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es THE THEATRE GUILD | PR PORGY an Ss d BESS Music ny GEORGE GERSHWIN LIDRETTO ny SETTINGS ny DU BOSE HEYWARD SERGEI SOUDEIKINE Lyrics By ORCHESTRA CONDUCTOR } DU BOSE HEYWARD and ALEXANDER SMALLENS IRA GERSHWIN PRODUCTION DIRECTED BY ROUBEN MAMOULIAN PUMLISHED By BLISHING CORPORATION NEW YORK, N.Y. GERSHWIN Pu! Porgy & Bess CAST OF CHARACTERS PORGY «new Bass-Baritone TODD DUNCAN BESS Soprano .. ANNE WIGGINS BROWN CROWN “ ssonnon Baritone WARREN COLEMAN SERENA Soprano ... oo RUBY ELZY CLARA se SOREN ABBIE, MITCHELL MARIA .Contralto GEORGETTE HARVEY JAKE Baritone EDDIE. MATTHEWS SPORTING LIFE ‘Tenor JOHN W. BUBBLES MINGO dnd Tenor FORD L. BUCK ROBBINS ‘Tenor HENRY DAVIS PETER Tenor GUS SIMONS FRAZIER Baritone J. ROSAMOND JOHNSON ANNIE Mezzo-Soprano OLIVE BALL LILY ‘Mezz0-Soprano HELEN DOWDY STRAWBERRY WOMAN Mezzo-Soprano HELEN DOWDY JIM . Baritone JACK CARR UNDERTAKER Baritone JOHN GARTH NELSON . soconnne 200 Tenor RAY YEATS CRAB MAN a 2nd Tenor RAY YEATS MR. ARCHDALE GEORGE LESSEY DETECTIVE ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, POLICEMAN -HAROLD WOOLF CORONER GEORGE CARLETON SCIPIO THE EVA JESSYE CHOIR SCIPIO Catherine Jackin Ayers, Daslesn Duval, Cowan Lilian, Sara Daigest, Kate Hall, Akonell Hines, Louise Howard, Harriet, Jackson, Rosle King, Auotta Maitall, Wilnette Mayer, Sede McGill, Masie Paterson, Annabelle Ross, Lovise Twyman, Helen R. White, Mus, Willams, Reginald Berne, G. Harey Bolden, Baward Brosdnax, Carroll Cltk, Joueph Cranford, John Diggs, Lecnatd Franklin, fohn Gerth, Joueph James, Clarence Jacobs, Allen Lewis, Jimmie Lightfoot, Lycurgat Lackmans Henry May, Junius McDanieh, Arthar MeLean, William O'Neil, Rebert Raines, Andrew Taylor, Leon Threadgil, Jimmie Water, Robert Willams ‘THE CHARLESTON ORPHANS’ BAND, Resoners oF Currant Row, Fisuenurn, Cunomn, Srevevonts, Ere. ALEXANDER STEINART. o.oo Musical Coach Hanon Wootr, Stage Manager J. Rosamono Jounson..... feet. Musical Coach Frances Heaatorr.. Asst. Stage Manager wean bag somel INDEX OF SONGS BummerTime 2 2 oe re What You Want Wid Bes? 5. 6. 313 Gone, Gone, Gone. Ss 108 ‘Oh Dey’ So Feesh An’ Fine My Man's Gone Nowe 0c ees sa (Suawberry Woman) It Take A Long Pull To Get There. + 190 Hae Come De Honey Man Oh, 1 Got Plenty O° Nuttin? + : 197 yLWante To Say Here. 5 + ee ae ‘Gh, Doctor Jos : ea Q There's A Bost Dats Leavin’ Soon Bes, You Is My Woman Now. 5 252 peanee ned wa Orchestra Pana [Hd] pits mosso 6 Orchestra Lights come up on another group on stage in the center of decrese ‘which Clara sits with her baby i her arms, racking it bach and forth De mf espressivo a] | | (Lullaby, with much expression) 7] Sum-mer time __ an’ the liv-in’ is Fish are jump-in, | poco rit or hush, lit-tle ba- by, don yo’ . liek SS Pe See ia ey apr TT 16 One of these morn-i yougoin’ to rise_ up Women's Voices an! you'll take.the sky. ooh But till that -morn-in’ 22) Vistesso tempo With Dad-dy an’ Mam-my stand - 7 Moderato J.93 Lights fage ont and come wp on sil another group ee: > rs Sf schereando ma con brathera a2 this time a crap gume PE 24 (freely) —— MINGO mp Oh, — no-bod-y knows whende Lord___ is goin’ to = colla parte Roll dem bones, SPORTING LIFE Tenors nf Roll dem bones, Basses "fh Roll dem bones, Roll dem bones, ho = poco rail. rollt (freely), 10co_rall It may be in thesum-mertime an’ may be in the fail. = P0600 rall a calla parte poco ral a tempo = But you got to leave yo! ba ~ by an’ yo" toco rail ‘poco rail 20 27 t ar’ so Roll dem bones! Oh my brudder, oh my brud-der! fervently Roll dem bones! Oh my brud-der, oh my brud-der, = brud - der, Roll dom 2 Moderato molto deciso 30 a wt 8 ae a F = = ieee ae FS nS ee he ee ee SH § ke be ie Bi] Pia mosso 4: 122 ‘The stage grows