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the Beloved 

V 1.7 – 12 of Safar 1431 - Please do not copy
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Compiled by the great scholar

Al-Ḥabīb ʿUmar bin Muḥammad bin Sālim bin Ḥafīẓ

Ibn l-Shaykh Abī Bakr bin Sālim

May Allāh benefit through him

in the two worlds


Yā Rabbi ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammad Ḥabībika sh-Shāfiʿ l-Mushafaʿ

Yā Rabbi ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammad „Aʿlā l-warā Rutbatan wa „Arfaʿ

Yā Rabbi ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammad Asmā l-barāyā jāhan wa awsaʿ

Yā Rabbi ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammad wasluk binā Rabbi khayra mahyaʿ

Yā Rabbi ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammad wa ʿāfinā wa„shfi kulla mūwjaʿ

Yā Rabbi ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammad wa„aṣliḥi l-qalba wa ʿfu wa nfaʿ


My Lord, Send Your Mercy upon Muhammad

Your Beloved, The Intercessor, The one whose intercession is

My Lord, Send Your Mercy upon Muhammad

The highest and most exalted of mankind in station

My Lord, Send Your Mercy upon Muhammad

The greatest and most sublime of creation in rank

My Lord, Send Your Mercy upon Muhammad

Take us My Lord, down the (widest and) best of roads

My Lord, Send Your Mercy upon Muhammad

Give us well being, and cure every ailing person

My Lord, Send Your Mercy upon Muhammad

Rectify the heart, overlook my faults and benefit me

Yā Rabbi ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammad wakfi l-muʿādī wa sarifhu wardaʿ

Yā Rabbi ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammad naḥullu fī ḥiṣnika l-mumannaʿ

Yā Rabbi ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammad rabbi rḍa ʿanā riḍāka l-arfaʿ

Yā Rabbi ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammad wa‟jʿal lanā fī l-jināni majmaʿ

Yā Rabbi ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammad rāfiq binā khayra khalqika „ajmaʿ

Yā Rabbi ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammad Ya Rabbi ṣalli ʿalayh Wa sallim

My Lord, Send Your Mercy upon Muhammad
Restrain, divert and deter every aggressor

My Lord, Send Your Mercy upon Muhammad

Allow us to dwell in your impenetrable fortress

My Lord, Send Your Mercy upon Muhammad

My Lord, be pleased with us with your Most Exalted of

My Lord, Send Your Mercy upon Muhammad

And grant for us, in paradise a place of gathering

My Lord, Send Your Mercy upon Muhammad

Grant us all the company of the best of Your creation

My Lord, Send Your Mercy upon Muhammad

My Lord, Send Your Mercy and Peace upon him

    


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I seek refuge in Allāh from the Accursed Satan

In the Name of Allāh, The Most Merciful and Compassionate

―(Oh Prophet) We have indeed given you a manifest

victory. That Allāh may forgive you of your sin that
which is past and that which is to come, and may perfect
His favor upon you, and guide you on a right path. And
that Allāh may support you with a mighty support.‖

―Indeed, There has come to you a Messenger from

amongst yourselves, grievous to whom is your suffering,
concerned for you, to the believers gentle and
compassionate. Now if they turn away, say; ‗Allāh is
sufficient for me. There is no god but He. In Him I have
put my trust, and He is the Lord of the Formidable

―Indeed, Allāh and His angels bless the prophet, oh you

who believe! Bless him and salute him with a worthy


Praise be to the One who guided us

Through His chosen slave, who summoned us

To Him (Allāh) with authority, indeed he invited us

At your service (Oh Prophet), Oh, you who guided and urged
us forward

Allāh your Creator has sent His Mercy upon you

Indeed, We have been distinguished and favored through you
Oh, possessor of Intercession

(And Mercy) Upon your pure family, they are the treasure
trove of your highest secret
For they are the ships of salvation, (they are) our sanctuary

(And Mercy) Upon your noble companions, the defenders of

your religion
They are models of loyalty to him (Muhammad)

(And Mercy Upon) Those who follow them with truthfulness,

so long as
The camel singer urges forward the caravan of love (with
songs of affection) igniting the fire of yearning

By Allāh, never is the Beloved mentioned in the presence of

the lover
Except that he becomes passionately overwhelmed with joy.

Where are the lovers who find ease
In sacrificing their souls and every precious thing (for their

Never do they hear a mention of Ta-Ha, The Chosen One

Except that by it, the corrosion (on their hearts) vanishes and
they become revived

The souls have become excited, yearning for the meeting

(with Muhammad)
Longing and asking their Lord for His pleasure

This is the state of the Lovers

So listen closely to the life history of the one whose
intercession is accepted

And lend an ear to the description of Ta-Ha the Elected one

Make your heart present and it will be filled with ecstasy

Our Lord! Send Your Mercy and Peace perpetually

Upon Your Beloved, The one who invited us to You


Allāh has announced to us (in the Qur‘an) saying ―Indeed

a Light has come to you…‖ So glory be to the One who
informed us

He is the One who Bestowed upon us the Gift: His slave Ta-
Ha, the light
As mentioned in the Reminder (the Qur‘an) Oh! How
magnificent was His Gift!

He is the Mercy of our Master, Reflect upon His words

―Rejoice…‖ So come and go in utter happiness because of
him (Muhammad)!

(Rejoice) While taking hold of the reliable grip

and clinging to the Rope of Allāh, our Originator

And experience the lights of the one, who when asked

When were you a prophet? Replied, when Adam was

Between earth and water! So awaken

From your heedlessness concerning this and become

And traverse to the secrets of
My Lord preserved and continued to transfer me through the
loins of the best!

Never did two lineages branch out

except that I was in the better half until the time arrived for my

For I am the Best of the Best, I have come into existence

Marriages (no adultery in my lineage) My Lord has guarded it
for me

Allāh has purified, guarded, and chosen him

Never has a human being been created of his like

To love, mention, give victory to,

And respect him, the Lord of the Mighty Throne has ordered

Our Lord! Send Your Mercy and Peace perpetually

Upon Your Beloved, The one who invited us to You


Indeed The Divine has spread mention of his attributes in the

revealed books
He has clearly announced them to us

He took the covenant from the prophets (saying)

I have given you Wisdom and goodness under condition that

If My Messenger (Muhammad) comes to you, then you must

Believe, give victory to, and become helpers of him

They announced to their people as good news the coming of

the Chosen one
Oh how great is that station and rank!

Although he was sent the last, he will be given precedence (on

the Day of Judgment)
(All the Prophets) Will walk under the banner of the one who
called us!

Oh Ummah of Islam! The first Intercessor

And the First one whose intercession is accepted is mine! I
will not hold back

Until it will be said to me, Rise (from prostration), ask and

you will be given
Say and you will be heard, for the star of your Glory has
become manifest

And the banner of the Praise of Allāh Most High will be in my
And the first to enter Paradise will be me!

And I am the Most honorable of creation to Allāh

Indeed Allāh has woven (into your essence Oh, Muhammad)
Compassion from Him

And your Lord will give you until you are Pleased, Exalted is
the Giver!
Our intellects will become incapable of comprehending the vastness
of His bounty upon you

By Allāh, mention the attributes of Muhammad time and time

So that it may remove the corrosion from the hearts

Our Lord! Send Your Mercy and Peace perpetually

Upon Your Beloved, The one who invited us to You


When the time drew near for the emergence of Ahmed

And permission had been granted by the One who willed him
into being

The Truthful mother, the daughter of Wahb became pregnant

with him
The one who‘s station has been elevated by the Divine

(She bore him) By the chosen one, Abdullah the son of

Abdul-Muttalib who saw the evident proof

For the light of Ta-Ha (who was in his loins) was visible on
his face
It was then transferred into the protected son (Abdullah) for
everyone to see

He (Abdul-Muttalib) is the son of Hashim the Generous

Who is the son of Abdu-Manaf, who was the son of Qusayy

His (Qusayy‘s) father was labeled ―The wise‖

His affair had been elevated, Indeed the lineage has been
strengthened by them


And memorize the lineage of the Chosen one
Until you reach in his lineage Adnan

At that point stop, and realize

The lineage is traced back to Ismael who was a helper to his

And when Aminah was pregnant with him

She did not complain about anything that befalls (pregnant)

For Gentleness from the Lord of the heavens encompassed her

And Barred from her all harm, worry, and sadness

She saw (in a vision), as was narrated to us

That the Guardian (Allāh) was going to Honor the Creation

Through the pure one who was in her womb, so she Rejoiced!
And the time for labor drew near, so she was filled with

And the lights emanated from all directions

For the birth of the one given intercession had arrived

And before dawn, the Sun of Guidance emanated

The Beloved became manifest, honored and protected

Ṣallā Allāhu ʿalā Muḥammad
Ṣallā Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam

Yā Nabī salām ʿalayka

Yā Rasūl salām ʿalayka

Yā Ḥabīb salām ʿalayka (Yā Rasūl Allāh)

Ṣalawātu Allāh ʿalayka

Abraza Allāhu l-mushaffaʿ

Ṣāḥiba l-qadri l-murafaʿ

Famalā n-nūru n-nawāḥī (Bi Rasūli Allāh)

ʿAmma kulla l-kawni „ajmaʿ

Nukkisat „aṣnāmu shirkin

Wa binā sh-shirki taṣaddaʿ

Wa danā waqtu l-hidāyah (Bi Rasūli Allāh)

Wa ḥimā l-kufri tazaʿzaʿ


Allah's blessings be upon Muhammad, Allah's blessings be

upon him and peace!

Oh Messenger, Peace be upon you!

Oh Prophet, Peace be upon you!

Oh beloved, Peace be upon you!

The blessings of Allah be upon you!

Allāh has manifested the Intercessor

The Possessor of the Elevated Station

And his light filled the horizons

It encompassed the entire Universe

The icons of Idolatry have been torn down

And the edifice of Idolatry has crumbled

And the Time of Guidance has drawn near

And the Fortress of Disbelief has violently shaken

Marḥaban „ahlan wa sahlan
Bika yātha l-qadri l-arfaʿ

Ya Imām „ahli r-risālah (Ya Rasūl Allāh)

Man bihi l-„āfātu tudfaʿ

Anta fī l-ḥashri malādhun

Laka kullu l-khalqi tafzaʿ

Wa yunādūna tarā mā (Ya Rasūl Allāh)

Qad dahā min hawlin af†aʿ

Marḥaban Yā nūr ʿaynī marḥaban

Marḥaban Jadda l-Ḥusayni marḥaban

Falahā anta fatasjud Wa tunāda „shfaʿ tushaffaʿ

Faʿalayka Allāhu ṣallā Mā bada n-nūru wa shaʿshaʿ

Wa bika r-Raḥmānu nas‟al Wa‟Ilāhu l-ʿarshi yasmaʿ

Greetings and a Welcoming
To you, Oh possessor of the Ennobled rank

Oh master of the people of Revelation

The one whom evil is repelled by

You are a refuge on the day of gathering

For all of creation (men and jinn) shall flee to you

And call out to you saying

―Look at what has overcome us from atrocious terror‖

Welcome! Oh, light of my eyes, Welcome!

Welcome! Oh grandfather of Hussein, Welcome!

And for it (the intercession) you will Prostrate

And will be addressed, ―Intercede, for your intercession is

For Allāh has sent Mercy upon you

So long as light shines and disseminates

And by you, we ask the Most Merciful

And the Lord of the Throne hears us

Rabbī faghfir lī dhunūbī (Yā Allāh)
Bibarakati l-Hādī l-Mushaffaʿ (Yā Allāh)

Ya ʿA†īma l-manni yā Rabb (Yā Allāh)

Shamlanā bi l-Muṣṭafā „ajmaʿ (Yā Allāh)

Wa bihi fan†ur „ilaynā (Yā Allāh)

Wa ʿṭinā bih kulla maṭmaʿ (Yā Allāh)

Wa kfinā kulla l-balāyā (Yā Allāh)

Wa dfaʿi l-„āfāti wa‟rfaʿ (Yā Allāh)

Ṣalla Allāh ʿalā Muḥammad

Ṣalla Allāh ʿalayhi wa sallam

Wa-siqinā yā Rabbi „ghithnā Bi ḥayan haṭṭāli yahmaʿ

Wa-khtim l-ʿumra bi ḥusnā Wa-ḥsini l-ʿuqbā wa marjaʿ

Wa ṣalātu Allāhi taghshā Man lahu l-ḥusnu tajmmaʿ

Aḥmada ṭ-Ṭuhra wa „ālih Wa ṣ-ṣaḥābah ma s-sanā shaʿ

My Lord! Forgive my sins. Oh Allāh!
By the Blessing of the Interceding Guide. Oh Allāh!

Oh Possessor of great bounties, Oh Lord!

Gather us all with the Chosen one

And by him, Glance upon us

And by him grant us all that we desire

And avert from us all calamities

And divert and raise all afflictions

Allah's blessings be upon Muhammad, Allah's blessings be

upon him and peace!

And give us to drink Oh Lord! And come to our rescue

With a life giving rain which pours down

And culminate my life with excellence

And beautify the return (to You) and end affair

And may the Mercy of Allāh enshroud

The one who embodied all of beauty

Ahmed, the Pure and (upon) his family

And the Companions, so long as light shines


The Beloved was conceived and he fell into Prostration

To Allāh, our Creator and Originator

And the protection of the Lord encompasses Ahmed

In every moment, hidden and manifest!

The mother (‗Aminah), then Thu-waibah nursed him

Along with Halimah, the one whose felicity had appeared

Thu-waibah gave the good news (Of Muhammad‘s) birth to

her master Abu Lahab
And he freed her out of happiness

Our Creator didn‘t forget his happiness

At (the birth of) the Chosen one, as the Hadith informs us

That his punishment is alleviated on every Monday

Because of his happiness (at the birth of) the one sent to us

This is with kufr, so how about happiness (because of the birth

of Muhammad)
From a heart that is filled with Iman.

And Halimah saw from the blessings of Muhammad
That which bewilders the intellects

Her breast became filled with milk for him (Muhammad)

For her son used to go to bed weeping and hungry

Yet the night the beloved came

He (her son) went to bed fully content and satiated

Her camel‘s (udder) began to flow with milk

And her flock became healthy, as it was an affair

Which bewildered her companions

While the trees and the rocks saluted our Master

Glory be to the one who made the trees and the rocks speak
Saluting the Chosen One, Oh what a Glory!

Our Lord! Send Your Mercy and Peace perpetually

Upon Your Beloved, The one who invited us to You


Indeed the Beloved was raised in a pleasing manner

Indeed he did not commit a sin

Watching over him was the Eye of Allāh, the One who refined
Indeed the Prophet was perfectly refined by Him

He grew up truthful, and beneficent

Possessing virtue, chivalry, and trustworthiness

Possessing aspiration, bravery, and serenity

And many noble attributes to many to count

He was labeled the Trustworthy one (on earth)

And Most Trusted in heaven, protected by the Guardian

His mother took him to visit his father in Taibah

The place where his (Muhammad‘s father) death occurred

While the Chosen one was still in her womb

Yet now six years had passed from that time

And death overcame her on her way back
So Abdul Muttalib showed him affection

Two years passed and death overcame him

So his uncle whose heart had been filled with compassion
embraced him

The daughter of Khuwaylid engaged him when he was twenty-

She attained with the Intercessor a huge affair

Her hopes were granted by the Divine

She received salutations (from the Allāh) and a high station

And he solved a dispute over placing the black stone

In the Ka‘bah, When he made clear to everyone

The vastness of his understanding, and radiant sagaciousness

Glory be to the One who taught and assisted him

Our Lord! Send Your Mercy and Peace perpetually

Upon Your Beloved, The one who invited us to You


Gabriel came to him with revelation from Allāh

As he was in the cave of Hira‘ worshipping the Most Merciful

He embraced him thrice then

Released him (with the words) ―Read‖ and ―Your Lord has
taught man‖

So he invited secretly (to Islam) for three, Then revealed to

him was
―Proclaim what you have been ordered to‖ so he invited

Affliction increased upon him, yet he is the forbearing for His

He showed gratefulness (To Allāh), and he did not show

Khadijah and Abu-Talib died when he was fifty

So the persecution increased manifold

He came to Thaqif as a caller (to Islam), And they chased him

with stones, after misleading the children concerning him

The Angel of the Mountains came to him and asked ―Shall I

collapse the two mountains on them? He replied ―No, for I
have hope in their offspring!

The Lord then took him on the night journey and all the
Prayed behind him, and he witnessed The Barzakh and

The Beloved then ascended into the highest heavens

(Witnessing) the Throne, and Pedestal, He then gazed upon
our Lord!

Permission was granted to migrate to Yathrib

Through him (Muhammad) the noble city illuminated and

He stayed there ten years inviting people and struggling,

And his companions were his helpers.

They didn't raise their voices when he approached,

They lowered their gaze and didn't stare,

In recognition and reverence of Muhammad 's position,

They had read in the Quran of his merit.

Verily they‘ve seen amazing things in his character,

And how many have they witnessed that would bewilders the

Generous and forgiving, munificent and humble,
The palm trunk sobbed out of love and affection,

And the water flowed from his fingers,

And the armys‘ thirst was quenched.

By Allah!
The miracles of Ahmed are beyond comprehension.
The Guardian (Allah) raised his rank.

He fought in twenty seven battles with his companions,

Both walking and riding.

Honour him and his companions and their followers! Oh Lord!

Gather us with them by your goodness!

Our Lord! Send Your Mercy and Peace perpetually

Upon Your Beloved, The one who invited us to You



Indeed I have signaled towards the attributes of the one

Whose characteristics give life to the heart and ignite the fire
of yearning

And Allāh Himself has praised him

So what is our praise worth when compared (to Allāh‘s praise
of Muhammad)?

However, it is a Love established deep in the heart

Which motivated and called for the Praising of the purest of
our Lord‘s (creation)

Now that we have become fused with the love (of

We lift our hands of poverty and hope

To our Lord, The One, The Unique, The Most High

Interceding by the one who called us to Him

His chosen one, His beloved, His purest

The beauty of existence, by him the Divine has favored us

Our Lord! Our Lord! Our Lord!

By the chosen one, accept us and answer our supplications

You are sufficient for us! You are sufficient for us, For You
are our refuge
In this world and in the Hear after

Rectify our states and forgive our sins, My Lord!

And don‘t hold us accountable if we err

Take us down the path of Ta-Ha the Chosen one

And make firm our footsteps in treading behind the Beloved

Through Your grace, show us the emergence of Ahmed with

all of his splendor
As the Eye of Your satisfaction watches over us

Strengthen our bond with him (Muhammad) in every state

And (strengthen) the bond of those who love and support us

And those who do goodness, and those who answered our call
And those who have rights over us and those who asked us to
pray for them

And those who are present (in the gathering) and those who
assist in establishing gatherings
Here we are between Your hands (Oh, Allāh), For truly, You
see us

Indeed we have Invoked You, So by Your Grace,

Answer our requests Oh You who Hear our Prayers

         

       

And use us in giving victory to the Sunnah of Ta-Ha
throughout the earth
And restrain every aggressor to us

And Glance upon us, and give us to drink from the cup of
And quickly cure all of our sick

And take care of our affairs,

And beautify our last moments at the time of death, and
rectify our end affair

Oh Lord! And gather us and the beloved ones

In your abode of Firdous (the highest place in Paradise) For
we have hope in You

(To gather us) With the Chosen One. And Send Your Mercy
upon him
and upon his family so long as the eastern winds sway

(Glorified be thy Lord, the Lord of Majesty, from that which

they attribute (unto Him)

And peace be unto the messengers.

And praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.)


