No Frontiers Raw Rules: Presents

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net presents

No Frontiers
Raw Rules

Written by Chris Gilders and Will Denham

Templates by Joe Prozinski
Ship illustrations by Mark Carmichael

A D12 Miniatures Games System from // No Frontiers // Raw Rules beta v0.3 // December 2008


Introduction ................................ 3 Attack Pattern Alpha ................... 22

Dice............................................ 4 Attack Pattern Delta.................... 22
Models ........................................ 4 Run Silent ................................. 22
Model Profile and Definitions.......... 4 Jink .......................................... 22
Class .......................................... 6 ECM .......................................... 22
Move .......................................... 6 Evasive Manoeuvres ................... 22
Turn ........................................... 6 Engage Countermeasures ............ 22
Dodge......................................... 7 Fighter Strafe............................. 22
Shields........................................ 7 Ramming................................... 22
Armour ....................................... 7 Tailing....................................... 23
Structure .................................... 8 Target Engines/Weapons/Bridge!.. 23
Special Abilities............................ 8 Abilities ..................................... 24
Cloak .......................................... 8 Afterburners .............................. 24
Hyperdrive/ ................................. 8 Shield Recharge ......................... 24
FTL/Warp Drive/Light Speed .......... 8 Tractor Beam ............................. 24
Carrier ........................................ 9 Fighter Tractor ........................... 24
Ships and Squadrons .................... 9 Interceptor ................................ 24
Weapons Profile ..........................10 Gravity Well Projectors ................ 24
Arc ............................................10 CAG/ATC ................................... 24
Range ........................................12 Advanced Scanners..................... 24
Rate of Attack (RoA)....................12 Advanced Point Defence .............. 25
Damage (Dam) ...........................12 Deploy Mines ............................. 25
Twin ..........................................12 Redeploy, Rebuild & Resurrect ..... 25
Special Rules ..............................12 Cloaks....................................... 25
Destroying an enemy ship ............12 Locked On ................................. 26
Turn Sequence............................14 Super Manoeuvrable ................... 26
Roll for initiative..........................14 Scout Fighters or ELINT............... 26
Ship Activation Phase ..................14 Fleet Carrier 25
Next Player.................................14 Pilot Ability ................................ 27
End phase ..................................14 Raw .......................................... 27
Activating Ships ..........................14 Veteran ..................................... 27
Movement ..................................14 Ace ........................................... 27
Scanning and Spotting Cloaked Ships Hotshots, Legends and Super Heroes
.................................................15 ................................................ 27
Shooting ....................................17 Dodging in a dogfight.................. 27
Damage .....................................17 Traits ........................................ 28
Natural 12!.................................17 Sample Profiles .......................... 30
Ion Weapons ..............................19 Weapon Profiles ......................... 31
EMP Weapons .............................19 Damage Table............................ 32
Point Defence and Flak.................20 Ship Building.............................. 33
Point defence weapons.................20 Class and Move .......................... 33
Flak guns ...................................20 Turn Cost .................................. 33
Missiles ......................................20 Dodge Cost (Class 8 only) ........... 34
Short range missiles ....................20 Shield Cost ................................ 34
Long range missiles .....................20 Shield Recharge Threshold Cost ... 34
Damage .....................................21 Armour Cost .............................. 34
Damage .....................................21 Structure Cost............................ 34
Example of Activation ..................21 Cloak Level Cost......................... 34
End Phase ..................................21 FTL/Warp Drive Cost ................... 34
Special Orders ............................22 Weapons Points Cost................... 35
All Power To Shields ....................22

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These rules are presented in their raw state to try to prompt some feedback from
any players interested in yet another space combat game.

Commander Velius stared at the shapeless lumps of the Yartfed asteroid field
through her viewport, as she considered her career. She, and the ship, the
Frigate ‘Temerity’ were close to retirement. Yet again, the Authority had sent her
to deal with a hive of pirates that had got too big for their boots, instead of
nipping the problem in the bud by actually deploying extra law-enforcers in the
system in the first place, ‘Shutting the door after the Xaros has bolted, again!’
Velius thought to her self…

“Deploy Lieutenant Averson’s fighter,” she heard the bridge crew behind her
order. ‘Let him earn his pay for once, talented pilot, pity he can’t keep his nose
out of politics’ she thought. The destroyer would open its docking bay for a few
seconds to let the single-seater craft deploy, a risky moment when the ships
insides would be vulnerable in a battle, but not here, in an asteroid belt, facing
what, no doubt, would turn out to be a few converted, obsolete, freighters.
Lieutenant Avison’s main duty today would be to act as a second set of scanners
on the asteroids to pick up fleeing transports and to let Avison show off a bit,
regain his confidence after being sent out here as sole escort to a third-rate
destroyer; instead of being allowed to be leading a fighter wing for the fleet. He
was now in a dead-end career where he could quietly serve out his tenure without
bringing any more unwanted attention to himself. The blue light of his thrusters
momentarily showed his position as he jetted away, then it went dark. ‘Running
silent, keeping a quiet eye out there for us, clever boy!’

“Commander, scans are picking up the pirate base and it’s abandoned…” Ensign
Tomkins approached her from his station. “It has been for a while.”

“Ma’am, we’re picking up a contact in the field, no, wait, two, three, now, nine
distinct signatures, we have MISSILES INBOUND! Signature reports they are
standard torpedoes, we now have three large contacts, all with ‘Qarm’ engine
signatures in the asteroid field, one of which has just cloaked!”

‘Not going to be a quiet day after all!’

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No Frontiers uses a twelve sided dice to resolve a multitude of events from
determining which player goes first to all shooting and damage rolls.

It is recommended that you have about five or six dice available as you will often
be rolling more than one at a time.

Although the game can be played with card or paper counters representing your
ships, it is much more fun to use painted plastic or pewter models.

Model Profile and Definitions

Each model has a profile that determines its size durability and special rules. Each
ship can take a number of damage points before it is destroyed.

Each ship or flight of fighters is represented by a base mounting one, or more,

figures on table. For the purposes of these rules, all measurements to and from a
ship are from their central mounting pin (or nearest point to the centre it the ship
is mounted off centre or has more than one pin).

