Esters Lab Brock Lesson Plan

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Brock University

Intermediate/Senior Lesson Plan

Consecutive and Concurrent

Lesson Topic/Title: Esters Lab Date: 11/16/2017

Subject: Science Course Code: SCH 4U Duration: 75mins

Overall Expectations
A1. demonstrate scientific investigation skills (related to both inquiry and research) in the four areas of skills
B2. investigate organic compounds and organic chemical reactions, and use various methods to represent the compounds;

Specific Expectations
B2.2 use International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) nomenclature conventions to identify names, write chemical formulae, and create
structural formulae for the different classes of organic compounds, including hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, ethers,
amines, amides, and simple aromatic compounds
B2.1 use appropriate terminology related to organic chemistry,
Lesson Learning Goals
Knowledge & Understanding, Thinking, Communication, Application
I am able to determine the (m/m)% of vitamin c in an unknown sample using a redox titration
I am able to use all safety procedures and lab equipment properly
I am able to write a lab report and do necessary redox calculations learned in prior lessons

Learning Skills and Work Habits

Responsibility, Independent Work, Organization, Collaboration, Initiative, Self-Regulation
- Fulfills responsibilities and commitments within the learning environment
- Shares information, resources, and expertise and promotes critical thinking to solve problems
- Perseveres and makes an effort when responding to challenges

Assessment and Evaluation

How will I know when my students are successful?
Assessment Task/Strategy: What evidence (observation,  Assessment For Learning Assessment tools:
o Diagnostic Identify and describe the tool that will be used to
product, conversations) will I collect to know my students
o Formative
are successful? record the information for the assessment task,
 Assessment As Learning
Identify and describe what students will be doing to o Formative and use to help analyze what students are able to
address the learning goals for this lesson.  Assessment Of Learning do against the established success criteria.
o Summative (Anecdotal Record, Rating Scale, Checklist, Rubric, etc)

1. Lab performance  Assessment for and of Anecdotal notes during lab

2. Pre-lab learning Lab write-up
Success criteria:
Were my students able to perform a safe and successful
esterification? Were my students able to appropriately provide a
lab write-up? In the pre-lab could my students draw and name
the organic product?

Prior Learning
Prior to this lesson, students will be able to…
- Safety procedures and lab etiquette
- Work in partners to complete a lab
- Prepare for a lab ahead of time
- Write a thoughtful and accurate lab report
Differentiated Instruction Responses
What will I do to assist and/or differentiate instruction for individual learners? Differentiation: Geography - Differentiation: Mathematics
Learning Materials (Content)
Lab materials (see below), lab procedure (from two day before), lab discussion questions
Ways of Learning (Process)
Lab, lab write-up, (can go through a demonstration if necessary, or provide a video that shows an online esterification process)

Ways of Demonstrating Learning (Product)

Lab performance, lab write-up

Accommodations: Modifications:

Materials/Preparation/Safety Consideration(s) for Teaching

What do I need to prepare before I begin the lesson?
Materials for lab: ice chips, distilled water, sulfuric acid, the available alcohols and carboxylic acids included in the 10 reactions
The (all other materials available in classroom)
Lab notebooks for students x20
Extra copies of lab procedure

Instructional Sequence
MINDS ON Assessment Opportunities
 Establishing a positive learning environment Guiding Questions:
 What are you collecting?
 Connection to prior learning and/or experiences
 Setting the context for learning  How are you collecting student data?
(Assessment tool)
- Review safety procedures and equipment (5mins) - Pre lab reaction problems: marks for naming
- Take up pre-lab questions if any discrepancies product, drawing product, and predicting
- Have students get into their partners (someone they have not already done a lab with) product odour.
- Remind the two groups that have to do their esterification in the fumehood to head
ACTION Assessment Opportunities
 Introducing new learning or extending/reinforcing prior learning
 Providing opportunities for practice and application of learning (guided vs
- Help students gather their materials and get started (5mins) - Anecdotal notes on lab performance using
- Lab (60mins) equipment, working collaboratively with
- Help students clean up lab and set-up for next period’s lab
- Depending on timing of semester have students write a conclusion/sources of error for
homework or at the beginning of the next day’s class.

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