Imrovement of Transmission Line Efficiency by Using DPFC

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Improvement of Transmission Line

Efficiency using DPFC


Imran Khan Jadoon



Dr. M. Ejaz Hassan





Thesis Title : Improvement of Transmission Line

Efficiency using DPFC

Student Name : Imran Khan Jadoon

Supervisor Name : Dr. M. Ejaz Hassan

Starting Date : 25-May-2016

Ending Date : 24-November-2017


It is certified that the research work titled “Improvement of Transmission Line Efficiency

using DPFC” is my own work. The work has not been presented elsewhere for

assessment. Where material has been used from other sources it has been properly

acknowledged / referred. It is further declared that I have developed this report entirely

on the basis of my personal efforts made under the sincere guidance of my Supervisor Dr.

M. Ejaz Hassan.

Imran Khan Jadoon



Improvement of Transmission Line Efficiency using DPFC

Imran Khan Jadoon


Thesis Supervisor: Dr. M. Ejaz Hassan


In modern era the complexity of power system has been increased which results in less-

efficiency, which is mainly due to inductive and varying loads in the power system. To

overcome such problem we have various methods as: static capacitor banks, tap changing

transformers, phase advancer and FACTS devices such as Static Var Compensator (SVC),

Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC), Static Compensator (STATCOM) and

Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC). The currently used most efficient tool for power

transmission is called UPFC. The tool, however, has a major disadvantage of having a

DC-link used as a bridge for power transfer which in case of failure brings the power

transmission to a complete halt.

In this research the performance of the Distributed Power Flow Controller (DPFC) as

power flow controlling device in high voltage transmission line is theoretically studied.

Instead of DC-link, as used in UPFC, a common point (node) is provided for the power

transfer. A computer model with UPFC, DPFC and without any FACTS device in

MATLAB-Simulink is constructed for the comparison of results. The results show that

the bus voltage efficiency and voltage regulation performance of DPFC is 6.59% and

6.81% better than that with UPFC, respectively. The outcomes of the study are expected

to provide a safer, reliable and more efficient tool for high voltage transmission line.

Keywords: FACTS devices, UPFC, DPFC, DC-link, MATLAB Simulink.


This work is the conclusion of three and a half years of research at the Department of

Electrical Engineering of the APCOMS affiliated to UET Taxila, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

Many people have helped me over the past three and a half years and it is my great

pleasure to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to them all.

Firstly, I would like to thank Professor Dr. Muhammad Ejaz Hassan for allowing me the

freedom to choose my research direction. My deepest and heartfelt gratitude, love,

admiration and respect for him, who has never lost faith in me and has given me endless

patience, love and support.

I am also grateful to Dr. Nadeem Malik, UET Taxila, for several enlightening ideas and

constructive comments which have helped to improve this research. I am grateful to Dr.

Aftab and Dr. Javed Iqbal for their help and cooperation in accomplishing my master


On a more personal note, my family’s love and support has been consistent and hugely

appreciated. Their love brought rays of sunshine into the greyest of days.

As required by University, I hereby declare that this dissertation is not substantially the

same as any that I have submitted for a degree or diploma or other qualification at any

other university. This dissertation is the result of my own work and includes nothing

which is the outcome of work done in collaboration.

Imran Khan Jadoon





List of Figures..................................................................................................x

List of Tables and Charts.................................................................................xi


Chapter 1: Introduction.....................................................................................1

1.1 Background..........................................................................................1

1.2 Problem Statement................................................................................3

1.3 Aims and Objectives----------------------------------------------------------- 3

1.4 Literature Review.................................................................................4

1.5 Thesis Layout........................................................................................6

Chapter 2: Efficiency and Control Philosophy of Transmission Line.............. 7

2.1 Introduction..........................................................................................7

2.2 Philosophy of Power Flow Control.......................................................7

2.3 Transmission Line Efficiency Calculation...........................................11

2.3.1 Power System Solution by Gauss-Seidel Method......................13 Formation of Admittance Matrix...................................13

2.4 Conclusion..........................................................................................22

Chapter 3: Overview of FACTS Devices........................................................23

3.1 Introduction........................................................................................23

3.2 FACTS Devices Overview..................................................................23

3.2.1 Static Var Compensator.....................................................23

3.2.2 Static Synchronous Compensator......................................25

3.2.3 Static Synchronous Series Compensator...........................27

3.2.4 UPFC................................................................................28

3.3 Conclusion....................................................................................30

Chapter 4: Distributed Power Flow Controller ..............................................31

4.1 Introduction...................................................................................31

4.2 DPFC Topology............................................................................31

4.3 Operating Philosophy of DPFC....................................................32

4.4 How to Control DPFC?................................................................33

4.4.1 Central Control.................................................................33

4.4.2 Series Control...................................................................33

4.4.3 Shunt Control...................................................................34

4.5 Case Study....................................................................................34

4.6 Description of the Case Study in MATLAB Simulink..................35

4.7 Results of the Case Study in MATLAB Simulink.......................36

4.8 Inclusion of UPFC into the Case Study.........................................37

4.9 Effect of UPFC on Under-Voltage Condition..........................38

4.10 Simulation Model of the Network with DPFC............................39

4.11 Results of Power System Network with DPFC...........................40

4.12 Conclusion..................................................................................41

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Future Recommendations....................................43

5.1 Introduction..................................................................................43

5.2 Conclusion....................................................................................43

5.2.1 Phase 1....................................................................44

5.2.2 Phase 2....................................................................44

5.2.3 Phase 3....................................................................45

5.3 Future Recommendation...............................................................45

Chapter 6: Analysis of the FACTS devices on IEEE 15 BUS System............46

6.1 Introduction...................................................................................46

6.2 IEEE 15 BUS System (Case Study)..............................................46

6.3 Simulink Results of the Network..................................................47

6.4 Incorporation of UPFC..................................................................49

6.5 Simulink Results of the Network with UPFC................................49

6.6 Incorporation of DPFC..................................................................51

6.7 Simulink Results of the Network with DPFC................................51

6.8 Comparison of results...................................................................53

6.9 Analysis of DPFC on fault occurrence..........................................54

6.9.1 Analysis of network without DPFC.........................55

6.9.2 Analysis of network with DPFC..............................57

6.10 Conclusion..................................................................................58


Number Page

Fig 2.1 Transmission Line Model........................................................................................8

