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Ayaka Ohara

January 6th, 2017
Turn in Number: 11
Full Sentence Outline

Introduction: Every 66 seconds someone in the United States is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s

Disease; Alzheimer’s Disease kills more people every year than breast cancer and prostate

cancer combined (Latest 1). Alzheimer’s Disease is a type of dementia that causes severe

problems in memory loss, behavior, and thinking. Once diagnosed with this disease, one’s brain

and state of mind starts to spiral out of control over the course of years or decades. As there is

currently no cure for Alzheimer’s Disease and the prospect for a cure does not seem to be

imminent, it is vital that people prevent the disease before it occurs. ​The regulation of one’s

diet and nutrition helps prevent the development of Alzheimer’s Disease, as lowering the

intake of saturated fats and increasing the amount of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids

can reduce inflammatory damage, production of amyloid beta, and degeneration of the cell

and cell membranes.

I. Background Information
A. Diet impacts brain function
1. The brain is an organ that controls all functions in the body. From
breathing, to movements, to heartbeat, it is essential in ensuring your body
is working properly to keep you alive. In order for the brain to function at
its best, it must obtain the best nutrients. High-quality foods contain
minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins, which all have beneficial qualities
and help to nourish the brain. The opposite could be said for processed
foods or unhealthy foods, which have almost no nutritional value and can
harm the brain, as the brain cannot get rid of these harmful foods.
2. “‘Diet...[has] the potential to alter our brain health and mental
function….changes in diet are a viable strategy for enhancing cognitive
abilities, protecting the brain from damage and counteracting the effects of
aging.’” (Wolpert 1)
B. Diet has been associated with lower Alzheimer’s Disease risk
1. There has been increasing evidence to suggest that diets with certain foods
and nutrients increase or decrease the risk of developing Alzheimer’s
Disease and have in important role in cognitive function. The sustenance
of healthy neurons is influenced by nutritional compounds that the brain
2. “Lower intakes of certain nutrients (i.e., DHA, B vitamins, and
antioxidants) have been linked to increasing risk for AD, and a diet rich in
the aforementioned nutrients has shown to decrease the risk for AD”
(Weiqian 3).
C. There is still controversial information and evidence surrounding the nutritional
components that affect Alzheimer’s Disease, but the three most prevalent are
saturated fats, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants.
II. Saturated Fats
A. The definition of saturated fats and how they can be beneficial and harmful in the
1. From a chemical standpoint, saturated fats are fats that contain “no double
bonds, as they are saturated with hydrogen molecules” (saturated fat 1).
They are found in red meats and dairy and are in high doses in western
2. A certain amount of saturated fats are needed in the body, but if there is
too much, it can have many harmful effects to the brain and body, as they
can lead to an increase of cholesterol levels.
B. Saturated fats increase cholesterol levels, which has many dangerous results such
as an increase in plaques and tangles.
1. Saturated fats relate to cholesterol levels.
a) “Sat-Fat diet gave rise to increased total cholesterol, triglyceride
and [low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol)] serum levels...The
LDL:HDL ratio was tripled in the group receiving the Sat-Fat diet,
compared to the control group” (Granholm).
b) Lipoprotein receptor-related protein is critically involved in beta
amyloid clearance in the brain and lipoprotein receptor-related
protein-mediated endocytosis regulates amyloid beta uptake by
binding to amyloid beta either directly or indirectly.
2. The cholesterol levels lead to more plaques and tangles
a) “Increased saturated fat intake is associated with higher total
plasma cholesterol levels, which may contribute to beta amyloid
production and aggregation of brain tissues” (Barnard 2)
b) “The diets caused changes in the amounts of beta amyloid and
ApoE in the subjects spinal fluid such that there was more
beta-amyloid present in those on the high saturated fat diet” (Rafii)
(1) Amyloid beta is one of the most prevalent factors in
Alzheimer’s Disease and many patients with the disease
show an abundance of amyloid beta in the brain.
