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1 General Requirements .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 System Arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3 Class Notation EO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4 Class Notation ECO .......................................................................................... 15
5 Survey ........................................................................................................... 16


Veritasveien 1, N-1322 Hovik, Norway Tel.: +47 67 57 99 00 Fax: +47 67 57 99 11
General update the plan for systematic maintenance and function testing.
The present edition of the Rules includes additions and amendments The additions to the plan includes: Columns showing test dates
decided by the Board in December 1998, and supersedes the July and verification of tests, instrumentation, automation and control
1995 edition of the same chapter. systems affecting main functions, test "intervals involving failure
of particular systems and the functional testing of critical alarms.
The Rule changes come into force on 1st of July 1999.
• Sec.2 System arrangement.
This chapter is valid until superseded by a revised chapter. Sup-
- A guidance note has been added to paragraph F103 explaining
plements will not be issued except for an 'updated list of minor
amendments and corrections presented in Pt.O Ch.1 Sec.3. The in- the use of thermal detectors in workshops adjacent to machinery
troduction booklet is normally revised in January and July each spaces.
• Sec.3 Class notation EO
Revised chapters will be forwarded to all subscribers to the Rules.
Buyers of reprints are advised to check the updated list of Rule - An amendment has been made to the last sentence in paragraph
chapters printed in Pt.O Ch.1 Sec.1 to ensure that the chapter is A201 to include "request from the alarm system".
current. - In item ElOl - "high level alarm" is no longer required in the
collecting tank mentioned in the last sentence.
Main changes - Table A9 has been amended to include "fuel oil drain collecting
tank, level, high".
• Sec.1 General Requirements
Corrections and Clarifications
- In item A200 an addition to paragraph A204 has been added to
document the requirement to keep an approved maintenance and In addition to the above stated rule amendments, some detected er-
test plan onboard. rors have been corrected, and some clarifications have been made
- In item ClOO an addition to paragraph C102 has been added to in the existing rule wording.

Comments to the Rules may be sent by e-mail to

For subscription orders or information about subscription tenns, please use
Comprehensive information about DNV and the Society's services is found at the Web site
© Det Norske Veritas AS
Computer Typesetting by Division Technology and Products, Det Norske Veritas AS
Printed in Norway by Det Norske Veritas AS January 1999

~u~hyp~~;6~f !u~!=r~r~~;d 0Jir~~~ 1~11s~ ~rh~ca~!g~~o~~!~~ehr~~~e~~~g::;go~s~~ri ~~p~~;~~~~tn°~~~~~~i~~u0:1 ~:\eNnoir~~sVi~t~~~ t~h~~:J 70°:~~ ~;:~~~: ~~~~~=lio~~m/rg~i~~~o~h~i
the maximum compensation shall never exceed USO 2 million.
In this provision "Det Norske Veritas" shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries. directors. officers, employees, -agents and any other acting on behalf
of Det Norske Veritas.

SEC. 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ...................... 1 D. Electric Power Supply .... ...... ........ ........ ........ ........ 6
D 100 Main source .............. _.:.............. 6
A. Classification ...... .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .. .. .... .... .. .. .. .. .. 1 D 200 Secondary distribution system~ . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . 7
A 100 Application . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . .. 1
A 200 Class notations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 E. Fire Safety .. .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. ... .. .. .. . 7
E 100 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
B. Documentation •.. .•.. ...... ..••.. ...... ..••.. ...•....... ..••.. .. .. 1
B 100 Plans and particulars . . . .. .... .. .... .. .... . 1 F. Special Requirements for Ships less than 300 Tons
Gross with propulsive Output less than 1000 kW per
C. Operation and maintenance manuals .... ...... ...... ....... 2 Engine .............................................................. 7
C 100 General . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 F 100 Extent of monitoring . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 7
F 200 Arrangement on the bridge . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . 7
SEC. 2 SYSTEM ARRANGEMENT ......................... 3 F 300 Electric Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
F 400 Fire safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
F 500 Fire alarm system. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . 7
A. General .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •. .. .. ...... .... .. . ... .. ..... 3
A 100 Extent of automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 SEC. 4 CLASS NOTATION ECO ........................... 15
B. Automatic Control System .... ........................ ...... ... 3 A. General Requirements ...... ........ ...... ........ ............. 15
B 100 General .. .. .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 3 A 100 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 15
B 200 Special requirements . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
B. Control Station ................... ........ ........ ....... ...... .. 15
C. Alarm System .... .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..................... 3 B 100 Arrangement . .. ... .. . .. . .. ... . .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. .... 15
C 100 General .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. ... . .. ... . .. . .. .. ..... .. .... .. .... 3
C 200 Alarm system on the bridge . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 C. System Arrangement .. ........ .............. ......... ...... .... 15
C 300 Alarm system in the accommodation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 C 100 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
C 200 Alarm system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
D. Safety System ..................................................... 3 C 300 Safety system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
D 100 General . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 C 400 Remote control system .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .... .. ... . .. ... 15
D 200 Automatic start of pumps . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . 4 C 500 Fire alarm system . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 15
D 300 Automatic start/connection of diesel generator units 4
D 400 Automatic stop of auxiliary engines and propulsion D. Extent of Monitoring ............ ........ ....................... 15
machinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 4 D 100 General . .... .. .... .. ... . .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. ... . . .. .. .. .. ... . 15
D 500 Automatic stop of oil fired auxiliary boilers . . . . . . . . . 4
SEC. 5 SURVEY .. ...... ................................... ...... 16
E. Communication System ......•••............ ..••.. ...... ....... 5 A. General .. ...... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 16
E 100 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 A 100 Trials .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .. .. . ... .. .. .. .. .... ... .. .. .. .. . . 16
A 200 Monitoring system .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . 16
F. Fire Detection and Alarm System .. ...... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • 5 A 300 Automatic control systems . .. ... .. .... .. .. .... ... ... .. . 16
F 100 General .... .... .. .... .. .... ... . .. .. .. .. .... .. ..... .. .... .. .. 5 A 400 Electric generating system .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. ... . .. .. .. . 16
A 500 Fire alarm system ......... .... .. ... ... .. .... .. .... .. ..... 16
SEC. 3 CLASS NOTATION EO ............................... 6 A 600 Remote control system . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . ... .. .. . .. . . . 16
A. Extent of Monitoring .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ..... .... .. ...... ... .. .. .... . 6 B. Testing of Remote Control System. Guidance ........... 16
A 100 General . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 B 100 Motor ships with fixed pitch propeller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
A 200 Safety actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 B 200 Motor ships with controllable pitch propeller . . . . . . . 17
B 300 Turbine ships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 17
B. Arrangement on the Bridge .... ............................... 6
B 100 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 C. Testing of Boiler Plant. Guidance .. ......... ...... ......... 17
C 100 Automatic control system for auxiliary boilers . . . . . 17
C. Arrangement in the Engine Room ...... ...... ...... ...... ... 6 C 200 Automatic control system for main boilers . . . . . . . . . . 17
C 100 General ........ .... .. ...... .... .. .... .. .... .. ..... .. .... .. .. 6 C 300 Monitoring system . .. . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. .. . . . .. . . 18
Rules for Ships , January 1999
Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.1 - Page 1