Fig 2.2 Control Philosophy w.r.t θ and reactance..............................................................11
Fig 2.3 Brief detail of case study.......................................................................................13
Fig 3.1 (a) Thyristor controlled switched reactor (b) Thyristor switched capacitor..... 24
Fig 3.2 Typical SVC configuration....................................................................................25
Fig 3.3 Typical configuration of STATCOM.....................................................................26
Fig 3.4 Typical SSSC configuration..................................................................................27
Fig 3.5 Single line diagram of UPFC.................................................................................28
Fig 4.1 Basic configuration of DPFC................................................................................32
Fig 4.2 Brief detail of case study.......................................................................................35
Fig 4.3 Simulink model of the network without UPFC.....................................................36
Fig 4.4 Voltage profile of Buses without any FACTs Devices..........................................37
Fig 4.5 Simulink Model with UPFC..................................................................................38
Fig 4.6 Voltage profile of Buses with UPFC.....................................................................39
Fig 4.7 Simulink Model with DPFC..................................................................................40
Fig 4.8 Voltage profile of Load Bus with DPFC................................................................41
Fig 6.1 Description of IEEE 15 bus system.......................................................................47
Fig 6.2 Voltage profile of IEEE 15 bus network at various buses.....................................48
Fig 6.3 Network with UPFC..............................................................................................49
Fig 6.4 Voltage profile of IEEE 15 bus network with UPFC at various buses..................50
Fig 6.5 Network with DPFC..............................................................................................51
Fig 6.6 Voltage profile of IEEE 15 bus network with DPFC at various buses..................52
Fig 6.7 MATLAB Simulink model for fault analysis........................................................55
Fig 6.8 Performance of network on fault occurrence........................................................56
Fig 6.9 Performance of network with DPFC on fault occurrence.....................................58


Number Page

Table 4.1 Comparison of results obtained from Simulink models.....................................41

Table 6.1 Comparison of IEEE 15 Bus model results.......................................................53

Chart 4.1 Comparison of results obtained from Simulink models.....................................42

Chart 4.2 Comparison of load bus voltage regulations in percentage...............................42

Chart 6.1 Comparison of load bus voltages in per unit......................................................53

Chart 6.2 Comparison of load bus voltage regulations in percentage...............................54



1.1 Background

The electrical power system plays a considerable role in our daily life. Its fundamental

job is to provide electrical energy to homes and industries. The electrical power system

with reference to power flow can be segregated into generation, transmission, distribution

and consumption. Moreover, the percentage of electric power that may be transported

from one zone to other is entitled as “Power Flow”. In power flow analysis, it can be

further divided into active and reactive power.

In modern era the complexity of power system has been increased. This complexity

subjugated the power system by less-efficiency and more time consumption. To mitigate

such malpractices in the power system the idea of “Smart Grid” and “Power Flow

Controlling Devices”_ [1] (hereinafter referred to as PFCD), has been evolved. These

PFCD have the ability to enhance the overall efficiency of the power system by varying

various parameters_ magnitude of voltage V , impedance of line (z) and transmission

angle (α) _ of the power system [1].

For the accomplishment of such desire, a set of FACTS devices has been developed.

These devices are widely used for the enhancement of system efficiency in Europe and

China [1]. Now-a-days we implement majority of such devices_STATCOM, UPFC,

DPFC, FC-TCR, FCL (Fault Current Limiter) _to mitigate low efficiency problem [10].

“Phase shifting transformers (PST) are used to control power flow in Netherlands,

Belgium, Austria and France”_ [1] [10]. Moreover, in New York, we use VSC-HVDC

for underground transmission. In most areas of Pakistan, we mounted capacitors bank.

Capacitor bank is considered as less controllable conventional device. So, SVC (Static

Var Compensator) _a shunt connected FACT device_ is considered as cost effective

solution for the improvement of transmission line efficiency, because of its simple design,

cost effectiveness and better controlling capabilities owing to PI controller. The main

function of SVC is to control bus voltages owing to two arrangements of components as:

• TCR and TSR (Thyristor controlled and thyristor switched reactor)

• TSC (Thyristor switched capacitor)

The major drawback of SVC is its dynamic voltage problem. Moreover, it has large area

due to massive inductive and capacitive tools. So, to overcome this problem, we use

STATCOM (Static Synchronous Compensator) in the transmission line for the

improvement of efficiency. The main function of STATCOM is to enhance bus voltages

in case of dynamic disturbances. One of the biggest drawbacks of STATCOM is, it

doesn’t have any dc-link, due to this, and it can’t swap real power with the AC

transmission line. As like STATCOM in shunt, other modern FACTS device_ Static

Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) _ is used in series to enhance transmission line

efficiency. In case of SSSC by series compensation method, we have the ability to

enhance different parameters like: improvement in voltage profile, enhanced power angle

stability, maximum shunt circuit power exchange or sharing.

“Nowadays UPFC is considered as the most effective and powerful tool to solve many

problems by controlling all the parameters like voltage profile, impedance and phase

angle to enhance the transmission line efficiency”_ [7].

1.2 Problem Statement

The UPFC has no wide commercial applications currently due to the less reliability in

case of failure of common dc-link. In UPFC, we have common DC-link, through that

there is exchange of reactive power in the system.

The tool, however, has a major disadvantage of having a DC-link used as a bridge for

power transfer which in case of failure brings the power transmission to a complete halt.

1.3 Aims and Objectives

The aim of this thesis is to improve the efficiency of transmission line under voltage

disturbances with the help of DPFC (Distributed Power Flow Controller).

For the accomplishment of above mentioned aim, the objectives are mentioned in the

following lines:

a) In the beginning, with the help of literature survey of the modern researches a

new device known as “Distributed Power Flow Controller”_ [1] [8]

(hereinafter referred to as DPFC) has been introduced.

b) Further to make a ground for my research that DPFC is more efficient than

UPFC, I have taken “Krishnamurthy, S., and G.F. Noudjiep Djiepkop.