Example of ship data sheets:

Each class of ship (or ship if class 4 or 3) has a data sheet. If several ships of the
same class are being represented, we find it easier to note their damage trackers
on the same sheet.

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Below are example data sheets showing the ‘Temerity’ and Avison’s fighter.
How easy it is to hit and also how this
Fleet Name none modifies the ships costs
Ship Name Temerity
How far the ship moves
Class/Size 6 Points Cost
Move 7 15
Turn 5 100
Shields 5 7 How many shield points (the ship will also have d3 recharge rate)
Armour 1 How damage resistant the ship’s structure is, rated from 0 – 4.
Structure 15 22.5
How much damage the ship can absorb.
Hyperdrive Y 35
Whether the ship can enter hyperspace.
Abilities, Traits, Equipment & Extras
Tractor Beam 25 What abilities a ship has and their cost.
Total Points Cost 311

Damage trackers
Structure Status of weapons How many on board
Fire Arc Range in Inches

Weapon Name Stat Qty Arc Range RoA Dam Twin Sub-tot Total
1 Laser Cannon 1 F 15 2 3 n 24 24 How many dice
are rolled per
2 Plasma Bolts 1 F 15 2 3 n 24 24 attack.
3 missiles 1 S 10 3 3 n 27 27
4 missiles 1 P 10 3 3 n 27 27 Damage caused
5 Point Defence 1 F 5 1 1 1 1
6 Point Defence 1 P 5 1 1 1 1 Twin linked
7 S (re-roll misses)
Point Defence 1 5 1 1 1 1
8 Point Defence 1 A 5 1 1 1 1

‘Temerity’ is shown by one ship on table and has her own profile sheet, if more of
her class were on table, they would share a sheet.

Fleet Name Weapon Name Stat Qty Arc Range RoA Dam Twin Sub-tot Total
Ship Name Avison' s Fighter 1 Cannon 1 F 5 2 1 n 4 4
Tech Level 1 2 Missile 2 F 10 1 3 n 10 20
Class/Size 8 3
Move 12 2 4
Turn 180 5 5
Dodge 4 8
Abilities, Traits, Equipment &
Shields 0 0 Extras
Armour 0 0
Structure 1 1 0
Hyperdrive n 0 Total Points Cost 40

Fighters, which are usually smaller models, are shown on table in flight groups,
usually representing 1-6 fighters (depending on how you have based them). The
fighter profile represents the flight, because they tend to only have 1 structure
point, only one sheet per fighter class on table is needed. We tend to use 2 – 3
flights to make up a squadron (12-18 ships).

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The CLASS of a ship represents the size of the ship. The bigger the ship, the
easier it is to hit with attacks. The CLASS of a ship ranges from 3 to 10. The
larger the ship the greater its structure is likely to be, please not the figures
below are a guideline, if your opponent is seriously flouting them, you have our
permission to claim your opponent is an unsporting cad!!

Ship Class Maximum

Space Station 3 Infinite
Capital Battleship / Carrier 4 300
Destroyer / Support Carrier 5 100
Frigate 6 35
Corvette 7 25
Fighter / Bomber 8 2
Missile / Torpedo 9 n/a
Enhanced Missile / Quantum 10 n/a

‘Temerity’ is a frigate, therefore is classed as a 6 when working out her points

and to be hit by those incoming missiles. Avison’s fighter is a class 8 vessel. The
inbound missiles are class 9 (unguided missiles), therefore rather difficult to stop.

Fighters represent a flight of ships, they are lightly armoured and have no real
structure. They really should not exceed 2 structure, have no shields or be very
lightly shielded, unarmoured except in very rare circumstances and rely on their
dodge save to survive.

The MOVE value determines how many inches a ship may move when it is
activated, measured from the pin.

After the first turn a ship must move at least 1” before executing another turn

As a class 6 Frigate ‘Temerity’ has a move of 7” (her engines are not what they
used to be), whereas if Avison had his fighter moving at full speed, he could
move up to 12”. A fleet carrier might have a move of 5 or 6” whilst a fast corvette
might move up to 10”.

The TURN value determines the number of 45° turns a ship may make during its
activation. A partial turn counts as a 45° turn during movement.

A ship’s turning capability increases in units of 45°. A ship with a TURN Value of 3
may make up to three 45° turns during its activation.

Turning Template with 45° and 90° corners and marked in inches along the edges
(a 45° set square is perfect for this, readily available in major newsagents in kids
stationery sets).

Fighters are the exception to this rule; they will have a turn of either 90° or 180°,
allowing them to turn practically on the spot with their thrusters. A fighter can
turn up to this amount per inch moved. Avison’s fighter, with a turn of 180° will
easily be able to manoeuvre round the asteroid field.

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All stop and pivot. The ship must make a 1” move forward, and then stop. It
may then turn up to its turn allowance but lose an inch of movement for each
turn, or part thereof.

‘Temerity’ is a relatively mobile frigate, and can turn 5 times during her
movement, allowing her to come about by over 180° is she so needed to engage
her foes.

A small or nimble ship (Class 8 fighters) may have a DODGE value. This value
denotes the target number required when the ship attempts to dodge an
incoming attack this acts as a saving throw for small, fragile craft; larger ships
rely on armour or shields.

Dodging in a dogfight
Any class 8 ship engaged with another class 8 in combat is assumed to be
dogfighting, this reduces BOTH ships dodge save by 2 (e.g. a dodge of 4 becomes
a 6) to a minimum dodge of 7+.

The best fighters can dodge incoming shots on a 3+.

Avison’s fighter has a dodge of 4+, so any missiles of shots targeted at him that
hit will be avoided on a score of 4 or more on a d12.

Ships equipped with a shield generator will have a SHIELDS value. Shields are
energy banks that absorb damage from enemy weapons. A ship with shields may
also have a SHIELD RECHARGE rate. When shields are hit, they are depleted until
their owning ship recharges them. Fighters should be limited to 3 shields

‘Temerity’ is a frigate, so has 5 shields, and a recharge rate of d3, Avison’s fighter
has no shield, but hopefully he’s a good enough pilot to get out the way!

