Human Resources Management - Clinical Experiences

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Human Resources Management

Author’s Name

Institution’s Name

pg. 1

There are numerous definitions pertaining to organisations. Organisations have been

termed as a place that operates merely to increase the shareholder’s equity in a professional and

effective manner. Organisations can also be defined as a place that has numerous individuals

working in it for the achievement of a single and pre-specified goal. Most of the organisations of

the world are now working on the same principles. They have the idea that without complying

with the same principals, it is not possible for them to increase their competitiveness in the

market (Brammer and Millington, 2015).

There is yet another definition pertaining to the scenario of Organisations, as according to

them organisations is a place which has numerous professionals working with them for the

achievement of a single and pre-specified goal. Most of the organisations of the world are now

trying to manage their employees, because they know that without the idea of proper

management, it is almost next to impossible for them to manage their well-being in the market.

In order to manage the companies, as well as their employees it is becoming more and more

mandatory to apply and implement the common practice of management of the employees (Cull

and Morduch, 2014). The current economic and competitive scenario has now made it

mandatory for the companies to think from out of the box to implement such practices in the

market through which they can maximise their potential accordingly. A site supervisor is the one

who have a complete knowledge and information related to their employees and their activities.

The main perspective of this assignment is to examine the clinical experience in concerning with

the Site Supervisor and then write a report pertaining to the same factor. Apparently, the report is

divided into three different sections, which are Introduction, Analysis & Discussion and

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Conclusion. All the pertaining and important headings will be described and discussed in the

section of Analysis & Discussion.

Analysis & Discussion

Positions Hiring for School Building

This particular assignment is assuming that there is a school building which is likely to be

made by the company. Succinctly, it can be said that it is a Construction based process and

analysis; hence the pertaining positions should be like the same. There are certain positions that

needed to be hired such as

Project Manager

Civil Engineers


Cost Accountant

Project Manager

The first position for which the company is looking forward to hire is a Project Manager.

A Project Management is the one who will manage the entire project through their vast

experience and relevant qualification. It is mandatory that the level of education of the Project

Manager should align with the requirement, along with sufficient experience that can help them

to manage their well-being in the market (De, et al. 2013). The main rational behind hiring the

project manager for the School Building project is clear, which is to manage the team in a well-

designed and professional manner. The real productivity of the company, especially for the

construction of a school lies in the fact that how effectively; the resources and the team have

been managed by the company. The higher the level of efficiency in terms of Knowledge

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Management (KM) factor, the higher will be the probability that they could make a masterpiece

at the end of the day. School Building Project is a small project; therefore a single Project

Manager is more than sufficient.

Civil Engineers

The second position for which the company is looking forward to hire Civil Engineers.

Civil Engineers are the one who will manage the entire project through proper execution. They

will execute the same through one who will manage the entire project through their vast

experience and relevant qualification (Kereta 2007). It is mandatory that the level of education of

the Civil Engineers should be aligning with the requirement, along with sufficient experience

that can help them to manage their well-being in the market. The main rational behind hiring the

civil engineers for the School Building project is clear, which is to manage the team in a well-

designed and professional manner. The real productivity of the company, especially for the

construction of a school lies in the fact that how effectively; the resources and the team have

been managed by the company. The higher the level of efficiency in terms of Knowledge

Management (KM) factor, the higher will be the probability that they could make a masterpiece

at the end of the day. School Building Project is a small project; therefore around 3 civil

engineers are more than sufficient.


The third position for which the company is looking forward to hire Architects through

which they can manage and made the building. Architects are the one who will manage the entire

project through proper execution. They will execute the same through one who will manage the

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entire project through their vast experience and relevant qualification (Lam, 2014). It is

mandatory that the level of education of the architects should be aligning with the requirement,

along with sufficient experience that can help them to manage their well-being in the market.

The main rational behind hiring the civil engineers for the School Building project is clear,

which is to manage the team in a well-designed and professional manner. The real productivity

of the company, especially for the construction of a school lies in the fact that how effectively;

the resources and the team have been managed by the company. The higher the level of

efficiency in terms of Knowledge Management (KM) factor, the higher will be the probability

that they could make a masterpiece at the end of the day. School Building Project is a small

project, therefore around 2architects are more than sufficient.

Cost Accountant

The fourth position for which the company is looking forward to hire Cost Accountants.

Cost Accountants are the one who will manage the entire project through proper execution to

analyse the cost and benefit analysis. They will execute the same through one who will manage

the entire project through their vast experience and relevant qualification. It is mandatory that the

level of education of the Cost accountants should be aligning with the requirement, along with

sufficient experience that can help them to manage their well-being in the market (Lam 2014).

The main rational behind hiring the cost accountants for the School Building project is clear,

which is to manage the team in a well-designed and professional manner. The real productivity

of the company, especially for the construction of a school lies in the fact that how effectively;

the resources and the team have been managed by the company. The higher the level of

efficiency in terms of Knowledge Management (KM) factor, the higher will be the probability

pg. 5
that they could make a masterpiece at the end of the day. School Building Project is a small

project; therefore around 2 cost accountants are more than sufficient.

