Ten Months Left For Current Council: Tribune

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The Minnedosa

Since 1883
Volume 135 Issue 44 Friday, January 12, 2018 www.minnedosatribune.com 90 cents plus tax

INSIDE Ten Months Left For Current Council

this week

New Golf
Pro Hired

Changes For
Credit Union

9 Clockwise from top right: When will the new clinic open? What developments will we see with MREC?
Will the signage return to the spillway? Who will make up our Town Council after the October election?

By HILLARY MILLER When he and his council first began in 2010, one of their main pri-
orities was to create affordable housing in Minnedosa. “I’m happy to
If your label reads

It’s time to renew
W ith the next Civic Election coming up on October 24th, 2018, many
municipal councils will see changes, including the Council for the
Town of Minnedosa. This will be the last year as Mayor for Ray Orr. He
say that affordable housing is done,” said Orr. The affordable housing he
referred to is the 15 houses that were added in the southwest corner of
town known as Westview Estates. Council established a citizens’ com-
your subscription! has been the Mayor since 2010, and since that time, Council’s goals have mittee that worked with a consultant who had experience in that area.
included many things, most of which have been achieved. That is quite “One of the best things we did was hire him,” stated Mayor Orr.
204-867-3816 a feat when considering the amplitude of paperwork involved in making
things happen on that large a scale. Continued on Page 2

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