Baq Report Designer

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Epicor ERP

BAQ Report Designer Course

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Revision: May 15, 2014 5:18 p.m.
Total pages: 36
BAQ Report Designer Course Contents

BAQ Report Designer Course.................................................................................................5
Before You Begin....................................................................................................................6
Environment Setup..........................................................................................................................................7
Workshop Constraints..............................................................................................................................8
BAQ Report Designer.............................................................................................................9
Create a BAQ Report............................................................................................................11
BAQ Report Setup..........................................................................................................................................11
Setup Information...................................................................................................................................12
Workshop - Define BAQ Report Paths.....................................................................................................12
Setup Crystal Reports......................................................................................................................12
Setup BAQ Report Options..............................................................................................................13
Workshop - Define Report Details...........................................................................................................14
Option Fields..................................................................................................................................................15
Workshop - Add Option Fields................................................................................................................15
Add Option Field 1..........................................................................................................................15
Add Option Field 2..........................................................................................................................16
Workshop - Define Filters........................................................................................................................17
Add Filter 1.....................................................................................................................................17
Add Filter 2.....................................................................................................................................17
Workshop - Label Sorts...........................................................................................................................18
Add Sort Option 1...........................................................................................................................18
Add Sort Option 2...........................................................................................................................19
Test Report Form..................................................................................................................20
Create an XML...............................................................................................................................................20
Workshop - Test the BAQ Report...................................................................................................................20
Generate Crystal Report Sample Data................................................................................22
Workshop - Generate Sample Data................................................................................................................22
Create a Sample Data File.......................................................................................................................22
Review the Sample Data File...................................................................................................................22
Design Crystal Report...........................................................................................................24
Workshop - Set Up the Crystal Report............................................................................................................24
Set Datasource Location.........................................................................................................................24
Set Up Available Datasources..................................................................................................................25
Delete Default Report Fields....................................................................................................................26
Add Report Fields...................................................................................................................................26

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Contents BAQ Report Designer Course

Add a Report Grouping Criterion............................................................................................................26

Create Report Summaries.......................................................................................................................27
Deploy the Crystal BAQ Report...........................................................................................28
Report Styles and Data Definition...................................................................................................................28
Workshop - Deploy the BAQ Report...............................................................................................................28
Publish the Report to the Main Menu.................................................................................30
Workshop - Publish the Report to the Main Menu..........................................................................................30
Publish the Report..................................................................................................................................30
View the Result.......................................................................................................................................31
Additional Features..............................................................................................................32
Download Crystal BAQ Report.......................................................................................................................32
Copy Crystal BAQ Report...............................................................................................................................32
Workshop - Copy BAQ Report................................................................................................................32
Export BAQ Report.........................................................................................................................................33
Workshop - Export BAQ Report..............................................................................................................33
Import BAQ Report........................................................................................................................................34
Workshop - Import BAQ Report..............................................................................................................34

4 Epicor ERP | 10.0.600

BAQ Report Designer Course BAQ Report Designer Course

BAQ Report Designer Course

This course demonstrates how to create custom Crystal Reports® documents from a business activity query (BAQ).
Use BAQ Report Designer to define option fields, filters, and sorting categories that display on the report
Use Crystal Reports to design and format a report. Once the report layout is complete, you can add the report
to the Main menu.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
• Identify BAQ examples and standard BAQ reports.
• Review the BAQ Report Designer and learn to create a user-defined report interface.
• Describe the steps involved to configure directory locations for reports.
• Understand the design functionality in the BAQ Report Designer.
• Describe the menu features, what they do and when to use them.
• Understand the steps used to convert a BAQ report to a Crystal report.
• Deploy a BAQ report to the network and display it on the Main menu.

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Before You Begin BAQ Report Designer Course

Before You Begin

Read this topic for information you should know in order to successfully complete this course.


Specific audiences will benefit from this course.

• System Administrator
• IT/Technical Staff


To complete the workshops in this course, the necessary modules must be licensed and operating in your training
environment. For more information on the modules available, contact your Epicor Customer Account Manager
at It is also important you understand the prerequisite knowledge contained in other
valuable courses.
• Navigation Course - This course introduces navigational aspects of the Epicor application's user interface.
Designed for a hands-on environment, general navigation principles and techniques available in two user
interface modes - Classic Menu and Modern Shell Menu. Workshops focus on each of these modes and
guide you through each navigational principle introduced.
• Database Concepts Course - This course reviews the table and field name identification process using Field
Help, Customization Tools, and the Data Dictionary Viewer functionality. It also describes table linking
procedures and requirements as well as join type definitions and specifications.
• Crystal Reports Course - This course introduces Crystal Reports®. It discusses how to use Crystal Reports
and the Business Activity Query (BAQ) Report Designer to design and create reports as well as how to modify
existing Crystal Report forms. In addition, this course reviews relational database concept fundamentals such
as tables, table relationships, records, and field types.
• Advanced Dashboards Course - The advanced dashboard techniques discussed in this course provide
flexibility with the way the data displays and functionality that allows you to access the data you need.
• Industry Knowledge
• Exposure to other database report generator programs.
• Fundamental knowledge of relational database concepts such as table relationships, records, and field
• A functional understanding of the current release of your Epicor application.

