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Lecture 3: The spinal cord and

the suboccipital region

The spinal cord
•  Cylindrical structure slightly flattened
anteriorly and posteriorly.
•  Bundles of nerve tracts and central gray
•  Continuation of the medulla oblongata
•  Extends from foramen magnum to L1-L2
•  Tapered inferior end of cord = conus
•  Enlargements corresponding to
innervations of limbs
»  cervical à C4-T1
»  lumbar à T11-S1
•  Dorsal and ventral medial sulci
Differential growth of the spinal cord

Development Fully
31 pairs of spinal nerves

•  cervical: C1-C8 (8)

•  thoracic: T1-T12 (12)
•  lumbar: L1-L5 (5)
•  sacral: S1-S5 (5)
•  coccygeal: Co1 (1)
Anatomy of the spinal cord

Nerve plexuses
Features of the spinal cord
Features of the spinal cord
Blood supply of the spinal cord
•  Branches of: vertebral,
ascending and deep
cervical, intercostal,
lumbar, and sacral
•  3 longitudinal arteries:
Ø  Anterior spinal artery (1):
branches of the vertebral
Ø  Posterior spinal arteries
(2): branches of vertebral
arteries or posteroinferior
cerebellar artery.

•  The region of skin associated with a

specific spinal nerve (sensory).
•  Based on what we just learned does C1
have a dermatome?
Borders of the subocciptial region
rectus capitis
semispinalis capitis posterior major

inferior nuchal line

obliquus capitis membrane
obliquus capitis

spinous process of
Bony Features

inferior nuchal

posterior tubercle
transverse process
of atlas
of atlas
spinous process
of C2

posterior arch
of atlas
Muscles of the subocciptal region

semispinalis capitis
obiquus capitis
rectus capitis superior
posterior minor transverse process C1
rectus capitis obiquus capitis inferior
posterior major
splenius capitis
spinous process C2 semispinalis capitis

trapezius splenius capitis

Nerves of the subocciptal region

greater occiptial n. (C2)

subocciptial n. (C1)
Vessels of the subocciptal region

occipital a.

vertebral a.
Vessels of the subocciptal region
Fracture of the dens of the axis
Jefferson (Burst) fracture
Hangman fracture
The spinal cord
•  Cylindrical structure slightly flattened
anteriorly and posteriorly.
•  Bundles of nerve tracts and central gray
•  Continuation of the medulla oblongata
•  Extends from foramen magnum to L1-L2
•  Tapered inferior end of cord = conus
•  Enlargements corresponding to
innervations of limbs
»  cervical à C4-T1
»  lumbar à T11-S1
•  Dorsal and ventral medial sulci
Differential growth of the spinal cord

Development Fully
31 pairs of spinal nerves

•  cervical: C1-C8 (8)

•  thoracic: T1-T12 (12)
•  lumbar: L1-L5 (5)
•  sacral: S1-S5 (5)
•  coccygeal: Co1 (1)
Anatomy of the spinal cord

Nerve plexuses
Features of the spinal cord
Features of the spinal cord
Blood supply of the spinal cord
•  Branches of: vertebral,
ascending and deep
cervical, intercostal,
lumbar, and sacral
•  3 longitudinal arteries:
Ø  Anterior spinal artery (1):
branches of the vertebral
Ø  Posterior spinal arteries
(2): branches of vertebral
arteries or posteroinferior
cerebellar artery.

•  The region of skin associated with a

specific spinal nerve (sensory).
•  Based on what we just learned does C1
have a dermatome?
Ovulation and fertilization
Formation of blastocyst: Day 4
Implantation begins: Day 6-8
Implantation continues 6-10 days
Embryo is fully implanted: day 9
Primitive streaks and notochord form: day15

Day 15
Neural plate appears: Day 17

Day 17
Formation of neural tube: Day 17-27
Formation of neural tube: Day 17-27
Incomplete closure of neural tube:
Spina bifida

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