Pokemon Emerald FAQ

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Pokemon Emerald FAQ/Walkthrough

by DarkTyranitar18

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Pokemon Emerald Version

By DarkTyranitar18
Started on 6/20/05
Version 0.45

You can use the ctrl + F search for easy refrence. Just type the
number of the
section you want to go to. It will take you to the section you
wrote the number
on. Just for convinence.

0.Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Version History
III. The Basics
[3.01] Controls
[3.02] Battle Screen
[3.03] Catching Pokemon
[3.04] TM/HM list
IV. Into Pokemon
[4.01] Pokemon Statuses
[4.02] Natures
[4.03] Base Stats
[4.04] Tips on the game
V. Walkthrough
[5.01] Littleroot Town
[5.02] Petalburg City
a. Petalburg Woods
[5.03] Rustboro City
[5.04] Dewford town
a. Granite Cave
[5.05] Slateport City
[5.06] Mauville City
a. Cycling Road
b. Vendaturf Town
[5.07] Fallarbor Town
0% a. Meteor Falls
0% [5.08] Lavaridge Town
0% a. The Desert Place
0% [5.09] Petalburg Again!?
0% a. Abandoned Ship
0% b. New Mauville
0% c. Weather Institute
0% [5.10] Fortree City
0% [5.11] Lilycove City
0% a. Mt. Pyre
0% b. Magma Hideout
0% c. Aqua Hideout
0% [5.12] Mossdeep City
VI. Items
VII. Berries
VIII. Abilities 0%
X. Move Tutor Locations
XI. Finishing Comments
[11.01] Copyright Info.
[11.02] Contact Info.
[11.03] Credits

|__| 0% Not Started |__|
| I. Introduction

I am here writing my first faq for my favorite game series

pokemon and
because I felt like doing something to show how much I like it.
I'm writing
it because i've read a bunch of faqs here at gamefaqs and I was
impressed. So I decided that I want to write a faq on this game
to help
other people like the other faqs that help me on other games. As
you might
know pokemon has a series of games begining with Red/Blue/Green
for GBC. I have collected (and have) almost all the versions (I
have blue,
crystal, ruby, firered, and emerald.) and yet this is my first
faq. So I
really hope it helps and you like it, so enjoy.

| II. Version History

Version 0.20
- Did table of contents.
- Started the walkthrough, to Petalburg City.
- Did Introduction
- Did all of section nine.
- Also section three execpt TM/HM list

Version 0.40
- Went to Mauville City in the walkthrough.
- Added some ACSII artwork.
- Added a new site for this faq to be posted on.
- Finished TM/HM list, and finished up all of section three.
- Finished all of section four.
- Added FAQ section and Move tutor locations section, too.
- Added a Item section but didn't finish it, next version.

Version 0.45
- Went to Vendaturf town in the walkthrough
- Did all of section seven.
- Added missing Move tutors in section ten.
- Completed section six.
- Added questions to FAQ.

| III. The Basics

These are the basic things you know to pass and at least play
the game. It
includes every basic things from the controls to how to catch
pokemon even.
If you are a beginer at pokemon I suggest you read this section.
It will help
get started and how to do the basic things. If you are not, then
you should
skip this section and move on to sections 5 or 6 if you want. So
let's begin,
shall we.

| [3.01] Controls

The basics of the basics, the controls.

Control Pad:
Moves main character, and moves any cursor.

A button:
Selects a Item and interacts with people/ things.

B button:
Cancels anything and goes back. To use running shoes.

Brings up main menu.

Uses your registered item. EX: Mach/ Arco bike or change items.

L button:
Can be used as A button if changed.

R button:
Can be used as right side of D-pad if changed.

| [3.02] Battle Screen
___________________ |
| Pokemon Name Lv.# | |
| HP:=----------- | <-----------\ |
|___________________| \-> Opponets Pokemon |
___________________ |
Your Pokemon <-\ | Pokemon Name Lv.# | |
\----------------> | HP:=----------- | |
|___________________| |
What should | Fight Bag |
<Pokemon name> do? | Pokemon Run |

This is a screen that appears when you first enter any battle.
The battle
screen contains your pokemon's status, HP, name, Exp. and level.
This also
applys to the opponets pokemon's box. (Execpt for Exp.) So you
should know
what each things mean, so you could start battling.

The first thing you should know is the name of the pokemon. It
is basically
the name of the pokemon you have or facing. Next is it's level,
which appears
next to the pokemon's name. It's simply the level of the
pokemon. Finally,
the pokemons HP it is as important as the level of the pokemon.
Without it
you wouldn't be able to win. Another thing you might want to
know is below
your HP is a place that shows your status condition but does not
confusion, or faint. You might want to know that.

At the bottom of the screen is the menu. The first thing is

fight which
shows which attack to use. Next is bag that lets you look threw
your bag
during the battle. Third is pokemon that looks at your team and
and lets
you switch pokemon to battle. The last thing would be run that
only lets you
run against wild pokemon. Simple as that.

| [3.03] Catching Pokemon

One of the main things in the game, next to badges, is catching

Without catching pokemon there won't be such thing as a pokedex.
So that's
why I put this in the FAQ.

Catching pokemon is so simple. Just find a wild pokemon, not a

Then just weaken the pokemon, but don't kill it. Next all you
would do is
throw a pokeball. The pokeball also effects wether you catch it
or not.
There are a whole bunch of pokeballs with effects that are
different from
each other. These are all the pokeballs.

| Pokeball | Effect
| Pokeball | Catches wild pokemon.
| Great ball | Catches wild pokemon more effectively than
pokeball. |
| Ultra ball | Catches wild pokemon more effectively than
great ball. |
| Master ball | Catches wild pokemon 100% of the time.
| Nest ball | Catches wild pokemon that are low leveled.
| Repeat ball | Makes it easier to catch pokemon that you
already caught. |
| Timer ball | Makes it easier to catch pokemon the more turns
that pass. |
| Dive ball | Makes it easier to catch pokemon underwater.
| Net ball | Makes it easier to catch bug and water pokemon.
| Safari ball | Special ball only used in the safari zone.
| Premier ball | Normal chance of catching a pokemon
| Luxury ball | Normal chance of catching pkmn, easier for pkmn
to like you.|

| [3.04] TM/HM List

This is a complete list of all the fifty TM and eight HMs that
are available
in this game. Also their power points attack power and more. So
let's move on,
shall we...

TM 01- Focus Punch

Type: Fighting
PP: 20
Power: 150
Accuracy: 100
Other: Attacks 2nd turn. If hit pokemon flinches.
Location: Route 115

TM 02- Dragon Claw

Type: Dragon
PP: 15
Power: 80
Accuracy: 100
Other: ---
Location: Meteor Fall

TM 03- Water Pulse

Type: Water
PP: 20
Power: 60
Accuracy: 100
Other: 10% chance it'll confuse
Location: Sootopolis Gym

TM 04- Calm Mind

Type: Psychic
PP: 20
Power: ---
Accuracy: ---
Other: Raises Sp. Attk. and Sp. def.
Location: Mossdeep Gym

TM 05- Roar
Type: Normal
PP: 20
Power: ---
Accuracy: 100
Other: Forces trainer to switch pkmn.
Location: Route 114

TM 06- Toxic
Type: Poison
PP: 10
Power: ---
Accuracy: 85
Other: Poisons foe and poison gets stronger each turn.
Location: Fiery Path

TM 07- Hail
Type: Ice
PP: 10
Power: ---
Accuracy: ---
Other: Starts hailing and hurts all pkmn types execpt
Location: Shoal cave

TM 08- Bulk Up
Type: Fighting
PP: 20
Power: ---
Accuracy: ---
Other: Raises attack and deffense.
Location: Dewford Gym

TM 09- Bullet Seed

Type: Grass
PP: 30
Power: 10
Accuracy: 100
Other: Attacks 2-5 times per turn.
Location: Route 104

TM 10- Hidden Power

Type: Normal
PP: 15
Power: ---
Accuracy: 100
Other: Type and power depends on pokemon.
Location: Slateport/ Fortree

TM 11- Sunny Day

Type: Fire
PP: 20
Power: ---
Accuracy: 100
Other: Boost the power os fire moves for 5 turns. No
solarbeam charge.
Location: Scorched Lab

TM 12- Taunt
Type: Normal
PP: 20
Power: ---
Accuracy: 100
Other: Taunts foe to only use attacking moves.
Location: Trick house

TM 13 Ice Beam
Type: Ice
PP: 10
Power: 95
Accuracy: 100
Other: 10% chance it'll freeze foe.
Location: Mauville/ Abandoned Ship

TM 14- Blizzard
Type: Ice
PP: 5
Power: 120
Accuracy: 85
Other: 10% chance it'll freeze foe. Hits both pkmn in
double battle.
Location: Lilycove Dept. Store

TM 15- Hyper Beam

Type: Normal
PP: 5
Power: 150
Accuracy: 90
Other: Attacks first second turn recharges.
Location: Lilycove Dept. Store

TM 16- Light Screen

Type: Psychic
PP: 30
Power: ---
Accuracy: ---
Other: Cuts all Sp. attks by half.
Location: Lilycove Dept. store

TM 17- Protect
Type: Normal
PP: 10
Power: ---
Accuracy: ---
Other: Negates all attacks for that turn.
Location: Lilycove Dept. store

TM 18- Rain Dance

Type: Water
PP: 5
Power: ---
Accuracy: ---
Other: Raises water moves for 5 turns. Thunder never
Location: Abandoned Ship

TM 19- Giga Drain

Type: Grass
PP: 5
Power: 60
Accuracy: 100
Other: Takes HP equal to 1/2 damage inflicted.
Location: Route 123
TM 20- Safeguard
Type: Normal
PP: 25
Power: ---
Accuracy: ---
Other: Covers user, team and negates all status affects.
Location: Lilycove Dept. store

TM 21- Frustration
Type: Normal
PP: 20
Power: ---
Accuracy: 100
Other: Power is based on how much the pokemon hates you.
Location: Pacifidlog Town

TM 22- Solarbeam
Type: Grass
PP: 10
Power: 120
Accuracy: 100
Other: Powers up 1st turn, attacks 2nd turn.
Location: Safari Zone

TM 23- Iron Tail

Type: Steel
PP: 15
Power: 100
Accuracy: 75
Other: 30% chance of lowering foes defense.

