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This chapter presents an empirical analysis that shed light on

perceptions of the respondents on time management techniques and factors

influencing time management perceptions on professional development

outcomes with respect to selected demographic social and economic variables.

Based on these analyses, an attempt is made to develop comprehensive profiles

of the respondents with reference to time management and professional

development outcomes.

Certain observed research citations indicate that time assessment,

planning and monitoring behaviours are described as aspects of time

management. Time management is a behavioural attitude that aim at achieving

an effective use of time while performing certain goal directed activities1. It

also revealed the existence of positive relationship between adequate time

management and organizational performance2. Shpeer (2010)3 examined the

importance of time as a rare and precious resource on awareness of time

management. He emphasized it as part of organizational management culture

and strengthening workers by providing necessary skills through time

management training and to measure employee performance over time.

Therefore, a detailed study of the influence of demographic, social and

economic variables on time management is attempted in this chapter.

Information gathered was analyzed in two stages. In first stage, analysis

of democratic profile with time management and professional development

dimensions were performed by considering

(1) Percentages

(2) Arithmetic means and standard deviations of each are to specify the

domain and to find where the IT worker faces more important among

the four main areas and to identify the responses of the different


(3) Fivefold analysis is done to determine the impact of independent

variables such as age, gender, marital status, employment status and

type of organization. To find out the mean differences between I.T.

professionals’ demographic characteristics with techniques of time

management, impediments of time management and professional

development outcomes, ‘t’ Test and F test values were obtained.

In the second stage, an empirical analysis of various factors influencing

the time management and measurement of professional development outcomes

of I.T. personnel were performed. Further, this analysis highlights the degree

of various factors that influence the techniques of time management, level of

time management techniques adopted, personal time planning, measurement of

professional development outcomes of I.T. professionals and impediments of

time management.




Number of IT
S. No Particulars Percentage
1. Age of IT professionals
Below 30 years 286 54.80
31 - 40 years 131 25.10
Above 40 years 105 20.10
Total 522 100
2. Gender distribution of IT professionals
Male 279 53.40
Female 243 46.60
Total 522 100
3. Marital status of IT professionals
Single 276 52.90
Married 246 47.10
Total 522 100
4. Number of Dependents of IT professionals
None 208 39.80
Up to 3 294 56.30
Above3 20 3.80
Total 522 100
5. Employment Status of IT professionals
Non Managerial level 288 55.20
Junior Managerial level 87 17.70
Middle Managerial level 71 13.06
Top Managerial level 76 14.04
Total 522 100

Number of IT
S. No Particulars Percentage
6. Functional Area of IT professionals
HR 58 11.10
Marketing 23 4.40
Finance/Accounts 58 11.10
General admn. /secretarial 59 11.30
Software development 267 51.10
IT enabled services/BPO 57 10.90
Total 522 100
7. Type of Organization of IT professionals
Indian 133 25.50
Multinational 389 74.50
Total 522 100
8. Monthly Income of IT professionals
Up to Rs.20,000 109 20.90
Rs.20,000 - Rs.30,000 162 31.00
Rs.30,000 - Rs.50,000 136 26.10
Above Rs. 50,000 115 22.00
Total 522 100
9. Educational Qualification of IT professionals
Graduates 109 20.90
Post graduates 200 38.30
Professional 213 40.80
Total 522 100
10.Experience of IT professionals in work life
Up to 5 years 303 58.00
5 - 10 years 116 22.20
Above 10 years 103 19.70
Total 522 100

Number of IT
S. No Particulars Percentage
11. Career promotions of IT professionals in work life
Up to 3 318 60.90
Above 3 204 39.10
Total 522 100
12. Organizations changed by IT professionals in work life
None 233 44.60
Up to 2 167 32.00
Above 2 122 23.40
Total 522 100
13. Working in business strategy team
Yes 147 28.20
No 375 71.80
Total 522 100
14. Functional areas of business strategy team
Planning Process 51 9.80
33 6.30
Control systems 15 2.90
Co-ordination tasks 20 3.80
Appraisal /evaluation 23 4.40
Others 5 1.00
Total 147 100
Source: primary data

The profile of sample respondents indicate that:-

With regard to the age group, out of 522, 79.90% of the IT

employees are less than or equal to 40 years of age.

Out of 522 employees, 53.40% of the employees are males and

remaining 46.60% of the IT professionals are females. This shows

that majority of the IT employees (53.40%) are males.

52.90% of the respondents of the IT employees are unmarried as per

the sample data.

The above table depicts the 56.30% of the employees are having

commitment of up to 3 dependents, 39.80% of the IT employees are

having less than 3 dependents and another 3.80% of the IT

employees are having more than 3 dependents. This shows that most

of the IT professionals (56.30%) are having up to 3 dependents.

As per the sample data, 55.20% of the I.T employees are working in

non managerial level and 44.80% of them are working in managerial

level, showing that majority of the IT employees are working in non

managerial category as per the survey.

31.00% of the employees are earning Rs.20,000 – Rs.30000 as their

monthly income, 26.10% of the employees are earning Rs.30,000 –

Rs.50000 per month, 22.00% of the employees are earning above

Rs.50,000 as their monthly salary, and 20.90% of the employees are

earning less than Rs.20,000 per month. This indicates that most of

the IT employees are earning Rs.20,000 – Rs.30,000 as their monthly


Out of 522 employees 40.80% of the employees are possessing

professional degrees. 38.30% of the employees are Post graduates

and another 20.90% of the employees are having graduation as their

educational qualification, showing that majority of the IT employees

(40.80%) are possessing professional degrees.

58.00% of the employees are having work experience of up to 5

years, 22.20% of the employees are having experience of 5-10 years

and 19.70% of the employees are having experience of above 10

years. This reveals that most of the IT employees (58.00%) are

having experience of up to 5 years in work life.

Out of 522 employees 60.90% of the employees have got up to 3

career promotions in their work life and another 39.10% of the

employees have got more than 3 career promotions in their work life.

This shows that majority of the IT employees (60.90%) have got up

to 3 career promotions in their work life.

44.60% of the employees are still working with their first employer,

32.00% of the employees have changed up to two organizations and

another 23.40% of the employees have worked more than two

Organizations. This indicates that majority of the IT employees

(44.60%) are working with their first employer.

71.80% of the employees expressed that they are not part of business

strategy team in their organizations and the remaining 28.20% of the

employees accepted that they are associated with the business

strategy team in their organizations which conclude that majority of

the IT employees (71.80%) are not associated with business strategy

team of their organization.

9.80% of the employees are in the planning process of the

organization, 6.30% of the employees are in the organizing/business

initiatives of the organization, 2.90% of the employees are involved

with controlling the systems, 3.80% of the employees are in the co-

ordination tasks of the organisation, 4.40% of the employees are in

the appraisal /evaluation programmes of the organization. This

shows that majority of the IT employees involved in business

strategy team (9.80%) are working in planning process.


Table 3.2
Importance of Time management
S. No Statements Mean SD
I am well aware that time is my most critical
1 4.59 .614
resource (Awareness of time)
I set myself clear goals in my life
2 4.16 .684
(Clear life goals)
I feel time audit is very important for
3 4.29 .744
performance evaluation (Time audit)
For me, quality of work is more important
4 4.30 .785
than strict time schedule (Time schedule)
To be successful in life, one must place task
5 4.43 .604
and time properly (Task and time planning)
Source: primary data Average mean 4.35

Time is an important part of life. So one must know how to invest it in

planning, scheduling, organizing, save time and to reduce stress in the long run.

Effective time management encompasses on creating a certain amount of time

to organize how the rest of the time should be spent. This will make sure that

priorities will be made.

The above table shows the mean responses given by the IT professionals

from selected organizations in Chennai towards importance of time

management. From this analysis it is inferred that the respondents are very

much aware of time management and they give more importance in preparing

time and task budget.

It is supported by a study, “Influence of workers attitude towards time

and work on perceived job performance in private and public sector” 4, which

implies that workers know the importance of time and there is no difference in

their way of thinking, feeling and acting in respect to the use of time.

