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Nuer Ethnicity Militarized

Author(s): Sharon Elaine Hutchinson

Source: Anthropology Today, Vol. 16, No. 3 (Jun., 2000), pp. 6-13
Published by: Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
Stable URL:
Accessed: 26/02/2010 11:12

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work of culture:an to which this discovery was put which impacted so dra- tions for whole areas of social life' (Strathern 1997:42).
anthropological matically on recent history, so it might yet be with The particular route I have suggested in this essay opens
perspective.In A. Watson and Crick's discovery of the double helix. In up when ideas of DNA, genomes, gene pools and popula-
Clarkeand E. Parsons itself the discovery was simply the answer to a puzzle. tions cross over into popular ideas about culture and eth-
(eds) Culture,kinship
and genes: towardsa However, the recent record on converting neutral knowl- nicity. One important consequence is the illusion of
cross-cultural edge into benign application is not a good one. Invariably enhanced prediction and control grounded in es serial-
new discoveries and the technologies they spawn, have ized identities and relationships. With this novel means to
genetics. Houndmills,
Basingstoke: been pressed into the service of power, domination and essentialization comes the possibility of reworking ethnic
MacMillanPress Ltd. commercial self-interest. Where genetics and the new identities as imagined genetic communities, that is, com-
Turney,J. 1998. Signs of reproductive technologies are concerned the genie is out munities in which the language, concepts and techniques
life - takinggenetic of the bottle. The ethical, social and legal debates that of modern genetic medicine play their part in shaping
literacy seriously. In P. have been prompted by issues such as genetic screening identity, its boundaries and what is believed to lie beyond.
Glasnerand H.
and testing, genetic counselling, pregenetic diagnostic Such thinking distracts attention from the potential of
Genetic imaginations: testing and gamete collection, storage and use are ready genomics to emphasize the extent of shared characteris-
ethical, legal and testament to the breadth and complexity of the issues. tics and invites soft practices of selection and exclusion
social issues in human What I have drawn attention to here however goes which could easily pave the way for the hard eugenics
genome research. beyond these specific issues and draws attention to the which so badly scarred the twentieth century and might
Aldershot:Ashgate. capacity for ideas to 'travel' in ways that have 'implica- yet scar the twenty-first. D

Nuer militarized


SharonElaine Hutchinson Ever since leadership struggles within the Sudan People's countryside in the Upper Nile. Outbreaks of inter-ethnic
teaches at the Department Liberation Army (SPLA) split the movement into two violence, however, continued unabated though 1999.
of Anthropology, warring factions in 1991, rural Nuer (Nei ti naath) and While individual southern military commanders struggled
Universityof Wisconsin- Dinka (Jieng) communities in the South have been grap- to establish their own fields of military and economic
Madison. She was
pling with an expanding regional subculture of ethnicized dominance, the Sudanese Army concentrated its attacks
recipientof the
Leach-RAIPostdoctoral violence. These two groups have supplied the bulk of the on Garang's positions in the northern Bahr-al-Ghazal and
Fellowship, 1993-94, guerrilla forces that have been fighting since 1983 to over- Eastern Equatoria with devastating consequences for the
resultingin the throw a northern-dominated, national state government in civilian population.
publication of her book Khartoum increasingly guided by Islamist political The central government in Khartoum, of course,
Nuer dilemmas:coping agendas and ideals. Since 1991, however, these people's rejoiced over the collapse of SPLA unity and proceeded to
with money, war and the homelands have also provided the major battlefield for fan the flames of conflict between rival southern military
State (Berkeley: leaders. These efforts formed part of a broader govern-
escalating military confrontations among South Sudanese
Universityof California themselves (Johnson 1998, Human Rights Watch 1999, mental strategy aimed both at developing a proxy war
P., 1996). Her email is: Nyaba 1997, Jok & Hutchinson 1999). These struggles against John Garang and the SPLA and at reasserting con-
have coalesced around two main figures: Dr John Garang, trol over the vast oil wealth of the south - and especially,
a Dinka and long-standing Commander-in-Chief of the the abundant deposits located in Nuer and Dinka regions
SPLA, and Dr Riek Machar, a Nuer, who formed the of the Western Upper Nile Province. As early as 1986, the
break-away 'SPLA-Nasir' faction following his botched Sudanese Army began supplying northern Baggara
coup attempt against Garang in August 1991. Initially, the 'Arab' groups with AK-47 rifles and bullets and encour-
'two doctors' divided over the question of whether or not aging them to raid Nuer and Dinka civilians located deep
the SPLA should abandon its declared aim of creating a within the Western Upper Nile and the Northern Bahr-al-
'united, democratic, secular Sudan' in favour of 'self- Ghazal. These government-sponsored militias were
determination' or 'political independence' for the South. trained in counter-insurgency methods to attack the sub-
It was not long, however, before questions of 'nation- sistence base and lives of southern civilians who might
alism' gave way to a more basic drive for self-preserva- offer support to SPLA guerrillas. It was thus during these
tion. Both Garang and Machar eventually reached for the Baggara militia attacks that Nuer and Dinka women and
'ethnic' card. What followed were years of increasingly children were consciously targeted not only for enslave-
anarchic south-on-south violence that have since ment but for direct military attack. And yet, despite the
destroyed hundreds of Dinka and Nuer communities tremendous losses of life and multiple displacements of
throughout the Western Upper Nile, Bahr-el-Ghazal and Nuer and Dinka civilians as a direct result of Baggara
Jonglei Provinces. This tragic turn of events has made raiding between 1986 and 1991, the Government of Sudan
prospects for peace in Sudan more elusive than ever. failed to gain sufficient military control over southern oil
After months of intense south-on-south fighting in late deposits to permit commercial exploitation until after the
1991, mostly targeting the civilian population along explosion of south-on-south violence sparked off by the
ethnic lines, this military situation began to stalemate in 1991 splitting of the SPLA.
late 1992. Garang's, predominantly Dinka, 'SPLA- As the military stalemate between rival SPLA factions
Mainstream' (or 'SPLA-Torit') forces controlled most of dragged on, Machar's faction grew steadily weaker,
the Bahr-el-Ghazal and Equatoria, while Machar' s, pre- owing to internal power struggles and recurrent defections
dominantly Nuer, 'SPLA-Nasir' forces held most of the to the sides of both Garang and the Sudanese government.

