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University of Iowa

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Theses and Dissertations


Design for reinforced concrete arch bridge over the

San Fernando River at Calle Sagasta, San Fernando,
Pampanga, P.I.
Sotero Baluyut
State University of Iowa

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Recommended Citation
Baluyut, Sotero. "Design for reinforced concrete arch bridge over the San Fernando River at Calle Sagasta, San Fernando, Pampanga,
P.I.." B.E. (Bachelor of Engineering) thesis, State University of Iowa, 1909.

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Over the San Fernando river at Calle Sagaota, San Fern*

ando, Pampanga, Philippine Islands, stands a wooden bridge

on which heavy motors are not allowed* To meet the demand

of the growing traffic a strong bridge must be built. In

plaoe of the present structure a reinforced concrete arch

bridge should be substituted for many important reasons.

The frequent renewals and repairs of wooden and

steel bridges in the Tropics due to the action and effect

of heat and damp weather, the long rainy season, severe

storms and floods make these types of bridges expensive and

unsafe. A reinforoed concrete arch bridge can be designed

with the same accuracy as a wooden or steel bridge, and in

addition it will offer an artistic appearance ofer the

river in the city in whioh it is to be built. It is very

probable that inside of ten years, electric cars will be in

operation in this city and so It is necessary to have a

bridge on which cars can oross to the other side of the



Two spans of 88 feet each are chosen and a pier of

1/10 a span or 8.8 feet, the sum of which is the approxi­

mate distance between the two abutments of the present

bridge. The loads assumed are 160 pounds per cubic foot of

arches, 100 pounds per cubic foot of 1 l / Z foot fill, 150

pounds per square foot of a 12 inch pavement and a live

load of 200 puonds per square foot.

In finding the crown thickness F. F. Weld*s for­

mula is used which gave 20 inches. Later after computing

the stresses this crown of 20 inches was found not thick

enough and 22 inches was tried which was found sufficient.

In designing the Arch R e u t e r d a h l ^ method was used

with a few small changes in the computations.

The rise of the neutral axis was assumed as 1/10

of the span or 8.8 feet.

The radius of the neutral axis was found to he

116.99 feet and that of the extrados as 131.31 feet from

i,2xi 2
the following formula; R* ---- where "h" is the ver­

tical distance of curve or rise obtained graphically and

"I" the corresponding horizontal distance and R the radius.

Ba&ial depth© of the arch eyery foot along the

neutral axis from the crown.

p D P D P D
7S-' ~i78la ~ll~'~27052 " ’S o ¿7619
1 1.834 16 2.060 31 2.684
z 1.836 17 2.089 38 2.730
3 1.841 18 2.120 33 2.798
4 1.847 19 2.152 34 2.853
5 1.856 20 2.187 35 2.913
6 1.865 21 2.223 36 2.983
7 1.876 28 8.261 37 3.063
8 1.889 23 2.301 38 3.108
9 1.905 24 2343 39 3.168
10 1.921 25 2.387 40 3.250
11 1.940 26 2.432 41 3.222
12 1.960 27 2.479 42 5.424
13 1.982 28 2.527 43 3.499
14 2.006 29 2.578 44.84 4.230


£t . K- - 53-
X »X. U w » 0 i t ♦ 1 .8 3 5 •¿2.47 • 0 .4 0 0
2 .‘ 2 .5 2 . 1 845 62280 «3 .7 3 0 ¡ 4 .9 9 ; w

3 ! 2 .6 1 : 1 .8 6 8 6 .5 1 8 ¡ 6 .2 9 5 :U 0 : 8
4 : e .? 7 ; 1 .9 0 5 6 .9 1 3 ¡ 8 .9 8 5 ¡ 1 0 .3 7 : n
5 : 2 .9 9 . 1 .9 5 5 7 .4 7 2 :1 1 .7 7 0 : 1 3 .3 6 it

6 ! 3 .3 6 ! 2 .0 3 3 8 .4 0 2 ¡ 1 5 .0 3 5 ¡1 6 . 72:: n

7 : 3 .9 4 I 2 .1 4 2 9 .8 2 7 : 1 8 .6 9 0 ¡ 2 0 .6 6 : w

8 : 4 .9 0 . 2 .3 0 5 1 3 .8 4 6 ¡ 2 3 .1 1 0 ¡ 2 5 .5 6 : ft

9 • 6 .8 4 : 2 .5 7 6 1 7 .0 9 0 ¡ 2 8 .9 8 ¡ 3 2 .4 0 s n

10 : 1 2 .4 4 S 3 .1 4 6 3 1 .1 0 7 : 3 8 .6 2 ¡ 4 4 .8 4 : it
For practical purposes K= Is close enough for
Z which is equal to *7---r---- theoretically.
10***8 I)s
The corresponding D5 taken from K~ ---- r— do
*c* n I s
not differ very much from those of K* as shown.