A ship with ARMOUR will be able to reduce the amount of damage inflicted during
an attack.

Armour grades:
0 - Unarmoured freighters and civilian transports (The Space Shuttle).
1 – Most warships and larger civilian ships protected by shields (Mon Calamari
MC-80 series).
2 – Armoured warship, battleships and large ships with not many vital systems
(Star Destroyers).
3 – Heavily armoured vessels, often with little or no shields (New series
4 - A fully armoured ship, unlikely to take any real damage. These are incredibly
rare ships that should be only used as objectives for scenarios.

Generally, only large capital ships will have a high ARMOUR value, as each level
of armour acts as a point multiplier on the ships structure. In some rare cases a
fighter will have armour, but they are mostly more fragile craft and should rely on
their dodge score first.

‘Temerity’ is an older frigate, built for speed rather than protection, so only has
armour 1 (and it looks like she might need it)!

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The STRUCTURE value represents the amount of damage a ship may take before
it is destroyed, corvettes and smaller ships will generally have a structure of
about 5, whereas a class 3 super dreadnaught would have as much as 300 or
more points.

These are usually shown as rows of five or ten circles, each point being crossed
off when damage is scored. Unless the ship can regenerate, once structure is lost
it is permanent.


‘Temerity’ has 15 structure points, shown by her ten and five structure points.

Special Abilities
Ships may have additional special rules that provide extra abilities and effects,
some examples are provided below.

The CLOAK LEVEL of a ship determines how difficult it is to spot a ship and how
many “ghost” images may be deployed when a cloak is engaged.

Hyperdrive/FTL/Warp Drive/Light Speed

Ships with Faster Than Light or Warp capability may cover great distances.

A ship preparing to jump must announce preparation to jump for following turn

The following turn after the announcement, ship may engage its FTL/Warp and
leave the playing area. The jumping ship may still fire before it departs, but may
not move.

Ship must remain out of play for at least the whole of the turn following this.

The ship may return to any point the following turn.

‘Temerity’ has a FTL, but Avison’s fighter does not. If ‘Temerity’ jumps out of the
combat, Avison is going to be left on his own!

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The maximum number of small ships carried by the parent vessel.

‘Temerity’ carries one fighter flight (one stand); whereas a fleet carrier might
have 8 – 12 squadrons on board (16 – 24 stands).

Larger ships will have a launch rate; this represents how many stands of fighters
can leave the carrier in one go.

Class Max Fighters Stands Max Launch Rate

7 2 2
6 4 4
5 12 6
4 20 8
3 Unlimited 12

This is unless you purchase ‘Fleet Carrier’ Trait (see page 25), when you may
count your ship as being two classes lower (e.g. class 6 would count as a class 4).

Ships and Squadrons

When activating models, several models may be grouped together into a
squadron. This is usually groups of fighters, bombers and frigate sized ships.

Frigate s (class 6), Corvettes (class 7) and Fighters (class 8) may have more than
one model in a squadron.

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Weapons Profile
A ship may have a number of weapons systems. Each weapon system has a
profile that determines the range of the weapon, how many attack die are rolled
and the amount of damage the weapon inflicts.

Weapon Name Arc Range RoA Dam Twin

Railgun F 25 2 4
Missile FF 15 2 4 Y

The fire ARC for the weapon. Each fire arc is 90°. Thus a fire ARC of “F” denotes
that the weapon may fire 90° forwards. A fire arc of “FS” denotes the weapon
may fire 180° to one side (Forward and Starboard).

One Fire Arc

Two Fire Arcs

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Wide Fire Arcs

Three Fire Arcs

(Noted on spreadsheet as FPRS or Turr)

N.B. Fire arcs from different weapons systems may overlap.

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Maximum range of the weapon in inches.

Rate of Attack (RoA)

The number of attack dice rolled for each weapon.

Damage (Dam)
The number of damage points inflicted on the target for each successful hit,
minus the target’s armour.

If a weapon with the TWIN LINKED special rule may re-roll any missed attacks.

Special Rules
Some weapons may have some additional special rules (see below).

If ‘Temerity’ had a refit, she could be fitted with two forwards laser batteries, they
could be classed as twin linked, her range is 12”, she will roll 2 dice for each
battery and then she could re-roll misses due to being twin linked, and each hit
will do 3 damage to her target (before armour), unfortunately, she’s an old ship,
so the chances of a refit are slim!

Avison’s fighter has a cannon that does 2 points of damage at a range of 5”.

Destroying an enemy ship

When an enamy ship reaches 0 structure points it is considered destroyed.
Replace the ship with a debris field marker, as each ship is made up of a
considerable amount of material, all of which will spread out over a wide and
dangerous area. A class 7 or 6 ship will leave a 3” marker, classes 5 – 4 will leave
a 5” marker and a class 3 ship will leave an 8” marker (although if you have
destroyed a class 3 vessel, at this point you may want to claim victory).

Any ship with armour 3 or higher, if destroyed, will leave a debris field one class
larger due to the mass of the ships armour (up to a maximum of 8”).

Any ship flying through a debris field is in danger of suffering damage. All class 8
ships must make a dodge roll each turn they are in the field or be destroyed. All
other ships take one strength 3 hit, modified for armour.

Example of a 3” Debris Template

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To start the game, both players agree a point value (about 3000-4000 points
makes a good evenings game at the moment); each fleet chooses its scenario
and objectives, plus then any modifications to point values.

Each player then rolls a d12, the highest player chooses whether to deploy first or
second unless the scenario forces the defending player to deploy their fleet first.

The owing player may choose to deploy his fleet as unspotted, and each ship will
be represented as a ‘blip’, plus d12 other dummy blips. Players may also
purchase extra ‘blips’ (representing asteroids, drones, decoys etc) at 25 points
per blip.

If ships are deployed from hyperspace at any point during the game, they place a
marker on table as the ships intended jump point, then roll a d12, treating the
score as a numbers on a clock face, with 12 being the ships line of approach. The
second d12 being the ships distance in inches from their jump point (halved if
using advanced hyperdrives). If a ship deploys on another ships base, then move
it to one side (space is a big 3-d place). This represents space being an infinite
volume and even with the best flight computers available that there will still be
some deviation within the flight path of the ship over the vast distances travelled
through the void.

