress
wasn't notified. After Obama left office, all of a sudden North Korea
has nukes and the tech to miniaturize for payload delivery within the
U.S.. What about NSA, CIA, DI etc all confirming tech won't be in
place for 5+ years (statements in 2016) all of this relevant and what
does it tell you.

-DJT Donald J Trump ...

-a Caesar cipher?
-Possible dates for operations [keeping mind the differences in time
zone and dates across East & West hemispheres]

Press accounts attributed this collapse to "tired mountain syndrome"

even though this was the acknowledged nuclear weapons center of
NK. [Speculation] If facility and press are both CIA, that would explain
that cover story.

Sabotage by US agents to prevent nuclear fallout. Killing of most of

the capable knowledge workers who would be able to reassemble a
nuclear bomb from buried materials.

2,800 of Huma Abedin's emails on Weiner's computer ...

To mark them unclassified

-"strip them, turn them into non-paper and send" via an unsecure
channel to end up on Hillary's server, open for the world to access

-Certain events had to occur first - Hillary's benefactors/owners in

KSA had to be taken out of circulation and held incommunicado so
there would be no protection for her (or funds available to escape,
bribe, etc.)
-The noose is closing in. Avenues of escape for other affiliated actors
are being closed.
It's a serious crime to both order it and to carry it out.
-contradicts Comey's validation for not pursuing HRC prior to the
She has a clue what's coming and she doesn't want to go to jail, so
she made a deal.

-Protection has been removed for some people (J Podesta, HRC),

Donna doesn't have clean hands and is culpable. Those who were
above her are being toppled.

Probably the DOJ if it involved an immunity agreement.

Those who instructed her to violate the law.

- If it can lead to those higher up, yes. RULE OF LAW.

- To soften the left's outrage.

- Messages from one party to another, one faction to another: there is

no more cover.

NY times, WP stories about the "fallen Podesta Brothers" plural........

10.17.17 The Hill and CIRCA release U1 story.

11.1.17 Brazille reveals primary was rigged.
11.2.17 Warren confirms on CNN that primary was rigged.
11.2.17 Blitzer on CNN asks direct question of Andre Carson if
primary was rigged (He waffles).

11.2.17 WaPo gives four pinnochios to Dems for lying about Tax Bill.
11.3.17 CNN interviews Sanders campaign manager who confirms
'rigged'. 11.3.17 Tulsi Gabbard confirms primary was rigged.

11.3.17 Newsweek does article on primary being rigged.

11.3.17 MSNBC asks Schumer if primary was rigged....


Follow Huma Abedin. It just broke with Huma Abedin. Hillary
instructed Huma Abedin to remove classified markings. This is story
just now coming out. Donna Brazile is running for cover. A deal was
granted in exchange for something. Someone made that deal. We
care about Donna and those who instructed her to violate the law.
This is being leaked verses simply prosecuted privately.

Someone is attempting to change the narrative and soften the acts

that are forthcoming this weekend.

-It was illegal and against US interests/national security

- Collusion and intent at the very highest level. Sitting president
committed treason.
Finding BHO is impossible using standard internet.
Not in the Administration, but reported the US NRC
(Nuclear Regulatory Commission) had not granted Russia licesnces
to export uranium from the US (
Uranium-Reserves.html). Apparently Senator John Barrasso (R-WY,
where most of U1 is) tried to warn Obama that the Russians did not
have or request the correct licenses but that uranium had been
shipped to Canada. He said he was ignored.

NRC told WY Sen. John Barasso that the uranium would not be exported. After John Christensen saw uranium leaving Uranium

Chairman of NRC is appointed by the President and serves at his pleasure. (NUREG-0980 Vol 1 No 10 "Nuclear Regulatory Legis

President Obama probably had some idea what was going on with
Uranium 1
Raise suspicion, prepare them to receive what's coming.

Gives POTUS leverage over bad actors

The newswires (AP, Thompson-Reuters, Gannett)

- Deep state


on behalf of the cabal

1) Critical mass of civilian-reporting/journalism +Wikileaks info forces
them to acknowledge it.
2) Protection for some has been removed, so certain information can
now be stated without personal threat.


It will weaken the MSM's message, though not all will believe it

They'll never control the narrative again

"Leaking" is a form of control; you have some newbie reporter hot to

make a mark in journalism; you set him/her up with a deep state
operative and leak some information;info turns out to be legit; he/she
is now lauded for great journalism, gets a raise, goes into debt; deep
state now owns the journalist. Journalist has to keep getting the leaks
to keep being an "insider"; deep state can now slant stories, ask for
"favors" to help massage the narrative and occasionally just lie. But
journalist has to accept the lie because otherwise, they receive no
more leaks.

Knowingly committed crime

The leaks are real the news is fake.
Proves propaganda, Operation Mockingbird.

The public will have a mass panic and not know what is real.
Distrust. Anger. Guilt.

The information regarding Obama is important regarding Uranium 1

and his export approval to Canada to EU. Find Obama today. Obama
and/or his administration made false statements that Uranium 1 would
never be exported from the US. Someone made those statements.
Someone they report to. The public has been given a select taste -
rest assured others have it all.

The CIA controls the narrative. Left wing organizations are beginning
to report on DNC/Democrat corruption. The CIA has operators inside
the MSM. What happens if tied back as 'knowing' to execs.? This has
to do with with 'leaking'. It can be verified no sourced stories were in
fact approved to be published.

The wormhole goes deep.

Look at the questions asked and turn them into statements, leading to
other statements. The questions tell you where to look and what the
connections are.

Only the left would see it as coincidental.

Deliberate distraction, misdirection

Conspiracy to commit terrorism.
Military's role is to protect the United States from enemies FOREIGN

BO did not want ISIS to be destroyed because it benefited his

backers: KSA (and Qatar) as well as other bad actors
BO did not want ISIS to be destroyed because it benefited his
backers: KSA (and Qatar) as well as other bad actors

Combination of efforts: CIA, KSA, Qatar, CIA assets (Al Qaeda and
related groups), aided and abetted by Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama
and John McCain, as well as others in the US govt and other

(2004-2006) — The establishment of the branch of Al-Qaeda in Iraq

led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and called “Al-Qaeda in Mesopotamia:”

(2006-2011) — Establishment of the Islamic State in Iraq (ISI)

(2012-June 2014) — The strengthening of ISI and the founding of

POTUS has good people supporting him, and he's brilliant.

-Using intel gathered has made an actual effort to weaken/defeat ISIS

rather than token attempt

Hillary Clinton and Saudi Arabia

It is not coincidence there is always a terrorist attack when bad news
breaks for the Democrats. Military relevant how. Obama could not and
would not allow the military to destroy ISIS. How was ISIS formed.
When. POTUS has made such progress in the short time he's been

Alice & Wonderland.

United States Department of Energy (DOE) security clearance that is

roughly comparable to a United States Department of Defense Top
Secret clearance with Sensitive Compartmentalized Information
Access (TS-SCI). It is the most permissive clearance granted by the
United States Government, acting as the sole means of access to the
vast compartmentalizations Top Secret and Secret Restricted Data,
and DOE "security" areas.

Clearance explicitly refers to nuclear information. Implying those with

such access were aware of the U1 movements, as well as potentially
NK & IRAN nuclear activity

Department of Energy
Compartmentalization of information. Specification is necessary,
accuracy is important.
The DOE would control the labs which control the uranium stockpile.
Whoever wanted the transfer would have to go through the DOE,
including people with Q clearances

Implication is yes
Q clearance indeed... EnQuire Group is an elite hacking cyber
security unit with the NSA. No stone left unturned with this group of
trojan horses. Everything is exposed to them as they define the
descriptive narrative given to Black Hat communities. This super
secret group has been exposed as also being involved in COINTEL
Now the narrative
operations has shifted--
for the NSA Democrats
and is known as thepushing the within
"Q Group" narrative that
Russia our mortal enemy; blaming Russia for HRC loss. Russia is
now more useful as a scapegoat for Democrat finger-pointing.

- Russia is a hostile force

- Russia hacked the DNC server;
- Russia and Trump are in collusion;
- Russia influenced the presidential election

Dangerous, our enemy, committing cyber attacks, involved in our


Competition for the US as a global superpower.

-Hillary Clinton as SOS access on a different level

-The Clintons, they get their donations and speaking fees in the
millions of dollars. The Russians get access to advanced US
technology. The tech companies [that participated in the reset,
including Cisco, Intel, Microsoft] get special access to the Russian
market and workforce.

Canadian PM matters because if the U1 material went through
Canada, he would have to have been made aware of it. PM from
2006 - 2015 was Stephen Harper (b. 1959). From 2015 to present
Justin Trudeau (b. 1971)

They thought they were all going to continue to access to the office of
the presidency and therefore the US military, economy and soft
power. But then, Trump won.

Look at Q Clearance, explicitly to DOE. Someone has the goods on

Uranium 1. Stating 'Q' don't refer that person works in DOE. It refers
that someone dropping such information has the highest level of
security within all departments.
Obama: "Russia should be viewed as a friendly partner under Section
123 the Atomic Energy Act of 1954" after agreeing to a new nuclear
weapons reduction deal and helping US with Iran. There is an enemy.
Look at what is being continually stated by all democrates. The
Russia reset provided a clearance/pathway to complete the Uranium
1 deal.

The Canadian Prime Minister is so important. They never thought they

were going to lose.

Grassley has extra security.

Grassley is presiding over Judiciary Committee (last week)

considering Criminal Anti-Trust, Anti-retaliation Act of 2017. Whistle
blower protection for employees who provide information to the DOJ
related to criminal anti-trust violations.

Grassley is seeking the original format of [Comey’s] draft remarks,

including metadata to determine who is responsible for the edits of
Comey’s speech NOT to indict Hillary Clinton. He's also seeking
records of any discussions about why the edits were made.

So they aren't harmed and their investigation is not thwarted

With the lifting of the U1/FBI informant's gag order.

POTUS overseas trip in the Orient
POTUS overseas trip in the Orient

Released by the DOJ from his nondisclosure agreement -- his gag

order -- allowing him to testify

That the matter IS a State Secret.

-"Reported to Congress per:

Reporting to Congress
The Department will provide periodic reports to appropriate oversight
committees of Congress with respect to all cases in which the (DOJ)
Department invokes the privilege on behalf of departments or
agencies (FBI, CIA,SS) in litigation, explaining the basis for invoking
the privilege.(of state secrets)"

Hillary Clinton and Saudi Arabia

This week, Sen Grassley (one example) has a higher than normal
security detail. Grassley and others are held in a secure location.
When did this start? What has been different this week? He is the
Uranium 1 FBI informant.

Secret sessions are underway. This could be discovered. What must

be reported even if filed under 'State Secrets'. It's a name recognized
around the world. Alice & Wonderland.
IMPLYING Uranium one deal

- mining it in NK its their natural resource
- North Korea enriches it themselves, unlike Iran they don't have
people watching their moves on the ground:
-NK has been working with Pakistan on enrichment etc:
- Implying Uranium one deal
- Implying Uranium one deal

So the money could never be traced

An excuse to send them the money.
Of course

There were 2 deliveries. Total of $1.7 billion in Cash, via Switzerland,

then on to Iran.

(behind paywall)

(full article)
The planes did not all land in Iran.
Geneva Switzerland departure


The money wasn't sent to just one agent

Kim Jong Un

-"The Organisation and Guidance Department of the Korean Workers’
Party (the OGD is the crux of real, as opposed to symbolic, dictatorial
power in North Korea)"

CIA is behind NK's geopolitical actions.

CIA is behind NK's geopolitical actions.

They received money for their nuclear agenda from this payout.

They're threatening people with war.

To cover up crimes, make money, keep the public preoccupied and

rally favor

The CIA and ruling political establishment

Unknown. Presumably in NK, referring to your other statement.

Was with Michelle Obama in Las Vegas 11/8

Hillary Clinton and Saudi Arabia

How did North Korea obtain Uranium? Iran obtained Uranium. The
hostage component was a cover. The cash component could be
handed off to other people. How many planes carried the cash into
Iran. where did the planes carrying the cash depart from and land. Did
all land in Iran. Not all landed in the same location.

Someone really controls North Korea. Wars are so important.

Someone benefits. Find Obama TODAY. Find Valarie Jarret. Alice &

ive watched as society has been effectively addicted to msm, apps,

social media, games, music, all propaganda and the moment you try
to open anyone eyes. you. are. shunned.

being dumbed down, weakened and groomed for passivity and

stupidity through food and their addictions. like calf literally being
fattened for a slaughter.

and with all the race war propaganda and pizzagate possibility, i
became suicidal because i cant stand that no one will open their eyes
and are being manipulated hard.

i hope with all of my heart that Trump is going to make good on his
promise to maga and clean the swamp. ive been thinking about
joining the navy for corpsman greenside, and i would love to serve
under a Trump administration if he really does clean swamp, (will try
to join regardless no openings for corpsman right now though). I hope
that what OPanon says is true. i will be praying for OPanon and all
who risk their lives, for safety and that the Lord will guide them. and
praying that what he says is true. and will be praying for the spiritual
edification of God for Trump and for his complete safety in all of this.
The pieces are coming together for me. and if this is true, those
working with him are absolute geniuses because i would have never
imagined their would be any way possible to take the monster of
corruption that has overtaken this country.


$5.3 million home in the US. Another Home allegedly in Dubai costing
over $4 million

He did not buy that money from his presidential salary, Received the
funds elsewhere
$120 million
She did not achieve that net worth from being a representative.

A Charity founded by John McCain

They seem to operate in a similar fashion.

Mayo Clinic hospital

Dick Cheney and Lynn de Rothschild are on the Board of directors

Blood clot removed. Brain Surgery

Less than 2 weeks

21 million dollars
He did not gain his wealth from his salary as a senator

Estimated at over $1 million

Maxine Waters did not gnnerate her wealth from her position as a

Washington DC's corrupt element

Money buys **everything**, its price that's negotiable

Hillary Clinton and Saudi Arabia

The White House Review Obama's financial disclosure when he
submitted pre-D election campaign. Look at the annual salary of a
sitting US president. What home(s) were just purchased by Obama. It
doesn't reconcile. Look at the net worth of Pelosi. Look at the McCain
Institute. Notice the patterns relating to the CF. Where did McCain
obtain his surgery. What surgery did he supposedly have. How many
days until he was back in Congress and sitting on the OS comm. Look
at Maxine Waters net worth. The money buys something.

Alice & Wonderland.

Obama Foundation

Clinton Foundation
McCain Institute
George W Bush Foundation
Money left over from political donations can be donated to
personal/private foundations and given as salary or compensation to
self or person(s) who are owed favor(s).

Parts of it, yes.

Under Obama, yes.

Hillary Clinton and Saudi Arabia

List out all those who have foundations. Donations can be used
personally. Analyze the filings. Someone is charged with overseeing
this. IRS. Corrupt. Politically motivated. The level of corruption in our
country (and most others) is so severe there is ONLY ONE WAY. Alice
& Wonderland.

McCain and those others used ridicule to shift focus from the
legitimacy of the claim.

Jared Kushner

Either to verify identities of who's talking or to physically pass


-Eliminate, as much as possible, leaking of info/surveillance by intel

agencies of USA + elsewhere

-Eliminate SIGINT interception
Received an airport greeting, military flyover, cannons, coffee
ceremony, medal presentation at the Royal Court

- State affair, different than others. Welcomed as an equal. Obama

bowed, Trump did not.

Dichotomy between Obama and Trump was far too stark, and would
make Obama look bad and weak.

Greeted by the governor at the airport and was not broadcasted on

television (which is routine for visiting state heads). Met with King
Informal lunch while watching television at high volume.

Show of discontent, distrust and disrespect.

Noise of TV allowed for private conversation not to be overheard.
Important for branding. Leveling the playing field of dissemination of
information, and shaping narrative.

- Undermine confidence for the populace:

- Implant in their minds that they are not getting the truth, they are
being lied to constantly by those they cannot trust.

- Distrust for everything across the board.

- Wean them away from established, co-opted media and towards
citizen/independent journalism.

- Prepare them for upcoming events.

Populace is more likely to believe POTUS over establishment media
and politicians due to having seen "fake news" for many months.
Saudi Arabia welcomed POTUS during his trip. This historic and not
covered by MSM. How did Saudi Arabia welcome Obama during his
trip. How did Saudi Arabia welcome Hillary during her trip. Not
suggesting Saudi Arabia is clean by any means but they play a role in
this global game of RISK. The flow of information is no longer
controlled by the MSM but by you/others. Hence, why we are
dedicating 'critical' time to distribute crumbs which can be followed in
greater detail to paint the entire picture once more information is
POTUS has dedicated so much time into labeling the MSM as fake
news. We are fully prepared that all social media will be shut down to
prevent the spread of this information (i.e. POTUS' Twitter etc. and/or
mass censoring). Sealed Federal orders pre-submitted as prevention
and masked as 'in general' (though that does not account for rogue
agents/programmers within). Dates (impending actions) are
deliberately provided for authenticity. Alice & Wonderland.

70% of people leading this mission are from military.

The cells can be played against each other

Military Intellegence
Just a theory. A method of predicting opponent's choices by evaluating
payouts. Used in War Planning. Also relates to nuclear arms, i.e.
Mutually Assured Destruction.

Military will not divulge operations prior to or after until that operation
is no longer deemed classified
Hillary Clinton and Saudi Arabia
Hillary Clinton and Saudi Arabia
11/8 BHO was in Chicago for jury duty
BO spent most of his time in private judge's chambers.

He was dismissed from jury duty right away. Location after that

Hillary Clinton and Saudi Arabia

The CIA is corrupt and not supporting Trump.

CIA releases half a million documents on Osama Bin Laden raid.

11/6/2017 was seen in Georgetown University speaking panel

(afternoon, no data on whereabouts after the events).

1. With private aviation, you can skip commercial security clearance

all together and even board from the tarmac.

2. Regular people go through security checks (TSA) before getting

through the airport, while private, especially diplomatic flights don't get
checked at all.

David P. Pekoske
No donations shown in FEC records
affiliations, networks, associates, associations, political donations,

DHS is a Cabinet Department and reports to the President. TSA is a sub-department of DHS.
- BWI (Baltimore INT);
- IAD (Dulles INT);
- DCA (Reagan INT);
- JYO (Leesburg Regional);
- Manassas Regional /Harry P Davis Field - Manassas, VA
-Montgomery County Airpark (GAI)

- Note that the following 3 General Aviation/Regional airports

"Maryland 3" are subject to Washington, D.C. "Area Special Flight
Rules: VKX (Potomac); CGS (College Park); W32 (Washington


Mandatory forced grounding of all air crafts.

-NOTAM (Notice to All Airmen) issued by FAA at 10:57am on

Members of the Bin Laden family.// The FAA in Washington granted permission for a flight from San Diego to Miami in order to
Members of the Bin Laden family.// The FAA in Washington granted permission for a flight from San Diego to Miami in order to

The flights were authorised by Richard Clarke which he confirmed himself. But later clarified that he deffered the actual decisio

The final domestic airport before intertnational departure was Boston Logan Airport

This is significant becuase this is the same airport where flight 11

( WTC 1 attack ) was boarded from. This is also where Atta, left in his
luggage at Boston’s Logan Airport. It also contained a Saudi passport,
an international driver’s license, instructional videos for flying Boeing
airliners and an Islamic prayer schedule.

Saudis friendly with the Bush family were in the US on 9/11, given
special treatment to be allowed to leave the country


not yet leaked (11/8) . . .

not on news (nov 7)
trying to.
Anderson Cooper, CNN

Anchor Erin Burnett, CNN was absent from her show "Out Front" this
night (Friday, Nov. 3rd).
CIA operative is a major recognized figure in cable news and provides
a narrative friendly to CIA and other bad actors instead of the truth,
have access to people worldwide to amplify their message and distort
reality in order to accomplish their own goals and agenda.

Media infiltration by CIA via Operation Mockingbird

Ostensibly to his Open Society Foundation
Larger amount need in slush fund to distribute to various proxies to
accomplish agenda



The “Hidden Soros Slush Fund”

It has in the past.

(SPECULATION) To seal the deal with SA re. the IPO and the arrest
of SA corrupt officials and princes.
Lots of money.
-Oil, badly behaved and depraved royals/playboys, murder, social
repression, Wahabism, sponsoring jihadists including AQ and

Extremely wealthy individuals e.g. Alwaleed bin Talal

"According to a 2009 U.S. State Department communication by Hillary

Clinton, United States Secretary of State, (disclosed as part of the
Wikileaks U.S. 'cables leaks' controversy in 2010) "donors in Saudi
Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni
terrorist groups worldwide". Part of this funding arises through the
zakat (an act of charity dictated by Islam) paid by all Saudis to
charities, and amounting to at least 2.5% of their income. Although
many charities are genuine, others allegedly serve as fronts for
money laundering and terrorist financing operations. While many
Saudis contribute to those charities in good faith believing their money
goes toward good causes, it has been alleged that others know full
well the terrorist purposes to which their money will be applied."

It shows that SA is buying influence/attaining power in our

SA is a safe harbor for globalists?


Nigeria (ostensibly)

Proximity of smear to JK's trip to KSA
Wizards and Warlocks, Council of Wizards NSA group

Find John Podesta. Find Tony Podesta.

Did one or both escape the country and was let out. Find Obama.
Where WAS Obama YESTERDAY. Look at the difference between
commercial and private regarding security clearance for departure.
Someone is the TSaudi Arabia head. Which party did he contribute to.
How does Homeland Security interact with TSaudi Arabia. Post 9-11
protocols were put in place to prevent/stop inbound/outbound C-level
targets. What local airports are in close proximity to DC. What
happened shortly after 9-11 (specifically with all aircraft).
Someone was authorized to depart. ONLY 1 PLANE was authorized
during this 'mandatory forced grounding'. Someone SPECIFICALLY
authorized this. What airport did the departure take place at. It ties
together. Podesta's plane has military escort (i.e. tag) and is being
diverted (forced down). Short delay. This will be leaked. Watch the
news. Have faith. A fake news anchor will not be on air tonight. The
$18b from Soros went somewhere. It can be used by bad actors
(escape, bribes, rogue contractors, etc.). Slush fund. Did the US gov't
seize/stop/track other slush funds that prevent or create risk to
operate. JK traveled to Saudi Arabia recently. Saudi Arabia is known
for someothing. That's where the biggest donations originate from.
Something else is relevant with Saudi Arabia. Safe harbor. Port of
transfer. There was a recent smear campaign against JK and POTUS.

The timing important. Someone released the article. The council of

Wizards & Warlocks cannot be defeated. Nice view up here.

-FOIA request re: HRC investigation

-Hollywood melting down
-Podestas being investigated
-KSA housecleaning
Protection (KSA) removed from HRC, Podestas and others allow
investigation(s) to continue
Harvard University Muslim Alumni

New York City

Muslim Brotherhood
Father Syed Zainul Abedin, born in New Delhi India. Studied at
Western Michigan University (part of Muslim Student Association) and
got PhD at University of Pennsylvania in . 1978 founded Institute of
Muslimm Minority Affairs with Abdullah Omar Aseef, 1979 founded
Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, taught at King Abdulaziz University,
Secretary-General to Muslim World League 1983. Mother Saleha
Mahmood Abedin, born in India (now Pakistan). PhD in Sociology
from University of Pennsylvania. Currently editor-in-chief at JMMA and
teacher at Al-Hakem College in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Known radical
feminist, represented MWL in 1990's, board member of International
Islamic Council for Dawa and Relief and Amman International Islamic
Committee for Woman and Child, founding member of Muslim
Sisterhood. She is a member of several interfaith organizations,
including the Millennium World Peace Summit, the Vienna Round
Table for Christian Muslim Dialogue, the Peace Council, the
Parliament of World Religions, and the World Council of Muslims for
Interfaith Relations. She founded Dar Al-Hekma College (in Jeddah,
Saudi Arabia), and is a Professor of Sociology at the King Abdulaziz
University Women’s College (also in Jeddah). Huma born 1976 in
Michigan, moved to Saudi Arabia at age 2. Lived and traveled there
until college- got BA in Journalism at George Washington University,
interned at Clinton White House in 1996, worked with HRC Senate
and as assistant journalist at JMMA until 2008, worked at Teneo 2009-
2013, Clinton Foundation, and SoS Clinton, worked on 2016 HRC
presidential campaign.

Intern in 1996 Clinton White House

She's like a second daughter (until Weiner laptop scandal 2016)
- She is a sinking ship. They will go down with her if they don't. They
are dirty, she has dirt on them, but they have dirt on her, too, as
(sometimes) accomplices, or as hearsay.

- HRC no longer enjoys the protection of Prince Alwaleed bin Tahal

- Because deals were made with select Democrats.

Most probably
Probably not

Hillary Clinton and Saudi Arabia

Data just dropped. "Harvard University Muslim Alumni (HUMA).
Harvard University Muslim Alumni (HUMA).

Harvard University Muslim Alumni (HUMA).

Find HUMA (Abedin). HUMA (Abedin) is connected to an organization.

Look at HUMA (Abedin)'s family history. How did HUMA (Abedin)
meet Hillary. What did Hillary say about HUMA (Abedin) that
demonstrates how close they are. Democrats dropping Hillary all of a
sudden. Deals were made with select Democrats. Can we expose
every crooked politician. 70% Harvard University Muslim Alumni
(HUMA). Follow HUMA (Abedin). Alice & Wonderland.
It shows what it takes to clear the swamp

$10,000,001 - $25,000,000 source:

$100,000+ source:

In 2017, $923,626.00 (~80% coming from Bloomberg Family Foundations, Inc.) source:

-Chuck Schumer
-$513,966 over the years via CitiGroup
-Bush family is friends with Bin Laden family and others in KSA

-Bush family is in oil business, tied to many in KSA

-Bush legacies are threatened along with business interests

Patriots, POTUS, those not in the cabal and it's cult.

The penal policy in Saudi Arabia (governed by Sharia Law) is based
largely on deterrence and retribution in concept and is characterized
by certainty and speed in practice while in the United States the penal
philosophy (governed by positive law) is based mainly on offender
rehabilitation and the administration of justice is rather slow and
uncertain. In the USA the criminal has rights to an atty. In SA the
criminal is expected to defend himself.

If there are bad actors (Huma, HRC, TP, JP, BO) who happen to be in
SA they could be charged in SA and have no recourse to help.

Where bodies are buried, bribes, networks, drugs, sex slavery, other
slavery, kickbacks, creepy cult/pedo stuff, jihadis + sleeper cells/plans
for terrorist acts.

First operation in Saudi Arabia, next in America. Also control from

Saudi Arabia of American politicans/government flow.

Can be used to bring down bad actors in US + elsewhere, thwart

terrorist attacks, roll up networks of bad actors.

"Saudi National Guard

Saudi National Guard Deploys Attack Helicopters as Border Situation


Saudi National Guard Prepping for New Deployment to Yemen Border"
National Guard

See above.
AntiFa versus KSA switch (where AntiFa was neutralized, but not
using NG, providing misdirection for the important KSA operation).

Remember some key pieces of info are intentionally wrong for OpSec
(operational security) reasons.. Don't let it throw you.

Hillary Clinton and Saudi Arabia

Jared Kushner (JK) travel to Saudi Arabia recently. Look at what

Saudi Arabia is known for. That's where the biggest donations
originate from. Something else is relevant with Saudi Arabia. Safe
harbor. Port of transfer. There was a recent smear campaign against
JK and POTUS. Martial law declared in Saudi Arabia. Money was
donated to Clinton Foundation by Saudi Arabia. Money was donated
to McCain Institute by Saudi Arabia. Money was donated to Pelosi
Foundation . Money was donated to CS by Saudi Arabia. Other bad
actors have been paid by Saudi Arabia (bribed)(Not just Democrats).

The Bush family recently come out against POTUS. Someone is

good. What are the laws in Saudi Arabia v. US (charged criminals).
What information might be gained by these detainees. What force is
actively deployed in Saudi Arabia. National Guard. Have faith.

Disinformation is real. God bless. Alice & Wonderland. The Great


Huma Abedin, she lived most of her early life in Saudi Arabia

Hillary R Clinton/Clinton Foundation have ties to SA

Muslim Brotherhood is a global organisation with the aim of
establishing political Islam around the world.

Huma Adedin and Imran Awan

Imran Awan, lead player in the Awan Brother spy ring scandal of
Congress and Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Imran Awan, his brothers, wives, and a friend or two are linked to
Congressional spy scandal. Imran Awan links may go as far back as
Anthony Weiner, when Weiner was in Congress. It appears Awan
began with Weiner, Weiner lost his seat, so Debbie was passed the
torch. Imran provided doped/hacked phones to members of
Congress(among other things too). It is likely the Awan Group is
referenced in an email from Hillary to Huma that says "Maybe one of
Anothony's trusted staff could deliver secure phone?"

Washington DC, Bahrain, Malaysia, Pakistan, KSA, China, USA, UAE,

Singapore, and Cyprus. According to their own website.

The Awan Group, through ties to the Congressional intranet and

mobile phones provided to Democratic members The Awans worked
with, may have provided sensitive intelligence and inside information
to the Muslim Brotherhood, i.e., spying.

Money laundering is the generic term used to describe the process by

which criminals disguise the original ownership and control of the
proceeds of criminal conduct by making such proceeds appear to
have derived from a legitimate source.
Money laundering is the generic term used to describe the process by
which criminals disguise the original ownership and control of the
proceeds of criminal conduct by making such proceeds appear to
have derived from a legitimate source.

SA may have ties/control over Pakistani ISI. Allies. Pakistan agreed to

send combat troops to SA in march. they're also partners in
commercial and similar cultural aspects.

King Salman and Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif are key to
the strong alliance between Paki and SA. Prince Muqrin played an
active role in Pakistani politics during his term and arranged a ten-
year agreement with Pervez Musharraf to accept Nawaz Sharif as an
exile. Nawaz Sharif recently resigned as Prime Minister of Pakistan
and handed it over to his brother. SA has close relationship with the
Military, Intelligence community, political and business class of

Awan is a Pakistani national. Huma has Pakistani heritage. Huma has

ties to MB and CF, who takes donations from SA.

To help them get elected to office. Once in office, to have control over
them and obtain votes on legislation favorable to them, to squash,
obfuscate or downplay any wrongdoing in any Congressional
committee investigations.

Pay for play.

U.S. Support militarily and a near-monopoly on the oil market.

Influence within government without middle-men

SA and MB lost their connection to U.S. in the office of President,
White House staff and information classified at that level.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has given between $10 million and $25 million since the foundation was created in 1999. Part of

With Obama out and Hillary losing, there was no more access to and
influence on the office of the President, White House staff, access to
information classified at that level.

Yes. Cash.
For hostages to be released and as payment for the Iran deal (release
of Iranian funds frozen by US govt decades ago)

- KSA owns majority of Congress and many others in govt

- Info was not provided to Congress to prevent interference by those

owned by KSA

- KSA is mortal enemies with Iran, would not approve any deal under
any circumstances

- POTUS can see it,

- No one who does not have "need to know" can access

- To Keep details away from owned govt agents of KSA in our


Departure - Geneva, Switzerland

There were 2 deliveries
We only heard about the one for the hostages. Media and BO claimed
it was frozen funds we returned, everyone saw it as hostage release,
everyone was arguing and no one looked for a 2nd plane. Sleight of
Question implies that some of those Iranian funds were diverted to NK
as payment or to fulfill some purpose.

Obama payed Hillary's debt to KSA by delivering Iranian funds to NK,

per some agreement with KSA

KSA and Qatar fund ISIS

Slush funds can be used for any purpose, as necessary.

-KSA is the only thing holding the US economy up by the petrodollar.

It is a delicate balance.

-KSA is mortal enemies with Iran, is not financially stable on its own
(bleeding funds rapidly towards total collapse, per ZeroHedge article)
and has a restless, non-working population it pays to do nothing.

-It is the major funder and contributor to US politicians and the CF.

-Favors owed are called in. Hillary can't fulfill her favors now, but she
still owes them.
Their governing officials were arrested for corruption.// List of Saudi
royals purged by House of Saud (source: @drzuhdijasser) 1. Waleed
Bin Talal (Billionaire owner of The Kingdom Holding group), 2. Prince
Mitaab bin Abdullah (Former Minister of the Natioanl Guard), 3. Prince
Turki bin Abdullah (former Governor of Riyadh (Capital)), 4. Prince
Turki bin Nasser, 5. Waleed Ibrahim (Owner of MBC Media
Company), 6. Kahled Al-Tuwaijri (former President of the Royal
Court), 7. Adel Faqih (former labor minister and current economy and
planning Minister), 8. Omer Dabbagh (former President of the General
Investment Authority), 9. Saleh Kamel (billionaire), 10. Saud Al-
Tobaishi (head (former?) of Royal Ceremonies and Protocols), 11.
Ibrahim Al-Assaf (former Finance Minister and current State Minister),
12. Bakr Bin Ladin (owner of Bin Ladin group), 13. Saud Al-Dawish
(former CEO of Saudi Telecom Company), 14. Kahled Al-Mulhem
(former Director General at Saudi Arabian Airlines).

-It shows how a nation can rid itself of large scale, systematic
-It shows that a number of corrupt individuals in KSA at high levels
were also involved with media and finance

The former King of SA. Died in 2015

Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud took the throne.

-Way better. Barack got snubbed and bowed. Trump got a big
-Trump was greeted with full State affair, treated as an equal

POTUS (Trump) went to SA from a position of strength, which is

respected in the Middle East. J Kushner had gone before to secure
and agreement, and POTUS was treated with respect and dignity of
an equal, rather than a lackey.
POTUS participated in a Saudi traditional men’s sword dance known
as the ardah, a ceremonial dance to publicly display the fighting
strength of a tribe and boost morale before an armed engagement.

The Ardha used to be performed before warriors would meet their

enemies in battle.

It also signifies the start of notable celebratory occasions, such as like

religious holidays, weddings, and national and cultural events.

“Would very much appreciate Saudi Arabia doing their IPO of Aramco
with the New York Stock Exchange. Important to the United States!”

Keeping the Petrodollar in return as deal for support of arrest of

corrupt bad actors in KSA

The SA government

POTUS had advance knowledge of forthcoming actions in KSA

In Hawai. 12 hours later he tweeted to be landing shortly in Japan. It

takes a good 8 hours to fly.
Obama was raised and has a home in Hawaii
Ballistic missile attack

SoS Tillerson was in SA and met with the King on October 22nd.
Jared Kushner was there till Oktober 28th and was accompanied by
deputy national security adviser Dina Powell and Middle East envoy
Jason Greenblatt. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, was there two
weeks ago and led a delegation to Riyadh to focus on combating
terrorist financing.
Terrorist finances and people involved are being rolled up in Saudi

Hillary Clinton and Saudi Arabia

Follow Harvard University Muslim Alumni (HUMA). Someone
connects Hillary/Clinton Foundation to Saudi Arabia. That someone is
the Muslim Brotherhood. Awan has ties to the MB. Look at the Awan
Group. Where do they have offices? Cash laundering. Look at the
relationship between Saudi Arabia & Pakistan. Why does Saudi Arabia
provide tens of millions of dollars to US senior gov't officials?

Saudi Arabia obtains something in exchange for payment. Important

access. Before Hillary lost the election of 2016, money was provided
to the Clinton Foundation by Saudi Arabia during 15/16. Hillary lost.
Loss of access/power/control. The repayment of funds to must Saudi
Arabia occur. Obama send billions in cash to Iran. Congress wasn't
notified. This was classified under 'State Secrets', but someone has
access to State Secrets.

Where did the planes carrying the cash depart from and land? The
planes didn't all land in the same location. How many planes carried
the cash? This has to do with with North Korea. This has to do with
the Saudi Arabia and Clinton Foundation cash donations. This has to
do with with ISIS. This has to do with with slush funds. Saudi Arabia is
so vitally important. Follow the money. Someone still has the money.
Look at happening in Saudi Arabia today. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz and
the events that transpired directly thereafter. How was POTUS
greeted compared to other former US Presidents when in Saudi
Arabia? This traditionally announces war. What was the last Tweet
sent out by POTUS? That was an instruction of some kind. To who?
Where was POTUS when that Tweet was sent? An attack took place
in Saudi Arabia as operations were undertaken. Flying objects. US
operators are currently in Saudi Arabia. Alice & Wonderland.







I Remember the phrasing not making sense, I was like "oh does he
mean that dt took out the Clintons?" But the Clintons were on the list
as remaining so I didn't know who was taken out

Corrupt elements in Saudi Arabia have to be dealt with first, then

operations will occur within the US, after that Asia and the EU.

Hillary Clinton and Saudi Arabia
Today, it was my pleasure and great honor to announce my
nomination of Jerome Powell to be the next Chairman of the

3:35pm - 2 Nov

People behind the Federal Reserve and banking system

Just before 6 p.m. on 11/02/17 and then reinstated 11 min later.

Trump gave first Tweet after incident on 11/03/17

One of the Saudi Princes arrested has 5% stake in Twitter: Prince

Alwaleed bin Talal

11/2 for 11 minutes before 7 pm EST

Before the POTUS left on a trip overseas. Before scheduled Antia

attempt to overthrow the US government on 11/04/17

Once. First account, then followers, both restored

Geolocation is used to monitor and track something or someone.

Cause chaos and disorder, in this case, to disrupt POTUS' ability to

communicate directly to the people.

-A Show of Strength and Leadership as Commander in Chief.

-POTUS met with Admiral Harris and military brass at US Pacific
Command (PACOM) in Aiea, Hawaii. A likely key discussion topic is
North Korea's nuclear threat. PACOM covers more of the globe of any
of the other geographic combatant commands and shares borders
with all of the other five geographic combatant commands. President
and First Lady offered a solemn floral tribute at Pearl Harbor.

-In AUG 2017 The Hawaii Army National Guard said it had been notified by the Department of Defense about possible deploym

Military can be trusted, only agency which has legal authority over 3-

No, not in normal circumstances.

Something unusual is going on

Ballistic Missle from Yemen to hit Riyad in Saudi Arabia

1) Threat thwarted, display of military power/equipment/prowess.

2) USA sells KSA tons of weapons. $$$.

3) Shows that KSA is protected by the US.

4) Shows that US has sufficient intelligence to know attack is coming

and counter it


We know exactly where the missile originated and where it was


Hillary Clinton and Saudi Arabia

What was POTUS' last Tweet (prior to)? To whom was it addressed?
It addressed to someone specifically. This has never happened
before. How many times did the attack occur (secondary clean up)?
Look at the purpose of tracking. Look at the purpose of disruption.

POTUS has uniformed guards while in Hawaii. Military guards don't

assist the USSS. What flying object was recently shot down. How
precise is geo tracking (non-public c-level pro). Alice & Wonderland.

Q is Alice and Q is going to take us down the rabbit hole, where truth
is harder to believe than fiction.

Confirmed to be Hillary and Saudi Arabia.

Words are chosen carefully, phrasing is important, order is important.

Hillary Clinton and Saudi Arabia

The Bloody Wonderland is Saudi Arabia.

Questions repeated to demonstrate importance andgive context.

Questions repeated to demonstrate importance andgive context.

Questions repeated to demonstrate importance andgive context.

Questions repeated to demonstrate importance andgive context.

direct link:

NB: Graphic compilation of Q's posts AS OF NOV. 5, 2017

1st priority: Spread sheet - all Q posts in chronological order with

links, answers & information collected in one place.

2nd priority: Community messaging boards - subsequently moved

from 4/pol/.
In his subsequent posts, Q confirmed that his signatures are names
for future events that are about to happen. Each name roughly
describes a future event.
Alice & Wonderland = Hillary and the Bloody Wonderland = Hillary
and Saudi Arabia.

This event has happened (confirmed to be Hillary Clinton and Saudi

Arabia). Saudis had chosen to cut ties with Hillary and arrested
dozens of corrupt princes.

Here is link to online version (free to read)

The Bloody Wonderland is Saudi Arabia.

Spy Vs. Spy

CIA Directorate of Operations code-named Snow White.


When events happen, re-read everything.

Topics that are continually emphasized more than other are important
and related to events that are about to occur.

Spy Vs. Spy

CIA Directorate of Operations code-named Snow White.

Questions repeated to demonstrate importance and give context.

Hillary Clinton and Saudi Arabia

The Bloody Wonderland is Saudi Arabia.

Hillary Clinton and Saudi Arabia

Spy Vs. Spy

CIA Directorate of Operations code-named Snow White.
there are ties to Pakistani ISI (Inter Intelligence Service, the Pakistani

Dept. of Homeland Security and Border Patrol were to release MS-13

gang captures at the border in order to maintain the shadow force
within the country, along with the drugs and violence they brought with

Pakistani ISI

MS13 brings in the heroin, commits crime (including assassinations)

-To keep out MS13, drug smugglers, murderers, assassins, and

-To stem the flow of heroin/drugs destroy society, and it's profits go
bad actors
-To keep out illegal aliens, that put a drain on our social system and
are eroding our culture
Yes, but in parallel, not the highest priority (completely overhaul,
eliminate immigration from certain countries) due to political realities.
Democrats and Deep State are fighting for open immigration.

-Someone who is a professional
-Someone who is expendable
Rafael Aguilar and Carmelo Marmolejo-Calixto, found in Myrtle Beach,
SC, next day after Seth Rich's death


Someone funds MS13. Obama instruct Homeland Security & Border

Patrol to release MS13 captures at the border. One agency has direct
ties to (2) major drug cartels. AG Sessions / POTUS prioritizing the
removal of MS13. AG Sessions / POTUS prioritizing building the wall.
Immigration. Drugs. Someone you hire for a hit. Someone can be
eliminated after the job is complete. Someone was found dead (2)
shortly after his (Seth Rich) murder. What affiliation did they have!

Spy Vs. Spy

CIA Directorate of Operations code-named Snow White.
Order of operations: Saudi Arabia was first, then USA, then elements
in Asia, and finally the European Union.

Not everything stated is exactly true, questions may intentionally lead

to an incorrect conclusion. All warfare is deception.

It is necessary to use sleight-of-hand, misdirection and even outright

distractions to accomplish the goal/mission.

Part of that was misdirection to lead to the conclusion that operations

would occur first in America. In reality, they were planned and
executed in Saudi Arabia.

One does not telegraph the mission details or order of operations to

opponents or enemies.

"I am landing shortly. Can’t wait to be with our GREAT MILITARY. See
you soon!"

The military is with POTUS, protecting him/intimidating any bad actors

that might want to do him harm. Providing special units to carry out
POTUS's orders(?)

Order of operations in various countries/regions.

POTUS arrived in Tokyo, Japan.

Attended an event at Yokota Air Base

James Mattis arrived at the Yokota Air Base in February 2017 during
his first overseas trip as Secretary of Defense.

Is the broadcast center for the American Forces Network Tokyo radio

Discuss military operations and prep for a response to NK posturing

and/or attack.

Who wasn't overseas with POTUS? Mattis.

Spy Vs. Spy
CIA Directorate of Operations code-named Snow White.
Many things will be revealed.

Ten days. Darkness. Scare tactics (MSM). Democrats falling.

Republicans walking away or removed. Saudi Arabia to US -to Asia to
EU. Disinformation is real.

Distractions are necessary. Focus was US today while real happening

in Saudi Arabia under same context (military control, martial law,
missile strike (rogue) etc). Necessary. POTUS' Twitter attack. What
was the last Tweet by POTUS prior to Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia (1),
US (2), Asia (3), EU (4). Find POTUS. Military operations. Operators
in US. Snow White The Great Awakening Godfather III

They're a military wing for the cabal of bad actors in D.C.. They run
drugs, guns and slaves, commit assassination of opponents, whistle-
blowers and witnesses.
They are undocumented and protected by shadow gov't. Able to move
swiftly, take out any witnesses, confiscate any video footage that may
have captured the crimes.

The truth is so hard to believe that normal people reject it.

Because those appointed or tasked with oversight were complicit,

profiting or involved.
Fmr FBI Director James Comey stated the intent of setting up her
private servers was not means to indict. Based on intent, however
intent is irrelevant in case of handling classified materials.

President Barack Obama used a pseudonym in email

communications with Hillary Clinton.

“The same time everybody else learned it (HRC private server)

through news reports.”- BO

Spy Vs. Spy

CIA Directorate of Operations code-named Snow White.

MS13 a priority. People pay such gangs to kill opponents to insulate

against exposure. The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be
exposed. These people are evil. Hillary wasn't prosecuted for the
emails. Obama ultimately OK'd by using the non government email
address to communicate with Clinton. Obama also had an alias along
with each of his cabinet members. Therefore indicting Hillary would
lead to indicting Obama & his cabinet etc which could never happen.
Remember he lied about knowing but that ultimately came out in the

Snow White Godfather III.


Weiner's laptop/New Clinton emails was enough to not shut the case
down, but McCabe blocked further investigation.

James Comey.

550,000 children missing

Estimated $30,000,000+
CF held back 10% of donations, then awarded money to their cronies
to "rebuild" Haiti. Bill Clinton was very influential in directing funds. It's
possible money stayed under CF umbrella and cycled through their
"initiates" until all money was gone. Also, Bill pressured banks to back
rebuild project. They wrote off loss when rebuild failed.

Australia, Saudi Arabia, Norway, Netherlands, Canada

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has given between $10 million and $25 million since the foundation was created in 1999. Part of

- Large amounts of funds were given by KSA to CF,

- CF was involved with Haiti earthquake situation

- CF involved in "girls & women's" programs there,

- Children went "missing" from Haiti

- Huma A kept HRC abreast of Laura Silsby's situation in Haiti
(arrested for human trafficking of Haitian children)
- Presents indication the CF was involved with human trafficking using
KSA money, possibly intended delivery of children to KSA

Spy Vs. Spy

CIA Directorate of Operations code-named Snow White.
FBI/Military Intel currently have open investigation into the CF. Comey
didn't drop this. Someone was the FBI director during the Haiti crisis.
Many kids disappeared. Money was sent to Clinton Foundation under
disguise of Haiti relief and actually went to Haiti. What countries
donated big money to CF. Saudi Arabia. Snow White.

2 MS13 found murdered in a car in SC day after Seth Rich's murder

Proof of the connection is classified and unavailable to public.

Hillary Rodham Clinton

MGM Mandalay Bay

32nd floor
Top Floors are a completely separate hotel with separate entrance.

It's The Four Seasons and is owned by Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin
Talal and Bill Gates

He donated money to the CF.

Stephen Paddock
estimated $2 million
Almost zero online profiles/information about said person. Only one or
two choppy, blurry pictures may be available.

- Everything about anybody or any place. It's an archive of

- All foreign travel. All bank transactions. All flight plans.

- Patterns of behaviour that can be used to predict future actions.

Jesus Campos
They're a military wing for the cabal of bad actors in D.C.. They run
drugs, guns and slaves, commit assassinations of opponents, whistle-
blowers and witnesses.

Campos wasn't a guard. MS13 member, likely

No. Multiple shooters. [theory]

To show the public how presidential assassinations are planned by

multiple groups
That the CIA has operated unchecked since after the Second World
War, and that the FBI has been their cover-up team and protector
since J Edgar walked across the carpet in his office in high heel
shoes. 2 different FBI memos referencing George Bush. One of them
regarding Bush being involved with the anti-Castro Cubans
surrounding the BOP and the Kennedy assassination, and the other
one placing Bush Sr. in TX on that day.

Yes. The official story says 1 shooter. It was more than one shooter
using more than one gun at more than one angles.

[SPECULATION] President Trump was going to be in a few days. ...

The Saudi Prince
-To kill even more people than they did in order to

(1) suggest that Trump is unfit to manage the country;

(2) show Trump what they are capable of; and

(3) ask as a warning of worse things to come if Trump does not go

along with the NWO agenda
Cover tracks of the assassins

Say that the official story isn't true

yes they most certainly did
- More than one shooter at ground level. Said they were being
- Also shots fired at Bellagio and helicopters shooting?

- One reported she was in the kitchen of another hotel with a bunch of
people holed up there, there were shooters in there and there was
blood everywhere. She mentioned she couldn't understand why no
media reported that. She posted pics on social media.

-Some think they were going to pull a 9/11 there.

-Witnesses eliminated that would not corroborate the narrative put out
by the media

-You can't have too many credible, normie people contradicting the
official account or other normies get suspicious and distrustful. It
negates the op (public belief is a part of the op).

Car crash, shot, died in their sleep, hit and run

The report showing how CIA can use cars to assassinate people. It
was attempted on Vladamir Putin

Hack the Uconnect system, the entertainment system that connects to

the internet
the internet

Car crash
Elements in KSA and their minions had a vested interest in ensuring
that any witnesses that did not verify/support the official story must be

With enough money at their disposal, technology was available to

assist that effort.

Arrests of Saudi Prince, helicopter crash of high ranking SA Officals

Saudi Prince al Waleed bin Talal

Helicopter crash north of Yemen border killed Saudi Prince Mansour
bin Muqrin and other gov officials of Asir province

Saudi Prince Mansour bin Muqrin, governor of Asir province and son
of prince Muqrin bin Abdulaziz (Muqrin was former intel
director/Crown Prince until removed by his half-brother King Salman
in 2015)

1. No
2. Yes, but have no proof (answer is based on Q's questions)-Trump had no public events scheduled in the morning of 10/1 htt

to have a classified meeting

Prince Salman to warn of assassination attempt by Alaweed

"Probably not, as it was not in the news.

From 2:20pm to 8:05pm, POTUS was in NJ on 01OCT17"

Two departures from NJ Jersey City @ 1830 and Morisstown @ 1855.

AF1 tail # went back to WH arriving @ 2005 in DC. 2 - AF1 tail
number unknown?

2. No scheduled events in the AM; Trump reported to be on the east

coast in the PM
Seth Rich is only mentioned because it directly relates to Saudi

Las Vegas. What hotel did the 'reported' gunfire occur from. What
floors specifically? Someone owns those top floors. Paddock was
worth $2 million. Identify the spook. Historical data collection reveals
something. There was an eye witness. He wasn't registered as a
security guard. MS-13 is important. It doesn't add up. There wasn't
only one shooter. What do the new JFK files infer? There wasn't only
one shooter.

Someone was in Las Vegas during this time. What was the real
mission? Survivors dying randomly. These survivors have something
in common. They talked on social media. Were they going to form a
group. How do they die? What CIA report was released by Wikileaks?
You can control a car. The survivors died in a car crash.

This connects to Saudi Arabia. It just happened in Saudi Arabia. Was

POTUS in Las Vegas that night? Someone had a classified meeting.
Did Air Force 1 land at McCarran? An unmarked tail numbers flew into
McCarren that night. Trace Air Force 1 that entire day. What do you

Is HRC just a puppet and the goal is to take down her minders and
the real kingpins?

She is now no longer protected by Prince Alwaleed and is a liability.

She has no more influence.

She is expendable and knows too much, owes too much and is a
liability now.

if she's not, I think they're gunning for her. How can she repay the
money sent to CF for influence? Do they have Huma?

Under the cover of the Iran Deal. He diverted Iran's funds to pay
HRC's debt to the cabal.

Bill Clinton wants a deal to avoid prosecution in U.S.

Trying to leverage the esteem of the office for his own selfish

- Soros owns Media matters, funds many NGOs world wide. Money.

- Soros provided money to pay the debt via a slush fund/connections

Corruption purge.

Spy Vs. Spy

CIA Directorate of Operations code-named Snow White.

Obama sent 221 million to Palestinians right before leaving office. The
Socratic method triggers thought and directs the audience in a certain
direction where they will find the answer necessary without telling
them the answer directly.

People need to find the information themselves, being told directly

leads to rejection due to ideology/partisanship/religion. Finding the
answers and considering them and other information is how this
process absolutely must work.

Anons' job is to collect Q's posts in date/time order accurately and

present this to the public.

When an event Q told us about happens, match it up with the intel Q

POTUS is depending on anons to make graphics to educate and calm
the public directly, going around the Mockingbird media and their
cabal narrative.

POTUS needs the help of anons to bypass Mockingbird media to get

true facts and information to the public directly.

Trump wants the people to know the full truth. But the full truth, in its
current form, is unacceptable to the public. They will reject it.

This is why we are needed to turn it into a digestible form, for public
There are ambiguities, no superfluous words or phrases in Q's posts.
The branch of mathematics concerned with the analysis of strategies
for dealing with competitive situations where the outcome of a
participant's choice of action depends critically on the actions of other

One has to try to predict what one's opponent will do. Also react

Those who want to enslave the world.

Those who want to enslave the world.

Murder/crime committed and made to look like another person/entity

is responsible (using another nation's flag)

The media identified Stephen Paddock as the shooter.

He has a strange history as an investor, gambler, more money than

he should, far smaller digital footprint than he should have.

IRS, aerospace, real estate, guns

Bank robber father, childhood in Southern California, failed marriages,

no kids, raised by single mom

MS-13 can hold a person's family hostage in order to force the person
to do something they ordinarily would not do. Suspicion is that the
"security guard" was in fact MS 13 as well.

A hostage is a person or entity which is held by one of two belligerent

parties to the other or seized as security for the carrying out of an
agreement, or as a preventive measure against war.Mehr auf

The power to use your influence to get the results you want.

MS 13 is the perfect tool for political assassinations, drug running,

enforcing extortion (violence). Strong suspicion that the "security
guard" was actually a member of MS 13 who took out Paddock and
then fled the USA.
The way the press tells it, Paddock fits a stereotype of the lone, white
gunman, who goes from job to job and has failed marriages. Yet, he
was a pilot, made money in real estate, traveled, gambled, paid his
bills on time. He started making money in real estate at 25 and this
seemed to be his career. He made himself and his family rich.
Analytical, bright, quiet. He wasn't the shooter, he was the hostage.
MS13 were the shooters. Paddock was in LV to gamble, stayed at
Mandalay Bay. Something went wrong with the shooters in the Four
Seasons and the shooters couldn't make it out right away. They ended
up in Paddock's room, shot holes in the windows, shot him, and then
themselves. CIA/MS13/Multiple shooters.

Very different than the story portrayed by the Mockingbird media.

Very different than the story portrayed by the Mockingbird media.

Key role in shaping U.S. counter terrorism strategy, dismantling

insurgent networks

NSA has the map. NSA knows where all the bodies are
The Military Intelligence Corps is the intelligence branch of the United
States Army. The primary mission of military intelligence in the United
States Army is to provide timely, relevant, accurate, and synchronized
intelligence and electronic warfare support to tactical, operational and
strategic-level commanders. The Army's intelligence components
produce intelligence both for Army use and for sharing across the
national intelligence community.Mehr auf Wikipedia


- Threads are being monitored by enemies, so disinformation is


- 10 days: Govt. shutdown

- War on the Deep State and cabal

Q is giving us the map... we have to decipher the guide posts and
connect the path to see where this is leading. this is the first Q post
that mentions a map.

- Crumbs are provided also for those who lurk only, observe only:
"silent ones"
- Instructions are sometimes given in Q posts for friends

- CIA Directorate of Operations code-named Snow White.: "Spy Vs.


Game Theory. Moves and countermoves.

Someone is the enemy. False flags. Shooter identification. Shooter
history. Shooter background. Shooter family. MS13. Define hostage
and leverage. MS13.

Shooter. Family. Hostage. Force. Narrative. Race. Background.

Flynn is a retired Army Lieutenant General. He was involved in intel

ops. What access or special priv. Set up. Someone wins. Someone
becomes exposed. Someone knows where the bodies are buried.
Someone has access.

Look at the Military Intel. Someone was part of Military Intel during
Obama term. Pain the picture. Disinformation exists and is necessary.
10 days. Darkness. War. Good v Evil.

Crumbs not only for /pol/. The silent ones. Others monitoring (friends
and enemies).

Instructions. Snow White. Godfather III.

Graphic compilation of Q's post AS OF NOV 5

Keeping accurate log of all of *geniune* Q posts protects anons and

others from manipulation by bad actors and helps keep the focus on
the statements, questions, topics and connections being conveyed to

Future proves the past: reviewing Q's previous posts after an event
will shed meaning and help anons understand better, since certain
information cannot be divulged in advance for National Security
It's important to keep accurate, review previous Q posts after events,
gain new understanding to be better able to see the bigger picture Q
is showing to anons.

Spy Vs. Spy

CIA Directorate of Operations code-named Snow White.

Harvard University Muslim Alumni

Puppeteers pull the strings.
The ties between the puppets and their masters have been cut.

Puppets are no longer under the protection of their masters.

Global: UN, CFR, Trilateral Commission, governments, NGOs (non-

governmental organizations)

Media: (Operation Mockingbird)

Secret agents: intelligence agencies (CIA, Mossad, MI6)

Mother is Gloria Vanderbilt. Great grandfather was one of the richest

in USA
Wealthy, old-line established Jewish family.

US assets. Location.
Someone was arrested in Saudi Arabia relating to the Harvard
University Muslim Alumni (HUMA). Foundation s. Institutes. Soros.
Someone was killed in Saudi Arabia. Someone fired. Someone really
fired. Why would we fire? Follow the money. Someone pulls the
strings, but the strings are detached. Open season on puppets.
Someone is the puppets. Where are the puppets?

Global MSM.
Secret agents.
Anderson Cooper family background.

Elizabeth II. Family name changed from Saxe-Coburg Gotha to

Windsor during WWII. Windsor is less Germanic. The royal family is
far more German than English/British.

Since 1952.

She was killed nearly 20 years ago in a car "accident" in the Alma
tunnel in Paris on August 31, 1997. News reported that the driver
Henri Paul was drunk and driving recklessly in an effort to avoid the
paparazzi but this was untrue.

She found out the Royals all worshipped Lucifer, pedophiles, human
trafficking, child rape and murder.
Dodi Fayed
Elizabeth is 92 and Phillip is 95. Elizabeth has stated she will not
abdicate, but if she is still in office at 95 she will ask the government to
put the regents act into effect making Charles king in all but name.

Sadiq Aman Khan is a British politician. He is currently Mayor of

London, a position held since 2016. He was the Member of
Parliament for Tooting from 2005 to 2016. Wikipedia.

Khan earned a law degree from the University of North London. He

subsequently worked as a solicitor specialising in human rights, and
chaired Liberty for three years.

Khan Has Been Affiliated With Organizations Tied To Hamas, Al-

Qaeda, Al Nusra, ISIS And The Muslim Brotherhood.

Served on the British Privy Council in 2009, providing advice to the

Queen on state matters.

"Spy in a bag" Gareth Williams was found dead in August 2010.

He was assassinated.
No one must know the truth about what the Globalists have done, or
what they are planning to do, or have access to their secrets that
could be used against them.

Wealth buys a lot of things and people.

Buying people through bribes corrupts both parties.

There are many, but one supposedly rules over them all, whether it is
the official name they call themselves or not, it is commonly called the
Illuminati by those who have researched it.

Satanic level of evil, at the top, engaged in willingly.

Migrants are assets (to the Globalists).

The migrants are to EU what MS-13 is to U.S...

Assets are things of value. In this sense they are military (type)

Tools to be used to nefarious ends.


Devotion to satan.

Chelsea Clinton

She worships satan.


satan worship
Definition of cult

1 :formal religious veneration :worship

2 :a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also :its body of adherents
the cult of Apollo

3 :a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious (see spurious 2);

also :its body of adherents the voodoo cult a satanic cult

4 :a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its
promulgator health cults

5 a :great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (such

as a film or book) criticizing how the media promotes the cult of
celebrity; especially :such devotion regarded as a literary or
intellectual fad

b :the object of such devotion

c :a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion the
singer's cult of fans The film has a cult following.

Baal. Satan. Molech.

Human sacrifice for power. Especially children.

Spy Vs. Spy

CIA Directorate of Operations code-named Snow White.
The Queen of England has long been in power. With power comes
corruption. What happened to Diana? What did she find out. She
entrusted someone to help her flee. What was the cover?

Why now. Old. Connection. News. Bad actor.

London Mayor. Background. Affiliation. Connection to Queen. British

MI5 agents dead. When. How. What was reported. What really
happened. Wealth. Corruption. Secret society. Evil.

Germany. Merkel. Migrants. Why are migrants important. Assets.

Operations. Satan. What political leaders worship Satan. What does
upside down cross represent. Someone wears one openly. Someone
is she connected to. Spirit cooking. What does Spirit Cooking
represent. Look at a cult. Someone is worshipped.

Snow White Godfather III Speed.

Graphic compilation of all of Q's posts AS OF NOV 5

8am 12pm November 6 Public Phillipines Barrack Obama Extraction

NB - This was intentional misinformation.

For a God and Country

They cut the feed trying to shut him down. Remember what Q said.
They were waiting for this. Whatever is happening, is happening now.

When you have zero intel, everything look a coincidence.

When you have all the intel, you can see which event is directly
connected to which event. Things are no longer a coincidence.

We are at war against the cabal and their network of bad actors..

House of Saudi cut ties to their puppets.

Puppets are running around trying to find new cover and protection.

Reference: Barak Obama's tweet re: shooting incident in Texas
The first "extraction order" referenced 0200 Zulu time, it was 0200
Zulu when I posted my response. I was saying that 1.5 hours would
be plenty enough time for anyone to hide if they needed to hide, so if
it was real info then whoever posted it just broke opsec in a pretty bad

Harvard University Muslim Alumni, founded 2004. Prince Alwaleed

[who was just arrested, with other cronies] connected to "HUMA",
Harvard University Muslim Alliance.

Harvard University Muslim Alumni (HUMA). Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal

Islamic Studies prgram. BO attended Harvard. 1988-1991 radical
Muslim provided money for BO's studies at Harvard

Barak Obama
2004. 2005, 2006

Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal

Grooming future politico that would be beholden to him. Legitimacy,
access, favors owed to be returned later

2004, 2005, 2006

- Princes rounded up, arrested, assets frozen, planes/jets grounded

- Pre-emptive counter-coup
- House-cleaning
- Rounding up and detaining bad actors involved in 9/11, human
trafficking etc.
It shows what his influences are and who it was that influenced him.

-Of the 14 arrested, 7 tied to the Podesta Group's lobbying efforts.

- Prince Alwaleed bin Talal

- Remove access, remove OPTIONS, room to move

- as of 11/8 1,700 accounts in KSA are frozen

- Long-term plan

- A conspiracy to have an inside line in the US govt at the highest level

to enable agenda to be fulfilled, facilitate agenda, and ideology

He was funded on behalf of a foreign nation. A manchurian candidate.

- Elements in KSA had control of the US federal government and
military through President Obama

- US government operated on behalf of elements in a foreign nation:

Yes. Huma Abedin. Barack Obama, possibly Valerie Jarett, and

- Pre-emptive coup in KSA

- Coordinated effort between US & King Salman & Prince MbS

- Eliminated funds and protection from many other bad actors in and
out of the US/US govt.

Face to face meeting with King Salman and Prince MbS to secure
understanding and agreement on:

-support for housecleaning efforts in KSA

-AARAMCO IPO via the NYSE (helping to prop up petrodollar system
and save KSA's economy)

AARAMCO IPO was a good thing for the US

1) Disruption of direct communication with the people & the world.

2) CIA ability for implant a tracking script on POTUS device via the
twitter client

Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal, owner of the Kingdon Holding Group,

Kingdom Entertainment

Prince Mitaab bin Abdulla, former Minister of the National Guard

Prince Turki bin Abdulla, Former Governor of Riyad

Prince Turki bin Nasser

Prince Waleed Ibrahim, owner of MBC Media Company

Khaled Al-Tuwaijri, former President of the Royal Court

Abdel Faqih, Former Labor Minister, current Economy & Planning

Omer Dabbagh, former President of General Investment Authority

Saleh Kamel, billionaire

Saud Al-Tobaishi, (former?) head of Royal Ceremonies & Protocols

Ibrahim Al-Assaf, former Finance Minister, current State Minister

Bakr Bin Ladin, owner of Bin Ladin Group
Saud Al-Dawish, former CEO of Saudi Telecom Co.

Khaled Al-Mulhem, former Director Gen. At Saudi Arabian Airlines


Access to communications (media, incl internet and social media) to

shape narrative, hide info from public, guide the country in a particular
direction suited to a particular agenda.

Prince Al Waleed Bin Talal has large financial interest in Twitter (via
Kingdom Holding Group: 34.9 million shares).

Prince Al Waleed Bin Talal owns several of the top floors of Mandalay
Bay hotel building, with helicopter pad and separate entrance.

- Prince Alwaleed bin Talal is Citbank.

- Citibank assigned BHO's cabinet members.

- They were setting up a government inside the US government.


- They own him (BHO), they run the world (finance, military, media)

Political Islam. Salafism/Wahabism as a means to acheive political

victory around the world.
Islam (Wahabism to be specific)
Islam (Wahabism to be specific)
Globalists, occult cabal, pedo network, 1%: evil people and their
minions in all sectors public and private. Islamism.

Finance, media, 1%, foreign countries through NGOs, Prince

Alwaleed is a Big Clinton donor, other actors in KSA

Fantasy land is your understanding of reality due to Propaganda and
Operation Mockingbird.

Polls: MSM; voting machines: some by Smartmatic by Mark Malloch
Brown (Open Society Institute)

Mark Malloch-Brown (Open Society Institue), Mandy Grunwald &
Jackson Dunn all have Clinton ties. Software is Black Box.

They thought they have guarantee her win. Then Trump won. It was a
huge shock to them.
Fantasy land is your understanding of reality due to Propaganda and
Operation Mockingbird.

The world, and our own elites, are far more evil and degenerate than
we may imagine. Their corruption is overwhelming and they have
worked against the interests of the USA including treason.

Savior of the republic of the USA

Person who believes in power of prayer with high confidence of
having prayers answered would say this. Matter is desperate.

Thank you. We believe in you. Win.

A war against the cabal and their network of bad actors is happening
behind the scene. The public has no idea it is happening. The public is
living in fantasy land.

Spy Vs. Spy
CIA Directorate of Operations code-named Snow White.
What have you learned about Harvard University Muslim Alumni
(HUMA)? Which US President is affiliated with Harvard University
Muslim Alumni (HUMA). What year(s) did this occur? Someone
funded on behalf of Obama. It just happened in Saudi Arabia.
Someone was arrested. Funds frozen. Obama was funded pre-
political days. The Muslim Brotherhood was affiliated. Fast forward.
The events in Saudi Arabia are so important. JK in Saudi Arabia
recently. POTUS' last Tweet regarding Saudi Arabia prior to the
happening. POTUS' Twitter taken down days before under cover of a
rogue employee. Someone was arrested in Saudi Arabia. Any
ownership stakes in US co's. Twitter.

Las Vegas' recent events. Investments were made in Obama's pre-

political days by Muslim Brotherhood and Huma Abedin. They are the
bad actors. Someone funds the majority of US 'senior' politicians.
Fantasy land. Obama was groomed to be Command in Chief. The US
political / election system is corrupt. Soros owns poll machines. They
never thought she would lose. Fantasy land.

Hiroyuki Nishimura
-Anonymous (mostly). Good way to leak info, gather "grassroots"
support, force memes, can test reactions to ideas and even test AI

-freeest place on the clearnet, discredited as “unsavory”, hive-mind

crowd-sourced weaponized autistic research/intel-gathering, think
tank for social engineering purposes, fight club, meme magick hq

-Weaponized autism
The reason /pol/ was selected is because we always have our nose
ass deep in situations the average person would find unnerving. We
do not buy the narrative, most of us are here because we were
searching for the truth and we found it; /pol/ was selected specifically
because we already know where this goes and we have a vested
interest in seeing it through.

4chan had major financial struggles after the change in ownership.

Hiroyuki Nishimura switched tactics and offered a pass, and now data
mines the site to 3rd parties. 4chan posters say owner Hiroyuki
Nishimura and moderator Jay Irwin are data-mining the image board
for their information—raising questions about why Nishimura turned
down GotNews editor-in-chief Charles C. Johnson’s offer to purchase
the site.

As a public forum advertised and designed for anonymity, data mining

is a major breach of the posters trust in the boards.

Potential terrorist, false flag, "lone wolf" attack/s due to bad news for
Democrats/bad actors or recent housecleaning in KSA

Large cities: NY, LA, Chi, Hou, Phx, PA, TX, San Diego, ..

On November 5, 2017, a mass shooting occurred at the First Baptist

Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, about 30 miles (48 km) east of
the city of San Antonio.


Spy Vs. Spy
CIA Directorate of Operations code-named Snow White.
Godfather III = Michael Corleone is getting out of organised crime and
is making the family business legitimate. The film makes no sense
without knowing this.

US politicians are beholden to bad actors in KSA involved in
drugs/prostitution/human traficking using bribes, extortion, terrorists,
gang members to enforce compliance to agenda and return of favors
owed. Specifically, but not limited to, Democrats. Control exerted via
compromised US media to shape public perception. CIA bad actors
involved and complicit (mockingbird infiltration of media, drug
running/prostitution/human trafficking/assassinations/terrorist training
and ops). Military intelligence is loyal. Adm. Mike Rogers is good guy,
as are Marines. POTUS escaped assassination attempt in LV in KSA
op gone bad. KSA cleaning house of bad actors. Networks being
rolled up. Networks involve, but not limited, to Obama and Clintons,
Pelosi, McCain. Iranian un-frozen funds diverted to (possibly) NK to
repay favors owed to bad actors in KSA. POTUS on tour in Asia to
coordinate global swamp draining of nest of occult pedos & terrorist

Above & next drops have high probability of shutting down /pol/. It is
being safeguarded for these transmissions but not 100% secure.
Someone owns /pol/. This is platform being used. What recent events
almost occurred regarding /pol/. Stay alert in main US cities (DC),
sporting events, and other conservative gatherings. More false flags
imminent. The Tuesday elections no longer matter at this stage. Snow
White. Godfather III. Above will have context as news unfolds.


1. Mark Zuckerberg – 28.2% Value: $29 Billion

2. Jim Breyer/Accel Partners – 10% Value: $10.4 Billion

3. Dustin Moskovitz – 7.6% Value: $7.9 Billion

4. Digital Sky Technologies – 5.4% Value: $5.6 Billion: (((Yuri Milner)))

5. Eduardo Saverin – 5% Value: $5.2 Billion

6. Sean Parker – 4% Value: $4.16 Billion

7. Peter Theil – 2.5% Value: $2.6 Billion
8. Microsoft – 1.6% Value: $1.66 Billion
9. Multiple Venture Capital firms – 1.5% each Value: $1.56 Billion

10. Chris Hughes – 1% Value: $1.04 Billion


Vanguard Group, Inc. (The)
Blackrock Inc.
State Street Corporation
Price (T.Rowe) Associates Inc
Capital World Investors
Morgan Stanley
Northern Trust Corporation
Invesco Ltd.
Bank Of New York Mellon Corporation
Alwaleed bin Talal 30MM shares
- Reddit is not a public company

- Advance Publications Inc. is an American media company owned by

the descendants of S.I. Newhouse Sr., Donald Newhouse and S.I.
Newhouse, Jr

- (((Newhouse)))
- SA royalty has investments in many large US corporations especially
- Control of information, flow of information, ability to activate
cells/organize revolutions/terrorist activity/social movements/memes


1. BLACKROCK INC. 320,890,049

2. VANGUARD GROUP INC 316,845,966

4. STATE STREET CORP 196,109,426


Subsidiary of Disney Media, second largest after Comcast

A trust owned and controlled by Sumner Redstone, beneficiaries are

his grandchildren
Owned by the Turner Broadcasting system which in turn is owned by
Time Warner (third largest entertainment & media co after Comcast
and Disney. An acquisition of Time Warner by AT&T is pending
approval from US but has been approved by the European
Prince Alwaleed bin Talal - fourth largest investor.
- Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal involvement – ability to shape coverage,
manage perception.

- SA invests in all platforms. Like jews, playing all sides, can have a
voice in content (kill stories about degeneracy of SA princes, etc)

Campaign by the CIA to infiltrate and control all the media that
Americans consume. Control the narrative, reframe issues, affect our
beliefs,obfuscate issues that are contrary to the agenda, encourage
gullibility and a lack of critical thinking in the public.

Anderson Cooper is a CNN journalist an tv personality. He is the
primary anchor of CNN. He is also a correspondent of 60 Minutes.

Cooper spent 2 summers interning at the CIA while at Yale university

(well known recruiting ground for the CIA). He majored in Political
Science. With no formal jounralistic education, he pursued a career in
A major, well-known television news reader is working for the CIA and
helps to reframe issues and accomplish the cabal's agenda and the
public has no idea.

Spy Vs. Spy

CIA Directorate of Operations code-named Snow White.
Social media platforms. Top 10 shareholders of Facebook. Top 10
shareholders of Twitter. Top 10 shareholders of Reddit. Saudi Arabia
relevant. MSM. Controlling stakes in NBC/MSNBC. Controlling stakes
in ABC. Controlling stakes in CBS. Controlling stakes in CNN.
Investors in Fox News. Look at Operation Mockingbird. It's active.
Look at Anderson Cooper's background. Snow White. Godfather III.
Fantasy land is your understanding of reality due to Propaganda and
Operation Mockingbird.


Its a japanese restaurant.



Confirmation that anon's deduction is correct

The big picture is important: VAST internal (KSA) and worldwide

corruption and international racketeering by MULTIPLE parties within
KSA with wealth so vast that it can hardly be visualized. FUNDS
provide everything. The bottomless bank vault for involved parties
was immediately sealed, cutting off all financial resources to involved
parties. No one is "owed favors" by these people. They are dripping in
wealth and power and have been calling the shots in USGov for

Alwaleed’s close friend, racist and black Muslim lawyer Khalid

Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour was outed in a 2008 interview as having
been involved in getting Barack Obama into Harvard Law School. ...
Muslim/Arab Spring
Alwaleed’s close friend, racist and black Muslim lawyer Khalid
Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour was outed in a 2008 interview as having
been involved in getting Barack Obama into Harvard Law School. ...
Muslim/Arab Spring

Control, grooming, access to US govt, favors owed to be repaid later.

To firmly establish an agent within the highest political office

(presidency) to create SA shadow government in US

Harvard University Muslim Alumi

The Post-American World by Fareed Zakaria
Far too revealing. It had to be denied/discredited due to what it
Globalization and world unity are inevitable, illegal immigration and
Islam are not problems we need to face.

Barak Obama was in agreement with the agenda to weaken or

destroy America.
Preparation, ideological agreement with main premise
Trinity United Church of Christ.

- Abner Mikva

- Jerimiah Wright, Pastor

- Bill Ayers
- Saul Alinksy
- Frank Marshall Davis
He is her largest donor, and therefore her owner

- Robert Byrd, former KKK member.

- Saul Alinsky, author of Rules for Radicals and Communist.

Oil, First Iraq war, Foundations, CIA

PATRIOT ACT was enacted afterwards


The Taliban were hiding Osama Bin Laden from us.

Bad actors were planning to make King Salman and MBS patsies for
911. Bringing the "911 plotters" to justice would have served as cover
and justification for their recent roundup of persons who were corrupt..

Counter-coup, house-cleaning, bad actors removed

Counter-coup, house-cleaning, bad actors removed

- JFK assassination
- Clinton investigation

Investigation ongoing. SHE IS NOT OFF THE HOOK

who knew what, when and who did it

FBI Director/worked under Bush already knows what is in them before

sealed again??
Flooding bad money into the system so it can be used for another
purpose and be untraceable/obfuscate its origin.


General Accounting Office

Money laundering

The US is cleaning cash

The US is cleaning cash

Ostensibly to disarm Saddam of his WMD's (weapons of mass


Dick Cheney is on the Board of Directors of Halliburton and was one

of 2 companies that made massive profits off 9-11 the other was
United Defence.

Multinational Oil conglomerate

Services & equipment for oil fields

- Company made massive profits from Iraq war

- Iraq has oil. KSA has oil. Qatar has oil. Iran has oil.

Dick Cheney, Bush

monopoly defense contracts


- Favor, influence .. the world
- Access, silence, acquiescence, power
The Bin Laden family is from SA and friends with the Bush family,
have oil and construction in common.

Prince Alwaleed bin Talal was a major donor to the Clinton Foundation
and Hillary's campaign as well as many other politicians

Al Qaeda, he financed the attack/Pan-Asian Triangle

Prince Alwaleed bin Tahal owns top five floors of Mandalay Bay
The arrest of Alwaleed and others are important. Alwaleed and
Obama are tied to Harvard University Muslim Alumni (HUMA).
Alwaleed financed Obama's pre-political days. Look at Harvard
University Muslim Alumni (HUMA). Obama was caught reading 'Post-
American World by Fareed Zakaria' that was immediately disregarded
as false. Why would POTUS be reading this book? What church did
Obama attend as pre-POTUS? Someone was Obama's mentor.
Alwaleed and Hillary are connected. Someone was Hillary's mentor.
Alwaleed and Bush Sr./Jr. are connected. We entered into a war post
9-11. What was the purpose and disclosures given regarding
justification. Someone financed 9-11. Classified 9-11 pages are now
being released.

It just occurred in Saudi Arabia. FOIA docs are being publicly

released. Important information is contained within these c-releases.
Christopher Wray is important with regards to these releases. Money
laundering. War generates many nation states to payout billions.
Someone audits where the money goes. $15,000 for a toothbrush?
We attacked Iraq. Halliburton. They specialize in oil field services.
'Senior' level political officials are affiliated with Halliburton. Look at
the primary goal. Look at the primary mode of influence that drives
corruption. The money buys something. This is connected to Saudi
Arabia and Alwaleed. This is connected to Las Vegas.

Saudi Arabian Royal Family and Bin Ladens:

FBI: Judicial Watch:

Mueller was head of FBI then, place there one week before:

"And by 4:35 PM a plane carrying Grossi, Perez, Prince Sultan's son,
the son of an unidentified Saudi military commander, and third
unidentified Saudi, was in the air and en route to Kentucky. The
private Lear jet flew from Ft. Lauderdale to Tampa, where it parked at
Raytheon Airport Services, which owns a private hangar on the
outskirts of the Tampa International airport.
Private planes are not required to undergo a full customs check;
passengers aboard private aircraft vouch for goods onboard rather
than have them inspected unless customs authorities believe

LAX to Orlando


Some were visiting with the Bush family.

-They are Saudi Arabian.

- Osama bin Laden's father, Mohammed bin Laden, had very close
ties to the Saudi Royal Family. He founded the Saudi Binladin Group
(Saudi Binladin Group), a construction company that made him and
his family a fortune by virtue of his relationship with Faisal of Saudi
Arabia. Faisal reigned as monarch until his death in 1975, and
granted Bin Laden's company exclusive rights to all construction
projects undertaken by the Saudi Arabian government.


Faisal of Saudi Arabia (King)

Osama bin Laden

Political influence and control. Silence, protection
Wealthy Saudis (including some royals) essentially bought political
influence directly and through the media.

Some wealthy Saudis

Those who make deals with the family to buy the girl for Islamic
marriage (temporary, just for sex), also kidnapping or luring minors

Imams are typically involved to get a cut for doing the "marriage". This
is generally how muslim men justify prostitution. Big problem in India.
These temp marriages can last ffor up to 2 months.


- Broadcasts location.
- Virtual meat-market of unwitting subjects/slaves.

- Gullible people telegraph to the world their personal details.

- Insta Models advertise escort services

Movie in which young white American girl is nabbed in Paris, and put
on drugs (opiods) to sell in an auction, involving wealthy Arabs,
without her consent obviously.

It may seem like this situation is only a sick fantasy but it is correct
and true.

This is how they can receive millions in bribes without raising

suspicion or violating US law.

- This is how senior US Congressmen/women can and do amass vast

wealth (tens or hundreds of millions) on a salary of less than
$200k/year. or
- as McCain Foundation has a division for trafficking, it also has a
division for 'rescue' allowing them to be able to dispose of
noncompliant within their own organization, legally and where they
appear heros. Example: Ashton Kucher, employed by McCain

- Also, likely the foundation has another arm of legal services. All in
house, all secure.

Pushing money from illegal operations into the system for legal use

Control over governments. Favors, political power, access,

information, tech., people (sex slavery and politicians)

Bad actors in KSA who own politicians & media here have used
bribery to gain influence, used social media to shape narrative and
hunt victims for human trafficking/sex slavery (including children).

Police, military officers, i.e. protection force

Fahd bin Abdullah- former Deputy Defence Minister;

Turki bin Nasser- former head of the Meteorology Enviorment

Turki bin Abdullah- former Governer of Riyadh

Miteb bin Abdullah- former Minister of the National Guard

Adel Fakeih- former Economy and Planning Minister

Abdullah bin Sultan bin Mohammed Al-Sultan- former Royal Saudi

Navy Commander
Ibrahim Abdulaziz Al-Assaf- former finance minister

Khaled al-Tuwaijri- former head of royal court

Mohammad al-Tobaishi- former head of protocol at the Royal Court

Abdulrahman Fakieh- businessman

Amr Al-Dabbagh, businessman- CEO of Al-Dabbagh Group (ADG)

Bakr bin Laden- chairman of the Saudi Binladin Group and half-
brother of Osama bin Laden.

Khalid Abdullah Almolhem- former head of Saudi Arabian Airlines

Loai Nasser- prominent businessman

Mansour al-Balawi, prominent businessman

Mohammed Hussein Al Amoudi, billionaire businessman

Nasser Al Tayyar- businessman, non-executive board member Al

Tayyar Travel Group

Saleh Abdullah Kamel- billionaire businessman, owner of Arab Radio

and Television Network and founder of the Dallah al Baraka Group

Saoud al-Daweesh- former chief executive of Saudi Telecom

Waleed bin Ibrahim Al Ibrahim- billionaire businessman, brother-in-law
of King Fahd, Chairman of Middle East Broadcasting Company (MBC)

Zuhair Fayez- prominent businessman

MEDIA, finance, foreign affairs (ceremonies etc.)

Yes: Several of Top Saudi Officials Arrested Over Weekend Are
Linked to Podesta Group
Tony Podesta, his Podesta Group, and by extension, his brother John
Podesta are under investigation for FARA violations as well as money
laundering. Both brothers are heavy hitters in DC and intimately linked
to Democrat party, the Clintons andObama.

Irrefutable evidence, a trail that is verifiable (not hearsay or such).

Their network is important and forms a big web. Info gleaned from
one suspect that can be verified absolutely. Paper trail.

- DIRECT COMMUNICATION, evidence, transparency.