TM 24- Thunderbolt
Type: Electric
PP: 15
Power: 95
Accuracy: 100
Other: 10% chance it might paralyze.
Location: Mauville game coner

TM 25- Thunder
Type: Electric
PP: 10
Power: 120
Accuracy: 70
Other: 10% chance it might paralyze
Location: Lilycove Dept. Store

TM 26- Earthquake
Type: Ground
PP: 10
Power: 100
Accuracy: 100
Other: Twice damage if foe used dig.

TM 27- Return
Type: Normal
PP: 20
Power: ---
Accuracy: 100
Other: Power is based on how pokemon likes you.
Location: Fallarbor/ Pacifidlog town

TM 28- Dig
Type: Ground
PP: 10
Power: 60
Accuracy: 100
Other: 1st turn dig, 2nd turn attack.

TM 29- Psychic
Type: Psychic
PP: 10
Power: 90
Accuracy: 100
Other: 10% chance of lowering foes defense.
Location: Mauville/ Victory road

TM 30- Shadow Ball

Type: Ghost
PP: 15
Power: 80
Accuracy: 100
Other: 20% chance of lowering foes defense.
Location: Mt. Pyre

TM 31- Brick Break

Type: Fighting
PP: 15
Power: 75
Accuracy: 100
Other: Breaks reflect and light screen.
Location: Sootopolis city

TM 32- Double Team

Type: Normal
PP: 15
Power: ---
Accuracy: ---
Other: Raises envasiveness by 1 level
Location: Mauville game corner

TM 33- Reflect
Type: Psychic
PP: 20
Power: ---
Accuracy: ---
Other: Raises defense for 5 turns.
Location: Lilycove dept. store

TM 34- Shock Wave

Type: Electric
PP: 20
Power: 60
Accuracy: ---
Other: Always hits.
Location: Mauville Gym

TM 35- Flamethrower
Type: Fire
PP: 15
Power: 95
Accuracy: 100
Other: 10% chance it burns foe.
Location: Mauville game corner

TM 36- Sludge Bomb

Type: Poison
PP: 10
Power: 90
Accuracy: 100
Other: 30% chance poisons foe
Location: Dewford town

TM 37- Sandstorm
Type: Rock
PP: 10
Power: ---
Accuracy: ---
Other: A sandstorm for 5 turn s that hurts all pkmn
execpt ground.
Location: Dessert

TM 38- Fire Blast

Type: Fire
PP: 5
Power: 120
Accuracy: 85
Other: 10% chance it'll burn foe
Location: Lilycove Dept. Store

TM 39- Rock Tomb

Type: Rock
PP: 10
Power: 50
Accuracy: 80
Other: Lowers opponents Speed
Location: Rustboro Gym

TM 40- Aerial Ace

Type: Flying
PP: 20
Power: 60
Accuracy: ---
Other: Always hits.
Location: Fortree gym

TM 41- Torment
Type: Dark
PP: 15
Power: ---
Accuracy: 100
Other: Foe can't use move twice in a row.
Location: Slateport city

TM 42- Facade
Type: Normal
PP: 20
Power: 70
Accuracy: 100
Other: Doubles attack if burned, Poison, Paralyzed.
Location: Petalburg Gym

TM 43- Secret Power

Type: Normal
PP: 20
Power: 70
Accuracy: 100
Other: 30% chance of special effect
Location: Route 111/ Slateport

TM 44- Rest
Type: Psychic
PP: 10
Power: ---
Accuracy: ---
Other: Regains health while sleeping 2 turns.
Location: Lilycove city

TM 45- Attract
Type: Normal
PP: 15
Power: ---
Accuracy: 100
Other: 50% chance foe won't attack.
Location: Vendaturf town

TM 46- Thief
Type: Dark
PP: 10
Power: 40
Accuracy: 100
Other: Jacks opponents item.
Location: Slateport city

TM 47- Steel Wing

Type: Steel
PP: 25
Power: 70
Accuracy: 90
Other: 10% chanceof raising defense.
Location: Granite cave

TM 48- Skill Swap

Type: Psychic
PP: 10
Power: ---
Accuracy: 100
Other: Switches abilities with foe.
Location: Mt. Pyre

TM 49- Snatch
Type: Dark
PP: 10
Power: ---
Accuracy: 100
Other: Steal and uses special effect from foe.
Location: S.S Tidal

TM 50- Overheat
Type: Fire
PP: 5
Power: 140
Accuracy: 90
Other: Lowers your Sp. Att after use.
Location: Lavaridge Gym

| HM's List |

HM 01- Cut
Type: Normal
PP: 30
Power: 50
Accuracy: 95
Other: Cuts tress outside of battle
Location: Rustboro city

HM 02- Fly
Type: Flying
PP: 15
Power: 70
Accuracy: 95
Other: 1st turn fly up, 2nd turn attacks
Location: Route 119

HM 03- Surf
Type: Water
PP: 15
Power: 95
Accuracy: 100
Other: Travels across water
Location: Petalburg city

HM 04- Strength
Type: Normal
PP: 15
Power: 95
Accuracy: 100
Other: Moves Boulders
Location: Rusturf Tunnel

HM 05- Flash
Type: Normal
PP: 20
Power: ---
Accuracy: 70
Other: Lights up caves, etc.
Location: Granite Cave

HM 06- Rock Smash

Type: Fighting
PP: 15
Power: 20
Accuracy: 100
Other: Breaks rocks in the way
Location: Mauville city

HM 07- Waterfall
Type: Water
PP: 15
Power: 80
Accuracy: 100
Other: Climbs waterfalls
Location: Cave of origin

HM 08- Dive
Type: Water
PP: 10
Power: 60
Accuracy: 100
Other: 1st turn dive, 2nd attack
Location: Mossdeep City
| IV. Into Pokemon
So this is the section where the pokemon things you need to know
are. You
should take alook if your a beginner and all the pokemon basics
are in here.
So let's begin.

| [4.01] Pokemon Statuses

Cuts attack power in half. Looses HP gradually during battle,
after you attack.

If the pokemon uses a move during battle, there is a chance it
may hit himself.
The pokemon will recover when it goes back into his pokeball.

Freezes the pokemon so that it can't battle. The frozen pokemon
might thaw,

Numbs the pokemon's body and makes it difficult for it to use
it's moves. Speed
decreases as well.

Gradually decreases HP during battle. If poison isn't cured, HP
will continue
to decrease even after battle. While traveling, the screen will
shake everytime
pokemon is damaged by poison.

Puts the pokemon to sleep, making it unable to attack. Will wake
up eventually.

When the pokemon's HP hits 0, the pokemon can no longer battle.

| [4.02] Natures

Something that should be added in this section because it really

is into
pokemon. These are the natures and there effects.

Bold: +Def -Att

Timid: +Spd -Att
Modest: +Sp Att -Att
Calm: +Sp Def -Att

Lonely: +Att -Def

Hasty: +Spd -Def
Mild: +Sp Att -Def
Gentle: +Sp Def -Def

Naughty: +Att -Sp Def

Lax: +Def -Sp Def
Naive: +Spd -Sp Def
Rash: +Sp Att -Sp Def

Adamant: +Att -Sp Att

Impish: +Def -Sp Att
Jolly: +Spd -Sp Att
Careful: +Sp Def -Sp Att

Brave: +Att -Spd

Relaxed: +Def -Spd
Quiet: +Sp Att -Spd
Sassy: +Sp Def -Spd

Hardy: Equal
Docile: Equal
Serious: Equal
Bashful: Equal
Quirky: Equal

+ => 10%
- => 10%

| [4.03] Base Stats

HP(Hit points): There "life" and if it hits zero your pokemon

will faint.

Attack: Tells how much a physical attack does. These attacks

Normal Bug |
Rock Ghost |
Fighting Steel |
Poison Flying|
Ground Dark |

Defenses: Tells how much a physical attack does on you/or foe.


Special Attack: Tells how much a Special attack does. These

attacks are:
Fire Phsychic|
Grass Ice |
Water Electric|
Dragon |

Special Defense: Tells how much a Special attack doeson you/or


Speed: The higher the speed, the more chance you have of having
your speed
====== higher than your opponet, so you can go first.

| [4.04] Tips on the game
These are some basic tips on the game and many more things. So
if your a
beginner or if you just want to check it out, you should really
look at these.
Here we go.

1. Save your game! When I say this, I mean before fighting a

legendary or a
gym battle. So that is a what I call a tip.

2. Always have pokeballs at your disposel. You never know when

you'll find a
rare or shiny pokemon. So be prepared.

3. Have HM slaves. Don't use those crappy moves on your crappy

pokemon. More
info in the faq.