Al-Imām l-Shaykh Sharf l-Deen Abī

ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad

Translated by
Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

'Amin tadhakkuri jīrānin bidhī salami

Mazajta damʿan jarā min muqlatin bidami

'Am habbati 'r-rīḥu min tilqā'i kā†imatin

Wa'awmaḍa 'l-barqu fī '†-†almā'i min 'iḍami

Famā liʿaynayka 'in qulta 'kfufā hamatā

Wamā liqalbika 'in qulta 'stafiq yahimi

'Ayaḥsabu 'ṣ-ṣabbu 'anna 'l-ḥubba munkatimun

Mā bayna munsajimin minhu wamuḍṭarimi

Lawlā 'l-hawā lam turiq damʿan ʿalā ṭalili
Walā 'ariqta lidhikri 'l-bāni wa'l-ʿalami

Walā 'aʿarratka thawbay ʿabratin waḍanā

Dhikrā 'l-khiyāmi wadhikrā sākini 'l-khiyam

Fakayfa tunkiru ḥubban baʿda mā shahidat

Bihi ʿalayka ʿudūlu 'd-damʿi wa's-saqami

Wa'athbata 'l-wajdu khaṭṭay ʿabratin waḍanā

Mithla 'l-bahāri ʿalā khaddayka wa'l-ʿanami

Naʿam sarā ṭayfu man 'ahwā fa'arraqanī

Wa‟l-ḥubbu yaʿtariḍu 'l-ladhdhāti bi'l-'alami

Yā lā'imī fī 'l-hawā 'l-ʿudhriyyi maʿdhiratan
Minnī 'ilayka walaw 'anṣafta lam talumi

ʿAdatka ḥāliya lā sirrī bimustatirin

ʿAni 'l-wushāti walā dā'ī bimunḥasimi

Maḥḥaḍtanī 'n-nuṣḥa lakin lastu 'asmaʿuhu

'Inna 'l-muḥibba ʿani 'l-ʿudhdhāli fī ṣamami

'Innī 'ttahamtu naṣīḥa 'sh-shaybi fī ʿadhalī

Wa'sh-shaybu 'abʿadu fī nuṣḥin ʿani 't-tuhami


Fa'inna 'ammāratī bi's-sū'i mā 'ttaʿa†at

Min jahlihā binadhīri 'sh-shaybi wāl-harami

Walā 'aʿaddat mina 'l-fiʿli 'l-jamīli qirā

Ḍayfin 'alamma bira'sī ghayra muḥtashimi

Law kuntu 'aʿlamu 'annī mā 'uwaqqiruhu

Katamtu sirran badā lī minhu bi'l-katami

Man lī biraddi jimāḥin min ghawāyatihā

Kamā yuraddu jimāḥu 'l-khayli bi'l-lujumi

Falā tarum bi‟l-maʿāṣī kasra shahwatihā
'Inna 'ṭ-ṭaʿāma yuqawwī shahwata 'n-nahimi

Wa'n-nafsu ka'ṭ-ṭifli 'in tuhmilhu shabba ʿalā

Ḥubbi 'r-riḍāʿi wa'in tafṭimhu yanfaṭimi

Fa‟ṣrif hawāhā waḥādhir 'an tuwallīahu

'Inna 'l-hawā mā tawallā yuṣmi 'aw yaṣimi

Warāʿihā wahya fī 'l-'aʿmāli sā'imatun

Wa'in hiya 'staḥlati 'l-marʿā falā tusimi

Kam ḥassanat ladhdhatan li‟l-mar'i qātilatan

Min ḥaythu lam yadri 'anna 's-summa fī 'd-dasami

Wa'khsha 'd-dasā'isa min jūʿin wamin shibaʿin
Farubba makhmaṣatin sharrun mina 't-tukhami

Wa'stafrighi 'd-damʿa min ʿaynin qadi 'mtal'at

Mina 'l-maḥārimi wālzam ḥimyata 'n-nadami

Wakhālifi 'n-nafsa wa'sh-shayṭāna wa'ʿṣihimā

Wa'in humā maḥḥaḍāka 'n-nuṣḥa fattahimi

Walā tuṭiʿ minhumā khaṣman walā ḥakamā

Fa'anta taʿrifu kayda 'l-khaṣmi wa'l-ḥakami

'Astaghfiru Allāh min qawlin bilā ʿamalin

Laqad nasabtu bihi naslan lidhī ʿuqumi

'Amartuka 'l-khayra lākin mā „tamartu bihi
Wamā 'staqamtu famā qawlī laka 'staqimi

Walā tazawwattu qabla 'lmawti nāfilatan

Walam 'uṣalli siwā farḍin walam 'aṣumi


Ẓalamtu sunnata man 'aḥyā '†-†alāma 'ilā

'Ani 'shtakat qadamāhu 'ḍ-ḍurra min warami

Washadda min saghabin 'aḥshā'ahu waṭawā

Taḥta 'l-ḥijārati kashḥan mutrafa 'l-‟adami

Warāwadathu 'l-jibālu 'sh-shummu min dhahabin
ʿAn nafsihi fa'arāhā 'ayyamā shamami

Wa'akkadat zuhdahu fīhā ḍarūratuhu

'Inna 'ḍ-ḍarūrata lā taʿdū ʿalā 'l-ʿiṣami

Wakayfa tadʿū 'ilā 'd-dunyā ḍarūratu man

Lawlāhu lam tukhraji 'd-dunyā mina 'l-ʿadami

Muḥammadun sayyidu 'l-kawnayni wa'th-thaqalay

Ni wa'l-farīqayni min ʿurbin wamin ʿajami

Nabiyyunā 'l-'āmiru 'n-nāhī falā 'aḥadun

'Abarru fī qawli lā minhu walā naʿami

Huwa 'l-ḥabību 'l-ladhī turjā shafāʿatuhu
Likulli hawlin min 'l-'ahwāli muqtaḥami

Daʿā 'ilā Allāhi fa'l-mustamsikūna bihi

Mustamsikūna biḥablin ghayri munfaṣimi

Fāqa 'n-nabiyyina fī khalqin wafī khuluqin

Walam yudānūhu fī ʿilmin walā karami

Wakulluhum min rasūli Allāhi multamisun

Gharfan mina „l-baḥri 'aw rashfān mina 'd-diyami

Wawāqifūna ladayhi ʿinda ḥaddihimi

Min nuqṭati „l-ʿilmi 'aw min shaklati „l-ḥikami

Fahwa „l-ladhī tamma maʿnāhu waṣūratuhu
Thumma 'ṣṭafāhu ḥabīban bārī'u 'n-nasami

Munazzahun ʿan sharīkin fī maḥāsinihi

Fajawharu „l-ḥusni fīhi ghayru munqasimi

Daʿ mā 'ddaʿathu 'n-naṣārā fī nabiyyihimi

Wa'ḥkum bimā shi'ta madḥān fīhi wa'ḥtakimi

Wa'nsub 'ilā dhātihi mā shi'ta min sharafin

Wa'nsub 'ilā qadrihi mā shi'ta min ʿi†ami

Fa'inna faḍla rasūli Allahi laysa lahu

Ḥaddun fayuʿriba ʿanhu nāṭiqun bifami

Law nāsabat qadrahu 'āyātuhu ʿi†amān
'Aḥyā 'smuhu ḥīna yudʿā dārisa 'r-rimami

Lam yamtaḥinnā bimā taʿyā „l-ʿuqūlu bihi

Ḥirṣān ʿalaynā falam nartab walam nahimi

'Aʿyā „l-warā fahmu maʿnāhu falaysa yurā

Fī „l-qurbi wa'l-buʿdi fīhi ghayru munfaḥimi

Ka'sh-shamsi ta†ahru lil-ʿaynayni min buʿudin

Ṣaghīratan watukillu 'ṭ-ṭarfa min 'amami

Wakayfa yudriku fī 'd-dunyā ḥaqīqatahu

Qawmun niyāmun tasallawa ʿanhu bi'l-ḥulumi

Famablaghu „l-ʿilmi fīhi 'annahu basharun
W'annahu khayru khalqi Allahi kullihimi

Wakullu 'āyin 'atā 'r-ruslu „l-kirāmu bihā

Fa'innamā 'ttaṣalat min nūrihi bihimi

Fa'innahu shamsu faḍlin hum kawākibuhā

Yu†hirna 'anwārahā li‟n-nāsi fī '†-†ulami

Ḥatā 'idhā ṭalaʿat fī „l-'ufqi ʿamma hudā

Hā „l-ʿālamīna wa'aḥyat sā'ira „l-'umami

'Akrim bikhalqi nabiyyin zānahu khuluqun

Bil-ḥusni mushtamilun bil-bishri muttasimi

Ka'z-zahri fī tarafin wa'l-badri fī sharafin
Wa'l-baḥri fī karamin wad-dahri fī himami

Ka'annahu wahwa fardun min jalālatihi

Fī ʿaskarin ḥīna talqāhu wafī ḥashami

Ka'annamā „l-lu'lu‟u „l-maknūnu fī ṣadafin

Min maʿdinay manṭiqin minhu wamubtasami

Taʿyā „l-ʿuqūlu kalālan ʿinda ru'yatihi

Ka'annamā na†arat lish-shamsi min 'amami

Lā ṭība yaʿdilu turban ḍamma 'aʿ†umahu

Ṭūbā limuntashiqin minhu wamultathimi



'Abāna mawliduhu ʿan ṭībi ʿunṣurihi

Yā ṭība mubtada'in minhu wamukhtatami

Yawmun tafarrasa fīhi „l-fursu 'annahumu

Qad 'undhirū biḥulūli „l-bu'si wa'n-niqami

Wabāta 'īwānu kisrā wahwa munṣadiʿun

Kashamli 'aṣḥābi kisrā ghayra multa'imi

Wa'n-nāru khāmidatu „l-'anfāsi min 'asafin

ʿAlayhi wa'n-nahru sāhī „l-ʿayni min sadami

Wasā'a sāwata 'an ghāḍat buḥayratuhā
Warudda wāriduhā bi'l-ghay†i ḥīna †amī

Ka'anna bi'n-nāri mā bialmā'i min balalin

Ḥuznan wabilmā'i mā bi'n-nāri min ḍarami

Wa'l-jinnu tahtifu wa'l-'anwāru sāṭiʿatun

Wa‟l-ḥaqqu ya†haru min maʿnan wamin kalimi

ʿAmū waṣammū fa'iʿlānu „l-bashā'iri lam

Tusmaʿ wabāriqatu „l-'īndhāri lam tushami

Min baʿdi mā 'akhbara „l-'aqwāma kāhinuhum

Bi'anna dīnahumu „l-muʿwajja lam yaqumi

Wabaʿda mā ʿāyanū fī „l-'ufqī min shuhubin
Munqaḍḍatin wifqa mā fī „l-'arḍi min ṣanami

Ḥattā ghadā ʿan ṭarīqi „l-waḥyi munhazimun

Mina 'sh-shayāṭīni yaqfū 'ithra munhazimi

Ka'annahum haraban 'abṭālu 'abrahatin

'Aw ʿaskarun bi'l-ḥaṣā min rāḥatayhi rumī

Nabdhan bihi baʿda tasbīḥin bibaṭnihimā

Nabdha „l-musabbiḥi min 'aḥshā'i multaqimi



Jā'at lidaʿwatihi „l-'ashjāru sājidatan

Tamshī 'ilayhi ʿalā sāqin bilā qadami

Ka'annamā saṭṭarat saṭran limā katabat

Furūʿuhā min badīʿi „l-khaṭṭi bi'l-laqami

Mithla „l-ghamāmati 'annā sāra sā'iratan

Taqīhi ḥarra waṭīsin li‟l-hajīri ḥamī

'Aqsamtu bi‟l-qamari „l-munshaqqi 'inna lahu

Min qalbihi nisbatan mabrūrata „l-qasami

Wamā ḥawā „l-ghāru min khayrin wamin karami
Wakullu ṭarfin mina „l-kuffāri ʿanhu ʿamī

Fa'ṣ-ṣidqu fī „l-ghāri wa'ṣ-ṣiddīqu lam yarimā

Wahum yaqūlūna mā bi'l-ghāri min 'arimi

Ẓannū „l-ḥamāma wa†annū „l-ʿankabūta ʿalā

Khayri „l-bariyyati lam tansuj walam taḥumi

Wiqāyatu Allāhi 'aghnat ʿan muḍāʿafatin

Mina 'd-durūʿi waʿan ʿālin mina „l-'uṭumi

Mā sāmanī 'd-dahru ḍayman wa'stajartu bihi

'Ilā waniltu jiwāran minhu lam yuḍami

Wala 'l-tamastu ghinā 'd-dārayni min yadihi
'Illā 'stalamtu 'n-nadā min khayri mustalami

Lā tunkiri „l-waḥya min ru'yāhu 'inna lahu

Qalban 'idhā nāmati „l-ʿaynāni lam yanami

Wadhāka ḥīna bulūghin min nubuwwatihi

Falaysa yunkaru fīhi ḥālu muḥtalimi

Tabāraka Allahu mā waḥyun bimuktasabin

Walā nabiyyun ʿalā ghaybin bimuttahami

Kam 'abra'at waṣibān bi'l-lamsi rāḥatuhu

Wa'aṭlaqat 'ariban min ribqati „l-lamami

Wa'aḥyati 's-sanata 'sh-shahbā'a daʿwatuhu
ḥattā ḥakat ghurratan fī „l-'aʿṣuri 'd-duhumi

Biʿāriḍin jāda 'aw khilta „l-biṭāḥa bihā

Saybun mina „l-yammi 'aw saylun mina „l-ʿarimi

Lammā shakat waqʿahu „l-baṭḥā'u qāla lahu

ʿalā 'r-rubā wal-hiḍābi 'nhalla wa'nsajimī

Fa'addati „l-'ārḍu min rizqin 'amānatahā

Bi'idhni khāliqihā lilnnāsi wa'n-naʿami

Wa'ulbisat ḥulalan min sundusin walawat

ʿAmā'iman biru'ūsi „l-haḍbi wal-'akami

Fa'n-nakhlu bāsiqatun tajlū qalā'idahā
Mithla „l-bahāri ʿalā „l-'abṣāri wa'l-ʿanami

Wafāraqa 'n-nāsa dā'u „l-qaḥṭi wa'nbaʿathat

'Ilā „l-makārimi nafsu 'n-naksi wa‟l-barimi

'Idhā tatabbaʿta 'āyāti 'n-nabiyyi faqad

'Alḥaqta munfakhiman minhā bimunfakhimi

Qul lilmuḥāwili sha'wan fī madā'iḥihi

Hiya „l-mawāhibu lam 'ashdud lahā ziyamiy

Walā taqul lī bimādhā nilta jayyidahā

Famā yuqālu lifaḍli Allāhi dhā bikami

Lawlā „l-ʿināyatu kāna „l-'amru fīhi ʿalā
ḥaddi 's-sawā'i fadhū nuṭqin kadhī bakami


Daʿnī wawaṣfīa 'āyātin lahu †aharat

Ẓuhūra nāri „l-qirā laylan ʿalā ʿalami

Fa‟d-duru yazdādu ḥusnan wahwa munta†imu

Walaysa yanquṣu qadran ghayra munta†imi

Famā taṭāwulu 'āmāli „l-madīḥi 'ilā

Mā fīhi min karami „l-'ākhalāqi wa'sh-shiyami

'‡yātu ḥaqqin mina 'r-raḥmāni muḥdathatun
Qadīmatun ṣifatu „l-mawṣūfi bi‟l-qidami

Lam taqtarin bizamānin wahya tukhbirunā

ʿAni „l-maʿādi waʿan ʿādin waʿan 'irami

Dāmat ladaynā fafāqat kulla muʿjizatin

Mina 'n-nabiyyina 'idh jā'at walam tadumi

Muḥakkamātun famā tubqīna min shubahin

Lidhī shiqāqin wamā tabghīna min ḥakami

Mā ḥūribat qaṭṭu 'illā ʿāda min ḥarabin

'Aʿdā „l-'aʿādī 'ilayhā mulqiya 's-salami

Raddat balāghatuhā daʿwā muʿāriḍihā
Radda „l-ghayūri yada „l-jānī ʿani „l-ḥurami

Lahā maʿānin kamawji „l-baḥri fī madadin

Wafawqa jawharihi fī „l-ḥusni wa'l-qiyami

Famā tuʿaddu walā tuḥṣā ʿajā'ibuhā

Walā tusāmu ʿalā „l-'īkthāri bi's-sa'ami

Qarrat bihā ʿaynu qārīhā faqultu lahu

Laqad †afirta biḥabli Allāh fāʿtaṣimi

'In tatluhā khīfatan min ḥarri nāri la†ā

'Aṭfa'ata nāra la†ā min wirdihā 'sh-shabimi

Ka'annahā „l-ḥawḍu tabyaḍḍu „l-wujūhu bihi
Mina „l-ʿuṣāti waqad jā'ūhu ka'l-ḥumami

Waka'ṣ-ṣirāṭi wakālmīzāni maʿdalatan

Fa'l-qisṭu min ghayrihā fī 'n-nāsi lam yaqumi

Lā taʿjaban liḥasūdin rāḥa yunkiruhā

Tajāhulan wahwa ʿaynu „l-ḥādhiqi „l-fahimi

Qad tunkiru „l-ʿaynu ḍaw'a 'sh-shamsi min ramadin

Wayunkiru „l-famu ṭaʿma „l-mā'i min saqami



Yā khayra man yammama „l-ʿāfūna sāḥatahu

Saʿyan wafawqa mutūni „l-'āynuqi 'r-rusumi

Waman huwa „l-'āyatu „l-kubrā limuʿtabirin

Waman huwa 'n-niʿmatu „l-ʿu†mā limughtanimi

Sarayta min ḥaramin laylan 'ilā ḥarami

Kamā sarā „l-badru fī dājin mina '†-†ulami

Wabitta tarqā 'ilā 'an nilta manzilatan

Min qābi qawsayni lam tudrak walam turami

Waqaddamatka jamīʿu „l-'ānbiyā'i bihā
Wa'r-rusli taqdīma makhdūmin ʿalā khadami

Wa'anta takhtariqu 's-sabʿa 'ṭ-ṭibāqa bihim

Fī mawkibin kunta fīhi ṣāḥiba „l-ʿalami

Ḥattā 'idhā lam tadaʿ sha'awan limustabiqin

Mina „d-dunuwwi walā marqan limustanimi

Khafaḍta kulla maqāmin bi'l-'īḍāfati 'idh

Nūdīta bi‟r-rafʿi mithla „l-mufradi „l-ʿalami

Kaymā tafūza biwaṣlin 'ayyi mustatiri

ʿAni „l-ʿuyūni wasirrin 'ayyi muktatimi

Faḥuzta kulla fakhārin ghayra mushtarakin
Wajuzta kulla maqāmin ghayra muzdaḥami

Wajalla miqdāru mā wullīta min rutabin

Waʿazza 'idrāku mā 'ūlīta min niʿami

Bushrā lanā maʿshara „l-'islāmi 'inna lanā

Mina „l-ʿināyati ruknan ghayra munhadimi

Lammā daʿā Allahu dāʿīnā liṭāʿatihi

Bi'akrami 'r-rusli kunnā 'akrama „l-'umami



Rāʿat qulūba „l-ʿidā 'anbā'u biʿthatihi

Kanab'atin 'ajfalat ghuflan mina „l-ghanami

Mā zāla yalqāhumu fī kulli muʿtarakin

Ḥattā ḥakaw bi'l-qanā laḥman ʿalā waḍami

Waddū „l-firāra fakādū yaghbiṭūna bihi

'Ashalā'a shālat maʿa „l-ʿiqbāni wa'r-rakhami

Tamḍī „l-layālī walā yadrūna ʿiddatahā

Mā lam takun min layālī „l-'āshhuri „l-ḥurumi

Ka'annamā 'd-dīnu ḍayfun ḥalla sāḥatahum
Bikulli qarmin 'ilā laḥmi „l-ʿidā qarimi

Yajurru baḥra khamīsin fawqa sābiḥatin

Yarmī bimawjin min „l-'abṭāli multaṭimi

Min kulli muntadibin lillāh muḥtasibin

Yasṭū bimusta'ṣilin lilkufri muṣṭalimi

Ḥattā ghadat millatu „l-'islāmi wahya bihim

Min baʿdi ghurbatihā mawṣūlata 'r-raḥimi

Makfūlatan 'abadan minhum bikhayri 'abin

Wakhayri baʿlin falam taytam walam ta'imi

Humu „l-jibālu fasal ʿanhum muṣādimahum
Mādhā ra'ā minhumu fī kulli muṣṭadami

Wasal ḥunaynan wasal badran wasal 'uḥudan

Fuṣūlu ḥatfin lahum 'adhā mina „l-wakhami

'Al-muṣdirī „l-bīḍi ḥumran baʿdamā waradat

Mina „l-ʿidā kulla muswaddin mina „l-limami

Wa'l-kātibyna bisumri „l-khaṭṭi mā tarakat

'Aqlāmuhum ḥarfa jismin ghayra munʿajimi

'In qāma fī jāmiʿi „l-hayjā khaṭībuhumu

Taṣāmamat ʿanhu 'udhnan ṣammata 'ṣ-ṣamami

Shākī 's-silāḥi lahum sīmā tumayyizuhum
Walwardu yamtāzu bi's-sīmā ʿani 's-salami

Tuhdī 'ilayka riyāḥu 'n-naṣri nashrahumu

Fataḥsibu 'z-zahra fī „l-'akmāmi kulla kamī

K'annahum fī †uhūri „l-khayli nabtu rubān

Min shiddati „l-ḥazmi lā min shiddati „l-ḥuzumi

Ṭārat qulūbu „l-ʿidā min ba'asihim faraqan

Famā tufarriqu bayna „l-bahmi wa'l-buhami

Waman takun birasūli Allāhi nuṣratuhu

'In talqahu „l-'usdu fī 'ājāmihā tajimi

Man yaʿtaṣim bika yā khayra „l-warā sharafan
Allāhu ḥāfi†uhu min kulli muntaqimi

Walan tarā min waliyyin ghayri muntaṣirin

Bihi walā min ʿaduwwin ghayri munfaṣimi

'Aḥalla 'ummatahu fī ḥirzi millatihi

Ka'l-laythi ḥalla maʿa „l-'āshbāli fī 'ajami

Kam jaddalat kalimātu Allāhi min jadalin

Fīhi wakam khaṣama „l-burhānu min khaṣimi

Kafāka bil-ʿilmi fī „l-'ummiyyi muʿjizatan

Fī „l-jāhiliyyati wa't-ta'dībi fī „l-yutumi



Khadamtuhu bimadīḥin 'astaqīlu bihi

Dhunūba ʿumrin maḍā fī 'sh-shiʿri wal-khidami

'Idh qalladāniya mā tukhshā ʿawāqibuhu

Ka'annanī bihimā hadyun mina 'n-naʿami

'Aṭaʿtu ghayya 'ṣ-ṣibā fī „l-ḥālatayni wamā

ḥaṣṣaltu 'ilā ʿalā „l-'āthāmi wa'n-nadami

Fayā khasārata nafsin fī tijāratihā

Lam tashtari 'd-dīna bi'd-dunyā walam tasumi

Waman yabiʿ 'ājilan minhu biʿājilihi
Yabin lahu „l-ghabnu fī bayʿin wafī salami

'In 'āti dhanbān famā ʿahdī bimuntaqiḍin

Mina 'n-nabiyyi walā ḥablī bimunṣarimi

Fa'inna lī dhimmatan minhu bitasmiyatī

Muḥmmadan wahwa 'awfā „l-khalqi bi'dh-dhimami

'In lam yakun fī maʿādī 'ākhidhān biyadī

Faḍlan wa'illā faqul yā zallata „l-qadami

Ḥāshāhu 'an yaḥrima 'r-rājī makārimahu

'Aw yarjiʿa „l-jāru minhu ghayra muḥtarami

Wamundhu 'alzamtu 'afkārī madā'iḥahu
Wajattuhu likhalāṣī khayra multazami

Walan yafūta „l-ghinā minhu yadan taribat

'Inna „l-ḥayā yunbitu „l-'azhāra fī „l-'akami

Walam 'urid zahrata 'd-dunyā „l-latī 'qtaṭafat

Yadā zuhayrin bimā 'athnā ʿalā harimi



Yā 'akrama „l-khalqi mā lī man 'alūdhu bihi

Siwāka ʿinda ḥulūli „l-ḥādithi „l-ʿamimi

Walan yaḍīqa rasūla Allāhi jāhuka bī
'Idhā „l-karīmu tajallā bismi muntaqimi

F'inna min jūdika 'd-dunyā waḍarratahā

Wamin ʿulūmika ʿilma „l-lawḥi wa'l-qalami

Yā nafsu lā taqnaṭī min zallatin ʿa†umat

'Inna „l-kabā'ira fī „l-ghufrāni ka'l-lamami

Laʿalla raḥmata rabbī ḥīna yaqsimuhā

Ta'atī ʿalā ḥasabi „l-ʿiṣyāni fī „l-qisami

Yā rabbi wa'jaʿal rajā'ī ghayra munʿakisin

Ladayka wa'jʿal ḥisābī ghayra munkharimi

Wa‟lṭuf biʿabdika fī 'd-dārayni 'inna lahu
Ṣabran matā tadʿuhu „l-'ahwālu yanhazimi