- Bypass the Narrative setters, expose those who have kept people in
the dark in order to cover up.

- Demonstrate how they have misrepresented themselves.

- Leak the story beforehand

National Security, connect them with the most vile & indefensible thing
there is: child sex abuse/exploitation


Justify why accused aren't being politically persecuted but are
genuinely bad actors, and have acted against the country itself, not
just trivial corruption, personal foibles.

Divide & conquer, decades of indoctrination via cultural Marxism to

fulfill an agenda, resulting in two distinct world experiences and
therefore world views.

- Control, to help along the fracturing of the nation.

- Distraction from perpetrators in Gov, Media, Corps. Destabilization

Media, many beholden to KSA bad actors will attempt to present a
narrative that any prosecutions of US polticians/businesspersons are
the result of a vicious, political persecution program, Trump is "literally
Hitler" and exploit real and manufactured divisions with the US
populace in order to minimize the damage to the accused bad actors.

One family was permitted to leave immediately after 9-11. Someone

authorized the departure. No one else was permitted to leave. It was
a private plane. What can private planes carry v commercial? What
airport did they arrive/depart from. Something was carried on a private
plane to Iran. The Bin Laden family was here during 9-11. Someone in
Saudi Arabia is connected specifically to the Bin Laden family. What
did they deliver? To whom? The money buys something.

The events in Saudi Arabia are relevant to the above. Someone is the
financial backer for human trafficking. Someone is the 'broker' for
underage sex. Think Saudi Arabia. FB & Instagram plays a role in the
capture. Think 'Taken'. Fantasy, right? Select senior political officials
have foundations/institutes for a reason. Look at money laundering.
The money buys something. Other people were arrested in Saudi
Arabia. Look at their backgrounds. They are connected to the Podesta
Group. You need something in order to prosecute senior political
officials. You must avoid public misconception. You must justify
counter-political attacks to the mass public. information is so vital. The
MSM portray the country as being divided.

Financial Disruption of illicit financial flows associated with

transnational organised crime and corruption

Sheldon Adelson, Larry Hillblom; Jeffrey S. Skoll, Aliko Dangote,

Robert Mercer, Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, Frank
Giustra, George Soros, Lynn Rothschild, Charles and David Koch,
Sackler family, Bill and Melinda Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos,
Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Carlos Slim, Rinat Akmetov, Elon Musk, Igor
Kolomoisky, Victor Pinchuk, Vladimir Potanin, Vladimir Putin, Andrey
Melnichenko, Satoshi Nakamoto,

- Rothschild

- Bush
- Windsor/Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
- Rockefeller

Long term project, long term goal. Established with established

network/connections both social and financial. (fingers/tentacles in
virtually every pie):

Rothschilds behind nearly every significant war since Napoleonic.

They fund both sides until they determine who will be most profitable
and then cease funding the opposing forces, allowing their choice to
win, and end up owning the banking system of the nation they

Under threat, panic & desperation showing.

Government Accountability Office
Government Accountability Office

- Government Accountability Office was unable to provide an audit

opinion on the 2010 financial statements of the U.S. government due
to "widespread material internal control weaknesses, significant
uncertainties, and other limitations.

- Black projects, slush funds, payoffs/repayment

Most likely

Allowing Holder/Obama era practice of letting big companies make

settlements by payments as donations to 3rd party sources (mostly
leftist non-profits)
Fast & Furious was a "Gunwalking", or "letting guns walk", was a
tactic of the Arizona Field Office of the United States Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), which ran a series
of sting operations between 2006 and 2011 in the Tucson and
Phoenix area where the ATF "purposely allowed licensed firearms
dealers to sell weapons to illegal straw buyers, hoping to track the
guns to Mexican drug cartel leaders and arrest them These
operations were done under the umbrella of Project Gunrunner, a
project intended to stem the flow of firearms into Mexico by
interdicting straw purchasers and gun traffickers within the United

Money laundering. weapon laundering. and financing wars.
The Federal Reserve Bank was created by an act of the U.S.
Congress in 1913, but the executive and legislative branches do not
control it directly. Instead, it has its own independent board and is
headed by a chairman. Congress does have the power to oversee the
Fed, and there have been many legislative pushes to audit the Fed.
The U.S. Treasury also exerts indirect control on the Fed through its
operations. The actual owners of the Fed are private member banks,
which purchase shares and are paid dividends for their ownership.

Bribery, pay-to-play through their foundations, and later out of office

through lobbying.

Far less than once they took office and became "established"

Bribed, paid to play, favors owed

Because these politicians must by necessity have procured the funds
through extra-professional and/or corrupt means, which means they
are beholden to persons other than their constituents.

Spy Vs. Spy

CIA Directorate of Operations code-named Snow White.

Look at money flow disruption.

Look at the Billionaires. What family history goes back pre_WW1/2.
The Bush family recently broke the silence and attacked POTUS
before the Saudi Arabia arrests. Someone audits the billions paid for
war. Someone audits the billions paid for environment policy (side
note - Climate Change). That's where the funds go. Offshore. A slush
fund was recently terminated by AG Sessions. Look at Fast & Furious.
Look at the underlying theme. MONEY.

Someone controls the Federal Reserve. How do political

leaders/talking heads accumulate assets in excess of $5mm+? What
was the net worth for each prior to taking office? Snow White.
Godfather III.

To distract the population and push down news that's damaging to


There are no coincidences in politics

No Constitutional Amendment stands alone. Without our 2nd

Amendment there is no enforcement or last defense against tyranny,
despotism or democide.

United States & Israel, also SA & Qatar through various means,
including through BIS
Point 4 of Podesta Email #24353 from HRC to JP: "While this military/para-military operation is moving forward, we need to us

Yes, it was coming from her emails.

Because it confirms that HRC took money from SA agents who were
directly providing financial support for ISIL.

Whoever controls the narrative controls the people.

This is all basic psychology: most follow

Trump represents an existential threat to their secrecy, corruption and

predatory way of life. They do as they are told and paid to do. They
are threatened by him. They enjoy their status and way of life that if
he succeeds there will be unimaginable consequences for them, their
cabal and network of bad actors.

The cabal via CIA.

To control the collective consciousness and by extension the world, by

diverting attention away from something uncomfortable or threatening
to them and towards something that will contribute to accomplishing
the agenda of the cabal.

Of course.
The newswires (AP, Thompson-Reuters, Gannett)

Through its agents on the inside of the media, i.e. Anderson Cooper
and others like him.

High-tech hacking programs, used by NSA, that have been released

publicly online such as XKeyscore
To protect American citizens

Those who own the media, the 3 families.

Not necessarily. Foreign shareholders of media companies can set

narratives. 2. Those who provide the funding, i.e., SA bad actors
operating in coordination with the CIA

Other countries in the "5 eyes" (British Commonwealth) can surveil

and unmask American citizens legally.

American intelligence, NSA to be specific

Head of the NSA

Obama, and James Clapper and John Brennan

They had a month to get in there and shred the trail of all the illegal
activities before Trump had powers. There is an FBI informant who
worked as a contractor for CIA who has publicly stated that the CIA
was tapping all kinds of people including Arpaio and Trump, going
back several years. It is littered throughout court documents going
back to (?) a divorce case in Arizona, where Arpaio got word of it first
and presumably tipped off Trump long before Rogers. This person
was an FBI informant as well but all his information was surpressed.
There is a long trail of his existence and claims. The NYT tried to
smear him via CIA quotes that he was a they years back but then they
turned around and hired him again, apparently mad skillz. This guy
knows where bodies are buried.
Admiral Rogers gave Trump the what's up.

The President

Fantasy land is your understanding of reality due to Propaganda and

Operation Mockingbird.
It is not coincidence there a terrorist attack (or mental health c-level
attack) within a short time after negative democratic news. They think
you are stupid. Puppets without power. They want your guns. No
power left. Someone funds ISIS. An email published by Wikileaks
connects Saudi Arabia/Qatar to ISIS!

Hillary was connected. Controlling the narrative is important. The

MSM is so hostile towards POTUS because someone controls the
MSM. Someone sets the narrative for the day. The narrative is
communicated to the MSM.

The NSA/Military Intel has something that allows for data collection.
Think Snowden. The NSA is limited regarding the ability to capture
and unmask US persons. Someone sets the narrative. US citizens.
Someone either can or cannot violate this rule. Adm Rogers (Dir.,
NSA) so important. Someone wanted him fired. Adm Rogers (Dir.,
NSA) wasn't replaced by POTUS when taking office. Someone has
the ultimate power to designate classification. Someone ultimately
sets that classification. Fantasy land.

Demonstrates what can be done re: bad actors, also cuts funding to
same in various countries
King Fahd Air Base - Mecca

King Khalid Air Base - Riyadh

King Abdul Aziz Air Base - Persian Gulf ( most strategic )

Al Udeid Air Base - Persian Gulf Qatar

NSA Bahrain Navy Base in Bahrain
NRCC Bahrain Navy Base in Bahrain

Camp Baharia Marine Corps Base in Fallujah, Iraq

FOB Abu Ghraib Army Base in Abu Ghraib, Iraq

Camp Justice Army Base in Kadhimiya, Iraq

Camp Victory Army Base in Baghdad, Iraq

Six Army bases in Kuwait

Several JOTC bases scattered.
Military protection, financial protection in exchange for continuation of
the use of USD (petrodollar)

Ostensibly Saudi Arabia.

Japan is a treasured partner and crucial ally of the United States.

The Politicians
Mega Families, Bush, Morgan, Rothschild

Those who have the money;

-those funding the Foundations

Then the people's vote is worthless; the elite choose the leaders
under the false pretext of the majority doing so. ---- When voting is
compromised so is democracy. It is the end of the democratic process
which leads to one group controlling everything.

-They all challenged the CIA

-They all had their own independent wealth

-They all were from families that were not in the political dynasty

He could trust his family, not others.

Historically, democrats have argued that Voter ID laws are
discriminatory towards racial and ethnic minorities, low income
citizens, and the elderly.

Bank account, purchase/consume alcohol, driving, enter federal


The left says it's racist and discriminatory

- Supplant the original founding stock of USA,

- Create more Ds, more people dependent upon government,

- Dilute the culture of USA,

- Commit crimes, bring in drugs, (to justify more laws),

- Commit assassinations (handy expendable assets for bad actors)

- Lower wages,
- Create exploitable social divide between population groups.

Democratic votes, MS13, terrorists, cheap labor for corporations and

destruction of US culture and increase in chaos and violence.

It can help achieve the goal of a one world government.

-BO stated that it was not illegal for illegals to vote
-They SHOULD vote, they are entitled to vote, they are part of
America (paraphrase)_

Voting by illegals
The chairman of Smartmatic is Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, who sits in
the British House of Lords and on the board of George Soros’s Open
Society Foundations. He was formerly the vice-chairman of Soros’s
Investment Funds and even the deputy secretary-general of the
United Nations when he worked as chief of staff to Kofi Annan.
Election commission for the State.

To sample the voting results, if the machines are too far off it will send
out red flags.

Some must be allocated to be safe for Ds, ones they know they will
lose otherwise if voting was regular and legal.

The acts that recently occurred in Saudi Arabia are so critically

important. There are US assets in place in/near Saudi Arabia.
Assurances were made to protect the Kingdom. Someone shot down
the missile from Yemen. Was it really from Yemen? How do we know.
There are puppets and there are puppet masters. Someone pulls the
strings. Money provides power.

US elections can be rigged, but JFK, Reagan, and Trump are different
than the rest. JFK surrounded himself with family much like POTUS.

It was bought and paid for. How could this be possible? There are no
voting ID laws in place. What do you need an ID for? Look at the
argument for not allowing voter ID laws to be enacted.

Why are immigrants important. (MB)(Votes)(Attacks)

Why are illegals important. (MS13)(Votes)(187)

What did Obama say on the campaign trail last year to illegals within
the US. He encouraged it. This was illegal. Someone owns sizeable
stakes in voter machine co's. Someone decides which voter machines
are used in elections. Important counties still manually/hand counted.

Access, influence, power, silence, narrative, coverage, non-coverage,

drugs, sex, slaves
Difficult. Voting machine software is not open-sourced. Media is
corrupt and infiltrated. Transparency is non-existent.


-Jews bought out majority stakes in various media, through nepotism

gained control, consolidated power.

-Saudis also own major stakes in media – both semites.

-Jews traditionally favor left-wing politics because they think it makes

them safer in a host nation.

-Jews also subvert White gentile countries' culture, has to do with

animosity to race as well as to Christianity (see involvement in porn)


-Jews control Hollywood – they say so themselves (See: Joel Stein in
LA Times, on Times of Israel, book: An Empire of Their Own, written
by a jew)
-Jews traditionally favor left-wing politics because they think it makes
them safer in a host nation.

-Jews also subvert White gentile countries' culture, has to do with

animosity to race as well as to Christianity (see involvement in porn)

Shape the narrative (control the story), control the beliefs and world-
understanding of the populace. Narrative control = population control.
Lose control of the narrative and it falls apart. They can only succeed
in their agenda with narrative control/control of information. Some
control was lost with the advent of the Internet and development of
social media (see: Trump direct communication to the world via twitter,
bypassing “legacy” MSM).

Project to deflect
-Pavlovian response to a “shut up" word. [immediate response is to
stop talking, shrink back from the accusation and not pursue line of

-With narrative control, no proof is necessary

→ ALL White people are rayciss, by default, even if they don't know it.

-Weakness in actual argument – no actual evidence or facts to back

up their case, so resort to “shut up” words like “racist.”



No proof is necessary of this claim, and the claim cannot be

Saul Alinsky and Robert Byrd
-Both Democrats
-Alinksy was Communist
She made a public statement acknowledging Robert Byrd as her

She did her Wesley College thesis on Saul Alinsky

Racial tension, placing blame for black oppression on Republicans in
exchange fot votes.

Welfare state makes it impossible for them to accumulate wealth -

SSI, SSDI, welfare, do not allow people to accumulate a down-
payment for a house, or enjoy the pride that comes with

Learned helplessness.
African Americans are a voting block the Democrats need to keep
power. They lose power.
Deliberate Distraction


The money buys something. You must prevent tampering. Most forms
of media are left-wing. Hollywood is left-wing. The narrative is so
important. Liberals defer to racism without proof.
Someone is Hillary's mentor. What party was he affiliated with. The
Democrats formed the KKK. The Democrats formed the Confederacy.
Republicans abolished slavery. Democrats are attempting to erase
history. The black population is truly free today or enslaved by the D
party. There was an attack the day after bad news is published

The three main families that have the most power in the world: Saud,
Rothschild, Soros

+++ = Saud
++ = Rothschild

+ = Soros

Soros +
Rothschild ++
House of Saud +++

The "Calm Before the Storm"

direct link to photo:

(image of compilation of Q's posts is attached to this row)

image address

One of "US ML NG" was intentionally (necessarily) false but SA was

true. The implication of Martial Law in the US was false. Intentional
and necessary to threaten martial law in order to keep Antifa home on
Nov 4.

Muslim brotherhood infliftration of US government, Senator McCain

criticized query.

SA connection to ISIS.
Why is this relevant?
Who took an undisclosed trip to SA?
What was the purpose of a f2f v call?
Alice & Wonderland

How did SA welcome the POTUS during his trip?

Why was this historic and not covered by MSM?

How did SA welcome BO during his trip?

How did SA welcome HRC during her trip?

Why is this relevant?

What happened shortly after 9/11 (specifically with all aircraft)?

Who was authorized to depart? Only one plane was authorized during
this "mandatory forced grounding".

Who specifically authorized this?

What airport did the departure take place at?

Why is this relevant?

How does it tie together?

Why did JK travel to SA recently?

What is SA known for?
Where do the biggest donations originate from?

Why is this relevant?

What else is relevant w/ SA?
Safe Harbour?
Port of Transfer?
US actions mirror SA actions.

As per ISIS, it has been losing big time in Syria. Now it would be natural to go after its' supporters. CIA has been working with IS

link to infographic

Answering questions in a number of iterations yields the bigger

picture. Forward-backward-forward

By absorbing the contextual meaning by going back and forth

(Conclusion to Topic, Topic to Body, Body to Conclusion, including
"Look back" to Prior Postings) you can form a "strength" of a

Some answers are not completely revealed until later postings ("low
strength" of conclusion). In these cases, you keep an abstract "base
meaning" to the answer until the later postings solidify the "abstract"
into the "concrete".

Intertwined within the messages are individual items and

circumstances that are intended to be researched and "discovered" as
factual evidence.

This evidence then ties together the schematic of the "topic, body,
conclusion" pattern format to the full intended "reveal". Simply, it
"paints the whole picture"

After new questions are posed and events happen go back and check
old questions and fill holes/answer in more detail given new

Truth is behind you.

A method of relating elements in a set to elements in another set,
such a [land] to [countries]
A method of relating elements in a set to elements in another set,
such a [land] to [countries]

To analyze and understand the set in terms of another set

(In terms of maps...) a legend is the translation method, the paths

taken between sets.

A legend is an explanation of the symbols on a map; a legend is also

called a key, A map's legend is the key to understanding the symbols
used on the map. Keep it and the map simple.

If you understand the symbols in the legend, you can read the map.
This map will tell you about whats going to happen.

It's a set with order to the elements

A sequence can have a pattern.

- When you're in one set and need to be in another

- Maps become guides when they lead one to a destination

- When you are lost or confused about where you are.

- When it's understood, and when the path to the destination is clear.
- When you understand the symbols
- A set of steps to follow to achieve objective.

1- A keystone is the wedge-shaped stone piece at the apex of a

masonry arch
2- Something on which associated things depend for support

All Q's statements and questions are relevant, even if it does not
appear to be at the time it was asked.

Future provides the past alludes to the instruction regarding mirror -

please utilize the infographic linked on how to read Q's posts for help
in interpreting the method of reveal he uses.

Map provides the picture alludes to the statement(s) regarding what a

map is, legend explains the map and the use of the map. Simply put,
all of the questions & statements thus far should help paint a large
picture as to the very deep and widespread corruption, evil and
degeneracy amongst our elites (three families indicated by + signs).

40,000 vertical feet is an expression denoting a high view, an

- is also the cruising altitude of a commercial plane

The Picture provides 40,000ft v means that the large picture is the
overview, not bogged down or cluttered with details and minutae.
40,000ft. v. is classified. = The true extent of this large picture is
To locate a place, person or thing in a place; distances between,
movement of people/group/things

Trump's Asia trip: 1) Hawaii, 2) Japan, 3) South Korea, 4) China, 5)

Vietnam, 6) Philippines.

Fake media and their owners

They control who they let into these organizations and therefore are
very very careful to only let in their own, keeping the highest positions
for themselves while hiring regular everyday Joe's for more menial
roles so they don't look too suspicious. After all nepotism is obvious
and why so many elites change their name when they live very public
lives. Who would want to get their news from a Rothschild?
A spiritual/magical tool; a command to make something happen or to
gain control over someone, suppression of willpower.

(Chemical spell = scopolamine. Electronical spell = psychotronics.)

Psychological operations; active measures

One who is under a spell, one who is being controlled. A large portion
of people is ignorant and happy to be so.

Snow White in an enchanted sleep (spell) after eating the poisoned

Disseminating a controlled narrative. Disseminating information (both
true and false).
Anons and the public need to be watchful of Qs posts, current events,
statements by POTUS and his team.
Active MINDWAR (psychological operations) engaged not only on the
public worldwide, but also on /pol/.

Beware of disinformation agents, disruptors, divide & conquer tactics,

diversionary ploys (to research a topic unrelated) etc..

Eagle = Bill Clinton's codename as President; "Iron Eagle" = a former

president who cannot easily escape (iron is very heavy) by flying


AGAIN, Diagram, flowchart needed, it has been said time and time
again by Q, by MI 2 posts, by Q again here and the insistence and
reference to maps importance



There's a coordinated effort to misdirect. Learn to distinguish between

relevant/non-relevant news. Disinformation is real. Disinformation is

Ex: US ML National Guard (1) False Saudi Arabia True

Questions were asked regarding Saudi Arabia prior to Saudi Arabia
events. Think mirror. Look there, or here, or there. The truth is behind

A map is useful. A legend is useful. Look at a sequence. A map

become a guide. Look at a keystone. The Future provides the past.
Map provides a picture. The picture provides a 40,000 foot view.

Think direction. Think full picture.

Someone controls the narrative. Look at a spell. Someone is asleep.

Dissemination. Attention on deck. There is an active war on your
mind. Be prepared. Operations underway. Operators active. Graphic
is essential. Find the keystone. Moves and counter-moves. They
never thought she would lose. Snow white. Godfather III. Iron Eagle.

Network of bad actors found, network dismantled

No other way to root out the corruption.

Carried out by NSA

direct link:
President to have/had a National Security Emergency briefing (not
public). Please pay attention for further communications from Q.
is anything wrong? i added the posts from the 5th

The following will be difficult to accept, but it must be understood in

order to make sense of what is and will occur.

Those who orchestrate from behind the scenes, exert overwhelming

influence on governments, finance, media and society through various
Those who orchestrate from behind the scenes, exert overwhelming
influence on governments, finance, media and society through various

The immensely wealthy and powerful families have a lot of control and
require a lot of scrutiny and attention.

These three families form the cabal. These three families are the
focus, don't be swayed by side issues or other actors, groups or
organizations; keep your focus on them.

Forbes lists don't include them

Money worldwide is funneled into organizations and institutions that

directly benefit the 3 families (the cabal) and contribute to
accomplishing their agenda. This is done with or without the countries'
willingness or support of that agenda.

Money feeding the Eye of Providence: 3 top families - Saud /

Rothschild / Soros
Also funds setup within governments to help feed the cycle- in the
U.S. it would be USAID, DOJ 3rd party payouts, undesignated
stimulus payments renewed yearly.

Wars are instigated, both sides armed and loaned money to (which
enriches the cabal); soldiers and citizens in the respective countries
are sacrificed for the enrichment and furtherance of the cabal and its

Carbon tax criticized as a funding source for the cabal's agenda of

globalism, and removes autonomy from nations

With reference to +, ++, +++ and the families he correlated to each

series of plus signs. If the plus signs and arrange them like this:


it shows a triangle/pyramid.
All names Q gave he also gave the number 6. Since there are three
names that is 666 signifying that these three families are absolute evil

Eye of Providence

Many politicians are interrelated with royalty/nobility worldwide.

- George W Bush & John Kerry for example

- House of Saud (royal family) are Donmeh Jews

- House of Windsor are Saxe-Wappen-Sachsen Coburg-Gotha

All trace back to Rothschild
Q clarifies later (12/05/17) >>38467
q# 2096 Key - unlocks the door of all doors (info) Key = Adm Rogers /
No Such Agency (Wizards & Warlocks)

q# 2097 Stone - the force / strength capable of yielding power to act

on info US Military and POTUS = force

q# 2098 Key+Stone= "Information + force

Or one has all the info NSA and Potus/Military protect it."

Only subjective answer is possible. Within Abrahamic religious world

view: yes. Within other religious world views may be a different name
or split up into separate gods with very different characteristics (eg

Many of the Elite politicians, bankers, business people, actors,
musicians, actively worship Satan.

A self-reinforcing exploitive perversion of the social construct of

"culture" to enforce acceptance of otherwise detrimental and abusive

Owned by Jeffery Epstein

Place where a deity is worshipped

Worship or sacrifice to a deity
Setting aside some part of creation as an exclusive offering to a deity

Mountains are closest to the heavens and a place of encounter with a

deity. Multiple lower levels (tip of underground pyramid)
Yes 2 levels.


Colors=Life,blood,strength,purity,holiness,air,water,sky,royalty, sun-

Temple on Epstein Island

Bloodline Families


Flight list for visits to Epstein's Island:

Bill Clinton Alleged 26+Times.

Blood and sex magick, which is also recorded and used as blackmail
material or threats if anyone tries to leave the cult or inform on them.

Bill Clinton has traveled 26 times. Kevin Spacey only once. Huma and
Hillary have gone numerous times SANS Bill. Price Andrew was a
regular and I believe our POTUS went once and was so disgusted
that he left as quickly as he could get a jet chartered. Larry Summers
has gone, Naomi Campbell...

Here are the flight logs:

To participate in sick, depraved behavior, and be recorded doing so

for future blackmail purposes. Ghislaine Maxwell was Epstien's lady
friend who has Mossad ties through her father.
The entire operation was set up by Mossad. Epstein was given a large
amount of money to start a company and associate with people in a
certain socioeconomic strata. The purpose was to lure them into
committing illegal acts to them blackmail them into doing Israel's

Vladimir Putin stating western Christian values abandoned, satanic

and pedophiles..


both quote Putin West's "a belief in Satan" remark
Hard to swallow. Important to progress.

There are puppet masters.

House of Saud (6+++) $4 Trillion+
Rothschild (6++) $2 Trillion+
Soros (6+) $1 Trillion+
Focus on the above three. Public wealth disclosures are false. Many
governments of the world feed the 'Eye'. Think slush funds. Think war.
Think environmental pacts. A triangle has three sides. Eye of
Providence. Follow the bloodlines. Look at the keystone.
Satans exist ... or at least the thought of Satan. People worships
Satan. Look at a cult. Epstein Island. Look at a temple. Worship. The
temple is on top of a mountain. There are many levels below. There is
significance in the colors, design and symbol above the dome. Puppet
masters. The puppet masters traveled to this island. When. How
often. “Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”

Most powerful businessmen in KSA removed from power. High Profile

Senior Ministers and Nearly a dozen Princes in an Investigation by an
Anti-Corruption Committee

Those arrested were HRC, BHO, et al protection. They are no longer

protected from the justice system either here in the U.S.A. nor in

Strings are cut, now they're free falling.

Prince Al Waleed bin Talal
Better perspective of the corrupted Saudi financial networks, including
undisclosed/private holdings, financiers, transactions, etc. - material
otherwise unavailable to the public.

Ties to bad actors can be shut down, potentially unknown bad actors
can be flushed out, assets/funding can be seized/frozen. A bigger
picture of the corrupted finance network can be built and a better
battle plan can be drawn to seize further global assets.
People in the House of Saud donated generously to US politicians'
campaigns, personal foundations and one even paid for Obama's
Harvard education, all to gain influence and control over the US

Elements in the House of Saud and the government and business

who had extensive control, via money, of the US government and
some institutions were removed.

King Salman is still on the throne, Prince Mohammed bin Salman is

safely in line of succession with a large measure of power granted to
him by the King.

No but Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is now in effect running

the country.
Evil to good.

Whatever is done in darkness will be brought to light.

1. Bad deeds are kept hidden "in the dark"

2. Dark times are when tyrants are in control

3. POTUS, his team and Russia & China are helping to end the dark
4. The world will have a huge weight lifted and we will feel "lighter"

Bad actors within and connected to House of Saud removed (+++)

Rothschild next (++)

Soros (+)
The events in Saudi Arabia are extraordinary. Important people were
arrested. Bank records provide something. It lists names, family
history, investment/ownership stakes, and point-to-point contacts.

EX: Alwaleed Harvard University Muslim Alumni (HUMA) Obama

Citigroup US Control

House of Saud. House of Saud US Control

Follow the money.

Power shifts recently occurred. A new King appointed. Dark to LIGHT.

For the first time in history, one side of the triangle has been removed.
The other sides are falling. +++ ++ +

Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan

Albania: Bank of Albania
Algeria: Bank of Algeria
Argentina: Central Bank of Argentina
Armenia: Central Bank of Armenia
Aruba: Central Bank of Aruba
Australia: Reserve Bank of Australia
Austria: Austrian National Bank
Azerbaijan: Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic

Bahamas: Central Bank of The Bahamas

Bahrain: Central Bank of Bahrain
Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bank
Barbados: Central Bank of Barbados
Belarus: National Bank of the Republic of Belarus

Belgium: National Bank of Belgium

Belize: Central Bank of Belize
Benin: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Bermuda: Bermuda Monetary Authority

Bhutan: Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan

Bolivia: Central Bank of Bolivia

Bosnia: Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Botswana: Bank of Botswana

Brazil: Central Bank of Brazil
Bulgaria: Bulgarian National Bank
Burkina Faso: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Burundi: Bank of the Republic of Burundi

Cambodia: National Bank of Cambodia
Came Roon: Bank of Central African States

Canada: Bank of Canada – Banque du Canada

Cayman Islands: Cayman Islands Monetary Authority

Central African Republic: Bank of Central African States

Chad: Bank of Central African States

Chile: Central Bank of Chile
China: The People’s Bank of China
Colombia: Bank of the Republic
Comoros: Central Bank of Comoros
Congo: Bank of Central African States
Costa Rica: Central Bank of Costa Rica
Côte d’Ivoire: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Croatia: Croatian National Bank

Cuba: Central Bank of Cuba
Cyprus: Central Bank of Cyprus
Czech Republic: Czech National Bank
Denmark: National Bank of Denmark
Dominican Republic: Central Bank of the Dominican Republic

East Caribbean area: Eastern Caribbean Central Bank

Ecuador: Central Bank of Ecuador

Egypt: Central Bank of Egypt
El Salvador: Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador

Equatorial Guinea: Bank of Central African States

Estonia: Bank of Estonia

Ethiopia: National Bank of Ethiopia
European Union: European Central Bank
Fiji: Reserve Bank of Fiji
Finland: Bank of Finland
France: Bank of France
Gabon: Bank of Central African States
The Gambia: Central Bank of The Gambia
Georgia: National Bank of Georgia
Germany: Deutsche Bundesbank
Ghana: Bank of Ghana
Greece: Bank of Greece
Guatemala: Bank of Guatemala
Guinea Bissau: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Guyana: Bank of Guyana

Haiti: Central Bank of Haiti
Honduras: Central Bank of Honduras
Hong Kong: Hong Kong Monetary Authority

Hungary: Magyar Nemzeti Bank

Iceland: Central Bank of Iceland
India: Reserve Bank of India
Indonesia: Bank Indonesia
Iran: The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Iraq: Central Bank of Iraq

Ireland: Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland

Israel: Bank of Israel

Italy: Bank of Italy
Jamaica: Bank of Jamaica
Japan: Bank of Japan
Jordan: Central Bank of Jordan
Kazakhstan: National Bank of Kazakhstan

Kenya: Central Bank of Kenya

Korea: Bank of Korea
Kuwait: Central Bank of Kuwait
Kyrgyzstan: National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic

Latvia: Bank of Latvia

Lebanon: Central Bank of Lebanon
Lesotho: Central Bank of Lesotho
Libya: Central Bank of Libya (Their most recent conquest)

Uruguay: Central Bank of Uruguay

Lithuania: Bank of Lithuania
Luxembourg: Central Bank of Luxembourg

Macao: Monetary Authority of Macao

Macedonia: National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia
Madagascar: Central Bank of Madagascar

Malawi: Reserve Bank of Malawi

Malaysia: Central Bank of Malaysia
Mali: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Malta: Central Bank of Malta

Mauritius: Bank of Mauritius
Mexico: Bank of Mexico
Moldova: National Bank of Moldova
Mongolia: Bank of Mongolia
Montenegro: Central Bank of Montenegro
Morocco: Bank of Morocco
Mozambique: Bank of Mozambique
Namibia: Bank of Namibia
Nepal: Central Bank of Nepal
Netherlands: Netherlands Bank
Netherlands Antilles: Bank of the Netherlands Antilles

New Zealand: Reserve Bank of New Zealand

Nicaragua: Central Bank of Nicaragua

Niger: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Nigeria: Central Bank of Nigeria

Norway: Central Bank of Norway
Oman: Central Bank of Oman
Pakistan: State Bank of Pakistan

Papua New Guinea: Bank of Papua New Guinea

Paraguay: Central Bank of Paraguay

Peru: Central Reserve Bank of Peru

Philip Pines: Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Poland: National Bank of Poland
Portugal: Bank of Portugal
Qatar: Qatar Central Bank
Romania: National Bank of Romania
Russia: Central Bank of Russia
Rwanda: National Bank of Rwanda
San Marino: Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino

Samoa: Central Bank of Samoa

Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency

Senegal: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Serbia: National Bank of Serbia

Seychelles: Central Bank of Seychelles
Sierra Leone: Bank of Sierra Leone
Singapore: Monetary Authority of Singapore

Slovakia: National Bank of Slovakia

Slovenia: Bank of Slovenia
Solomon Islands: Central Bank of Solomon Islands

South Africa: South African Reserve Bank

Spain: Bank of Spain
Sri Lanka: Central Bank of Sri Lanka
Sudan: Bank of Sudan
Surinam: Central Bank of Suriname
Swaziland: The Central Bank of Swaziland

Sweden: Sveriges Riksbank

Switzerland: Swiss National Bank
Tajikistan: National Bank of Tajikistan
Tanzania: Bank of Tanzania
Thailand: Bank of Thailand
Togo: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Tonga: National Reserve Bank of Tonga

Trinidad and Tobago: Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago

Tunisia: Central Bank of Tunisia

Turkey: Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey

Uganda: Bank of Uganda

Ukraine: National Bank of Ukraine
United Arab Emirates: Central Bank of United Arab Emirates

United Kingdom: Bank of England

United States: Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Vanuatu: Reserve Bank of Vanuatu

Venezuela: Central Bank of Venezuela
Vietnam: The State Bank of Vietnam
Yemen: Central Bank of Yemen
Zambia: Bank of Zambia
Zimbabwe: Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe
The Federal Reserve system (FED) is a consortium of private banks,
mostly owned by the Rothschilds. They schemed and found a way to
gain control with the Federal Reserve Act which effectively gives the
American economic policy over to the Rothschilds via the Fed (they
set the interest rates, direct the US Treasury to print Federal Reserve
Notes or coins. The US government has to pay the Federal Reserve
for each Federal Reserve Note printed (FRN), and has absolutely no
control over how much gets printed. The fee per FRN increases the
wealth of the Rothschilds and impoverishes the US, as it is a debt
note and that debt can never be repaid. The Federal Reserve owns
the majority of US debt.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is the collection arm of the

Federal Reserve system. The majority of federal taxes collected is
applied to the interest on the debt that the US government owes the
Federal Reserve (for printing FRNs). Under this usury system, the US
debt to the FED can never, ever be repaid; the system is set up this
way on purpose and the system has actually been used for thousands
of years to impoverish nations and enslave the populace therein.

Can't be touched
The FED has never been audited -most powerful lobby ever.

Saudi Arabia



SA - provides a way of undisclosed influence over individuals, the

source of all financial persuasion. When the clean up of SA occurred
the majority of the TRIs slush funds went with it. SA’s job is to bribe,
fund and stay relatively behind the scenes. SA = Controls people in

Rothchild - provides a way of influence over matters of national

finance (all the central banks). They are able to control and
manipulate national finances to their favour via “legitimised avenues”
such as stocks, property investments etc. While these avenues
generate massive wealth they are also fairly well documented hence
the need for a “cash flow” partner in SA. Rothchilds have also worked
their way into some extremely influential positions to be able to
manipulate things to their benefit. They own the newswires Associated
Press (AP), Thomson-Reuters as well as publications like The
Economist. This is the way they can set and control the narrative.
Rothchild = Influence + manipulation (information/narrative)

Soros - influences mainstream media. It’s no good having the power

to control and manipulate national finances unless you have a way of
voicing your agendas. Soros is reported to have connections to over
30 MSM outlets. Soros = Control of information
Soros - also influences people through organizations (Open Society)
which is a clearinghouse for subversive organizations that works with
others like National Endowment for Democracy and other CIA fronts.
Through these, infiltration into academia and other areas of society
can exert and enormous influence over the public and social trends.
The "color revolutions" where the same flyers were passed out in
different countries are an example of this influence. Overthrow
governments for the central families (TRI - the cabal) via CIA and
using social media to guide the public. Soros = Control of mass
movements of people/social trends

The "Keystone" holds everything together.

Clarified later by Q:
Key = NSA/MI information

Stone = POTUS/MIL + patriots

Keystone = information + authority & authority to use military force +
Patriotic people

Q clarifies (12/05/17) >>38467

q# 2096 Key - unlocks the door of all doors (info)

Key = Adm Rogers / No Such Agency (Wizards & Warlocks)

q# 2097 Stone - the force / strength capable of yielding power to act

on info US Military and POTUS = force
q# 2098 Key+Stone= "Information + force
Or one has all the info NSA and Potus/Military protect it."

The post WW2 hierarchy in international politics: one government,

one currency, one religion.
Bonding between world leader and national leader.

Two warriors did a ceremonial dance, traditionally done before a war

or battle

KSA and the US are on the same side of this war against bad actors
on an international scale.

Removed the strings connecting the puppets.

Removed their access to their money

The Forbidden City, the Emperor's palace
It has never before happened in modern Chinese history. It is an
honor unparalleled.
Force multiplier, joint forces, multiple simultaneous operations = more

The NSA is a military intelligence agency, it does not fall under the
other intelligence branches
The foreign heads of state who care for Trump were tired of living in a
house without a foundation, so to say. They didn’t want to live under
the thumb of omnipotent tyranny from plutocratic oligarchs. Think
“Revolution,” globally. Except, instead of fighting for independence
from the British Empire, it’s about sovereignty, preservation of
boarders, reestablishing the sovereign currency, away from ME
petrodollar, restoring integrity in the US political process. Above all,
China might be financially secure presently, but even they knew and
know it was predicated on receiving something with value, and
sustained inflation of the dollar would render collection null and void.

Because the border with the Middle East affects them. Prince Bandar
(aka Bandar Bush due to close affiliation with George W) directed
Islamic jihadi terrorism towards Russia and there were multiple
terrorist attacks resulting.

It is in Russia's national interest to ensure a level of stability in the

Middle East both sociologically and with regard to oil.

Jason Bourne (Dream/CIA) - Movie. Jason Bourne is a CIA sleeper

agent/assassin. CIA wants to use social media giant Deep Dream
(FB/Twitter?) for real-time mass surveillance alongside the latest
incarnation of the CIA's targeted assassination program.

-Funding terror groups as a way maintain and justify your agenda if

you’re in a position that requires ever more invasive powers
Wealth over generations buys power. Power over generations buys
more wealth/control. More wealth/control buys countries and its
people. These three families combined = NWO. Teh families will

Look at the keystone. One Nation dominates all others. One Nation
has influence over most others. Look at the keystone.
Return to Saudi Arabia. Strings are cut (+++) and the puppets (+++)
are in shadows. Each side of the triangle controls a certain subsect of
power brokers. Power brokers are also puppets/servants. Look at the
New World Order. POTUS received a sword dance when visiting
Saudi Arabia. This means something culturally - war. What occurred in
Saudi Arabia? POTUS removed one side of the pyramid. What did
POTUS receive while visiting China. Where did POTUS dine? China,
Russia, and others are coordinating with POTUS to eliminate the

Someone really controls North Korea. Someone controls several

agencies within the US, EU, and abroad. The NSA is so vital. An
enormous scale of events are currently ongoing. Russia is helping to
kill ISIS. Joint missions are underway. The world is fighting back.

The Great Awakening. Snow White. Iron Eagle. Jason Bourne (2016)

All POTUS, except MVB & DJT, directly related to royal European
-34 have been genetic descendants from just one person,
Charlemagne, the brutal eighth century King of the Franks.

-19 of them directly descended from King Edward III of England;

Bush is closely related to the king of Albania and has kinship with
every member of the British royal family and the House of Windsor.
He is related to 20 British Dukes, the 13th cousin of Britain’s Queen
Mother, and of her daughter Queen Elizabeth. He is 13th cousin once
removed from Prince Charles and has direct descent from King Henry
III, Charles II, and Edward I of England. “Father George and wife
Barbara [Bush] are both descendants of Godfroi de Bouillon who, in
1099, led European noblemen in the successful Crusade to recapture
Jerusalem from the Islamic faith and moved into the King’s palace at
Temple Mount … Godfroi de Bouillon was the first king of Jerusalem
and the Duke of Lower Lorraine, a major region for the Illuminati

European powers fought with Russia and America against Germany,

Italy and Japan.
In the beginning yes. Hitler accepted money from International
Bankers. He soon used that to Germany's benefit and broke from the
international banking system, thereby "cutting the strings"

To use another form of "socialism" to combat international socialism

(Communism of the USSR) which had gone off the plan and was no
longer completely in the control of the bad actors.

Creation of Israel by Rothschilds

Germany had been split into eastern and western Germany.

Angela Merkel was born A. Kasner. Her father was Horst Kasner who
changed his name from Horst Kaźmierczak, which was his mothers
last name because he was born out of wedlock. His father was Ludwik

It occurred before the creation of the FED

John Jacob Astor IV (richest man on the ship)

Benjamin Guggenheim

Captain Edward John Smith

Isidor and Ida Straus (co-owner of Macy’s)

Thomas Andrews
Lady Duff Gordon
Lady Countess Rothes (Lucy Noël Martha Dyer-Edwards)

Millvina Dean
Women and children, first class
John Jacob Astor IV, Benjamin Guggenheim, Isidor and Ida Straus
were all opposed to the creation of a central bank.

Wealthy, influential opposition was eliminated.

Entire list of lifeboats and survivors in them.
Boat A was allowed to drift off after it was partially Submerged; It was
recovered a month later, by RMS Oceanic, another White Star Line
ship. 3 bodies where left in the boat and 12-13 survivors made it to
Boat D. 25 people were on board boat D excluding boat A's survivors.

Known People to survive of Boat A and D are Michel Marcel Navratil,

Edmond Marcel Navratil, Caroline Brown,Hugh Woolner, Mauritz
Håkan Björnström-Steffansson, Frederick Maxfield Hoyt and Rhoda

According to Wikipedia:
Upon recovery, each body retrieved by the Mackay-Bennett was
numbered and given as detailed a description as possible to help aid
in identification. The physical appearance of each body—height,
weight, age, hair and eye colour, visible birthmarks, scars or tattoos,
was catalogued and any personal effects on the bodies were gathered
and placed in small canvas bags corresponding to their number. (It
was decided to preserve all bodies of First Class passengers because
of the need to visually identify wealthy men to resolve any disputes
over large estates)

1. In July of 1911, White Star and Harland & Wolff announced a date
for Titanic's maiden voyage - March 20, 1912.

September 20, 1911: Titanic's maiden voyage delayed due to

necessary diversion of workers and materials to repair Olympic.

October 11, 1911: White Star officially announces new date for
Titanic's maiden voyage in the London Times - April 10, 1912.
This information leads me to believe that tickets would not have been
sold before July, 1911 (when the first date was announced). It seems
to make sense, also, that ticket sales would slow or stop when
construction was interrupted; then ticket sales might pick up again
after the Oct. 11, 1911, announcement of the new launch date.

2. According to the second link I have given below, Joseph Laroche

purchased tickets for his family in March, 1912.

3. According to the third link below, one family was transferred to the
Titanic when the ship they were ticketed for was cancelled. This
transfer happened "in the spring of 1912," which at least tells us that
the Titanic was not sold out by spring.

4. The 4th link shows what a first class ticket looked like.





John Jacob Astor IV

Emilio Portaluppi well-respected stonemason received a telegram
from the Astors inviting him to join them on Titanic as they returned
from a holiday in Egypt. He was given first class travel and it appears,
wanted him to use his skills on statues outside their Newport villa.

Bill Müller served as secretary to a Dutch traffic inspector whose job

was to inspect ships for insurance and investment firms and was an
invited guest aboard the Titanic from the ship’s owners.

Mott was an influential evangelist and longtime YMCA official, who

shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 1946. He and a colleague were
supposedly offered free passage on the Titanic by a White Star Line
official interested in their work but declined and instead took the more
humble liner Lapland.

The Italian inventor, wireless telegraphy pioneer and winner of the

1909 Nobel Prize in Physics was offered free passage on Titanic but
had taken the Lusitania three days earlier.

Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt I also, Someone in their family objected to

their sailing aboard the new ship, “because so many things can go
wrong on a maiden voyage.”

Consortium of private central banks in the US.

US monetary policy, including interest rates.
Woodrow Wilson
To hide history / distract from the fact the last 3 major opponents of
the FED died that night.
This line of questions suggest someone famous was shown to have
survived in the movie but in reality died that night and his identity was

Possible list
Jack Thayer
William Ernest Carter
George Dunton Widener
Harry Elkins Widener
J. Bruce Ismay
He's a rich guy that kills himself after losing all his money in the crash

Their Narrative changes the history, or so they'd like it to.

Titanic sank due to enormous uncontrollable fire, not iceberg, claim

experts. Makes sabotage a credible theory rather than ramming an
iceberg which was the cover.

Brainwashing (also known as mind control, menticide, coercive

persuasion, thought control, thought reform, and re-education) is a
_non-scientific_ concept that the human mind can be altered or
controlled by certain psychological techniques. Brainwashing is said
to reduce its subject’s ability to think critically or independently, to
allow the introduction of new, unwanted thoughts and ideas into the
subject’s mind, as well as to change their attitudes, values, and

Psychological operations (PSYOP) are planned operations to convey

selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their
emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the
behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.

Official story: exploded because of a spark and being full of hydrogen

(explosive) rather than helium (inert)

Joseph Spah was a suspected saboteur of the Hindenburg according

to FBI docs:

Most were German Nazis. List of Passengers who died (crew who
died not listed)

Ernst Rudolf Anders *

Nationality: German
Occupation: Merchant
Body returned S.S. Hamburg, 5/13/37

Birger Brinck *
Nationality: Swedish
Occupation: Writer
Body returned S.S. Drottningholm, 5/15/37

Hermann Doehner *
general manager of Beick, Felix y Compania, a prominent German
wholesale drug company headquartered in Mexico City, Mexico

Nationality: Mexican
Occupation: Merchant

Irene Doehner *
Age: 14
Nationality: Mexican
Occupation: Daughter

Burtis Dolan*
Age: 47
Nationality: United States

Edouard Douglas*
Age: 39
Nationality: United States

Fritz Erdmann *
Nationality: German
Occupation: Colonel (German Air Ministry)

Body returned S.S. Hamburg, 5/13/37

Otto Ernst *
Age: 77
Nationality: German
Body returned S.S. Bremen, 5/22/37

Moritz Feibusch *
Age: 57
Nationality: United States

Erich Knoecher *
Nationality: German
Occupation: Manufacturer
Body returned S.S. Hamburg, 5/13/37

John Pannes *
Age: 60
Nationality: United States

Emma Pannes *
Age: 56
Nationality: United States

Otto Reichhold *
Nationality: German
Occupation: Merchant
Body returned S.S. Hamburg, 5/13/37
Both the Titanic and Hindenburg are illustrative of globalist/puppet
masters' resolve, ruthlessness, power, and control, and they have
been very successful in controlling the narrative through media and

They are willing to kill innocent people and destroy very expensive
property to get what they want then control the fallout.

Normal people/people that believe every word of their gov/media

The newswires (AP, Thompson-Reuters, Gannett)

Spy Vs. Spy

CIA Directorate of Operations code-named Snow White.

Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream) is Google being run by the CIA hence

Alphabet Inc. Pichai is Kalloor.
Deepdream. Coerced collaboration between CIA and "Deepdream", a
fictional social media company that was a thinly veiled amalgamation
of Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, the three social giants who were
just compelled to testify before Congress.

Soros replaced family 'y'. Someone is family 'y'. Trace the bloodlines
of these (3) families.

Hitler was a puppet. Someone was his handler. There was a real
purpose of the war. What age was GS? Look at the Soros family
history. What has occurred since the fall of N Germany. Look at A.
Merkel's family history. Follow the bloodline.
Important people died on the Titanic in 1912. A certain 'class of
people' were guaranteed a lifeboat. Select individuals did not make it
to the lifeboats. We know if someone was on the lifeboats (D or A).
How were names and bodies recorded back then? Less than 10 were
specifically invited.

Look at the Federal Reserve. What does the Federal Reserve control,
and who controls the Federal Reserve? Someone approved the
formation of the Federal Reserve. Hollywood glorifies Titanic as a
tragic love story. A man lived in that movie, but the opposite is true.

Important people died during on the Hindenburg. Someone controls

the narrative. The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital. It
must be controlled.

Snow White. Iron Eagle. Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream).

The CIA has 7 supercomputers, and they are all named after the 7
dwarfs from Snow White (Doc, Dopey, Bashful, Grumpy, Sneezy,
Sleepy and Happy)

Spy Vs. Spy

CIA Directorate of Operations code-named Snow White.
- NSA infiltrated
- Shadow brokers leaking data
- Q group investigating

Always on the job, watching out for America and American interests.



Forthcoming posts will be more specific, less broad (overview). Pay

Going forward, we will be looking at individual pieces that will make
sense in the grand scheme, but we can't keep looking big picture
because it's too much for normies to process.

Too much risk of conspiracy Shit Talk.

Associate Directorate for Security and Counterintelligence- Q Group

The security and counterintelligence directorate serves as the NSA’s
internal police force, in effect watching the agency’s watchers for
behavior that could pose an intelligence risk.

NSA has the big picture because of the amount of data it collects.
Harder for other agencies that rely on different intelligence gathering
methods to put everything together.

Speaks to us directly via Twitter. Distracts MSM with tweets. Says
seemingly outlandish things which are eventually proven true.

Public will be englightened to a degree on the chicanery in

governance, and without these puppets in office, America can grow.

Cleaning house. Getting rid of the leakers or identifying them. Getting

rid of big-name bad actors within the White house and other agencies
so that this operation would go smooth as possible.
Amazon received $60M contract with Clowns in America to use
Amazon's cloud tech AWS
Official story is for computing cloud by Amazon. Could be for
purchase of Washington Post.

CIA Project MockingBird

PSYOP, Pre-emptive attack, Branding to persuade people the truth
about MSM and its lies.
Decrease the trustworthiness of MSM by exposing the truth and
awaken the sheep by question the established sources of information.
Reduce the power of MSM

Media(Newspapers, Television, Social Media)

Most people (normies) are informed by the compromised, CIA
sponsored news. Lots of confidential leaks are coming out to give us
the real picture. This information spreads on the internet, but if
compromised MSM doesn't pick it up, the majority is left in the dark.

Sara Carter Circa news, she's all over Uranium One issue.

Operation Mockingbird was repeated, because someone needs to

control what is released to the public; they don't want the full story
getting out.
Reinforce the importance of the concept of Real-time surveillance
instituted by CIA via backdoors in the code into social media
PSYOP messaging platforms: Everything is fine. Nothing to see here.
Move along citizen.

Wizards: VPU-2 (the Wizards) based at Barbers Point Hawaii - aircraft
carry the "most sophisticated optical, electronic, infrared and chemical
reconnaissance equipment...collecting all manner of emissions across
a "wide swath of the electromagnetic spectrum."

Warlocks: Warlock Green / Warlock Red Shortstop Electronic

Protection System (SEPS) System

Wizards = NSA
Hillary Clinton and Saudi Arabia
Spy Vs. Spy
Directorate of Operations code-named Snow White.
With R's leaving Congress after being exposed and making a deal
and D's under indictment, that leaves empty seats to be filled by good
people. Since DNC is now seen as corrupt the playing field is less
likely to be manipulated. Those pulling the strings are distracted trying
to save their own skin
Actions underway are on behalf of the entire globe, not just USA

Geronimo is from this

Gibson’s character says it to Roberts as a self sacrificing love

profession that he will protect her from the Clowns In America
Becomes this:
[US] [risk] [th] i s [W] [e] [e] [k] [GOD & COUNTRY]

-US risk this week GOD & COUNTRY

(we will not fly that high again) (New) (think SA + ???)

-we will not fly that high again (AF1?) think SA + ???

(public) (hack attempt) (CIA/Dream) (inside terms dropped) (not all)

(power shift)

-public hack attempt CIA/Dream inside terms dropped not all power

(C I A and repeat of Riyadh? missile?)

A 40,000 foot view is necessary to understand the US - Saudi - global
events. Decreasing altitude - we won't fly that high again. The higher
the altitude greater the risk of conspiracy.

Look at NSA - Q group. Someone has clearance to the full picture.

The Signal Intelligence Service (SIS) is good. NSA is at war with CIA.
POTUS shifts the narrative. It's a (New) Age of Enlightenment. 80%
covert. 20% public.
C-info leaks. Operations (Saudi Arabia + !!!). CNN sale. What co's rec
large cash injections by CIA (public). Why? Someone controls the
MSM. Primary objective from beginning was for POTUS to discredit
MSM. How is the information transmitted. How are people informed.
Sarah A. C. attacked (hack-attempt). Operation Mockingbird repeated.
Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream) repeated. Think social media platforms.
Someone is the Wizards & Warlocks. What council do the Wizards &
Warlocks control? Think Snowden (inside terms dropped). Disney is a
distraction. Senate & Congress = puppets (not all)(power shift).

REAL actions/reactions underway globally. NSA Q-group is not a "live-

action role-playing game" (LARP). International cooperation in
curtailing the network of bad actors is extremely serious with very
serious consequences for the world.
"Journalist" agents embedded within American media issued
misinformation in order to turn public opinion against NSA and patriots
working on behalf of America.
NYT is setting the narrative as:

NSA = bad, negligent at least, sabotage at worst

CIA/FBI = good guys who uncovered scandal


CIA retaliation for the info dumps Q is giving us, measures Q-group is
taking by dismantling bad actors' networks.

Rogue intelligence agency openly and publicly demonstrates its

disloyalty in a major US media outlet.

CIA is telling us directly the revolution is real.

Use your analytical skills, not everything will be spelled out in black
and white. The CIA is threatened by the information being revealed by
Q on 4chan and retaliated with the NYT "direct attack" article on the
NSA and Q-group.

CIA and bad actors severely threatened by expose and rapidly

shrinking options
POTUS knows Q group actions, giving info to /pol/, CIA disruptive
actions/retailiation, and response.

Counter-measures against bad actors initiated

The graphic is vital.

Confirmation 13 pre-launch YES

Green across the board, confirmation

file is attached to row. Link:

[LdR]=Lynn de Rothschild

Don't corner it. Back off, let it relax, let it think it has an escape route,
then net it as it runs for freedom.

Tempt them with an illegal reward.
Those that have proven themselves many times in the past.
Compartmentalization of information, strict information control.

Those that have shown they can do it.

Eliminate all leaks.

Admiral Rogers knew what was going on with the BO admin regarding
surveillance he went to Trump to inform him (possibly show him proof)
and demonstrate his loyalty to the Constitution and opposition to
Obama's actions and the cabal of bad actors.

To flush out agents attempting damage control.

NB - "collection p's" = collection programs

Disable the 7 dwarfs

a) Make them solely reliant on one info solution, then b) take it away
from them completely.

Tto release the codes of the NSA collection programs to make the
NSA look bad in the eyes of the public.
"No Such Agency" pulled a double bluff - they LET Snowden leak to
get the CIA to take their old collection software as bait. They
denounced him publicly to hide any chance that people would
consider the leak as planned. The "Mockingbird Media" ate it up, and
then all that was left was to wait for a) a presidency without ties to the
cabal and b) to let the CIA become dependent on them.

It never is.
That of a meek and ineffectual AG.

Disappointment with Sessions' performance.

Was perceived as a major threat due to being a man of honor,

therefore not in control of bad actors.

Because "Rosenstein will be in charge of overseeing the investigation

into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election" and D's
believe he will side with them.

6 Opposed:
Blumenthal (D-CT)
Booker (D-NJ)
Cortez Masto (D-NV)
Gillibrand (D-NY)
Harris (D-CA)
Warren (D-MA)

They knew of their “Special Counsel” plan all along, and played into it
once Mueller accepted Godfather III. Recusal did leave RR in charge
of Russia special counsel “choice” to retain false sense of security in
the FBI. Sessions keeps his credibility and partisan cover during ‘The

Appearances (cf Mueller hiring democrat lawyers)

Democrats and "neo-conservatives"
Subterfuge, baited trap

An unseen enemy.

US military.

MI has most secure communications channels that are not exposed to

Clowns exploits.

There was some need to get back fast. Sense of urgency in his tweet:
Intelligence from face to face meeting in NK needs to be securely
delivered to MI, not over channels that could be intercepted by ClA
and other bad actors.

-A large NSA building is located in Hawaii

AF1 is the name of ANY airplane with POTUS onboard.

It never is.
The Swamp, the District of Criminals
91% Clinton

4% Trump
Congress can overturn indictments within D.C.

Dispersal of cases, eliminating backlog in DC court, also persons

being charged in their home districts to hammer home to their local
public the extent of corruption and keep it in the public's mind and
Preparation for large number of criminal indictments ahead.

If you must capture a very dangerous animal, you don't attack it from
the front and walk through the front door. You don't signal ahead of
time you will be attacking.

You must distinguish between good and bad. You must trust who
keeps secrets. You must prevent leaks. Trust someone to complete
the mission. You must prevent warnings from being sent. Adm Rogers
(Dir., NSA) is so important. The source code to former NSA collection
p's publicly released. You must blind the CIA.What was Snowden's
real primary mission? Snowden was not acting on his own.

A show is being put on by AG Sessions since his confirmation. A show

is being put on by POTUS since AG Sessions' confirmation. AG
Sessions' confirmation was challenged heavily, yet Rod Rosenstein's
confirmation smooth and easy. What was the vote count for Rod
Rosenstein? Sessions recused himself. A group has vocally supported
Rober Mueller repeatedly.
If we must capture a very dangerous animal, who is best to conduct
the attack? Look at the one force necessary to retain control - the US
Military. They play such a vital role in this global game of RISK.
POTUS departed Manila 30 min ahead of schedule. Air Force 1 is
landing in Hawaii. Air Force 1 has in-air refueling ability. Nothing is as
it appears. Look at the nickname for DC. What was the DC vote
breakdown between Trump & Clinton? Sealed indictments are outside
of DC jurisdiction. This is on purpose. Judicial appointments are being
rapidly completed. Have faith, Patriots. (embed)

did anyone saw this in the vid?
Because he cares more for the people he serves.

The joy and satisfaction of saving this great country from evil and
destruction; the ability to sleep at night knowing that he's risen to the
immense challenge before us and that he's done what he has been
prepared his entire life to accomplish.

Perhaps he has been around it, to a degree and knows people in

those circles. He's been to Epstein's Little St. James island.
The meeting was to figure out how to invalidate the election results,
or, if that was not possible find some other way to remove Trump from
office: impeachment, mental health or physical health issues, criminal
activity, etc.

There was still a belief that the result could be invalidated,

undermined and therefore she would be put into place.

GERALD FORD. His wife gave the speech

The country would have been taken down from the inside.

It does not take long. See what's already happening in Europe due to
unfettered immigration, MSM brainwashing, and corrupt politicians.
Most are hackable.

Premier Election Solutions, formerly Diebold Election Systems, Inc.,

was a subsidiary of Diebold that makes and sells voting machines. In
2009, it was sold to competitor ES&S.

Purposefully lax, any movement to bring sanity (India and Mexico

have photo IDs just for voting) is met with strident calls of racism in
order to maintain the status quo.

24 things that require a photo ID:

Lack of voter ID laws enable Democrats to maintain widespread

fraudulent voting by felons, illegal aliens and dead people in order to
manipulate the representation in government (at all levels).


The absolute limit before retaliation is triggered. The point at which

"enough is enough"
This took down the first side of the NWO pyramid. There could be
many songbirds by this time; vital intel is being gathered.

Financial strings.

When it is caged.
When it is caged.

For the coming days ahead, ask yourself an honest question. Why
would a billionaire - someone who has it all - fame, fortune, a warm
and loving family, friends - want to endanger himself and his family by
becoming POTUS? He wants to make the US/world a better place for
his family and the US - we who have long been taken advantage of.
He could not stomach the thought of mass murders occurring to
satisfy Moloch. He could not stomach the thought of children being
kidnapped, drugged, and raped while leaders/law enforcement of the
world turn a blind eye. He was tired of seeing how certain
races/countries were being constantly abused and kept in
need/poor/and suffering all for a specific purpose. He could not, in
good conscious, see the world burn.
Hours after the election, seven people traveled to an undisclosed
location to hold a very private & highly secured/guarded meeting.
Hillary didn't give a concession speech. When was the last time a
presidential candidate didn't personally give a concession speech.

What happens if the border remained open and the MSM continued to
brainwash. At what point do Patriots, and hard working men and
woman, become the minority. What about voting machines. Someone
owns the voting machines. What about voter ID laws? Photo ID?
Where is now necessary and must be presented? Make a list. Laugh.

The chances of defeating evil grow less and less with each passing
year. What does 'red line' mean. The arrests made in Saudi Arabia are
very important. Strings were immediately cut. Follow the money.
When does a bird sing?
Because the CIA was handling him and did not want MI to take him
out prematurely, if at all.

Because Usama Bin Laden would have been apprehended and

returned to the US for interrogation and trial. Intelligence gained would
have exposed CIA's and other bad actors' involvement in funding,
training, arming and assisting terrorism.

MI would have taken him alive. CIA wanted him silenced

MI would want to do that. CIA would not want that because then their
plans would be exposed.
Georgia Guidestones as a roadmap to pare down the world
population by billions.


Fantasy land is your understanding of reality due to Propaganda and

Operation Mockingbird.

Power in numbers.
Power in numbers.

They fear us. They cannot confiscate outright, so attempt incremental

steps to disarm the public they fear. They push while emotions are
high, to manipulate the public to capitulate.

Control; without guns we cannot fight back or revolt, we cannot resist

Yes. Amen.

The importance of the Lords Prayer Q uses Catholic version

Someone financed 9-11. Someone was Bin Laden's handler. The CIA
was tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL. Why not Military Intel? If we
found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him
and not take him alive? Why wouldn't we want to capture UBL alive
and extract other possible T-level events? Someday people will
understand 'they' had a plan to conduct 'another' mass extinction

WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families. Fantasy land.

The more people there are, the more power the people have.
Democrates push for gun control directly after every tragic incident.
This is so very important to their agenda. We, the people, are
someone they are afraid of. We, the people, are someone they fear
will one day awake.

The Lord's Prayer

NB: updated graphic of Q posts 11-11 to 11-15 attached to this row.

direct link:

Rothschild family is actively targeted now.

Something used to unlock a door or information

The graphic is key

Key can help decode

To lock or unlock the hidden/secured

To code/decode
A person who keeps watch, especially a soldier or other person
formally assigned to protect a person or to control access to a place.

The president, as commander-in-chief, is ultimately responsible for

classification and declassification.
a guard may be the one holding the keys
To protect or control access
POTUS has to key to all intel. POTUS know all. The Globalists can
not win.

Yes. Trump knew in order to regain control, he would have to expose

fake news corporations and allow the People to see that the IC is not
always on their side.

Coincidences are only coincidences because you lack information.

When you have all the intel, you can see which event connects to
which. At that point, things will no longer be a coincidence.

A message to inform - Information is Power

Information is Key; Information is a distinction that makes a
Also, could "Information" be the keystone we're looking for?

Information = Access to facts."

Those with the broadest range of audience - Those who own the
media outlets (gatekeepers) and Those who have the most followers
an listeners


A means of propaganda for whoever controls it.

The cabal, through their newswires (AP, Thomson-Reuters, Gannett,

To control the narrative. So that we do not seek the truth through
alternative sources.

To control the narrative; to condition minds so they can be controlled.

To keep people from paying attention

"Conspiracy" is a killshot used to undermine credibility.

Because you can fill them with limited hangout loons anyway

He controls the narrative, might become corrupt, controls the public

Wealth buys influence.

Without wealth, one cannot control through influence of power.This is

a common instruction on every bottle of shampoo. The metaphor
seems to indicate that multiple passes will be required to root out
corruption to a level where they are no longer a threat.

The internet and the free flow of information P2P undermines the
control of the Mockingbird Media.

Specifically, memes and the power of the people.

"More people are getting news from Facebook and Twitter than ever.

In a new report out today, the Pew Research Center found that more
than half of all Facebook and Twitter users get news from the sites, a
significant increase for both services since 2013."

Chamath Palihapitiya, former Facebook Vice President, says "social

media is destroying society..."
Yes but not defeated
11/17/2017 Big Brother is Here - Twitter Will Monitor Users' Behavior

11/4/2017 Shocking Purge - Saudi King Arrests Billionaire Prince bin

Talal, Others in Anti-Money Laundering

Al-Waleed bin Talal (34.9 million shares) and Geroge Soros

Graph attached to row showing bin Talal's sock ownership

As a major stockholder, bin Talal can shape the practices of the

company, ie, silence all voices that are counter to his narrative or his
Legal Definition of oppression

:an unjust or excessive exercise of power: as

a) :unlawful, wrongful, or corrupt exercise of authority by a public

official acting under color of authority that causes a person harm

b) :dishonest, unfair, wrongful, or burdensome conduct by corporate

directors or majority shareholders that entitles minority shareholders
to compel involuntary dissolution of the corporation

c) :inequality of bargaining power resulting in one party's lack of ability

to negotiate or exercise meaningful choice

MSM (mainstream media)

Clowns in America via Operation Mockingbird, as an arm of a network
of bad actors


INNER Party members.

MSM lies about the wrongdoings of select "party" members to hide
the truth from the masses. Fantasy Land.


Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act

Portman-Murphy bill passed by House and Senate Signed by Obama

Freedom from an obligation or penalty to which others are subject

Nothing. Legalized propaganda under Obama...

The ability of the Libelled party to sue

The only SC re: confidential source is Branzburg v. Hayes

Too many, impossible to say an accurate amount.

Open Internet and free access to truthful information.

Social media; face to face interactions.

Sexual harassment claims, implication is that people have been
compromised through sex or bad behavior and thus controlled.
Blackmail - if they cooperate, their dirty secrets(s) are safe, if not they
are exposed.

An introduction or preamble that allows one to move smoothly on to

the next part of something.
More and more accusers in DC and HWood

People must begin to believe that sexual misconduct Is rampant

People will be more willing to accept the information a small piece at a

He probably has a lot of dirt on a lot of people- his Playboy Bunnies
were probably gathering intel or used for blackmail. Playboy = White
An attractive lure to set up others to be manipulated into behavior that
is illegal, unbecoming or would reflect badly on them if made known.

A trap set to detect, deflect, or counteract unauthorized use of

information systems.

Blackmail refers to a situation that arises when a person threatens

another person with some form of punishment, oftentimes publicly
exposing the blackmailed party's illegal, unbecoming or illicit
behavior/activities if they do not offer some form of concessions.

Hugh Hefner could record the sexual activities of his guests to use for

Persons compromised and/or blackmailed by CIA (or operatives)

portraying a false reality to the public (mainstream media), using
people who are likewise compromised/blackmailed (Hollywood elite
and actors)
Persons compromised and/or blackmailed by CIA (or operatives)
portraying a false reality to the public (mainstream media), using
people who are likewise compromised/blackmailed (Hollywood elite
and actors)

No Such Agency
National Security Agency (NSA)

Red October: international hacking program; unknown
-Uncovered/shut down by Kaspersky Labs.

-Possibly operated by Clowns; Kaspersky in current news possible

smear campaign.

(2015) Red October malware discovered after years of stealing data

in the wild
(2015) Red October 5-year cyber espionage attack: Malware
resurrects itself

Bad actors have repeatedly attempted to assassinate William D.

Campbell to prevent his testimony.

Keep the discussion threads active, keep researching and answering

the question, keep making memes.

The important topics raised have spread outside 4chan into social
media and public consciousness and are generating discussion.

Think outside the box. See the larger picture.

A regular and intelligible form or sequence discernible in certain
actions or situations.

Recurrent and characteristic ways in which a person speaks or acts.

Patterns are formed by communicating with each other.

They are isolated by analyzing data sets.

Collecting information and tracking.

A data set is a collection of related, discrete items of related data that
may be accessed individually or in combination or managed as a
whole entity.
whole entity.

- A visual collection of data to guide a user from an origin to their

chosen destination.
- Shows connections between Twitter users and Social circles. Useful
to identify those who go against the narrative.

- A data map is a bridge between two data sets so that data in one set
can be migrated to another

Bad actors could track POTUS specific location via twitter data.

Eg: Dataminr's value is it allows users to look at the entire universe of

tweets and pull out information that is useful to them.

It will be monitoring user's behavior "on and off the platform" and will
suspend a user's account if they affiliate with violent organizations, or
post "hateful/offensive" content on their profile or tweets, starting
December 18.

The Twitter Rules (terms of service):

Censor and protect the narrative, measure and monitor reactions,

eliminate input from those who dissent from political correctness.

-Possible test to understand govt/ public response to new policies

-Possible test to understand govt/public response to effect on POTUS'
ability to communicate directly with the public.

Saudi Prince al Waleed bin Talal
As a major shareholder, the Prince can shape the company's policies,
including censorship.
To stop President Trump from communicating with the American
people directly.

Secret Service

It will be monitoring user's behavior "on and off the platform" and will
suspend a user's account if they affiliate with violent organizations, or
post "hateful/offensive" content on their profile or tweets, starting
December 18.

The Twitter Rules (terms of service):

Not without giving away extremely sensitive location and other

information that would be used by Clowns In America and other bad
actors. And since not everyone likes what POTUS says, even offline,
the new Terms of Service (ToS) would facilitate shadow-banning of
banning by the platform.
Implementation of draconian censorship policy allowing monitoring
users across platforms and even offline to determine their
'acceptability' to continue to use the Twitter platform.

MSM wants to be the sole source of info for the masses so it is not in
their interests to call attention to it any way. Mind control
(thinking/viewpoint) = social control. Fantasy Land.

Shut down by "rogue" employee

"Three letter agency embedded tracking/up-channel into POTUS'

Twitter to specifically target through specialized geo and send his
POTUS stops tweeting due to SS/risk
POTUS is 'censored'
Either way he loses the end around of the MSM

Attempt to place geolocation (tracking) software embedded in the

Twitter client when POTUS' account was deleted. It failed. The new
policy change will make that standard and is a risk POTUS' security is
unwilling to take.

Trump will no longer use this platform directly.

POTUS can no longer take his message to the people using this
social media platform.
POTUS will find another way to communicate directly with the people.

CIA is collecting intrusive data and tracking people with the data
gathered from social media use.
Only one out of many steps taken by CIA and other bad actors
against POTUS and others.
What should the POTUS do? What are his options to curtail or
eliminate this abuse?
Regulation of Tech giants is an option
It would take far too long to complete, due to political realities and the
nature of Congress.

Find a different platform with which to communicate directly with the

Alert others to the reason why POTUS is "tweeting less" or not at all.

CIA back door access to social media/software platform(s) to have

extensive surveillance access to users/userbase.

He opened the door to the TRUTH. The false reality they have fed us
all these years will fall when the Truth spreads. They NEVER thought
that Hillary would lose and Trump would have the key ( the
presidency) to open their locked secrets. (NSA treasure trove of data
meant for nefarious purposes that Trump is now using, having access
to all information of the Families, to defeat them)

Q clarifies(12/05/17) >>38467
q# 2096 Key - unlocks the door of all doors (info)

Key = Adm Rogers / No Such Agency (Wizards & Warlocks)

q# 2097 Stone - the force / strength capable of yielding power to act

on info US Military and POTUS = force

q# 2098 Key+Stone= "Information + force

Or one has all the info NSA and Potus/Military protect it."
Q. glad you are here can you confirm this theory to Red October?

Saw the sub searches on the 13th and the navy build up in San diego.

Soros sells Twitter, Facebook, Apple and Snap

Soros knows that a solid chunk the Twitter user-base will leave the
platform or be banned following the recent decision by Twitter to
monitor off-site activity for the sake of banning views or viewpoints
they deem politically incorrect. Other social media platforms/tech firms
may follow suit, depending on the backlash. There is a real potential
for loss of profit for investors so Soros is getting out of these
companies ahead of time

If MI, Q is following orders of his/her chain of command



Shilling, bots and other methods are being coordinated to silence

investigative efforts by anons on 4/pol/
Self -evident
This obviously not occur if this was just someone pretending, no one
would expend this amount of time, energy or resources.

CIA was engaged in a coordinated effort to silence Q's

communications with anons on 4/pol/.

Man who died in a helicopter collision crash over the Rothschild's


Agents on behalf of the Rothschild family, possibly CIA, but not

Anons have been given clues about what happened beforehand.
Learn to interpret the statements and questions correctly to
understand what is being conveyed and be able to correctly build the
bigger picture.

posted directly before stringer:


ID:wmN+33xv Tue 14 Nov 2017 21:25:29

UBL, CIA (not MI) WW2 being planned by select families, Fantasy
Land, D's push gun control which is important to accomplish their
agenda, they fear us, they fear we will wake up, Lord's prayer.

Green. Bunker. Apple. Yellow. Sky

So that anons would hopefully figure out the meaning.

What happens afterwards allows you to decode the stringer(s),

questions or statements previously conveyed by Q.

Anons have been given clues about what happened beforehand.

Learn to interpret the statements and questions correctly to
understand what is being conveyed and be able to correctly build the
bigger picture.

Everything conveyed by Q is meaningful, even if anons don't

understand, cannot connect it to anything or it seems like gibberish.

Something was posted prior to the stringer. Keywords were within the
stringer. They were left in the stringer for a reason. The Future shows
the past. Learn to read the map. Everything has meaning -

So that the receiver could break a code and get the command and
new key. [Burn plane slowly. Keep key. P Grey]
To send a message to someone receiving the stringer. Receiver
needed to break the code to get the command and new key.

We're watching your family and distress calls wont do any good

Lynn de Rothschild
Rothschild family
Bad actors (could be CIA) on behalf of Rothschilds.

Anons have been given clues about what happened beforehand.

Learn to interpret the statements and questions correctly to
understand what is being conveyed and be able to correctly build the
bigger picture.

Q posts missing from graphic
Anons are missing critical connections between important items.

Graphic = the compilation of screenshots of all of Q's posts. It is also

called the Q-Map.
It is critical that all of Q's posts are in the correct order. This is
necessary to understanding and to being able to accomplish the tasks
anons have been given.

Keywords. Confirm. Green. Sky. There is a reason keywords were

added to the stringer. There was a purpose. Something was
previously stated. It was directed at someone. ++ (Rothschilds)
Someone countered. Learn to read the map. Missing critical items.
Graphic is key. Ordering is Critical.
Bunker Apple Yellow Sky [… + 1]

The events mentioned in the keywords already happened and it
needs to be confirmed. Should teach us how to read the code.

Green was the name of the pilot

Helicopter, fly
To order and to signal, to help us learn to understand what stringers
are and how to decode them to understand the shorthand language
that can convey a lot of meaning without spelling it out directly.

Keywords are to be used as guide to reading maps.

How to interpret keywords? By looking at Captain Mike Green incident

and looking back at keywords provided.

Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild

Distress cal[L]s to others will [d]o you/family no good at this stage. We
know whe[R}e you/the family are at all times and can hear you

- Previously stated: LYNN DR instead of LORD DR

The Rothschild side of the triangle

Jaspal Barha, 45

Logical deduction is that Jaspal Barha (Cessna Pilot) then was the
bad actor.
Captain Mike Green

Keyword GREEN was referring to Capt. Green

Extraction of Lord d Rothschild

Besides the Rothschild: tactical observation unit:

"unnamed" female Rothschild

Beth Rothschild, Jacob's daughter, still lives on the estate.

Q's questions are keys and map are happenings.

- Q has confirmed some happenings. the garbled info given was made
clear a few days later.

"some topics are emphasized more, those will be happenings"

question # 567 "roadmap is here" "review happenings" (keys being
question #754 "review each sentence (after) happenings" (future
reveals past)
question #757 "signatures have necessary meaning" (his Tripcode,
ID, post >>#(?), have meaning)

question #759
Q is talking about topics that will (possibly) be relevant in near future.

>What stringer was provided (2) days prior to event?

Bunker Apple Yellow Sky [… + 1]

confirm 0600 (time) yes

Green 0600 (time)
Base Green Yellow (condition yellow?) Air

>What were the keywords in the stringer?


>Guide to reading map?

legend, past provides the future, questions provide the answers

>Lord d R.

>Who was the pilot of the plane?


>What was countered?

Unknown to us
>Who was on the ground (outside) shortly before the collision?

"Unnamed" Rothschild

>Who was in the home shortly before the collision?

Unknown to us now, was "dog grooming event"

>Learn to read the map.

trying really hard, is like herding kittens in here sometimes

>We may have overestimated your ability.

you came to us for certain strengths but there are weaknesses as

well, some being exploited

not enough focus

answer the questions

build the big picture
break it back down
make memes for the normies to calm & educate

so we'll be ready for the Storm

Secret war between the NSA (Good Guys) and the CIA (Bad Guys).
Plays out 80% behind-the-scenes, but also plays out in the press
where the CIA controls the MSM and takes shots at the NSA and
POTUS. A battle of Good vs Evil and Truth vs Lies.

Towards the end of the second act in a play, as perspective of the

timeline of the larger (worldwide) operation.
Can you think of a movie that would explain this situation?

People involved in the story

This is the plot, what happened.

Why is LRD chatting up Eagles on Twitter

Bill Clinton

Qanon mentioned FlyEaglesFly - a reference to [L]ynn [d]e

[R]othschild’s tweet this morning (Nov 21, 2017).

Qanon asks which POTUS was nicknamed “Eagle”. “Eagle” is Bill


Dear Q:
Jesus Christ was fucking pissed at his apostles most of the time
because they were stupid fucks (at the time) that couldn't piece
together even the most basic of clues. We are no different and are
even more clueless. We are trying, but you really do have to spell it
out for us. Sorry. We believe you are speaking the truth. To whom else
can we turn? So put up with our shit and help us, and we'll do what
you ask.

Messages to anons have to be carefully timed, and created in a way

that imparts information, guides anons in the right direction (for
answering questions and building the bigger picture), without violating
national security or notifying bad actors (including Mockingbird media)
who monitor the 'chans of plans, sources, means or methods, or that
could compromise any missions.

>Act II, Scene IV

The same scene in Macbeth talks about a falcon flying freely before
being ambushed by an owl. It is noted that the owl does not normally
hunt the falcon. The scene continues to talk about many odd
happenings and a darkness on the horizon for humanity. It is noted
that even the horses are rebelling and turning upon one another
(specifically eating eachother).

Is it possible that the Clintons have turned on the Rothschilds? The

flyeaglefly may even be a veiled threat directed towards the Clintons,
a 'We know' type thing.

- Athena, the Greek Goddess of Wisdom had a companion Owl on her

shoulder, which revealed unseen truths to her. Owl had the ability to
light up Athena's blind side, enabling her to speak the whole truth, as
opposed to only a half truth.
- The Ainu in Japan trust the Owl because it gives them notice of evil
approaching. They revere the Owl, and believe it mediates between
the Gods and men.

- To the Welsh, the Owl is a night predator -- the only bird capable of
defeating the swift falcon and then only at dusk, its time of power. The
Owl symbolizes death and renewal, wisdom, moon magick, and
initiations. Their Goddess Arianrhod shapeshifts into a large Owl, and
through the great Owl-eyes, sees even into the darkness of the
human subconscious and soul.

- The Owl has a dual symbolism of wisdom and darkness, the latter
meaning evil and death

CONFIRM GREEN SKY = giving an order to Captain Green to do

something to the Rothschilds.

Q gave us this crumb beforehand, and also wrote a message to LdR

(we can hear you breathing).

This was a map. Q told us that future shows the past meaning that a
future event (Captain Mike Green doing something with a helicopter to
Rothchilds) will explain these keywords and confirm that Q knows top
secret information.

Green, obviously a good guy, had a mission. We don't know what

exactly he was supposed to do. But it had to be something very
serious because bad guys countered very seriously and killed several

Mission failed.
Using these symbols publicly allows them to identify each other,
telegraph their allegiance and place in the hierarchy of the cult and
cabal. It also allows us to identify the same thing for our own
purposes (purging the filth). This will be their downfall.

The general public is not taught symbol literacy and so while they
"see" the symbols they do not understand them, so the cabal, network
and cult have no need to hide the symbols.

It works to our advantage if they always underestimate us

They consider the public to be gullible, unintelligent, easily lead, easily

pacified and existing only for their pleasure and use.
They consider the public to be gullible, unintelligent, easily lead, easily
pacified and existing only for their pleasure and use.

The public "feeds" the cabal and cult with our money, time, attention,
energy and even our very lives (human slavery/sex slavery and even

- Owl: Baron Guy de Rothschild (Died: June 12, 2007, Paris, France)

- Y-Head: Marie-Hélène de Rothschild (Died: March 1, 1996, Touques,


Anons needed a push in the rear end and in the right direction, a
correction in method of observing and "connecting the dots" laid out
for us.

owl in DC aerial.jpg

direct link to QMap graphic:


- Minerva, goddess wisdom (Greek counterpart is Athena),

- Seeing in the dark (able to see what others do not), hidden


- Moloch/Marduk (son of Sumerian deity Enki/Ea who demanded

human sacrifices)

- Masonic

Considering the context, the implication is the stag-horns

(photo of Baroness Rothschild wearing a golden stag mask complete

with horns)

- This is a perversion and direct inversion of ancient traditions as the

King married the land wearing the symbolic stag head horns in an
ancient ceremony; to put it on the female is to intentionally defile and
degrade the traditions of Britons and Celts.

- Some within the Abrahamic religious framework consider any Y

shaped horns to symbolize Satan/Lucifer/Serpent
Katy Perry, Lady GAGA, Madonna, Beyonce, Jay Z, Amy Schumer,
Miley Cyrus

Julianne Moore, Elton John, Jamie Foxx, Olivia Wilde, Adele, Steven
Spielberg, Drew Barrymore, Kerry Washington, Ellen Degeneres, Eva
Longoria, Robert De Niro (but not related to next question)

Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Jay Z, Bruce Springsteen, Jon Bon Jovi, Katy
Perry, Chance the Rapper, Big Sean, J. Cole, DJ Samantha Ronson,
- The eye of Horus.
- Skull and Crossbones

- Beyonce wore a necklace resembling an owl

Spirit Cooking w/ Marina Abramovic, Bohemian Grove, Epstein Island,

Lolita Express, Hollywood events (Think Ellen 2014 Oscars selfie),
musical events, The Super Bowl, Concerts, Youtube rituals (Think
Icebucket Challenge). Anti-gun laws, false flags, Trump Protests (they
can openly display threats against Trump yet none are indicted).

High Priestess
COG that connects all the power players, Rothschilds, Saudi, Wall
Street, Satanic Power in Hollywood and media that push their careers
and influence.
National Press Club,
The Yale Record

Bilderberg Group
Bohemian Club

Barclay's bank
The top of the Frost Bank building in Austin is designed to look like an
owl, also the clock tower at University of Texas.