4. Everytime you go into a town, heal. Even if I forget to put

it in the faq.
So remember that.
5. Also have recovery items in your bag. You may have forgotten
to save and you
you don't want to loose, you have these items to ensure your
victory. You
never know what will happen.

6. Try to find new pokemon by looking in the grass, etc.

7. Don't use your only master ball only if your facing a

legendary that runs
away or a shiny that can kill itself.

8. If you can trade go ahead it will make your training much


|--{MAKING A TEAM}---|

1. When making a team have a variety of types in your team.

2. Make your pokemon's movesets unique and have a variety of


3. Keep your teams levels equal, don't have some pokemon in

level 20 and other
pokemon in levels 32, only if those pokemon in lvl 20 are in
your team.

4. Don't have your whole team be weak against the same type.
Then you'll
just lose all the time if they have a pokemon that is your

That's all, I think. I will add more when I get ideas.

| V. Walkthrough
So we begin the whole point of me writing the walkthrough. You
begin by pushing new game then the old guy I mean professor
Birch will ask
for your name and your quest will begin.

| [5.01] Littleroot Town

You will end up inside a moving truck and it will stop, then get
off. Your
mom will tell you to go and set your clock upstairs. Once you
do, go to
your PC and get a potion from the item storage then go
downstairs. Your mom
will then say to go visit the neighbors and you do so.

So once you get next door you will encounter the wife of prof.
birch and
then go upstairs. Try to take the pokeball and May will show
up.(we will
call your rival may from now on, not as brendan) When she
finishes talking
go outside and go to the first route.

Gasp! Prof. birch is being attacked by a zigzagoon. What should

we do?
Then birch says to grab a pokeball from his bag. Choose wisely
whoever you choose will be your starter.
So here are your options:

Type: Fire
He is the best fire pokemon comparing it to the fire pokemon
in this
He also turns into a great fighting pokemon with overall well
Weak against gyms: 1 6 7 8
Strong against gyms: 3 5 sorta 7

Type: Grass
He is also a great grass pokemon compared to the grass types
in the
All grass with great Sp. atk and atk. and perfect speed and
learns leaf
Weak against gyms: 4 6
Strong against gyms: 1 7 8

Types: Water
He is NOT a great water pokemon compared to other water types
in this
He turns into a great ground pokemon and his only weakness
Weak against gyms: none I think
Strong against gyms: 1 3 4

I chooooose A! Torchic. Is that your final answer. Choose wisely

because who-
ever you choose will be yours forever. I already past the game
with treecko and
I like blaziken. I have ruby and I tried mudkip but it su-ucked.

So beat the zigzagoon with your attacking move and um... ya. Now
birch will thank you in his lab by giving you the pokemon you
(told ya, see I knew.)
Then go to route 103.

| ROUTE 101 |

| ===> Pokemon <=== |
| - Wurmple |
| - Poochyena |
| - Zigzagoon |

Get to level 7-8 and continue to oldale town. You can't catch
pokemon because you don't have any pokeballs. Anyways continue.


|===> Pokemart <=== |
|Potion.........300 |
|Antidote.......100 |
|Paralyz heal...200 |
|Awakening......250 |

Not much to do here. Go to the pokemon center (red roof top) and
heal up.
You can't buy any pokeballs right now in the pokemart. (blue
roof top)
Talk to the guy in the apron then he'll take you to the pokemart
and give you a free potion. So, keep going north to Route 103.

| ROUTE 103 |

| ===> Pokemon <=== |
| - Poochyena |
| - Zigzagoon |
| - Wingull |

So keep heading north and no trainers on this route either. Once

see may talk to her and begin the battle!
[===> May battle <===]
======= 1 ========

Mudkip Lineup:
| Pokemon | level |
|- Mudkip | lvl 5 |

Torchic Lineup:
| Pokemon | level |
|- Torchic | lvl 5 |

Mudkip Lineup:
| Pokemon | level |
|- Mudkip | lvl 5 |

This battle is easy. If you leveled up and got a potion for

you'll be fine. Her starter does not know any elemental attacks
you can't lose.
Just use your best attack.

Once you won (cause if you didn't..) she will say to go back to
lab in littleroot town. When you get there you will recieve a
pokedex from prof. birch and then May will give you 5 pokeballs.
Now it's
timeleave the lab and head north and it's your mom. She gives
you a pair
dandy running shoes that will make you go faster. Just press B
pressing the arowws to move. Now head to oldale town then route
| ROUTE 103 |

So keep on heading west from oldale town and there are going to
be trainers
there. Time to battle!

|---- Trainers ----|

Name: Youngster Calvin Name: Bug Catcher Rick

Pkmn: Zigzagoon lvl 5 Pkmn: Wurmple lvl 4
------- --- - Wurmple lvl 4
Money: $80 Money: $64

Name: Youngster Allen Name: Lass Tiana

Pkmn: Zigzagoon lvl 5 Pkmn: Zigzagoon lvl 4
Tailow lvl 3 Shroomish lvl 4
Money: $48 Money: $64

These battles are not hard so you shouldn't have a lot of

promblems. You
should have a few potions in case you get weak. To the right of
allen will be two oran berries and two pecha berries get them
and keep
going. If you are looking for a pokemon too I suggest you catch
a ralts.
This is one of my favorite pokemon because it is like alakazam
but way bett-
er. You will have to train it to learn confusion. I would also
catching a seedot will evovle to a great shiftry. You could also
wait for
other grass pokemon, but I would get seedot or if not a canea.
Once you
finish battling and catching some pokemon, go to Petalburg City.

| [5.02] Petalburg City

| ===> Pokemon <=== | Surfing/ Fishing | ==> Pokemart <===|
| - None | - Goldeen | Pokeball.....200 |
+-------------------+ - Magikarp | Potion.......300 |
| - Corphish | Antidote.....100 |
| - Marill | Paralyz heal.200 |
+------------------| Awakening....250 |
| Escape rope..550 |
| Repel........350 |
| X attack.....500 |
| X Speed......350 |
| X defend.....550 |
| Orange mail..050 |

So, first go to the pokemon center and heal up. Next if you want
you could
just walk around and then go to the pokemart and stock up on
items you and
get some pokeballs, too.

Once done with that go to your dad's gym. When you get inside
you will see
your dad standing there, then talk to him. When he is done
talking this frail
boy will come in called Wally. He wants to catch a pokemon so
your dad gives
him a zigzagoon and pokeballs. Then you have to go and teach him
how. When
you get to the grassy he will encounter a ralts, then he catches
it. You will
be back in the gym then when they are done talking head outside
to route 104.
Who are you? A rocker dude will stop and talk and then continue

| ROUTE 104 |

| ===> Pokemon <=== | Surfing/ Fishing |
| - Zigzagoon | - Magikarp |
| - Wingull | - Tentacool |
| - Tailow | - Marill |
| - Marill | - Pelliper |
| - Wurmple | |

|---- Trainers ----|

Name: Youngster Billy Name: Lady Cindy

Pkmn: Zigzagoon lvl 5 Pkmn: Zigzagoon lvl 7
Seedot lvl 7 ------- --- -
Money: $112 Money: $1400

Name: Fisherman Darian

Pokemon: Magikarp lvl 9
Money: $360

Pretty easy. Zigzagoon and Seedot are easy because their in low
Magikarp may look hard but he is easy. He only knows Splash.
zigzagoon is in level 7 and you should be in a higher level than
So this is so easy.

There are different pokemon than the other routes. If you chose
torchic too,
catch a wingull. It is a Water/ flying so it will help you on
the rock/ ground
gym with it's water gun. It is your choice tough but I wouldn't
wingull in my team. It's just to help you with the first gym.
Keep walking
and you will see mr. Briney's house but it's empty. Also get the
2 oran
berries and the 2 pecha berries. We'll come back to it later.
Continue on
to the big Petalburg Woods.

| a. Petalburg Woods

| ===> Pokemon <=== |
| - Wurmple |
| - Silcoon |
| - Cascoon |
| - Shroomish |
| - Slakoth |
| - Taillow |
| - Poochyena |
| - Zigzagoon |

|---- Trainers ----|

Name: Bug Catcher Lyle Name: Team Aqua Grunt

Pkmn: Wurmple lvl 3 Pkmn: Poochyena lvl 9
Wurmple lvl 3 --------- --- -
Wurmple lvl 3 --------- --- -
Wurmple lvl 3 --------- --- -
Money: $48 Money: $180

Name: Bug Catcher James

Pkmn: Nincada lvl 6
Nincada lvl 6
Money: $96

These are pretty good pokemon here and I would suggest catching
some. One of
would be shroomish. It will help on your journey, like on the
first gym if you
don't want to train your torchic to level 16. So once you beat
the wurmples
keep on going and you will see a dude in a black suit. Talk to
him and then a
team aqua grunt will come! Once you finish with that fool, the
guy will give
you a great ball then run off. Then going on the road and defeat
the bug
catcher james. Then leave petalburg woods!

You will be on route 104 again. Talk to the guy next to the
berries and he
will give you TM 09 Bullet Seed. Get the berries and go in the
flower shop.
Talk to the lady you see and she will give you a wailmer pail,
to water the
berry plants. Exit and go in back of the shop and get the potion
and pokeball.
Then continue on route 104.

|---- Trainers ----|

Name: Rich Boy Winston Name: Lass Haley

Pkmn: Zigzagoon lvl 7 Pkmn: Lotad lvl 6
--------- --- - Shroomish lvl 6
Money: $1400 Money: $96

Name: Twins Mia & Gina Name: Fisherman Ivan
Pkmn: Lotad lvl 6 Pkmn: Magikarp lvl 5
Seedot lvl 6 Magikarp lvl 5
------ --- - Magikarp lvl 7
Money: $144 Money: $280

Rich boy here is is easy with that level 7 zigzagoon. Once done
with him will
be lass haley. Lotad and shroomish can be beaten with a fire
moves like ember,
etc. and next is your first double battle, twins mia & gina.
They will send out
lotad and seedot both weak against fire again. Fisherman ivan...
just beat
his attackless magikarps.