Wa'adhan lisuḥbi ṣalātin minka dā'imatin

ʿAlā 'n-nabiyyi bimunhallin wamunsajimi

Mā rannaḥat ʿadhabāti „l-bāni rīḥu ṣabā

Wa'aṭraba „l-ʿīsa ḥādī „l-ʿīsi bi'n-naghami

Thumma 'r-riḍā ʿan 'Abī Bakrin waʿan ʿUmara

Waʿan ʿaliyyin waʿan ʿUthmāna dhī „l-karami

Wal-'āli wa'ṣ-ṣaḥbi thumma 't-tābiʿīna fahum

'Ahlu 't-tuqā wa'n-naqā wal-ḥilmi wa'l-karami

Ya rabbi bil-muṣṭafā balligh maqāṣidanā
Wa'ghfir lanā mā maḍā yā wa'siʿa „l-karami

Wa'ghfir 'ilāhī likulli „l-muslimīna bimā

Yatlūhu fī „l-masjidi „l-'aqṣā wafī „l-ḥarami

Bijāhi man baytuhu fī ṭaybatin ḥaramun

Wa'ismuhu qasamun min 'aʿ†ami „l-qasami

Wahadhihi burdatu „l-mukhtāri qad khutimat

Wālḥamdu lillāhi fī bad'īn wafī khatami

'Abyātuhā qad 'atat sitīna maʿ mi'atin

Farrij bihā karbanā yā wa'siʿa „l-karami


Al-Qasidah Al-Muḥammadiyyah

In Sending Salutation Upon the Best of Creation 


al-Imam al-Būṣayrī

Muhammadun ashraful „l-aʿrābi wal ʿajami
Muhammadun khayru man yamshī ʿalā qadami
Muhammad is the noblest of Arabs and non-Arabs
Muhammad is the best of those who walk upon feet

Muhammadun bāsiṭul maʿrūfi jāmiʿuhu

Muhammadun ṣāḥibu „l-iḥsāni wal-karami
Muhammad is a spreader of good and its gatherer
Muhammad is a possessor of beneficence and generosity

Muhammadun tāju rusli-Llāhi qāṭibatan

Muhammadun sādiqul aqwāli wal-kalimi
Muhammad is exclusively the crown of all Allāh‟s messengers
Muhammad is true in speech and sayings

Muhammadun thābitul-mīthāqi ḥāfi†uhu

Muhammadun tayyibu ‟l-„akhlāqi wash-shiyami
Muhammad is an upholder and protector of covenants
Muhammad is of pleasant character and disposition

Muhammadun ruwiyat bin-nūri ṭīnatuhu
Muhammadun lam yazal nūran minal-qidami
Muhammad‟s natural substance was quenched with light
Muhammad‟s continues to be light from the beginning of

Muhammadun hākimun bil-ʿadli dhu sharafin

Muhmmadun maʿdinu „l-„inʿāmi wal-ḥikami
Muhammad is an upright judge, possessing honour
Muhammad is the source of benefaction and wisdom

Muhammadun khayru khalqil-Lāhi min Mudarin

Muhammadun khairu ruslil-Lāhi kullihimi
Muhammad is the best of Allāh‟s creation, from Mudar
Muhammad is the best of all Allāh‟s messengers

Muhammadun dīnuhu haqqun nadīnu bihi

Muhammadun mujmilan haqan ʿalā ʿalami
Muhammad‟s religion is true, we profess and adhere to it
Muhammad is moderate and decent, befitting of a noble

Muhammadun dhikruhu rawḥun li‟anfusinā
Muhammadun shukruhu farḍun ʿala‟l-umami
Muhammad‟s remembrance is a respite for our souls
Muhammad, showing him gratitude is obligatory upon all the

Muhammadun zīnatu „d-dunyā wa bahjatuhā

Muhammadun kāshifu „l-ghummāti wa‟†-†ulami
Muhammad is the beauty and adornment of this world
Muhammad is a remover of afflictions and darkness

Muhammadun sayyidun ṭābat manāqibuhu

Muhammadun sāghahu „R-Rahmānu bin-niʿami
Muhammad is a master, who had pleasing virtues
Muhammad is the one who the Most Merciful created full of

Muhammadun ṣafwatu‟l-bārī wa khīratuhu

Muhammadun ṭāhirun min sā‟iri „t-tuhami
Muhammad is the Creator‟s best and elite
Muhammad is unblemished from all evil suspicions

Muhammadun ḍāhikun liḍḍayfi mukrimuhu
Muhammadun jāruhu wal-Lāhi lam yuḍami
Muhammad is cheerful and hospitable to his guest
Muhammad never brought evil to his neighbour, by Allāh I

Muhammadun tābati „d-dunyā bibiʿthatihi

Muhammadun jā‟a bil-„āyātil wal-ḥikami
Muhammad‟s emergence caused the world to become delightful
Muhammad came with Qur‟anic verses and multiple wisdoms

Muhammadun yawma baʿthi „n-nāsi shāfiʿunā

Muhammadun nūruhu „l-hādī mina „†-†ulami
Muhammad is our intercessor on the day when humankind is
Muhammad‟s light is the guide out of darkness

Muhammadun qā‟imun liLāhi dhu himamin

Muhammadun khātamun lir-rusli kullihimi
Muhammad is dedicated to Allāh, with determination
Muhammad is the seal of all the messengers



What is recited on Friday

Sayidi Al-Habib ʿAli al-Habashi

Translated by
Amina Khawaja

Special Thank You

To all who transliterated
and those who edited


 Yā fattāḥu yā razzāqu yā kāfī yā mughnī (100 times)

 Lā illāha illa Allāhu Muḥammadun Rasūlu Allāhi ṣalla

Allāhu ʿalayhī wa sallam (100 times)

 Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā ḥabībika sayidinā Muḥammadin

wa „ālihi wa ṣaḥbihi wa sallim (1,000 times)

In the name of Allāh, the Merciful, the Compassionate
What is recited on Friday

Praise belongs to Allāh, Lord of the worlds; and may mercy

and peace be upon the Master of Arabs and non-Arabs and
upon his family and companions; [May Allāh] shower them
with salutations.
This is a beneficial sequence (of prayers upon the Prophet)
which women, who are granted success in good works, recite
on Friday. They begin by reciting Yasin, ar-Rahman, l-
Waqiʿa and Tabaruk.

O Opener, O Sustainer, O Sufficient, O Enricher (100 times)

There is no deity but Allāh and Muhammad is His

messenger; mercy and blessings be upon him . (100 times)

O Allāh, send mercy and salutations upon Your beloved, our

master Muhammad and upon his family and companions.
Shower them with salutations. (1000 times)


 Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammadin wa ʿalā „āli

sayidinā Muḥammadin miftaḥi babi raḥmati Allāhi ʿadada
māfī ʿilmi Allāhi ṣalātan wa salāman dā‟imayni bidawāmi
mulki Allāh (50 times)

 Allāhumma ṣalli wa sallim ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammadin

ʿabdika wa nabiyyika wa rasūlika n-Nabiyyi l-umiyy (80

 Allāhumma ṣalli wa sallim ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammadin

wa ʿalā „āli sayidinā Muḥammadin ṣalātan taftaḥu bihā lanā
abwāba l-iqbāli ʿalayka wa taftaḥu bihā lanā abwāba l-qabūli
minka fī khayrin wa luṭfin wa ʿāfiyah, „Amīn ʿadada mā
ʿalimta wa zinata mā ʿalimta wa mil‟a mā ʿalimt (3 times)

O Allāh, send mercy upon our Master Muhammad and upon
the family of our Master Muhammad, the key to the door of
Allāh‘s mercy; mercy equal in number to that which is
encompassed by the knowledge of Allāh; continual mercy
and salutations that is enduring as the Dominion of Allāh.
(50 times)

O Allāh, send mercy and salutations upon our Master

Muhammad, Your perfect Servant, Your Prophet, Your
Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet. (80 times)

O Allāh, send mercy and salutations upon our Master

Muhammad and upon the family of our Master Muhammad;
a prayer by which the doors of drawing near to You are
opened for us and the doors of Your acceptance are opened;
with goodness, gentleness and safety—amin—to the extent
of that which is enumerated in Allāh‘s knowledge, the
weight of those things known to Allāh and that which would
fill everything known to Allāh. (3 times)


 Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammadin wa ʿalā „āli

sayidinā Muḥammadin hayāti l-arwāḥ wa miftāḥi „abwābi l-
inshirāḥ wa Jāmiʿi l-fatḥi min l-fattāḥ wa ṭāliʿi l-yumni wa l-
ṣalāḥ wa ʿalā „ālihi wa ṣaḥbihi wa sallim.

 Wa l-ḥamdu lilāhi bijamīʿi maḥāmidihi kullihā mā

ʿalimtu minhā wa mā lam aʿlam wa ʿalā ʿadadi niʿamihi
kullihā ma ʿalimtu minhā wa mā lam aʿlam wa ʿalā ʿadadi
khalqihi kullihim mā ʿalimtu minhum wa mā lam aʿlam (3

 Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammadin l-ḥabībi l-

maḥbūb shāfī l-ʿilali mufarriji l-kurūb (3 times)

O Allāh, send mercy upon our Master Muhammad and upon
the family of our Master Muhammad; the Life-force of
Souls, the Key to the Doors of Expansion, the Gatherer of
the opening from the Opener, the Ascension of Success and
Rectitude; and upon his family and companions. Shower
them with salutations.

All praise belongs to Allāh, by the totality of His praises that

I know of and know not of, by the number of all His
blessings that I know of and know not of, and by the number
of His creation, that I know of and know not of. (3 times)

O Allāh, send mercy and blessings upon our master

Muhammad, the Lover, the Beloved, the Cure for Ailments,
the Dispeller of Distresses. (3 times)


 Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammadin wa ʿalā „āli

sayidinā Muḥammadin ṣalātan yatajaddadu bihā surūruh wa
yataḍāʿafu bihā ḥuḍūruh wa yashriqu bihā ʿalā qulūbinā
nūruh wa ʿalā „ālihi wa ṣaḥbihi wa sallim (3 Times)

 Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammadin wa ʿalā „āli

sayidinā Muḥammadin ṣalātan tamla‟u bihā qalbī
Khashyatan wa maḥabbatan wa yaqīnā wa ʿalā ālihi wa
ṣaḥbihi wa sallim ( 3 Times)

O Allāh, send mercy upon our Master Muhammad and upon
the family of our Master Muhammad; a prayer by which his
joy is continually renewed and his presence strengthened;
and by which, his light radiates onto our hearts; and upon his
family and companions. Shower them with salutations. (3

O Allāh, send mercy upon our Master Muhammad and on the

family of our Master Muhammad, a prayer that fills our
hearts with awe, love and certainty; and upon his family and
companions and shower them with salutations. (3 times)


 Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā nūri l-anwāri wa sirri l-asrāri wa

tiryāqi l-aghyāri wa miftāḥi bābi l-yasāri sayidinā
Muḥammadin n-nabiyyi l-mukhtāri wa „ālihi l-„aṭhāri wa
„aṣḥābihi l-akhyāri ʿadada niʿami Allāhi wa ifḍālih (3

 Allāhumma ṣalli wa sallim wa bārik ʿalā sayidinā

Muḥammadin wa ʿalā „āli sayidinā Muḥammadin l-Fātiḥi
limā „ughliq wa l-khātimi limā sabaq wa n-nāṣiri l-ḥaqqa bi
l-haqqi wa l-hādī ilā ṣirāṭika l-mustaqīm ṣalla Allāhu ʿalayhi
wa ʿalā „ālihi wa „aṣḥābihi ḥaqqa qadarihi wa miqdārihi l-
ʿa†īm (3 times)

O Allāh, send Your mercy upon the Light of Lights, the
Secret of Secrets, the Antidote for attachement to others, the
Key to the Door of Comfort, our Master Muhammad, the
Chosen Prophet; and upon his pure family and excellent
companions; mercy equal in number to the blessings of Allāh
and His favors. (3 times)

O Allāh, send Your mercy, peace, and blessings upon our

Master Muhammad and upon the family of our Master
Muhammad, the Opener of what has been closed, the Seal of
what has passed, the Defender of truth by the Truth and the
Guide to Your straight path. May Allāh send mercy upon
him, his family and companions; such mercy as are
deserving of his rank and great esteem. (3 times)


 Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammadin wa ʿalā „āli

sayidinā Muḥammadin ʿadada mā tʿallaqa bihi ʿilmu Allāhi
mina l-wājibāti wa l-jā‟izāti wa l-mustaḥīlāti „ijmālan wa
tafṣīlan min yawmi mā khalaqa Allāhu d-dunyā „illā yawmi l-
qiyāmati fī kulli yawmin alfa marrah ( 4 times)

 Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammadin wa ʿalā „āli

sayidinā Muḥammadin ṣalātan tunginā bihā min jamiʿi „l-ahwāl
wal-„āfati wa taqḍī lanā bihā jamīʿa l-ḥājāti wa tuṭahhirunā bihā
min jamiʿi s-sayi‟āti wa tarfaʿunā bihā ʿindika aʿla d-darjāti wa
tuballighunā bihā „aqṣā l-ghāyāt min jamiʿi l-khayrāti fil-ḥayāti
d-dunyā wa baʿda l-mamāti wa ʿala „ālihi wa ṣaḥbihi wa sallim
(3 times)

O Allāh send mercy upon our Master Muhammad and upon
the family of our Master Muhammad, mercy as numerous as
Allāh‘s knowledge of the necessary, conceivable, and the
inconceivable, generally and particularly; from the day Allāh
created the world to the day of Judgment; each day a
thousand times. (4 times)

O Allāh, send mercy upon our Master Muhammad and upon

the family of our Master Muhammad such a prayer that by it
You will protect us from all terror and harm; and by it You
will fulfill all our needs; such mercy that by it You will
purify us from all sin and raise us to the highest degrees; and
that by it You will bring us to the farthest limit in all good
works; in the worldly life and after death; and upon his
family and companions. Shower them with salutations. (3


 Allāhumma ṣalli afdala ṣallwātik ʿalā asʿadi makhluqātika

ḥabībi-Llahi Muḥammadin wa ʿalā „ālihi wa ṣaḥbihi wa sallim
ʿadada maʿlumatika wa midāda kalimātika kullamā zakaraka z-
zakirūna wa ghafala ʿan zikrika wa zikrihi-lghafilūn (3 times)

 Allāhumma ṣalli wa sallim ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammadin

n-nabiyyi l-ummiyyi l-ṭāhiri z-zakiy ṣalātan taḥillu bihā
ʿuqdatī wa tufarriju bihā kurbatī wa tunqidhu bihā wiḥlatī wa
taqḍī bihā ḥājatī wa tu‟nisu bihā yā rabbī fi l-qabri wiḥshatī
wa ṣalla Allāhu ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammadin wa „ālihi wa
ṣaḥbihi wa sallam (3 times)

O Allāh, send the most meritorious of Your mercy upon the
most felicitous of Your creation, the Beloved of Allāh,
Muhammad; and upon his family and companions; send
upon them peace; mercy and peace as numerous as the
number of what is encompassed in Your knowledge and the
ink used to record Your words; as long as You are invoked
by those who remember and as often as the heedless forget to
invoke You and him. (3 times)

O Allāh, send mercy and peace upon our Master Muhammad,

the unlettered Prophet, the Pure, the blamless; mercy which by it
You ease my difficulty, dispel my worries, release me from my
troubles, and fulfill my needs; and give me company, O my
Lord, in the loneliness of my grave; and may Allāh send mercy
upon our Master Muhammad and his family and companions.
Shower them with salutations. (3 times)


 Allāhumma ṣalli wa sallim wa bārik ʿalā sayidinā

Muḥammadin n-nabiyyi l-ummiyyi l-ḥabībi l-ʿālī l-qadri l-
ʿa†īm l-jāh wa ʿalā „ālihi wa ṣaḥbihi wa sallim. (25 times)

 Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammadin wa „‡dama

wa Nūḥin wa Ibrāhīma wa Mūsā wa ʿĪsā wa mā baynahum
min n-nabiyyina wa l-mursalīna ṣalawātu Allāhi wa
salāmuhu ʿalayhim „ajmaʿīn (3 times)

 Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammadin n-nuri t-tāmi l-

muḍī‟ fī †-†alāmi wa ʿalā „ālihi wa ṣaḥbihi wa sallim (3 times)

O Allāh, send mercy, salutations and blessings upon our
Master Muhammad, the Unlettered Prophet, the Beloved, the
Highly Esteemed, the Exalted of Rank; and upon his family
and companions. Shower them with peace. (25 times)

O Allāh, send Your mercy upon our Master Muhammad,

Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and those messengers
and prophets who came in between them. Mercy of Allāh
and peace be upon them all. (3 times)

O Allāh, send Your mercy upon our Master Muhammad, the

perfect illuminating light in the depths of darkness; and upon
his family and companions. Shower them with salutations. (3


 Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammadin Allāhumma ṣalli

ʿalayhi wa sallim wa„adh-hib ḥuzna qalbī fi d-dunyā wa l-
„ākhirah (3 times)

 Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammadin ʿadada

ḥasanāti sayidinā Muḥammadin (3 times)

 Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammadin wa ʿalā „āli

sayidinā Muḥammadin ṣalātan takūnu laka riḍan wa lahu
jazā‟ wa li-ḥaqqihi „adā‟ (3 times)

 Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammadin wa ʿalā „āli

sayidinā Muḥammadin ṣalātan tukrimu bihā mathwāh wa
tusharrifu bihā ʿuqbāh wa tuballighu bihā yawma l-qiyāmati
munāhu wa riḍāh hathihi ṣ-ṣalātu taʿ†īman liḥaqika yā sayidī
yā rasūla Allāh (3 times)
O Allāh, send Your mercy upon Muhammad. O Allāh, send
Your mercy upon him and shower him with salutations;
remove the sorrow in my heart, in this world and in the

O Allāh send Your mercy upon our Master Muhammad;

mercy as numerous as the number of the good deeds of our
Master Muhammad. (3 times)

O Allāh, send Your mercy upon our Master Muhammad and

upon the family of our Master Muhammad; mercy that
please You, and are a reward for him and a fulfillment of his
right [over us]. (3 times)

O Allāh, send Your mercy upon our Master Muhammad and

upon the family of our Master Muhammad; such mercy that
by it You honor his dwelling and ennoble his final abode;
and fulfill, on the Day of Judgment, his wish and
contentment. This prayer is in exaltation of Your right, O my
Master, O Messenger of Allāh. (3 times)


 Alfa ṣallā Allāhu ʿalayka yā nabiyyu yā mujalliyya l-

hammi baʿda l-kurabi (10 Times) ʿadada khalqi Allāhi wa
riḍā nafsi Allāhi wa zinata ʿarshi Allāhi wa midāda kalimāti

A thousand mercy be upon You, O Prophet, O Dispeller of
worries after distress (10 times); mercy as numerous as the
number of Allāh‘s creation; and the contentment of Allāh;
and the weight of the throne of Allāh; and the ink in the
words of Allāh.