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Turn Sequence
The turn sequence is divided into several phases.

Roll for initiative

Roll a D12, the player with the highest roll wins initiative and can choose to
activate a single class 3, 4 or 5 ship or squadron of class 8, 7 or 6 ships or allow
his opponent to activate a ship.

The initiative roll may be modified by special rules.

Ship Activation Phase

When a ship or squadron of ships has been activated, place an activation counter
next to the ships to keep track of which vessels have moved.

Next Player
It is now the turn of the next player to activate a ship or squadron of ships.

Play continues to alternate between players until all ships or squadrons of ships
have been activated.

Players that are out numbered may choose to reserve one ship or squadron until
last, if they have the initiative, if they do not have the initiative, they will move
before their opponent’s last ship(s).

End phase
Recharge shields or regenerate.

Remove activation counters.

Resolve any special effects.

Activating Ships
When a ship is activated, it may perform any action in any order.
• Move
• Scan
• Shoot
• Special Action

Example: A ship may move some of its movement potential, make a ranged
attack against an enemy ship, move the remainder of its movement potential and
then make a special action such as deploying a squadron of fighters.

A model may move any distance up to its MOVEMENT value.

A ship may make any number of turns up to its TURN value.

If a ship makes a turn of less than 45°, it is still counted as a turn.

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Scanning and Spotting Cloaked Ships

Hidden movement
If you wish to begin a game withes ships hidden from your opponent, replace
your ship on table with a sensor ‘blip’, this shows that there is something out
there on your opponent’s passive sensors, but your opponent has not yet
correctly identified it. If your fleet starts this way, you get one blip per ship, plus
d12 spares to represent ‘sensor ghosts’/asteroids/passing freighters.

To identify a hidden ship the activated ship needs to roll on the table below. Ships
have a 20” scanning range for class 3 to 7. As soon as a ‘blip’ actively scans
another vessel, fires or carries out a special action it is revealed. Class 8 ships do
not carry very powerful sensor suites, and therefore can only spot within 5”.

If a ship wishes to deep scan a target to accurately identify their target, take
serial numbers and names, check inventories for smuggled goods and the like
must make a second scan roll from inside a range of 15”.

Cloaked Movement
Cloaking devices shield a ship from all active and passive sensors, confusing
opposing ships and allowing raiders to sneak up on targets unawares. They are
highly technical pieces of equipment, only available to certain civilisations, very
expensive to install, run and maintain, and therefore should be used only

Class Cloaked Number Advanced Cloaking

of ‘Blips’ Number of ‘Blips’
7 1 2
6/5 2 4
4/3 3 5

A ship with a cloak may engage its clock when it is activated. The ship model is
replaced with a number of counters equal to the Clock Level. All counters are
placed around the base of the cloaking ship. One of the counters should be
numbered or marked as the actual ship. The remainder are “ghosts”. Each
counter may be moved in any direction at the ships normal movement value. A
cloaked ship may not be targeted by weapons unless otherwise specified. A
cloaked model may de-cloak at the start of any subsequent activation. All cloaked
ghosts are also removed from play. If you are using several cloaked ships,
counters must be different colours or clearly identifiable as belonging to each

All ‘blips’ may move as if they were the parent ship, but may not fire, scan other
blips or launch fighters. It may recharge shields, regenerate or carry out other
special actions that would not reveal its presence.

A cloaked ship may be spotted by making a roll of 8, which will modified by the
technologies of the ship trying to scan or spot and the cloaked ship, if a roll of 6
or 7 they will identify the blip as either being blank or real.

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Target Concealed Running Cloaked Advanced

Silent Cloak
Spotter 6 7 8 9

In our example the crew of ‘Temerity’ is trying to spot the cloaked ship attacking
them, so will need a 8 to spot each sensor ‘blip’, (if they were trying to spot
another ship that was just a in the asteroid field, they would need a 6).

If a ‘blip’ is spotted, it is up to the owning player to declare whether this is, in

fact, the real target, or just a sensor ‘ghost’. If it is the target, the ship is placed
back on table, within 3” of the ‘blip’ with shields raised, representing the target
ship caught unawares and its location is known to all players.

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A firing model rolls a number of D12 die equal to the RATE OF ATTACK.

The target model must be within the weapons maximum range,

The target number required to hit the target is directly related to CLASS of the

Ship Class
Space Station 3
Capital Battleship / Carrier 4
Destroyer / Support Carrier 5
Frigate 6
Corvette 7
Fighter / Bomber 8
Missile / Torpedo 9
Enhanced Missile / Quantum 10

This is modified by +2 if firing through debris fields or asteroids.

Example: A weapon with a rate of attack (RoA) of 4 shooting at a Corvette would

roll 4D12 requiring 7 or more on each dice to hit.

Ships with shields absorb all of the hits until the shields are depleted. The attack
that fully depletes shields does not go on to do actual structure damage, extra
damage points are lost. Subsequent attacks will damage the structure directly.

Example: ships with 8 shields left gets hit by an attack that does 11 points of
damage. The shields are reduced to 0, leaving 3 points of damage that are lost.

Any shots against an unshielded ship causes damage reduced by the armour of
the target ship. If a ships is engaged at close range (3” for class 8 ships, 5” for all
others), the ship’s armour is reduced by 1; the theory being that energy weapons
are more potent up close and projectile weapons have a tighter dispersion radius
up close and do more damage, while missiles are carrying unburnt fuel which will
cause more damage as it burns on impact using up the atmosphere of the
compartments hit.

Example: a ship with an armour rating of 3 is hit by 5 attacks from a Phaser with
a damage rating of 4. Each one of the Phaser attacks is reduced by 3 points of
damage as the armour absorbs the attack. The model thus takes 5 hits doing 1
point of structure damage each. Next turn the attacking ship moves within 5” and
all hits from the Phaser will do 2 points of damage.