6 Epicor ERP | 10.0.600

BAQ Report Designer Course Before You Begin

Environment Setup

The environment setup steps and potential workshop constraints must be reviewed in order to successfully
complete the workshops in this course.
Your Epicor training environment, in which the Epicor demonstration database is found, enables you to experience
Epicor functionality in action but does not affect data in your live, production environment.
The following steps must be taken to successfully complete the workshops in this course.

1. Verify the following or ask your system administrator to verify for you:
• Your Epicor training icon (or web address if you are using Epicor Web Access) points to your
Epicor training environment with the Epicor demonstration database installed. Do not complete
the course workshops in your live, production environment.
Note It is recommended that multiple Epicor demonstration databases are installed. Contact
Support or Systems Consulting for billable assistance.

• The Epicor demonstration database is at the same service pack and patch as the Epicor
application. Epicor's education team updates the Epicor demonstration database for each service pack
and patch. If your system administrator upgrades your Epicor application to a new service pack or patch,
he or she must also download the corresponding Epicor demonstration database from EPICweb > Support
> Epicor > Downloads and install it. If this is not performed, unexpected results can occur when completing
the course workshops.
• Your system administrator restored (refreshed) the Epicor demonstration database prior to
starting this course. The Epicor demonstration database comes standard with parts, customers, sales
orders, and so on, already defined. If the Epicor demonstration database is shared with multiple users
(that is, the database is located on a server and users access the same data, much like your live, production
environment) and is not periodically refreshed, unexpected results can occur. For example, if a course
workshop requires you to ship a sales order that came standard in the Epicor demonstration database,
but a different user already completed this workshop and the Epicor demonstration database was not
restored (refreshed), then you will not be able to ship the sales order. Epicor's education team has written
the course workshops to minimize situations like this from occurring, but Epicor cannot prevent users
from manipulating the data in your installation of the Epicor demonstration database.

2. Log into the training environment using the credentials manager/manager. If you are logged into your
training environment as a different user, from the Options menu, select Change User.

3. From the Main menu, select the company Epicor Education (EPIC06).

4. From the Main menu, select the Main site.

5. Crystal Reports® Designer 2011 must be installed and operational in a training environment.

6. Create of verify the following folders exist:

• C:\_BAQReports\Sample Data
• C:\_BAQReports\Reports

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Before You Begin BAQ Report Designer Course

Workshop Constraints

Below is a list of workshops in this course that can be performed only once in each instance of a restored (refreshed)
database. Where applicable, a detailed explanation of the workshop constraints is documented in the workshop
• Workshop - Publish the Report to the Main Menu
Adding a Report to the Main Menu
When adding a report to the Epicor application Main menu, each report must have a individual and unique order
sequence. The order sequence represents the placement of the item within the menu. If the order sequence is
20, for example, the selected menu item is usually second in the menu list. Low numbers (10, 20, 30) position
the items towards the top of the menu list, while higher numbers (100, 110) position the item closer to the
bottom. If you are working on a shared database, you may find that the order sequence is already being used.
In this instance, you can follow the steps below to use another order sequence to complete the workshop.

1. Launch Menu Maintenance.

Menu Path: System Setup > System Maintenance > Menu Maintenance
Important This program is not available in the Epicor Web Access.

2. From the tree view, navigate to the Main Menu > Production Management > Job Management >
Reports folder.

3. In the Reports folder, select the last report at the bottom of the list.
The Detail sheet populates with the report information.

4. In the Order Sequence field, record the sequence number ______________.

5. From the New menu, select New Menu to add your Time Entry Detail report.

6. In the Order Sequence field, enter a number higher than the one noted in step 3.

7. Continue with Workshop - Publish the Report.

8 Epicor ERP | 10.0.600

BAQ Report Designer Course BAQ Report Designer

BAQ Report Designer

Use the BAQ Report Designer to display the results from personalized business activity queries (BAQs) in a
Crystal report. You design each query to pull in a customized set of information from your database.
Use the BAQ Report Designer to define directory paths and review the key menu features available when designing
a user-defined report interface. The designer is used as the base for a report and define the option fields, filters,
and sort by options that display on the report interface.
The BAQ Report Designer is the intermediary step between creating the BAQ and formatting the finalized Crystal
report. Use the BAQ Report Designer to design a BAQ report interface directly from Business Activity Query
To use the BAQ Report Designer, it is recommended you understand both BAQs and Crystal Reports.
The reports you create through the BAQ Report Designer are flat reports. They are restricted to only pulling data
from the table defined in their selected BAQs.
Tip The selected BAQ can be new, a standard modified BAQ, or simply, a standard BAQ. In addition, each
BAQ used in the BAQ Report Designer must have a Company column. This course uses a standard BAQ to
complete the workshops.

Process Flow for the BAQ Report Designer

The following process flow chart provides a visual overview of the BAQ Report Designer process. This process is
used to begin most reports in the Epicor application.

• Create a BAQ: A BAQ is the data foundation for Crystal Reports and dashboards. Create a BAQ using the
BAQ Report Designer.