In the name of Allāh, the Merciful, the Compassionate. All

praise belongs to Allāh, the Lord of the Worlds. O Allāh,
send mercy and salutations upon our Master Muhammad and
his family and companions. O Allāh, expand, by prayer upon
him, our chests; by it ease our affairs; relieve by it our
worries; dispel by it our afflictions; rectify by it our states;
realize for us our hopes; accept by it our repentance; cleanse
by it our souls; defend by it our proof; purify by it our
tongues; give us company by it in our loneliness; show us
mercy by it in our estrangement; make it a light that spreads
before us and behind us: to the right of us and to the left of
us; from above us and below us; in our life and in our death;
in our graves and during the Gathering and Dispersal; make
it a shade, on the Day of Judgment over our heads; by it
make our scales of good deeds heavy;

 Bismillahi R-rahmāni R-rahīm. l-ḥamdulillāhi rabbi l-
ʿālamīn. Allāhumma ṣalli wa sallim ʿalā sayidinā
Muḥammadin wa ālihi wa ṣahbihi. Allāhuma-shraḥ biṣ-ṣalāti
ʿalayhi ṣuduranā wa yassir bihā umūranā wa farrij bihā
humūmanā wakshif bihā ghumumanā waghfir bihā
dhunūbanā waqḍi bihā duyūnanā wa „aṣliḥ bihā aḥwālanā wa
balligh bihā „āmālanā wataqabbal bihā tawbatanā waghsil
bihā ḥawbatanā wanṣur bihā ḥujjatanā wa ṭahhir bihā
alsinatanā wa „ānis bihā wiḥshatanā warḥam bihā ghurbatanā
wajʿalhā nuran yasʿā bayna „aydīna wa min khalfinā wa ʿan
„aymāninā wa ʿan shamā‟ilinā wa min fawqinā wa min
taḥtinā wa fī ḥayātinā wa mawtina wa fī qubūrinā wa
ḥashrinā wa nashrinā wa †ilan yawma l-qiyamati ʿalā
ru‟ūsinā wa thaqqil bihā yā rabbi mawāzīna hasanātinā wa
„adim barakātihā ʿalaynā ḥatta nalqā nabiyana wa sayidanā
Muḥammadan sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam wa naḥnu
„āminūna muṭma‟innūna fariḥūna mustabshiruna wa lā
tufarriq baynanā wa baynahu ḥattā tudkhilanā madkhalahu
wa ta‟wīnā ilā jiwārihi l-karīmi maʿa l-ladhīna anʿamta
ʿalayhim mina n-nabiyīna wa ṣ-ṣiddīqīna wa shuhadā‟i wa ṣ-
ṣāliḥīna wa ḥasuna „ulā‟ika rafiqā.

make us enjoy its blessings endlessly until we meet our
Prophet and Master Muhammad, prayer and peace be upon
him, in a state of belief, trust and felicity; and having
received glad tidings; do not separate us from him until You
show us in through his entrance; and give us refuge in his
honorable vicinity; with those who You bestowed Your
favors upon, from among the messengers, the truthful ones,
the Martyrs and the righteous; Indeed, they are beautiful


 Allāhuma inna „āmanna bihi ṣall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa

sallam wa lam narahu famattiʿnā Allāhumma fī d-dārayni
biru‟yatihi wa thabbit qulūbanā ʿalā maḥabbatihi
wastaʿmilnā ʿalā sunnatihi wa tawaffanā ʿalā millatihi
waḥshurnā fī zumratihi n-najiyati wa ḥizbihi l-muflihīna
wanfaʿnā bima‟nṭawat ʿalayhi qulūbunā min maḥabbatihi
ṣall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam yawma lā jidda wa lā māla wa
lā banīna wa awridnā ḥawḍahu l-‟aṣfā wasqinā bika‟sihi l-
„awfā wa yassir ʿalaynā ziyārata ḥaramika wa ḥaramihi ṣall
Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam wa adim ʿalaynā l-iqāmata bi
ḥaramika wa ḥaramihi ṣall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam „ilā an

O Allāh, surely we believe in him, mercy and peace be upon
him, whilst not having seen him; grant us, in the two abodes,
with a vision of him; and make our hearts steadfast in loving
him; use us for his sunna; take us unto You as from amongst
his community; resurrect us among the saved group and the
successful party; and make us benefit from the love for him,
mercy and peace be upon him, that is enfolded in our hearts;
on the day when there are no forefathers, nor wealth, nor
progeny; bring us to his pure fountain and let us drink from
his overflowing cup; and facilitate for us a visit to Your
sanctuary and his sanctuary, mercy and peace be upon him;
prolong our stay at Your sanctuary and his sanctuary until
we are taken unto You.


 Allāhuma inna nastashfiʿu bihi ilayka idh huwa awjahu sh-

shufaʿā‟i ilayka wa nuqsimu bihi ʿalayka „idh huwa aʿ†amu man
uqsima biḥaqihi ʿalayka wa natawassalu bihi ilayka idh huwa
aqrabu l-wasā‟ili ilayka nashkū ilayka yā rabbanā qaswata
qulūbinā wa kathrata dhunūbinā wa ṭūla „āmālinā wa fasāda
„aʿmālinā wa takāsulanā ʿani ṭ-ṭāʿāti wa hujūmanā ʿala l-
mukhālafāti faniʿma l-mushtakā ilayhi anta yā rabbanā bika
nastanṣiru ʿalā „aʿdā‟inā wa anfusinā fānṣurnā wa ʿalā faḍlika
natawakkalu fī ṣalāhinā falā takilnā ilā ghayrika yā rabbanā wa
ilā janābi rasūlika Muḥammadin ṣall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam
nantasibu falā tabʿidnā wa bibābika naqifu falā taṭrudnā wa
„iyāka nas‟alu falā tukhayibna.

O Allāh, we seek his intercession with You as he is the most
distinguished intercessor; and we swear to You by his rank
as he is the greatest of those who‘s rank has been sworn by
to You; and we seek his intermediation as he is the closest
intermediary to You; to You we complain, O Lord, of the
hardness of our hearts, of the plentitude of our sins, of the
length of our hopes; of the corruption of our actions, of our
lassitude in acts of obedience and of our plundering of
trespasses; what a beautiful one to complain to You are! O
Allāh, with Your aid, we seek victory over our enemies and
our ―selves‖ so give us victory; upon Your infinite grace we
place our trust that You will rectify us so do not entrust us to
other than You, O Allāh; to the Honorable Muhammad
mercy and peace be upon him, we trace our origins so do not
banish us; and at Your door we stand so do not expel us; You
alone do we seek, do not disappoint us.


Allāhumma-rḥam taḍarruʿanā wa ammin khawfanā wa-rḥam

jamʿanā wa taqabbal „aʿmālanā wa aṣliḥ aḥwālanā wajʿal
biṭāʿatika-shtighālanā wa „ilā l-khayr ma‟ālanā wa ḥaqqiq
bi‟z-ziyādati „aʿmālanā wa „āmālanā wakhtim bis-saʿādati
„ājālanā hādhā dhullunā †āhirun bayna yadayka fa-rtakabnā
walā yasaʿunā illā ʿafwuka fa-ʿfu ʿannā (3 Times)

 Yā khayra ma‟mūl wa yā akrama masu‟ūl innaka

ʿafuwwun ra‟ūfun raḥīm, yā Arḥama l-rāḥimīn wa ṣallā
Allāhu ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammdin wa „ālihi wa ṣaḥbihi wa
sallam wa l-ḥamdu lillāhi rabbi l-ʿālamīn.

O Allāh, have mercy on us in our state of beseeching You;
replace our fear with security; shower our gathering with
mercy; accept our actions; rectify our states; make obedience
to You our preoccupation; and to all good our destiny; carry
our action into effect, fulfill our hopes and expectations and
more; and seal our appointed times with felicity. Our
lowliness is apparent before You. We‘ve erred and only
Your pardon will suffice us, so pardon us. (3 times)

O the Best of Hopes! O the most Generous of those Asked!

Surely You are forgiving, compassionate, and merciful. O
Most Merciful of Mercifuls! Mercy and peace be upon
Muhammad, his family and companions. All praise belongs
to Allāh, Lord of the Worlds.


 Allāhumma ṣalli wa sallim ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammadin

l-ḥabībi l-maḥbūbi‟l-ladhī taʿshaquhu l-‟arwāḥu wa taḥinnu
ilayhi l-qulūbu ṣalātan mustamirrata t-tikrāri fī anā‟i l-layli
wa aṭarāfi n-nahār.

 Allāhumma ṣalli wa sallim wa bārik ʿalā sayidinā

Muḥammadin ṣāhibi t-tāji wal-miʿrāji wal-burāqi wal-ʿalam,
dāfiʿi l-balā‟i wal-wabā‟i wal-maraḍi wal-alam, jismuhu ṭāhirun
muṭahharun muʿaṭṭarun munawwarun mukarram, mani-smuhu
maktūbun marfūʿun mawḍūʿun ʿalā l-lawḥi wal-qalam,

O Allāh send mercy and salutations upon our Master
Muhammad, the Lover, the Beloved, he whom the souls love
passionately and the hearts yearn for; mercy that are
continuously repeated day and night.

O Allāh send mercy, salutations and blessings upon our

Master Muhammad, the Possessor of: the Crown, the
Ascension, Buraq, and the Banner; the one who drives away
tribulation, epidemic, disease and pain; whose body is pure,
purified, sweetly scented, illuminated and ennobled; he
whose name is recorded, elevated, placed in the Tablet and
the Pen; the sun at forenoon, the full moon in the darkness of
night, the light of guidance, the lamp in the depths of
darkness, the Master of the two beings, the intercessor for
the humans and the jinn, Abu l-Qasim, our Master
Muhammad, the son of Abdullah, the Master of Arabs and
non Arabs, the Prophet of the two sanctuaries and the
beloved of the Lord of the two easts and the two wests. O
those yearning for the light of his beauty! Send mercy upon
him and greet him with salutations.

shamsu ḍ-ḍūḥā badru d-dajā nūru l-hudā miṣbāhu l-†ulam, sayidi
l-kawnayn wa shafīʿi th-thaqalayn abī l-qāsim sayidinā
Muḥammadi-bni ʿabdillāhi sayidi l-ʿarabi wal-ʿajam, nabiyī l-
ḥaramayni maḥbūbin ʿinda rabbi l-mashriqayni wal-maghribayni
fayā ayyuha‟l-mushtāqūna linūri jamālihi ṣallū ʿalayhi wa
sallimū taslīmā.

 Allāhumma ṣalli wa sallim ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammadin

n-nabiyī l-‟ummiyī ʿadada man ṣallā ʿalayhi min khalqika
wa ṣalli ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammadin n-nabiyī l-‟ummiyī
kamā „amartanā „an-nuṣalliya ʿalayhi wa-llāhumma ṣalli ʿalā
sayidinā Muḥammadin n-nabiyī l-‟ummiyī kamā yanbaghī
lanā an nuṣalliya ʿalayh.

O Allāh send mercy and salutations upon our Master
Muhammad, the Unlettered Messenger; mercy as numerous
as those who pray upon him from amongst Your creation;
and send mercy upon our Master Muhammad, the Unlettered
Prophet, just as You have commanded us to send mercy
upon him; O Allāh, send mercy upon our Master
Muhammad, the Unlettered Messenger, just as we should
send mercy upon him.


 Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā khātimi l-anbiyā‟i wa sayidi l-aṣfiyā‟i wa

maʿdini l-asrāri wa manbaʿi l-anwāri wa jamāli l-kawnayni wa
ashrafi th-thaqalayni wa sayidi d-dārayni l-makhṣūṣi bi qābi
qawsayni sayidinā Muḥammadin sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam.

 Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammadin qamari l-

wujūdi fī hādha l-yawmi wa fī kulli yawmin wa fī l-yawmi l-
mawʿūdi sirran wa jahran fi d-dunyā wa l-ākhirati wa ʿalā
„ālihi wa ṣaḥbihi wa ṣallim.

 Allāhumma ṣalli wa sallim wa bārik ʿalā sayidinā

Muḥammadin wa ʿalā „ālihi ʿadada kamāli Allāhi wa kamā
yalīqu bikamālihi.

O Allāh, send mercy upon the Seal of Prophets, Master of the
Pure, Source of Inner-secrets, the Spring of Divine Lights,
Beauty of the two beings, the most noble amongst both jinn
and men, the Master of the two abodes, the one distinguished
by the ―two bow-lengths,‖ our Master Muhammad; may
Allāh bestow upon him mercy and salutations.

O Allāh, send mercy upon our Master Muhammad the moon

of existence, today, everyday and on the Appointed Day,
secretly and openly, in this world and in the hereafter; and
upon his family and companions. Shower them with

O Allāh, send mercy, salutations and blessings upon our

Master Muhammad and upon his family; equal in amount to
the perfection of Allāh, and as is befitting for his perfection.


 Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammadin ṣalātan

taʿdilu jamīʿa ṣalawāti ahli maḥabbatika wa sallim ʿalā
sayidinā Muḥammadin salāman yaʿdilu salāmahum.

 Allāhumma ṣalli wa sallim ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammadin

kullamā dhakaraka wa dhakarahu-dh-dhākiruna wa ghafala
ʿan dhikrika wa dhikrihi l-ghāfilūna.

 Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammadin ʿadada mā

fī ʿilmi Allāhi ṣalātan dāimatan bi-dawāmi mulki Allāhi wa
ʿalā „ālihi wa ṣaḥbihi wa ṣallim.

 Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammadin wa ʿalā
ahli baytihi.

O Allāh, send mercy upon our Master Muhammad equal in
number to all the mercy of the people You love; and shower
salutations upon our Master Muhammad equal to the number
of their salutations.

O Allāh, send mercy and salutations upon our Master

Muhammad, as long as those who remember You, invoke
You; and those who are heedless, forget to invoke You and

O Allāh, send mercy upon our Master Muhammad as many

times as what is encompassed in the knowledge of Allāh,
continual mercy and salutations that‘s everlasting as long as
dominion of Allāh and upon his family and companions.
Shower them with salutations.

O Allāh, send mercy and salutation upon our Master

Muhammad and the members of his house.


 Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā rūḥi sayidinā Muḥammadin fī l-

arwāḥ wa ʿalā jasadihi fī l-ajsādi wa ʿalā qabrihi fī l-qubūr
wa ʿalā „ālihi wa ṣaḥbihi wa sallim.

 Allāhumma ṣalli wa sallim ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammadin

wa ʿalā „āli sayidinā Muḥammadin kamā tuḥibbu wa tarḍā

 Allāhumma ṣalli wa sallim ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammadin

wa ʿalā āli sayidinā Muḥammadin wa anzilhu l-maqʿada l-
muqarraba ʿindaka yawma l-qiyāmah

O Allāh, send mercy upon the soul of our Master Muhammad
from amongst the souls; and upon his body from amongst the
bodies; and upon his grave from amongst the graves; and
upon his family and companions. Shower them with

O Allāh, send mercy and salutations upon our Master

Muhammad and upon the family of our Master Muhammad;
just as You love and are content for him.

O Allāh, send mercy and salutations upon our Master

Muhammad and upon the family of our Master Muhammad;
and grant him the Seat Drawn Near on the Day of Judgment.


 Allāhumma yā rabba Muḥammadin wa āli Muḥammadin

ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammadin wa ʿalā āli Muḥammadin wa „aʿti
Muḥammadan ṣall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallama‟d-darajata‟r-
rafīʿata wal-wasīlata fīl-jannati Allāhumma yā rabba
Muḥammadin wa „āli Muḥammadin ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammadin
wa ʿalā „āli Muḥammadin wa-jzi Muḥammadan ṣall Allāhu
ʿalayhi wa sallam mā huwa ahluh.

 Allāhumma ṣalli wa sallim ʿalā sayidinā

Muḥammadini‟n-nūri dh-dhātiyyi wa‟s-sirri s-sārī nūrihi fī
jamīʿi l-asmā‟i wa ṣ-ṣifāti wa ʿalā „ālihi wa ṣaḥbihi wa sallim
(3 Times)


O Allāh, O Lord of Muhammad and the family of

Muhammad, send mercy and salutations upon our Master
Muhammad and upon the family of our Master Muhammad;
grant Muhammad, may Allāh shower him with mercy and
salutations, the lofty station, and intercession in Paradise. O
Allāh, O Lord of Muhammad and the family of Muhammad,
send mercy upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad;
and reward Muhammad, may Allāh shower him with mercy
and salutations, what is his due.

O Allāh, send mercy and salutations upon our Master

Muhammad, the essential Light, the Pervading Secret, he
whose light is in every name and attribute; and upon his
family and companions. Shower them with peace. (3 times)


 Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā sayidinā Muḥammadin ṭibbi‟l-

qulūbi wa dawā‟ihā wa ʿāfiyati‟l-abdāni wa shifā‟ihā wa
nūri‟l-abṣāri wa ḍiyā‟ihā wa ʿalā ālihi wa ṣaḥbihi wa sallim
(3 Times)

 Allāhumma jʿal fī ṭāʿatika faraḥī wa surūrī wa fī

marḍātika jamīʿa „umūrī.

 Allāhumma yā ʿalīmun bi ḥālāti wa l-muṭṭaliʿu ʿalā

sarā‟irī wa niyāti-qḍi jamīʿa ḥājātī waghfir dhunūbī wa
sayi‟ātī wa tajāwaz ʿan khaṭī‟ātī wa zallātī wa taqabbal
jamīʿa ḥasanātī wa sāmiḥnī fīmā maḍā wa mā ya‟tī waktubnī
fī dīwāni sādātī wasluk bī sabīla najātī fī ḥayātī wa mamātī.

O Allāh, send mercy upon our Master Muhammad, the
healing for the hearts and its medicine, the vitality of bodies
and its cure, the light of all sight and its illumination; and
upon his family and companions. Shower them with
salutations. (3 times)

O Allāh, place my joy and happiness in obedience to You,

and place all my matters in that which pleases You.

O Allāh, O Knower of my states, and Seer of my inner

secrets and intentions; fulfill all my needs, forgive my sins
and evil deeds, overlook my mistakes and slips, accept all of
my good deeds, pardon me for what has passed and what is
to come, write my name down with my masters, and take me
on the path to salvation, while I live and when I die.


 Allāhumma innī ṭāmiʿun fī ʿaṭāka wa rāghibun fī riḍāka

mustaslimun liqaḍā‟ika faktubnī min awliya‟ika wasluk bī
sabīla hudāka wa‟alḥiqnī bi‟aṣfiyāka wa ṣall‟Allāhu ʿalā
sayidinā Muḥammadin wa „ālihi wa ṣaḥbihi wa ṣallim

 Astaghfiru Allāha l-ʿa†īma‟l-ladhī lā ilāha illā huwa‟l-

ḥayyu l-qayyumu l-ladhī lā yamūtu wa atūbu ilayhi
rabbi‟ghfir lī (3 Times)

 ʿadada khalqi Allāhi wa riḍā nafsi Allāhi wa zinata

ʿarshi Allāhi wa midāda kalimāti Allāhi.

O Allāh, verily I desire Your divine gifts and desire Your
contentedness; and I submit to Your decree so write my
name amongst Your friends; and take me on the path to Your
guidance; include me with the ones You have purified. May
Allāh send mercy and salutations upon our Master
Muhammad, upon his family and his companions.

I seek the forgiveness of Allāh, the Exalted, He who there is

no god save Him, the Living, the Self-Subsistent, He who
does not perish, I turn to Him, O my Lord, forgive me. (three

As many times as the number of the creation of Allāh, and

that what pleases Allāh, and the weight of the throne of
Allāh, and the ink in the words of Allāh.


 Qāla rasūlu Allāhi ṣall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam

kalimatāni khafīfatāni ʿal‟l-lisāni thaqīlatāni fi‟l-mizāni
ḥabībatāni ila‟R-Raḥmani subhānallāhi wa biḥamdihi
subḥanallāhi l-ʿa†īm (100 Times)

 Subhānallāhi wa biḥamdihi subhānallāhi l-ʿa†īm wa

biḥamdihi ʿadada khalqihi wa riḍā nafsihi wa zinata ʿarshihi
wa midāda kalimātihi (3 Times)

The Prophet of Allāh, mercy and salutation be upon him, has
said ―Two phrases are easy on the tongue, heavy on the
scales and loved by the Merciful; they are Exalted is Allāh
and with His Praises, Exalted is Allāh, the Mighty. (100

Exalted is Allāh and with His Praises, Exalted is Allāh, the

Mighty and with His Praises As many times as the number of
the creation of Allāh, and that which pleases Allāh, and the
weight of the throne of Allāh, and the ink in the words of
Allāh. (3 times)


Muḥammadun mansha'u l-'anwaari wa †-†ilali
Wa 'aṣlu takwiinihaa min ḥaḍrati l-'azali
Muhammad is the fountainhead of lights and shade
and the source of their emergence from the presence of pre-
endless time.

fanuuruhu 'awwalu l-'anwari lammaa qaḍaa

'i†haara 'asmaa'ihi fii l-ʿaalami l-'awwali
So his light was the first of lights when He determined
the manifestation of His Names in the first world.

Minhu 'ktasat sa'iru l-'ashyaa'i 'iijaadahaa

Waminhu 'imdaaduhaa min ghayri maa khalali
From him all other things were clothed in their origination
in existence and this continuity is uninterruptedly from him –

Taqaaṭara l-'anbiya wa r-ruslu minhu kamaa
Taqaaṭarat sa'iru l-'amlaaki wa l-ḥulali
The prophets and messengers have come from him one by
one, Just as the angels and all the creatures have come from
him one by one –

Fanisbatu l-khatmi wa l-'aqṭaabi min nuurihi

Kanuqṭatin min buḥuuri n-nuuri wa l-balali
The relationship of the seals and the poles to his light
is that of a drop to oceans of light and refreshment

Wa sh-shamsu wa l-badru wa n-nujuumu minhu badat

Kal-ʿarshi wa l-lawḥi wa l-kursiyyi wa d-duwali
The sun and the moon an the stars have appeared from him
as have the Throne, the Tablet of forms, the Footstool, and the

Fashaahidi n-nuura qad ʿamma l-wujuuda wa laa
Takun taraa ghayrahu taṣil ʿalaa ʿajali
So witness the light which has spread through existence
and do not see other-than-it and you will soon arrive.

Li'annahu l-ma†haru l-'aʿlaa li'asmaa'ihi

Wasirru 'awṣaafihi min ghayri maa ʿilali
For he is the highest manifestation of Allāh‘s Names
and the perfect secret of the Attributes –

F-Allaahu 'khtaarahu fii ʿilmihi l-qadiimi

Lilkhalqi 'arsalahu ṭurran wa lir-rusuli
So Allāh chose him in His timeless knowledge
and sent him to the whole of creation and to the other

'Asraa bihi Allāhu laylan baʿda mabʿathihi
Liqaabi qawsayni ḥattaa faaza bil-'amali
After awakening him Allāh conveyed him one night
to the distance of two bow-spans until he achieved his desire.

