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Roll No……………… Reg. No …………………… Date ……………….



M Com Part I Course Code: MC-507
Course Title: Computer Application in Business & practical demonstration

Time Allowed: 3 Hours Marks:100

Attempt any Five Questions including question No. 1 which is compulsory. All
questions carry equal marks.

Q.1. Provide the short answer for the following.

i. Folder
ii. Title bar
iii. Clipboard
iv. Pen drive
v. ISP
vi. Desktop
vii. Cell
viii. Task bar
ix. Operation system
x. Coxial Cable

Q.2. Define CPU. How does different parts of CPU works together to process data?

Q.3. Define memory. Explain different types of RAM and ROM in detail.

Q.4. Define computer programming. Explain different programming languages in


Q.5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of wide area network (WAN).

Q.6. What are the main features of MS Excel? How different formula and functions
can be used in MS Excel?

Q.7. Explain different types of computers.

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