“Performance Analysis and Improvement of a Power System Network Using

a Unified Power Flow Controller”, 2015 International Conference on the

Industrial and Commercial Use of Energy (ICUE), 2015.”_ [7] as my case

study (reference).

c) A computer model in MATLAB-Simulink has been constructed for the

comparison of transmission line efficiency for UPFC, DPFC and no FACTS


d) Finally, a conclusion has been drawn in accordance with the results obtained

from the MATLAB-Simulink model.

1.4 Literature Survey

To know much about my research work topic DPFC, I studied some of the theoretical

work accomplished by various authors. So, I went through various research papers on the

DPFC. All the knowledge that I accumulated through them is listed below as:


IMPROVEMENT USING DPFC SYSTEM” by Budi and Swathi reflects the

knowledge as:

This paper is initiated from a problem statement that there are voltage fluctuations in the

power system due to inductive variable load. Then DPFC is used to overcome this

problem instead of UPFC. It is also represented by illustrating the block diagrams that

the series controller and shunt controllers are controlled with the help of 3rd harmonic

current. At the end in the MATLAB Simulink an under voltage condition is represented in

which the voltage level of the system has been decreased from 2.5 p.u to 1.3 p.u or in

other words there is a variation of 1.2 p.u in case of under voltage. It is also justified that

when DPFC is incorporated into the system the variation is reduced to 0.2 per unit.

The research paper, “Power Quality Improvement in Transmission Systems Using

DPFC” by S.Divya and U.Shyamala reflects the knowledge as:

This research paper is comprised of six (06) sections. In first section the overview of

FACTS has been given. In second section UPFC is compared with the DPFC. In the third

section the circuit configuration of DPFC is discussed with the help of a figure. In the

fourth section working principle of DPFC is discussed, and, in fifth section it is discussed

that how to control DPFC. In the last and most important section it is justified with the

help of MATLAB Simulink that DPFC is power efficient tool. It is represented that

during fluctuations in the system from 0.3 second to 0.7 second the voltage of the system

has been decreased from 440 Volt to 405 Volt. When DPFC is incorporated the voltage

level once again reached up to 440 Volts.

The research paper, “Improvement of Power Quality by Using DPFC” by S. Ashok

Kumar reflects the knowledge as:

This research paper is comprised of four (04) sections. In the first section introduction

about the paper is given as an abstract. In the second section a brief history of FACTS has

been given besides UPFC and DPFC. In third section MATLAB Simulink results are

illustrated. A simple single generator and single load power system with two transmission

lines is selected as case study. An under voltage condition is illustrated from 450 ms to

1000 ms in which voltage level of load bus has decreased from 0.9 per unit to 0.5 per

unit. It is also showed with the help of MATLAB Simulink result that after the

incorporation of DPFC the voltage has once again reached to 0.9 per unit. In the last

section conclusion has been drawn on the basis of results that DPFC is a transmission

efficient tool.

1.5 Thesis Layout

Chapter 2 provides a brief detail about control philosophy and how to calculate

transmission line efficiency with the help of Gauss-Seidel method.

Chapter 3 provides considerable knowledge about power flow controlling devices.

Chapter 4 addresses the MATLAB Simulation and control of DPFC. Furthermore, the

implementation of the base paper is also mentioned in this chapter.

Chapter 5 of the thesis is the culmination in which conclusion are made in accordance

with result accrued with the help of MATLAB Simulation.

Chapter 6 of the thesis is actually the extension of my work into IEEE 15 bus system

which had directed to me by his highness defense committee.


Efficiency and Control Philosophy of Transmission Line

2.1 Introduction

In modern era, the desire to control power system parameters is predominantly increased,

for the purpose of system analysis and management. Therefore, we developed a family a

family of controlling devices called FACTS or PFCDs. In this chapter we will expand our

knowledge with regard to the FACTS devices.

2.2 Philosophy of Power Flow Control

The inception of transmission line analysis is started with the mathematical model of

transmission lines. As by the perusal of theory, we have learned that four (04)

parameters_ resistance (R), inductance (L), capacitance (C) and conductance (G) _ are

used for the representation of a transmission line.

The figure (2.1) is the representation of the transmission line, for the purpose of better

understanding different notations used in the figure (2.1) are explained below:

Vs = Single phase no load voltage or total delivered.

Vr = Single phase full load voltage.

I = Phasor current through the line.

R = Series resistance of the line.

L = Series inductance of the line.

C = Shunt capacitance of the line.

G = Shunt conductance of the line.

Figure (2.1): Transmission line model [2]

As the amount of apparent power (Sr), that is transported from sending to receiving end

can be accrued by the following formula:

Sr = V r · I*

 Vr  Vs 
Sr =   = Pr + jQr-------------------------- (2.1)
 R  jL 

Where we have:

* = Conjugate inverse of a complex number

 = Angular frequency

Z = R+ j  L which is impedance.

Sr = Apparent power

Qr = Reactive power

The active and reactive power can be further analyzed by expanding the equation (2.1)


Vr Vr Vs
Pr= cos   cos    

Vr Vr Vs
Qr = sin   sin     -------------------------- (2.2)


 = The angle between sending and receiving ends’ voltages, it can also be entitled as

transmission angle.

 L 
 = tan 1  
 R 

Moreover, in high voltage medium or long transmission line, we have:

X L  R --------------------------- (2.3)
In accordance with the above fact, we usually neglect the resistance (R) during the power

flow analysis.

Now by augmenting this fact in equation (2.2), it can be simplified as:

Vr Vs
Pr  sin 

Vr Vs Vr
Qr  cos   ------------------- (2.4)

Where, X  L is known as the inductive reactance.

Now, by the perusal of equation (2.4), it can be uttered that the power flow of the

transmission line can be varied in accordance with the transmission line parameters:

 Transmission angle  

 Bus voltages at sending and receiving ends Vr and Vs

 Transmission line reactance  X 

Usually the power flow control cannot be achieved by varying the bus voltage magnitude.

So, by considering sending and receiving ends’ voltages same to each other, the equation

(2.4) is illustrated as:

Pr  sin  --------------------------- (2.5)

Qr   cos   1 ---------------------- (2.5)

The figure (2.2) is used to provide inside knowledge about control philosophy:

Figure (2.2): Control philosophy with respect to angle  and reactance X

Figure (2.2) is achieved with the help of coordinate points  Pr, Qr  by varying   and

 X  [1].