Wa „stabshara l-ʿaalamu l-ʿulwiyyu lammaa raqaa

Wa l-ʿarshu qad ḥaṣṣala l-'amaana min wajali
The higher world rejoiced when he ascended
and the Throne gave him security from fear –

Wa khtaraqa l-ḥujba wa l-'anwaara ḥattaa danaa

Wa nuudiya 'dnu ḥabiibii wa ‟skun min khajali
He perceived the veils and the lights until he drew near and it was
proclaimed: ―Draw near, my Beloved, and set, aside your shyness.

Wa mattiʿi l-laḥ†a fii 'anwaarinaa wa‟ṭluban
Kulla l-ladhii shi'tahu tuʿṭaa bilaa malali
Rejoice in the sight of Our Lights and demand all you want
and it will be given without delay.”

Fa'urjiʿa l-muṣṭafaa bikulli makrumatin

Wa'akhbara n-naasa bi‟l-'aqṣaa wabi s-subuli
So the Chosen One returned with every noble quality and he
informed the people about l-Aqsa and the paths to it.

faludh bihi yaa 'akhii fii kulli muʿḍilatin

yaḍḥaa ḥadiithuka bayna n-naasi ka-l-ʿasali
Take refuge with him in every dilemma, O my brother,
and your speech among the people will become like honey.

Wa ladhdhidhi s-samʿa bal-'akhlaaqi wa sh-shiyami

Wa ‟dhkur sham'aa'ilahu wa‟ḥdharu mina z-zalali
Delight in hearing of his good character and qualities
and evoke his virtues and be on guard against mistakes.

Fakam khawaariqa qad jaa'at ʿalaa yadihi
Fa'aʿjazat saa'ira l-ḥussaadi walmilali
How many miracles have come from his hand? They have let
the envious and all other spiritual teachings powerless –

Wa'inna 'aʿ†ama khaariqin lahu †aharaa

Haadhaa l-kitaabu l-ladhii qad jaa'a bi‟lʿamali
The greatest of the miracles which were manifested
For him is That Book which brought us deeds –

Fii kulli jaariḥatin minhu fawaa'idu laa

Yuḥṣiihaa ʿaddun wa laa tudrikhaa bi‟lmuqali
In every act there are benefits which come from it
whose number cannot be numbered and which are not
perceptible to the eyes –

Waqad 'aḥaaṭa kitaabu Allāhi minhaa bimaa
Yubri'u kulla saqiimi l-qalbi min ʿilali
The book of Allāh itself contains some of these benefits
by which everyone who is sick of heat is healed of his

Walaysa yaqduru qadrahu l-ʿa†iima fatan

Fa-l-ʿajzu ʿan madḥihi min 'aḥsani s-subuli
No hero is capable of his mighty power,
so the inability to praise him is the best of ways –

Waqad tashabbahtu fii madḥii wa ji'tu 'ilaa

Ruḥmaaka mustashfiʿan lilaahi tashfaʿu lii
I have copied you in my praise and I have come to your
compassion seeking intercession with Allāh, Oh intercessor,
on my behalf –

Yaa 'aʿ†ama l-khalqi ʿinda Allāhi manzilatan
'Iʿṭif ʿalaynaa bimaa narjuuhu yaa 'amalii
With Allāh you are the greatest of creation in degree, so bring
our hearts closer to what we hope for, Oh my desire

Man yaḥtamii bika yaḍḥaa l-kawnu yakhdumuhu

Li'ajli jaahika yaa mumidda kulli walii
By your rank created beings serve whoever
seeks shelter with you, Oh helper of every wali –

Bika 'ḥtamaytu falaa takilnii yaa sanadii

Lin-nafsi wa l-jinsi wa „jburnaa mina l-khalali
Oh my support, I have sought shelter with you, so do not
leave me to my body and my nafs, but heal us from our defects

Wa laysa yulḥaqu ʿabdun 'anta naṣiruhu

Fa'anta lii ʿumdatun fii s-sahli waljabali
Nothing evil befalls the slave whose helper you are,
on the level land and on the mountains, you are my staff –

Wa qad taḥayyartu fii 'amrii fakhudh biyadii
Falaa taḥawwula lii ʿan nuurika l-'awwali
I have become confused about myself, so take me by the
hand – for me there is no turning away from your first light –

Ṣallaa ʿalayka 'ilahu l-ʿarshi maa †aharat

Shamsu l-ḥaqiiqati fii l-'asma'i wal-fiʿali
May the God of the Throne bless you as long as the sun of
the Reality is manifested with the Names and the Acts

Kadhaaka 'aaluka wa l-'aṣḥaabu maa nabatat

ʿUshbun wa maa saḥḥati s-samaa'u min balali
And so with your family and companions, as long as the
grass grows and the sky pours down abundant rain –

Thumma r-riḍaa ʿan rijaali Allāhi kullihimi
Maa sabbaḥa l-kawnu man yujallu ʿan mathali
Then I ask acceptance for all the rijāl-Allāh as long as
created beings give praise to the one who is above
identification with forms.

Wabsuṭ l'ikhwaaninaa l-khayraati 'ajmaʿaha

Dunyaa wa'ukhraa wa laa takilna lil-ʿamali
And unfold all your blessings on our brothers,
In this world and the next, and do not abandon us to our actions –

Wa ‟ghfir liwaalidiina z-zallaati 'ajmaʿahaa

Wa l-muslimiina bifaḍlin minka yaa'azalii
Forgive our parents all their mistakes, and the Muslims,
by an outpouring form You, Oh One Before Endless Time


'Astaghfiru Allāha 'inna Allāha dhuu karamin
Waraḥmatin lilladhii qad taaba min zalali
I ask forgiveness of Allāh! Truly Allāh possesses generosity
and compassion for the one who turns away after his errors.

'Astaghfiru Allāha min dhanbin wamin zalalin

Wamin khaṭaayaa wa min wahmin wa min 'amali
I ask forgiveness of Allāh for wrong actions and mistakes, for
errors, illusion and hope.

'Astaghfiru Allāha min kibrin wa min ḥasadin

Wa min riyaa'in li'ahli l-maali bilʿamali
I ask forgiveness of Allāh for pride and envy, and for
hypocritical behavior towards the rich.

'Astaghfiru Allāha min †annin qabiiḥin bada
Min ru'yati n-nafsi ʿujban minhaa bi‟l-ḥulali
I ask forgiveness of Allāh for ugly ifeas which emerge from
seeing the self, and admiring its form.

'Astaghfiru Allāha min ghillin waḥiqdin wa maa

'Aḍmartu fii saalifi l-'aʿmaari min ʿilali
I ask forgiveness of Allāh for malice and spite and for the
defect concealed in my earlier years.

'Astaghfiru Allāha min nuṭqin bifaḥishatin

Wa min sukuutin ʿan ghiibatin waʿan khalali
I ask forgiveness of Allāh for saying dreadful things and for
passing over in silence accusations against others and injury
done to them.

'Astaghfiru Allāha min zuurin wa min kadhibin
Wa min ghuruurin yajurru n-nafsa lil-kasali
I ask forgiveness of Allāh for dishonesty and lying and for
fantasy which leads the self to indolence.

'Astaghfiru Allāha min dhanbin bijaariḥatin

Wa min ḥuquuqin 'atat lin-naasi min qibalii
I ask forgiveness of Allāh for wrong actions in anything I‗ve
done concerning my obligations to other people.

'Astaghfiru Allāha min ʿilmin 'aziighu bihi

ʿAni ṣ-ṣiraaṭi l-qawiimi l-mufḍii lil-wajali
I ask forgiveness of Allāh for being drawn to a false
knowledge which would turn me from the straight path that
leads to fear.

'Astaghfiru Allāha min ḥaalin 'aṣuulu bihi
Wa min maqaamin 'addaa lil-khawfi wal-khajali
I ask forgiveness of Allāh for any state which overpowers me,
and for any station that leads to terror and shame.

'Astaghfiru Allāha min fiʿlin bilaa niiyatin

Wa min dhuhuulin 'ataa lil-qalbi ʿan ʿajali
I ask forgiveness of Allāh for any act done without intention
and for dismay which flows quickly into the heart.

'Astaghfiru Allāha min daʿwaa l-ḥuluuli wamin

Daʿwaa 'ttiḥaadin 'addaa liz-zayghi wa l-fashali
I ask forgiveness of Allāh for claiming incarnation and for
claiming fusion, as these claims lead to deviation and failure.

'Astaghfiru Allāha min daʿwaa l-wujuudi wa min
'Ithbaati shay'in siwaa l-mawjuudi fii l-'azali
I ask forgiveness of Allāh for claiming existence, and for
affirming anything other than the Existent in before-endless-

'Astaghfiru Allāha min ʿaqa'idin ṭara'at

Qad khaalafat minhaaja l-mukhtaari war-rusuli
I ask forgiveness of Allāh for beliefs that have occurred
contrary to the path of the Chosen One and the messengers.

'Astaghfiru Allāha min jahlin wa min safahin

Wa min futuurin 'ataa lin-nafsi ʿan malali
I ask forgiveness of Allāh for Ignorance and folly and for the
languor that comes from a listless self.

'Astaghfiru Allāha min fikrin 'ajuulu bihi
Bilaa 'ʿtibaarin jaraa fii l-ʿulwii was-sufuli
I ask forgiveness of Allāh for any thought be it high or low
that has occupied me while without awareness.

'Astaghfiru Allāha miqdaara l-ʿawaalimi min

ʿArshin wa lawḥin waʿumri saa'iri d-duwali
I ask forgiveness of Allāh by the measure of the worlds, of the
throne and the tablet of forms and the duration of every

'Astaghfiru Allāha wahhaaba l-ʿaṭaaya liman

Qadi 'ttaqaahu bilaa ḥawlin wa laa ḥiyali
I ask forgiveness of Allāh, the Giver of gifts, for all who fear
Him, being themselves unreservedly powerless.

'Astaghfiru Allāha muʿṭiya man yaluudhu bihi
Maʿaarifan biṭuruqi l-ʿilmi wa n-niḥali
I ask forgiveness of Allāh who grants gnosis in the paths of
knowledge, and gifts to whoever takes refuge with Him.

'Astaghfiru Allāha raḥmaana l-khalaa'iqi min

Jinnin wa'insin wa'amlakin wa kulli ʿaalii
I ask forgiveness of Allāh who has compassion all the
creatures, the jinn, men, angels, and the exalted ones.

Rabbi bi'aḥmada kun li'amrinaa waliyyan

Wa murshidan li‟ttibaʿi 'aqwami s-subuli
My Lord, by Ahmad, be the Master of our affair and be the
Guide to those who follow the straightest of paths.

ʿAlayhi 'azkaa ṣalati Allāhi maa haṭalat

Ghaythun wamaa qad saraa fii l-'arḍi min balali
May the purest of Allāh‘s blessings be upon him as long as
abundant rain pours down and the waters flow in the earth.

Kadhaaka 'aaluka wa ṣ-ṣaḥbu l-kiraamu wa man
Qadi 'qtafaa 'ithrahum min muttaqin wa walii
And upon the family and noble Companions and all who have
fear of Allāh, and every wali who Follows in their footsteps.


Laka l-ḥamdu ya dhaa l-ḥilmi wa l-ʿafwi wa s-sitri

Wa ḥamdiya min nuʿmaaka ya waasiʿa l-birri
Praise be to You O Possessor of Kindness, Pardoner, Who
veils what is past. Even my praise is just one of Your
blessings, You whose pure goodness is vast.

Laka l-ḥamdu ʿadda l-qaṭri wa r-ramli wa l-ḥaṣaa

Waʿadda nabaati l-'arḍi wa l-ḥuuti fii l-baḥri
Praise be to You by the number of raindrops, And by the
stones and the sand, And by the number of fish in the ocean,
And all the plants on the land.

Laka l-ḥamdu ʿadda n-namli wal-jinni wal-'insi
Wa mil'a s-samaa wal-ʿarshi wal-kawkabi d-durri
Praise be to You by the number of ants, and by all the jinn and
mankind, By the expanse of the heavens, the Throne and the
stars that shine like pearls.

Wa mil'a l-faḍaa wal-lawḥi wal-kursii wa th-tharaa

Waʿdda jamiiʿi l-kaa'inaati 'ilaa l-ḥashri
And by the vastness of space and the Tablet And the Footstool
and moist clay, And by the number of all of the beings Right
up until the Last Day.

Laka l-ḥamdu yaa rabbii kamaa 'anta 'ahluhu

Fa'inniya laa 'uḥṣii th-thanaa'a madaa d-dahri
Praise be to You O my Lord and my Master In the amount that
You're due, For if my praises last all time's duration Still they
will be far too few.

Laka l-ḥamdu yaa muʿṭii l-mawaahiba bi‟l-faḍli
Wamaaniḥa 'ahli Allāhi bi‟l-fatḥi wa n-naṣri
Praise be to You O Bestower of bounty, Giver of gifts without
end. You are the One who gives help to Your people From
You their openings descend.

Laka l-ḥamdu bi‟l-'anfaasi wa l-jismi wa l-qalbi

Tafaḍḍal ʿalaa ʿabdin taḥayyara fii l-'amri
Praise be to You with each breath that comes from me, And
with my body and heart. Look with compassion upon a poor
servant, Who is perplexed on his part.

Fa'iinnii wa'in kaanat dhunuubii taʿuuqunii

Falii fiika ḥusnu †-†anni yajburu lii kasrii
While it is true that my many wrong actions Are an impossible
weight, Yet good opinion of You gives me hope of Healing
for my broken state.

Famunna ʿalaynaa yaa ghafuuru bitawbatin
Tajubbu l-ladhii qad kaana fii salifi l-ʿumri
Grant us repentance, O Ever-Forgiving, For all the wrong we
have done, To an extent that will undo the damage Caused by
the years that have gone.

Wazidnaa mina n-naʿmaa'i wa n-nuuri wal-kashfi

Wa makkinnaa fii l-'irshaadi bi‟l-'idhni wa s-sirri
Give us an increase of spiritual blessings And of unveilings
and light. And make us firm through unfailing right guidance,
Passed on with idhn and insight.

Wa 'ayyidnaa fii 'aqwaalinaa wa fiʿaalinaa

Wa yassir lanaa l-'arzaaqa min ḥaythu laa nadrii
Help us regarding the words which come from us And in the
way that we act. Ease the way for us to gain our provision
From where we do not expect.

Fahaa naḥnu fii babi t-tafaḍḍuli waaqifun
Wa munta†irun ʿaṭfa l-ḥabiibi bilaa ʿusri
Here we are standing in front of the doorway Of Your great
favour and grace Waiting expectantly for our Beloved's
Welcome without interface.

Fa'anʿim ʿalaynaa yaa mujiibu bisurʿatin

Fa'innaka 'ahlu l-juudi wa l-manni wa l-khayri
Let us taste swiftly Your unfettered blessing Answerer of
every prayer For You are generous, Possessor of goodness,
Whose blessings reach everywhere.

Fafaḍluka mawjuudun bighayri wujuudina

Wa juuduka masduulun ʿalayna bila nukri
Your endless bounty continues regardless Whether we are
there or no. Your generosity pours out upon us Never held
back in its flow.

Wa waffiqnaa lish-shukri l-ladhii huwa lazimun
ʿAlaynaa wa yastadʿii l-maziida bilaa khusri
Give us sincerity in being thankful, Something which from us
is due, Which, far from causing us loss, gives us increase, And
yet more blessings ensue.

Wa 'akhrijnaa min sijni l-jusuumi wa raqqina

Liḥaḍrati 'arwaḥin thawaaban ʿalaa sh-shukri
Break us out from our imprisoning bodies That, when our
spirits have soared Into the world of the spirits, we gather
Gratitude's priceless reward.

Wa 'ashhidnaa maʿnaa l-ladhdhaati fii kulli ma†harin

Liyuqwaa shuhuudii fii sh-shadaa'idi wa l-yusri
Then let us witness the meaning of essence In all the things we
perceive, So that our witnessing grows ever stronger Both in
our hardship and ease.

Wa 'afninaa ʿannaa wa „bqinaa bika daa'iman
Linalḥaqa 'ahla l-'irthi min ḥaḍrati s-sirri
Then let us die to our selves and continue, Going on by You
alone, Joining by this all the heirs of the Secret - People by
whom it is known.

Fa'amruka lil'ashyaa'i fii qawli kun takun

Fakawwin lanaa l-'ashyaa'a ʿazman bilaa makri
For Your command to a thing when You want it Is merely
"Be" and it is. So please arrange things for us with intention
And with no subterfuges.

Waṣalli bi'anwaaʿi l-kamalati kulliha

ʿalaa 'Aḥmada l-haadii 'ilaa ḥaḍrati ṭ-ṭuhri
Pour out Your blessing with all of the various Forms of
perfection and grace Down upon Ahmad our guide and our
leader To the pure light of Your Face.

Wa 'aalihi wa ṣ-ṣaḥbi l-kiraami wa man daʿaa
Linaa†imi hadhaa n-na†mi bish-sharḥi lilṣṣadri
And on his family and noble Companions And upon all those
who ask For expansion for the writer who took on Writing
these lines as his task.

Wa yaa rabbi bi‟l-haadii r-ra'uufi Muḥammadin

'Anilnaa ʿuluuman tanfaʿunaa yawma n-nashri
Teach us O Lord through your Prophet, Muhammad, Gentle,
compassionate guide, Knowledges that will bring benefit to us
On the Day when we all rise.

Wa qawwina bi l-'anwaari fii kulli laḥ†atin

Wa thabbitnaa ʿinda l-khatmi wa n-nazʿi wa l-qabri
And reinforce us with light from Your Presence In every
moment we have, And make us firm at the seal of our lives
and At our deaths and in the grave.



Naḥnu fii rawḍati r-rasuuli ḥuḍuurun

Ṭaalibiina r-riḍaa wa ḥusna qabuuli
We are present here together in the Meadow of the Prophet
Hoping for God's pleasure and acceptance in this place.

Ji'naa yaa khayra man 'ilayhi l-malaadhu

Binkisaarin wa dhillatin wa dhuhuuli
We have come, O best of those to whom mankind turn for safe
refuge, Broken and brought low and in a most bewildered

Fa-s'ali Allāha fiinaa kulla ʿinayah

Linanaala l-munaa fii waqti l-ḥuluuli
Therefore ask Allāh on our behalf for every form of kindness
So that at the Rising all our hopes may be fulfilled.

Laka qadrun ʿa†iimun laysa yuḍaahaa
Warisaalah tafuuqu kulla rasuuli
It is clear that you have magnitude of power beyond
comparing, For, before your Message, every Messenger must

'Anta babu l-'ilahi fii kulli khayrin

Man 'ataa faza bi‟r-riḍaa walwuṣwli
It is you who are the gateway to our God in every good thing.
All who come to you win God's good pleasure and arrive.

Kullu sirrin fii l-'anbiyaa qad 'ataahum

Min ʿulaakum mu'ayyadan binuquuli
Every secret of the Prophets throughout time has only come
from Your exalted station - as all true reports confirm.

Qad tashaffaʿtu fii 'umuurii 'ilaahii
Bi n-nabiyyi l-mushaffaʿi l-maqbuuli
I have sought for intercession in my business, O my God, with
One whose intercession You have promised to accept.

Kullu man ḥaṭṭa raḥlahu bikariimin

Naala 'aqṣaa l-munaa wa kulla s-suuli
All of those who end their journey with an open-handed host
will Gain their furthest wish along with all that they desire.

Qad shakarnaa l-'ilaaha fii kulli waqtin

ḥaythu manna bzawratin lilrrasuuli
So we give our thanks to God for every time that He has
blessed us Granting us a visit to the Messenger [we love].

Wa kadhaaka likulli man fii baqiiʿin
Min ṣiḥaabin kadhaaka naslu l-batuuli
And for every chance to visit the inhabitants of Baqi,
from the Companions and also the offspring of l-Batul
(Sayedda Fatima AlZahrā, may Allāh be pleased with her).

Wa kadhaaka likulli zawjin wa binti

Wa bni munjii l-'anaami yawma l-ḥuluuli
And for every chance to visit all the wives, daughters, and the
son of mankind's rescuer on the Final Day.

Wa kadhaaka likulli man fii 'uḥudin

Min shahiidin kadhaaka ʿammu r-rasuuli
And for every chance to visit those who are in Uhud,
from all the noble martyrs and the Prophet's uncle too.

Qad ṭalabnaa bihim tamaama s-salāmah
Fii masiirin l'arḍinaa wa d-dukhuuli
We request from you, by means of them, complete and perfect
safety On our homeward journey and then after we arrive.

Wa ṭalabnaa n-najaata fii yawmi ḥashrin

Wa salaaman min kulli fa††in jahuuli
And we ask for rescue, on that Day when everyone will
gather, And for safety, from the coarse ignorance of fools.

Rabbi ṣalli ʿalaa n-nabiyyi wa'aalin

Wa ṣiḥaabin wa tabiʿin bishumuuli
O our Lord pour down Your blessing upon the Prophet and his
family and his Companions and upon all who follow him.


Qad badaa wajhu l-ḥabiibi laaḥa fii waqti s-saḥar
The face of the Beloved appeared and shone in the early dawn.

Nuuruhu qad ʿamma qalbii fasajadtu bi‟nkisaar

His light pervaded my heart, so I prostrated myself in awe.

