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An Espoir Worldwide Initiative


Interview/Viva Labs
Based on the root-cause analyse of ‘What Went Right’ & ‘What Went Wrong’ with
37,000 students from 247 colleges, teachers & (prospective) employers across India.
Accelerating Student Learning & Employability

It took six years to conceive & develop Interview/Viva lab - by a team of

152 Practicing Professionals from Engineering/Technology, Management & Psychology.

Three years went to the analyse of ‘what went right’ & ‘what went wrong’
with 37,000 students from 247 colleges, teachers & (prospective) employers.*

It took another three years to develop a platform that could engage & inspire
students - to make them passionate, employable, & nation builders.

No wonder Interview/Viva Lab is a crucial & inevitable blend of 1. Latest learning

theories, 2. Appropriate technologies & 3. Business/Industry wisdom.
* Details are part of a forthcoming book.

Crucial Benefits that Current System Can’t Provide:

Filling the Crucial Gaps in the Education System by Patented Innovations!

Students start hating third-rated text books & erratic notes. They
learn to grasp concepts & insights from standard text-books. Magical
improvements in the rate, depth & quality of knowledge acquisition.
Students take pride in engineering. They discover the interesting &
inspiring side of engineering by constructing their own meanings - and
relate them to the outside world leading to passion & entrepreneurship.
Students consolidate technical knowledge. They blend knowledge
from various subjects as they get exposed to ‘inter-semester’ practical
questions. - and most importantly, ‘Pragmatism’ & ‘Industry Wisdom’.
Students handle un-predictability & prepare for real life. Unlike
routine examinations, this experience drives students apply critical thinking
that leads to questioning the structures, new learnings & innovations.

Teachers benefit most! They command greater respect. They can plan
& handle classes better. Their efforts will be more visible and recognisable.
Teachers will be able to guarantee success & deliver results.
Institutions get what they urgently need! They can own World-Class
ICT technology at fraction of the costs. Students visibly carry institution’s
culture in their behaviour - and become institution’s brand ambassadors.
Recording of students’ performance nurtures accountability & continuous
improvement resulting in excellent placements & strong alumni circles.
Page: 04
Smart English
Technology & Science
1 It builds confidence & pride in engineering profession
inspiring & curious details of technologies
& the science behind It -

Page: 04
Spoken English Simulator
2 It develops the ability to think on one’s feet &
respond convincingly on the spot - Responsible Talk.

Page: 05
Interview/Viva Simulator
3 It ensures engineering students speak & conduct
themselves like ‘Engineers’- e

Page: 15
Interview Trainer &
Technical Competency Tests
4 It helps blend technical knowledge with industry
wisdom -

. Plus, technical competency tests, etc.

It’s a high-end software that can be installed on almost any

Delivery of
PC or Language Lab. Delivered through Encrypted standalone
Interview/Viva Lab Or LAN set-up boxes. No Internet connection is required.
1. Smart English Technology & Science

English is NOT a Language! It is a ‘Virtual Device’

for Input & Output of Technical Knowledge!
99.4% of students lack the English skills needed to grasp
concepts from standard text books. They are forced to
mug-up the ‘short-cuts’ given by third-class books/notes.
Consequences are severe! For example, a student who ‘learns’
‘Theory of Machines’ from such notes fails to find meanings, gets
frustrated, hates the subject, walks into wrong habits, & declares
‘Mechanical Engineering’ as ‘tough’ & others blindly believe it.
Smart English Technology & Science builds English
skills through inspiring aspects of technology & the science behind it.
It saves students from the suicidal tendency of trying to
learn engineering without ingraining the concepts.

Unique Features: Based on ‘Content-based Instruction’ methodology, the only way for an adult
to acquire second-language skills. 134 Study Units & 514 lessons (Customisable), 24,000 inspiring
examples. 8000 Audio Sessions (US&UK), 600 Cross-functional Tests - Intermediate & Advance.

2. Professional Spoken English Simulator

Industry Believes, “Speaking is Knowing”.

Organisations expect their engineers to get their points across
clearly, concisely, persuasively, and memorably - with little
or no time for preparations - through speaking.
Speaking is a cognitive psycho-motor skill. It involves
, and

Lack of ‘responsible speaking’ abilities devalues engineers.

Speaking can be learned ONLY by speaking -

One must respond to quick questions,
evaluate the responses, & apply the learning in the subsequent
sessions. The cycle must repeat until speaking becomes
a habit. It requires the power of a Spoken English Simulator.

Students who Speak well also Listen, Read & Write Well.