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BAQ Report Designer BAQ Report Designer Course

• Define the BAQ Report Interface: The BAQ is pulled into the BAQ Report Designer and the definition of
the report is designed. The interface definition creates a report definition recognized by Crystal Reports.
• Define the Report Options: Use the BAQ Report Designer to define sorts, filters, and options that can be
used as part of the report. Once complete, the report is sent to Crystal Reports for further formatting.
• Create the Report Layout: Use Crystal Reports to define the report layout, calculated columns, and groupings.
In the BAQ Report Designer, from the Actions menu, select Design Crystal Report to display Crystal Reports
and create a base template of a report immediately available for formatting.
• Deploy the BAQ Report: When you deploy the report to the Main menu, it becomes available to all users
with the appropriate security settings.

Action Menu Features

• BAQ Report Options - Lists the local paths to use with the BAQ Report Designer.
• Test Report Form - Displays and allows you to test the interface for the current BAQ report.
• Generate Sample Data - Runs the current BAQ report to generate data.
• Design Crystal Report - Displays the current BAQ report in Crystal Reports.
• Deploy BAQ Report - Moves the current BAQ report to the network.
• Download Report - Downloads the .rpt file for the current BAQ report to your local drive.
• Copy BAQ Report - Makes a duplicate .rpt file for the current BAQ report.
• Export BAQ Report - Moves the current BAQ report to any specified location.
• Import BAQ Report - Pulls a BAQ report into the Epicor application.

BAQ Report Examples

Several standard BAQ reports are available in the Epicor application, they include the following:
• Rebate Contract Summary
• Rebate Contract Transactions
• Employee Efficiency
• Resource Group Efficiency
Note Use the BAQ Report Designer to create and customize these reports. You can link to user-defined
fields in the Report Parameters table which allows you to pass additional information to Crystal Reports,
increasing Crystal Reports efficiency when designing report layouts.

10 Epicor ERP | 10.0.600

BAQ Report Designer Course Create a BAQ Report

Create a BAQ Report

Use the BAQ Report Designer to define directory paths and review the key menu features available when
designing a user-defined report interface. You can also use this program to select the business activity query
(BAQ) as the base for a report and define the option fields, filters, and sort by options that display on the report

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Executive Analysis > Business Activity Management > General Operations > BAQ Report Designer
• System Management > Business Activity Queries > BAQ Report Designer
Important This program is not available in the Epicor Web Access.

BAQ Report Setup

To work with BAQ reports, you must have available a BAQ, report file paths, report designer executables, and
the shipped report templates. For SSRS reports, you must have an SSRS report server for report deployment.
Before you create a BAQ report, you must first create the business activity query (BAQ) that will pull the data you
wish to view on the report. . Use an available BAQ or create a new BAQ in Business Activity Query Designer.
The BAQ must contain the Company column within its table. If the Company column is not present, the BAQ
report does not work properly. When the BAQ is available, you can select it on a new BAQ report.
SSRS Reports are developed and deployed on an SSRS report server. The BAQ Report Designer by default applies
a URL path for the report server that is pulled from the Epicor server information. For more information about
installation and set up of SSRS in the Epicor installation, see Install Epicor SQL Server Reporting Service (SSRS) in
the Epicor Installation Guide. In some cases, such as when the URL on the Epicor server is a "localhost" URL and
you are on a different computer, you will need enter the complete URL path in the BAQ Report Options window.
To do this, click Actions > BAQ Report Options and enter this complete URL in the SSRS Web Service URL
® ®
field. You can get this alternate web service URL from the Microsoft Reporting Services Configuration Manager
located on the server.
For Crystal Reports, local paths are used develop reports and finished reports are deployed to a directory on the
Epicor ERP server. You must define paths for the Crystal Reports Executable, Sample Data Directory, and
the Local Reports Directory (shared with SSRS reports). When you first create a report, the BAQ Report Designer
automatically places the .rpt file in the Local Reports Directory. To define paths, click the Actions menu and
select BAQ Report Options. For more information see the BAQ Report Options topic.
The BAQReport.rpt file (for Crystal Reports) or BAQReport.rdl (for SSRS Reports) file are the templates for all BAQ
reports. These files are located in the \<server>\reports\CustomReports directory. A template includes a page
header section below the title, so that the field labels are not over the existing heading fields. Also, the top left
page header section includes the BAQ Report ID and User ID.

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Create a BAQ Report BAQ Report Designer Course

Setup Information

The BAQ Report Options ensure the report exports to Crystal Reports, saves locally for easy retrieval, and generates
sample data for testing prior to completion.
The paths below are discussed in workshops that follow.

Field Data
Crystal Reports Executable
Example C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Crystal Reports
XX\crw32.exe (where XX is the crystal report version)

Sample Data Directory C:\_BAQ Reports\Reports\SampleData

Local Reports Directory C:\_BAQ Reports\Reports\

Be sure the Copy Report Locally check box is selected so the BAQ Report Designer creates a duplicate copy of
each BAQ report as a backup.
For more information on the paths used in the course, refer to the Crystal Reports Executable, Sample Data
Directory, and Local Reports Directory topics in the Crystal Reports Help.

Workshop - Define BAQ Report Paths

Path locations are usually defined once for all BAQ Report Designer reports. In this workshop, use the path
locations indicated in the following steps to define the paths fields, however you can specify different paths if

Setup Crystal Reports

Setup the Crystal Report Executable path to access Crystal Reports from your Epicor application.
Navigate to the BAQ Report Designer.
Menu Path: Executive Analysis > Business Activity Management > General Operations > BAQ Report Designer
Important This program is not available in the Epicor Web Access.