- Hiding in plain sight. The public is not symbol literacy and therefore
when the symbols are seen they are not understood, so there is no
risk to displaying them openly.

- It is a method of signaling to others that they are part of an in-group

and should be greeted and treated accordingly.
Wearing or openly displaying their symbols not only identifies them to
"friendly" others (members within the network or of a particular cult)
but it likewise identifies them to our Patriots and allies who are
working to clean out the corruption and filth of this network of bad
actors worldwide.

The MSM's role is to label "truth" a conspiracy theory.blind the people

and make this type of 'entertainment' normal, therefore providing
power to the ones 'holding the ritual'

The 'conspiracy theory' label is used to marginalize alternative

viewpoints and anyone who researches and finds information on
topics that are dangerous or threatening to this network of bad actors
and cult members.

To enforce conformity of thought and attitude, world-view in culture. It

elevates some persons and showcases (promotes) certain ideas and
ideals, while hiding, suppressing and censoring anything counter to
that approved worldview (in accord with the agenda of the cabal and
their network of bad actors).
The conspiracy theory pushed by social media companies is that
there is a nefarious plot by "far-right" elements to oppress and
degrade minorities, therefore anyone who does not wholeheartedly
believe in and support enforced diversity and multiculturalism is an
evil person who is a "Nazi" or sympathizer. This allows them to paint
broad swaths of people with a brush and enact policies to silence any
dissent from the accepted (promoted) view. The new censorship rules
will allow monitoring (surveillance) not only off-site but also offline for
behavior that is not in conformity with their Terms of Service and they
will ban a large amount of users to enforce the echo-chamber they
have created.

Social media companies now accept the EU laws on speech, and will
enforce those even on users who are based or located in the United
States, bypassing the US Constitutional right of Free Speech for
Power, Fame, Riches, connections, celebrity

Primal Desires fulfilled.

Their lives, their legacy.

The most powerful people in the world are members of a very, very
dark and evil cult. They form a cabal and have a network of bad
actors. Through domination of finance, media and industry (including
education) they have enslaved the world.

The false view of reality portrayed by the media that the public
believes in. This includes not only audio/visual media but print media
as well (publishing) such as textbooks, history books and even

Some countries have created a low-key alliance to deny this cabal

power and to remove them and their filth from power and take back
our world.
Only a small portion of this will be visible to the public.

The majority of the removal actions will be not visible to the public, we
will never see it and never hear about it.

If all of the actions were public, mass hysteria, disbelief, economic

chaos and violence would result. The destablisation would be very
dangerous and other bad actors (including countries) would take
advantage of this to impose their own nefarious plans and rule.

It's necessary to zoom out and focus on the larger picture again,
instead of all the various details so that the members of the public
who are discussing this and others who are awakening to this can
avoid being tarred with the "conspiracy theorist" label and the
information be dismissed out of hand.
Focus on the BIG PICTURE when educating others and helping them
to understand.

We absolutely need them to be educated and understand, without

fear of being labelled.

A worldwide network of bad actors, stemming from the three named

families that encompasses many aspects. It is not necessarily against
one other country as these bad actors are international.
CUT OFF THE MONEY: financial flow disruption means both
puppeteers and puppets are disconnected from each other.

It's necessary to ally with countries you might not expect in order to
pool information, resources and coordinate a worldwide operation to
cleanse our countries of the filth that is the network of bad actors.

Referring to the Refusal of the potential coalition parties to form the

coalition (due to differences). Will most likely result in snap elections
where Merkel is expected to suffer further losses or even defeat (She
is a globalist and responsible for the mass migrant influx in Germany).
The AFD (Alternativ fur Deuchland) party (anti globalist) would most
likely become stronger in a reelection.

For now the news are writing that Merkel is thinking about a minority

There are no coincidences.

Politicians in many countries are not the ones in control or with the
actual power, such as Merkel.
actual power, such as Merkel.

They are personally weak, i.e., corruptible. They are politically weak,
i.e., they are puppets.
The puppets are afraid that they lose the protection of and funds from
their puppeteers. Without that protection, they are vulnerable to
prosecution for their bad acts. Without the funds they cannot
themselves pay bribes or blackmail money, or their lavish lifestyle to
which they have become accustomed.

The vast majority of acts in the operation will take place out of the
public eye. We will never hear of it or see it, but it is necessary to do it
this way to prevent panic by the public, collapse of industries and the
global financial system, and potentially to prevent military acts by
countries or groups who would capitalize on that destablized situation
and potential chaos.
A smaller amount of action will be taken publicly, sweeping up bad
actors for arrest and prosecution so that the public can still have or
gain confidence in the justice system.

Certain events must occur in a particular order in order for other

things to transpire. There is no rushing this large, complex, worldwide
operation, it will happen as it is planned.

Rest assured.

anon meme makers please make some memes of the popes

audience hall looking like a snake pit. That sum sik shit
They are closed societies specifically to protect their populace from
the predation of the network of bad actors - destroying cultural
traditions, promoting degeneracy, destroying families, eroding
religious/philosophical foundations.

In particular, China saw how this group of bad actors attempted to

rape Russia a second time when the USSR was brought down. It
decided to transition away from Communism not directly to capitalism
but a system that would suit them - very, very slowly so that they
would be more in control of the transition itself and what it was
transformed into without being raped by this group.

TRANSLATION: Can you find either the cultists who use the symbol
of the owl, or a Rothschild in China and Russia?

Russia is different than China in that when the USSR was brought
down it was mostly subjugated again. Several puppets assisted in that
effort until Putin was elected and turned it around. As such, there are
those bad actors in the network who use the owl as their symbol, and
it is a delicate balancing act for Putin: keep the country free and
somewhat open but protect the country from these people. The
Rothschild family is banned in Russia and it also has a standing arrest
warrant for George Soros.

China has two factions always fighting for control through it's entire
history (simplistic explanation). One faction will work with those who
use the owl as their symbol against the other faction who is adamantly
against all that it represents and does.

Possibly to prevent outside influence post WW2


Obama was a puppet/messenger only. There is no reason to give the

highest regards to a puppet/illegitimate President.

- Obama was snubbed for trying to meddle in Chinese internal affairs.

Need to look more specific.

- Involvement in cults/pedophilia
- Representative of the cabal of families and their network of bad
Like the new Leader of the World.
Trump was treated with the highest level of respect possible; usually
associated with royalty/ deeply honored guests. POTUS was the first
world leader to be invited to dinner at the Forbidden City (China) by
Xi. He also was given a private tour by the premier and his wife of all
the major places revered in China, with historically unique honors

Sword dance in SA; traditionally a pre-battle ritual for warriors on the

same side.

One projected weakness not only of himself (puppet) but also his
masters (puppeteers). The other projects strength, resolve a
willingness to conduct relations and endeavors as equals and respect
each other's sovereignty. Thus the former was snubbed and the latter
was fetted.
The false reality portrayed by the Mockingbird media. The reality (and
history) that the general public believes is fantasy, spun for them by
others, kept in place by ownership and control of various forms of
media: television, radio, movies, publishing (especially textbooks),
newspapers (and websites), acting as "gate-keepers" to ensure
conformity of view on the world.

CIA and the cabal.

direct link to photo:
direct link to photo:

Uranium One path: Canada --> European Union --> Asia -->
Iran/North Korea
Sanctions removed from Iran for cooperating with the IAEA
(International Atomic Energy Agency) and showing it has no nuclear
weapons program.
Allowed Obama to release frozen funds, but didn't go to Iran itself,
ended up in NK and some to pay off Hillary Clinton's debts to
benefactors (Saudis)

Guy de Rothschild & Baroness Marie-Hélène de Rothschild

Rothschilds did not intend for it to be seen by the public.

Someone who had the picture, someone who had access to the
Perfection, wealth, immortality
See: >>150510227 (referenced below, photo below)

Female wearing a stag head (male) is a deliberate perversion and

inversion. The fact that it is painted or coated with gold indicates their
cult's view the perversion as perfection, and their cult as being
connected to the immortal.

Pyramid without it's capstone

Elite families now control private nuclear arsenal or more advanced

technology and can hold the entire world hostage, as being
completely unaccountable and also controlling media and finance.
The cabal and network of bad actors now controls the one thing they
were missing: military.

Gold never decays

Tetrahedron, pyramid, FED seal

Uranium 1 path: Canada - European Union- China- Iran/North Korea

Implication is IRAN and North Korea

Provide enriched uranium for an arsenal in North Korea.
Hillary Clinton, they never thought she would lose.
There are a great number of legislators that are beholden to elements
in Saudi Arabia. Iran is Saudi Arabia's mortal enemy. The Saudis
would demand interference in a deal that is against their strategic
interests, regardless whether it is beneficial for the United States or

Meaning, a US Senator could not interfere on behalf of a foreign

government (Saudi Arabia).

Difficult to trace, get around sanctions.

Tehran, Iran
Hostage release of 4 Americans.

Al-waleed bin Talal

To create a political puppet/yes man.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Read the graphic compilation of Q's posts daily, understand the
context and flow of statements and questions. Compare Q's posts
with current events and "news".
Mockingbird media pushes conspiracies it creates from whole cloth to
bamboozle the public. This can only be accomplished and sold with
no actual research or facts, because facts would disprove their
conspiracy theories (i.e., Russian collusion).

Owners behind the owners of media; George Soros via Media

Matters, distributed to the masses by Operation Mockingbird Clowns

People working together to further their interest and personal gains at

the expense of everyone else not involved, typically involving criminal
and/or unethical acts

Yes, the phrase conspiracy theory became a pejorative in the 1960s.

The term was deployed by the Clowns In America to discredit the
John F. Kennedy assassination as "crazy".

Elite families now control private nuclear arsenal or more advanced

technology, holding the world hostage..

Management and close close ties to all of the above. Playboy, Twitter,
SpaceX etc.
Elon Musk's Spacex project was funded by the CIA through Rizvi
Traverse Management. Suhail Rizvi was good friends with large
Twitter shareholder, recently arrested Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal.

clown front?

RESPONDING TO: >>150522875


Looks like they deal with: SPACEX, Twitter, Playboy, smattering of


Senior team:

Previous links were not included in the Original Post (OP) to threads
that were archived, and new Q posts had not been added.

Indication that a new discussion thread ("bread") had been created

and it was 'split' off from another, purpose to distract, confuse and
confound anons, and that this particular thread (bread) was not the
one anons should be in. Q posted in the other thread several times.
What's up Q, please tell me life will get better. Growing tired and need

Fake Q is fake.

The amount Elon Musk's (3) companies were given in government

subsidies: Tesla, SpaceX & SolarCity

Elon Musk's growing empire is fueled by $4.9 billion in government


BO deliberately scaled back NASA in order to subsidize SpaceX so as

to be able to share the most current rocket technology with NK.

SpaceX is a private company with it's own patents/IP (intellectual

property) and receives funds from the government

CIA control of NK, SpaceX providing technology (private entity, not

government, avoiding conflict/suspicion).



Suhail Rizvi is the "secretive investor" that has ties to SpaceX and is
tied to Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal’s investment company!!! This is

So U1 gave NK the Uranium they needed. SpaceX is giving them the

rocket tech. All pieces to start WW3.

Holy shit. All of the president's past tweets making that reference.

"MUSK. You magnificent bastard, Q read your BOOK!"

RESPONDING TO: >>150563756

Forbes called Elon "Rocket Man"

Reminds me of someone else calling someone "Rocket man"


Facebook - social media site used by billions worldwide.

Yes. Users essentially keep their own file updated by not only their
uploads, likes, comments and such, but also via tracking mechanisms
that continue off-site as well.

Mark Zuckerberg et al

It is also used as a marketplace for people to pick a person they

would like to own (reference the movie Taken in question # )
Facebook. It is a spying tool. Created by someone. Someone else
really created it. Nothing is what it seems.

Mark Zuckerberg's wife

Google Acquires Keyhole

Digital-Mapping Software Used by CNN in Iraq War

Stratfor email subject adding Keyhole to its "subscriber navigation




One more key word, please. Please.


Q IS IT THIS HERE >>150569763

One of the first big milestones in this transformation took place in

November 2004 when Google acquired a tiny and little-known 3-D
mapping startup called Keyhole Inc. Google paid an undisclosed sum
for the company, immediately absorbed it, and began turning its tech
into what we now know as Google Earth. The acquisition would have
gone unnoticed, had it not been for one not-so-tiny detail: Keyhole Inc
was part-owned by the CIA and the "National Geospatial-Intelligence
Agency" (NGA), a sister agency to the NSA. Keyhole Inc also had one
major client base: US military and intelligence agencies.

Google is like a cheat code for intelligence gathering.

Pay attention, please keep in mind:

Information that is vital is being conveyed but to people with no
vetting, no security clearance.
Intelligence agencies, friends and foes are monitoring the threads in
Things will happen will explain things that have already happened, or
that has been posted previously.

Prince Alwaleed bin Talal was tortured for information in KSA

Prince Alwaleed bin Talal was reportedly hung upside down by his feet
(insult in the Middle East), degraded and tortured for information

Private mercenary contractors present in a foreign country assuming

the duty of interrogation of high level individuals in a country that has
no laws against torture signal that the operation is not only active and
underway but extremely serious, and operating on multiple levels.

Blackwater's successor company denies being in Saudi Arabia:

-Source claims mercenaries are from 'Blackwater', a claim also made

by Lebanese president

-But its successor firm denies it has any operations in Saudi Arabia
whatsoever and says its staff abide by U.S. law
-Americans who commit torture abroad can be jailed for up to 20

is this relevant?

At In-Q-Tel, Painter’s work focused on identifying, researching and

evaluating “new start-up technology firms that were believed to offer
tremendous value to the CIA, the National Geospatial-Intelligence
Agency, and the Defense Intelligence Agency.” Indeed, the NGA had
confirmed that its intelligence obtained via Keyhole was used by the
NSA to support US operations in Iraq from 2003 onwards.

A former US Army special operations intelligence officer, Painter’s

new job at Google as of July 2005 was federal manager of what
Keyhole was to become: Google Earth Enterprise. By 2007, Painter
had become Google’s federal chief technologist.

‘TK’ refers to Talent/Keyhole, code names for imagery from

reconnaissance aircraft and spy satellites,

Besty DeVos
Sister of Eric Prince of Blackwater. Direct access to POTUS.
Betsy DeVos > Erik Prince > POTUS

Those who surveil everything.

Q has dropped all these evidences for us - the entirety of Q's posts in
the graphic compilation is the "map" in front of us.

Think on multiple levels at the same time, look below the surface,
make the connections between concepts, people, location,
businesses and organizations and dates.

Teach us to seek answers, to open our eyes to the truth, then have us
go out and spread the word.

>Who knows where the bodies are buried?

The ones who put the bodies there.

Blackwater was used in a shitton of shady ops by the US government
back when it was under Cabal control and, as a proper PMC, they've
got it all kept on the books.

Books which the POTUS just got access to.

When the storm breaks, many people will not be able to accept it.

The media will lie about everything.

We have to give people the truth.

The information provided to anons will make sense in hindsight. This

is why we are to re-read the Q-map and compare it to daily (relevant)
It is necessary for anons to make memes that are educational (pre-
storm and during) and calm (during and after) for the public. This is
our task.

direct link to image:

Donald J Trump elected as 45th President of the United States

House of Saud under King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammad bin
Salman executed a housecleaning that included mass arrests for
corruption netting even some members of the royal family.

Reference to Chancellor Angela Merkel and her shaky coalition.

Pakistan Premier Sharif Resigns July 2017

Pakistan Law Minister Resigns November 2017

Look at the overview of the situation, the big picture. The major
countries of the world are having changes in leadership away from the
old, corrupt system the cabal of bad actors set up and towards a
different direction.

Count down sequence.

Could be referring to days of darkness, count down to 12/3.

Confirmed down world wide connection is off

Confirm Safety Integrity Level to Executive Office
"WT9" is an airplane model.
"72bV" Russian Tan model

- Communication with/from White House (Castle) active

We are watching overhead on satellite, safe and easy, confirmed

operation in 30 minutes
direct link to graphic (on 8chan):

Since 8ch does not have a plebs archive system, all Q posts, those
he responds to and images (if possible) will also have links
Q testing to see whether his "tripcode" would translate over from
4/pol/ to 8chan.

Unable to keep control of /pol/ on 4chan, mods and/or janitors either

rogue or refusing to cooperate.
Q will communicate solely on 8ch from 11/25 forward.
Immediate flash directive

Posting on 4chan: NO
Posting on 8ch: YES
Confirm: Yes, 8, 8ch board
Q Tripcode secured at 8chan

SW/QCs messed with the connections, giving them

SW = Snow White
QC = Quantum computers
They can shutdown/takeover the networks easily now at their will for

Jumpers are electronic switches.

'43 connections'
SEE: >>150870083

Check the list of broadcast networks.

NOT only the USA…
Ger (Europe)
SA (Middle East)
CASoRT (Asia)

Currently working hard to make the connections function well.

Some key people from media ousted. Necessary against sabotaging

the EBS broadcast(s)…
Stay the course, don't give up, don't give into shilling tactics
(demoralize, distract, deflect, derail, divide & conquer) and KEEP AT
/ourguys/ are kicking ass and taking names
Q will be back on 8ch to communicate again, impart information and
provide direction.

direct link:

original, now 404:

Barack Obama to meet Xi Jinping in Beijing and Indian Prime Minister
Narendra Modi in New Delhi during three-day Asia trip.

Obama will visit China and India before making a stop in Paris

Officially for Barrack Obama foundation work and business


North Korea fired

28th Nov
NK's military capability is not congruent to what the public has been
told, as evidenced by their miniaturization and missile reach.

BO traveling to Asia.
BO’s nuke deal and missing cash.

BO connections to world elite via SA.

BO missing on Twitter for weeks.

BO installed in office to facilitate U1 deal, providing nuclear material to

NK via Russia.

Information will be revealed about Barak Obama and/or others in the

network of bad actors
Harvard University Muslim Association, banking connections
(CitiGroup) to Obama as a community organizer (ACORN). his SA
handlers/benefactor was Prince Alwaleed bin Talal

BHO was the first black elected as head of the Harvard Law Review.

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review
Obama got his first job with a civil rights law firm.

Obama served as State Senator for the 13th District in the state of

After that he was elected U.S. Senator from Illinois to the U.S.
Obama and Hillary and DNC used same legal firm
BO - Saudi family
HRC - Rothschilds
McCain - Soros
Either way, 2012 election results in control by one of the three sides of
the triangle of the cabal over the presidency of the USA

Q listed net worth of +(Soros), ++ (red shields), and +++ (SA).

+++ had the most $$$ and therefore likely wielded the most influence,
subverting Hillary's "turn". SA was running USA by proxy through their
puppet BO

Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal paid for Obama's education,

connection to elite.
BO connections to the elite via Saudi Arabia (Alwaleed)

Looking desperately for a new protector/handler, pre-emptive damage

control, trying to poison the well and negate whatever POTUS
attempts with other world leaders.

BHO is a puppet to all 3 families +++ ++ +. They are panicking. BHO

is trying to salvage globalism/ one world government for the cabal.
Puppet-masters are not the actors.

CIA control of NK, SpaceX providing technology (private entity, not

government, avoiding conflict/suspicion).

The cabal via CIA control NK so also control nukes. USA and world
held hostage. NK is the insurance policy against the take down of the
cabal and network of bad actors.

Silence in Iran/North Korea nuclear ties
They seem to have acquired both better rockets and possibly nuclear
miniaturization tech.

Current POTUS (Trump) taking a hard line against NK threatening its

neighbors and US allies (like Japan), increase in sanctions, show of
US military force in the area (carrier groups in the area).

Obama had a very light touch with NK, they acquired miniturization
and rapid tech development during his presidency. Trump is taking an
opposite approach, has met with neighboring countries and allies, as
well as Russia to create a bloc of opposition and containment, as well
as bring financial pain to NK.

Whomever is controlling NK is holding the world hostage to its

"unexpected" nuclear power.

Elite families now control private nuclear arsenal or more advanced

- Preparation for allegations that will be worse in type towards people

in greater power. (Part of doing things in stages.)

- Further elimination of support within the network of bad actors.

(taking out both the top and some high-profile middle-echelon bad
No. The release of this information (and revelations by victims) is
purposeful and timed precisely.

Merriam Webster;
a) something repugnant or unpleasant that must be accepted or

- Too big

- When it's bitter

- When it means that everything you have been taught is a lie. Having
to give up pleasant delusions is very scary.

Diminish their support through scandal

A period or step in a process, activity, or development

Merriam Webster:
a) one whose acts are controlled by an outside force or influence

One who gives instructions to and watches over the puppets to

ensure they are following instructions, not stepping out of line or

Proxy war is a conflict between two states or non-state actors where

neither entity directly engages the other.

BO elite connections via SA

- BO installed in office to facilitate U1 deal...

- Nuclear material to NK via Russia

- BO travelling to Asia - Q says "Think NK"

- CIA control of NK

- Rapid NK tech development (SpaceX

- private entity, not governed)
- BO nuke deal missing cash
- U1 deal missing uranium
- POTUS flyover NK
- BO missing on Twitter for weeks
- BO fleeing to elite safe haven to escape accountability?

- Elite families control Nuclear arsenal

- Hostage... the world?
- Sum of all fears
- Threat of WWIII by an elite cabal that is evil and now in control of
advanced weaponry, including nukes

Misdirect. Never show your hand.

Yes, he could order the DOJ to hand the documents to the committee,
but he's not doing that.

Key D's have been turned. Classified. They don't want the word out.
McCain just agreed to Tax cuts as an indicator. McCain's submission
is a giant tell.

Very Trumpian phrase, it's true and it makes us happy.
Transfer of technology dating to 2009 or earlier.

Uranium One went through Canada --> European Union -->
Asia/North Korea

Purpose was to open a situation in which the Uranium One deal could
Purpose was to open a situation in which the Uranium One deal could


- Obama's connection still strong

"Since 1990, Sidley Austin has contributed $6.88 million to federal


- Democrat. When Barak was running

- Representing VTB a Russian Bank Contributed 385,000 to Hillary
Clinton in 2016.

- Partner who handles uranium transfers in asia and middle east and
is also involved with Facebook.


direct link:

direct link to image:


original link:


original link now 404:


original link now 404:
This document does distinguish activities in N & S.

In its early history The Asia Foundation was under the State Department and was focused on anti-communist efforts in China. N
The Future of the Asia Foundation - Department Position


4chan was taken over by a bot net. CBTS threads were turned into
Nazi threads to derail intel and dissuade the normies who were
coming here. Made Q breads look like Nazi shit so they would turn
away. IPs of bots were logged to determine the identity of these

Servers were identified sucessfully

UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff–Appellee, v. Jerry Dwayne
LANG, Defendant–Appellant.

31 U.S.C. 5324 - Structuring transactions to evade reporting

requirement prohibited.

8 chan will remain the location for further crumbs.

Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. Plea agreement included a

section mandating that Flynn disclose "any other crimes" that he
knows about by anyone, allowing Flynn to disclose information on bad
actors and their crimes.

Prince Alwaleed bin Talal and other wealthy Saudis controlled

legislators and others in the US.
After his (and their) arrest and funds frozen, the financial ties between
them have been severed: No more protection, no more money.

Yes, the 20% public is showing, but the majority of the public will not
make the connection, even though it is in broad daylight.

Not a chance

Public can understand and accept sexual misconduct and general

Removing these persons removes obstacles to America First agenda,
part of draining the Swamp.
Now that their funding, protection is gone, their character exposed,
the stage is set for prosecutions.

Q is stating that there is only 10 people that can truly confirm he is not
a LARP. The four "coincidences" he/she refers to is saying that 1 of
the 10 that can confirm is Trump given his tweets.

Trump tweets image with thumbs up and when to save image as, the
image title is DOITQ

POTUS retweet of

See Question #1860; 11/25/17
Q posts a stringer w/key words used in POTUS tweet
No such thing
Only anons would pay attention and recognize, therefore done only to
show anons that Q, and the operation, are legitimate. Meaning, those
anons paying attention to the those details confirms in Trump inner

BHO's PR (public relations) is entirely false and he is not a good guy.

He is frantically searching for someone to be his protector/benefactor

in the incoming Storm and is struggling to find it.

Zip code: Henderson, NV, Las Vegas Valley, NV, Paradise, NV

Switch company runs data centers (massive globally)
founder and CEO Rob Roy, has minimal public info (similar to Rizvi)

The Sun company mentioned in the article, was an Open Source

software company, was sold to Oracle a hardware company. Larry
Ellison, a billionaire is the CEO of Oracle
The companies are connected in a way: Larry Ellison Foundation has
similar $ patterns as CF et al and is a Democrat donor.

FBI Agent who led the investigation of Hillary Clinton's private email
server as the No. 2 official in the counterintelligence division
For nearly four months, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office, the
Justice Department and the FBI have kept secret the fact that the FBI
agent (Peter Strozek) who oversaw the Russia investigation
exchanged anti-Trump and pro-Hillary Clinton text messages with an
FBI attorney who was also his mistress, Lisa Page.

He was disciplined since this is a conflict as he is highly involved in the FBI investigation about Russian collusion, did the interro

HIs wife received a promotion at the SEC

Staff attorney at the SEC

Peter Strzok's wife

Securities and Exchange Commission
Assistant Director in SEC's Enforcement Division

Friday, October 14, 2016

Compromised, controllable puppets are installed in key positions to:
achieve the cabal's goals, cover up crimes, distract, attack threats to
their operations, protect their cabal, programs/investments, ensure
continuity, run psychological operations to misinform public. Bottom -
Middle - Top
Compliant/compromised actors who pursue their agendas

They have no free will, they are controlled at the whim of others

With the strings, your hand: money, blackmail, threats

Andrew McCabe

FBI Director Wray Demotes Embattled Andrew McCabe; Internal

Investigation Dubbed “Train Wreck”

On main page of Red website.


Q pointed out the picture on the RED.ORG site with the Korean
woman pointing to "Meet Me In Seoul" Obummer goes to China, did
he go to Seoul too?

South Korea calls North Korea daily:

The ministry has to keep pestering Pyongyang over the military and
Red Cross talks," he said. "It has to keep placing calls on the
Panmunjom telephone. The situation can quickly change and North
Korea could feel the need for dialogue. When they do return, they will
likely want to deal with the United States first, but let them try to
accomplish anything in talks with Washington without the involvement
of Seoul — it won't work.

Plane crashes are used as a way to eliminate persons who know

information dangerous to the cabal and network of bad actors, those
who have acted on behalf of same, whistle-blowers, political
opponents, rivals and potential witnesses in criminal investigations.

Report: Red Cross Spent 25 Percent Of Haiti Donations On Internal


Haiti orphanages hotspot of child trafficking, abuse, says charity:

Nickelodeon in partnership with (RED) announced the debut of

(SPONGEBOB) RED, a collaboration enlisting the iconic character to
help raise money for the Global Fund and awareness around the fight
to end AIDS.

Bono's organization "Red" is having a "shopathon" on Website claims they have raised $500,000,000. https://red
There is no reason for large donations as HRC now has no access to
the Presidency and thus no ring of power.

Soros, Clinton-linked Teneo Among Donors to McCain Institute

"Death". Actual code is straight forward: dot sets = "death" - From DJT
4,10,20 a.b.c.d.e.f - Code: first three dots are non bold. Fourth dot is
bold = "d", Next dot is bold which becomes a fifth dot = "e", this fifth
dot is also alone which = 1 or "a", next two dots are bold which is a 2
but shifted left by one being a double number represents 20 = "t", the
last 7 dots has the seventh dot bolded (font), thus the total of the
group of seven plus the one bolded dot = 7+1 = 8 = "h". "death" (in the
a.b.c.d.e.f Q given coding scheme).

11/25/17 >>150876856

ID:3LaVfhm8 Sat 25 Nov 2017 14:35:44

Question #1860 _Conf_goTWIT_P_act-small#_

Question #1861 RED1_RED2_

This is the video that BO did on 11/27 Kimmel show asking
for money for aids. BO needs money. is cofounded by Bono.

(RED) foundation
International Red Cross
Red Shield=Rothschild

There are two Red Cross organizations: "International Committee of the Red Cross - ICRC" and "International Federation of Red

Variables in 11/25 stringer dump

Bye (John) Conyers "retired not resigned"

Sortable list here: ‘Congressional incumbents not seeking re-election
in 2018’

True Pundit story about FBI sexual abuse culture. Sexual abuse =
blackmail = puppet strings = extort, make worse = further dragged into
the Swamp

Extremely damning for FBI.

War is now active against the bad actors in the US govt in the
legislative branch.

John Conyers leaves "willingly"
Al Franken is about to leave "willingly"

Al Franken announcement Thursday, Dec. 7, 2017.

24 runway lights on: #FLYALFLY#

Look at the big picture. Take in the whole scene. All the pieces of the

Anything you can say on Deutsche Bank?

There are no subpoenas of Deutche Bank and Trump's records.
Mockingbird Media made it up out of whole cloth.

Key = Adm Rogers / No Such Agency (Wizards & Warlocks)

US Military and POTUS = force

Information + force
Or one has all the info NSA and Potus/Military protect it.

Given "Key+Stone" in previous crumb:

Key = Adm Rogers / No Such Agency (Wizards & Warlocks)

Together POTUS and USMIL are applying information and power to
drain the swamp (applying together in concert their strengths)

Information gleaned via NSA is being used together with potential

force of USMIL via the power of the Presidency to force bad actors in
the US govt to step down/retire/not seek re-election (draining of the
Swamp that is Washington, D.C. corrupt power structure). This is part
of the "80% private" so as to not cause complete loss of faith in the
US govt and institutions by the already disgusted public, as well as
avoid outright chaos (and potential vigilantism) due to revelations
about so many people in government. Undoubtedly, this is also
occurring in other countries as well, though the public may never
notice or make the connection.

Military Intelligence, No Such Agency = key

POTUS and Patriots = stone

List of politicians not seeking re-election

Bob Corker, R
Charlie Dent, R
Jeff Flake, R
John Duncan, R
Bob Goodlatte, R
Jeb Hensarling, R
Lynn Jenkins, R
Sam Johnson, R
Frank LoBiondo, R
Tim Murphy, R
Ted Poe, R
Dave Reichert, R
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R
Lamar Smith, R
Pat Tiberi, R
Dave Trott, R
Carol Shea-Porter, D
Gene Green, D
Joe Barton, R
John Delaney, D
Luis V. Gutierrez, D
Niki Tsongas, D
John Conyers, D
Sandy Levin, D
The Swamp is being drained by forcing out corrupt bad actors


NB - the formatting here looks different than Q's post, which clearly
showed the letters forming a + sign: The first line R was located over
the E in the second and D in the third line.

Suggesting this information could be psychologically harder to bear,

notably more upsetting than anything anons or the public have been
exposed to or found out themselves.

Rothschild on the top, controlling governments and money through

Central Banks.
Governments are subcontracted by the banks to control their
respective populations
Saudi Arabia in the middle controlling politics and 'democracy' by
bribing with endless energy and other resources.

Soros at the bottom controlling "humanitarian" efforts, but are really

just eyes on the ground to make sure situations are unfolding
'properly' according to the agenda of the cabal. This includes
migration and agitator groups like his Antifa.

Al Franken, Democrat, stepping down for inappropriate sexual


Sidney Blumenthal friend and confidant of HRC, or Rep. Sid Kavulich,


Q can you confirm?

This is not what Q meant with Hunt for Red October.

This is what Q meant:

JARRETT: If there is collusion, it's Hillary-Russia collusion. Not

Trump- Russia collusion.

HANNITY: I've been predicting this, Dr. Gorka this massive

boomerang for a long time. I've known a lot of this evidence was out
there and it was all coming. I've been telling my audience, its coming,
and its coming. Now the floodgates are open, if you will.


TRUMP: It's the last scene from that great Tom Clancy movie, "The
hunt for red October." When the bad submarine commander launch a
torpedo it comes back and sinks his own vessel. That is what the
Russian collusion story has done for the DNC and for Hillary. Let's
stop using the word collusion, because the evidence we now have is
about subversion, it's about sabotaging the political process and it's
about propaganda. In the cold war, the Soviet Union will be used what
was called active measures to undermine our democracy. This is the
Democrat Party, the Hillary campaign using active measures to
undermine Donald Trump and the Democratic process in America. It's
a shocking story.

There must be grave threats against those members to require SS

protection. This indicates that the acts taken by NSA are of sufficient
import to be a significant threat to the cabal and its network of bad
Inspector General’s report expected to reveal 27 names of FBI
leakers, per Sean Hannity (FOX News) and Circa.

They have fallen directly into traps laid for them, to determine the
identity of the leakers. Their hubris blinds them and makes them

I have a question: The 10 days, darkness.. when?

Sara is good people.

Sara and John are being given real information because they are
trusted to relay it honestly to the people, and are not embedded
agents of the CIA or working for the cabal (actual journalistic ethics).

They have been threatened for refusing to work on behalf of the CIA
or the cabal.

Many Democrats called for Al Franken to step down today (12/06)

More Franken accusers come forward:

POTUS has made a point of saying Merry Christmas, with no apology,


No Such Agency saved BREXIT -OR- Theresa May’s life

(assassination); by extension, UK.
High treason, life in prison if prosecuted in UK jurisdiction. They’d
need to be neutralized to stop more attempts.

Rothschilds ordered assassination of Theresa May (UK PM) under

guise of a ‘terrorist attack’ to install a puppet that could stop BREXIT.
This would ensure their continued control of UK and EU under central

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio)

Rep. Raul Labrador (R-Idaho)
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.),
Rep. Mark Sanford (R-S.C.)
Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.)
Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas)
Rep. Rod Blum (R-Iowa)
Rep. Dave Brat (R-Va.)
Rep Warren Davidson (R-Ohio)
Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-Tenn.)
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas)
Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.)
Rep. Jody Hice (R-Ga.)
Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.)
Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.)
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.)

FREEDOM - the stringers. The Caucus patriots have been very very
direct link:

original link, now 404:

Wtf happened last thread

The cabal and network of bad actors stand to lose everything. They
are therefore in an existential crisis and will take measures to disrupt,
degrade and destroy dissemination of information, communications
from Q to anons and the site he is using to do so.

Translation : Reached estimated 1.2 million people.

NSA can track vectors and reach of anons' memes, posts and other
ways this information is spreading.

One person spreads info to two, two people spread it to four and so
on exponentially.

direct link:

original link now 404:

direct link (pope image):

original link now 404:
direct link:

original link now 404:

direct link:

original link now 404:

direct link:

original link now 404:

what is that ring?
HRC was going to rat on all the people in the pictures, but the deal
was declined. Enough evidence already exists to convict them so they
don't need her. Plus, patriotic Americans need to see justice as it is
supposed to work.

Once disconnected from their owners, "puppets" are casting about

trying to save themselves, some are also lashing out.

direct link:

original link now 404:

direct link:

original link now 404:

direct link:

original link now 404:

direct link:

original link now 404:

direct link:

original link now 404:

direct link:

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direct link:

original link now 404:

direct link:

original link now 404:

direct link:

original link now 404:
direct link:

original link now 404;

direct link:

original link now 404:

direct link:.

original link now 404:

direct link:

original link now 404:

direct link:

original link now 404:

direct link:

original link now 404:

direct link:

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direct link:

original link now 404:

Head of the cult (leaders), the church for the cult, priests/priestesses

Rothschilds control banks and financial institutions

Rothschilds instigated both world wars to gain control of governments,
institute a world government later with themselves at the helm.

Governments under control of Rothschilds control the people in those


Saudi Arabia - ruled by House of Saud

Mainly control oil/oil technology as well as sex slavery and child
Saudis control assigned politicians in the US and UK and primary
technology companies
George Soros
Soros controls the organizations to create and exploit divisions
between people (Antifa, BLM) and keep them trapped in identity
politics through propaganda. Soros manages the slush funds to
operate the network of organizations (Open Society).

The triangle was solid as a rock as long as each side stayed in

position. Now in the past.
The triangle will collapse with one side missing.
No triangle = no SA, no Rothschild’s, no Soros.

Lynn de Rothschild -or- Lord de Rothschild

NB - supposedly Lynn responded to several anons in that thread and

the next one.

Captain Mike Green, who perished in the failed mission to extract

Rothschild from Waddlestone manor in the UK.

direct link to image now 404:
Press Conference 10/12/17, Nancy Pelosi
Several instances in which Pelosi seems to lose her train of thought,
unable to speak fluidly. Possibly building the story that she has a
medical condition that will preclude her from standing trial later (non
compos mentis, not mentally capable to stand trial).

This is your land, this is your home, and it's your voice that matters
the most. So speak up, be heard, and fight, fight, fight for the change
you've been waiting for your entire life!

MERRY CHRISTMAS and THANK YOU Pensacola, Florida!

direct link:

original link now 404:

News sheds light on past Q posts on people, places,

businesses/organizations, dates and activities.

Events and news, once correlated to previous Q posts proves things

Q has said previously.
To set a 'marker' to refer to later on, showing Q's foreknowledge of
Roman Catholic
It is different than Protestant versions.
Pontiff wants to change the Lord's prayer

Posted Lord's Prayer on Nov. 14

On Dec. 7 Pontiff Announces blessing to change prayer


Tues Nov 4th,

Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden’s handler?
Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

Why not MI?

If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately
kill him and not take him alive?

Why wouldn’t we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible
T-level events?

Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct

‘another’ mass extinction event.

WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

Fantasy land.
Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people
Why do D’s push for gun control ‘directly’ after every tragic incident?

Why is this so very important to their agenda?

We, the people, are who they are afraid of.

We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake.

Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

His speech in Pensacola mentioned the US military providing justice
throughout the world.

I hope that isn't just standard NeoCon justification to be the world's

policeman …

SS codename for Hussein was Renegade

[R]enegade “a person who deserts a party or cause for another.”

A person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of


[R] = Rothschild (puppet master)

[R] = Renegade (puppet)

Secret Service
-Hussein's USSS code name
See #2227
United States Secret Service
18 U.S. Code § 3056
a.3. Former Presidents and their spouses for their lifetimes, except
that protection of a spouse shall terminate in the event of remarriage

See #2227

Definition of "renegade"

Trump's most recent tweet: 10:37 AM - 9 Dec 2017

Timestamp of Q post >>60291: 12/09/17 (Sat) 13:21:38 (10:31)

Q post was 6 minutes prior to POTUS tweet, indicating close proximity

and foreknowledge.

Quote from POTUS tweet.

Trump's most recent tweet: 10:37 AM - 9 Dec 2017

Q, where the "White House Anons" really the secret service? The
ones who showed the WH Christmas photos? Secret Service watches
everything and it was AFTER the party that night and no people were
in the photos, which would be hard if 400+ guests where there. Were
they showing they are on our side?

I'm about to BREAK

RIP Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell. They tried to move on
Geffen and paid the price.

NB: Embedded youtube video:

Linkin Park
It's about "the" break rather than "to" break.
It's about "the" break rather than "to" break.

Words are chosen carefully for messages to anons; don't interpret but
find the meaning.

Post 1:34

POTUS 1:37 Q posted the times

BHO personally requested this. (

Google's definition of Renegade

Present and past presidents

18 U.S. Code § 3056

a.3. Former Presidents and their spouses for their lifetimes, except
that protection of a spouse shall terminate in the event of remarriage

SS protection is relevant if you’re going to arrest them.

USSS is now run by Trump appointee Randalph Alles, former Marine

Major General. USSS must track agent locations and assignments.
USSS knows where targets are at all times.
USSS also has an investigative mission, including finance and major

Posted to twitter 3 minutes after post to infinity

Future Post proved the Past Post

direct link now 404:

POTUS 1-11-12 tweet.png

Thank you, Q
Helping you is all we want to do
It must be painful to watch us learn what all of you already know

Sorry to be a drag on you guys

I will try my best
Service to God and patriots
Whatever you need
At any time
Ready we well be

Ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee

Before being appointed to the committee in 2015, Schiff served on the

House Foreign Affairs Committee and the House Select Intelligence
Oversight Panel on the Appropriations Committee.

Schiff was also one of the top Democrats on the House committee
investigating the 2012 attack on Americans in Benghazi, Libya, and
used the position to decry the investigation as political maneuvering.

-LA Times
National Security

Time is drawing near to an exposure.

Explosion at NYC Port Authority: Report: Suspect from Bangladesh,

Alive, in Custody

Report: ISIS

SEE QUESTION #2233 post >>70055

See #2247. Proof of prior knowledge of NY bombing. Revealed to be

a false flag operation. Interfered with by good guys to bring about
JUSTICE. 20% public portion of full war.

direct links:


3. (up to 12-12) after 12-12 posts.
BD Time
BDT - Bangladeshi Taka

Bangladeshi currency = “BDT” foreshadowing of bomber’s country of

Real bomb replaced with fireworks

Plot foiled; possibly related to Sat post re 'good people in harm's way'.

Puppets and bad actors infiltrated, thwarted and now they know.

Yes, sick enough to commit mass atrocities for political reasons.

Owls see in the dark.

: = eyes
Deep State communication channels are compromised.

Explains foreknowledge.


_a_dam _s_chiff

Is Melissa Schiff related to Adam Schiff?
What are the chances?

George Soros

Maybe all (((these))) wives are there own high priestess cult…that
where we’ll see the symbolism…the “slip ups”



20 spaces between _ and ]


Q's prior post was before POTUS tweet

10 minutes before, to be exact.

Q is in the White House, Merry Christmas message was from POTUS

to anons.
direct link:

original link now 404:

Page = 404, was taken offline to make a point to anons that Q is
indeed coordinating with the President at the highest level.

Row 120 Post from Oct 29

Row 214 Post from Nov 1

=Post also includes Reread Black Pop Crumbs=

Row 1409 Post from Nov 6

1. well-paying jobs create self-sufficient citizens/republicans/people

who want small gov't

2. to cause the Great Awakening of the Black community by

contrasting the last 30 yrs of globalist control (which has kept black
pop oppressed in order to keep them voting Democrat) vs Trump's
genuine economic recovery for ALL.

Cleaning the deep state of globalist sympathizers.

Tempest NSA ability to watch voting machines without connecting to

Q has asked about ownership of voting machines before. They knew

GS was going to mess with the numbers. This was the plan.


What would be the penalty for stealing elections?

screenshot of Q's post >>42860

You have reached est 1.2mm, Patriots

direct link:

We are on the team

BHO library is a playground for children.
It's run by the "Barak Obama Foundation".

The Barack Obama Presidential Center[2] is the planned presidential

library of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. The
center will be hosted by the University of Chicago and will be located
in Jackson Park on the South Side of Chicago, Illinois. The center will
not be part of the presidential library network operated by National
Archives and Records Administration (NARA).[3] The nonprofit Barack
Obama Foundation was established to oversee the creation of the
Center and the construction of its campus.

Executive Order 13489 says

(a)   Upon receipt of a notice of intent to disclose Presidential
records, the Attorney General (directly or through the Assistant
Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel) and the Counsel to
the President shall review as they deem appropriate the records
covered by the notice and consult with each other, the Archivist, and
such other executive agencies as they deem appropriate concerning
whether invocation of executive privilege is justified.

(b)   The Attorney General and the Counsel to the President, in the
exercise of their discretion and after appropriate review and
consultation under subsection (a) of this section, may jointly
determine that invocation of executive privilege is not justified. The
Archivist shall be notified promptly of any such determination.

Hard day at work today Q? Welcome back.

Was there a lot of information in the questioning of Rod Rosenstein
I see much of the questioning is related to your drops. "Future proves

>Not everything can be stated 1:1.

Q can't come out and tell us exact meanings of his drops.
Likely because it would reveal information that would compromise
operations as the scumbags scramble to clean up loose ends that are
revealed. Hence the 1.2mm, which we thought were 1.2 million
normies reached by this board when the 1.2mm was actually the 1.2
million documents in the IG report, which the scumbags had no clue

direct link to image:

original image now 404:


Gannett News portal

"getting closer" was posted by a shill trying to crack Q's tripcode, the
shill was banned.

POTUS to anons: We are with you

screenshot of inability to enter tripcode on /cbts/

direct link:

original image now 404:
Allusion to an iconic line in the movie War Games.

Identify the handlers, the puppets and map the connections

"Come into my web" said the spider to the fly.

The cabal consider us to be their sustenance, lifeblood via our labor

and debt slavery.

Plans only included the future once HRC was elected (via fraud).
They were confident that it would work and did not have contingencies
if it didn't.

With HRC safely installed as POTUS, they would successfully be able

to quash any and all investigations into their bad acts and those of
their network.

This made them arrogant and fearless in their confidence, so did nto
feel the need to hide their agenda or actions.

Open and pervasive display of their symbols indicates to us who is in

the cabal, the network and who is owned by it. Bad actors and cult
members easily identified.
Operation Mockingbird installed CIA assets in the media to ensure
compliance with the narrative.
Only those who are compromised or compromisable are hired for key
positions (control points).

Anyone who will not repeat the lie MUST be removed, can't have
people hearing any different
Poisoning the well with a toxic term (conspiracy) to discredit any
research or findings into events or people that are uncomfortable or
dangerous to the cabal and its network of bad actors.

The American public is so isolated from the truth of many events and
subjects, it is difficult for the public to believe more mundane
conspiracies (such as JFK), it will be extremely shocking and
unbelievable to some the extent of evil engaged in by the cabal and
its network and cult.
They have the ability to hoodwink the Nation on many levels, and from
many directions.

Ian Cameron and Susan Rice are married.

Ian Cameron worked at ABC for 13 years until 2010 - now

management consultant at McKinsey & Co.
Susan Rice also worked at McKinsey. She started after she married

Washington Diplomacy: Profiles of People of World Influence

By John Shaw

In 2005, CIA paid McKinsey & Company $10M for a "broad

reorganization" started by then-director Brennan. --

New Yorker piece likens working for McKinsey to working at CIA --

basically CIA training front

McKinsey and Company listed as a CIA front group here
- Worked for the Fed 1960-62
- Helped establish the Central Bank of Nigeria in 1962

- Acting Director of the Office of the Developing Nations for the

Treasury Department 1964

- U.S. director at World Bank 1966

- After leaving the fed in 1986 he worked for the DC Chapter of

American Red Cross

- Father of Susan Rice, former US ambassador to the United Nations

and the country’s former National Security Advisor.


WEDDINGS; Susan E. Rice, Ian Cameron

Published: September 13, 1992

Dr. Emmett J. Rice was on the board of the Federal Reserve from
1979 to 1986 -

Susan Rice ordered the spy operation on Trump campaign


image of purported email from Q to a youtuber

Q tried our his existing tripcode on 4/pol/ to ensure it still worked.

Made one post. Text: Test.
John Sidney McCain

Reference: Q posted previously that some don't like to say John

McCain's actual name.
direct link:


Likely CIA's 7 dwarfs supercomputers being used to 'crack' Q's

tripcode to disrupt communication with anons.

4chan is not a secure environment.




Anons can be assured that Q's new tripcode was changed by Q

himself (not imposter cl0wn via Snow White) to new one

NEW TRIPCODE Q !UW.yye1fxo responding to self, existing tripcode.

CIA (cl0wns) dedicated massive resources to "cracking" Q's 'insecure'

tripcode on /cbts/

Security failure

Private operation ended

Security configuration
Reference [10] marker.

NB: ^* ^** ^*** is what is actually in the post, however, the ** ^**
turned into spoiler text, thus only ^* ^ X* is shown, where X is a
hidden ^.
Quote used in the movie War Games.

ATL shutdown in the news.

Ten Days
Atlanta airport
Atlanta airport

The plane in question is DPJ47, a Delta PRIVATE Jet that departed
ATL at 6:50 PM and arrived at IAD at 8:04 PM. Cargo planes were not
as affected by the outage as passenger planes. PRIVATE OPERATED
PLANE = chartered, private flights for hire.

The flight time was 1 hr, 14 minutes, but for flights from ATL to IAD are
normally approximately 1 hr, 45 minutes - 2 hrs. So this plane was

Successful extraction at ATL

The Atlanta Airport went dark due to a power outage.

:Owls: operate in the darkness. (ref: military unit)

The fire at ATL was induced intentionally to allow for darkness for
easier extraction of target, and to force plane groundings.

Rep. Kristi Noem
12/15/2017 15:34
A lot of tough decisions got us to this point, but we’re closer than we’ve been in 30+ years to a fairer tax code that keeps more

POTUS tweet (retweet)
12/15/2017 19:12
Donald J. Trump Retweeted RepKevinBrady

Great job Kevin, we are all proud of you!

[Rep. Kevin Brady:
This morning I singed the final conference agreement between
Senate and House on #TaxReform. This is a big win for all Americans]

POTUS tweet
12/16/2017 6:52
Congratulations to two great and hardworking guys, Corey
Lewandowski and David Bossie, on the success of their just out book,
“Let Trump Be Trump.” Finally people with real knowledge are writing
about our wonderful and exciting campaign!

POTUS tweet
12/16/2017 12:05
TAX CUTS will increase investment in the American economy and in
U.S. workers, leading to higher growth, higher wages, and more

POTUS tweet
12/16/2017 12:31
POTUS tweeted with words "special place"

12/17/2017 13:13

Wonderful weekend at Camp David. A very special place. A lot of very

important work done. Heading back to the @WhiteHouse now

Evidence that there is very close coordination between Q and

POTUS, information and timing (timestamps) relevant and important.
Some drops contain code or instructions, tweets may also do the
same with keywords in CAPS.

The drops are highlighted to establish a direct link between Q and

POTUS. POTUS is using Q to feed anons the information necessary
to put the puzzle together.
Message sometimes to anons, sometimes to others lurking (friends
and/or foes).

"Great re-awakening" stated during POTUS National Security speech

on Dec. 18th

Splash = Missile time of flight is expired or missile destroyed; target or

bomb impact.

Mission success

Splash = Missile time of flight is expired or missile destroyed; target or

bomb impact.
Fox Three = Simulated/actual launch of active radar-guided missile

Give us an hint on the ATL airport

Extraction target was successfully taken into custody.

Seconding this. The context of that train crash seems relevant. High
value target aboard?
Q is quick to clarify that their operations will never be as sloppy as
"crash a train" to capture someone. If we see casualties, it is the bad
actors, not the /ourguys/. Q knows that ends don't justify the means.

The train crash in Washington was retaliation for taking a target into
custody at Atlanta Airport earlier.

Train crash was an intentional act by bad actors. (domestic terrorism)

>They Derailed
as Punishment for ALT extraction. Wonder which pawn is off the
table… Or was it something higher?

What happened on 12/7?

Link in question:

This Link was pointed to on the night of the AL special election, then 2
days later ended up just giving a 404 error.

Shortly after this post, after everyone had verified that the WH website
link was 404'd, it suddenly came back online.

Today alone, 12 came begging and 12 were turned away.

The word's out in DC. It's like turning on the light in a roach infested
Don't listen to any reports coming out of MSM concerning Jeff
Sessions. Sessions is on POTUS's side, thus our side.

Termination (of employment) of #2 in the FBI (Andrew McCabe)

employed for 19 years.
This will be done for National Security reasons.
John McCain has a well-known nickname Maverick

Federal court system, D.C. four courts. Remove appellate court judge.
19 Operations occurring now.
Missions occurring right now.
Missions are dangerous.
POTUS literally awake for duration of Operations for Command and
All relevant personnel will remain alert and paying attention during
these missions. Critical
Pray for the Operators in harms way

Are UFOs a distraction?

UFOs are being used as a distraction technique on both the public

and anons.


Fight the conspiracy label with factual intel. Use the memes wisely
and appropriately, also back your memes up with solid links so they
can see it themselves and can not dispute it without making
themselves look like idiots.

We will be scorned.
-uses MSM to build great level of animosity towards Trump. control
masses w/buzz words

Knowledge is power. For us.

RT is commonly noted as "Real Time"

-Suggests CBTS is a data mining operation (open-source intelligence

gathering operation), a vacuum of sorts, that is then analyzed Real

So left is grubbing for justification to take over with UN troops?

Ops a success last night ?
That's a relief. Though Chicago is in clear agony either way. Let's
hope that all changes soon!
National Guard will be used with respect to Chicago, Illinois, as
opposed to the fake news that UN troops would be used.

Giving away information too early disturbs the good plans because
the darkside can react. Not all can be said or answered immediately.

Fire was reported as cause for ATL shut-down.

Q, I have heard fro ppl in France, the Netherlands, Poland, Canada,

and USA today. Ppl hunger for LIGHT - have lived under the darkness
forTOO LONG.Thankyou

NB: WW = World Wide

SA intercepts H missile fired toward R

The Alabama Election was stolen. I have not doubt. Y'all gonna fix
that one too?
Q pointed out a particular link to anons. Then the page was taken
offline. Then it was put back online, in order for Q to prove to anons
that he/his group works directly with the president and has access to
not only information but facilitation as well (White House website
administrative access/access to administrator).

Whistle Blower.. truther.. hero?

[NB. regarding Bill Binney]
Pay attention to what Bill Binney says, as a Patriot, he is telling the
truth. Important.

Graphic capture of top news stories regarding Jared Kushner

2 by Vanity Fair, 1 by Newsweek

Jared Kushner - Rumours of he's next on Mueller's list?

- Dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving


- The process by which a word or expression is changed from its

original state to one regarded as erroneous or debased.

Rudy Giuliani Named Her the Commissioner of the New York City
Department of Transportation in 2000

Weinshall’s Department Was Criticized by the NTSB After a Staten

Island Ferry Crash Killed 11 People

After Leaving the DOT, Weinshall Became Vice Chancellor of the City
University of New York

Weinshall & Schumer’s Daughters are Both Harvard Graduates

Weinshall Has Been the Chief Operating Officer at the New York
Public Library Since July 2014

The New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) is the

agency of the government of New York City responsible for the
management of much of New York City's transportation infrastructure.

- Provide safe, efficient, and environmentally responsible movement

of pedestrians, goods, and vehicular traffic on the streets, highways,
bridges, and waterways of the City's transportation network;

- Improve traffic mobility and reduce congestion throughout the City;

- Rehabilitate and maintain the City's infrastructure, including bridges,

tunnels, streets, sidewalks, and highways;

- Encourage the use of mass transit and sustainable modes of

transportation; and
- Conduct traffic safety educational programs.

$1.073 Trillion NOT including 2017

Janette Sadik-Khan - Attended Occidental College and Columbia

University at the same time as Barak Obama.

Bloomberg starts a world mayors club. Recruits Sadik-Khan. Who

says in the article "..mayors are routinely startled to learn how little
money and staffing are required to create the bike lanes, pedestrian
plazas and slower-speed zones that have remade New York City’s
streets under Mr. Bloomberg. You can make these changes quickly
and inexpensively,” she said, adding that “the success we’ve had here
can be tailored and replicated in other places.”

ESD gives its mission as promoting the state economy, encouraging

business investment and job creation, and supporting local economies
through loans, grants, tax credits, real estate development, marketing
and other forms of assistance.

In 1995, in an effort to reduce the size of government and improve

efficiency, the operational efforts of the Department of Economic
Development (DED) and the UDC were consolidated; doing business
as the Empire State Development Corporation (ESDC).

Current CEO Howard Zemsky

Ransford Braham served as Attorney General of Jamaica from 2011–
2012 and now serves as the Chairmas of the UDC.
The UDC is the principal public sector organisation responsible for
planning and designing urban environments in designated areas in
Jamaica. It is also the entity charged with preparing, developing and
implementing plans for urban development, urban renewal and rural
modernization, in collaboration with other agencies.

Andy Kadiwar, President; Gary Gambhir, CEO; Ralph Bellisano, VP

Provides staffing for IT, Life Sciences and Allied Healthcare.

Integrated Resources, Inc. (IRI) is a nimble and efficient Clinical

Research Organization (CRO) committed to provide comprehensive
clinical research solutions to Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology and
Medical device companies. We specialize in End to End Clinical Trial
Management services for early phase (Phase I & II) or late phase
(Phase III & IV) of drug development.

Chuck Schumer

Prepare your mind for new facts you may have rejected previously.

New York Times article about Chuck Schumer's daughter's wedding

with Michael Shapiro. Article mentions that daughter was Robin Hood
Foundation chief of staff in 2016. RHF donors include GS and the
board of directors included H. Weinstein. Shapiro was an econonomic
advisor for 2016 Clinton campaign
Bad Actors in arrogance assumed they would not lose power, and
thus operated in a sloppy manner, not bothering to hide links.

Article about Schumer's daughter - NYT. Mentions many people who

went to Harvard and/or Yale

Chuck Schumer/George Soros

Chuck Schumer/Playboy mansion

Chuck Schumer/Heidi Fleiss (madam)

Heidi Fleiss was a madam renting prostitutes to legislators and other

high-powered people for the purposes of blackmail by the CIA
Singapore bond market faces S$22bn refinancing bill

A bird sings when it has no options or alternative leverage to escape

an entrapment (when it is caged/caught).

Bye, Chuck!

Q, where are the children?

Seriously. Where are the children?

NB. - Omitting personally identifying information for OPSEC (poster's


Child trafficking methods/paths have been shut down world wide.

People close to HRC are tied to a 33 child abduction scheme in Haiti.
(Laura Silsby - Huma kept HRC abreast of developments and worked
hard to facilitate her release and get her back into the US.)
Some things must remain secret until completion due to
evasion/security concerns.
Thank you Sir…

Sorry for the Trip mess up earlier…

Had a number of spaces and was Bold . Added * to denote spaces.


NB: [15 spaces C 6 spaces P 9 spaces 19]

Sebastian Gorka referred to the Dossier and Russiagate as similar to
Hunt for Red October: a missile the Democrats fired that will turn
around to blow them up instead of the intended target.

Explained in >>145363 (below)

Stringers important. Hint:

Divert-ATT_CAP_H (Find Post)
News: POTUS Tax Bill Speech (learn (22)(2+2_)). AT&T Diverted
Capital Home.

Refers to a line in a long "stringer" posted on Dec. 07, 2017 >>49228


NB: several blank lines on the post above the text.


Executive Order Blocking Property of Persons Involved in Serious

Human Rights Abuses or Corruption

Issued on: December 21, 2017


Suggestion is to encourage Q to give full disclosure of all the crimes

that have been committed and everything that has been uncovered
upon completion of his ops.

Keep in mind that the files they have uncovered via Weiner and Awan
were created for a purpose. Blackmail and control. If Q et al holds
onto this information (and haven't we learned not to trust people who
glow in the dark at this point?) then who is going to end up with it later
and what will it be used for then?

The American people need the truth at the end of the day. We must
not allow these crimes to be concealed in an 80% private, 20% public

Made a thread here to discuss:
NB: Note the error inputting the pass into the tripcode resulted in the
tripcode being incorrect.

NB: Correct, verified new tripcode.
directing anon's attention to the post in /pol/ authenticating via correct

Multiple people were asking Q to make things more public. RE: calling
for full disclosure
"I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption
around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the
national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States,
and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat."

December 20, 2017.


Suggestion is to encourage Q to give full disclosure of all the crimes

that have been committed and everything that has been uncovered
upon completion of his ops.

Keep in mind that the files they have uncovered via Weiner and Awan
were created for a purpose. Blackmail and control. If Q et al holds
onto this information (and haven't we learned not to trust people who
glow in the dark at this point?) then who is going to end up with it later
and what will it be used for then?

The American people need the truth at the end of the day. We must
not allow these crimes to be concealed in an 80% private, 20% public

Made a thread here to discuss:

Yes. See >>121607

12/19/17 (Tue) 00:03:02 8e2656

Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google resigned today (12-21) after the

Executive Order was published.

graphic - screen cap of >>128751 stringer posted by Q 12/19/17 (Tue) 20:50:5

with [H][R][C] added on the side of the text and written in red "But Q,
what about the kids? MO xxxxxxx"

Put the question that crumb is the answer to…

< to give the reader context…

priorty. Missing 2nd "i"?

NB authenticates identity - same ID number for both posts: deb9fa

Oman Air CEO Paul Gregorowitsch Oct. 16, 2017

ASCENDAS Funds Management CEO Chia Nam Toon Oct. 20, 2017

Hudson's Bay CEO Gerald Storch Oct. 20, 2017

Red Cross Texas Gulf Coast Region CEO David Brady Oct. 28, 2017

BuildDirect CEO Jeff Booth Oct. 29, 2017

Podesta Group founder Tony Podesta Oct. 30, 2017

Menninger Clinic CEO Dr. C. Edward Coffey Oct. 31, 2017

Renaissance Technologies CEO Robert Mercer Nov. 2, 2017

Ardent Leisure CEO Simon Kelly Nov. 7, 2017

El Al CEO David Maimon Nov. 8, 2017

Altice CEO Michel Combes Nov. 9, 2017
Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane CEO Themba Dlamini Nov. 14,
James Cancer Hospital CEO Michael Caligiuri Nov. 16, 2017

PR Electric Power Authority CEO Ricardo L. Ramos Nov. 17, 2017

Ellies CEO Wayne Samson Nov. 21, 2017

Hewlett Packard CEO Meg Whitman Nov. 22, 2017

Oi SA CEO Marco Schroeder Nov. 24, 2017

Tumblr CEO David Karp Nov. 27, 2017
London Stock Exchange CEO Xavier Rolet Nov. 28, 2017

Bruce Telecom CEO Bart Cameron Nov. 29, 2017

TravelCenters of America LLC CEO Thomas O'Brien Nov. 30, 2017

Tricentennial Commission CEO Edward Benavides Nov. 30, 2017

City Light CEO Larry Weis Dec. 4, 2017

Steinhoff's R100bn CEO Markus Jooste Dec. 5, 2017

Uchumi Supermarkets CEO Julius Kipng'etich Dec. 6, 2017

Chicago Public Schools CEO Forrest Claypool Dec. 8, 2017

Deutsche Boerse CEO Carsten Kengeter Dec. 8, 2017

Nation Media Group CEO Joe Muganda Dec. 11, 2017

Cheil Worldwide CEO Daiki Lim Dec. 11, 2017

Fenway Health CEO Dr. Stephen L. Boswell Dec. 11, 2017

Diebold/Nixdorf CEO Andy Mattes Dec. 14, 2017

AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson Dec. 15, 2017

Vast Resources CEO Roy Pitchford Dec. 18, 2017

Spackman Entertainment Group CEO Charles Spackman Dec. 18,

ESPN President John Skipper Dec. 18, 2017

Innogy CEO Peter Terium Dec. 20, 2017

Papa John CEO John Schnatter Dec. 22, 2017

NYPD Police Chief Carlos Gomez retires Dec. 22, 2017

Alphabet Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt Dec. 22, 2017
So Q, my brother and family took a WH tour today. Sorry you missed
them. I would have loved for you to redpill them (non-believers). That
would have been awesome. Thank you for all that you are doing,
Merry Christmas to you and all of your family, friends and staff.

We are working on the same team for the same outcome: America
First, rid the world of the cabal, its cult & network.

No one is above the law.

Stop worshiping Q and being obsequious.

We are on the same side. We are working alongside anons.

Roths → Cult → Church → Pope → Soros

Dec 7, 19:05:16 !ITPb.qbhqo


Rothschilds (cult leaders)(church)(P)

Banks / Financial Institutions

WW Gov Control
Gov Controls People
D-Day is referred to as Day of Days.
D-Day (military term), the day on which a combat attack or operation
is to be initiated

No more games, chess is over.

direct link:

Reported that NK would not have miniaturization or nuclear capability

for X years.

Having something that others want very badly or don't want. A threat
to others.
Something valuable that is held to keep others from attacking you.

NK nuclear ability, controlled by the CIA was their last hope to

maintain leverage over the world (world held hostage by threat of
nuclear war)

Q just said this:

How did NK suddenly have miniaturized nukes upon POTUS taking

What was stated during Hussein’s term by agencies?

How did NK suddenly obtain missle guidance cap?

What is leverage?
Define hostage.
Their last hope!

No SHUTDOWN it seems.
The Atlanta airport (ATL) was shut down during the power outage

remove NK from CIA control, capture CIA

Remove the missiles, they are no threat.

Replace puppet master. Kim Jong Un is a puppet.
Just one more step up the ladder of control.


Who controls the CIA?

The cabal

Missile tech/guidance cap is SpaceX tech, methinks. Via Obama

possibly? Amirite q?
Elon Musk (Tesla, Space-X) provided huge subsidies worldwide for a
reason - he is fulfilling a function to someone since his companies and
products are terrible and don't commiserate with the company & stock

If Elon Musk did not receive such huge subsidies his products would
not sell, his companies would go bankrupt and close.

CIA contributes (and arranges the subsidies) to Musk in exchange for

access to the technology, especially the guidance systems on NK
This means that CIA can effectively direct NK nuclear missiles
wherever they want, regardless what the North Koreans program in
as their target.
CIA backdoors

Amazon echo is an in home spy device that listens and tracks


CIA backdoors
Google home is the competitor to Amazon's echo. It knows everything
about you and logs the data.
Clowns ensure their API is integrated and has searchable access to
data collected by these device. "TLA" Tracking, Listening, Analyzing.
Although "we" are told the data is secure, the reality is the data is
stored and correlated for access. This data is worth big money,via big
data analysis. Big data analysis not only covers predictive buying, but
predictive activity and hence an opportunity for manipulation. Who
need MK Ultra when tech can do it en mass. Also, those corps
cooperating get big tax dollars for the care and feeding of the data. It
is the intelligence industrial complex.

CIA backdoors
"Giving the US government the hardware required to be able to see in
the dark in my living room without my permission isn’t exactly

CIA backdoors
See apple face ID. it's really all the same tech.

Resignations from Sept to Dec in chronological order:

Equifax CEO Richard Smith Sep. 26, 2017

Dentsply Sirona Inc CEO Jeffrey T. Slovin Oct. 2, 2017

Greater Naples CEO Paul Thein Oct. 4, 2017

Pepsico CEO D Shivakumar Oct. 9, 2017

Samsung CEO Kwon Oh-hyun Oct. 12, 2017

Oman Air CEO Paul Gregorowitsch Oct. 16, 2017

ASCENDAS Funds Management CEO Chia Nam Toon Oct. 20, 2017

Hudson's Bay CEO Gerald Storch Oct. 20, 2017

Red Cross Texas Gulf Coast Region CEO David Brady Oct. 28, 2017

BuildDirect CEO Jeff Booth Oct. 29, 2017

Podesta Group founder Tony Podesta Oct. 30, 2017

Menninger Clinic CEO Dr. C. Edward Coffey Oct. 31, 2017

Renaissance Technologies CEO Robert Mercer Nov. 2, 2017

Ardent Leisure CEO Simon Kelly Nov. 7, 2017

El Al CEO David Maimon Nov. 8, 2017

Altice CEO Michel Combes Nov. 9, 2017
Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane CEO Themba Dlamini Nov. 14,
James Cancer Hospital CEO Michael Caligiuri Nov. 16, 2017

PR Electric Power Authority CEO Ricardo L. Ramos Nov. 17, 2017

Ellies CEO Wayne Samson Nov. 21, 2017

Hewlett Packard CEO Meg Whitman Nov. 22, 2017

Oi SA CEO Marco Schroeder Nov. 24, 2017

Tumblr CEO David Karp Nov. 27, 2017

London Stock Exchange CEO Xavier Rolet Nov. 28, 2017

Bruce Telecom CEO Bart Cameron Nov. 29, 2017

TravelCenters of America LLC CEO Thomas O'Brien Nov. 30, 2017

Tricentennial Commission CEO Edward Benavides Nov. 30, 2017

City Light CEO Larry Weis Dec. 4, 2017
Steinhoff's R100bn CEO Markus Jooste Dec. 5, 2017

Uchumi Supermarkets CEO Julius Kipng'etich Dec. 6, 2017

Chicago Public Schools CEO Forrest Claypool Dec. 8, 2017

Deutsche Boerse CEO Carsten Kengeter Dec. 8, 2017

Nation Media Group CEO Joe Muganda Dec. 11, 2017

Cheil Worldwide CEO Daiki Lim Dec. 11, 2017

Fenway Health CEO Dr. Stephen L. Boswell Dec. 11, 2017

Diebold/Nixdorf CEO Andy Mattes Dec. 14, 2017

Diebold/Nixdorf CEO Andy Mattes Dec. 14, 2017

AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson Dec. 15, 2017

Vast Resources CEO Roy Pitchford Dec. 18, 2017

Spackman Entertainment Group CEO Charles Spackman Dec. 18,

ESPN President John Skipper Dec. 18, 2017

Innogy CEO Peter Terium Dec. 20, 2017

Papa John CEO John Schnatter Dec. 22, 2017

NYPD Police Chief Carlos Gomez retires Dec. 22, 2017

Alphabet Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt Dec. 22, 2017
we already knew this though.
CIA has backdoors programmed into many platforms. In addition
through tech transferred to NK via Space-X, CIA can access and
control the guidance system of NK nuclear tipped missiles. CIA is a
rogue agency with a private arsenal of nuclear weapons and holding
the world hostage.

The cabal, via the CIA

It is a conduit for the CIA and therefore the cabal.

CIA tactic to destabilize Middle East by funding them

Obama's interference with Operation Cassandra

CIA is known to require the many poppy fields in Afghanistan and
other places for it's global heroin trade the profits of which fund deep
black ops and projects Taliban burned the poppy fields and interrupted
the supply production capability (hence the war). For the CIA,
proceeds from their drug trade are a lifeline.

They didn't want us alert to the dangers they were creating for the
world with the nuclear weaponization of Iran and NK.
Changes happening to upper positions of three agencies.

Thomas Paine
Follow @Thomas1774Paine
If you are FBI and don't know who you can trust contact True Pundit
or Kallstrom and we will take your Intel and protect your identity.

Q is hinting to listen to Wray, see entry on 'Yellow Brick Road'

Donald J. Trump
Verified account
44m44 minutes ago
Will be signing the biggest ever Tax Cut and Reform Bill in 30 minutes
in Oval Office. Will also be signing a much needed 4 billion dollar
missile defense bill.
No "i".

Fox Three - Indicates launch of an active radar-guided missile (such

as the AIM-120 AMRAAM and AIM-54 Phoenix).

Splash = Missile time of flight is expired or missile destroyed; target or bomb impact.

Missile that is shot comes back around to destroy them. Implication

plans/actions will come back on bad actors and will be used against
them to destroy them.

Been sober over a hundred days.

Planning to end that.
Finally going to kill myself.
Fuck all this, been here since the start too.
National Academy graduates fondly recall their experience on the
“Yellow Brick Road.” The final test of the fitness challenge, the Yellow
Brick Road is a grueling 6.1-mile run through a hilly, wooded trail built
by the Marines. Along the way, the participants must climb over walls,
run through creeks, jump through simulated windows, scale rock
faces with ropes, crawl under barbed wire in muddy water, maneuver
across a cargo net, and more. When (and if) the students complete
this difficult test, they receive an actual yellow brick to memorialize
their achievement. The course came to be known as the “Yellow Brick
Road” years ago, after the Marines placed yellow bricks at various
spots to show runners the way through the wooded trail. The overall
fitness challenge began at the National Academy in 1981 and has
evolved over the years; we started awarding yellow bricks in 1988.
Trump's speech at the FBI
Established as Hillary and KSA

direct link to image:

original image now 404:

Podesta Emails/DNC emails exposed by Wikileaks. The Fusion GPS

Dossier on Trump

Marc E. Elias & Michael Sussman, Perkins Coie principals in Fusion

GPS & Crowdstrike

Democrat National Committee

Seth Rich
Barack Hussein Obama
James Clapper was DNI director 2010 - 2016 under Obama

John Brennan

Google (Alphabet)

Firm retained by DNC to investigate their "hacking" and do server

forensics (but who refused FBI help)

Democrat National Committee

Seth Rich murdered (187) by MS-13 gang members in an
assassination, who were themselves murdered. Dead men tell no

Debbie Wasserman Schultz - Director of DNC

FBI & DOJ assisted in the effort


All 3 sides of the cabal at work, in play, and represented

Obama worked for the cabal

Hillary Clinton
Loretta Lynch, former Attorney General
James Comey
Andrew McCabe
Peter Strzok
Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff

British Intelligence MI6

Hillary Clinton's campaign payed
DNC also payed

Christopher Steele, author of the "Russia dossier" to smear Trump

John Podesta, HRC's campaign manager

Eric Holder, former Attorney General relayed specifications to Russian

operative who relayed info to Chris Steele

John McCain
John McCain

James Comey
Loretta Lynch
Obama sought to spy on the Trump campaign. Used the Dossier to
get the FISA warrant.
Used the FISA Court
President's Daily Briefing - includes National Security info

John McCain

McCain relayed the "dossier" to a 'news shop' in the Mockingbird

media friendly to the cabal

Buzzfeed, who broke the story on the "dossier"

Russia has Kompromat on DJT

This was their plan to remove POTUS from office if it didn't work to
help to get HRC elected.
Ramifications: A US intelligence agency spies on a presidential
candidate/elect, Republicans in both the House & Senate in on the
conspiracy who leaked this fake news dossier to Mockingbird media
outlets. This was aided by both the FBI and DOJ, the DNC all at the
behest of the elements of cabal they work for.

Chain of events with the heading


The DNC is breached, information is carried by Seth Rich, given to

Wikileaks. Hussain (Obama) uses DNI to start damage control, gets
to work with CIA who has infiltrated or just outright runs Google, who
in turn has heavily funded Crowdstrike. Crowdstrike provides phony
data to the DNC that Russia hacked the DNC. Seth Rich is the only
person who can testify that the data did not come from Russia. Seth
Rich is taken care of, and the first rule of assassination is kill the
assassin, the two MS13 members

Just imagine North Korea like a James Bond film, their own little bit of
hell, can you imagine with the cash they have stole what they could
have built on NK paychecks (they work or die, sort of free)

Why redirect NASA to non-space applications? As a govt agency, we

knew everything that was included on or in a launch. With a private
company, there is no way to know what they're putting up there and
they are subject to less regulations and restrictions than a
government agency.

Lack of innovation, lack of funds, lack of program focus led to the US

losing dominance in space. It was intentional, by the cabal.

Money was diverted from Iran (destination) to N Korea

Miniaturization and rocket technology was transferred, along with

enriched uranium to N Korea

Private company is a front for CIA and cabal.

Technology was transferred to Space-X and North Korea.

HRC had highly classified information on her private server in order to

allow access by certain bad actors to transfer technology to others
(such as North Korea).

Funds diverted and dark money used to redirect technology and

information to a private company intelligence front to launch
communications satellites and have private weapons in space (hold
the world hostage to their demands and continuance of their system).

The cabal prints the money, unlimited, unaudited.

00 = emptied, cut off from funds.
Eye of Ra > Right eye of Egyption God Horus

Horus > Falcon-headed Egyption God

Falcon > SpaceX Rocket Name

Eye of Horus, underworld, Illuminati, cabal, triumverate - they have
many names.
Horus, son of Isis, grew up in secrecy determined to avenge the death
of his father Osiris. When he grew up, Horus challenged his uncle
Seth who slew Osiris. The violent fight, where Horus lost one eye,
lasted until the assembly of the gods declared the throne to Horus.
Seth was ordered to replace Horus' eye. But to honor the memory of
Osiris, Horus offered the recovered falcon-eye to his father, and
covered his wound with a serpent, Uraeus. Ever since, the serpent
has been considered the emblem of the Egyptian pharaohs. Osiris
transferred his power to his son Horus, and retired to become god of
the underworld. Horus became the new king of Egypt, ruling under the
sun-god Re.

Rule over Earth, sky and the underworld: cult symbol for cabal ‘all
seeing eye.’ Ancient Egypt Osiris/Set - SpaceX Iridium launch: ‘Falcon
Heavy,’ ‘Saturn 5.’ Hussein Obama’s ring - Isis, wife of Osiris. Falcon
is the symbol of the eye/Egyptian pharoahs, Saturn is symbolic of the

The cabal clings to and flaunts their cult symbols openly; it’s their tell,
hiding in plain sight.
They will be held to account. Justice will be done.

Q posts missing letter "i" are markers?

Space-X launched Soros satellite to cover NK with communications

Satellites launched 12/22 by SpaceX were for Iridium Next

Iridium Next is owned by Iridium Communications, LLC, Russian


Matt Desch, Iridium's CEO for US

Iridium Communications
This message was to let those in the know (including Anons thanks to
Q) understand that bad actors now have the ability to target USA with
NK nukes by using Iridium satellite network (NK missiles lack onboard
guidance systems).

“The DIA report represented inconvenient facts that threatened

President Obama’s North Korea “strategic patience” policy – a policy
to do nothing about North Korea and kick this problem down the road
to the next president.”

Hmmm “down the road” sounds familiar. Wonder who said it?



image of Elon Musk tweet:

Nuclear alien UFO from North Korea

Unfriendlies are monitoring /cbts/ and the information dropped and

spreading outwards. Recent wave of UFO-oriented posts highly
suspicious, Elon Musk tweet about UFO was a message to both
anons and bad actors monitoring. The tweet was intended as a
validation of sorts to reignite and invigorate the UFO discussion
(distraction) on /cbts/ so as to drown out actual valid research and
relevant contribution on topics Q mentioned and directions given.

I'm from SoCal, everybody worked their ass off to win in space, so
many people that made a lot of money in the 70s till 80s, it was a
dream to make your country the greatest on earth, so many dreams
destroyed, a fountain of talent squashed and sold out, it really hurts,
we really cried when we watched each shuttle launch and knew we
did that

POTUS will place a high priority on US space development projects.

Ability to dominate in space for communication and spy satellites,

space-based weapons are both critical for American National Security

Photo of Google employee in North Korea

direct link to image:

original image now 404:
CrowdStrike Closes $100 Million Financing Round Led by Google


Obama administration knew about North Korea's miniaturized nukes |

Fox News

FBI Assistant Director Andrew McCabe

No deals were offered to McCabe.

AIDS is trending on Twitter. NYT ran this story today with sources
saying POTUS said:

"Haiti had sent 15,000 people. They “all have AIDS,” he grumbled,
according to one person who attended the meeting and another
person who was briefed about it by a different person who was there."

Related Q:
Dec 4, 19:38:51
Q !ITPb.qbhqo
AIDS Video.
Hidden message?
Expand your thinking.
News unlocks meaning.

Dec 4, 19:50:10
Q !ITPb.qbhqo
Re-review RED_RED stringer.
Focus on Hussein AIDS Video.
Cross reference.
Date of stringer vs video?
Learn to decider.
News unlocks message

Dec 4, 20:01:17
Q !ITPb.qbhqo
Red Cross is corrupt and used as a piggy bank.

Future topic.
Diseases created by families in power (pop control + pharma billions
Think AIDS.
Future topic

Dec 19, 17:50:59

Q !UW.yye1fxo
3,000+ saved by the raids in SA alone.
WW lanes shut down
Bottom to TOP.
High Priority
Donald J. Trump Verified account

1m1 minute ago
How can FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, the man in charge,
along with leakin’ James Comey, of the Phony Hillary Clinton
investigation (including her 33,000 illegally deleted emails) be given
$700,000 for wife’s campaign by Clinton Puppets during investigation?


NB: posted screenshot of three tweets POTUS today

HOLY SHIT! That is exactly what I wrote earlier!!!

See my post.
Q, POTUS actually see my post? Lol, more motivation if so.

The clock is ticking. Need to arrest before then.

Tweet by "Thomas Paine"

Thomas Paine @Thomas18=774Paine - 51min

-We know all about McCabe's secret meetings with FBI brass to
discuss strategy.

-We know all about the secret email list of Feds, prosecutors and
attorneys general plotting a coup against Trump.
Delta USAF "We See All"

_AW = Marine Air Wing - OWLS
CjF 78-82= CJTF-76 was replaced by CJTF-82, led by the 82nd
Airborne Division, in March 2007

12:00 Grenwich Mean Time (Zulu in military terms)

67th Special Operations Squadron is an active unit assigned to the

752d Special Operations Group, United States Air Force, and is based
at Royal Air Force base RAF Mildenhall in Suffolk, eastern England.

GO GET 'EM! (Wishing operators success on their mission)
Referencing own post from earlier in the evening: >>158078

5 minutes between post and tweet

Confirms Q posted about McCabe 5 mins prior to trumps first tweet

about McCabe today
NB: post contains screenshot of Q post and POTUS tweet together

5 minutes different between tweet and Q post.

10 minutes different between tweet and Q post.
5 minutes different between tweet and Q post.

ALL of Q's posts on the spreadsheet and rawtxt file are in EST
(therefore graphics containing screenshots of Q's posts must
harmonize), If a person does not have a Twitter account (or is not
logged in), all tweets show a default posting time of PST. If a person is
logged into twitter, all tweets will show a time in their own timezone. It
is *critical* that graphics comparing Q's posts with POTUS tweets are
in the same time zone (EST).

Q is referring to the 'delta' between time stamps/ time zones. In other

words, the difference. Look at the delta between time stamps for
direct link to graphic showing the delta [5] difference between Q post & POTUS tweet:

direct link to graphic showing the delta [10] difference between Q post & POTUS tweet:

direct link to image:

original image now 404:

Our first Revolutionary War, General Washington led our soldiers
across the Delaware River on Christmas Eve / Christmas Day, 1776.

Our second Revolutionary War is unfolding around us right now.

Delaware is a special state for corporations - no transparency and no

tax. Also owned by the DuPonts and a hub of cult activity.

Merry Christmas Q!
SPECIAL: POTUS Merry Christmas tweet had SPECIAL

BIG: DoD Christmas tweed had big
direct link:
Classified White House Executive Order P

https: // briefings-statements/statement-press-secretary-presidential-advisory-commission-election-inte

Statement on EO signed today.


A LOT goes into a good movie: Strong plot, strong establishment 1st
act where setting & characters are presented along with a believable
dilemma for the protagonist to face; a protagonist (hero/heroine)
fighting against an antagonist (villain/bad guy) in which 2nd act
comprises of these two characters battle it out against each other.
During 2nd act you have unsuspecting twists & turns, suspense, "set-
ups" & "pay-offs as both try to defeat the other. The 3rd act turning
point where they give it their all in the defeat of the other. This battle
reaches the climax in which the protagonist ultimately defeats the
antagonist. The audience is left feeling like they watched a helluva
good fight. This is the resolution/conclusion.

