Lesson Plan 1

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Lesson Sequence and Delivery:

Regardless of the model, write the lesson with enough detail and teacher talk/questioning that the reader can picture the teacher candidate teaching the lesson in its entirety and/or
another teacher could step in and use the plan with minimal assistance. Attach this section to the Lesson Plan Template under Lesson Sequence and Delivery.
Lesson Differentiation (1e-1) Student Engagement (1e-1, 3c-1*)
Components 1. Within Core Instruction (minimum), 1. Within in the Lesson Sequence and Delivery
list instructional tools, methods, label examples for fostering Student


and/or strategies to meet differing Engagement (SCOR) with S for Success, C for
student needs/interests. Curiosity, O for Originality, and R for
2. Explain your rationale. Relationships.
2. Explain your rationale in the boxes below.
Introduction (1e-4) Have students bring toolboxes and sit in seats at Ms. Differentiation will have been S- A quick review of what was
7 Describe how you will Allberry’s station. met through pre-assessment completed during the previous whole
min. inform students as to T: Today we are going to find some verbs and see how data. The groups have been group discussion will ensure that
what they will be doing
and why it is important
they can be used in a sentence. Remember that a sorted previously through students activate prior knowledge that
(e.g. sentence is a group of words that make up a complete word recognition, one-on-one will become useful in the lesson.
statements/questions/oth idea. Every sentence has a verb. It is important to testing, and ongoing
er to present student- know our verbs because they tell us what the person, observation.
friendly objective) animal, or thing is doing.

Develop background, Teacher holds up ball. Extend: Have students write C- Build curiosity by showing a beach
foster connections, T: I want you to silently brainstorm what you can do the words themselves on ball and relating it to the lesson.
facilitate motivation for with a ball. Raise a quiet hand when want to share chalk dots.
learning activity.
your idea of what you do with a ball. O- Originality in the responses will
Call on several students and perform the action verb increase student engagement.
they state. Do not let students touch the ball. The
actions are to be made by the teacher only. For
example, if a student says “throw”, act out how to
throw a ball (without actually throwing it!). Then, write
the verb on the small chalk board. Allow 4-6 verbs to
be shared. Give examples if necessary.
T: Very good! All of these actions that you have shared
are verbs!

20 Core Instruction (1e-4) Distribute two word cards to each student. Be sure Differentiation is used in the S- Direct instruction (with modeling)
min. Include appropriate that each student has at least one card with a verb. Core Instruction by combining will define the expectations of the
lesson content, clear Model instructions as you talk. visual, auditory, and student.
sequence, opportunities
for practice and
T: I am now going to pass out some yellow cards that kinesthetic actions.
application. each have a word on them. You will read the word, O- Allowing each student to participate
and decide if it is a verb. If you think your word is a with two word cards will increase
verb, place it on the tray that says YES. If your word is engagement.
not a verb, place it on the tray that says NO.
Allow students 1 minute to place their cards. R- Students will work as a group to
T: I am going to read our words that are on the YES complete booklets. They will also have
tray. Once I read a word, give me a “yes” (sign a chance to discuss and take turns
language-nod fist up and down) if you agree that it is a participating.
verb. If you think a word is not a verb and doesn’t
belong on this tray, give me a “no” (sign language-
pinch pointer and middle finger to your thumb.) Give
me a thumbs up if you understand what we are doing.

After discussing the words on the YES tray, begin

reviewing the words on the NO tray. Choose a few
words to discuss with questions such as:
 Is ________ a verb? Why or why not?
 Why isn’t ______ a verb?
If there is a word that is on the wrong tray, have a
discussion with the group and ask students why it
should be moved to the other tray.

Have booklets ready to distribute.

T: I am impressed with all of your knowledge on verbs!
I am now going to give each of you a booklet. When
you get your booklet, what is the first thing you should
do? (Call on a quiet hand)
S: Write your name.
T: Yes! *Sing the name song* After writing your name I
need you to take your highlighter out.

Have a student repeat the directions if necessary.

T: The title of our booklet is “I Can Move”. Oh my! I

need you all to get your spy glasses out and see if you
can spot the verb that is in our title. (Call on student)
S: Move!
T: Kiss your brain! I need everyone to go ahead and
highlight “move”. Once you’ve done this you may Extension: If there is extra
open up to the next page. I will read first, then we will time in this portion of the
read together, and then I will have a friend help me lesson, I will read “To Root, To
find a verb on each page. Toot, To Parachute” and have
ask questions about the
Follow the “I do, we do, you do” model to read through different verbs listed in the
the rest of the book. When the chosen student states book. This will begin the
the verb on the page, have all students highlight the discussion of -ing endings at
verb. Make connections to the verbs as much as the end of verbs.
possible (e.g. “throw”, some of you may throw the
football out at recess.)

3 Closure (1e-4) T: Okay boys and girls, it is time to pack our tools away Ongoing observation, R- Students will build relationships as
min. Include what you in our toolboxes and have all eyes on me. Put your questioning, and participation they work on closing the lesson by
will ask or say to hands on your head if you can tell me what a verb is. will help the teachers whispering to their neighbor.
students to
(Call on student with hands on head) determine who has met the
refocus students
on learning S: A verb is an action word that tells what the person, lesson’s objective. This
objective. animal, or thing does. information can be utilized to
T: Wonderful! Now, just sign yes or no- do all alter further instruction based
sentences have verbs? (Students should all sign “yes”) on levels of understanding.
Yes! All complete sentences should have a verb. Your
“ticket” to take your things back to your desk and line
up for recess is to whisper one verb you learned today
to your neighbor.

Listen closely to students as they whisper their verbs.

*Clinical Practice Only

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