K * D S / l n f n í a : P t . ;: P S

v 4*
» 4

3 . 4 3 4 :l 1 5í 2 . 4 7

1\ !;

« .
Ii 3 :; 2 . 5 2 2

<► 4»
4* <»
*: 3 J; 2 . 7 3

51 » «
: 4 1! 2 . 7 8

1k 4
*4 4!

i: 5 :¡ 3 . 0 0

*( 4
ft 4
4: 6 ;! 3 . 3 8

!: ¡
4Í 7 !: 3 . 9 8

i* 4»
tl 4
4i 8 :: 5 . 0 0

i» 4
4» <1
ft 4
i1 9 ; 7 . 0 6

(1 I O i 1 3 * 1 0

» *
• •

In the computation of stresses the live load was assumed

to cover one half the span. The temperature stresses

were computed with & variation of Í 20° F due to the

variation in temperature at this locality. The tempera-

ture varies slowly from 60° to 98° F and stays around

80° most of the year.


For the arches the concrete will be composed of

one part Portland cement, two parts sand, and four parts

broken stone that will pass in any direction thru a 1 1/2

inch ring*

Concrete in all spandrel walls will be composed of

one part Portland cement, three parts sand, and five parts

stone, broken to pass In any direction thru a 1 1/2 inch


Concrete for upper eighteen inches of inner span­

drel walls, sidewalks, parapets will be composed of one

part Portland cement to three parts of a mixture of clean

sand and gravel.

Piers and avutments will be composed of concrete

mixed in the proportions of one part Portland cement,

three parts sand, and six parts stone, broken to pass in

any direction thru a three inch, except that the concrete

for a depth of one foot from the surface cf the entire

rounded portion of the up-stream ends of the pior will be

of tha same mixture as that specified for the arch ring.

Plie concrete in foundation of pavement will cons­

ist of one part cement, two parts sand and four parts

broken stone.
All steal bars ira assigned to bs' placed two In­

ches from the surfaces as shown In the drawings* All bare

In the spandrel walls« railings« posts and parapets are

designed to be one-half inch square bars or round bars of

the same croasseotion area. The reinforcing bars must be

continuous or spliced I t full strength of bars can be de­

veloped. There will be two lines of reinforcement in the

outer spandrel walls and also in walls under the sidewalks

and buttresses. The bars are placed two feet apart.

The steel ribs of the arch consist of 1 1/2 inch

square bars, the transverse reinforcement consists of 1 1/2

inch square bars and the longitudinal bars are of 3/4 inch

square sise. Round bars of earn© cross-section can be used.

The sidewalk slabs are four inches thick and marked

off into blocks five feet long, and reinforced with no 10

gague, three inch mesh expanded metal.

The pavement is to be 6 1/2 inches of concrete,

1 1/2 inches of sand and four inches of vitrified brick.

Combined curb and gutter is t be connected with side-

welk and wall, Expansion cushions are to be one inch

thick, tar Joint along the Curbs and evexy jfeen feet.
m ADS.

The up grade begins at the extreme outer lines of the

abutments and runs toward the pier in the center at 3 $

using a vertical curve twenty feet in length at the crown.


In each of the ten posts a three inch wrought iron

pipe is to be built into the concrete at the center and

extended thru the sidewalk in such manner as to be easily

accessible for the insertion of electric wires.


The lighting system consists of two groups of three

lights each, mounted on cement posts and four groups of

two lights each on posts at the approaches. Each light is

to be a forty watt Tungsten lamp. All globes are eight

inches each in diameter except the globes of the center

lights at the center posts which are ten inches in diam­



Expansion joints of l/2 inch width are to be made

in the spandrel walls, cornices, parapets and sidewalks

as shown on the drawings. In each expansion joint will

be placed six thicknesses of corrugated asbestos board,

protected by a l /8 inch lead plate folded into the joint

to form a trough at the top. An asphaltic coating will

then be placed over the lead.

A string of asbestos board Z inches wide will be

inserted between the arch ring and the outer spandrel wall
as shown on the drawing.

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