Table 3.3

Self consciousness in Time management

S. No Statements Mean SD
I set my priorities according to their
1 4.44 .660
importance (Prioritization)
I want everything in its proper place at
2 4.02 .900
home and office (Organizing)
I always do right things in the right way
3 3.95 .824
in available time frame (Time efficiency)
I prefer a quiet time into each work day
4 3.93 .786
(Quiet time)
Source: primary data Average Mean 4.08

Self-Consciousness about time management helps a person to increase

the level of time management techniques adopted in work.

The above analysis reveals that the IT professionals surveyed are

prioritizing and organizing their daily work and capable of doing their right

thing at the right time and they are good in self consciousness in time


Table 3.4

General planning in Time management

S. No Statements Mean SD
I make a fresh –to- do list daily
1 3.79 .899
(To do list)
I prefer to keep a track of the productive use of
2 3.78 .856
my time (Time track)
I generally give undivided attention to one task
3 3.67 .954
at a time (Time concentration)
I am usually interested in preparing time budget
4 3.74 .930
for my tasks (Time and Task budget)
Source: primary data Average mean 3.7

The degree of efficiency and success depends on the adequacy of the

planning and use of time. As there is a need to balance many roles in today’s

society, it is a challenge to invest time in the many rolls which makes it

necessary to plan time and tasks.

Regarding the general planning and time management analysis, it is

inferred that the respondents are good at maintaining ‘to do list’, time log and

‘time and task’ budget.

Table 3.5

Coping with time management skills

S. No Statements Mean SD
I use my prime work times, to complete the important
1 4.13 .746
task (Prime time)
I do not try to defer / postpone my work
2 3.82 .977
I do something productive, whenever I have time
3 3.72 .925
intervals (Productive time use)
I try to finish at least one task everyday on priority
4 4.10 .818
basis (Task prioritization)
Source: primary data Average mean 3.93

The above analysis shows that the IT professionals surveyed are more

than average in coping with time management skills and they are using their

prime time and task prioritizing as coping skills.

Table 3.6

Implementation efforts

S. No Statements Mean SD
I divide large work schedules into smaller
1 4.06 .792
separate stages (Division of work schedule)
I set deadlines for myself both at work and non-
2 3.97 .802
work situations (Deadline setting)
I could not allocate sometime during the day
3 for personal work normally (Allocation of 3.46 1.046
personal time)
Source: primary data Average mean 3.82

Managing ‘time’ is a complex phenomenon, but the individuals should

decide what to do with time and how best to organize the activity within the

time frame. The analysis of implementation efforts of the respondents reveal

that they are competent in implementation efforts by dividing the large work

schedule into small stages and setting deadlines for each stage of work.



Table 3.7

Self management

S. No Statements Mean SD
I always have control in my life as I can control
1 3.61 .849
my productive time (Productive time)
I used to organize my daily activities so that
2 3.79 .842
there is no confusion (Organizing)
I usually plan for some extra time to cover
3 3.55 .899
unforeseen event (unforeseen plan)
I work steadily at my own pace to reach
4 3.83 .804
deadlines (Meeting the deadlines)
Source: primary data Average mean 3.69

Time is one of the scarce resources available to man and the utilization

could be explained within the framework of doing the right thing at the right

time in the work place while emphasizing on the time management skills and

Self-management is the powerhouse of time management5.

Analysis of self management of the surveyed professionals indicate that

organizing ability and the intension of meeting the deadline are above the

average mean, which shows that they are good in self management.

Table 3.8

Programmed line of activity

S. No Statements Mean SD
I apply a planned line of action in my work
1 3.98 .762
(Work schedule)
I used to reduce each stage of my task in terms
2 3.71 .822
of time and work(Task and time plan)
I always plan for the unplanned which affect
3 3.57 .986
my work(Contingency plan)
I always choose a field of activity most
4 conducive to my mental and intellectual 3.70 .862
constitution(Choice of field)
Source: primary data Average mean 3.74

From the above analysis, it is inferred that the selected professionals for

this study are well versed in preparing their work schedule and in ‘task and

time’ plan which indicated that they are good at sequential time plans.

Table 3.9

Factors related to work

S. No Statements Mean SD
My life goal is realistic and within my capacity
1 4.02 .815
to achieve in the available time frame (Life goal)
My ideal life goal gives proper direction to avoid
2 dissipation of energy and time (dissipation of 3.94 .783
I determine the frequency and duration of any
3 type of work to make a real change in my life 3.89 .832
(Work sequence)
I plan my work related activities sequentially to
4 ensure their orderly and timely completion 3.99 .868
(Work plan)
Source: primary data Average Mean 3.96

Factors related to work when analyzed shows that the respondents’

frame of their life goals and sequence of work plans are achievable and

measurable. They do have realistic life plans and strives to achieve their goals

through necessary work plans.

Table 3.10

Effectiveness of forceful action

S. No Statements Mean SD
I analyze my peak experience to realize my full
1 3.98 .827
potential in work (Work potential)
I always better balance my actual time used and
2 3.86 .887
ideal time used(Work time balance)
I always utilize my prime time productively
3 3.97 .880
(Productive time)
I never face the perennial problem of lack of time
4 3.61 1.068
in my work (lack of time)
Source: primary data Average mean 3.85

This statistical analysis reveals that the respondents are having moderate

work potential by utilizing their productive time, but they do feel lack of time

to fulfill their work schedules.

Table 3.11

Planning and prioritizing

S. No Statements Mean SD
I know my key result areas in my work on
1 which I utilize my prime time 4.12 .828
(Key result areas of work)
I prioritize the high pay off activities to realize
2 the critical and time sensitive tasks 3.99 .873
(High pay of activities)
I daily concentrate on urgent and important
3 4.27 .794
work first (Work importance)
I used to analyze how my time is allocated to
4 4.00 .929
my priorities (Time analysis)
Source: primary data Average mean 4.05

The above statistical analysis shows that in ‘planning and prioritizing’,

the IT professionals selected for the study are utilizing their prime time in key

result areas better by concentrating their urgent work first. Since the mean

responses are above the average level, it is inferred that they are good in

planning and concentrate on urgent and important work. But they lag behind in

analyzing the high pay off activities with time budget.

Table 3.12


S.No. Statements Mean SD

I use project mapping techniques to help
1 3.50 .982
organize all project work (Project mapping)
I prefer work objectives that are clear,
2 3.95 .836
achievable and measurable (Work preferences)
I struggle when organizing work on complex
3 and long term objectives 3.14 1.191
(Organizing complex work)
I anticipate change in work responsibilities and
4 try to alter my activities accordingly 3.65 .844
(Work prediction)
Source: primary data Average mean 3.56

Organizing ability of the respondents of this survey shows the work

responsibility and clear achievable work objectives are more preferred criteria

for them than organizing complex and long term objectives.

Table 3.13


S. No Statements Mean SD
I wish delegated work is matched to my
1 knowledge skills and interest(Delegation of 3.79 .873
I prefer to teach others how to do the job rather
2 3.65 1.129
than do the job myself (Job training)
I have sufficient time to concentrate on
3 important tasks by way of delegation 3.79 .906
(Time use)
My superiors often meddle in work they have
4 delegated causing time run down 3.43 1.001
(Work interference)
Source: primary data Average mean 3.66

From the above analysis, it is concluded that the respondents are good in

delegation and using the time available through delegation productively and

resent with interferences from superiors.

Table 3.14

Time traps

S. No Statements Mean SD
I do analyze work interruptions by whom,
1 when, about what and how long 3.51 .928
(work interruptions)
I am able to sort my paper work and office
2 email instructions according to priorities 3.86 .817
(Prioritizing paper work)
Work interruptions by colleagues and phone
3 calls cause delay in work commitments 3.44 1.045
(External time wasters)
Often I could not clear my desk and prepare
4 2.87 1.252
items for the next morning (Desk organizing)
Source: primary data Average mean 3.42

It is inferred that the respondents are capable of analyzing work

interruptions and sorting out the paper work as per priorities and prepare

themselves for subsequent work schedules at moderate level.