ANTHROPOLOGY TODAY Vol 16 No 3, June 2000

-.. ., internationalboundary
? ? ? ? Provincialboundary
-Proposed Jonglei


The growing instability of Machar's command was previously untapped southern oil deposits in the Western
reflected in, among other things, a series of political Upper Nile. Both governmental objectives were being
'make-overs' in which 'SPLA-Nasir' was transformed pursued by instigating political rivalries and armed con-
into 'SPLA-United' in 1993 and then, into the Southern frontations among allied Nuer and Dinka SSDF com-
Sudan Independence Movement/Army (SSIM/A) in manders (cf. Human Rights Watch 1999 & 2000).
1994. Finding himself without access to the international As I write these lines, the immediate life circumstances
frontier and thus, without means of resupplying his troops for most rural Nuer and Dinka civilians in the South con-
in the Upper Nile, Machar was drawn deeper and deeper tinued to spiral downwards through early 2000, as a
into the government's net. What apparently began as deeply fragmented and increasingly predatory southern
early as 1992 as a secret alliance with the Sudanese Army military elite confronts the possibility of permanently
aimed at securing additional arms for his fight against losing control over the estimated 1.2 billion barrels of
Garang was eventually transformed into a full-fledged proven oil reserves in the Western Upper Nile to a con-
'Peace Agreement' with the National Islamic Front (NIF) sortium of international companies, spear-headed by that
government in 1997. The infamous 'April 1997 Peace Canadian giant, Talisman (Human Rights Watch 1999).
Agreement' committed Machar (and other southern sig- Aided by an estimated 20,000 imported Chinese
natures) to grafting his remaining SSIM/A forces onto the labourers, the Sudanese government completed construc-
national army as the 'Southern Sudan Defense Forces' tion of a 1,110-km oil pipeline in December 1998. The
(SSDF) for the purpose of coordinating future assaults on pipeline, which has an initial carrying capacity of 150,000
Garang and the 'SPLA-Mainstream'. The agreement also bbl/d to be expanded to 250,000 bbl/d by 2001, began
committed Machar to accepting 'Islam and custom' as the pumping southern crude from 'Unity field' in the Western
overarching principles to which all national legislation Upper Nile Province to newly constructed oil refineries
must conform. In exchange for what many South and export terminals in the North during September 1999.
Sudanese viewed as little more than unconditional sur- More ominous still, the Government of Sudan has already
render to the National Islamic Front government, Machar began channelling the anticipated profits from this 1.6 bil-
was offered a weakly worded, governmental promise that lion dollar oil development scheme into the domestic con-
South Sudanese 'rights of self-determination' would be struction of sophisticated weapons factories in order to
recognized through a southern-wide referendum to be bolster its 18-year-long assault on South Sudanese
held after an 'interim period' of four - or more - years. civilian populations and other politically marginalized
This agreement, however, brought anything but peace to groups in Sudan (cf. Human Rights Watch 1999 & 2000).
Nuer regions nominally under Machar's control. By mid- Whatever currents of optimism flow through the hearts
1998, ordinary Nuer villagers had become alarmed at the of Nuer and Dinka civilian populations at present issue
increasingly transparent intentions of the central govern- primarily from recent steps taken by leading Dinka and
ment to exploit the unbounded 'interim period' specified Nuer chiefs to end the vicious cycle of south-on-south
in the 'April 1997 Peace Agreement' for the strategic violence sparked off by the 1991 splitting of the SPLA.
deployment of northern troops in formerly 'liberated' Nuer Breaking free of the seven-year-long stranglehold on
regions and, more disturbingly, for the rapid extraction of inter-ethnic communication imposed by the paranoia of