Qaala lii 'rfaʿ wa „s'alannii falakum kullu waṭar

He said to me: ‗Rise! – and ask of Me! You will have
whatever you desire.‘

Qultu 'anta 'anta ḥasbii laysa lii ʿanka 'ṣṭibaar

I replied: ―You. You are enough for me! Away from You I
cannot live!‖

Qaala ʿabdii laka bushraa fatanaʿʿam bin-na†ar

He said: ―My slave, there is good news for you, so enjoy the

'Anta kanzun liʿibaadii 'anta dhikraa lilbashar

You are a treasure to My slaves and you are a dhikr to

Kullu ḥusnin wa jamaalin fii l-waraa minnii 'ntashar
Every good and every beauty in man has spread from Me.

Baṭanat 'awṣaafu dhaatii wa tajallat fii l-'athar

The attributes of My essence were hidden, and they were
manifested in the existence-traces.

'Innamaa l-kawnu maʿaanin qaa'imaatun bi‟ṣ-ṣuwar

Truly created beings are meanings set up in images.

Kullu man yudriku haadhaa kaana min 'ahli l-ʿibar

All who grasp this are among the people of discrimination.

Lam yadhuq ladhdhata ʿayshini l-ladhii ʿannaa 'nḥaṣar

The one who is cut off from Us has not tasted the sweetness of

Rabbanaa ṣalli ʿalaa man nuuruhu ʿamma l-bashar

Our Lord, bless the one whose light has spread through all


Yaa ṭaaliba l-fanaa fii Allāh qul da'iman Allāh Allāh
Oh seeker of annihilation in Allāh – Say all the time: ‗Allāh-

Waghib fiihi ʿan siwahu wa „shhad biqalbika Allāh

And withdraw into Him from other-than-Him and with your
heart – see Allāh.

Wa‟jmaʿ humuumaka fiihi tukfaa bihi ʿan ghayri Allāh

Gather your concerns in Him and He will be enough in place
of other-than-Allāh.

Wa kun ʿabdan ṣirfan lahu takun ḥurran ʿan ghayri Allāh

Be a pure slave to Him and you will be free from other-than-

Wa khḍaʿ lahu watadhallal tafuz bisirrin mina Allāh

Submit yourself to Him and be humble and you will win a
secret from Allāh.

Wa‟dhkur bijiddin waṣidqin bayna yaday ʿabiidi Allāh

Invoke Him with gravity and sincerity in the presence of the
slaves of Allāh.
Wa‟ktum 'idhā tajallā laka bi'anwārin min dhāti Allāh
Conceal it when He is manifested to you with lights from the
essence of Allāh.

Falghayru ʿindanā muḥāl fal-wujuudu l-ḥaqqu lillāh

With us, other is impossible, for existence belongs to Allāh.

Wa wahmaka 'qṭaʿ da'iman bitawḥiidin ṣirfin lillāh

Constantly cut through your illusion with a pure tawhid to Allāh.

Fawaḥdatu l-fiʿli tabduu fii 'awwali dh-dhikri lillāh

So the oneness of action appears at the beginning of dhikr of Allāh,

Wa waḥdatu l-waṣfi lahu taatii mina l-ḥubbi fillah

And the oneness of attribute comes from love of Allāh,

Wa waḥdatu dh-dhhaati lahu tuwarrithu l-baqaa billāh

And the oneness of His essence gives going-on with Allāh.

Fahanii'an liman mashaa fii ṭariiqi dh-dhikri lillāhi

Joy to the one who walks on the path of dhikr of Allāh,

Muʿtaqidan shaykhan ḥayan yakuunu ʿaarifan billāh
Believing in a living Shaykh who is a Gnostic of Allāh.

Walaazama l-ḥubba lahu wabaaʿa nafsahu lillāh

He holds constantly to His love and sells his self to Allāh.

Waqaama fii l-layli yatluu kalaamahu shawqan lillāh

He rises in the night to recite His word, longing for Allāh.

Fanaala maa yaṭlubuhu min quuwati l-ʿilmi billāh

And so gets what he seeks of the power of knowledge in Allāh.

Wa fayḍunaa min nabiyyin sayyidu makhluuqaati Allāh

Our gifts are from a Prophet who is the master of the creatures
of Allāh.

ʿalayhi 'azkaa ṣalatin ʿadada maʿluumaati Allāh

May the purest of blessings be upon him in quantity as great
as the knowledge of Allāh.

Wa'aalihi wa ṣaḥbihi wa kulli daaʿin 'ilaa Allāh

And his family and Companions and everyone who calls to

'Ahiimu waḥdii bidhikri rabbii
fadhikru rabbii huwa sh-shifaa'u
I wander enraptured, remembering my Lord.
Remembrance of my Lord is the cure.

'Aḥbabtu rabban huwa 'ʿtimaadii

likulli shay'in huwa yashaa'u
I have loved a Lord in whom I place all my trust
In every single thing He decrees.

Wa kullu ḥubbin lighayri rabbii

fiihi l-ʿadhaabu fiihi sh-shaqa'u
Torment and misery abounds in love
for anything other than Him

Yaa fawza faanin ʿani l-fanaa'i
lahu l-ḥayaatu lahu l-baqaa'u
O victory of the one annihilated to annihilation!
He will have life! And going on!

Yaa Rabbi ṣalli ʿalaa Muḥammad

min dhaatihi n-nuuru walḍḍiyaa'u
O my Lord, bless Muhammad! From his essence
come light and radiance too,

Wa'aalihi waṣ-ṣaḥbi l-kiraami

lahum ʿuhuudun lahum wafaa'u
And bless his family and noble Companions,
They have pledges which they kept.


Fa'in shi'ta taṭhiiran mina sh-shirki wad-daʿwaa
Wa tashraba min tasniimi waṣlin ḥattaa tarwaa
If you truly want purification From all shirk and self-regard,
And to drink from the spring of Tasnimi till your thirst is

Famanṭiq biṣabrin thumma ʿammim bitawbatin

Wa laazim qamiiṣa z-zuhdi wa‟bdhul fiihi quwaa
You must wrap yourself up in endurance, Wind repentance
around your head, Wear the tunic of firm self-denial, and in it
exhaust your strength.

Walaa budda min naʿlayni khawfin maʿa r-rajaa

Waʿukkaazi 'iiqaanin wazaadin mina t-taqwaa
And you need a good pair of strong sandals, One of hope and
one of fear, With a staff made of certainty by you, And a store
of pure taqwa.

Wa qaa'idi ʿilmin maʿ maṭiyyati himmatin
Waṣuḥbati ḥif†in liljawaariḥi min balwaa
You need also the bridle of knowledge For the steed of high
desire, With protection of trusty companions Which will keep
your limbs from harm.

Fajudda wa'asriʿ fii l-masiiri wala taqif

Bifikrin ʿalaa kawnin fatuḥjab ʿan ma'awaa
Press on quickly to your destination, Being careful not to stop
To reflect on material existence - That will veil you from your

Wafakkir fii 'iḥsaanin wa'akhliṣ fii shukrihi

Wa qum saḥaran wa‟khḍaʿ wa buthta lahu sh-shakwaa
But reflect on God's kindness towards you, Be sincere in
thanking Him. And get up before dawn and be humble And to
Him address your plea.

Wa ṣalli ʿalaa quṭbi l-wujuudi waḥizbihi
Ṣalaatan taʿummu s-sirra minnaa maʿa n-najwaa
Blessings be on the Pole of existence And on those who
follow him, In a way that will broadcast our secret And make
it known to all.


Ruuḥii tuḥaddithunii bi'anna ḥaqiiqatii

Nuuru l-'ilaahi falaa taraa 'illaa hu
My spirit now addresses me and says that my reality
Is God's pure light so therefore look to no one else but Him.

Lawlam 'akun nuuran lakuntu siwaa'ahu

'Inna s-siwaa ʿadamun falaa tarḍaahu
If I were not a light then I would surely be other than He
But otherness is nothing and will never satisfy.

Wa'idha na†arta baʿayni sirrika lam tajid
Ghayra l-'ilaahi fii 'arḍihi wa samaahu
When, with the eye of your own secret, you look out you will
not find In heaven or in earth a trace of other than Allāh.

Lakin tawahhumu ghayrihi yakhfaa bihi

Fa'anbudh hawaaka 'idhaa 'aradta taraahu
And yet the binding fantasy of otherness conceals Him,
So combat your own whims if you desire to see Him.

Wa‟rkab safiinata sunnatin tanjuu bihaa

Wa‟sluk sabiila ra'iisihaa fii hawaahu
And climb aboard the sound ship of the Sunna and be saved in it, And
tread its captain's path in that you follow his desire.

Waṣili sh-sharaaba bika'sihaa wafnaa bihi

Taḥzi l-baqaa'a bisirrihi waʿulaahu
Unite the goblet with the wine and you will disappear in him,
And gain subsistence by his secret and exalted state.

Wa‟shhad biʿayni baṣiiratin tawḥiidahu
Wa l-farqu shirʿatuhu falaa tansaahu
Thereafter will your inner eye see nothing but His unity,
But Shari'a means separation - this do not forget.

Wa‟jʿal humuumaka waaḥidan tukfaa bihi

Kulla l-humuumi wa tadkhulan fii ḥimaahu
And make your problems one in Him then He will be enough for
you For all of them and you will enter His protected place.

Wa‟nzil „umuuraka bi‟l-ladhii 'adraa bihaa

Fahuwa l-khabiiru biqalbinaa wamunaahu
Hand over your affairs to Him who is the One that knows them
best, For He is the Aware and knows our hearts and their desires.

Yaa rabbi ṣalli ʿala n-nabiyyi Muḥammadin
Sirri l-wujuudi wa'aṣlihi wasanaahu
O Lord pour countless blessings on the noble Prophet
Muhammad, The secret of existence and its source and radiant


Tazawwad 'akhii lilmawti 'iinnahu naazilun

Walaa tuṭili l-'amala yaqsuu laka l-qalbu
Prepare yourself for death, Oh my brother, for it will descend.
Do not draw out your hopes in case your heart treats you

Wa waa†ib ʿalaa l-fikri l-muʿiini ʿalaa l-jiddi

Wa saariʿ 'ilaa l-'aʿmaali fa l-ʿumru yadhhabu
Persevere in reflection which will make you aware
and move you to do good works, for life will depart –

Wafakkir fii 'aḥwaali l-qiyamati daa'iman
Kabaʿthin wanashrin wa l-mawaaziinu tunṣabu
Constantly go over the states of the Last Hour, the Raising of
Bodies, the Gathering, and the Balance which is set up –

Wa kaṣ-ṣiraaṭi l-ladhii ʿaqabaatuhu taṭuul

ʿAlaa l-ʿaaṣii wa mashyuhu yaṣʿubu
Then there is the Bridge which will have obstacles
laid out on it to make the crossing difficult for the rebellious

Wa man kaana ṭaa'iʿan walilāhi mukhliṣan

Yamurru kabarqin 'aw kariiḥin fayadhhabu
While whoever was obedient and sincere towards Allāh
will pass over it like a flash of lightning or a wind, and will go on

Wa'in shi'ta 'an tusqaa mina l-ḥawḍi fi l-ḥashri
Falaazim ḥubba n-nabii waman lahu yunsabu
If you wish to be given a drink from the Fountain on the Day
of Gathering you must love the Prophet and his descendants

Waṣalli ʿala l-haadii l-mushaffaʿi fii l-waraa

Yaquulu 'anaa lahaa 'idhaa l-khalqu yarhabu
And bless the guide who intercedes for mankind –
He says I am the one for it [intercession] when the creation is

ʿAlayhi ṣalaatu Allāhi fii kulli mawṭinin

Wa'aalin wa'aṣḥaabin waman yataḥabbabu
May the blessings of Allāh be upon him in every country
and his family and companions and those who love him –

Wa'as'alu rabbi Allāha nayla saʿaadatin
Liya wa lil'aḥbaabi waman yataqarrabu
I ask the Lord, Allāh, for the gift of bliss
and a seal of goodness for me and those who draw near.


Kam laka min niʿmatin ʿalayya

Wa lam tazal muḥsinan ilayya
How many blessing you have upon me? and you still show
me goodness

Ghadhaytani fi l-ḥashaa Janinaa

Wa kunta lī qabla waalidayya
You have nourished me in the womb as an embryo and you
were for me before my parents

Khalaqtanī Musliman wa lawlaa

Faḍluka lam „aʿrifi n-nabiyya
You created me a Muslim and if it wasn‟t for your bounty I
wouldn‟t have know the Prophet

Asjudu ḥaqan ʿAlaa jabīnī
naʿam wa khadī wa naa†rīyaa
I prostrate truly on my forehead Yes, and my cheek and my

Yaa rabbi ṣalli ʿalaa n-nabiyyi

Maa tuliyat suratu l-mathaanī
O Lord, Send Mercy upon the Prophet As long as the Fatiha is

Wa „aalihi wa ṣ-ṣiḥaabi ṭurran

Maa rabiḥa n-naasu bi l-„īmaani
And upon his family and companions, as long as people are
profiting with faith

Wa „Aṭlubu l-ḥaqqa fī s-sʿaadah

Likulli man ḍammahu zamaanī
And I request the right of happiness for all those that my time
has encompassed

Assorted Nasheeds

Unofficial Translation of the "Qasidah"
Translated by Imam Zaid Shakir

Lā „ilāha 'illā Allah lā „ilāha 'illā Allah

Muḥammad rasūlu Allah ʿalayhi ṣalātu Allah
There is no God except Allāh, There is no God except Allāh,
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allāh, Allāh's Blessing upon

Bihā yathbutu 'l-'īmān bihā yaḥṣulu 'l-'āmān

Karrir 'ayyuhā 'l-'īnsān lā „ilāha „illā Allah
With it Faith is confirmed, with it security is obtained, repeat
it often whomsoever you are, there is no God except Allāh.

Takrāruhā mā 'aḥlāh mā 'abhāhu mā 'aʿlāh

Tudnī 'lʿabda min mawlāh lā „ilāha „illā Allah
How sweet is its repetition, how very nice, how exalted, it
brings the servant close to his Lord, there is no God except

Qad 'atānā fī 'l-'akhbār ʿAni 'n-nabiyī 'l-mukhtār
'Anna 'afḍala 'l-'ādhkār Lā „ilāha „illā Allah
It has come to us in the Prophetic tradition, on the authority of
the chosen Messenger, that the very best invocation, [is] there
is no God except Allāh.

Jamaʿat maʿnā 't-tawḥīd Wadallat bilā mazīd

Karrir 'ayyuhā 'l-murīd Lā „ilāha „illā Allah
It combines all of the meanings [and implications] of Divine
Unity, indicating those meanings without any need for
commentary or clarification, repeat it often O seeker of Allāh,
there is no God except Allāh.

DHākiruhā lā yashqā Lā yanālu faraqā

Hīya 'l-ʿurwatu 'l-muthqā Lā „ilāha „illā Allah
One who repeats it often will never be saddened, nor will he
experience any fear, it is the most reliable grip, there is no
God except Allāh.

Hiya ḥiṣnuka 'lḥaṣīn hya dirʿuka 'lmatīn
DHikru rabbi 'l-ʿālamīn lā „ilāha „illā Allah
It is your buttressed fortress, it is your firm armor,
remembering the Lord of the Worlds, there is no God except

Bihā 'l-fawzu wa'n-najāt Fīhā kullu 'l-barakāt

Tunjī min kulli 'l'āfāt Lā „ilāha „illā Allah
With it comes victory and salvation, through it comes every
Blessing, it saves one from every ruination, there is no God
except Allāh.

Bihā tumḥā 's-say'āt Bihā tanmū 'l-ḥasanāt

Bihā tunālu 'l-khayrāt Lā „ilāha „illā Allah
With it every misdeed is eradicated, it causes all good deeds to
proliferate, with it all manifestations of goodness are obtained,
there is no God except Allāh.

Fīhā lilssuqmi dawā Fīhā lilḍḍaʿfi qiwā
Hiya kilmatu 't-taqwā Lā „ilāha „illā Allah
It is a cure for disease, it is a source of strength for every
weakness, it epitomizes God-consciousness, there is no God
except Allāh.

Hiya shifā'u 'ṣ-ṣudūr Hiya nūrun ʿalā nūr

DHikru rabbika 'l-ghafūr Lā „ilāha „illā Allah
It is the cure for [diseased] hearts, it is light upon light,
invoking your All Forgiving Lord, there is no God except

Hiya 'n-niʿmatu 'l-ʿu†mā Hiya 'lmaqāmu 'l-'asmā

Laysa tubqī 'alamā Lā „ilāha „illā Allah
It is the greatness blessing, it is the most sublime station, it
leaves no pain in its wake, there is no God except Allāh.

Hiya shifā'u 'l-ʿilal Fīhā 'iṣlāḥu 'l-khalal
Fādhkur lā takhsha 'l-malal Lā „ilāha „illā Allah
It cures all maladies, it rectifies all defects, mention it without
fear of ever being bored, there is no God except Allāh.

Lāzimūhā yā 'ikhwān Nawwirū bihā 'l-janān

'Inna miftāḥa 'l-jinān Lā „ilāha „illā Allah
Adhere to it O Brethren, illuminate your hearts with it, surely
the key to paradise, [is] there is no God except Allāh.

Lāzimūhā bi'l-'āsḥār Wa'l-ʿashiyī wa'l-'ibkar

Tastamidū min 'anwār Lā „ilāha „illā Allah
Adhere to it in the last reaches of the night, in the evening and
the early morning, derive [unlimited strength] from the
illuminating lights, [of] there is no God except Allāh.

Nawwirū bihā 'l-qulūb Maḥḥiṣū bihā 'dh-unūb
'Inna 'aʿ†ama 'l-maṭlūb Lā „ilāha „illā Allah
Illuminate your hearts with it, eradicated your sins with it,
surely the greatest objective, [is] there is no God except Allāh.

Hiya 'r-raḥmatu 'l-kubrā Fī 'd-dunya wafī l-'ukhrā

'Aʿlā 'l-'adhkāri 'ajrā Lā „ilāha „illā Allah
It is the greatest mercy, in this World and in the Hereafter, it is
the most abundantly rewarded invocation, there is no God
except Allāh.

La taghful ʿanhā walā Tatruk tanzīha 'l-mawlā

'Inna 'l-mathala 'l-'āʿlā Lā „ilāha „illā Allah
Never neglect it, and never leave the exaltation of the Lord, it
is the unapproachable ideal, there is no God except Allāh.

Ḥāfi†ū ʿalā 'l-'āwqāt Dāwimū ʿalā 'ṭ-ṭāʿāt
Tunjīkum mina 'l-'āfāt Lā „ilāha „illā Allah
Use your time judiciously, be consistent in your Obedience [of
Allāh], it will save you from every ruination, there is no God
except Allāh.

Yuqārinuha 'l-'iqrār Birisālati 'l-mukhtār

Man ḥabānā min 'anwār Lā „ilāha „illā Allah
Join to it the affirmation of the Message of the Chosen
[Prophet], the one who has given us from the lights, [of] there
is no God except Allāh.

KHayru 'l-khalqi ʿinda Allah Ṣāḥibu 'l-ʿizzi wa'l-jāh

KHātamu rusli 'l-'ilāh Muḥammad rasūlu Allah
The best of all creation with Allāh, the possessor of glory and
prestige, the seal of the Messengers of Allāh, Muhammad is
the Messenger of Allāh.