Table 3.15

Lack of objectivity

Never Sometimes Always

N % N % N %

I find myself avoiding tasks which I

do not like but that must be done 103 19.7 328 62.8 91 17.4

(Task avoidance)

I find myself busy sorting out minor

problems and suffer frustration for 137 26.2 314 60.2 71 13.6

not finishing tasks(Problem sorting)

Source: Primary data

The above table explains that only less than 18% of the respondents are

always facing impediments through lack of objectivity. This shows that

impediments through lack of objectivity are less as perceived by IT

professionals, but regarding problem sorting capabilities, nearly 60% of IT

personnel feel that they do suffer from frustration, particularly on unfinished


Table 3.16

Non - Cooperation

Never Sometimes Always

N % N % N %
I do not get annoyed or irritated
128 24.50 294 56.30 100 19.20
when things do not go well
I have a problem handling stress
165 31.60 259 49.60 98 18.80
tension or anxiety
Source: Primary data

The responses given by the IT professionals, shows that less than 20%

of the respondents are always facing impediments through non cooperation.

This shows that impediments through non cooperation are meager.

Table 3.17


Never Sometimes Always

N % N % N %
If I have to wait I feel angry
90 17.20 267 51.10 165 31.60
I take decisions by myself without
231 44.30 193 37.00 98 18.80
consulting the people involved in it
I find myself easily get irritated by co-
76 14.60 248 47.50 198 37.90
I find myself harder and less
283 54.20 166 31.80 73 14.00
sympathetic with people
Source: Primary data

This analysis indicates the agreement/disagreement towards Egoism.

The responses given by the IT professionals, shows that less than 38% of the

respondents are always facing impediments through personal egos which arises

out of their work situation.

Table 3.18

Personality complexes

Never Sometimes Always

N % N % N %
I never feel flattered by others rating 121 23.20 256 49.00 145 27.80
me high
I feel bad when I share my work with 82 15.70 275 52.70 165 31.60
I believe most people are selfish or 107 20.50 287 55.00 128 24.50
Source: Primary data

The above table reveals the agreement/disagreement towards personality

complexes. The responses given by the IT professionals show that less than

46% of the respondents are always facing impediments through perceived

personality related complexities, when dealing with office colleagues.

Table 3.19
Daily work schedule

Never Sometimes Always

N % N % N %
I have recorded log of exactly
127 24.30 211 40.40 184 35.20
how I spend the time
I find an hour a day to do
62 11.90 221 42.30 239 45.80
uninterrupted work in my office
I schedule my activities at least a
127 24.30 219 42.00 176 33.70
week in advance
I limit my work time to a certain
number of hours each day and 133 25.50 211 40.40 178 34.10
no more
I have a reminder system on my
127 24.30 197 37.70 198 37.90
I review my plan at the end of
77 14.80 223 42.70 222 42.50
each day
I accept work request which are
really someone else’s 44 8.40 359 68.80 119 22.80

I have considerable difficulties
106 20.30 254 48.70 162 31.00
in making operational decisions
I have a list of all work
93 17.80 265 50.80 164 31.40
assignments on paper in advance
I often assign work to pending
category when it should be dealt 171 32.80 212 40.60 139 26.60
with on the spot
I set aside time for both short
and term long term plans in my 62 11.90 249 47.70 211 40.40
work life
Source: Primary data

This analysis displays the agreement/disagreement towards Daily work

schedule. The responses given by the I.T. professionals show that 40% of the

respondents are planning the daily work schedule and 27% of the respondents

are assigning their work in pending category and 40 % of the respondents are

planning both the short term and long term goals in their work life. It is

inferred that planning is key to effective time management. In this respect, the

study by ‘Adejo’6 explains that planning is an important element for high

performance in organizations.


Table 3.20

Specific Time management adopted

Yes No Total
N % N % N %
I am happy with the balance of
priorities between my work and 401 76.80 121 23.20 522 100
personal lives
I am disappointed with the amount and
253 48.50 269 51.50 522 100
quality of time I devote to my family
I constantly update my knowledge on
444 85.10 78 14.90 522 100
my professional field
I spend the time needed for personal
437 83.70 85 16.30 522 100
and career development
I set specific written goals and put 329 63.00 193 37.00 522 100

deadlines on them
I find time to pursue activities I enjoy
329 63.00 193 37.00 522 100
other than work schedules
My life is always busy but I feel I have
260 49.80 262 50.20 522 100
not accomplished much
I review my long range performance
goals both in personal and professional 381 73.00 141 27.00 522 100
I always take advantage of available
424 81.20 98 18.80 522 100
options and availabilities to set goals
I set goals and practice regularly to
369 70.70 153 29.30 522 100
enrich myself
Source: primary data

The above analysis shows that the agreement/disagreement towards

specific time management methods adopted. The agreements given in the

table 3.20 shows that most of the IT professionals are adopting specific time

management practices to make themselves comfortable in work life and

personal life. But at certain times, they feel lack of quality time devoted to

family due to busy work schedules.


Table 3.21

Achievement in Personal career goal setting

Statements Mean SD
I have gained more time for task that
advanced my life goals by giving no
1 3.83 .897
attention to time wasters
(Task advancement)
I have achieved my time and task budget
which motivates me for the completion of
2 3.88 .765
my goals positively
(Time and task achievement)
Prioritizing of work demands leads me to
3 performance effectiveness objectively 4.08 .699
(Effective performance)
Source: primary data Average mean 3.93

This statistical analysis indicates that the respondents are satisfied with

their goal achievements which lead to performance effectiveness. Achievement

in personal career goal setting are more than the average level which shows

that there are satisfied with the allocation of tasks, time and prioritizing work


It is supported by the study, ‘time management and job performance in

selected cities’7, where the correlation co-efficient is 0.674 indicating the

existence of positive strong relationship between matching tasks to amount of


Another study by Adejo et.al8 infers that 65% of respondents strongly

agreed that time management has helped them to achieve their goals and 40 %

of the respondents agreed that time management has been helpful in the

increase of productivity.

Table 3.22

Work life balance

S. No Statements Mean SD
I am happy that I am more productive in my
1 work as I am free of worry about what is going 3.69 1.003
on at home (Work productiveness)
I always find time to successfully balance my
2 3.68 .981
work and family life (Work life balance)
Since my personal needs are addressed by
3 flexible working hours, I like to go an extra mile 3.68 .920
achieve goals (Flexible work time)
Source: primary data Average mean 3.68

This above analysis indicates that the selected IT professionals for the

survey are successful in achieving the balance in work and in life with their

productive work and flexible working time. It is observed that all the mean

responses given by them towards work life balance are above the average level.

This shows that they perceive themselves in good work life balance.

Table 3.23

Resource planning

Statements Mean SD
I have learnt how to allocate time, money
1 materials and space in my job 3.93 .856
(Resource allocation)
I like to work as a team in achieving the
2 organizational goals 4.05 .782
(Team work)
Source: primary data Average mean 3.99

The mean responses given by the IT professionals towards resource

planning are above the average level, they are able to plan for the resource

allocation and team efforts in their work organizations confidently, as per the


Table 3.24

Social networking

S. No Statements Mean SD
I take advantage of opportunities through social
1 3.72 .933
networking (Better opportunities)
Social networking helps me to acquaint with
2 people who are interested in the same thing as I 3.69 .927
am (Social acquaintance)
I feel social networking is an essential tool
3 nowadays to make my presence felt by others 3.61 1.049
(Self importance)
Source: primary data Average mean 3.67

This analysis shows that mean responses given by the IT professionals

from selected organizations in Chennai towards social networking. It is

observed that all the mean responses given by the IT professionals towards

social networking are above the average level, as the IT professionals feel

happy to be connected with social networks in order to associate themselves

with others for updating their knowledge acquaintance and for professional


Table 3.25

Work Ethics

S. No Statements Mean SD

I am willing to take rest to get the important

1 tasks of the day completed 3.83 .923

(Task completion)

I always try to do my job with at most

2 honesty in my work organization (Work 4.29 .788


I devote my time as productively as I can

3 4.14 .810
(Time devotion)

Source: primary data Average mean 4.09

This indicates the mean responses given by the respondents towards

‘work ethics’. It shows that IT professionals’ attitude towards work ethics are

above the average level and they are working with good professional ethics,

with regard to work commitment and concentration.