ANTHROPOLOGY TODAY Vol 16 No 3, June 2000

rival southern military groups, scores of prominent Dinka shared blood. This war-time shift of perspective, I argue,
and Nuer chiefs gathered together, first, in Lokichokkio, contributed not only to a dramatic escalation in the
Kenya, in June 1998 and, later again, in Wunlit, Bahr-el- viciousness of Nuer/Dinka warfare after the SPLA split
Ghazal, during February-March 1999 in order to negotiate but, more uniquely, to a reformulation of the relationship
a mutually binding, grassroots peace agreement aimed at between gender and ethnicity in Nuer eyes.
ending, as one chief put it: 'this nasty little war that the
educated [southern military elite] makes us fight!' With The shifting ethics of Nuer/Dinka warfare
financial and logistical supported garnered by the New Before this war and, indeed, up until the collapse of SPLA
Sudan Council of Churches from a wide variety of inter- unity in 1991, Nuer and Dinka fighters did not intention-
national humanitarian and religious institutions, these ally kill women, children or elderly persons during violent
peace workshops (both of which I attended) succeeded in confrontations among themselves. The purposeful slaying
greatly reducing tensions between Nuer and Dinka com- of a child, woman or elderly person was universally per-
munities running along the turbulent Western Upper ceived not only as cowardly and reprehensible but, more
Nile/Eastern Bahr-el-Ghazal divide. They also pressured importantly, as a direct affront against God as the ultimate
opposed southern military leaders into investigating and guardian of human morality. Such acts were expected to
restraining the cattle-raiding activities of some of their provoke manifestations of divine anger in the form of
most abusive field commanders. Nevertheless, it remains severe illness, sudden death and/or other misfortunes vis-
to be seen whether or not this civilian drive for regional ited on either the slayer or some member of his immediate
peace and reconciliation will triumph over intensifying family. Acts of homicide within each ethnic group, more-
government efforts to foment further mistrust and vio- over, were governed by a complex set of cultural ethics
lence among southern military leaders and warlords in and spiritual taboos aimed at ensuring the immediate iden-
order to regain control over the vast oil wealth of the tification and purification of the slayer and at the payment
South. Beginning in April 1998, the central government of bloodwealth cattle compensation to the family of the
began moving northern troops into the Western Upper deceased. Regional codes of warfare ethics also precluded
Nile and proceeded to undermine Machar's military com- the burning of houses and the destruction of crops during
mand by funding the military exploits of a rogue Nuer Nuer/Dinka inter-community confrontations. Cattle, of
warlord by the name of Paulino Matiep Nhial. Beginning course, were fair game. And it was not uncommon for past
in June 1998 and continuing through the time of writing, generations of raiders to carry off young women and chil-
Commander Paulino Matiep Nhial has taken the lead in dren to be absorbed as full members of their families.
driving Nuer civilian populations out of southern regions The gradual unravelling of these ethical restraints on
of the Western Upper Nile with the aim of clearing a path intra- and inter-ethnic warfare during the course of this
for extending the oil pipeline from the provincial capital, war represents the gravest threat to the future viability of
Bentiu, to Adok, a Nuer community lying on the White rural Nuer and Dinka communities in the South today.
Nile approximately 120 kilometres further south (cf. While the main reason for this escalation in the killing of
Human Rights Watch 2000 for details). If nothing else, the Nuer and Dinka women and children stems from the
government's lunge for southern oil deposits had moti- broader military objectives of the central government
vated renewed contact and cooperation between SPLA aimed at reasserting control over southern oil deposits, it
and SSDF field commanders on the ground by 1999, also marks a major turning point in the relationship
despite the continuing unwillingness or inability of John between southern military leaders and their civilian con-
Garang and Riek Machar to compromise their personal stituencies. Although often portrayed in pro-government
ambitions for the greater good and unity of the South. In propaganda tracts as the release of 'ancient tribal hatreds'
November 1999, there was a major realignment of Nuer which have been supposedly simmering for years, the
forces during which nearly all abandoned the govern- causes of this surge in Nuer/Dinka violence were more
ment's side and formed an anti-government force, the fluid and complex. First of all, processes of 'identity' cre-
Upper Nile Provisional Military Command Council ation - whether defined in terms of 'ethnic', 'regional',
(UNPMCC), which operates independently of Garang's 'racial', 'religious' or 'national' affiliations (to name only
SPLA. Of the estimated 70,500 Nuer civilians displaced those most pertinent to Sudan's unresolved civil war) - are
from the Western Upper Nile between June 1998 and always historically contingent and socially contested. As
December 1999 as a result of continuing conflicts between Liisa Malkki (1992: 37, 1995) expressed this idea:
the government and various southern factions over the oil 'Identity is always mobile and processual, partly self-con-
fields, many eventually sought refuge among the Bahr al struction, partly categorization by others, partly a condi-
Ghazal Dinka, who received them well owing to the tion, a status, a label, a weapon, a shield, a fund of
renewed spirit of cooperation and non-violence generated memories ... a creolized aggregate'. Second, Nuer and
by the success of the 1999 Wunlit Peace Conference. Dinka communities have never been organized into neatly
As of the time of writing, the ?997 Peace Agreement' circumscribed 'tribes'. Rather, members of both groups
is a dead issue. Alleging repeated government violations have held overlapping and sometimes competing identi-
of both the terms and spirit of that agreement, Machar ties and loyalties to a wide spectrum of named social units,
resigned from the Sudanese government in February 2000 including patrilineal clusters, regional court systems, town
and eventually returned via Nairobi to the Western Upper groupings, temporary confederacies, and large, flexible
Nile, where he is struggling to salvage his former political networks of cross-cutting kinship ties. Both groups have
prominence vis-a-vis an increasingly powerful UNPMCC. also intermarried heavily for generations and continue to
My concern in this paper is with the rapid polarization recognize their common ancestry through a variety of oral
and militarization of Nuer/Dinka ethnic identities during traditions and shared cultural practices. During the early
the 1991-1999 period. Specifically, I want to discuss some 19th century, breakaway Nuer groups began migrating out
of the historical conditions that led to the abrupt, post- of their original homelands on the west bank of the White
1991, abandonment of ethical restraints on Nuer/Dinka Nile eastwards into Dinka and Anyuak occupied lands. By
violence previously respected by both sets of combatants. the end of that century, these Nuer groups had reached the
In the process, I want to show how growing numbers of Ethiopian frontier, effectively tripling their original land
Nuer men and women began to reject what I call a 'per- base and assimilating tens of thousands of Dinka resi-
formative' concept of ethnicity in favour of a more 'pri- dents, captives and immigrants in their wake. As one con-
mordialist' concept rooted in procreative metaphors of temporary Nuer man laughingly summed up the results of

ANTHROPOLOGY TODAY Vol 16 No 3, June 2000

CommanderSalva K?r
(with beard and uniform)
togetherwith Nuer and
Dinka chiefs at Wunlit,
March 1999.

