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ABELLO vs CIR which manifest its presence.

This being the case, donative intent

is presumed present when one gives a part of one’s patrimony
Civil Law; Donations; Elements of a Donation.—Donation has the to another without consideration. Second, donative intent is not
following elements: (a) the reduction of the patrimony of the negated when the person donating has other intentions, motives
donor; (b) the increase in the patrimony of the donee; and, (c) or purposes which do not contradict donative intent. This Court
the intent to do an act of liberality or animus donandi. is not convinced that since the purpose of the contribution was
to help elect a candidate, there was no donative intent.
Same; Same; Same; Petitioners’ contribution of money without
Petitioners’ contribution of money without any material
any material consideration evinces animus donandi; The fact
consideration evinces animus donandi. The fact that their
that their purpose for donating was to aid in the election of the
purpose for donating was to aid in the election of the donee
donee does not negate the presence of donative intent.—Since
does not negate the presence of donative intent.
animus donandi or the intention to do an act of liberality is an
essential element of a donation, petitioners argue that it is Same; Same; Same; Donative intent is not negated by the
important to look into the intention of the giver to determine if a presence of other intentions, motives or purposes which do not
political contribution is a gift. Petitioners’ argument is not contradict donative intent.—Since the purpose of an electoral
tenable. First of all, donative intent is a creature of the mind. It contribution is to influence the results of the election, petitioners
cannot be perceived except by the material and tangible acts again claim that donative intent is not present. Petitioners
which manifest its presence. This being the case, donative intent attempt to place the barrier of mutual exclusivity between
is presumed present when one gives a part of one’s patrimony donative intent and the purpose of political contributions. This
to another without consideration. Second, donative intent is not Court reiterates that donative intent is not negated by the
negated when the person donating has other intentions, motives presence of other intentions, motives or purposes which do not
or purposes which do not contradict donative intent. This Court contradict donative intent. Abello vs. Commissioner of Internal
is not convinced that since the purpose of the contribution was Revenue, 452 SCRA 162, G.R. No. 120721 February 23, 2005
to help elect a candidate, there was no donative intent.
Petitioners’ contribution of money without any material Ganuelas vs. Cawed
consideration evinces animus donandi. The fact that their
purpose for donating was to aid in the election of the donee Donations; Wills and Succession; Donations Mortis Causa and
does not negate the presence of donative intent. Donations Inter Vivos; Words and Phrases; Donation inter vivos
differs from donation mortis causa in that in the former, the act
Same; Same; Same; Donative intent is not negated by the is immediately operative even if the actual execution may be
presence of other intentions, motives or purposes which do not deferred until the death of the donor, while in the latter, nothing
contradict donative intent.—Since the purpose of an electoral is conveyed to or acquired by the donee until the death of the
contribution is to influence the results of the election, petitioners donor-testator.—The issue is thus whether the donation is inter
again claim that donative intent is not present. Petitioners vivos or mortis causa. Crucial in the resolution of the issue is the
attempt to place the barrier of mutual exclusivity between determination of whether the donor intended to transfer the
donative intent and the purpose of political contributions. This ownership over the properties upon the execution of the deed.
Court reiterates that donative intent is not negated by the Donation inter vivos differs from donation mortis causa in that in
presence of other intentions, motives or purposes which do not the former, the act is immediately operative even if the actual
contradict donative intent. Abello vs. Commissioner of Internal execution may be deferred until the death of the donor, while in
Revenue, 452 SCRA 162, G.R. No. 120721 February 23, 2005 the latter, nothing is conveyed to or acquired by the donee until
the death of the donor-testator. The following ruling of this
Abello vs. Commissioner of Internal Revenue Court in Alejandro v. Geraldez is illuminating: If the donation is
made in contemplation of the donor’s death, meaning that the
Civil Law; Donations; Elements of a Donation.—Donation has the
full or naked ownership of the donated properties will pass to
following elements: (a) the reduction of the patrimony of the
the donee only because of the donor’s death, then it is at that
donor; (b) the increase in the patrimony of the donee; and, (c)
time that the donation takes effect, and it is a donation mortis
the intent to do an act of liberality or animus donandi.
causa which should be embodied in a last will and testament.