Table 3.26

Professional skills

S. No Statements Mean SD
I have acquired work place competency through
1 4.05 .813
my job (Work competency)
I enjoy working with people from culturally
2 4.00 .798
divorced backgrounds in my job (Work culture)
I can very well understand any new technology
3 and maintain trouble shoot equipments 4.04 .857
(Technical skill)
Source: primary data Average mean 4.02

It is inferred from the above results that all the mean responses given by

the IT professionals towards Professional skills are above the average level.

This indicates that they have the required technical skills and work place

competency in a better manner, as perceived by them.

Table 3.27

Monetary and Non-monetary incentives

S. No Statements Mean SD
I enjoy additional paid vacation time for
1 completing the project within the scheduled 3.73 .934
time (Vacation pay)
I have been rewarded for my excellent job
2 performance with the project bonuses 3.85 .947
I am allowed to do my job in the flexible
3 3.85 .910
working hours (Work flexibility)
Source: primary data Average mean 3.81

It is observed from the above analysis that all the mean responses given

by the IT professionals towards monetary and non-monetary incentives are

above the average level. This shows that the IT professionals are getting good

monetary and non-monetary incentives from their work organizations.

Table 3.28

Stress control

S. No Statements Mean SD

I never add to my stress levels by running late to

1 3.77 .992
my workplace (Punctuality)

When stress is mounting at work I try to take

2 short breaks to reduce my stress 3.96 .821

(Stress reduction)

In a stressful environment in my workplace

3 usually I retain self control and self confidence 4.07 .741

(Self confidence)

Source: primary data Average mean 3.93

This analysis indicates the mean responses given by the IT professionals

from selected organizations in Chennai towards their ability of ‘stress control’.

It is inferred that all the mean responses given by the IT professionals towards

stress control are above the average level except punctuality, which shows that

the IT professionals are very much in control of stress.

It is in confirmation with the study, “time management as a moderator

of relations between stressors and employee strain” by Steve.M.Jex9, explained

that feelings of control over time was strongly and negatively associated with

strain (-.42) suggesting that employees who feel that they have control over

time report lower level of strain.

Summary of Inferences:-

The selected IT professionals for this study are very much aware of the

importance of the time management.

They regularly prepare the time and task budgets and review the


They used to prioritize and organize their work activities by

preparing time log and to do list.

They set deadline and prime time.

They give importance to key result areas and high pay of activities.

They analysed work interruptions and prepare daily work schedule

and personal time plan.

They lag behind in analyzing the high pay off activities with time


They do feel lack of time to fulfill their work schedules.

They resent work interferences from their superiors.

To conclude, it is observed that the selected IT Professionals for this

survey are almost very good at following the time management techniques such

as planning, prioritizing, goal setting and organizing to achieve the

performance effectiveness and work life balance. They are striving hard in

performing their jobs, which leads to getting rewards and reducing the stress


Analysis of techniques of Time management with demographic, social and

economic variables

With hundreds of decisions to make in a day, managing time in such a

way to allow professionals to prioritize issues effectively is strategically

important. Therefore, arming professionals with time management strategies to

cope with the multitude of tasks faced on a daily basis is vital to success.

Presently IT profession seen as complex in nature and demanding continuous

change. High stakes in testing, delicate and a myriad of critical tasks both

planned and unplanned are commonly faced by IT employees. Therefore, it is

critical that professionals take control of their lives and identify ways to

efficiently make use of their time. The core emphasis of any time management

strategy consist of focusing results. Setting goals and working to achieve them

is a literature based time managed strategy that IT professionals need to employ

in their daily routines.

This study analyses differences in the perceptions of respondents’

techniques of time management on the basis of their social, economic and

demographic characteristic using one way ANOVA as presented below



This section deals with the comparison of demographic variables with

reference to techniques of time management adopted.



Table 3. 29


Sub Items

t/F Value

P Value

Level of

Below 30 years 80.1215

1. Age 31 to 40 years 79.5638 2.013 0.000** S
Above 40 years 84.0577
2. Gender Male 80.0430 .585 .445 NS
Female 80.7119
3. Marital Status Single 80.1522 6.839 0.009** S
Married 80.5813
4. No. of Dependent None 81.1394
Upto 3 80.0170 1.563 0.017* S
Above3 77.1500
5. Employment Status Non Managerial
Junior 2.258 0.000** S
Managerial level
6. Functional Areas HR 81.7759
Marketing 81.8696
administration/ 80.8644 1.256 0.139 NS
IT enabled


t / F Value

Sub Items

P Value

Level of
7. Type of Private Sector 80.3525
organizations (Indian)
Private Sector 80.2648
(Multi National) 0.802 0.807 NS
Government 83.5455
8. Monthly income Upto 20,000 80.5872
20,000-30,000 80.4321
30,000-50,000 79.7574
50,000-75,000 80.6129 2.844 0.000** S
Above 75,000 80.8679
9. Educational UG 78.9149
qualification PG 80.2500
Professional 1.239 0.153 NS
10 Total years of 1 to 5 years 79.9340
experience in 6 to 10 years 82.0776
work life 11 to 15 years 79.2471 2.142 0.000** S
Above 15 years 81.5556
11 No. of career Upto 2
promotions in promotions
work life 3 to 5 80.8471 2.193 0.000** S
5 promotions
12 No. of None 80.5408
organizations Upto 2 79.4970
changed in your 1.532 0.021* S
Above 2 81.1721
work life
Source: primary data

** significant at 1% level , * significant at 5% level, S: Significant,

NS: Not significant

Main findings of the above analyses were presented as follows:

1. Age and techniques of time management:-

There is a significant differences in the perception of IT professionals

selected for this study between age and techniques of time management. With

advancement of age, techniques of time management increases positively

above 40 yrs of age. The obtained 'F' value is 2.013 and ‘P’ value is 0.000 and

it is significant at 1% level. The value indicates that there is significant mean

differences in their perceptions comparing their age with respect to Techniques

of time management. This result strengthens the argument that age is an

important factor influencing techniques of time management as advocated by

many researches. For example, findings of a study of “Measuring Time

Perception in a Cross Cultural Environment” showed that the ability to

manage time productively increases with age.

2. Gender and techniques of time management:-

Male and female IT Professional’s are high in their perception on

techniques of time management and they are not significantly different in their

perceptions. The mean scores indicate that male and female IT professional’s

on their perceptions on techniques of time management are however high. The

reason being that irrespective of gender differences, all IT professionals have

the same level of work demands and career related expectations in their

organizational settings.

3. Marital status and techniques of time management:-

Single and married IT Professionals show significantly different

perceptions on techniques of time management. The mean scores indicate that

married respondents adopt better techniques of time management, than

unmarried professionals due to their increased responsibilities.

4. Number of dependents and techniques of time management:-

The number of dependents when analyzed for its influence on

techniques of time management criteria adopted indicate significantly different

perceptions of IT professionals. The mean scores show that respondents

without dependents have high mean value (81.139) and slightly high value

upto three dependents with the mean value of 80.017, but those with more

than three dependents show less than the above mean value (77.150). It seems

that, number of dependents are significantly influencing their perceptions of

techniques of time management.

5. Employment Status and techniques of time management:-

The obtained 'F' value is 1.088 and it is significant at 1% level. The

value indicates that there is significant differences in the perceptions of IT

professionals, when employment status is compared with techniques of time

management. The above table shows that the junior managerial level

employees show high mean value (83.390), than middle management IT

professionals and non managerial level. Perceptions of top level managerial IT

professionals are significantly influencing the techniques of time management

which indicate that the top level executives are involved in planning and

prioritizing and their organizing capacity significantly increases due to their

experience in work.

6. Functional areas and techniques of time management:-

Techniques of time management of IT professionals as practiced by

them, when analysed on the basis of functional area exhibit a high level of their

perceptions in HR, sales marketing and general administration, but, software

development professionals show a moderate level of commitment in techniques

of time management, when distinguished on the basis of overall mean scores.

Finance and accounts and other general category IT professionals show lower

level of techniques of time management to others. Thus, F-test reveals that

functional executives in general, did not show significantly different

perceptions towards techniques of time management.

