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January 5, 2018

San Roque National High School
I. Objectives
At the end of the period, students are expected to:
a. Recall the lesson about Arnis
b. Performance by group of Arnis

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Arnis and the 12 Strikes
Target Grade Level: Grade 7
Time Allotment: 1 Hour
Materials: Chalk, and Laptop .
References: MAPEH 7, Curriculum Guide, Teaching Guide

III. Learning Procedures

A. Preliminary Activity
Daily Routines
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Attendance

B. Lesson Proper
1. Drill
-Let the students recall the introduction Arnis
2. Review
-through instructing the students in doing the basic strikes
3. Motivation N/A

Activity no. 1: Dry Run
a. Ready the students for rehearsal of 12 basic strikes
b. Students will instruct by the teacher what wil do

Activity no. 2: Group Performance

a. The teacher will arrange the students in their lines.
b. The teacher will explain the rubrics in grading the performance
c. The students will perform by group with clear understanding to the 12 basic Strikes.

C. Abstraction – N/A

IV. Evaluation
1. What will we gain in doing the Arnis?
2. What are the different types of strikes use in Arnis?
January 3, 2018
San Roque National High School

IV. Objectives
At the end of the period, students are expected to:
c. Recall the lessons 3rd quarter
d. Create a simple reviewer of the lessons

V. Subject Matter
Target Grade Level: Grade 7
Time Allotment: 1 Hour
Materials: Chalk, Manila papers.
References: MAPEH 7, Curriculum Guide, Teaching Guide

VI. Learning Procedures

D. Preliminary Activity
Daily Routines
d. Prayer
e. Greetings
f. Attendance

E. Lesson Proper
4. Drill (N/A)
5. Review
-through the use of pictures and graphic organizers
6. Motivation (N/A)

Activity no. 1: Creating a reviewer
c. Get a one whole sheet of pad paper
d. Students will find the definition in their notes
e. The teacher will collect the papers and check..

F. Abstraction
-through the use of graphic organzer

IV. Evaluation
3. The teacher will check every reviewer if it is accurate
4. The student will evaluate their work.

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