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Reborn; 20”+
Baby; 0-3 Months

 Julie Brown/Honeydropdesigns (Website) Neapolitan

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To fit 21-24” Reborn or 3-6 Months Legs
Using 3.25mm needles & M, Cast on 50sts.
ABBREVIATIONS Work 10 rows in 2x2 Rib.
K; Knit,; P; Purl, st(s); stitch(es), Rep; Repeat,
inc; increase, yfwd; yarn forward, Inc Row; K11, Inc in next 27sts, K12. (77sts)
alt; alternate, beg; beginning, tog; together, Next row; P to end.
yrn;yarn round needle,yb; yarn back
CR3; slip next 2sts onto cable needle & hold at back Change to 4mm needles
of work, knit next st from left hand needle then
2sts from cable needle. Work in MAIN PATTERN for 16 rows.
CR3(Alt Way); K 3rd st on left needle but do not
take it off, then K 1st st taking it off needle, K 2nd Break yarns & leaving rem sts on a spare needle.
st taking both sts off needle together.
ssk; slip next 2 sts knitwise onto right hand needle, Repeat for 2nd leg but do not break yarns.
insert left needle into both sts & knit together &
off needle, M1; pick up loop between sts & knit into Joining row; K1, K2tog(twice), pattern to last 5sts,
the back of it. Rem; remaining, K2tog (twice), K last st from leg tog with 1st from
INS;increase in next stitch. 2x2 Rib; K2, P2. other leg, K2tog (twice), Pattern to last 5sts, K2tog
(twice), K1. (145sts)
150g DK in Main Continue with Row 2 of pattern noting there are
100g DK in Contrast now only 3sts at each end instead of 5.
2-4 Buttons depending on outfit
3•mm & 4mm needles Keeping pattern correct work until romper
Cable needle measures 7“ from crotch (approx 24 ridges in
contrast colour worked from beginning) ending with
Note; slip all sts purlwise
Contrast colour is added on Row 3. ##CHANGE TO 3.25MM NEEDLES

Row 1 (RS); Using M, K5, *C3R, K5, rep from * to Dec row; K12, *K2tog, K1, rep from * to last 13sts,
end. K2tog, K11. (104sts)
Row 2; Using M P to end. Next row; P to end.
Row 3; Using C, [K1, sl1]twice, K1, *sl3, [K1,
sl1]twice, K1, rep from * to end.Row 4; Using C, [K1, Waistband
sl1]twice, K1, *yfwd, sl3, yb, [K1, sl1]twice, K1, rep Row 1; K3, *P2, K2, P2, rep from * to last 3sts, K3.
from * to end. Row 2; K1, *P2, K2, P2, rep from * to last st, K1.
Rep last 2 rows 3 times more (8 rows)

Divide for Bib

Rib 25, Cast off next 6sts, Rib 41 (42sts on
0031089 needle), Cast off next 6sts, Rib to end.
Turn & work on these 25sts first.
‚ Honey Drop Designs Next row; Rib to end. (Website) Neapolitan

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Row 1 (RS); K1, ssk, Rib to end. (24sts) Work 29 more rows as given above for strap ending
Row 2; Rib to last st, K1. with WS row.

Rep last 2 rows until 20sts remain. Next row; K1, ssk, Rib 6, K2tog, K1.
Keeping rib correct work a further 11 rows thus Next row; K1, Rib to last st, K1.
ending with a RS row. Continue to decrease this way until 4sts remain
ending with WS row. Cast off. ##
Neck Shaping
(WS) Cast off 8sts, rib to end.
Next; K1, Rib to last st, K1. DRESS
Work 29 more rows as given above for strap ending Using 3•mm needles & M, Cast on 145sts & K 1 row.
with WS row.
Change to 4mm needles.
Next row; K1, ssk, Rib 6, K2tog, K1.
Next row; K1, Rib to last st, K1. Note; slip all sts purlwise
Continue to decrease this way until 4sts remain
ending with WS row. Cast off. Contrast colour is added on Row 3.

