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Lesson Sequence and Delivery:

Regardless of the model, write the lesson with enough detail and teacher talk/questioning that the reader can picture the teacher candidate teaching the lesson in its entirety and/or
another teacher could step in and use the plan with minimal assistance. Attach this section to the Lesson Plan Template under Lesson Sequence and Delivery.
Lesson Differentiation (1e-1) Student Engagement (1e-1, 3c-1*)
Components 1. Within Core Instruction (minimum), 1. Within in the Lesson Sequence and Delivery
list instructional tools, methods, label examples for fostering Student


and/or strategies to meet differing Engagement (SCOR) with S for Success, C for
student needs/interests. Curiosity, O for Originality, and R for
2. Explain your rationale. Relationships.
2. Explain your rationale in the boxes below.
Introduction (1e-4) T: There are many different ways to solve addition
10 Describe how you will facts. Some strategies may be easier to use for
min. inform students as to different facts. Today we are going to review the
what they will be doing
and why it is important
strategies we have learned, and solve addition
(e.g. problems with different strategies.
er to present student-
friendly objective)
Develop background, T: Let’s pretend that it is a very hot summer day. We C: Students will wonder what a “beach
foster connections, are going to a beach because it is so hot and sunny! day” has to do with math. They will
facilitate motivation for (Display beach pic on mimio.) I am going to invite 3 become engaged in the lesson as the
learning activity.
lucky ducks to go to the beach with me. (Call 3 lucky anticipatory set activates background
ducks, have them join at the front.) Before we go to knowledge/experiences.
the beach, we need to decide what we are going to
wear! S: Increased engagement helps to
*Let the lucky ducks pull a scrap of paper out of the increase the focus of the material. This
bucket. Each scrap has a different type of outfit on it. will allow for better understanding of
Some outfits will not fit the beach scene. Announce the lesson.
who is wearing what to the beach. Emphasize that
some of these outfits are not a good fit for the beach. R: Using students as models for the
You could wear them to the beach but they might not problem will improve relationships
be the best choice. Discuss which option is the best between students and teacher, and
choice to wear. Then, explain how this is just like students to students.
choosing an addition strategy. Some strategies may be
a better fit than others for certain addition problems.
40 Core Instruction (1e-4) Transition to visual learning. Invite the students with R: Tables are encouraged to work
min. Include appropriate happy notes and the table with the most stars to join together to earn stars. The team with
lesson content, clear on the rug at front, facing the screen. Lucky ducks can the most stars joins the front, which
sequence, opportunities
be called to help work through the problems. Some gives the incentive to work
for practice and
application. questions to ask during pauses and at the end of the cooperatively as a group.
visual learning video include:
 How do we know this is NOT a doubles fact?
 Can we use different strategies to solve this
addition fact?
 What strategy would you use for this fact?
 How will you know your answer is correct?
S: Addressing misconceptions early in
Students may have the misconception that they can the lesson will prevent further
use the doubles strategy for a problem such as 7+8. misunderstanding of the material.
They cannot use doubles because the two addends are
not the same. However, they can use NEAR DOUBLES
to solve this by finding a doubles fact and adding on.
Address this misconception after the video if
necessary. While students are still facing the screen,
pull up the guided practice portion of the lesson on
the screen.

R: Giving cheers for lucky ducks

Walk through each problem as a whole group, calling improves confidence and relationships
on lucky ducks to come up and assist. Give lucky ducks between students.
a cheer when they finish the problem. Talk through
the strategies and have students construct an
argument as to why that strategy works best.

Transition students back to their seats. Have the

helper of the day assist in distributing the independent
practice. Sing the name song as you distribute so
students are reminded to write their names on their
papers. Bring the first problem of the independent
practice up on the screen.
Read the directions, and work through the first O: Students are not confined to
problem together. Remind students that they need to Extension: Early finishers can choosing one type of strategy. They
choose a strategy to find the sum. Early finishers may work on higher level questions have the freedom to choose what
work on the problems on the back. As I walk around to on the back side of the paper. works best for them.
assist/observe I will ask students how they got their
answers to check for understanding.
S: Checking for understanding while
When it looks like students are finished with problems Students will have enough students work on problems provides
5-16, use the “Hocus Pocus” call back. Have all time to work at their own assurance that everyone is
students flip to the back page and point to question 20 pace without feeling rushed. understanding the concepts.
(assessment question). This will be displayed on the Reteaching may be necessary here to
screen so they can see what the problem looks like. ensure success for all.
Eyes on the teacher with a smile when they have
found where question 20 is and they are ready to
listen to directions.

Read the directions aloud, and give students 1-2

minutes of work time to complete the question. Hands
Students who really struggle
on their head when they are finished. When most
with this lesson will be given
students are done, ask for a quiet hand to tell us one
the “reteach for
strategy that could be used. Have the student explain
understanding” sheet as
how that strategy would work.
homework. Students who
need more of a challenge will
After discussion of the assessment question, dismiss
be given the “enrichment
quiet tables to turn their independent practice sheets worksheet” in addition to the
into the in box. original homework. Students
who are on level will be given
Leveled homework will be sent home. the original homework.
10 Closure (1e-4) Write 9 + 6 on the board. Place the names of different C: Students will be curious as to what
min. Include what you strategies in 4 columns (doubles, near doubles, make a the sticky note with their name is for.
will ask or say to ten, my way). Distribute one sticky note to each
students to
refocus students
student. As you pass them out, instruct students to S: Reflecting on the material helps
on learning write their name on the sticky note. Begin asking students process what they learned. If
objective. reflection questions such as: students still place a sticky note under
 Why is it important to know different addition doubles, this means that there is still a
strategies? misconception that will need
 Is there always just one way to solve a reteaching.
 Can you use a different strategy than your
friend? O: Students will show how they prefer
After discussion with previous questions, give the next to solve problems in their own
direction for the sticky notes. Explain that the sticky individual way. This also helps the
note is their exit ticket to lunch. When you call their teacher reflect upon which strategies
table, students will place their sticky note under the are most effective for the students.
strategy that they would like to use for the problem on
the board—9+6. After they have placed their sticky
note on the board they can go to the restroom before
lining up to go to lunch.
*Clinical Practice Only

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