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Magic · Occultism · Gothicism

"The darkness is a mirror of the depths of the soul. All that is hidden inside us, our desires and
our fears, is projected on the darkness."

Dragon Rouge is an esoteric society that is non-confessional, undogmatic and eclectic. We are
interested in philosophy, psychology, religion, science and culture. As esotericists we aim to
achieve: 1) individuation, 2) autonomy and 3) creativity. Our philosophical and metaphysical
goal of 'self deification' implies that we strive to realise the most remote qualitative principles
of existence.

We also call ourselves a magical order and we are interested in the form of esotericism that
traditionally is called magic. In Dragon Rouge we commonly use the word "magic" as meaning
''the art of the will". To work with magic entails exploring and familiarising oneself with ones
true will, and applying it to to become a creator of one's own life.

Self development and independence are important qualities to strive for, but as an order we
also emphasise the ability to cooperate. Other qualities that Dragon Rouge encourage are:

- Knowledge, critical thinking and academic education.

- The ability to concretise visions and ideas.

Dragon Rouge is a meeting place for people who want to develop these qualities, perhaps in
conjunction with the artistic interests of Dragon Rouge such as the music, art and literature of
the Gothic period as well as various forms of innovative Avant-garde culture. Dragon Rouge fits
in the esoteric tradition, with its roots in the humanism of the renaissance, and the genuine
interest in other historical periods and alien cultures. Dragon Rouge also arranges social events
such as dinner parties and other festivities.

To become a member: send us a letter describing yourself and your previous magical/occult
experience. You should also state why you wish to join Dragon Rouge. The basic membership
costs € 40 in Europe and € 45 outside Europe. As a member you are welcome to our
introductory lectures, magical meetings and festivities. DRACONTIAS, our members' publication
is sent out, containing unique articles, ceremonies and other valuable information about dark
magic. Every member decides for him-/herself how deep the involvement in Dragon Rouge will
The order is based on three main parts: one outer part which is open for all members, one inner
part which contains an initiation system of 11 levels and finally the inner circle. As a member
you have the possibility to begin our initiation course. When ordering the course you will get
access to an initiation forum with the option to communicate with mentor initiates from Ordo

There might be many reasons behind the decision to join Dragon Rouge. Some people become
members because they share our cultural preferences and philosophical interests. Others
become members because they wish to support our work or simply to share the draconian
brother-/sisterhood. The main part of our members, however, become members because they
want to be part of an order which enables them to practice advanced dark magic in a powerful
and unique initiation system. The practical initiatoric magic is the foundation of Dragon Rouge.

Save the receipt that you are given when transferring money to us, since this can be used to
verify your claim in case the money does not reach us.

DRAGON ROUGE, Box 777, 114 79 Stockholm, Sweden.

Dragon Rouge explore the dark side focusing on five main paths.

— The Order

— Culture

— Philosophy

— Psychology

— Initiatoric Magic
Dragon Rouge is an order where a creative fellowship is nurtured and a strong brother- and
sisterhood is upheld. Loyalty, honesty and devotion towards the work of the order are
important principles for members of Dragon Rouge. Every member chooses personally to what
extent he/she will participate in the official activities, but we emphasize the importance of
working together with others in Dragon Rouge if one wants to reach results on the individual
level. We are conducting ceremonies and magical workings together and are arranging study
evenings and are inviting guest lecturers, traveling to cult sites and power places like ship
tumuli in Sweden or places like Externsteine in Germany. For initiated members of Dragon
Rouge there are also philosophical discussion evenings, dinners and festivities.

In culture we are interested in the Gothicism and the dark side in its different forms of
expression. We are studying the Gothicistic literature and the horror romantic genre through
writers like H.P. Lovecraft, Hanns Heinz Ewers, Bram Stoker and Edgar Allan Poe. We are
interested in classics of Satanic literature like Dante's "Inferno", "Paradise Lost" by Milton and
the Faustian texts.

Baudelaire and Comte de Lautréamont have inspired many of our members. Our interest in the
Gothic tradition also reaches the Gothicism and we are influenced by poets and writers like
Johannes Bureus, Georg Stiernhielm and the circle around the Gothic Society in Sweden.
Among our members we have numerous musicians, painters, writers and academics. Musically,
Richard Wagner and his mythological operas are important in Dragon Rouge, but also modern
experimental music. In art, our focus is on the Gothic ruin romanticism expressed by Arnold
Böcklin and Caspar David Friedrich, and the symbolistic art of Franz von Stück and Fidus but also
on surrealistic art by Salvador Dalí and Max Ernst. The dark magician and artist Austin Osman
Spare is a good example of how magic and art is united. The above mentioned names are only
fragments of a wide interest in the dark culture forms that we believe can give man a glimpse of
the hidden sides of existence.