Designing of an Interview Process

Inevitably, interview is the most important aspect that used by the companies to hire

professional and productive employees for them. The interview process should be designed in a

perfect manner so that the proper employees can be hired accordingly. This particular factor of

designing an effective interview process is more than mandatory (Margolis, et al. 2015). This

particular part of the assignment is likely to introduce the questions which they are likely to ask

with the respondents through which they can reach on the final verdict. As mentioned earlier that

there are four different positions for which the company is hiring. The questions are as followed

pertaining to four positions for which they are hiring

Project Manager

The first position is “Project Manager” which is indeed a strong and important position

for the construction of the school building. Some of the major questions which will be asked

with the project manager during the interview are as follows that will be asked by the Site


What is Your Qualification and Experience pertaining to the same Capacity?

Why the company hire you?

What is your expectation about the Salary and other Incentives?

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Civil Engineers

The second position is “Civil Engineer” which is indeed a strong and important position

for the construction of the school building. Some of the major questions which will be asked

with the civil engineers during the interview are as follows that will be asked by the Project


What is Your Qualification and Experience pertaining to the same Capacity?

Why the company hire you?

What is your expectation about the Salary and other Incentives?


The 3rdposition is “Architects” which is indeed a strong and important position for the

construction of the school building. Some of the major questions which will be asked with the

Architects during the interview are as follows that will be asked by the Project Manager

What is Your Qualification and Experience pertaining to the same Capacity?

Why the company hire you?

What is your expectation about the Salary and other Incentives?

Cost Accountants

The 4thposition is “Cost Accountants” which is indeed a strong and important position for

the construction of the school building. Some of the major questions which will be asked with

the accountants during the interview are as follows that will be asked by the Project Manager

What is Your Qualification and Experience pertaining to the same Capacity?

Why the company hire you?

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What is your expectation about the Salary and other Incentives?

Reflection on the Interviews

This particular part of the assignment is very important as it likely to reflect the main

findings from the interviews. As mentioned earlier that the interviews have been conducted by

the company get a complete idea about their development and process (Margolis, et al. 2015).

The first interview was conducted from the Project Manager. It is obvious that the

position of a Project Manager is highly important for the sake of a construction project. A project

manager, apart from managing the entire project will work as an intermediary among the

organisation and the management of the school. A project management is solely responsible for

the entire communication among the site supervisor, company and the school management in

order to make the project according to the requirements. Apart from that the project manager is

equally responsible for managing the entire resources of the company in a professional manner,

and to manage the shareholders of the company accordingly.

In response to the first question, the incumbent for the project manager has revealed that

they have more than 10 years of direct experience in the capacity of Project Management, along

with having Masters Qualification in Project Management. The incumbent has sufficient

experience in the similar capacity through which they can manage everything accordingly. The

second question is about the preference of hiring. In response to the same the hired project

manager has revealed some interest fact. They furnish their success stories in front of the site

supervisor and their potential to maximise the potential of the new company, which they are

looking forward to join. Apart from that the project manager has revealed that the experience

and qualification that have by them are unmatched and it will certainly help them to bring

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economic as well as strategic competitiveness towards the company to achieve their core

objective. The manager also revealed that they have an idea that this particular position is very

important for a project, which should be used by the company to maximise their potential in an

efficient. The last question is related to benefits. The project manager has requested a

competitive salary along with major fringe benefits that can maximise their potential. Moreover,

they required a congenial and safe environment to work accordingly and effectively.

The second interview was conducted from the Civil Engineers. It is obvious that the

position of Civil Engineers is highly important for the sake of a construction project. Civil

Engineers, apart from constructing the project, they will work as an intermediary among the

management and site supervisor of the school. Civil Engineers use the communication and their

experience through which they can manage their well-being. They make the drawings and

commence the work accordingly.

In response to the first question, the incumbent for the Accountants have revealed that

they have more than 4 years of direct experience in the capacity of Accounts & Finance, along

with having Masters Qualification in Accounts & Finance. The incumbent has sufficient

experience in the similar capacity through which they can manage everything accordingly

(Margolis, et al. 2015). The second question is about the preference of hiring. In response to the

same the hired Civil Engineers have revealed some interest fact. They furnish their success

stories in front of the site supervisor and their potential to maximise the potential of the new

company, which they are looking forward to join. Apart from that the Civil Engineers have

revealed that the experience and qualification that have by them are unmatched and it will

certainly help them to bring economic as well as strategic competitiveness towards the company

to achieve their core objective. The Civil Engineers also revealed that they have an idea that this

pg. 9
particular position is very important for a project, which should be used by the company to

maximise their potential in an efficient. The last question is related to benefits. The Civil

Engineers have requested a competitive salary along with major fringe benefits that can

maximise their potential. Moreover, they required a congenial and safe environment to work

accordingly and effectively.