(Damage – Armour) x Hits

(4-3) x 5

Natural 12!
If a ship fires a weapon at another ship that it cannot damage because of the
strength of its armour, a natural roll of 12 is always a penetrating hit and inflicts
1 point of structure regardless of target armour, unless it has a dodge save.

Example: One of the inbound missiles reaches ‘Temerity’, her opponent rolls to
hit, and scores a ‘9’, a good hit. The missile does 3 points of damage (she has
five shields), leaving two shield points. A second missile slams into the shields,

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depleting them; the spare point of damage is expended as the shields dissipate. A
third missile misses, much to the crew of ‘Temerity’s’ relief, but missile four hits,
causing three points of damage. The armour on the ‘Temerity’ holds up and stops
one point of damage. ‘Temerity’s’ owner now needs to cross off only two points
from her play sheet.

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Weapon Damage Charts: Rate of Attack vs. Target Armour

Target Armour Target Armour

Dam 1 Dam 4
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Rate Of Attack

Rate Of Attack
1 1 0 - - - - - 1 4 3 2 1 0 - -
2 2 0 - - - - - 2 8 6 4 2 0 - -
3 3 0 - - - - - 3 12 9 6 3 0 - -
4 4 0 - - - - - 4 16 12 8 4 0 - -
5 5 0 - - - - - 5 20 15 10 5 0 - -
6 6 0 - - - - - 6 24 18 12 6 0 - -

Target Armour Target Armour

Dam 2 Dam 5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Rate Of Attack

Rate Of Attack
1 2 1 0 - - - - 1 5 4 3 2 1 0 -
2 4 2 0 - - - - 2 10 8 6 4 2 0 -
3 6 3 0 - - - - 3 15 12 9 6 3 0 -
4 8 4 0 - - - - 4 20 16 12 8 4 0 -
5 10 5 0 - - - - 5 25 20 15 10 5 0 -
6 12 6 0 - - - - 6 30 24 18 12 6 0 -

Target Armour Target Armour

Dam 3 Dam 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Rate Of Attack

Rate Of Attack
1 3 2 1 0 - - - 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 6 4 2 0 - - - 2 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
3 9 6 3 0 - - - 3 18 15 12 9 6 3 0
4 12 8 4 0 - - - 4 24 20 16 12 8 4 0
5 15 10 5 0 - - - 5 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
6 18 12 6 0 - - - 6 36 30 24 18 12 6 0

Ion Weapons
Some weapons are not designed to inflict large amounts of structural damage,
and always cause damage 0, instead, they are designed to cause damage to
systems such as flight control computers and weapon systems, roll on the Ion
weapon portion of critical hit table instead. They are still capable of causing
secondary explosions within the target ship. They cost 20 points extra (built into
the spreadsheet).

EMP Weapons
Some ships, as a last line of defence carry an ‘EMP’ burst weapon, or use them in
mines. This is a one-shot weapon, which releases a tremendous burst of energy,
overloading the electrical systems of any ships within range. It does zero
damage, but if used, place a burst template under the ship which used it, all
unshielded ships in range cannot fire, turn or move apart from repeating their last
manoeuvre as their electronic systems are fried and their crew attempt to
repair/restart them. This includes the ship using the device!
Any ship with shields immediately looses them, but takes no further effects.
To regain control of the ship, the owning player must roll 8+ on their next

• 3” EMP Burst 35 pts

• 5” EMP Burst 60 pts
• 8” EMP Burst 100 pts

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Point Defence and Flak

These are the exception to the turn/firing sequence, as they fire from the target
ship as an attack is being made.

Point defence weapons

These are limited range, high rate of fire weapons that form a ships last line of
defence against small and nimble targets such as fighters and missiles. They may
target any ship in normal firing as cannon, but may also fire at incoming
Before the attacker fires on their initiative, and if in range, the point defence may
take a shot at the incoming bogie (modified by usual factors).

Flak guns
These guns place a massive, indiscriminate, barrage around the ship. All (be they
enemy or friendly) targets in flak template are rolled against on a 9+ (with their
usual modifiers), and then damage is applied.

Flak templates come in three sizes; each one is limited to ship class.
• 3” Class 8 – 6 and freighters 35 points
• 5” Class 6 – 4 50 points
• 8” Class 4 – 3 75 points

Missiles split into two different groups, short range and long range missiles.

Short range missiles

These are fired and hits in the same turn, but may be shot down by Point
Defences and Flak.

Long range missiles

Like short range missiles move 10” per turn up to their maximum range. They
cannot be twin-linked. They are targeted on a ship, usually shown with a marker,
and each corresponding missile group being marked with the same coloured
marker; we also use a d10 to show how many missiles are inbound in a group
rather than covering a table with missile counters. Each activation move their
move distance towards their target each turn when their firing ship activates. The
missiles can be shot down by flak, point defence and other shooting each turn as
they move. If their target moves past the missile, it will turn and try to track its
target, as long as it has not exceeded its maximum range. If their target
manages to evade or out distance the missile, the missile falls short. If the
missile is tracking a ship which cloaks, then the owning player must decide which
sensor blip to target, and the missile must make a separate scanning roll before it
hits. The result will not reveal a cloaked ship, but it means the missile has
successfully locked onto its target, if it is there. They cannot be redirected onto
another target once fired.

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If an attack from a single ship inflicts 10 or more points of damage on an
opponent from any weapons in one turn, roll on the critical table, further
multiples of 10 points of damage caused by a single ship causes another critical
(see below).

Example of damage tracker:


When the tracker reaches 0 points, the ship is destroyed (see ‘Destroying and
Enamy ship’, above)

Example of Activation
‘Temerity’ is activated, she rolls to spot the cloaked ship and succeeds, rolling an
8. Her opponent reveals a corvette, ‘Temerity’ moves 2”, turns 45°, moves
another 2” to bring her guns into range and arc, then she may move another 3”
(hopefully out of range of some of the inbound missiles). She then fires her two
forwards laser batteries (unfortunately only hitting with one) and causes 3 points
of damage on the corvette, knocking out her shields. ‘Temerity’ may not fire her
missiles, as they are only P or S arc, and at no point during her move could she
bring these to bear.

If the owing player decided to activate Avison, who has been floating,
unobserved, in the asteroid field, he would have to wait until his opponent has
activated another ship.