1. From the Actions menu, select BAQ Report Options.

The BAQ Report Options window displays.

2. In the Crystal Report Executable field, verify the path to Crystal Reports defaults.
If the path does not display, click the ellipsis (...) button and browse for and select file crw32.exe, which is
the executable file for Crystal Reports.
Example C:\Program Files (x86)\BusinessObjects\BusinessObjects Enterprise XXX\win32_x86\crw32.exe

Important This path can vary depending on your installation settings. If you are not able to find the
executable file, contact your system administrator.

3. Remain in BAQ Report Options.

12 Epicor ERP | 10.0.600

BAQ Report Designer Course Create a BAQ Report

Setup BAQ Report Options

Setup the Sample Data and Local Reports directory.

The report options guide the Epicor application through the interaction with Crystal Reports. The paths defined
in this workshop represent the paths where you save the reports and sample data files.

1. In the Sample Data Directory field, click the ellipsis button (...).
The Browse For Folder window displays.

2. Search for and select the following path C:\_BAQReports\Sample Data.

3. In the Local Reports Directory field, click the ellipsis button (...).
The Browse For Folder window displays.

4. Search for and select the following path C:\_BAQReports\Reports.

If this path is not found, use Windows Explorer to create a directory with the same name.

5. Verify the Copy Report Locally check box is selected.

The .rpt file is copied to the local machine when it is created.

6. Click Apply.

7. Remain in the BAQ Report Designer for the next workshop.

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Create a BAQ Report BAQ Report Designer Course


Use the Detail sheet to define the primary details of the Business Activity Query (BAQ) report. On this sheet, you
set up the identifier and description of the report. You also select the BAQ used as the base query for the report.
Before you can use this tool, you must create a BAQ in the Business Activity Query Designer. The BAQ must
contain the Company column. For more information on how to create a BAQ, refer to the Business Activity
Query Designer topics in the application help or the BAQ chapters in the Epicor ICE Tools User Guide.
Important Before you can save this report, you must have a valid connection to an SSRS report server
(for SSRS reports) or a Local Reports Directory (for Crystal reports) where the report file (.rdl or .rpt) will be
saved. For more information, review the BAQ Report Options topic.

Workshop - Define Report Details

In this workshop, define the report details. These details provide the report ID and description referenced by the
Epicor application.

1. From the New menu, select New Report Definition.

2. In the Report ID field, enter XXX_TimeEntry (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab.
The Crystal Report field automatically populates with XXX_TimeEntry.rpt (where XXX are your initials).
The Report ID is the BAQ report identifier and the Crystal Report (.rpt) file name.

3. In the Description field, enter Time Entry Report.

4. In the BAQ ID field, search for and select zEmployeeEfficiency.

The BAQ ID is the name of the BAQ used as the basis for creating a new report.
Tip If the BAQ ID has a "z" prefix, it indicates this business activity query is a system query you cannot
modify. This BAQ is used on a dashboard or a report installed with the Epicor application. However,
you can copy system queries in the Business Activity Query Designer and modify the duplicate
versions as you need.

5. In the Form Title field, enter Time Entry Report.

6. Click Save.
The path locations and report definition steps must be complete before using the BAQ Report Designer or
Crystal Reports. Other field definitions, such as options, sorts, and filters, must be included in the report
plan; however, they can be defined before or after you format the report using Crystal Reports.

7. Remain in the BAQ Report Designer for the next workshop.

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BAQ Report Designer Course Create a BAQ Report

Option Fields

Use the Option Fields sheet to set up the main user input fields for the report.
Option Fields display on the report window. They enable users to define the range of data that displays when
the BAQ report generates. For example, you can use this sheet to set up fields where the user defines a From
and To date range as criteria for running the report.
Any field on the selected BAQ can be turned into an input field. Select the field in Option Field, enter a Field
Label that will display in the report, and select the Compare Operator that defines what data displays in the

Workshop - Add Option Fields

In this workshop, convert fields from the selected business activity query into an input field for report criteria.

Add Option Field 1

Add an input field so the start date displays in the report.

Note Any field in the BAQ is available as an option field.

1. Navigate to the Option Fields sheet.

2. From the New menu, select New Option Field.

3. In the Option Field field, select LaborDtl.ClockInDate and press Tab.

The Field Label, Compare Operator, and Data Type fields populate.

4. Enter or verify the following information:

Field Data
FieldLabel Enter Start Date
Compare Operator >= (greater than or equal)
Data Type date
Order 1

Tip A number of compare operators are available. Aside from equals (=), not equals (<>), less than
or equal (<=), and so on, you can also select both Begins and List.
The List compare operator is used when you allow users to enter a series of values. For example, you
create a report against the zcustomer01 query that lists all customers. For the user input (option) field,
you select Customer.State. When the report is run, users can narrow down the search by entering
states for which they want to list customers. For example, to return customers based in California,
Ohio and Minnesota, the valid entry must be entered as follows: "CA,OH,MN". When the BAQ runs
it will select records where the state = "CA" or "OH" or "MN". It is important to use "," as the
delimiter when you enter report criteria.

