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the Body and Awakening

Consciousness with

DALIAN METHOD Made Eliza Dalian

Four Day Residential Retreat

12,13,14,15 April, 2018
Healing into Consciousness

• Access the Unconscious in your body;

• Uncover the root causes of pain, stress,
and depression;
"Humanity can no longer work with •Learn how to identify the repressed
the old methods alone. We need thought-patterns hidden in your body;
newer and faster ways to help •Release and transform layers of blocked
people heal physically, and emotions (anger, sadness, and pain);
transform mentally, emotionally, •Experience physical healing and profound
and spiritually.” inner shift;
Mada Eliza Dalian •Get in touch with your true power and
•Understand the life lessons hidden in your
challenging life experiences;
• Expand your consciousness and
permanently change the quality of your
•Learn how to use the Self-Healing Dalian
Method at home.

•Dalian Method (DM) Workshop
•Osho Active Meditations
•Evening Satsang
•Complementary 30 minutes private
consultation (pre-booking required)
• Ongoing support after the retreat
Reema and Parminder,
SHDM Facilitators
Reema and Parminder are deeply involved in
the inner healing work for many years. They
bring a sincere, vibrant passion and
commitment to this work, assisting people on
their journey of healing and transformation.
They have worked with Mada Dalian using
Dalian Method for their own personal
transformation. They are trained as DM
Facilitator for Health and Self-Empowerment
for adults, Osho Active Meditations & Osho
therapies. Parminder was initiated by Osho at
a very young age.

Parminder is currently Managing Director with

HP. Prior to this, he held senior management
“You are carrying a still, small position in top global organizations like IBM,
voice of your own, unheard, Apple and AT&T Canada. He has helped many
and in the crowd of voices
that have been imposed upon leaders to transform through New Leadership
you, it is almost impossible to Program based on awareness and emotional
find it. First you will have to intelligence to bring out creativity, wellbeing
get rid of all those noises, and connectedness.
attain a certain quality of
silence, peace, serenity.
Only then will it come, as a Reema, holds senior management position in
surprise, that you also have public sector in the field of Finance and IT. She
your own voice. It is alway
has enjoyed working with people utilizing many
like an undercurrent!”
healing modalities including Kundalini yoga &
OSHO, from Ignorance to meditation, Reiki Healing, health & fitness and
Innocence, talk #13 counselling. She also facilitate DM sessions
and Osho Active Meditations at corporate level
for people to integrate their personal and
professional life. She has empowered her own
team through awareness, mindfulness and
Retreat Schedule
Pre-Retreat home work: Participants will prepare
the list of issues and/or concerns they want to
work on. Email will be sent to participants a week
before the retreat to facilitate on this process.

12 April 2018 (Thursday)

Welcome 04:00 PM
Introduction with Facilitators 05:00 PM
Evening Satsang 06:00 PM
13 April 2018 (Friday)
Location Osho Dynamic Meditation 07:30 AM
Breakfast 08:30 AM
Vedanta Spiritual & Dalian Method Session 10.00 AM
Holistic Retreat Lunch 12:00 PM
Dalian Method No/Yes Meditation 01:30 PM
41208 Hot Springs Dr,
Tea Break 02:30 PM
California Hot Springs, CA
 Osho Kundalini Meditation 03:00 PM
Dinner 06:00 PM
Phone: Evening Satsang 07:00 PM
661-548-6424 (Deepak) To bed & Lights out 08:30 PM
14 April 2018 (Saturday)
204-898-5021 (Parminder) Osho Chakra Breathing Meditation 07:30 AM
Breakfast 08:30 AM
204-390-2987 (Reema)
Dalian Method Session 10.00 PM
Lunch 12:00 PM
Contact email: Dalian Method Session 01:30 PM
Deepak Tea Break 04:30 PM Dinner 06:00 PM
Evening Satsang 07:00 PM
To bed & Lights out 08:30 PM
15 April 2018 (Sunday)
Reema Osho Nadhbrahma Meditation 07:30 AM Breakfast 08:30 AM
Dalian Method Session 10:00 AM
Retreat Closing and Lunch 12:00 PM

Fee: $ 699 (Retreat, Accommodation and Food)

Website: Paypal email:

You can pay by Cheque or Credit Card.

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