Great actors are BELIEVABLE to their audience. They bring their

audience into their struggle, their world. You cannot tell that they are
acting. They make you want the protagonist to triumph and you love
hating the antagonist.


7 out of 10. Refers back to a prior Q post where he stated that 7 out
of 10 plane issues are deliberate.

Anons had asked how many posts had Q made up to that point that
day (answer, only one other).
Stating definitively, for the record: Q has NOT posted on any other
site, i.e., the forum thread on Fringe.

Stating definitively, for the record: Q does not communicate with

Board Owner (Baruch the Scribe) of /cbts/ or the moderators or
anyone else involved in this effort.





Q can you confirm the # posts earlier today were you and were from
normal IP? if you do , we know board comp'd

Not Q. Q's second trip has been cracked as I thought it might be.




Codemonkey has his orders, enable public mod logs.



Anons did not correctly understand a previous marker

Ronald Reagan - the same tactics are being used to try to force
Donald J. Trump Verified account
Now that Russian collusion, after one year of intense study, has
proven to be a total hoax on the American public, the Democrats and
their lapdogs, the Fake News Mainstream Media, are taking out the
old Ronald Reagan playbook and screaming mental stability and

7:19 am EST

Does this mean Ronald Reagan, Q?

Currently Malcolm Turbull - Liberal party

KEVIN RUDD, Labor Party (same shizz as Dems) - Dec 3 2007 to Jun
24 2010
JULIA GILLARD, Labor Party - Jun 24 2010 to Jun 27 2013
JULIA GILLARD took Prime Ministership from Kevin Rudd through a
party leadership challenge. No Ausfag voted for her.

KEVIN RUDD (same Big Kev as before took Prime Ministership back
on Jun 27 2013 until Sept 18 2013.

TONY ABBOTT - Liberal Party (same shizz as Republicans) Sept 18

2013 to Sept 15 2015

MALCOLM TURNBULL, Liberal Party Sept15 to present.

Queen Elizabeth II. Ausftralians have a Governor General (Queens

On Paper they do, AUS is part of British Commonwealth

House of Windsor sending money to CF through Astralian proxy

Here's two of the confirmed ones

Photo of pen on wooden desk. Pen is the same from the photo Q
posted previously; pen was on a paper with the Presidential seal. This
photo serves to show that Q is indeed Q and has not been hacked
(hacker would not have access to that pen).

REF: >>82056 12/12/17 (Tue) 17:03:32 bb0fbe

Camp David


Imran Awan
Tweet by Luke Rosiac on quote in NYT interview with POTUS:

2:16pm 12/29/17
Someone, presumably I. Awan has a 150 radius restriction his home
for his movements.
(IAD / KIAD) Dulles International
(BWI / KBWI) Baltimore International (formerly Regan National)

Blackouts and Customs (passport) system down nationwide (12/27),
2 days after POTUS tweets about DNC aide Imran Awan 12/29/17

28-29 December (interview on 28, excerpts and Luke Roziak tweet on

It shows POTUS is in control and can stop planes leaving and trains
It shows POTUS is in control and can stop planes leaving and trains

Methods of transportation one might use to escape the country or


Causes fear in the cabal, bad actors and their network

Im curious if POTUS tweet from Jan 2nd plays a part.

"Since taking office I have been very strict on Commercial Aviation.

Good news - it was just reported that there were Zero deaths in 2017,
the best and safest year on record!"

Q, is this >

Tied to the AWAN scandal?

team is working late. damn. big things afoot, eh?

All of them.
Maxine Waters lives in a home that is worth far beyond her means to
pay for it with just her/husband's salaries and nominal investments.

Potentially an autocorrect error (misspelling of WHEN corrected to


Then we need to dig Planned Parenthood. Whatever they're doing to

babies/fetal tissue might be more sinister than ever imagined!



On October 13, Planned Parenthood announced that it will no longer

accept reimbursements to cover the costs of fetal tissue donations.
Chairman Chaffetz issued the following statement:
“This is a good, tangible result of the collective efforts of the House in
investigating Planned Parenthood. It is helpful in taking away some
questions surrounding their transactions involving fetal tissue.
Significant questions still remain about Planned Parenthood’s
finances. This decision does not answer the question as to why a non-
profit, tax-exempt organization reporting approximately $125M in
revenue over expenses annually needs a subsidy from the American
taxpayer. The Committee will continue its investigation into Planned
Parenthood’s use of federal taxpayer dollars.”

Referring to the 7th floor group (Wikileaks) who called themselves

"shadow government"

House Investigation into Planned Parenthood gov/solution_content/plannedparenthood/



posted latest graphic compilation of Qs posts from X date

Good(win) is the guy who"wrote" the NYT article Trump quoted.

Connect Q's drops regarded 'win'

time btw trump tweets today 15

conseQuential → consensual

Referring to the leaked pdf copy of Wolf's smear book, that replaced
the "o" in two different chapters with "Q"
Home -> HQME
Goldman -> GQLDMAN

Highest level of alertness, readiness

DJT: Donald J Trump (POTUS) - simplest cipher
Double meaning - Wolf's smear book, also

Do not be alarmed, this does not involve nuclear weapons or war -

used to get your attention

Presidential personal message direct to anons confirmed.

DEFCON 1 = Highest alert: Anons on highest alert, paying attention is

utmost priority to receive message

POTUS tweet corrected one minute later

Not a coincidence, language/method POTUS & Qteam use to send
anons confirmations

Calling attention to an intentional misspelling, that was meant to

clearly signal to anons a direct communication, but could plausibly be
explained away by 'autocorrect'
POTUS tweet was deleted and a corrected version was sent out:
consensual was corrected to consequential

It was not coincidental but meant as a very blunt and obvious method
to signal to anons paying attention (in real-time) that Q and POTUS
are working together and this is a conscious and purposeful
communication/verification to anons.THIS IS NOT A GAME


Learn our method of communicating with you. We're trying to make it
as clear as possible but anons have to work with us, recognize the
methods we are using to signal you.

Anons have now properly understood the [1] marker

Now confirmed the previous markers.

direct link to image of tweet:

original link to image:

Anons are not understanding what was clearly given to you - DIRECT

Corrects "consensual" in tweet to "consequential"

This was not to once again, establish authorization (veracity) as that
has already been established


Thank you for confirmation so that we may move fwd with established

It's perfect. Plausible deniability to the world yet ultimate confirmation

to us.

The timing between tweets.

The missing/replaced letters.
This isn't a game, Trump himself is speaking to us.

I mean we are the autistic fueled engine the world needs right now.

I feel honoured to be a part of this.

NB: RE: #2


At 7:21 PM PST POTUS tweeted 1st half concerning Goodwin article

with "consequential" deliberately misspelled as "consensual".
At 7:36 PM PST POTUS tweeted the second half of the sentence re:
Goodwin article.


At 8:23 PM POTUS tweets the 7:21 Tweet again with the spelling
corrected, "consequential".

At 8:24 PM PST POTUS tweets the 2nd half of the sentence, same as
at 7:36 PM PST.

This is meant to teach us how to interpret the correlation between 8ch

posts and POTUS Tweets.

?? Is that it, anons ??

Learn from prior mistakes, learn what POTUS/Q team are looking for
and produce it without errors.

The use of DEFCON was metaphorical, not literal.

Now anons understand that.
This will be where Q team post from this point forward.




How to read the Q-Map

Spreadsheet for analysis of Q's signatures (only)"


ID:BQ7V3bcW Sat 28 Oct 2017 16:44:28

ID:BQ7V3bcW Sat 28 Oct 2017 18:15:48

Military or strategic deception is sometimes necessary. Implication is

that the statement may or may not have been true, not for malicious
purposed but strategic ones.

10/25/2017 - Women's Media Center 2017 Women's Media Awards


10/27/2017 - Walks with Anthony Weiner and son in NYC - last day
before prison

10/30/2017 - Hillary's 70th birthday party at Elizabeth Frawley

Bagley’s house in D.C - no picture: in NYC

11/6/2017 - pictured dropping off son at school

11/7/2017 - pictured walking with son to school

1.Marine Generals - Marines are deployable at POTUS discretion

without Congress approval - overseas and domestically.

2. The generals that Trump selected specifically were not involved

with the political swamp that Trump intends to drain. a97

Any crimes that occurred internationally call for an International

Military Trial. It is the Military that knows what evidence is needed for
such trials, and any new business venture that involves global data
sharing/collecting, and global currencies, would need Military insight
as well.
Primarily staffed by active duty military, thus leakers tried in Military
courts. Intel comes from military detentions/interrogations. Strict
Chain of Command for orders. Strict rules for engagement.

3 letter agencies have civilian staff. More secrecy and politically

motivated missions. Too much leaking and too much input from

War Powers Act:

This could also refer to the Military Code of Justice

For sexually explicit communications with a minor

"Weiner will serve his sentence at Federal Medical Center, Devens, a

federal prison in Massachusetts."

inimum Security for male sex offenders

In order to avoid interruption or biased presentation by the MSM, the
EAS can be used:

If Sessions is the prosecutor then he knows everything because he's

the one building the case. He has access evidence collected by
parties like Admiral Rogers and General Kelly and more.

For a case like this, everything is compartmentalized. Even the

President probably only knows exactly what he needs to know to run
his office effectively. The man at the top would be the only person who
knew the entire lay of the land, that man is Jeff Sessions.

They thought they had a handle on it all. They thought all their bases
were covered. They underestimated the spirit of freedom in the
human soul.
There is no Democrat or Republican party after 11-22-63: unified
Globalist Party (UniParty) as a result of Rockerfeller/Rothschilds and
Nixon's Plumbers assassination of JFK. This was done in order to
launder their unbacked currency in the War Machine. The merging of
the two parties has two dramatics: the dramatic of the latent, the truth
we cannot see expressed as the dramatic of the manifest, the
"expressing" of bipartisan mutual contention with the other

“Registered Charity”, all the people we are investigating seem to have

a charitable foundation connected to them.

Obama Stimulus Dollars Funded George Soros Empire.

Economist John Lott-"Obama Stimulus (2010 $787 Billion) was a

massive partisan wealth transfer--the largest in American History."
Peter Sweizer "Soros helped craft the stimulus then invested in
companies benefiting from it."

Article states four Soros nonprofits were funded.

Also the law against exposing the American people to propaganda

expired/was done away with a few years ago.
Operation Mockingbird was a CIA infiltration of news and
entertainment media. Hillary may or may not have been detained (but
not arrested yet). Sometimes strategic or military deception is
necessary. Huma Abedin attended an event in NYC on Oct. 25,
walked with her family in NYC on Oct 27, attended HRC's 70th
birthday part and seen with her son on Nov. 6 and 7th. This may have
something to do with Russia as events progress, due to North Korea
and Iran. POTUS surrounds himself with generals to ensure the
safety of the executive and prevent any attempts at a coup because
the generals he picked are loyal and experts at strategy. Marines in
particular are deployable at POTUS' discretion without Congressional
approval. Military Intelligence (MI) is a discipline that uses information
collection and analysis approaches to provide guidance and direction
to commanders in support of their decisions. The reason to do around
the 3-letter agencies (CIA, FBI et al) is that they have been infiltrated
by bad actors who aren't acting in the best interests of the US. Those
agencies also have civilian staff, more secrecy and politically-
motivated missions, which lead to too much leaking and input from
politicians. POTUS has the ultimate authority over our branches of
military without approval conditions unless over 90 days in wartime
conditions, due to the War Powers Act. The military code is a system
of conventional symbols for the covert transmission of secret military
information through communications equipment. Anthony Weiner,
husband of Huma Abedin is in Federal Medical Center, Devens, a
federal prison in Massachusetts., minimum security for male sex
offenders. POTUS will go on tv to address the nation to discuss
ongoing investigations into corruption and other crimes in Washington
D.C.. Doing so would invite criticism and a media storm upon which
there would be focus, capitalized on and distorted, which would be
inappropriate and damaging to the POTUS and the office. POTUS
knew the first step was to remove rogue criminal elements let Lady
Justice prove nobody is above the law. POTUS exercised his authority
granted to him through irresponsible allocations of power to the
ID:P3Lk4PKG Office.
29 Oct 2017POTUS is doing is legal because the
swamp made it legal for it's own nefarious purposes. Besides the
NSA, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is the only person who knows
everything. If Sessions is the prosecutor then he knows everything
because he's the one building the case. He has access to evidence
collected by parties like Admiral Rogers and General Kelly and
probably more. General Kelly probably isn't aware of the intelligence
Admiral Rogers
Democrats, has dropped
Russians and theon Sessions
FBI: Did the in it's entirety,
bureau just as
use disinformation
to triggerRogers isn'tprobe?
its Trump privy to all the information General Kelly has
offered. For a case like this, everything is compartmentalized. Even
the President probably only knows exactly what he needs to know to
run his office effectively. The man at the top would be the only person
who knew the entire lay of the land, that man is Jeff Sessions. It is a
fantasy to believe that HRC, Soros, Obama et al have more power
than POTUS. Whoever controls the office of the Presidecy controls
this great land. They never thought they would lose the Executive
Office, and when they did it was an immediate declaration of war
between the Patriotic Factions of the US Government and the
Swamp. This is not a Republican versus Democrat battle. The
partisan bickering you see publicly is a dog and pony show and
dramatics for public consumption. George Soros donated $18 billion
to the Open Society because extra slush funds were needed to
accomplish the agenda. His Open Society Foundation disseminates
the slush fund to other parties for operations. Less investigations
happen into (registered) charities because all monies are donated and
go towards “good causes” so long as the charity isn’t being used to
make a profit. Open Society Foundation offers grants to individuals
Sometimes what Trump doesn't say is the most important clue!.During
a press conference Trump was asked about firing Mueller. He
dismissed it and moved immediately into the next question.

To discuss strategy, not only for the investigation Mueller was going to
be appointed for but for the freedom "to pursue any crimes he finds"
and the "much larger investigation" that was ongoing and required
that Papadopoulos waive his rights to FOIA.

On Fox News’ “The Story,” Gowdy cryptically told host Martha

McCallum that he believes “history will be much kinder to Jim Comey
in that July press conference than the Democrats were.”

“Jim Comey had access to additional information that I am convinced

left him with no other choice but to make the decision he made in
July,” Gowdy said.
Thank God for the patriots in Military intelligence who gave it to him.
Explains why certian ppl were singled out early as targets. (Think
McCain, Bush, Media)

When you need the "numbers" of the people on your side, you must
do the decent act.
Ties to Muslim Brotherhood and SA and Pakistan

People will be outraged at their crimes and stand behind an ethical


10/30/2017 Hillary 70th birthday party

At this time there were specific cities who were going to have ANTIFA demonstrations Nov. 4th.
Pay attention. Rod Rosenstein and Rob (Bob) Mueller were involved
in the Uranium scandal, but POTUS chose them to serve in a manner
to help drain the Swamp of Corruption. Comey will be vindicated by
history in hindsight. The POTUS has far more information than you
realize, and not everyone in government is corrupt.

CIA's Operation Mockingbird to place assets in mainstream media to

distort, confound, misinform and obfuscate wrongdoing deceives the
public. Follow Huma Abedin and what she is doing and where she is.
The main priority now is to clean out the bad actors in our government
and elsewhere and unite the public behind an America First agenda.

There are actually people in our government that worship Satan, but
this isn't about political party lines, it's far beyond that. Hillary Clinton
had a birthday party and Huma attended with others. Note that the
National Guard was called up in anticipation of widespread
insurrection by Antifa and other groups.

ID:P3Lk4PKG Sun 29 Oct 2017 12:11:40

A suggestion that Q is more than one person or part of a group (Q-


- He has his own network instead of the government provided

network. That's why he wanted his own plane refitted instead of using

- He has friends in powerful positions, has protected himself through

various means, and most importantly, is allowing even encouraging a
public perception that he is a target for exposure, impeachment,
Any notifications of arrests of politicos would be done by the Justice
Department. Remember how the US government works and the
purview of different agencies and departments.

This is due to several reasons:

1) the likelihood the act shall result in loss-of-life and/or harm to US
servicemembers and/or US Gov property (installations, ships,
2) the act could compromise Def Dept regs mandating the conducting
of no more than six operational theaters of war at any given time,

3) the information's source indicates a clear violation of security

clearance protocols, and thus violates National Security.

In case 3, Homeland Sec Act, and Patriot Act, and Military

Commissions Act(s) mandate the violator(s) loss of Constitutional
Rights, and confirms the violator as an enemy agent provacateur, now
subject to the UCMJ. (Uniformed Code of Military Justice)

Although the ruling was a defeat for the government in the specific
case, it seemed to confirm presidential powers to form military
POTUS is safe, having not violated any laws or participated in
corruption. Any news or intimation of the contrary is spin and fantasy.
He is surrounded by military generals because they are the only part
of government that is uncorrupted. The military is charged with
protecting the country from enemies foreign and domestic and does
so loyally.

POTUS will not be the one to make a grand announcement about

indictments pertaining to draining the Swamp of the deep state. That
is the purview of the Justice Department. It is and must be this way for
several reasons.

There is historical and legal precedent for the POTUS to use the
military to save the republic in times of unrest, when there is a
breakdown of law and order.

Measures are being taken actively to move forward, even though it

isn't publicized and you may not recognize the signs when you see
them. Rest assured, patriots are working on it and are in control.

ID:P3Lk4PKG Sun 29 Oct 2017 12:47:18

Former Navy Seal, Erik Prince, interviewed by Breitbart: NYPD has everything, has ALL of the HRC emails from Weiner's laptop.

$196 million net worth on a $193,000 senator’s salary

Discussion of incompetency to stand trial, which states it is about the defendant's ability at the time of the trial, not the time o
When sentencing judges are required to consider “the need for the
sentence imposed . . . to provide the defendant with needed . . .
medical care . . . in the most effective manner,” 18 U.S.C. § 3553(a)

He used a loophole to defer taxes. That loophole was closed in 2008 and is effective this year so he needed to get rid of the tax

Uranium One is a Canadian company
To collaborate on details to ensure they have same answers as

MS13 can be paid to illicitly fly bad govt actors (i.e. HRC) to safety.

Sessions: MS-13 street gang a 'priority' for law enforcement

Designated as a "transnational gang"

Satanic worship practices.
>Sometimes when we wanted to find out if people were snitching on
us we would summon the devil. The devil for us was a symbol of
protection. We used a Ouija board to call him. Once, the devil took
over my body. I went into a crazy state. I didn’t know what was
happening and it took 10 members of the gang to hold me down. In a
trance, some gang members would give up names of people to target.
It was a loyalty test, and we called it “taking a soul.” If the devil gave
you a name, you had to go out and mess that person up. You had to
take their soul

Headline: “Trump spotlights brutal MS-13 gang with history of *Satanic

killings*, machete deaths in Houston area”
ID:Eka5Om1K Sun 29 Oct 2017 21:48:50

-He has his own network instead of the government provided network.
That's why he wanted his own plane refitted instead of using AF1

Any notifications of arrests of politicos would be done by the Justice

Department. Remember how the US government works and the
purview of different agencies and departments.

This is due to several reasons:

1) the likelihood the act shall result in loss-of-life and/or harm to US
servicemembers and/or US Gov property (installations, ships,

2) the act could compromise Def Dept regs mandating the conducting
of no more than six operational theaters of war at any given time,

3) the information's source indicates a clear violation of security

clearance protocols, and thus violates National Security.
In case 3, Homeland Sec Act, and Patriot Act, and Military
Commissions Act(s) mandate the violator(s) loss of Constitutional
Rights, and confirms the violator as an enemy agent provacateur, now
subject to the UCMJ. (Uniformed Code of Military Justice)

Although the ruling was a defeat for the government in the specific
case, it seemed to confirm presidential powers to form military
10 Richest Members of Congress are Democrats

"I can't remember' will be her answer to all questions.

non compos mentis (not mentally capable)

It is highly unlikely that JM had a positive diagnosis for a primary

glioblastoma as report by CNN. Primary glioblastoma is most often
found in the back of the brain and treatment consists of surgery with
aggressive battery of radiation and chemotherapy. Survivial rates are
low, only 39% of adults live one year post diagnosis.


To continue plans that those organizations have to been tasked to

do.e.g. Antifa Fund diversions. Because Open Society has operatives
in nearly every country, this allows him to still have power with money

- Because Clinton's received money for Uranium One through the

foundation in Canada, could this be an attempt to receive assistance
in covering evidence?

- Fusion GPS is located in Canada. Possibly to threaten the

implications of Canada conspiring with them to/pay off to keep quiet.

Ms-13 acting as assassins, and secret army follows CIA and FBI
history for contracting dirty work. Their handbook says, "never do your
own killing."
Something that must be considered is civil unrest. A distraught
populace could react in violent and unpredictable ways. People could
fall into despair or become dangerous with a mob mentality and do
something that would not heal our country but divide it further.

ID:Eka5Om1K Sun 29 Oct 2017 21:58:37

NYPD has everything on HRC, Weiner, Abedin. Obama DOJ

pressured NYPD to not indict or do press conference. NYPD pushed
back which forced Comey to come out just a few days before the Nov
2016 election.

Listen to audio of Erik Prince

ID:Eka5Om1K Sun 29 Oct 2017 22:18:17

For sexually explicit communications with a minor

"Weiner will serve his sentence at Federal Medical Center, Devens, a

federal prison in Massachusetts. "

Minimum Security for male sex offenders

September 17, 2017, Huma Abedin spent weekend at the $30million

Southampton home of Lauren and Andres Santo Domingo. Lauren is
the founder of Moda Operandi and Andres is a music executive whose
father is billionaire Colombian Julio Santo Domingo. Also attending:
Tory Burch, Proenza Schouler, Lazaro Hernandez and 'W' stylist Sara
Moonves, whose dad is CBS head Les Moonves. Earlier in the week
she debuted a spread in 'W' and attended a film premiere with Kerry
Washington's husband Nnamdi Asomugha (family’s Nigerian charity,
the Orphans and Widows In Need (OWIN) Foundation).

OWIN is part of CGI (Clinton Global Initiative):
Adequate and loyal support. Otherwise, information is invalid: either
can't be trusted, or it can't be utilized.

- Trust is a high ideal that comes from reverence to a central power.

You can't Trust if you don't believe in Trust.

- The Truth is the most valuable, because it is the only lasting object
of Trust.

It appears that leakers were employed strategically by Sessions, as

well as animosities between he and POTUS used as a marked info
source to identify and confirm leakers' indentities.

US Senate - Bob Corker, Jeff Flake.

House - Bob Goodlatte, R, VA D6 / Carol Shea-Porter, D, NH D1 /
Charles W. Dent, R, PA, D15 / Dave Reichert, R, WA D8 / David Trott,
R, MI D11 / Frank LoBiondo, R, NJ D2 / Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R, FL
D27 / Jeb Hensarling, R, TX D5 / John Delaney, D, ME, D6 / John J.
Duncan, Jr, R, TN D2 / Lamar Smith, R, TX D21 / Lynn Jenkins, R, KS
D2 / Niki Tsongas, D, MA D3 / Sam Johnson, R, TX, D3 / Ted Poe, R,

ID:Eka5Om1K Sun 29 Oct 2017 22:30:26

The Democrats also have a psychological hold on the Black

population via identity politics and the idea that they are being "held
down" and "excluded" due to an intentional effort by White Americans.
As long as the Black population believes this, the Democrats maintain
control of this important voting bloc though they make up only 12% of
the population.

Federal government wanted slaves to be counted as property to be

taxed to fill the coffers. It should also be noted that Pres. Lincoln freed
ONLY the slaves in the South, not the North. The was was never
about slavery.
The best way to shift the Overton Window is through a serious, fear
based event where the "victim" is so terrorized that they will gladly
sacrifice their liberty for promised safety. The perpetrator moves
forward by constantly reminding the victim that it is them who "saved"
them from the evil.
Saul Alinsky

The revelation about Haiti and ALL that is about to be exposed will
cause the Democrats to lose massive amounts of votes and provide
some very big leverage to get voter ID laws on the books soon.

Facebook, Twitter and Google have recently admitted that content is

controlled. Google:
antitrust-search Facebook:
689003_users_emotions_in_psychology_experiment/ Facebook2:
ID:Eka5Om1K Sun 29 Oct 2017 22:57:27

Haiti Crisis = 2010 Earthquake. Then Mueller was FBI director at time.
Comey may have been blackmailed or threatened. These victims can
be protected now and very helpful in the prosecution of the others.
Forgive their cowardice with full testimony

ID:Eka5Om1K Sun 29 Oct 2017 23:20:11

1. MI is not as corrupted and infested with globalist assets

2. MI is under the direction of POTUS ONLY, not other agencies.

3. MI OPS (operations) and products are protected from other corrupt

agencies using STATE SECRETS powers, which the globalists gave
to POTUS over the last 30 years. Now its turned on them.
An evidentiary rule created by U.S. legal precedent. Application of the
privilege results in exclusion of evidence from a legal case based
solely on affidavits submitted by the government stating that court
proceedings might disclose sensitive information which might
endanger national security. U.S. v. Reynolds, which involved military
secrets, was the first case that saw formal recognition of the privilege.
Following a claim of "state secrets privilege", the court rarely conducts
an in camera examination of the evidence to evaluate whether there is
sufficient cause to support the use of this doctrine. This results in
court rulings in which even the judge has not verified the veracity of
the assertion. The privileged material is completely removed from the
litigation, and the court must determine how the unavailability of the
privileged information affects the case.

Under provisions of both the Homeland Security Act, Military

Commissions Act(s), and The PATRIOT Act, the POTUS, either via his
sec, or by sending armed troops to halt the attempts to resist
launched by pseudo state operative Elaine Duke, current Secretary of
Homeland Security, may engage in any number of activities to halt
treason by forces hostile to the United States within the Armed
Forces, or cease an entire Dept of US Gov from its compromised
authority. These were checks and balances to the usurption and
abuse of US internal policy which, as in the case of some Sept 11
Attackers whose visas were not thoroughly vetted, where these
bureacratic practices could amount to "holes" in the US statuatory
armor. Also, the Pat Act gives Potus the authority to declare any group
hostile to US "terrorists".
At that point, under PATRIOT Act detention is legal, and under the
Military Commissions Act of 2008, the tribunals are now engageable.

MI does not answer to Congress, has the most access to mined data
and classified information. They have the best information gathering
tools, They also have more power in general and are devoted to the
constitution. MI can take over the investigations for the other three in
cases of high treason. The State Secrets Act was upheld in the
Supreme Court United States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1 (1953)
acknowledging the right of the government to exclude evidence in a
trial that may harm National Security. The President is the
Commander in Chief of the Military and the Chief of Staff is Gen. John
Kelly, a Marine. The President can use military (& National Guard) as
police force in the event of terrorist act, natural disasters and disorder
that state police cannot contain.

ID:Eka5Om1K Mon 30 Oct 2017 00:26:53

Exposing the truth may indeed be a threat if made from a position of

Looking back, is it possible Antifa organizers realized they could be
used for martial law and this is why Nov 4th was a big nothing.

Follow the Money: Who’s Really Behind the Nov. 4 Refuse Fascism

Image at right:
ID:Eka5Om1K Mon 30 Oct 2017 00:34:36

Tue 31 Oct 2017 23:00:15

Military Intelligence is the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency). It is

NOT a uniformed CIA, but liaisons with civilian agencies as needed.
DIA operates in its own specific interests, coding and decoding enemy
transmissions, assesssing enemy troop strengths, and processing
intel as it pertains to wars, and the theaters, inc oceans, in which they
are fought. Any intel they glean regarding plans of hostiles to harm
USA is handeled by a joint operation liaisoning DIA to PENTAGON
where the determinations are made in regards to disposition of this
intel, and whom, by law, must be informed. All applicable offices
liaison within the PENTAGON, thus the intel never physically leaves
DIA chain of custody,

President Trump granted rare official dinner in China's Forbidden City
Defined as a test whereby the INT Control determines if it is
necessary to protect the Republic and/or population. Can be
challenged by SCOTUS under US v Reynolds by rule of majority of
the bench.

Document detailing the procedure for invoking State Secrets privilege:

MI is military, other three-letter agencies are civilian. It would take an

act of Congress to suspend Posse Comitatus. Martial law would also
- The Posse Comitatus Act and Related Matters: The Use of the
Military to Execute Civilian Law

Congressional Research Bureau
A civilian trial must have a Judge who is willing to hear the case, an
Attorney who is willing to prosecute and a Justice Department who is
wiling to enforce a Judicial Warrant & Arrest Processing

If all judges are corrupt, as MI / MI6 is finding in Ukraine, its

impossible to enforce change. Therefore you must go to Tribunals and
either flip the Supreme Court to enforce the proper changes to Arrest
the Corrupt, or enact Martial Law and suspend the Criminal Code
which is unenforceable so that the Military Code can take over
prosecution; Military Tribunal being the backup “Safe Mode” for

- General Flynn is part of a top secret group of highly skilled retired

military operatives who have been investigating human trafficking for
years. His company was cover. Flynn knows.

- He was "blue-dying" the GRU political spy network in Washington

DC for Army / Navy INT. Sending a mole to light up the recruiters was
the only way the FBI / MI5 were able to capture the Cambridge 6

- POTUS conduit to uncorrupted MI

- That is why he has been targeted, slandered, fired by Obama, fired
on the advice of Pence and now still targeted so they hope he has no

Exclusive: FBI agents raid headquarters of major U.S. body broker


The Deep State Patriots and MI Patriots who have been grooming him
for years, since they knew he was interested in the possibility. This is
why he knows things nobody else does and is 5 steps ahead of those
trying to subvert him.
She had the biggest favors to repay. Soft dollar commissions and
political bribes work as a cash in, “political credit” entry ledger system.
She took the cash, and promised like any NGO to ensure every favor
was earmarked in order for her to get in. Most Democracies function
only on who can pay off the most influence centers / “get out the vote”
nexus actors. I suspect USA in reality is no different then India or
Germany. She was the choice of the NWO

In a 2004 Congressional Committee on 2014 election and possible

tampering with electronic voting machines, a programmer named Clint
Curtis testified that in 2000 he was approached by Yang Enterprises
and asked to create a program to manipulate vote on electric voting
machines to test them. The voter count would flip the loser to the
winner, but it would only work if the vote was close. The 2000 election
was very close, as was the 2004 election. There is video of his
testimony around. There were some electronic voting irregularities in
a few districts in the 2016 election, but they were found shortly after
because the election wasn't close at all.

We know the voting machines were pre-programmed and people

have already been Arrested in California, Nevada and NY State for
voting multiple times / voter fraud that were paid for by HRC PAC’s

- LA County Admits Number Of Registered Voters At 144%

- US has 35 Million More Registered Voters Than Live Adults - Red

Flag for Electoral Fraud
To restore our voting process, and highlight the problems that exist in
it. Especially the electronic voting machines, but also the usual dems
getting the dead and the illegally present in our country to vote.

To see who really tried to hack election results in 21 states.

"The government did not say who was behind the hacking attempts or
provide details about what had been sought. But election officials in
several states said the attempts were linked to Russia."

Was it really Russia, or were operatives in Deep State doing the

hacking under guise of Russia hacking "fingerprints" in order to FIX
election for Hillary?

EBS (Emergency Broadcast System) activation, Marshal Law

Activation, declare federal level disasters, activate FEMA et al,
allocate additional funding & resources

The Military at large is the most trusted institution in the US, because
it is comprised of mostly patriotic and loyal US citizens

- The military is under the control of POTUS, and can act quickly
without checks and balances from other parts of the government in
the short term. The military has corruption (see Naval Intelligence)

- Military Code can allow for a Jury of Peers or lower Officers to press
for the removal of a Executive Officer if he is unfit for Command and
be relieved without need for Military Arrest or Serve of Warrant
He surrounded himself with people he knew he could trust, loyal to the

September 16, 2016 at rally in Miami, regarding HRC SS detail,

Trump said "Take their guns away, let's see what happens to her."

It's a useful idiot and malcontent sponge to sop up radicals for

monitoring and radicalization. Old FBI SOP from their KKK infiltration

It has significant funding and support from Campus Communist

radicals who in turn get funding from Soros and GRU / PRC
intelligence accounts; the two having overlapping objectives in
destabilizing US morale and education effectiveness; Academics
being useful targets due to their desire for ego and adventure /

Soros get hit with Civil Asset Forfeiture, jailed, identified as a terrorist
globally. It will take a small miracle from G&D to penetrate the 12+
shells between Soros and his front charities / useful proxies. If that
occurs, tracing to the sourecs would freeze assets and jail him.
Would be forced to declare martial law if State Police could not relieve
the local PD & Judicial branch

Not just Marines, ALL military branches.

POTUS can deploy military fro 60 days and 90 days. Bush did this
after 9-11. That law was made because it would take too long for
congress to declare war if there was an immediate threat.

War Powers Resolution, Public Law 93-148

POTUS can "send in" any military branch without asking congress.
The important thing about the Marines is they

1) Have SOME of the transportation duties for POTUS

2) Guard USA diplomats around the world.

The above is 60 days to 90 days. According to section 2 clause 1 of

the Constitution the President is "Commander in Chief of the Army
and Navy of the United States" and according to Section 8 clause 11
the Congress has the power "To declare War, grant Letters of Marque
and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and
Water". Historically the President has be able to use the Marines in
any way he wants. They are his personal guard and answer to him.
[SPECULATON] No, that would conflict with the admission WJC
asked him to run as a Strawman for HRC

Here are some of the big names backing POTUS.

Bill Binney is likely assisting the POTUS and team with intelligence.
Binney is a legend in meta data analysis and is a co author of a
former NSA tool known as ThinThread. Recently Mike Pompeo (CIA)
was advised by the POTUS to speak to Binney regarding the Russian
hacking investigation. Binney would be able to tell who was
responsible by running the data through ThinThread for sure but
based on his own development of the algorithm used in the tool he
could most likely look at the meta data himself and know. Not only
would he know who the actors really were he would be able to
develop a very detailed profile with an unknowable reach.

Binney has been very critical of the NSA in the past however, its
possible he (nor Snowden, Drake etc) were not aware of an inside
threat from with in the government.

Bill Binney / ThinThread:

POTUS to Pompeo:
Binney Documentary:

Tue 31 Oct 2017 23:00:47

The People will want swift and stern justice to be served, but
tempered with mercy for those who participated only due to threats
against their family or the like.
Our Navy Airforce (Wizards VPU-2) and Warlocks (Naval Resarch Lab
Military Support Div, Scientific Development Squadron ONE (VXS-1)
will not allow another evil member of the cabal of bad actors to control
our country. Soros, Clintons, obama, Putin are controlled by other
families. It is unknown publicly whether Tony Podesta and Huma
Abedin were indicted on Nov 3 and 4 respectively, but "All warfare is
deception" as Sun Tzu said. The People will want swift and stern
justice to be served on those corrupted bad actors, but tempered with
mercy for those who participated only due to threats against their
family or the like.

ID:grTMpzrL Tue 31 Oct 2017 23:31:00

ID:grTMpzrL Tue 31 Oct 2017 23:58:00

[Theory] Obama & Valerie work with local CIA rogue elements and
patsy political operatives to promote malcontent and hinder State
Dept diplomacy.
- Acts as a “shadow government” to create conflict ex: call in “favors”
from judges, as seen in Immigration Ban with judge from Hawaii.
Money laundering as seen with Clinton Foundation.

- "...effective September 1, 2017, US Passports were invalidated for

travel into, on, or through North Korea." Implying that Obama either
traveled to NK illegally, had Trump's approval, or did not travel on a
US passport.

Note that Sessions shut off 2 illegal and unconstitutional SLUSH

FUNDS, one belonging to the DOJ, and another to the EPA. They
were used under the BO admin for what?

1. EPA : How Jeff Sessions is Stopping the EPA's Slush Fund

2. DOJ: That Obama-Era 'Slush Fund' Funneling Billions To Leftist

Groups? Sessions Just ENDED It.

It is relevant because it helps in making the case against him once

other evidentiary facts are revealed. Also, other connections could be
revealed depending on where Obama goes and who he talks to.
Could reveal where other ties and connections lie.
Marines Are Commanded by Robert Neller. Nellar answers to DOD
Chief Mattis, also USMC ret. Mattis answers to POTUS. The center of
power is Washngton D.C. District of.Columbia is not a State. Marines
can and will protect the center of power.

As outlined in 10 U.S.C. § 5063 and as originally introduced under the

National Security Act of 1947, three primary areas of responsibility for
the Marine Corps are:

1. Seizure or defense of advanced naval bases and other land

operations to support naval campaigns;

2. Development of tactics, technique, and equipment used by

amphibious landing forces in coordination with the Army and Air
Force; and

3. Such other duties as the President or Department of Defense may


This last clause derives from similar language in the Congressional

acts "For the Better Organization of the Marine Corps" of 1834, and
"Establishing and Organizing a Marine Corps" of 1798. In 1951, the
House of Representatives' Armed Services Committee called the
clause "one of the most important statutory – and traditional –
functions of the Marine Corps." It noted that the Corps has more often
than not performed actions of a non-naval nature, including its famous
actions in Tripoli, the War of 1812, Chapultepec, and numerous
counter-insurgency and occupational duties.
ID:grTMpzrL Wed 01 Nov 2017 00:09:55

Robert Mueller was a former Special Prosecutor who worked on

complex financial fraud cases with UK Intelligence’s Special Crimes /
Major Crimes Unit. He worked on tracking international money
laundering, specifically targeting the Chinese Pay to Play crimes in
the 1990’s

non compos mentis (not mentally capable)

Pelosi suffers brain freeze while questioning Trump's fitness to be


non compos mentis (not mentally capable)

A VIP hospital who works on Heads of State and anyone who can pay
for a surgery which may not be legal under medical insurance /
surgeon boards. This is important when working on foreign heads of
state who may be legally not allowed to enter the USA.Add: Doc here,
the Mayo clinic is revered as the world 'center' of surgical excellence.
If you are a foreign billionaire this is where you would pay to go.

Yes, without question. John is still working great on the Intelligence

-Doc here.. I am not a neurosurgeon but his rapid recovery suggests
that he didn't actually have anything significant done. As this trick
applies to Pelosi, claim memory loss, dementia etc so they can’t

NB - As Criminal Scandals Implicating McCain Unfold 'Declining'

Health Has Become an Off-Broadway Production

Jon would either be forced to admit the Congressional Intelligence

Committee is compromised and by extension the
CIA/NSA/FBI/DNI/NRO were also compromised since 1991 (which
would have explained the large layoffs and retribution for the success
in Yugoslavia by Russian/Chinese actors) or commit perjury.

ID:grTMpzrL Wed 01 Nov 2017 00:29:28

Communists in 1940 theorized that the Blacks were the Ukrainians of

USA. They lacked a way to infiltrate because nobody knew how Black
Culture worked. Democrats always needed a useful idiot class to be
their “Bohemian Majority” and be their Useful idiots to sway the
Overton Window leftward.

Dependency on the Government and in return they are controllable

Maslow's hierarchy of needs. If you are too busy worrying about basic
needs, you don't think long term or in terms of moral parameters.

-Alinsky "Rules for Radicals" 101: Project to deflect

-Division is strategy for conquering a people. -Division can also lead

to civil war/unrest -- from that "crisis" arises the "demand" for a new
world government to "save" us.
The Black Caucus are all bribed and paid off, which was the whole
reason the Blacks were allowed into office under Rev. Al Sharpton’s
Pac network, financed by the big Tobacco DNC interests circa 1990

Most U.S.history textbooks in US public middle, high schools and

universities have a liberal slant. For example, the "Radical
Republicans" of the Reconstruction era are painted in a subtly
negative light, so as to infer "40 acres and a mule" for slave restitution
was a bad thing. Similarly most, but not all, public school teachers are
of a liberal bent and their union PACs always endorse Democrats.
Public schools have thus become well-oiled propaganda machines
breeding and ensuring massive liberal mindsets effectively
indoctrinating the young people with propaganda and a mindset that is
in harmony with the cabal's agenda. Investigating the names of the
editors of a textbook will reveal their political leanings and explain why
the textbook is politicized.

Only thing money can not control is spread of truth online. This
combined with memetics, Streissand efect and the fact, that viral
content can exponentially multiply, cause the truth to spread faster
than any "fake news truth" can be spread on shill media.

It's become very obvious that the media immediately calls up people
like Al Sharpton to crow about grievances and accuse anyone who
questions their narrative as being a racist bigot. Every single issue
that can be twisted to condition the black population into thinking the
"white mans system" is out to get them is employed by these "race-
baiters" the media puts forth. It is obvious that it is coordinated.
Cult of Personality and Endorsement are circular references since the
1940’s and the “Camelot Presidency”. Without manipulating consumer
preferences and consumption habits, it’s hard to gain the populations
trust on tougher concepts like wealth destruction and tax hikes

Amy Berg, Director of "Open Secret" (2014) Oscar nominated for

Deliver Us From Evil about an Irish priest pedophile for which she was
Oscar nominated. Producers with the original Hollywood pedophile
idea for the film were Gabe Hoffman (hedge fund mgr) and Michael
Valentinas (entertainment lawyer) who said "I came up with the idea
hearing Corey Feldman talk about what he'd been through," referring
to Feldman's revelations in interviews that he and others had been
sexually abused as child actors.


ID:grTMpzrL Wed 01 Nov 2017 00:42:00

Ronna Romney McDaniel, Chairwoman of the RNC


Additional speculation: Renovations might enable some rooms to be

combined/joined, which would let separate groups attend a single
combined meeting without the knowledge of outsiders.

Trump said "gold behind the walls" The place was bugged to high

Smart phones can be used as bugs. Facebook and google also do

this. No secret on that either. Also to prevent folks from using the
record feature.

"The GSA ran it but three subcontractors were published. The GSA
used two 8(a) firms for the renovation, a designation that refers to
"minority-owned, small, disadvantaged businesses;" the West Wing
HVAC contractor is Calvary Mechanical Co., Inc. and the carpet
contractor is Microbase Corporation. The painting contractor, Cypress
Painting Systems, Inc.

Government records cited by NBC also include the $12,800 purchase

of a custom conference table made by a company that produced one
for Richard Nixon in 1969

A $291,000 figure paid to an office-wall vendor(not named) is the

largest single expense, apparently designated for the office of the
U.S. Trade Representative."

ID:grTMpzrL Wed 01 Nov 2017 00:48:20

ID:grTMpzrL Wed 01 Nov 2017 00:57:15

State governor. Was Pentagon. Now is POTUS by way of order of


Yes, per NG recruiting site:respond to domestic emergencies, overseas combat missions, counterdrug efforts, reconstruction m
During national emergencies, however, the President reserves the
right to mobilize the National Guard, putting them in federal duty

-Whiskey Rebellion

-Andrew Jackson. In 1832, he ordered federal armed forces to South

Carolina to enforce federal (tariff) laws. South Carolina backed down,
and the union was preserved.

-JFK activated (federalized) Alabama NG on 6/11/1963

-George Bush- during the 1992 LA riots - Rodney King Riots.

ID:grTMpzrL Wed 01 Nov 2017 01:11:52

Pentagon plans for everything. The Office of

Contingency and the Disaster Government (shadow gov) which

became a full time program within the White House in the PATRIOT,
2005 edition ensured there is always a plan for everything. SAPs
operate on a different system then the DNI setup, which allows them
to work on their own training and infrastructure grid. This is relevant if
you think back to how the original 1788 militas were founded.
Illegal enemy combatants. Military Commissions Act of 2006, a bill
which suspended habeas corpus for any alien determined to be an
"unlawful enemy combatant engaged in hostilities or having supported
hostilities against the United States. In the wake of the September 11,
2001 attacks, the United States Congress passed a resolution known
as the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) on 18
September 2001. In this, Congress invoked the War Powers
Resolution and stated:

That the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate

force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines
planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that
occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or
persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism
against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons

Not necessarily. Black budget, does not mean unlimited budget.

Allan Dulles knew even with full power, he was unable to find the
moles which led to the “Moscow massacre”. The 1940’s Deep State
knew that eventually the enemies of the USA and NATO would find a
way into even the deepest citadel bunkers and there must be a
necessary method to reboot the whole network in the event the
Communist infection was impossible to contain or isolate from the
SAPs & the corruption started to affect the “American dream”. There
was legitimate concern that should the Mafia be purchased by a
foreign power, or a foreign govt find a way to buy a POTUS, the
Republic would be doomed and it would only be a matter of time
before someone figured out how to defeat CIA/DIA’s failsafes and
FBI’s counter programs
George Soros established a pilot project of graduate students to study
in a tailored course at the Soros Foundation-endowed Central
European University in Budapest, jointly funded by UNDP and Soros.

- 'Humanitarianism' is the ruse by with Rothschilds deconstruct

capitalism by usurping the banking system via Keynesian economics
(also known as centralization).

- Two Strategic Intelligence Mistakes in Korea, 1950 - Perceptions
and Reality
ID:grTMpzrL Wed 01 Nov 2017 01:27:03

ID:grTMpzrL Wed 01 Nov 2017 01:34:11



They may be forming an exit strategy in order to save face when

leaving at the POTUS's request.
ID:grTMpzrL Wed 01 Nov 2017 01:41:54

ID:grTMpzrL Wed 01 Nov 2017 01:56:06

ID:grTMpzrL Wed 01 Nov 2017 01:59:01

ID:dugFL8Fh Wed 01 Nov 2017 01:48:01

ID:grTMpzrL Wed 01 Nov 2017 02:13:10
Q confirms with SA operation, 3000 were saved.

ID:grTMpzrL Wed 01 Nov 2017 02:25:22

Yes. A wall was removed during renovations. The Roosevelt room and
Oval office was redone.
ID:grTMpzrL Wed 01 Nov 2017 02:38:23

ID:grTMpzrL Wed 01 Nov 2017 02:44:10

ID:grTMpzrL Wed 01 Nov 2017 02:51:49

ID:pGukiFmX Wed 01 Nov 2017 22:56:16

Disinformation is necessary.

ID:pGukiFmX Wed 01 Nov 2017 22:56:38

Minority Rules - Why 10 Per Cent is All You Need

Donald John Trump

ID:pGukiFmX Thu 02 Nov 2017 00:54:52

- He wrote an article in The Hill calling on America to support Turkey.

- He exposed the world’s biggest ($25 Billion dollar) terrorist sleeper

cell headquartered in US-(the group was Radical Islamist Fetullah
Gulen’s network. Gulen has a net worth of over $200 Billion.
- He felt that critical INT passed back from the NATO INT groups was
being leaked to the Kharzi mafia which was filtering back to the
Taliban, and limiting the of the Surge to be effective. He was
convinced this was part due to Obama's CIA under Panetta
attempting to subvert his & Patreus' work in killing the Heroin trade
(which provides black funds for CIA)

Military Intelligence

Also possible he moved it before SA accounts were frozen, so it would

not trace to him.

- Because he knows his days are numbered

- His agenda is off the rails, he will a) lose all his $ anyway, b) lose his
head, c) is terrified of those above him.

- Keep the war funds in place to carry out the Cabal's wishes. {To still
have access to the funds through Sip}

Arms, drugs, uranium, human trafficking

Obama Defends Cash Payment to Iran


$221 Million was given to Palestine

{Palestine didn't get to keep the $$}

Also the fund supplying Syrian rebels (Islamists, Sunni jihadists) after they produced the video showing the boy being beheade

The Clintons have been drug running since their time in Arkansas
(see Mena, AR connection: Kevin Ives & Don Henry), but illegal
weapons deals are a part of this too.

Also, importation of the heroin from the Afghani poppy fields the US
-Drug money is used more to fund the operations of the deep state.
-Insider trading: advance notification of legislation or contracts
given/denied. (this is how Pelosi got rich).
-Also create a crisis with complicit politicians, then activate a plan for
financial gain with the prior knowledge of planned events. (this is what
Soros can do because Soros operates globally)
(SPECULATION) Lynch would be appointed to the Supreme Court in
exchange for total exoneration of Clinton activities

Implications from this question:

1. various people can delete information logged in;

2. such deleting is being done to protect BC, HC, BO, etc.,

3. the information is found by "searching;

4. if the information is miscategorized. it will not be found in the
searching and
5. the information is not/was not deleted

Reminiscent of Combetta changing ID’s on emails.

(SPECULATION) The fake dossier was ordered

They thought that would be the nail in the coffin. They knew they were
in hot water if Trump elected so they got desperate and careless and
ordered the fake dossier.
Comey was forced by agents internally threatening to go public if he

NYPD and Guiliani threatened to release data from Anthony Wiener's

ID:pGukiFmX Thu 02 Nov 2017 00:57:23

ID:pGukiFmX Thu 02 Nov 2017 01:48:52

Not limited to those There are others.

Las Vegas.

Just when US is making headway on internal corruption, N. Korea fires rocket, US and S. Korea plan joint drill and Russia moves

ID:pGukiFmX Thu 02 Nov 2017 02:14:27

Crisis and world chaos create mass fear which causes citizens to
"demand" a new world government to "save" us from war, destruction,
global warming, etc. Never waste a good crisis.War -- particularly a
nuclear war -- also reduces the world's population, a large part of the
globalist agenda.

Part of the deal was transfers of cash for purposes unrelated to Iran
and/or its nuclear program. Also don't forget Iran are a Shia power, SA
(bad actors) are radical Sunni and they hate each other. Obama was
friendly to radical Sunni (ISIS, Syria, Boko Haram) so could not be
seen to be making deals with Iran that could give them power

To shift blame to Trump administration

ID:pGukiFmX Thu 02 Nov 2017 02:18:35

Possible dates for happenings in November

ID:pGukiFmX Thu 02 Nov 2017 02:47:47

ID:pGukiFmX Thu 02 Nov 2017 02:54:29

ID:pGukiFmX Thu 02 Nov 2017 03:01:46

ID:pGukiFmX Thu 02 Nov 2017 03:06:41

ID:zGyR4tyi Thu 02 Nov 2017 12:36:31

She cut a deal, timing of book release and her media tour is to help
turn public opinion in advance and test what the media does with info.

She knew what happened to Seth Rich and did not want the same to
happen to her

To direct the justified anger of Bernie supporters toward Hillary, the

DNC and the swamp, making Bernie supporters more receptive to
swamp-cleaning and the prospect of "locking her up." Liberals don't
believe conservatives or facts. But they DO believe fellow liberals.
Also to make sure the information is in the public domain and not kept
in a closed court/sealed records.

Some left-wing news outlets, Politico and The Hill

ID:zGyR4tyi Thu 02 Nov 2017 12:57:19

He approved an illegal sale through a company that was under

investigation by the FBI.

11/8 in Chicago-jury duty

Chairman of the NRC lied to Sen. John Barasso upon BHO's orders.

Muckety Map of Gannett direct link to image:
-HRC is being hung out to dry

-Donna Brazile's book being published.

-The strings that control the left wing organizations are being cut.

- If those "above you" are taken down, you have more freedom.

MSM goes down. Shock and awe will affect the public at large. Proves
POTUS is right about fake news. FCC could shut them down. Rise of
internet related news continues exponentially.

Trump Tweet 10/11/17: "With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC
and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their
License? Bad for country!"

If the executives knowingly disseminated false information, would they

lose their licenses and/or open themselves up to criminal and/or civil
prosecution? On a larger scale, treason?

Perfectly illustrated in the television series "House of Cards."

President uses reporter Zoe Barnes this way.

Loss of broadcast license, Potential for civil or criminal charges.

It then becomes who created the stories and by what orders and from
whom. Yes, FCC revokes license.

ID:zGyR4tyi Thu 02 Nov 2017 13:08:46

Not from red pilled folks. It is evident on social media-> X happened

just as Y was coming out.

If the conspiracy is exposed, it has a chance of being tried in a military

court depending on the circumstances.

- BO helped create ISIS & downplayed them as "JV" (Junior Varsity,

the lower-tier sports team in American High Schools)

- Remove Assad in Syria. BHO and HRC trained and gave weapons
to ISIS. They had an investment. A PRIVATE ARMY.

- Break "Shia Crescent" (Syria then Iran) so KSA could be hegemon

of the region (and eliminate a business competitor)
- Create "refugee" situation in order to flood 1st world countries with
people from the Middle East
- Weaken 1st world countries by population replacement-level influx of
migrants and "refugees"

- Replace founding stock of 1st world nations with migrants/"refugees"

and on-going concerted "assimilation" (miscegenation) programs,
eventually shrinking the founding stock to a minority status in their
own nations

Russia showed that it could be done in Syria, showing up BO's

pathetic attempts

He doesn't owe any favors for campaign contributions

ID:zGyR4tyi Thu 02 Nov 2017 13:44:30

Allows access to Classified information up to and including TOP

SECRET data with the special designation: Restricted Data (TS//RD)
and special Q-Cleared "security" areas Such as, The White House,
The Pentagon, The Hall of Congress and the Supreme Court Room of
the United States Federal Government. This level of clearance is
granted alongside L Clearance, This level of clearance is also
specifically granted to very few members of government, such as the
current President of the United States, The Secretary of Defense, The
Secretary of Homeland Security, all four- and five-star generals and
admirals in the U.S. military, and all former Presidents of the United

Could be DOE head: Steven Chu, Daniel Poneman, Ernest Moniz,

were all Sec. DOE appointed by BO; Current is Perry. Poneman was
the interim in between Chu and Moniz appointments.

"Russia INTERFERED in our election." Consistent, ad nauseum use

of the word 'interfered.'
"Russia INTERFERED in our election." Consistent, ad nauseum use
of the word 'interfered.'

Russia has historically been the perceived arch-rival and pure

nemesis of the United States for over seventy years, meaning virtually
every age group in America generally believes the same things about

- On the other hand Putin rejects NWO (global government plan of the
cabal) and promotes national sovereignty. Two things in common with

- Positioned to be an energy superpower (gas, oil, uranium) see 2012

book 'The Colder War'. Putin has also supported the revival of
Christian faith within Russia and frequently emphasizes its importance
for a moral and sustainable society.

The Russia reset provided a clearance/pathway to the U1 deal for the

Clintons and others.
ID:zGyR4tyi Thu 02 Nov 2017 13:54:59

Gag order lifted from WilliamBrowder to freely speak of all information

he has regards to Russia, Uranium One, Etc

(SPECULATION) Grassley is involved in the U1/FBI informant's

coming forward.

1. Sequential revelations about Democrats/DNC

2. Unexpected MSM covering it: Newsweek, MSNBC, CNN.

3. Increased number of GOPs voicing need for Spec Pros for HRC,
Podesta, CF, U1.

4. Looks like 842 sealed indictments were filed in 24 districts between

10.30.17 and 11/10/17.
5. Extraordinary large wave of pedo and sexual assault allegations.
6. As #StormIsComing, POTUS in protected position.
7. Comey comes out of the shadow
8. KSA anti-corruption activities
9. KSA + Israel alliance publically revealed


is involved with the following companies:


(NewDesignWorld Press Release Center) -- Gainesville, FL,

September 03, 2009 -- Sigma Transnational, Techsnabexport (Tenex)
North American Associate Partner, announced today that Russiana**s
Uranium Giant, Tenex, will soon launch the Children Nuclear Academy
in the Southeastern region of USA. The USA southeastern corridor
has a major cluster of nuclear power plant operators including: Florida
Power and Light (FPL), Southern Nuclear, Entergy, Progress Energy,
TVA, SCANA, Constellation Energy, PSE&G, Dominion, South
Carolina Electric and Gas, Duke Energy, Exelon, Pennsylvania Power
and Light, and First Energy.

The Russian Children Nuclear Academy project was launched in

Russia in January 2002 on the initiative by the Institute of Pandeia
textbook and Educational Society public association.

By asking where is Sessions? Logs/dockets?
Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA) Sec. 13. Requires the
Attorney General to report to Congress, on a semiannual basis, about
all cases which were not prosecuted pursuant to the guidelines issued
by the Attorney General under this act. The report shall be given to
both the House and Senate Intelligence Committees and to the chair
and ranking member of the respective Judiciary Committees. The
Attorney General is also directed to report on the operation and
effectiveness of the act and on any suggested amendments as

The first event that Q said will happen was 'Alice & Wonderland'.

It has now been confirmed to be the events that happened in Saudi

Arabia recently, with the king arresting all those corrupt princes.
Hillary's ties (string) to Saudi Arabia has been cut.

ID:zGyR4tyi Thu 02 Nov 2017 14:06:58

US > Canada > EU > Iran > NK

-NK was working with them on enrichment

-NK was working with them on enrichment

$400 million to Iran in January 2016, converted into non-US

currencies (!) by Swiss and Dutch central banks

2 more shipments $1.3 billion cash payments in Swiss francs, euros

and "other currencies" on Jan 22, and Feb 5 which an Iranian cargo
plane picked up in Geneva.

Settlement announced by State Dept on Jan 17, but didn't brief

Congress that the entire amount had been paid in cash.

"Sanctions impair Tehran’s ability to receive payments using the

international banking system.
The settlement resulted from a legal arbitration under way in the
Netherlands since the early 1980s between the U.S. and Iran. At issue
was a $400 million payment Tehran’s last monarch, Shah Mohammad
Reza Pahlavi, made to a Pentagon trust fund just months before his
government was toppled. The money was earmarked for airplane
parts that were never delivered.

Obama administration officials have said they believed the U.S. was
set to lose the court proceedings in The Hague and would end up
being liable for as much as $10 billion because of accrued interest."
- Gain power, control, resources (including financial), territory

- Depopulation – eliminate men of able age (18-45) that could fight a

different opponent

- Human Trafficking.
- Large-scale population movement
- Financial gain from subsequent rebuilding effort.

Bankers, wealthy families, those who have foundations

The SS knows where BHO is.

(Impossible to to know with internet searches by civilians.)

-Public information: Chicago "jury duty" 11/8

Valerie Jarret lived with the Obamas recently.

ID:zGyR4tyi Thu 02 Nov 2017 14:12:06

ID:taaOHN6t Thu 02 Nov 2017 14:06:03
ID:zGyR4tyi Thu 02 Nov 2017 14:27:23

The Obama's just bought the house in D.C. that they had been renting
since they left the White House. Purchased the home for $8.1 million.

Fat book deal advance, speaking engagement fees.

Seems to operate in the same manner as the Clinton Foundation and

the Clinton Global Initiative

Surgery for glioblastoma, a form of brain cancer with fast progression

and high mortality rate. Glioblastoma is progressive, debilitating (loss
of physical and cognitive function) and generally lethal.

-Doc here again, it was a few days and supposed to be a giolblastoma

(brain cancer). That is a big surgery that would have kept him out for
a long time. Two week recovery time is very suspicious and

-No reason to be the cause of an achilles tendon rupture - also the

boot he is in is not suitable for Achilles repair (needs to be in 30
degree flexion for at least 2 weeks)
Mrs. Cindy McCain inherited majority control and became chair of
Hensley & Co., one of the largest Anheuser-Busch beer distributors in
the United States. She's involved "stopping human trafficking". She is
worth $100 million.

Her house is $4 million

How do they get so rich?
-Like Congress's questionable trading practices, mixing real estate
investments with taxpayer money is technically legal. Actually, it's
pretty easy for members of Congress to get rich off of federal projects
— land deals are more difficult to detect than trades, and land, unlike
stocks, doesn't have a set price. Members of Congress aren't required
to disclose if a land deal would benefit them personally.

The Swamp: Washington's Murky Pool of Corruption and Cronyism

Deep State. Both elected and un-elected individuals who exert

massive influence in U.S. Government. These entities answer to no
one but each other and therefore maintain a "shadow" government.
Not restricted to Washington, plenty of foreign actors/agents e.g.
Alwaleed bin Talal, Soros.

Unethical or illegally sourced medical life extension (organs, young

blood serum, harvested stem cells)

ID:zGyR4tyi Thu 02 Nov 2017 14:36:25
Foundation funds can be used to cover many things if filed under
- Property can be purchased with foundation funds.

- Maintenance, furnishings and renovations can be financed with

these funds as well.

- Travel (including Jet airplanes and yachts) and entertainment.

Foundation funds can also be used to funnel money to specific

persons via contracts.

If they're made to look like legitimate earnings they are therefore


ID:zGyR4tyi Thu 02 Nov 2017 14:39:41

ID:zGyR4tyi Thu 02 Nov 2017 14:44:21

ID:KC17sSpZ Thu 02 Nov 2017 16:39:22

ID:KC17sSpZ Thu 02 Nov 2017 16:39:38

Lynn Forester De Rothschild is on the board of trustees for the Mccain Institute.

ID:KC17sSpZ Thu 02 Nov 2017 17:04:05

"A red carpet was rolled out and staircase rolled up to Air Force One after it landed at King Khalid International Airport in Riyad

POTUS took part in a traditional men’s sword dance is known as the


The Ardah Sword dance is a ceremonial dance for warriors before


It was a show of disrespect.

1. TV blaring during informal lunch
2. Journalists at same lunch
3. Hour long bus trip to camp - camp has 'fleet' of helicopters

4. Only quotes are jokes about the beauty of camels

Trump was shown more respect

MSM is controlled by deep state and globalists; weakening MSM
weakens deep state and globalists

Propaganda is now legal in the USA.

The populace need to question the authenticity of what they're seeing

and hearing in the establishment.
Populace is less likely to believe establishment as they have had
months of being regaled with obviously "fake news."
ID:WBXFv1gI Thu 02 Nov 2017 19:03:36
ID:WBXFv1gI Thu 02 Nov 2017 19:07:54
ID:WBXFv1gI Thu 02 Nov 2017 19:21:32

ID:WBXFv1gI Thu 02 Nov 2017 19:31:24

ID:WBXFv1gI Thu 02 Nov 2017 20:07:18

ID:WBXFv1gI Thu 02 Nov 2017 20:19:28

NSA/MI are on Team Trump. CIA is dark deep state, working for
globalists/democrats not the USA

ID:GVUvg1M7 Fri 03 Nov 2017 17:33:30

Appears to be a gap in Twitter feed between 10/31/17 and 11/10/17

The better to smuggle guns, drugs, kids, organs. That's how they do

- He served 33 years of active military duty, including one year (2009-

2010) as the Vice Commandant (second in command) of the Coast

- Coast Guard is under DHS

- Pekoske was installed under the Trump administration.
His female deputy director pops into DHS in 2000 at high level,
Iranian descent, moves quickly up chain to oversight of aviation
security and nuclear matters. Too fast, too directed, no political
donations listed.

(Not sure what a "c level threat is, but this is a list of some of the post 9-11 changes.) Since the new regulations came fairly qui
FAA Rapid Response Team on Aircraft Security created, recommends
the hardening of existing cockpit doors and expediting the design,
production and installation of new doors.

There were several flights.

The first leg of this flight took place at 1:30pm. The purpose of this leg
was to bring young Saudi noblemen studying in Florida from
Raytheon Airport Services, a private jet hangar at TPA (Tampa INT) to
Blue Grass Airport (LEX GA). The airplane was a 10-person Learjet.
There is no manifest or record. The FAA claims this flight did not occur
and has no record of it despite sworn affidavits that it did occur by
Federal personnel.

At the same time, several other flights to transport Saudi noblemen

and princes were authorized by FAA with the eventual goal of
transporting these individuals, which included Osama Bin Ladin's
sister, to Las Vegas for a direct flight.

Ben Sliney on first day of the job. He was a lawyer for 20 years, came
back to the FAA in 2000, and was specialized in air traffic flow
(meaning he was guaranteed to decide to ground planes, an extra-
ordinary measure, but logical from an air traffic flow perspective).

McCarren Airport Las Vegas was one of two bin laden flights (the
other NY)

LV has significance because Saudi princes also allegedly escaped

from this airport after the LV massacre.
Erin Burnett is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.[3]

Her Husband , finance executive David Rubulotta, was previously a

trader for Lehman Brothers[32] and is currently a managing director
for Citigroup.(SA Prince connection)

Cooper, son of Vanderbilt. Gap in Cooper's twitter feed between

11.2.17 and 11.6.17 However Cooper did broadcast on 11.3.17,
discussing Manafort indictment, Papadopoulus , and release of
National Archive docs.

CNN anchor Erin Burnett's husband is a manager at Citibank (SA

Prince Connections) and she is a member of the CFR( Council of
Foreign Relations) which was a Rockefeller creation.

To shield the money from potential asset forfeiture while still

maintaining access and use by Soros family. Also shields Soros'
fortune from estate tax upon George's death (which clearly he is
eluding via 'special' medical treatment)

Charity watchdog: Clinton Foundation a ‘slush fund’

Negotiating Peace in the Middle East: Key to solving that dispute is Egypt. And the key to Egypt is Abu Dhabi and Saudi Arabia.h
Donations to politicians aren't just for political favors and influence.

-15 of 19 actors in 911 were from SA. SA was a leading financial

contributor to Taliban. Confirmed funders of Terrorism.

Granting a robot citizanship.

-Holy sites of Islam: Mecca / Kabba Stone / Haj
-Human rights violations
-Human trafficking

Collecting all signals allows an elevated advantage over other players,

especially the cabal and network of bad actors.
ID:GVUvg1M7 Fri 03 Nov 2017 17:38:03

JFK and Bin Laden documents were released

Price Alwaleed bin Talal, the richest among the Saudi royals who have
been arrested for corruption. In 2005 Alwaleed gave Harvard
University $20 million to establish Islamic Studies department and a
wide range of (Sharia) Muslim activities and endeavors including the
Harvard University Muslim Alumni association.
State Department, CF, Teneo.
Prince Alwaleed Bin Tala (recently arrested) donated $20 million to
Harvard University in 2005 for the establishment of a Center for
Islamic Studies.

Deep MB connections.

Same class of interns as Monica Lewinsky

We know Huma had a lot of control over her affairs when she was
SoS, thanks to FBI papers released.

“...ABEDIN possessed “much more power” over CLINTON’s staff and

schedule than other former chiefs of staff… was often responsible for
overriding security and diplomatic protocols on behalf of CLINTON.”
This has since been taken down by the FBI.

Donna Brazil. Brazil's book is way out selling HRCs. No more money
coming from HRC.

Donna Brazil so far.

ID:GVUvg1M7 Fri 03 Nov 2017 17:56:13

ID:s4Iv8TW8 Sat 04 Nov 2017 19:02:02


GW Bush
He is releasing the JFK documents. GHWB has been implicated as
being in the CIA and part of that assassination plot and coverup.

The Bush’s have been friendly with the wrong faction in SA Primarily
Prince Bandar.

"He was reportedly so close to George H. W. Bush that he was often

described as a member of the former president's family."
KSA has no laws against torture; they are not subject to our
Constitutional rights.
ID:s4Iv8TW8 Sat 04 Nov 2017 19:33:30

Huma Abedin has family in the Muslim Brotherhood

Bad players, with links, to many things, including drug trade, human
sex and organ trafficking. MB are linked to helping overthrow Libya
and Syria
"In July 2012 Michelle Bachmann’s accused/raised questions
regarding Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) and Huma Abedin having a “long
record” of association with Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi’s
party. She part of a group of lawmakers that sent letters to sent to
officials at the Homeland Security, Justice, State and Defense
departments calling for an investigation into a “potential Muslim
Brotherhood infiltration.”

"Dec. 22, 2012 story published in Egypt's Rose El-Youssef magazine

exposes who turned the White House "from a position hostile to
Islamic groups and organizations in the world to the largest and most
important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood."The six named
people include:

Arif Alikhan: Assistant secretary of Homeland Security for policy

development; Mohammed Elibiary, a member of the Homeland
Security Advisory Council; Rashad Hussain the U.S. special envoy to
the Organization of the Islamic Conference; Salam al-Marayati co-
founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC);Imam Mohamed
Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA); and
EbooPatel, a member of President Obama's Advisory Council on
Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships.
- Awan Group has ties with Saudi Arabia, USA, China among others.

- The Awan Bros worked for Debbie Wassermann Schultz. There was
a PC scandal.

Transforming the profits of crime/ corruption into ostensibly legitimate

assets. (Wikipedia)
- Transforming cash into physical assets such as real estate,
cars/boats/planes, etc. Also can be accomplished via 'donations' to
'charitable' organizations and/or family foundations

- Formally convert untaxed money to taxed money (gov. has no

interest in stealing the money that remains after they stole their cut)

Pakistan joined the Islamic Military Alliance to Fight Terrorism

(IMAFT). The IMAFT, created by Saudi Arabia in December 2015 to
combat Daesh and other terror groups, has 39 members, including
Turkey and Malaysia with a command center in Riyadh.

A.G. Khan Network - black market enriched uranium sales. Ended in

2006. Where did it go after that?

Awan Group has ties in Pakistan and KSA as well.

To obtain inside information.

Favorable vote in Congress, approval of an arms sales; protection
from investigation in Congressional committees, inside information,

HRC could not provide the various things for which she had been paid

CLINTON FOUNDATION WEBSITE, List of Contributors with amounts

No chain of custody of the payment.

To continue hiding Uranium One.

Power to claim state secrets privilege extends to past presidents.

Congress. Department of Justice (FBI)
Some of those un-frozen Iranian funds were diverted to ISIS on behalf
of KSA.
Counter Coup. Some of the arrested are 9/11 conspirators.

Cutting some of the control strings

A family friend of the Bushes.

Mohammed bin Nayef was also ousted as crown prince forced to renounce throne for drug addiction, then Salman was given ti

Trump was also at a ceremony celebrating the opening of the Global

Center for Combating Extremist Ideology
Aramco is privately owned by SA royal family; its IPO would open it up
to US investors. So that tweet is a reminder that SA and US are now
business partners.

Also to IPO investors - a signal that Rothschild banks may not get a
Saudi money is very important to those who control things behind the
scenes. POTUS is signalling there's a new sheriff in town.


R2 PMC fought the battle in Iraq had AlQueda "beat", AQ retreated to
Syria. Owner of BW had major falling with local gov over an incident
and was forced out. Isis was born in Syria around this time and came
back with a vengeance. Now it's OUR turn to come back with a
vengeance which is why we are winning.
ID:s4Iv8TW8 Sat 04 Nov 2017 19:44:06

ID:GE433ksq Sat 04 Nov 2017 19:13:2

US comes when criminals in US do not have access to their funds via

"donations" and protection from SA.

ID:AZhJ37bn Sat 04 Nov 2017 20:22:08

I will be interviewed by @IngrahamAngle on @FoxNews at 10:00.

18:29 - 2. Nov. 2017

The @TuckerCarlson opening statement about our once cherished

and great FBI was so sad to watch. James Comey's leadership was a

18:26 - 2. Nov. 2017

Saudi King? Prince? Saudi Arabia itself?

To locate where someone is; hunt and find.

SS believed compromised. Not trusted to protect POTUS. Minimize

chance of 'internal' assassination attempts'. Signal to others / warning
to SS - awareness of compromised SS? Military not corrupt
SS believed compromised. Not trusted to protect POTUS. Minimize
chance of 'internal' assassination attempts'. Signal to others / warning
to SS - awareness of compromised SS? Military not corrupt

To show that Trump has the full backing of the Military and that the
Military can be trusted to be around Trump.

Before Trump's inauguration, Obama tried to rally the Military behind

him, to prevent Trump from taking office. But that failed when Obama
realizes that Trump already has the full backing of the military.

During wartime the US SS needs the assistance of the MI to be

effective. "Protecting the president of the United States is a
mission that should be carried out and presided over by only the most
highly qualified individuals. And right now, when we are fighting an
enemy that is both capable and determined to attack the homeland,
including the White House, those individuals should include the men
and women of the U.S. military, working in coordination with the
Secret Service." Sept 2014
Trump needs extra security; the SS cannot totally be trusted

Houthi rebels in Yemen, who have been fighting Saudi-backed forces

there for several years, claimed responsibility for firing the ballistic
missile on Saturday. The missile traveled more than 500 miles before
Saudi Arabia intercepted it.
The official Saudi Press Agency charged that debris from the missile proved that it was made in Iran and smuggled into Yemen.

Saudi national Guard Deploys Attack Helicopters as Border Situation


Also someone is (or is capable of) hunting Trump via his Twitter

ID:AZhJ37bn Sat 04 Nov 2017 20:28:58

Later in subsequent posts by Q: Alice & Wonderland is confirmed to

be Hillary and Saudi Arabia.

ID:v3eCc2tY Sun 05 Nov 2017 00:14:37

ID:v3eCc2tY Sun 05 Nov 2017 00:15:02
ID:v3eCc2tY Sun 05 Nov 2017 00:15:27

ID:v3eCc2tY Sun 05 Nov 2017 00:15:52

ID:v3eCc2tY Sun 05 Nov 2017 00:16:50

ID:v3eCc2tY Sun 05 Nov 2017 00:44:18

"When giving credit to writers in the film, screenplay or story world, an & indicates collaboration of a closer nature than and."

ID:v3eCc2tY Sun 05 Nov 2017 00:47:38

ID:v3eCc2tY Sun 05 Nov 2017 00:49:24

ID:v3eCc2tY Sun 05 Nov 2017 00:51:20

ID:v3eCc2tY Sun 05 Nov 2017 01:03:28

(Wapo) Trump’s hard-line actions have an intellectual godfather: Jeff Sessions -

(TheGuardian) - Sessions has often been cast as the intellectual

godfather of a rightwing agenda.
(Vanity Fair) - “Sessions is the godfather of the Trump ideology,” a Senate insider says.

(Rolling Stone) -The Trials of Jeff Sessions: Trump's Radical Attorney


ID:v3eCc2tY Sun 05 Nov 2017 01:06:58

Sinaloa Cartel. The leader of this cartel was extradited to the US on
January 19th, the day before Trump took office (I think this may be
about drug money/CIA versus Pakistan).

MS13 bring in drugs, they create chaos in society, and are hired
assassins, they are expendable and provide a layer of plausible

To eliminate the power of a violent, shadow network that provides

services to bad actors in the US, including assassination of witnesses
in criminal investigations.

The wall is very symbolic,sends messages

-Assertion of sovereignty

-Refusal to submit to globalism

-Illegals are expensive
-America first

ID:v3eCc2tY Sun 05 Nov 2017 01:10:37

ID:QLWgJTG3 Sun 05 Nov 2017 01:06:20

Re-read all sentences after happening.

everything is connected... does anyone have a copy of that stupid

sounding ebook?

Saudi Arabia recently arrested all their corrupt princes, and down a
helicopter where corrupted officials were trying to escape. Saudis also
cut tied with Hillary.

Saudi Arabia = The Bloody Wonderland.

The Alice & Wonderland event confirmed.

ID:v3eCc2tY Sun 05 Nov 2017 01:12:48

ID:v3eCc2tY Sun 05 Nov 2017 01:31:00
ID:v3eCc2tY Sun 05 Nov 2017 01:50:56
Yes. They are also expendable. Even if nothing is ordered, the threat
in the mind of the target is real and has happened before (see Seth
Rich, Schumer’s warning ‘they can get you 6 ways from Sunday’).

Obama was in the email chains. Implies approval as POTUS is

ultimate declassifier. If Obama directed private servers or Valerie
Jarret did with Obama approval, no reasonable prosecutor would
indict. Intent was POTUS. Only impeachable if Congress acts on it.
ID:cS8cMPVQ Sun 05 Nov 2017 01:35:58
From a Townhall Article: "Those billions intended to rebuild the ruined nation instead disappeared into fantasy houses and roa
At least four foreign countries gave to the foundation in 2013—Norway, Italy, Australia and the Netherlands—a fact that has ga

SA gave Clinton Foundation $40million 2001-2015. CF tax returns late

to be amended.
ID:cS8cMPVQ Sun 05 Nov 2017 01:39:41

ID:cS8cMPVQ Sun 05 Nov 2017 01:55:46

The top floor gets the helicopter landing pad access

Again, look at Sinaloa Cartel as well.

That Trump could be assassinated in the a similar fashion.

[THEORY] 9/11 type attack to assassinate the SA royalty present, it
failed. Some say Trump found out and thwarted the plan, then they
tried to JFK him.

[SPECULATION] To wait several days in the hotel and then

assassinate POTUS. ...
Prevent witnesses from contradicting the official narrative.

All said there were multiple shooters.

Here is what Kimberley Suchomel said:

Kymberley Suchomel in her sleep, but believed to be an epileptic


Hit and run

See: Michael Hastings case

- Carshark, control the CANbus, can affect brakes (disengage/engage), seatbelt tensioners, airbags, instruments, etc. Source: htt
- Also OnStar was compromised until July 2015 allowing attackers to gain entry to the vehicle, steal credit card details, control t

- ALSO in the wikileaks release re controlling software

- All can be done using "wifi" and a smart phone.

Car hacking - assassination

1. He set up a meeting with Sheldon Adelson prior to the LV shooting

and the met the day after

2. No one has reported Trump to have been in LV that night, but

based on your questions, it seems Trump was in LV and meeting with
King Salman (?)
ID:cS8cMPVQ Sun 05 Nov 2017 02:06:00

ID:yY946/MZ Sun 05 Nov 2017 02:03:40

ID:cS8cMPVQ Sun 05 Nov 2017 02:14:12

ID:GwO0QESl Sun 05 Nov 2017 02:09:14

ID:cS8cMPVQ Sun 05 Nov 2017 02:17:24

ID:cS8cMPVQ Sun 05 Nov 2017 02:26:35

ID:wz2tGFlp Sun 05 Nov 2017 02:19:39

ID:L8quGPI9 Sun 05 Nov 2017 18:15:25
Hispanic Gang probably mostly active in the USA / Mexico. This gang
originates in San Salvador
We need to build a map with all the intel Q dropped, so we can
connect the dots and see what Trump sees. See where things are
going, see what is about to happen.

When an event happens, we need to review the map and match the
event with the intel Q dropped.
ID:L8quGPI9 Sun 05 Nov 2017 18:16:51

ID:IXp4H3wt Sun 05 Nov 2017 17:59:48

Direct link to graphic:
ID:L8quGPI9 Sun 05 Nov 2017 18:40:38
Puppets no longer get paid or are under protection. Puppeteers no
longer have lackeys and minions to do work for them.

Independently wealthy but tied to business interests which could be

exploited by bad actors
ID:L8quGPI9 Sun 05 Nov 2017 18:41:11
Oldest son of a Egyptian billionaire who made his money partnering
with his Saudi brother in law (Dodi's mother's brother) who was an
arms supplier. His father owned the Paris house that her husband's
great uncle the duke of Windsor (Edward the VIII). He also owned the
Ritz in Paris, Harrod's and several estates around the world. His
Father had exposed corruption in the English parliament
embarrassing the British Government.
- London Mayor recently invited back 500 terrorists.

- He also said that they do not have the resources to track all
terrorists and are hoping for the best.

- ISIS recently said that not even the Royal Family will be safe from






Extreme wealth engenders arrogance, haughtiness and disdain, a

belief that rules and laws don't apply to them.

Though not considered a "secret" society, Queen Elizabeth is the

ultimate head of Freemasonry, an incredibly powerful position.

World domination through overthrowing or taking over governments is

Unchecked immigration into a country will weaken a country from the
inside and can destroy it.

Migrants are valuable assets to the cabal; they use migrants to divide,
destabilize, and destroy a country.
ID:hHkrVD7x Sun 05 Nov 2017 19:08:10

ID:QVBSWPvd Sun 05 Nov 2017 19:03:39

direct link:
ID:hHkrVD7x Sun 05 Nov 2017 19:17:35

FYI, "UDT", as I know it, is Underwater Demolitions Teams, military

operators that are essentially the same as Navy SEALs

ID:hHkrVD7x Sun 05 Nov 2017 19:34:57

ID:hHkrVD7x Sun 05 Nov 2017 19:49:15

ID:hHkrVD7x Sun 05 Nov 2017 19:54:47

ID:hHkrVD7x Sun 05 Nov 2017 19:57:33

ID:HpMXQdk5 Sun 05 Nov 2017 19:55:14

Anon's screenshot of textbox as he was typing his post.

Direct link:

It's a direct message to Congress asking for gun control legislation.

ID:hHkrVD7x Sun 05 Nov 2017 20:03:07

ID:cxbjPd3x Sun 05 Nov 2017 19:57:48

ID:hHkrVD7x Sun 05 Nov 2017 20:08:46

ID:FAkr+Yka Sun 05 Nov 2017 23:34:15

He single-handedly established the Islamic Studies Department at

Harvard to the tune of $20 million, establishing HUMA as part of the

In 2010 he appointed Rashid Hussain as Diplomatic Posts: U.S.

Special Envoy to the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. Rashid
studied at Harvard and gave a speech at HUMA in 2012.
Also 1988- Mansour was the patron (acting on behalf of Prince
Alwaleed) recommended admission for Obama to Harvard

Corruption arrests of Alwaleed Bin Talal and others in the SA


legitimacy, relevance, inside into the US govt at the highest level

-There was an intent to make him an elected official before he ran for
-It's easier to grow them than to convert them.

-First reported in 2008:

Repeated in 2012:
To signal MSB to start the purge

Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal: Kingdom Entertainment
MGM/Mandalay Bay, Twitter, CitiGroup, Fox, and others

Connection to Vegas shooting and influence in US interests

- Politicians are owned by their donors/funders

Shows motive to tamper with poll machines

"The more successful South Korea becomes, the more decisively you
discredit the dark fantasy at the heart of the Kim regime." @POTUS
speech tonight. Fantasy land is NK, and the dark fantasy is NK's
controlling force, the global elite.

Martial Law already declared in KSA

"King Salman is Michael Corleone.

Crown Prince MBS is Vincent Corleone.

Altobello is Alwaleed. Some assassination stuff at Las Vegas

happened involving King/Crown Prince.
Michael names Vincent the new Don of the Corleone.

King Salman is going to step down and MBS is going to be the new

ID:FAkr+Yka Sun 05 Nov 2017 23:46:24

the Japanese?
Focus on message, not messenger. Crowdsourcing Intelligence.
There is far less censorship there. It's also some place that is hard for
norms to come to and understand, so the information goes out to a
few people, who can then spread the information and it looks organic.
Plausible deniability of any real information released via that channel.

Going to have terror attacks due to fallout in Yemen.

List places where gun-loving, conservative types are likely to gather.

Then, stay alert if you go to those areas.

Local news:

- DJT (US) and MBS (KSA) are doing the same thing in real-life. They
both have the same agenda to destroy the NWO cabal from their
respective countries.