End Phase
Any ships with shields gain a recharge at the rate specified on their profile. If a
ship’s shields are at zero, they may still be recharged.

A ship with Regenerate gains D12 structure points.

‘Temerity’ has a shield recharge rate of D6, and rolls a 2, meaning she will have
two shields for the next turn (and I think she might need them).

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Special Orders
When a ship is activated, it may select a single Special Order.

All Power To Shields

Ship gains an extra D12 shield recharge during the End Phase. The ship may only
move half distance this activation and may not fire any weapons except

Attack Pattern Alpha

+1 to hit
Ship may only fire its weapons that belong to a single weapons arc.

Attack Pattern Delta

+2 to hit
The ship may only fire weapons that are in its forward weapons arc.

Run Silent
Any ship may choose to run silent, with zero emissions, treat as a cloaked ship
with no further sensor ghosts. It must be spotted before it can be fired upon.

-1 to hit enemy targets and to be hit until the ship is next activated.

-3 to hit until next activation, may not fire any weapons, may also be used to
block scanning attempts, if powered up, ship may still count as unrevealed, but
may not be cloaked or running silent, all ships within 10” count as -4 to spot due
to the amount of interference.

Evasive Manoeuvres
Ship gains (12 – CLASS) dodge save.
• Fighter (class 8) gets 12-8=4, a 4+ dodge save
• Frigate (class 6) gets 12-6=6, a 6+ dodge save
• Capital (class 4) gets 12-4=8, an 8+ dodge save
Models with a Dodge save as standard gain this special order as a re-roll.

Engage Countermeasures
Ship benefits from a 7+ save against tractor beam weapons

Fighter Strafe
Size 7 or 8 ships only. If the ship makes no turns before firing, and may only fire
one weapons system, the attacking ship gains +2 ROA and +2” movement.

A rare occurrence in the age of fragile starships, as the shock to ships systems
will most likely destroy the rammer as well as the ramie; however, if a crew is
desperate enough to try it, the following procedure is carried out.

Roll to see whether the crew carries out the order (5+), the ship being rammed
rolls to see whether the opposing ship can evade (d12 roll below class to pass,
unless ‘Evasive Manoeuvres’ orders were issued last go).

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If the ships hit, the rammed ship takes damage as shown in the table below:

Rammer Class Class Class Class Class Class

3 4 5 6 7 8

3 200 150 80 50 15 5
4 160 100 70 40 20 4
5 120 80 60 30 15 3
6 Destroyed 60 50 20 10 2
7 Destroyed Destroyed 40 10 5 2
8 Destroyed Destroyed Destroyed Destroyed Destroyed Destroyed

Whilst the ramming ship takes damage as shown in the table below:

Rammer Class Class Class Class Class Class

3 4 5 6 7 8

3 160 150 50 Destroyed Destroyed Destroyed
4 80 90 40 Destroyed Destroyed Destroyed
5 40 45 30 30 Destroyed Destroyed
6 20 30 20 20 15 Destroyed
7 10 15 15 10 10 Destroyed
8 1 1 2 2 2 Destroyed

If fighter starts within 2” of rear arc of another fighter or missile, may declare
tailing, +1 to hit.

Target Engines/Weapons/Bridge!
The firing ship, if attacking an unshielded target, may choose to target a certain
area of an enemy vessel. The difficulty rating to hit is increased by two (so a
corvette, instead of being hit on a 7 would be hit on a 9). Critical hit rolls are
made for every five points of damage, however, any critical that does not apply
to that part of the ship is ignored.

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Abilities are used during the ship’s activation. They can be lost as a result of
critical hits.

(5 points) (class 8 only)
For one move, the ship may make a x 1.5 move over and above its normal

Shield Recharge
Any ships with shields gain a recharge rate. If a ships shields are at zero, they
may be recharged.

Tractor Beam
(25 points)
Tractor Beams Hold same size ships in place, smaller ships get dragged towards
using ship at 2” per turn. All tractor beams have a range of 4”.

Fighter Tractor
(5 points)
Some fighters are equipped with a powerful tractor beam that they use to snare
other fighters, making them easier to hit. It has a 4” range. Roll to hit as normal,
if the opposing fighter is snared; it may not moved in its activation this turn (but
may still fire as normal).

(5 points)
Interrupt enemy turn if within half Interceptors max move. Counts as
Interceptors activation. Cannot intercept if already activated.

Gravity Well Projectors

(200 points, Class 5 or above only)
Some ships contain huge gravity well projectors on board. These disrupt other
ships transit through hyperspace by projecting the gravitational pull of a large
celestial body into their path, disrupting travel and forcing ships to drop out of
hyperspace in the wrong place, believing they are about to crash into an
uncharted stellar body or supernova. They also stop any ship activating their
hyperdrive to escape a combat.

(25 points) (20 points)
+1 to all attacks by all fighters (may be combined with tailing, targeting or

Advanced Scanners
(35 points)
The ship’s technology is such that there scanners are finely attuned to pick up
any blips or anomalies. The ship gets a +1 in all scanning attempts (this can be
used cumulatively with bonuses from Elint ships).

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Advanced Point Defence

(50 points)
Each time an enemy model moves within range, the APD will fire once at the
target ship using the same rules as normal Point Defence.

Deploy Mines
(20 points)
Some ships carry orbital mines; these can be deployed at a rate of up to one
every 4” (although they may be further). Deploy as a ‘blip’ but a note must be
taken of what each ‘blip’ is. The mine activates the turn after deployment.

In planetary defence, civilisations sometimes deploy mines to protect their
territories, cheap and deadly, they are increasingly hard to spot. When trying to
identify the ‘blip’ roll at -1.

One shot missile mine

This activates as an enhanced torpedo as any targets comes within 10” and cost
10 points. May be shot.

Laser Mine
This mine has a limited shot laser on board (ROF 1, Dam 2 Range 5) which will
fire at anything within range. These cost 8 points. May be shot.

EMP mine.
This detonates with the same effects as a 3” EMP blast. 25 points. May be shot.