With WS facing rejoin yarn to centre 42sts & rib Row 1 (RS); Using M, K3, C3R, K5, *C3R, K5, rep
to end. from * last 6sts, C3R, K3.
Row 1 (RS); K1, ssk, Rib to last 3sts, K2tog, K1. Row 2; Using M P to end.
Row 2; K1, Rib to last st, K1. Row 3; Using B, K1, slip 1, K1, slip 3, [K1, sl1]twice,
Rep last 2 rows until 32sts remain ending with WS K1, *slip 3, [K1, sl1]twice, K1, rep from * to last
row. 6sts, slip 3, K1, slip 1, K1.
Row 4; Using B, K1, slip 1, K1, yfwd, slip 3, yb, [K1,
Keeping Rib correct work a further 8 rows. sl1]twice, K1, *yfwd, slip 3, yb, [K1, sl1]twice, K1,
rep from * to last 6sts, yfwd, slip 3, yb, K1, slip 1,
Buttonhole row; Rib 5, yfwd, K2tog, Rib to last
7sts, K2tog, yrn, Rib to end.
These 4 rows form the pattern.
Work 3 more rows in rib. Cast off. Work until Dress measures 8” (approx 23 ridges
worked in contrast colour ending with Row 2).
With WS facing rejoin yarn to remaining 25sts & Longer length can be added here ensuring you end
Rib to end. with Row 2 of pattern.
Row 1; Rib to last 3sts, K2tog, K1.
Row 2; K1, Rib to last st, K1. Complete Dress as for Romper from ## to ##
Rep last 2 rows until 20sts remain ending with WS

Work a further 11 rows in rib.

Next row; Rib 12, Cast off remaining 8sts. Break
yarn. ‚ Honey Drop Designs
With RS facing rejoin yarn to 12sts
Next row; K1, Rib to last st, K1. (Website) Neapolitan

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(Shoulder seams are sewn afterwards)
Using 4mm needles & M, Cast on 54sts & work 62
With 11sts on needle just worked, work across sts
rows in 2x2 Rib or approx 8„” (adjust length here
from back as follows;-inc in 1st st, rib to last 2sts,
if required) ending with a WS row.
inc in next st, P1.
Work across remaining sts from front as follows;-
Cast off 16sts, Rib 21 (22sts on needle), Cast off
inc in 1st st, rib to end. (48sts)
remaining 16sts. Slip centre 22sts on a holder for
Collar ensure RS is facing.
Keeping 2x2 Rib correct work a further 12 rows.
Cast off loosely.
Using 4mm needles & M, Cast on 54sts & work rows
Short Sleeves (Both Alike)
in 2x2 Rib for 42 rows or approx 5„“ ending with a
Using 4mm needles & M, Cast on 38sts.
WS row.

Work in 2x2 Rib increasing 1st at each end of 3rd &

Dividing Row
Alt rows until there are 46sts on the needle.
Next; Rib 27sts, turn & work on these sts only
leaving remaining sts on a holder
Work 5 more rows in rib. Cast off loosely.
Next row; K1, rib to end.
Next row; Rib to last st, K1. Long Sleeves
Using 3•mm needles & M, Cast on 34sts & Work 6
rows in 2x2 Rib.
Rep last 2 rows 9 times (18 rows more).

Change to 4mm needles

Next; Cast off 16sts, leave remaining 11sts on a
holder for collar, one of these sts will have been
Inc 1st at each end of next & following 6th rows until
worked in cast off.
there are 46sts on the needle. Continue in rib until
With RS facing rejoin yarn to rem 27sts & work as sleeve measures approx 6” or required length
ending with WS row. Cast off loosely.

Join shoulder seams. Mark front & back approx

Next row; K1, rib to end.
3€“ from shoulder seam & fit sleeves in between
Next row; Rib to last st, K1.
Rep last 2 rows 9 times (18 rows more). them. Sew sleeve & side seams. Jumper front can
be left open or add a hook & eye to close.
Next; Rib 9, inc in next st, P1, using a spare piece
of yarn cast off remaining 16sts.


‚ Honey Drop Designs (Website) Neapolitan

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Break yarn & thread through remaining sts. Sew

the rib seam on the side that your pattern is on the
Using 3.25mm needles & M, Cast on 82sts.
right side only as far as the start of the pattern.
Work 6 rows in 2x2 Rib increasing 3sts evenly on
Turn hat right way out, pattern will now show wrong
last row. (85sts)
side, sew remaining seam. Fold brim back rolling
approx 2/3rdsof it towards main part of hat &
Work in Main Pattern until hat measures approx 4“
secure with a few stitches. Embellish as desired.
or until you have 10 ridges in Contrast colour ending
with Row 2 of pattern.
Break C & continue in M only. Using 3.25mm needles & M, Cast on 29sts.