But if the donation takes effect during the donor’s lifetime or
Same; Same; Same; Petitioners’ contribution of money without
independently of the donor’s death, meaning that the full or
any material consideration evinces animus donandi; The fact
naked ownership (nuda proprietas) of the donated properties
that their purpose for donating was to aid in the election of the
passes to the donee during the donor’s lifetime, not by reason of
donee does not negate the presence of donative intent.—Since
his death but because of the deed of donation, then the
animus donandi or the intention to do an act of liberality is an
donation is inter vivos.
essential element of a donation, petitioners argue that it is
important to look into the intention of the giver to determine if a
Same; Same; Same; The distinction between a transfer inter
political contribution is a gift. Petitioners’ argument is not
vivos and mortis causa is important as the validity or revocation
tenable. First of all, donative intent is a creature of the mind. It
of the donation depends upon its nature.—The distinction
cannot be perceived except by the material and tangible acts
between a transfer inter vivos and mortis causa is important as
the validity or revocation of the donation depends upon its Same; Same; Same; Donations mortis causa must comply with
nature. If the donation is inter vivos, it must be executed and the formalities of a will under Article 728 of the Civil Code, failing
accepted with the formalities prescribed by Articles 748 and 749 which the donation is void and produces no effect.—As the
of the Civil Code, except when it is onerous in which case the subject deed then is in the nature of a mortis causa disposition,
rules on contracts will apply. If it is mortis causa, the donation the formalities of a will under Article 728 of the Civil Code should
must be in the form of a will, with all the formalities for the have been complied with, failing which the donation is void and
validity of wills, otherwise it is void and cannot transfer produces no effect. As noted by the trial court, the attesting
ownership. witnesses failed to acknowledge the deed before the notary
public, thus violating Article 806 of the Civil Code which
Same; Same; Same; Distinguishing Characteristics of a Donation provides: Art. 806. Every will must be acknowledged before a
Mortis Causa.—The distinguishing characteristics of a donation notary public by the testator and the witnesses. The notary
mortis causa are the following: 1. It conveys no title or public shall not be required to retain a copy of the will, or file
ownership to the transferee before the death of the transferor; another with the office of the Clerk of Court.
or, what amounts to the same thing, that the transferor should
retain the ownership (full or naked) and control of the property Heirs of William Sevilla vs. Sevilla
while alive; 2. That before his death, the transfer should be
revocable by the transferor at will, ad nutum; but revocability Civil Law; Property; Donations; Donation is an act of liberality
may be provided for indirectly by means of a reserved power in whereby a person disposes gratuitously of a thing or right in
the donor to dispose of the properties conveyed; 3. That the favor of another who accepts it; Like any other contract, an
transfer should be void if the transferor should survive the agreement of the parties is essential and the attendance of a
transferee. wise consent renders the donation voidable.—Donation is an act
of liberality whereby a person disposes gratuitously of a thing or
Same; Same; Same; Same; The phrase “to become effective right in favor of another who accepts it. Under Article 737 of the
upon the death of the DONOR” admits of no other interpretation Civil Code, the donor’s capacity shall be determined as of the
but that the donor intended to transfer the ownership of the time of the making of the donation. Like any other contract, an
properties to the donee on the former’s death, not during her agreement of the parties is essential, and the attendance of a
lifetime.—In the donation subject of the present case, there is vice of consent renders the donation voidable.
nothing therein which indicates that any right, title or interest in
the donated properties was to be transferred to Ursulina prior to Same; Same; Same; Evidence; Factual findings of the trial court,
the death of Celestina. The phrase “to become effective upon if affirmed by the Court of Appeals, are entitled to great
the death of the DONOR” admits of no other interpretation but respect.—Petitioners, however, insist that respondent Leopoldo
that Celestina intended to transfer the ownership of the Sevilla employed fraud and undue influence on the person of the
properties to Ursulina on her death, not during her lifetime. donor. This argument involves appreciation of the evidence. The
settled rule is that factual findings of the trial court, if affirmed
Same; Same; Same; Same; One of the decisive characteristics of by the Court of Appeals, are entitled to great respect. There are
a donation mortis causa is that the transfer should be considered exceptional circumstances when findings of fact of lower courts
void if the donor should survive the donee.—More importantly, may be set aside but none is present in the case at bar.