this long-standing assimilation trend: 'There are no [real] and moral conformity were all central in ways that biolog-
Nuer. We are all Dinka!' ical parentage was not. In other words, past and present
In complex historical situations such as these, the cru- generations of Nuer tended to view ethnic unities and dis-
cial questions to ask are: In whose image and whose tinctions in more 'performative' terms.
interest have these ethnic labels been most recently Contemporary Dinka, in contrast, tended to stress the
forged? And when and why did these two groups' politi- overwhelming importance of 'human blood lines' in
cized sense of their own identity become threaded determining who was and who was not a 'Dinka'. The
through with pressures for their menfolk to take up arms? 'primordialist' thrust of contemporary Dinka concepts of
And when and why did this militarization process begin their ethnic affinity makes eminent 'sense' when viewed
to pit the 'ethnic soldiers' of each group against one in light of their 19th century experiences. Many Dinka
another's entire populations? Discussing processes of men and women came under heavy pressure during that
militarization more generally, Cynthia Enloe has argued period to jettison their Jieng identity and to become
that: *[militarization occurs because some people's fears Naath. And thus, one way Dinka groups could defend
are allowed to be heard .. .while other people's fears are themselves against the sticky grasp of their Nuer neigh-
trivialized and silenced' (1995:26). Following her lead, it bors was to reaffirm the fundamental insolubility of their
will be important to understand the complex and para- ethnic identity through an elaboration of blood-based
doxical ways that women have been implicated in the metaphors of procreative descent. Whereas it remained
polarization and militarization of Nuer and Dinka ethnic common practice during the 1980s, for example, for
identities during this war. descendants of immigrant Dinka to be accepted as 'Nuer'
government chiefs, the reverse scenario rarely, if ever,
Evolving Nuer concepts of ethnicity occurred. This was because most Dinka considered Jieng
One key to understanding the tragic developments begins to be born, not made. Although some Dinka communities
with an appreciation of contemporary differences in Nuer - particularly those inhabiting the Bahr-al-Ghazal -
and Dinka understandings of the socio-physical bases of appear to have been more assimilative than others, the
their ethnic identities. For reasons that no doubt date back 1991 splitting of the SPLA resulted in a decade of divi-
to the early 19th century, Nuer today regard themselves as sion that played right into the hands of oversimplified
more 'hospitable* to the assimilation of 'ethnic* outsiders government propaganda campaigns aimed at reifying
than their Dinka neighbors. Throughout their famous 19th 'tribal' differences between Nuer and Dinka and at
century expansion eastwards across the White Nile into muting more fluid and flexible ethnic identifications
Dinka and Anyuak-occupied lands (Evans-Pritchard between these two groups.
1940; Kelly 1985; Gough 1971), individual Nuer men Contemporary Nuer, in contrast, tended to treat their
competed with one another for positions of political lead- ethnic identity more like an 'honorific title' which is con-
ership and independence by gathering around themselves ferred together with the social approval of other commu-
as many co-resident Dinka clients and supporters as pos- nity members. And thus, just as Nuer believed that anyone
sible. The 'enduring loyalty' of these clusters of co-resi- could potentially become 'a real person' or 'a true human
dent Dinka was secured, primarily, through the generous being' (raam mi raan) by conforming to certain behav-
provision of Nuer cattle and Nuer wives. What underwrote ioural norms so, too, a person could be stripped of this
the dramatic expansion of Nuer communities during the status for major transgressions of those same norms. I
19th century, in other words, was the rapidity and com- recall a case during the early 1980s, for instance, in which
pleteness with which they made ethnic outsiders feel like a Nuer man, who had been born and raised by Nuer par-
insiders. ents, scandalized the extended community by making an
Accordingly, what made someone 'Nuer' in their eyes especially shocking rape attempt. Most people's imme-
was primarily how that person behaved. Language skills, diate gut reaction was: 'No Nuer would do such a thing!
a love of cattle, co-residence, community participation That man must be a Dinka!'

ANTHROPOLOGY TODAY Vol 16 No 3, June 2000

During the late 1980s, for example, Riek Machar, who
was at that time reigning SPLA Zonal Commander of the
Western Upper Nile, endeavored to convince Nuer civil-
ians as well as rank-and-file recruits that acts of inter-Nuer
homicide carried out in the context of a 'government war'
were devoid of the social and spiritual risks associated
with acts of intra-ethnic homicide generated by more
localized fighting and feuding. There was no need, he

1 argued, for a slayer to purify himself of the 'embittered'

?? blood of the slain. Nor was there any possibility of the
family of the slain seeking bloodwealth cattle compensa-
tion from the slayer's family. In essence, the SPLA lead-
ership was arguing that the overarching political context
of the present war should take precedence over the per-