The philosophy of the dark side is represented by the left hand path and its ideology. The left
hand path is founded around a philosophy which defines two main spiritual paths. One is the
right hand path. It is evident in most forms of religion and mass movements. Its method is the
magic of the light and its goal includes that the individual melts together with God. The other
path is the left hand path. It emphasizes the unique, the deviant and the exclusive. Its method
is dark magic and antinomianism (going against the grain).

The goal is to become a god. Among the magical writers that includes the left hand path we are
reading among others Carlos Castaneda, Julius Evola and Kenneth Grant. Most philosophers
interest us. We study texts by classical philosophers like Herakleitos, Plato and Plotinos, as well
as newer thinkers like Nietzsche, Heidegger and Henri Bergson. We are also incorporating non-
European philosophy and are reading classical Indian and Chinese texts like the Upanishads and
Tao te ching. A major part of the philosophy of the left hand path can be found among the
tantric teachings.

The dark side can also be understood from the perspective of psychology. One of the main
theses of Dragon Rouge is that man presently uses only a fraction of his total capacity. We are
experiencing only an insignificant part of reality. The major part of man is hidden. Through the
traditional thousand year old occult practices man can contact these hidden sides. To the
hidden parts of man belongs the undeveloped and non-actualized sides of the psyche. These
can be made conscious and become realised if we are entering the dark side of our psyche.

We will then confront all dark and repressed parts of the psyche like aggression, fears and basic
instincts. C.G. Jung is the psychologist who is most important to Dragon Rouge. Jung said:
"Illumination is not reached by visualizing the light but by exploring the darkness". From this
perspective Dragon Rouge is working with the dark side. Other psychologists that are
interesting to us are among others the Jungian Marie-Louise von Franz, Wilhelm Reich with his
force concept Orgon, and Stanislaf Grof and his psychedelic research. In the hidden areas of the
human psyche we can find the so called parapsychological abilities like telepathy and
psychometry. We are studying parapsychology and are conducting parapsychological

The members who wish can also enter into the initiatoric magic which is the actual foundation
of Dragon Rouge. Here the adept reaches the deeper levels in the work of investigating the dark
side. The three first levels of the 11 level initiatoric system are based on a letter course and the
communication with a tutor from the order. The remaining levels of initiation are revealed only
to those who passes the first preparatory levels. Besides the theoretic discipline the initiatoric
work focuses on regular magical practice.

The goal of the initiatoric magic of Dragon Rouge is self deification: a step by step process in
which the magician is developing and ennobling him/herself and becomes a "god". To become
a god means that one has transformed life from being predetermined and predestinated by
outer conditions, to the stage where one reaches a truly free will. Man becomes a god when he
ceases to be a creation and instead becomes a creator. In the initiatoric magic the magician
works with:

1. Vision seeking, dream journeys and astral magic.

2. Activation of inner hidden forces and the conjuration of outer forces.

3. Communication with the shadow and the night side.

The draconian initiation is based on four main traditions: the Goetic Qabalah, the Odinic
Runosophy, Tantra and Alkhemy. The magician's initiation is a life-long project, according to
many magicians even a great work that might stretch through numerous incarnations. This is a
spiritual quest that demands self sacrifice, dedication, patience and discipline – a quest that the
magicians fulfills together with his/her magical brothers and sisters of the draconian path.

1. Lilith 1.0°. The gate to the unknown.


2. Gamaliel 2.0°. The dark dreams. Astral magic. Witchcraft. The mysteries of the dark moon.
The dark Goddess.

3. Samael 3.0°. The philosophy of the left hand path. The wisdom of insanity. Yezidi magic. The
dark side of the Chakras.