7. Type of Organization and techniques of time management:-

Those working in government sector have high level of perceptions on

adopting time management techniques than those working in Indian private

firms and multi-national firms although their differences in perceptions are not

statistically significant. Hence, it may be inferred that irrespective of

organisational settings IT professionals did not differ in their perceptions on

techniques of time management adopted. It seems that irrespective of

organizational setting the respondents are adopting themselves to some kind of

techniques of time management.

8. Income and techniques of time management:-

The mean scores show that higher the income level, higher is the level

of techniques of time management followed. There is a gradual increase of

mean scores with increase in income level of IT professionals. In the present

study of executives, one important phenomenon is that pay and perks act as a

social investments on them, since they often tend to compare their level with

others in the same professional area – working in different organisations. It is

more a question of prestige and satisfaction of economic needs, that operate on

a comparison syndrome but, strangely it did not influence the techniques of

time management of IT professionals irrespective of pay scale.

9. Qualification and techniques of time management:-

IT professionals, when analyzed on the basis of educational qualification

does not reveal any significant differences in the perceptions of executives.

Mean scores show that the technique of time management is high among IT

professionals irrespective of their educational level. It is confirmed in a study

‘Measure the share of effective factors and time management”11 which inferred

that time management skills seem to be high between managers with different

education qualifications.

10. Experience and techniques of time management:-

IT Professionals having experience of 5 -10 years have scored higher

mean of value of 82.07 and the lowest mean was scored by the IT professionals

with experience more than 10 years (79.24). This shows that the IT

professionals with experience of 5 -10 years are having more clarity about the

techniques of time management, but the IT professionals with experience more

than 10 years are less conscious about the techniques of time management. The

obtained ‘f’ value is 3.195 and it is significant at 1% level. The value indicates

that there is significant mean differences between IT professionals’ experience

with respect to techniques of time management. Due to their experiences in

work, they have acquired more knowledge and practices which helped them to

adopt better techniques of time management.

11. Number of career promotions in work life and techniques of time


The perceptions on techniques of time management of the IT

professionals, when analyzed on the basis of number of career promotions in

work life exhibit a high levels of perceptions on techniques of time

management among the IT professionals. The mean scores indicate that, those

with above five promotions have low mean score (78.50), when compared to IT

professionals with 5 promotions. F-test reveals that IT professionals classified

on basis of the number of career promotions in work life show significantly

different perceptions towards techniques of time management as they reach the

high positions and experiences. It is inferred that higher the career promotions,

more better techniques of time management is adopted.

12. Change of organization and techniques of time management:-

Perceptions of IT professionals ‘organisation changes’ influenced the

techniques of time management and significance differences are found among

sample professionals. ‘F’ value of 1.532 is significant at 5% level. It indicates

that there is significant mean differences between IT professionals’

organization change with respect to techniques of time management.

The reason might be that normally ‘organization changes’ synchronize

with career promotions and more of managers responsibility. Hence, there is

professional necessity to adopt adequate time management techniques.

Summary of Inferences:-

It is inferred from the above analysis that with the advancement of age,

the techniques of time management increases positively above 40 years of age

which strengthens the argument that age is an important factor influencing

techniques of time management as advocated by many researchers.

The top level executives are better in using the techniques of time

management than the middle level, which indicate that the top level executives

are involved in planning and prioritizing and their organizing capacity

significantly increases due to their experience. The techniques of time

management practiced increases with the increase in educational qualifications

due to their wide knowledge. The respondents with more than 10 years

experience are less conscious about the techniques of time management and the

‘change of organizations’ leads to the high level techniques of time

management practiced due to their professional necessity.



This section deals with the comparison of demographic variables with

reference to level of time management techniques adopted.



Table 3. 30



t/F Value

Level of
P Value

Below 30 years 75.1073

1. Age 31 to 40 years 72.9237 1.194 0.156 NS
Above 40 years 75.9033
2. Gender Male 74.4512
6.111 0.014* S
Female 75.6121
3. Marital Status Single 76.1617
0.077 0.781 NS
Married 73.6789
4. No. of Dependent None 75.5499
Up to 3 74.7917 1.750 0.001** S
Above3 72.1250
5. Employment Non Managerial 75.0933
Managerial 75.9626
level 2.447 0.000** S
Middle 75.5546
Top 72.9688
6. Functional Areas HR 72.9526
Marketing 75.9239
Finance/ 75.6034
76.3877 1.384 0.032* S
Software 74.8244
IT enabled 75.4057


Sub Items

t/F Value

Level of
P Value
7. Type of Private Sector
organizations (Indian)
Private Sector 1.758 0.000** S
(Multi 74.5228
8. Monthly income Upto 20,000 77.6491
20,000-30,000 75.5903
30,000-50,000 73.3088 1.847 0.000** S
50,000-75,000 72.8427
Above 75,000 74.5283
9. Educational UG 76.5027
qualification PG 73.3500
Professional 75.8087 1.392 0.029* S
10. Total years of 1 to 5 years 75.8416
experience in 6 to 10 years 75.3179
work life 11 to 15 years 71.8235 1.467 0.014* S
Above 15
11. No. of career Upto
promotions in 2 promotions
work life 3 to 5 74.5956 1.362 0.040* S
5 promotions
12. No. of None 76.4565
organizations Upto 2 73.4993 1.551 0.000** S
changed in your
Above 2 74.2367
work life
Source: primary data

** significant at 1% level , * significant at 5% level, S: Significant,

NS: Not significant

Summary of analysis:-

1. Age and level of time management techniques adopted:-

There is no significant differences found between age and level of time

management techniques. Mean value indicates that the IT professionals with

age above 40 years have scored higher mean value of 75.90% and the lowest

mean was scored by the IT professionals having age 31- 40 years ( 72.924 ).

This shows that the IT professionals above the age of above 40 years are more

comfortable with the level of time management techniques adopted than those

with age between 31- 40 years. However, the results reveal that, there are no

significant differences between IT professional’s age with respect to level of

time management techniques adopted.

2. Gender and level of time management techniques adopted:-

Male and female IT professionals are high in their perception on level

of time management techniques adopted and they are significantly different in

their perceptions on level of time management techniques adopted. The mean

scores indicate that female IT professionals perceptions of level of time

management techniques adopted are higher than the male perceptions, as

women professionals are better in planning, prioritizing and organizing

3. Marital status and level of time management techniques adopted:-

The above table revealed that single, married and IT professionals are

high in their perceptions on level of time management techniques adopted and

show no significant differences in this respect. However, the mean scores

indicate that single persons are better on level of time management techniques

adopted than the married.

4. Number of dependents and level of time management techniques


Number of dependents of IT professionals show higher perceptions on

level of time management techniques adopted and they are significantly

different at 1% level. The mean scores indicate that respondents with no

dependents have high mean value (75.549) than others. It might be due to the

reason that the persons with no dependents have more productive time to

practice the time management techniques.

5. Employment Status and level of time management techniques


The obtained 'F' value is 2.447 and it is significant at 1% level. The ‘P’

value indicates that there are significant differences between IT professionals’

employment status with respect to level of time management techniques

adopted, junior managerial level, employees having high mean value than top

managerial level, which show that perceptions of managerial professionals are

significantly influencing the level of time management techniques adopted. It is

due to the fact that junior and middle management are responsible for

functional operations which are target oriented, hence they have to adopt higher

level of time management techniques than senior executives.

6. Functional areas and level of time management techniques


F-test reveals that IT personnel in general, show a significantly different

perceptions towards level of time management techniques adopted. IT

professionals, when analysed on the basis of functional area exhibit a high level

of level of time management techniques adopted by persons in general

administration but, those in software development, marketing and finance

show a moderate commitment in level of time management techniques

adopted, when distinguished on the basis of overall mean score. HR

professionals show lower level of level of time management techniques

adopted than others. This result is confirmed in the study by R Hassan Zabah12

which says that the time management is different between different type of


7. Type of organizations and level of time management techniques


The level of time management techniques adopted by IT professionals

and types of organisations show an interesting phenomenon. While IT

professionals in Indian private firms have high mean scores (76.92) and those

in private sector in multinational are moderate level mean score, IT

professionals working in a government / public sector show low level of time

management techniques adopted, although their differences in perceptions are

statistically significant.