the provision in the deed stating that if the donee should die
before the donor, the donation shall be deemed rescinded and of Same; Same; Same; Same; Fraud and undue influence that
no further force and effect shows that the donation is a vitiated a party’s consent must be established by full, clear and
postmortem disposition. As stated in a long line of cases, one of convincing evidence otherwise, the latter’s presumed consent to
the decisive characteristics of a donation mortis causa is that the the contract prevails.—Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui
transfer should be considered void if the donor should survive negat. He who asserts, not he who denies, must prove. We have
the donee. consistently applied the ancient rule that if the plaintiff, upon
whom rests the burden of proving his cause of action, fails to
Same; Same; Same; To classify the donation as inter vivos show in a satisfactory manner facts on which he bases his claim,
simply because it is founded on considerations of love and the defendant is under no obligation to prove his exception or
affection is erroneous—love and affection may also underlie defense. In the instant case, the self-serving testimony of the
transfers mortis causa.—To classify the donation as inter vivos petitioners are vague on what acts of Leopoldo Sevilla
simply because it is founded on considerations of love and constituted fraud and undue influence and on how these acts
affection is erroneous. That the donation was prompted by the vitiated the consent of Felisa Almirol. Fraud and undue influence
affection of the donor for the donee and the services rendered that vitiated a party’s consent must be established by full, clear
by the latter is of no particular significance in determining and convincing evidence, otherwise, the latter’s presumed
whether the deed constitutes a transfer inter vivos or not, consent to the contract prevails. Neither does the fact that the
because a legacy may have an identical motivation. In other donation preceded the partition constitute fraud. It is not
words, love and affection may also underlie transfers mortis necessary that partition should first be had because what was
causa. donated to Leopoldo was the 1/2 undivided share of Felisa in Lot
No. 653.
Same; Same; Same; There is said to be no consent and been in writing. It was not. Hence, the donation is invalid for
consequently no contract when the agreement is entered into by non-compliance with the formal requisites prescribed by law.
one in behalf of another who has never given him authorization
therefor unless he has by law a right to represent the latter.— Same; Unjust Enrichment; Solutio Indebiti; The quasi-contract of
Anent the Deed of Extra-judicial Partition, we find that the same solutio indebiti harks back to the ancient principle that no one
is void ab initio and not merely unenforceable. In Delos Reyes v. shall enrich himself unjustly at the expense of another.—The
Court of Appeals, which is a case involving the sale of a lot by a quasi-contract of solutio indebiti harks back to the ancient
person who is neither the owner nor the legal representative, we principle that no one shall enrich himself unjustly at the expense
declared the contract void ab initio. It was held that one of the of another. It applies where (1) a payment is made when there
requisites of a valid contract under Article 1318 of the Civil Code exists no binding relation between the payor, who has no duty
is the consent and the capacity to give consent of the parties to to pay, and the person who received the payment, and (2) the
the contract. The legal capacity of the parties is an essential payment is made through mistake, and not through liberality or
element for the existence of the contract because it is an some other cause. In the instant case, records show that a
indispensable condition for the existence of consent. There is no bank-to-bank payment was made by respondent Wolff to
effective consent in law without the capacity to give such petitioner Cross in favor of co-petitioner Moreño-Lentfer.
consent. In other words, legal consent presupposes capacity. Respondent was under no duty to make such payment for the
Thus, there is said to be no consent, and consequently, no benefit of Moreño-Lentfer. There was no binding relation
contract when the agreement is entered into by one in behalf of between respondent and the beneficiary, Moreño-Lentfer. The
another who has never given him authorization therefor unless payment was clearly a mistake. Since Moreño-Lentfer received
he has by law a right to represent the latter. something when there was no right to demand it, she had an
obligation to return it. Following Article 22 of the New Civil Code,
Same; Same; Same; A donation inter vivos is immediately two conditions must concur to declare that a person has unjustly
operative and final.—In the case at bar, at the time Felisa enriched himself or herself, namely: (a) a person is unjustly
executed the deed of extra-judicial partition dividing the share of benefited, and (b) such benefit is derived at the expense of or to
her deceased sister Honarata between her and the heirs of the damage of another.