Sufficient is the Knowledge of my Lord
Qasidah of Imam l-Haddad

Qad kafānī ʿilmu rabbī Min su'ālī wa'khtiyārī

My Lord's knowledge has sufficed me
from asking or choosing

Faduʿā'ī wa'btihālī SHāhidun lī biftiqārī

For my du'a and my agonizing supplication
Is a witness to my poverty

Falihadhā 's-sirri 'adʿū Fī yasārī waʿasārī

For this secret (reason) I make supplication
In times of ease and times of difficulty

'Anā ʿabdun ṣāra fakhrī Ḍimna faqrī wa'ḍṭirārī

I am a slave whose pride
Is in his poverty and obligation

Qad kafānī ʿilmu rabbī Min su'ālī wa'khtiyārī

My Lord's knowledge has sufficed me
From asking or choosing

Yā 'ilāhī wamalīkī 'Anta taʿlam kayfa ḥālī
O my Lord and my King
You know my state

Wabimā qad ḥalla qalbī Min humūmin wa'shtighālī

And what has settled in my heart
Of agonies and preoccupations

Fatadāraknī biluṭfin Minka yā mawlā 'lmawālī

Save me with a gentleness
From You, O Lord of Lords

Yā karīma 'lwajhi ghithnī Qabla 'an yafnā 'ṣṭibārī

Oh save me, Most Generous
Before I run out of patience (with myself)

Qad kafānī ʿilmu rabbī Min su'ālī wa'khtiyārī

My Lord's knowledge has sufficed me
From asking or choosing

Yā sarīʿa 'l-ghawthi ghawthan Minka yudriknī sarīʿan
O One who is swift in sending aid
I ask for aid that will arrive to me swiftly

Yahzimu 'l-ʿusra waya'atī bi'l-ladhī „arjū jamīʿan

It will defeat all difficulty
And it will bring all that I hope for

Yā qarīban yā mujīban Yā ʿalīman yā samīʿan

O Near One, O Who answers
O All-Knowing, and O All-Hearing

Qad taḥaqqaqtu biʿajzī Wakhuḍūʿī wa'nkisārī

I have realized my incapacity,
My submission and my brokenness

Qad kafānī ʿilmu rabbī Min su'ālī wa'khtiyārī

My Lord's knowledge has sufficed me
From asking or choosing

Lam 'azal bi‟l-bābi wa'qif Fa‟rḥaman rabbī wuqūfī

I am still standing by the door, so please my Lord
Have mercy on my standing

Wabiwādī 'l-faḍli ʿākif Fa'adim rabbī ʿukūfī
And in the valley of generosity, I am in i'tikaf (solitary
retreat). So Allāh make my retreat here permanent

Waliḥusni '†-†anni 'ulāzim Fahwa khillī waḥalīfī

And I'm abiding by good opinion (of You)
For it is my friend and ally

Wa'anīsī wajalīsī Ṭūla laylī wanahārī

And it is the one that keeps me company and sits by me
All day and night

Qad kafānī ʿilmu rabbī Min su'ālī wa'khtiyārī

My Lord's knowledge has sufficed me
From asking or choosing

Ḥājatan fī 'n-nafsi yā rabb Faqḍihā yā khayra qāḍī

There is a need in my soul, O Allāh
So please fulfill it, O Best of Fulfillers

wa'ariḥ sirrī wa qalbī min la†āhā wash-shuwā†i

And comfort my innermost soul and my heart
From its burning and its shrapnel

Fī surūrin waḥubūrin Wa'idhā mākunta rāḍī
In pleasure and in joy
And as long as You are pleased with me

Fal-hanā wal-basṭu ḥālī Washiʿārī wadithārī

For joy and expansion is my state
And my symbol and my cover

Qad kafānī ʿilmu rabbī Min su'ālī wa'khtiyārī

My Lord's knowledge has sufficed me
From asking or choosing

The Full Moon Has Risen Over Us

Ṭalaʿa 'l-badru ʿalaynā Min thanīyāti 'l-wadāʿ

O the Full Moon has risen over us
From the valley of Wadāʿ

Wajaba sh-shukru ʿalaynā Mā daʿā lillāhi dāʿ

It is an obligation on us to show gratefulness
When a caller calls to Allah

'Ayyuhā 'l-mabʿūthu fīnā Ji'ta bil-'amri 'lmuṭāʿ

O you who has been sent amongst us
You have come with the obeyed command

Ji'ta sharrafta 'l-madīnah Marḥaban yā khayra dāʿ
You have come and ennobled Al-Madina
Welcome O best of callers

Marḥaban yā muṣṭafānā Nūruka 'l-ghālī 'aḍā'

Welcome our chosen one
Your precious light has illuminated

Raghma 'anfi 'l-mulḥidīna Fayḍuhu ʿamma 'l-biqāʿ

Despite the disbelievers
Its‘ overflow has flooded the lands

'Ashraqat shamsu 'l-kamāli Bika yā bāhī 'l-jamāl

The sun of perfection has risen
By you O beautiful of beauty

Jalla man sawwāka ḥaqqan Dā'iman lil-khayri sāʿ

Exalted is the One who has fashioned you truly
Always seeking the good

Ṣafwatu 'l-Bārī Muḥammad Durratun lil-kā'ināt

The chosen of the Creator Muhammad
The pearl of the universe

Madḥuhu balsamu rūḥī Walahu yaḥlū 's-samāʿ
Praising him is the balsam of my spirit
And it is sweet to listen to

Yā khitāma 'l-'anbiyā'i Yā 'imāma 'l-'āwliyā'

O seal of the prophets
O leader of the Awliyā’

Raḥmatan 'ursilta Ṭaha Munqidhan baʿda 'ḍ-ḍayāʿ

A mercy you were sent, Taha
A savior after the loss

Ṣalawātu Allahi tuhdā Laka minnā wa's-salām

Mercy from Allah is gifted
To you from us and greetings of peace

Yā 'abā 'l-qāsimi yā man 'Amruhu dawman muṭāʿ

O Aba l-Qasim O you
Whose command is always obeyed

Greetings of Peace Upon

Salāmun ʿlā qabrin yuzāru mina 'l-buʿdi

Salāmun ʿlā 'r-rawḍat wafīhā Muḥammadi
Greetings of peace upon a grave that is visited from far
Greetings of peace upon al-Rawdah and in it is Muḥammad

Salāmun ʿlā man zāra fī 'l-layli rabbahu

Faballaghahu 'l-marghūba fī kulli maqṣadi
Greetings of peace upon the one who visited his lord in the
night So He gave him what is desired in every aspiration

Salāmun ʿlā man qala lilḍḍabbi man 'anā

Faqāla rasūlu Allahi 'anta Muḥammadi
Greetings of peace upon the one who said to the lizard ―Who
am I?‖ So he replied, ―The Messenger of God, you are

Salāmun ʿlā 'l-madfūni fī 'arḍi ṭaybata
Waman khaṣṣahu 'r-raḥmanu bi'l-faḍli wa'l-majdi
Greetings of peace upon the one buried in the land of Ṭaybah
and the one who was distinguished by the Merciful with
graciousness and nobility

Nabīyun ḥabāhu Allahi bil-ḥusni wa'l-bahā

Faṭūbā liʿabdin zāra qabra Muḥammadi
A prophet that was favored by God with goodness and beauty.
So glad tidings for a servant who has visited the grave of

'Ayā rākibā naḥwa 'l-madīnati qāṣidan

Faballigh salāmī lilḥabībi Muḥammadi
O you riding towards Al-Madina intending
Convey my Salām to the beloved Muḥammad

Fī rawḍatihi 'l-ḥusnā munāya wabughyatī

Wafīhā shifā qalbī warūḥī warāḥaty
In his beautiful Rawdah is my hope and desire and in it is the
cure for my heart and spirit, and my comfort

Fa'in baʿudat ʿannī waʿazza mazāruhā
Fatimthāluhā ladayya 'aḥsanu ṣūrati
If it became distant and difficult from me to visit
Then the image that I hold within me is the best of pictures

'Unazzihu ṭarfa 'l-ʿayni fī ḥusni rawḍihā

Fayaslū bihā lubbī wasirrī wamuhjatī
I delight my eyes in its beautiful Rawdah
So my heart, innermost soul, and core become free from all
worries and grief

Fahā 'anā yā quṭba 'l-ʿawālimi kullihā

'Uqabbiluhā shawqan l'ishfā'i ʿillatī
So here I am O head of all of creation
Kissing it in yearning to heal my illness

Waṣalli ʿalā quṭbi 'l-mujūdi Muḥammadin

Ṣalatān bihā tamḥū ʿannā kulla zallati
And send your mercy upon the head of creation, Muḥammad.
A mercy that will wipe from us every slip

Ahmed My Beloved

'Aḥmad yā ḥabībī Salām ʿalayk

Ahmad O my beloved
peace be upon you

Yā ʿawna 'l-gharībi Salām ʿalayk

O helper of the stranger
peace be upon you

'Amnun wasalām Dīnaka 'l-'Islām

Safety and peace
Your religion is Islam

Min rabbin raḥīm Min rabbin karīm

From a Merciful Lord
From a Generous Lord

Ji'ta bi't-tawḥīd Fuzta bi't-tamjīd

You have come with monotheism
You were victorious with praise

Ji'ta bil-Qur'ān Min ʿindi 'r-raḥmān

You have come with the Qur‘an
From the Most Merciful

O Imam of The Messengers

Yā 'imāma 'r-rusuli yā sanadī

'Anta bābu Allahi muʿtamadī
O Imam of the Messengers O my Reliance
You are the Door to Allah and the one on whom I depend

Fabidunyāy wa'ākhiratiy
Yā rasūla Allahi khudh biyadī
So in this world and in the hereafter
O Messenger of Allah take my hand

Qasaman bin-najmi ḥīna hawā

Mā 'l-muʿāfā wa's-saqīmu sawā
I swear by the star when it falls
The well-one is not equal to the ill-one

Fakhlaʿi 'l-kawnayni ʿanka siwā

Ḥubbi mawlā 'l-ʿurbi wa'l-ʿajami
So remove the two worlds from you with the exception of
Love of the Lord of Arabs and non-Arabs

Saydu 's-sādāti min muḍarin

GHawthu 'ahli 'l-badwi wal-ḥaḍari
The Master of Masters from Mudar
The Helper of the Bedouins and the people of the City

Ṣāḥibu 'l'āyāti wa's-sūari
Manbaʿu 'l-'aḥkāmi wal-ḥikami
The Possessor of the Verses and the Chapters
The source of the laws and wisdoms

Qamrun ṭābat sarīratuhu

Wasajāyāhu wasīratuhu
A moon, his soul has matured
his natural disposition, and his comportment

Ṣafwatu 'l-bārī wakhīratuhu

ʿAdlu 'ahli 'l-ḥilli wal-ḥarami
The choicest of the creator and His best
The most just of the people outside the sanctuary and within it

Mā ra'at ʿaynun walaysa tarā

Mithla Ṭaha fī 'l-warā basharā
No eye has ever seen nor does it see
a human like Taha in all of mankind

KHayru man fawqa 'th-tharā 'atharā

Ṭāhiru 'l-'akhlāqi wash-shiyami
The best one above the earth, a sign [of Allah]
Possessor of the purest of character and behaviors

O Taybah

Yā ṭaybah yā ṭaybah Yā dawā 'l-ʿayyānā

'Shtaqnālik wal-hawā nādānā Wal-hawā nādānā
O Tayba, O Tayba O cure of the sick
we yearn for you, and desire has called us, and desire has
called us

Lammā sār 'l-markib nasānī Sārū wi'd-damʿi mā jafānī

As the ship departed, they forgot me
they sailed away and my tears never dried up

'Akhadhū qalbī maʿ janānī

Yā ṭaybah yātīma „l-walhānā
They took my heart and my soul with them
O Tayba, O you who enslave the one passionately in love

Qiblatī baytu Allahi ṣābir ʿAllanī yawman laki zā'ir

My direction of prayer, the house of Allah, I'm patient
Perhaps a day I will come to visit you

Ya turā hal tarānī nā†ir

Lilkaʿbah watughmurni bi'amānā
I wonder, do you see me looking
upon al-Kaba and it envelopes me with safety?
Nabīnā 'aghlā 'umniyyātī 'Azūrak law marah biḥayātī
Our prophet, my most precious of wishes,
Is to visit you at least once in my life

Wabijiwārik ṣallī ṣalaty

Wa'dhkur rabī wa'tlū 'l-qur'ānā
and near you perform my prayers,
invoke my Lord, and recite the Qur'an

Bushrāki „l-madīnah bushrāki

Biqudūmi „l-hādī yā bushrāki
Glad tidings O Madina, glad tidings
for the coming of the leader of guidance, O glad tidings

Fahal lī ma'awā fī ḥimāki
'Atamallā fa'n-nūru sabānā Nūrukum sabānā
So is there a shelter for me in you sanctuary?
For me to fill up …The light has captivated us
Indeed, your light has captivated us

The Light Emerged

An-nūru lāḥa fa'abkānī Wa'l-majdu ḥarraka ashjānī

The light has emerged and caused me to weep
And the passion has moved my sadness

Mā kuntu 'ansā yā 'ikhwānī Ḥubba 'n-nabiyī 'l-ʿadnānī

It is not for me to forget, O my brothers
The love of the „Adnani Prophet

ʿAlā 'l-ʿAqīqi 'jtamaʿnā Naḥnu wasūdu 'l-ʿuyūni

Upon the valley of ʿAqiq (also named the blessed valley) we
met, us and the one with the Dark Eyes

Mā†anna majnūnu Laylā Qad junna baʿḍa junūnī

Majnun Layla didn‟t think
That he has attained a portion of my insanity

Fayā ʿayūnī ʿayawnī Wayā jūfūnī jafūnī

O my eyes, they have tired me
O my eyelids, they have shunned me

Wayā qulaybī taṣabbar ʿAlā 'l-ladhī fāraqūnī

And O my little heart have patience
With the ones who departed from me

Māziltu 'ummi „l-maṭāyā Waqultu hum yaḥmilūnī
I have not ruled out the best of rides
And said they will carry me

'Ilā manāzili qawmin Sārū walā waddaʿūnī

To the homes of a people
That left without bidding me farewell

Fāraqtuhum yawma „l-thnayn Ṣubḥa 'th-lūth 'awḥashūnī

I departed from them on Monday
Tuesday morning I yearned for them

Hum sādatun khallafūnī 'Abkī daman min ʿuyūnī

They are masters that left me behind
Weeping blood from my eyes

Bakaytu ḥatā rathā lī Aṭ-ṭayru fawqa 'l-ghuṣūni

I cried until my pain was felt by
The birds on the branches

BiAllahi 'in mittu shawqan Bi'admuʿī ghassilūnī

By Allah if I die from yearning
With my tears wash my body

Sir yā rasūlī 'ilayhim Surʿan waqabbil yadayhim
Go to them my messenger
Quickly and kiss their hands

Wa'qra' salāmī ʿalayhim Laʿallahum yarḥamūnī

Give them my greeting of peace
Maybe they will have mercy on me

Jānī rasūlī yaḍḥak Waqāla 'abshir biṣulḥak

My messenger came back laughing
And said, “Rejoice for your settlement

Biḥaqqi ʿayshak wamilḥak Hum bil-wiṣāl 'awʿadūni

By the right of [what was between you of] bread and salt
They have promised to keep in contact”

Muhammad is Beautiful

'Īh 'l-ʿamal yā Aḥmad Yūm ṭalʿati „l-mashhad

What will happen O Ahmed On the day of witnessing

Kullu 'l-'umam tashhad 'Innak rasūlu Allah

When all the nations will bear witness, that you are the
Messenger of Allah

Muḥammad zīn wallāh zīn

Lahu 'nshaqqa 'l-qamar niṣfayn
Muhammad is beautiful, by Allah he is beautiful
For him the moon split in two

Waʿarraj laylat 'l-'ithnayn 'Ilā 'l-ḥaḍrah wabayti Allah

He ascended on the night of Monday
To the Presence and House of Allah

Muḥammad sākini 'l-wādī bilā mā'in walā zādī

Muhammad lived in the valley without water or provision

Waḥaththi 's-sayri yā ḥādī 'ilā 'l-kaʿbah wabayti Allah

O cameleer urge forward to the Kaba, the House of Allah

Muḥammad khayru man yumdaḥ
Lahu 'abwābu 's-samā'i tuftaḥ
Muhammad is the best of those who are praised
For him the doors of the heavens open

Waman ṣallā ʿalayh 'aflaḥ Wayabqā fī 'amāni Allah

And whoever sends prayers upon him will succeed
And will remain in the safety of Allah

Muḥammad yā bna ʿabdi Allah

Wahuwa ḥāmil kalāma Allah
Muhammad O son of Abd Allah
And he carries the words of Allah

Tamassak bi'l-ʿurwati 'l-wuthqā Wajāhad fī sabīli Allah

He grasped a firm handhold
And struggled in the way of Allah

Muḥammad qāl yā rabbī Su'āl 'ummatī baʿdī

Muhammad said O my lord
The questioning of my nation after me

Wasāmiḥhum mina 'dh-dhanbi

Waghaffāri 'dh-dhunūbi Allah
And forgive them from sin
And the one who forgives sins is Allah

Seeking a Gaze from Allah
Qasidah Al-Habib Abdullah Al-Hadād

'Ala yallah bina†rah mina 'l-ʿayni 'r-raḥīmah

Tudāwī kulla mā bī min 'amrāḍin saqīmah
O Allah, a gaze from the Merciful Eye
That would heal what is in me of ailing diseases

'Ala yāṣāḥ yāṣāḥ lā tajzaʿ wataḍjar

Wasallim lilmaqādīr kay tuḥmad watu'jar
O my friend, my friend don‟t become anxious and annoyed
And submit to the divine decree so that you‟re praised and

Wakun rāḍī bimā qaddari „l-mawlā wadabbar

Walā taskhaṭ qaḍā Allah rabbi 'l-ʿarshi 'l-'akbar
And be pleased with what was ordained and planned by the
And do not be angry with the decree of Allah, the lord of the
great throne

Wakun ṣābir washākir ('ala yallāh bina†rah)
And be patient and grateful (O Allah, a gaze)

Takun fāyz wa†āfir ('ala yallāh bina†rah)

You will be victorious and triumphant (O Allah, a gaze)

Wamin 'ahli 's-sarā'ir ('ala yallāh bina†rah)

And from the people of the innermost soul (O Allah, a gaze)

Rijālu Allahi min kulli dhī qalbin munawwar

Muṣaffā min jamīʿi 'd-danas ṭayyib muṭahhar
The men of Allah, from every enlightened heart
Purified from every blemish, good and pure

Wadhih dunyā danīyah ḥawādithhā kathīrah

Waʿīshathā ḥaqīrah wamuddathā qaṣīrah
And this Dunya is lowly, its‟ events are many
Its‟ way of life is wretched, and its time is short

Walā yaḥriṣ ʿalayhā siwā 'aʿmā 'l-baṣīrah
ʿAdīmi 'l-ʿaqli law kān yaʿqil kāna 'afkar
And none are covetous over it except the one with blind inner
Has no intellect, had he had understanding he would have
been more reflective

Yufakkir fī fanāhā ('ala yallāh bina†rah)

He reflects in its‟ perishing nature (O Allah, a gaze)

Wafī kathrat ʿanāhā ('ala yallāh bina†rah)

And its‟ many hardships (O Allah, a gaze)

Wafī qillat ghināhā ('ala yallāh bina†rah)

And in its‟ few riches (O Allah, a gaze)

Faṭūbā thumma ṭūbā liman minhā taḥadhdhar

Waṭallaqhā wafī ṭāʿati 'r-raḥmāni shammar
So glad tidings, and glad tidings for the one who is cautious of
it, divorces it, and in the obedience of the All-Merciful roles
up his sleeves

'Alā yā ʿayn jūdī bidamʿin minki sā'il
ʿAlā dhāka 'l-ḥabībi 'l-ladhī qad kān nāzil
O eye be generous with flowing tears
Upon that beloved that was residing

Maʿānā fī „l-marābiʿ w'aṣbaḥ safir rāḥil

Wa'amsā 'l-qalbu wa'l-bāl min baʿdih mukddar
With us in the meadow, and in the morning he traveled
And in the evening the heart and the mind became grief

Walakin ḥasbaya Allah ('ala yallāh bina†rah)

But Allah is sufficient for me (O Allah, a gaze)

Wakullu 'l-'amri lillāh ('ala yallāh bina†rah)

And all matters are for Allah (O Allah, a gaze)

Walā yabqā siwā Allah ('ala yallāh bina†rah)

And nothing will remain except Allah (O Allah, a gaze)

ʿAlā bashshāri jādat saḥā'ib raḥmati 'l-bar
Waḥayyāhum birawḥi 'r-riḍā rabbī wabashshar
Upon Bashar the clouds of mercy, from the Doer of Good,
And greeted them with the spirit of pleasure, my Lord and
gave them glad tidings

Bihā sādātunā wash-shuyūkhu 'l-ʿārifūnā

Wa'ahlūnā wa'aḥbābu qalbī nāzilaūnā
In it are our masters, the knowing scholars,
Our families, and the beloved of my heart reside

Waman hum fī sarā'ir fu'ādī qaṭinūnā

Bisāḥah turbuhā min dhakiyyi „l-miski 'aʿṭar
And those who are in the depth of my heart dwell
In a space that its‟ dirt is fragrant with perfumed musk

Manāzil khayri sādah ('ala yallāh bina†rah)

Homes of the best Masters (O Allah, a gaze)

Likulli 'n-nās qādah ('ala yallāh bina†rah)

To all people, leaders (O Allah, a gaze)

Maḥabbathum saʿādah ('ala yallāh bina†rah)
Loving them is felicity (O Allah, a gaze)

'Alā yā bakhta man zārahum bi'ṣ-ṣidqi wa'ndar

'Ilayhim muʿtanī kullu maṭlūbuh tayassar
O how fortunate is the one who visits them with sincerity and
goes out to them being mindful, all of his requests will be

Allah has fulfilled our Aims

Qasidah of al-Habib Ali al-Habashi

Qad tammama Allah maqāṣidanā

Wazāla minnā jamīʿa „l-ham
Allah has fulfilled our aims
And removed from us all worries

Bibarakati 'n-nūri shāfiʿnā

Jūduh wafaḍluh ʿalaynā ʿamm
By the blessing of the light, our intercessor
His generosity and blessings have enveloped us

Ṭābat bidhikrih mashāribnā
Wakam minan luh ʿalaynā kam
By His mention our drinks have become delicious
And how many favors does He have over us, how many

Wakam tafaḍḍal wakam 'aghnā

Wakam takarram wakam 'anʿam
How much kindness, how much he enriched [me]
How much generosity, and how many blessings

Dhā waʿdu jānā bilāsahnā

Subḥān mawlāya man 'alham
This is a promise that has come to us without delay
Glorious is our Master who has inspired

Mabnā „l-hawā ʿindanā mabnā

Bi‟sh-shani dākhiluh 'an yaslam
The home of love, with us is indeed a great home
Its nature is that one who enters is safe

Waluh ḥaqīqah waluh maʿnā

Qalīl talḥaqhu man tarjam
For it is a reality, and for it is a meaning
Little of which reaches the one who translates

Laylat ṣafā qad ṣafat maʿnā
Wanūruhā baynanā yuqsam
A delightful night has become pleasant for us
And its light is divided amongst us

Waḍarbatu 'ṭ-ṭabli tuṭribnā

Warājīu Allahi mā yuḥram
And the beat of the drum moves us
And the one hoping in Allah will not be deprived

Ḥāshā 'ilāhī yukhayyibnā

Waluh mawāhib ʿalaynā jam
Far be it from my God to fail us
And He has [bestowed] many gifts upon us

Ḥusnu 'r-rajā fīhi qā'idnā

Lilkhayri fī dhih kadhā fī tham
Our good hopes in Him is our guide
To the good in this life and in the next

ʿAsā bifaḍlih yuʿāmilnā

Mina 'l-ʿaṭab wa'l-ghaḍab naslam
May He treat us with His kindness
From destruction and the wrath we would be saved

Fī jannati „l-khuldi yudkhilnā
Maʿa 'n-nabī „l-muṣṭafā 'l-'akram
[May] Into eternal paradise He enter us
With the Prophet, the Chosen One, the Most Noble

Waʿāqibatnā taqaʿ ḥusnā

Fī ḥīni mā ʿumrunā yukhtam
And our end turns out good
In the time that our life is sealed

Ṣallū ʿalā man bihi sudnā

ʿAlā faṣīḥin kadhā 'aʿjam
Send your prayers upon the one through which we were made
Over Arab and also non-Arab

Mā ḥarraka 'ṭ-ṭabla man ghannā

Wanāḥa bi'ṣ-ṣawti wataranam
As long as the one singing moves the drum
And mourns with his voice and sings

Greetings of Peace
Qasidah al-Habib Abdullah al-Haddād

Salāmun salāmun kamiski 'l-khitām

ʿAlaykum 'uḥaybābanā yā kirām
A greeting of peace, a greeting of peace, like a seal of musk
upon you, our dear beloved ones, O noble ones

Waman dhikruhum 'unsunā fī '†-†alām

Wanūrun lanā bayna hadhā 'l-'ānām
Who‘s mere mention is our intimacy in the darkness
A light for us between this creation

Sakantum fu'ādī warabbi 'l-ʿibād

Wa'antum marāmī wa'aqṣā 'l-murād
You‘ve taken a home in my heart, (I swear) by the lord of the
And you are my aspiration and the utmost desired

Fahal tusʿidūnī biṣafwi 'l-widād
Wahal tamnaḥūnī sharīfa 'l-maqām
Will you give me joy with pure love?
And will you allow me a noble station?