2.3 Transmission Line Efficiency Calculation

As, we learned the methodology for the calculation of transmission line efficiency in our

graduate level with the help of simple formula as:

  100


Pin = Pout + Transmission Losses


Pin = Transmitted electric power by the transmission line

Pout = Received electric power by the transmission line

It is quite simple method for efficiency calculation, but, it has certain limitation as it is

only applicable to such power system that is radial. In other words we can also say that it

is applicable to such power system in which power flows in only one direction.

Furthermore it is evident that, all the other power networks in which power flow through

multi-paths, we are unable to use such method for power efficiency calculation. In such a

scenario we have to look upon on some advance techniques as we studied in power

system analysis as:

 Gauss-Seidel method

 Newton-Raphson method

Thus in the case of following power system model as shown in figure 2.3, which is my

case study model, we will calculate the load flow, power flow and efficiency of the

system with the help of Gauss-Seidel method.

At this stage, before going into the mathematical calculation an interesting question

arises that why we don’t use simple formula for efficiency calculation. So, to answer this

question we know that we have ring system in which power flow in two ways, hence we

have to evaluate the desired parameters of the system with the help of Gauss-Seidel


Figure (2.3): Brief detail of case study

2.3.1 Power System Solution by Gauss-Seidel Method

To find out the load flow, power flow and power efficiency of the given network in

Figure (2.3), we have to divide the whole process in to various phases for convenience. Formation of Admittance Matric

In this step, an admittance matrix (Ybus) is made is accordance with the given network. As

in the given network, we have three (03) buses as:

Slack bus

PV bus

Load bus

So, the rank of the admittance matrix (Ybus) will be 3x3 because of the three buses that we

have in the given network.


 Y11 - Y12 - Y13 

Ybus  - Y21 Y22 - Y23 
- Y31 - Y32 Y33 

It is quite evident that, the direct calculation of admittance is complex, so, first of all we

have to calculate the impedance.


Z12 = Z21= the impedance of the transmission line between bus 1 and bus 2.


Z12 = Z21 = (R + j2πfL) • l -------------------------------------- (2.6)

In equation (2.6) we have values of all parameters except inductance (L) of the

transmission line.


 D 
L  2  10 7 ln  ------------------------------------- (2.7)
 GMR 

As we know that for this transmission line we have, D=10 and GMR=0.007, by

substituting the values of D and GMR we value of L is accrued as:

L  1.5  10 6 H / m

So, equation (2.6) after substituting this value will be as:

Z12=Z21= [0.2393+j2 (3.14) (60) (1.5×10-6)] × (65×1000)

Z12=Z21= (15.6 + j36.7) ohm/m----------------------- (2.8)


Z13=Z31= [6×10-5 + j2 (3.14) (60) (L)] × (350 × 1000)

As for value of L, we have:

 10 
L = 2 × 10 -7 ln  
 0.013 

L = 1.3 × 10-6 H/m


Z13 = Z31 = (21 + j174.84) ohm/m------------------------------- (2.9)


Z23 = Z32 = [2.4 × 10-4 + j2 (3.14) (60) (L)] × (200 × 1000)


 10 
L = 2 × 10-7 ln  
 0.007 

L = 1.5 × 10-6 H/m


Z23 = Z32 = 48 + j113.04 ---------------------------------------- (2.10)

Now to calculate ground admittances (Y0) associated with all the three (03) buses, we

have to use the following formula:

Y0 = (2πfC) × l

So, the ground admittance between Bus 1 and Bus 2 will be as:

Y102 = (2πfC) × l 12


Y102 = (2 × 3.14 × 60 × 7.5953 × 10-12) × (65 × 1000)

Y102 = 1.8602 × 10-4 F/m


Y203= (2πfC) × l 23


Y203= (2 × 3.14 × 60 × 7.5953 × 10-12) × (200 × 1000)

Y203= 5.7238 × 10-4 F/m

And for Bus 1 to Bus 3:

Y103= = (2πfC) × l13


Y103= (2 × 3.14 × 60 × 8.3926 × 10-12) × (350 × 1000)

Y103= 0.0011 F/m

Now to find out total ground admittance at BUS 1, we have to accumulate the ground

admittances as:

Y1 = Y102 + Y103

Y1 = 1.8602 × 10-4 + 0.0011

Y1 = j0.0013 S

Similarly at BUS 2:

Y2 = Y102 + Y203

Y2 = 1.8602 × 10-4 + 5.7238 × 10-4

Y2 = j7.584 × 10-4 S

And at BUS 3:

Y3 = Y203 + Y103

Y3 = 5.7238 × 10-4 + 0.0011

Y3 = j0.0017 S

As we are well aware of the fact that admittance is the reciprocal of impedance. We can

easily calculate or determine the admittance in the following manner:

Y21 = Y12 = = (0.0098 – 0.0231j) S
Z 12

And in polar form, we have:

Y21 = Y12 = 0.0251   67.01310 S


Y13 = Y31 = = (0.0007 – 0.0056j) S
Z 13

And in polar form, we have:

Y13 = Y31 = 0.0056   82.8726 0 S


Y23 = Y32 = = (0.0032 – 0.0075j) S
Z 23

And in polar form, we have:

Y23 = Y32 = 0.0082   66.8928 0 S


Y11 = Y12 + Y13 + Y102 + Y103

Y11 = 0.0098 – 0.0231j + 0.0007 – 0.0056j + 0.0013j

Y11 = (0.0105 – 0.0274j) S

And in polar form, we have:

Y11 = 0.0293   69.03 S


Y22 = Y21 + Y23 + Y102 + Y203

Y22 = 0.0098 – 0.0231j + 0.0032 – 0.0075j + 7.584 × 10-4 j

Y22 = (0.013 – 0.0298j) S

And in polar form, we have:

Y22 = 0.0325   66.4287 0 S


Y33 = Y31 + Y32 + Y103 + Y203

Y33 = 0.0007 – 0.0056j + 0.0032 – 0.0075j + 0.0017j

Y33 = (0.0039 – 0.0114j) S

And in polar form, we have;

Y33 = 0.0120   71.1155 0 S

Now, we can easily make the bus admittance matrix for our model by substituting all the

calculated values in the following matrix.