Filomena Almirol de Sevilla, she was no longer the owner of the
1/2 undivided portion of Lot No. 653, having previously donated Heirs of Rosendo Sevilla Florencio vs. Heirs of Teresa
the same to respondent Leopoldo Sevilla who accepted the Sevilla De Leon
donation in the same deed. A donation inter vivos, as in the
Civil Law; Donation; Donation is one of the modes of acquiring
instant case, is immediately operative and final. As a mode of
ownership; Essential Elements of Donation.—Under the New Civil
acquiring ownership, it results in an effective transfer of title
Code, donation is one of the modes of acquiring ownership.
over the property from the donor to the donee and the donation
Among the attributes of ownership is the right to possess the
is perfected from the moment the donor knows of the
property. The essential elements of donation are as follows: (a)
acceptance by the donee. And once a donation is accepted, the
the essential reduction of the patrimony of the donor; (b) the
donee becomes the absolute owner of the property donated.
increase in the patrimony of the donee; and (c) the intent to do
Moreño-Lentfer vs. Wolff an act of liberality or animus donandi. When applied to a
donation of an immovable property, the law further requires that
Donations; Words and Phrases; A donation is a simple act of the donation be made in a public document and that the
liberality where a person gives freely of a thing or right in favor acceptance thereof be made in the same deed or in a separate
of another, who accepts it, but when a large amount of money is public instrument; in cases where the acceptance is made in a
involved, the Court is constrained to take the donee’s purported separate instrument, it is mandated that the donor be notified
claim of liberality of the donor with more than a grain of salt; A thereof in an authentic form, to be noted in both instruments.
donation of money equivalent to P3,297,800 as well as its
acceptance should be in writing.—Petitioner Moreño-Lentfer’s Same; Same; Once the donation is accepted, it is generally
claim of either cash or property donation rings hollow. A considered irrevocable and the donee becomes the absolute
donation is a simple act of liberality where a person gives freely owner of the property, except on account of officiousness,
of a thing or right in favor of another, who accepts it. But when failure by the donee to comply with the charge imposed in the
a large amount of money is involved, equivalent to P3,297,800, donation, or ingratitude.—As a mode of acquiring ownership,
based on the exchange rate in the year 1992, we are donation results in an effective transfer of title over the property
constrained to take the petitioners’ claim of liberality of the from the donor to the donee, and is perfected from the moment
donor with more than a grain of salt. Petitioners could not brush the donor is made aware of the acceptance by the donee,
aside the fact that a donation must comply with the mandatory provided that the donee is not disqualified or prohibited by law
formal requirements set forth by law for its validity. Since the from accepting the donation. Once the donation is accepted, it is
subject of donation is the purchase money, Art. 748 of the New generally considered irrevocable, and the donee becomes the
Civil Code is applicable. Accordingly, the donation of money absolute owner of the property, except on account of
equivalent to P3,297,800 as well as its acceptance should have officiousness, failure by the donee to comply with the charge
imposed in the donation, or ingratitude. The acceptance, to be
valid, must be made during the lifetime of both the donor and Same; Formalities; The requirement that the contracting parties
the donee. It must be made in the same deed or in a separate and their witnesses should sign on the left-hand margin of the
public document, and the donee’s acceptance must come to the instrument is not absolute—the specification of the location of
knowledge of the donor. the signature is merely directory.—As stated above, the second
page of the deed of donation, on which the Acknowledgment
Same; Same; In order that the donation of an immovable appears, was signed by the donor and one witness on the left-
property may be valid, it must be made in a public document; hand margin, and by the donee and the other witness on the
Registration of the deed in the Office of the Register of Deeds or right-hand margin. Surely, the requirement that the contracting
in the Assesor’s Office is not necessary for it to be considered parties and their witnesses should sign on the left-hand margin
valid and official.—In order that the donation of an immovable of the instrument is not absolute. The intendment of the law
property may be valid, it must be made in a public document. merely is to ensure that each and every page of the instrument
Registration of the deed in the Office of the Register of Deeds or is authenticated by the parties. The requirement is designed to
in the Assessor’s Office is not necessary for it to be considered avoid the falsification of the contract after the same has already
valid and official. Registration does not vest title; it is merely been duly executed by the parties. Hence, a contracting party
evidence of such title over a particular parcel of land. The affixes his signature on each page of the instrument to certify
necessity of registration comes into play only when the rights of that he is agreeing to everything that is written thereon at the
third persons are affected. Furthermore, the heirs are bound by time of signing. Simply put, the specification of the location of
the deed of contracts executed by their predecessors-in-interest the signature is merely directory. The fact that one of the parties
signs on the wrong side of the page does not invalidate the
Quilala vs. Alcantara
document. The purpose of authenticating the page is served,
and the requirement in the above-quoted provision is deemed
Donations; As a mode of acquiring ownership, donation results
substantially complied with.