Contents 1992.01.01 for continuous supervision from a control station

is granted when machinery alarms are released in an at-
A. Classific.ation tended centralized control station, and a remote control sys-
A I 00 Application tem for main propulsion machinery from at least this station
A 200 Class notations is fitted.
B. Documentation 204 The assignment of class is based on the assumptions
B 100 Plans and particulars that:
C. Operation and maintenance manuals - engineering staff can attend the machinery space at short
C I 00 General notice
- systematic maintenance and functional testing of instru-
mentation are performed and documented and necessary
A. Classification test equipment is kept on board
- maintenance and testing programs are approved and an
A 100 Application original, stamped copy is kept onboard and presented at
annual and complete periodical surveys as specified in
101 The Rules in this Chapter apply to machinery spaces Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.4.
where arrangements are provided to ensure that the safety
of the ship in all sailing conditions, including manoeuvring, Guidance note:
as well as alongside quay, is equivalent to that of a ship When considering to what extent availability of spare parts, re-
having machinery spaces attended. dundancy or manual operation facilities should be arranged for,
Cargo handling is pot included. due regard should be taken to the manning level in order to
ascertain continuity of operation upon failure of the instrumen-
A 200 Class notations tation equipment.
201 When all machinery in the engine room necessary for
performance of main functions, as specified in Pt.! Ch.!
Sec.2, is fitted with instrumentation and automation equip-
ment (including computer based system) in compliance with B. Documentation
the requirements of Pt.4 Ch.5 and relevant sections of this
chapter, Class Notations EO or ECO may be granted. B 100 Plans and particulars
202 Class Notation EO which is considered to meet the 101 For general requirements for documentation of in-
regulations of the International Convention for the Safety of strumentation and automation, including computer based
Life at Sea (SOLAS) with latest Amendments as per control and monitoring, see Pt.4 Ch.5 Sec.!.
1992.01.01 for unattended machinery spaces is granted
when machinery alarms are relayed to the bridge and engi- 102 For requirements related to fire protection, detection
neers' accommodation, and a bridge control system for main and extinction, see Pt.4 Ch.6 Sec. I.
propulsion machinery is fitted.
103 For the instrumentation systems listed, documentation
203 Class Notation ECO which is considered to meet the is to be submitted according to Table Bl. The upper row of
regulations of the International Convention for the Safety of Table B 1 refers to the documentation types defined in Pt.4
Life at Sea (SOLAS) with latest Amendments as per Ch.5 Sec.! C200.


Rules for Ships , January 1999
Page 2 - Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.1

Table Bl Requirements for documentation of instrumentation systems

020 030 040 050 060 070 080 090 100 110 115 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
For class notations EO and ECO:
BIC x x x x
BLC x x x x
EPC x x x x x x x x
FUO x x x
FWC x x x
HYD x x x
LUO x x x
PNE x x x
SCM x x x
swc x x x
In addition for class notation EO:
EWC x x x x x x
In addition .for class notation ECO:
MCS x x x

Instrumentation systems: Documentation types:

BIC Bilge system control and monitoring 030 Functional description
BLC Ballast system control and monitoring 040 System block diagrams (T)
EPC Generator and electrical power system control and 050 System diagrams (P&!Ds, D&!Ds, etc.) (T)
060 User interface description
EWC Engineer and watch call alarm system
070 Power supply arrangement (T)
FUO Fuel oil system control and monitoring
080 Arrangement and layout (T)
FWC Feed water and condensate system control and moni-
100 Instrument and equipment list (T)
to ring
110 Data sheets with environmental specifications
HYD Hydraulic power system control and monitoring
LUO Lubricating oil system control and monitoring
120 Description of functions covered by software

Machinery control station

140 Test program for application software at manufacturer ('D
150 Test program for quay/sea trial (T)
PNE Pneumatic control and monitoring system
SCM Steam system control and monitoring
swc Sea and fresh water system control and monitoring
T Required also for type approved systems

C. Operation and maintenance manuals Columns showing test dates and verification of tests carried
out are to be included. The plan is to include:
C 100 General a) All instrumentation, automation and control systems af-
101 Operation and maintenance manuals are to be kept on fecting main functions.
board. For the required content of the manuals, see Pt.4 b) Test intervals to reflect the consequences of failure in-
Ch.5 Sec.! C200. volving a particular system. Functional testing of critical
alarms should not exceed 3 month intervals. Normally
Guidance note: the longest intervals are not to surpass 12 months.
It may be convenient that the operation and maintenance material
is arranged as a master manual covering the complete instru- Guidance note:
mentation and automation installation in the engine room, with Critical alarms are defined as low lubricating oil pressure alarms
reference to particular manuals for the sub-systems. for rotating machinery and water levels in boilers.
103 On the bridge and at the control stand in the engine
102 The plan for systematic maintenance and function room, instructions are to be fitted, stating routines to be
testing is to show in detail how components and systems are followed in connection with transfer of control to/from en-
to be tested and what is to be observed during the tests. gine room, and precautions to be taken at alarm condition.