5. Click Save.

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Create a BAQ Report BAQ Report Designer Course

Add Option Field 2

1. From the New menu, select New Option Field.

2. In the Option Field field, select LaborDtl.ClockInDate and press Tab.

The Field Label, Compare Operator, and Data Type fields populate.

3. Enter or verify the following information:

Field Data
FieldLabel Enter End Date
Compare Operator <= (less than or equal)
Data Type date
Order 2

4. Click Save.

5. Remain in the BAQ Report Designer for the next workshop.

16 Epicor ERP | 10.0.600

BAQ Report Designer Course Create a BAQ Report


Use the Filters sheet to define the various filters available in the BAQ report. These items restrict the records
printed on a report. Filters can limit reports to only display items related to a single record or a range of records.
Example In the Employee Efficiency Report, the Employee and Dept options are filters.

Workshop - Define Filters

Any indexed field in the business activity query (BAQ) can be used as a filter. In this workshop, define the filters
available in the BAQ report.

Add Filter 1

1. Navigate to the Filters sheet.

2. From the New menu, select New Filter.

3. In the Filter field, select LaborDtl.JCDept and press Tab.

The Filter Label and Tab Label fields populate.

4. Accept the defaults and click Save.

Add Filter 2

1. From the New menu, select New Filter to add another filter.

2. In the Filter field, select LaborDtl.ResourceID and press Tab.

The Filter Label and Tab Label fields populate.

3. Accept the defaults and click Save.

4. Remain in the BAQ Report Designer for the next workshop.

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Create a BAQ Report BAQ Report Designer Course


Use the Sorts sheet to define the sort orders for the selected BAQ report. Sort orders indicate the sequence in
which the records display on the report. These sort orders display on the report interface on the Sort By list.
Example When you design a BAQ report for sales orders, you create two sort options. The first one
(Customer/CustomerPart) sorts all the sales orders by customers and then by customer part numbers. The
second (Part/Customer) sorts all the sales order by parts and then by customer.

Sorts created on this sheet are then used by the Epicor application to limit the data passed to the SSRS or Crystal
report. You may want to handle the sort options within SSRS Reports or Crystal Reports instead, rather than limit
the raw data coming from the Epicor application.

Workshop - Label Sorts

In this workshop, define sort orders to use in the BAQ report.

Add Sort Option 1

1. Navigate to the Sorts sheet.

2. From the New menu, select New Sort.

3. In the Sort Options section, in the Name field, enter Resource\Department.

4. Select the Resource\Department line.

5. In the Sort Fields section, click the New button.

6. In the Sort Fields grid, enter or select the following information:

Field Data
Sort Field LaborDtl.ResourceID
Order 10

7. Verify the Ascending check box is selected.

8. Click Save.

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BAQ Report Designer Course Create a BAQ Report

Add Sort Option 2

1. In the Sort Options section, verify the Resource\Department line is selected.

2. In the Sort Fields section, click the New button.

3. In the Sort Fields grid, enter or select the following information:

Field Data
Sort Field LaborDtl.JCDept
Order 20

4. Verify the Ascending check box is selected.

5. Click Save.

6. Remain in the BAQ Report Designer for the next workshop.

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Test Report Form BAQ Report Designer Course

Test Report Form

Use the Test Report Form option to display the interface for the current BAQ report (either SSRS or Crystal).
You can then test the option fields, filters, and sort orders defined for the report.
On the BAQ report interface, option fields display in the Report Options section. To use filters, navigate to the
Filters sheet and select the records you need; the filter options you select display in the Filter Summary section.
Sort options can be selected from the Sort By list.

Create an XML

Use the Test Report Form option to see a preview of the screen used to print the new report. You are prompted
for the options and filters you defined.
Once complete, select Print Preview. At this time the Epicor application creates an .xml datasource that is later
used as the foundation for the Crystal Report. In an Epicor Training facility, the path to the datasource file is
C:\Program Files\Epicor\EpicorData\Reports\<username> or if using a shared database, in \\<servername>\
EpicorData\Reports\<username>. Check with your system administrator for the location of the EpicData
directory in your installation.

Workshop - Test the BAQ Report

In this workshop, test the BAQ user-defined report interface for the report created in the Workshop - Define
Report Details. In this case, the report is tested with no filters.

1. From the Actions menu, select Test Report Form.

The Time Entry Report window displays.

2. Navigate to the Filter sheet.

The Dept and Resource ID sheets display as the filters.

3. Navigate to the Selection sheet.

The Selection sheet options are determined by the settings created in earlier workshops.
The Report Options pane displays the option fields. The Filter Summary pane displays the filters.

4. In the Enter Start Date field, enter the date one year before today.

5. In the Enter End Date field, verify today's date defaults.

6. Click Print Preview.

Once the Time Entry BAQ report displays, the Epicor application creates a new datasource .xml file. This file
can be used if the report requires the full data rather than the sample data created in the next workshop.

20 Epicor ERP | 10.0.600

BAQ Report Designer Course Test Report Form

Note The .xml file is created in the Reports\<username> folder located in the server file directory.

7. Close the BAQ report and the Time Entry Report window.

8. Remain in the BAQ Report Designer for the next workshop.

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Generate Crystal Report Sample Data BAQ Report Designer Course

Generate Crystal Report Sample Data

Use the Generate Crystal Report Sample Data option to create data you can use to test the current report.
This option runs the business activity query (BAQ) selected on the current report to generate the data. The data
file is saved to the Sample Data Directory. The data can help you design the final layout of the report within
Crystal Reports.
Tip You define the Sample Data Directory on the BAQ Report Options window. You launch this
window from the Actions menu. For more information, refer to the BAQ Report Designer > BAQ Report
Options topic in the application help.