4. A'arab Zaraq 4.0°. Luciferian magic. The dark side of Venus. Eroto-mysticism and the path of
the warrior.

5. Thagirion. 5.0°. The illumination of the nightside. The black sun. The union of the god and the

6. Golachab 6.0°. Ragnarök. The activation of Surt/Sorath. The magnetism of lust and suffering.

7. Gha'agsheblah 7.0°. The higher levels of eroto mysticism. Preparations for the abyss.

8. Satariel 8.0°. The opening of the eye os Lucifer/Shiva/Odin. The Drakon principle.

9. Ghagiel 9.0°. The lightening of the Luciferian star.

10. Thaumiel 10.0°. The accomplishment of the promise given by the serpent. Divinity.


11 Thaumiel 11.0°. The black hole. The step into the new creation. Universe B.

The four main traditions behind the magical system of Dragon Rouge have one important thing
in common. They are step by step leading the adept down into the darkness where he/she can
become a god. By entering the dark side like Odin or Khepera and sacrificing oneself, one can
be transformed from a creation to a creator.

The Qabalah is a mystery philosophy which has roots in Greek philosophy and which was kept
alive in Jewish mysticism and in the western magical tradition. The Qliphoth is the dark side of
this tradition. The Qliphoth is the principles of the shadow and the antitheses that are hidden
behind everything. The side of light in the Qabalah represents mathematical/ geometrical
principles through which God created the world.

The Qliphoth corresponds to fractals and principles of chaos. The Qliphoth are the dividing and
destructive forces. The Qliphotic Qabalah uses the forces of destruction to free the adept from
the limitations of creation. Through these forces we can learn to create. In the Qabalah, Lucifer
and the fallen angels are those who first used the Qliphotic forces to free themselves from God.
The principles of light are keeping the angels and the rest of creation in their firm,
predetermined circles. The dark forces break these circles and make a free will and an
individual existence outside God possible.

Demonology and the Goetic magic are parts of the Qliphotic Qabalah in which the magician
conjures and evokes personified dark forces in the shape of different demons. In Dragon Rouge
we are using the traditional black magical and demonological texts for this purpose but we have
adopted these old methods to our draconian system. The Testament of Solomon, the Keys of
Solomon, the Lemegeton and Le Dragon Rouge are examples of demonological texts used by
Dragon Rouge.

The Odinic Runosophy is the Nordic and Gothic tradition of initiation. Runosophy is the wisdom
about the secret of the runes and the god Odin is the foremost initiate in these mysteries. In
the old Norse and Germanic languages "runa" means "secret", "mystery", "hidden wisdom" or
"secret whisper". On an outer level the word "runa" denotes old Norse writing signs. On a
deeper level it symbolizes the forces of the universe and can describe the whole occult Nordic
spirituality. The Odinic Runosophy is a Helwegr, a path to the realm of death and the goddess of
death - Hel. In these deepest and darkest parts of existence the keys to wisdom and immortality
are hidden.

In Dragon Rouge we are working with the runes in many different forms. One aspect is the
disputed Uthark, which is thought to be the inner and hidden form of the rune row. We are also
using the runosophical system of the Adulrunes by Johannes Bureus. The inner dimensions of
the runes are called Adulrunor or Alrunor (Mandragora).

Odin is a dark and demonic god and the Odinic runosophy also includes lycantropy and
necromancy. The Odinic Runosophy is a form of Gothic magic. The Gothic magic is not only
Runosophy and rune magic which focuses on the old Norse runic symbols. The Gothic magic is
connected to the nightside and the dark mysteries. This separates the Gothic magic from the
forms of rune magic that are connected to Asatro and the strife to recreate the old Norse faith.
Gothic magic can not be connected to a certain time or place. The Gothic magic corresponds to
a mythical dimension in which man becomes a god.

Vamachara Tantra is the path of the left hand path in the Indian tradition. The goal of the
Tantra is to awake the latent inner force, called Kundalini. Unlike ordinary Yoga and meditation
the Vamachara does not only seek the form of illumination that is called Samadhi where the
adept becomes "one with God" when the kundalini melts together with the energy zone
Sahasrara above the head.

The Vamachara Tantra strives towards a state where the kundalini reaches beyond Sahasrara.
This does not lead to Samadhi but to a state which in the Vamachara Tantra is called kaivalya
and in which the adept becomes like a god. In Dragon Rouge we are also working with hidden
chakras, like the black chakra Sunya above Sahasrara besides the chakras of ordinary Yoga.
Vamachara Tantra is connected to the Kali cult and the infamous Aghora tradition. The
difference between the right hand path and the left hand path is eloquently explained by Julius
Evola in the book "The Yoga of Power":

"There is a significant difference between the two Tantric paths, that of the right hand and that
of the left hand (which both are under Shiva's aegis). In the former, the adept always
experiences 'someone above him', even at the highest level of realization. In the latter, 'he
becomes the ultimate Sovereign' (chakravartin = worldruler)".