Unique Features: Based on the logic of French mathematician/scientist Rene Descartes & the
work of Marshall McLuhan. The simulator has over 300 speaking situations from various walks of
life. The captured responses are subjected to Evaluation, Feedback, Crosscheck Modules. Page: 4
3. Engineering Interview/Viva Simulator

What is the Use of Knowledge, if One Can’t

Demonstrate It at their Dire Moment of Need?

Engineers are expected to deal with tough questions, objections

and hostile situations on the spot-
It is the way engineers are judged.
It is the way their professional credibility is built.
No interviewer dares to risk his job by selecting a poor
communicator - Ordinary communication
programs & language labs
An engineering degree holder, without the above crucial skills meet ‘compliance’.
already carries a de-valued degree. Colleges MUST prevent it.
However, they
Engineering Interview/Viva Simulator is Precisely Designed ruined the lives of
to Meet that Objective - generations of engineers.

Unique Features:
World’s largest repository of engineering interview questions (about 200,000)
in video format embedded into AI-based Simulator.
Customisation based on students’ current Interview/Viva needs, or for regular practice.
Attempt any number of times, and every time a new session. .
Each interview session follows the sequence & nature of real-life interviews. Answers
(verbal & non-verbal) are captured by the computer camera for feedback/evaluation.
Four types of evaluations: Self Review, Peer Review, Automated Review & Mentor
Evaluation & Feedback.

Interview/Viva Simulators are Available for the Following Branches:

1 Mechanical Engineering Page 7 11 Petroleum Engineering Page 10
2 Production Engineering Page 14 12 Petrochemical Engineering Page 14
3 Civil Engineering Page 6 13 Chemical Engineering Page 11
4 Architecture Page 6 14 Polymer Technology Page 12
5 Electrical Engineering Page 13 15 Plastics Engineering Page 12
6 Electronics Engineering Page 7 16 Electronics & Telecommunication Page 8
7 Instrumentation & Control Page 8 17 Textile Technology Page 11
8 Computer Engineering Page 9 18 Textile Production Engineering Page 13
9 Information Technology Page 10 19 Environmental Engineering Page 15
10 Electrical & Electronics Page 9 20 Industrial Engineering Page 15

Unique Benefits:
Establish a Compelling Need to Change: Students realise their shortcomings on
their own, and that sudden realisation forces the self-driven transformation.
Highly Relevant to the Profession: Students realise the powerful link between the
lab, their college syllabus, & the Professional world.
Future Shaping & Transforming: Engaging & inspiring content build the qualities
that are demanded by the industry, society & higher education bodies. Page: 5
3. Engineering Interview/Viva Simulator

Customise Interview/Viva by Modifying Focus1, Focus2, & Focus3.

Focus 1 and Focus 2: Building Materials & Construction, Dams & Hydraulic
Structures, Engineering Geology, Environmental Engineering, Foundation
Engineering, Geotechnical Engg / Soil Mechanics, Hydrology & Water Resources
Engg, Infrastructure Engineering, Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures, Strength of
Materials, Structural Analysis, Structural Design, Surveying & Levelling,
Transportation Engineering, Concrete Technology, Fluid Mechanics, Architectural
design, Quantity Surveying & Estimation, Urban & Regional Planning, Electronics
Engineering for Civil Engineers, Electrical Engineering for Civil Engineers, Computer

Civil Engineering Civil Engineers, Mechanical Operations for Civil Engineers, etc.

Engineering Focus 3: Project Management, Reliability Engineering, Operations Research,

Engineering Habits of Mind, Critical Thinking, 21st Century Skills, Product Design
Realistic, Unpredictable
Methodology, Energy Conservation, Engineering Economics, Engineering Ethics,
New Interviews from
Ergonomics & Human Factors, Safety, Responsibility & Rights, Industrial Relations,
43 Topics & Over 7600
Factory & Site Management, Engineering
Video Questions
Marketing, Behavioural Science, Finance
(Technical+HR) for Engineers, Quality Assurance, etc.
Any Number of Times.

Customise Interview/Viva by Modifying Focus1, Focus2, & Focus3.