' ? ^f" sonal identities and social inter-relations of the combat-
ants in people's assessments of the social and spiritual
ramifications of intra-ethnic homicide (see Hutchinson
1998 for a fuller discussion of these issues).
Furthermore, as guns burned deeper and deeper into
regional patterns of warfare, many Nuer began to wonder
whether the spiritual and social consequences of intra-
ethnic gun slayings were the same as those realized with
spears. Whereas the power of a spear, they reasoned,
issues directly from the bones and sinews of a person who
hurls it, that of a gun is eerily internal to it. And thus, addi-
tional elements of 'social distance' and 'attenuated
A Nuer armedguard What appears to be happening since the 1991 SPLA responsibility' were added to the psychological arsenal of
split, however, is a gradual sealing off of this formerly per- SPLA recruits. Unlike individually-crafted spears, more-
meable inter-ethnic divide, a trend that has had especially over, the source of a bullet lodged deep in someone's body
disastrous consequences for the most vulnerable segments was far more difficult to trace. Often a fighter would not
of society. Whereas during previous periods of inter- know whether or not he has killed someone. And thus, acts
ethnic turmoil younger women and children were more of intra- and inter-ethnic homicide became increasingly
likely to be kidnapped than slain by Nuer and Dinka 'depersonalized' and 'secularized' in Nuer eyes (cf.
fighters, the reverse was true during the 1991-1999 period. Hutchinson 1996 & 1998 for details).
Militarized segments on both sides of this ethnic divide The traumatic shift from spears to guns as the domi-
attempted to justify their intensifying viciousness as nant weapon of Nuer and Dinka warfare during the early
'retaliation' for abominations earlier experienced. years of this war was aggravated by recourse to novel
However, there is more behind the conscious targeting of military tactics, such as surprise, night-time attacks, the
unarmed women and children for elimination than a rhet- burning of houses and the intentional destruction of local
oric of revenge. People's concepts of ethnicity themselves food supplies. Nevertheless, it was not until after the col-
have been mutating in ways that bode ill for the future. lapse of SPLA unity in 1991 that the killing of unarmed
Nuer fighters, in particular, appear to have adopted a more women and children became 'standard practice' between
'primordialist,' if not 'racialist,' way of thinking about Nuer and Dinka combatants. God, it seems, was no
their ethnic 'essence' in recent years. And it is precisely longer watching.
this kind of thinking that can so easily be twisted into mil-
itary justifications for the intentional killing of unarmed From mobile assets to military targets
women and children residing among these ethnic groups. In many ways, women and girls were less firmly rooted
than were men in the ethnic identities of Nuer and Dinka
Guns and the military at the start of this war. This was because women and girls
Nevertheless, it is important to realize that local ethical could potentially confer any ethnic identity on their chil-
codes of intra- and of inter-ethnic warfare began unravel- dren, depending upon who married them. Both groups are
ling long before the 1991 splitting of the SPLA. exogamic in the sense that women and girls may only be
Throughout the first eight years of this war, southern mil- married by men who are, by definition, 'strangers' or 'out-
itary leaders consciously sought to undercut the signifi- siders'. Both groups also share a strong bias toward patri-
cance of ethnic differences among their new recruits. This lineality since children generally take on the lineage
was done not only to arrest the possibility of ethnic con- affiliations and ethnic identities of their fathers rather than
flicts within their ranks and to engender greater feeling of of their mother's people. Third and finally, wives in both
southern unity and nationalism but, also, to ensure an groups tend to take up residence in their husband's homes
effective chain of command. Since South Sudanese were after marriage. For all of these reasons, most Dinka and
forcibly drafted by the national army as well as by the Nuer before the war took the attitude that ? woman has
SPLA, members of the same ethnic group were often no [fixed] "cattle camp'". She could be married by several
forced to confront one another on the battlefield. men during her life-time and bear heirs for all of them.
Consequently, it was necessary for SPLA regional com- Similarly, people stated that: ? girl belongs to everyone'
manders to make sure that their troops unhesitatively car- - meaning she is a potential marriage partner for all unre-
ried out their orders, even when those orders required lated men.
them to kill members of their own ethnic groups. This in Women's more ambiguous position at the crossroads of
turn necessitated the dismantling - or, at least, situational ethnic unities and distinctions afforded them a certain
suspension - of earlier restraints on intra-ethnic violence, degree of protection and mobility at the start of this war.
which were also a fundamental element of the ethical They were the points through which adversarial relations
codes of warfare respected by both Nuer and Dinka at the between men could be potentially defused and trans-
start of this war. formed into relations of affinity through marriage. And for