lighter and Catfish Row takes up its normal might life. Children ‘pass from door to door Couples walk about. The er Ba te te wast ¥ Allegretto Js ‘rolling dice JAKE if (ell enunciated) ® 35} = — Sporting Life produces om dive i 4 = -—— Idon't likesthat kind o? Iuckt_ | — SE — oe a a SPORTING LIFE (spokem (loud, in anger) Mingo grabs dice. * Damn you,give me dom bones! ‘What do you say to these, Jake? eed ee "+ Symbols indicate direction of voice and approximate pitch. . * : i Themis the same cockeyed bones what clean the game out_ last Sat ur-day night =e ——3 ' “pe # espressivo p er ea . ae If they rolls in this game, SERENA (to Robbins, #leadingly.) Hon'- ey - boy! t 2 Come on down, Rob-bins, wo're wait-ing for 26 [39 of a : mp Hon-ey,dor't play to-night. Do like I say. 40 Allegretto d- 12 ABQBBINS Caescende several steps and turns bach to her) of been sweatin’ all day Night time 4 scherzando 41) mp He got a right to for- get his trou-bles. \. calmato right to mp schersando SERENA If you had-n't been drink- in’ you would-n’t talk. to me that way. DP sostenuto ain't neb-berhear Lord Je - sus say nutt-in’ "bout got to play. 28 43) ROBBINS ispoten) Lis-sen what I say, Sun-day got to pray. But Sat-ur-day night__ got aright to play. Yes sir, that’s right. Tenors my A man's got a right to 29 mp That ole— la-dy of mine is hell on sav-in >RE> mon-ey to join the bu-ry-in’ pile animato marcato Jim enters and saunters over to group, with several children following him. ’ I istir- ed this night, Tm done with cot-ton. JAKE "D2 Bet - ter come along with a (spoken This cot-ton hook done swung i y bale of cot - ton, =F =3) > ppd aps, cry = coup MB. in who wants a cot-ton hook? tp x of te 32 _ Scipio captures it 50) wed F Pag TP 13,55 CLARA twang with baiyy Mf exbressively Sum = mer uy gee time, GRAP sHOoTERS (Crap game chaiten) 1st Man an’ the liv - in’ is zs 2, . Sev-en come, sev-en—— pap-py! Fish are jump-in Fr — an’ the cot - fonis beat-ti-ful num-berl — seven to mel eu CRAP SHOOTERS a. Crop Shoo! 33 52. 4 ra i= § f ——a a and Mon je SSS ~#*— = =| Fl Get tin’ hot! 3ed_ Man nf. De SSS TH bet he's right, an’ yo! ma is good look a4 | = Se cl. — a? ——— So hush, lit- tle ba- by, Don’. yo (AIL gather in moneys Crop shooters sev-en come =———. i P decrese. 95 Con moto Con moto 4.. 96 nt, that chile— ain't a - sleep Give him ta me. itm F Allegretto 108 F Tike tabes baby from Clara fix him for Poco meno 4-95 ta age “ be he be eae» z : — = 2 Sj “fore you start a-trav- el - ‘Wo-man may born—you, love you, dn’ mourn you, Sf ‘a some- time some-time thing. __MINGO mf = woman is Oh, FF Mi 37 =P oo —* «Hae Pod = z eH 3 —_ Yo! mam-my is the first to name you, an’ she'll 4 es ao = — == sdme-time thing. jie ee . - A + ne oS Sa Se DEE Pe ee Sores | ft wo-man is a some-time thing. Wo-man is & some - time 38 59} thing. SPORTING LIFE 79 Oh, a wo-manis a some-time thing. yf nev-er let a wo- man grieve you Jus’ ‘cause sho got yo! wed-din’ ring. lexsly avis] love youand de-ceive you then she'll take yo'cloes an’ leave you, a9 * a some-time ALL All 0 [62] hands back baby) = = i = E thing, Yes, a wo-man is some - time There now, a wo-man + time thing, | Thing, Yes, @ 2 22 all thing, Yes, a Baby waits) 4 == = what I tells_you; He's a-sloop al - ready. Al semplice [G3] Men at crap game langh. CLARA (spoken) Carries baby out He got bet-ter sense than to —_lis-tento that lon~ sense. Ropains Tf Jake, youmake a bet-ter crap shoot-er, ft risoluto a (eter off stage off stage) i ee ee See, 4 f= 5] Allegretto J. 108 PETER (the honey man) enters through arch, hon-ey man. Yes mam,— dis de DP subito ¢ leggiero — = = hon-ey-man, ‘You got hon-ey in de comb?__ Yes mam, I got hon-ey in is yo’ hon-ey

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