Focus 1 & Focus 2: Architectural Conservation, Architectural design, Building

Services: HVAC/Fire/Acoustics, Building services: Piping/Waste Disposal, History
of Architecture, Theory of Structures, Interior Design, Landscape Design,
Professional Practice, Quantity Surveying & Estimation, Specifications Writing,
Design of Structures – Steel, Design of Structures – Concrete & Masonry, Urban &
Regional Planning, Building Materials & Construction, Engineering Geology,
Environmental Engineering, Foundation Engineering, Geo-technical Engineering /
Soil Mechanics, Infrastructure Engineering, Structural Analysis, Surveying &
Architecture Levelling, Electronics Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering,
Mechanical Operations for Architects, etc.
Focus 3: Project Management, Engineering Habits of Mind, Critical Thinking, 21st
Realistic, Unpredictable
Century Skills, Product Design Methodology, Energy Conservation, Engineering
New Interviews from Economics, Engineering Ethics, Ergonomics & Human Factors, Industrial Relations,
47 Topics & Over 7800 Office/Site Management, Marketing,
Video Questions Behavioural Science, Finance for
(Technical+HR) Engineers, Quality Assurance, World Class

Any Number of Times. Manufacturing of Building Materials &

Accessories, etc. Page: 6
3. Engineering Interview/Viva Simulator

Customise Interview/Viva by Modifying Focus1, Focus2, & Focus3.

Focus 1 & Focus 2: Applied Thermodynamics, Design of Machine Elements, Fluid

Mechanics, Gas Turbines & Jet Propulsion, Heat & Mass Transfer, Hydraulics &
Pneumatics, Theory of Machines, Mechanical Systems Design, Metallurgy & Heat
Treatment, Metrology & Measurements, Power Plant Engineering, Refrigeration &
Air-conditioning, Industrial Tribology, Turbo Machines, Machine Design, Mechanical
Vibrations, Gas Dynamics, Internal Combustion Engines, Industrial Engineering,
Production Technology, CAD/CAM and CIM, Industrial Automation & Robotics,
Automobile Engineering, Strength of Materials, Electrical Engineering, Electrical
Machines, Energy Audit & Management, Electronics Engineering, Computer Mechanical
Engineering, Control Systems Engineering, etc.
Focus 3: Operations Research, Production Management, Reliability Engineering,
Realistic, Unpredictable
Project Management, Engineering Habits of Mind, Critical Thinking, 21st Century
New Interviews from
Skills, Product Design Methodology, Energy Conservation, Engineering Economics,
50 Topics & Over 8000
Industrial Relations, Office/Factory/Site
Management, Engineering Marketing, Video Questions
Behavioural Science, Finance for Engineers, (Technical+HR)
Quality Assurance, etc. Any Number of Times.

Customise Interview/Viva by Modifying Focus1, Focus2, & Focus3.

Focus 1 & Focus 2: Electronic Devices & Circuits, Electronics Systems (Product)
Design, Embedded Systems Design, Embedded Processors, Filter Design,
Microprocessor & Microcontroller, Network Synthesis, Sensors & Interfaces, VLSI
Design, Data Analytics, Power Electronics, Antenna & Wave Propagation, Digital
Signal Processing, Information Theory & Coding Techniques, Microwave Engineering,
Signals & Systems, Control Systems Components, Control Systems Engineering &
Design, Electronic Instrumentation, Data Communication, Embedded Systems,
Software Engineering, Smart System Design & Applications, Computer Networks
Technology, Database Management Systems, Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Real Electronics
Time Systems, Industrial Automation & Robotics, Mechatronics, etc. Engineering
Focus 3: Reliability Engineering, Project Management, Engineering Habits of Mind,
Realistic, Unpredictable
Critical Thinking, 21st Century Skills, Product Design Methodology, Industrial Relations,
New Interviews from
Engineering Economics, Engineering Ethics, 50 Topics & Over 7800
Ergonomics & Human Factors, Safety,
Video Questions
Responsibility & Rights, Energy
Conservation, Office/Factory Management,
Any Number of Times.
Operations Research, etc. Page: 7
3. Engineering Interview/Viva Simulator

Customise Interview/Viva by Modifying Focus1, Focus2, & Focus3.

Focus 1 and Focus 2: Antenna & Wave Propagation, Analog & Digital
Communication, Digital Signal Processing, GSM Technology, Information Theory &
Coding Techniques, Microwave Engineering, Mobile Communication, Optical Fibre
Communication, Signals & Systems, Television & Video, Power Electronics,
Electronic Devices & Circuits, Electronics Systems (Product) Design, Embedded
Systems Design, Embedded Processors, Filter Design, Microprocessor &
Microcontroller, Network Synthesis, Sensors & Interfaces, VLSI Design, Data
Analytics, Control Systems Components, Electronic Instrumentation, PLC &
SCADA App, Computer Networks, Data Communication, Wireless
Electronics & Sensor Networks, System Programming, Software Engineering, Design
Telecommunication & Analysis of Algorithms, Object Oriented Modelling & Design, etc
Realistic, Unpredictable
Focus 3: Project Management, Reliability Engineering, Operations Research,
New Interviews from Engineering Habits of Mind, Critical Thinking, 21st Century Skills, Product Design
54 Topics & Over 8200 Methodology, Energy Conservation,
Video Questions Engineering Economics, Engineering
(Technical+HR) Ethics, Ergonomics & Human Factors,
Any Number of Times. Safety, Responsibility & Rights, etc.