Rules for Ships , January 1999
Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.2 - Page 3


Contents of the stand-by power supply is to be sufficient for at least

30 minutes operation.
A. General
A 100 Extent of automation 102 The alarm system is to activate the engineers' alarm
(repeat alarm) required by Pt.4 Ch. I Sec.3A if a machinery
B. Automatic Control System alarm is not acknowledged locally within a limited time.
B 100 General
B 200 Special requirements
C 200 Alarm system on the bridge
C. Alarm System
C 100 General 201 Any alarm condition in the engine room is io release
C 200 Alarm system on the bridge alarm on the bridge with individual or groupwise indication.
C 300 Alarm system in the accommodation The visual alarm signal is to remain until acknowledged in
the e~gine room.
D. Safety System
D 100 General 202 Alarm conditions within one group is not to prevent
D 200 Automatic start of pumps alarms in other groups. New alarms within a group are not
D 300 Automatic start/connection of diesel generator units
D 400 Automatic stop of auxiliary engines and propulsion ma- to be blocked by acknowledged existing alarms.
chinery 203 The alarm systems on the bridge and in the accom-
D 500 Automatic stop of oil fired auxiliary boilers
modation are to be so designed that the more frequent faults,
E. Communication System such as power failure or broken connections to the engine
E 100 General room, release alarm.
F. Fire Detection and Alarm System Guidance note:
F 100 General Separate cable-connections for visual and acoustic signals may
be accepted as alternative to live current self monitoring.
A. General 204 Alarm is to be released at power failure on the main
A 100 Extent of automation switchboard.
101 The extent of automation is to be sufficient to permit Guidance note:
unattended engine room operation for 24 hours, or for the It is advised that group alarms on the bridge are blocked when
maximum continuous operation time when less than 24 the engine room is atten"ded. However, when the main engine is
hours. Normal service at sea and normal manoeuvres is controlled from the bridge, monitoring of the remote control
presumed. Normal manoeuvres do not include emergency system as well as failure conditions leading to or requesting stop
manoeuvres, where alarm and safety limits may be ex- or reduction of main engine, should not be blocked.
ceeded. Acknowledgement of audible signals on the bridge should be
possible from the bridge. The light intensity of alarm indicators
102 Starting of engine plant and transfer to various oper- on the bridge should not be reducible below the intensity neces-
ating modes may be accepted as manual operations, if the sary in normal daylight.
need for such actions will not arise at short notice.

C 300 Alarm system in the accommodation

B. Automatic Control System
301 Any alarm condition in the engine room is to release
B 100 General alarm in the watch-keeping engine officer's cabin and day
101 Automatic control systems are to keep all parameters room. Acknowledgement in the cabin is to be indicated on
within the limits for safe operation under all load conditions. the bridge when the engine room is unattended.

B 200 Special requirements

201 Where the bilge pumps are arranged for automatic D. Safety System
starting, alarm is to be released if the influx of liquid is
greater than the pump capacity or when the pump is operat- D 100 General
ing more frequently than would normally be expected.
101 The safety system is to cover fault conditions which
202 For reversible engines, the starting air receivers are may develop too fast to be counteracted by manual inter-
to be automatically pumped up.
vention locally.
102 When two or more safety actions are released by one
failure condition (e.g. start of standby pump and stop of
C. Alarm System engine at low lubricating oil pressure), these actions are to
C 100 General be activated at different levels.
The least drastic action is to be activated first.
101 The alarm system is to be continuously powered and
is to have an automatic changeover to a stand-by power
supply in case ofloss of normal power supply. The capacity


Rules for Ships , January 1999
Page 4 - P1.6 Ch.3 Sec.2

103 Power failure in the safety system is not to cause loss 312 Means for manual synchronization and parallelling are
of propulsion or steering functions. to be provided.
104 Whenever the safety system is activated, alarm is to 313 When automatic start of standby generator unit is
be released. caused by reduction of voltage or frequency below the cri-
teria for automatic connection, the running uoit is to be
D 200 Automatic start of pumps stopped when the standby unit is ready for connection.
201 Faults in the mechanical or electrical system of the 314 Systems with automatic start of the standby unit at
running pump are not to inhibit automatic start_ of the heavy load on running units are to be arranged with ade-
standby pump. quate delay to prevent false start attempts, e.g. caused by
short load peaks.
202 Automatic start of the standby pump is to be initiated
by the process parameter which is being monitored, e.g. low 315 The battery supplying the diesel engine automatic
pressure signal, and is to be arranged so that the standby start/stop system is to have at least twice the capacity re-
pump does not stop automatically when first started quired for maximum load for 112 hour for all consumers
(•locking circuit»). connected to the system.
203 Manual start and stop of the pumps are to be possible 316 Batteries are generally to be continually charged
without release of alarm for automatic start of the standby (trickle charge) from a charge rectifier having sufficient ca-
pump. pacity to supply the sum of the trickle charge current, the
current according to the fuse rating of the largest consumer,
204 Operating circuits for pump units are to be arranged and the normal load current for all other consumers.
according to Pt.4 Ch.4. A lower charge rectifier capacity may be approved, pro-
205 When a pump is standby, this is to be clearly indicated vided the distribution system is monitored for ground faults.
on the switch panel by indicating lamps, etc. The capacity is not to be less than the sum of the trickle
charge current plus average normal load during 24 hours for
D 300 Automatic start/connection of diesel generator all consumers with a 10% allowance in addition.
D 400 Automatic stop of auxiliary engines and
301 When several generator units have individual systems propulsion machinery
for automatic start and connection on to the main switch-
board, each system is to be selectively fused (separate short 401 The system for automatic stop and alarm is to be se-
circuit protection), and alarm is to be released for voltage lectively fused (separate short circuit protection). Similarly,
failure. automatic stop circuits for individual units are to be selec-
tively fused.
302 Automatic attempts which fail to produce a start are Alarm is to be released for voltage failure.
to be limited to restrict consumption of starting energy.
402 The safety system is to be arranged so that a single
303 Tachometer feedback to the starting system is to be open circuit in wiring between sensors and control unit, or
arranged so that broken mechanical pinions or external between control unit and actuators, does not cause uninten-
electrical connections do not lead to stop of a running gen- tional stop.
erator unit. Neither are such faults to inhibit automatic stop
or alarm functions. Guidance note:
A single system based on normally open contacts can be ac-
304 Manual start and stop of generator uoits are not to cepted; alternatively, a system with normally closed contacts
release alarm. where discrimination between broken connections and stop sig-
305 The generator circuit breaker is to be provided with nals is provided.
automatic wind up of the closing spring of the breaker. ---e-n-d---o-f---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---

