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Alyssa Dreucci

The Other Wes Moore

The truth about the other wes moore and the road
not taken.
The Other Wes Moore is Written by Wes Moore about two men named Wes Moore with
very different life choices. Moore decided to write after hearing about a man with life in
prison with his name and a very similar childhood. This book spans from the 1980s to
the early 2000s. In early life, neither had a present father authors was dead and other
Wes’s father choose not to be. Both of their mothers tries very hard to have a stable
family life, Other Wes ended up dealing drugs, and author was sent to military school. In
the end, they had very different lives. Other Wes was in jail for life and Author Wes was a
bestselling author. Moore states “The chilling truth is that Wes’s story could have been
mine, the tragedy that is mine could have been his.” [Moore 180]. He was stronger and
did not end up doing what everyone was. The sad thing is he could have been like the rest
of the young men that were also in jail for life.

As for “The Road Not Taken” written by Robert Frost, he writes from the perspective of
himself choosing a path to take. The two paths are distinctly different and not equally
warn. The second path is “grassy and wanted wear” [Frost 2-3] Meanwhile the other path
is very warn down and beaten. He says he noticed that where he was standing was very
warn and that many people must have been faced with this choice. He then decides to
take the road less traveled and see where life takes him. After some time, the author ends
up very happy with his choice on that path. “Two roads diverged in a wood, I-I took the Wes Moore Rhodes
one less traveled, and it has made all the difference.” [Frost 4-3] This shows he is happy scholar, Army Veteran,
with his choice and will not turn back.
Husband, father, and a
To compare both pieces, the main theme of the passages is life decisions. In “The Road Successful Author.
Not Taken” it is more of a literal interpretation of decision making. Meanwhile in The
Other Wes Moore it uses real life choices to reflect on decision making. In both the book
and poem the characters are faced with choices that could and will affect their future
lives. A lesson to learn from this is to always make your choices thoughtful, careful, and
well determined. Sometimes its not the best choice to take the same ‘path’ of all others. Inside this issue
Just because one choice was easy does not mean it is the best case. To contrast, “The
Road Not Taken” has one character in focus, while in The Other Wes Moore the Wes Moore vs Robert Frost
character focus is on two separate characters. Also, Frost uses a metaphorical path in his 1
poem instead of the literal one as used in Moore’s book. Finally, the book uses real life The Real Wes Moore
events and the poem uses made up events.
In conclusion, many pieces of literature have more similarities and differences than the Rhodes Scholarship
average person would believe. Also, many of these books have very good relationships
with one another. For an example of this relationship take “The Road Not Taken” and 2
The Other Wes Moore’s similarities and differences plus the relationship in the meaning
of them. In the end they will never be perfectly the same, but they will be somewhat
Who really is author wes moore?
In the book The Other Wes Moore written by Wes Moore a successful writer. He is a
combat veteran, national bestselling author, and social entrepreneur. Recently he
founded BridgeEdU and is the CEO. Moore attended John’s Hopkins University and
founded STAND to help young kids get out of tough situations. Moore is a Rhodes scholar
from Oxford University. A portion of the proceeds from the book are donated to U.S.
Dream academy and City Year. Moore was raised in a tough situation so now as he is
older he aspires to help young kids that are in the same situation. The book’s chapters are
important years in both boys lives. Inside the chapters they are split in half one told from
author Wes’s POV and the other from Others Wes’s POV.

Both boys never had easy lives. Neither Author Wes or Other Wes had a father in their
lives one had a choice and one did not. Author Wes did end up getting sent to military
school. Sadly, other Wes ended up selling drugs on the streets and having four kids with
two different baby moms. This book has many different themes but the main one is life
choices and decision making. This book shows that the Wes’s could have been entirely
switched and Author Wes

“The chilling truth is that his story could have been mine. The tragedy is
that my story could have been his,”

The Rhodes scholarship

Every year, 32-40 lucky Americans are given a chance to study at Oxford University with a full

paid tuition through the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship. Founded by Cecil Rhodes, a

controversial British business man in South Africa, the recipients are chosen based on their

academics, integrity, and character. Cecil Rhodes hoped to accomplish peace in the world

through his scholarship. He wanted the recipients to strive to bring peace to the world by

experiencing other cultures and using their differences to work together. Some notable recipients

include former United States president Bill Clinton, TV show host and journalist Rachel

Maddow, and many others such as Naomi Wolf, Russ Feingold, and Cory Booker. Although

Cecil Rhodes wasn’t the best man in his time, he was able to give other aspiring students a

chance through his plan for peace.

Along with the Rhodes Scholarship many other honorable programs and scholarships exist.

These include the Miss America scholarship, the National Merit Scholarship, the Winston

Churchill Scholarship, and many others.

Other Wes Moore’s

“Wes and Tony were lead outside in handcuffs, and
daughter visiting him in
prison. thrown into the back of the police wagon. The
twelve-day manhunt was over.” (Moore 154)


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