You will see a two berry trees. Get the berries and talk to the
old lady below
the plants. She'll give you another berry. Now it's time for
Rustboro City and
your first badge.

| [5.03] Rustboro City

| ===> Pokemart <=== | Nothing has changed in these pokemarts
execpt for
+--------------------+ Super potions. I would really buy this
over a regular
| Pokeball.......200 | old potion, because it heals you by 50
hp. The down
| Potion.........300 | side is that they cost 700 dollars.
Overall get
| SuperPotion....700 | this over a potion.
| Antidote.......100 |
| Paralyz heal...200 | Get a few pokeballs and if you want get
some antidotes
| Escape Rope....550 | and paralyz heals if you have a feeling
you will need
| Repel..........350 | them. Don't buy x attacks, etc. because
it's really
| X Attack.......500 | a ripoff and it barely raises your stats
by a little
| X Speed........350 | bit, so don't waste your money.
| X Defend.......550 |

So as soon as you head into town heal up in the pokemon center.

Once your done
with that you head to this house left of the pokemon center.
Talk to the guy
sitting down. Then he will give you a HM 01 cut. This move lets
you cut down
trees in the road. So exit the house and enter the Rustboro Gym!

When you enter you will see some gym trainers. Before we beat
roxanne we
have to take care of buisness and take out the trash.

|---- Trainers ----|

Name: Youngster Josh

Pkmn: Geodude lvl 10
Money: $160

Name: Youngster Tommy
Pkmn: Geodude lvl 8
Geodude lvl 8

Name: Hiker Marc

Pkmn: Geodude lvl 8
Geodude lvl 8
Money in total: $428

When you beat these wanna be gym leaders with there weaknesses
like grass,
water, etc. and continue and you will see roxanne. If you need
to heal or buy
some super potions go ahead. So before you battle roxanne, SAVE
and then it's
time to battle!

{Rustboro City Gym}

Badge:-------Stone Badge

Roxanne's Pokemon:
| Pokemon | level |
|- Geodude | lvl 12|
|- Geodude | lvl 12|
|- Nosepass | lvl 15|

My Lineup:
| Pokemon | level |
|- Ralts | lvl 14|
|- Combusken | lvl 16|

Not that hard if you ask me, remember I said catch a a wingull
or shroomish
if ypur torchic is below level 16 if you did this you'll be
fine. Treecko
could just use absorb and mudkip can use water gun. Nosepass is
easy, but
roxanne will use a super potion on him when he gets weak. You
should have
bought some super potions for back up and in case you get
weak.(From critical
hits) So you should win. You will recieve for winning...

=> Stone Badge: Increases the Attack power of your pokemon.

Allows you to use
cut, even outside battle.
=> TM 39- Rock Tomb

So exit and what's this? The guy in the suit again and he got
robbed. Hey, I
got an idea, lets follow him. First heal up of course and go to
route 116
where you saw the grunt run off to. Before you go to route 116
you will see
the guy and he'll tell you to get his goods form the grunt. So
continue to
route 116.

| ROUTE 116 |

| ===> Pokemon <=== | - NOTE -
+-------------------+ Catch a nincada or someone else later so
youcould teach
| - Tailow | them cut. Don't teach any HM moves to
any of your team
| - Nincada | pokemon (execpt surf and fly). Give
these moves to
| - Abra | HM slaves. These are use less pokemon
that can get all
| - Whismur | almost all the HM's so you won't have to
put these
| - Poochyena | crappy moves on your pokemon. I would
suggest a
| - Skitty | a zigzagoon and a marill. Both of them
can learn 7 of
+-------------------+ the HMs but not fly. You decide and
continue on.

|---- Trainers ----|

Name: Youngster Joey Name: Bug Catcher Jose

Pkmn: Machop lvl 9 Pkmn: Wurmple lvl 8
------ --- - Nincada lvl 8
Money: $144 Money: $128

Name: School kid Karen Name: Hiker Clark

Pkmn: Shroomish lvl 9 Pkmn: Geodude lvl 8
Money: $180 Money: $320

Name: Youngster Johnson
Pkmn: Shroomish lvl 8
Lotad lvl 8

Name: Hiker Devan

Pkmn: Geodude lvl 8
Geodude lvl 8
Money in total: $448

So when your done beating these trainers go into the cave on the
right. Keep
going right and get x speed. Before you go in the cave the guy
standing there
will say the grunt took his peeko (wingull) and he gets mad. So
continue on
to the tunnel.


| ===> Pokemon <=== | Whismur will always appear so don't
think you could
+-------------------+ catch different pokemon here. Just to
let you know.
| - Whismur | So don't waste your time.

So keep heading north and get a pokeball. Head right and you
will see the grunt
and wingull, I mean peeko. He'll move one step back and then
talk to him.
Then the battle will begin!

Name: Team Aqua Grunt

Pokemon: Poochyena lvl 11
Money: $220

He hands over the goods and the guy will come. His name is mr.
briney and he
get all happy to see his peeko safe and sound. He will thank you
and go
back to his house. Now exit the tunnel. Go left of the house
that's outside
and cut the tree with your HM slave and some more trainers.

|---- Trainers ----|

Name: Lady Sarah
Pkmn: Lotad lvl 8
Zigzagoon lvl 8

Name: Rich Boy Dawson

Pkmn: Zigzagoon lvl 8
Poochyena lvl 8
Money in total: $3200

Name: School Kid Karen
Pkmn: Ralts lvl 9

Name: Lass Janice

Pkmn: Marill lvl 9
Money in total: $324

So hop the ledges and go back to Rustboro city.

The devon researcher will thank you by giving you aother great
ball. Then
he'll take you to the top floor of the devon building to meet
the president.
He will then out of thin air ask you to do his work. He wants
you to deliver
a letter to steven in Dewford town. And the goods you got back
to Capt. Stern
in Slateport city. He will thank you by healing your pokemon and
you a nifty Pokenav. Which has the hoeen map in it and more.

Now exit the building and one of the workers will stop you. Then
he will add
another feature to your pokenav, the match call. Match call
makes your
pokenav like a cell. like in the G/S/C version. You just
register people on.
Then you can call them and they could call you, pretty cool huh!

Now we will go to dewford city first. If you check your pokenav

you will see
it is a island so we need like a boat. How about we ask mr.
briney to give
us a lift since he has a boat. Let's go to Petalburg city, shall

[===> May Battle <===]
======= 2 ========
MONEY: 900

When your heading out you will see may standing there. Talk to
her and you
will register May down. Then she'll ask if you want to fight and
yes, you

Mudkip Lineup:
| Pokemon | level |
|- Torkoal | lvl 13|
|- Mudkip | lvl 15|

Treecko Lineup:
| Pokemon | level |
|- Wingull | lvl 13|
|- Treecko | lvl 15|

Torchic Lineup:
| Pokemon | level |
|- Lotad | lvl 13|
|- Torchic | lvl 15|
My Lineup:
| Pokemon | level |
|- Ralts | lvl 16|
|- Combusken | lvl 18|

Torkoal is slow and just use water gun. Wingull can go down with
any move
basically and it poses a threat only to bug, grass, and fire.
Lotad can
go down the same way but has astonish that is super effective
against ralts.
Her starter isn't evolved so it's not as hard. Have some super
for back up.

So go to mr brineys's house. Just go through the petalburg

woods, Jumping
the ledges. Enter his house and and talk to him. Then he will
take you
to Dewford in his boat to thank you for saving peeko. Here we
come 2nd

| [5.04] Dewford Town

Dewford town is weird. It doesn't have a pokemart. So you might

want to heal
before we head into the gym. When your done healing, next to the
center will be a house, go in and get a silk scarf. Talk to the
the guy
next to the gym. Say yes and he will give a old rod, so you
could start
fishing. Done with the town, now head into the gym!
So this is the dewford town gym. So when you get here it will be
all dark. You
will only have one tiny circle of light on you, that's it. Not
to worry that
when you defeat a gym trainer your circle will get bigger. So
that's a relief.
Now keep heading in.

So go on the left path and go down when you first can. Start
battling all the

|---- Trainers ----|

Name: Battle Girl Laura - Name: Battle Girl Lilith
Pkmn: Meditite lvl 13 Pkmn: Meditite lvl 13
-------- --- -- - Name: Sailor Brendan
-------- --- -- Pkmn: Machop lvl 13
Money: $312 Money in total: $728

Name: Battle Girl Jocelyn Name: Blackbelt Cristian

Pkmn: Meditite lvl 13 Pkmn: Makuhita lvl 13
Money: $312 Money: $416

Name: Blackbelt Takao

Pkmn: Machop lvl 13
Money: $416

Find brawly on the top left hand coner of the gym. You should go
to the pokemon
center and heal, then comeback. So suit up for a gym battle!