in an effective transfer of title over the property from the donor
to the donee, and is perfected from the moment the donor
Same; Same; Notarial Law; Acknowledgments; The lack of an
knows of the acceptance by the donee, provided the donee is
acknowledgment by the donee before the notary public does not
not disqualified or prohibited by law from accepting the
render the donation null and void; An instrument of donation
donation.—The principal issue raised is the validity of the
should be treated in its entirety—it cannot be considered a
donation executed by Catalina in favor of Violeta. Under Article
private document in part and a public document in another, as
749 of the Civil Code, the donation of an immovable must be
the fact that it was acknowledged before a notary public
made in a public instrument in order to be valid, specifying
converts the deed of donation in its entirety a public
therein the property donated and the value of the charges which
document.—In the same vein, the lack of an acknowledgment by
the donee must satisfy. As a mode of acquiring ownership,
the donee before the notary public does not also render the
donation results in an effective transfer of title over the property
donation null and void. The instrument should be treated in its
from the donor to the donee, and is perfected from the moment
entirety. It cannot be considered a private document in part and
the donor knows of the acceptance by the donee, provided the
a public document in another part. The fact that it was
donee is not disqualified or prohibited by law from accepting the
acknowledged before a notary public converts the deed of
donation. Once the donation is accepted, it is generally
donation in its entirety a public instrument. The fact that the
considered irrevocable, and the donee becomes the absolute
donee was not mentioned by the notary public in the
owner of the property. The acceptance, to be valid, must be
acknowledgment is of no moment. To be sure, it is the
made during the lifetime of both the donor and the donee. It
conveyance that should be acknowledged as a free and
may be made in the same deed or in a separate public
voluntary act. In any event, the donee signed on the second
document, and the donor must know the acceptance by the
page, which contains the Acknowledgment only. Her acceptance,
which is explicitly set forth on the first page of the notarized
deed of donation, was made in a public instrument.
Same; Words and Phrases; “Donation,” Defined; A stipulation in
the donation that it was made for and in consideration of the
Same; Succession; Collation; Property donated inter vivos is
“love and affection which the DONEE inspires in the DONOR, and
subject to collation after the donor’s death, whether the
as an act of liberality and generosity” is sufficient cause for a
donation was made to a compulsory heir or a stranger, unless
donation.—In the case at bar, the deed of donation contained
there is an express prohibition if that had been the donor’s
the number of the certificate of title as well as the technical
intention.—It should be stressed that this Court, not being a trier
description of the real property donated. It stipulated that the
of facts, can not make a determination of whether Violeta was
donation was made for and in consideration of the “love and
the daughter of Catalina, or whether petitioner is the son of
affection which the DONEE inspires in the DONOR, and as an act
Violeta. These issues should be ventilated in the appropriate
of liberality and generosity.” This was sufficient cause for a
probate or settlement proceedings affecting the respective
donation. Indeed, donation is legally defined as “an act of
estates of Catalina and Violeta. Suffice it to state that the
liberality whereby a person disposes gratuitously of a thing or
donation, which we declare herein to be valid, will still be
right in favor of another, who accepts it.”
subjected to a test on its inofficiousness under Article 771, in
relation to Articles 752, 911 and 912 of the Civil Code. Moreover,
property donated inter vivos is subject to collation after the Estoppel by Laches; Words and Phrases.—Estoppel by laches, or
donor’s death, whether the donation was made to a compulsory the negligence or omission to assert a right within a reasonable
heir or a stranger, unless there is an express prohibition if that time, warrants a presumption that the party entitled to assert it
had been the donor’s intention. either has abandoned it or declined to assert it.