Customise Interview/Viva by Modifying Focus1, Focus2, & Focus3.

Focus 1 & Focus 2: Biomedical Instrumentation, Control Systems Components,

Control Systems Engineering & Design, Electronic Instrumentation, Feedback
Control Systems, Instrumentation Systems Design, PLC & SCADA Applications,
Power Plant Instrumentation, Microcontroller & Interfacing, Motion Control, Control
System Architecture, Process Instrumentation & Control, Petroleum Instrumentation
& Control, Metrology & Measurements, Mechanical Operaions, Industrial
Automation & Robotics, Mechatronics, Electrical Drives & Controls, Electronic
Devices & Circuits, Electronics Systems (Product) Design, Embedded
Instrumentation & Systems Design, Microprocessor & Microcontroller, Sensors & Interfaces,

Control Systems Analog & Digital Communication, Digital Signal Processing, Signals &
Systems, Data Communication, Image Processing, etc.
Realistic, Unpredictable
Focus 3: Project Management, Engineering Habits of Mind, Critical Thinking, 21st
New Interviews from Century Skills, Product Design Methodology, Energy Conservation, Engineering
49 Topics & Over 7800 Economics, Safety/Responsibility/Rights,
Video Questions Industrial Relations, Office/Factory
(Technical+HR) Management, Marketing, Behavioural
Any Number of Times. Science, Finance for Engineers, QA, World
Class Manufacturing, etc. Page: 8
3. Engineering Interview/Viva Simulator

Customise Interview/Viva by Modifying Focus1, Focus2, & Focus3.

Focus 1 & Focus 2: Coding Techniques, Computer Forensic & Cyber Applications,
Computer Networks, Data Communication, Wireless Sensor Networks, Embedded
Systems, Operating System Design, System Programming, Pervasive/Ubiquitous
Computing, Concurrent and Distributed Programming, Software Engineering, Smart
System Design & Applications, Theory of Computation, User Interface Design,
Microprocessor & Microcontroller, Digital Signal Processing, Artificial Intelligence &
Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Computer Networks, Database Management
Systems, Mechanical Operations, Information & Cyber Security, Multimedia
Technologies, Image Processing, etc Computer
Focus 3: Reliability Engineering, Project Management, Engineering Habits of Mind, Engineering
Critical Thinking, 21st Century Skills, Product Design Methodology, Energy
Realistic, Unpredictable
Conservation, Engineering Economics, Engineering Ethics, Ergonomics & Human
New Interviews from
Factors, Safety, Responsibility & Rights, Industrial Relations, Office/ Centre
Management, Engineering Marketing,
44 Topics & Over 7400

Behavioural Science, Finance for Engineers, Video Questions

Quality Assurance, World Class (Technical+HR)
Manufacturing of Computer Hardware, etc. Any Number of Times.

Customise Interview/Viva by Modifying Focus1, Focus2, & Focus3.

Focus 1 & Focus 2: Design of Electrical Machines, Electrical Circuits Analysis,

Electrical Drives & Controls, Installation, Maintenance & Testing, Electrical
Machines, High Voltage Engineering, Power Plant Engineering, Power Electronics,
Power Systems Operations & Control, Protection & Switchgear, Transmission &
Distribution, Electronic Devices & Circuits, Embedded Systems Design,
Microprocessor & Microcontroller, Network Synthesis, Sensors & Interfaces, VLSI
Design, Analog & Digital Communication, Digital Signal Processing, Biomedical
Instrumentation, Control Systems Components, Mechanical Operations, Electronic
Instrumentation, PLC & SCADA Applications, Microcontroller & Interfacing, Industrial Electrical &
Automation & Robotics, Computer Engineering, etc. Electronics
Focus 3: Reliability Engineering, Project Management, Engineering Habits of Mind, Realistic, Unpredictable
Critical Thinking, 21st Century Skills, Product Design Methodology, Energy Conservation, New Interviews from
Engineering Economics, Engineering Ethics, 47 Topics & Over 7600
Ergonomics & Human Factors, Safety,
Video Questions
Responsibility & Rights, Industrial Relations,
Office/Factory Management, Operations
Any Number of Times.
Research, Production Management, etc. Page: 9
3. Engineering Interview/Viva Simulator

Customise Interview/Viva by Modifying Focus1, Focus2, & Focus3.

