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Ionela Livia Ciobotaru 2.1.0.

Anamaria Radulescu

Ideal University In My Vision

Nowdays,most of the students see the perfect university abroad

because the conditions and opportunities offered there are much better
than in our country .
From my point of view, the ideal university is the one you want to
do ,the one where you find yourself as a person , because university is
not like high school, here you have to do everything with passion.
First of all , the schedule must be fairly easy to don’t feel too
stressed , but with a high level of difficult as well ,because then the
monotony boredom and so the interest of students will shrink. It will be
good, if the theachers will be understanding ,interested and more opend
front of the students and their oppinions about the lessons , and the
classes to be more interactive.
Many students preffer young teachers because they are more
tolerable , but I consider that a teacher’s age has nothing to do with the
way he explain his course.
Another thing is that the courses can be more interesting .For
example ,in the first hour ,the professor can explain the subject matter
,and in the second hour, he can leave the student to express his opinions
Ionela Livia Ciobotaru
Anamaria Radulescu

,to create interactive discussions and to observ the students interest about
the class.
Laboratories , classrooms and all the spaces the students are
attending , should be appropriately equipped ,so they can increase their
interest and desire to know and research as much as possible.
Considering all of this ,the ideal university in this days has to offer
you a wide range of opportunities further on in all possible ways ,but the
most importantly thing , you have to do what makes you happy .

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