{Dewford Town Gym}

Badge:-------Knuckle Badge

Brawly's Pokemon:
| Pokemon | level |
|- Machop | lvl 16|
|- Meditite | lvl 16|
|- Makuhita | lvl 19|

My Lineup:
| Pokemon | level |
|- Kirlia | lvl 20|
|- Combusken | lvl 18|

So he sends out machop first whch is simple, just attack and get
it over with.
Now meditite is next. Take note that you are trying to defeat
him, psychic
attacks won't work because he is part psychic. So I suggest you
use a flying
move like combusken's peck or something. Now that you defeated
the low leveled
pokemon, it's time to battle makuhita. He might give you
problems, with
his level and his vital throw. (that never misses but goes
last.) So you
could use confusion but watch out for his bulk up and get rid of
him as
quickly as possible. Once you win the screen will light up and
you will
recieve these items.

=> Knuckle Badge: Causes all pokemon of level 30 and below to

obey you, even
if you got them in trade. Allows you to use Flash even
outside of battle.
=> TM 13- Bulk up
=> He will also register him in the pokenav.

Exit out the gym and head north of dewford town. Oh, and also
heal before
you keep on going.

| ROUTE 106 |

| ===> Pokemon <=== |
| - None |

|---- Trainers ----|

Name: Fisherman Ned

Pkmn: Tentacool lvl 11
Money: $440

Name: Fisherman Elliot

Pkmn: Magikarp lvl 10
Magikarp lvl 10
Tentacool lvl 7
Money: $400

So defeat them and you must know how. Go up and next to the
shore then go left
and press A on the space in front of you and get a pokeball. Now
head into
Granite Cave!

| a. Granite Cave

o-------------------o I would suggest catching a aron or a

geodude. They
| ===> Pokemon <=== | have good rock/gruond moves. Catch a
makuhita if
+-------------------+ you need a fighting pokemon.
(combusken evolves into
| - Zubat | a fighting) If you didn't catch a
ralts catch a
| - Aron | abra. So you could have a psychic. So
continue on
| - Makuhita | entering.
| - Abra |
| - Sableye |
| - Geodude |
| - Nosepass |

Once you enter talk to the hiker in front and he will give you
HM 05 which is
flash. It lightens all dark caves, etc. Now go left and get the
escape rope and
go down the stairs. Now you need flash, so teach it to a cheapy
ass pokemon.
NOT your team pokemon. So once you use flash you will be able to
see the cave.
Keep going on this path until you see a platform. Press a and
you will get an
everstone. Keep going and go up the ladders. Next, go left and
go up the stairs
you see there. Keep going along the path your on and head into
the little
cave you see. Talk to the guy right there. His name is steven
and he will give
a TM 47 which is steel wing. When he leaves, exit the mini cave
and hop the
ledges. Exit the granite cave. Go back to dewford town and heal
up. Now go
talk to mr. briney and go to slateport city.

We are not in slateport technaclly so I wont start the next

section. We are in
slateport beach! So lets get with the battling. Before we go
talk to the girl
and she will soft-sand, it powers up ground moves.

|---- Trainers ----|

Name: Sailor Huey

Pkmn: Wingull lvl 12
Machop lvl 12
Money: $384

Name: Tuber Ricky Name: Sailor Edmond
Pkmn: Zigzagoon lvl 13 Pkmn: Wingull lvl 13
Money: $280
It could be in any order
with these three trainers.

Name: Tuber Hailey

Pkmn: Marill lvl 13
Money in total: $468

So when you come out victoriuos, go into the house you see
there. If you beat
all the trainers there the owner will give you half a dozen soda
(yes for free) They recover your HP 10 more than the super
That's 60 HP! Let's battle to get those soda's. There is only
three trainers...

|---- Trainers ----|

Name: Sailor Dwayne Name: Tuber Simon

Pkmn: Wingull lvl 11 Pkmn: Azurill lvl 12
Machop lvl 11 Marill lvl 12
Tentacool lvl 11 ------- --- --
Money: $352 Money: $48
Name: Beauty Johanna
Pkmn: Goldeen lvl 13
Money: $1040

Get your prize by talking to the owner. Now head outside and to
the north to
Slateport City.

| [5.05] Slateport City


o-----------------------o These are the shops o---------------
| ===> Energy Guru <=== | that are avaible at | ===> Guy below
Guru <=== |
+-----------------------+ the time. This guy +---------------
| Protein..........9800 | on the right, sells | Azurill
Doll........3000 |
| Iron.............9800 | dolls. They are for | Marill
Doll.........3000 |
| Carbos...........9800 | your secret base. | Skitty
Doll.........3000 |
| Calcium..........9800 | More info later. +---------------
| HP-up............9800 | If you want you could buy some for
your secret base.
+-----------------------+ That is if have some spare money in
your hands.

------These are the stores available when you get a TM 43 Secret

o--------------------------o o---------------
| ===> Guy above Guru <=== | | ===> Guy on
right lane <=== |
+--------------------------+ +---------------
| Red Brick............500 | | TM
43..................3000 |
| Blue Brick...........500 | | TM
10..................3000 |
| Yellow Brick.........500 | +---------------
| Red Balloon..........500 |
| Blue Balloon.........500 | At the top of the slateport shops
you will see a
| Yellow Balloon.......500 | woman standing on the other side of
the guy in the
| C Low Note Mat.......500 | apron. Talk to her and she will
give you a powder
| D Note Mat...........500 | jar. This allows you to crush
berries. So continue
| E Note Mat...........500 | on with slateport.
| F Note Mat...........500 |
| G Note Mat...........500 |
| A Note Mat...........500 |
| B Note Mat...........500 |
| C High Note Mat......500 |

o--------------------o You could buy some great balls if you

like. They are
| ===> Pokemart <=== | better compared to regular pokeballs.
They have a
+--------------------+ higher catching rate than the
pokeballs. They are good
| Pokeball.......200 | for catching pokemon further in the
game. Don't get
| Greatball......600 | super potions! You got half a dozen
soda pops. Instead
| Potion.........300 | of buying super potions, buy some soda
pops for 300.
| Super Potion...700 | Don't waste money on super potions. Buy
paralyz heals!
| Antidote.......100 |
| Paralyz Heal...200 | Buy a harbor mail. Trust me, buy one.
They're only 50
| Escape Rope....550 | so you have to have enough money. You
will find out
| Repel..........350 | why you need to buy this, just you
| Harbor Mail....050 |

There is a move tutor in the battle tent, Don't let him teach
swagger to your
pokemon. Let him teach it when you past the game. For your final
team, do this
for all the tutors.

So let's now deliver the devon goods to Capt. Stern. Maybe he is

the museum.
Aww, man. All these grunts are blocking the way. Oh well. Let's
check somewhere
else. Go to the place where they build boats. Talk to the guy
sitting in the
desk. He is no help, he tells you to deliver that to captain
stern. So leave
and try the museum again. Hey the line is gone. So head in and
pay the 50
dollar fee. You must.

Talk to the grunt standing right in front and he'll give a TM 46

Theif. Now
go upstairs and talk to captain stern. Then two grunts will come
in and talk.
Then the battling will begin.

|---- Trainers ----|

Name: Team Aqua Grunt

Pkmn: Carvahna lvl 15
Money: $300

Name: Team Aqua Grunt

Pkmn: Zubat lvl 14
Carvahna lvl 14
Money: $280
So deafeat them and their leader, the archie comes in and talks
about... stuff.
Then all of team aqua leaves. Captain stern will recieve the
devon goods and he
leaves. Now you leave. Now go to... oh great it's scott and
talks about...
things. You read what he says. Then he gets registered. Where
was I... Now go
to the pokemon center and heal. You could go to the battle tent
if you want but
if you don't, go to route 110. (there's a battle tent? j/k)

| ROUTE 110 |

o-------------------o I would suggest catching a electrike if

you want a good
| ===> Pokemon <=== | electric pokemon. Catch a wingull if you
haven't already.
+-------------------+ It will help you in a future battle. Also
a oddish if
| - Gulpin | you want a grass type but if you don't
then don't. This
| - Poochyena | a warning do not catch a plusle or minun
for bad reasons.
| - Electrike | Stats suck, movepool suck, and you know
the rest. So
| - Wingull | consider yourself warned.
| - Oddish |
| - Plusle | The cycling road is like a sperate route
110. It's right
| - Minun | above, altough you can't get in at the
moment. You need
+-------------------+ a bike. :(

Keep going on and look it's professor birch. Blah and then he
gets registered
in the pokenav.

|---- Trainers ----|
Name: Pokefan Isabel
Pkmn: Plusle lvl 14
Minun lvl 14

Name: Pokefan Kaleb

Pkmn: Minun lvl 14
Plusle lvl 14
Money in total: $2240

Now go left on the road for more trainers...

Name: Aroma Lady Daisy

Pkmn: Shroomish lvl 14
Roselia lvl 14
Money: $560

Name: Twins Amy & Liv Name: Fisherman Andrew
Pkmn: Plusle lvl 15 Pkmn: Magikarp lvl 5
Minun lvl 15 Magikarp lvl 15
------ --- -- Tentacool lvl 10
Money: $360 Money: $600

Cut the tree above daisy for even more trainers....