306 Simultaneous connection of generators on to the main 403 The requirements of 402 can be waived if the ma-
switchboard is not to be possible. noeuvrability is maintained after shutdown of one unit, see
Pt.4 Ch.5 Sec.3A.
307 If there is no arrangement for automatic synchroniza-
tion, parallelling and load sharing, connection is only to be 404 All parameters which may cause automatic stop are
possible when auxiliary contacts on the generator circuit normally to release alarm prior to stop.
breakers show directly that all generators are disconnected Guidance note:
from the main switchboard.
Propulsion machinery is defined as all machinery which will
308 When a generator unit is standby, this is to be indi- cause loss of the propulSion function if stopped, with exception
cated on the control panel. of main boilers.
309 The voltage of a generator being connected on to a ---e-n-d---o-f--G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
de-energised switchboard is to be sufficiently high for safe
operation of all connected circuits. D 500 Automatic stop of oil fll"ed auxiliary boilers
310 No more than one attempt of automatic connection on 501 Connections between sensors and control unit are to
to a de-energised switchboard is permitted. be based upon normally closed contacts, so that an open
circuit will lead to shutoff of the oil supply.
311 Systems with automatic synchronization, connection,
and load sharing are to be designed so that deviations in
voltage, frequency, and phase at the instant of connection
are within adequate safety limits for generator and engine.


Rules for Ships , January 1999
Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.2 - Page 5

502 The parameter causing an automatic stop is to be F. Fire Detection and Alarm System
identified on the control panel.
F 100 General
101 An automatic fire detection and fire alarm system in
accordance with the requirements of Pt.4 Ch. 6 is to be fitted
E. Communication System in the machinery spaces. ··
102 The fire detection system is to be so designed and the
E 100 General detector so located that all potential fire outbreak points are
effectively guarded at all normal conditions of machinery
101 A communication system is to be installed, making it operation and variations of ventilation.
possible at any time (also during blackout) to call the engine
officers from the bridge and from the engine room. Two- 103. A combination of detectors is normally required in
order to enable the system to react to various fire charac-
way voice communication is required for ships over 2000 teristics.
tons gross.
Except in spaces of restricted height and where their use is
102 For sbips above 2000 tons gross, at least 4 simul- especially appropriate, detection systems using .only thermal
taneous voice connections are to be possible, alternatively detectors are not accepted.
the connection between the bridge and the engine rooms is Fire detectors are to be type approved.
to have priority above other connections. Guidance note:
Thermal detectors only may be used in workshops adjacent to
machinery spaces when the nature of the work being carried out
will cause erroneous alarms. This guidance note only applies if
the compartments themselves do not contain fuel oil installations.
---e-n-d---o-f---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o- t-e---
104 Manually operated call points are to be located at the
following positions:
- passageways/stairways having nearby entrance to engine
and boiler rooms
- navigation bridge
- control station m engine room.


Rules for Ships , January 1999
Page 6 - Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.3


Contents 205 When both an alarm and an automatic safety action

are required for one failure condition, alarm is to be acti-
A. Extent of Monitoring vated first.
A 100 General
A 200 Safety actions

B. Arrangement on the Bridge B. Arrangement on the Bridge

B 100 General
B 100 General
C. Arrangement in the Engine Room
C 100 General 101 All alarms in the engine room are to release alarm on
the bridge, individual or collective.
D. Eloctric Power Supply 102 Individual alarm is required for:
D 100 Main source
D 200 Secondary distribution systems - automatic shutdown of main boiler
- automatic shutdown and/or slowdown of propulsion ma-
E. Fire Safety chinery
E 100 General - request for manual shutdown and/or slowdown of pro-
pulsion machinery
F. Special Requirements for Ships less than 300 Tons Gross - power failure bridge alarm system
with propulsive Output less than 1000 kW per Engine - power failure bridge control system.
F 100 Extent of monitoring
F 200 Arrangement on the bridge
F 300 Electric Power Supply
F 400 Fire safety
F 500 Fire alarm system. C. Arrangement in the Engine Room
C 100 General
A. Extent of Monitoring 101 Indicating instruments, alarm displays and manoeuvr-
ing devices are to be centralized in a convenient position, in
A 100 General or adjacent to the engine room.
101 The monitoring system is to cover machinery and Guidance note:
equipment having functions necessary for the safety and The layout of instruments in the control desk should comply with
manoeuvrability of the ship, see Pt. I Ch. I Sec.2 A200. generally accepted ergonomic principles. Red lamps should be
used only as alarm lamps.
102 The parameters to be monitored will depend upon ---e-n-d---o-f---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
output and type of engine as well as arrangement of ma-
chinery plant. Normally, it will be required that the param-
eters listed in Tables Al to A9 are monitored. Other
combinations than those listed may be accepted, when the D. Electric Power Supply
chosen monitoring can detect fault conditions in an equiv-
alent satisfactory manner. D 100 Main source
For monitoring of gas turbine installations, see Pt.4 Cb.2 101 Arrangements are to be provided to prevent over-
Sec.4 E400. loading of generating sets.

A 200 Safety actions 102 The main source of electrical power is to comply with
the following:
201 Unless otherwise specified, the safety shut-downs and
slow-downs required in the tables may be executed auto- - Where the electrical power can normally be supplied by
matically or manually from the bridge upon such request one generator adequate provision shall be made, on loss
from the alarm system. of power, for automatic starting and connecting to the
main switchboard of the stand-by generator with auto-
202 When emerging device for overriding a safety action matic restarting of the essential auxiliaries.
is provided, it is to be such arranged that unintentional op- Connection to the main switchboard to be completed
eration is prevented, and it should be clearly indicated when within 30 seconds after loss of power.
the device is operated. - Where the electrical power is normally supplied by more
than one generator simultaneously in parallel operation,
203 Normally an emergency device would be required on provision shall be made to ensure that, in case of loss of
the bridge for overriding of automatic shutdowns which are one of these generating sets, the remaining ones are kept
installed additional to those specified in the Tables Al to in operation to permit propulsion and steering.
204 For multi-engine plants, overriding of safety shut- 103 Standby generating sets are normally to have separate
downs is not required if manoeuvrability of the vessel is cooling water and lubricating oil pumps. Alternatively, au-
maintained. tomatic start of standby pumps is to be arranged when they
also serve other generating sets.