8. Income and level of time management techniques adopted:-

The mean scores show that higher the income level, higher will be the

level of time management techniques adopted, as there is a gradual increase of

mean scores with increase in income level of IT professionals.

In the present study of executives, one important phenomenon is that, pay

and perks act as a social investments on them, since they often tend to compare

their level with others in the same professional area – working in different

organisations. It is more a question of prestige and satisfaction of economic

needs, that operate on a comparison syndrome but, strongly influence the level

of time management techniques adopted by IT professionals based on pay

scales also. Therefore, income factor is significantly influencing the level of

time management techniques adopted. It may be inferred that increase in level

of income is associated with experience and higher job responsibilities.

9. Qualification and level of time management techniques adopted:-

IT professionals, when analysed on the basis of educational qualification

reveal significant differences in their perceptions at 5 % level. Mean scores

show that practicing level of time management is high among IT professionals

irrespective of their educational level, but those with professional qualifications

practice better than others.

10. Experience and level of time management techniques adopted:-

IT professionals having experience of 1 -10 years have high mean value

and the lowest mean was scored by the IT professionals with experience more

than 10 years. This shows that the IT professionals with experience of 1 -10

years are having more clarity about the level of time management techniques

adopted and the IT professionals with experience more than 10 years are less

conscious about the level of time management techniques adopted. The

obtained ‘f’ value is 1.467 and it is significant at 5% level. The value indicates

that there are significant mean differences between IT professionals’

experience with respect to level of time management techniques adopted.

11. Number of career promotions in work life and level of time

management techniques adopted:-

IT professionals when analyzed on the basis of number of career

promotions in work life, exhibit high levels of perceptions on level of time

management techniques adopted. F-test reveals that IT professionals classified

on basis of the No. of career promotions in work life show significantly

different perceptions towards level of time management techniques adopted.

The mean score indicate that, IT professionals with more than five

promotions have low mean scores (72.92) and upto five promotion IT

professionals show high level perceptions with mean score of 74.59.

12. Change of organization and level of time management techniques


Perceptions of IT professionals when compared with number of

organisation changes show significant differences on its influence on level of

time management techniques adopted. ‘F’ value is 1.552 and it is significant at

5% level. The results indicate that those working in same organizations show

better perceptions towards adequacy of methods of time management

techniques used for professional competencies.

Summary of Inferences:-

It is inferred from the above analysis that the level of time management

techniques practiced significantly differs in with increase in the age,

qualifications and different levels of management due to the high level of

perceptions acquired in work place.



Time management can be viewed as a systematic approach to taking

control of the issue that influence people on a day to day basis . Research

evidences indicate that most time management techniques require minimal

common sense strategies14. Infact many researchers agreed that time

management requires little effort, yet it promotes efficient work practices by

highlighting certain impediments such as lack of objectivity, non cooperation,

egoism and personality complexes prevent the effective use of time by

distracting high priorities. Hence, the analysis of impediments of time

management is required to compare with the demographic characteristics of

sample IT professionals.



Table 3. 31


Sub Items

t/F Value

P Value
Level of

Below 30 years 67.3437

1. Age 31 to 40 years 64.7650 1.114 0.312 NS

Above 40 years 68.3566

2. Gender Male 65.7868

0.270 0.604 NS
Female 67.7685

3. Marital Status Single 67.5702

16.518 0.000** S
Married 65.7427

4. No. of Dependent None 66.5641

Up to 3 66.7851 1.075 0.362 NS

Above3 67.0454

5. Employment Non Managerial

Status level


Managerial 68.1641

level 1.961 0.002** S




Sub Items

t/F Value

Level of
P Value
6. Functional Areas HR 67.7830
Marketing 67.3912
administration/ 67.4884 0.893 0.633 NS
IT enabled
7. Type of Private Sector 1.397 0.081 NS
organizations (Indian)
Private Sector
(Multi National)
8. Monthly income Upto 20,000 69.6691
20,000-30,000 67.5364
30,000-50,000 66.1279 3.242 0.000** S
50,000-75,000 64.8826
Above 75,000 61.6923
9. Educational UG 67.8271
qualification PG 66.3408
Professional 1.391 0.084 NS
10 Total years of 1 to 5 years 67.5998
experience in work 6 to 10 years 66.5229
life 11 to 15 years 64.3137 1.949 0.002** S
Above 15 years 64.2255


Sub Items

t/F Value

Level of
P Value
11 No. of career Upto 2
promotions in promotions
work life 3 to 5 65.9942 1.610 0.023* S
Above 5
12 No. of None 68.6454
organizations Upto 2 65.8682
2.287 0.000** S
changed in your
Above 2 64.1703
work life
Source: primary data S: Significant,

** significant at 1% level , NS: Not significant

* significant at 5% level,

Summary of findings:-

1. Age and Impediments of time management:-

There is no significant differences in perceptions found between age and

impediments of time management. However, mean scores indicate that the IT

professionals, who are having age of above 40 years are more comfortable in

managing impediments of time management than the IT professionals who are

having age 31- 40 years.

2. Gender and Impediments of time management:-

There are no significant differences in respondents’ perceptions on

impediments of time management when compared with gender category.

However, mean scores indicate that female IT professional’s perceptions on

impediments of time management are higher than the male perceptions. Female

IT respondents take very much care in reducing the impediments of time

management to save time than male respondents.

3. Marital status and Impediments of time management:-

The results reveal that marital status is significantly influencing the

impediments of time management. Single and married IT professionals are

high in their perceptions on impediments of time management, as per the mean

scores. It explains that more than married IT personnel, single status persons

are very conscious about overcoming the obstacles faced in proper practice of

time management.

4. Number of dependents and impediments of time management:-

Number of dependents of IT professionals have high level perceptions

on impediments of time management. There is no significant differences in

number of dependents and perceptions on impediments of time management.

The mean scores indicate that those with no dependent have low mean value

than with those upto three dependents and above. However, the number of

dependents does not significantly influence their perceptions on impediments

of time management.

6. Employment status and impediments of time management:-

The obtained 'F' value is 1.961 and it is significant at 1% level. The ‘P’

value indicates that there is significant differences between IT professionals’

employment status with respect to impediments of time management. The

above table shows that the junior and the middle managerial level employees

show high mean values because they are concentrating their efforts to complete

work within set deadlines when compared to top managerial levels. The

employment status of IT professionals significantly influence the impediments

of time management.

7. Functional areas and impediments of time management:-

Impediments of time management on IT professionals, when analyzed

on the basis of functional area exhibit a high level of perceptions for those in

general administration than software development professionals. Marketing,

finance, HR and IT enabled service professionals show a moderate level of

influence in impediments of time management, when distinguished on the basis

of overall mean scores.

F-test reveals that functional executives generally show no significant

differences in their perceptions towards impediments of time management.

7. Type of Organization and Impediments of time management:-

The impediments of time management of IT professionals and types of

organisation show an interesting phenomenon. While IT professionals in Indian

private firms have high mean scores (68.94) and private sector in multinational

are at moderate level. IT professionals working in a government / public sector

feel a low level of impediments of time management, although their differences

in perception are not statistically significant. Hence, it may be inferred that

irrespective of organisational settings, IT professionals did not differ in their

perceptions on impediments of time management.

8. Monthly income and impediments of time management:- The mean

values show that the higher income level of IT professionals, higher will be the

level of impediments of time management. There is a gradual decrease of mean

scores with increase in income level of IT professionals.

In the present study of executives, pay scale highly influence their

perceptions on impediments of time management, as they get more pay, they

reach higher status and plan better to reduce the impediments.

9. Qualification and impediments of time management:-

IT professionals, when analysed on the basis of educational qualification

did not show significant differences in their perceptions. Mean scores show that

the influence of impediments in time management are high among IT

professionals irrespective of their educational levels.