'Anā ʿabdukum yā 'uhayla 'l-wafā

Wafī qurbikum marhamī wa'sh-shifā
I am your servant O people who fulfill the covenant
And in your nearness is my ointment and my cure

Falā tusqimūnī biṭūli 'l-jafā

Wamunnū biwaṣlin walaw fī 'l-manām
So do not make me become ill by a long alienation
And bless us with a connection even if it is in a dream

'Amūtu wa'aḥyā ʿalā ḥubbikum

Wadhullī ladaykum waʿizzī bikum
I die and live upon your love
And my humility is in your presence and my honor is through

Warāḥātu rūḥī rajā qurbikum
Waʿazmī waqaṣdī 'ilaykum dawām
The comfort of my soul is hoping for your nearness
My determination and my endeavor are to you always

Falā ʿishtu 'in kāna qalbī sakan

'Ilā 'l-buʿdi ʿan 'ahlihi wa'l-waṭan
May I not live if my heart accepts
Being distant from its people and its homeland

Waman ḥubbuhum fī 'l-ḥashā qad qaṭan

Wakhāmara minnī jamīʿa 'l-ʿi†ām
And those whose love has dwelled within
And permeated throughout my every bone

'Idhā marra bi'l-qalbi dhikru 'l-ḥabīb

Wawādī 'l-ʿaqīqi wadhāka 'l-kathīb
When the mention of the beloved comes across the heart
And the valley of ‗Aqiq and that sandhill

Yamīlu kamayli 'l-qaḍībi 'r-raṭīb
Wayahtazzu min shawqihi wa'l-gharām
It inclines like the leaning of a wet branch
And it shakes from its yearning and passion

'Amūtu wamā zurtu dhāka 'l-finā

Watilka 'l-khiyāma wafīhā 'l-munā
I would die and I haven‘t visited that open space
And those tents and in them lies that which is to be desired

Walam 'adnu yawman maʿa man danā

Lilathmi 'l-muḥayyā washurbi 'l-mudām
And I have not come near, even a day, with those who drew
near to kissing the face and drinking from the drink

La'in kāna hadhā fayā ghurbatī

Wayā ṭūla ḥuznī wayā kurbatī
If this is the case, then how estranged I am
And how prolonged is my grief and my sorrow

Walī ḥusnu †anin bihi qurbatī
Wabirabbī waḥasbī bihi yā ghulām
And I have good opinion, through which I would draw near
[to Allah]
And by my lord, sufficient for me is He, O young man

ʿAsā Allahu yashfī ghalīla 'ṣ-ṣudūd

Biwaṣli 'l-ḥabāyib wafakki 'l-quyūd
May Allah heal the burning of being turned away
With a connection to the beloved and dismantling of the

Farabbī raḥīmun karīmun wadūd

Yajūdu ʿalā man yashā bil-marām
For my Lord is Merciful, Generous, and Loving
Shows generosity to whom He wills, with what is desired

The Imam, the Gnostic, my Master
Muḥammad b. Nāṣir al-Darʿī (May Allah
be Pleased With him)

Translated by
Aisha Bewley


Yā man 'ilā raḥmatihi „l-mafaru

Waman 'ilayhi yalja'u „l-muḍṭarru
O You to Whose mercy one flees!
You in Whom the one in need and distress seeks refuge!

Wayā qarība „l-ʿafwi yā mawlāhu

Wayā mughītha kulli man daʿāhu
O Master, You Whose pardon is near!
O You Who help all who call on Him!

Bika 'staghathnā yā mughītha 'ḍ-ḍuʿafā

Faḥasbunā yā rabbi 'anta wakafā
We seek Your help, O You who help the weak!
You are enough for us, O Lord!

Falā 'ajalla min ʿa†īmi qudratik

Walā 'aʿazza min ʿazīzi saṭwatik
There is nothing more majestic than Your immense power
and nothing mightier than the might of Your force.
Liʿizzi mulkika „l-mulūku takhḍaʿu
Takhfiḍu qadra man tashā watarfaʿu
Kings are humbled to the might of Your domain
and You lower or elevate whomever You wish.

Wa'l-'amru kulluhu 'ilayka radduhu

Wabiyadayka ḥalluhu waʿaqduhu
The entire affair returns to You,
and the release or conclusion of all matters is in Your hand.

Waqad rafaʿnā 'amranā 'ilayka

Waqad shakawnā ḍuʿfanā ʿalayka
We have presented our affair before You,
and we complain to You of our weakness.

Fa‟rḥamnā yā man lā yazālu ʿālimā

Biḍuʿfinā walā yazālu rāḥimā
Have mercy on us, O You Who know our weakness
and continue to be merciful.

'Un†ur 'ilā mā massanā mina „l-warā
Faḥālunā min baynihim kamā tarā
Look at what we have experienced from people!
Our state among them is as You see.

Qad qalla jamʿunā waqalla wafrunā

Wa'nḥaṭṭa mā bayna „l-jumūʿi qadrunā
Our troops are few and our wealth is little.
Our power has declined among groups.

Wa'staḍʿafūnā shawkatan washiddah

Wa'stanqaṣūnā ʿuddatan waʿiddah
They have weakened our solidarity and strength
and diminished our numbers and our preparation.

Fanaḥnu yā man mulkuhu lā yuslabu

Ludhnā bijāhika 'l-ladhī lā yughlabu
O You Whose kingdom cannot be pillaged,
give us shelter by Your rank which is never overcome!

'Ilayka yā ghawtha'l-faqīri nastanid
ʿAlayka yā kahfa 'ḍ-ḍaʿīfi naʿtamid
O Succour of the poor, we trust in You!
O Cave of the weak, we rely on You!

'Anta 'l-ladhī nadʿū likashfi „l-ghamarāt

'Anta 'l-ladhī narjū lidafʿi „l-ḥasarāt
You are the One on Whom We call to remove our adversities, and
You are the One we hope will dispel our sorrows.

'Anta 'l-ʿināyatu 'l-latī lā nartajī

Ḥimāyatan min ghayri bābihā tajī
You have such concern for us that we cannot hope
for protection which comes through any other door.

'Anta 'l-ladhī nasʿā bibābi faḍlihi

'Akramu man 'aghnā bifayḍi naylihi
We rush to the door of Your bounty
and You honour the one You enrich by Your gift.

'Anta „l-ladhī tahdī 'idhā ḍalalnā
'Anta „l-ladhī taʿfū 'idhā zalalnā
You are the One Who guides when we are misguided.
You are the One who pardons when we slip.

Wasiʿta kulla mā khalaqta ʿilmā

Wara'fatan waraḥmatan waḥilmā
You have full knowledge of all You have created
and encompassing compassion, mercy and forbearance.

Walaysa minnā fī „l-wujūdi 'aḥqaru

Walā limā ʿindaka minnā 'afqaru
There is no one in existence more lowly than we are
nor poorer and more in need of what You have than us.

Yā wāsiʿa 'l-'iḥsāni yā man khayruhu

ʿAmma „l-warā walā yunādā ghayruhu
O you of vast kindness! O You Whose good encompasses all
mankind, and no other is called on!

Yā munqidha 'l-gharqā wayā ḥannānu
Yā munjiya 'l-halkā wayā mannānu
O Saviour of the drowning! O Compassionate!
O rescuer of the lost! O Gracious Bestower!

Ḍāqa 'n-niṭāqu yā samīʿu yā mujīb

ʿAzza 'd-dawā'u yā sarīʿu yā qarīb
Words are lacking, O Hearing, O Answerer!
The cure is difficult, O Swift! O Near!

Waqad madadnā rabbanā 'l-'akuffa

Waminka rabbanā rajawnā 'l-luṭfa
To you, our Lord, we have stretched out our hands
and from You, our Lord, we hope for kindness.

Fa‟lṭuf binā fīmā bihi qaḍayta

Waraḍḍinā bimā bihi raḍīta
Be kind to us in what You decree
and let us be pleased with what pleases You.

Wa'abdili 'l-lāhumma ḥāla 'l-ʿusri
Bi‟lyusri wa'mdudnā birīḥi 'n-naṣri
O Allāh, change the state of hardship
for ease and help us with the wind of victory.

Wa'jʿal lanā ʿalā „l-bughāti „l-ghalabah

Wa'qṣur 'adhā sh-sharri ʿalā man ṭalabah
Give us victory over the aggressors
and contain the evil among those who asked for it.

Wa'qhar ʿidānā yā ʿazīzu qahrā

Yafṣimu ḥablahum wayuṣmī '†-†ahrā
Overpower our enemy, O Mighty, with a force
which disorders them and crushes them.

Wa'ʿkis murādahum wakhayyib saʿyahum

Wa'hzim juyūshahum wa'afsid ra'ayahum
Overturn what they desire and make their efforts fail,
defeat their armies and unsettle their resolve.

Waʿajjili 'l-lāhumma fīhim niqmatak
Fa'innahum lā yuʿjizūna qudratak
O Allāh, hasten Your revenge among them
They cannot stand before Your power.

Yā rabbi yā rabbi biḥabli ʿiṣmatik

Qadi 'ʿtaṣamnā wabiʿizzi nuṣratik
O Lord, O Lord, Our protection is by Your love,
and by the might of Your help.

Fakun lanā walā takun ʿalaynā

Walā takilnā ṭarfatan 'ilaynā
Be for us and do not be against us.
Do not leave us to ourselves for a single instant.

Famā 'aṭaqnā quwwatan liddafʿi

Walā 'staṭaʿnā ḥīlatan linnafʿi
We have no power of defence
nor have we any device to bring about our benefit.

Wamā qaṣadnā ghayrabābika 'l-karīm
Wamā rajawnā ghayra faḍlika 'l-ʿamīm
We do not aim for other than Your noble door,
we do not hope for other than Your encompassing bounty.

Famā rajat min khayrika '†-†unūnu

Binafsi mā taqūlu kun yakūnu
Minds only hope for Your blessing
by the simple fact that you say 'Be" and it is.

Yā rabbi yā rabbi bika 't-tawaṣṣulu

Limā ladayka wabika 't-tawassulu
O Lord, O Lord, arrival is by You
to what You have and seeking the means is by You!

Yā rabbi 'anta ruknunā 'r-rafīʿu

Yā rabbi 'anta ḥiṣnunā „l-manīʿu
O Lord, You are our high pillar of support!
O Lord, You are our impregnable fortress.

Yā rabbi yā rabbi 'anilnā 'l-'amnā
'Idhā 'rtaḥalnā wa'idhā 'aqamnā
O Lord, O Lord, give us security
when we travel and when we remain.

Yā rabbi wa'ḥfa† zarʿanā waḍarʿanā

Wa'ḥfa† tijāranā wawaffir jamʿana
O Lord, preserve our crops and herds,
and preserve our trade and make our numbers more!

Wa'jʿal bilādanā bilāda 'd-dīni

Warāḥata „l-muḥtāji wal-miskīni
Make our land a land of the deen
and repose for the needy and the poor.

Wa'jʿal lahā bayna „l-bilādi ṣawlah

Waḥurmatan wamanʿatan wadawlah
Give us force among the lands as well as respect,
impregnability and a polity.

Wa'jʿal mina 's-sirri „l-maṣūni ʿizzahā
Wa'jʿal mina 's-sitri „l-jamīli ḥirzahā
Appoint it its might from the protected secret,
and grant it protection by the beautiful veiling .

Wa'jʿal biṣādin wabiqāfin wabinūn

'Alfa ḥijābin min warā'ihā yakūn
By sad, qaf and nun,
place a thousand veils in front of it.

Bijāhi nūri wajhika „l-karīmi

Wajāhi sirri mulkika 'l-ʿa†īmi
By the rank of the light of Your noble Face
and the rank of the secret of Your immense kingdom,

Wajāhi lā „ilāha „illā Allahu

Wajāhi khayri „l-khalqi yā rabbāhu
And the rank of 'la ilaha illa'llah'
and the rank of the Best of Creation, O our Lord,

Wajāhi mā bihi daʿāka 'l-'anbiyā'
Wajāhi mā bihi daʿāka 'l-'awliyā'
And the rank of that by which the Prophets prayed to You
and the rank of that by which the Awliya' pray to you,

Wajāhi qadri 'l-quṭbi wa'l-'awtādi

Wajāhi ḥāli „l-jarsi wa'l-'afrādi
And the rank of the power of the Qutb and the Awtad
and the rank of the Jaras and Afrad,

Wajāhi 'l-'akhyāri wajāhi 'n-nujabā

Wajāhi 'l-'abdāli wajāhi' n-nuqabā
And the rank of the Akhyar and the rank of Nujaba'
and the rank of the Abdal and the rank of the Nuqaba',

Wajāhi kulli ʿābidin wadhākir

Wajāhi kulli ḥāmidin washākir
And the rank of every one worshipping and doing dhikr
and the rank of everyone praising and giving thanks,

Wajāhi kulli man rafaʿta qadrahu
Mimman satarta 'aw nasharta dhikrahu
And the rank of everyone whose worth You elevated
both those who are concealed and those whose renown has

Wajāhi 'āyāti 'l-kitābi „l-muḥkami

Wajāhi 'l-smi 'l-'aʿ†ami 'l-muʿa††ami
And the ranks of the firm ayats of the Book
and the rank of the Greatest Supreme Name,

Yā rabbi yā rabbi waqafnā fuqarā

Bayna yadayka ḍuʿafā'a ḥuqarā
O Lord, O Lord, make us stand as fuqara'
before You, weak and lowly.

Waqad daʿawnāka duʿā'a man daʿā

Raban karīman lā yaruddu man saʿā
We call to You with the supplication of the one
who calls on a noble Lord who does not turn aside those who

Fa-qbal duʿā'anā bimaḥḍi „l-faḍli
Qabūla man 'alghā ḥisāba 'l-ʿadli
Accept our supplication with Your pure grace,
with the acceptance of someone who sets aside the fair

Wa‟mnun ʿalaynā minnata „l-karīmi

Wa'ʿṭif ʿalaynā ʿaṭfata „l-ḥalīmi
Bestow on us the favor of the Generous,
and show us the kindness of the Forbearing.

Wa'nshur ʿalaynā yā raḥīmu raḥmatak

Wa'bsuṭ ʿalaynā yā karīmu niʿmatak
O Merciful, extend Your mercy over us
and spread Your blessing over us, O Generous.

Wakhir lanā fī sā'iri 'l-'aqwāli

Wa'khtar lanā fī sā'iri 'l-'afʿāli
Choose for us in all our words
and select for us in all our actions.

Yā rabbi wa'jʿal da'abanā 't-tamassukā
Bi's-sunnati 'l-gharrā'i wa't-tanassukā
O Lord, make it our habit to cling and devote ourselves
to the resplendent Sunna.

Wa'ḥṣur lanā 'aghrāḍanā „l-mukhtalifah

Fīka waʿarrifnā tamāma „l-maʿrifah
Confine our manifold desires to You
and grant us full and complete gnosis.

Wa'jmaʿlanā mā bayna ʿilmin waʿamal

Wa'ṣrif 'ilā dāri 'l-baqā minnā 'l-'amal
Combine both knowledge and action for us,
and direct our hopes to the Abiding Abode.

Wa'nhaj binā yā rabbi nahja 's-suʿadā

Wa'khtim lanā yā rabbi khatma sh-shuhadā
O Lord, make us follow the road of the fortunate
and make our seal the Seal of the martyrs, O Lord!

Wa'jʿal banīnā fuḍalā'a ṣulaḥā
Waʿulamā'a ʿāmilīna nuṣaḥā
Make our sons virtuous and righteous,
scholars with action and people of good counsel.

Wa'aṣliḥi 'l-lāhumma ḥāla 'l-'āhli

Wayassiri 'l-lāhumma jamʿa sh-shamli
O Allāh, remedy the situation of the people
and, O Allāh, make the reunification easy.

Yā rabbi wa'ftaḥ fatḥaka „l-mubīna

Liman tawallā wa'aʿazza 'd-dīna
O Lord, grant Your clear victory to the one
who takes charge and empowers the Deen,

Wa'nṣurhu yā dhā 'ṭ-ṭawli wa'nṣur ḥizbahu

Wa'mla' bimā yurḍīka ʿanhu qalbahu
And help him, O You Who are forbearing, and help his party
and fill his heart with what will make him pleasing to you.

Yā rabbi wa'nṣur dīnanā 'l-Muḥammadī
Wa'jʿal khitāma ʿizzihi kamā budī
O Lord, help our Muhammad an deen,
and make it end mighty as it began.

Wa'ḥfa†hu yā rabbi biḥif†i 'l-ʿulamā

Wa'rfaʿ manāra nūrihi 'ilā 's-samā
Preserve it, O Lord, through the preservation of the scholars,
and raise the minaret of its light to heaven.

Wa'ʿfu waʿāfi wa'kfi wa'ghfir dhanbanā

Wadhanba kulli muslimin yā rabbanā
Pardon, grant well-being, make up for our deficiency
and forgive our sins and the sins of every Muslim, O our Lord.

Waṣalli yā rabbi ʿalā „l-mukhtāri

Ṣalātaka 'l-kāmilata „l-miqdāri
O Lord, bless the Chosen one
with your perfect prayer of blessing.

Ṣalātaka 'l-latī tafī bi'amrihi
Kamā yalīqu bi‟rtifāʿi qadrihi
Your prayer is that which grants success in his business
as befits his lofty worth.

Thumma ʿalā „l-'āli 'l-kirāmi waʿalā

'Aṣḥābihi „l-ghurri waman lahum talā
Then bless his noble family and glorious Companions
and those who have followed them.

Wa-l-ḥamdu lillāhi „l-ladhī biḥamdihi

Yablughu dhū „l-qaṣdi tamāma qaṣdihi
Praise belongs to Allāh by whose praise
those with an aim completely fulfillthat aim.


THE SHIMMERING LIGHT .................................................................. 3

THE BURDA ........................................................................................... 53
-1- ON LYRICAL LOVE-YEARNING ................................................ 54
AND PEACE ........................................................................................ 60
-4- ON HIS BIRTH ............................................................................... 67
-5- ON HIS MIRACLES ....................................................................... 70
-6- ON THE QUALITIES OF THE QURAN ........................................ 75
PRAYERS AND PEACE...................................................................... 79
GOD, UPON HIM BE PRAYERS AND PEACE ................................. 82
PROPHET,UPON HIM BE PRAYERS AND PEACE ......................... 87
AL-QASIDAH AL-MUḤAMMADIYYAH ........................................... 93
WHAT IS RECITED ON FRIDAY ....................................................... 99
THE DIWAN ......................................................................................... 147
‫ المية الشمائل‬......................................................................................... 148
‫ المِيَةُ االستِغْفار‬...................................................................................... 158
ِ‫ رائِيَةُ الحَمْد‬............................................................................................ 165
ِ‫الالمِيَةُ التي أنشَأَهَا تِجاهَ الّنَبِي‬ ............................................................... 173
ِ‫ رائِيَةُ ال َغيْبَةِ فِي شُهُىدِ الّذَات‬..................................................................... 178
ِ‫هائِيَةُ الفَّناءِ في اهلل‬................................................................................... 180
‫ أهيم وحدي‬............................................................................................ 183
‫ تطهيرا من الشرك‬.................................................................................. 185
‫ روحي تحدثّني‬....................................................................................... 187
ٌ‫نَصِيحَة‬.................................................................................................. 190
‫ كم لك من نعمة علي‬................................................................................ 193
ASSORTED NASHEEDS ..................................................................... 195

.............................................................................................. 196

SUFFICIENT IS THE KNOWLEDGE OF MY LORD ..................................... 203
THE FULL MOON HAS RISEN OVER US................................................ 207
................................................................................................ 210
GREETINGS OF PEACE UPON ................................................................ 210
............................................................................................. 213
AHMED MY BELOVED ......................................................................... 213
............................................................................................. 214
O IMAM OF THE MESSENGERS ............................................................. 214
.................................................................................................... 216
O TAYBAH ........................................................................................... 216
................................................................................................. 218
THE LIGHT EMERGED .......................................................................... 218
MUHAMMAD IS BEAUTIFUL ................................................................. 221
SEEKING A GAZE FROM ALLAH ........................................................... 223
ALLAH HAS FULFILLED OUR AIMS ....................................................... 228
............................................................................................... 232
GREETINGS OF PEACE .......................................................................... 232
DUʿĀ’ AL-NĀṢIRĪ ................................................................................ 237


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