Rules for Ships , January 1999
Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.3 - Page 7

104 When the manoeuvrability of the ship is independent F. Special Requirements for Ships less than 300
of electric power, the requirements of 102 do not apply. Tons Gross with propulsive Output less than
1000 kW per Engine
D 200 Secondary distribution systems
F 100 Extent of monitoring ·
201 For essential consumers with power supply from sec-
ondary distribution systems, precautions against power fail- 101 Alarm is to be released for tlie following conditions:
ure are to be similar to those taken for units having power Miscellaneous:
supply from the main system. E.g., the following means - fire in engine room
may be applied: - bilge level, high
- vanable pitch propeller, servo oil pressure, low
- adequate automatic emergency lighting for access to - gear, lubricating oil pressure, low
standby transformer for the lighting system and operating - power failure, alarm and remote control system.
gear for manual connection Main engine:
- automatic connection of standby transformer
- parallel connection of a sufficient number of transformers - lubricating oil pressure, low ·
and arrangement for' selective disconnection - cooling water (sea- and fresh water) pressure, low. In-
dication of cooling water pressure on the bridge will be
- automatic connection of emergency source of power accepted as an alternative to alarms
- dividing the system in two or more circuits with automatic - cooling water temperature, high
switchover. - expansion tank level, low.

In this context, essential consumers are units and equipment Electric power generating plant greater than 35 kW:
necessary for manoeuvring of the ship, including navigation - lubricating oil pressure, low
lights and sufficient lighting (either as part of the normal - cooling water temperature, high.
lighting or as separate emergency lighting) in the engine
room, on the bridge, in the chart room, in all passageways F 200 Arrangement on the bridge
and stairways of the accommodation. 201 All alarms in the engine room are to release alarm on
the bridge, individual or collective. In addition, indicators
shall be fitted on the bridge for lubrication oil pressure main
engine and gear. These indicators can be omitted if the
E. Fire Safety pressure is monitored as required in Tables Al and AS.

E 100 General F 300 Electric Power Supply

301 When the manoeuvrability of the ship is dependent on
101 Where the Society finds it necessary, oil fuel and lu- electric power, precautions are to be taken to avoid that
bricating oil pressure pipelines are to be screened or other- power supply units are overloaded.
wise suitably protected to avoid as far as practicable oil
spray or leakages on to hot surfaces or into machinery air F 400 Fire safety
intakes. Fuel oil injection pipes on all engines, irrespective 401 Fuel oil injection pipes on all engines, irrespective of
of cylinder bore, are to be effectively shielded and secured. cylinder bore, are to be effectively shielded and clamped.
The number of joints in such piping systems are to be kept
to a minimum and, where practicable, leakages from high
F 500 Fire alarm system.
pressure oil fuel pipes are to be collected and safe drainage 501 The ship is to have an electric fire alarm system, re-
to a collecting tank is to be provided. leas~g alarm m event of fire in engine room or boiler room.
The f"rre detectors may be arrangeil in single and normally
closed loops, and may be connected to the machinery alarm
system, with separate indication on the bridge.


Rules for Ships , January 1999
Page 8 - Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.3

Table Al Monitoring of propulsion machinery. Diesel engines. 2-stroke

Alann and safety action
(stated by an x)
Item Automatic start of Comments
Alarm standby pumfi with -
alarm )
Temperature inlet, high x
Lubricating Independent of safets) shut down system.
oil. Pressure, low x Engine slow down
All separate
systems Pressure, low x
Pressure, low x Engine shut down
Turbo- Temperature, high x If not integral with turbo charger
lubrication Pressure, low x If not integral with turbo charger
Cylinder Flow, low Engine slow down 5)
lubrication 2) x
Pressure, low x
Cylinder Pressure, low x
cooling Pressure, low x Engine slow down ')
Outlet each cylinder if individual stop valves are
Temperature, high x fitted for the cylinder jackets. Engine slow down S)
Flow, low x Each piston. Engine slow down ) )
Piston Pressure, low x
medium Pressure, low x
Temperature, high x Each piston. Engine slow down ;,)

Fuel valve
Pressure, low x
cooling Pressure, low x
medium Temperature, high x
Sea cooling Pressure, low x
water Pressure, low x
Temperature or viscosity
of heavy oil, low/high
Fuel oil inlet
on engine Pressure, low x Inlet injection pump
Pressure, low x
Scavenge Engine slow down 5)
air 3) Temperature, high x

Exhaust gas, Temperature, high x Engine slow down 5)

outlet each Temperature deviation
cylinder from average, large
Exhaust gas,
outlet exhaust Temperature, high x
Starting air Pressure, low x Before starting valve
Thrust Temperature, high x Engine slow down ) )
bearing Temperature, high x Engine shut down
Crankcase Bearing temperature or Engine slow down 5)
protection 4)
oil mist concentration, high
I) To be provided when standby pump is required
2) At least one measuring point for each lubricator unit
3) For detection of fire (per cylinder)
4) Engines of 2250 kW and above or having cylinders of more than 300mm bore.
5) Load reduction in ca·se of controllable pitch propeller,


Rules for Ships , January 1999
Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.3 - Page 9

Table A2 Monitoring of propulsion machinery. Diesel engines. 4-stroke

Alarm and safety action
(stated by an x)
Item Automatic start of Comments
Alarm standby pumfi with -
alarm )
Temperature inlet, high x

Lubricating Pressure, low x Independent of safety shut down system.

oil. Pressure, low x
All separate Engine shut down
Pressure, low x
Filter differential
pressure, high
Turbo- Temperature, high If not integral with turbo charger
lubrication Pressure, low x If not integral with turbo charger
Pressure, low x
Cylinder Pressure, low x
cooling Pressure, low x Engine slow down j)
Outlet each cylinder if individual stop valves are
Temperature, high x
fitted for the cylinder jackets. Engine slow down 3)

Fuel valve Pressure, low x

cooling Pressure, low x
medium Temperature, high x
Sea cooling Pressure, low x
water Pressure, low x
Charge air Temperature, high x
Temperature or viscosity
Fuel oil inlet of heavy oil, low/high
on engine Pressure, low x Inlet injection pump
Pressure, low x
Engines, power > 500 kW/cylinder.
Exhaust gas, Te1nperature, high x Engine slow down 3)
outlet each
cylinder Temperature deviation
x Engines, power > 500 kW/cylinder
from average, large
Starting air Pressure, low x Before starting valve
Crankcase Bearing temperature or
protection 2) x Engine shut down. Independent of alarm system.
oil mist concentration, high
!) To be provided when standby pump is required
2) Engines of 2250 kW and above or having cylinders of more than 300mm bore
3) Load reduction in case of controllable pitch propeller.