Focus 1 and Focus 2: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Cloud Computing,
Computer Networks Technology, Database Management Systems, Design &
Analysis of Algorithms, Information & Cyber Security, IT Project Management,
Mobile Computing, Multimedia Technologies, Object Oriented Modelling & Design,
Image Processing, Real Time Systems, Software Testing & Quality Assurance, Web
Engineering & Technology, Coding Techniques, Computer Forensic & Cyber
Applications, Computer Networks, Data Communication, Wireless Sensor Networks,
Embedded Systems, Operating System Design, System Programming,

Information Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing, Concurrent and Distributed Programming,

Software Engineering, Smart System Design & Applications, Theory of Computation,
Technology User Interface Design, etc
Realistic, Unpredictable
Focus 3: Project Management, Engineering Habits of Mind, Critical Thinking, 21st
New Interviews from
Century Skills, Product Design Methodology, Engineering Economics, Finance
48 Topics & Over 7800
for Engineers, Engineering Economics,
Video Questions Engineering Ethics, Ergonomics & Human
(Technical+HR) Factors, Operations Research, Production
Any Number of Times. Management, Reliability Engineering, etc.

Customise Interview/Viva by Modifying Focus1, Focus2, & Focus3.

Focus 1 & Focus 2: Carbon Management in Petroleum Industry, Petroleum

Instrumentation & Control, Non-conventional Hydrocarbon Resources, EOR &
Reservoir Simulation, Petroleum Equipment Design, Petroleum Exploration,
Petroleum Formation evaluation, Petroleum Geology, Petroleum Production
Engineering, Petroleum Production Operations, Petroleum Refining Technology,
Reservoir Engineering, Transport of Oil & Gas, Well Control Methods, Well
Engineering & Design, Drilling Operations, Deep Water Technology, Design of
Petroleum Machinery, Catalyst Science & Fluidization, Environmental Engineering,
Petroleum Refinery process Design, Mass Transfer, Natural Gas Engineering, Petrochemical

Engineering Processes, Process Dynamics & Control, Process Modelling & Simulation,
Petroleum Reaction Engineering, etc,
Realistic, Unpredictable
Focus 3: Project Management, Engineering Habits of Mind, Critical Thinking, 21st
New Interviews from Century Skills, Energy Conservation, Engineering Economics, Engineering Ethics,
53 Topics & Over 8300 Ergonomics & Human Factors, Operations
Video Questions Research, Production Management,
(Technical+HR) Reliability Engineering, Engineering
Marketing, Safety, Responsibility & Rights,
Any Number of Times.
Industrial Relations etc. Page: 10
3. Engineering Interview/Viva Simulator

Customise Interview/Viva by Modifying Focus1, Focus2, & Focus3.

Focus 1 & Focus 2: Yarn Manufacturing, Modern Yarn Production, Weaving,

Fabric Structure, Advanced Fabric Structure, Physical Testing of Textiles, Textile
Costing, Technical Textile, Fibre Science & Textile Structure, Modern Spinning
Technology, Modern Weaving Technology, Process Control & Quality in Spinning,
Modern Fibre Technology, Process Control & Quality in Weaving, Fashion Art &
Technology, Textile Fibres, Fibre Physics, Analytical Textile Chemistry, Chemistry
of Intermediates & Dyes, Applications of Textile Auxiliaries, New Technologies in
Textile Processing, Industrial Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Drives
& Controls, Electrical Machines for Textile Engineers, Electronic Instrumentation, Textile
PLC & SCADA Applications, Chemical Process Safety, Corrosion Engineering,
Plastics in Textile Packaging, etc.
Realistic, Unpredictable
Focus 3: Operations Research, Production Management, Reliability Engineering,
New Interviews from
Project Management, Engineering Habits of Mind, Critical Thinking, 21st Century Skills,
51 Topics & Over 8100
Energy Conservation, Engineering
Economics, Engineering Ethics, Ergonomics Video Questions
& Human Factors, Safety, Responsibility & (Technical+HR)
Rights, etc. Any Number of Times.

Customise Interview/Viva by Modifying Focus1, Focus2, & Focus3.