Workshop - Generate Sample Data

In this workshop, generate sample data to use when designing the layout in Crystal Reports.

Create a Sample Data File

1. From the Actions menu, select Generate Sample Data.

The interface between the Epicor application and Crystal Reports requires that a background temporary
.xml file is created. Once created, it becomes the datasource for the Crystal Report. The Generate Sample
Data function creates the xml file.
When the data is generated, the Sample Data window displays.

2. In the Sample Data window, note the path and the name of the data .xml file

3. Click OK to confirm the sample data is created successfully.

The BAQ executes and the data is generated into the .xml file available to Crystal Reports. It is recommended
to check the number of records pulled in by the initial execution of the BAQ. The data displays once the
report is deployed.

4. Minimize the BAQ Report Designer.

Review the Sample Data File

Use Windows Internet Explorer to review the xml sample data file created in the previous workshop.

1. Navigate to the C:\_BAQReports\Sample Data folder.

Note Your location may be diferent on your computer. It is based on the path noted in the Sample
Data Directory field in the BAQ Report Options window.

2. Double-click the XXX_TimeEntry_Data.xml (where XXX are your initials) file created in the Create a Sample
Data File topic.

22 Epicor ERP | 10.0.600

BAQ Report Designer Course Generate Crystal Report Sample Data

In Windows Internet Explorer®, the XXX_TimeEntry_Data.xml file displays.

3. Review the report structure.

The report details are grouped into the following sections:
• RptLables - For the report labels
• BAQReportParameter - For the report parameters
• Company - For the current company details
• BAQReportResult - For the report results
• Additional information to construct the report

4. Exit Windows Internet Explorer.

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Design Crystal Report BAQ Report Designer Course

Design Crystal Report

Use the Design Crystal Report option to launch the current BAQ report within Crystal Reports.
This option causes the program to search for the Crystal Reports .exe file. The path is set up in the Crystal Report
Executable field. When the Crystal Reports .exe file is found, Crystal Reports displays.
You define the Crystal Report Executable path on the BAQ Report Options window. You launch this window
from the Actions menu.
Tip Before modifying the BAQ report in Crystal Reports, run the Generate Sample Data option from the
Actions menu to generate sample data you can use with the report.
For more information, refer to the BAQ Report Designer > Generate Sample Data topic in the application

Workshop - Set Up the Crystal Report

In this workshop, set up the Crystal Reports functionality to format the Time Entry report.

Set Datasource Location

Crystal Reports is unaware of the datasource at this time; therefore, the .xml file, which was created using the
Generate Sample Data option, must be linked as the new datasource. In this workshop, set the datasource

1. Maximize the BAQ Report Designer.

2. From the Actions menu, select Design Crystal Report.

Crystal Reports displays with a report template ready.

3. From the Database menu, select Set Datasource Location.

The Set Datasource Location window displays.

4. In the Replace With section, click the plus sign (+) next to Create New Connection and double-click
ADO.Net (XML).
The ADO.Net (XML) window displays.

5. In the File Path field, click the ellipsis button (...), browse for the C:\_BAQ Reports\Sample Data folder,
and double-click XXX_TimeEntry_Data.xml (where XXX are your initials).
Note When you click the Generate Sample File option, the BAQ Report Designer creates the
XXX_TimeEntry_Data.xml (where XXX are your initials) as the sample data file.

6. In the ADO.Net (XML) window, click Finish.

In the Set Datasource Location window, the Current Data Source section summarizes the report details.

7. From the Current Data Source section, select the Report > ReportDataSet node.

24 Epicor ERP | 10.0.600

BAQ Report Designer Course Design Crystal Report

8. From the Replace with section, select the Create New Connection > ADO.Net (XML) > ReportDataSet

9. Click Update.

10. Click Close.

The connection to the new datasource is made; however, not all tables are included in the dataset.

Set Up Available Datasources

Add the BAQReportResult table to the report.

1. From the Database menu, select Database Expert.

The Database Expert window displays.

2. From the Available Data Sources pane, expand the Create New Connection > ADO.Net (XML) >
ReportDataSet node.

3. From the ReportDataSet node, select the BAQReportResult table.

4. Click the right arrow (>) to add the table to the Selected Tables pane.

5. Navigate to the Links sheet.

6. In the Links sheet, double-click the line between the Company table and the BAQReportParameter table.
The Link Options window displays.

7. In the Join Type pane, select Left Outer Join.

The left outer join is needed because all BAQReportParameter fields are used regardless of matches found
from the other tables.

8. Click OK.

9. In the Database Expert window, click OK.

10. Click Save.

11. When asked to overwrite the report with the latest report format, click Yes.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.600 25

Design Crystal Report BAQ Report Designer Course

Delete Default Report Fields

Clear the existing field in the report.

The template used for the BAQ Report Designer often places the default fields of Report Title, Print Date, and
Page N of M in the Page Header section.