Rules for Ships , January 1999
Page 10 - Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.3

Table A3 Monitoring of propulsion machinery. Steam turbine plants

Alarm and safety action
(stated by an x)
Item Automatic start of Comments·
Alann standby pumfi with -
alarm )
Temperature, high x
Pressure, low x Independent of safety shut down system
Pressure, low x
oil inlet
Pressure, low x Turbine automatic shut down
Filter diff. pressure, high x
turbine Temperature, high x
and gear
Level, low x In gravity tank
Pressure, high x
Pressure, low x
Exhaust fan, stopped x
Hydraulic Pressure, low x If separate system
system Pressure, low x
slow-turning Failed x
Overs peed See Pt.4 Ch.2 Sec.3
Rotor Axial displacement, high x Turbine shut down
Vibration Level, high x Turbine shut down
Level, high x
Level, high x
Level, high x Turbine shut down
Condensate Level, low x If non-cavitating condensate pump
system Vacuum, low x
Vacuum pump, stopped x
Vacuum, low x Turbine shut down
Salinity, high x
Cooling water Flow, low x
1) To be provided when standby pump is required


Rules for Ships , January 1999
Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.3 - Page 11

Table A4 Monitoring of main steam and feed water installation

Alann and safety action
(stated by an x)
Item Automatic shut Comments
down of boiler -
with alarm
Level, high x
Level, high x Turbine shut down
Level, low x Independent of safety shut down system
Level, low x
Circulation Stopped x Forced circulation boilers
Fan stopped x
air supply
air heater
Motor stopped x
Uptake gas Temperature, high x For fire detection
Fuel oil, Pressure, low x
outlet pump Pressure, low Automatic start of standby pump with alarm
or viscosity, x
heavy oil, high
Fuel oil
or viscosity x
heavy oil, low
Pressure of atomizing
Oil burner x
medium, low
Pressure, high x
Pressure, low x Turbine slow down
For superheated and desuperheated steam outlet
Temperature, high x
(external desuperheaters)
Failed ignition Separate monitoring and fuel shut-off
Ignition/flame x
and/ or flame failure for each burner
Level, atmospheric
drain tank, high
Level, atmospheric
drain tank, low x
water Level, deaerator, high x
Level, deaerator, low x
Pressure, deaerator, high x
Pressure, de.aerator, low x
Temperature, high x Outlet of ejector cooler/gland condenser
Feed water Pressure, low x
Pressure, low Automatic start of stand by pump with alarm
High pressure
feed water Level, high x
Fresh water Salinity, fresh Automatic stop of generator or by-passing
generator water outlet, high of consumers


Rules for Ships , January 1999
Page 12 - Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.3

Table AS Monitoring of shafting and propeller plant

Alarm and safety action
(stated by an x)
Item Automatic start of Comments
Alarm -
standby pum{i with
alarm )
Slow down
Temperature, thrust
bearing, high
x Two sensors for diesel engine built in thrust
bearing, and for steam turbine plants
Temperature, shaft plain Shaft power > 1500 kW. Sensor to be located
bearings, high
x near the bearing surface
Shafting Shaft power > 15000 kW. Sensor to be located
Temperature, stem tube
x near the bearing surface at the area of highest
bearing, high
Level, stem tube
lubricating oil x
gravity tank, low
Controllable Pressure, low x
pitch propeller, Pressure, low x
servo oil Temperature, high Shaft power > 1500kW
Pressure, low x Independent of safety system
Gear, Pressure, low x
oil Pressure, low x Shut down or clutch disengagement
Temperature, high x
Pressure, low x Hydraulic or pneumatic
Pressure, low x
1) To be provided when standby pump is required


Rules for Ships , January 1999
Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.3 - Page 13

Table A6 Monitoring of electrical power generating plant

Alarm and safery action
(stated by an x)
Item Automatic shut Comments
Alann down of prime -
mover with alarm
Pressure, lubricating
x If separate system
oil inlet, low
Voltage, high x
Generator Voltage, low x
Frequency, low x
Disconnection of
nonessential consumers
lubricating oil, high
When manoeuvring is dependent on
lubricating oil inlet, low x electric power.
Independent of safety system
lubricating oil inlet, low
Temperature, When manoeuvring is dependent on
cooling water outlet, high
x electric power
Diesel engine
Temperature, x
cooling water outlet, high
Pressure or flow of
cooling water, low x
Oil mist concentration Engines of 2250 kW and above or having
in crankcase, high cylinder bore of more than 300mm
Starting air pressure, low x
Overs peed See Pt.4 Ch.2 Sec.2
lubricating oil, high
x Independent of safety system
lubricating oil inlet, low
lubricating oil inlet, low
condenser, high
Steam turbine
condenser, high x
steam inlet line, low
Axial displacement
rotor, large
x Multistage turbines

Overspeed See Pt.4 Ch.2 Sec.3


Rules for Ships , January 1999
Page 14 - Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.3

Table A 7 Monitoring of auxiliary boiler plant

Alann and safety action
(stated by an x)
Item Automatic shut Comments
Alarm down of boiler -
with alarm
Water, Level, high x
not double Level, low x Independent of safety system
boilers Level, low x
x Independent of safety system
primary system, low
Water, Level,
primary system, low x
pressure Level,
boilers secondary system, high
secondary system, low
Circulation Stopped x Forced circulation boilers
Fan stopped x
air supply
Temperatur~ or viscosity
heavy oil, high
Fuel oil
Temperature or viscosity
heavy oil, low
Pressure, high x
When the automatic control system does not
Steam Pressure, high x cover the entire load range from zero load
Temperature, high x For superheated steam > 350°C
Uptake When heat exchangers are integral with the
High x boiler. For fire detection.
Salioity, high x Boiler pressure > 20 bar
Feed water When steam is used in fuel and
Oil contamination, high x lubrication oil heat exchangers
Condenser Pressure, high x
Failed ignition and/or Separate monitoring and fuel shut off for
flame failure
x each burner