- Cleansing the US and KSA can't be done in isolation due to the

symbiotic relationship between the two. Each is a host for the other's

- KSA has to be cleansed first to destroy: ISIS; Political corruption in

US; MSM "Fake News" (it seems that the Jews only run the US MSM
with the KSA actually being the money behind it...); Pedophile
networks and the rest.

- Cut off the money to the US. Deny the bad actors safe-harbour is
ID:FAkr+Yka Sun 05 Nov 2017 23:53:46

Sandberg, Sheryl;

Schroepfer, Michael Todd;

Thiel, Peter;

Cox, Christopher K.;

Athwal, Jas;

Stretch, Colin;
Hastings, Reed.//
Blackrock Inc,


State Street Corp,

T Rowe Price Associates,
Capital World Investors,
Morgan Stanley,
Northern Trust Co,
Invesco Ltd,
Bank of NY Mellon Corp
Williams, Evan Clark;
Noto, Anthony;
Bain, Adam;
Messinger, Adam;
Gadde, Vijaya;
Segal, Ned D.;
Kordestani, Omid;
Kaiden, Robert;
Weil, Kevin.//
Vanguard Group,
ClearBridge Investments,
Blackrock Inc,
Morgan Stanley,
Slate Path Capital,
State Street Corp,
Oppenheimer Funds,
Northern Trust Corp,
First Trust Advisers,
Amerigo Asset Mngmt

Condé Nast Publications acquired the site in October 2006. Reddit

became a direct subsidiary of Condé Nast's parent company, Advance
Publications, in September 2011.

-This family also owns a 31% stake in cable company Discovery

Communications, and 13% in Charter Communications.

Owned by Comcast Corporation, Brian L. Roberts has 33% controlling

share. Comcast has 7th largest lobbying budget of any individual or
org in the US. Comcast has a lot of sway in internet service and
Vanderbilt heir. Reportedly CIA.

-He is a Vanderbilt.

-Part of Operation Mockingbird.

They are an old money faction of the US from the time of robber
ID:FAkr+Yka Sun 05 Nov 2017 23:56:55
ID:FAkr+Yka Mon 06 Nov 2017 00:23:34

ID:ibK4PoCz Sun 05 Nov 2017 23:54:34

direct link to posted map showing Japanese restaurant at coordinates


ID:KKIreCTB Mon 06 Nov 2017 16:48:58

ID:KKIreCTB Mon 06 Nov 2017 16:50:33

>Western universities[edit]
In 2005, al-Waleed gave Georgetown University the second-largest
donation in history to create the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for
Muslim-Christian Understanding (ACMCU) in the university's School
of Foreign Service. On 8 May 2008, al-Waleed gave £16 million to
Edinburgh University to fund a "centre for the study of Islam in the
contemporary world."[59] He has also endowed the Prince Alwaleed
Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud Center for American Studies and
Research (CASAR).[60] The Institute for Computational Biomedicine
at Weill Cornell Medical College is named for al-Waleed.[61] The
Centre of Islamic Studies at the University of Cambridge also bears
the name of Al-Waleed,[62] and the Islamic Studies Program at
Harvard University are also named for him.

He's supposed to be a "Christian"

The church's early history coincided with the American civil rights
movement, subsequent murder of Martin Luther King Jr., and the
tumultuous period that engulfed the civil rights movement after King's
death due to intense competition among actors over who would carry
King's mantle. During that tumultuous period, an influx of radical black
Muslim groups had begun to headquarter in Chicago, and Trinity
sought to recontextualize Christianity through black theology in order
to counter the influence of radical black Muslim leaders, who taught
that it was impossible to be both black and Christian. (WIKIPEDIA)

Zbigniew Brzezinski, was a teacher of BO at Columbia and recruited

him into Business International Corporation, a CIA front company
Through mutual CFR friend Sandy Weill who repealed the Glass-
Steagall Act. Citigroup raised $12.5 billion in convertible preferred
stock in a private placement with Talal, after private meetings with the
Federal Reserve. With a market cap of $20.5 billion on Friday,
November 21, 2008, the U.S. taxpayer effectively owned this compan.
Our government's bailout program was in the hands of his crony New
York Fed, where Sandy Weill had served as a Director from 2001
through 2006, and the U.S. Treasury Department, run at that point by
Hank Paulson, formed CEO of Goldman Sachs. Treasury Secretary
Hank Paulson and New York Fed President Timothy Geithner held a
conference call with Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, FDIC Chair Sheila
Bair, and Comptroller of the Currency John Dugan (a former bank
lobbyist) to discuss Citigroup. Sanford Weill is the pen Council on
Foreign Relations member Bill Clinton used to sign the REPEAL of
FDR's Banking Act. Later, Clinton Foundation hired Kevin Thurm as its
executive vice president. Thurm served as a Citigroup executive for
more than a decade.

Henry Kissinger

Carlyle Group. Advised Alwaleed on CitiGroup purchase worth $500

million back in 91. Well connected in Washington and associated with
George Bush Sr./Jr.

ONLY Saudis were able to leave country

Reports of bad actors also being tortured

* $800 billion in assets to be confiscated by King Salman/MBS.

* MBS succession secured (his rival recently died in a helicopter

* Corrupt politicians/bad actors world-wide seeing their
donors/sponsors/handlers being tortured

* $ Money frozen; no safe harbour/sanctuary

* Sanctuary for ISIS/AQ/Daesh/ISIL gone

CIA plot financed offshore

Real reason was to stop Saddam selling his oil using currencies other
than the US Dollars. This was a direct challenge/threat to the
Petrodollar system.

- No Petrodollar System = Greatly devalued $US Dollar = Inflation

Shock on US Economy = Severe recession or maybe collapse.

- Saddam was also challenging OPEC and KSA leadership/hegemony

in ME. WMD's provided cover to destroy regional rival to KSA/Israeli
leadership in ME. Also destroyed Sunni/Baathist counter-
weight/challenger/competitor to KSA Wahhabism.

Kuwait was burning, someone had to cap the wells.

ID:KKIreCTB Mon 06 Nov 2017 16:50:59
(Tampa, of course, is home to General Tommy Franks and the
Pentagon's Central Command (CentCom), which now rules
Afghanistan and Iraq directly, and indirectly rules the entire oil-rich
Middle East and Central Asia through its growing network of
Halliburton-supplied military bases. Raytheon, of course, is the
massive arms manufacturer that supplied many of the high-tech
weapons used in Afghanistan and Iraq. Tampa is also near Venice FL,
where Mad Cow Morning News has exposed numerous secrets about
the training of 9-11 pilots Mohamed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi at
shadowy local flight schools. And Tampa is in Florida, where Gov. Jeb
Bush stole the 2000 election for his brother George, and where Jeb
issued Executive Order 2001-261 to prepare the FL National Guard
for a terrorist attack on 9-7-01.)"

... It seems that in spite of the fact that Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz
and his government have been accused of funding charities linked to
Al Qaeda, James Baker's firm still feels the need to defend the Prince
against those "evil" trial lawyers representing the orphaned families of
the 9-11 victims.

But perhaps what is just as shocking to me is the allegation that the

son of this SAME Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz was reportedly flown
out of the United States

... But then the jet flew to New Orleans "to pick up someone who
needed a ride to New York." So this plane made AT LEAST 5 flights
on 9-13, but the FAA told the Tampa Tribune, "it's not in our logs... it
didn't occur."

All sorts of stuff not allowed on commercial flights

Ft. Lauderdale to Tampa, Raytheon hangar at Tampa Int'l airport, then

to New Orleans, LA.
[SPECULATION] Cash, guns, anything... people without
passports/fugitives, etc.
Most of Mr. bin Laden's relatives were attending high school and college. They are among the 4,000 Saudi students in the Unit

Mohammed bin Laden (father), largest construction co in SA, became a conglomerate distributing consumer goods across the

Sheik Kalid Bin Mafouz's Sister was Osama's Wife.

Those involved in 9/11 being rounded up

The House of Saud / royals?

Search TagYourSponsor

Its really easy to lure kids and even adults on any social media,
making them "soft targets" for kidnappers.

Location services.

Tweens, girls, adult women and even boys exposing themselves

willingly online to the world. They are unaware that they are putting
themselves onto the global markeplace a la 'Taken'
Measures to turn ill gotten gains into apparently legitimate gains

Anything one could want - almost

A new identity.
Podesta Group legitimized their (Saudi bad actors') US operations,
and therefore are accomplices. They facilitated, coordinated, directed
the actions in the US.

A functioning DOJ, FBI and an non interfering CIA..... A lot of

irrefutable evidence and some public opinion on your side.

Credible evidence

Without the information, we cannot know the real story and thus we
may not realize if we are misplacing our loyalty (ex. Antifa - they think
they're fighting fascists but they ARE the fascists).

Online but not so much in person. Ideologically separated by media &

perceptions, echo chambers. Day-to-day not much conflict among
normal citizens. Only when you compare the usual liberal hotspots to
the rest of the (less-vocal) population. The MSM makes the liberal
presence seem far more powerful than it currently is.

Destabilization with the objective of creating chaos and panic,

following which citizens will be more open to further loss of freedoms
in the name of 'safety'.
It creates a false reality for people still reliant on Mockingbird media.
Then the cabal can choose to exceed even that 'reality' and the public
will only be mildly surprised due to the false foundation.

ID:KKIreCTB Mon 06 Nov 2017 16:51:29

Increased oversight to ensure funds are directed appropriately.

Intended to defund nefarious groups misusing aid funds, for example
Increased oversight to ensure funds are directed appropriately.
Intended to defund nefarious groups misusing aid funds, for example

Sort by amount:

Sort by continent:

Many not listed here, trillionaires

Rothschilds agitated privately for both World Wars, the second of
which was partially for the creation of Israel.

- Lynn de Rothschild is a friend of HRC

- See WIKILEAKS email from HRC to Lynn: "Please tell me what
penance I owe you"
- Bush and Clinton families are friends
- Hillary and Jed Bush Share the same wealthy donors. Jeb Bush and
Hillary Clinton are also distant cousins.

Bushes and Kerry are related to many European royalty and nobility

Obama-era slush fund that allowed prosecutors to strike settlement

agreements with corporations directing them to make payouts to
liberal interest groups. --- "Yet he [Bojórquez] takes it as a given that the ATF inte

A consortium of PRIVATE banks, many of which are directly or

indirectly controlled by the Rothschild family or companies.
A consortium of PRIVATE banks, many of which are directly or
indirectly controlled by the Rothschild family or companies.

Money laundering through their various foundations (McCain Institute,

Clinton Foundation, etc.) while disguising them as charitable

As you move in and/or through the system, elected official to lobbyist

for example, the more corrupt and the more you gain financially

Massive corruption
ID:KKIreCTB Mon 06 Nov 2017 16:51:56

When you have zero intel (intelligence data), everything looks a

coincidence. When you have all the intel, you can see which event is
directly connected to which event. Things are no longer a
Example: Texas church shooting following the paradise papers leak.

Talking points are disseminated and narrative maintained on behalf of

Soros, Roth and Saud, via Vanguard and Blackrock and Newswires
like Associated Press, Thompson-Reuters and Gannett

Massive databases and servers. Particularly a huge site in Utah.

NSA is a central location for "Five Eyes", i.e. an unlimited intelligence
sharing network between Australia, Britain, Canada and New Zealand.
Placing blocks on NSA's scope prevents NSA from interfering with
work conducted by other intelligence agencies in the US. The Law.

Those who have means to do so who are not constrained by rules

Non law enforcement. Sally Yates can't unmask Flynn on US soil

having a conversation with the Russian ambassador also on US soil.
The surveillance would have been illegal to begin with.
He tipped off Trump. He would know if people were being illegally
unmasked or illegally tapped. All legitimately obtained taps would
presumably go through his agency and all records of who requested
unmasking, as well as likely records of affidavits used to obtain FISA
warrants would be housed with NSA. He would likely see

James Clapper was head of Department of Information and was

pushed into resigning after denying the NSA (Roger's department)
was collecting data on Americans.

<< Wrong Admiral: It's Admiral Rogers /NSA who met with Trump after
the election. Obama wanted him fired:
Ashton is a nuclear physicist who was sec of defense under Obama,
and assistant sec of defense under Clitnton with no military
ID:KKIreCTB Mon 06 Nov 2017 16:52:24

[Theory] The Podesta Email #39143 has a power point from his think
tank "Center for American Progress" on what will occur when the king
is replaced; mostly about Salman. SA's reserves are drying up; their
GDP% is in decline; Deficit % of GDP is -19.5% in 2015 (down from
+12 in 2012); Salman might be desperate enough to reach out to
Muslim Brotherhood - but Salman proposed an offer to open up Saudi
for American investments "in the tune of an absurd $2 trillion over
coming year"

Link to that email:

Qatar hosts the largest US military presence in the region.


Saudi Arabia is one of America’s largest foreign creditors to the tune

of ~$120 billion which stems back to a deal between Nixon and King
Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud made in 1974 which the King demanded
remain secret. The U.S. would buy oil from Saudi Arabia and provide
the kingdom military aid and equipment. In return, the Saudis would
plow petrodollar revenue back into U.S. Treasuries. Saudi Arabia also
agreed that the U.S. dollar would be used in all oil trade. This
increased demand.

Q said "we" shot it down (i.e., the USA)

Also, on top of all the other arms contracts that SA has with the US,
they just agreed to buy THAAD for 15 billion.


POTUS speech on Texas shooting: cadence off, abnormal pauses at

various points. It seemed that he wanted to say something but
Could also be a reference to the coordinates given in question # 963
to the Japanese restaurant >>14828295 on Nov. 5

Those who donate to the Foundations

Control of the narrative and flow of information. Social Media is a

None of them were actually beholden to, or compromised by the CIA,

the Bush family, or the Mossad


By controlling the party, the media and the methods of voting.

Establishment power relies on importing illegals to vote for more gov't

Immigrants seem to vote on the liberal side of things due to lefts

rhetoric and support of open borders, multiculturalism, and diversity.

- To allow the illegals into the US

- Can't import massive numbers of third-worlders legitimately/legally
without popular revolt.

- Open borders ensures that there is NO vetting whatsoever of who

gets in, no tracking, no ability to control the state of the nation and its
- It also allows for new D “voters” and more voter fraud, pushes down
wages and alienates the (founding stock) public ever more from govt
– lowering confidence in govt and society with withdrawal from the
social space allows foreigners to take more control of culture and
exert more influence.

-He stated that the voter rolls and the citizenship rolls are not cross
checked. Essentially giving the wink and nod for illegals to go ahead
and vote - that no one will check up on it.
State level / 2. State and Local Election Boards / In 2002, Help
America Vote Act was signed, the bill was "An Act to establish a
program to provide funds to States to replace punch card voting
systems, to establish the Election Assistance Commission to assist in
the administration of federal elections and to otherwise provide
assistance with the administration of certain federal election laws and
programs, to establish minimum election administration standards for
States and units of local government with responsibility for the
administration of federal elections, and for other purposes." - wiki,
introduced by Robert Ney

Mistrust of voting machines.

pattern-criminal-conduct/ , Map ->
ID:KKIreCTB Mon 06 Nov 2017 16:52:48

"Money buys access; access buys influence." Electronic voting

machines Votes. PEOPLE!
Paper ballots / ID's, having a system most people can understand,
Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) ballot systems would be too
complicated for just anyone to understand the recording processes of.

Block chain technology. Carefully watch those who count the votes.
Public Paper trail

JQ | By Shareholders demand, as it benefits them.

Hollywood has a deep distrust of free markets.


Control of the narrative is what gives the ruling class power over the

Whether religion, politics or royal families, they all need a narrative to

hold on to their power.

People think that stories are shaped by people. In fact, it’s the other
way around… – Terry Pratchett

-Assume moral high ground.

-In order to create a victim culture; knee-jerk emotional reactions
instilled in society that develops into a habit of not critically thinking or
researching into an argument.

This results in a society dependent on information solely on the

authority while letting go of any shred of individual/personal curiosity
or motivation to find the truth (because they will assume they are right
to begin with)

Liberals defer to racism epithet because they no longer need proof in

order to fulfill their needs (enforcing conformity and suppressing any
dissent from their ideology, agenda and actions).

Henry Kissinger

Donald Trump on Saturday pushed back against Hillary Clinton's

efforts to link him to the Ku Klux Klan. The Republican nominee
retweeted a supporter's post that the Democratic nominee "said a
KKK member was her mentor.".

Trump's KKK Clinton claim: Republican candidate makes ...
Operant conditioning (also called "instrumental conditioning") is a learning process through which the strength of a behavior is

False flag to redirect.

ID:KKIreCTB Mon 06 Nov 2017 17:07:57

ID:NOjYqEdl Tue 07 Nov 2017 18:34:55

Countdown: 3 - 2 -1?

+++ = Vatican (Holy Trinity) or Jerusalem (Three crosses depicting

Jesus Crucifixon) or the Roman Triumvirate? or Shakespeare three
acts? Or 3 pyramids by the sphinx?

++ = UK (Union Jack Flag with two crosses, St George and St


+ = Switzerland(CIA) or Red Cross (Organ trafficking, Money


GAME THEORY > I win > You Win > We all Win +++

+++ is a switch to command mode.

Hayes Command Set.
- Trump made 3 stops, KSA was a go, SK was a go, and China was a
go they all made deals.

ID:NOjYqEdl Tue 07 Nov 2017 18:56:17

ID:NOjYqEdl Tue 07 Nov 2017 18:43:57

Aerial photo of a break in the clouds over a large city.

adding: The photo is from DJT plane, when flying into China after
leaving SK. It's a gift.

ID:NOjYqEdl Tue 07 Nov 2017 19:05:59

Can someone please link the original photo?

“The graphic is your key” may be steganography

Original post:

The city is Hong Kong. It has been theorized that the Titanic was deliberately sunk to

Hong Kong was a British Territory.

The first Opium war left an indelible scar on China, mainland lost
Hong Kong and was forced to open up trade to foreigners. Its the
beginning of the Opium trade from Afghanistan that still continues till
this day.

One reason for the war with Taliban was to restore this trade like the
British did during the Opium War.
+++ could point to Holy Trinity Church, the one Obama attended.

Could be the shape of buildings in Hong Kong as shown in the image

with co-ordinates.

+++ could be referring to the SWISS FLAG, since comey tweet.

Adding: photo from AF1 as it flies into China. "A5" = IOY (In Our
Yard?- 3-2-1-something's coming down in the US?)

ID:Dx5TPc5d Thu 09 Nov 2017 23:07:15

[C] [I] [A] [is] [here], [p] [r] [a] [y]

(s) (in full) (1)

CIA is here. Pray, sinful one.,_2001:_Evacuation_of_Saudi_Nationals

On the afternoon of September 13, 2001, "three Saudi men in their

early 20s flew in a Lear jet from Tampa, Fla., to Lexington, Ky., where
they boarded a Boeing 747 with Arabic writing on it waiting to take
them out of the country."
WhiteHouse authorized it

Tampa Florida airport

Current events in KSA mirror previous events in the US. Specifically,

the coup in KSA mirrors/reflects the coup in US on 9/11. This time the
winners/losers are reversed. 9/11 - KSA won, US lost. Today - KSA
lost, US won. The US let one airplane fly from Florida (Bush
stronghold) to Las Vegas (Alwaleed property owned there: Mandalay
Bay upper floors). This plane was carrying someone back to KSA.

In a mirror the reflection is reversed.

You look forward and you can see what is behind you in a mirror.

Synthetic terrorism = smoke & mirrors... You look at the "terrorist" in

front of you but the puppet master is behind you. Look closer to the
mirror or behind you and you'll see.

Indictments are the past brought to the present by a trial, and the
future is the live testimony. The truth in this way is literally behind you.

A map is a set of directions to guide you from point A to point B.

It can also be maps of thought, or the diagrams requested before, to
connect dots and see big picture

So that you arrive at your destination safely and don't get lost.

Q used acronyms throughout his posts.

A legend is a caption, a title or brief explanation appended to an

article, illustration, cartoon, or poster. A key is an explanatory list of
symbols used in a map, table, etc. Legend is more generic, while key
is more specific.

HRC = Alice
Wonderland = Saudi Arabia
Signatures, + crumbs = understanding of events happening now and
those that have already occurred.

1. A following of one thing after another; succession.

2. An order of succession; an arrangement.

3. A related or continuous series.

A sequence (or flow) map is pieces of information grouped together

that forms a path. if a decision is made you branch on that sequence
to the final outcome. see flow chart

Q is giving us the pieces. We have to keep them in order and follow

the sequence of events. This will give insight into what might come
A sequence of signs has been provided by Q in his posts and anons
need to locate them in current events. Doing so will reveal the
Q clarifies later (12/05/17) >>38467

q# 2096 Key - unlocks the door of all doors (info) Key = Adm Rogers /
No Such Agency (Wizards & Warlocks)

q# 2097 Stone - the force / strength capable of yielding power to act

on info US Military and POTUS = force

q# 2098 Key+Stone= "Information + force

Or one has all the info NSA and Potus/Military protect it."

-We had a picture from 40,000 ft. view.

-The picture provides map. Find the map either hidden in

image(keystone) or otherwise.

-Map provides a location.

-Something hidden there?(keystone)

-Past provides the future.
South China Sea
A spell is also sheer work of will. In magick, when one casts a spell
one might draw what they want to happen, visualize it happening, call
upon the collective group/coven or, in media's case gullible populace,
and harness all that energy and directly channel it to get the desired
results. But remember, be careful what you wish for...

Not only are they "asleep" but while in that sleep they are easily
manipulated to be the perpetuators of the spell casters message,
participants in events and thoughts that help accomplish the objective
of the spell.

Attention on deck: get ready, analyze the media, find the hidden spin,
feel the low energy; pay attention and keep finding answers relevant
questions, draw connections between real world events.
From PSYOP to MINDWAR Written by General Aquino (founder of the
Temple of Set, an offshoot of the Church of Satan) and General Paul
Vallely (who called for an American Spring march on Washington a
few years back)

Godfather 3 is about corruption in the Vatican Bank.

-in the opening sequence, 2nd sentence:

"The only wealth in this world is children, more than all the money and
power on Earth."

-The Godfather is called The Don. What did the Don do in Godfather

-"Spy Vs. Spy

CIA Directorate of Operations code-named Snow White."

Also, consider Mueller as a hunter.

-Returns false goods to the evil queen, while leaving SW alone.

-Buys time for the prince to find SW and awaken.

ID:Dx5TPc5d Thu 09 Nov 2017 23:24:35

Dismantled (past tense) - may be exercise of strategic deception, or

misdirection, indicating something in past tense that is or has yet to

US National Security Agency

ID:Dx5TPc5d Thu 09 Nov 2017 23:31:45

ID:ln25Q56n Fri 10 Nov 2017 15:55:14

ID:ln25Q56n Fri 10 Nov 2017 16:04:51

ID:rK87uAOe Fri 10 Nov 2017 16:01:39

graphic compilation of all of Q's posts as of NOV. 10

direct link:

ID:gO/UntOB Sat 11 Nov 2017 23:29:35

Q answers this question in #1187 below: House of Saud, Rothschild

and Soros. Tells us to focus on these three.
Private banking cartels. Fed, EU, BOJ etc, but the Bank of
International Settlements - It is the people who own and control those
institutions that wield the power.

Names of wealthiest individuals are not in the public domain

International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization, all the organs

of the United Nations et cetera

NGO's; Foundations (ie. Clinton Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates

Foundation); Charities; Round Table (Cecil Rhodes Trust); Ford
Foundation; etc.

POTUS has taken US out of Paris Accord (Global Warming Carbon


KSA = +++ Bad actors have been taken down. Thus taking out the
first level of the pyramid/or side of the triangle.
Rothschilds = ++ Something must be happening with that since on
11/18 Q posted ++. Using what we know from earlier that would mean
the Rothschild's have been neutralized thus taking out another level of
the pyramid/or another side of the triangle.

Now all that's left is Soros. The final + and the destruction of the
pyramid/third side of triangle.

The House of Saud and its Jewish Origin and Installation by the
British Crown

13 bloodlines of the Illuminati

ALSO SEE: 12/05/17 >>38507
q# 2099-2100

A notable group that outwardly considers themselves to be traditional Satanists is the Order of Nine Angles.[14] This group be

Also MS13 worshipps Santa Muerte

English-speakers originally used the word "cult" not to describe a group of religionists, but to refer to the act of worship or to a

The island of Little St James was managed by Cathy and Miles

-Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of Mossad agent Robert Maxwell,
helped recruit the Alexanders in 1998.
direct link ti image:

Specifically Rothschilds- looks like they have been in control of other

bloodlines for a few centuries

Q answered this previously: SA, Rothschilds, Soros (See 1187 and

Bill Clinton (9 Feb, 19 Mar, 20 May, 13 July, 15 Sep, 4 Nov 2002)

Doug Bands
Naomi Campbell
Nicole Junkermann
Sean Koo
Pete Rathgeb
Diane Fleetwood
Kevin Spacey
Chris Tucker
Ira Magaziner
Prince Andrew
Marvin Minsky
Gerard 't Hooft
Stephen Hawking
Lawrence Krauss
Lisa Randall
Ehud Barak
Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and his daughter Hannah

Lord Mandelson and Lord Mandelson's boyfriend Reinaldo

Ghislaine Maxwell

Original Temple of Baal (which simply means Lord) was in Palmyra,


-These arches are being set up world wide. Supported by UNESCO.

[USA recently withdrew from UNESCO - not a coincidence]

NB: Jewish mythology holds that once the Arch in Palmyra is

destroyed, Jews will be the rulers of Earth. This is an active belief.
ID:gO/UntOB Sat 11 Nov 2017 23:29:58

Oil price artificially kept low to keep Russia and Irans profit's low and
starve them out. Anti fracking opponents defeated so no curb to US
energy output.
Those on payroll in US.

The Island photo attached: the temple on Jeffrey Epstein's private
island, entrance to underground levels (darkness). Leaving the temple
(darkness) to the outer world = darkness to light, same as the Israeli
high court building, paid for and designed for the Rothschilds.
ID:gO/UntOB Sat 11 Nov 2017 23:31:13
ID:gO/UntOB Sat 11 Nov 2017 23:31:41
ID:gO/UntOB Sat 11 Nov 2017 23:32:20
ID:gO/UntOB Sat 11 Nov 2017 23:32:49
ID:gO/UntOB Sat 11 Nov 2017 23:33:13
ID:gO/UntOB Sat 11 Nov 2017 23:33:51
Q clarifies later (12/05/17) >>38467
q# 2096 Key - unlocks the door of all doors (info) Key = Adm Rogers /
No Such Agency (Wizards & Warlocks)

q# 2097 Stone - the force / strength capable of yielding power to act

on info US Military and POTUS = force

q# 2098 Key+Stone= "Information + force

Or one has all the info NSA and Potus/Military protect it."

ALSO SEE: 12/05/17 >>38507

q# 2099-2100
The term 'ardah' is thought to derive from the Arabic verb ard meaning
'to show' or 'to parade'. It was so named because its purpose was to
publicly display the fighting strength of a tribe and boost morale before
an armed engagement. Although there are regional variations of the
particular rendition of ardah, the purpose it serves is nearly identical
throughout the Arabian Peninsula.

Corrupt persons, government officials, royal family members and

media have been arrested.
By siding with the least evil Royal group, offering them support and
power (alliance) and playing them against other family groups.
Stronger alliance with China. Military and economic deals negotiated.

Greatest Respect accorded to any US President.


NSA part of MI via INSCOM, bigger than CIA, and sees everything,
making them an important POTUS tool.

NSA = More tilted towards nationalism

CIA = More tilted towards globalism

See No Such Agency card from the Illuminati card game:
Securing Russian presence in Middle East:

- Tartous warm-water port gives direct access to the Mediterranean.

- Port is Sryian territory, Russia must ensure stability in Syria to keep

this access.

"Spy Vs. Spy

CIA Directorate of Operations code-named Snow White."
ID:gO/UntOB Sat 11 Nov 2017 23:53:04

ID:99LpGawB Sun 12 Nov 2017 12:16:24

According to an article that appeared in the New Yorker in 1941,
Goering was ultimately the real power.

Destroy the central power in Europe (Germany) that had dared to

created an independent public central bank not based on usury and
not affiliated with Rothschild central banking system.
Chancellor of Germany for past 12 years. Former physicist/Stasi
informer and member of FDJ (Freie Deutsche Jugend: political
motivated youth organisation. Similar Hitler Jugend (HJ) during WW2)
The Astor Family was one of the richest families in the world and John
Astor III opposed the Federal Reserve.

John Jacob Astor IV, the richest man in the world at the time, a friend
of Nikola Tesla, was an outspoken opponent of the creation of the
Federal Reserve. Astor gained his wealth, in part, as a real estate
builder, investor, and inventor. Other prominent Federal Reserve
detractors, such as Benjamin Guggenheim and Isa Strauss, also died
on board.”
10 famous people did not go, cancelled trip last minute

Removal of powerful opposition allowed control of world energy future

and creation of the Federal Reserve under Rothschild central banking
JP. Morgan - had his own personal suite, but he cancelled at the last
The girlfriend of Spehl, the suspected sabateur, had communist beliefs and anti-Nazi connections. (

Prescott Bush and Allen Dulles owned shares in Union Bank, which
owned Holland-America. Holland-America managed the Hindenburg.
The man in charge of Holland-America in the US, John Pannes, died
in the Hindenburg.
Prescott Bush and Allen Dulles owned shares in Union Bank, which
owned Holland-America. Holland-America managed the Hindenburg.
The man in charge of Holland-America in the US, John Pannes, died
in the Hindenburg.
Operation Snow White
ID:99LpGawB Sun 12 Nov 2017 12:31:16

Reference Titanic after pausing to say hello to CIA monitoring the

thread = they're going down. (the unsinkable CIA ship will sink)
(ID: /jAm9Qi+) 11/12/17(Sun)14:52:34

Aircraft Height.. AF1 under threat, service ceiling 45,100 feet (13.747
Exposing all the conspiracies at once will risk being labelled as
conspiracy story. People are not ready to digest everything at once.

The NSA "Q Group" is the directorate that was in n charge of hunting
down Snowden.

Admiral Mike Rogers was in Obama admin. On November 17, 2016,

he visited Trump at Trump Towers. On November 18, 2016, Trump
moved his transition team to New Jersey

Also Naval Intelligence, MI?

UAE tip about AQAP leader in Yemen.

William “Ryan” Owens and 29 civilians were killed Jan. 28 in the anti-
terrorism mission in Yemen

Washington Post, also owned by Jeff Bezos

But also word of mouth, links to actual proof

Sara A. Carter ✔@SaraCarterDC
Someone just tried to sign into my email from #China. Good thing I
put a second verification on my IPhone - caught them red handed.

11/8/2017 8:38
Wizards: signals intelligence - gathers everything.

Warlocks: defends against EMP

CIA Supercomputers = 7 Dwarfs

US Army 127th Support Battalion Unit IRON EAGLE

An Iron Eagle is an American military officer who has attained the rank
of Colonel but will not be promoted to the rank of General. The term
refers to the rank insignia a colonel wears, which resembles an eagle.
The SEAL leader radioed, “For God and country—Geronimo,
Geronimo, Geronimo” and “Geronimo E.K.I.A”, which means “enemy
killed in action”. Watching the operation from inside the White House
Situation Room, President Barrack Obama said simply, “We got him.”
The US is at risk this week by bad actors. Actions being taken are for
God and Country.

2 possible interpretations of 2nd message:

Air Force 1 (president's plane) will not fly at a certain elevation,

perhaps connected with the missile shot into Saudi Arabia from


Q-group messages will be more specific and less broad overview from
this point forward.

CIA attempted a hack using it's DREAM program, Council of Wizards

& Warlocks will be openly used, but not all. There is a large power-
shift occurring at the moment
ID:l/hYVcRn Sun 12 Nov 2017 16:24:44
NYT Confirmed propaganda
Look what happened to NSA during 9-11. Brought before Congress to
testify. Look what happened to Clowns in America during same time:
closed the doors and not a peep heard. See next two Q questions.

ID:X/EWIOzz Sun 12 Nov 2017 16:34:56

Take down of the bad actors' network (some call the NWO) is
ID:X/EWIOzz Sun 12 Nov 2017 17:10:49

- Certain capabilities can make it appear an attack is coming from a

foreign actor (i.e.: location, tactics, etc), this was in Wikileaks.

- NYT article validates Q authenticity and displays the MSM/CIAs

flawed logic.
Note some particular phrases that refer to things in a different context:
Q-group and dead man's switch; see below.

Willing to burn something they have in order to appear as the good


Bad actors (CIA and others) attempting to confuse by inserting non-Q

posts into the compilation graphic using a variety of tactics.

ID:TrJge011 Sun 12 Nov 2017 17:37:54

ID:/lc4nimE Mon 13 Nov 2017 13:04:46

Lynn de R is a friend of HRC and board member of McCain Institute.

Could also be Lord de Rothschild.

Plane / Helicopter crash at Rothschild Manor 11/17

ID:EV3pI+ol Tue 14 Nov 2017 12:51:10

- Bait and trap. It comes to something it wants.

- Large amounts of misdirection and surprise.

Referring to warrant, regular judiciary actions.

Swift, Silent, Deadly
Feign vulnerability, see if they attack.
In the mind of a bad actor, dead people are the best at keeping
Flush out leakers with false information. Expose leakers and purge

Use encryption

Forward to 2017 and (Wikileaks) Vaults 7 & 8. Now everyone is

patching up their systems, and closing the blinds and doors to the
Possibly feeding Wikileaks for the Vault 7 & Vault 8 leaks, because
then it would tie in completely as a covert op.
"All warfare is deception. Pretend inferiority and encourage the
arrogance of your enemy. Hold bait to them, feign disorder to draw
them in, then crush them." Sun Tzu

Another animal like them. A member of their herd....a Judas goat! The
one they least suspect.
FEAR. If Clowns use their power to stoke false fear, and manipulate
how the general public perceives that false risk, they have Power.
Show that their fears are false and they have no power.

-Most powerful military in the world with global force projection.

-Advanced technology and weapons system, some not yet made

public. We have bases all over the world.

Paper with which to buy luxury goods.

Home to United States Pacific Command and Fleet.

-DC jurisdiction too deeply involved in the Swamp

-Jury and judge selection will greatly vary. Allows for greater ease of
attack, from all sides. Greatly increases complexity of defense in law if
a target is legally pressed from every direction.

-Prevent Congress from overturning any of the indictments

-Remove the litigation from the corrupt DC judges. Decentralizing

removes the ability to easily control.

-To prevent bad DC elements from manipulating and/or leaking info.

So Trump's nominees are seated Federal Judges when these
indictments come down and the cases are litigated. This increases
our chances of having a non-corrupt Federal Judge preside over
these criminal cases.
!ITPb.qbhqo ID:EV3pI+ol Tue 14 Nov 2017 13:07:34

ID:wmN+33xv Tue 14 Nov 2017 21:25:09
Business and Political Leaders Discussed How to Stop Donald Trump
at Secluded Summit

She might not have been in a presentable mental and physical state
for the public.
There are many different voting machines in use, not just machines
from one manufacturer

Voter ID laws were intentionally left out so that illegal aliens, felons
and others voting on behalf of dead people could vote without being
caught or disqualified.

There is no sound justification for banning voter ID laws.

It's the line beyond which a known consequence will take place.

When it has been arrested. He/she has been arrested and is singing
like a bird
When it has been arrested. He/she has been arrested and is singing
like a bird
ID:wmN+33xv Tue 14 Nov 2017 21:25:29
Michael Scheuer or Ray Davis of CIA

Had this gotten out the whole 911 narrative would be shot. Mid east
invasions wouldn't have happened. Afghani poppy wouldn't be
captured for CIA trafficking.

Usama bin Laden was a CIA asset. Capturing and questioning him
would expose previous and ongoing illegal operations, as well as
other bad actors in the network, such as prominent Saudis.

-terrorism (nuclear, biological or chemical)

-depopulation through biological weapons, targeting specific

population groups

-depopulation through biological weapon such as the Plague (now in

Appealing to emotions - so they can take our guns and control us. An
armed citizenry is to be feared.

US populace is largest armed militia worldwide.

ID:snf602p9 Wed 15 Nov 2017 00:38:48

ID:eTJFrZ+E Sat 18 Nov 2017 05:18:29

ID:8GzG+UJ9 Mon 20 Nov 2017 02:29:00

ID:8GzG+UJ9 Mon 20 Nov 2017 02:29:21
Reported on Nov 14, 2017 Soros sold most of his stock.

Preponderance of Ashkenazi Jews in high positions in all the major

media companies as well as "anchors" and "reporters".
Recently, Trump has fought back using Twitter and possibly 4chan. It
is up to those reading this to spread the (real) truth and take over the

Exchanging information in return for protection

He worked both ways, as a honey pot and as a way to break apart the
Christian nuclear family and bring forth the idea that promiscuity was
better than the square image of the conservative at the time. There
was a Playmate that killed herself and died on an American flag and
had written that Hugh was the devil. He is distant cousins to Bush and
Kerry, both Skull and Bones members. The Good Shepard.

Map of tunnel feasability study between Playboy Mansion, Warren

Beatty, Kirk Douglas, Jack Nicholson, James Caan. (archived):

Article about the tunnels (archived):

Video regarding HH is Clowns In America, NSA Q Group, mk ultra, adrenochrome, pedophilia, etc...
Wikileaks Cable: Operation 'babylift' involving Hugh Hefner,
Vietnamese children were orphans being used in "child kidnapping"

Snapshot graphic attached to row.

D:LuUE1Prl Mon 20 Nov 2017 03:49:32

ID:LuUE1Prl Mon 20 Nov 2017 04:00:31

"The Senate committee searching for Clinton's alleged wrongdoing is keeping their witness's name cloaked. However, William
ID:LuUE1Prl Mon 20 Nov 2017 04:05:24

A "bot" script had been active that scraped posts on 4chan from
various boards including /pol/, as well as previous posts within CBTS
threads. The bots spammed unrelated and irrelevant posts very
quickly to degrade, discourage, demoralize, confuse the contributors,
and ennerve the moderation to the point that the discussion threads
would be prohibited on this topic.

ID:DmzzKPea Mon 20 Nov 2017 12:48:10

-Manipulatable collection of related sets of information

-Large collections of related sets of information that are composed of

separate elements but can be manipulated as units by a computer.
-Data sets are used for machine-learning research.

-Data sets are created by different

organizations/agencies/governments and may have conflicting
content (Two data sets from different organizations may measure
differently). Data sets can easily be inaccurate; can and are bent to
suit narratives.

A tool used to show a data set.

Twitter signed onto the EU hate speech code.

Twitter, Facebook and Google are partnering to create a database of

"hateful" images. If an image is flagged on Twitter, then it will be
erased from Google and FB as well.
Saudi Arabian prince Alwaeed Bin Talal can influence Twitter
censorship in America because he owns a large portion of Twitter
stock. (Kingdom Holding Co. CEO: 34.9 million shares)

The Prince wanted to expand censorship to exert more control over

the narrative.
Twitter will ban you for behavior on and off the platform with their new
cookie policy.
Twitter will begin shutting down accounts that are considered to hold
inconvenient, politically incorrect, or views contrary to the prevailing
narrative, that Twitter claims therefore to be "extremist."

Speech on NK, "days of international lawlessness are numbered" as a

warning to the Clowns In America

Pentagon Exposed 1.8 Billion Social Media Posts From Facebook and
Twitter for Anyone to See

Eg: Dataminr, has received funding from the CIA’s venture capital arm
In-Q-Tel and Twitter owns 5% of it.

Dataminr publicly says its service “transforms the Twitter stream and
other public datasets into actionable alerts, providing must-know
information in real-time for clients” in the public and private sectors.
Beacon Global Strategies(Clinton Camp) working with Dataminr
specifically offered governments the ability “to explore an individual’s
past digital activity on social media and discover an individual’s
interconnectivity and interactions with others on social media.”

Enforce free speech standards on Social Media?

It may take years to battle in courts because of the vast amount of

power and wealth these entities have amassed. They have an
incentive to control the population
Break the conditioning with diagrams, memes, IMAGES, the most
primal and basic forms of communication.

VISUAL persuasion.
From Jason Bourne movie:
But computer specialist Heather Lee (Alicia Vikander) has noticed the
intrusion. She’s the protege of CIA Director Robert Dewey (Tommy
Lee Jones), and she gives her boss a heads-up. He’s secretly working
with Aaron Kalloor (Riz Ahmed), the head of sprawling social media
company ...

Deep Dream.

Dewey plans to gain back-door access to their new platform, which

will enable the CIA to have unprecedented surveillance upon their
users. This puts the CIA on a collision course with Bourne. Again.
Dewey sends an unnamed asset (the also great Vincent Cassel) to
eliminate Bourne and Nicky, and the hunt is on.
ID:Qwfs7lfI Mon 20 Nov 2017 13:12:14

POTUS has bypassed the media gatekeepers to speak to people

directly. Trump has awakened THE PEOPLE

ALSO SEE: 12/05/17 >>38507

q# 2099-2100

ID:Qwfs7lfI Mon 20 Nov 2017 13:13:08

ID:AjEyk7a4 Mon 20 Nov 2017 13:10:19

ID:Qwfs7lfI Mon 20 Nov 2017 13:19:39

ID:G8TT126Y Mon 20 Nov 2017 13:15:12

ID:Qwfs7lfI Mon 20 Nov 2017 13:24:02

ID:ElcmhCtp Mon 20 Nov 2017 19:17:08

ID:hBrMT7Bt Mon 20 Nov 2017 19:40:49

ID:S2g2/YEM Mon 20 Nov 2017 19:42:50

ID:6XKIeKXI Mon 20 Nov 2017 20:12:32

LARP = Live Action Role Playing

Pretending to be someone you are not online for attention, a joke (teh
lulz) or just to troll others.

ID:rHXVKCrC Tue 21 Nov 2017 18:43:15

Confirmation of Drop, Troop Transfer via route 891 at 0600 hours

Green, action 1 at 0600

Map = QMap, the graphic compilation of all of Q's posts in

chronological order.

ID:rHXVKCrC Tue 21 Nov 2017 19:01:21

Last stringer before the Mike Green one:


ID:/lc4nimE Mon 13 Nov 2017 13:04:46

Distress cal[L]s to others will [d]o you/family no good at this stage. We
know whe[R]e you/the family are at all times and can hear you
To allow target to counter-> draw out target.

Map = QMap, the graphic compilation of all of Q's posts in

chronological order.

ID:rHXVKCrC Tue 21 Nov 2017 19:15:58

disinformation is necessary

Keywords: Confirm, Green, Sky. These keywords were included so

that the receiver could understand the code, carry out the instructions.
The purpose was to send a message and convey instructions. A
message had been directed at Lynn de Rothschild "We're watching
you and your family and distress calls will do you no good. We can
hear you breathing." Some bad actors, possibly the CIA on behalf of
the Rothschild family countered the operation. Anons have been given
clues about what was going to happen beforehand. We have to learn
to interpret Q's statements and questions correctly in order to
understand what is being conveyed and be able to correctly build the
bigger picture. Either there were posts missing from the graphic
compilation (Q-Map) or anons have been missing the critical
connections between items. The Q-Map is absolutely key to
understanding. It is critical to ensure that all of Q's posts are in the
correct order to correctly understand and accomplish the tasks anons
have been given.

ID:a9MnCArQ Tue 21 Nov 2017 19:39:58

Captain Green go to Booker Airfield and pick up Asian Pilot

First Picture of Vietnamese Pilot in Helicopter Crash Over Rothschild's


He was a senior instructor with more than 30 years of experience and

was a former army instructor
The planned misson was countered by Jaspal Barha (Cessna pilot)
who hit the helicopter.

Dog walker Daniel Bennett

Waddesdon Estate Gardener, Len Bellis

Learn to correctly interpret Q's posts (and the answers) to correctly
read the map (of Q's posts)
The graphic compilation of his posts is called Q-Map
ID:a9MnCArQ Tue 21 Nov 2017 20:18:17

ID:c9QCQdsX Tue 21 Nov 2017 20:01:29

>Act II, Scene IV
The same scene in Macbeth talks about a falcon flying freely before
being ambushed by an owl. It is noted that the owl does not normally
hunt the falcon. The scene continues to talk about many odd
happenings and a darkness on the horizon for humanity. It is noted
that even the horses are rebelling and turning upon one another
(specifically eating each other).

Julius Cesear: Act 2 Scene 4

(n a street in front of Brutus house.) Portia is with the servant Lucius,

she asks Lucius to go to the Capitol and bring her back word of what
is happening there because she is worried about Brutus.

The soothsayer enters, Portia asks him if Caesar has been to the
Capitol yet. The soothsayer says that he is gone to wait for Caesar on
his way to the senate. The soothsayer wants to warn Caesar about
his concerns that something bad will happen to him. The soothsayer

Alone on stage, Portia prays for Brutus to succeed in whatever his

endeavor is, and tells Lucius to run and check on Brutus for her.
ID:a9MnCArQ Tue 21 Nov 2017 20:22:58

ID:y1XGelPg Tue 21 Nov 2017 20:18:23

NB: LRD is Lynn de Rothschild

ID:AJWt5SQs Tue 21 Nov 2017 21:10:09

ID:uMuGxlli Tue 21 Nov 2017 20:46:17

ID:AJWt5SQs Tue 21 Nov 2017 21:19:27

ID:WGF9EL8f Tue 21 Nov 2017 20:55:41

OWL = Dark OPS (Intel Comm),

Dark Arts (Occult)

ID:AJWt5SQs Tue 21 Nov 2017 21:24:48

ID:L0zQwZXN Tue 21 Nov 2017 21:03:10

ID:pOV0fY+r Tue 21 Nov 2017 22:07:58

Images depicting owls on buildings around the world:

They should fear us.

ID:pOV0fY+r Tue 21 Nov 2017 22:09:39

direct link to image:

The Black Forest Stag = Y

ID:pOV0fY+r Tue 21 Nov 2017 22:11:47


ID:pOV0fY+r Tue 21 Nov 2017 22:49:02

My actual conclusion is probably what's delayed me the most as it's

been mind blowing understanding our country now.... I totally get it..

Current conclusions?
so Titanic -> Rothchild screws America by making our money
worthless -> crash of 29 -> Tons new government which doesn't fix
the problem Rothchild created (but a war helps) -> cia -> everyone
blackmailed with sex tapes -> media consumed cia -> Country forced
hard left -> population to puppets -> Causes uprising by certain
Patriots like Kennedy/Reagan/Trump and while they managed to kill
Kennedy and outlast Reagan enough lessons were learned that we
are now finally ready to clean house and become America again?

First time in about a hundred years.... wow...

ID:pOV0fY+r Tue 21 Nov 2017 22:50:09

ID:GazxQd8P Tue 21 Nov 2017 22:32:56

ID:GazxQd8P Tue 21 Nov 2017 22:32:56

direct link to image:

Photo depicts an aerial view of the White House in Washington, D.C.

and grounds area in the outline of an owl.

ID:CJqu8oIu Tue 21 Nov 2017 23:52:02


Bruce Springsteen, Sigourney Weaver, Meryl Streep, Demi Lovato,
Lena Dunham, Ja Rule, Kim Kardashian, Magic Johnson, Miley
Cyrus, Brittney Spears, Cee Lo Green, Kanye West, Drake,
Lil'Wayne, Jamie Foxx, Justin Timberlake, Justin Beiber, Rosie O
Donnel, Oprah Winfrey, Snoop Dogg, Numerous Sports figures, I.e.
(Shaquille O'Neal, Kobe Bryant, Lebron James, Michael Jordan, The
Williams Sisters, etc), Tyler Perry, R. Kelley, All the Kardasians, Taylor
Swift, Amber Rose, Martin & Charlie Sheen, Barbara Walters, Kathy
Griffin, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Woody Allen, Brad Pitt,
Johnny Depp, Seth Mc. Farlane, Matt Groening, George Takei,
Harvey Weinstein, Tom Cruise, Kevin Spacey, Wendy Williams,
William Baldwin, Dr. Dre, Eminem, Bon Jovi, George Clooney,
Jennifer Lopez, Pharrell Williams, Billy Joel, Sister Sledge, Jessica
Biel, Demi Lovato, Amy Schumer, Sarah Silverman, Ellen DeGeneres,
Elizabeth Banks, Elton John, Lady Gaga, Bryan Cranston, Kat
Dennings, Angela Bassett, Drew Barrymore, Shonda Rhimes, J.J.
Abrams, Eva Longoria, Scarlett Johansson, Kerry Washington, Olivia
Wilde, Reese Witherspoon, Julianne Moore, Lena Dunham, Robert
De Niro, Matt Damon, Cher, Madonna, John Legend, Samuel
Jackson...basically all the MSM icons.

Elizabeth Banks – 10/4

Eva Longoria, Julianna Margulies , & Estelle – 10/5

Tapes Ellen DeGeneres show – 10/13

Elton John & Andra Day – 10/13

Casey and Laura Wasserman (host) – 10/13
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis – 10/14
Pusha T – 10/15
Amy & Freddy – 10/15
BLM activists Deray Mckesson and Brittany Packnett – 10/21

Attends Adele concert – 10/25

Jennifer Epstein – 10/25
Cecile Richards, Stephanie Schriock and Ilyse Hogue – 10/28

Jennifer Lopez – 10/29

**September 2016**
Demi Lovato – 9/6
Barbra Streisand –9/9
BD Wong – 9/13
Tapes "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon" – 9/16

John Lithgow – 9/18

Sally Field – 9/24
Richard Schiff, Allison Janney, Bradley Whitford, Dulé Hill, Joshua
Malina, and Mary McCormack (West Wing cast) – 9/24

Amy Poehler, Ana Gasteyer, Jane Curtin, Rachel Dratch, Aparna

Nancherla, Jessica Williams, Phoebe Robinson, Kate Berlant,
Cameron Esposito, Rhea Butler, Amber Ruffin, Jenny Hagel, Michael
Ian Black, and Aziz Ansari. – 9/25

Uzo Aduba, Michele Kwan -- 9/26

**August 2016**
Warren Buffet – 8/1
Audra McDonald – 8/8
Paul McCartney –8/17
Jennifer Garner – 8/18
Cher – 8/21
Magic Johnson – 8/23
Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel –8/24 (note, fundraiser was
originally supposed to be at Leonardo DiCaprio's home)

Jennifer Aniston, Jamie Foxx, and Tobey Maguire (attendees) – 8/25

Jimmy Buffett
DJ Samantha Ronson, Tony Goldwyn, DJ Khaled, Ashton Kutcher –
Max Weinberg – 8/31
-OVO Sound homepage, owl logo very prevalent
Social media role is to "not trend" or delete anything that is not
sanctioned and is therefore labeled a conspiracy theory, thereby
suppressing the truth.
Any views or news labeled "Conspiracy theory" is manually prevented
by companies from "Trending". Hence this news and information is
being censored (Google, Twitter, and Facebook examples). With the
new rules only approved news is allowed to be seen and promoted.
Hence the truth will be suppressed and censored.

This cult is active in the worst activities known: human/sex trafficking
(including children), pornography -including of children and "snuff"
films, slavery (including sex slavery), drug production and trafficking
(CIA and Afghan poppy fields, that fund their beyond-black operations)
and more. The reality is almost too horrible to accept.

Pop culture reference: The Matrix reality (movie)

The public, thanks to the Internet being able to bypass the

Mockingbird media, are waking up at an ever increasing pace.
ID:T4rZfKsN Wed 22 Nov 2017 01:30:56

House of Saud (housecleaning complete)


and all of their associated minions, lackey and puppets, including

rogue agencies such as the CIA.
Without the protection of or funds from these bad actors, politicians
and others are less likely to continue working on the agenda. Without
that protection they are vulnerable and that can be exploited to gain
information for prosecution of themselves and/or others in this

Link with China, Russia, and those in SA who have chosen to get on
the right side of things

After the Elections in Germany the SPD decided not to form a

Coalition with Merkel. Now they are thinking of it again. So they don't
know anything about this. Germans have been kept in the dark for 70
years, fed lies and were told they are to blame for the two World
With the cutting of the strings between puppets and puppeteers, some
of the lackeys and minions will no doubt exchange information for a
plea deal or immunity from prosecution. The very real fear is that
there will be a percentage who will talk and share information, but no
one knows who is talking and who isn't, therefore fear and panic set in
as no one knows how close to being caught one is.
20% of bad actors will be removed PUBLICALLY - in court. To
establish trust in the rule of law. 80% will be taken out secretly "black
ops", or else it would overwhelm the justice system.

ID:T4rZfKsN Wed 22 Nov 2017 01:34:58

ID:Ukm/q3OU Wed 22 Nov 2017 01:33:54

direct link to image:

ID:Hy6wyrTj Wed 22 Nov 2017 01:46:36

The three families (Saud, Rothschild and later Soros) have had
enormous influence after WW2, all negative. Their programs and
policies erode culture, promote degeneracy, financially enslave and
destroy nations. All three families happen to be Jewish.
Reference Magnisky act. Two weeks after Obama signed the
Magnitsky Act, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a bill that
blocked adoption of Russian children by parents in the United States.
Russia then also imposed sanctions on Browder and found Magnitsky
posthumously guilty of crimes. Some say this was done by Putin to
stop the flow of Russian children being adopted for trafficking.

Obama was on his way out as president in 2016. He was humiliated

by China, the Philipines, and Russia. Other than the climate deal,
there was increasing amounts of friction between the countries. It was
said that the US was looking weak and tired. They saw an opportunity
to make Obama look weak. White House statement, Obama told Xi of
"America's unwavering support for upholding human rights." Xi told
Obama in response, "China opposes any other country interfering in
its internal affairs in the name of human rights issues."
Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire: A 500-Year History - Kurt
Anderson - Could Q be referencing this book?

CIA creates fantasy, confusion, cognitive distortions using several methods

ID:oLYy24dw Wed 22 Nov 2017 12:33:50

SET - Egyptian god, brother of Osiris, Isis (Aset), Nut, uncle to Horus.
Represented evil, conflict, deception, betrayal, rebellion. Cross-
pantheon to Marduk and Lucifer.

Modern day Temple of Set - US-based Satanic church split-off

founded by Lt. Col. Michael Aquino

ID:pD23hqrn Wed 22 Nov 2017 16:28:01

IAEA reports show Iran has no nuclear weapons program, despite

what the Mockingbird media says. Anyone from the public can read
the reports.

Gold means power (3rd chakra).

On 12/12/72 Marie-Hélène de Rothschild, member of the most

powerful elite family in the world, held a Surrealist Ball at Château de
Ferrières, one of the family’s gigantic mansions.

Inversion of ritual persons, objects or acts is common with "Satanic"

or dark occultic orders. The inversion is a deliberate act of perversion,
meant specifically to defile the symbol, object or act and therefore rob
it of symbolic power, and taking that power to themselves and/or their

Movie plot- "The film is about a plot by an Austrian to trigger a nuclear

war between the United States and Russia, so that he can establish a
fascist superstate in Europe. After the scientists build a secret nuclear
weapon that destroys Baltimore and a rogue Russian officer was paid
off and attacks a U.S. aircraft carrier, the world's superpowers are
pushed close to the brink of all-out war. CIA analyst Jack Ryan
(Affleck) is the only person who realizes that the Baltimore bomb was
a black market weapon, not a Russian one. With the clock ticking,
Ryan has to find a way to stop the impending nuclear war." -

Also book about the dissolution of the USSR->

ID:YzNom6b4 Wed 22 Nov 2017 16:33:25

ID:YzNom6b4 Wed 22 Nov 2017 16:36:25

ID:LOkt3Z9j Wed 22 Nov 2017 16:04:51

direct link to image:

ID:YzNom6b4 Wed 22 Nov 2017 16:47:21

- It is also difficult and costly to mine, hence the use of slaves to mine.

- Gold also is an insulator for refined Uranium.

The Y's do this today. There's a connection.

ID:YzNom6b4 Wed 22 Nov 2017 16:52:24

ID:YzNom6b4 Wed 22 Nov 2017 17:07:59

The US subsidaries of Uranium One, Inc. were formerly Canadian

owned. RSB logistics could move the uranium from Uranium One
USA in KY to Cameco Corp in Ontario. Now technically, once the
conversion plant (Cameco Corp) is done with it, the uranium must
return to the US, however, it's already out of the country and here is
the perfect way to move it abroad. Link to the export license and a
memo Representative Visclosky with the details.
To hide the fact that 20% of the total U238 stockpile (Uranium1) was
being sold to a Russian company.

$1.7-billion payment to Iran was all in cash due to effectiveness of

sanctions, White House says
- An initial $400 million of euros, Swiss francs and other foreign
currency was delivered on pallets Jan. 17, the same day Tehran
agreed to release four American prisoners.

- The remaining $1.3 billion represented estimated interest on the

Iranian cash the U.S. had held since the 1970s. The administration
had previously declined to say if the interest was delivered to Iran in
physical cash, as with the principal, or via a more regular banking

- The officials said the $1.3 billion was paid in cash on Jan. 22 and
Feb. 5.
1.7 Billion dollars,
(13 trips by plane with 10 million dollars?)

Cover story
The $1.7 billion was the settlement of a decades-old arbitration claim
between the U.S. and Iran. An initial $400 million of euros, Swiss
francs and other foreign currency was delivered on pallets Jan. 17,
the same day Tehran agreed to release four American prisoners.
ID:3EnVOnlV Wed 22 Nov 2017 17:45:01








ID:3EnVOnlV Wed 22 Nov 2017 17:53:22

ID:UybaYRYn Wed 22 Nov 2017 17:51:42

ID:8Y4+Wtct Wed 22 Nov 2017 17:49:05

ID:gq87sJf0 Wed 22 Nov 2017 23:29:41

ID:WXyMF1WS Wed 22 Nov 2017 23:30:51

ID:gq87sJf0 Wed 22 Nov 2017 23:32:01

ID:QAPSaY3V Wed 22 Nov 2017 23:30:47

ID:gq87sJf0 Wed 22 Nov 2017 23:36:06

ID:AWk/5slA Wed 22 Nov 2017 23:32:59

NB - This is a "named" anon who calls himself "DEATH TO THE
TRIUMVIRATE" and *claims* to be a Rothschild who is against what
his family has and is doing in this world.

ID:ss2EXAyq Wed 22 Nov 2017 23:47:11

ID:66o6MRSe Wed 22 Nov 2017 23:55:41

ID:66o6MRSe Thu 23 Nov 2017 00:01:22

ID:66o6MRSe Thu 23 Nov 2017 00:05:13

$$ misappropriate to BHO needs/desires; can attain papers/plans via


Obama dismantle the shuttle program so the U.S. military can not
send their satellites/weapons/equipment into space.

SpaceX-Private entity no FOIA requests honored.

CIA or other entities could more easily share those patents/IP from
SpaceX with NK rather than sharing NASA information which would
certainly be highly illegal.

ID:66o6MRSe Thu 23 Nov 2017 00:07:16

ID:e9hPKb0e Thu 23 Nov 2017 00:05:55

ID:e9hPKb0e Thu 23 Nov 2017 00:04:53

direct link to image:

ID:66o6MRSe Thu 23 Nov 2017 00:10:13

ID:66o6MRSe Thu 23 Nov 2017 00:27:53

ID:G9U7adoa Thu 23 Nov 2017 00:19:48

ID:RI4VQBy9 Thu 23 Nov 2017 00:14:57

ID:66o6MRSe Thu 23 Nov 2017 00:33:39

ID:b+CmIEaI Thu 23 Nov 2017 00:47:45

Gullible people post names, photos, personal connections, personal

history, political affiliations and views, shopping habits and more
information that is totally insecure.

Needed citizens to do their work for them...create the ultimate social

Facebook, the social media site used by billions is really a spying tool.
Supposedly created by Mark Zuckerberg and others, it was really
made for the CIA. It creates the ultimate social networking map as
gullible people publicly post names, personal connections, photos,
education and employment history, political affiliations and views,
shopping habits and more. It is also used by a network of bad actors
as an advertisement or catalog of people bad actors can buy as sex
slaves (reference the movie Taken).

ID:b+CmIEaI Thu 23 Nov 2017 00:52:14

Priscilla Chan: Encouraged Zuckerberg to start an organ donor

facebook site. And she has family in China.

Priscilla Chan is also a pediatrician

ID:b+CmIEaI Thu 23 Nov 2017 01:11:25

Keyhole is the name of NRO (National Reconnaissance Office)

satellite program. it was mostly optical images in near real time. It is
also part of a larger surveillance network these days


ID:b+CmIEaI Thu 23 Nov 2017 01:14:06

ID:hPg9HcUL Thu 23 Nov 2017 01:12:34

ID:b+CmIEaI Thu 23 Nov 2017 01:16:24

ID:hipNwtJK Thu 23 Nov 2017 01:15:23

ID:obxcQjTw Thu 23 Nov 2017 01:13:5

ID:fX85VkAw Thu 23 Nov 2017 21:54:44

ID:fX85VkAw Thu 23 Nov 2017 22:14:30

ID:fX85VkAw Thu 23 Nov 2017 22:21:46

Even if that is untrue, the damage to his dignity and reputation was
made. Others in the cabal and network do not and cannot know
whether the divulged information or not, if he did what he told and who
he implicated.

Since no one in the cabal of bad actors knows what Alwaleed said or
didn't say, the effect will be distrust and even panic. Many will make
significant mistakes due to panic, many will plot revenge. Never
interrupt your enemy when he is killing his own.
ID:fX85VkAw Thu 23 Nov 2017 22:29:58

ID:AMBznWhW Thu 23 Nov 2017 22:25:26



ID:/cDHrhas Thu 23 Nov 2017 23:12:46

United States Secretary of Education

ID:q8aHxh0v Fri 24 Nov 2017 01:14:46

ID:orlJUPCM Fri 24 Nov 2017 01:04:19

Those who buried the bodies

ID:q8aHxh0v Fri 24 Nov 2017 01:23:11

ID:jYb7cHDY Fri 24 Nov 2017 01:17:30

ID:7W57HuKG Fri 24 Nov 2017 16:19:45

ID:3LaVfhm8 Sat 25 Nov 2017 13:20:08

This election took the cabal of bad actors by surprise, they did not
ever think they would lose control of the US Presidency, yet they did.
PAK has been long regarded as SA's backdoor nuclear program

ID:3LaVfhm8 Sat 25 Nov 2017 13:30:47

ID:3LaVfhm8 Sat 25 Nov 2017 14:22:21
Red 1 Red 2

Red Cross
Red organization (AIDS) charity
Satellite, 40k view, see ? [30 meters]

President personal message: we are with you

ID:3LaVfhm8 Sat 25 Nov 2017 14:35:44

Confirm, go twitter, president's account small header; also POTUS

tweeted a hashtag #smallbusiness, likely a code
Generally the term 'red' would indicate either a high level of
preparedness: "We are at condition red."; "Place your weapon into
'red' status." (loaded, round in the chamber and safety on) or a
combat/emergency situation: Also, a team color: Red team, Blue team

11/25/17 (Sat) 22:54:45 ID: 48dd16

NB - The tripcode translates exactly if it is "insecure" using one #, if it
is "secure" using 2# then it does not translate over exactly. Since Q's
tripcode is insecure, it does in fact translate over exactly. Note also,
that there is no space between NAME and the tripcode (starts with !)
on 8ch.
11/26/17 (Sun) 00:28:38 ID: 48dd16

11/29/17 (Wed) 14:21:16 ID:0a9612

Supercomputer(s) employed to make it impossible for Q to

communicate with us.

This was unexpected by Q group

(SPECULATION) Snow White system was deployed by cl0wns out of
desperation; may be an older system that had been considered
shelved or outdated and therefore not considered as an operational
option by Q group.

The steps necessary for Q to post create additional difficulties due to

the interference.

Working on it and it will be solved

Culprits (possibly moles) removed

Answer the questions, paint the big picture, break it back down, make
memes to educate and calm the public.

11/30/17 (Thu) 00:05:38 ID:249a4f

He is a treasonous puppet with no strings. He is looking for protection.

2 days ago (11/28/17) NK fired a missle into the sea. Another 'test' to
for publicity to promote fear. In actuality, they have a the ability to put
a nuke in USA. Missle defense systems are being purchased by

11/30/17 (Thu) 00:38:37 7ebe7c

This is a summary of Obama's legislative record in Illinois

This is a commentary on his characteristics as a state senator:

Pragmatic, shrewd and always looking ahead to broadening his


Meme attached to row

BHO wrote an article for the HLR while still president, January 2017,
about the social justice system.

Obama got his start in civil rights practice
John Conyers is the present Congressman in the House of Rep. for
the 13th district of Michigan

Report: Obama Campaign Paid Same Clinton and DNC Law Firm that
Hired Fusion GPS

Damage mitigation, meeting with Xi 11/29 also

Globalists do not want a united nuclear Korea, Hillary talking to Goldman Sachs about it:
Rapid NK tech development.

SpaceX and NK tech.

DPRK holds Seoul hostage

Merriam Webster:

1 a : a person held by one party in a conflict as a pledge pending the

fulfillment of an agreement

b : a person taken by force to secure the taker's demands

2 : one that is involuntarily controlled by an outside influence

- Targets are mostly in entertainment media,

- Same media that works on the agenda to destroy America and

Western Culture

- Same media that are reflexively anti-American and extremely liberal

- Same media that creates fake conspiracies where there are none,
and studiously obfuscate actual wrong-doing and conspiracies

Will show the utter and complete hypocrisy, as individuals and as a

Helps to undermine trust in media to an even further degree than
This act eliminates the moral high ground those in the media and
even some politicians have occupied publicly, while either actively
working to destroy our civilization (media) or obstructing what will help
to strengthen our country and civilization (legislators/government).

Purposeful to lessen the shock of worse things to be revealed

Pop culture reference: MATRIX (movie)

You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and
believe whatever you want to believe.

You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how
deep the rabbit hole goes.

The pills represent a choice we have to make between accepting the

truth of reality (red pill), which could be harsh and difficult, and
maintaining our blissful ignorance of the world (blue pill), which is way
more comfortable.

- Reluctantcy to face the truth and or the end of something.

- When you don't trust the source (pill)

Deep State politiicians, media/publishing, education, many NGOs and

Deep State politiicians, media/publishing, education, many NGOs and

While this can encompass a breadth of armed confrontation, its core

definition hinges on two separate powers utilizing external strife to
somehow attack the interests or territorial holdings of the other. This
frequently involves both countries fighting their opponent's allies, or
assisting their allies in fighting their opponent.

SPECULATION: NK is a proxy for the war between the Deep state

and current US Administration
Possibly because it would tip off some bad actors in our government
(some of them are on the requesting committee) and outside it.

To maintain the element of surprise; probably, don't want to give

evidence to those about to be indicted

From Congressional Research Service:

" Commander-in-Chief, the President has the authority to

establish the standards for access to classified national security
information. This authority is typically exercised through the issuance
of executive orders."

11/30/17 (Thu) 01:01:36 ID: 7db625

This plan has been cooking for some time and the entire narrative
was fabricated:

Pakistan May Have Aided North Korea A-Test
"The debate over the 1998 tests was never settled and fell into
obscurity, until Dr. Khan confessed last month that he had spread
nuclear skills and equipment to North Korea, as well as Libya and
Iran, over more than a decade."
NK has allegedly been using Ukrainian rocket engines:

Kiev space chief: Engines used in North Korea rockets made for
Russia but China also had fuel tech
Pakistan is in Asia
11/30/17 (Thu) 01:12:57 ID: 7db625

They just hired a former national security advisor to Obama

Somehow escaped the disaster on 9/11


What Michelle Obama didn't like about working at Sidley Austin.
11/30/17 (Thu) 02:23:51 47b2cc
This PDF also states, "The Friends of The Asia Foundation Korea
(FOTAF) is a nonprofit organization created in 2004.

FOTAF’s directors are some of Korea’s most distinguished statesmen

and business people, including former prime minister Lee Hong-koo,
former foreign minister Han Sung-joo, and former chair of the
JoongAng Media Network Hong Seokhyun. FOTAF offers advisory
and financial support, particularly focusing on Korea’s international
relations, its role in regional development, and programs that support
constructive engagement with North Korea."
"Robert Blum, the spy who shaped the world Part 1"

["…The Asia Foundation’s website entry on Blum not only omits a

considerable amount of information, it contains factual inaccuracies.
Even the CIA’s website contains some inaccurate information on
Blum’s career. .."]

ID:W6dZplnF Thu 30 Nov 2017 23:42:25

Botnet taken down.

12/01/17 (Fri) 00:08:26 ID: fbc52d

Referring to WH anon posts on 4/pol/

apparently there were two anons there posting pictures and

conversing with each other

12/01/17 (Fri) 00:09:33 ID: fbc52d

12/01/17 (Fri) 00:09:33 ID: fbc52d

MSM back peddles their fake news - alleging treason

ABC News corrects bombshell Flynn report
12/01/17 (Fri) 00:17:43 fbc52d

Oh yes it's been beautiful even if no one else has noticed it exists.
Except you, anons.

As of December 3, 2017

Bob Corker (R) Tennessee
Jeff Flake (R) Arizona

Bob Goodlatte (R) Virginia, District 6
Carol Shea-Porter (D) NH, District 1
Charles W. Dent (R) PA, District 15
Dave Reichert (R) WA, District 8
David Trott (R) Michigan, District 11
Frank LoBiondo (R) NJ, District 2
Gene Green (D) Texas, District 29
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R) FL, District 27
Jeb Hensarling (R) Texas, District 5
Joe Barton (R) Texas, District 6
John Delaney (D) MD, District 6
John J. Duncan, Jr. (R) TN, District 2
Lamar Smith (R) Texas, District 21
Luis V. Gutierrez (D) Illinois, District 4
Lynn Jenkins (R) Kansas, District 2
Niki Tsongas (D) MA, District 3
Sam Johnson (R) Texas, District 3
Sandy Levin (D) Michigan, District 9
Ted Poe (R) Texas, District 2

Leaving Federal office to run for State

Colleen Hanabusa (D) Hawaii, District 1
Diane Black (R) TN, District 6
Jared Polis (D) Colorado, District 2
James B. Renaci (R) Ohio, District 16
Kristi L. Noem (R) SD, At-Large District
Michelle Lujan Grisham,(D) NM, District 1
Raul R Labrador (R) Idaho, District 1
Steve Pearce (R) New Mexico, District 2
Tim Walz (D) Minnesota, District 1

Left Office
Jason Chaffetz (R) Utah, District 3
Patrick J. Tiberi (R) Ohio, District 2
Tim Murphy (R) Pennsylvania, District 18

Possibly insinuating that Phase 2 won't be as easy for the public to

12/01/17 (Fri) 00:38:08 fbc52d

Q has been repeatedly confirmed to date.

The id for the pic POTUS tweeted on Nov. 8th from AF1 says DOITQ
when you download it.

direct link to image:

photo also attached to row

Also when Trump tweeted +++


12/01/17 (Fri) 00:46:51 ID: fbc52d

12/01/17 (Fri) 00:46:51 ID: fbc52d

He's so evil he might be one to take a fall instead of having a chance

to sing
He doesn't know how and isn't able to be his own man. He only knows
how to be a pawn in someone else's chess game.

12/01/17 (Fri) 00:49:43 ID: fbc52d

Q mentioned this previously (question #1937) with: 89074-b

89074 data center job

Network Engineer


Government : Military

12/04/17 (Mon) 22:01:07 eda158

Anti-Trump Text Messages Show Pattern of Bias on Mueller's Team
12/04/17 (Mon) 22:12:51 eda158

12/04/17 (Mon) 22:38:51 eda158

12/04/17 (Mon) 22:45:41 eda158

12/04/17 (Mon) 22:50:10 ID: eda158

12/04/17 (Mon) 23:01:17 ID: eda158

Red Cross threatened by unauthorised Panama Papers link: ICRC

12/04/17 (Mon) 23:07:17 ID: eda158

12/04/17 (Mon) 23:01:32 ID: cc8528

Meet me in Seoul - red front page.png

direct link to photo:

original link, now 404:

12/04/17 (Mon) 23:12:59 ID: eda158

12/04/17 (Mon) 23:14:24 ID: eda158

12/04/17 (Mon) 23:27:40 ID: eda158

12/04/17 (Mon) 23:30:26 ID: eda158

12/04/17 (Mon) 23:24:46 ID: 6ee2e0

12/04/17 (Mon) 23:41:11 ID: eda158

12/05/17 (Tue) 04:30:55 ID: 1139cb

12/05/17 (Tue) 00:09:40 ID: cc0116

Fifteen Marines, one Navy Corpsman killed in Mississippi plane crash

Monday, July 10th 2017, 4:47 pm EST

12/05/17 (Tue) 00:24:14 ID: cc0116

12/05/17 (Tue) 00:24:14 ID: cc0116

12/05/17 (Tue) 00:31:00 ID: cc0116

Only built 6 houses. Brought Cholera to Haiti.

Clinton Foundation and CGI have been publicly exposed, scrutinized,
no longer patronized, DoJ and Congress began investigations:

12/05/17 (Tue) 00:45:56 ID: cc0116

12/05/17 (Tue) 01:48:47 ID: cc0116

12/05/17 (Tue) 01:54:26 cc0116

12/05/17 (Tue) 01:54:26 cc0116

12/05/17 (Tue) 15:43:47 abced6

Obstructionist Democrat puppet removed

Narrative now shifting onto FBI corruption, Andrew McCabe, Peter

Strzok. Handling of Flynn case. What if it's determined their bias
determined their investigations into HRC? Dems? Hacking? What if
payoffs/promotions proven? All their investigations are determined null
and void - new, proper investigations take place?

Flynn tries to help fellow patriot Robyn Gritz, vetted by Navy, MI, and
even Cuck Grassley, FBI then targets both Flynn and Gritz - publicly
known but finally solid evidence and investigation able to lead to
flushing out the FBI? Complete investigation into FBI - find all bad
actors under guise of "sexual harassment" investigation?

All their plans have come to naught and the law will be used against

12/05/17 (Tue) 15:49:09 abced6

12/05/17 (Tue) 15:52:48 abced6

Al will make an announcement 12/7/17

(28+ Dems call on him to resign)

12/05/17 (Tue) 15:53:38 abced6

2/05/17 (Tue) 15:52:54 a3ee6f

12/05/17 (Tue) 16:01:30 7cfe10

NSA Data Center = information

POTUS has the ability to use MIL tribunals.

12/05/17 (Tue) 16:06:17 7cfe10

12/05/17 (Tue) 16:06:49 7cfe10

12/05/17 (Tue) 16:05:45 47c6e4

12/05/17 (Tue) 16:09:28 7cfe10

12/05/17 (Tue) 16:05:57 04e025

12/05/17 (Tue) 16:20:32 7cfe10

Senator Grassley confirmed that the Red Cross was cooking the
books using "estimations" instead of hard numbers, could not explain
the usefulness of many of their programs, and had ultimately gutted
its ethics board/internal affairs mechanisms.

Panama Papers Firm Used Red Cross to Mask Funds

Red Cross Threatened Over Unauthorised Panama Papers ICRC


12/05/17 (Tue) 16:21:56 7cfe10

12/05/17 (Tue) 16:21:56 7cfe10

12/05/17 (Tue) 16:26:34 7cfe10

Trilateral commission, Bilderbergers, Council on Foreign Relations,

Open Society Foundation
12/05/17 (Tue) 16:27:56 7cfe10

12/06/17 (Wed) 20:34:58 6f5bab

House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout

to Clinton friend Sidney Blumenthal

12/06/17 (Wed) 20:44:36 6f5bab

12/06/17 (Wed) 20:52:37 6f5bab

12/06/17 (Wed) 20:50:09 1d1357
12/06/17 (Wed) 19:35:43 1d1357
archive link:
12/06/17 (Wed) 20:58:51 6f5bab
12/06/17 (Wed) 21:00:45 6f5bab

12/06/17 (Wed) 21:03:11 6f5bab

12/06/17 (Wed) 21:01:21 0b6109

12/06/17 (Wed) 21:05:26 6f5bab

12/06/17 (Wed) 21:02:04 c27a60

John Solomon - The Hill

Sara Carter - Circa News

Reset to new construct? Sinclair Media wants a deal.

12/06/17 (Wed) 21:22:00 8e6033

12/06/17 (Wed) 21:31:50 8e6033

Full EU press: Juncker makes threats too

Expanded thinking: London Mayor Sadiq Khan implicated. Nigel

Farage’s ‘accident’ less accidental.

-Theresa May Attempt happened in March. (Video Included)

Moment Theresa May is bundled into car as shots are heard during
London terror attack
-Theresa May assassination plot suspect in court - CNN
12/07/17 (Thu) 00:02:52 cbaed3

12/07/17 (Thu) 00:11:37 cbaed3

12/07/17 (Thu) 00:10:16 922b47

They are not playing around, it is extremely serious for them: treason,
conspiracy, fraud, murder, human/child trafficking and other crimes
have severe consequences. They know this and are panicking. When
Q is anticipated they swarm 8ch in order to drown him out, distract,
deflect, degrade, demoralize and otherwise interrupt communications
(via bots, DDOS attacks or individual mass posting of nonsense).

12/07/17 (Thu) 00:28:58 cbaed3

12/07/17 (Thu) 00:33:36 cbaed3

Some write milllion as "mm" instead of "m".

Eg: Tyler Durden

12/07/17 (Thu) 19:39:59 9cad51

12/07/17 (Thu) 19:51:13 9cad51

12/07/17 (Thu) 19:56:06 9cad51

12/07/17 (Thu) 19:53:33 40f1ef

12/07/17 (Thu) 20:01:44 9cad51

POTUS campaigned on "Lock Her Up" and he is keeping his word.

12/07/17 (Thu) 20:46:29 d9b992

12/07/17 (Thu) 21:34:00 913bb1

Obama is holding “The Post American World” by Fareed Zakaria

Hillary Clinton meeting with Laurance Rockefeller at the JY Ranch,

Jackson, Wyoming. Crooked is holding a book about UFO's and
aliens believed to be “Are We Alone?” by Paul Davies
Hillary Clinton meeting with Laurance Rockefeller at the JY Ranch,
Jackson, Wyoming. Crooked is holding a book about UFO's and
aliens believed to be “Are We Alone?” by Paul Davies

12/07/17 (Thu) 21:34:28 913bb1

12/07/17 (Thu) 21:34:51 913bb1

12/07/17 (Thu) 21:35:19 913bb1

In 2013, Sen McCain "snuck" into Syria w/Gen Idris via Turkey. Rebel [ISIS] leaders throughout Syria met with the pair and aske
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad (R) and Saudi Prince al-Waleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz attend an inauguration ceremony for D
This photo is from the 2000 charity polo game at Windsor Great Park.
Harry was 17. During this same year he got in trouble for drinking,
smoking weed, dressing like a nazi at a costume party, and then
fighting the paparazzi. There is very little to find about the polo game.
It seems to be a private elite affair.
President George W. Bush meets with Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi Ambassador to the United States, on August 27, 200

12/07/17 (Thu) 22:05:16 913bb1

12/07/17 (Thu) 22:25:31 913bb1

12/07/17 (Thu) 22:27:06 913bb1

12/07/17 (Thu) 22:29:30 913bb1

12/08/17 (Fri) 11:01:30 052e3b

12/08/17 (Fri) 16:22:57 6bea6c

A D.C. pharmacist says his pharmacy has filled prescriptions for
“pretty serious health problems” for members of Congress, including
drugs for Alzheimer’s disease, according to a new interview published
in STAT news.

12/09/17 (Sat) 11:24:37 7813e1

12/09/17 (Sat) 13:12:19 571cae

The Pope
12/09/17 (Sat) 13:16:56 571cae

12/09/17 (Sat) 13:13:29 e60938

Tues Nov 4th is in 2014. This is the date of the mid-term election in
Hussein's 2nd term.
12/09/17 (Sat) 13:21:38 571cae

12/09/17 (Sat) 13:28:04 571cae

12/09/17 (Sat) 13:34:24 571cae

12/09/17 (Sat) 13:31:10 b588f5

12/09/17 (Sat) 13:41:15 571cae
12/09/17 (Sat) 13:42:30 571cae

12/09/17 (Sat) 13:44:08 571cae

12/09/17 (Sat) 13:42:19 14e054

12/09/17 (Sat) 13:45:57 571cae

Break from the hold the cabal and its network of bad actors have had
on our government, financing and society.

12/09/17 (Sat) 13:48:57 571cae

12/09/17 (Sat) 13:54:51 571cae

"Nation" is capitalized, just like it was in earlier post when asked which
Nation has power over others(paraphrase). The USA is the Nation.

12/09/17 (Sat) 13:59:21 571cae

12/09/17 (Sat) 13:51:44 e0d226

12/09/17 (Sat) 14:01:00 571cae

12/09/17 (Sat) 13:55:39 8614a6

12/09/17 (Sat) 14:06:46 571cae

Expanded: The President, the VP, POTUS and VP immediate families,

former presidents, their spouses, their minor children under the age of
16, major POTUS and VP candidates, their spouses, and foreign
heads of state.
12/09/17 (Sat) 14:12:28 571cae

12/09/17 (Sat) 14:15:53 571cae

12/09/17 (Sat) 22:34:48 4aa050

Oct 11, 2012 11:11 tweet

direct link:

original image now 404:

12/09/17 (Sat) 22:39:03 4aa050

12/09/17 (Sat) 22:37:31 13d4b8

12/09/17 (Sat) 22:40:41 4aa050

12/10/17 (Sun) 23:29:56 be6798

BD Time- -> Bangladesh

BDT = currency of Bangladesh -->BanglaDeshi Taka

Schiff was one of the many who were wired directly with the traitorous
Awan brothers. Must have been handy, to get all that data expedited

"“Brothers Abid, Imran, and Jamal Awan were barred from computer
networks at the House of Representatives Thursday, The Daily Caller
News Foundation Investigative Group has learned."

“Three members of the intelligence panel and five members of the

House Committee on Foreign Affairs were among the dozens of
members who employed the suspects on a shared basis. The two
committees deal with many of the nation’s most sensitive issues,
information and documents, including those related to the war on

Dual-citizen (Israel)

Cost of the Benghazi investigations headed by Schiff over a 2.5 year


12/10/17 (Sun) 23:32:52 be6798

"Local media is reporting that the man is from Bangladesh but has
been living in the US for seven years."

