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New edition pharmaceutical suspensions and revised and updated and includes
ophthalmic ointments. This short statistical techniques and strategies
description will highligl-.', some of useful for pharmaceutical product
PharmaceuticalDosage the changes incorporated into this development.
Forms: Disperse Systems, new edition. Volume 2 (12 chapters) focuses on
2rid e d n Volume 1 (10 chapters) covers the- specific types of disperse system
(Vois I a n d 2) oretical aspects involved in the for- dosage forms. Chapter 1, on phar-
mulation of different types of dis- maceutical suspensions, includes
edited by Herbert A. Lieberman, perse system drug products, such as topics on stabilization and formula-
Martin M. Rieger and Gilbert S. suspensions, emulsions, aerosols tion of suspensions and both theo-
Banker, Marcel Dekker, 1996. and ointments. Chapter 2, entitled rectical and practical aspects of sus-
Vol. 1:$165.00 (xviii + 532 'Theory of Suspensions' covers the pensions are covered. An important
characterization of suspension-type change in this volume has come
pages) ISBN 0 8247 9~87 0
products and includes a new section from combining the chapters on
Vol. 2:$165.00 (rx + 506 pages)
on light-scattering techniques. pharmaceutical emulsions and
ISBN 0 8247 9713 2
Chapter 3 on emulsions has been microemulsions into one chapter,
expanded and the chapter on col- which includes more than 250 refer-
This edition, revised and expanded, loids, which now contains many ences. The chapter on antacids and
is published about eight years after new references, has been updated. clay products (Chapter 3) contains
the first and contains 25% new mate- 'Bioavailability of Disperse Dosage several new figures and also
rial and several new chapters. The Forms' (Chapter 8) has been texten- includes information relating to the
second edition is now in three, as sively rewritten, reorganized and testing and evaluation of antacid
opposed to two, volumes. A variety enlarged. The final chapter (Chapter suspensions.
of topics are covered, ranging from 10), on experimental design, model- Chapter 6, on reconstitutable sus-
the theory of suspensions, colloids ling and optimization strategies is a pensions, also contains some modifi-
and emulsions to products such as mathematical chapter that has been cations, the most significant being an

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B o o K s

addition of current information on suspensions, particularly in the area reworked and updated. It is antici-
stability evaluation of reconstituted of product safety and a new section pated that this new edition will
antibiotic oral suspensions, e.g. on the packaging aspects of oph- appeal to a cross section of the
determination of shelf-life at differ- thalmic ointments and suspensions scientific community, including
ent temperatures. Major revision has been added. Finally, Chapter 12 industrial pharmacists and scien~ts
has been undertaken on the cover- on supvository development and working in both academia and
age of ophthalmic ointments and production has been extensively government.

Academic Press, 1996. £35,00 (xvi + 156

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H. Motulsky (ed.) hstuitive Biastatistics,
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D. Raebum and M. A. Giembycz (eds)
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John N. Abelson (ed.) Methods in Analysis of Biomolecules Plenum Press, Verlag, 1996, £99.00 (xli + 276 pages)
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Chemistry Academic Press, 1996. $85.00 45142 5
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J. Z. Knapp, T. A. Barber and A. and Biotechuology of Natural and Artificial
H. G. Brittain (ed,',' Analytical Profiles of Lieberman (eds) Liquid- and Surface- Polymers ATL Press, Inc., 1996..%245.00 (xii
Dr~tg Substances and Excipients VoI. 24 Borne Particle Measurement Handbook + 284 pages) ISBN 1 88~_36002 8
Academic Press, 1996. $99.00 (xii + 619 Marcel Dekker, Inc,, 1996. $195.00
pages) ISBN 0 12 260824 0 (viii + 915 pages) ISBN 0 8247 9386 2 World Health Organization, Cancer Pain
Relief:. With a Guide to Opioid Availability,
Gerald D. Fasman (ed.) Circular Fred Mellon and Brittmarie SandstrOm World Health Organization, 1996. S15-30
Dichroism and the Canformational (eds) Stable Isotopes in Human Nutrition (vi ÷ 63 pages) ISBN 92 4 154482 1

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Copyright© 1996,ElsevierScienceLtd All rights reserved 0165- 6147/96/$15.00 TiPS - October 1996 (Vol. 17) 3 8 3

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