Focus 1 & Focus 2: Advanced Materials, Chemical Engineering Design, Chemical

Engineering Thermodynamics, Chemical Process Synthesis, Chemical Process
Safety, Chemical Process Technologies, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Corrosion
Engineering, Food Technology, Mass Transfer, Membrane Technology, Piping
Design & Engineering, Process Instrumentation & Control, Heat Transfer, Process
Equipment Design, Particulate Technology, Chemical Process Calculations, Bio-
Chemical Engineering, Speciality & Fine Chemicals, Catalyst Science & Fluidization,
Environmental Engineering, Refinery process Design, Petrochemical Processes,
Process Dynamics & Control, Process Modelling & Simulation. Petroleum Reaction Chemical
Engineering, Renewable Energy Sources, etc. Engineering
Focus 3: Operations Research, Production Management, Reliability Engineering, Realistic, Unpredictable
Project Management, Engineering Habits of Mind, Critical Thinking, 21st Century Skills, New Interviews from
Energy Conservation, Safety, Responsibility & 50 Topics & Over 7400
Rights, Office / Factory / Site Management,
Video Questions
Engineering Marketing, Behavioural Science,
Finance for Engineers, Quality Assurance,
Any Number of Times.
World Class Manufacturing, etc. Page: 11
3. Engineering Interview/Viva Simulator

Customise Interview/Viva by Modifying Focus1, Focus2, & Focus3.

Focus 1 and Focus 2: Fibre Technology, Mechanics of Composites, Polymer

Chemistry, Polymer Composites & Blends, Polymer Compounding, Polymer
Materials, Polymer Physics & Characteristics, Unique Polymer Processes, Polymer
Reaction Engineering, Polymer Rheology, Polymer structure & Property
relationships, Polymer Testing, Polymer Thermodynamics, Product Design, Rubber
Technology, Speciality Polymers & Applications, Surface Coatings & Adhesives,
Applications of plastics, Identification of Plastics, Plastics in packaging, Waste
Management & Recycling, Bio-Polymers & Bio-Plastics, Nanotechnology &

Polymer Advanced Applications, Physics of Plastics, Hydraulics & Pneumatics, Metrology &
Quality Control, Mould & Die, Chemical Process Safety, etc.
Realistic, Unpredictable Focus 3: Operations Research, Production Management, Reliability Engineering,
Project Management, Engineering Habits of Mind, Critical Thinking, 21st Century
New Interviews from
Skills, Product Design Methodology, Energy Conservation, Engineering Ethics,
57 Topics & Over 8700
Office & Factory Management, Engineering
Video Questions
Marketing, Behavioural Science, Finance
(Technical+HR) for Engineers, Quality Assurance, World
Any Number of Times. Class Manufacturing, etc.

Customise Interview/Viva by Modifying Focus1, Focus2, & Focus3.

Focus 1 & Focus 2: Applications of plastics, Identification of Plastics, Plastics in

packaging, Waste Management & Recycling, Bio-Polymers & Bio-Plastics,
Nanotechnology & Advanced Applications, Physics of Plastics, Plastic Injection
Moulding, Plastic Extrusion, Plastic Blow Moulding, Plastic Thermoforming,
Compression & Transfer Moulding, Plastic Calendaring, Mechanics of
Composites, Polymer Chemistry, Polymer Composites & Blends, Polymer
Compounding, Polymer Rheology, Product Design, Speciality Polymers &
Applications, Hydraulics & Pneumatics, Metrology & Quality Control, CAD/CAM
Plastics and CIM, Industrial Automation & Robotics, Mechatronics, Mould & Die Design,

Engineering Industrial Engineering, Chemical Process Safety, Corrosion Engineering, etc.

Realistic, Unpredictable Focus 3: Operations Research, Production Management, Reliability Engineering,

New Interviews from Project Management, Engineering Habits of Mind, Critical Thinking, 21st Century Skills,
Product Design Methodology, Energy
54 Topics & Over 8300
Conservation, Engineering Economics,
Video Questions
Engineering Ethics, Ergonomics & Human
Factors, Safety, Responsibility & Rights,
Any Number of Times. Industrial Relations, etc. Page: 12
3. Engineering Interview/Viva Simulator

Customise Interview/Viva by Modifying Focus1, Focus2, & Focus3.

Focus 1 & Focus 2: Design of Electrical Machines, Electrical Circuits Analysis,

Electrical Drives & Controls, Installation, Maintenance & Testing, Electrical
Machines, Electrical Materials Science, Energy Audit & Management, High Voltage
Engineering, Power Plant Engineering, Power Electronics, Power Systems
Operations & Control, Protection & Switchgear, Special Electrical Machines,
Transmission & Distribution, Industrial Automation & Robotics, Mechatronics,
Microprocessor & Microcontroller, VLSI Design, Digital Signal Processing,
Feedback Control Systems, PLC & SCADA Applications, Power Plant
Instrumentation, Renewable Energy Sources, Electrical Measurements, etc. Electrical
Focus 3: Energy Conservation, Reliability Engineering, Project Management, Engineering
Engineering Habits of Mind, Critical Thinking, 21st Century Skills, Product Design
Realistic, Unpredictable
Methodology, Engineering Economics, Engineering Ethics, Ergonomics & Human
New Interviews from
Factors, Safety, Responsibility & Rights, Industrial Relations, Operations Research,
45 Topics & Over 7800
Production Management, Office/Factory
Management, Engineering Marketing, Video Questions
Finance for Engineers, Quality, World Class (Technical+HR)
Manufacturing of Electrical Products. etc. Any Number of Times.