- Sleeper assassin - CIA asset.

original links
part 1 now 404:

part 2 now 404:

12/11/17 (Mon) 12:23:09 4533cb

“Fireworks” in general are used as a safe representation of actual
explosions (as in 4th of July shows).

Indicates that when Q posted, they already knew of the plot, the
identity of the bomber, and: the link(s) to Schiff.

”We got you by the short and curlies now, deep state. Don’t try
another false flag. You’re running out of options, just give up.”

12/11/17 (Mon) 12:32:11 4533cb

67th Special Operations Squadron is an active unit assigned to the

752d Special Operations Group, United States Air Force, and is based
at Royal Air Force base RAF Mildenhall in Suffolk, eastern England.

direct link to insignia image:
Owls: we have revealed AS as a traitor. Your false flag failed. We
replaced your Bangladeshi agent's bomb with a firework. Light will
defeat darkness.

12/11/17 (Mon) 13:39:59 4a55e6

12/11/17 (Mon) 13:29:05 12f00f

12/11/17 (Mon) 13:29:05 12f00f

direct link:

Note Huma in the group of wives..


GROUP of wives including Alaweeds wife

12/11/17 (Mon) 13:44:10 4a55e6

12/11/17 (Mon) 13:45:13 4a55e6

12/11/17 (Mon) 13:43:38 26b2f6

12/11/17 (Mon) 13:50:52 4a55e6

12/11/17 (Mon) 14:31:03 7b86c9

12/12/17 (Tue) 17:03:32 bb0fbe

direct link to image:

original image now 404:

President signs OSC Reauthorization Act into Law; Measure Clarifies

that Federal Agencies May Not Withhold Information from OSC

Importantly, the bill (in Section 1097) clarifies that when complying
with OSC's information requests, federal agencies may not withhold
information and documents from OSC by asserting common law
privileges such as attorney-client privilege.

12/12/17 (Tue) 17:31:52 3ce126

12/12/17 (Tue) 23:44:56 9044d9

12/12/17 (Tue) 23:38:28 6a1847

direct link to image:

original link now 404:

Indicates administrative access/access to the administrator of the
White House website.

12/13/17 (Wed) 00:12:53 9044d9

12/13/17 (Wed) 00:15:45 9044d9

12/13/17 (Wed) 00:28:32 9044d9

12/13/17 (Wed) 00:22:14 97d8e9

direct link to image:

original file now 404:

12/13/17 (Wed) 23:24:30 267271

12/13/17 (Wed) 22:27:43 d0e43e

Screenshot of tweet on IG releasing 1.22 million documents on

Clinton investigation
direct link:

original image now 404:

12/13/17 (Wed) 23:35:55 267271
The National Archives and Records Administration—which operates
presidential library-museums for every president from Herbert Hoover
through George W. Bush—won’t be operating either for Obama. His
private Obama Foundation, not the government, will own and operate
the museum. And there really won’t be a presidential library. The
Obama Foundation will pay for NARA to digitize unclassified records
and release them to the public as they become available, but the
center’s “Library,” which may or may not house a local branch of the
Chicago Public Library, will not contain or control presidential papers
and artifacts, digital or otherwise. Instead, according to a NARA press
release that called the museum “a new model for the preservation and
accessibility of presidential records,” those records will be stored in
“existing NARA facilities”—meaning one or more of the agency’s
research or records centers across the country.
12/13/17 (Wed) 23:38:59 267271

12/13/17 (Wed) 23:27:16 d85ea0

12/13/17 (Wed) 23:42:09 267271

12/13/17 (Wed) 23:32:07 c9870b

12/14/17 (Thu) 00:24:04 3610ff

12/14/17 (Thu) 00:32:05 3610ff

12/14/17 (Thu) 00:34:10 d5784a

12/14/17 (Thu) 00:36:08 3610ff

12/14/17 (Thu) 00:38:12 3610ff

12/14/17 (Thu) 00:38:12 3610ff

12/14/17 (Thu) 21:41:02 b01ed7

12/14/17 (Thu) 21:40:05 462c9a

12/14/17 (Thu) 21:43:38 462c9a

Muckety Map for Ian Cameron direct link to image:

ABC was the org. that broke the FLYNN leaks.

Ian also worked with George Papadopoulos

Muckety Map for McKinsey & Company direct link to image:

Remember: It is legal for the CIA to establish companies without disclosure and CIA can deny having established the companie

Relevant: "Several current and former U.S. officials said they were
surprised by the magnitude of the consulting contract, an
arrangement that officials said Brennan did not mention to workers
when he announced the reorganization or explain to lawmakers in

Important: If CIA let McKinsey "restructure" itself, McKinsey has high

likelyhood of being a CIA front company, meaning (based on all of
above) that Susan and Ian are CIA spooks.

"Expand your thinking": full book of all known CIA front companies --

Muckety Map for Dr. E. J. Rice direct link to image:

Father to Susan E. Rice, NSA advisor to BHO

Worked at:

* Governor of the Federal Reserve System

* Reserve Bank of India as a Fulbright Fellow

* Assistant Professor of Economics at Cornell University

* Adviser to the Central Bank of Nigeria in Lagos

* Deputy Director of the Treasury Department’s Office of Developing


* Alternate Executive Director for the International Bank for

Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)

* Alternate Executive Director for the International Development

* Alternate Executive Director for the International Finance
* Executive Director of the Mayor’s Economic Development
Committee for Washington, D.C.

* Senior Vice President of the National Bank of Washington

* Federal Reserve (FED) member

12/14/17 (Thu) 21:44:23 462c9a

12/14/17 (Thu) 21:44:01 6db431

direct link to image:

original image now 404:

12/14/17 (Thu) 22:37:42 462c9a

Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/15/17 (Fri) 01:03:02 462c9a

REFERENCE: 12/14/17 >>93267 12/14/17 (Thu) 00:34:10 d5784a

Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/15/17 (Fri) 01:04:06 462c9a

Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/15/17 (Fri) 01:04:43 462c9a

Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/15/17 (Fri) 01:04:43 462c9a

Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/15/17 (Fri) 01:05:51 462c9a

Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/15/17 (Fri) 01:15:57 462c9a

Disinformation is necessary
Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/15/17 (Fri) 01:25:44 462c9a

Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/15/17 (Fri) 01:28:58 462c9a

12/18/17 (Mon) 23:27:52 82d434

Concourse F terminal 5 is the waiting area for international flights

Electricity in the airport was shut down.

First he posted this:"Wonderful weekend at Camp David. A very

special place. A lot of very important work done. Heading back to the
@WhiteHouse now.
Two consecutive posts, one with a Marine helicopter that uses the
term "very special place" and one that highlights achievements in
flight while Atlanta airport is out of power is likely not a coincidence.

Splash = Missile time of flight is expired or missile destroyed; target or bomb impact.

Fox Three = Simulated/actual launch of active radar-guided missile

12/18/17 (Mon) 23:38:43 82d434

12/18/17 (Mon) 23:36:13 6afbc6

12/18/17 (Mon) 23:44:20 82d434

12/18/17 (Mon) 23:43:55 afbf68

12/18/17 (Mon) 23:53:53 82d434

12/18/17 (Mon) 23:51:20 fc4520



12/18/17 (Mon) 23:57:28 82d434

12/18/17 (Mon) 23:55:21 205c72

12/18/17 (Mon) 23:58:04 82d434

12/18/17 (Mon) 23:58:04 82d434

12/18/17 (Mon) 23:57:15 d3b6f7

12/19/17 (Tue) 00:07:54 82d434

12/19/17 (Tue) 00:12:02 82d434

12/19/17 (Tue) 01:02:51 c07cfc

"Aside from the Supreme Court, there are four federal courts in DC

1. United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit

United States District Court for the District of Columbia

United States Tax Court

2. United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit

United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims

United States Court of Federal Claims

3. United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces

4. United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review

United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court"

12/19/17 (Tue) 01:11:33 c07cfc

12/19/17 (Tue) 17:33:11 03c2f4

direct link to image:

original image now 404:

direct link to image:

original image now 404:

12/19/17 (Tue) 17:39:15 03c2f4

12/19/17 (Tue) 17:37:38 fad025

12/19/17 (Tue) 17:44:41 03c2f4

12/19/17 (Tue) 17:45:59 03c2f4

12/19/17 (Tue) 17:43:39 18f3ac

12/19/17 (Tue) 17:50:10 03c2f4

12/19/17 (Tue) 17:37:46 2ca3dc

12/19/17 (Tue) 17:50:58 03c2f4

12/19/17 (Tue) 17:49:46 abd4f1

12/19/17 (Tue) 18:00:02 03c2f4

12/19/17 (Tue) 18:11:07 03c2f4

12/19/17 (Tue) 18:07:28 fad0d1

12/19/17 (Tue) 18:18:24 03c2f4

12/19/17 (Tue) 18:13:07 810bf1

Later Q mentions Fox 3 playboy models involved in George Soros


12/19/17 (Tue) 18:20:02 03c2f4

12/19/17 (Tue) 18:21:26 03c2f4

12/19/17 (Tue) 18:20:02 6ae524

12/19/17 (Tue) 18:22:21 03c2f4

12/19/17 (Tue) 18:21:26 836800

12/19/17 (Tue) 18:23:44 03c2f4

12/19/17 (Tue) 18:20:59 2c9e96

direct link to image:

12/19/17 (Tue) 20:10:49 061d5f

12/19/17 (Tue) 20:10:49 061d5f

Iris Weinshall (born September 5, 1953) is the Chief Operating Officer

of The New York Public Library,[1] former vice chancellor at the City
University of New York and a former commissioner of the New York
City Department of Transportation.[2] Weinshall was appointed Chief
Operating Officer by the Library in July 2014, and she began her
tenure on September 1, 2014.[1] She is married to U.S. Senator
Chuck Schumer.
NYC DOT Budget - operating expenses
2017 - $947.1 million
2016 - $874.7 million
2015 - $829.8 million
2014 - $732.9 million
2013 - $711.4 million
12/19/17 (Tue) 20:26:11 061d5f

12/19/17 (Tue) 20:36:54 061d5f

12/19/17 (Tue) 20:43:55 061d5f

12/19/17 (Tue) 20:50:59 061d5f

12/19/17 (Tue) 20:39:21 2bd420

image with missing childrens' faces and the word MISSING in the
direct link to image:

original image now 404:

12/19/17 (Tue) 22:22:19 5ed198

12/19/17 (Tue) 22:27:03 5ed198

12/19/17 (Tue) 22:24:29 342218

NB. Board owner disabled the option to use tripcodes, making it
impossible for Q to post with that identifier. The 8ch administrator later
added Q's old (existing) and new tripcodes to the whitelist and Q was
able to post on /cbts/ again.

12/19/17 (Tue) 23:10:31 3c96d5

12/19/17 (Tue) 23:12:54 3c96d5
12/19/17 (Tue) 23:20:14 3c96d5
12/19/17 (Tue) 23:21:41 3c96d5

Attempt to decipher the 'stringers' - purports that many refer to UMCJ

(Uniform Military Code of Justice).

direct link to image compilation of effort:

- This graphic is an isolated snippet from the larger one above

pertaining to the particular line of the stringer "1_y"

NB: No confirmation from Q as to whether this conclusion is correct.

12/21/17 (Thu) 11:41:11 ac1ea3

12/21/17 (Thu) 10:52:48 09717a

ABC News PoliticsVerified account @ABCPolitics

NEW: Pres. Trump declares "national emergency with respect to
serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world and
providing for the imposition of sanctions on actors engaged in these
malign activities," U.S. Treasury says.

United States Sanctions Human Rights Abusers and Corrupt Actors

Across the Globe

12/19/17 (Tue) 00:03:02 8e2656

NB: Suggestion made was from anon to the OP of that thread. Q saw
this, and response came today (12/21/17) by making the disclosure

12/21/17 (Thu) 11:42:17 ac1ea3

!2nVA4xm522 12/21/17 11:49:19 500f84

12/21/17 (Thu) 11:50:26 ac1ea3

!UW.yye1fx0 12/21/17 11:52:12 500f84

12/21/17 (Thu) 11:53:33 ac1ea3

12/21/17 (Thu) 11:54:58 ac1ea3

12/21/17 (Thu) 12:01:03 ac1ea3

12/21/17 (Thu) 12:00:09 eb39f7

12/19/17 (Tue) 00:03:02 8e2656

NB: Suggestion made was from anon to the OP of that thread. Q saw
this, and response came today (12/21/17) by making the disclosure

Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/22/17 (Fri) 00:23:26 ID: 0cd33f

12/21/17 (Thu) 19:25:21 0cd33f

12/21/17 (Thu) 19:27:41 0cd33f

12/21/17 (Thu) 19:27:41 0cd33f

12/21/17 (Thu) 20:03:06 deb9fa

12/21/17 (Thu) 19:44:06 eb3f5d

direct link to image:

12/21/17 (Thu) 20:03:57 deb9fa

!UW.yye1fxo 12/21/17 (Thu) 20:05:32 deb9fa

!UW.yye1fxo 12/21/17 (Thu) 20:05:32 deb9fa

!UW.yye1fxo 12/21/17 (Thu) 20:06:14 deb9fa

12/21/17 (Thu) 20:18:38 deb9fa

12/21/17 (Thu) 20:22:42 deb9fa

12/21/17 (Thu) 20:19:01 2e8d27

12/21/17 (Thu) 20:26:34 deb9fa

There are certain politicians that think they are better than us, HRC is
notorious for this.
12/21/17 (Thu) 20:31:58 deb9fa

Rothschild infiltrated church long ago

Bella Dodd 1100 pedo seminarians

Lavender Mafia

St Gallen Mafia
Took over largest order Jesuits > Universities > $

Infiltrated S Amer Chuch SJW

Francis = Jesuit + S American

Soros bragged he chose Pope

Reference to a day of note or memorable events.

12/21/17 (Thu) 23:44:45 913540

Anonymous 12/22/17 (Fri) 04:48:30 ID: 913540

Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/22/17 (Fri) 04:49:21 ID: 913540

Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/22/17 (Fri) 04:57:02 ID: 913540

Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/22/17 (Fri) 04:57:02 ID: 913540

Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/22/17 (Fri) 05:44:02 ID: 913540

Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/22/17 (Fri) 05:44:31 ID: 913540

Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/22/17 (Fri) 05:44:47 ID: 913540

Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/22/17 (Fri) 05:45:14 ID: 913540

!UW.yye1fxo 12/22/17 (Fri) 01:02:01 913540

!UW.yye1fxo 12/22/17 (Fri) 01:04:56 5902e7

12/22/17 (Fri) 06:03:23 ID: 719c60

There is a missing missile; find it (navy ship collision)

12/22/17 (Fri) 00:58:06 913540

12/22/17 (Fri) 00:51:19 2aace2

12/22/17 (Fri) 06:13:36 ID: 5902e7

12/22/17 (Fri) 06:04:31 ID: f6add3

Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/22/17 (Fri) 06:18:03 ID: 5902e7

12/22/17 (Fri) 06:09:21 ID: 0b7b67

Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/22/17 (Fri) 06:26:25 ID: 5902e7

12/22/17 (Fri) 06:17:59 ID: 24dcf5

12/22/17 (Fri) 06:36:43 ID: 5902e7
I, O, and B missing. I.O.B = Intelligence Oversight Board.

12/22/17 (Fri) 11:14:17 42a0eb

12/22/17 (Fri) 11:10:29 68887e

12/22/17 (Fri) 11:12:55 42a0eb

12/22/17 (Fri) 10:52:34 9f3bd2

12/22/17 (Fri) 11:26:05 42a0eb

12/22/17 (Fri) 11:13:31 40e61e

12/22/17 (Fri) 11:44:18 42a0eb

12/22/17 (Fri) 17:37:09 12d253

Very pro-Clinton, manipulated search results and news stories to hide

bad/incriminating news, promote puff pieces in her favor. Also gave
$100 million to Crowdstrike.

Obama appointed CEO of Crowdstrike to Commission on Enhanced

Cyber Security in April 2016.
Missing letters - BO = Obama assisted
Saudi Arabia/Soros/Rothchilds

4 classified collaborators paid

Authoized the hit on Seth Rich. Wanted to make an example out of

the leaker.
Obama changed the 1078 FISA in 2008: specific changes to the
original bill that allowed his 'team' to spy on Trump and his campaign.
Obama received updates of info gained from spying on the Trump
Hussein (Obama) passed the dossier info given to him in Daily Brief to
McCain so that it could appear to not be partisan

Amazon / Washington Post (both owned by Jeff Bezos) Bezos is

being used by the CIA

Buzzfeed Wins Right to Keep Identity of Steel Dossier Secret buzzfeed-wins-right-keep-identity-steele-dossier-s/
Kompromat = is Russian means literally "compromising material"

Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/23/17 (Sat) 06:12:33 ID: 78f9ff

12/22/17 (Fri) 22:10:06 ID: af6c5f

12/22/17 (Fri) 21:29:27 ID: 7f67ab

direct link to image:

original image now 404:

SAP (Special Access Program), known internally as SAR (Special
Access Required). A classification above Top Secret used highly-
sensitive Black Projects, COMSEC maintenance and Presidential
transportation support. Excluded from standard contract
Ancient Ra was the sun god - right eye.

Later that merged with the god Horus (left eye), as Ra-Horakhty "Ra,
who is Horus of the Two Horizons.” He was believed to rule in all parts
of the created world: the sky, the earth, and the underworld. He was
associated with the falcon or hawk. See also Amenhotep IV, renamed
Akhenaten (King Tut’s father), and the construction of Amarna. History
repeats, we have been through this before (Illuminati ‘all seeing eye’).
Past unlocks future.
When a person has a left black eye, it means that they have
submitted to and have been accepted by the cabal / the Satanists.

Now we know who belongs to the cabal (photos saved on the

Amarna abandoned, Babel fell, good always overcomes evil.
12/23/17 (Sat) 01:44:16 78f9ff

12/23/17 (Sat) 01:32:47 7cda9d

Iridium Communications corp's satellites are usually GPS satellites.

The military uses a special encryption mechanism to lock out the high-
accuracy GPS ability. The U.N. that maintains a presence on the
border with South Korea. They also have a lot of military activity going
on in NK that has no financial explanation, as it can't be coming from
their domestic economy or known international trade.

Former CEO of Alphabet (Google) Schmidt also bought Motorola who

built the Iridium 7 satellites.
RED OCTOBER tie-in: the missing Argentine submarine. It is
apparently communicating with bad actors through a competing brand
of SATCOM tech (GlobalStar - backed by Soros).

12/23/17 (Sat) 01:47:03 78f9ff

12/23/17 (Sat) 01:40:00 11f98c

12/23/17 (Sat) 01:49:14 78f9ff

12/23/17 (Sat) 01:45:17 b04d48

Iridium satellites provide 2 key functions, secure communications, and

GPS-like positioning. US GPS satellites have a provision that reduces
the accuracy for non-DoD users. Iridium may give NK this increased
position accuracy
Iridium satellites provide 2 key functions, secure communications, and
GPS-like positioning. US GPS satellites have a provision that reduces
the accuracy for non-DoD users. Iridium may give NK this increased
position accuracy

12/23/17 (Sat) 01:53:22 78f9ff

12/23/17 (Sat) 01:46:21 50e089

direct link to image:

original image now 404:

12/23/17 (Sat) 02:02:58 78f9ff

12/23/17 (Sat) 01:59:14 6763ae

12/23/17 (Sat) 12:11:07 9d3085

Google social media advisor Jared Cohen to join North Korea trip

Jan.7,2013 14
Former state department advisor will travel to Pyongyang without US
government approval and not on Google’s behalf
Cohen worked on the policy planning teams of Secretaries of State
Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton between 2006 and 2010 before
taking his current position at Google. The New York Times Magazine
previously described him as having played a pivotal role in
establishing both secretaries’ visions for 21st century US diplomatic

https: //

12/23/17 (Sat) 12:13:38 9d3085

"CrowdStrike Inc., provider of the first true Software-as-a Service
(SaaS) based next-generation endpoint protection platform, today
announced that the company has completed a $100 million Series C
financing round, led by Google Capital. Rackspace (NASDAQ: RAX),
a CrowdStrike customer, also participated in the round along with
existing investors Accel and Warburg Pincus. This brings the
company’s total funding raised to $156 million."

12/23/17 (Sat) 12:17:24 9d3085

"Tuesday's bombshell Washington Post story that the Defense

Intelligence Agency (DIA) has determined North Korea is capable of
constructing miniaturized nuclear weapons that could be used as
warheads for missiles – possibly ICBMs – left out a crucial fact: DIA
actually concluded this in 2013. The Post also failed to mention that
the Obama administration tried to downplay and discredit this report
at the time."
12/23/17 (Sat) 15:22:21 479ca5

12/23/17 (Sat) 15:29:24 479ca5

12/23/17 (Sat) 15:24:38 2deca2

12/23/17 (Sat) 15:31:44 479ca5

12/23/17 (Sat) 15:29:00 4fc145

12/23/17 (Sat) 15:38:14 479ca5

12/23/17 (Sat) 15:35:31 86e5ca

direct link to image:

original image now 404:

12/23/17 (Sat) 15:36:46 cb09a0

12/23/17 (Sat) 15:42:56 479ca5

direct link to image:

direct link to insignia image:

12/23/17 (Sat) 15:58:14 2d673c

direct link to insignia image:

12/23/17 (Sat) 16:40:56 2d673c

direct link to image:

12/23/17 (Sat) 16:49:11 2d673c

12/23/17 (Sat) 16:46:08 3bf429

direct link to image:
12/23/17 (Sat) 16:52:31 2d673c

12/24/17 (Sun) 00:36:04 62d7b8

Washington Crossing the Delaware is an 1851 oil-on-canvas painting

by the German American artist Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze.

It commemorates General George Washington's crossing of the

Delaware River with the Continental Army on the night of December
25–26, 1776, during the American Revolutionary War.
That action was the first move in a surprise attack against the German
Hessian allied mercenary forces at Trenton, New Jersey, in the Battle
of Trenton on the morning of December 26.

12/25/17 (Mon) 14:40:34 8696f9

12/25/17 (Mon) 14:54:18 8696f9

12/25/17 (Mon) 15:57:38 70edc0

01/04/18 (Thu) 05:43:04 ID: 8f9964
Is along the lines of the below, because of the early crumbs dropped
by Q relating to trade secrets:

3 Trade Secrets Throughout the World § 31:14

Trade Secrets Throughout the World | November 2017 Update

Chapter 31. The Philippines

Lorna Patajo-Kapunan and Troy A. Luna *

§ 31:14. Maintaining the confidentiality of trade secrets during review

by government agencies and litigation—Agency review

In reviews conducted by administrative agencies, Section 7(c) of

Republic Act No. 6713, otherwise known as the "Code of Conduct and
Ethical Standards for Public Officers," prohibits any public official or
employee from using or divulging
confidential or classified information officially known to them by
reason of their office and not made available to the public, either to
further private interest or give undue advantage to anyone, or to
prejudice the public interest.

Republic Act 3019, the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, further
declares as unlawful the act of a public official or employee in
divulging valuable information of a confidential character acquired by
his office, or by him on account of

his official position, to unauthorized persons in advance of its

authorized release date.

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/04/18 (Thu) 05:54:28 ID: aaefa5

01/04/18 (Thu) 05:58:17 ID: 8f9964

01/04/18 (Thu) 05:58:17 ID: 8f9964

01/04/18 (Thu) 06:41:05 ID: 8f9964



C!Odemonkey. ☯ 8chan Administrator 01/04/18 (Thu) 06:25:04 ID:

01/04/18 (Thu) 08:08:31 ID: fe9076

The Board Owner !!!323f2240e348a0e0 01/04/18 (Thu) 08:19:17 ID:

!UW.yye1fxo 01/05/18 (Fri) 11:12:23 ab7ad6

01/05/18 (Fri) 11:18:47 ab7ad6

01/05/18 (Fri) 11:36:38 ab7ad6

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/05/18 (Fri) 18:28:18 403375
Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/05/18 (Fri) 18:36:32 403375

01/05/18 (Fri) 23:31:54 ID: 942782

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/05/18 (Fri) 18:39:27 403375

The Board Owner !!!ZTY0ZjM1M2UwOWM5 01/05/18 (Fri) 23:33:48

ID: 381b06

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/05/18 (Fri) 23:49:27 ID: 403375

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/05/18 (Fri) 19:14:43 403375

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/05/18 (Fri) 22:51:45 fccc50

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/05/18 (Fri) 23:36:08 fccc50

C!Odemonkey. ☯ 8chan Administrator 01/06/18 (Sat) 10:15:54 1fb886

C!Odemonkey. ☯ 8chan Administrator 01/06/18 (Sat) 10:58:05 1fb886

C!Odemonkey. ☯ 8chan Administrator 01/06/18 (Sat) 11:19:37 1fb886

C!Odemonkey. ☯ 8chan Administrator 01/06/18 (Sat) 11:20:50

C!Odemonkey. ☯ 8chan Administrator 01/06/18 (Sat) 11:49:40 1fb886

C!Odemonkey. ☯ 8chan Administrator 01/06/18 (Sat) 11:49:39

C!Odemonkey. ☯ 8chan Administrator 01/06/18 (Sat) 12:16:21


01/06/18 (Sat) 12:08:46 e616b6

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/06/18 (Sat) 13:04:06 e0bc1f

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/06/18 (Sat) 13:08:49 e0bc1f

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/06/18 (Sat) 15:49:41 c9daa0

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/06/18 (Sat) 15:52:55 c9daa0

01/06/18 (Sat) 15:50:17 0c0027

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/06/18 (Sat) 15:55:06 c9daa0

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/06/18 (Sat) 16:03:28 c9daa0

CHINA has loads of foreign investments in AUS

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/06/18 (Sat) 16:07:34 c9daa0

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/06/18 (Sat) 16:14:22 c9daa0

01/06/18 (Sat) 16:08:56 af7d60

offsite link:

original image:

offsite link:

original image:

direct image link:

original image:

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/06/18 (Sat) 16:18:50 c9daa0

01/06/18 (Sat) 16:15:07 11471a

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 01:21:21 21baf9

Most likely international airport Awan would use to flee the country is
BWI (Reagan). Power outage occurred there Jan 4.

Because Awan is key to a lot of digital information tied to the DNC

Because Pakistan has has their arm twisted by POTUS over the last
few days and their aid cut

Union Station in D.C. Evacuated, Commuters Report Smoke and First


Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 02:38:57 05b846

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 02:40:14 05b846

01/07/18 (Sun) 02:35:34 d863ec

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 02:43:37 05b846

01/07/18 (Sun) 02:41:10 afc54a

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 02:44:58 05b846

01/07/18 (Sun) 02:43:37 60848c

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 02:45:43 05b846

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 03:10:11 05b846

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 03:15:01 05b846

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 03:26:30 05b846

Government Bails Out Bank CEO After He Expenses Mansion,

Jaguar, And Porsche

(from inside Maxine Waters' ethics trial case) Aug. 12, 2010
Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 03:28:14 05b846

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 03:33:45 345235

01/07/18 (Sun) 03:27:17 206942

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 03:39:46 345235

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 03:41:41 345235

01/07/18 (Sun) 03:38:06 90e9dc

direct link:

original image:

direct link:
original image:

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 22:03:47 03b993

01/07/18 (Sun) 21:39:44 57488e

direct link:

original link to image:

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 22:05:50 03b993

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 22:09:13 03b993

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 22:10:25 03b993

01/07/18 (Sun) 22:09:09 fa6916

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 22:18:45 f946c4

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 22:27:43 f946c4

AF1 is a sky fortress.

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 22:44:09 f946c4

"Defcon [1]" not "Defcon 1"

this refers to the incoming [1] marker as a 1 minute interval between
POTUS twitter posts and the storm itself moving to "Defcon [1]"

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 22:45:21 f946c4

Consensual used instead of the obviously correct consequential - to

call attention to the missing Q in the obviously correct word in context.
Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 22:46:19 f946c4

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 22:49:58 f946c4

Oct 31 ->Proof to begin 11.3

Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as the 1st marker)

POTUS quotes NY Post, changes word to "consequential" and closes

with "Please read entire column"

POTUS corrects tweet with link

Article mentions consequence again and refers to the Clinton's tie to


Article was written on Oct 5 20172017 at 3:00pm

[15]:00 [10] [5]
C!Odemonkey. ☯ 8chan Administrator 01/07/18 (Sun) 22:51:12

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 23:01:24 f946c4

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 23:09:58 c67299

01/07/18 (Sun) 23:04:11 88fa47

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 23:13:51 c67299

01/08/18 (Mon) 04:10:18 ID: 2968a9

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 23:15:48 c67299

01/07/18 (Sun) 23:10:25 89d297

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 23:20:53 c67299

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/18 (Sun) 23:20:53 c67299

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/08/18 (Mon) 02:00:50 a1d9ea

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/08/18 (Mon) 23:33:55 509e3e

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/08/18 (Mon) 23:29:38

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/08/18 (Mon) 23:39:35

Q RESEARCH 8bit!!!YmYzYjI0MTNmMWE0 01/08/18 (Mon) 23:50:58

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/08/18 (Mon) 23:55:15 8d2f23

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/08/18 (Mon) 23:57:41 8d2f23



Do not overwrite . open the cell and use ctrl+ enter under the last post

US Military is first deployed for the purpose of preventing riots now, and in
near future. Many people will oppose the coming changes, and will be
prevented from rising against the coming powerr. It is necessary to
familiarize citizens with the presence of force through a means they, and
the officers, are "morally" able to embrace and accept. This allows for the
maximum beneficial return of a single incident.

If the CIA were operating to benefit the Clinton Agenda then these Podesta
email finds may be evidence that MSM is in the pocket of HRC.

Dec 15, it is revealed that Huma was allowed to remove travel documents, and Muslim related documents from State departm
Dec 15, it is revealed that Huma was allowed to remove travel documents, and Muslim related documents from State departm

The Marines have a long history of loyalty to the constitution and opposition to the baby rapers. See Smedley Butler. https://en
The U.S. has been in a state of martial law and MIL rule since they
murdered Lincoln. Every year Congress secretively renews the state of
martial law and the courts also, operating under Maritime law or the law of
the sea. So U.S. Federal courts are operating in violation of the U.S.
Constitution. So Trump is using this state of martial law to go after the
criminals, using the marines, a power which he has already. No need thus
to declare martial law, just use the system of the network of global
corporate control and the rigged courts against itself!
. Reagan interrupted this, Bush nudged him away and ran a pseudostate
such as the Latin American wars which contradicted the Boland Am. The
only real thing to come of this violation of US law was the discovery CIA
invented crack.
The Uranium he delivered was being tested as part of a larger investigation
of Uranium being sold. Links posted in the comments section.


Mueller is actually working for Trump. He allowed his witness William Browder (CEO Hermitage Capital) to testify after fake blo

This means AG Sessions recused himself at the outset so he couldn't be

Ken Star'd by the the Democrats. His hands thus clean.
The CIA took control over all U.S. media. So this is why Trump needs to
keep saying fake news, as the MSM is putting out fake news and
Mockingbird became permanent. US media hijacked by the CIA and
putting out fake news 24-7.

Freemasonry is luciferian at the highest levels. Freemasons hold a very important position as they act as a big layer of protectio

These cults practice pedophilia, sexual abuse that is generational, incest

and any and all perversions. They are behind groups like the Finders, the
Family and other procuring systems that abduct, abuse and sacrifice
children, women and their rivals. These groups work in conjunction with
CIA or shadow government factions and are protected by people within the
system if they get caught. See any court, notice the light sentences for
child abuse by pedophiles.

Hillary also has a couple of body doubles.

No. See Nigel Farage. Flew for a little while, but crashed and was nearly
killed.___________ 2, No which is why Canada would be a good place to
go, the Clinton's could drive there.
MS13 was started by 34 mexican special forces soldiers

Two Ms13 gang members hired by DWS to kill Seth Rich. The two Mexican
assassins were then killed by DWS and those that hired them, to cover-up
the murder of SR.
ALSO, money funneled through budgets/infrastructure/projects etc. per Q
drop re: NY DOT, Iris, budgets, etc.
4th Poster - They want the uranium to go through Canada 5th Poster -
Justin Trudeau is the eldest son of former PM Pierre Trudeau, who
according to MK Ultra survivor Cathy O'Brien was her serial abuser, a
paedophile and a member of the Satanic Illuminati cabal. Justin Trudeau is
therefore likely a high-ranking illuminati insider - certainly one who has
taken an unhealthy interest in public mind control through social
engineering, e.g. making terms like "boy" and "girl" offensive.

5th poster - financing.

(Mandalay Bay, Fast and Furious, all most likely Ms-13)(fast and furious
worked as payment). The historic notation, Fbi hires Mob Assasin Greg
Scarpa to break the Mississippi Burning case, (Scarpa was a NY mafiosi
whose success was directly due to his knowledge of US secrets) and WW2
Roosevelt hires Lucky Luciano to break strikes, and fleece NY docks of
espionage agents.
Greg Scarpa, Mob Assasin known as the Grim Reaper, was shielded by
four different US Administrations, both parties, and five FBI directors. He
died a free man, of AIDS, in the 90's. This is how the alphabet agencies
dispatch enemies. They then shielded Scarpa by allowing him to murder
his own enemies, as well as FBI informing him of witnesses identities,
whom offered testimony condemning him, which Scarpa then murdered, or
ordered to be murdered. This caused him to rise in the ranks to underboss.
Freeway Rick Ross, another example of CIA using mob to conduct
violations of US Law.

2nd Poster - BO and HRC may hate each other but they play for the same
team, they both wanted to reap destruction on the US and the rest of the
world, they are both balls deep into occult and giving ISIS oxygen. BO's
favourite TV show was Homeland. Why? Because he identified with the
main character - a man with a secret Islamic agenda. Huma is MB and
very close to HRC. HBO should turn it into a show. BO/HRC both studied
'Rules for Radicals', both 'red diaper babies'.

The Shadow Government and the banking cabal protect it´s members.
This is part of the NWO pyramid of deception. Puppets serving puppet
masters, who protect the puppets even when crimes are committed.

HUMA -Harvard University Alumni Association

Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal -Harvard University Islamic Studies

Funded Obama Education $$$

Picture on couch with Obama at Harvard
(Follow HUMA)


Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Stroz, Rosenstein et al are accessories,
compromised having these crimes committed and covered up under their
tenure, with their assistance and complicity. Conspirators.

Huma does not sing for them, they are loyal to the Clintons which is why
her vehicle has been spotted there.

DoS cleaning house 7dimensional chess, setting up the board.

11.15.17 Jesse Jackson announces he has Parkinson's Disease. Is he
expecting legal problems and flashing his medical card for sympathy?
The DNC has become a crime syndicate in and of itself. Rigged elections,
stolen money. Amalgamated bank used to hide laundered money for Hillary
- Clinton Foundation - DNC. Tied in also to weather underground illegal
cartel and to the unions which hire the criminals to do the wetwork and
dirty work. In The IHRC is estimated to have collecte


1. MI is not as corrupted and infested with globalist assets

2. MI is under the direction of POTUS ONLY, not other agencies.

3. MI OPS (operations) and products are protected from other corrupt

agencies using STATE SECRETS powers, which the globalists gave to
POTUS over the last 30 years. Now its turned on them.

NSA. The NSA went rogue under Obama and now needs to be fixed.

NSA fixed, can be used against the criminals.

Under Article 2 of the US Constitution, the Presidency is granted control of
the Armed Forces. Few SCOTUS cases limiting this in regards to Habeus
Corpus apply in the cases which are emerging here EXCEPT that the
defendants are involved in High Treason. Then, Article 2§2 clause 2 of the
US Const grants the President the right to suspend habeus corpus, when it
is cited in conjunction with Military Commissions Acts which have resulted
in Miltary Detainee Acts. Once their defences reach this point, they will be
sunk. Presumably in the first motions.
soros superpower tweet wapo 10-27-17.png
Patriots from within government agencies & others, (known as White Hats)
recruited Trump to run because the corrupt had taken over the USA in a
silent coup.

Patriots can also be embedded in the media (i.e. Sean Hannity) and alternative media (i.e Roger Stone). Example: On the War R

- Admiral Rogers possibly.

Donna Brazil's book clarifies this. For MEME say "ask Donna, she wrote
the book on it"

Wasn't Yang a name that showed up during the Clinton admin in an alleged
pay to play?

- “Tens of thousands” of fraudulent Clinton votes found in Ohio warehouse,

DoD Gen Mattis
But these generals are exercizing too much power and have been trying to
control Trump and shield him from what the people want and from the
news. This is bad. Care must be taken in using such generals when the US
is under martial law and militayr rule and has been since the Civil War,
which actually never ended.

Two Private MC companies, one funded by El Saud, at least that’s who

guards her Chippaqua residence.
Probably the real reason why Chicago and Baltimore are so eager to use
U.N. "Peacekeepers" to fight their high murder rates. They're hoping the
NG won't fire on the UN forces. and thus the corrupt state and local
government officials will be protected.
YES he was asked to run with assurances made to prevent "corruption" of election results. IT/programmers who originally wro

PATRIOT per Q drop.

First sighting of Huma after Weiner's Sentencing. She's wearing bell

Video captured from UK DailyMail dated today. Other pic's with son and
Weiner were from Halloween. Note Go Pro shadow inside car. Perhaps
.gov tracking car movements with video like DUI Whiskey Plates?
- If a party raises funds during elections, sets up their own foundation, they
can donate to PAC’s, NGO’s & their foundations with infinite amounts of
- Organize in person, cause he knows communication would be
intercepted, organize assassination attempts.

- Obama trying to get world leaders to join the globalist alliance?

- Obama trying to get world leaders to back-stab Trump in order to either A.

Assassinate him B. Start WWIII C. Globalist Alliance (NWO)

-Obama has flipped against the globalists to save himself and is an asset
in solidifying alliances over seas.

Wizards and Warlocks provide Trump with intel. Who provides Obama with

Communication channels compromised/hacked via CIA




Military tribunals are taking place right now. See the foot-notes to this
smartsheet for more details. SOROS, OBAMA, HILLARY, ALL 9-11
Mueller is a bad choice and can turn on you because he is part of the
conspiracy to take-out Trump and also part of the Uranium Crime
Syndicate mafia.

John McCain is trying to use similar tricks to get out of prosecution. He and
Pelosi and other traitors, such as Harry Reed etc are coming-down big

According to Wiki, Waleed Al Ibrahim who was arrested in corruption

crackdown owns a hotel next to the Mayo Clinic.



Mayo clinic and CF -

Possibly Chris Cornell, Robin Williams, Chester Bennington - All died the
same way (suicided - hanged) all donated to same charities (MusiCares -
Bill Clinton also supports this charity). Chris Cornell also had a charity
dedicated to children.
All of these groups maintain their own armed "security" forces. DoE and
NPS in particular own a lot of rifles given their mission.

NPS= National Park Service

The Lebanese prime minister resigned while in SA, and is supposedly
being held against his will.

The current organic constitution is a forgery put in place by the banking

cabal. The original constitution of 1787 - 1789 is what counts. The current
constitution is missing the original 13th amendment, which had been
ratified by all states, prohibiting titles of nobility. Thus, all Federal Judges in
Federal courts are operating in violation of the original ratified 13th
amendment and of the Constitution, by carrying foreign titles of nobility
assigned to them by the British Bar basically, assigned via a system under
the control of the British Monarchy. The US is still thus a British colony of
sorts, under the control also of the Pope, the Black Pope, the Jesuits and
the Pharaonic bloodline families which have their home in Switzerland. The
Swiss Octogon Templars are the head of the snake in the NWO. There sits
the Bank for International Settlements, the head of the snake of the
banking cartel and the home of the CIA. The NWO Nazis, CIA and
Octogon rule the planet and control all puppets below them.
Answer 1 - Saud Princes

Answer 2 - Q stressed that the answer to who runs North Korea can not be
revealed until the very end (of the unification process?)

Remember, we have heard very little of a certain "friend" nation during all


Clintons, CIA, Soros, Rothschild, Globalists, Obama, secret societies-Vril,
Freemasons, Roundtable, Illuminati, Bilderberg, Council Foreign Relations,
United Nations ETC. Perhaps before President Trump it was the US

See column 257 - 186 for the answer.

I see John McCain is voting yes finally to the tax bill.

There's talk that an FBI agent said Chaffers dropped because he'd been
threatened, so he's with his family. Hope that's true, if he's corrupt,
everyone is. But so far these have stated not running:
Irene B. Adams•Amber Joiner•Ileana Ros Lehtinen•Bob Goodlatte•Jeb
Hensarleng•Jeff Flake•Sam Johnson•Frank LoBiondo•Tim Murphy•Ted
Pole•Dave Reichert•Bob Corker•Charlie Dent•John Duncan•Lynn
Jenkins•Lamar Smith•Pat Tiberi•Dave Trott• Corker
The truth is that North Korea is own by our own CIA, and is under the
control of the Shadow Government, which are being run by the Globalists,
who are pedophiles, and worship Satan.

This truth sounds so ridiculous that no normal person will be able to accept
It actually goes even deeper. Clowns and shadow government are players.
Who is the Master
Molock will be angry, forcing the remaining ones to become more

‘Operation Elysium’ confirmed:
Soros is just a front name for the Global Crime Syndicate, Global banking
cartel and for the Uranium crime Syndicate to hide it´s money, launder it
and use it for crime.

All of these are sponsored by the CIA, fused with the FBI under David
Petraeus and JTTF. Trump needs to end this fusion and de-fund the CIA,
which is operating in violation of the Constitution. It is a foreign owned
private corporation with headquarters in Switzerland. The same for the FBI,
headquarters in France.. These agencies acting on behalf of foreign
powers as corporations is a DIRECT AFRONT TO THE US
We need to not take the "I told you so" angle with the idiot masses. Things
will be divided enough, and it won't be the lemmings offering forgiveness,
that duty falls squarely on the shoulders of the patriots. We need to instead
educate about habeus corpus, that during martial law it isn't necessarily
lifted for everyone and that civilian law will still apply to the masses. +++
+Why do you think they've been pushing the fascism angle for so long,
easy to turn the masses against a perceived fascist that institutes marital
law ++++also a reason to push the anti-police narrative

2nd poster: We have to understand that MANY ppl have been almost
brainwashed by the corrupt that control the flow of information. Someone
helped us understand and we will work to help others. The Bible says in 1
Thessalonians 5:14 “Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are
unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all
men.” (KJV)

The storm is the take-down of the NWO cabal. It has begun. MIL
operations have commenced and there are now over 9,000 sealed
indictments nation-wide as of Jan 2018 and that is only 20% of what is
actually taking place. See the foot-notes also to this spreadsheet.
So BO has been to North Korea...

Guess: deep state and globablists need a war for chaos and depopulation;
they really want a war with Iran, but POTUS45 seems more focused on
NK; so the deep state/globablists will make use of a war with NK; CIA lies
as needed; as for why NSA under Adm R would "confirm" NK needs
another 5+ years -- do not know. Possible all media reports of NK in 2017
are falsified. --

They want to delay NK until the next term to when there will be a president
they can control.-- elaborate, please?

If I were Q, I would ask: Why delay? Who benefits from delaying a war with
NK? -- Depends on who is really in control of NK which no one has

Seems like BO is in control of NK, which might be why he was drawn back
her under the guise of jury duty
Deep state does not want war with Iran. It would seem improbable that the
three letter agencies were unaware of NK capabilities. Their Intel is
impeccable, and that would ne to them as the elephant in the room. They
were complicant of the entire thing even beforehand, or there would have
been questions. So they knew before it happened. And we're complicant.
Iran is in bed with those that control deep state.
They wanted to delay till the next term because they planned in a set up
impeachment or riding it out. They wanted to be in control when the war
broke out because they want the east coast and Bible belt to get nuked so
they can drastically reduce the world population and nearly eliminate
Christians at the same time, as long as the nation is in state of emergency,
no more elections. They would remain in power indefinitely thereafter.

War $$$

1st Poster - Everyone would be underground where they can live forever if
need be, once we were bombed they would have their excuse to bomb
Russia. So the middle East were going to bomb us while their own actors
used our weapons to take out Russia cause they can't and there would
have been no plans to bomb NK back just excuse to bomb Russia. So they
had a plan figured out to take both of the world powers out so they could
rise to world control. Should they get a firing squad for that? Ahh. God
forbids but they should never see the light of day.

All under orders of Pope. Lock him up. Take the Vatican as "spoils" and go
back to bartering and trading and using gold and silver.

2nd Poster - The Globalists want to get rid of the three superpowers
(America, China, and Russia). Note that the Globalists already control

The Globalists' plan was to arm North Korea with nukes, get Kim to nuke
America, America to nuke Kim back, then Russia and China will nuke
America and America them. With the three world super powers gone, the
Globalists will be free to take the world.




1st Poster - 2 cells UP: Story confirming NK's mountain destroyed:

2nd Poster - This Q post seems to come from the generals.

As long as they don't take our guns, liberty, food, etc. We will pray and
support them, thank them, and help if needed. God Bless in the name of
Jesus Christ, Amen

Content of message?

2p: There were two, one in reference to "the military", the other verifying Q
legitimacy about happenings.

1.ISIS just claimed the Degenerate Animal who killed, and so badly
wounded, the wonderful people on the West Side, was "their soldier." .....
...Based on that, the Military has hit ISIS "much harder" over the last two
days. They will pay a big price for every attack on us!

2. My Twitter account was taken down for 11 minutes by a rogue

employee. I guess the word must finally be getting out-and having an
The first ten tetrahedral numbers are:
1, 4, 10, 20, 35, 56, 84, 120, 165, 220

Inside this wiki page, there is a reference to

This song has a mathematical formula, see here for more information on
the formula:
DJT - Pardon; Obama & Lynch made deal to keep lid on Obama
involvement with dossier
Deal made with assumption HRC would be President

Gradual, methodical red-pilling of public. Most resistant to truth about HRC

are the Dems; however even GOPers and Indies will be staggered by the
degree to which our country has been corrupted and how close we came
to losing it.SPECULATION: To call out key players so that they won't be
able to run again.

All charges and proofs of wrongdoing and lying to the public will come in
public knowledge. This will come in handy for the next election to
undermine the candidates.
saw a post BO was in the Phillipines and extracted. Then was in Chicago
for Jury duty.

POTUS was to end his trip in Philippines. Any coincidence BO was there if
true? Is child trafficking a common denominator?

Does Chicago allow cell phones in court room? [theory] BO

incommunicado. What is happening while BO in dark?

Was Obama trying to recruit the Phillipines to join the Global alliance?

December 1-4: Asia, India and France.

The uranium crime syndicate has been going on for many years and all
Presidents since Bush have been a part of it, as well as the CIA, the FBI,
the NSA, the DOJ, Congress people and all Congressional committees
infiltrated by these agents. The AWAN brothers are the spy arm of the CIA
within congress, to capture contracts globally for the CIA and for the
Shadow Government, infiltrating the highest level of the U.S. governmen
with traitors.

POTUS controls the narrative, by withholding what he knows and choosing

what and when to release info

2p: Media. Media always controls the narrative. POTUS uses other means
to subvert the narrative

Whomever controls the media.

Patriots do.

BBG: Broadcast Board of Governors do.



The CIA - ISIS - basicaly runs and owns MSN and Amazon, Twitter,
Facebook, onine forums, Youtube...that is why all of these are wiping
servers, censoring, wiping videos and posts, in a massive cover-up and
censorship of the truth, so as to attempt to prevent Americans from
becoming free of the banking cartel and the global mafia of slave masters.

Comey is a white hat.

Comey is a white hat.

News on 11/2 (date of this ques): Spacey is a raper, Brazile turns;

News on 11/3: Guy said he had expl at WH (didn't); Feldman drops a
name, Rand assaulted (not yet reported);
News on 11/4:Missile over SA; Rand assault reported

The Democrats are demon rats and part of a crime syndicate, together
with the CIA. DHS taken over by the rats also under obama, as well as
NSA. Now all of this is being taken back and bad actors are being
removed. All mass shootings, false flags etc are organized by the DNC,
Obama, Hillary, Soros, Bushes, CIA and Global banking cartel. All attemps
to seize American guns and over-run the country with the UN.

Because ISIS controls the MSN and works in partnership with the CIA.
Obama, Hillary, Bush all CIA agents and agent of the global banking cartel
and of the global uranium - bitcoin crime syndicate, - CERN LHC Alice and
the CIA seven Dwarfs program. All fused in with the banking carttel. The
US Treasury has also fused with the private federal reserve system and
can no longer be trusted to mint our handle our national currency. We need
to become free and use the wealth in the Global Debt Facility to mint our
Because ISIS controls the MSN and works in partnership with the CIA.
Obama, Hillary, Bush all CIA agents and agent of the global banking cartel
and of the global uranium - bitcoin crime syndicate, - CERN LHC Alice and
the CIA seven Dwarfs program. All fused in with the banking carttel. The
US Treasury has also fused with the private federal reserve system and
can no longer be trusted to mint our handle our national currency. We need
to become free and use the wealth in the Global Debt Facility to mint our
own currencies free of the banking cabal now.

We have explained how it is connected to CERN Alice - to Bitcoin and to

the global uranium crime syndicate, to the CIA and to the banking cartel. All
one big scheme to defraud humanity in favor of a few families which
control all the banks, and in favor of the Swiss Octogon Templar Pharaonic
bloodline families and of the fake Jews, Khazarian mafia of the Khabalah
and the Nazis. All have their base and head of the NWO snake in
Switzerland, home of the Bank for International Settlements, the head of
the banking cartel and of the CIA, the head of the Nazi Pharaonic slave
It is also a novel by Peter Benchley (1986) set in the Johnson White
House. Benchley was spokesman during LBJ adminostration. Novel
recounts story of a WH insider who's influence escalates up to knoledge of
nuclear "Q Clearance" info and is targeted by a foreign "honey trap"
operation. Protagonist (apparently, I haven't read the book yet - it's out of
print) somehow turns the tables on the foreign agent.
And now, the storm is coming for them...
during AG Sessions hearing Grassley requested DOJ investigation into FBI handling of U1 matter. FBI informant had been threat

At least one of the Q's is a non-native speaker of English (ESL teacher

speaking here). Notice how many times you have subject/verb agreement
issues (Why is Grassley and others....). This could be a native mistake, but
then you get this one (11/2 261): "Shocking no global news agency
suspects that we had nothing to do with it." Assuming the writer means that
no global news agency expects that "we had anything to do with it", this is
an unusual use of the negative. It doesn't strike me as a Romance
language (Spanish) negative construction. I wonder if at least one of the
Qs is Asian. A native speaker would not make this mistake.

(Speculation) maybe POTUS has asserted some influence/control over

(Speculation) maybe POTUS has asserted some influence/control over

sessions not Sessions

Illuminati/Free Mason/Cabal
See cell 415-300 for more info on this.
U1 uranium went from us,to canada, to EU/Asia. Some smuggling into Georgia and Ukraine (per wikileaks emails, Russians req

NK obtained Uranium via Iran



Ultimately they received uranium from US. Our own government sold it to
Iran obtained Uranium via Russia.

They need money to bring in people who could do the work. For
enrichment you need dodgy scientists as well as infrastructure. Most
scientists honourable so very expensive to pay off................. Money went
to several places...not just Iran
Clowns in Alphabet land. China?
EU controls NK
The cabal. Probably Rothschild. Ben Fulford has been saying NK is a
khazarian mob enclave for years.

The Vatican
Direct control comes from EU, but EU has a controlling agent as well, but
this answer only requires the actual tie to NK=EU

2- Could an autist anon who knows about big Hollywood productions (Ben
Hur), synchronized sports, or something like the moon landing footage take
a look at some of the available NK documentaries? It might help us to
figure this out if we could figure out what is going on with NK's people.

We are fighting our own government. Dark hats. People who's interest is
the new world order and worship Satan
Lock the Pope up as well and there in lies the end of it all. Actually the end
lies in Antarctica, but for now focus on home. Purging the enemies from
within first, collaboratively with the globe, so all can purge simultaneously,
once that's accomplished, Antarctica would be next on list. That's where
the base, leaders are. Pope is false prophet used to establish their religion.

They (world government/Illuminati/etc..) love to implicate their plans

through Hollywood. There was a movie made called Jericho, I think, where
the Marines just showed up in all the town's to restore, no one even knew
anything had happened. Asked them what was going on and they said
North Korea and Iran were attacking us, but we wiped them out. I would
lean towards believing their central operations for the next war that was
going to be like a movie playing out, is North Korea. They assumed they
would be in power. That WAS their plans.

From this series and previous question on who can be held hostage... is
cia holding the world hostage with threats of nuclear war??

The Rothschild banking cartel has long relied on war as the primary means
to control countries through debt. BUT they have to own both sides. If they
don't, they lose funding because it takes two to go to war.

I'm beginning to think the people of North Korea are being held hostage.
Recently, December of 2017, he was arrested in the airport closing, trying
to come into the US in a Mexican cargo plane. He is under detention,
together with J. McCain, Hillary, Soros and all other traitors, all awaiting
military trials and being sent to Guantanamo Bay.

See cells 411-296 and others for more details on this.

same donors
Buys you in to your place at the top of the food chain of the membership of
elitism. It's the mark of the beast that shows your place of trust at the anti-
communion table of


See cells 411-296 and many others here for more details on Alice &
2nd poster: The foundations are how they pull off most of their criminal
acts. The money Laundering, tax evasion, pay to play, bribery,
racketeering, even the human trafficking are all run through their
foundations! They create a lot of bluster about the "good works" their
foundations do so ppl aren't as likely to look closer.
Entirely. Unconstitutional, Unratified.

2nd Poster - Constitutional. 16th Amendment.

1st Poster - The Way, The Truth, and the Life. The Gospel of the Kingdom
of Heaven.

2nd Poster - Martial Law. Military Tribunals.

If this is the message, there is nothing here to indicate this message will be
tweeted by POTUS.
Huma could provide information if compelled to that could expose the
corrupt and identify the source of the infiltration. Brotherhood is foreign
agency hostile to America and its Constitution, and is well worth the
consideration to be warned.

Everyone involved in covering for this is not just committing treasonous

acts of espionage and betraying US, but are all terrorists themselves.


F2f is very important if voice and personality can be replicated since what
you see and hear may or may not be real

The original page for the tech mentioned in article loads for about 10
seconds then you are automatically redirected to another page. Watch the
embedded video at the link above.
King Salman knew that Obama had aligned with 'bad actors' within KSA

Perhaps POTUS did not want coverage, given the allegiances of the media:

Certain US reporters who had been allowed there before were denied visas by SA:

Mad Hatter's Tea Party. Alice was never in control.

Hardly a game... but I understand we're not the ones playing it.
Taking the angle that 3-initial organisations and the Former Régime are no
longer in charge of the MSM here. POTUS anticipated this and has quietly
taken control as far as necessary. Mockingbird is being dismantled and
maybe already has been but POTUS may wish to retain an illusion of
animosity in order to control the narrative gently. He remains consistent
with his "fake news" comments, even though he may already be pulling
MSM strings. Just a theory..

Relevant for the sake of freedom. What do the people want? Do they know
what their options are? Do they understand their own roll in the whole
picture? What power do they have? POTUS shows them they have ALL of
the power. They just need to be shown the Way, so they can choose it.
Have potus move to different media sites. Gab for one. Move around off of
main SM.
Everyone seems to be able to set up their own servers pretty regularly,
why can't one be set up inside a special schif in the White specifically for
White House news?? With vetted, credible, fact-based news. They have C-
SPAN covering Congress, why not White Noise? Or something...... Really
seems this could be overcome fairly easy. But, freedom of speech doesn't
mean that those given special privileges don't reciprocate special
responsibilities. So, seems Congress could truly fix this, based solely on
that. That the special access reporters are required by law, to maintain
special responsibilities that the remainder don't have to adhere to. Seems
Q said only Trump and his team of loyal 10 people know the full picture.

Q seems to be saying that 7 are Warlocks and 3 are Wizards.

The Warlocks are obviously the generals.

Who or what are the Wizards?

Does Trump get his intel from the Wizards?

Is the NSA a Wizard? Is Julian Assange/WikiLeaks a Wizard? Is Military

Intelligence a Wizard?

Is Trump himself a Wizard?

Is this why Trump always seems to be 5 steps ahead, and always seem to
know what is going to happen before it happens?

To prevent leaking of strategies and critical information that the enemies

may use against Trump.

In Game Theory, if the opponent already knows the move you're going to
make, they will just play the counter move that will result in the most win for
them, and screw you over.
However, if the opponent doesn't know the move you're gonna make, but
you know the move the opponent is gonna to make, you can play the
counter move, and win bigly.

The enemies must never know Trump's moves.

The Wizards are there to reveal the enemies' moves to Trump.

And the Warlocks are there so that Trump can play the counter move once
the enemies' plans have been revealed.

Awesome. Honored, humbled.

1st Poster - Q doubts our ability... but the graphic was created and
again deemed "overestimated" then given a "push" for encouragement.

Q Confirmed Alice & Wonderland is about Amazon Kindle Book


2nd - Globalists are recording all the intel Q is dropping, but it won't matter.
It won't save them.
Biggest dump in history has them in a scramble

A "rouge employee" disabled the twitter account of POTUS for 10 minutes.

Literally, the lights going out. No power grid, no comms.

For WWIII tipped off by +, ++, +++ using N. Korea? How is this winning
bigly? It’s exactly what they wanted.
Twitter temporary account blockade.

Means the Clowns are rogue Agency, and is therefore a domestic terrorist

Unconfirmed but Tony Podesta plane forced down and returned to US.

A whole container tagged as inside of "diplomatic pouch" can fly off or
arrive without any checks.

Nice move if i may say so

c-level = classified

A C-level executive is a high-ranking executive of a company in charge of

making company-wide decisions. The "C" stands for "chief." Some best-
known C-level executives include the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief
Operating Officer (COO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and Chief
Information Officer (CIO).
Possibly look into all c-level flyers to see who also has ties to foundation of
and/or bad actors, possibly doing smuggling and/laundering. Since they
are the only ones expedited without searches or vetting.

Osama bin ladins sister cia/7th floor hostage released after attack carried out?..................NOTE: There were several flights. See
Osama bin ladins sister cia/7th floor hostage released after attack carried out?..................NOTE: There were several flights. See
Matt Lauer fired today. In the works for two weeks. Story by NYT I believe.

Joe Scarborough also deleted a large amount of tweets recently. Possibly

working for CIA after they helped with the dead intern? Makes sense why
Trump mentioned this out of the blue.

CGI - Clinton Global Initiative.

Trump stopped secretive $221 million payment to Palestine:
Trump visit to Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology in SA.

"Holy" sites are a safe place to recruit new terrorists.

Oil trades

SA also has been working toward circumventing the dollar and using
another form of currency. Getting away from the petro dollar. I would also
think JK went to negotiate contracts with SA to secure the transactions in
petri dollars to avoid the dollar collapse everyone is trying to implement in
order to bring in their firm of currency.
Establish confidence in the dollar. They have been trading in other
currencies trying to collapse the dollar as the world currency.

Military base in the moon.

Will you come out with the REAL shape of the earth.
Obama's Graduate studies at Harvard was funded by Prince Alwaleed bin Talal.
no. the only ones you can expose are those you have evidence of
criminality for, and even tho nsa has evidence, some are protected. and
some have operated off the grid well enough to avoid nsa getting direct
data on it so the evidence against them might not be conclusive or telling
as to what they're really up to.

Exposing 70% of all politicians would cause a huge crisis. Note the many
(40?) Republican incumbents who have "chosen" to not run. These were
likely talked to and convinced in lieu of exposure. An alternative pattern
may be seen in those who choose not to step away - pain is increased
through more sex crime revelations (e.g. Senator Franken is up to 7
accusers as he won't submit.

They kinda seem to expose themselves, or at least who they are. As the
others get exposed, certain ones get nervous and on defense. So, I'd say
so for the most part, and for the ones that don't, well, let's just say they
may just find the honesty within themselves they seemed to have lost.
Perhaps they will not choose the dirty path after this.

This may be a reference to FBIanon's statement that 70% of D.C. was

This is the first occurrence of "dark" (in "darkest") -- a word with particular
meaning. Scott Adams points out that the first time he believed the Clinton
campaign had serious professionals working on their messaging, they got
a barrage of media suddenly using the word "dark" to describe Trump.
This may have been a mirror happening confirming AntiFa takedown. All
eyes were on AntiFa's Nov 4th planned uprising and we were led to believe
this would happen and NG would be called up. Instead, KSA takedown of
bad Saudi Princes happened. The thought was this misdirection confirmed
Q's predictions, but changed some details as a diversion. The AntiFa
uprising mysteriously fizzled (nov 4th was very lightly attended despite the

Also what happened in KSA could happen here if necessary.

Now we can add Tom Steyer, idiot "Conservationist".

Bush , the Saudis and the Mossad did 911 and the Bushes think that they
are still so respected that they can convince us that Trump is an unfitl
president. They have good reason to believe this as they have gotten away
with SO much since old man Bush orchestrated JFK's assassination, as
well as RFK's assassination, and JFK Jr? Well, he was looking to get into
politics and was gonna run for the Senate seat his uncle once held. The
Bushes couldn't have that and Hilary wanted that seat to launch her own
political career. One bird, 2 stones. Among the many, many many other
things that the Bushes have gotten away with over the years. They have
MUCH to lose if Trump succeeds. GHWB once told a WH reporter that if
the people knew what he had done, they would chase him down in the
street and lynch him

Also they have a book coming out

A lot of sealed indictments in Miami, where Jeb was Governor

Prince Bandar, a bush ally, was one of those arrested in KSA

Because Bush senior will be implicated in human trafficking and body/

organ harvesting and trafficking on black market, as well as with spirit
Next event is The Great Awakening?
CAIR - Council of American Islamic Relations
Blockage of Civil Class Action Lawsuit for 9/11 reparations?

HRC exclaimed to her team: "We are all gonna hang!"

Think 911 on this question

Hamas buying weapons from N Korea:
This event preceeded the recent Saudi purge. So was it done with Trump
to confirm this would happen at a later date??

Assuming Q is referring to CIA, was the missile meant to travel to HI where

Trump was and take him out? Was this threat what caused the full dress
generals? The remainder of the KSA royal family may not be happy about
the deal where USA and Aramco are business partners. Exclusive control
disappears as the narrow circle in which the wealth is shared. Some may
see this as an economic colonization of KSA and its oil reserves.
Would very much appreciate Saudi Arabia doing their IPO of Aramco with
the New York Stock Exchange. Important to the United States! 5:49 AM - 4

Trump trust the Military. Trump has the full backing of the Military.
Trump trust the Military. Trump has the full backing of the Military.

Possibly a death threat. Was the missile from Yemen an attempt on


Trump has extra security.

OR someone is capable of using that tracking info to aim a missile at
1st Poster - The Asian trip showed at each country that Trump was treated
with extreme deference. Note that we didn't see, or confirm much
difference during this time, yet Q says the world is different. This was
potentially the final steps before the takedown of Rothschild and Soros was
to begin. He must've been disseminating battle plans, getting confirmation
on backing and assuring our allies that Rothschild, Soros and all the global
deep state apparatus would be dismantled.

2nd Poster - Trump was recruiting other nations to join him against the

Obama was trying to recruit other nations into the Global alliance. Looks
like he failed miserably. Q called him a loser.

The world is a different place now, because alliances have been formed,
and sides have been taken. Those who believe in freedom and sovereignty
vs those who believe in the Globalist agenda.

MKUltra, mind control.

Part 76 - The Sodomite Gateway - Alice in Wonderland's Orange

“The following excerpt is from Alice and Wonderland, one of the most well
known sources used for programming…“
We should put all the events Q talked about into a timeline.
Any autist put all the events Q talked about into chronological order
timeline yet?

1p. Hive, AI, space x

2p. Spider-web mess is necessary to throw off enemies. Q expects us to

organize everything into a neat package for easy consumption by the

Q stressed that all the events he talked about must be put into
chronological order. Past. Present. Future.

Titanic. Past. WW2. Past. Saudi Arabia. Present. Godfather III. Future.
As Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) ages, he finds that being the head of the
Corleone crime family isn't getting any easier. He wants his family out of
the Mafia, but the mob kingpin (Eli Wallach) isn't eager to let one of the
most powerful and wealthy families go legit. Making matters even worse is
Michael's nephew, Vincent (Andy Garcia). Not only does Vincent want a
piece of the Corleone family's criminal empire, but he also wants Michael's
daughter, Mary (Sofia Coppola).
******************************************************** IMO President Trump =
Godfather III. He has history of being friends and involved with Jeffrey
Epstein (at least prior to 2011), as well as Chelsea Clinton's wedding
(2010), Hillary donations ($100,000 in 2010). But something happened
(Spiritual awakening??). Now his daughter, Ivanka, is married to someone
who IS involved in the NWO cult and he wants out and wants her out.
(that's my 2cents). this would be 2 birds, 1 stone--saves his family AND

Also Vatican is so corrupt they taught the mafia a thing or two.

2p. A future event that bear resemblance to the movie Godfather III?

Putin + Xi + Trump = Godfather III.

Pope? Vatican? World Bank? Robert S. MUELLER, III

Godfather III is going to be the next event?


Many W questions evolve with more references, but answers are locked so
the map can’t evolve.

CIA. Accusations that the CIA has been involved in drug-trafficking date back to the Korean Conflict. Many researchers believe
The article about the Bloody Wonderland indicates that the Saudis are
using violent sharia punishments (many lashes, killings) to deal with moral
failings (adultery) and crimes in a way that seems out of proportion to the
US. The article also states that KSA is beginning to punish non Muslim
foreigners (like Brits who drink wine) with the same same sharia
punishments. With reports of torture for the rogue elements in KSA royal
family, one wonders what would happen if Hillary were extradited to KSA.

Signatures are future events that are going to happen.

The first event Alice & Wonderland already happened.

1st Poster - Perhaps GF3 refers to KJU’s desire to bring NK out of its
backward state into the 21st century. What if KJU, father, and grandfather
are/were all puppets, held hostage by NWO rulers who used the threat of
their people’s demise and the favor of their people’s worship as carrot and

2st Poster - Ex-President Bill Clinton wants out? Globalists will not be
happy about it though. Globalists gonna take Bill down? You don't leave
the 'Mafia' and live.

Ten days (of) Darkness. For Democrats. And Republicans. Shutdown.

Grid out

Communication with Q, radio silence. See also row 637

Global warming, war mongering, race baiting.

They believe they grow stronger with fear, they feed on it, MSM’s job is to
create fear then control/channel it for outcomes. To counter: turn it off,
manifest the opposite.

In another one of Q's post, Trump told the swap they got two choices. They
can either walk away peacefully, or they will be taken down.

Looks like all the Democrats rejected it, so all their sexual assaults are
being exposed. They are being taken down.

Trump has the backing of the NSA confirmed? NSA one of the wizards?

Looks like Republicans accepted it, so they are being allow to retire
peacefully. Look at all those Republicans retiring!

So much happenings!
Martial law
Secret technologies, tesla

2p. Mass red-pilling?

Poster 1 - Maybe this refers to America getting out of the crime business
but are being met with a ton of resistance from former cohorts, Rothschilds

Poster 2 - Godfather III. An upcoming event where the knives will be

coming out? Bad actors will take each other down, like in the movie?

The Pope is involved somehow?

Republicans are walking away (all those Republicans retiring).

Democrats are staying. Democrats gonna stab each other?

* Jeff Sessions III - link in the bread for the QMAP

1st Poster: Domestic terror cells waiting for their CIA=ISIS signals. Trained,
foreign (Mexican, Central American, Iranian) paramilitary mercenaries are
leaders among them.

2nd Poster: Globalists keep using MS-13 to kill people who have
information that could lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton.
1st Poster - Because satanic worship is part of their reality, eg. temple on
Epstein island, and the public are not able to fully comprehend the extent
of their depravity, child trafficking, murder, ritual abuse, sacrifice., etc

Rolling disclosure and use of terms like ‘cult’ with examples in history can
assist some. Example: ‘it doesn’t matter if you believe it, they do.’ Then
show victimization, evidence with disclaimer ‘Not for general audience’

They needed her to keep the Presidency in the hands of bad actors.
Saboteurs in FBI engaged in purposefully botched investigation, and
Comey brought it on himself to say charges were not merited.

Because FBI was fake investigating her and never intended to file charges
1st Poster - Is Godfather III Soros? ROBERT S MUELLER III

**Perhaps DJT is Godfather III: prior to 2011 he hangs out with Epstein,
gives 100K to HRC PAC, all these are "great guys" "great gals". In 2012
starts with twitter comments against BO and HRC. Then he testifies
against Epstein, in ?2013. then of course the campaign. Jared Kushner is
on the "dark side" (look at his building purchase in NY. DJT sees Ivanka
being taken down the path and wants to stop it. It may be possible the
Jared WILL be charged with something. Jared family very close with BiBi
and Bibi currently under investigation for bribery and other corruption...

2nd Poster - Who is the one controlling all the strings on the poster of the
Godfather III? George Soros?
CF prosecution is more than enough to get treason conviction for HRC,
WJC, et al. Also, creates openings for other governments to seek
extradition=leverage for full confession of crimes dating back decades.
Creates a much bigger net to catch conspirators in.
Could Hillary be turned over to SA for punishment? Maybe it's SA that will
hang her, not the US.
Seth Rich was linked to twitter account @pandasforprogress wikileaks
source for Clinton emails, type in twit handle and Saudi Arabia and you get
three stories. member of royal Saudi family executed, women can drive in
SA, and gunman attack near us embassy of SA.

It connects the shooting to the Saudi purge.

Lots of travel, especially to places known for drugs, gun-running; no visible
source of income yet has money,

M-13 = CIA hit squad. MS=13 involvement implies CIA involvement.

Control of police and all info indicates domestic intelligence, not Saudi.
May have been a joint venture.

Theory assassination attempt. FBI/CIA tipped off. killed bad guys in streets,
others in room with Paddock?

Aircraft involvement likely.

Crown Prince of KSA

It has been reported that ETS Risk Management Co. was on the ground in
Vegas (a private paramilitary company out of SA that is said to work state-
side on occasion and worked Libya). See Intellihub.


* For POTUS to provide intel f2f to Saudi Crown Prince about the level of
corruption in KSA and request assistance in checking it. Meeting spooked
Alwaleed, who attempted a coup then and there, perhaps with CIA help.
POTUS and Crown Prince escaped unharmed. Paddock was a hastily
contrived diversion to cover escapes of both leaders. He was killed in
firefight and his body and the room were staged. Where is the hard drive to
his laptop? Has anyone checked to see who was staying at Trump Tower
that night?

Deep State wants to assassinate Crown Prince?

But Trump and NSA tipped off the Saudis. Crown Prince was seen leaving.
Assassination attempt failed so they have to make it look like a lone gun
man gone crazy mass shooting?

No more info coming out because case is classified now?

Sheldon Adelson

Not the Big Bird. Perhaps a faster, more compact flying object was used.
Not the Big Bird. Perhaps a faster, more compact flying object was used.

-The airliner known as "JANET" is a highly classified small fleet of

passenger aircraft used and operated by the United States Air Force to
transport military and contractor employees. JANET serves the Nevada
National Security Site (Area 51 and Tonopah Test Range) from its terminal
at Las Vegas' McCarran International Airport.

-Stephen Paddock may have also targeted the hanger that houses the
JANET aircraft.

-Sheldon Adelson was most likely in one of the unmarked JANET airliners
that flew INTO Los Vegas expecting to meet POTUS that night.

-JANET flight schedule and numbers for the month of October 2017--->
Someone knew both about the Saudi Prince and Trump meeting. Trump's
history is in casinos. Meeting must have been meticulously planned and
hidden but it was traced, probably through Saudi Prince. Trump's
intelligence must have tipped off Saudi Prince so he left hotel incognito.
Was the shooting an attempt to take them booth out? If shooters were in
more than one hotel, there may have been more than one target. Op
supposed to mimic mass shooting. As everyone's attention is taken with
shooting music fans, Saudi Prince and maybe Trump taken out; blamed on
Paddock or MS 13? Something went wrong for the shooters.
Controllers want to distance themselves as far away from HRC as

Saudis recently cut tier with Hillary Clinton.

There is no honor among thieves.

... but the Saudis weren't having any of it.

Soros is arguably Clinton’s handler for Lord deRothschild. Just gave all his
money, 18b, to his foundation.
1st Poster - In Godfather III - Michael wants the deal untainted by Mafia involvement and pays off the mob bosses from the sal

2nd Poster - A future event where a corrupt person, who have been with
the Globalists for a long time, want outs? But, the Globalists are not going
to just let him walk away. So the knives comes out? Blood spills? People
dies? Family is killed off?

3rd Poster- The movie is about how the Corleone Foundation launders
money into the Vatican. The profits from the criminal and legal ventures are
funneled into the foundation. The movie begins with Michael Corleone
presenting the Catholic Church a check for $100,000,000.
the enemy is a(n) person / entity that is opposing a(n) individual / group.
Progressives/Globalists/NWO people.
/2/ The enemy is DECEIT and FEAR. The so-called lords of the NWO use
both to terrorize, intimidate, control, and manipulate people of all social
ranks and positions. The dark forces of Evil especially seek out those with
greater measures of this world’s power to do the most heinous and far-
reaching atrocities; yet, none of us is immune. Stay alert!

topics the media goes after to manipulate the crisis to suit their narrative -

Investor, gambler, enriched family, CIA fronts?


What false flag is Q pointing us to that involves MS13. Seth Rich?

What stories have we been told that were fairytales.
[Theory]: identification, background, history, family is what's used to create
the the falseness of the false flags and infer the motives of the shooter.
Used to push narratives. When the actual motives come from MS13 or
those who hire MS13. Hostage, might be what the shooter, or what
someone close to the shooter is, and MS13 has leverage over the shooter.
Perhaps threatening family? Leverage power of MS13 used to get the right
people to blame for attacks while pushing narratives. Las Vegas? Other

Lieutenant General O-9, NATO OF-8

Brief access to the NSA files
He was able to see behind the curtain
The one that fights the smartest wins. Gulen/Gladio B

In the end, all will be reveled.

- Eric Prince / Blackwater.

Jeff Sessions, JA?, new appointments to the NSA, President Trump is he

Maples, Burgess, Flynn, Shedd, Stewart
Flynn is a ghost for the good guys and has been working with President
Trump from the beginning.

"Dark" see also row 637

1st Poster - In Godfather III - Michael wants the deal untainted by Mafia involvement and pays off the mob bosses from the sal

2nd Poster - The Pope is involve in an upcoming event that Q refers to as

the Godfather III event?

Waleed arrested, Mansour killed

Money laundering?
This is the same day as Q post, Nov 5
If this is muqrin, then implication is it wasn't an accident.

Guessing we did it, since it implies the Saudis did not setup the accident

We would fire if it would take pressure off Salman and MBS. If Muqrin was
behind LV shooting, Saudi Royalty may see it as acceptable justice and
preventing a larger war with US


Any of the visible people bought in places like media or government.

Implication of a puppet is there is a hidden master and a very visible image
that talks and dances. Thus the people in Hollywood, MSM, Congress, Top
LEO (e.g. Comey) are puppets and will be removed. Hollywood has always
had predators. The reason they are now falling (e.g. Say since Weinstein)
is the protection racket is ending. Their puppeteer is gone.

Puppets are in government, media, police forces, gangs, universities--

anywhere of importance. Definitely among elected officials who always
need cash for campaigns.

Vanderbilts not Jewish. Gloria Vanderbilt baptized Episcopalian, converted

to Catholicism.
She was assassinated by Mi6 atr equest of teh royal family...

1st Poster - Putin claimed he had evidence that Diana knew too much and
he claimed Queen was evil leader of the Illuminati. He said that Diana was
about to tell the world a shocking truth and that he is now prepared to tell
the world.

2nd Poster - Diana found out the truth about the Royal Family? The Royal
Family always say that it is the "The Red Dragon" that grants them their
power. "The Red Dragon" is another name for Satan. Did Diana find out
the Royal Family worship Satan? Have they been sacrificing children? She
called the Windsors the lizards.

Or is this related Diana having recurring nightmares of a beast coming

from the sea?
She feared for her life. She wrote that she believed that Charles was
planning her death in a car accident.


>>News article has photos of hand written letter to Paul

>>>"This particular phase in my life is the most dangerous - my husband is

planning 'an accident' in my car..." Quote from letter

that they were engaged but she had told several people close to her that
she had no interest in marrying anyone at the time.

1st Poster - Demonstrates the ruthlessness of those in power when dealing

with people they perceive as threats to their position. The Nazi's had
planned to unite Europe under an EU style government with Philip as the
King. Phillip and Elizabeth supported and had relationships with the Nazi's.

2nd Poster - I think what Q meant is why is Princess Diana relevant again?
Why now?

1st Poster - Some reports say Prince Phillip is now retiring to avoid having
to meet DJT at the then upcoming state visit.
2nd Poster - The truth about Diana will finally come out? She's gonna be
the talk of the town again?

Diana is old news? Elizabeth is old?

1st Post - both are rumored to be part of the illuminati

2nd Post - Elizabeth and Phillip. Old age. Line of succession? Charles is
next. William after that. Connection to Diana? Harry is not in line. Harry can
not become king.

There were rumors that Harry is illegitimate.

1st Post - Probably yes.

2nd Post - There is a bad actor? Who is the bad actor?

Cousin to Queen through her Great grandmother


1. BBC reports: The death of MI6 spy Gareth Williams, whose body was
found in a padlocked sports bag, was probably an accident, police have
2. CNN reports: A British spy found dead at his home in 2010 -- his naked
body padlocked inside a large red carrying bag stowed in the bathtub --
was either suffocated or poisoned, but it is unlikely his death will ever be
satisfactorily explained.

A year later CNN reports:MI6 agent not killed, as previously thought.

The Sun on Sunday newspaper quotes an intelligence source as saying Mr

Williams had obtained sensitive documents regarding former US president
Bill Clinton.

If story is true about having information on the Clinton's, this ties The
Clinton Foundation to possible help operating in England for assassination
purposes. Since Rothschilds are her sponsor (and Soros is handler?) this
is possible way assassination was arranged. It shows global reach and

Freemasonry is luciferianism according to Albert Pike, Madame Blavatsky,

Manly Hall and Waite.

1st Poster - The illuminati started there as a group of dissidents and was
abolished but may have gone underground. Germany is the financial
keystone of the EU. Its financial strength gives it power and holds the EU
up financially against the weight of economically failing countries like
Greece. It has demanded austerity measures due to fake debt created by
the EU.

2nd Poster - The Illuminati (the German branch of the Globalists?) used
Hitler and Germany to caused WW2 and to killed a bunch of Jews?
2nd Poster: Satanic level of evil.
Rumoured to be Hitlers daughter, not by frozen embryo which is possible,
but naturally since evidence that Hitler lived to old age is now declassified.

Migrants are there to change the complexion of Europe, create violence

that requires a controlling government response, and decimate Western
culture. It allows for a very rich elite to control nations of serfs. The new
corporate feudalism. Many young males of military age. Dregs of society,
will cause changes in law and customs. No assimilation. No control over
numbers. Soros pushing, UN pushing, Brussels pushing.

Cheap labour and easily disappeared.

Erdogan uses migrants as a threat.

Since following question is "what are assets?"'it means these are useful for
ISIS to slip in. Thus migration acts as a cover for movement of ISIS
footsoldiers in Europe. This is like MS-13 to US. Same use (disposable

people, puppets, ideologies

Hillary Clinton, The Rothschilds, British Royal Family, Bush Family, all
monarchs, many politicians, most of the wealthiest, Freemasons at higher
levels, Hollywood celebrities, musicians, gang members, criminals, and
any one in a position of power who can protect them.

Bloodline families, orsini, Farnese, Onassis, there are visible and more
important much less visible bloodliners.

MANY more across the world also. There were hundreds in attendance at
the Gothard tunnel opening which was an openly Satanic dedication.

Bush, Clinton's, Reagan, Obama, Nixon, Johnston, Truman.

Royal Family.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande

and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi:

Alinsky dedicated his book to Lucifer. Mentor to HRC and BHO

Satanic ideology which is typically opposite to Christianity which is an

affront to God.
Marina Abramovic Hillary Clinton had one on in a tv interview also. Silver
pendant with upside down cross engraved. Anons zoomed in clarified the
picture. I have the photo.

Lots of pop stars, musicians, etc.

She's encouraged to openly proclaim her faith by her parents.

HRC is likely considered a high priestess. Symbology is important for these

people and moreso for an heir apparent.

Podesta Brothers as well as many prominate actors musicians and "elites".

(Robert DiNero, Lady Gaga, Jayzee, Beyonce, & MANY MANY more)

Ed Mezvinsky, Marc Mezvinsky

It makes the point that Satanism is WIDESPREAD among politicians,
actors, musicians, and other "Elite" in the USA. (It's worldwide also but the
point is it's right here at home in our halls of power.)

They act together as a cult, a cabal.

Chelsea Clinton may be being groomed as future high priestess.

Marina Abramovic. Podestas.

Practice of dark path magic.
They believe that they can drain the 'life force' of others to extend your life
Something straight out of a cult. --- sacrifice

David McGowan research shows strong connection between project

paperclip, laurel canyon, Hollywood and musicians and the CIA MKultra
project. He also connected serial killers to this group as well.

An entity known by many names. Satan. The Devil. Lucifer. Molech. Baal.
The owl/Minerva.
They sacrifice children because they believe that sacrificing children to
Molech will grant them power and influence.

They cooked and eat humans because they believe Spirit Cooking will give
them more 'life force' to extend their lifespan.

CIA is Satanic?
1st Poster - Godfather III - Michael wants the deal untainted by Mafia involvement and pays off the mob bosses from the sale o

2nd Poster - Godfather III is a future event where the someone who have
been corrupt for a long time wants out, but the Godfather and the Mafia will
not allow it, so the henchmen are sent out and blood is spilled

Corrupt person = Royal Family? Elizabeth? (Q said that the Queen has
been in power for a very long time, and implies that with power, comes
corruption) The Queen is corrupt and wants out?

Godfather = Pope?
Maifa = The Globalists?
Henchmen = Migrants?