Republic vs. Silim Donations; The purpose of the formal requirement for
acceptance of a donation is to ensure that such acceptance is
Contracts; Donations; Kinds of; Words and Phrases; “Pure or duly communicated to the donor.—The purpose of the formal
Simple Donations,” “Remuneratory or Compensatory Donations,” requirement for acceptance of a donation is to ensure that such
“Conditional or Modal Donations,” and “Onerous Donations,” acceptance is duly communicated to the donor. Thus, in Pajarillo
Defined and Distinguished.—Donations, according to its purpose vs. Intermediate Appellate Court, the Court held: x x x A strict
or cause, may be categorized as: (1) pure or simple; (2) interpretation of Article 633 can lead to no other conclusion that
remuneratory or compensatory; (3) conditional or modal; and the annulment of the donation for being defective in form as
(4) onerous. A pure or simple donation is one where the urged by the petitioners. This would be in keeping with the
underlying cause is plain gratuity. This is donation in its truest unmistakable language of the above-quoted provision. However,
form. On the other hand, a remuneratory or compensatory we find that under the circumstances of the present case, a
donation is one made for the purpose of rewarding the donee literal adherence to the requirement of the law might result not
for past services, which services do not amount to a demandable in justice to the parties but conversely a distortion of their
debt. A conditional or modal donation is one where the donation intentions. It is also a policy of the Court to avoid such an
is made in consideration of future services or where the donor interpretation. The purpose of the formal requirement is to
imposes certain conditions, limitations or charges upon the insure that the acceptance of the donation is duly communicated
donee, the value of which is inferior than that of the donation to the donor. In the case at bar, it is not even suggested that
given. Finally, an onerous donation is that which imposes upon Juana was unaware of the acceptance for she in fact confirmed
the donee a reciprocal obligation or, to be more precise, this is it later and requested that the donated land be not registered
the kind of donation made for a valuable consideration, the cost during her lifetime by Salud. Given this significant evidence, the
of which is equal to or more than the thing donated. Court cannot in conscience declare the donation ineffective
because there is no notation in the extrajudicial settlement of
Same; Same; Same; Of the different classifications of donations,
the donee’s acceptance. That would be placing too much stress
onerous donations are the most distinct since, unlike the other
on mere form over substance. It would also disregard the clear
forms of donations, the validity of and the rights and obligations
reality of the acceptance of the donation as manifested in the
of the parties involved in an onerous donation is completely
separate instrument dated June 20, 1946, and as later
governed not by the law on donations but by the law on
acknowledged by Juan.
contracts.—Of all the foregoing classifications, donations of the
onerous type are the most distinct. This is because, unlike the Same; The actual knowledge by the donor of the construction
other forms of donation, the validity of and the rights and and existence of the school building pursuant to the condition of
obligations of the parties involved in an onerous donation is the donation fulfills the legal requirement that the acceptance of
completely governed not by the law on donations but by the law the donation by the donee be communicated to the donor.—In
on contracts. In this regard, Article 733 of the New Civil Code the case at bar, a school building was immediately constructed
provides: Art. 733. Donations with an onerous cause shall be after the donation was executed. Respondents had knowledge of
governed by the rules on contracts, and remuneratory donations the existence of the school building put up on the donated lot
by the provisions of the present Title as regards that portion through the efforts of the Parents-Teachers Association of
which exceeds the value of the burden imposed. Barangay Kauswagan. It was when the school building was
being dismantled and transferred to the new site and when Vice-
Same; Same; Evidence; Pleadings and Practice; Presumptions;
Mayor Wilfredo Palma was constructing a house on the donated
Where the trial court considered the written acceptance of the
property that respondents came to know of the Deed of
donation in arriving at its decision, there is the presumption that
Exchange. The actual knowledge by respondents of the
such exhibit was properly offered and admitted by the court.—
construction and existence of the school building fulfilled the
Private respondents, as shown above, admit that in the offer of
legal requirement that the acceptance of the donation by the
exhibits by the defendants in the trial court, an affidavit of
donee be communicated to the donor.
acceptance and/or confirmation of the donation, marked as
Exhibit “8,” was offered in evidence. However, private Same; Contracts; Administrative Law; Contracts or conveyances
respondents now question this exhibit because, according to may be executed for and in behalf of the Government or of any
them “there is nothing in the record that the exhibits offered by of its branches, subdivisions, agencies, or instrumentalities,
the defendants have been admitted nor such exhibit appear on whenever demanded by the exigency or exigencies of the
record.” Respondents’ stance does not persuade. The written service and as long as the same are not prohibited by law.—On
acceptance of the donation having been considered by the trial respondents’ claim, which was upheld by the Court of Appeals,
court in arriving at its decision, there is the presumption that this that the acceptance by BPS District Supervisor Gregorio Buendia
exhibit was properly offered and admitted by the court. of the donation was ineffective because of the absence of a
special power of attorney from the Republic of the Philippines, it circumstance which may explain the adverse and exclusive
is undisputed that the donation was made in favor of the Bureau character of the possession. (Italics ours)
of Public Schools. Such being the case, his acceptance was
authorized under Section 47 of the 1987 Administrative Code
which states: SEC. 47. Contracts and Conveyances.—Contracts
Cruz vs. Court of Appeals
or conveyances may be executed for and in behalf of the
Government or of any of its branches, subdivisions, agencies, or
Civil Law; Donation; Revocation of donation; Annulment or
instrumentalities, whenever demanded by the exigency or
reduction of donation in case of subsequent adoption of a minor
exigencies of the service and as long as the same are not
by one who had previously donated some or all of his properties
prohibited by law.