Customise Interview/Viva by Modifying Focus1, Focus2, & Focus3.

Focus 1 & Focus 2: Scouring & Bleaching, Textile Design & Colour, Textile Fibres,
Fibre Physics, Yarn Preparation & Weaving, Analytical Textile Chemistry, Chemical
& Physical Analysis of Textiles, Chemistry of Intermediates & Dyes, Applications of
Textile Auxiliaries, Technology of Dyeing, Technology of Finishing, Technology of
Printing, Processing of Garments, Management of Dye House, New Technologies in
Textile Processing, Textile Costing, Technical Textile, Modern Spinning Technology,
Modern Weaving Technology, Process Control & Quality in Spinning, Process
Control & Quality in Weaving, Fashion Art & Technology, Industrial Engineering,
Computer Engineering, Electrical Drives & Controls, Electronic Instrumentation, PLC Textile
& SCADA Applications, Chemical Process Safety, Corrosion Engineering, etc. Production
Focus 3: Production Management, Reliability Engineering, Project Management, Operations Realistic, Unpredictable
Research, Engineering Habits of Mind, Critical Thinking, 21st Century Skills, Product Design New Interviews from
Methodology, Engineering Ethics, Factory & Site
52 Topics & Over 8200
Management, Engineering Marketing, Behavioural
Video Questions
Science, Finance for Engineers, Quality
Assurance, World Class Manufacturing of Textile (Technical+HR)
Products, etc. Any Number of Times. Page: 13
3. Engineering Interview/Viva Simulator

Customise Interview/Viva by Modifying Focus1, Focus2, & Focus3.

Focus 1 & Focus 2: Catalyst Science & Fluidization, Environmental Engineering,

Refinery Process Design, Green Chemistry, Hydrocarbon Thermodynamics, Mass
Transfer, Natural Gas Engineering, Novel Separation Processes, Petrochemical
Processes, Plant Design & Process Economics, Process Dynamics & Control,
Process Modelling & Simulation, Petroleum Reaction Engineering, Renewable
Energy Sources, Transport Phenomena, Carbon Management in Petroleum
industry, Petroleum Instrumentation & Control, Petroleum Equipment Design,
Petroleum Production Operations, Petroleum Refining Technology, Reservoir

Petrochemical Engineering, Transport of Oil & Gas, Chemical Process Safety, Corrosion
Engineering, Piping Design & Engineering, Process Equipment Design, Speciality
Engineering & Fine Chemicals, etc.
Realistic, Unpredictable
Focus 3: Operations Research, Production Management, Reliability Engineering,
New Interviews from Project Management, Engineering Habits of Mind, Critical Thinking, 21st Century
50 Topics & Over 7600 Skills, Behavioural Science, Finance for
Video Questions Engineers, Quality Assurance, World
(Technical+HR) Class Manufacturing of Petrochemical
Any Number of Times. equipments / accessories, etc.

Customise Interview/Viva by Modifying Focus1, Focus2, & Focus3.

Focus 1 & Focus 2: Advanced Production Technology, CAD/CAM and CIM, Machine
Tools, Cutting Tools, SPMs, Industrial Automation & Robotics, Mechatronics, Mould &
Die Design, Plant Engineering, Manufacturing – Machining, Manufacturing – Joining,
Manufacturing – Casting & Forming, Manufacturing: Moulding, Internal Combustion
Engines, Industrial Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Design of Machine
Elements, Hydraulics & Pneumatics, Metallurgy & Heat Treatment, Metrology &
Measurements, Industrial Tribology, Strength of Materials, Environmental Engineering,
Electrical Machines, Energy Audit & Management, Mechanical Vibrations, Electronics
Production Engineering, Computer Engineering, PLC & SCADA Applications, Electrical

Engineering Engineering for Production Engineers, etc.