3rd Poster - see comments made in the post about Obama flipping and the
misinformation of the mission to "extract" from Philippines. Perhaps BO is
the one referenced by Godfather III?

1st Poster - Speculation: Speed (Movie). On the Metro Red Line (Los
Angeles Subway) Annie is wearing a vest covered with explosives rigged to
a pressure-release detonator. Q mentions 'red line' in another post.

2nd Poster - NSA has intel that ISIS are planning to rig buses with

ISIS plans to move from trucks to buses?

ISIS also recently said that not even the Royal Family will be safe from
If Obama turned against the globalists in order to save himself when DJT
got elected then his trips ahead of DJT would have been to assure world
leaders that the mission was to expose the globalists and Rothschilds and
would succeed. As a former member of the evil societies he could assure
them that their only chance to remaining in power was to turn on them as
he had done, the economic advantages of ending the federal banks and
that if they didn't he, as their fellow conspirator, would expose them. As a
high level insider he would have known who was a stalwart supporter and
who could be turned or gotten to before they were too far gone. Why is this
labelled disinformation?? Q says Obama is going ahead of DJT. He asks
who is helping DJT and then the next question is about Obama. This is a
clear confirmation that Obama is helping him. A lot of politics on this sub
and they do not want to hear anything about Obama redeeming himself
even a little. So much politics that my attempt to put this answer in was
previously deleted and the follow up question about Obama after the
question who is helping DJT was also removed. But Obama being on
board is what will make the normies see this not a s a partisan coup and
move towards dictatorship but as a counter coup restoring our democracy.
In many ways he is again a keystone to the public accepting this counter
coup as legitimate and consistent with our constitution.

2nd Poster: I investigated the Zulu time see here: Commonly used by those doing plan
Post #: 148184066states: "02:00 Zulu was the Confirmation time, hence
the tweet. The OP began 08:00 and Finished 12:00 local Manila time which
is 00:00 Zulu - 04:00 Zulu."
Trump and NSA is monitoring Obama?
If I understand this correctly: post No. 148149435,
"(coordinates)_Conf_UDT_green_ ^_Sj69ETC- Godspeed." was posted at
6:17pm. The "Code: may God also grant...." text was posted at 6:59pm, 42
minutes later. Obama's tweet with the exact same text comes AFTER the
Q post, at 7:51pm, 94 mins later. The reference is that there is a
connection between Q's reporting and Obama's tweeting. If we assume
Obama's account can't tweet unless he does it, then they "have" him? or
they're working together now?

MSN is screaming impeachment.

Impeachment is CIA's counter-ops? Remember, CIA owns the media, and
gives the media their talking points.

Impeachment will fail.

Prince Alwaleed funded Obama's Harvard Education/

Manchurian candidate
Obama's puppet strings are snipped with Alwaleed's arrest
The planned one world religion??

Diebold, ES&S, Sequoia, SCYTL...

(via Bev Harris’s ‘fractional magic,’ all are flipable votes without audit
^ needs a source
Whoever owns the machines has the ability to rig the vote.

In context it appears that elections are controlled, not the results of voting.

2nd Poster: If SO, how did Trump get elected? I've heard not all states use

This is much more than a war between people but a war between good
and evil. It is a war against Satan and his minions.

Godfather III = MS13?

Godfather III - Michael wants the deal untainted by Mafia involvement and pays off the mob bosses from the sale of his LAS VE

*+* Godfather III = Michael Corleone is getting out of organised crime and
is making the family business legitimate. The film makes no sense without
knowing this. DJT (US) and MBS (KSA) are doing the same thing in real-
life. They both have the same agenda to destroy the NWO cabal from their
respective countries. Cleansing the US and KSA can't be done in isolation
due to the symbiotic relationship between the two. Each is a host for the
other's parasitism. KSA has to be cleansed first to destroy: ISIS; Political
corruption in US; MSM "Fake News" (it seems that the Zionists only run the
US MSM with the KSA actually being the money behind it...); Pedo
Networks and the rest. Cut off the money to the US. Deny the Swampians
safe-harbour is KSA. What is the other option - no money and living in
North Korea? not an option even if the US Pacific Fleet allows your plane
into NK. China and Russia have closed their borders. Not an option. Cut a
deal and hope for the best. Resign; confess; give your handler up. 2000+
sealed indictments indicate that there's been a mad dash to AG Sessions

Order of attack: KSA (al Saud) - USA (Bush) - Europe (Soros/Rothschild) -

Asia (Last Emperor's Family) - Vatican. The EU prong is in progress:
Merkel is done. Irish government fighting corruption scandal involving
whistle blowers; Catalan independence and BREXIT diverting EU attention
away from DJT strike.
Snow White and Godfather III are analogies - don't get caught up in the
specifics. Events in Las Vegas eerily parallel the penthouse helicopter
shooting scene in Godfather III but I doubt this film was prophetic.
We are all being asked to THINK and make the connections ourselves.
Don't rely on others to give you the answers. DO it yourself. It breaks their
spell on you when you do the WORK and THINK for yourself.

NSA has intel that the swap are planning more false flags?

Things are set in stone already.

All Internet Search, Social Media, and Mainstream Corporate Media is
controlled by one group of particular US citizens. Black budget IARPA and
DARPA via Treasury has been instrumental in funding their inception.
*+* Characters are people: Snow White = Julian Assange; 7 Dwarves =
NSA Data Miners; Alice = Readers of Q's posts.

*+* Films are referencing current/future happenings:

Godfather III: The Don (DJT) is making the business legitimate but the bad
actors are fighting him. Las Vegas has a verisimilitude to events in the film.

Speed: Hero (DJT) racing against time to stop a Madman (Rocker Man in
NK) blowing up the world.

Iron Eagle: US and Russia teaming up to rescue hostages. Hostages =

North Korean people.

*+* Q doesn't believe in co-incidence. This was posted before the LV

shootings and KSA coup and recent events in NK.


*+* Speculation => Very soon, Trump will take out bad actors and clowns in
NK with help of Russia

Something of interest I found about the reunification of North and South

In Korean end times prophecy (written thousands years ago), it talks of
Korea splitting into two and then reuniting near the end.

According to the writings, reunification can not happen until:

1. Enough people in the North have starved to death.

2. They finally rebel and overthrow their leader, bringing the family's reign
to an end.

3. The family's reign lasted only two generations. From father to son.

Now. Back to the real world. Trump have order the whole world to impose
complete sanction on North Korea. Many are going to die from starvation.

When enough die, are they going to raise up and revolt against Kim, and
thus, fulfill their prophecy?

Very interesting prophecy.

1st Poster - Pretty grim stories about high-ranking militariy people though...
Massive network of blackmail and homosexual relations.

2nd Poster - /2/ GOD is our savior. POTUS is God’s current agent. US
military is under POTUS’s command. Let’s keep this chain of command
straight, shall we?
3rd Poster - The United States Military is going to save the world from the

And we will never thank them enough and we will never forget them.

Amen. Only GOD can save us all; enemies, too.

why are the extra answers locked? Did we not enter the Iraq war?

Collaborative effort Gladio B

JFK document release lets the people know that POTUS is aware of the
ClA's past history and is facing them head-on with eyes forward and the
full power of NSA and Marines.

9/11. Billions of donations from other countries. All into Hillary's foundation?

*+* Deep State black-op funding. The money most likely was legally
appropriated but illegally spent on illegal things.

Implication is we went to war to launder money to stash away for some

purpose. Huge gaps in traceable cash/assets were found in audit of Iraq.
So figure out what large structure got setup with the money. What was the
purpose of the money? 9 Billion missing.

*+* Reconcile: War gives the best reason to appropriate trillions in cash
and an excellent camouflage for embezzlement/theft.
*+* No idea where the money is going.
*+* Know it isn't being spent for the good of citizens

Annenberg - Cheney - Barack Hussein Obama connected:

*+* Maintaining oil pipelines (ie. fixing leaks) and providing protection
against sabotage/destruction/theft via siphoning. Sabotage protection
carried out by PMCs.

*+* Pipeline Sabotage protection provides excuse/cover/alibi to have

armed ex-US Military personnel deployed along full length of pipeline in
foreign countries.
*+* Oil Field Service PMCs are an on-site/in-theatre military force available
for Clownish Antics. These PMCs are a de-facto military garrison under the
control of Clowns via Halliburton/Carlyle Group/Zapata Oil/Arbusto Energy
NOT the government of country they are 'servicing'.

*+* Speculation => Pipeline contracts may have clauses giving PMCs
carte-blanche to deploy along the pipeline route. Similar to "Status of
Forces" agreements between US and Foreign Countries regarding
sovereignty about/around/concerning foreign US Bases.

*+* Speculation => Halliburton PMCs are a secret Clown force operating
legally under cover of "Oil Field Service" contracts. These contracts are not
subject to US Court review.

*+* Alwaleed contracted with Halliburton to provide Oil Field Services.

Halliburton PMCs provide 'protection' in return for payment. This protection
money buys pies for Clowns.

*+* KSA Crown Prince MBS was in LV at the Tropicana. Shootings were a failed assassination attempt by Al Waleed on MBS. htt

*+* Alwaleed making his play to be king and remain head "Oil Field
Services" contracting authority in KSA.
Flighted departed U.S. from Logan Intl. Airport, Boston, MA

Osama's SA citizenship was revoked in 1994 when he was caught

smuggling weapons from Yemen


Payment? Hostage/Asset?

*+* Alwaleed

*+* Alwaleed

Foundations, NGO operatives: no oversight, humanitarian cover, easier to

launder funds on bogus, unauditable ‘aid’ projects and grants. In war,
impovershed or disaster relief areas many can go missing without scrutiny.

*+* Financier: Alwaleed

*+* Broker: Alwaleed
*+* Supplier: ISIS, AQ, Boko Haram
Mellon, Dupont and Ford. Vanderbilt (Anderson Cooper), Oppenheimer,
Astor, Carnegie, Guggenheim
Fast and furious is what created ISIS. Fast and furious weapons were sent
to ISIS. Q asked what is Fast and Furious. This ties Holder, Obama, Hillary
and the rest of those filth directly to ISIS.

Wealth=Power--> Money=Power
*+* The 'Don' is DJT. He is converting the family business (US
Government) from illegal to legal activities. He is doing this by 'draining the
Provide material for media above-the-fold
Just as the elite bankers meet every day to set the price of gold, so do they
meet to shape the narrative. Israel.

Clowns, but would love to know some specific names!

But I thought Israel had been getting our raw intel since 9/11?

*+* If the NSA unmasks bad actors then the Clowns in America will unmask
good actors

*+* Clowns in America via Operation Mockingbird (eg. Cooper Anderson)

*+* To cover their tracks/destroy evidence
He proved his loyalty to the President and the Republic

There was no one from the Obama admin that could be fully trusted for
obvious reasons. Also he happens to be the one with access to all the
goods and wanted to right a lot of wrongs. (Speculation)

POTUS although with some classifications there are a VERY small few
higher ups involved per POTUS discretion

President, Vice-President, Agency Heads

*+* There are 17 Intelligence Agencies in the Intelligence Community

(IC).The originating agency has the authority/power to set the classification
on intelligence it provides to IC and POTUS.

*+* The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) may be able to change/alter

the originating agencies classification.

*+* POTUS can definitely change the classification on any/all IC

intelligence. Whether he sees it or not is another story. This is why Admiral
Rogers (NSA) aligning himself with POTUS is so important. Clowns/IC Bad
Actors can't keep the secrets hidden because Admiral Rogers is passing
them on.

Designating classification means that all information has to be seen by

POTUS own eyes. Therefore, he knows everything going on. And
everything that HAS BEEN GOING ON before he took office.
*+* Speculation => US Marine Forces shot the missile down.

*+* Speculation => Halliburton PMCs fired the missile

This is just my speculation but I am going to say no it was not. It was fired
by us, possibly by an ally, possible offshore...

*+* Speculation => The Government of Yemen DIDN'T fire the missile.
Halliburton PMCs in Yemen fired the missile. False Flag distraction or

-Yemen has ties to NK. Yemen is also a Proxy state like NK?

"South Korea intelligence said scud missiles launched from Yemen into
Saudi Arabia in June were of North Korean origin.The missiles identified in
the attacks against Saudi Arabia were the same as the Scud-C, or
Hwasong-6 missiles featured in past North Korea military parades, South
Korean television network SBS reported"

"The United Arab Emirates has bought weapons worth $100 million from
North Korea to use in the Yemen war, according to a confidential note
released by the Institute for Gulf Affairs, the content of which was
published on the Arabi21 news site."

*+* MSM told us so.

*+* Speculation=> Fake News

-Intell agencies know all.

NSA knows everything.

Entire nations.
Rothschilds- everyone else are either branches of the core family or owned
puppets. They control nations economically (all but 3 national banks in the
world), have infiltrated intel, and own government officials... Too many links
but super-easy to find info. Look up 13 bloodlines for branches of
Rothschild family (and others). Look up war involvement, etc to
validate.Also read about Black Nobility and the Vatican



The election was rigged.

Although not beholden, JFK, Trump (dunno about Reagan) grew up in

"swamp creature" upper level circles and would have insider knowledge of
their secrets

I wonder if Q was implying here that Kennedy was PUT into office by white
hats as the first attempt to take out all the bad actors all those years ago.
Obviously the plan failed and things only got worse. Perhaps Q is implying
that Kennedy was only the FIRST attempt...OR 2. I think that he means the
election process itself. If a candidate is bouth and paid for and put in office,
then they will actually be run by someone/family in another part of the
world toward the Agenda of the New World Order.
*+* To allow illegal aliens and felons to vote Democrat. You don't bite the
hand that feeds. Also allows for multiple voting by individuals (one man -
10 votes).

The Id comes from the Birth Certificate which assigns the person as a US
Citizen and subscript to the Government Corporation. The ID proves you
are a subject. Rescinding the BC to the Treasury frees you from all Govt
control and interference in your life. See Legal filing to
free people in US back to American nationals was filed in Nov 2017.

Immigrants will vote as TOLD to vote under duress of exportation.

187 = Police code for murder.

*+* MS13 = Swampian paramilitary and drug $$$

*+* Votes = Will vote Democrat to receive benefits, keep border open and
pathway to citizenship

*+* 187 = MS13 are clown and swamp assassins

George Soros funded a program the Democracy Alliance to take over the Secretary of States by putting their own people in cha


Known to be more palatable way to push extreme ideologies to masses/

Might want to change Jews to Khazarian Jews to seperate the ideologies
and historical references as there is a difference.

*+* Progressives/leftists need to make minorities/workers believe they are

being oppressed to create an impetus for Progressive (Marxist) policies.
Media is targeted by Cultural Marxists to indoctrinate the masses and
divide the people using Identity Politics.

Gets them much closer to the pedo world by allowing for more open
degeneracy, also allows more degenerate programming for the masses
degeneracy, also allows more degenerate programming for the masses

The narrative, or story is fed to us as a way to control our conciousness.

From an esoteric point, if enough of us believe a 'thing' then that thing
becomes part of our reality. If they tell us a story and we believe it, then it
IS. They must have a certain percentage of compliance in this in order to
maintain control. This is why Trump won the election...There was an
overabundance of people who wanted him and it over-rode their planned
installation of HRC. Some of this is integrated as Spiritual Warfare.

All people are racist, no matter their color and that is part of the seperation
programming in schools. This was the point of busing kids back in the 60s.
To create racism, they had to mix the kids and create early in life conflict.
*+* End result of cultural marxist/leftist indoctrination by MSM.
They don't want to lose control of the black population.

*+* D's are hiding their historical oppression from the currently oppressed.

*+* US history proves R's abolished slavery and D's formed Confederacy
and KKK

slavery with the illusion of "freedom"

Sure, there are millions of random events happening all around us and
they constantly overlap. But not when the parties/forces involved have a
long history of deception. Fraud Vitiates Everything
Code used in text based MUD days to sign out. +++ signed out

+++ is the Baphomet (Masonic) triple cross

++ is the Satanic double cross

+ is the Christian cross

a spiritual progression within the Storm.

From AF1, Time stamp and location match. this is proof of Q's legitimacy

*+* The Storm is passing. The AF1 photo shows two things: 1) a hole in the
clouds; 2) a chinese city. This seems to me that POTUS made a deal with
China re: NK and the "Storms of War" are passing. China can now see the
light through the clouds and are now aware of Clown ownership of NK.
"Speed" has finished and Rocket Man lost.

NB: My *+* is so I can identify my entries. It has nothing to do with previous

Q posts.

*+* Links to all go to 404 screen.

The truth is right in front of you. 9/11 was planned.
. Speculation => Negotiation/Acceptance of Terms/Statement of Demands

*+* Jared Kushner (JK) flew to KSA. Speculation =>

Negotiation/Acceptance of Terms/Statement of Demands
A map is useful because it gives information about a place that the person
viewing hasn't been before. the map may be new *charted* territory. or it
could lead to a destination that the viewer would like to discover/. To help
you find other maps.

Remember 4, 10, 20

The first ten tetrahedral numbers are:

1, 4, 10, 20, 35, 56, 84, 120, 165, 220, …
Pascals triangle Its a sequence

When I am going somewhere.

Q cannot share the map/picture/sweeping overview, but asking us
questions allows us to form the map/picture/sweeping overview for
Snow White had a spell cast on her by an evil witch with a poisoned apple.
The prince broke the spell

(2nd poster) A spell must be vocalized or announced in order to work.

The masses, but we have no way of knowing the actual numbers due to
severe astroturfing by MSM
Active war on mind: spells of MSM; keeping people ignorant, controlling
the narrative, adding spin to confuse/misdirect/misinform/deflect; people
lose sense of truth. Media urging people to attack Trump.
^^ above posts could mean that since the CIA is so rife with corrupt actors,
that it's been formally dismantled, and the actors are rogue agents now?
and that operations are being undertaken by NSA operatives?
"Hard to swallow" may have foreshadowed Trump noticeably "swallowing" FIJI water from a bottle at his speech upon return f

Trump swallowing FIJI water was an important sign that he is making progress and could be symbolism that the puppet master
All seeing eye. Illuminati.

All-seeing eye of God (Freemasonry/Illuminati). Eye of Providence refers

to/represents the top 3 families - Saud +++, Rothschild ++, Soros +. Q put
a 6 before the plusses after each family name and those three sixes equal
666. The 3 families making up the Eye of Providence are Satanists. The
Eye of Providence could also be the keystone mentioned by Q since the
Eye (hovering above the base of the pyramid) must connect to the base
below it for the NWO to be completed (the keystone is the final piece
placed during construction and locks all the stones into position).

*+* Eye of Providence = Eye of Horus = Satan/Freemasons/Illuminati

Keystone theory >>38503

Validated by Q >>38514

MI, NSA = key

POTUS, Patriots = stone

Validated by Q >>38514

The Owl above the temple.

Meaning: “Astaroth," (described as the Lord Treasurer of Hell).

Colors: blue, white, gold: candidate, resurrection, power

Shows origins and **age** of system

*+* Primarily to rape and sacrifice children. Moloch demands the first born
child be burnt as an offering to him. Other evil depravities as well
(cannibalism a la' Marina Abramović). Refer to Podesta emails leaked by
Julian Assange - "Map related handkerchief" is code for "Minor attracted
person semen stain".

*+* "Hard to swallow" - POTUS was warning us about new Q posts that
would be disturbing. These are they.
Darkest before the Dawn. Satan/Hell = Darkness God is the Light
All listed banks are in alphabetical order except Uruguay. Why? Central
Bank of Uruguay recently announced digital currency pilot program.
Earlier crumbs said those to announce not running have struck deals.

*+* Proof that POTUS is draining the swamp.

President is fighting the Globalists.

TRI = Trilateral Commission founded by David Rockefeller & Zbigniew

The United STates is the most powerful country in the world.

the United States
Vatican City

Someone mentioned it was a war dance.

The term 'ardah' is thought to derive from the Arabic verb ard meaning 'to
show' or 'to parade'. It was so named because its purpose was to publicly
display the fighting strength of a tribe and boost morale before an armed
engagement. Although there are regional variations of the particular
rendition of ardah, the purpose it serves is nearly identical throughout the
Arabian Peninsula.

KSA is possibly going to war with Lebanon and Iran, with the help of Israel
and US --- They are going to war against the NWO. ACTUALLY the war
may have been to purge the Saudis of corruption. This visit preceded the
Saudi purge.

TRUMP broke their SPELL.

Perhaps MEME Magic helped.

By siding with the least evil Royal group, offering them support and
power(alliance) and playing them against other family groups. MbS is only
32 like Kim Jong Un and their hands are not tied by the past actions and
are moldable.

Negotiated weapons deal ($110B) with likely promise of US military support

in the event of armed conflict.

SA probably won't be paying $110B for the weapons right now but will be
getting them all for much less.
A warm welcome

Not confirmed, but I understood the rights to his name, as a trademark,

were returned to him. Next Poster: POTUS having his grand daughter sing
in Chinese was so well received and showed so much respect to the
Chinese. I heard so many Chinese living in Southeast Asia saying how
much they respect POTUS with constant reshares of the video. Had many
Chinese say he essentially won them over with that video.

Trust. Honor. POTUS has the full backing of the Chinese as an ally.

They would need massive computing power to reroute banking institutions

et al, and a digital currency.

Questions are answers.

China, Russia, and others (Japan, Phillipines) are working together with
Trump in the fight against the Globalists.

Kim Jong-Un.
Xi Jinping.

I'm just spitballing here but how about the Trilateral Commission? TONS of
elites on that badboy!

Rothchilds? IRS?, Fed?

they obtain all information on everything and everybody


The Great Awakening hasn't been addressed yet. (in history books so
normie friendly)

The 1st occurred with a breakaway from the Church of England. This
spiritual revival by colonists allowed the path for the American revolution in
the 1700s.
The Second Great Awakening was a Protestant revival movement during
the early nineteenth century. The movement started around 1800, had
begun to gain momentum by 1820, and was in decline by 1870. A 3rd wave
also existed.

The Christians in the USA are calling for a sixth Great Awakening in the face failing politics, economics and tech. https://www.h

For MEME: How did the first Great Awakening effect the American
Revolution? Use revolutionary war imagery.

The Great Awakening = Everyone in America gets red-pilled when the full
truth is exposed?
David Rockefeller died in 2017. He was the last grandson.

(Posted 11/24/2017)
Is The End Nigh: Rockefellers And Rothschilds Merge

by Tyler Durden May 30, 2012 8:16 AM

"You know its bad when... two of the largest and best-known 'familia' in
Europe and the US come together. As the FT reports, The Rockefellers
and The Rothschilds are uniting under a common group as Rothschild
Investment Trust and Rockefeller Financial Services become one. The
patriarchs (David Rockefeller 96, and Lord Rothschild 76) have been
'connected' for five decades. Between the Rothschild's 'sprawling' multi-
century banking empire across Europe and the Rockefeller's roots in 1882
Oil-money, we can only imagine the Illuminati, Freemasons, Templars, and
Central Bankers of the world are quaking in their boots at this new global
force for change - The Rothsellers or is it The Rockchilds. What next? It
seems only Soros is left to complete the holy trinity..."

(Posted 11/24/2017 20:03) which references Business Insider article by Simon Black

Posted 11/24/17

Shouldn't this be Rockefeller?

MVB= Martin Van Buren
Millions of Christians died. Massive destruction of the entire continent.
Centralization of power under the Germans until the end. Countries
acquired massive war debts. Massive deaths trying to reach Russia. The
killing of jews by Hitler (planned by Rothschild) was to make jews victims
and Germans the enemy. The purpose of WW2 by the Rothschilds was to
kill as many people as possible, build massive government debt, have
Europeans killing each other, and weaken European countries and

Persecution of Jews / Concentration Camps. There are rumors that Hitler's

mother worked for the Rothschild's when she became pregnant and that
they make a practice of siring extra sons to place in useful positions. The
state of Israel became a destination for Jews, mostly Kazarian having
origin in Russia such as the Rothchilds.The Rockefellers became important
in SA and the far east rumored to be related via a female line.
This makes me sick- Wall Street, U.K. helped Germany to overcome its fuel shortage issues to instigate WWII (Hitler was a pupp

Hitler was controlled by the Rothschilds. (He was an Austrian Rothschild.)

1275 Who was his handler?

Perhaps Baron William de Ropp.

UN Charter signed 1 month after VE day.

To kill heretics and take back control

Creation of the state of Israel.

To contain communism. Weaken the British Empire. Make Israel a
destination for Jews.
Set up future conflict with Islam. Start to use the US in the global agenda
along with it's military and industrial resources. Create debt on all sides.

During WW2 He was 9 when it began and 14 when it was over. GS was in
Real last name is Schwartz.

Family Tree:

And from what we know he sold out fellow Jews for money..

Germany is an US-Vassal. Google "Kanzlerakte" The country of Germany

was occupied.The NAZI organization and gold moved elsewhere including
the US government CIA NASA FBI. German companies. There are rumors
that Hitler lived many years in the Americas and possibly had a daughter
who looks a lot like him, familiar to today's Germans.

Hitler's daughter or grand daughter? Daughter?

According to the Stasi GDR File, the daughter of Hitler is now holding the
same office as her father – Chancellor of Germany. She was given a false
date of birth, July 17, and the name Angela Dorothea Kasner.

Angela Merkel is Hitler's daughter therfore she is a Rothschild.

Hitler's father, who took the name Hitler, was the illegitimate son of
Solomon Rothschild's mistress Anna Maria Schicklgruber.

“Kershaw cites several stories circulating in the 1920s about Hitler's

alleged Jewish ancestry, including one about a "Baron Rothschild" in
Vienna in whose household Maria Schicklgruber had worked for some time
as a servant)”
Walter Langer in The Mind of Hitler writes:

"Adolph's father, Alois Hitler, was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna
Schicklgruber. It is generally supposed that the father of Alois Hitler was a
Johann Georg Hiedler, a miller's assistant."

"There are some people who seriously doubt that Johann Georg Hiedler
was the father of Alois. Thyssen and Koehler, for example, claim that
Chancellor Dollfuss had ordered the Austrian police to conduct a thorough
investigation into the Hitler family. As a result of this investigation a secret
document was prepared which proved that Maria Anna Schicklgruber was
living in Vienna at the time she conceived. At that time she was employed
as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild. As soon as the family [Page
95] discovered her pregnancy she was sent back to her home in Spital
where Alois was born. If it is true that one of the Rothschilds is the real
father of Alois Hitler, it would make Adolph a quarter Jew. According to
these sources, Adolph Hitler knew of the existence of this document and
the incriminating evidence it contained. In order to obtain it he precipitated
events in Austria and initiated the assassination of Dollfuss. According to
this story, he failed to obtain the document at that time, since Dollfuss had
secreted it and, had told Schuschnigg of its whereabouts so that in the
event of his death the independence of Austria would remain assured.
Several stories of this general character are in circulation."

Provenance of Langer's book is as follows: "The Mind of Adolf Hitler: The
Secret Wartime Report, published in 1972 by Basic Books, is based on a
World War II report by psychoanalyst Walter C. Langer which probed the
psychology of Adolf Hitler from the available information. The original report
was prepared for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and submitted in
late 1943 or early 1944;[1] it is officially entitled "A Psychological Analysis
of Adolph Hitler: His Life and Legend"

Roughly one year after German U17 submarine was deployed (1911).

One year and 7 months before federal reserve bank was created/public.
Several passengers such as an Aster opposed the plans. JP Morgan said
to be working for the Rothchilds disboarded before departure.
*+* Speculation => JP Morgan Insurance Scam and anti-Fed proponent
mass murder.. White Star purchased 2 x ships: Olympic and Titanic.
Olympic was severely damaged in a collision on 20 September 1911 when
she collided with the British cruiser HMS Hawke. The Naval Inquiry placed
the blame on the Olympic which voided her insurance. JP Morgan was
White Star's banker and was facing a huge loss on White Star's imminent
bankruptcy. On return to Belfast for repairs, the identities of Titanic and
Olympic were switched. The propellor/drive-shaft of the Titanic was
transferred to the Olympic. Both ships looked almost identical but they had
a different number of above deck portholes. The Olympic's Captain
(Edward Smith who was held responsible for the HMS Hawke collision)
also captained the 'Titanic" on her maiden voyage. He sailed the Titanic
into an iceberg to sink her and qualify for an insurance payout. The SS
Californian was supposed to rescue the passengers but due to confusion
didn't render any assistance. She was not carrying any passengers the
night of the sinking. The US and UK Inquiries into the SS Californians
conduct both concluded that ALL the passengers could have been saved.
The anti-Fed millionaires were probably already dead before the ship sank.
The pro-Fed millionaires all cancelled their journeys well before departure.

Four foot high engraving of "Y M" on the bow of the "Titanic":
Rose's fiancé Cal Hockley if we are talking STRICTLY in the movie
"Who lived in the movie (what man)?"=> Cal Hockley (the villain).

"Opposite is [also] true"=> Astor (good guy) died.

Docile humans used for food, clothing, etc. for entities higher up on the
CIA/Mainstream Corporate Media/NWO. Some sources indicate the
Tavistock Institute located in the City.of London.

But WHAT IS beyond 40K v? How high does it go before we have reached
full picture?

**our govt has become so corrupt & committed so many vile acts such as
murder, pedophilia, worship Satan most ppl couldn't ever recover

The truth is so unbelievable that if you try to tell people about it, they'll call
you crazy and put you in a mental hospital.

The CIA, NWO, MUST control ALL of narrative on MSM & Social Media to
not be exposed. However, the good guys must regain control in order to

CIA has 7 super computers all named after the 7 dwarfs.

CIA has 7 super computers all named after the 7 dwarfs.

Perhaps this movie distracts us from why Libya was invaded (non-
Rothschild bank being created for Africa backed by gold. Oil revenue used
to benefit the population. Possibly this oil wealth to develop Africa and
sidestep the petrodollar).

Q confirmed Iron Eagle = Bill Clinton

VIral reprogramming of the human genome to create superhumans.
Perfect Spies. Transhumanism

List of satanic bloodlines listed here:

Pleae place answer in locked cell below.

NSA infiltrated or can control 7 CIA super computers?! WHO HAS ALL THE
Q previously stated signatures are events yet to happen.

ID:/jAm9Qi+ Sun 12 Nov 2017 11:52:34

plz fix above - ID / timestamp / format incorrect

It will be hard for some people to believe Satan is real. It is up to God''s

children to fight back. This is why Q frequently says "God bless" and "For
God and Country".

You can not convince people Satan is real.

The most you can do is convince people that the Globalists believe that
Satan is real and that they worship him.
They know what Snowden uncovered. They know the crimes he uncovered
and exposed are worse than him breaking the law to expose it. They've
been piecing it together ever since. They have the overall map of who did
what, when, where, why and how.

SIS is good!? SIS was the Army Signal Intelligence Service, supposedly
rolled into NSA. Has it been re-formed? MI? Reference to AdmR?

Yes, SIS is good. But perhaps it's just another reference to NSA, to help us
triangulate Q's meaning.

AdmR ran/was in the middle of the SA take down.

Age of No Lies, Age of Aquarius

80% of ongoing events will not be made public

Only 20% of ongoing events are public. Most things are happening covertly
(sealed indictments, operations referenced by Q, private meetings in Asia)

given the reference to SA below, another possibility is the consolidation of

power in SA since May

Have the classified info leaks been beneficial for Mainstream Corporate
Media or not?
The petrodollar is being phased out. SA faction said to be connected with
the Bushes financed 9/11 and maybe ISIS is being contained.
Trump threatened to sue the AT&T-Time Warner bundle. Time Warner
owns CNN, which President Trump has repeatedly called "fake news".
Could it relate to Operation Mockingbird? Monopolies?

To control those Companies


American public

Alternate answer: CIA's buildup of computing resources via Amazon and

buildup of dissemination resources via Wapo+CNN enables them to obtain
and act upon intelligence WITHOUT relying on NSA==>so the group they
harm are the NSA
Real-time surveillance.

An Iron Eagle is a Nazi Symbol; a flying eagle holding an oak leaf wreath
with a swastika. The "Parteiadler"

Israeli AF

Movie. Plot based on attacks by the United States against Libya.

*+* Q uses films as analogies for imminent events/happenings. The
theme/rubric/plot of the film is the clue. 40,000ft not ground level. When Q
wants to identify individuals and their actions, he names them (ie. HRC,
BO, Snowden…). When Q wants us to identity of an individual(s) through
thought/research, he refers to them with the name of a fictional character
(ie. Alice, Snow White, 7 Dwarves…). When Q wants to provide us with
specifics, he either asks a question or specifies it himself.

*+* Iron Eagle is a film trilogy about an Army Colonel who saves hostages.
Clue: US Military and Hostages. Looking at recent world
events/happenings, Q is referring to North Korea and the North Korean
people. Recent defection by a NK Border Guard is an example of a
hostage being freed. No other nation on earth is presently holding its
people hostage.

Vatican / Mafia

Vegas shooting / helicopters

*+* Q uses films as analogies for imminent events/happenings. The

theme/rubric/plot of the film is the clue. 40,000ft not ground level. When Q
wants to identify individuals and their actions, he names them (ie. HRC,
BO, Snowden…). When Q wants us to identity of an individual(s) through
thought/research, he refers to them with the name of a fictional character
(ie. Alice, Snow White, 7 Dwarves…). When Q wants to provide us with
specifics, he either asks a question or specifies it himself.
*+* Godfather III is a film about the Don of the Mafia (a criminal/evil
organization) who wants to make the organization legitimate and expel the
bad actors. Clue: Don, criminal organization to legitimate organization and
bad actors. Q is referring to the ‘Don’ DJT/POTUS draining the swamp.
The bad actors are fighting back (Las Vegas, KSA missile launched from
Yemen, Antifa riots, Texas church shooting…)

2p A corrupt person wants out? Globalists come after him and his family?

Or 3 Godfathers? Saud+Rothschilds+Soros?

Method used to entrap your enemy. Slowly at first so all the corruption gets
publicly laid out. As the truth is exposed the information and the
consequences escalate.

*+* Q uses films as analogies for imminent events/happenings. The

theme/rubric/plot of the film is the clue. 40,000ft not ground level. When Q
wants to identify individuals and their actions, he names them (ie. HRC,
BO, Snowden…). When Q wants us to identity of an individual(s) through
thought/research, he refers to them with the name of a fictional character
(ie. Alice, Snow White, 7 Dwarves…). When Q wants to provide us with
specifics, he either asks a question or specifies it himself.

*+* Speed is a film where the forward momentum of a passenger bus must
be maintained to avoid a bomb exploding. If forward momentum isn’t
maintained at high pace, the mad man (Soros) and his agenda wins and
the passengers die. Q is referring to POTUS and his fight against the
swamp. If POTUS slows down in the swamp draining, he’ll be ‘swamped’
2p Recently, ISIS have been using trucks to run people over. Now ISIS is
going to use buses too?

Symbolism is everywhere. The elites and shadow gov't have their own
language, just like pedos.

*+* *+* Q uses films as analogies for imminent events/happenings. The

theme/rubric/plot of the film is the clue. 40,000ft not ground level. When Q
wants to identify individuals and their actions, he names them (ie. HRC,
BO, Snowden…). When Q wants us to identity of an individual(s) through
thought/research, he refers to them with the name of a fictional character
(ie. Alice, Snow White, 7 Dwarves…). When Q wants to provide us with
specifics, he either asks a question or specifies it himself.

Possibly real but a necessary sacrifice.

*+* False Flag. News of Legionella's disease at Disney land.

This is the reason Trump agreed to run for and serve as POTUS. The
NWO is not loyal to God and country, e.g. Rothschilds. The phrase is
almost code for not being part of the Deep State.

Movie. Plot - Armed resistance to the U.S. Government's subjugation of

Native Americans. U.S. Cavalry Lieutenant Gatewood is transferred to a
remote garrison in Wyoming. (Wyoming is where Uranium One's two
mining operations are located.) Connection?

2p. A catch phrased used by Doctor Who. Doctor Who is a time traveler.
Trump is a time traveler? Explains why Trump always know what is going
to happen ahead of time?

1. Original Geronimo: Known for eluding capture for a long time. And killing

2. Geronimo, present day: Nickname and possibly code name for Osama

3. Maybe because Osama was not meant to be caught, was only a


Some theorize Osama killing was distraction from Corsi birther book,
scheduled release May 17, Obama releases a type of birth certificate April
27, kills Osama May 1, etc.
(they) unleashed the Mainstream Corporate Media psyop effort to control
the narrative and American minds... The NYT article calls out Admiral
Rodgers by name, claimed that people are "flabbergasted" that he still has
his job. Trying to set Rodgers up. Claiming 'hack' to cover up the overreach
of the NSA? Covering footprints?
Chaos Theory proves this.
NYT: "NSA/Q group" AND “dead man’s switch”. Q mentioned NSA/Q group
AND Speed (about a dead man’s switch) in 1 posting on Nov 12; the NYT
article was published later that day online (?). These are 2 NON-

Have faith America will be stronger in the end

Re. the NYT article mentioned -NSA/Q group - but isn't the "Q Group"
actually the unit set up to go get Snowden?

the "journalists" operatives. Complicit with NYTs. Proves totally fake

news.What is the message being sent to Trump via this NYT article???
poster:Trump, We know what you're up to.

May we live in interesting times... Chinese president Xi gives Trump first

ever tour and dinner engagement inside Chinas forbidden city... An honor
never bestowed by China since that country's inception.
However small our efforts are it feels good to help my country. I have
waited decades for POTUS.


We are in the dankest of time line.

No such thing. The "direct attack" is in response to the dismantling of the
NWO pyramid/power.
Oh, He is with us. Believe me. He is us. Bec. we can't succeed without
God. 2. We are on the side of good.

Configure_action code_pre-launch_acknowledged

*13 = LdR flight to UK, monitored

RANDOM tag one down.

Target Device_Configure_acknowledged
LdR flew from US to UK, thanked British Airways on Twitter during this
time. After ‘flyEaglesFly’ tweet. There’s nowhere to fly ‘we can hear you

Target Path-Path Mask_acknowledged

green1 0600 on 11/15, nothing yet for green2 3, and 4

Secured_Transmit_Receive_Synced_Confirmation-New Connection

dropped right after a sequence of stringers, possibly holding encrypted

info? anyone good at decryption? -

(code?file? message) declined Something intercepted.

like Trump said..."The leaks are real, but the information is false."...(may
have that wrong, please correct.)

Or, kill them in an “unfortunate accident.”

Those who risk court martial or prosecution if they lie

Similar to what BO did in regards to IC - all sharing of data. Now that code
is out, anyone can use it, including our enemies.

They are no longer privy to MI?

A Clown attack on the No Such Agency?

Known to be outside the swamp since the 1980's

2nd poster - they have nothing on him that they can control him with, he's
clean and they don't like that!
Stealth Surprise

A stealthy, clever hunter experienced with his prey.

An informed and educated population

2nd poster: The public's confidence.

/3/ The element of surprise.

: Allowed extra time to allow for a clandestine detour to NK on tarmac of up

to 1hr, without being too far off next itinerary landing time. See photo
tweeted later of Taedong river.


POTUS said he combined lunch and a meeting and had nothing else to
say. There was a 1.5 hr delay starting meeting. Trump skipped the 'family
photo' with members. Tillerson left behind to attend meeting. To throw the
CIA off.

Potus spent 90 minutes in HI.

: In-flight re-fuelling is high risk, with POTUS onboard. Affords an

opportunity for Clowns to arrange an accident, as well as reveals flight path
ahead of time for intercept.

It still does, but new one will not:


AF1, even if it has the ability, wouldn't as it is too dangerous to perform

with POTUS onboard

No one.
God, Combined Frequency of all white hats for the good of humanity and
most of all for our children. God Speed Patriots....End the virus that is
pedophilia forever

Those fighting with me

Answer 4: Trust in yourself, you've made it this far. Trust in the dumpers, I
never thought I'd see the day

We have faith. We are with you and praying

Yalu River towards the eastern mountanious side.

Some river in north/south korea or their border

It's in NK, the Taedong river to the east of Pyongyang. Suggests a

clandestine visit to NK was conducted in-person and echoes Q's
comments earlier about NK not being what it seems.

loook can’t find original source but this was posted on r/conspiracy. ||||||||.

^ To the poster above. Looks like it. Great job!!!

: NK, the Taedong river on approach to Pyongyang Intl, off to east side of
city heading north, just before turn to base leg of approach.


Makes it easier if we know standard/possible flightpaths to Pyongyang



The Great Wall of Chyna (nope)

Looks like a river and mountains, definitely not Great Wall

Looks like he went to North Korea?

Can you give co-ordinates? Checked almost all rivers in and around north
korea, found some close ones but not exact match


...Anonymous (ID: RvG6YBTx)

11/14/17(Tue)13:31:26 No.149427953 is the 4chan post regarding the


38°37'31.5"N 127°38'33.0"E

Checked it from all angles but the angle of the S curve is too steep to
match that location.


Maybe it is in NK at 40.224 N, 126.2466 E

Looks really close, and we can’t see if the river branches at the top of S
curves from original video on trumps twitter.


It is the Yalu River on the NK side of the border with China.

40.920354, 126.051659


Please don’t delete above till a location is confirmed. Helps from going
over the same Assumptions that weren’t true_____________Is it in
Russia? Collapsed mountain?

Stay alert. Learn to read the map. Inform and assist others in
deprogramming trauma as the controlled narrative breaks and they are
introduced to the truth.

Trump Couldn't stand by and watch 6bil. People be de-populized. Dems

were handing over 330 mil to the cause.


To save mankind, and end the deaths.

Ego / afterlife is more important

He's paying off a debt from long ago. Because he's a Patriot and refuses to
go along with the NWO. He has seen those behind it and it sickens him

Heaven / goes down in history as a great person

He has children. They inherit this earth.

For his descendants.


Or No.

Or he feels guilty for being a part of it. Re: Trump

Epstein...................................not guilty but saw who and what the true evil
is. and disavowed.


Or perhaps those same power brokers are keeping him out of the big club.

With great power comes great responsibility. Maybe its different when the
power is not handed to you over blood.

Conscious? Conscience?

Growing up, his father (uncle?) always talks to him about the horror of
nuclear warfare.

To plot their course of action against Trump, given his win. They never
thought she would never lose, but she did, and they deemed it necessary
to take counter measures, because all they had accomplished was at
stake, and all their corruption was likely to be discovered.

She was busy with six other people who traveled to an undisclosed
location to hold a very private & highly secured/guarded meeting. She was
very very drunk.

She didn't have a concession speech prepared because they never

thought she would lose.
Voting still being rigged by old school methods. (Voter ID laws,
gerrymandering, reduced access, fraud)


a limit past which safety can no longer be guaranteed

Strings to puppets: Hillary, Obama, and many in congress

^^ RED LINE : (cell locked)

There was news article about $2Trillion being recovered by arrests. Same
amount roughly "lost" by Rumsfeld et all.


np: Nigeria:


GUNS on FEDERAL charges Anthony Weiner got 2 years in club fed.
I always figured he MUST have given up A LOT to get that deal

The bird sings when President Trump requests Duerte, the Philippines
President to do so.

Bird also sings when you "extract" some songs from it (i.e. torture). That's what happened in SA (

Senator John McCain was given the name 'Songbird' because when he
was captured as a POW during the Vietnam War, he sang like a bird (gave
away information to the enemies).

Recently, 'Songbird' McCain was seen wearing an ankle bracelet.

Did Trump just captured and caged a very dangerous animal? Did this very
dangerous animal start singing like a 'songbird'?

Is this why suddenly people in the swamp are being taken down left and
Al-Waleed bin Talal. Mossad Gladio B Please refer to THE SEPTEMBER 11 COMMISSION REPORT revised ...
So we have a real quandry here. Steve Pieczenik, who was chosen as the
face of this counter-coup and subsequent soft junta has maintained, and
I've no reason to doubt him, that Bin Laden was long dead from Marfan
syndrome before 9/11 even happened. So three possibilities: 1) Pieczenik
was wrong (doubtful - he recognized what 9/11 was instantly and has very
deep sources). 2) Q Anon is a complete sham and if he doesn't know UBL
was dead before 9/11 then he's not the real deal (well, that always has to
be a possibility), or 3) That is the point of the question. With a bunch of the
Seals dying after the "raid," and UBL being "buried" at sea "as per the
Muslim custom" without any photographic evidence of the raid, and the
sham reports, etc., I would think this is the point of the question - that the
CIA had something new up their their sleeve, which was thwarted, because
MI knew UBL was already long dead. But to ask who his handler was is an
interesting lead-in. If this wasn't meant to be a sifting move, maybe 2) is
the right answer - this is all a sham!

OBL was dead of kidney failure long ago ; died in a Pakistan hospital with CIA present...
GeoEngineering / Climate Engineering / Solar Radiation Management
(slang: "Chemtrails") is omnicide. Yes, planes are spraying. Everyone can
clearly see that these are not contrails because they don't disappear but
instead form clouds. The spray is comprised of Aluminum nano particles
which are causing mass die-offs of wildlife and insects and also cause
Alzheimer's and cancer. As further proof, today's jet engines are known as
high bypass turbo, and they are almost incapable of producing contrails
except at very very high altitudes which would be too far away to see. This
proves the trails you are seeing is being sprayed and is not a contrail.

There is a lot of information, probably the most over on

Most people prefer to live in fantasy land.

The truth is too hard for normal people to handle.

Unite anons, If we stand divided, we shall fall together

"You cannot outrun a bullet."

Orders are being given. This confirms a happening. >>150400112

^ could be up/down arrow alpha/# wheel.

On this exact same day, at 12.06pm, there is a crash near a former

Rothschild estate:
saavan-mundae-waddesdon-a8062731.html - no one from the Rothschild
family is involved according to the report.
fatalities-feared-afteraircraft-helicopter/ Female Rothschild says she was in
impact area 5 min before impact.

How did the Rothschilds make their fortune? Who were they bankers for?

2p Information is key

Cryptographic key

QMAP is key.
Q said POTUS unlocked the door of all doors:

President Trump awakened a large group of people(sheep) to the reality

and made them aware of the false narrative pushed by those in power.

He unlocked the doors to public opinion and perception.

JFK files?
President Trump
1988 Supreme Court case Department of Navy vs. Egan

"The President, after all, is the ‘Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy
of the United States’" according to Article II of the Constitution, the court’s
majority wrote. "His authority to classify and control access to information
bearing on national security ... flows primarily from this constitutional
investment of power in the President, and exists quite apart from any
explicit congressional grant.

Snowden gave the public a behind-the scenes view

Wikileaks continues to expose secrets

No Such Agency
According to Q, less than 10 people.

^ source - this page row 538 - q post >>147679416 (3 non-military)

Palantir has all of the information

Trump has all the information.

Mainstream Corporate Media (look at next question)

CIA. Its original purpose was as a 'clearinghouse' for intelligence, receiving
it from all other agencies and MI and disseminating it to decision makers.

Operation Mockingbird
Can also be an instrument for "controlled (apparent) opposition" to certain

Clowns in America; whoever controls the CIA controls the Mainstream

Corporate Media.


^ There are some elite Jews who are part of the Globalists, but do not
confuse those with Israel.
Global TV and newspapers are owned by the same powers that also
repeat information globally an make it seem more reliable cause of the
massive reach of people.

Question is "Why", not "How". Mind Control-control over the people.

or even doubt the narrative, a common fallacy called "appealing to

Their owners.
Bad actors
Clowns in America



Keep the sheep in the dark(or distracted)

To further their agenda
For many people a single perspective makes reality easier to process.
Most people would have a really hard time processing the complexity of
the world as it really is. A mountain of lies has accumulated over

Answer 3: CAVE ALLEGORY TIME, if your only context is looking at

shadows in a cave, well then

Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain.

Corruption makes people act or decide against their own believ or
conscience - blackmailing.
Rothschild and eight other banking families, all jews, privately own the
Federal Reserve Bank and all the other central banks, and creates cash
out of thin air when making loans to the government and then get it all back
as profit when the loan is paid, and gets interest on it in the meantime.
They want to keep this ponzi scheme. Everything they are attacking
nations with, such as compromised politicians, open borders, race
bastardization, poverty, pre-arranged wars is how they protect this scam
into perpetuity.

Influence and control are both opposites grammatically but is True

considering as a social species, humanity tends to follow the people
around them.

Social media controlled the narrative over Mainstream Corporate Media

Persuasion by individuals.

Power of the people via the internet

Meme Magic
Tor is open source.

Referring to use of open source by Twitter?

Referring to alternative open source services like Mastadon?

^ agreed, i think Q is asking us to find a system/source of info that is Open

Source that can be used instead of the Mainstream Corporate Media. are
there any open source SM sites? or web/phone apps?

***UPDATE after digging*** Minds . com is an Open Source SM platform.

been alive for a few years but still small. uses encrypted messaging.

Q was just talking about SM platforms two questions ago so this has to be
relevant. future reveals past *** -

Group of people contributing on a voluntary basis. Projects like wikipedia
e.a. can yield absolutely professional and top notch results.

^^^ Yes. Just like there are open source software programs there is open
source media now. Like 4chan. Power of the people manifested

ALSO, Open Source platforms keep people honest. A shill is recognized

and scrutinized immediately. "No source? It didn't happen."

Answer 1:
Mainstream Corporate Media bias, and the power of social media.

Answer 2:
The Mainstream Corporate Media is hopelessly biased against Trump, and
the Mainstream Corporate Media will openly lie in order to sabotage his
administration and his policies.
Answer 3: There is only one party represented in D.C.

Answer X: Mainstream media does't research for truth, they tell people
what is "supposed to happen" and what was supposed to have happened.

They allowed visualization of the one party system because they know
Trump is an existential threat to their construct.

Because by censoring everything, it would become too obvious that there

is control over information distribution.

Platforms beyond their control, like Reddit or 4Chan or wikileaks or veritas

exposed the bias.

Answer X: It was revealed when potus won

They were unable to control those other platforms

Answer X: It was supposed to be rigged

They weren't prepared to counter the truth. It amazes me they still think
they can lie and misrepresent facts when we can easily search and prove

Wikileaks undermined everything.

Misgauge power of Mainstream Corporate Media vs Power of Social
Media. Power of the People

that were ready for a new narrative.

MEME MAGIC [hive mind of chaos] WAS ON OUR SIDE

They assumed the Mainstream Corporate Media influence and narrative
would be sufficient. They assumed they could stifle the non-Mainstream
Corporate Media platforms. They did not count on the alternative platforms
breaking through. They did not count on the public rejecting the
Mainstream Corporate Media en masse. They assumed people would not
recognize the bias. (newanon) Could there also be something to the fact
that most people use several social media platforms and we tend to cross
pollinate from places like 4Chan to Facebook at an alarming rate they
cannot keep up with?


Backlash from the public. People saw through their tactics.

They continued to run manufactured stories designed to make DJT look

bad -- and each one was proven false by later events.

Mainstream Corporate Media lost the trust of their consumers. Mainstream

Corporate Media exposed as biased and corrupted. Credibility of the
Mainstream Corporate Media was torpedoed.

Streisand Effect
Started saying 'fake news' and used the Mainstream Corporate Media as a
weapon against his enemies. Trump used the main stream media (and its
cratering credibility and legitimacy) against the clowns in america, etc.
Trump turned the Mainstream Corporate Media from a weapon being used
against him to a weapon he could use against his enemies.

He showed how the MSM are hypocrites and story weavers.

Becomes corrupted.
wealth=power=influence=control: becomes susceptible/a target for

Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain

Supervision and control of the information and ideas that are circulated
among the people within a society.

Suppression of information, ideas, or artistic expression by anyone.

Censorship applied to a specific group of people only.

Open source mediums

Twitter will be monitoring user's behavior "on and off the platform" and will
suspend a user's account if they affiliate with violent organizations, starting
December 18th, according to an update to Twitter's Help Center.

Where/how was this announced? Citation please. ( )

Taken from several news outlets and Tweets from people, it is an official
twitter statement/anouncement in the rules of twitter

Censoring of people that do not follow the narrative of those controlling the
Mainstream Corporate Media and Twitter

^^ and/or censoring the websites that people visit that don't go along with
controlled MSM narrative.

To track users browsing activity by using cookies and possibly selling said
information to whomever wants to buy it.

Or a test indeed, to maybe develop smarter ways to control the narrative`?

Does Q mean that an actual test of some sort will be carried out?
It was first announced on October 13, 2017:

Mainstream Corporate Media limited/discounted "multiple shooter" theory,

pushing the lone gunman theory. Except there were too many homegrown

He can influence Twitter censorship

Considering the questions above: Black's Law Dictionary: opression -

Corporations: Unfair treatment of minority shareholders by the directors or
those in control of the corporation. Also called shareholder oppression or

Politicians, Media (News/Entertainment), Religion

Intelligence community higher ups that have a seat to the many counsels
that dictate directions for nations at the behest of the People of that Nation.

Media (gatekeepers), Hollywood and the tapped Politicians

In the public eyes? Yes but not much else.

The People- If enough act.

In the current state of the "narrative" it would be the ones that use the free
flow of information and are able to use it to break the false narrative. ie.
Twitter (RIP) and 4Chan/8Chan

>80%, I would go as far as to say 90%. It really takes only 10% of a

population to have a revolution, and out of that 90%, how many really stuck
with it and tried to digest it all?

Through manifestation, by mass meditations, prayers, and WILL and LOVE

"MUST" not can. We MUST!!!

"Must" appears to be the key word here. People unconsciously resist
threats to their assumptive reality, tending to see any alternative reality as
a threat. The old paradigm has to be blasted or shaken in such a way to
create cognitive dissonance, opening up new thought processes. The 9/11
Truth movement, particularly Richard Gage's work, woke a lot of people up
Gage's documentary Explosive Evidence, was a masterful combination of
fact (logic) and storytelling (emotion). People are more open to emotional
messages as opposed to the application of logic. The two combined send
a powerful message.

Willpower. Disclosure. (TJ, DODECA, GOTT, WCFTSATFM, BEAM)

Snippets, pieces, clues...

Things that have been whispered in the past that were overlooked or
bulldozed over by the old guard of the American Morality Class.

Hints that lead you in the right direction (think Hansel/Gretel)

(newanon)CRUMBS form a trail that leads to something Hollywood no
doubt has several leading to DC.

Lead-in: In movies or series, would be the "introduction" to the real

story/narrative of the plot. This can be a person connected to the plot/lead-
story or a location...depending on the plot/storyline (opening scene )
Desensitize people to the idea that rampant sexualdeviant behavior exists
on a large scale. (newanon) Following the CRUMBS from Hollywood to DC
may be the "lead in". The set up to guide public opinion to the unthinkable
happening at the highest levels. Public will go along easier if they feel they
are participating in following the BREAD CRUMB trail as more and more is
unpacked and revealed. There is a plan in place to Redpill the masses.
The Hollywood stuff isn't all that surprising, to most, but the amount of it
can start to signal to people that there is something systemic happening...
once they accept that it can lead to DC etc. and people will follow. People
need to feel like heroic enforcers of Goodness in order to move forward

It's the long lead-in to the main act so when it goes down, the sheep are
numb to what is really about to go down.

"people must UNDERSTAND that sexual conducts rampant"

People need to be brought into this reality before they are even aware of
what they are watching so as to not be shocked to the point of country

Jesuit Theater
Fed them small amounts every day

Pointing people in the right direction daily might still be abrasive. Exposing
people to the truth needs to be timed very thoughtfully. New events might
be a good time to share info as discussion is expected. Must be subtle and
digestible. Planting seeds.
A trap set to detect, deflect, or counteract unauthorized use of information
systems. Also an attractive lure to set up others to be manipulated.2 In the
world of espionage, it is the code word for a woman who is supposed to
seduce a man in order to pump secrets from him, steal things from him,
etc. (or blackmail them)

One of many honeypots used for global control

Playboy mansion? Las Vegas?

The U.S. is one big Fantasy land, which is why normies need to be spoon
fed crumbs.

People are living in fantasy land. You try to wake them up, they'll go violent
on you. Same as The Matrix.

Banks informants

CIA operatives who used the media and other avenues to smear, destroy
and murder others are now the ones in the opposite position

Disinformation is necessary to feed the enemy wrong intel. Tactic used on

both sides of the aisle.
Godspeed. May our Almighty God protect all of us.
The public cannot handle all of the truth at once

Throw off bad actors about true actions and intent


The battles are being fought behind the scene. Most people will never even
know what has transpired.

People are waking up to the true reality of the world by uncovering what is
really going on behind the ruling of the world

This would make it the 4th.

*The people are waking up to the "sexual deviants", but still not aware

The worlds most powerful people are luciferians.


Israeli AF was used in the movie

Iron Eagle is Bill Clinton Secret Service alias.

Bill Clinton is finally going to be taken down for all his sexual exploits?

When was the first time this clue was posted?

Happenings on that date could be related.

Q mentioned dates are important and to look at events in the news.

2nd poster: Godfather III was 1st mentioned 04 Nov 2017 23:14:37

That is the day of transformation of Saudi Arabia.

3rd poster - Godfather III event getting closer?

Theory >>45121 confirmation request >>45476 confirmation >>45494

Red October - shoots a torpedo that boomerangs - like the Flynn Case
appears to be doing

I have a friend that said her husband was just called back to duty , His mission was to help find that Sub !! **Reference to Bols

2p. Trump has to think about the possibility that the missing submarine
may be a ploy by the Globalists.
What if the Globalists use the submarine to nuke America or Russia, and
then blame the other one to start a nuclear war? Once two of the super
powers are taken out in a nuclear war, the Globalists can finally take the

That submarine would be the easiest way for the Globalists to take both
America and Russia down.

"This is the key" "you will need for coming weeks" this post is important but
we dont know it yet. then talks about the Special Witness. the "key
witness" perhaps






plz fix - a couple rows up D:LuUE1Pri missing the I in ID .................................................................................................................

Operators 1 & 2 are now confirmed and on guard. More White Hats being
ID shows E1pri (Emergency 1 Priority)

plz fix - post below is missing timestamp 09:48:10

the basis for constructing counter moves

Gradually? Consistently? Camouflage?

Retweet (=repeat) as much as possible, IMPORTANT

Retweets create the data sets and maps Fuc

Definitely gonna rile some people up. could be the type of mini false flag
we need. Could Represent intolerance of new waves of censorship.
Definitely gonna rile some people up. could be the type of mini false flag
we need. Could Represent intolerance of new waves of censorship.

Talal was arrested during the takedown on 11/4/17 Shift in power.

They could not do it one way so they went with the other option. Now they
will be able to control the narrative of the ones that use Twitter as a source
for news.


Expand thinking means out of the box thinking!


They know censorship and more importantly tracking, will cause a

backlash. Twitter will lose its shine with just lefties in an echo chamber.

TPTB have failed to contain Social Media especially twitter and now they
realize its causes more harm than good to their narrative. They are going
to gut twitter from inside out. It will still exist but be largely useless.

Twitter is a test ground and the same could happen to Facebook.

It will take time for an alternative service to gain popularity and with
Mainstream Corporate Media in their hands they can stifle growth in the
beginning itself.

They are hoping to keep it that way, atleast for the duration of the Trump

But Soros wishes them good luck and takes his money out of Twitter
before the shares tank because he loves his money.
Adding: One day later

Peter Thiel dumps three quarters of his Facebook stake in $29m sale.

Same thing is happening with Facebook.

To control the narrative.. To circumvent freedom of speech? control the
whistles. Program us to think and see what they want us to.

2nd poster: To give a reason for POTUS to use a different but similar type
of platform and his followers would go with him, thus diminishing the
influence of Twitter?

Seems like a threat: we control your access to media.

POTUS has reserved account on (realdonaldtrump). Perhaps he

could move, and the rest of us as well. Twitter will get the message.
First Amendment Violation?(see above)

Visit to NK did not yield desired result

Take out the bad actors first.
Create a way to communicate outside of the Mainstream Corporate Media

Suspend their (i.e Twitter's) corporate charter if they do NOT allow free
speech. Being a corporation is a privilege not a right. The Supreme Law of
the land is the Constitution - ergo if these corporations (which are
incorporated in the US) break the Supreme Law of the land their activities
can and should be suspended until they comply with the Law of the Land.
No one is above the law. Corporations are creatures of the mind and are
therefore subservient to Man. The created cannot be above the creator.
The flow of privilege on the rights of corporations flow from the Vatican
(where they were initially created as Legionaires Trusts), down through
England (Treaty of 1213), down to the United States (Treaty of Paris 1783),
then down to the various States of the Union (Articles of Confederation, the
Declaration of Independence and the Constitution for the United States of
America). Any legislation and/or corporate regulation that allows Twitter to
track a person's usage of the Twitter platform 'on and off platform' is a
violation of a the 4th Amendment of the Constitution:

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and
effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated,
and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath
or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the
persons or things to be seized."

Computers can be classified as 'effects' of an individual. How can Twitter

track someone's travels on the internet? By using cookies and other
technologies that we may not even be aware of. This constitutes 'searches'
in the above amendment. It can also be said that Twitter seizes our
'footprint' or 'IP address' and uses that to track us. This, again, falls under
the perview of the 4th Amendment.

Footnote: Why do you think it has taken 200 years for the bad apples to
get to this point? The Consitution has been their obstacle. It still is if
understood and used properly.
Counter argument: Twitter can relocate to another country.

Government cannot easily block access to a website in the US.

solution: a new social network controlled by good actors e.g. "Trumpet" -

Mainstream Corporate Media will still report on these "tweets" and many
users will abandon Twitter for Trumpet if DT goes there

What, if anything, does the recent decision by FCC to review Net Neutrality
rules, have to do with this development?

Twitter, censorship of the President, surveillance by the CIA, collection of

metadata on social media, etc. This is huge problem.

The upcoming event, code-named Jason Bourne, will be the solution for
this problem?
Trump has the full backing of the NSA. NSA has access to everything. All
doors. All intel.

Let go of what you think can not be real.

Let go of what you think is just fantasy, is just conspiracy theory, is just
crackpot theory.
The NK sub is still missing/ undetected, The Russians are not convinced
yet to join in. *** China envoy working to turn NK president? Getting there
but hasnt happened yet? Terms of "surrender"? Or is the turn Bill Clinton
on his wife? Or Comey? Dont constrain your thoughts.

The Globalists is going to use the missing sub to nuke a country, and then
blame America or Russia for it?

no stringer released with red, oct, green/conf (yet)

Twitter is a guinea pig that Soros has already bet will die and take the rest
of the vermin with it.
Soros knows they are planning to kill/maim twitter. If they cannot control it
without backlash, they would rather destroy it.

Soros loves his money so is pulling out before December.

Soros know Twitter is going down!

different timezone?

He is at work, doing his job.

This is a military operation

plz fix - post ID:hBrMT7Bt

timestamp incorrect 16:40:49

By various media channels.

operation confirmed at 0600

[Burn Plane Slowly. Keep Key. P Grey] ? Stringer came from bad guys.


A warning to LdR: "we can hear you breathing "

- Lynn de Rothschild

- LORD De Rothschild
We were given clues about what is going to happen beforehand. Now it
has happened.

Learn to interpret the information Q dropped. For the next event.

Q been dropping intel of more events to come.

Snow White. Godfather III. Speed. The Great Awakening. The Hunt For
Red October. Jason Bourne.

Look for capitalized words via POTUS Twitter

A member of the Rothschild family said the collision missed her by five

The woman, who did not want her full name published, said she heard a loud bang while she was driving her car to a dog groo

Dog walker Daniel Bennett, 39, saw the Guimbal Cabri G2 helicopter
climbing as the Cessna 152 was descending. The first officer for Emirates
airlines said: “All of a sudden, I lost sight of both of them. Then there was
an almighty bang and a puff of fire. The sky was full of fire. Large chunks of
metal were on fire. It was a scary, scary, scary thing. There’s no one who
could survive that. I think the total impact collision speed could be at

? First Officer for SAE Airlines?

Waddesdon Estate Gardener, Len Bellis, described how he found the

"burning wreckage" minutes later. He had been working nearby when he
heard a "horrendous noise" like a tin hangar collapsing. He said two men
came running towards him from the woods shouting, "did you see it, did
you see it?"
Mr Bellis said one of them told him he heard a plane "stuttering" just before
the crash.

? Stuttering? Like automatic gun fire?

"I just came across the wreckage," said Mr Bellis, who described the light
aircraft as a "wreck" and "non-existent", apart from the 5ft burning

? Only mentions the plane fuselage.

He said he later found out he was just 10 yards from a body in the

? So we have "fire in the sky, a picture of a smoke plume, but no evidence

of burned woods. A gardener, a first officer of Saudi Arabian Emirates
Airlines, and two unidentified men in the woods.

Emergency services were called to Upper Winchendon, close to

Waddesdon Manor, at 12:06 GMT.

Mitch Missen, an off-duty firefighter, witnessed the crash from his garden.

He said: "I looked up and saw as both collided in mid-air, followed by a

large bang and falling debris. I rushed in to get my car keys and en route
called the emergency services, who I continued to give updates as to its

Andy Parry, a teacher in Aylesbury, said he was with students at

Waddesdon Manor at the time of the crash. He said they heard a "massive
bang" and saw debris in the sky.

Christmas Fair 2017

15 Nov – 10 Dec, Wed-Sun, 11am-6pm
Electric Menagerie
11 Nov – 2 Jan 2018, 11am-6pm
Willow Lantern Walk
11 Nov – 2 Jan 2018, 11am-6pm
? Busy time of year. Lots of people around Waddeson grounds.

Anons on the CBTS thread have speculated that Tiffany Trump is being
held. possible +1 / extraction? -

Those Anons have not even done the basic research. Tiffany was at
WhiteHouse just yesterday to pardon Turkeys. Not deleting above to avoid

Lots of people visiting events - busy place, esp. Holidays

Has it occurred to people that anon wrote the "movie plot" to invert the
good/bad guys? The context doesn't make sense if the crumb was about
the legit bad guys winning. In other words, the good guy op was successful
IRL and destroyed a helicopter/passengers.
There are 3 acts in taking out the 'Trash' (+++, ++, +). Rounding up and neutralizing the Evil Saudi Royal Family is Act I. Taking D
Is it possible that the Clintons have turned on the Rothschilds? The flyeaglefly may even be a veiled threat directed towards th

What does the "Owl" represent to certain cults?

Q (newanon) Owl Secret Societies

2p. Looks like Q is just explaining what happened, but in the form of a play,
so that there is plausible deniability.

Target on ground was probably Lynn:

I'm trying to verify this further. wonder what plant she was picking?
>Who was on the ground (outside) shortly before the collision?

"A member of the Rothschild family said the collision missed her by five

The woman, who did not want her full name published, said she heard a
loud bang while she was driving her car to a dog grooming event, near
Waddesdon, in Buckinghamshire.

Just five minutes earlier she had been picking a plant in the Wilderness
Woods, the scene of the crash site, on the Waddesdon Estate."

implying that the (story) he's telling just happened

are other (mentions) the actual story? along with [brackets]?

"A Notice to Airmen was previously issued to warn pilots the air field's air
traffic control services would be closed during three 30-minute periods on
selected days between November 7-30 due to a "staff shortage"."

Passenger on helicopter identified as:

"Capt Trung was a deputy manager of a Vietnamese Army training centre "
2nd Poster - In the two photos released of Saavan Mundae (pilot of Cesna?), he appears to be in a trance in both. One photo h

Meltdown in public posts, going severely negative on POTUS. Currency

manipulation, attempts to destabilize US financially, Yellen speaks to
raising interest rates before stepping down. Moodys throws a tantrum, UK
is extorted etc.
CBTS has been officially poisoned.


2nd: Moloch. Worshipped at Bohemian Grove --- question, isn't Moloch

represented by the bull? is it both?
Illuminatenorden -- Owl on Book is original Bavarian Illuminati insignia:
The elite believe the people are so asleep they could operate out in the

The mass are just sheep to them, to be led to the slaughterhouse.

European royals killing naked children for fun at human hunting parties 2nd Poster ***(find

3rd Poster - The mass is easily led. To the slaughterhouse.

Feeding the Eye of Providence

Feeder is referencing to giving them power over you, giving them your
money, your vital energy and more important emotional energy.

One of the Rothschilds is tired of this bullshit and is going straight.

An insider has turned.

2nd poster: Q has repeated this item many times so we may not have the
correct answer. Could be Pope - God Father, though the III stumps me in
this context. A triangle has three side - Pope is one of the sides? If so
British Monarchy and the Rothschild family are the other two in this
context. Soros is the American proxy for the Rothschild Family whose base
of operations are in Uk/Europe.

^ Q keeps repeating it because it has not yet happen.

??Pope is the hidden Master Puppeteer, Rothschild/Soros are the money

men carrying out the Pope's plan, Queen is beholden(?) to Pope through
Treaty of 1213.

i wondered the day before why the queen and vatican / pope are not being
mentioned by Q. hasn't he mentioned Diana? r 1043 - Pope is a puppet.
Vatican is controlled by European lodges. Pedophilia and homosexual
mafia run rampant.
There are also references to Robert Mueller as the "Godfather". He is
James Comey's daughter's Godfather and there are references to his
"Godfather-like stare". Perhaps Mueller is the one who has turned on the
deep state. There are articles showing he is now working with Trump to
bring the others to justice. The Russia collusion investigation being the
cover for the whole thing. He was appointed by Rosenstein one day after
meeting with Trump to replace Comey as FBI director, but this was not
possible as he already served a 10 year (actually 12 year) term and was
no longer eligible for the position. Mueller is a decorated Marine. Semper
Fi. *** Semper Fi is key regarding Mueller. The average person doesnt
understand, but Marines do. How many Marine generals surround
POTUS? ***


Additionally, in his private meeting with Comey at the start of his 'reign' as
SC, may have had an opportunity for two things: (1) enlist Comey in effort
to FINALLY expose it all and (2) give Comey immunity. Comey has since
come out on Twitter under his own name and appears to be very confident.
Comey may have unburdened to his friend, turned over ALL materials he
had been sitting on for insurance. If this is true, USA will be OK.

3rd poster: god the father, part of the holy trinity (III) - the father, son and
holy ghost

4th poster - could this be a literal reference to the plot of the movie? In GF
3 movie the Vatican bank is broke and accepts hundreds of millions in
blood money from Don Corleone to help the situation. Is the Vatican bank
actually broke and accepting money from the evil we are fighting here?
5th poster - His name is Robert Swan Mueller III. Think multiple meanings.
Think fractals. ||6th poster - Pope recently came out publically with a
statement that basically said that the US must submit to the New World
Order for its own good. He is a Luciferian. Gotta wonder what's in those
rarely seen Vatican archives.

7th poster: Lucifer/Satan is alive, possibly living under the Vatican in the
"archives". Research Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.S.)

I also think it's Mueller, just look at him FFS

Normies can't imagine what billionaire monsters do in their spare time. You
inhabit a different reality. Unknown unknowns

2nd poster - Don't underestimate us. We've seen more shit than you might
imagine. After all, we grew up in the 60's, 70's and 80's
3rd poster - We were given all these information, we successfully connect
the dots, but we still don't understand the point of it all.

plz fix - Below Post Q responds to >>150415097 posters ID incorrect

also Q's timestamp incorrect, >> 150417146

That is the Capital building not the white house.

2nd poster: The owl is a symbol which represents an pagan deity. Nocturnal birds are symbols of sorcery and metaphysics beca

The "Y Head" could refer to another deity... see the Horned God. aka satan

also ""Doreen Valiente writes that the Horned God also carries the souls of
the dead to the underworld"" connection to child sacrifice? "Y" could refer to the tongue of the snake... see St. Peters Cathedral from above w

And satan = the serpent =

The Dark Secrets Behind The Pope’s Audience Hall (It’s a Giant Reptilian)

3rd: owl = surpress those not in the know, owl symbolism against feminin aspect of consciousness, old babylonien owl could al

4th post:


Owl -- Illuminatenorden: Bavarian Illuminati insignia
"Full list of people to check here"


Jay-Z/Drake/OVO/Kanye West/Snoop Dogg, Chris Brown,

Kesha, Pete Wentz(Owl), RIhanna, Justin Bieber

Y= Baphomet




Links for above?

-OVO Sound Wiki (significance in III label artwork? (speculation))

*I found this when I searched for the meaning of the symbol Y on Google.*

Bohemian Grove Club Members: NOTE: Some living some de

Bilderberg Group:

Twitter's logo upside-down is one owl eye:



Rice University (

By allowing a ban, the truth will be suppressed and censored in the future.


Windsor is wrong. (Y)=Rockefeller is the answer. See Question 1271.

Good background article:

MSM portrays deviant behavior as acceptable. They focus on fame and
riches instead of spiritual health.

Q mentioned 80% and 20% before.. but the private and public were

only 20% of the actual happenings are being released to the public and
80% need to be kept secret.

Think of how many ways it can be dismissed. 'Partisan fantasy',

'conspiracy theory'. How do you get people to believe it without labelling it
a falsehood so that they can stay blue-pilled?
Takeover of the Vatican. See Masonic Paul VI. Trump is Godfather III?

As Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) ages, he finds that being the head of the
Corleone crime family isn't getting any easier. He wants his family out of
the Mafia, but the mob kingpin (Eli Wallach) isn't eager to let one of the
most powerful and wealthy families go legit. Making matters even worse is
Michael's nephew, Vincent (Andy Garcia). Not only does Vincent want a
piece of the Corleone family's criminal empire, but he also wants Michael's
daughter, Mary (Sofia Coppola).

This is about the Rothchilds sep post/ Vatican Bank head removed Dec4,
2017 (plus 1 other days before). Money?? Same as GF3 Very Good
source is Q! Also theme of GF "offer them a deal they can't refuse"!

NWO CABAL: Rockefeller, Soros, Rothschild, EU, all related banksters,

UK Elites, and all of their puppets (individuals and orgs)


Do not forget the bad actors in SA.

The answer to this question is Britain, the British crown. Queen Elizabeth is
considered the queen of the world. In 1775, Thomas Paine wrote this:
"When I reflect on these and a thousand instances of similar barbarity, I
firmly believe that the Almighty, in compassion to mankind, will curtail the
power of Britain." As far back as 1775, it was well-known that Britain was
the evil master of the world. Nothing has changed. The war we see is the
USA vs. Britain. Specifically, the US military vs. the Royals/Templars. It all
started with Queen Elizabeth I and it will end with Queen Elizabeth II.
Coincidence? No. There are no such things as coincidences.

Clintons are puppets. Not a side of the triangle

Evil puppets, YES. But puppets.
Get to others THROUGH Clintons.
++ and +
They may literally be puppets as they were adopted into the cult as
children and mind programmed.

Possible counter: deprogramming

Yes, WJC and HRC see what's happening. Also probably concerned what
Podesta will give up about them. Hence all the lashing out and irradict
statements from certain players in the MSM and Hillary.

Perhaps Huma also singing like a bird about them. She has the goods on
Part of this?

((The plane was conducting a routine transport flight carrying passengers

and cargo from Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni to the carrier, which was
operating in the Philippine Sea as part of an exercise with Japanese
forces, it said.))
According to the U.S. Navy 7th Fleet, a United States Navy C-2A aircraft
belonging to VRC-30 “Providers” carrying 11 crew and passengers crashed
into the ocean southeast of Okinawa at approximately 2:45 p.m. local time
on Nov. 22.

Eight personnel recovered following C2-A Greyhound crash and

transferred to #USSRonaldReagan for medical eval. In good condition.
Search and rescue for three personnel continues.

Next: Wondering...
Eleven operatives to hit land in South Korea, travel NORTH to reach and
engage their target.

If so, is this 2nd failed mission? *** Who said it was "failed"? There is
disinformation in Q's posts along with a lot of fact. You need to distinguish
between the two because others are reading. 11 Marines + 1 = Marine
platoon. See Marine SpecOps; remember how close POTUS and the
Marines are. ***
China and Russia are our allies against the NWO and for time immemorial
they simply tolerated the NWO while trying their best to protected their own
The Seeyia reluctantly allowed them to prosper (while trying to fuck them
with Maidan, Tibet etc etc) just because one day they thought they can pit
the US public against China and Russia.

WW3 was meant to be against those two nations, and watching the media
and politics for the last few years makes that clear.

The reasons the Chinese chase the SCS etc etc is because:

Until DJT came along their plan was let's take the NWO and hope to win
OR let's race against their propaganda campaign and become too strong
for them to be worth attacking.

There's no owl imagery or degenracy here.

China and Russia had to deal with NWO for world trade (USA has a lot of
money/buys their stuff) and because of economic ties. So they had to play
nice with BO out of necessity, not because they really wanted to. They
were being held hostage by their financial obligations and ties to the world

They associate themselves with Trump, not BO

2nd poster: BO was most likely seen as the mouthpiece of the controllers
acting behind the scenes which would raise the scorn of those he came to
threaten on their behalf. Think about the way the tax collector was viewed
long ago, that was BO the disgusting turncoat tax collector. Everything
about BO smelled of rank amateur. Current POTUS is a leader, the only
mouthpiece he serves as is his own. He is an outsider and cannot be
bought, what would one even try to pay him with?
Two triangles of power are at war with each other right now. China, Russia,
and US vs. the satanic cult triangle of Rothschilds, Saudi money, and

BHO represented the Owls/Y. Russia and China are closed to them. Trump
is defeating evil and therefore, welcomed heartily.
Alchemy is the religion of the elite - the Rothschilds (and maybe others)
have learned to turn substances into gold, and gold is proven to preserve
"life" - to give everlasting life. It's why Egyptian mummies were buried in it
and jewelry/money is made of it. Colloidal gold is what the Fountain of
Youth was made of, and what thought to be in Atlantis "Aurum Potabilis".
--- Gold can also be used as radiation protection -

They believe gold can be turn into mana. Mana is another name for 'life
force'. They believe gold, when turned into mana, and eaten, can extend
their lifespan.

They believe that their gods are so full of life that they glow like gold.

<--- These don't seem correct to me, were they confirmed? IIRC Q replied
with "gold" meaning the images presented were not the right ones he
referred to


An event attendee.

Missing head(key)stone? Q Just could have just meant this: ▲ The 3

families, SA, Roth, Soros. Tied together by the Clowns?

A nuclear world war. To bring the population down to 500,000 while the
elites all live as gods on a broken world(?)

The Globalists intend to steal a sub, use it to nuke a country, and then
blame it on another country to start a nuclear war that will destroy all the
super powers, and allowing the Globalists to take the whole world?
Gold represents the sun and eternity - that is why it is special to Egyptians
- it is of high spiritual significance

Idols were covered in gold. They consider themselves idols.

ORMEs? - Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements, white gold, when ingested can extend life and raise conciousness. Is th

Golden Triangle: It is an area of approximately 950,000

OR the Pyramid of the Sun, in Mexico:

Q referenced gold and triangles a lot here. A golden triangle is an isosceles

triangle in which the duplicated side is in the golden ratio to the distinct
side and the base angles are both 72 degrees. A pentagram is composed
of 5 golden triangles.

kkjjm jhu7n7;j .

Speculation: Perhaps Q is referencing his earlier post that the truth about
elite family political, economic and social control including their private
cultist activities would put 90% of the public in the hospital. Therefore, in
reality the whole picture is the sum of all public fears, i.e., the prospect of
everlasting tyranny and enslavement by degenerate "elites" which makes
the "red pill" too difficult to swallow whole for most citizens.

Trump knows the Globalists will try to use nukes?

That guy is the only person that made the list? They're going to call him?
Elon Musk is to tech what Erik Prince was to military/security, I.E.,
ostensibly a privately owned company but in reality almost completely
government funded.

Invested in Twitter, SpaceX, Playboy

SpaceX is a space program controlled by the Globalists, so the Globalists

can send their own satellites/weapons/military equipment into space.

When the war begins, the Globalists will shoot down all U.S. satellites?
We Are Keyhole Automated Social Media Analytics for Agencies,
Marketers, Journalists and Executives Our goal is to accurately measure
real-time and historical social media data, illustrating metrics in easy-to-
read graphs and layouts to simplify reporting and strategizing. Use us to
track URLs, hashtags, keywords and @usernames on Twitter and
Instagram. We also do competitive account reporting.
AR 27-1US Code Military Justice 94 is Mutiny or Sedition 2 with intent to
cause overthrow or destruction of lawful civil authority

58 - Execution of Confinement a- adjudged by court martial

04 - Court Martial Jurisdiction Something happened in the USA in '04? FB

launched at Harvard? 9/11 commission releases findings? NASA lands
rover on Mars? Director of CIA resigns? Google IPO?

Red cross or Disneyland runs the [red] child trafficking op

Similar to St.Peter in Rome.

Hanging upside down takes the form of the inverted cross, a symbol of
Satanic worship since the death of St. Peter at Circus Maximus prior to the
building of the Vatican at that same location.

Does this news refer to previous confirmation codes? If so, which ones?
Check dates and times!

Expertise in the Marxist/Islamist ideological corruption of education,

expertise in school funding.
Article has this amazing statement:
In July, Prince told Trump’s senior adviser and white supremacist Steve
Bannon, at the time head of Breitbart News, that the Trump administration
should recreate a version of the Phoenix Program, the CIA assassination
ring that operated during the Vietnam War, to fight ISIS. Such a program,
Prince said, could kill or capture “the funders of Islamic terror and that
would even be the wealthy radical Islamist billionaires funding it from the
Middle East, and any of the other illicit activities they’re in.”

Erik Prince is active in the mideast, China and Russia. His Blackwater
organization worked as contractors for the government. His records and
his experience probably could paint a very good picture of details in past
relationships and future possibilities.

General Michael Flynn knows. He was DIrector of National Intelligence.

NSA. And in turn, Trump.

Does this statement add meaning to later stringer, “_Conf_4_3_good_EXT-
TVB7xxj_ALL_FREEDOM_#[1-43]_EX_27-1”. ?

Two Clintons work with NK to free two journalists who are employees of Al
Gore. August 2009

Days left before the storm hits?

Generally the term 'red' would indicate either a high level of preparedness:
"We are at condition red."; "Place your weapon into 'red' status." (loaded,
round in the chamber and safety on) or a combat/emergency situation:
also can refer to a team (group) Red team, Green team.

Red status? Storming incoming? Brace for impact? new post: RED China
RED Russia?

Red Cross seems to be important a week later.