 Y11 - Y12 - Y13 

YBUS  - Y21 Y22 - Y23 
- Y31 - Y32 Y33 

0.0293  69.03 0.0251112 .99 0.005697.13 

YBUS   0.0251112 .99 0.0325  66.43 0.0082113 .11 
 0.005697.13 0.0082113 .11 0.0120  71.12

As according to Gauss- Seidel method:

1  S2  (i ) 
V2 (i+1)
=  (i )  Y21 V1  Y23 V3  ---------------------- (2.11)
Y22  V2 


( i 1) 1  S3  (i ) 
V3   (i )  Y31 V1  Y32 V2  --------------------------- (2.12)
Y33  V3 

So, to initiate the problem as an iteration method we have to substitute the following:

For i= 0,

V1 = 1 0 0 ; V2 =1 0 0 ; V3 = 1 0 0

Eventually after accomplishing iterations we are ended up with following results:

V2 = Voltage at BUS 2 = 1   2.81 perunit

V3 = Voltage at BUS 3 = 0.87   15.91 perunit

As we know;

Si = Vi conjugate (Yi1V1 + Yi2 V2 + Yi3V3)

Now to calculate the efficiency of transmission network we have to calculate first the

following quantities as:

S1 = 0.0592

S2 = 0.0647

S3 = 0.021


SLOSS = S1 + S2 – S3

SLOSS= 0.1029

So, efficiency of network will be:

S TOTAL  S LOSS 1  0.1029

   89.7%

Now to calculate the efficiency of transmission network having UPFC, we have to

calculate first the following quantities as:

S1 = 0.0594

S2 = 0.065

S3 = 0.0223


SLOSS = S1 + S2 – S3

SLOSS = 0.1021

So, efficiency of network having UPFC will be:

S TOTAL  S LOSS 1  0.1021

   89.8%

Now to calculate the efficiency of transmission network having UPFC, we have to

calculate first the following quantities as:

S1 = 0.0597

S2 = 0.0655

S3 = 0.0246


SLOSS = S1 + S2 – S3

SLOSS = 0.1006

So, efficiency of network having DPFC will be:

STOTAL  S LOSS 1  0.1021

   89.9  90%

2.4 Conclusion

This chapter has been initiated with the power flow control of transmission line. A

mathematical has been drawn with the help of RLC parameters. Then efficiency of the

models has been calculated with the help of gauss-seidel method. At the end it has been

justified that the network having DPFC is more efficient with power transmission

efficiency of 90 %.


Overview of FACTS Devices

3.1 Introduction

In the previous chapter we discussed about philosophy of power control in detail. As we

discussed that by this technique we can enhance the performance of the transmission line.

Now to achieve such desire various FACTS devices has been developed. In this chapter

we will discuss in detail about such devices. At the culmination we will discuss about

UPFC. Nowadays which is known as most efficient tool which is used to control

parameters like line impedance, load angle and bus voltages.

3.2 FACTS Devices Overview

FACTs devices or “Power Flow Controlling Devices” are segregated into shunt and

series. In short such devices which are mounted in series with the transmission line are

entitled as series and vice versa. The shunt and series devices will be introduced in the

following passage.

3.2.1 Static Var Compensator

A Static Var Compensator (hereinafter referred to as SVC) _ a shunt connected FACTS

device_ is considered as cost effective solution for the improvement of transmission line

efficiency because of its simple design, cost effectiveness and better controlling

capabilities [3].

The main function of SVC is to control bus voltages owing to two arrangements of

components as:

(a) TCR and TSR ( Thyristor controlled and thyristor switched reactor)

(b) TSC ( Thyristor switched capacitor)

The above mentioned two (02) topologies of SVC are illustrated owing to figure (3.1):

(a) (b)

Figure (3.1): (a) Thyristor controlled switched reactor (b) Thyristor switched

capacitor [1]

Typically, the configuration of SVC is made of a set of a shunt and opposite polarity

thyristor. Moreover, this is placed along the same path with a capacitor or inductor (TSC

and TCR). A harmonic filter is also mounted to mitigate the ripples as shown in the figure

(3.2), [1]:

Figure (3.2): Typical SVC configuration [1]

The major drawback of SVC is its dynamic voltage problem. Moreover, it has large area

due to massive inductive and capacitive tools [4].

3.2.2 Static Synchronous Compensator

As discussed in the previous section that dynamic voltage and large area requirement are

the major drawbacks of the SVC. Thus, to overcome such malpractices a new device

Static Synchronous Compensator (hereinafter referred to as STATCOM) had been

invented. Typically the configuration of STATCOM is similar to that of SVC except an

AC to DC switching converter as illustrated in figure (3.3) [1].

Figure (3.3): Typical configuration of STATCOM [5]

The main objective of the STATCOM is to augment reactive power in the transmission

line. This can be accrued by controlling the phase angle   and the amplitude of the

three phase current (I) which is flowing through the AC side of the device. Moreover,

when STATCOM acts as an inductor, it will absorb reactive power, and when acts as a

capacitor, it will supply reactive power.

3.2.3 Static Synchronous Series Compensator

The Static Synchronous Series Compensator (hereinafter referred to as SSSC) is

comprised of a series converter with the transmission line as illustrated in the figure (3.4),

shown below as:

Figure (3.4): Typical SSSC configuration [6]

In case of SSSC by series compensation method, we have the ability to enhance different

parameters like:

 Improvement in voltage profile

 Enhanced power angle stability

 Maximum shunt circuit power exchange or sharing.

3.2.4 Unified Power Flow Controller

Nowadays UPFC is considered as the most effective and powerful tool to solve many

problems by controlling all the parameters like voltage profile, impedance and phase

angle to enhance the transmission line efficiency. In view of configuration, it is

comprised of two (02) power flow controlling devices that are STATCOM and SSSC. In

UPFC we have two (02) converters which are connected to each other with the help of a

DC-link [7].