Typhonian Alchemy is pivotal in the initiation system of Dragon Rouge. Alchemy is the art of
ennobling and has its roots in ancient Egypt where it was called Khemeia, "the production of
the black stone". The goal of this art was to produce an elixir of eternal life which was the same
as the black stone or the black diamond.

The word Khem means "black" and is the original black art in which man strives to become like
the gods. Khem is also the name of the god of Alchemy. The dark god Set is also connected to
Alchemy and the black stone. In the Greek and Hermetic tradition Khem was represented by
Pan and Set by Typhon. The Typhonian alchemy can be traced to the oldest Egyptian, Greek and
Hermetic traditions of Alchemy in which the goal corresponds to the left hand path. The
Typhonian alchemy is constructed around a step by step ennobling process that represents the
draconian levels of initiation.

The alchemistic process transforms coal, the fundamental element of all life, from its most
weak and porous form through a hardening and ennobling process into the eternal
indestructible black diamond (Adamas Ater, A.A.). This process is represented by the god
Khepera and his entering of the kingdom of death where he dies and recreates himself as his
own creation. In the Egyptian Book of the Dead Khepera says: "I am Khepera, the one who has
created himself". Typhon represents the Red Dragon and the eternal primeval force and matter
from which all originates.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does Dragon Rouge mean?

2. What does the Red Dragon represent?

3. What is magic?

4. How is the outer work structured?

5. What type of yoga and meditation are you practising?

6. What is a ritual?

7. Is there any political direction in Dragon Rouge?

8. What type of people are members of Dragon Rouge?

9. What does it mean to become a member of Dragon Rouge?

10. Can I receive the address of other members?

What does Dragon Rouge mean?

Dragon Rouge means "red dragon" in French. The French name Dragon Rouge corresponds to
an old alchemistic brotherhood that carried this name. Dragon Rouge is also one of the most
interesting and famous books of the black arts, the great grimoire, Le Grand Grimoire, which is
called Le Dragon Rouge. Dragon Rouge is using magical systems from all over the world but are
mainly focused on the European Tradition.

What does the Red Dragon represent?

The Red Dragon is a mythological entity which exists in all times and cultures. The Dragon can
be viewed as a winged serpent. From the perspective of the history of religions the serpent is a
symbol of the earth and the underworld. The eagle (and birds in general) are symbols of the
heavens. The dragon is a unity of these two fundamental principles. The Dragon is a picture of
the Hermetic principle "That which is below is like that which is above and that which is above
is like that which is below". In China the dragon is a symbol of Tao, that which is beyond all
terms and all polarities (Yin and Yang) but also is the force behind all. The Dragon represents
the unknown and the hidden energy in man and in nature. The word dragon comes from the
Greek verb derkein which means "to see". The Dragon is the principle of clear seeing: the ability
to see things in a new light as they really are, beyond all illusions. For this reason the dragon
has great wisdom and power in the myths.

The wisdom of the dragon is symbolized by the treasure it guards or the pearl that the dragon
carries in his mouth. To find this wisdom and knowledge man must search in his/her inner
aspects and in the unknown. In Yoga the dragon is called the Kundalini, the force that is hidden
inside man. The Draconian path strives to make this unconscious force and knowledge
conscious. "A picture says more than a thousand words" and the symbol of the dragon and the
myths about it carries information about how the unconscious can become conscious and how
man can evolve.

The colour red has always been connected to magic and force. The red colour belongs to blood,
heat and the pulse. In Nordic magic objects were magically loaded with energy by colouring it
red, often with blood. Words like the German Zauber or the English sorcery come from the old
Norse word teufer which means "to colour red".

The red dragon is a symbol of primal forces that the magician can awake and use in his/her
magical work. In the Bible the red dragon is connected to Satan and the fallen angels. These are
mythologically giving man the knowledge and the force to reach divinity.

What is magic?

Magic is a term surrounded with ignorance, prejudices and naive interpretations. From the
perspective of the history of ideas, magic is one of two possible ways to approach the divine.
One of these two ways is the religious, in which one experiences oneself as dependent on the
force that determines fate.

The other attitude is the magical where one experiences that one has the ability to influence
this force in accordance with one's own will. The definition of magic most generally accepted by
modern magicians comes from Aleister Crowley (1875-1947): "Magic is the art and science to
cause change in conformity with will". The word magic can be traced to the Greek word megas
which means "great" and refers to the "great" science the "great" work; the art and science to
work with the transcendental.

