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Don't die rick, stay with me!

Officer down, officer down, officer down!
You're gonna be okay, stay with me.

Nurse. Nurse.


Dad I got him!

I think he's dead son.

It's not a walker. It's human.

Hey mister, hey mister

Is that a bite from a walker?
Answer me! Is that a bite from a walker?

You better not be messing with us
Is that a bite from a walker?
You know what?
I went here by foot only to find out every body's gone.
I don’t know what you're talking about.
So if what's you're saying is true that means
You've no idea what's happened here?
I’m just as surprise as you.
Sorry man.

Thank you man.

What has happened?

Well we have a pandemic.
Everything is gone , no government
No army. Everyone's dead.
All I have is me and my son.
Everyone I know has been infected already.
What's the infection?
No one really knows
But what we know is that's it's a disease.
Dad, here's your tea.

Thanks son.
Here's for you.

I think my son has colds.

He has fever too and I think it’s getting worse.
One day, I need to go and get some antibiotics or something.

Common colds is caused by rhinoviruses.

You don't need atibiotics
It resolves on its own.
All he needs is rest, hydration and strong immune system
He'll be okay.

That’good to hear thanks man!

Dad, Im just gonna rest for a bit.

Okay son.

Oh no, daaaad.

I need to find Lorrie and Carl!



Here’s your radio man.
Thanks man.

I’ll call you when I get to the refugee center.

Alright man, you take care Rick.

Take care man.

Hey you, I’m a little bit concerned here!

I'll be there in a minute.

Make it fast!

Hey hey c’mon, c’mon!

Aaaaahhhhhh - ryan

Hey guys this is rick!

You’re going to kills us!
Stop it Andrea, stop it!

We're all gonna die!

How are we going to get back to the camp.

We're surrounded by walkers down there.
I have an idea, let's go.
Come on andrea.

There's the car guys.

We're surrounded by walkers.
I know what to do.

Hey, hey! Zombies!
(zombies screeching)
Are you okay?
I have a bad cough
It's been a while
I need to rest

They’re here, they're here! Guys they're here!

Hey everyone! We've got a new guy!

Carl! Carl!
Thank God you're Alive Carl!
Are you okay?
I thought you were dead Rick!

Brother, are you okay?

Here's to Rick!

It's a good thing we moved camp.

Not unless you want to be attacked by the walkers with that noisy car.

Grab your gears. I’ll survey the area.

There might be walkers around.

Man, wait.
Wait a moment.
I think something's not right. Let's go back to the camp.

Carl! Lorie!
Carl! Lorie!

I think something's not right, let's go back to the camp.

(zombies screeching)
Carl, Lorie!

Are you okay Lorie?

There's something's wrong with Carl, Rick.
Carl? What happened? Are you okay?

What are we going to do?

Why? What happened?

Guys! Carl got bitten by a walker.
He's gonna turn into one of them, Rick!

No he's not!
I don't believe you Rick, you know the rules…

He's just a kid!

You know the rules Rick!

What the hell's happening here?

Look! Carl got bitten by a walker,
What? Let me see.

You dumbass, it's just chicken pox.


You're son's got chickenpox!


He might have been playing with someone with the disease.

It's very contagious caused by the varicella zoster virus.

This virus is transmitted via inhalation of respiratory droplets.

It is highly contagious.
It's usually mild but maybe severe in infants, adults
and people with a weak immune system.
Just a few days ago, he had fever
and he told me he had headache
and he easily got tired and he couldn't eat.
After that, blisters would erupt all throughout his body
that's what's happening now.
Those blisters would erupt into itchy crusts.

Guys help!
What's wrong Jim? What's wrong?
Carol, Carol, you need to see Jim.
He's getting worse now.
Hey Jim, what's going on?
Hey over here!
Is that a bite from a walker? What?
No. It's been here for a while, it's like it's not healing.
He said he's been feeling very tired for so many days.
He said he doesn't have energy to do things.

Jim! I don't know what to do anymore.

Let's bring him to the CDC.
They've got facilities there.
Maybe they can help him.
It's dangerous man!
Are we willing to take the risk?
I'll just kill him now.
Look, he's dying
and we can still save him.
Do whatever you want.

Everyone, get ready.

Let's go to the CDC.

Rick? What's wrong with you?

Let's go.
Oh my god, I think you have a fever.

Let's get inside.

Let's go man.
what's the problem?
I'm not feeling well.
I have a terrible headache.
Okay, let me have the keys.
I'll drive.

Is anybody in here?
We need a doctor
Please open the door .
Told you Rick.
No one is here.
This is impossible
This is suicide man.
Hey, a doctor…
Hey you!
You made an oath.
We have nowhere else to go.
We have women and children here.
And if we die here
the walkers didn’t kill us
but you did.