Lump of rock
Nastier than it sounds, as this can be deployed anywhere within 5” of its ‘blip’ and
will move in a pre designated destination until it hits something. Roll for
ramming, counting the rock as having 50 damage 0 armour. 45 points. May be

Scatter of rock
The ‘blip’ is replaced by a field of small boulders, that hit any unshielded ship with
huge force, place a template 2” x 6” across where the blip was, any ship moving
through this field takes d12 strength 2 hits per inch moved. May not be shot.

Redeploy, Rebuild & Resurrect

(100 points)
Carrier ships may repair and redeploy fighter bases. On a D12 roll of 7+ to launch
a previously destroyed fighter/bomber base

Cloak Level Pts
Cloak 10
Advanced Cloak 50

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Locked On
(10 points)
“Special” missiles may lock on and follow a class 8 or 9 ship; target must make 2 dodge

Super Manoeuvrable
(100 points)
Some ships are incredibly manoeuvrable, being able to turn on the spot. They can
always move in any direction when they turn. If the ability is lost due to a critical
hit, the ship returns to a turn rating of 4.

Scout Fighters or ELINT

(75 points for capital ships, +5 for class 8)
Some fleets make use of E.L.I.N.T. ships (Electronic Signals Intelligence) to spot
enemy activity. These ships always have a +3 to spot hidden or cloaked enemy
vessels and to scan. They may also add +1 (cumulative with other bonuses such
as a CAG) to hit to any ships they have scanned this turn to all ships in their
fleet. A scout fighter may only have one weapons system, whilst an ELINT ship
cannot carry any fighters as their normal hanger space will be filled with sensor
equipment. These make these ships rather attractive targets, which need to be

Fleet Carrier
(100 points)
This ship has had its internal areas stripped out and restructured to become a
carrier. A ship with this trait counts as being two classes lower when working out
the amount of fighters and launch rate for the vessel.
E.g. a class 6 destroyer would count as a class 4 battleship, increasing its fighter
capacity from 4 to 20 fighters.

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Pilot Ability
(Fighters/bombers and class 8 only)

–1 to hit and save, –10% cost

+1 to hit and save, +10% cost

+2 to hit and save and 1 reroll per-game, +25% cost

Hotshots, Legends and Super Heroes

(Solo, Skywalker, Scar, Starbuck, Buck Rogers etc) 2+ save. Reroll any failed save. +75%
cost, usually shown as a single fighter on a base, with better/different paintjob to show that
the figure is something special.

Avison gets to show his stuff as his owning player activates him. He rotates 180°,
moves 10” to the rear of the uncloaked corvette, and strafes.

The Corvette has a turreted pint defence cannon, and rolls its single die to hit,
but a 5 is not good enough, Avison has caught them by surprise!

Normally, he would need a 7+ to hit the ship, but being an Ace he gets a +2 to
hit (5+) and strafing gains another two missiles to his rate of fire of two. Four
missiles smash into the rear of the still unshielded corvette, doing 9 points of
damage (it would be 12, but the Corvette’s armour stops 4) and a single cannon
hit on a 12 that does a point of damage, ignoring armour. This is not enough to
kill the Corvette, but it causes a critical, his player rolls a 12, causing a massive
internal explosion as the corvettes reactors go into meltdown. Avison will be
painting a new silhouette if he survives the next few turns!

Dodging in a dogfight
Any class 8 ship engaged with another class 8 in combat is assumed to be
dogfighting, this reduces BOTH ships dodge save by 2 (e.g. a dodge of 4 becomes
a 6) to a minimum dodge of 7.

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Traits are inherent racial tendencies, either by evolution or design, and can
therefore never be lost as the result of critical hits.

Regenerate structure points each turn
(100 points).
Assimilation (35 points) - after successful hit against unshielded target, each turn
roll a d12, 11 or 12 successfully assimilates a point of damage. If the Borg rolls a
1 they have failed and are flushed out of the airlock. If successful, next turn roll
9-12 and two points are assimilated, if the roll fails, the Borg player keeps rolling
at that level he has reached until he either successfully rolls or rolls a 1. After
that he rolls 7-12, 4 points and so on. As each deck is lost, critical hit may be
caused; this represents systems being taken over.
Roll of 1 Crew regains control (phew) but all damage is still lost.

Fighters may regenerate from base ships
(100 points).

Cylon Infection
(25 Points)
If a heavy raider or Mk 1 raider crashes into (is destroyed when moving over)
enemy target roll a d12 each turn. On a roll of 12 the Cylon crew has taken over
that area and the sector is out of control and the assimilation process starts.
May choose to ‘infect’ a target ships computer systems rather than attack, it has
a 6” range, and works like assimilation (see above).
Roll of 1 (see above)

Tactical Genius
(50 Points per fleet)
Known as being one of the most tactically aware races, the sneaky sneaky
Romulans always roll at +1 Initiative and/or +2 when all ships cloaked.

Rodenberry Federation
(50 points per fleet)
Technologically adept, 2 or more to regain control of assimilated ships. +1 to
scanning or targeting rolls.

Bloodthirsty Honour
(25 points per ship)
No Klingon ship will back down from a combat, may choose to shoot three times
on any go that a friendly ship is destroyed on to avenge their noble comrade,
may also ram with no tests if their ship will not survive another turn of combat

Star Wars Droid

All fighters count as raw but may regenerate (to simulate the amount on board).
Upgrading to Veterans costs twice as much. No Aces or Super heroes allowed.