to another, is within four (4) years from date of adoption if the
donation impairs the legitime of the adopted.—In the case of the
Same; Words and Phrases; “Exclusively used for school
subsequent adoption of a minor by one who had previously
purposes,” Construed.—What does the phrase “exclusively used
donated some or all of his properties to another, the donor may
for school purposes” convey? “School” is simply an institution or
sue for the annulment or reduction of the donation within four
place of education. “Purpose” is defined as “that which one sets
years from the date of adoption, if the donation impairs the
before him to accomplish or attain; an end, intention, or aim,
legitime of the adopted, taking into account the whole estate of
object, plan, project. Term is synonymous with the ends sought,
the donor at the time of the adoption of the child. (Civil Code,
an object to be attained, an intention, etc.” “Exclusive” means
Articles 760, 761 and 763).
“excluding or having power to exclude (as by preventing
entrance or debarring from possession, participation, or use);
Same; Same; Same; Burden of proof; Donor has the burden to
limiting or limited to possession, control or use.”
allege and establish the requirements prescribed by law for
which the annulment or reduction of the donation can be
Same; The condition for the donation—that the lot be exclusively
based.—Of course, the burden of proof is on the plaintiff-donor,
used for school purposes—is not violated when the lot donated
who must allege and establish the requirements prescribed by
is exchanged with another one, where the purpose for the
law, on the basis of which annulment or reduction of the
donation remains the same, which is for the establishment of a
donation can be adjudged.
school.—Without the slightest doubt, the condition for the
donation was not in any way violated when the lot donated was
Same; Same; Same; Where the complaint for annulment of the
exchanged with another one. The purpose for the donation
donation does not allege nor prove that the donation impairs the
remains the same, which is for the establishment of a school.
legitime of the adopted child, but that unrebutted evidence
The exclusivity of the purpose was not altered or affected. In
exists that the donor has another piece of land and that the
fact, the exchange of the lot for a much bigger one was in
grandfather of the donees was owner pro-indiviso of one-half of
furtherance and enhancement of the purpose of the donation.
the donated land, fatal to the complaint.—Unfortunately, in the
The acquisition of the bigger lot paved the way for the release of
case at bar, the complaint for annulment does not allege that
funds for the construction of Bagong Lipunan school building
the subject donation impairs the legitime of the adopted child.
which could not be accommodated by the limited area of the
Indeed it contains no indication at all of the total assets of the
donated lot.
donor. Nor is there proof of impairment of legitime. On the
contrary, there is unrebutted evidence that the donor has
Calicdan vs. Cendaña,
another piece of land (27,342 sq. m.) situated in Dolores,
Same; Same; Same; Same; Donation; A deed of donation, albeit Taytay, Rizal worth P273,420.00 in 1977, although then subject
void for having been executed by one who was not the owner of to litigation. The legal situation of petitioner-donor, as plaintiff, is
the property donated, may still be used to show the exclusive made worse by the factual finding of the Court of Appeals that
and adverse character of the donee’s possession.—Moreover, the grandfather of the donees was the owner pro indiviso of
the deed of donation inter vivos, albeit void for having been one-half of the donated land, the effect of which is to reduce the
executed by one who was not the owner of the property value of the which can then more easily be taken from the
donated, may still be used to show the exclusive and adverse portion of the estate within the free disposal of petitioner.
character of respondent’s possession. Thus, in Heirs of Segunda
Maningding v. Court of Appeals, we held: Even assuming that
the donation propter nuptias is void for failure to comply with
formal requisites, it could still constitute a legal basis for adverse
possession. With clear and convincing evidence of possession, a
private document of donation may serve as basis for a claim of
ownership. In Pensader v. Pensader we ruled that while the
verbal donation under which the defendant and his
predecessors-in-interest have been in possession of the lands in
question is not effective as a transfer of title, still it is a

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