10 ANTHROPOLOGY TODAY Vol 16 No 3, June 2000

Enloe,Cynthia1995. this reason, women and children were perceived by both For example, I heard several reports of a disturbing inci-
'Feminism, nationalism
groups as illegitimate targets during periods of inter- and dent that occurred during the mid-1990s in which a beau-
andmilitarism: wariness
withoutparalysis?' In intra-ethnic violence. There was, in fact, an elaborate eth- tiful young girl, who had been carried off by ex-SPLA
Feminism, nationalism, ical code among Nuer that treated women and girls as soldiers loyal to the Dinka warlord, Kerubino Kuanyin
andmilitarism. Constance 'points of safe refuge' for fleeing or wounded men. Before Bol, became the source of a heated argument. Three dif-
R. Sutton(Ed.). the widespread dissemination of guns by the SPLA, Nuer ferent soldiers all wanted to claim her as their consort.
Washington, DC:
Association of Feminist women often accompanied their husbands, brothers and After summoning the three men and the girl and hearing
Anthropology andthe sons into battle in order to protect them and carry away the their respective arguments, the Commander allegedly set-
American wounded. A woman could protect a man who had fallen in tled the dispute once and for all. Pulling out his revolver
Anthropological battle by throwing herself over him confident that the he reportedly shot the girl between the eyes and declared
Association, pp. 13-34.
Evans-Pritchard, E. E. 1940. advancing warriors from the other side, whether Nuer or that no woman would be permitted to cause dissension in
TheNuer:a description of Dinka, would not dislodge her in order to 'finish off the his ranks. The three soldiers allegedly shrugged off the
themodesof livelihood man beneath her. Similarly, any Nuer or Dinka warrior incident. But the logic of the Commander was clear: the
of a Niloticpeople. who retreated to someone's cattle byre or house was not girl's life meant nothing in the context of troop solidarity
Oxford:Clarendon P. pursued by his opponents. These rules were firm and and discipline.
Gough,Kathleen1971.Nuer respected, since any breech of them would have caused A growing sense of 'entitlement' to the domestic and
kinship:a re-examination. the original conflict to spin rapidly out of control. sexual services of related and unrelated women also per-
In Thetranslation of
culture:essaysto E.E. Consequently, Nuer and Dinka men alike regarded the vaded this hyper-masculinized and militarized world
Evans-Pritchard. T.O. slaying of a women, child or elderly person during major view. Just as Dinka and Nuer men saw themselves as
Beidelman (Ed).London: inter-ethnic confrontations as, by definition, 'accidental'.
Tavistock Publications, responsible for maintaining 'the war front', so, too,
pp.79-121. The gendered division of tasks in both groups was one women, they reasoned, should be active in keeping up 'the
HumanRightsWatch1999. in which only men bore arms. Women and children, in reproductive front'. Pressures for women to disregard the
FamineinSudan,1998: contrast, were treated more as mobile assets and, as such,
thehumanrightscauses. 'weaning taboo' (which prohibits their having sexual rela-
NewYork:HumanRights were sometimes kidnapped during major inter-ethnic con- tions during lactation) steadily mounted, as husbands and
Watch.. frontations. However, they were not intentionally slain. lovers on short, unpredictable military leaves returned
?2000. Sudan,oil and But following the widespread introduction of guns and of home determined to conceive another child. Similarly,
humanrights novel fighting techniques targeting entire cattle camps and women are feeling pressured by husbands and in-laws to
(forthcoming). NewYork:
HumanRightsWatch. civilian villages by the SPLA, unarmed Nuer and Dinka reduce the 'fallow period' between pregnancies by
Hutchinson, Sharon1996. women and children were thrown willy-nilly onto the weaning their infants earlier. Whereas before this war
Nuerdilemmas: coping front lines. The SPLA did not promote the taking of war infants were usually suckled for 18 months or more, many
State.Berkeley: captives. Their limited food supplies and mobility require- Dinka and Nuer men now argue that a period of nine
University of CaliforniaP. ments militated against this. And thus, in an area of recur- months is enough. And because most Nuer and Dinka
?1998 'Death,memoryand rent starvation caused by the intentional destruction of the women do not feel free to refuse their husbands or lovers
Nuer 'enemy's' support base among local civilian populations, sexual access on demand for fear of a beating, they are
experiences of the women and children were gradually recast by rival increasingly forced to make choices that no woman should
continuing SecondCivil southern military factions as legitimate targets of ethnic have to make. 'How can I take the risk of another preg-
War.'InMemory andthe annihilation. nancy and childbirth when I can't even feed the children I
postcolony: African As Garang and Machar squared off, their troops, some-
anthropology andthe already have?'. 'Should I attempt to abort, knowing how
critiqueofpower.Richard times under orders and sometimes on their own initiative, many other women have died or become infertile in the
Werbner (Ed.)London: began to slit the throats or otherwise slaughter women and process?' 'How would my husband and his family react if
ZedBooks,pp.58-71. children encountered during their cattle camp raids. And they discovered I aborted "their" child?' 'Who will care
Johnson, Douglas1998.'The
SudanPeople'sLiberation the spiral of Nuer/Dinka 'vengeance' attacks soon spun for my children, if I die?' 'Will God punish me for these
Armyandtheproblemof out of control. thoughts?' Dr Jok Madut Jok portrayed the agony of these
factionalism.' InAfrican More important for my purposes, the purposeful killing reproductive dilemmas among contemporary Dinka
guerrillas.C. Clapman of women and children necessitated a major reformulation women of the Bahr-al-Ghazal in his publication (Jok
(Ed.)Oxford: James
Currey, pp.53-72. of the presumed socio-physical roots of ethnic affiliations, 1999) - a portrayal that rings true to my own experience
Jok,JokMadut1998. particularly for Nuer combatants. The rationale for killing of similar trends among Nuer women of the Western
Militarization, genderand a Dinka child entailed an assumption, whether implicit or
reproductive healthin Upper Nile. These are not communities that have accumu-
SouthSudan.NewYork: explicit, that the child would mature into a 'Dinka' child. lated generations of knowledge or experience in medici-
EdwinMellenPress. That child's ethnic identity, in other words, was presumed nally or physically provoking abortions. It is thus not
?1999 'Militarism, gender to be fixed at birth. The idea that such a Dinka child could
andreproductive surprising that the frequency of maternal deaths attributed
suffering: thecaseof potentially become a 'Nuer' or vice versa was thus lost in to 'excessive bleeding' has been rising in both regions
abortion in Western the fury of 'revenge attacks'. during the course of this war.
Dinka'.Africa69 (2):194- Like military movements worldwide, the SPLA had To these feminine hardships must be added the ever-
212. also sought to inculcate in its recruit an ideology of
? & SharonHutchinson present dangers of rape and of the forceful comman-
1999.'Sudan'sprolonged 'hyper-masculinity', equated with demonstrations of deering of scarce household resources by gun-toting men.
SecondCivilWarandthe aggressiveness, competitiveness and the censure of emo- Nearly every Nuer and Dinka woman has experienced
militarization of Nuerand tional expression. The training of new military recruits
Dinkaethnicidentities.' threatening demands by armed men for the immediate
AfricanStudiesReview42 glorified the raw 'masculine' power of guns. Recruits provision of cooked or stored food, porterage services
(2):125-145. were told that they only thing that had separated the South and/or sexual access. Satisfying these unpredictable and,
Kelly,Raymond1985.The from the political reins of power in the past was a lack of often, recurrent demands severely limited the energies and
Nuerconquest: the
structure anddevelopment guns. Backed by the power of the gun, anything was pos- resources these women were able to devote to their chil-
of an expansionist system. sible - a theme clearly reflected in the 'graduation song' dren.
AnnArbor:University of allegedly taught to all SPLA trainees prior to the 1991 split Nevertheless, women were more than passive victims
MichiganPress. upon the conferrai of their first rifles: of these militarizing trends. Many Nuer and Dinka women
therootingof Even your father, give him a bullet! actively reinforced this 'militarized mentality' by encour-
peoplesandthe Even your mother, giver her a bullet! aging their brothers, husbands and sons to join the military
territorializationof Your gun is your food, your gun is your wife. or to participate as civilians in collective cattle raids and
scholarsandrefugees.' Similarly, the SPLA's emphasis on male-to-male 'vengeance attacks' on neighboring ethnic groups. For
Cultural Anthropology bonding was such that relationships with women and the example, during a 1996 field trip to the Western Upper
7(l):24-44. family were increasingly de-emphasized and displaced. Nile, I learned of a bitter debate raging between two rival