Figure (3.5): Single line diagram of the UPFC circuit [7]

Owing to certain drawbacks of UPFC it is not used in market widely due to the following


Mainly, they are costly. For example, as compared to static capacitors the cost of UPFC is

six (06) to seven (07) times greater for the equivalent value of KVA [1]. Its main reason is

that the power ratings of these devices are in the range of 100 MVA, and, the voltage

rating range from 100 kV to 500 kV. So, to entertain such system we have to use several

number of FACTS_ Power electronic switches_ in series and shunt connections [1].

Secondly, they are installed at different locations at Bus Bars and along the transmission

lines_ for different purposes, but, the nature of all of them is similar. So, they require

custom design methodology for designing integrated circuits by specifying the layout of

each individual transistor and interconnection between them_ and manufacturing, which

causes long building cycles and high cost [1].

Thirdly, they are less-reliable. As we know that, in UPFC, we have common dc-link,

through that there is exchange of reactive power in the system. In case of parallel FACTS

failure, it will disconnect from the Grid Station Bus Bar, consequently, it will not provide

reactive power compensation [1]. Moreover, in case of series FACTS failure, which is

mounted with the power transmission lines, all the system will come into halt. Due to

above mentioned, FACTS are not widely used in practical. Normally for control purposes

we apply static capacitors and phase shifting transformers. But, they have less control

capabilities, as mentioned earlier. So, there is a need of another FACTS device which will

overcome the drawbacks of UPFC in sense of enhance power control and high reliability


3.3 Conclusion

In this chapter a detail study of power flow controlling devices had been made besides

their control philosophy and circuit diagram. We first divided them in to series and shunt

for convenience purposes. The first device that we discussed was SVC (Static Var

Compensator). As we discussed that it has simple design but also has a major drawback

of its dynamic voltage problem. Then we discussed STATCOM which was similar to that

of SVC except an AC to DC switching converter. The next discussed device was SSSC

and in the end of the chapter UPFC was discussed. The conclusion has been drawn that it

is most power efficient tool but also has a major drawback in case of DC-Link failure.


Distributed Power Flow Controller

4.1 Introduction

In the former chapters we have discussed in detail about various power flow controlling

devices. Eventually at the culmination of the discussion, we have concluded that amongst

all power flow controlling devices, UPFC and DPFC are reckoned most efficient. Thus in

this chapter, a potential avenue for the comparative analysis of UPFC and DPFC will be


4.2 DPFC Topology

As we discussed in the previous section that as compared to UPFC, there is no DC-link in

the DPFC. It also comprised of two (02) converters: one in series while other in shunt.

The shunt converter is similar as a STATCOM, while the series converter employs the

“Distributed Synchronous Series Compensator” (hereinafter referred to as DSSC)

concept, which is actually a topology in which we use multiple single-phase converters

instead of using only one (01) three-phase converter.

In comparison to UPFC, DPFC does not have any DC link, because it is provided with its

internal DC capacitor. All above mentioned facts are well explained with the help of

Figure (4.1) [8].

Figure (4.1): Basic configuration of DPFC [8]

As illustrated in the Figure (4.1), the main components of DPFC can be figured out as:

Number of series converters which are mounted in series.

A shunt converter which is not connected with the series converter by a DC link.

 It is also illustrated that a filter is also used which will only let higher harmonic to

pass through itself.

 A special 12- terminal Y to D transformer is also mounted.

4.3 Operating Philosophy of DPFC

As discussed in the previous section that there is no DC-link in the case of DPFC. That

DC-link plays a considerable role for the exchange of active and reactive power. Thus in

case of DC-link removal some other alternative is required to exchange the power. So, to

obtain this objective an electric node between the converters is served as an alternative to

DC-link [9].

As by the perusal of AC fundamentals we know the fact that AC quantity can be

represented by sinusoidal as well as non-sinusoidal components. Moreover, harmonics

(non-sinusoidal components) are represented as the integral multiples of the fundamental

sinusoidal wave frequencies, and, during the analysis of “Fourier Series” these integral

multiples become zero (0).The real power or active power (P) of the power system can be

represented by the following mathematical formula:

P V I
i 1
i i cos  i ---------------- (4.1)

4.4 How to control DPFC?

With regard to the control philosophy of DPFC, it can be categorized into three main

steps, as mentioned below [9]:

4.4.1 Central Control

The main objective of this is to provide reference signals for both converters of the

device [1]. Actually, for the operation of series converter it provides reference voltage

signal, and for the operation of shunt converter it provides reactive current signal.

Moreover, it generates all the signals at fundamental frequency.

4.4.2 Series Control

The main objective of the series controller is to provide 3rd harmonic frequency

components for the operation of the device.

4.4.3 Shunt Control

The primarily objective of this controller is to provide a constant 3 rd harmonic current

into line [1]. Thus as a result of this, the series converter will accrue active power.

4.5 Case Study

To instigate the analysis, an internationally recognized mathematical model of some

actual power system is required. As the articles published in the forum of IEEE have

international endorsements too. So, I have also analyzed the comparative analysis with

the help of an IEEE research paper. In the first phase of the analysis, we have

implemented the research paper as case study.

As to instigate research work one should have a standard case study, so I also took a case

study whose single line diagram is shown with the help of figure (4.2). It comprises of

two (02) units, three (03) buses and a load [7]. One unit is served as the Slack and the

other is served as the PV type for power flow analysis. The load is served as a constant

PQ type.

Figure (4.2): Brief detail of case study

4.6 Description of the case study in MATLAB Simulink

As the case study [7] represented in figure (4.2), is made in a software toll known as

MATLAB for theoretical study. The way it was made is well explained with the help of

the figure (4.3). To obtain the same results RLC parameters has been calculated according

to the parameters of transmission line. The ode45 has been chosen as a solver in

MATLAB Simulink. To instigate load flow BUS 1 is made as swing, BUS 2 as PV and

BUS 3 as constant PQ.

Figure (4.3): Simulink model of the network without UPFC

4.7 Results of the case study in MATLAB Simulink

In the last chapter we discussed in detail about ours case study model. As, it is comprised

of two (02) generators, and, one (01) load. So, power is injected through the generators

utilized at the load. All of these three tools_ two generators and one load_ are mounted on

the buses. To analyze the results, measurements are obtained from these buses with the

help of three phase VI measurement block. According to the results the voltage level at

BUS 1 (PV type) and BUS 2 (swing or slack type) remained 1 p.u (with base voltage of

500K v). But, at BUS 3 (constant PQ type) the voltage is reduced up to 0.87 p.u. It is

clearly an under-voltage condition [7].