10. Experience and impediments of time management:-

IT Professionals having experience of 1 -10 years show high score mean

value than those with experience more than 10 years. This shows that the IT

professionals with experience of 1 -10 years are having more clarity about the

various impediments of time management. The IT professionals with

experience more than 10 years are having less concern about the impediments

of time management. The obtained ‘f’ value is 1.949 and it is significant at 1%

level. It indicates that there are significant mean differences in their perceptions

when years of experience is compared with respect to impediments of time


11. Number of career promotions in work life and impediments of time


Perceptions on impediments of time management by the IT

professionals (analyzed on the basis of No. of career promotions in work life)

exhibit high levels of perception on impediments of time management among

themselves. The mean score indicate that, those with more than three

promotions have low mean values and those upto two promotions show high

level perceptions in their views on obstacles in time management. Therefore,

F-test reveals that IT professionals when classified on basis of the number of

career promotions in work life show significantly different perceptions towards

impediments of time management.

12. Change of organization and impediments of time management:-

IT professionals’ perceptions of ‘organisations changed’ in work life

influenced their opinion on the impediments of time management. They show

significant differences, when number of organizational changes were compared

with impediments of time management. There is significant mean difference

between IT professional’s ‘organization changes’ with respect to impediments

of time management.

Summary of Inferences:-

There are no significant differences with perceptions of IT employees

found on obstacles of time management due to age, gender, number of

dependents, functional areas, type of organization and educational

qualifications, which indicate that all these variables do not reduce time

wasters. Factors such as marital status, employment status, monthly income,

total years of experience, number of career promotions and number of

organization changed significantly contribute to reduce the impediments

because in all these variables, the respondents show that they are more

responsible and result oriented and they do analyze their time log daily.



Good time management involves keeping a schedule of the tasks and

activities that have been important. Keeping a daily or weekly planner seems

to be helpful to stay on the tasks.

Professionals need to develop time management strategies by planning a

daily calendar to get organized, set priorities, master delegation15.

Oluchulewu16 emphasized the use of personal time analysis chart to analyze the

priorities of various activities.

Akomolfe17 reiterated that the personal time analysis chart will help

employees to study the use of their time tasks for their activities during the day

and to identify their time wasters.

Hence, to understand the perceptions of IT personnel, ANOVA was

applied to compare their demographic characteristics with personal time

planning efforts.



Table 3. 32


Sub Items

t/F Value

P Value

Level of

Below 30 years 65.0623 2.020 0.020* S

1. Age 31 to 40 years 67.4161
Above 40
2. Gender Male 66.8817 0.036 0.849 NS
Female 64.3621
3. Marital Status Single 65.1993 4.183 0.041* S
Married 66.2805
4. No. of Dependent None 65.0240 0.431 0.951 NS
Up to 3 66.0204
Above3 68.2500
5. Employment Status Non 0.552 0.880 NS
Managerial 65.7292
Managerial 65.4598


Sub Items

t/F Value

P Value

Level of
6. Functional Areas HR 63.7069 1.265 0.236 NS
Marketing 65.2174
administration/ 65.6780
IT enabled
7. Type of Private Sector
organizations (Indian)
Private Sector
(Multi 66.2211 1.274 0.230 NS
8. Monthly income Upto 20,000 65.1835 2.285 0.008** NS
20,000 to
30,000 to
50,000 to
Above 75,000 63.6792


Sub Items

t/F Value

Level of
P Value
9. Educational UG 64.9468 1.965 0.025* S
qualification PG 66.2500
10 Total years of 1 to 5 years 65.4785 2.459 0.004** S
experience in work 6 to 10 years 64.7414
life 11 to 15 years 66.8824
Above 15 years 70.2778
11 No. of career Upto 2 1.053 0.399 NS
promotions in promotions
work life 3 to 5 66.6765
Above 5
12 No. of None 65.4077 1.323 0.201 NS
organizations Upto 2 66.6467
changed in your
Above 2 65.0000
work life
Source: primary data

** significant at 1% level , * significant at 5% level, S: Significant,

NS: Not significant

1. Age and Personal time planning:- There is significant differences

found between age and personal time planning. Mean scores indicate that the

IT professionals with age between 31 to 40 years have scored higher mean

value 67.42 and the lowest mean was scored by the IT professionals having age

above40 years ( 64.80 ). Therefore, the result reveals that, there are significant

differences in their perceptions between age with respect to personal time

planning because with the increase in age, they reach higher employment


2. Gender and Personal time planning:- Male and female IT

professional’s show better perceptions on personal time planning and there is

no significant difference in their perceptions on personal time planning and

gender category. The mean scores indicate that, male IT professionals’

perceptions on personal time planning are higher than the female perceptions.

3. Marital status and Personal time planning:- Single and married IT

professionals are high in their perceptions on personal time planning, which

shows significant differences. The mean scores indicate that married IT

professionals are higher level perceptions on personal time planning than the

unmarried IT professionals. Therefore, it may be assumed that the marital

status significantly influences the personal time planning efforts.

4. Number of dependents and personal time planning:- Irrespective of

number of dependents, IT personnel have higher perceptions on personal time

planning efforts. No significant differences are found in their perceptions on

personal time planning when compared with number of dependents.

5. Employment Status and Personal time planning:- The ‘P’ value

indicates that, no significant perceptional differences found between IT

professionals’ employment status with respect to personal time planning. The

above table shows that the top managerial level employees have high mean

value than low level managerial levels. The employment status of IT

professionals did not significantly influence the Personal time planning.

6. Functional areas and Personal time planning:- Personal time

planning on IT professionals, when analyzed on the basis of functional area

exhibit a high level perceptions of those in finance department professional

than software development professionals. In general, administration and

marketing show moderately high level mean score, but HR and IT enabled

service professionals show a low level of commitment in personal time

planning, when distinguished on the basis of overall mean scores.

F-test reveals that functional executives generally show no significant

differences in their perceptions towards personal time planning, because they

spend their maximum time in their work place to meet the work demands.

7. Type of Organization and Personal time planning:- Personal time

planning of IT professionals and types of organisation in which they work

show an interesting phenomenon. While IT professionals in Indian private

firms show low mean score (63.68) and private sector in multinational show

moderate level mean score(66.22), IT professionals working in a government /

public sector have a high level perceptions of personal time planning, although

their differences in perceptions are not statistically significant. Hence, it may

be inferred that irrespective of organisational settings IT professionals did not

differ in their perceptions on personal time planning.

8. Monthly Income and Personal time planning:- The mean score shows

that there is no significant differences in the perceptions of IT personnel when

level of income is compared with personal time planning. The results indicate

that the level of income is not influencing the personal time planning of the


9. Qualification and Personal time planning:- Perceptions of IT

professionals, when analysed on the basis of educational qualification reveal

significant differences in their opinion on personal time planning efforts. Mean

scores show that the personal time planning is high level among IT

professionals irrespective of their educational level. However, those with post

graduate qualification are better in personal time planning than others.

10. Experience and Personal time planning:- IT professionals having

experience of 1 -10 years have low mean value approximately (65) and the

highest mean was shown by the IT professionals with experience more than 10

years (70). This shows that the IT professionals with experience of 1 -10 years

are having more clarity about the personal time planning. The IT professionals

with experience more than 10 years are having less clarity about the personal

time planning. The obtained ‘f’ value is 2.459 and it is significant at 1% level.

The value indicates that there is significant mean difference in perceptions

between IT professional’s experience with respect to personal time planning.

With increase in experience, they learn better to balance their work time and

personal time.

11. Number of career promotions in work life and Personal time

planning:- Perceptions on personal time planning on the IT professionals

(analyzed on the basis of No. of career promotions in work life) exhibit higher

understanding of planning in time management. However, F-test reveals that

IT professionals classified on basis of the number of career promotions in

work life did not show any significant difference in perceptions towards

personal time planning. It is inferred that almost everybody bestow much

importance to this aspect.

12. Change of Organization and Personal time planning: IT

professionals perceptions of organisation changed in work life did not

influence personal time planning as there is no significant differences of

opinions found from the sample survey.

Summary of Inferences:

It is inferred from the above analyses that there are significant

differences in the perceptions of IT respondents with reference to age, marital

status, qualification and experience which indicates that the personal time

planning habits increases with increase in age, with number of years in

experience of those married and highly educated professionals.



Time management is the process of influencing an individual’s key

behavioural dimensions to complete as many tasks as possible within a given

time period. Efficient and effective use of time is a pre condition for

professional development and individual productivity. Empirical evidences

show the existence of a positive relationship between use of time and key

outcomes such as job satisfaction productivity and effectiveness18. Adebisi19

found a positive relationship between effective time management and

organizational performance.