ANTHROPOLOGY TODAY Vol 16 No 3, June 2000 11

?1995 'From"refugee women, named Rebecca Nyanciew and Elizabeth raiders slit the throats of several Nuer children they came
studies" to thenational Nyawana Lam. These women were, respectively, the across. Although Murle raiders often kidnaped small
orderof things.'Annual
ReviewofAnthropology elected heads of the Women's Union for the Bui and Leek numbers of Nuer children in the past, the intentional
24:495-523. Nuer. The issue these two women squared off on was killing of women and children had never before occurred
Nyaba,P.A.1997.The whether or not Nuer military forces should resort to the during confrontations between these two ethnic groups.
politicsof liberationin
SouthSudan:an insider's killing of Dinka women and children during their cattle Incensed by this blatant transgression of established
view.Kampala: Fountain raids. Rebecca was allegedly an outspoken advocate of 'an fighting norms, Lou Nuer organized a counter raid.
Publishers. eye for an eye'. Dinka soldiers had killed Nuer children so Although Lou Nuer raiders openly discussed the possi-
Nuer soldiers should do the same. Elizabeth vehemently bility of killing Murle women and children, they decided
objected. No woman with breasts and a womb for bearing not to respond in kind. After successfully driving off the
children, she argued, should support the killing of women defenders of their Murle target, the Lou Nuer men grabbed
and children under any circumstances, regardless of what- sticks and beat the Murle women and youth who had been
ever atrocities Dinka soldiers had committed in the past. left behind. The women were reportedly told that 'next
This debate, which radiated outwards through local mil- time' they would be killed unless their menfolk stopped
itary units and the wider civilian population, took a dra- killing Nuer women and children during their cattle raids.
matic turn during the following year. Rebecca was This strategy proved remarkably effective. Under pressure
arrested, beaten and jailed for her alleged role in 'fanning' from these women, the Murle initiated peace negotiations
(kuothe) the flames of intra-ethnic violence between Bui with the Lou Nuer and, shortly thereafter, returned nearly
and Leek Nuer communities during the mid-1990s (dis- two dozen Nuer children carried off in earlier cattle raids.
cussed below). Elizabeth was pivotal in this outcome.
Rebecca, who reportedly lost a pregnancy as a result of the Conclusions
As local codes of inter- and intra-ethnic warfare have
beating, was later 'pardoned', released and brought to
Khartoum under orders from Commander Machar. twisted and collapsed beneath the weight of AK-47 rifles
Women were also capable of banding together to and the heavy blows of rival southern military leaders,
restrain eruptions of inter-community violence, especially ordinary Nuer and Dinka men and women have been
those in which local military units were not directly forced to reassess the social bases of their personal and
involved. For example, there was a series of mixed collective security. And of the many thorny issues
spear/gun battles that erupted between the Bui and Leek requiring rethinking, one of the most fundamental and far-
Nuer in late 1995 which were successfully quelled by reaching concerns the nature, significance and scope of
Elizabeth Nyawana Lam, in her capacity as the elected their ethnic affiliations. On the one hand, this war has wit-
head of the Leek Nuer Women's Union. Elizabeth nessed the violent rise of 'ethno-nationalist' ideologies on
Nyawana had already earned a reputation for extraordi- previously unimaginable scales within both ethnic groups.
nary courage by that time for having been trained and On the other hand, whatever sense of ethnic unity these
having actively served in the SPLA fights against 'the groups have fostered in the context of continuing political
Arabs' during the early years of this war. She was also a rivalries between John Garang and Riek Machar has been
well-known peace-maker. She successfully ended this repeatedly shattered from within. Breakaway warlords
intent on carving out their own domains of military domi-
particular confrontation by ordering all the Bui and Leek
Nuer women who ran to the battle scene together with nance have fractured and destroyed countless local com-
their menfolk to return home immediately. Before the out- munities.
break of the current civil war, it was standard practice, as While the former fluidity of Nuer and Dinka ethnic
I explained, for western Nuer women to accompany the identities can be traced back to the early 1800s and
brothers, husbands and sons to the battlefield, where they beyond, contemporary Nuer men and women, in partic-
took responsibility for retrieving spears and, more impor- ular, appear to be moving away from a 'performative'
tantly, for protecting and carrying away the wounded. concept of their ethnic oneness to a more closed and fixed
Without the assurance of these feminine protections for 'primordialist' concept based on procreative metaphors of
the dead and wounded, Nuer fighters on both sides of the shared human blood. This perspectival drift has con-
battle line decided to withdraw as well. tributed, I have argued, not only to a deepening of the
Although these feminine support systems have been Nuer/Dinka divide but, more tragically, to a reformulation
increasingly undermined by the widespread dissemination of women's and children's former status as immune from
of guns, Nuer women, at least, have retained considerable intentional attacks.
influence over patterns of inter-community violence Women's more fluid and ambiguous position at the
through their well-recognized abilities 'to shame' their margins of ethnic unities and distinctions has thus been
husbands, brothers and sons into either participating or not turned against them during the course of this war. What
in specific military campaigns. As one young Nuer was formerly a source of both social protection and indi-
woman explained: vidual mobility for women became a dual liability. From
a perspective internal to Nuer social networks, Nuer
Men say that 'women are women' but men do a lot of lis-
to us ! Women are at we can convince women continue to be regarded as less fully 'persons',
tening good persuasion;
men in a quiet way. Men pretendnot to be listening but it [the less complete 'human beings' than are their militarily
woman's message] is alreadyrecorded! active menfolk. If anything, women's status as inde-
pendent agents in men's eyes has declined in the context
Understanding the complex and paradoxical ways of militarized glorifications of the raw 'masculine' power
women have been implicated in these regional processes of guns. The irony is that, despite the 'hyper-masculin-
of militarization opens up novel possibilities for 'rolling ized' military subculture, Nuer men - like their Dinka
back' these same processes. That, at least, is my hope. counterparts - have become less and less capable of ful-
Perhaps it would be possible to convince individual filling their most important social role as the protectors of
southern field commanders that observing former ethical their immediate families, homesteads and herds. This
restraints on the killing of women and children, even if failure has provoked what might be called a 'crisis of
pursued unilaterally, would be politically and military masculinity' - a crisis that manifests itself in rising rates
advantageous in the long run. For example, there was a of domestic violence and sexual abuse against women. As
series of major clashes during 1997 and 1998 between the the primary agents of cultural and individual continuity,
Murle and Lou Nuer. At one point, a group of Murle women have come under heavy pressure to conceive and

12 ANTHROPOLOGY TODAY Vol 16 No 3, June 2000

procreate, even in situations that threaten their physical majority of civil war victims have been defenseless
well-being and their nurturing responsibilities toward women and children - an historical trend that, tragically,
their children. And thus, women's involvement in the mirrors late twentieth century patterns of militarized vio-
civil war effort and, in particular, their roles in keeping up lence throughout the world. This article has underscored
'the procreative front' has often been brutally turned the importance of a 'primordialist' turn in Nuer notions of
against them. ethnicity - propelled in large part by northern military
With respect to Nuer/Dinka violence, women's posi- strategies of 'divide and rule' - as pivotal in the emer-
tion on the margins of ethnic difference has been over- gence of this globalized trend in South Sudan. Let us
shadowed by an externally imposed perception of ethnic hope that the atmosphere of inter-ethnic trust created by
rigidity. In the eyes of both Nuer and Dinka assailants, the 1999 Wunlit Peace Conference will continue to
unarmed women and children belonging to the opposite reawaken Nuer and Dinka men and women to the histor-
ethnic group have been progressively redefined from ical fluidity and contemporary permeability of their
mobile assets to targets of ethnic annihilation. The vast ethnic identities for the greater good of the South. D