Name: Blackbelt Rhett
Pkmn: Makuhita lvl 15

Name: Guitarist Marcos

Pkmn: Voltorb lvl 15
Money in total: $960

Once you beat this long list of trainers,

get your prizes in front. It is a PP up. Go and get the berries
too. Lastly
get the gaurd special. Now go to route 110 inter-section and go

Name: Younster Timmy

Pkmn: Aron lvl 15
Electrike lvl 15
Money: $208
Beat the little kid. Now if your pokemon are weak go back to
slateport, heal
your pokemon. Go back to where you beat the twerp. Save and keep

[===> May Battle <===]
======= 3 ========
MONEY: 1200

Marshtomp Lineup:
| Pokemon | level |
|- Slugma | lvl 18|
|- Lombre | lvl 18|
|- Marshtomp | lvl 20|

Grovyle Lineup:
| Pokemon | level |
|- Lombre | lvl 18|
|- Wingull | lvl 18|
|- Grovyle | lvl 20|

Combusken Lineup:
| Pokemon | level |
|- Lombre | lvl 18|
|- Wingull | lvl 18|
|- Combusken | lvl 20|

My Lineup:
| Pokemon | level |
|- Aron | lvl 20|
|- Kirlia | lvl 21|
|- Combusken | lvl 22|

She finally trained her pokemon to a good levels. For grovyle

you can use
wingull's wing attack. You don't have any fire pokemon. You can
also use wing
attack on lombre. Beware, lombre knows astonish which is super
against kirlia. For wingull use a electric attack. Do not use a
electric move
on marshtomp. It won't affect him. For slugma and combusken use
water gun. So before you battle I would strongly suggest a
wingull. If you
follow this strategy. This battle is cake, no matter what level
her pokemon are

So once you emerge victorious, she will give you 1200 dollars
and itemfinder.
Then she gets in her bike and leaves. Go heal in slateport and
keep going on
route 110.

|---- Trainers ----|


Name: Collecter Edwin Name: Psychic Edward

Pkmn: Lombre, lvl 14 Pkmn: Abra, lvl 15
Nuzleaf, lvl 14 ---- --- --

Name: Guitarist Joseph Name: Triathlete Alyssa

Pkmn: Electrike, lvl 14 Pkmn: Magnemite, lvl 15
Voltorb, lvl 14 --------- --- --
Money in total: $1288 Money in total: $560

Name: Fisherman Dale

Pkmn: Tentacool lv 11 x2
Wailmer lv 14 x2
Money: $560
Get the berries there and continue. You still can't go in the
cycling road, you
need a bike still. :\

| [5.06] Mauville City

o--------------------o Nothing special you need to buy. If you

need some
| ===> Pokemart <=== | greatballs buy some. Overall nothing you
need to buy
+--------------------+ in peticular. Now go to the pokemon
center and heal
| Pokeball.......200 | your pokemon. Now lots of things to do.
| Greatball......600 |
| Super Potion...700 | First go to the first house you see when
you enter
| Antidote.......100 | Mauville city. Talk to the woman and
give her the
| Paralyz Heal...200 | HARBOR mail!!! I told you to trust me.
She will give
| Awakening......250 | you a coin case. Now you can go and play
in the game
| Repel..........350 | coner.
| X Speed........350 |
| X Attack.......500 | Go to the house next to the one you got
the coin case.
| X Defend.......550 | Talk to the scientist, and he will give
you a HM 06.
| Guard Special..700 | It is rock smash, it allows you to smash
rocks out of
| Dire Hit.......650 | the way. Teach it to your HM slave! Head
outside, go
| X Accuracy.....950 | behind the fence and and get the X

Now go next to the pokemon center. It's a bike shop. The owner
is Rydel. You
are now finally might get a bike. Talk to rydel standing there.
He will give
you a free bike, just one last thing to do. That is choose.
There are two types
of bikes. There is the mach bike that goes really fast. It can
also ride over
sand slopes. Another thing it can do is ride over cracked floors
because it
is so fast. Your second option is a arco bike. It is like
running but a bit
faster. It can bunny hop by holding b, and while your moving
hold b and he will
be doing a wheelie. You can also ride on white poles and hop on
small rocks.
So choose your bike. If you don't like the bike, you can switch
bikes just
by talking to the rydel.

So now that we are here at mauville city, let's head into the
gym. No you can't
wally and his uncle are blocking the way, those feinds. He will
say he wants to
challenge to a battle.

Name: Pkmn Trainer Wally

Pkmn: Ralts lvl 16
Money: $960

This so so so so easy, just attack him. I feel like I wasted

about 10 seconds
just writing all these words.

When you win (if you didn't just suicide yourself.....NOW)

wally's uncle will
say to go visit them in vendaturf town. So they leave now and
wait, who are
you get away from meeeeee oh it's just scott. He talks and

Now if you want you could go in the gym and you think your
levels high enough
you can but if you want now the cycling road is open. yay! So go
heal and go
to the cycling road to get some exp. for your pokemon.
| a. Cycling Road
So go in and get on your bike, it doesn't matter which one you
can still go
in. But if you want to do the time trials you need a mach bike.
Just switch
if you got the arco bike.

All of this place has trainers so you don't get items here.

|---- Trainers ----|

Name: Triathelete Abigail Name: Triathelete Anthony

Pkmn: Magnemite lvl 16 Pkmn: Magnemite lvl 14
--------- --- -- Magnemite lvl 14
Money: $640 Money: $560

Name: Triathelete Benjamin Name: Triathelete Jasmine

Pkmn: Magnemite lvl 16 Pkmn: Magnemite lvl 14
--------- --- -- Magnemite lvl 14
--------- --- -- Voltorb lvl 06
Money: $640 Money: $240

Name: Triathelete Jacob

Pkmn: Voltorb lvl 06
Voltorb lvl 06
Magnemite lvl 14
Money: $560

So almost of all of the pokemon they have are steel, so you

could use a fire
attack or you could use a ground attack for magnemite and
voltorb. A ground
attack could be mud-slap. So when your done, go back to mauville


So before you head in the gym heal. When you go inside, the
place will be like
a big puzzle. Just step on the switches to change the electric
walls. Battle
these trainers in this order.

|---- Trainers ----|

Name: Battle Girl Vivian Name: Youngster Ben
Pkmn: Meditite lvl 17 Pkmn: Zigzagoon lvl 17
Meditite lvl 17 Gulpin lvl 17
Name: Guitarist Kirk Money: $272
Pkmn: Electrike lvl 17
Voltorb lvl 17
Money: $952

So step on the switch. Now go up and battle the youngster above.

Now when you beat the youngster, step on the switch. Then go
right then up.
Step on the swith, and ....

Name: Bugmaniac Angelo
Pkmn: Illumise lvl 17
Volbeat lvl 17
Name: Guitarist Shawn
Pkmn: Voltorb lvl 17
Magnemite lvl 17
Money: $1564

Now if you go up you'll see watson and if you are weak go heal
and come back
for a gym battle!

{Mauville City Gym}
Badge:-------Dynamo badge

Wattson's Pokemon
| Pokemon | level |
|- Voltorb | lvl 20|
|- Electrike | lvl 20|
|- Magneton | lvl 22|
|- Manectric | lvl 24|

My lineup
| Pokemon | level |
|- Electrike | lvl 24|
|- Aron | lvl 24|
|- Kirlia | lvl 24|
|- Combusken | lvl 25|

Okay, he starts things of with voltorb. Just use any attack but
try not leaving
him in red HP. If you do, he will likely use selfdestruct! So
try doing it
fast. He sends out Electrike next, he is easy. Attack, but try
using a move
that does not make contact with him. If you do, he will paralyze
you with his
static ability. Now, magneton can get beat down to the floor
with a fire attack
double kick, or mud shot, his weaknesess. So, his last pokemon
will be
manectric. He has high speed and special attack so be careful.
he will likely
use howl a couple of times, then quick attack. Just use any
pokemon you have
left. I would suggest using aron because of his steel and
defense. then just
use mud-slap. When you win you, you will get these cool

=> Dynamo Badge: Increases your pokemon's speed. Allows you to

use rock smash,
even outside of battle.
=> TM 34: Shock Wave
=> Wattson gets registered in the pokenav.

| ROUTE 118 |

So, head out the gym and heal in the pokemon center. Now first,
let's go to the
right to get some good exp. You'll get to route 118. So head in
the middle of
the two trainers to start battling....

|---- Trainers ----|

Name: Aroma Lady Rose
Pkmn: Roselia, lvl 14
Roselia, lvl 14
Shroomish, lvl 14
Name: Youngster Deandre
Pkmn: Zigzagoon, lvl 14
Aron, lvl 14
Electrike, lvl 14
Money in total: $784

Name: Fisherman Wade Name: Guitarist Dalton

Pkmn: Tentacool, lvl 16 Pkmn: Magnemite, lvl 15
--------- --- -- Whismur, lvl 15
Money: $640 Money: $480

So now, head back to mauville city and wally calls and registers
you in your
pokenav. Now heal and now instead of going right, go left to
route 117. So,
that we can go to vendaturf town.

| ROUTE 117 |

| ===> Pokemon <=== | Surfing/ Fishing | You should catch a
corphish if you
+-------------------+------------------+ want, but your going
have to wait.
| - Oddish | - Corpish | You need a good rod to
catch a corph-
| - Illumise | - Marill | ish. He turns to a
okay water/ dark
| - Seedot | - Magikarp | type. He would ba a
better pokemon
| - Volbeat | - Goldeen | if he learns crunch,
but he only
| - Poochyena | | crunch in firered/
leafgreen. So it's
+-------------------+------------------+ your choice.

Like I said, go left from mauville city to get here. If you

notice, the house
right there, it's the day-care center. If you drop of a pokemon
there it will
gain 1 exp. point for each step you take! You can drop of 2 at
the time, too.
If they are in the same egg group and they are male and
female....they will
have a egg! Doing this you could pass down moves and abilities.
More info
later, okay.