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Red counter, +1, +2, +3 when shooting at the target (stationary target, painted
with targeting systems, generally the target is easier to hit)

Green counter, -1, -2, -3 when shooting at the target (the target is more difficult
to hit, evasive, ECM etc…)

White counter, FTL/Warp being engaged

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Sample Profiles
Fleet Name Colonial
Ship Name Pegasus
Tech Level 1
Class/Size 4
Move 6
Turn 2
Dodge 0
Shields 0
Armour 3
Structure 200
Cloak Level 0
Hyperdrive Y

Fleet Name Colonial

Ship Name Viper MK II
Tech Level 1
Class/Size 8
Move 14
Turn 180
Dodge 3+
Shields 0
Armour 0
Structure 1
Cloak Level 0
Hyperdrive N

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Example Weapon Profiles

Weapon Arc Range RoA Dam Reroll Pts
Missile F 10” 1 3 N 10
Enhanced Missile F 10” 1 4 Y 20
Photon Torpedo F 10” 1 5 N 26
Quantum Torpedo F 10” 1 6 Y 42
Laser F 20” 1 2 N 13
Phaser F 30” 1 4 Y 38
Disruptor F 30” 1 4 Y 38
Ion Cannon F 20” 1 Special N 29
Railgun F 25” 1 5 N 38
5” Flak 5” Defence 1 N 50
Point Defence F 5” Defence 1 N 1
Cannon F 5” 2 1 N 4
Nuclear Missile F 25” 1 8 N 84

Note: The cost of the weapons will increase if the number of Arcs, RoA or
Damage is increased; try it on the spreadsheet until you find the weapon to suit
your ship!

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Damage Table
D12 Result Ion
1 No extra effect 1-5
2 No turn allowed next activation 6-8
3 Out of control, roll a D12 9
1-5 = 45° right, then full move ahead
6-7 = full move straight ahead
8-12 = 45° left, then full move ahead
4 One random functioning weapon may not fire next activation 10
5 All weapons reduced by 1 ROA next activation 11
6 Weapon destroyed (from the arc facing the firing model if 12
possible, otherwise randomise)
7 -1 Ability or +1 Structure
8 -1 Cloak or +1 Structure
9 -1 Move or +1 Structure
10 -1 Dice Shield Regeneration next activation or +1 Structure
11 -1 Armour until target ship’s next activation or +1 Structure
12 Secondary explosion, +D12 Structure

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Ship Building
The best way to build a ship profile is to use a spreadsheet to calculate the total
build points. The ship design spreadsheet is available from the No Frontiers web
site and can be modified as you see fit. In fact, if you can write a better more
easy to use version, let me know.

Class and Move

A models size (class) and maximum movement potential provide the points cost
for the model.
Move 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 0 -100
1 100 -25 -100 -50
2 350 0 -50 -40 -30
3 750 50 -25 -30 -25
4 1000 100 0 -20 -20 -6
5 200 25 -10 -15 -5
6 350 50 0 -10 -4
7 500 100 15 -5 -3
8 150 45 0 -2
9 200 135 5 -1
10 400 15 0
11 35 1
12 65 2
13 100 3
14 4
15 5
16 6
17 7
18 8

Turn Cost
The points cost for the maximum number of turns allowed is dependant on the
models class.
Turn 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 0 0 -100 -60 -55
1 250 100 0 -40 -35
2 500 250 50 0 -25
3 450 75 40 0
4 700 125 60 25
5 200 100 35
6 300 160 55
7 240 85
8 300 125
90 0
180 5

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Dodge Cost (Class 8 only) Cloak Level Cost

Dodge Value Pts Cloak Level Pts
3 9 0 0
4 8 1 10
5 7 2 20
6 6 3 35
7 5 4 50
8 4
9 3
FTL/Warp Drive Cost
Size Pts
3 150
Shield Recharge Threshold Cost 4 75
5 50
Threshold 6 35
D6 Threshold 10 7 15
D12 Threshold 30 8 5
D12 Ratio 30

Armour Cost
Armour X
0 1
1 1.5
2 2
3 3
4 4

Structure Cost
Take the armour cost multiplier
(above) and multiply the required
structure points by the multiplier.

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Weapons Points Cost

Seriously, just use the spreadsheet, it really is very complicated and will take
ages to explain. Please note there are no set names to these weapons, pick the
profile you like, copy it into the spreadsheet, put the name on that best suits your
weapon. The example systems listed earlier on page 30 are just samples of
systems we used during play testing, if you like them, feel free to use them, or
develop your own to suit your own take on the ships.
Rate Of Attack

Rate Of Attack
Total Points

Total Points
Max Range

Max Range

3 2 1 2 20 4 2 54
3 3 1 5 20 1 3 17
5 1 1 1 20 2 3 32
5 2 1 4 20 3 3 48
5 3 1 8 20 4 3 64
10 1 1 2 20 1 4 23
10 2 1 6 20 2 4 41
10 3 1 11 20 3 4 60
10 4 1 16 20 4 4 79
10 1 2 6 25 1 1 14
10 2 2 12 25 2 1 30
10 3 2 19 25 3 1 47
10 4 2 26 25 4 1 64
10 1 3 10 25 1 2 18
10 2 3 18 25 2 2 36
10 3 3 27 25 3 2 55
10 4 3 36 25 4 2 74
15 1 1 5 25 1 3 22
15 2 1 12 25 2 3 42
15 3 1 20 25 3 3 63
15 4 1 28 25 4 3 84
15 1 2 9 25 1 4 28
15 2 2 18 25 2 4 51
15 3 2 28 25 3 4 75
15 4 2 38 25 4 4 99
15 1 3 13 30 1 1 20
15 2 3 24 30 2 1 42
15 3 3 36 30 3 1 65
15 4 3 48 30 4 1 88
15 1 4 19 30 1 2 24
15 2 4 33 30 2 2 48
15 3 4 48 30 3 2 73
15 4 4 63 30 4 2 98
20 1 1 9 30 1 3 28
20 2 1 20 30 2 3 54
20 3 1 32 30 3 3 81
20 4 1 44 30 4 3 108
20 1 2 13 30 1 4 34
20 2 2 26 30 2 4 63
20 3 2 40 30 3 4 93
30 4 4 123

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Please note that weapons can go up to strength 8 on the spreadsheet. Please try
To make a weapon Twin Linked, multiply the Rate of Attack by the Damage and
add the result to the weapons points cost.
A strength 0 weapon will cost 20pts more and roll on the Ion effect table.

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Play Templates

3” Debris

5” Debris

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8” Debris

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3” Flak

5” Flak

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8” Flak

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3” EMP burst

5” Flak burst.

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8” EMP burst

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Activation Counters

Hyperspace Entry Markers

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Cloaked, Running Silent and Blips

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Cloaked, Running Silent and Blips

Page 45

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