This is the only place where we will be safe

Doctor, please let us in.
Anyone got bitten?
Anyone got infected?
Nobody’s infected, no one.
But there’s someone here who’s really sick
Okay come on.
Welcome to CDC.

Hello everyone, I am doctor Jenner.

I’m with the CDC
and I’m the only one left here.
We have everything you need here.
For the ladies, their rooms are upstairs.
and for the men, it would be that way.
If you have questions, just ask me.
So, who’s sick?
What’s wrong with me?
I’ve been really feeling so weak.
And this cough just doesn’t go away.
Hmm, how long have you been feeling this way?
I don’t even remember when,
but I think before the walkers came.
Okay, let me first check.
Bring out your tongue.
We need to perform some tests.
Okay Jim, I have your results.
I’m sorry to inform you, you’re infected with HIV
Okay, listen to me carefully.
There are several mechanisms for the transmission of HIV.
First is through blood transfusion.
Second is through HIV injection.
Third is through unprotected sex.
And fourth is through mother to child transmission.
So, you need to answer all my questions honestly
For our first question
Did you undergo any blood transfusion?
Did you inject drugs on your own?
Did you have unprotected sex with anyone?
That’s probably where you got the infection.
So, first let’s do the contact tracing
and then we need to ask your companion if they have unprotected sex also.
Okay, Andrea and T-dog, you too should also be screened.
Why? I am going to die?

HIV is an RNA virus that is surrounded by an envelope.

HIV preferentially infects and kills white blood cells
specifically the CD4 cells or cells for immunity.
Resulting in the loss of body’s defense mechanism
against invading organisms.
This will predispose the infected individual
to several diseases and infections.
The signs and symptoms include,
Non-healing wound
Opportunistic infection such as Candidiasis
Which if not treated, can lead to death.
1.1 million people died from AIDS-related illnesses
in the end of 2015.
Around 25 Filipinos get diagnosed
with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) daily.
Record showed from 1984 to 2016
a total of 177 cases which is 71% of the total 284 HIV cases
in Cordillera Administrative Region.
Can it be cured doctor?
A person infected with HIV is infected for life.
What we can do is to restore the body’s defense mechanism
from other invading organisms.
and to reduce the number of virus inside them.
So what will you do then?
I will be giving you some medications.
You need to take these ANTIRETROVIRALS.

What’s wrong with you, Rick?

Dr. Jenner.
He’s deteriorating.
Let’s get him upstairs.
Okay doctor.

Doctor, what‘s wrong with dad?

I need to test his blood.
For now, the fluids will help him to be better.
And I’ll do my constant monitoring.
So let’s just let him rest.
Mom, what’s this?
No, this can’t be.

So he got bitten by a walker.

I think so.
What are we going to do?
I think we need to tell the others.
Rick, please.
You need to eat.
You need some water, Rick.
You’re sweating a lot, I think it’s warm here.
I think he’s getting worse.

Jenner, Dr. Jenner? Rick, Rick! Rick! Rick! Rick! Stop it! Guys help me!
What’s wrong with Rick?
Rick! What’s wrong with you?
What is wrong with Rick doctor?
Did he get infected by the walkers?
You need to understand?
Its not from the walkers Lorie
Based from his signs and symptoms and laboratory results from his blood and saliva
I think the diagnosis is
How did he get it doctor?
What happened to Rick?
Please! Please tell me
Tens of thousands of people die each year from Rabies
In the Philippines, rabies continues to be a public health problem
And is responsible for the death of 200-300 Filipinos annually
With children having the highest risk
This virus is transmitted via the bite of rabid animal
Since this is present in the saliva
The virus multiplies multiples locally at the bite site
Spreads and infects peripheral nerves
The sensory neurons and moves up to the central nervous system
The virus can cause death of the neurons
For the short prodromal phase of the disease
The patient shows flu-like symptoms including
General weakness or discomfort
Numbness on the site of the bite
Then it progresses to acute neurologic phase
As it spreads and infects the brain, the patient will have
Followed by
And combativeness
This will take a rapid progression and will lead to
And eventually death
We can still do something, right?
What we can only do now is treat his signs and symptoms
It’s too late to give him rabies vaccine
Just pray and hold his hand Lorie
Rick! Please hold on Rick
I want him to die peacefully Carl
Please! Please pullover
In our lifetime, we just don’t live with the people who we can see
But also those invisible to the naked eye
We’re fighting a battle we can’t even see
Viruses take the lives of the people of those we love
And sometimes we lose them without a fight
But some will the risk
And for me
I would do it all over again
To fight for even just one second to survive
And most of all to love

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