So now keep going and start battling. First go down and get the
wepear berries.
Now you could battle...

|---- Trainers ----|

Names: Sr. Jr. Anna & Meg Name: Triathelete Dylan
Pkmn: Zigzagoon, lvl 15 Pkmn: Doduo, lvl 17
Makuhita, lvl 17 ----- --- --
Money: $544 Money: $680

Name: Pkmn Breeder Issac 0----DOUBLE BATTLE----0

Pkmn: Whismur, lvl 11 Name: Battle Girl Aisha
Zigzagoon, lvl 11 Pkmn: Meditite, lvl 17
Aron, lvl 11
Poochyena, lvl 11 Name: Triathelete Melina
Tailow, lvl 11 Pkmn: Doduo, lvl 17
Makuhita, lvl 11 ------ --- --
Money: $440 Money: $1088

Name: Triathelete Maria Name: Psychic Brandi

Pkmn: Doduo, lvl 17 Pkmn: Ralts, lvl 17
Money: $680 Money: $680

Name: Pkmn Breeder Lydia

Pkmn: Wingull, lvl 11
Marill, lvl 11
Goldeen, lvl 11
Shroomish, lvl 11
Roselia, lvl 11
Skitty, lvl 11
Money: $440

Now after beating these trainers. Go to the right, then up from

where you beat
Lydia. Cut the tree and get the revive. Now go left to Vendaturf

| b. Vendaturf Town

o--------------------o Okay, now vendaturf has introduced some

new items.
| ===> Pokemart <=== | First of all now you can buy nest
balls. They are only
+--------------------+ available in this town, vendaturf. So
might gets some
| Great Ball.....600 | IF you want. oh, you can also buy some
burn heals and
| Nest Ball.....1000 | ice heals. They heal burn and frozen
conditions. You
| Super Potion...700 | could buy some, but you might not use
them 'till
| Antidote.......100 | later. Fluffy tails are just for flee
ing from battl-
| Paralyz Heal...200 | es so if your loaded with cash, you
could buy some.
| Awakening......250 |
| Burn Heal......250 | Now onced your done with that, go into
the rusturf
| Ice Heal.......250 | tunnel next to the pokemart. So head in
and now go
| Repel..........350 | left, and head outside. From where your
standing go
| X Special......350 | down and left and press a to find some
| Fluffy Tail...1000 | Now go to the stairs to the left and
find the HP up.
+--------------------+ And head back in the rusturf tunnel.

Once your in, go up and battle the trainer there. See him. Hate
him. Beat him.

Name: Hiker Mike

Pkmn: Geodude, lvl 16
Geodude, lvl 16
Machop, lvl 16
Money: $640

From where you beat him, keep going straight and get the max
ether. Now go down
and right. Rock smash the rock to death if... it had
life....anyways the guy
will give you a HM 04 Strength as a thanks. yay. Head out threw
the place you
smashed the rock and talk to the researcher and he will give you
a repeat ball.
Now rustboro sells repeat and timer balls.
Lastly go to the battle tent and talk to the little girl in the
top-left corner
of the tent. She will give you TM 45 attract. Girly....just
kidding, it's good
move...really! Now if you go to wally's house they'll just talk
and that's all
so that's all for vendaturf town. So head back to mauville city
and heal. Now
go up to route 111.

<-This walkthrough will continue as SOON as possible.->

| VI. Items
-(Alphabetical Order)-

| Item Name | Item Effect |
| - Antidote | Cures Poison |
| - Awakening | Cures sleep |
| - Big Mushroom | Sells high |
| - Berry Juice | Heals 20 HP |
| - Black Flute | Temporarily decreases encounters |
| - Blue Flute | Stops sleep |
| - Blue Shard | Can be traded for water stone |
| - Burn Heal | Heals burn |
| - Dire Hit | Raises Critcal rate |
| - Elixer | Restores 10 HP to all moves |
| - Energy Powder | Heals 50 HP, tastes bad |
| - Energy Root | Heals 200 HP, tastes bad |
| - Escape Rope | Escapes from caves, etc. |
| - Ether | Restores all of PP for one move |
| - Fresh Water | Heals 50 HP |
| - Full Heal | Heals any status condition |
| - Full Restore | Restores all HP and conditions |
| - Green Shard | Can be traded for leaf stone |
| - Guard Special | Reduces Critcal hit chance |
| - Heal Powder | Heals any condition |
| - Hyper Potion | Heals 200 HP |
| - Ice Heal | Cures freeze |
| - Lava Cookie | Heals 30 HP |
| - Lemonade | Heals 80 HP |
| - Max Ether | Restores 10 PP for all moves |
| - Max Elixer | Restores all PP for all moves |
| - Max Potion | Heals all HP |
| - Max Repel | Repels wild pokemon (250 steps) |
| - Max Revive | Revives one pokemon with all HP |
| - Moo Moo Milk | Heals 100 HP |
| - Nugget | Sells for 5000 |
| - Paralyz Heal | Cures paralyziz |
| - Pearl | Sells high |
| - Pokedoll | Runs from one battle |
| - Potion | Heals 20 HP |
| - Red Flute | Restores attraction |
| - Red Shard | Can be traded for fire stone |
| - Repel | Repels wild pokemon (100 steps) |
| - Revival Herb | Revives one pkmn and HP, taste bad |
| - Revive | Revives one pokemon with half HP |
| - Sacred Ash | Revives all fainted pokemon |
| - Tiny Mushroom | Sells low |
| - Soda Pop | Heals 60 HP |
| - Star Dust | Sells for 1000 |
| - Star Piece | Sells for 4900 |
| - Super Potion | Heals 50 HP |
| - Super Repel | Repels wild pokemon (200 steps) |
| - X Accuracy | Raises accuracy by 1 |
| - X Attack | Raises attack by 1 |
| - X Defend | Raises defense by 1 |
| - X Special | Raises all specials by 1 |
| - X Speed | Raises speed by 1 |
| - Yellow Flute | Stops confusions |
| - Yellow Shard | Can be traded for thunder stone |
| - White Flute | Temporarily increases Encounters |

| Item Name | Item Effect |
| - Arco Bike | Can do tricks. |
| - Aurora Ticket | Allows you to go to Island 9 |
| - Basement Key | Access to new mauville |
| - Berry Pouch | Holds berries |
| - Bicycle | A normal bike |
| - Bike Voucher | Trade it to get a bike |
| - Blue Orb | Use it for Kyroge |
| - Card Key | Use it to open doors in silph co. |
| - Claw Fossil | Turns into Anorith |
| - Coin Case | Hold's up to 9,999 coins |
| - Contest Pass | Pass to participate contest |
| - Devon Goods | A package for capt. Stern |
| - Devon Scope | Allows you to see Kecleon |
| - Dome Fossil | Turns to Kabuto |
| - Elavator Key | Unlocks elavator in rocket base |
| - Eon Ticket | Access to southern island |
| - Fame Checker | Gives info. on other people |
| - Go Goggles | Can go through sand storms |
| - Gold Teeth | Warden's teeth |
| - Good Rod | A rod for fishing |
| - Helix Fossil | Turns to Omanyte |
| - Itemfinder | Access's unsee able items |
| - Letter | A letter to steven |
| - Lift Key | Open's elevator in rocket hideout |
| - Powder Jar | Holds crushed berries |
| - Meteorite | Can be traded for moon stone |
| - Mystery Ticket | Allows you to go to island 8 |
| - Oak's Parcel | Pro. oak's item |
| - Old Amber | Turns to Aerodactyl |
| - Old Rod | A rod to fish |
| - Pokeblock Case | Holds pokeblocks |
| - Pokeflute | Cures sleep |
| - Rainbow pass | Allows you to go to island 4-7 |
| - Red Orb | Use it for Groudon |
| - Room 1 Key | Unlocks room 1 in abandoned ship |
| - Room 2 Key | Unlocks room 2 in abandoned ship |
| - Room 4 Key | Unlocks room 4 in abandoned ship |
| - Room 6 Key | Unlocks room 6 in abandoned ship |
| - Root Fossil | Turns into Lileep |
| - Ruby Plate | Needed for Island 1 |
| - S.S Ticket | Ticket for S.S anne |
| - Sapphire Plate | Needed in island 1 |
| - Scanner | Can be traded. |
| - Secret Key | Unlocks cinnabar gym |
| - Silph Scope | Allows you to see ghost |
| - Soot Sack | Holds ash |
| - Storage Key | Opens a room in Abandonde ship |
| - Super Rod | A rod for fishing |
| - Tea | Allows you to go to sanfron city |
| - Teach TV | A educational portable TV |
| - TM Case | Holds your TM's and HM's |
| - Tri Pass | Access to islands 1-3 |
| - VS Seeker | Creates rematches against trainers |
| - Wailmer Pail | Allows you to water berries |
| - World Map | Shows a map of the world |

| Vitamin Name | Vitamin Effect |
| - Carbos | Raises Speed |
| - Calcium | Raises Special Attack |
| - HP Up | Raises HP |
| - Iron | Raises Defense |
| - PP Up | Raises PP by a little |
| - PP Max | Raises PP to the max |
| - Protein | Raises Attack |
| - Zinc | Raises Special Defense |

| Ball Name | Ball Effect |
| - Poke Ball | Catches wild pokemon |
| - Great Ball | More effective than pokeball |
| - Ultra Ball | More effective than ultra ball |
| - Master Ball | Catches pokemon 100% of the time |
| - Nest Ball | Catches low level pokemon better |
| - Repeat Ball | Catches pokemon you already caught |
| - Timer Ball | Gets better every turn past |
| - Dive Ball | Better if used underwater |
| - Net Ball | Is better for bug/water pokemon |
| - Safari Ball | Ball only used in safari zone |
| - Premier Ball | Catches wild pokemon |
| - Luxury Ball | Catches wild pokemon |