1. In Crystal Reports, verify the Design sheet displays.

2. In the Page Header section, select the Report Title field.

3. From the Edit menu, select Delete.

4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 to delete the Print Date and the Page N of M fields.

5. Click Save.

Add Report Fields

Select the fields from the tables and add them to the Details section of the report.
When Crystal Reports is connected to the datasource and the tables are linked, select the fields and format the

1. From the View menu, select Field Explorer.

The Field Explorer pane displays.

2. In the Page Header section, drag the bottom line down to increase the Page Header area.

3. In Field Explorer pane, select the Database Fields > BAQReportResult > LaborDtl.ClockInDate field,
then drag and release it within the Details section.

4. Drag the following fields from the BAQReportResult table to the Details section:
• EmpBasic.LastName
• LabHrsIndirect
• LabHrsDirect
• BurDirectHrs

5. Click Save.

Add a Report Grouping Criterion

Add a report grouping criterion to group the report by Job Cost Department.

1. From the Report menu, select Group Expert.

The Group Expert window displays.

2. In the Available Fields pane, select BAQReportResult > JCDept.Description.

3. Click the right arrow (>) to move the selected field to the Group By section.

26 Epicor ERP | 10.0.600

BAQ Report Designer Course Design Crystal Report

4. Click OK to create the group.

Two new sections called Group Header #1 and Group Footer #1 are added to the sections of the report.

5. Click Save.

Create Report Summaries

A report summary is similar to a subtotal by group. The following steps demonstrate how to create grand total
summaries for the report.

1. In the Details section, right-click the LabHrsIndirect field and select Insert > Summary.
The Insert Summary window displays.

2. Accept the default values and click OK.

By default, the grand total summary is added to the Report Footer section.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to add summaries to the LabHrsDirect and BurDirectHrs fields.

4. Click Save.

5. Click Print Preview.

The Preview sheet displays.

6. Review the report.

7. If necessary, navigate to the Design sheet, make adjustments and preview the report again.

8. Exit Crystal Reports.

9. Remain in the BAQ Report Designer for the next workshop.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.600 27

Deploy the Crystal BAQ Report BAQ Report Designer Course

Deploy the Crystal BAQ Report

Use the Deploy Crystal BAQ Report option to move a Crystal BAQ report to the network. The program moves
the Crystal BAQ report from the Local Reports Directory to the Server Reports Directory on the server.
Tip You define the Local Reports Directory path and view the Server Reports Directory path in the
BAQ Report Options window. You launch this window from the Actions menu. For more information,
refer to the BAQ Report Designer > BAQ Report Options topic in the application help.

Once the Crystal BAQ report is deployed, you are ready to add this report to the application interface. You can
do this through Menu Maintenance. For more information, refer to the Menu Maintenance topics.

Report Styles and Data Definition

When you save a new BAQ report, a style and data definition for the report is automatically created.

Report Style
The style defines how this report displays and prints. You can edit these styles in Report Maintenance.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• System Management > Reporting > Report Style
Important This program is not available in the Epicor Web Access.

Report Data
The data definition indicates the specific fields that display on the report. Edit this definition in Report Data

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• System Management > Reporting > Report Data Definition
Important This program is not available in the Epicor Web Access.

Workshop - Deploy the BAQ Report

This workshop demonstrates how to use the Deploy BAQ Report functionality.

1. From the Actions menu, select Deploy BAQ Report.

28 Epicor ERP | 10.0.600

BAQ Report Designer Course Deploy the Crystal BAQ Report

The .rpt file is placed on your reports\Custom Reports folder in your server reports directory. To make this
BAQ report available to other users within your company, place it on the Epicor Main menu.

2. In the Save As message, click Yes to confirm you want to replace existing report.

3. Note the path where the report is copied ___________________________________.

4. In the File Copied window, click OK.

5. Exit the BAQ Report Designer.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.600 29

Publish the Report to the Main Menu BAQ Report Designer Course

Publish the Report to the Main Menu

After deploying your BAQ report to your network directory, you can add your customer BAQ report to the Main
menu for others to access.
When you deploy the BAQ report, use Menu Maintenance to indicate the location of the BAQ report on the
Main menu.
Once you place your BAQ report on the Main menu, it looks like any other Epicor application report.

Workshop - Publish the Report to the Main Menu

In this workshop, publish the report to the Main menu.

Publish the Report

Add the time entry report to the main menu in your Epicor application.
Navigate to Menu Maintenance.
Menu Path: System Setup > System Maintenance > Menu Maintenance
Important This program is not available in the Epicor Web Access.

Important Due to necessary database setup and specific data used to add a report to the Main menu,
this workshop can only be performed by one person on a shared database. If you are unable to complete
this workshop, this prohibits you from completing the Workshop - Publish the Report to the Main
Menu - View the Result. In order to continue, review the Workshop Constraints section at the beginning
of this course to add a report.

1. In the tree view, select the Production Management > Job Management > Reports folder.
To expand the tree node, click the plus sign (+).

2. From the New menu, select New Menu.

The Module field automatically populates with UD, which means the report is user-defined.