Home and
'Childhood ', 'youth and young people

TOM HALL and Introduction homeless'. Our question is: why 'child prostitutes' in
In this article we discuss the representation of young Thailand, but not, for example, 'street children' in
people 'in trouble', and in particular the ways in which the Britain?
MONTGOMERY categories 'childhood' and 'youth' are applied in this con- This question not only reveals divisions in Western per-
text. These are essentially Western social categories ceptions and representations of young people at home and
TomHall is lecturerat the related to age and notions of social majority, and as such abroad, but also maps onto a boundary in the existing aca-
CardiffUniversitySchool of they are culturally and temporally specific. Nonetheless, demic division of labour, distinguishing a long-standing
Social Sciences.He is such notions are dominant in international discourse about tradition of youth research in British sociology and a
currentlywritinga mono-
young people the world over. On these terms, to talk of growing interest in the lives of children overseas as a sub-
graphon youthhomeless-
ness and social exclusion young people as children is to conceptually place them in discipline of social anthropology. In our own writing, and
entitledNo place like home. a (cherished) category to which certain well-defined despite shared fieldwork interests in issues of agency,
HeatherMontgomery expectations and entitlements apply, whereas to position social exclusion and the social construction of identity as
currentlyholds a British young people beyond childhood, but short of adulthood, is these relate to young people, we have found it difficult to
Academypostdoctoral to assign them to a more ambiguous phase. straddle and talk across this academic divide. We return to
fellowship at the Instituteof The significance of this distinction was brought home this point at the end of the article.
Social and Cultural to us in the course of research into child prostitution in
Anthropologyand St Thailand (see Montgomery, 1997) and youth homeless- Victims and delinquents
Hugh's College, Oxford. The distinction we have drawn attention to is one between
She is workingon a book n?ss in Britain (see Hall, 1998). At the time that we both
entitledProstitutingchildren began fieldwork, in the early 1990s, the British media childhood and youth. Whatever the reality of the lives of
in Thailand. were giving voice to a considerable anxiety about young individual children, childhood figures in our imaginations
people, both at home and abroad. At home, the phenom- as an idealized otherness, the purity and innocence of
Thefieldwork andstudyon which is to be celebrated and protected.4 Accordingly, to
whichthisarticledrawswere enon of growing numbers of young people sleeping
funded bystudentships from rough on the streets of the nation's cities was an all too the extent that they are recognized as children, young
TrinityandWolfson Colleges, familiar news item.1 Similarly, the British (and Western) people whose lives and circumstances are impoverished or
Cambridge, bya Radcliffe- media were regularly reporting on the plight of child difficult tend to be understood as innocents and victims.
Brown/Sutasoma award fromthe
RAI(Hall),andbya post- prostitutes in Thailand.2 These two - a worrying social However, not all young people are viewed in this way. In
doctoral fellowship fromthe problem at home and an (exotic) evil abroad - were Britain as elsewhere in the West today, many young
BritishAcademy (Montgomery). described and discussed in a
Wearegrateful toallthese variety of ways by different people in their mid-teenage years, whilst not admitted to
institutions,and to our agencies and commentators.3 Other headlines predomi- an unequivocal adult status, are nonetheless seen as
anonymous reviewers. nate today, but neither of these issues has gone away; having left childhood behind them. These young people
1.See,forexample, 'Thewild are thus between childhood (with powerlessness) and
WestEnd',MailonSunday, public discussion continues as to how we should react
and respond. adulthood (with agency), and here the notion of 'youth'
26.5.91;'Homeless truths',
Sunday Telegraph, 27.12.92; It can be revealing to examine the ways in which the serves to define a third, intermediate social and cultural
'Howtosweepthesebeggars childhood and youth are employed in such category. Where young people in difficult circumstances
fromourstreets', categories
30.5.94,and'Theabandoned debates, then and now. To use one rather than the other (the young homeless in Britain, for example) are seen as
generation', TheGuardian, to describe the young people under consideration is to belonging to this third category - not yet adults but no
1.6.94. invoke a particular set of associations, and this can be longer children - public response to their situation can be
2. See,forinstance, 'Police
less than sympathetic. Young people thus defined may be
linkwithThailand toendtripsfor done to strategic effect: to prompt sympathy, or to call
childsex',TheTimes, 5.3.94; such sympathy into question. This 'tactical' use of ter- seen as troublesome rather than simply in trouble, at fault
'ChildsexBritons freedwith minology can be seen at work in a range of contempo- rather than at risk.5
bribes',Evening Standard, Such a division between childhood and youth is con-
7.3.94;'Thais'uphillbattle rary debates about young people. What we want to
against sexslavery', The suggest here is that there is also a discernible patterning spicuously absent in the way in which Western commen-
Guardian, 4.2.95;'Girls,girls, to the use of these terms as they are applied to young tators report on and represent young people in trouble
girls',Guardian, 10.7.95.
3.Itshouldbenotedthateach people
whose plight is either distant or local. Whether or away from home. Young people in trouble overseas - in
oftheseconcerns foundits not young people who are homeless or involved in pros- developing countries - be they infants or teenagers, are
counterpart inparallel anxieties titution are portrayed as children can depend, to some usually presented, simply enough, as children; even and
streetsof citiesinthedeveloping
extent, on whether they are at 'home' or 'away'. This especially those in trouble. Images of childhood predomi-
worldand'working' thestreetsin distinction can be seen in the conventional phrasing we nate in overseas aid campaigns in a way which admits of
Western countries, making thisan have adopted above - 'child prostitutes' and 'the young no possibility for an equivocal response; childhood is

ANTHROPOLOGY TODAY Vol 16 No 3, June 2000 13

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