The word magic can also be traced to the ancient Persian Zoroastrians. The word magus which
can be interpreted as magician was the name of their priests. The word magic is connected to
different words for "force" (and "great" and "great force"), like magnetism. Magic is a practical
philosophy of the will which emphasizes the power of will and its possibility to influence one's
own existence.

The Draconian magic is the art and science to by outer and inner forces act in a manner that
transforms vision to reality in accordance with the will.

How is the outer work structured?

We have regular meetings where we study magic and occultism in theory and practice. We are
conducting ceremonies, magical workings, study nights and are arranging guest lecturers. We
are also arranging journeys together to ancient cult sites and power places. We are arranging
seminars where we are practicing martial arts, yoga and meditation. We also have festivals
where we are conducting "firewalkings", walking on glowing coal. TOP

What type of yoga and meditation are you practicing?

We are practising yoga and meditation from the Indian Vamachara Tantra. It belongs to the left
hand path. We are practising physical yoga techniques through asanas where we in different
movements and positions learn how to control latent inner forces. We are also using a certain
form of Rune yoga where the forces of the runes are used.
The goal with our yoga and meditation is to awake the latent inner force that is called Kundalini
in the Tantra. Unlike ordinary yoga and meditation we are not striving to reach the illumination
called Samadhi where the adept becomes "one with God" when the Kundalini melts together
with the energy zone Sahasrara above the head. We are using a rare and dark system in which
the kundalini reaches beyond Sahasrara. This does not lead to Samadhi but to Kaivalya where
the adept becomes like a god. We are working with a number of hidden chakras besides the
energy zones that are more commonly used in Yoga and meditation.

What is a ritual?

There are many misunderstandings regarding what a ritual is. A ritual is an act that follows a
specific pattern, for example the coffee and the newspaper every morning. Our lifes are filled
with unconscious rituals. By conducting conscious rituals we will become more conscious about
which principles and forces that rules our lifes. The ritual or ceremony can be conducted to
dramatize a mythological text or a mythological event. Rituals can also be conducted by acting
out a situation and a number of events that the magician wants to accomplish. The different
attributes, the candles, the incense and the capes are used to increase the atmosphere and to
release psychic energy. The ritual is connected to the psychodrama used in psychology but is
connected to religio-mythological and archetypal levels.

Is there any political direction in Dragon Rouge?


What type of people are members of Dragon Rouge?

We have members in most ages. Among our members there are people in most work
categories. Our members include both academics and workers. Many have creative interests
and we also have many musicians and artists as members. The balance between the sexes is

What does it mean to become a member of Dragon Rouge?

A basic membership costs 40 euro in Europe and 45 euro outside Europe. As a member you are
welcome to our introductional lectures, magical meetings and festivities. You will receive the
members' publication DRACONTIAS four times a year. The order consists of three parts: one
outer part that is open to all members, one inner part that includes our initiation system and
one inner circle.

As a member you have the possibility to order our initiation course. There are many different
reasons why people join Dragon Rouge. Some become members because they share our
cultural taste and our philosophical interests. Some become members because they want to
support us or to be part of the brother/sisterhood of the order. Many become members
because they want to find an organization in which they can practice advanced magic.

Can I receive the addresses of other members?

No. People become members for various reasons. While some choose to work with Dragon
Rouge material by themselves, others prefer to contact and work together with other
members. We never reveal the address or identity of our members. To get in contact with our
members you can participate in some of our outer activities in Stockholm or as arranged by a
lodge (programmes are sent out on a regular basis). You can also use the message board in the
members' section at the website to reach others.


Dragon Rouge was inofficially founded 1989 by seven young magicians with Thomas K. as the
main character. Dragon Rouge was created following the advice from a circle of old Yezidi-
Typhonian magicians who left their great work of awakening the dragon force to their younger
inheritors. At midnight on new years eve 89-90 Dragon Rouge was formally opened under
ceremonial celebrations.

Dragon Rouge has grown and developed through the years, and now we have lodges and ritual
groups in Sweden, Germany, Italy and Finland. This makes us one of the leading magical
organisations in northern Europe.


Dragon Rouge is open for everyone and membership does not include any obligations. Every
member decides for himself how active he/she wants to be. The order consists of three parts:
one outer part that is open for anyone, one inner part that includes an initiation system with 11
grades and one inner circle.

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