This section attempts to analyze the influence of professional development

outcomes surveyed in the present study.




Table 3. 33

Sub Items

t/F Value

Level of
P Value

Below 30 years 78.0550 2.047 0.000** S

1. Age 31 to 40 years 75.7631

Above 40

2. Gender Male 77.8183 1.484 0.224 NS

Female 77.7241

3. Marital Status Single 77.8828 5.582 0.019* S

Married 77.6529

4. No. of Dependents None 77.7717 1.339 0.067 NS

Up to 3 77.9414

Above3 75.3478


Sub Items

t/F Value

Level of
P Value
5. Employment Status Non 2.372 0.000** S
Managerial 76.7844
Managerial 79.9700
6. Functional Areas HR 81.0945 1.916 0.000** S
Marketing 79.1682
administration/ 78.9388
IT enabled
7. Type of Private Sector
organizations (Indian)
Private Sector
(Multi 77.1633 1.242 0.133 NS


Sub Items

t/F Value

Level of
P Value
8. Monthly income Upto 20,000 78.2449 1.787 0.001** S
20,000-30,000 77.4665
30,000-50,000 77.2954
50,000-75,000 76.5077
Above 75,000 80.4594
9. Educational UG 75.8279 1.649 0.009** S
qualification PG 76.7826
10. Total years of 1 to 5 years 77.7414 2.214 0.000** S
experience in work 6 to 10 years 78.2009
life 11 to 15 years 77.6164
15 years
11. No. of career Upto 1.696 0.003** S
promotions in work 2 promotions
life 3 to 5 77.6266
5 promotions
12. No. of None 78.1526 1.979 0.000** S
organizations Upto 2 76.6467
changed in your
Above 2 78.5959
work life
Source: primary data

** significant at 1% level , * significant at 5% level, S: Significant,

NS: Not significant

1. Age and professional development outcomes:-The results reveal that,

there is significant difference between IT professional’s age with respect to

their professional development outcomes. Mean scores indicate that the IT

professionals with age above 40 years have scored higher mean value of 81.80

and the lowest mean was shown by the IT professionals having age 31- 40

years ( 75.76 ). This shows that the IT professionals whose age level is above

40 years are more comfortable with their professional development outcomes

than others, the reason being with increase in age, they are reaching the high

employment status and specialization in the particular field.

2. Gender and Professional development outcomes:- Male and female

IT professionals have high perceptions on professional development outcomes

and there is no significant differences in their perceptions on professional

development outcomes based on gender category. The mean scores indicate

that female IT professionals’ perceptions on professional development

outcomes are more are less equal to the male perceptions.

3. Marital status and Professional development outcomes:- Single and

married IT professionals are high in their perceptions on their professional

development outcomes. There are significant differences in their perceptions on

professional development outcomes. The mean scores indicate that un married

IT professionals are higher level perceptions on professional development

outcomes of than the married IT professionals. Therefore, the marital status is

significantly influencing the professional development efforts with reference to

time management due to their increase in responsibilities.

4. Number of dependents and Professional development outcomes:-

There are no significant differences in number of dependent and

perceptions on professional development outcomes. Irrespective of number of

dependents, IT professionals have high level perceptions on their professional

development outcomes influenced by proper time management.

5. Employment Status and Professional development outcomes:-

The employment status of IT professionals are significantly influencing

their professional development outcomes. The obtained 'F' value is 2.372 and it

is significant at 1% level. The ‘P’ value indicates that there is significant

differences in perceptions between IT professionals’ employment status with

respect to their career development outcomes. The above table shows that the

low managerial level employees have high mean values (79.97) and top and

middle managerial levels show moderate mean values (78.65).

6. Functional areas and Professional development outcomes:- F-test

reveals that IT executives in general show significant differences in their

perceptions towards their professional development outcomes, when analyzed

on the basis of functional area which exhibit a high level of appreciation in

their efforts on time management. HR professionals as per the study show high

mean scores and marketing, IT enable services, general administration and

software development professionals show moderate level of mean scores on

professional development outcomes. Finance and accounts personnel are at

low level, when distinguished on the basis of overall mean scores.

7. Type of Organization and Professional development outcomes:-

Professional development outcomes of IT personnel and types of

organisation show an interesting phenomenon. While IT professionals in Indian

private firms are high mean score (79.85) and private sector in multinational

are moderate level mean score(77.16), IT professionals working in a

government / public sector have a low level of perceptions on professional

development outcomes, although their differences in perception are not

statistically significant. However, it may be inferred that irrespective of

organisational settings IT professionals did not differ in their perceptions on

professional development outcomes.

8. Monthly Income and Professional development outcomes:-

The perceptions of the respondents on professional development

outcomes significantly correlated to their monthly income. The mean scores

show that when the income level is higher, the level of development outcomes

also increases and this indicates when the income increases they are better

placed and happy which leads them to do their job well.

9. Educational Qualifications and Professional development

outcomes:- IT professionals, when analysed on the basis of educational

qualification reveal significant differences in their perceptions on professional

development which indicates that with the increase in educational

qualifications, the respondents responsibility increases which leads to increase

in their professional development performance.

10. Number of years of experience and Professional development

outcomes:- Perceptions of IT professionals significantly influence their

professional development outcomes, when compared with years of experience.

The obtained ‘f’ value is 2.214 and it is significant at 1% level. The value

indicates that there are significant mean differences between IT Professionals’

work experience with respect to their professional development outcomes.

With the increase in experience, they are acquiring more and better time

management skills.

11. Number of career promotions in work life and Professional

development outcomes:- Perceptions on professional development outcomes

of IT personnel, when analyzed on the basis of career promotions in work life

exhibit significant differences on their idea of time management due the reason

that with the increase in number of promotions, they reach higher professional

status with better time management skills.

12. Change of Organization and Professional development outcomes:-

IT professionals’ perceptions on ‘number of organisation changed in

work life’ influenced their professional development outcomes which showed

significant differences in understanding of the time management concept.

Those who changed their employers are more concerned about managing time

between work and personal life to attain professional efficiency.

Summary of inferences:

There is no significant difference in the perceptions of the respondents

regarding the gender, number of respondents and type of organizations. All the

other variables such age, marital status, educational qualifications, monthly

income, experience and career promotions influence the professional

development outcomes.

Comprehensive interpretation of results are as follows:-

Regarding the analysis of the techniques of time management and the

demographic variables, there are significant differences with reference

to age, qualifications, experience and organization changes.

An analysis of the level of time management techniques adopted with

demographic variables explain that there is change in the level of time

management techniques with increase in age, with different qualification

and with different levels of management.

Regarding the analysis of impediments of time management and the

demographic variables, it is inferred that the female and married

respondents are having more capacity to analyze and reduce the

impediment than single and male respondents.

From the analysis of personal time planning and the demographic

variables, it is revealed that there are significant differences with age,

gender, married and experience.

Comparison of professional development outcomes and the

demographic variables shows that all variables such as age, gender,

marital status, employment status, functional areas, income level,

qualification and experience are having significant influence on time

management which has its effect on achievement in career goal setting,

work life balance, resource planning, monetary and non monetary

incentives, work ethics and stress reduction.


This analysis found that the majority of the respondents selected for this

study preferred a highly structured way of working because they were able to

use their time most efficiently. IT respondents of the survey reveal that they

try to achieve their performance by understanding what they had set out to do

and assess the importance and urgency of task consciously. The main reason

for this work style was that they disliked wasting their time and felt that they

made their best use of their time by working systematically, which contributed

significantly towards their professional and career development.

It is found that the respondents were able to better balance their

professional life and work life as they are sincere, never late to their office,

honest in doing their job, use their productive time and are capable of achieving

rewards, additional pay etc. Performance effectiveness and reduction in stress

level revealed that surveyed IT professionals’ perceptions on techniques of

time management, level of time management techniques adopted, impediments

of time management and personal planning highly influence their professional

and career development.

The next chapter deals with analysis of factors influencing time

management and measurement of professional development outcomes of IT

professionals and to find out the inter correlation among the variables.


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