Crown shaping Work sole shaping & inc;

Row 1; *K4, K2tog, rep from * to last st, K1. Row 1; K2, INS, K7, INS, K7, INS, K7, INS, K2
Row 2 & Alt rows; Purl. (33sts)
Row 3; *K3, K2tog, rep from * to last st, K1. Row 2 & alt rows; Knit
Row 5; *K2, K2tog, rep from * to last st, K1. Row 3; K2, INS, K9, INS, K7, INS, K9, INS, K2
Row 7; *K1, K2tog, rep from * to last st, K1. (37sts)
Row 9 ; *K2tog, rep from * to last st, K1. (15sts) Row 5; K2, INS, K11, INS, K7, INS, K11, INS, K2
Break yarn & thread through remaining sts. Sew Row 7; K2, INS, K13, INS, K7, INS, K13, INS, K2
back seam. (45sts)
Row 8; Purl.
Change to 4mm needles
Using 4mm needles & M, Cast on 133sts & K 2 rows.
Work in Main Pattern for 26 rows thus ending with
Work in Main Pattern for 10 rows ending with WS
Row 2. Break C.
row. Break C & continue in M only.
Change to 3‚mm needles
Shape instep;
1st Dec Row; *K1, K2tog, rep from * to last st, K1.
1st row; K26, K2tog t.b.l, turn
2nd row; sl1, P7, P2tog, turn
2nd Dec Row; *P8, P2tog, rep from * to last 9sts, P6,
3rd row; sl1, K7, K2tog t.b.l, turn
P2tog, K1. (80sts)
4th row; As 2nd row
Rep last 2 rows until 31 sts remain (ends with a WS
Work in 2x2 Rib starting with P2 for 10 rows.
Change to 4mm needles & continue until rib
measures approx 4” ending with a RS row. WS
Next row;sl1, K to end.
should be facing.
Next row;P to end.
Crown Shaping
Eyelet Row; K1, *yfwd, K2tog, rep from * to end.
Row 1; *P2, K2tog, rep from * to end.
Next row; P to end dec 1st at centre (30sts)
Row 2; *P1, K2, rep from * to end.
Change to 3.25mm needles & work in 2x2 rib for 18
Row 3; *P2tog, K1, rep from * to end.
rows. Cast off loosely. Join back seam reversing
Row 4; *P1, K1, rep from * to end.
stitching for turn back. Join back seam. Make
Row 5; P1, *sl1kp, rep from * to last st, K1.
twisted cords to go through ankle eyelets.
Row 6; P1, *P2tog, rep from * to end. (11sts). (Website) Neapolitan

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Next row; K2tog, yfwd, K2tog. (3sts)

Next row; K. Cast off.
##Using 3.25mm needles, Cast on 27sts.
Join back & sole seam. Sew in any ends. Sew on
Row 1; INS, K11, INS, INS, K11, INS, K1. (31sts)
button & embellish if required.
Row 2 & Alt rows; Knit
Row 3; INS, K13, INS, INS, K13, INS, K1. (35sts)
Please note you are free to make & sell the
Row 5; INS, K15, INS, INS, K15, INS, K1. (39sts)
Row 7; INS, K17, INS, INS, K17, INS, K1. (43sts) outfit featured on this pattern as you wish
Row 8; Purl to end increasing 1st at each end. but the pattern & methods I use are
(45sts) copyrighted to me. You will find my personal
copyright number on all my patterns.
Change to 4mm needles. Patterns may not be reproduced in any
format, part or whole, re-written shared or
Work in Main Pattern for 10 rows. resold.
Break C & continue in M only.
My patterns are only available from me,
Shape instep;
anyone selling them is doing so without
Row 1; K26, k2tog tbl, turn
permission & I will have received no payment
Row 2; slip 1, P7, P2tog, turn
Row 3; slip 1, K7, sl1kp, turn for my work. If you have any doubts about
Row 4; slip 1, P7, P2tog, turn the source of a pattern please contact me
Rep rows 3 & 4 until 37sts remain. either through my website or my email, both
can be found at the bottom of every page.
Next row; slip 1, K to end.

Change to 3.25mm needles. 0031089

Next; Work 4 rows in Garter st.##
‚ Honey Drop Designs
Cast off 26sts, K3 (4sts on needle), Cast off
remaining 7sts.

With RS facing rejoin yarn to 4sts & work in garter

until strap measures approx 2”.

Next row; K2tog, yfwd, K2tog. (3sts)

Next row; K. Cast off.

Work as for right shoe from ## to ##.
Cast off 7sts, K3 (4sts on needle), Cast off
remaining 26sts.

With RS facing rejoin yarn to 4sts & work in garter

until strap measures approx 2”. (Website) Neapolitan

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