Table A8 Monitoring of miscellaneous objects Table A9 Monitoring of tanks

Item Alarm Comments Item Alarm Comments
Bilges and bilge wells 2 independent Sludge and drain tanks, level, x When automatic
alarm circt.iits. high pumping up of tanks
Level, engine room, high x Minimum Service tanks, level, low x are arranged, alarm
2 detectors is to be released if the
Expansion tanks, level, low x level exceeds safe
Circulating tanks, level, low x level.
oil inlet, high x Fuel oil drain collecting tank, x
Temperature, oil level, high
inlet, low x For heavy fuel oil
Waterseal, loss x

Soot-blowers, sequence
stopped x
Automatic control system,
power failure x
Alarm and safety system, Electric,
power failure x pneumatic,
Remote control system, hydraulic
powel". failure x
Fire alarm systems,
failure x


Rules for Ships , January 1999
Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.4 - Page 15


Contents 102 The control station is to be located in the engine room

or in its close proximity.
A. General Requirements
A 100 Application

B. Control Station
C. System Arrangement
B 100 Arrangement C i 00 General
C. System Arrangement 101 The requirements of Section 2 are to be complied with
C 100 General to the extent applicable.
C 200 Alarm system
C 300 Safety system C 200 Alarm system
C 400 Remote control system 201 A system of alarm displays are to be provided in the
C 500 Fire alarm system centralized control station for easy identification of machin-
ery faults.
D. Extent of Monitoring 202 The machinery alarms need not be relayed to the
D 100 General bridge and engineers accommodation.
C 300 Safety system
A. General Requirements 301 The safety systems specified m Sect10n ZD can be
omitted. Corrective actions at machinery faults are pre-
sumed to be carried out manually.
A 100 Application
101 This section applies to machinery operation with con- C 400 Remote control system
tinuous supervision from a centralized control station. The 401 Propulsion machinery is to be arranged for remote
control station is to provide control and monitoring devices control from the centralized control station. The require-
necessary to make the machinery operation as safe and ef- ments given in Pt.4 Ch.2 Sec.! are to be complied with to
fective as it would be under direct supervision. the ex tent applicable.
C 500 Fire alarm system
501 The fire alarm system is to satisfy the requirement of
B. Control Station Section ZF.

B 100 Arrangement
D. Extent of Monitoring
101 The arrangement is to be such that all superv1s10ns
and manual operations which are necessary for safe opera- D 100 General
tion of the machinery plant can be carried out at the control 101 The alarms required according to Section 3 are to be
station. This will imply that stopping of machinery, starting provided. The automatic safety actions required in the same
of stand-by units etc. in case of machinery faults is to be section such as stop of engine, start of stand-by pumps, and
possible from the control station if not automatically carried start of stand-by generator can be omitted, and carried out
out. manually.


Rules for Ships , January 1999
Page 16 - Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.5


Contents the tests specified under B for the remote control system will
normally be accepted as adequate testing.
A. General ---e-n-d---o-f---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e--n-o-t-e---
A 100 Trials
A 200 Monitoring system
A 300 Automatic control systems A 400 Electric generating system
A 400 Electric generating system
A 500 Fire alarm system
401 At bridge control and half speed ahead, simulate a
A 600 Remote control system fault condition causing automatic stop of electric power
B. Testing of Remote Control System. Guidance 402 For plants with automatic start and connection of
B 100 Motor ships with fixed pitch propeller
B 200 Motor ships with controllable pitch propeller stand-by unit, check restart of all essential auxiliaries, and
B 300 Turbine ships that the bridge control system is again operative without
manual intervention in the engine room.
C. Testing of Boiler Plant. Guidance
C 100 Automatic control system for auxiliary boilers 403 For plants with more than one generator running in
C 200 Automatic control system for main boilers parallel, it is to be checked that the stopped unit is automat-
C 300 Monitoring system ically disconnected from the switchboard, and that the gen-
erator capacity of the remaining units is sufficient for
propulsion and steering functions after tripping of non-es-
sential consumers.
A. General
A 500 Fire alarm system
A 100 Trials
501 It is to be verified that the fire detectors are such lo-
101 Upon completion of the installation, trials are to be cated that air current will not make the system inoperative.
carried out alongside quay and at sea in the presence of the
surveyor. A 600 Remote control system
102 The sea trials should be reserved solely for testing of 601 Testing of the remote control system for the propul-
the automatic and the remote control systems, and the frre sion machinery is to be carried out at sea. Prior to testing,
alarm system. Other tests should be completed alongside the propulsion machinery is to run for at least 1 hour.
602 All tests included in the test programme for the remote
103 The sea trials are to include a four hours continuous control system are to be carried out without manual assist-
operation with unattended machinery spaces.
ance from the engine room, and all systems are to be in
Agreement is to be made in advance in each case for per- operation as normal for unattended machinery space.
sonnel that will be present in the control room.
Guidance note:
Personnel for ordinary upkeep and control of the machinery are B. Testing of Remote Control System. Guidance
not to be present in the engine room. Special measurements can
be carried out according to agreement, e.g. noise measurements.
B 100 Motor ships with frxed pitch propeller
101 The test programme should as a minimum include the
104 A detailed test programme is to be prepared and sub- following manoeuvres:
mitted for approval well in advance of the trials. The pro-
gramme is to be kept onboard, all filled in and signed by the - from stop to dead slow ahead. Proceed stepwise to full
surveyor upon completion of the trials. ahead. Before each step increase, the r.p.m. of the pre-
105 Recording of important automatically controlled pa- vious setting is to have reached its steady state condition
rameters may be required as part of the testing. - from approximately 2/3 of full speed ahead, go quickly
to slow astern. Proceed stepwise to full astern
A 200 Monitoring system - stop
- after approximately 5 minutes stop, start ahead
201 Failure conditions are to be simulated as realistically - when the ship has reached approximately 2/3 of full
as possible, preferably by letting the monitored parameters speed ahead, go quickly to half astern
exceed the alarm and safety limits. The alarm and safety - when the ship is •dead in the water», go quickly to full
limits are to be recorded in the test programme. ahead
202 Any calibration of sensors prior to installation onboard - when the ship has reached approximately 2/3 of full
is to be approved by the surveyor. speed ahead, go quickly to dead slow ahead
- when the r.p.m. is nearly stabilized, go quickly to full
A 300 Automatic control systems ahead
- when the ship has reached approximately half speed
301 Automatic control systems are to be tested by varying ahead, go to stop and back to dead slow ahead within 1
the parameters having effect upon the controlled process. second.
As far as practicable it is to be verified that all normal con-
trol ranges are covered.
102 With air compressors stopped, make 12 starts with the
Guidance note: remote control system, alternatively between ahead and ast-
Observation of the automatic control system performance during ern.


