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Introduction of company:

Sohrab (PCICS):
Sohrab (PCICS) is the biggest manufacturer of bicycles in Pakistan and produces most of its
bicycle parts in house. They were established in 1953 and produced 60% of all bicycle in
Pakistan. They hold 48% of the market in which 40% belongs to the Smuggled bicycle market.
They have recently started exporting bicycles. Their first two orders were for USA and UK for
fancy and standard bicycles respectively, as one container load each. At the birth of Pakistan
there was not a single factory in the country, which manufactured bicycles and their spares.
Taking advantage of the situation, some major importers brought in bicycle from abroad and
such imports were passed on for sale to retailers most of whom were located in Lahore’s major
market in Nila Gumbad area. In 1952 shortage of foreign exchange started creating difficulties
for the importers. Giving careful though to the problem, the shop owners of Nila Gumbad
chalked out a plan to establish a bicycle-manufacturing factory within the country on co-
operative basis. As such 22 persons got together and laid the foundation of a co-operative
society.The major bottleneck in Sohrab plant is their electroplating capacity as their current three
electroplating plants can cope with roughly 70% increase in demand but not to 100% extent. This
bicycle is built from a sturdy metal frame (sometimes too heavy for casual riding), is often
painted black, and has a metal flat plate at the back that has been used over time for all kinds of
purposes: from carrying children to giving a ride to your spouse, from lunch tiffin boxes to
laundry and milk-containers, or a variety of other things. Oh yes, and Pakistan and India
regularly compete in bicycle polo matches as well!

Policy Objective & Philosophy:

It is pertinent that business enterprises are economic organs of society and draw on societal
resources, we at the company believe that a company's performance must be measured by its
Triple Bottom Line contribution to building economic, social and environmental capital towards
enhancing societal sustainability. Sohrab believes that in the strategic context of business,
enterprises possess, beyond mere financial resources, the transformational capacity to create
game-changing development models by unleashing their power of entrepreneurial vitality,
innovation and creativity. In line with this belief, the Company will continue crafting unique
models to generate livelihoods and create a better society. Such Corporate Social Responsibility
("CSR") projects are far more replicable, scalable and sustainable, with a significant multiplier
impact on sustainable livelihood creation and working for a cause of humanity.

Products of sohrab cycle:

The products of sohrab has the following categories:

 Sohrab cycles and mountain bikes

 Wheel chairs and unity driven tricycle
 Sohrab exercising machine and body shaper
 Sohrab ice cream trike
 Sohrab bikes

Mission statement

“We are committed to sharing our passion and knowledge for bicycles and to be a profitable high
quality bicycles manufacturer, deliver value to our customers and straightforward service
that works for you.”

Vision statement
“To be established as one of the top Bicycle Manufacturing companies in the country and
provide innovative and quality products to our customers.”
MIS of sohrab cycle:
To run organizations efficiently, the flow of information has to be quick and efficient;
management information system provides help in doing this. For solving the business processes
like pricing, costing etc of products or services, a subset of the whole internal control processes
in an organization which consists of the documents, applications of people, technologies and
processes is used by the management accountants that can be regarded as Management
Information system. As MIS is applied in analyzing the operational activities in the
organizations, it’s this feature make it different from the other information systems. It was
reported that an astonishing amount of information is generated, as Hero is progressing in the
manufacturing sector. For reducing costs, enhance productivity and maximization of profits, it is
very important for sohrab company to get the right kind of information quickly and efficiently.
To integrate various functions and control operations ERP was implemented in the company. A
high level of integration of data was presented through the implementation of ERP.

Enterprise resource planning (ERP):

To implement ERP in order to integrate various functions and control its operations. The
company went live with SAP R3 on February 1, 2001. It uses modules like production, materials,
finance, marketing, assets, quality sales and distribution. Siemens Information Systems was the
implementation partner for this rollout. The ERP implementation presented a high level of data
integration. “ERP has helped the company immensely. Today nobody asks any other department
for information. One can log in and see reports online,” says Danish Iqbal , deputy general
manager at sohrab cycles. They were able to implement better cost control measures. This had
helped them in calculating the cost of consumables, tool inventory cost, power and fuel costs,
and plant overheads. Because of this they also became ready for future SCM and CRM

Employee payroll system (EPS):

Payroll system is the heart of any Human Resource System of an organization. The solution has
to take care of the calculation of salary as per rules of the company, income tax calculation and
various deductions to be done from the salary including statutory deductions like Income tax and
provident fund deductions. It has to generate pay-slip, cheque summary and MIS reports. Main
aim of developing Employee Payroll Management is to provide an easy way not only to
automate all functionalities involved managing leaves and Payroll for the employees of
Company, but also to provide full functional reports to management of Company with the details
about usage of leave facility and Salaries paid or to be paid to employees. We are committed to
bring the best way of management in the various forms of EPM. We understand that EPM in not
just a product to be sold, it is a tool to manage the inner operation of Company related to
employee leave and Payroll.
Automated system (AS):
An automated, or computerized, time clock lets employees clock in and out via swipe badges,
clock cards, finger print or palm print; it depends on the type of system. It also calculates work
hours and rounds the time up and down so it complies with federal and state rounding rules.
Managers and supervisors track their employees time via the automated system and make the
necessary adjustments before the time reaches payroll for processing. This system enable to
transport the time into payroll software, which is use to process the payroll. Payroll software
reduces manual calculations, generates paychecks and pay stubs, and enables direct deposit and
annualW-2 processing. It also stores payroll records and limits filing of hard copies.

External payroll processing(EPP):

If a payroll service provider handles your payroll matters, we still track our employees’ hours in-
house, but sohrab company also use supplier’s payroll system.
For example, the supplier may require that you fax or email your employees hours. It then
processes and sends you the paychecks by payday Or, via a unique login and pass word, you may
upload the hours into the supplier’s online system, and print paychecks and payroll reports to
your own printer. The supplier can assist you with your payroll tax matters and in solving
complex payroll problems.

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