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As well in the Torah, the Bible and the Qu’ran, or in any other mythology, the cult of the stones

Why. The kabbalistic teacheing tells you the the 6 fold entity of god is built on 3 positive fields and 3
negative. The 3 positive are accessible to us, and they are earth, water and air. The negative field are
closed to us, fire, aether and absolute. Let’s start on top of the chain. The absolute is the base of
creation, unknown, unpredictible, impossible to calculate. The Aether is the great matrix, the big brain, a
reservoir of information that contains all it needs but can’t do anything with it, a negative matrix in some
way. In this matrix particles have to interact in magnetic swinging fields to produce lightspots and
attracting and rejecting magnetic fields, the emanation and manifestation of matter. The human is made
himself of the rest of the other fields. The fire plain is our thought, our ego or conscience and
subconscience. That field is only accessible to the owner of the temple that manages it. The temple or
the holly kingdom is our body. The fire plain is our brain. The brain recieves information and translates it
in actions. The air plane is next and in this plain we build air castles. It is the plain of planning, we realize
in maind and on paper what we want to do. Once we have a total view of the endproduct it is an
aircastle only, but we know what it’s going to be. Then we have to add water. Now, think, we cook in
water, make concrete in water, seed and add water, procreate in water , and so on. It is the plain of
formation or creation. On the end is the world of living matter, the finished product, the earth. In case of
the Genesis it is a child we have created, to our image, in 9 days, 2 days of insemination and ovulation, 6
days to build the body in the womb, or the great flood, inside of the arch of noah, the female body, with
the holly land, the Uterus.
The end Product rests on the 7 th day and comes out as the Regnum Sanctum, the Holly Kingdom, the
child. So is the earth, the Holly Kingdom, built with that 4 elements, and the real earth, our planet has
same 4 levels, Mineral world as the foundation, the vegetal world as world of plants, animal world, and
human world.
The base or foundation are stone and the stones you need to build the church or any other building
starts by the chief corner stone, and ends at the pinacle. That is the law and that is why Moses holds the
2 stones with the commandments, 5 female and 5 male, because the 2 stones on which the church is
build are those 2 stones, the chief corner stone, mens Penis, and the headstone, womens Uterus. The
church is humanity, living matter. This is the reality of teaching, and the eye of the headstone, the ovary
of the woman is symbolized by the all seeing eye of Horus. It are the bulbs of the lighthouse, the 2 fishes
of christianity. The eye of Horus shows the ovary, the inner egg as eye, the falopian tube as the eyebrow,
the tear as vaginal water, and the docking sperm as a snailtail, the spiral of golden mean of life. It is the
symbol of light since the lord said, there will be light and light became. To light that light you need a
lightbringer, a gardener, Lucifer, which is the chief cornerstone, mens penis. So, before any of you
comments the Bible, first learn what that book tells you. The texts of the bible are concealed and written
in cycles, interlaced, with unreal metaphores and with permutation of words. Science is hidden in
numeric translation of names and places. What makes that books dangerous is the fact that all those
who fight and kill for them do not understand there teaching and I doubt that those who are at the head
of the cults know what they are talking about. So, go in peace, Adonai will be with you. Samael Ben
Sabbathai, e.g. Lou, Rabbi of Kabbalah.

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