Realistic, Unpredictable Focus 3: Operations Research, Production Management, Reliability Engineering,

Project Management, Engineering Habits of Mind, Critical Thinking, 21st Century
New Interviews from
Skills, Factory & Site Management,
50 Topics & Over 8000
Engineering Marketing, Engineering Ethics,
Video Questions
Behavioural Science, Finance for
(Technical+HR) Engineers, Quality Assurance, World Class
Any Number of Times. Manufacturing, etc. Page: 14
4A. Professional Interview Trainer

Practice Won’t Make You Perfect.

Only Perfect Practice Can Make You Perfect!
Few hours of interview training & a few minutes of
‘mock-interviews’ can’t add any value to a student’s
ability to respond appropriately in crucial interviews.

How do Students Ingrain Interaction Abilities

through Simulator-based Interview Practice?
1. Student faces the question, & responds if he/she can.
Response (verbal & non-verbal) is captured by the camera.
2. Or, Click ‘Best Responses’ button. He/She can view how
two candidates like him/her responded to this question.
3. Or, Click ‘Guide’s Advice’ button. The student can seek a
guide’s advice. The Guide explains why Interviewers is asking
this Question, what do they look in an answer, what one
MUST say, and what one MUST NOT say.

Unique Features: 1. Training Simulator: Thousands of incisive questions, best responses, & guide’s advices
that reflect industry practices. 2. Interactive Trainer: Thousands of questions, best responses, key words
& phrases to use in answers etc. Key Topics: Discussing Your Key Skills & Abilities, Describing Your Accomplish-
ments, Explaining Your Goals and Interests, Showcasing Why You Are ‘the Best Fit’. Highlighting Your Ambition
& Knowledge, Providing Details about Your Education, Handling Hard to Answer Questions etc. PLUS: Finding
the Most Suited Career, Resume Writing, Interview Puzzles, Learning from Others’ Mistakes, etc.

4B. Technical Competency Tests

Interactive Interview Trainer contains a series of tests with the objective of preparing the candidate
to face technical questions in a professional interview.
These questions are handpicked by the experts from the field, and can be used for many other
competitive examinations besides technical interviews.

Students can attempt any number of competency tests from the following areas:
1 Mechanical Engineering 11 Petroleum Engineering
2 Production Engineering 12 Petrochemical Engineering
3 Civil Engineering 13 Chemical Engineering
4 Architecture 14 Polymer Technology
5 Electrical Engineering 15 Plastics Engineering
6 Electronics Engineering 16 Electronics & Telecommunication
7 Instrumentation & Control 17 Textile Technology
8 Computer Engineering 18 Textile Production Engineering
9 Information Technology 19 Environmental Engineering
10 Electrical & Electronics 20 Industrial Engineering Page: 15
“For the things we have to learn before we can do them,
we learn by doing them.”
- Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) Greek philosopher and Scientist - Probably the
first proponent of Experiential Learning.

Companion Books

Smart Communication Smart Interview

Companion Companion
An addictive field book that exactly An inspiring field book for job search
follows the structure of & career change that helps the
communication program described student progress in their career path.
in Section 1 & Section 2 For Section 3 & Section 4
(Size:18 cm X 23 cm, 300 Pages) (Size:18 cm X 23 cm, 180 pages)

Learning Theories & Frameworks Deployed

Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Educational Excellence, Cognitive
Constructivism, Content-based Instruction, Expectancy Theory, Feedback
Theory, Accountable Talk, Critical Thinking, Inquiry-based Learning,
Problem-based Learning, Rene Descartes’ Learning Theories, Gestalt
Theory of Learning, Emotional Intelligence, Simulation-based Learning,
Flow (Csikszentmihalyi), AI-based Customisation, Situated Cognition etc,

The Application of Simulation Technology in Learning

In plain English, Simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real-world

process or system over time. Most people first think of 'Flight Simulators' or
'Driving Simulators' when they hear the term Simulation. But, Simulation is
much more. Simulators can recreate experiences. They can demonstrate the
consequences of one's actions - in advance.
Simulations hold great potential for training people for almost any situation.
Education researchers have, in fact, determined that people, especially adults,
learn better by experiences than through reading or lectures. Simulated
experiences can be just as valuable a training tool as the real thing.

- Institute of Simulation & Training,

University of Southern Florida

Interview/Viva Lab Max

Because ‘Speaking’ is ‘Knowing’
An Espoir Worldwide Initiative

Developed based on Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Educational excellence, and ISO-9000 quality systems at Oxford, England & Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States.
Patents applied for. Information in this brochure is for the Indian edition. To ensure your installation please contact: Espoir Technologies Private Limited
4th Floor, Prabhavee Tech Park, Baner Road, Baner Pune 411 045 MH, India, Hotline: 96736 70033 / 8055 800 900

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