Rules for Ships , January 1999
Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.5 - Page 17

103 Testing of possible automatic restarts. Go to ahead - go to full ahead. When the ship has reached approxi-
and let the engine repeat the predetermined starting at mately 2/3 of full speed ahead, go to stop and back to
tempts. Go to stop. Return to ahead and check that an addi- dead slow ahead within 1 second. Transfer control to the
tional starting attempt is effected. engine room.
104 Simulate failures causing automatic load reduction or
stop of the engine. Cancel if possible this safety action and 302 Repeat the first four manoeuvres using the ma-
show that the engine is again controllable from the bridge. noeuvring system in the engine room. Transfer control to the
105 During bridge control at half speed ahead, cut out
power supply to the remote control system. No immediate 303 During bridge control at half speed ahead, cut out
critical situation is to arise. Switch over to standby manual power supply to the remote control system. No immediate
control in the engine room, and show that this control sys- critical situation is to arise. Switch over to standby manual
tem functions satisfactorily. control in the engine room, and show that this control sys-
tem functions satisfactorily.
106 At approximately 2/3 of full speed ahead, test the
emergency stop system. 304 Simulate failures causing automatic load reduction or
stop of turbines. Cancel, if possible, this safety action and
show that the turbines are again controllable from the
B 200 Motor ships with controllable pitch propeller bridge.
201 The tests specified below apply to remote control 305 At approximately 2/3 of full speed ahead, test the
systems with a single manoeuvring lever on the bridge. emergency stop system.
For plants with dual lever control, one for r.p.m. and one
for pitch, the tests to be carried out will be considered in
each case.
C. Testing of Boiler Plant. Guidance
- start the engine, from the bridge if possible, and go to
dead slow ahead. Proceed stepwise to full ahead. Before C 100 Automatic control system for auxiliary boilers
each step increase, the r.p.m. of the previous setting is
to have reached its steady state condition 101 The system is to be tested by varying the boiler load
- from approximately 2/3 of full speed ahead, go quickly as specified in 102. Recording of the following parameters
to dead slow astern. Proceed stepwise to full astern may be required:
- go to neutral position - steam pressure (primary and secondary system)
- after approximately 5 minutes in neutral position, go to - water level in boiler
ahead - automatic actions such as start and/or stop of burners,
- when the ship has reached approximately 2/3 of full alarms, etc.
speed ahead, go quickly to 2/3 of full astern
- when the ship is •dead in the water», go quickly to half
ahead. 102 Boilers serving turbogenerators. One boiler in opera-
202 Simulate failures causing automatic load reduction or - increase load from minimum to full load during a period
stop of the engine. Cancel if possible this safety action and of minimum 15 minutes
show that the engine is again controllable from the bridge. - reduce load from full load to minimum during a period
of minimum 15 minutes
203 During bridge control at half speed ahead, cut out
- increase load suddenly to minimum 50 % of full load by
power supply to the remote control system. No immediate connecting one of the greater consumers
critical situation is to arise. Switch over to standby manual - when stationary conditions are reached, reduce load sud-
control in the engine room, and show that this control sys- denly to minimum.
tem functions satisfactorily.
204 At approximately 2/3 of full speed ahead, test the Parallel operation of two boilers:
emergency stop system. - increase load suddenly to minimum 30 % of full load, by
connecting one of the greater consumers
B 300 Turbine ships - when stationary conditions are reached, reduce load sud-
301 The test programme should as a minimum include: denly to approximately 5 % of full load and keep that load
until stationary conditions are reached.
- from stop to dead slow ahead. Proceed stepwise to full
ahead. Before each step increase, the r.p.m. of the pre-
vious setting is to have reached its steady state condition C 200 Automatic control system for main boilers
- from full speed ahead, reduce stepwise to stop with the 201 The system is to be tested by varying the boiler load
same intervals as specified in 202. Recording of the following parameters
- from stop, increase stepwise to full astern. Run until the may be required:
ship has reached a fair speed astern
- from full astern, reduce stepwise to stop - steam flow (alternatively position of control valve)
- show that the automatic turning arrangement operates - steam pressure
satisfactorily during the stop period. Go to full ahead - temperature of superheated steam
- after approximately 10 minutes full ahead, go quickly to - water level in boiler
stop - water level in condenser and deaerator
- after approximately 5 minutes stop, go quickly to 2/3 of - fuel oil temperature or viscosity
full astern - excess of combustion air in exhaust gas.
- when the ship is •dead in the water>, go quickly to full
ahead 202 The boiler load is to be varied in accordance with the
- when the ship has reached approximately 2/3 of full manoeuvring tests specified in B 300. The boiler plant test-
speed ahead, go quickly to 2/3 of full astern and run until ing may be carried out simultaneously with testing of the
the ship is •dead in the water> remote control system for the main turbines.


Rules for Ships , January 1999
Page 18 - Pt.6 Ch.3 Set.5

C 300 Monitoring system 303 With boiler in operation, simulate a failure causing
301 With all burners in operation, the fuel oil supply to automatic stop of combustion air fan. Check that the fuel oil
one of the burners is to be shut off. Check that the flame supply is shut off.
detector of this burner is functioning. The remaining burners
are to be tested in the same way. 304 Reduce water level below safety limit and check that
fuel oil supply is shut off. -
302 With burners in operation, one of the flame detectors
is to be shielded. Check that the automatic shutoff valve for 305 Remaining alarms and safety actions are to be released
fuel oil is operating. The remaining flame detectors are to by simulating failures as realistically as practicable.
be tested in the same way.


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