(2) Amyloid beta can accumulate outside the neuron and create
amyloid plaques, which disrupts the signal between cells,
causing memory loss.
c) Cholesterol is an essential component in the cell membrane. With
its structure (rigid ring system), it can affect order and membrane
fluidity in the cell. Membrane fluidity can affect the expression of
C. “Diets that are rich in saturated fats appear to decrease levels of Brain-derived
Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in the brain and lead to poor neuronal performance”
(Gomez, Influence of Diet 3)
1. Brain-derived neurotrophic factors prompt the increased production of
proteins associated with nerve cell survival and function
2. BDNF’s are needed to introduce new, healthy cells into the brain to
replace old ones that have been damaged by plaques or tangles. Without
BDNF, the brain will continue to degenerate and the person’s condition,
along with their memory, will become worse.
III. Omega-3 fatty acids
A. Useful for neuronal function
1. “Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) promotes phospholipids’ synthesis,
increases synaptic protein levels, enhance neurite outgrowth, and increases
dendritic spine density, all indicative of synapse formation” (Weiqian 3)
a) DHA helps with phospholipid synthesis: phospholipids being an
essential part of neuronal membranes as they make up about a
quarter of the dry weight in the brain, as well as synaptic
membranes. The maintenance of these membranes ensures that the
nerve cells work properly and carry out their jobs in the brain such
as receptor activity or enzyme function. With the cell membrane
intact and working efficiently, the pathways in the brain will be
able to send signals to each other and ensure memory and thinking
remains at its max potential.
b) Does not affect acetylcholine and may even increase it
(1) “Furthermore, data have shown uridine can stimulate
phospholipid synthesis without diminishing acetylcholine
synthesis or release in rat brain slices; and dietary
supplementation with UMP increases acetylcholine level”
(Weiqian 3)
(2) Acetylcholine works in the brain and the body as a
neurotransmitter, a chemical released by nerve cells to send
signals to other cells. ​Works in the parasympathetic
nervous system to put the body in a state of rest or
2. DHA assists in nutrient transport
a) “In cellular signaling within the cells...there is...DHA, which can
act as a lipid raft and transport nutrients within the cell on this lipid
raft” (Leckie)
b) The cell needs specific nutrients in order to function and do its job
in the brain. If it is unable to get the necessary nutrients, it could be
more susceptible to damage and more vulnerable to apoptosis, or
cell death.
B. DHA may increase neuronal growth factors.
a) “​Omega-3 fatty acids also activate energy-generating metabolic
pathways that subsequently affect molecules such as brain-derived
neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and insulin-like growth factor 1
(IGF1)” (Gomez, Brain Foods 4)
b) BDNF and Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) are synaptic
receptors that facilitate synaptic transmission and may be related to
long term memory and learning.
c) BDNF results in cell proliferation. Helps to make new cells in the
brain and increase neurogenesis. Because in Alzheimer’s Disease,
the neurons shrivel up and die, is important that the brain continues
to make healthy cells. Even before Alzheimer’s Disease is
extremely prevalent in the brain,
2. IFG1
a) IGF1 is located in liver and skeletal muscle and conveys peripheral
messages related to diet and exercise.
b) “DHA might enhance cognitive abilities by...act[ing] through its
effects on metabolism, as DHA stimulates...mitochondrial
function” (Gomez, Brain Foods 3)
(1) Diet can affect mitochondrial energy production, and the
ATP produced by mitochondria might activate insulin-like
growth factor 1 (IGF1)
(2) IGF1 supports nerve growth and differentiation and
neurotransmitter synthesis
C. Omega-3 fatty acids can cause reduction of amyloid beta and tau tangles:
1. “Amyloid plaques are caused by beta amyloid fragments that clump and
stick to each other and create more damage. DHA binds to the end of the
fragments and prevents them from attaching to each other” (Leckie).
2. The plaques build up in the brain and prevent messages from being
relayed throughout the brain cells, causing a loss of memory. With DHA,
the ability for plaques to accumulate diminishes, preventing severe loss of
IV. Antioxidants
A. Oxidative stress and free radicals
1. “Free radicals are atoms or molecules that are highly reactive with other