| Stone Name | Stone Effect |
| - Water Stone | Evolves certain pokemon |
| - Thunder Stone | Evolves certain pokemon |
| - Fire Stone | Evolves certain pokemon |
| - Leaf Stone | Evolves certain pokemon |
| - Moon Stone | Evolves certain pokemon |

| Item Name | Item Effect |
| - Amulet Coin | Doubles earnings from battle |
| - Black Glasses | 12% increase to all dark type moves|
| - Blackbelt | 12% increase to fighting attacks |
| - Blue Scarf | Raises Beauty in contests |
| - Bright Powder | Raises your envasion |
| - Charcoal | 12% increase to all fire type moves|
| - Choice Band | 50% increase to physical attack |
| - Cleanse Tag | Reduces pokemon encounters |
| - Deepsea Scale | Doubles clampearls sp. Deffense |
| - Deepsea Tooth | Doubles clampearls sp. Attack |
| - Dragon Fang | 12% increase to all dragon moves |
| - Dragon Scale | Evolves seadra when gets traded |
| - Everstone | Holds evolution |
| - Exp. Share | Gives exp. to the holder |
| - Focus Band | 10% chance of perventing faint |
| - Green Scarf | Raises smarts in a contest |
| - Hard Stone | 12% increase to all rock moves |
| - King's Rock | 30% chance that opponets flinches |
| - Lax Incense | 5% decrease to opponets Accuracy |
| - Leftovers | Heals a little HP every turn |
| - Light Ball | Doubles pikacu's special attack |
| - Lucky Egg | Doubles holders exp. earn |
| - Lucky Punch | Increases chansey's critical ratio |
| - Macho Brace | Doubles gained EVs |
| - Magnet | 12% increase to electric attacks |
| - Metal Coat | 12% increase to steel moves |
| - Metal Powder | Raises Ditto defense |
| - Miracle Seed | 12% increase to grass attacks |
| - Mystic Water | 12% increase to water attacks |
| - Nevermelt Ice | 12% increase to ice attacks |
| - Pink Scarf | Raises cuteness in contest |
| - Poison Barb | 12% increase to poison attacks |
| - Quick Claw | Your pokemon may attack first |
| - Red Scarf | Raises coolness in contest |
| - Scope Lens | Raises your critcal ratio |
| - Sea Incense | 5% increase to water attacks |
| - Sharp Beak | 12% increase to flying attacks |
| - Shell Bell | Heals 1/8 damage |
| - Silk Scarf | 12% increase to flying attacks |
| - Silver Powder | 12% increase to bug attacks |
| - Smoke Ball | Use it run away from pokemon |
| - Soft Snad | 12% increase to ground attacks |
| - Soothe Bell | Pokemons happiness grows faster |
| - Soul Dew | 1% increase Sp. Def and Att, lati@s|
| - Spell Tag | 12% increase to ghost attacks |
| - Stick | Farfetch'd critical ratio raises |
| - Thick Club | Doubles cubone and marowak attack |
| - Twisted Spoon | 12% increase to psychic attacks |
| - Upgrade | Evolves polygon, when traded |
| - White Herb | Cures all conditions |
| - Yellow Scarf | Raises toughness in contest |

| VII. Berries

| Number | Berry Name | Berry Effect |
| - 01 | - Cheri | Cures paralysis |
| - 02 | - Chesto | Cures sleep |
| - 03 | - Pecha | Cures poison |
| - 04 | - Rawst | Cures burn |
| - 05 | - Aspear | Cures frozen |
| - 06 | - Leppa | Restores 10 PP |
| - 07 | - Oran | Restores 10 HP |
| - 08 | - Perism | Cures confusion |
| - 09 | - Lum | Heals all condition |
| - 10 | - Sitrus | Heals 30 HP |
| - 11 | - Figy | Heals some HP and might confuse |
| - 12 | - Wiki | Heals some HP and might confuse |
| - 13 | - Mago | Heals some HP and might confuse |
| - 14 | - Aguav | Heals some HP and might confuse |
| - 15 | - Iapapa | Heals some HP and might confuse |
| - 16 | - Razz | Nothing |
| - 17 | - Bluk | Nothing |
| - 18 | - Nanab | Nothing |
| - 19 | - Wepear | Nothing |
| - 20 | - Pinap | Nothing |
| - 21 | - Pomeg | Nothing |
| - 22 | - Kelpsy | Nothing |
| - 23 | - Qualot | Nothing |
| - 24 | - Hondew | Nothing |
| - 25 | - Grepa | Nothing |
| - 26 | - Tamato | Nothing |
| - 27 | - Cornn | Nothing |
| - 28 | - Magost | Nothing |
| - 29 | - Rebuta | Nothing |
| - 30 | - Nomel | Nothing |
| - 31 | - Spelon | Nothing |
| - 32 | - Pamtre | Nothing |
| - 33 | - Watmel | Nothing |
| - 34 | - Durin | Nothing |
| - 35 | - Belue | Nothing |
| - 36 | - Liechi | 50% Attack increase 1/3 heath |
| - 37 | - Ganlon | 50% Defense increase 1/3 health |
| - 38 | - Salac | 50% Speed increase 1/3 health |
| - 39 | - Petaya | 50% Sp.Attack increase 1/3 health|
| - 40 | - Apicot | 50% SP.Defense increse 1/3 health|
| - 41 | - Lansat | Critical hit chances raises 1/3 |
| - 42 | - Starf | 50% random stat raise 1/3 health |
| - 43 | - Enigma | Turns into e-reader berry |

| VIII. Abilities

Coming Soon!


Q: Is mew available in this game?

A: You need to go to this island. I don't know much though. You
can get mew
if you have action replay or a cheating device.

Q: Do you know the phrase to make the girl laugh in rustboro.

A: Nobody knows, I think? Well, I don't know.

Q: When do I use a master ball?

A: When trying to catch lati@s. Or you see a shiny pokemon.

Q: Where can I find <stone>?

A: I will say in the walkthrough when you can get one and where.

Q: What is a nintendo event?

A: When nintendo goes to certain cities in Japan/America. They
give out rare
pokemon and various, rare items.

Q: How do you get a sea chart, Aurora and Mystic ticket?

A: I don't know how to get a sea chart. The Aurora ticket and
mystic ticket I
don't know nothing. I guess you get it from a nintendo event.

Q: Where do you catch rayquaza?

A: He is in the sky pillar, which is like right next to it. Look
for a opening
in the rocks. You'll need a mach bike.
Q: Where do I get Wailmer?
A: Just get a super rod from mossdeep city. Next go fishing
around the ocean.
It may take a while to find him...

=> More to come when I get more e-mails.

| X. Move Tutor Location

| Move | Location
| - Swagger | Slateport City: Pokemon fan club
| - Rollout | Mauville City: Fat guy next to gym
| - Fury Cutter | Vendaturf Town: Pokemon Center
| - Metronome | Fallarbor Town: Pokemart
| - Mimic | Lavaridge Town: Kid next door to herb shop
| - Sleep Talk | Fortree City: Guy in a house
| - Dynamic Punch | Mossdeep City: Guy standing around.
| - Double-Edge | Sootopolis City: Pokemon Center
| - Explosion | Pacifidlog City: Pokemon Center
| - Substitute | Lilycove City: Lilycove dept. top floor
| XI. Finishing Comments

Hopefully this has helped you and it will when I update it. I
would like to
personally thank you, the reader. Without you what's the point
of writing this
walkthrough. I hpoe you enjoyed it.

| [11.01] Copyright info.

- This file is Copyright (c) DarkTyranitar18 - 2005. All right

reserved -

This file may not be reproduced under any situation, execpt for
personal and
private use only. It may not be put on any website or
distributed publicly
Execpt if you have my advanced written permission. Use of this
guide on any
website that is not listed below, or displayed on any sort of
public display
is prohibited and a violation of copyright.

Sites this guide my be posted on....

1) www.gamefaqs.com-------------------[Gamefaqs]-|
2) www.ign.com-----------------------------[Ign]-|
3) www.neoseeker.com-----------------[Neoseeker]-|
4) www.supercheats.com-------------[Supercheats]-|
Thank you for your time.

| [11.02] Contact info.

You can contact me at DarkTyranitar18@msn.com. These are the do

send and
don't send list if you are going to e-mail me. You can also find
me on the
message boards as: DarkTyranitar 18. Messenger- MSN.

Do Sends- If you want to use this faq in your site. If you want
to submit a
section or a ACSII art. If you might want to report a mistake.
Thanking me
for the faq. Give me a idea to make the guide better. Any
question thing that
is not in the walkthrough. Submit a tip for me to put in the
faq. You'll get
full credit if you submit somthing or something that you thing
is right to send

Don't sends- A virus, or spam. Ask me a question that's in the

faq. Insult
me and/or the faq.

That's basically all for now. I think.

| [11.03] Credits

This are the people that help me with this faq and I couldn't
have done it
with out some of them.

==> www.serebii.net:
TM and HM list/ Items
==> Pokemon Emerald Instruction booklet- The Basics:
Controls, battle screen, Catching pokemon, and stauses.
==> Faq board:
Answering all my faq writing questions I had.
==> ALL of gamefaqs:
for the posting and helping me with my faq.
==> Nintendo:
For making this great game.
==> Me:
for writing this faq.
==> You:
For reading this faq.
==> Zaki:
For correcting a mistake in the walkthrough.

!Do not question the pokeball!

/ \

| Copyright (c) 2005 @ DarkTyranitar18 (DT18)
End of File |

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