The results of the model are illustrated with the help of figure (4.4); moreover, voltage

profile of the system is also represented in the same.

Voltage (p.u)

Time (s)

Figure (4.4): Voltage profile of Buses without any FACTs devices

4.8 Inclusion of UPFC into the case study

As to enhance the performance of the network, UPFC is mounted with the transmission

line as shown in the figure (4.5). The salient features of the model are illustrated as:

 Ts= 3.255 e-05 sec

 Run time= 0.8 sec

 Solver type= discrete (non continuous states)

 Converter= 48-pulse converter

Figure (4.5): Simulink model with UPFC

4.9 Effect of UPFC on under-voltage condition

As, we know that BUS 3 (load bus) is suffered with under-voltage condition. As a power

efficient device UPFC is mounted on the transmission line at certain time. After the

inclusion of UPFC both STATCOM and SSSC are incorporated into the system for

controlling various parameters. Consequently due to the control capabilities of the UPFC

the voltage level of under-voltage bus (bus 3) has been increased from 0.87 p.u to 0.91

p.u [7]. The above mentioned facts are illustrated by figure (4.6).

Voltage (p.u)

Time (s)

Figure (4.6): Voltage profile of Buses with UPFC

4.10 Simulation model of the network with DPFC

As, this thesis is all about the comparative analysis of DPFC with UPFC. First we

included UPFC into the network; later on DPFC is also included into the network to

analyze the results of both. The MATLAB Simulink model of the power network with

DPFC is illustrated in the figure (4.7).

Figure (4.7): Simulink model with DPFC

4.11 Results of Power system network with DPFC

When a new device DPFC (Distributed power flow controller) instead of UPFC (Unified

power flow controller) has been introduced into the system, then the load bus voltage is

further increased from 0.91 to 0.97 per unit, as shown with the help of figure (4.8).

Voltage (p.u)

Time (s)

Figure (4.8): Voltage profile of load Bus with DPFC

4.12 Conclusion

After the comparative analysis it has been justified that the bus voltage efficiency of

DPFC is 6.59 % higher than UPFC, and in terms of voltage regulation DPFC is 6.81%

more efficient than UPFC. It may be well explained with the help of table 4.1, chart 4.1

and chart 4.2.

Simulink model description Without any FACTS With UPFC With DPFC

Measured load-bus Voltage 0.87 0.91 0.97


Voltage regulation 14.9 9.9 3.09

(VR in %)
Table 4.1: Comparison of results obtained from Simulink models

Chart (4.1): Comparison of load bus voltages in per unit

Chart (4.2): Comparison of load bus voltage regulations in percentage


Conclusion and Future Recommendations

5.1 Introduction

At the culmination of the thesis, the outcomes accrued from the MATLAB Simulink

models as discussed in the last chapter will be discussed in this chapter. Moreover, a brief

summary has been delineated that how we reach to such conclusions. After the analysis

of results, the respective conclusion and recommendation will be made.

5.2 Conclusion

As in the first chapter it is stated that the desire to control power flow was predominantly

increased which caused in the development of power flow controlling devices (PFCD).

The UPFC was mentioned in the problem statement because nowadays it is known as

most efficient tool. A common DC-Link was listed as it major drawback. In the objectives

a new device Distributed Power Flow Controller (DPFC) presented as a solution. So this

thesis basically presents a theoretical study of using Distributed Power Flow Controller

(DPFC) for the reduction of power losses in in high voltage transmission line. In this

research the performance of the DPFC as power flow controlling device in high voltage

transmission line is theoretically studied. Instead of DC-link, as used in DPFC, a common

point (node) is provided for the power transfer.

We can summarize the entire thesis into three (03) phases as:

5.2.1 Phase 1

In the first phase we made the ground for our research work by choosing a case study. As

to instigate research work one should have a standard case study, so I also took a case

study whose single line diagram was shown with the help of figure (4.2) in chapter 4. It

comprised of two (02) units, three (03) buses and a load. One unit is served as the Slack

and the other is served as the PV type for power flow analysis. The load is served as a

constant PQ type.

Then, the case study model was made in MATLAB Simulink. To analyze the results,

measurements were obtained from the buses with the help of three phase VI measurement

block. According to the results the voltage level at BUS 1 (PV type) and BUS 2 (swing or

slack type) remained 1 p.u (with base voltage of 500K v). But, at BUS 3 (constant PQ

type) the voltage is reduced up to 0.87 per unit. It was clearly an under-voltage condition.

The results of the model were illustrated with the help of figure (4.4) in chapter 4;

moreover, voltage profile of the system was also represented in the same figure.

5.2.2 Phase 2

In this phase we had mounted UPFC into the system. As, we know that BUS 3 (load bus)

was suffered with under-voltage condition. As a power efficient device UPFC was

mounted on the transmission line at certain time. After the inclusion of UPFC both

STATCOM and SSSC were incorporated into the system for controlling various

parameters. Consequently due to the control capabilities of the UPFC the voltage level of

under-voltage bus (bus 3) had been increased from 0.87 to 0.91 per unit.

5.2.3 Phase 3

In the last phase we mounted DPFC (Distributed power flow controller) into the network

and consequently the voltage of under-voltage bus had been increased. When a new

device DPFC (Distributed power flow controller) instead of UPFC (Unified power flow

controller) had been introduced into the system, then the load bus voltage was further

increased from 0.91 to 0.97 per unit. The above mentioned can also be well explained as:

Now, by comparing the results of UPFC and DPFC, we have:

Total voltage level increased by DPFC w.r.t UPFC = 0.97 – 0.91 p.u

Total voltage level increased by DPFC w.r.t UPFC = 0.06 p.u

Percentage increased in voltage by DPFC w.r.t UPFC =  100  6.59 %

5.3 Future Recommendation

In case of DPFC several series controlling devices are mounted on the transmission line

which eventually increases the weight of the transmission line. So, in future there is a

need to make light weight devices.