Red _Cross_ Red _Crescent_
"This is redacted short-code stack queue used in social media overlay plug
ins used to pre-config social media updates, posts, tweets and
announcements to social media accounts in their correct formats at
specific dates/times. It helps Communications departments manage
multiple social media accounts/postings for several people from a single

"Yes commands confirm the queued post in the stack is ok to publish and
stand commands mean they’ve been pre-configed but are pending edit,
review, confirmation, whatever."

27 here refers to number of politicians asked to not run again.

198 = FIPS (authentication)

811 = call before you dig

Freedom Act via Executive Order under 29B of the act of security of

Freedom Act via Canada partnership -> HOLD

Freedom Act via Ministry of Defense - TBC

Freedom Act via Ministry of Defense & Canada - TBC

Freedom Act via Saudi-US partnership, confirmed for Washington Docket 8

court case Articles of War -- confirmed action
From a Marine, EX_y_AW_Conf-go means:

Execute. Yes. Arrest Warrant. Confirmed. Go.

Awan facing military tribunal.

All these are related to indictments or politicians asked to step down.

Confirmation to go ahead and pull their string to announce retirement.

Saudi Arabia(SA) interrogation leads to dirt on (US) politicians

DC - Number for Senator/Congressman/Swamp Monster - Exit - Yes -(AW-

NO IDEA)- Confirmed - Go
There goes ‘Merkel’

The President activated a bunch of Freedom Acts? To protect the nation?

From what? The storm?

1-43: refers to Sentencing Guidelines?

Friday Dec 1st - Flynn Plea

Tuesday Dec 5th - News of President going to announce Jerusalem as
capitol of Israel on 12/6 - Muslims have started protest already.

Friday Dec 8th - Last day to prevent US gov. shutdown

Monday Dec 11th - Shutdown begins

Monday Dec 20th - Shutdown ends?
Starting 11th - 20th = 10 days darkness
What is going to happen during that 10 days of darkness.

Non-essential fed employees would be sent home on furlough.

Perfect way to avoid excessive casualties during a raid and not raise
suspicion like what was done with guests being escorted out during the
Saudi Bust.

Dirty ones would also lose access to classified files, monitoring, and
communications during the shutdown.

They couldn't meet easily in person and would not have secure rooms or
communication lines.

Storm in full hurricane mode.

Generally the term 'red' would indicate either a high level of preparedness:
"We are at condition red."; "Place your weapon into 'red' status." (loaded,
round in the chamber and safety on) or a combat/emergency situation:

Just saw it suggested that it could be papers from a waterway.. Panama


2nd: Could be Paradise Papers Wilbur Ross W Y

Flash message traffic: Disseminate as fast as possible ~within 5 minutes
(per military comms docs)

Begin logging everything at 8chan?

This shows how important Q's communication with anons and our tasks
are and how panicked cl0wns and network of bad actors are, to go to this
length to stop Q from communicating with anons.

Control & protection of 4/pol/ was therefore lost

Connectivity and security were compromised due to the numerous
connections necessary for Q to post on 4/pol/ and 8ch.

Persons may be mods/janitors at 4/pol/ or within government, either way,

they have been removed from the situation.
(SPECULATION) Unofficially to warn the Chinese and Indians regarding
North Korea.

Warn them of the consequences of taking down bad actor elites. Nuke
strike. ICBM test proves ability to carry out threat

BO trying to convince Xi and Modi NOT to go along with Trump showing

that NK actually has ability to strike them if they step out of line?
You tend to get the best deal by cooperating earliest. After the tax vote I
would venture a guess McCain has rolled first.

Re-Assure his handlers that Trump is actually in the control of the caba,
not a free agent

Warn Xi against cutting off NK? Missle launch comes from NK shortly
thereafter. Is that a threat to Xi? A demonstration of NK ACTUAL abilities.
Spell out threat if bad guys are taken down.ICBM tests follow to
demonstrate ability to follow through with theeat

BHO's Pivot to Asia was a much parroted talking point, mostly concerned
with TPP and checking Chinese naval capabilities/island building

NK only kicking up shit now because BO is gone

Basically that they wanted nothing to do with the rest of the world and to
leave them alone.
Answer 2 - Public told that NK was approx. a decade away from being
capable of striking the US. As soon as trump elected, that changed to now!

Possibility: SA (Alwaleed) funds Hussein > Hussein helps arm + fund NK

through U1 and Iran deal

Is it possible Alwaleed ALSO helped fund NK?

Demonstrate ability for nuke strike. Had ability since 2009 since BO gave
techno to NK through back channels. No need to demonstrate ability until
they lost control POTUS. Insurance policy for elite bad guys.

Hostages are killed if bad guys are arrested. We are the hostages.
Possible deal in works to allow high level bad guys to walk in exchange for
neutralizing NK threat

Iran and NK proximal to Russia; masquerade as rogue regimes, really

under cabal control. Likely bases to instigate WW3 in the event HRC wins
election. Giving Iran and NK nuke capability was only one more step
towards war with Russia/The Sum Of All Fears/WW3, the end goal.
NK, under the control of elite, CIA, ect, will be used in an attempt to start
WW3. 1. Start a military/nuclear exchange between major world powers.
2.Billions of people die, reducing population to easily controlled number.
3.Elite hide out in bunkers during exchange of nukes, waiting for the fallout
to clear. 4.Elite emerge from hiding, offering aid to the survivors, playing
the role of saviors, while taking control of entire Earth through foundation of

World held hostage Prologue to TC book "...Like the sheep on the fold"
(BO) from G. Byron Prose. also the line....".And the widows of Ashur are
loud in their wail, And the idols are broke in the temple of Baal, and the
might of the Gentile, unsmote by the sword, Hath melted like snow in the
glance of the Lord". This is from "the Destruction of Sennacherib" Biblical
account of the attempted siege of Jerusalem. What is happening Wed Dec
6, 2017 in Israel re: capital/US

Distraction from the deeper allegations,

Answer #2: Partly bread and circuses for the base, mostly laying the
foundation for the Spielbergs, the Geffens, and those without instant name

3) Hillary Clinton meltdown after the 2016 CiC forum w/ Matte Lauer. Is this
why M. Lauer has been outed? She threatened to get MLauer fired. Too
bad no video, only witness testimony.
A place or set where a show/drama/play/illusion is performed.

- Military Stage
- Political Stage
- MSM Stage
Bad guy’s cannot be taken down in one fell swope or insurance policy is
unleashed. Has to be done in stages or the NK threat has to be neutralized
before mass arrests can take place. Would also explain why HRC and
others are not in custody.
The actual source of the money US cabal gets

Merriam Webster:

Puppeteer: one who manipulates puppets

May also refer to smaller states instigating conflicts that larger allies may
have otherwise avoided (see WWI powder keg). Possibility of cabal-funded
"rogue" regimes acting against other powers to start war.

A proxy war is a conflict instigated by opposing powers who do not fight

against each other directly. Instead, they uses third parties to do the
fighting for them.
Opposing powers are usually core countries who have conflicting
ideologies and interests with each other. However, a direct large-scale war
between them would cause enormous damage to all belligerent powers.
Therefore, they rather conduct proxy wars in developing countries in order
to avoid loss and achieve some certain interests at the same time.

Third-parties can be local governments built or supported by opposing

powers or armed forces, mercenaries and terrorist groups who could strike
an opponent without leading to full-scale war.

c-level is like CEO/CFO/CTO... C level information

Pretty sure "C" level information stands for "Classified" not Chief level
According to the answer on Line 24 herein, Jeff Sessions is the one who
knows all things classified.

Songbird' McCain had been singing.

Songbird' McCain had been singing.

Life is Good
This Q post is probably from Trump.

Also, the Globalists can not win.

Trump already knows everything.



Until 2015 or so the world was led to believe that NK was not as far as it
obviously is in nuclear weapon development. This justified the supposed
"patience" approach instead of more effective actions in deterring NK, or
more assertive world action in discovering what was really going on with
whomever was helping NK in their nuclear progress. This would fit into an
overall nefarious plan to "suddenly" discover how big a threat NK is and
push the world into another war.

Big events (could this have been tests of miniature nuke?) in December
26th 2004 with 9.1 earth quake in India Ocean and triggers the largest
Tsunamis Killing 200k people. The next day December 27th Max Planck
Institute measure the strongest burst from magnetar and Earth is hit by a
huge wave front of gamma and x-rays. It is the strongest flux of high-
energetic of gamma radiation measured to date.

Also of interest in 2004 the first expedition began in the worlds deepest
cave on Earth. Located in Abkhazia Georgia. =Krubera_Cave&params.
The Coordinates here. =43_24_35_N_40_21_44_E_ The exploration team
is named CAVEX. (Sounds a lot like SpaceX. 5his needs to be researched
more. There are lakes at the bottom of the cave that are continuing to
explore which go very deep.

Bad guy’s insurance policy in place for some time.

NK has nukes every since 2009.

Also in 2009, Somali pirates "accidentally" seized a ship full of Ukrainian tanks bound for the secession of South Sudan that had

Gotta make the escalations look real.

2) Dropping payloads into the ocean for later use

^ Kim wants to nuke America, but Kim doesn't want to die. So what Kim
and the Globalists are going to do instead is launch multiple 'failed' nukes
into the ocean that doesn't explode.
Then, later, a 'missing' sub (stolen) goes pick it up. The sub goes goes to
Russian water, then launch a nuke at America. America will think Russia
have just launch a nuke at America, so America will nuke Russia back.
America and Russia destroys each other. Globalists laugh all the way to
the bank.

The missing sub...

The Hunt For Red October...

The Sum Of All Fear...


NK was controlled ever since WW2. CIA co-opted NK, they work for the
CIA, and the CIA is controlled by Shadow government that is being run by
the Globalists.

What they are trying to do with North Korea, they already did during WW2
with the Nazi.

They were able to get the world to enter into World War I by assassinating
one country's prince and blaming it on another country.

They want to use North Korea to nuke America. If North Korea nuke
America, America will nuke back. With North Korea and America gone, and
with Europe fully under control, the Globalist will have won.

1) Bad guys power greater than many had thought with control of nuke
arsenal. Source of Arsenal is traitors within US government.

2) Act of 1871 - the USA is a corporation. We are living and have been
living under a second Constitution and Martial Law for a very long time.
See what Karen Hudes, ex-lawyer for the World Bank says:

Every citizen is a "commodity" valued at X amt of $$$s. Each citizen is the

property/chattel of the Fed Reserve.

Theory - Think why amnesty is pushed so hard. More "citizens"= more

commodity. This pays the national debt.

My daughter had a baby 3 yrs ago and to get birth certificate & SS# she
had to fill out a form asking what her & his level of education, housing
situation, income levels, physical health of mom & dad, grandparent

Answer 1 - not russia? russia is neither EU, nor is it usually considered part
of asia.

Answer 2 - They made it looked like they were selling it to the Russians?
So that they can blame the Russians?

But in actually, it went through the EU, then to North Korea?

not russia? russia is neither EU, nor is it usually considered part of asia.

Pakistan is in Asia

Stinks to high heaven...

Answer #2: Recently read Iran has a fifth column itching to escalate the conflict with the Zionists. The thought occurred to me

SPECULATION: Clinton was trolling putin, hey look we control NK and they
have nukes on your doorstep.
SPECULATION 2: "Russian reset" was an ongoing thaw attempt to
influence and corrupt Russia e.g. Mikhail Khodorkhovsky, Pussy Riot

Answer 3 - "Russian Reset" was to make it look like they were working with
the Russians again. So they could put the blame on Putin when North
Korea nukes America.

Speculation: Clinton trolls Russia on behalf of NWO - we have nuclear

power in Iran, NK, US, and EU; you're surrounded, we will reset you and
replace you with someone amenable to the cabal.

Sidley Austen Thread:

Serving as lead attorney in the conduct of an FCP A(Foreign Corrupt

Practices Act) internal investigation of a Saudi Arabian joint venture of a
U.S. issuer in the defense industry.

Sidley Ausin, LLP is registered as a representative of foreign agents

representing VTB.

Specifically to lobby about the sanctions:
It donated $385,025 to Hillary Clinton in 2016. The DNC Services Corp
received $140,956. The DCCC received $55,720.,200:P200_REG_NUMBER,P200_DOC_TYPE,P200_COUNTR

Barack and Michelle Obama met at Sidley

Clowns have extensive presence/influence in S. Korea. Samsung TVs spy on you? What a coincidence. Except you don't believe

- Look at who's on the Board of this organization and their links to CIA or
N. Korea



The Asia Foundation based in San Francisco and founded in 1954, was
established and subsidized by the CIA until 1967 when the link was
exposed. Since 1984, through the Asia Foundation Act, its funding source
has changed to the State Department. Today it has 18 offices across Asia,
12 of which were established by 'anti-communist propagandist', James L.
Stewart [1]
It "was founded in 1954 and throughout the 1960s had an annual budget of
about $8 million. This money was used to support Asian schools and
libraries, give travel grants to Asians for international conferences, and in
support of expanded Pacific trade. In 1967 it was revealed that they were
receiving CIA funds. Victor Marchetti, once an executive assistant to the
CIA's deputy director, is less delicate -- he says Asia Foundation was
established by the CIA and until 1967 was heavily subsidized by them,
even though some of their activities were legitimate.

"In 1987 the Foundation received $10 million from State and another $3.7
million from AID, in addition to private support (88 percent of which was in
the form of donated books) and matching Asian contributions." [2]

In Afghanistan, the organization works in conjunction with the mercenary

firm, Global Risk Strategies.



CIA and Asia Foundation are linked

Asia Foundation Findings:

Q drop -

The Asia Foundation.

Happy hunting.
Doc Q references pertains to a doc of Asia Foundation Trustees requesting
continuted gov. funding for TAF. Was this to fund the NK Cabal bunker?
Looking into this doc and connections from TAF to the swamp. Much info in
Doc Q Ref'd -

>>15088 (connection map) (connection map) (doc) (doc)

Confirm actors ????

as per condition at Henderson Data Center -b

where all of transaction data is stored.

this story will appear in a future Q post

misinformation designed to derail us from the big picture?

bad actors would like to take ownership of Q to steer narrative, similar to

Operation Mockingbird, but controlled patriot opposition within emerging
media and open source.

Enemies want to muddle the water and mislead us.

Compare Trump’s authentic WH event to Obama’s cult attendees:
11.3 Tony Podesta indicted and starts to sing

11.6 Huma indicted and starts to sing

The Peter Strzok story is revealed to be much bigger than a few emails with his girlfriend. We suddenly find out he was the one
Obama didn’t perp this for the last 3 decades alone.

Some crimes transcend treason, jurisdiction is global.

Unlike mere ‘puppets’ (those who are coerced or without free will), some
like BHO actively choose evil or destruction. Repeatedly. This is easier to
accomplish under guise of an ‘oppressed minority’ which is doubly

Trump's not going to treat the lord of evil any differently.

Valerie Jarrett and by extension Muslim Brotherhood and Iran no longer

control our executive branch/POTUS.

1p That’s an understatement. Complacency is a bitch

2p Obama's new handler/protectors are morons. They don't know what

they're getting themselves into. Morons = the open messages are easy to
crack/dumb such as FlyEaglesFly.

89074 = Location of Snowwhite (aka CIA supercomputers)?


Cornerstone Park

Henderson, NV 89074

2 basketball courts
3 small 1-story buildings

450 parking spaces

water treatment plant with underground facilities water goes to "golf

courses" -


Michael Flynn had people from the DIA appointed to positions on the NSC
who were removed by H.R. McMaster following Flynns resignation, but not
before getting TS/SCI clearances. A text message is raw SIGINT which
they wouldn't have access to, but if these men who were dismissed by
McMaster were assigned to hunt down leakers and had TS/SCI
clearances, Rodgers could pass SIGINT to them without having to get
permission since leaking is against the law. Could be that THIS is how he
was compromised.
Friday, October 14, 2016
Casting a wide net, help me work it down anons:

Thu July 13, 2017: Justice Department Special Counsel Robert Mueller
has brought on Peter Strzok, a senior FBI official who oversaw the Hillary
Clinton email investigation, to help manage his investigation into Russian
election meddling, according to two US officials briefed on the matter.

Strzok helped oversee the beginnings of the Russia probe last summer at
the FBI.
Peter Strzok Special Counsel Russia FBI

The conservative group Judicial Watch reported Tuesday that the State
Department received the documents from the FBI after Judicial Watch
sued the department when it failed to respond to a Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA) request

Strozk interviewed Huma concerning HRC email server

Tuesday, October, 11, 2016

Name Changes: William Jefferson Blythe -> Bill Clinton/Jorge Mario
Bergoglio -> Pope Francis Wearing rings to show ownership
(Hillary/Obama), blackmail upfront (engaging in acts on camera knowingly)
- and so on.... a million ways to control and to make sure they remain firmly
in hand.

Grassley is neutralizing McCabe: support Grassley!

Complete the org chart: dox connections

Connection to Clintons, wife got money from Clinton camp

2P: From Merriam Webster

a reliable sample of traits, acts, tendencies, or other observable

characteristics of a person, group, or institution

Jill McCabe-pediatrician, State Senate run

Trump demands probe into Clinton allies’ donations to campaign of FBI
official’s wife, Oct 24, 2016:
Melissa Hodgman-Associate Director, SEC Enforcement Division. In ED since 2008. Running her name through Google says 5 lin

Leads to this:

"In July 2014, Wey was sued by a former employee, who alleged that he
was wrongfully fired after he reported that another employee was
"repeatedly and consistently” the subject of "disgusting and degrading quid
pro quo sexual harassment". Hannah Bouveng, the employee who had
been the subject of the alleged harassment, had filed an $850 million
lawsuit against Wey's company earlier that month. Law360 quoted Wey as
saying that the lawsuits were "frivolous" and "an extortion attempt."[30] The
sexual harassment trial opened on June 15, 2015, at the Manhattan
Federal District Court. It closed on June 29, 2015, with the jury awarding
Bouveng $18 million—$2 million in compensatory damages and $16 million
in punitive damages, primarily for defamation by Wey, NYGG, and its
subsidiary FNL Media who publish TheBlot. While the allegations of assault
and battery were rejected, the jurors found in Bouveng's favor on the
charges of sexual harassment, retaliation and defamation.[35][36] In April
2016, the award was reduced to $5.6 million by a Federal District Court
"In September 2015, Wey was indicted by a U.S. federal grand jury on
eight counts of conspiracy, securities and wire fraud, and money
laundering in connection with his reverse merger scheme and involving the
companies SmartHeat, Deer Consumer Products, and CleanTech
Innovations. Wey was accused of using the offshore accounts to cloak
transactions between Chinese operating companies and American shell
companies.[40][41] In addition to the criminal charges, the SEC filed a
parallel civil lawsuit against Wey which also included as defendants Wey's
wife, his sister, and two of his attorneys, all of whom were alleged by SEC
complaint to have committed "violations or the aiding and abetting of
violations of the antifraud provisions and the disclosure and reporting
provisions of the federal securities laws".

In September 2017, the SEC dropped its fraud charges against Wey and
his wife.

Priscilla Chan-pediatrician

6 D's vs 18 R's?
They were told not to seek re-election or their crimes would be prosecuted.

Tax reform
Enough R's voted for it, even McCain
even McCain.

Answer #2: If what the Shadow Brokers have on John M and and Senator
Graham is true, and there are no coincidences, for the sake of his family's
name I'd vote for the tax bill instead of nasty very public fallout and the
subsequent falling dominos.

Yes, or be exposed for vile monstrosity of the highest orders

Meet new management, not the same as old management

You have me enthralled and out of the shadows

BMT? Bryn Mawr trust:

Local to this, this caters to the extremely wealthy in DuPont infested areas,
also tying to +FLYROTHSFLY+. ++ is split. Philadelphia Eagles (with a
suspiciously successful year in a rigged league huh.) BMT is in Philly.

Basic Military Training

Local / State / Federal

Answered in Questions 2108-2111:

Bottom: Soros controlling organizations
Middle: SA controlling politicians
Top: Rothschilds controlling banks, therefore governments

In his Sunday morning address to the American people, Obama portrayed

the seven men he freed as “civilians.” The senior official described them as
businessmen convicted of or awaiting trial for mere “sanctions-related
offenses, violations of the trade embargo.”
In reality, some of them were accused by Obama’s own Justice
Department of posing threats to national security. Three allegedly were part
of an illegal procurement network supplying Iran with U.S.-made
microelectronics with applications in surface-to-air and cruise missiles like
the kind Tehran test-fired recently, prompting a still-escalating exchange of
threats with the Trump administration. Another was serving an eight-year
sentence for conspiring to supply Iran with satellite technology and
hardware. As part of the deal, U.S. officials even dropped their demand for
$10 million that a jury said the aerospace engineer illegally received from

Reference Lynn de Rothschild

@LdeRothschild account. She made several tweets with hashtags #flyeaglesfly. Eagles is the Bill Clinton's codename. https://en

Obama AIDS video begins w Kimmel and Bono, Red backdrop,

parenthesis as horns on both K and B. Then Obama, talks of AIDS
donations, mentions PEPFAR (President's Emergency Plan for AIDS
Relief), started by Bush Jr. Their logo is the Red Ribbon. Obama refers to
Wealthy, Influential people. Research into PEPFAR shows direct ties to
CHAI. NYT article mentions Haitians with AIDS. Trump must have dropped
a hint that he's onto the Red Ribbon, PEPFAR, CHAI money laundering,
possibly child trafficking network.'s_Emergency_Plan_for_AIDS_Relief

RED_RED marker was mentioned previously - see map position dated


When the storm arrives, would you be seen with me? By the merciless
eyes I've deceived?

Nov 29, 2017:

I am prepared for the updating of the sheet on this one, I have first hand
knowledge of 2014 Ebola, amusing anecdotes about Chinese military
bases, and the shadiness of it all. I will launch fireworks the day Bono eats

He closed by promising to “share our files on the aliens” with anyone who
joins in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

Well no, actually he didn't ;)

Notes: half of HIV/AIDS people are on life saving meds. What if no meds?
20m on antiretroviral drugs that make it possible to live, work, raise HIV-
children. "it sounds like a miracle but not the result of mysterious forces."
uh-huh. "Countless people, working for years CHOSE to make this
progress" uh-huh. "Some deployed great wealth and influence, some Ds
and Rs alike, held public office." organizers, activists, doctors, nurses,
scientists. This is how progress happens. Reject cynicism and pessimism
for relentless optimism. However long it takes, however lonely the fight.
Asking you, the late night tv viewer, to join us. "If you do, you can pilot Air
Force One for a day" *CANNED LAUGHS* "If you do, I'll share files on
aliens" *CANNED LAUGHS* You can help us win this fight and change

He is making or accepting an offer having to do with sharing files, and/or

Is he sending a message to a pilot of Air Force One?

Obama says he still has to do his Christmas shopping. He possibly owes
specific people gifts, or reimbursement. Or perhaps he is just entertaining
the idea for anyone who is listening. Q said obama was looking for new
handlers or something I think so maybe this is his way back in. Then he
says that fortunatly 'Red' is making the job easy. He could have simply said
santa, I think this is key. Red Cross maybe? Having this in a talk about aids
hints towards that. Perhaps he still has ties there and they have access to
this 'Air force 1' and "Aliens" offer he mentions at the end.
______________ I think he's sending a message of solidarity to his fellow
shitheads, reminding them how long and hard they've worked, both D's
and R's, to destroy civilization and sovereignty, and possibly soliciting a
new patron.

Meet me in Seoul.
"Cable News and our Twitter feeds make us feel like cynicism is
Taken from the Kimmel transcript (roles):
*) activist Jimmy Kimmel
*) ringmaster Bono
*) husband Obama
*) citizens
*) organizers
*) activists
*) doctors
*) nurses
*) scientists
-- biggest role, pharma.

Is this referring to a book by Vickie Stringer - Dirty Red?

A little bit of moralizing laces the graphic sex and violence in this third
street lit novel by Stringer, publisher of Triple Crown Publications and a
former madam and drug dealer. The story spins around Raven "Red"
Gomez, a victim of her stepfather's sexual abuse and her mother's
rejection, for whom every relationship is another opportunity to con
someone out of their cash. From duping her boyfriend Q into believing
she's pregnant by using the urine of another woman, to conning her
abusive, incarcerated ex out of royalties on his street novel, Red's "goal
was to get rich at all costs, regardless of who was hurt in the process". For
Red, sex-however pleasurable-is a commodity traded for cash and power,
children are a means to "catch" a man, and revenge for one's last double-
cross is around every corner. This barely plotted tale (after Imagine This)
serves up some suffering for the immoral Red, but a close getaway at the
end promises a sequel.

Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All

rights reserved. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of
this title.

Answer 2- red stringer link - posted Nov 29th

Note: Obama says "Fortunately 'Red' is making my part easy'" RED?
Bono and Schriver's org to get $ for Africa thru others shopping.

Shoppers buy (RED), up to 50% profits go directly to Global Fund
The cross reference could be the "Coke saves lives" segment right before
BHO came in tied to Vickie Stringer being a cocaine dealer before
becoming an author in federal prison. __ Coke used to be a drug but now
is found everywhere. Maybe they intend for AIDS medication to be
everywhere and to make lots of money off it.

++Gov. BROWN of California saying Aids folks can give blood.

Nov 25 vs Nov 27

When a keystone is removed the arch or circle collapses.

"The American Red Double Cross"


-Skull & Bones
-AIDS Ebola

When I was 12 I did a Red Cross fundraiser at my school for Kosovo. As a

grown man it horrifies me.

CBTS General >>37334:

Just in the German wiki:

and his son


Red Cross revenue 2.52 billion. Headquartered in Washington D.C.. #21 of
100 largest U.S. charities (forbes).

CEO, Gail J. McGovern assumed role on 6/23/2008. In 2015, she wrote a

letter to Congressman Bennie Thompson to stop an investigation into its
disaster relief work. In 2002, she joined the faculty of Harvard Business

Interesting article about nonprofit CEOs getting a big raise in 2008 and how nonprofits have consolidated their executive team

Plenty of patents like HIV, Ebola, SARS, etc are created. Pharma makes
money out of medicines, not cure. Including cancer

Guinea: Ebola, Rio Tinto++

Madagascar: Bubonic Plague
Yemen, Haiti: Cholera

4 billion a year to fight AIDS, malaria and TB
Agenda 21:

Agenda 2030:

Georgia GuideStones:

Nov. 28 2017:

China, India, France officially listed.

Obama meets with Dalai Clown in India:

Nov. 25 2017
Nov. 27 2017. Future proves past.

There is a shitload in the 11/25 stringer, requesting assistance with

deciding/deciphering, it will lead to a more complete map than we have


Please look at the 11/25 stringer dump

There are two Red Cross organizations: "International Committee of the Red Cross - ICRC" and "International Federation of Red

In 1997, the ICRC and the IFRC signed the Seville Agreement which
further defined the responsibilities of both organizations within the
movement. According to the agreement, the Federation is the lead agency
of the movement in any emergency situation which does not take place as
part of an armed conflict.
ICRC is the only institution explicitly named under International
Humanitarian Law (IHL) as a controlling authority. The legal mandate of the
ICRC stems from the four Geneva Conventions of 1949, as well as its own
Statutes. The ICRC also undertakes tasks that are not specifically
mandated by law, such as visiting political prisoners outside of conflict and
providing relief in natural disasters.

The ICRC is a private association registered in Switzerland that has

enjoyed various degrees of special privileges and legal immunities within
the territory of Switzerland for many years.[when?] On 19 March 1993, a
legal foundation for this special treatment was created by a formal
agreement between the Swiss government and the ICRC. This agreement
protects the full sanctity of all ICRC property in Switzerland including its
headquarters and archive, grants members and staff legal immunity,
exempts the ICRC from all taxes and fees, guarantees protected and duty-
free transfer of goods, services, and money, provides the ICRC with secure
communication privileges at the same level as foreign embassies, and
simplifies Committee travel in and out of Switzerland. On the other hand,
Switzerland does not recognize ICRC issued passports

NK is "leading answer" to above question 2046 "RED CROSS". Question

2056 links to "children trafficking". BC went to NK to procure the release of
journalists Laura Ling, 32, and Euna Lee, 36 near North Korea’s border
with China while researching a report about women and human trafficking.

Obama visits Asia to collect money for AIDS * or he picks up a weaponized

version of the virus.

Future proves past

For example...

_FREEDOM-_vGER_US_yes_000BVx_LO_yes_[… + 1]_Conf_y

These could very well be arrest 'GO' mission orders.

FREEDOM may be the operation's name.

FREEDOM vs. ________
'SA' could refer to arrests in Saudi Arabia
'GER' is most likely Germany

US = United States asset to be used? (Answer-Yes)

DC27 = The individual 'Target' number (in Washington DC)

EX = Question: Execute(?) Answer: "yes"

AW = 'At Will'
conf = 'confirmed'
stand = 'stand down'
vc = target in vicinity
vC = vicinity CLOSE

Geneva, Switzerland
From CBTS: In short, the Red Cross has 'research' labs all over the world.
Remember HIV originally only affected Rhesus (Simian immunodeficiency
virus) Monkeys. The virus was genetically altered to affect humans. They
did this with Ebola, Black Death, Zika virus, and Alzheimer's which
originated from Mad Cow. All of these diseases were originally only found
in the animal kingdom but 'mutated' into forms that would infect people.
The Red Cross then takes up donations for research. However the cures
were already made before the diseases were released. So these charities
(Red Cross, YMCA, United Way) all funnel money into the system which
launders it. They sell expensive treatments for these diseases without
actually curing them. The control the cures for themselves.

This is one big for profit blood cult. They harvest human blood for
consumption (red wine as called in Hollywood). They traffic people. Spread
genetically engineered diseases and market expensive treatments while
keeping all cures private within the cartel. RED CROSS infers NK as
Human Trafficking hub. RED is code for child trafficking as in RED-Light
district. 2 milliion est. trafficked women children moved into RED-light
districts by gangs.

There are Chapters of the Red Cross and Red Crescent all over the world.

Everywhere there is a disaster. Chaos, destabilization, lost and "rescued"


International Red Cross is responsible for trafficking children

Child/human Trafficking Hub (RED CROSS = RED-Light district, sex

slaves, CROSS = crossroad, hub)
Red Cross causing disasters to collect donations of which very little goes
to the disaster relief.
Their versions of the story:
Congressional oversight of 9/11 donations was to be headed by then-Senate majority leader George Mitchell. Senator Chuck G

Sen. Grassley's memo:

See Q #311 and following: "It's a name recognized around the world".
The ones who bury the bodies.
Sometimes the ones who create the bodies.


He will be pardoned by POTUS.

No pardon necessary, legally overturn (dual premise: warrant for
wiretapping obtained on false evidence (Exclusionary Rule), Flynn was not
told of Strzok’s removal before plea (Giglio).

Organs, slaves, blood, charity money laundering.

RED = Child Trafficking crackdown (RED-Light District gang use of sex
slaves) - Large Arrests across the USA. This is one of the sting operations
in California:

American Red Cross response to recent changes in U.S. Immigration Policies:
Former CGI donors make donations to the McCain Institute after Trump was elected:
Web of CIA connections globally..Money, Politics

If the Key is MI and NSA, and the Stone is Trump and Patriots,
communicating true information could be what holds everything together.

--- Blood is the keystone

Where do you fly if there is nowhere to flee?

++ (Rothschild) is +split+

Trump knew since 1998: Bilderberg met at Trump’s property in Scotland,

Kissinger introduced Evelyn and Lynn there. Creepy chocolate!:

Ventura Firestorm, houses burn inside out (scalar emf), same day (hour?)
that Israel bombs Damascus. Coincidence? Aftermath of Santa Rosa fires:
Nat Guard seals off area while Corp of Engineers bulldozes foundations!
Hiding what?

Who has Scalar Capability? US, Russia, China, Israel, Japan, ??. What
message was being sent to whom? is Bono founded "charity" pimped by BO recently on Kimmel show.
BO is looking for money using charity slush fund
one + is soros. Is Soros about to go away "willingly"?

two ++ is Rothschilds

Top: SA, militant enforcement, rat lines, energy, neutralized

Middle: Rs, central banking cartel, next, legs and head cut

Bottom: Soros, media, population control, trapped

McMaster authorized spying on Trump, sent intel to Soros:

Soros, dual citizen, is caught by both US (Trump) and Hungary (Orban):

Literal answer: CIA/Deep State "mind controlling" people?

name is Sidney . The Q team do not like saying his name

Eww. Poor MI had to talk to it.

Lock. Her. Up.
If SS is not compromised, they are protecting transition actors. If SS is
compromised, they are zeroing in on targets, or using hostages.

Multiple agency arrests in DC area:

SS bill passes House: H.R. 3731
Ethics in Journalism, standards are back in vogue! We’re taking back the
media. Mockingbird is shuttering.

Either for their protection, or to set up a new construct, different public

players but continuity for Deep State after throwing a few burned assets
under the bus/fall guys.
Heli pilot Capt Mike Green worked for British intelligence.

Stop playing into their hands with division and general faggory. Get to work
with digging, pray and memes. We need to keep going but also to be
careful with your digital footprint

Go air strike before midnight???

AWT=Australian Western Time (AWST)

A soap opera that has a page dedicated to tracing family trees and what role they play on the show

Also ATWT is stock price code for ATWEC Technologies Inc. - needs some
investigation as stock price on 1/1/04 was $1000 before it sharply dropped
and is now worth less than a penny. Why is this company still running?

1.2 Million documents coming from the OIG report.

A Thor missile was used when EMP effects were discovered. (
One hand posture with fingers touching, one picture hands apart - Often seen "elite" hand posture. (
This ring looks more like a pair of coiled serpants. Double serpants were
found in king tut's tomb.
World Wide Government control - they own most of the world's
central/federal banks. They use the CIA to replace heads of government.

Linguistically gov is a head that controls its dependents. Gov gives laws
and rules that its dependants follow.
[Renegade] = BHO USSS Code name
Pelosi is reading off talking points. She reviews them at the end. This
relates to who sets the narrative, who really controls the media. Other post
with MONDAY is "Tangent." Tangent is an anagram of Gannett.

He wants to remove an inference that God leads us to temptation.

Current wording: "Lead us not into..."

Pope suggests "Let us not fall..."

Possibly sending a message for help because an organization he is

involved in is about to fall.
Marker was the Lord's Prayer posted on 14/11

One of 3 most commonly used trigonometric formulas. Tan of rt.

triangle=Side Opposite of right angle divided by Adjacent side. Triangle!!

Geometrically speaking - tangent is a straight line that touches one point

on the circumference of a circle. ??Look at the CERN logo??

Could justice be referring to a justice, or judge. There are several judges in

the news. One of them had to recuse himself from Flynn"s case. Chief
Justice Roberts overseas the FISA court and justices. The FISA COURT
approved the wiretapping on Trump tower. Another justice appointed by
Reagan is suspect of sexual harassment. I believe. If Obama is a fraud,
Keagan and Sotomeyer would be found to be part of fraud.

Could also be ref >>60244 >>70088 >>154238

Camp Justice @ Gitmo

The book Pendulum: How Past Generations Shape Our Present and
Predict Our Future by Roy Williams discusses "The Great Awakening". It
occurs at the beginning of the 80 year cycle. We're entering this period
now. It's a time when society leaves 40 years of mind numbing group think
to enter into a period of individual thought and colaboration. This is a time
when Liberty and Freedom are rediscovered and scientific discoveries
occur at a faster pace. Also, it's preceeded by catastrophic war. In 1776 the
Declaration of Independance was sent to King George. In 1780, the
American Revolution. In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected president, the
Civil War followed. In the 1930's Hitler came into power, in the 1941 WW2.
War preceeds the Great awakening. All 80 years apart. All caused by an
oppressor of some kind. King George monarchy, Southern Democrat slave
owners, and Marxist based Hegemony. This is also the subject of the book
The Fourth Turning by William Strauss.

Knew Hussein was controlled and his (read their) intentions?


Break during Army/Navy football game: 2 commercials at 1:34 PST

1- virus in bank computers

2-Intel Inside - the company Renee James used to be CEO for.

BIG BREAK P (first letter of each sentence + BREAK & P)

During Army/Navy Game BREAK at 1:34 PST there were 2 commercials. One was about a virus in bank computers and other wa

The Secret Service is potentially compromised. If this is the case then they
would go to great lengths to protect BHO and HRC. The Secret Service
would also have the best chance of carrying out an assassination plot on
the president. Trump Jr. does not trust the secret service, probably with
good reason.

2) Secret Service was originally under the Dept of Treasury (Rothchilds

anyone?). In 2003, the SS was placed into the Dept of Homeland Security
(Bush anyone?) Compromised??? Heck yes.
NEI= Nuclear Energy Institute
According to George Webb, Schiff was heavily involved with the Awans.see “Hillary’s henchmen”

Schiff was probably snagged in the white hat "fake news" leak that CNN
flapped on:

Rep Adam Schiff's Congressional Career Aided by Soros-financed Groups

Rockefeller Donated $775000 between 2006 and 2014 to the Sunlight


ref >>60244 >>70088 >>154238

Camp Justice @ Gitmo
Q is obviously talking about Owls, the bad actors, as is evident in the first

Previous post #148139234 is integral in figuring this one out as Q

"misspells" darkness as darnkess. Notice the 'n' and 'k' are reversed.

Connect the letters with the underscores in in the first two "Light" lines:

"d_a_r" and "e_s_s" What is missing? What needs to be _revealed_?

'kn' is missing to complete the word "darkness." However, Q intentionally
misspelled it as "darnkess" prior.

kn becomes nk or NK.

Thus, light will overcome, expose, and reveal NK.

Look up nighttime satellite images of North Korea at night. The light you
see in NK is where the Owls/"bad actors" do their work.

Thus, "Light (where you see the lights) will reveal darkness (evil; where the
Owls/"bad actors" operate).

"KN" could refer to a knight in a chess game.


Alex Jones spent a few minutes talking about how wives are used for
money laundering / kickbacks / bribes:

What about Trump's tweet on 12/17/2017 Wonderful weekend at Camp

David. A very special place. A lot of very important work done. Heading
back to the @WhiteHouse now.

Why did Q repeat this part? Should we guess it?

Go watch Trumps speeches. He uses special and really special all the
time. I've joked about it with my family, but maybe there is a code there.
From previous stringer The_Castle_Runs_RED_yes

20 characters

From earlier, 4,10,20

20 spaces means we are in the last leg of the mission.

The base of the pyramid.

spaces and pyramids are part of chan culture: newfags can't triforce:

Q's 5 day notice that POTUS would use the code words "special place", at
a time ending with [:13] minutes, which would be [10] minutes later than
Q's [:03].

POTUS tweeted "special place" on December 17 @1:13.

Difference between minutes of Q's tweet and POTUS tweet.

Provided ABSOLUTE proof of Q's close connection to POTUS.

To maintain the public perception that the President is not targeting
For unity.
Said this right after we had ran the QMAP for GF III and found out Jeff
Sessions III is the best candidate.

Not able to confirm because there needs to be separation between the WH

and Sessions.
Always watching
Movie War Games. A hacker breaks into a supercomputer and asks to play
a game called Thermonuclear war. This sets off a chain of events which
leads to the supercomputer attempting to "WIN" the game of actual
Thermonuclear war. The protaganist is eventually able to trick the
supercomputer into playing Tic Tac Toe to have it learn that there is no
winner. The full list of games: Falken's maze, Black Jack, Gin Rummy,
Hearts, Bridge, Checkers, Chess, Poker, Fighter Combat, Guerrilla
Engagement, Desert Warefare, Air-to-ground Actions, Theatrewide Tactical
Warefare, Theatrewide Biotoxic and Chemical Warefare, Global
Thermonuclear War. At the end, the only game not on the list is "Tic Tac
Toe", which once used by the protagonist is ultimately used to teach the
supercomputer that there is no winning in thermonuclear war. Three items
here are important: Hackers playing games can cause serious
consequences. The supercomputer has to learn [Who has to learn here?
us or them?] & finally, "ITS NOT ON THE LIST."
Memorization [Mind Control] is achieved through repetition

Repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it

They will repeat the lie. Keep Truman in the fantasy.

CIA/ JFK assassination and trying control the narrative.

Lucifarian doctrine.

Pedophilia, Adrenochrome and how it is obtained, Human Sacrifice for

personal gain. Selling their souls for the vilest of human debauchery.

Paul A. Volcker, the Federal Reserve chairman, received an urgent warning

two weeks after Ronald Reagan won the 1980 presidential election. Some
of the president-elect’s advisers, he was told, wanted to abolish the central
bank and replace it with a computer program that would manage interest
rates and monetary policy.

On March 30, 1981, President Ronald Reagan and three others were shot
and wounded by John Hinckley Jr. in Washington, D.C., as they were
leaving a speaking engagement at the Washington Hilton Hotel.

Jan 19 1982
''I can't respond to that because the Federal Reserve System is
autonomous,'' the President said at a news conference, when asked if he
agreed with recent calls for Mr. Volcker's resignation. ''There is no way I
can comment on that,'' Mr. Reagan added.

Gunman Hinckley had lived in Lubbock TX from 1974 through 1980, when
he was an intermittent student at Texas Tech University there. Hinckley's
father founded the Vanderbilt Energy Corporation (an Oil Company).
Vanderbilt Energy Corporation filed as a Domestic For-Profit Corporation in
the State of Texas and is no longer active. This corporate entity was filed
approximately forty-two years ago on Thursday, May 1, 1975 , according to
public records filed with Texas Secretary of State.

On Tuesday, March 31 the Houston Post published a copyrighted story

under the headline: "BUSH'S SON WAS TO DINE WITH SUSPECT'S
BROTHER, by Arthur Wiese and Margarte Downing." The lead paragraph
read as follows:
Scott Hinckley, the brother of John Hinckley Jr., who is charged with
shooting President Reagan and three others, was to have been a dinner
guest Tuesday night at the home of Neil Bush, son of Vice President
George Bush, The Houston Post has learned. According to the article, Neil
Bush had admitted on Monday, March 30 that he was personally
acquainted with Scott Hinckley, having met with him on one occasion in the
recent past. Neil Bush also stated that he knew the Hinckley family, and
referred to large monetary contributions made by the Hinckleys to the Bush
1980 presidential campaign. Neil Bush and Scott Hinckley both lived in
Denver at this time. Scott Hinckley was the vice president of Vanderbilt
Energy Corporation, and Neil Bush was employed as a land man for
Standard Oil of Indiana. John W. Hinckley Jr., the would-be assassin, lived
on and off with his parents in Evergreen, Colorado, not far from Denver.

They were lied to/hoodwinked into their new reality.

Ian Cameron connected to Priorities USA PAC which Symone Sanders sits

AR Rep Tom Cotton worked for McKinsey & Co after his military service
doing consulting work.
McKinsey started off with a mission statement: "set of rules: that
consultants should put the interests of clients before McKinsey's revenues,
not discuss client affairs, tell the truth even if it means challenging the
client's opinion, and only perform work that is both necessary and that
McKinsey can do well."

Not sure where their mission is now.

M&C donated to Clinton Foundation; also an Obamacare contractor.

Employed Chelsea Clinton, Susan Rice, & Eric Braverman
FRB-Phil gov Santomero part of McKinsey & Co.

Movie Ending: Wargames

Greetings Professor Falken
A Strange Game. [Thermonuclear War]
The only winning move is not to play.
How about a nice game of Chess?

Thread where Q posted, updated and confirmed trips, said goodbye for 10
Silent running is a stealth mode of operation for naval submarines. The aim
is to evade discovery by passive sonar by eliminating superfluous noise:
nonessential systems are shut down, the crew is urged to rest and refrain
from making any unnecessary sound, and speed is greatly reduced to
minimize propeller noise.

The propellers have a characteristic RPM band in which no cavitation

noise arises. Since this rotation speed is usually relatively low, the first
electric submarines had special "silent running" engines designed for
optimum performance at reduced speed. These required less active
cooling (further reducing noise), and were generally equipped with plain
bearings rather than ball bearings. These engines were also acoustically
decoupled from the hull, as they employed belt transmission rather than
direct coupling to the propeller shaft.
Nuclear submarines can run even more quietly, at very low speeds only, by turning off active reactor cooling during silent runn

Confidence_(of)_termination 50%

Confirm Terminal 5

BO will be arrested. Power outage diverts attention.

[10] = BO
BO extracted?
BO has dark skin.

Dark is an adjective which describes something, such as evil being a dark


Power outage at ATL.

Darkness is a noun, meaning devoid of light, such as the airport being in


Dark used two ways above.

1 = 41 = Daddy Bush

2 = 42 = Clinton

3 = 43 = GWBush

4 = 44 = [10] = BO

5 = 45 = Donald Trump
Special place = Camp David (military site)

Maybe BO taken to Special Place (for military trial)

Previous posting: GS to be taken to Special Place.

"More than a century after conquering flight, the #WrightBrothers continue

to motivate & inspire Americans, who never tire of exploration & innovation.
This GREAT AMERICAN SPIRIT can be found in the design of every new
supersonic jet and next generation:"
posted on his twitter feed. Included a video of the Wright Brothers and
other great achievements in aviation. A video put out by the US marines
Classified operation Washington Dulles Airport

This may be referring to Charles De Gaulle airport.

In terminal 2E they have all of the K gates and there is a gate K23.

Flights to and from there are from IAD & ATL

CLAS_OP_IAD_(future). May represent a flight between DC & Paris.

Quote used in the movie War Games.

Elon Musk Failed Launch?

Here is a scene from Independence Day, Eagle-1 (Plane) Fox-3 (Firing

"Antifa took responsibility for the derailment, claiming they put metal on the
tracks to derail the train as it was in a turn at 80+ MPH. The train flew off
an overpass and landed on I-5."

Chess game reference.

2nd Post: The Pope is the Bishop of Rome. Vatican = Cult. A secondary
meaning is the ongoing reference to "cult" in the Good vs Evil in the rituals
and association with Y and OWL in "cult". Referencing the "house of
cards", characters are also likely assigned names to the card deck - or
chess pieces - as "code" for particular people.
Extract one, two more are coming down; four more etc... These people
aren't the type to stand up and face what they've done. They will weasle,
whine and rat.

Q reported McCabe retirement several days before official announcement

made 12/23/17.

CDG - Charles Degaulle Airport

1-43 refers to 4chan post:

Presidents 1-43 free? Only Obama in danger. They won't prosecute Bill,
either Bush

Sentencing guidelines?

-POTUS now aware of the full reality, no remnants of Fantasy Land
RT is also Russia Today parallel where media spews propaganda.

2poster - What about HF and RR? discussion they are AI. Are they
"absorbing in Real Time"?
Clinton's house in Chappaqua, N.Y. caught fire 1/3/18

2poster - California Fires? Hope not... but plenty of evidence they were
intentional. DdR just bought my friends home here recently and was all
over twitter regarding the Thomas Fire. Also - I saw something very bright
come down from sky to earth as I watched the fire in distance first night.
Friend in nearby Ventucky saw same.

Negative cabal-originating influences removed from people working there.

Not completely (requires much work for an average human), but to a
reasonable degree.

We have tremendous WW support.

SATAN has left the WH.
Day of days.
WSD (first letters) = Wednesday. Tomorrow is D Day. Poster 2 Days of
days = DOD?
There was also an episode of Band of Brothers titled 'Day of Days' fOX 3? Second poster:

interesting follow up on "activer radar homing" - interesting text: " It is
most often used during the terminal phase of the engagement, mainly
because since the radar transceiver has to be small enough to fit inside a
missile and has to be powered from batteries, therefore having a relatively
low ERP, its range is limited." - suggesting the target(s) are close.
[speculative] metaphor for taking out Bad Actors near to WH.

proved dnc d/l was to high bandwidth dev [usb thumbdrive] by file timestamps intervals, thus local accessed.2nd poster: letter
Election was a setup to entrap and investigate guilty parties

Secretary of State Launches Investigation into Voter Fraud Concerns in

Senate Special Election
Literally "with break" - dishonest or illegal behavior especially by powerful
people (such as government officials or police)

2nd poster - we're being invited to codify different genres of corruption and
conflict of interest. Money/funding is a basic one but others include
marriage/relationships; leverage (leading to blackmail/extortion);
backhanders; favours.
Link to Financial Statements published June 2017: - not

Campaign Donations
Schumer ->
. Could Q be indicating their educations when he keeps saying this line?

Rethinking CS is NOT Chuck Schumer. However Chalrie Sheen has had

run-ins with Fleiss q=charlie+sheen+heidi+fleiss&ia=web

Howie Rubin

Chuck Schumer or Anderson Cooper?

Or Keith Olbermann
After ranting, recant by claiming your account was hacked (to avoid
responsibility) - Reference Anderson Cooper's Trump attack, and then next
day claim that his account was hacked. It is no longer acceptable to show
outward bursts of anger towards trump in the MSM?

Ref to Sierra Club? They endorsed both BO & HRC.

campaign donations to Sierra Voter Education Sierra Club

C anderson Cooper, Shown in earlier Q Picture. Ties to Sierra

The Top and their 100 lawyers say "Prove it!". The Bottom says: Will you
go easy on me if I tell you that....". Reference to the "House of Cards".
TOP in capital letters. First letters of following three lines HRC. - Another translation: TOP is three letters as a clue to the answe

Starting with this line, the first letters of each line reveal HRC.

Implication that the Red Cross is involved in child trafficking? Red Cross =
Rosicrucians = Masons = Rothschilds & Global Elites.

poster 2 - Bonnie McElveen-Hunter is current Chair of the Board of

Governors of the American Red Cross. In 2003 she initiated Stop Child
Trafficking: End Modern-Day Slavery and Children of Karelia, which, for
these people is as good as a confession that are involved in human
trafficking. Wikipedia

poster 3 - Note that taking the first letter from each of the three bracketed
terms yields [HRC]
poster 4 - The Catholic Church has red cross symbolism on their apparel,
BISHOP died. Sex cult? Catholic church has had history of pedo problems.
Vatican Top of traffick operation?
TSS=Technical Services Staff, a component of the U.S. Central
Intelligence Agency
READ. Sec 1 part B of Trump's Exec order 12/21!
SWOP = Special Weapons Operating Procedure(?)

Movie about Soviet Submarine being given to US by Admiral Defector of

Soviet Navy during Cold War. Might be a reference to the Navy. Navy
subs/ships positioning themselves near Iran. "Show the world our power".
Are we getting ready to nuke Iran or NK?

Also, the submarine referenced in Red October was meant to start a war,
but its Captain staged its sinking and handed it over to the USA, all with
the USA's help.

Argentina just "lost" a submarine in mid-November. Was that sub hi-jacked

by N. Korea and retro-fitted by Space X – the CIA to be able to be used by
N. Korea to hit the U.S., in order to start WW3? Was that sub going to
attempt to start WW3 and make it look like NK or Iran did it? Or was the
cabal going to hijack it for their own nefarious use at a later date?

Gab Q Chatters - Panama Papers, Mossack Fonseca, 2016 Gertler's

name appears more than 200 times in the Panama Papers. Gertler on
Issuance of Global Magnitsky Executive Order; Global Magnitsky
Designations 12/21/2017

Obama's Presidential Papers. Deemed Public, not Private. Key evidence of

Uranium One.
Criminal charges for noncompliance with FARA

1938 Law Foreign Agents Registration Act

Carlos Slim slashes his New York Times holdings Dec. 2017:


Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious

Human Rights Abuse or Corruption

Zero Balance Account? Banking? Used as a buffer between entities?

Second post - [speculation] we will go from [9] to [Z]ero [B]ad [A]ctors -

referencing the 9 sovereign states which are currently sanctioned

22nd December POTUS Press Conference.

Divert Attention Capture Hillary (or to Capital Hill)
Press Conference Held about Tax Bill
passed on 12/20/2017

its an instruction to divert with/to-bring Attention to capital hill, we see that

now with sessions calling for uranium 1 investigation
(, and with mcabes interrogation being in the
news (

GAB Q Chatters - Maybe reference to Trump being in office for a year and
all that has been accomplished. Y=Rothschild's? Maybe a Confirmation of
one caught/neutralized. LDR Twitter account has a seemingly curse saying

Poster 2 -

Papa John also Resigned today - Seemingly NFL Related.

20/80 rule previously posted by Q is going to shift towards more public

disclosure. This will be related to the "script" posts of the indictments. Do
not look for MSM to report.

The anon input is being acknowledged in regards to the 20/80 rule and the
need to see results.
It means this- "all men are created equal" See declaration of Independence.

News -
Normie friendly article of Pope-Soros connection with Obama. Mentions
organization PICO. Another P.

Before the pope’s visit to the U.S., a group of left-wing activists and
officials from unions and organizations such as the SEIU and PICO (an
Alinskyite group founded by the liberal Jesuit Father John Baumann)
descended on the Vatican to confer about the trip. Around the same time,
over 90 members of the U.S. Congress sent Pope Francis a letter, urging
him to focus upon politically liberal themes.

In 2016, it was revealed through WikiLeaks that George Soros bankrolled

much of this lobbying. He spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in an
attempt to shape the pope’s visit to the U.S. Soros’s Open Society
Foundation sought to create a “critical mass” of American bishops and lay
Catholics supportive of the pope’s priorities.

Catholics ask Trump to see if Obama and 3 letter agencies helped in a

Vatican coup. Related also to link above.

Article below focuses alot on PICO. PICO+Pope=P Pope is very anti-

Other possible Ps.
Larry (P)age of Alphabet/Google. a few have P names.

P has to be an untouchable. An equal to Rothschild. Prince Phillip?

Never give up! Never surrender!

Already had them, just revealed due to Clinton loss

NK purchased them.

humans at the end of a gun/missile

south korea

the danger that NK would nuke SK is their last leverage to keep the US at
bay. their last hope.

China is NK's last hope to avoid mil action.

Missing components [I]RAN will supply. Why is the I in CIA missing?

Intelligence. They no longer control intelligence.

No people movement. No cel phone communication. Smoke and mirrors

(dark and confusing)

More specifically it means loss of control for a select group. All others were
'shut down' comm-wise, collaterally. It was an inconvenience at most. But
for TPTB it was extremely damaging.
Some said their cel phones were not working.

perhaps an EMP to shutdown NK's power could prevent them from

launching on SK long enough to take control of NK

If the good guys want to, they can. Is there a failsafe in place by the bad
guys if this happens? Except, they never thought she would lose.

Loss of power is a shutdown. Kim Jong Un out of power is shutdown.


Or shut down the power for an infil/ extraction in NK?

The Clowns operations need to be shut-down there and de-financed.



Their "missiles"? Possibly satellite?

Lockdown on travel/information to/from outside world.

NK citizens are brainwashed. In order to bring them out of that mindset will
require a controlled 'reset' in their mind. They are a broken people and will
require a lot of healing in order to recover.
This allows for the healing to begin.
kim jong-un?
Who is REALLY in charge?

Clowns may be running things but there is someone else calling the shots

North Korea is being controlled basically by the CIA which via Space X has
built it´s missiles program. The new Iridium satellites are also being used to
help N. Korea be able to hit U.S. targets. So the CIA and N. Korea will be
defunded as they have gone rogue.
Jeff Bezzos (Bozos) and Amazon are spy agents for the CIA (Clowns In

Rogue conspiracy forums online are hosting their servers on Amazon so

they are also agents of the Clowns, like the forum where Q was posting
and which wiped all the forum posts in one big sweep on behalf of the
Pay for development of technology. Then we buy those spy devices
because "cool" and "convenient". Also another way to get us to turn off our
so called Brains.

2nd poster
They know what we talk about. Always. Direct our buying and desires
through listening and programming. Some programming shaped because
of understanding people's reactions by using facial recognition
technologies. It's all designed to direct our thinking.

2nd poster The force that runs the world hides behind its proxies - if the
source of evil can't be identified it can't be confronted. Through the Clowns
they fund the projects/start ups that suit them (all the large tech
companies). These companies are guaranteed success because they are
promoted. Owners make money and the funders maintain control through
built-in back door access.

The proxy war is through North Korea, but it is the White Hats Vs. the
Cabal. This region was marked out since the 90's for the final conflict. It
was compromised in the 50's after the Korean War.

The hostages are the people of the planet, Satan knew this confrontation
would come and carefully planned for it. The leverage must be removed,
there is a plan in place for that. Once that has been achieved they lose

The most powerful family is Rothschild so they must control NK, all other
secret services operate at their behest. They have co-opted the royals,
vatican etc. Satan controls the Rothschilds.
One time is chance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action

Trump and Co. have so much information on everyone involved that the
bad guys can't stop what's coming. They've become so arrogant it's
magnified their natural stupidity.
Iran uses threat of Nukes to keep sanctions off


The Obama administration stymied a sprawling investigation into the terror

group Hezbollah — and its highly lucrative drug- trafficking networks — to
protect the Iran nuclear deal, according to a bombshell report.

A team at the Drug Enforcement Administration had been working for

almost a decade to bring down the Iran-backed militant organization’s
sophisticated $1 billion-a-year drug ring, which laundered money and
smuggled cocaine into the United States, Politico reported.
This info does not seem legit, since CWray is not answering Congress
about pee pee dossie being used to obtain FISA warrant on Trump and
which is being used in the Mueller fake Russia collusion kangaroo court.
CWray also stone-walled the ENRON investigations years back and as a
result many died.
No intelligence? Missile brain or radar (eye) messed with so would miss?

Hunt for Red October - Argentine sub hijacked by N. Korea taken-out in


As the world turns = Sunset? SpaceX Launch?

The Hunt for Red October movie applies to Argentine sub hi-jacked by N.
Korea, which is trying to use iit to hit America. Now the new Iridium
satellites put into space by Space X - The CIA give N. Korea the capability
to strike the U.S.

So U.S. launched a missile against hijacked N. Korea sub and the splash
is possibly when it was taken-out.
"Yellow Brick Road."

Alice & Wonderland.

Marines to follow the path to find the stolen uranium and take-down the
Uranium Crime Syndicate via the mass arrests.

CERN LHC tied-in with BITCOIN, created by Alice at the CERN LHC labs,
and the Uranium Crime Syndicate uses Bitcoin and Alice to hide their
earnings in Bitcoin.

Marines to follow the brick road and go after these criminals.

"Q Is saying that the U.S. will return to sound money (no cabal-controlled
central bank (no Federal Reserve))
The Yellow Brick Road is a central part of the book The Wizard of Oz,
which was written in 1900, before the Federal Reserve was created. The
Yellow Brick Road refers to the gold standard which refers to sound money.
Currency that is tied to gold retains value. Currency that is not tied to gold
is printed in massive quantities and loses value.

The Wizard of Oz was about U.S. currency, gold, and silver in late 1800s
and early 1900s.

Explanation of the characters of the book:

"Yellow..." could also be an obtuse reference to the uranium one scandal
and FBI involvement. A yellow brick might be a gold bar - we are well on
our "way" (road) to a gold backed currency.

There are supposedly several thousand tons of gold in the Grand Canyon
held under guard by the U.S. Military. Several of the past Presidents going
back to the Bush I have tried to get access to these locations but have
been denied.

Also the cover of the January 1988 edition of 'The Economist' (owned by
the Rothschilds) depicts a one world currency in 2018.

This could explain why things are moving with such speed and ferocity.

in the speech Trumps mentions 4,000 MS-13 arrests this year

Wray also speaks in this speech, mentioning the "Yellow Brick Road." He
uses it as an analogy for the network of white hat agents from around the

Based on previous drops, wizards and warlocks seem to currently refer to

the "good guys" in the NSA. (See Nov. 1st drop, for example, about the
tarmac meeting and how it was leaked.)

Wizards and Warlocks have been referenced several times, "Council of

Wizards and Warlocks" is referenced in Snowden movie. Gabriel Sol is "No
Such Agency" the "50 pound brain from the council of wizards and
warlocks" Clearly a group with very high security clearance, Technical


Alice & Wonderland refers to CERN LHC Alice and the CIA 7 dwarfs
computers interconnected to AI. Alice and Sophia are versions of the
central AI connected to CERN. The AI created Bitcoin and is being used to
hide the money of the Uranium Crime Syndicate.



Is this all? Are these all the pieces to solve the puzzle? Or does this only
lead to more people thus more indictments taking us further down the
rabbit hole?
Brackets may signify another (possibly criminal) conspiracy to be explained
later (plot within a plot)

> may indicate "involved" or "leads to involvement"

Possibly: 12 collaborators who are classified

(SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)>

187 - code for 'Murder Death Kill'

We now now DWS is the one who ordered the murder of SR, accoring to
OR: There is no underscore as with DNI DIR, CLOWN DIR, so the
meaning is different. May mean she directed or was directed? She
resigned July 28, 2016 ... is date important/could be resigned as director to
establish timeline?

OR: Does it mean she directed the hit on SR?



Assisted in the malfeasance?

Got the MS13 members into the country, provided them with weapons,
transportation, monitored the hit and then took out MS13 at what was
supposed to be a safe location to collect the remaining money for the hit.


If line 3596 is true, include Weiner in "insurance"

six classified collaborators supported

Felony Classes 1-9

Or could this mean that there is support to prosecute CS, NP and AS and
charge them with CLAS 1-6 of 9 total? Thus providing leverage to POTUS?

Steele - MI6
HRC Camp paid Steele for the dossier
DNC paid Steele for the dossier
Collaborators are MI-6, thus classified?

Also Tony Podesta - Had connections with the Russians, too.


Felony classifications previous poster linked to in URL at 3608

"12 deals turned down. Don't think Sid was. Dying man, war hero, etc. Deal
would be turn over everything to Trump and die quietly in AZ
The good guys do not like to say his name. What is behind that? TRUST.
And hold him accountable for what he's really done.

He's no hero."

no hero;traitor Viet Nam guilty of treason firing squad Nixon pardoned; still
a traitor No Deal

Senator NO HERO will be charged with Class 1 Felony

Senator NO HERO will be charged with Class 2 Felony

JC implicated by Senator NO HERO

LL implicated by Senator NO HERO
BHO implicated by Senator NO HERO

The first attempt to get the FISA warrent failed because it mentioned
Trump specifically. The second attempt was successful because Trump
was not mentioned, but the Russians were.

2008-07-10: President George W. Bush signed the bill into law.

2012-09-12: The House of Representatives voted, 301 to 118, to extend

the FISA Amendments Act for five years,[16][17] after the act was to expire
at the end of 2012.[18]

2012-12-28: By a vote of 73 to 23, the U.S. Senate voted to extend the

FISA Amendments Act for five years until December 31, 2017[19]

2012-12-30: President Barack Obama signed the bill into law.[20][21][22]

THE fake Russia pee pee dossie, downloaded from 4 chan and which the
FBI – Clintons paid upwards of 12 million for in American donations money
and tax payer money, paid for a piece of trash, used to:
1. Obain FISA spy warrant on Trump.

2. Initiate FISA Mueller probe of Russia election hacking.

Entire Mueller investigation based upon fraud.

Mueller illegally acting as investigator, prosecutor and judge.

Mueller operating in violation of initial powers given to him = ONLY

investigate Russia collusion.

Mueller now indicting people that has NOTHING to do with this.

Mueller going after entire Trump administration with fake Trumped-up

charges. Mueller investigation = weaponization of the FBI to attempt to
remove an elected president.

MUELLER witch hunt kangaroo court needs to end now and immediately!

But its widely known BHO seldom EVER TOOK his PDB. It was given to
his NSA or others.
Believe the PDB was used as a cover for the dossier. That gave the
dossier more legitimacy and hid the real source

Anyone who runs for office will not be able to do anything except what they
are TOLD to do. If they push back the same would happen to them. It
would be a way to control Congress and the President for the foreseeable
future therefore ensuring a One World Government actually took place
US lost space dominace under Obama when he was a CIA agent and got
Space X - CIA company to run the U.S. space program, selling out our
space tech to N. Korea, together with U.S. uranium. Obama a traitor.

NASA tech was transferred to Iran.

All this being done via Space X - the CIA. All of this is acting against the
security of the U.S.

HRC pockets hundreds of millions of dollars for betraying the U.S.

I don't understand why Akhnaton is equated with Ra. The Sun moves from
dawn, Kephir, Ra (mid-day), On (the Wise), Aton (the wisest of the Wise),
then after sunset the sun moves through the underworld (Amon). He didn't
want to be associated with the Dark Sun (AMONhotep IV) so changed his
name to AkhnATON because all 5 phases are aspects of the ONE - ATON,
the God of this universe.

Also, he wasn't King Tut's father (all his children were girls) and he built the
Akhetaton, where Tel El Amarna is now located (but wasn't then).

Anon: Amenhotep IV/Ankhenaten’s wife/consort Nefertiti at time of his death, son Tutankhamun (King Tut, mother was KV55 t
Aten/Aton is the sun god Ra: Aten (also Aton, Egyptian jtn) is the disk of
the sun in ancient Egyptian mythology, and originally an aspect of the god
Ra. Akhenaten's god was "Ra-Horakhty who rejoices in the horizon, in his
Name as the Light which is in the sun disc." (This is the title of the god as it
appears on the numerous stelae placed to mark the boundaries of
Akhenaten's new capital at Akhetaten, modern Amarna.) This lengthy
name was often shortened to Ra-Horus-Aten or just Aten. Ra Horakhty
symbol: Eye of Horus a fusion from original Eye of Ra, today signifying
illuminati ‘all seeing eye’ (see Federal Reserve Notes/Rothschilds).

original poster - Incorrect; National Geographic is illuminati propaganda

outlet (based in DC/owned by Rupert Murdoch). Ask yourself, why is
Akhnaton dubbed "heretic pharoah"? Why was he removed from the King's
list? Why was the Akhetaton (entire city) demolished after his
assasination? Why is Aton now spelt with an 'e'? Massive dis-information
campaign in place. Why is Obama a clone of Akhnaton? What is it that
they find so important/threatening about the "first individual in history" that
introduced a religion so advanced that people still can't grasp it today?
Also, why did Tut-Ankh-Aton have to change his name from ATON to
AMUN? Consider also that is not his funerary mask, it belongs to Nefer-
Nefer-U-Aton, he died too young to prepare so many treasures. They're
celebrating (Amun presthood) as it is the most promoted artifact in history,
but what?

Kephir, Ra, On, Aton, Amon are all aspects of The One, Aton.

The eye at the top of the dollar bill is NOT the eye of Horus, it is the eye of
Anon: you asked, I answered, with provided links above and in news cells
to archaeological finds, Amenhotep IV/Ankhenaten’s poetry/writings, stelae
and the DNA record. Not really sure what your thesis is that I could answer
to, your sources or if it’d fit on a smartsheet cell efficiently. His being
denounced and the abandonment of Amarna is part of Tut’s subsequent
reign, you can look there. Happy New Year!

ref >>60244 >>70088 >>154238

Camp Justice @ gitmo

Lacking the "i"? The intelligence? Who was in control of the rocket?
Hunt for Red October - Argentine sub hijacked, then retro fitted to carry N.
Korea nukes. Takes a week to reach US. Sub hiding in waters. Splash
message. NK hijacked sub located and hit? New Space X Iridium satellites
give NK and sub cabability to strike the US, if it has not been taken-out yet.

Hillary's job was to start WW3 with Russia resulting in the destruction of
the United States with nuclear weapons. Ukraine failed. Syria failed. NK
was the next option for the cabal.

SpaceX receives worldwide subsidies. HRC/Obama curtailed NASA and

diverted funds and leaked US security tech to the cabal; ostensibly to
militarize space and hold the world hostage. ‘Falcon Heavy,’ ‘Saturn 5.’

The accuracy offset is insignificant (+- 50m) when considering destructive

power of nuclear or kinetic weapons...
Aside from that, (commercial) vehicle navigation systems would be
worthless if navigation wasn't at least accurate to within 5m. I believe
Iridium systems are not really important here - i might be something else.



"Musk seeks copious funding and unprecedented deregulation (from US

and other governments). Met with VP Pence. SpaceX launches do not
carry communication/GPS only capability. Cameras, potential payloads.

CIA and Space X gone rogue, using IRIDIUM satellites to help NK be able
to nuke the US, since before the IRIDIM satellites were launched, NK
lacked tracking technology for it´s ICBM missles. Space X IRIDIUM
satellites put into space by CIA funded Space X in order to allow NK ICBM
tech to be able to hit US targets. CIA - Space X gone rogue."

2nd suggestion: Even if the UFO stuff is legit, what are the anons going to
do about it? If it's real, the only thing you can do is pray.

Exposing evil people and redpilling the population, on the other hand, is
something anons can greatly help with."

This is why Trump is re-activating our space program. CLOWNS and

Space X to be de-funded as part of cabal take-down.

Ostensibly, it was due to cost and safety concerns regarding the STS. To a
lesser extent, there was discussion about fostering a private space launch
industry. Q may be indicating the actual reason was to bring all launches
under then control of CIA-run front companies like SpaceX.

Is there something in space that we're not supposed to see?

Secret Space Program
Craft powered by electrogravitic technology -
Space X used to build NK missiles and rocket program. Obama privatized
space for the CIA and also gave them access to US uranium. Obama - CIA
traitors. CA recent rocket launch by Space X gave NK ICBMs tracking
ability. CIA and Space X gone rogue, using IRIDIUM satellites to help NK
be able to nuke the US. Uranium Crime Syndicate is massive. US uranium
market valued at 20 quadrillion, if you inclulde de-commissioned weapons
uranium, infra-structure etc. Many actors involved, even people in
Congress. Mueller took stolen uranium sample to Russia for HC- Obama
Uranium One dealings. They hide their money earned in Bitcoin. US to
soon forbid use of Bitcoin. Australia has been recently blocking accounts of
Bitcoin users as a good part of Bitcoin money is from the Global Uranium
Crime Syndicate. Q also revealed to us on the rogue D forum that Bitcoin
can be cracked by quantum computers and he has seen it done personally.
He also informed us that if the market finds-out that Bitcoin can be so
cracked, it will crash in 24 hours.
CrowdStrike was also involved in something either earlier this year or last
year. It had something to do with them identifying, I believe, Russia as
having compromised.....election machines? This was during the election, I
think. They came up with attribution rather quickly which was suspicious for
those who work in that area.

"not "new" news - more fear-mongering to over-hype about NK?


Look at McCabe. Look at wife.
Q posted earliest about McCabe, then Trump.

Comey and McCabe met in secret to discuss and plan how to take-down
Other meaning (Q uses double meanings): The cabal / Rothschilds /
Satanists use the owl symbol to represent male Satanists (females are Y
OWLS are also the new US intel being able to track terrorists acts before
they happen.

OWL used to prevent NYC bombing attack, substituting bomb for fire-
McCabe was trying to make deal on behalf of his wife. Wife's campaign
received $$$ from McAuliffe, known HRC connection. Was contribution a
bribe to McCabe? See attachment #8

No, POTUS did not have Merry Christmas tweet with SPECIAL in it.
Looking through TrumpTwitterArchive. Only mention of Christmas and
Special in the same tweet was on 2-Dec at 2:49 AM (EST). None of the
tweets on or around xmas mention the word special.

DoD put out the tweet on their web page, not POTUS. DOD has confirmed
that Q is legit.
10=J, 10-9=1=A; JA, or Julian Assange

5 – 6 days to complete JA extraction.

Fdelta = Federal Delta Forces.

C squadron assignments squadrons 25 – 26.

C Squadron (Assault)

An alternative explanation is it will take 5-6 days to commence extraction of

JA. Federal elite Delta forces units C25-26 special ops Task Force Green
used. Also possible: operations initiated on the 25th - 26th.

Subsequently, the other day, JA put out a strange long character sequence
code. Is that a code to be used for disclosures if operations go sour, or to
be used once he is secure in the U.S?

Alternative explanation:

"The operational window for Assange extraction from the Ecuadorian

Embassy in London is Jan. 5-6, 2018. FDeltaC = Federal Detention Center
Assange by agreement with the Trump administration is headed to a
Federal Detention Center of undetermined location. Outside USA,
suggested by

“Delta” designation. Dec. 25-26 references Washington crossing Delaware.

With Assange returning to the USA, the Storm Has Begun."

"We have secured everything

The path for Assange to return to the USA has been secured at the highest
level of the U.S. government." JA to be secured in exchange for dumps on Europe, to take-down the cabal in Europ
This is Assange’s opportunity to drop the docs once and for all.

This is the opportunity for you to take the floor and get the message out.

"Use Twitter to FOLLOW (FW). Before JA's account got deleted he was
following one (wikileaks). After account was restored he is now following 24

UK Mission Geneva
Guillaume Long
China Mission Geneva
Mission of China
UK at the UN
Misión Ecuador ONU
US Mission to the UN
Chinese Mission toUN
Boris Johnson
Foreign Office
Department of State
Corte Interamericana
Presidencia ECU
Pope Francis
Ma Fernanda Espinosa
Lenín Moreno
Cancillería Ecuador
Foreign Affairs Ec
United Nations
UN Human Rights"

"Alternative Twiiter FW_ FW (_ = Rabbit?) JA twitter account compromised,

can no longer be trusted. White Rabbit also unlocked previously in
previuos Q messages.

Are we to follow the White Rabbit on Twitter also for updates or is this
referring to something else?
SEE MSG HERE -->>> " Its Christmas again kiddos...Let's take these #SikPhuks DOWN #SaveOurChildren" --->>> https://steemit


AND HERE*&beginDate=&endDate=&publishedBeginDate=20171229&

It is not Q's personal twitter account, but someone related to Wikileaks.

"Operating White Wizard confirmed

White skin, white hair = JA"

Special Delta Force operation White Wizard rescue initiated.

[J-Go_dX)-2-8. Justice go?

I'm seeing this as two separate items:


Julian Assange, go, given gov't transportation, 10 days ago?

It will take from 2 to 8 days for the Marines and Europe to start arresting
the criminals, using the JA info he is giving, now that he has been rescued
from the Ecuador Embassy?
Justice go?

Sessions & DOJ greenlighted to proceed w/whatever has been cooking for
almost a year?

On March 4, former U.S. Ambassador to Russia after the fall of the Soviet
Union, Jack F. Matlock Jr., wrote that it’s wrong to portray diplomatic
contacts with Russia as sinister. “As one who spent a 35-year diplomatic
career working to open up the Soviet Union and to make communication
between our diplomats and ordinary citizens a normal practice, I find the
attitude of much of our political establishment and of some of our once
respected media outlets quite incomprehensible,” Matlock wrote. “Anyone
interested in improving relations with Russia and avoiding another nuclear
arms race—which is a vital interest of the United States—should discuss
current issues with him [Ambassador Kislyak] and members of his staff. To
consider him ‘toxic’ is ridiculous.”

Eric Schmidt is a ((Jew))?

Rod Rosenstein resigned, new documents by RR exonerate POTUS EO
exonerate ps (ex-Ecuador prisonor Julian Assange). JA classified>>239005

See cell 3774-2670 for more details.

RR out? Looks like side of triangle before RR

Maybe declassified Ronald Reagon era documents/papers…relates to






- New classified executive order exonerates Julian Assange.
- Jullian Assange leaks will now be used to take-down cabal in Europe.

- Documents leaked from Rod Rosenstein exposed him and forced him to

- Rod Rosenstein divulged classified info illegally to bad actors?

- The leaked documents exonerate POTUS of all fake Russia collusion


- As a result of all of this, Mueller Kangaroo court to be disbanded


July 10, 1832 President Jackson vetoed legislation to re-charter 2nd Bank
of US.

So we are going to have a second bank re-chartered to replace the private

"Federal" reserve system and the scam called the FRN?

Dec. 5, 17
RED RED 9/11.
Funds raised vs distributed?
7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills.
Those in the know never sleep.

ref to targeted kills; see 7/10/17 crash

When we see news of air crashes, keep in mind 7 of 10 are done

intentionally by bad actors

7-10…..Q posted before about 7 of 10 planes but the Jews - Isreal had a 7
day war in 1967 that was supposed to take 10 days for the Palestinian
army to win but, lost the war. Just thinking here.

People who were once loyal to HC - Clowns and now have divided loyalty,
or who are threatening to expose the insider dealings are being taken-out
in deliberate crashes by the shadow gov bad acotors.
POTUS quotes NY Post, changes word to "consequential" and closes with
"Please read entire column" POTUS corrects tweet with link
Article mentions consequence again and refers to the Clinton's tie to
Weinstien https://pagesix com/2017/10/05/harvey-weinstein-accused-of-
Article was written on Oct 5 20172017 at 3:00pm [15]:00 [10] [5]

Next marker will be simultaneous with POTUS tweet. DIRECT MESSAGE



"Future proves the past"


Title, date, original URL, archive link, short
McCabe, Orr, Strzok constantly in the news now, And appearing before Congressional commitees for working against Trump an
We have also learned that the USDOJ/OIG
has been actively investigating for a year,
and is due to release his findings. He has
accumulated 1.2 million
et-ig.htm And this.
Mueller was involved in the 9/11 coverup that came out this week. I highly doubt he is working with Trump. He's too dirty on m
[speculation] suggests POTUS now has
full command of CIA
Dec. 16, 2017

Venezuela-Peru 'Child Trafficking'

Investigation Launched
Under who's orders, POTUS' ?
Thank you, whomever put this together. I
was really struggling to even scratch the
surface on answering these questions.
Line 556 needs its post ID changed to
correct one. Its saying post 147679416
when it should be 147683156

MS13 were the shooters in LV, CIA op?

Listen to this. Start at 40:50:

Fast and furious is what created ISIS. Fast

and furious weapons were sent to ISIS. Q
asked what is Fast and Furious. This ties
Holder, Obama, Hillary and the rest of
those filth directly to ISIS.
Minor Attracted Persons?
Minor Attracted Persons?
Then there was the whole drinking out of
the glass using two hands thing ... how you
drink when you're handcuffed ALSO could
it have been a sign that he is onto the
Pedophilia/ Sex Trafficking. Figi is the
Asian Center for Sex trafficking. Can't find
the link to it.
Saturday, December 09, 2017

Blind Item #1 - The Priceless Collection - A

Himmmm Blind

NB: Most consider the user Himmmm to

be Robert Downey Jr. and several other
people who post to Crazy Days and Nights
News: Sub was being chased by Brit helicopter:
On 12/1/17 Prince Harry and Meghan
appeared at an Aids walkabout where a
pet owl was in attendence. A quote, Harry
has brought his bird and I have brought
mine. Aids event, owl, Prince.
appeared at an Aids walkabout where a
pet owl was in attendence. A quote, Harry
has brought his bird and I have brought
mine. Aids event, owl, Prince.
September 23: The Beginning Of The End
For Merkel... And The Eurozone?
Sun, 08/28/2011
PAK cuttings ties to +: Minnesota governor na

Truth and Justice.
>USA Today editorial board: Trump 'is not
fit to clean the toilets' in Obama's
presidential library
POTUS is sending a message that he is
speaking through Q. POTUS needs our
trust to accomplish his mission. POTUS
also needs documentation showing what
he REALLY did when this is all over. The
PTB, I'm sure, will have a different story.
POTUS wants to do this through the court
system the PTB setup for us.


Saudi Arabia says it intercepted missile

fired from rebels in Yemen targeting royal
palace- SPLASH
Cardinal Bernard Law, Disgraced in Sex-Abuse Scandal, Dies at 86 -
There is a report this morning that a 9th circuit judge is forced out.

News has reported that he is too sick to

vote for tax bill, but will return to
Washington after the holidays.

District 1 appellate Judge dies Dec 19th at

4:04 am
Dina Habib Powell, friend of Valerie Jarrett. Was called 'McMaster's Huma Abedin'. Announced leaving end of year, 2017. http:
Soros fund manager raped, beat models....
2 of 3 have fake names see

Corporate filings on Integrated Resources



H-1B Visa program

Rosie O

Think Rosie and all the others that have

crossed the lines into criminality while

This: Press Releases

Sierra Club Applauds Senator Schumer’s Commitment to Uphold 60 Vote Standard for Gorsuch Nomination https://www.sierra
Demonstration of this. News from BBC re: Jerusalem vote at UN

Seb Gorka on Sean Hannity, 6/28/2017

Gab Q Chatters - Gertler in this piece and

at bottom of this piece it has reference
saying Zimbabwe sold Uranium to Iran
Pamela Geller Zimbabwe sell of Uranium
to Iran 2013
It Begins: AT&T Announces
??Trumpmas?? Bonuses for 200,000 Staff

And! $1 Billion in Capital $$pending

I have a spreadsheet of 2009 - 2001 CEOs & gov officials retiring from the around the world. Been trying to find a way to share

Apple deal with Finisar to enhance facial recognition technology
Dec 22, 2017 at 5:27 pm

Wife Of Fusion GPS Founder Admits Her
Husband Was Behind Fake "RussiaGate"
James BAKER linked to Mother Jones and
breaking dossier story.
CrowdStrike was the company that
investigated the DNC server after wikileaks
released the podesta emails. The DNC
refused to let the FBI investigate the data
breach. CrowdStrike said that the data
breach was Russian hacking.-
dnc-to-prove-russians-hacked-election/ -
Julian Assange hinted that the leak came
from seth rich in a video.
Someone Needs to Update with DJT Tweet on Dec 27th in regards to reference to #2. Video below is from AntiSchool interview
new [0] posted 12/25/17

Appears Tweets are answer backs to Q's


DoD posted the same image on 12/25

Very Good
Does SA have direct communication with
Q? Any idea when he will be back?




continued from >155352549

>FOR THE FIRST TIME, investigators say

EVIDENCE that the FBI believed there
was evidence THAT LAWS WERE
BROKEN when the former secretary of
State and her top aides transmitted
classified information through her insecure
private email server, lawmakers and
investigators told The Hill. Allows government to dragnet eCommer Allows government to dragnet eCommer
Q has routed his posts now via a CA IP
proxy tag.

Safety of postings has been fixed.

Previous poster ID number was discarded.

New safeguards in place to assure security

in posting.

Q posts at times as anon, then says Q at

the end of the post.

He was doing the same as he was chatting

with us on the rogue D forum before the
Clowns ordered the server wipe over there
on that forum. This is the new Q style. No
need for a tripcode which can be hacked.
Union Station in D.C. Evacuated,
Commuters Report Smoke and First

Power outage at Ronald Reagan Airport on

Jan 4, 2018

Amtrak derailed on Wednesday/Thursday

in Savannah. Georgia
Planned Parenthood Child Sex-trafficking
Crimes Still Unreported

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