cellular structures” (About 3). They are a natural byproduct of chemical
reactions in the body like immune system responses or metabolic
2. Free radicals can severely damage specific parts in a cell, such as the DNA
or the cell membranes, by taking electrons from the cells (a process called
oxidation). With the electrons taken away, the structure starts to fall apart
and the cell becomes damaged.
3. Oxidative stress occurs when there is “an imbalance between antioxidants
and reactive oxygen species within a cell” (Grundman 1), which may lead
to permanent cellular damage.
B. Alzheimer’s Disease patients seem to have lower antioxidant levels.
1. “Current antioxidant users had a 29% lower risk of experience cognitive
decline” (Von Arman 4). The antioxidants that the people were given
included Vitamin A, C, and E.
2. An antioxidant-rich diet has been shown to restrict amyloid beta
production and slow down cognitive impairment. An abundance of
amyloid beta can have detrimental effects on the brain and lead to extreme
memory loss.
C. Vitamin B decreases amount of homocysteine:
1. Homocysteine is a pro-inflammatory marker, which produces an immune
response and damages the cell.
2. There are many factors that can affect the rate of brain atrophy, one of
which being high levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that is situated in
the blood. There have been multiple studies showing the link of B
Vitamins to Alzheimer’s Disease and how increasing levels of
homocysteine in the blood can lead to a raised risk of Alzheimer’s
a) “Folate, Vitamin B6, and B12 act as cofactors for the methylation
of homocysteine.” (Von Arman 2)
b) “Treatment with vitamin B tablets had notable effects on the levels
of homocysteine in the blood, reducing it by 22.5 percent”
(Alzheimer’s and Homocysteine 1)
3. Homocysteine in relation to a stroke
a) “25% of dementia cases are attributed to stroke” (Morris,
Homocysteine 3)
b) Homocysteine is also known to be an independent risk factor for a
stroke and Alzheimer’s Disease is known to co-occur with stroke.
D. Vitamin E
1. Elimination of free radicals and prevent oxidative stress
a) “β-amyloid, which is found abundantly in the brains of Alzheimer
disease patients, is toxic in neuronal cell cultures through a
mechanism involving free radicals” (Grundman 2).
(1) The buildup of free radicals can be dangerous in the brain,
as they destroy cell membranes, an integral part of cells
that helps to maintain its structure.
(2) Without a solid cell membrane, it can be more vulnerable
to degeneration and buildup of tau tangles and amyloid
b) “Vitamin E functions as an antioxidant, reducing free radicals in
the brain, which would otherwise impede optimal function of
neurons” (Gomez, Diet 4).
(1) In addition, the oxidation and free radical formation in the
brain causes cross-linking in tau proteins and amyloid beta.
(2) Antioxidants can prevent this by pulling the amyloid beta
away from each other and preventing them from clumping
and untangling the tau proteins.

Conclusion: Alzheimer’s Disease is a prevalent disease that is costing millions of lives. The

numbers will continue to grow even more and in 30 years, almost 16 million Americans will be

diagnosed with Alzheimer’s (Latest). Because there is no cure for this disease, it is all the more

important to learn how to prevent it and gain more funding for the research. With the current
information available, three types of nutritional approaches have emerged as the most prominent:

a decrease in saturated fats and an increase in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. ​Saturated

fats can increase levels of cholesterol, which is critical, as it causes more amyloid plaques and

tau tangles to accumulate in the brain. In addition, it decreases BDNF and prevents the brain

from creating new, healthier neurons. For DHA, docosahexaenoic acid, it helps in phospholipid

synthesis and synapse formation, which ensures that the nerve cells properly carry messages

throughout the brain and memory and thinking do not deteriorate. Finally, antioxidants, have a

number of different functions, but the main ones are the decrease of homocysteine, an amino

acid that causes an immune response, for Vitamin B, and the reduction of oxidative stress and

free radicals for Vitamin E. Even though the findings of many of the experiments are

controversial and the articles hold different results about the effects of the different nutrients,

following these precautions only benefit the person and many others should follow these

preventative measures.

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