3. In the Menu ID field, enter TMEXXX (where XXX are your initials).

4. Enter the following information:

Field Data
Name XXX_Time Entry (where XXX are your initials)
Program Type BAQ Report
Icon Report

5. In the Report field, search for and select XXX_TimeEntry (where XXX are your initials).

30 Epicor ERP | 10.0.600

BAQ Report Designer Course Publish the Report to the Main Menu

6. In the Security ID field, accept the default value.

7. For the Order Sequence, enter 200 and click Save.

Note If a duplicate order sequence message displays, review the Workshop Constraints section of
the course.

8. If the Security Settings window displays, click OK.

9. Exit Menu Maintenance.

View the Result

Important If you were unable to complete Workshop - Publish the Report to the Main Menu - Publish
the Report, you will not be able to complete this workshop.

1. From the Options menu, select Change User.

2. In the User name and Password fields, enter manager.

The Epicor application refreshes the Main menu tree structure.

3. From the Epicor Main menu, navigate to the Production Management > Job Management > Reports

4. In the Reports folder, verify the XXX_TimeEntry report (where XXX are your initials) displays.

5. Double-click the XXX_TimeEntry report (where XXX are your initials).

6. Test the newly created report.

7. Exit the Time Entry Report.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.600 31

Additional Features BAQ Report Designer Course

Additional Features

This section reviews the additional features of the BAQ Report Designer.

Download Crystal BAQ Report

Use the Download Crystal BAQ Report option from the Actions menu when you need to bring back a copy
of a Crystal BAQ report down from the server. You can then modify this version of the report.
When you run this option, the BAQ Report Designer locates the deployed copy of the current report on the server
and brings down the latest version of the Crystal Report to your local reports directory. You can then modify this
version of the report using the BAQ Report Designer.

Copy Crystal BAQ Report

Use the Copy Crystal BAQ Report option from the Actions menu to create a duplicate .rpt file for the current
BAQ report.
This copied .rpt file is saved in the local reports directory. You can then edit the duplicate report file.
Tip You define the Local Reports Directory path in the BAQ Report Options window. You launch this
window from the Actions menu. For more information, refer to the BAQ Report Designer > BAQ Report
Options topic in the application help.

Workshop - Copy BAQ Report

In this workshop, create a copy of the Time Entry report.

Navigate to the BAQ Report Designer.
Menu Path: Executive Analysis > Business Activity Management > General Operations > BAQ Report Designer
Important This program is not available in the Epicor Web Access.

1. In the Report ID field, search for and select the XXX_TimeEntry (where XXX are your initials) report.

2. From the Actions menu, select Copy BAQ Report.

The Copy BAQ Report window displays.

3. In the New Report ID field, enter XXX_TimeEntry_2 (where XXX are your initials).

4. Click Copy.
A copy of the file is created with the new name specified in the Copy BAQ Report window.

5. Remain in the BAQ Report Designer for the next workshop.

32 Epicor ERP | 10.0.600

BAQ Report Designer Course Additional Features

Export BAQ Report

Use the Export BAQ Report option from the Actions menu to move a Crystal BAQ report out of the local
reports directory into another location. You must define both the path and the new name for the exported file.
Tip You define the Local Reports Directory path in the BAQ Report Options window. For more
information, refer to the BAQ Report Designer > BAQ Report Options topic in the application help.

Workshop - Export BAQ Report

In this workshop, use the Export BAQ Report functionality to move the Time Entry report out of the local reports
directory into your BAQReports\Reports folder.

1. In the Report ID field, verify the XXX_TimeEntry_2 (where XXX are your initials) report displays.

2. From the Actions menu, select Export BAQ Report.

The Export BAQ Report window displays.

3. In the New Report ID field, enter XXX_TimeEntry_3 (where XXX are your initials).

4. Click the Export Filename button and search for the C:\_BAQReports\Reports folder set up as a local
reports directory.
The file is exported to the new location entered here.

5. In the File name field, enter XXX_TimeEntry_3 (where XXX are your initials).

6. Click Save and then click Export.

7. From the Export Filename field, note the export file navigation path.
Export File ____________________________________________________.

8. Click Export.
The export .xml file is moved to the new location.

9. Verify the BAQ report .xml file is in the new location.

10. Remain in the BAQ Report Designer for the next workshop.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.600 33

Additional Features BAQ Report Designer Course

Import BAQ Report

Use the Import BAQ Report option from the Actions menu to pull a Crystal BAQ report back into the Epicor
When you use this feature, you create a new identifier for the report and indicate whether this report can be
edited in the BAQ Report Designer.

Workshop - Import BAQ Report

In this workshop, use the Import BAQ Report option to pull the XXX_TimeEntry_3 report into the Epicor application.

1. From the Actions menu, select Import BAQ Report.

The Import BAQ Report window displays.

2. In the Import Filename field, browse to the C:\_BAQReports\Reports folder and select XXX_TimeEntry_3
(where XXX are your initials).

3. Click Open.

4. In the New Report ID field, enter XXX_TimeEntry_4 (where XXX are your initials).

5. To edit the selected report in the BAQ Report Designer, verify the Show in Designer check box is selected.

6. Click OK.
In the Detail sheet, view the report details.

7. Exit the BAQ Report Designer.

34 Epicor ERP | 10.0.600

BAQ Report Designer Course Conclusion


Congratulations! You have completed the BAQ Report Designer course.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.600 35

Additional information is available at the Education and
Documentation areas of the EPICweb Customer Portal. To access
this site, you need a Site ID and an EPICweb account. To create an
account, go to

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