Chapter 6

Analysis of the FACTS devices on IEEE 15 BUS System

6.1 Introduction

On the occasion of thesis defense his highness committee had directed me to analyze the

results of the same FACTS devices on standard IEEE 15 BUS system. In pursuance of the

committee directions this chapter therefore will first illustrate 15-bus system.

Furthermore UPFC and DPFC will be incorporated into the system. At the end the

conclusion will be depicted in accordance with the results accrued with the MATLAB



A standard 15 BUS IEEE radial model is selected as a case study which is comprised of

two (02) generators and thirteen (13) loads with the following features as represented by

figure 6.1.

Voltage level = 11k V

Power rating = 3M VA

Sample time = 50e-5

Solver = ode45

Figure (6.1): Description of IEEE 15-bus system

6.3 Simulink results of the network

The analysis of Simulink results obtained from voltage measurement block is showed that

the voltage level of the generator bus has been maintained to 1 p.u, and the voltage level

of all other load buses has been maintained to 0.85 per unit (p.u). All the results obtained

are represented with the help of figure (6.2).

Voltage (p.u)

Time (s)

Figure (6.2): Voltage profile of IEEE 15 bus network at various buses

6.4 Incorporation of UPFC

The UPFC is incorporated into the system between line 1 and 2 to analyze the

performance with following features.

• Voltage level = 11k V

• Power rating = 3M VA

Figure (6.3): Network with UPFC

6.5 Simulink results of the network with UPFC

The analysis of Simulink results shows that the load buses voltage has reached to 0.89 p.u

after the incorporation of UPFC. All the results obtained are represented with the help of

the figure (6.4).

Voltage (p.u)

Time (s)

Figure (6.4): Voltage profile of IEEE 15 bus network with UPFC at various buses

6.6 Incorporation of DPFC

The DPFC is incorporated into the system between line 1 and 2 to analyze the

performance with following features.

• Voltage level = 11k V

• Power rating = 3M VA

Figure (6.5): Network with DPFC

6.7 Simulink results of the network with DPFC

DPFC is also incorporated into the system. The analysis of Simulink results shows that

the load buses voltage has been increased up to 0.93 p.u after the incorporation of DPFC,

as represented with the help of figure (6.6).

Voltage (p.u)

Time (s)

Figure (6.6): Voltage profile of IEEE 15 bus network with DPFC at various buses

6.8 Comparison of results

Simulink model description Without any With UPFC With DPFC


Measured load-bus Voltage 0.85 0.89 0.93


Voltage regulation 17.6 12.3 7.5

(VR in %)
Table (6.1): Comparison of IEEE 15 BUS model results

Chart (6.1): Comparison of load bus voltages in per unit.

Chart (6.2): Comparison of load bus voltage regulation in percentage

6.9 Analysis of DPFC on fault occurrence

To analyze the performance of DPFC on fault occurrence first of all a model in MATLAB

Simulink with three phase to ground fault has been made. The three phase to ground fault

has been incorporated into the system from 0.3 second to 0.5 sec. The MATLAB

Simulink model used to analyze the performance of DPFC on fault occurrence is

represented with the help of figure (6.7).

Figure (6.7): MATLAB Simulink model for fault analysis

6.9.1 Analysis of network without DPFC

To analyze the performance of network on three phase to ground fault, a fault of such

nature has been incorporated into the system from 0.3 sec to 0.5 sec. During the

occurrence of fault significant amount of variations in the voltage and current of BUS_

B1 has been observed. As to voltages during the time interval of 0.3 to 0.5 sec

enumerable amount of voltage variations with distinct voltage magnitudes_ 0.8 p.u, 0.7

p.u, 0.6 p.u, 0.54 p.u, 0.53p.u etc._ have been occurred. All above mentioned can be well

analyzed with the help of figure (6.8).


Time (second)

Figure (6.8): Performance of network on fault occurrence

6.9.2 Analysis of network with DPFC

To analyze the performance of network with DPFC on three phase to ground fault, a fault

of such nature has been incorporated into the system from 0.3 sec to 0.5 sec. During the

occurrence of fault very less amount of variations in the voltage and current of BUS_ B1

has been observed as compared to network without DPFC. As to voltages during the time

interval of 0.3 to 0.5 second few voltage variations has been observed. As to current it

also reduced and almost maintained to 20 p.u/100M. All above mentioned can be well

analyzed with the help of figure (6.9).


Time (second)
Figure (6.9): Performance of network with DPFC on fault occurrence
6.10 Conclusion

After the comparative analysis it has been justified that the bus voltage efficiency of

DPFC is 4.5% higher than UPFC, and in terms of voltage regulation DPFC is 5.3 % more

efficient than UPFC.


[1] Zhihui Yuan, Sjoerd Haan, J Braham Ferreira and Dalibor Cvoric “A FACTS

Device: Distributed Power Flow Controller (DPFC),’’ IEEE Transactions Power

Electronics, vol. 25, no.10, October 2010.

[2] Transmission line model, “The circuit globe homepage”, available on-line at


[3] Mark Ndubuka, “Voltage Stability Improvement using Static Var Compensator in

Power Systems,” Leonardo Journal of Sciences, Issue 14, pp. 167-172, January-June


[4] Reactive Power Compensation of Transmission Lines (By: Yongan Deng, MASc

student at Concordia University), 2012.

[5] Configuration of a STATCOM, “The ResearchGate homepage”, available on-line at


[6] FACTs Devices, “The SlideShare homepage”, available on-line at

[7] Krishnamurthy, S., and G.F. Noudjiep Djiepkop. “Performance Analysis and

Improvement of a Power System Network Using a Unified Power Flow Controller,” 2015

International Conference on the Industrial and Commercial Use of Energy (ICUE), 2015.

[8] Budi Srinivasarao, G.Sreenivasan, Swathi Sharma, “Mitigation of voltage sag for

power quality improvement using DPFC system” IEEE Transaction 978-1-4799-7678-


[9] S.Divya and U.Shyamala, “Power Quality Improvement in Transmission Systems



[10] M. H. Baker, "An Assessment of FACTS-Controllers for Transmission System

Enhancement," in Proc. CIGRE SC14 Int. Colloquium on HVDC & FACTS, Montreal,

Canada, Sep. 1995.



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