The third interview was conducted from the Architects. It is obvious that the position of

Architects is highly important for the sake of a construction project. Architects, apart from

constructing the project, they will work as an intermediary among the management and site

supervisor of the school. Architects use the communication and their experience through which

they can manage their well-being. They make the drawings and commence the work accordingly.

In response to the first question, the incumbent for the Architects has revealed that they

have more than 4 years of direct experience in the capacity of Accounts & Finance, along with

having Masters Qualification in Accounts & Finance. The incumbent has sufficient experience in

the similar capacity through which they can manage everything accordingly. The second

question is about the preference of hiring. In response to the same the hired Architects have

revealed some interest fact. They furnish their success stories in front of the site supervisor and

their potential to maximise the potential of the new company, which they are looking forward to

join. Apart from that the Architects have revealed that the experience and qualification that have

by them are unmatched and it will certainly help them to bring economic as well as strategic

competitiveness towards the company to achieve their core objective. The Architects also

revealed that they have an idea that this particular position is very important for a project, which

should be used by the company to maximise their potential in an efficient. The last question is

related to benefits. The Architects have requested a competitive salary along with major fringe

pg. 10
benefits that can maximise their potential. Moreover, they required a congenial and safe

environment to work accordingly and effectively.

The fourth interview was conducted from the Cost Accountants. A cost accountant is the

one who will analyse the entire cost of the company in an efficient manner. A cost accountant is

the one who will analyse the cost of the entire project, and then analyse the benefits of the same

in particular. This particular factor is very efficient for the company to maintain their


In response to the first question, the incumbent for the Cost Accountant has revealed that

they have more than 4 years of direct experience in the capacity of Accounts & Finance, along

with having Masters Qualification in Accounts and Finance. The incumbent has sufficient

experience in the similar capacity through which they can manage everything accordingly. The

second question is about the preference of hiring. In response to the same the hired Cost

Accountant have revealed some interest fact. They furnish their success stories in front of the site

supervisor and their potential to maximise the potential of the new company, which they are

looking forward to join. Apart from that the Cost Accountant has revealed that the experience

and qualification that have by them are unmatched and it will certainly help them to bring

economic as well as strategic competitiveness towards the company to achieve their core

objective. The Cost Accountant also revealed that they have an idea that this particular position

is very important for a project, which should be used by the company to maximise their potential

in an efficient. The last question is related to benefits. The Cost Accountant has requested a

competitive salary along with major fringe benefits that can maximise their potential. Moreover,

they required a congenial and safe environment to work accordingly and effectively.

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Incentive Plan and Implementation

After summarising the main interview aspects, there are certain things that should have

been included in the incentive plan and its core implication. From this entire analysis, it is found

that the rewards are important. The analysis has found that there are certain issues with the

company such as intrinsic rewards and extrinsic rewards (Margolis, et al. 2015).

It is important for the company to make proper team that can increase the level of

motivation in a professional and effective manner. Intrinsic rewards are the one through which

organisations can increase the level of their motivation through proper appreciation and

applauses (Ruf, et al. 2011). On the other hand, extrinsic rewards are the through which the

organisations can maximise their potential in the market. Some of the major extrinsic rewards are

high compensation, perks and fringe benefits. The company is doing an exceptional job as far as

managing is employees in a professional manner. The company is very active in providing

sufficient rewards to their employees. Apart from providing financial incentives, the company is

equally active in providing the intrinsic benefits to their employees. The employees should be

getting an idea that both of these types of benefits are highly organised for them through which

they can maximise their potential in a perfect manner. All of the selected individuals are having

sufficient experience in their capacity which would be highly efficient for them to manage the

well-being in the market. This particular implication is important for the company which can be

managed in the long run. This particular factor could be highly essential for the company through

which they can sustain their position in the market.

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Human Resource Problem and Recommendations

Inevitably, one of the most important departments that associated with the organisations

is Human Resources Management. Apart from hiring, firing and managing the employees, the

HR department of a company is equally beneficial in making new policies through which they

can manage their employees accordingly (Ruf, et al. 2011). There are two major problems which

have been highlighted in this particular aspect which are Lower Level of Communication and

ineffective Performance Management System. In terms of having ethical aspect, it is becoming

more and more significant for the companies to manage their performance in an efficient

manner. From the case, it is found that the company is likely to build a building of school;

therefore the positions are essential for them in the long run.

In the current economic scenario, it is becoming more and more important for the

organisations to retain their employees with them for a long span of time. Proper communication

is essential for the companies to initiate the same thing. The companies which have having high

barriers in the communication are usually having different issues and problems. Therefore,

proper communication is necessary for them especially in the long run. It is important for the

company to use Management Bi Objective and Hot Desking strategy in which they give full

command and independence to their employees regarding providing sufficient opportunity to

them to increase the level of communication. Moreover, this particular strategy will enable the

employees to communicate all of their issues and problems with their managers so that they can

fulfil their objectives. The second problem is having inefficient performance management

system. The company should use sufficient and effective strategies through which they can easily

attain the objectives that set by them. Moreover, Annual Performance Review (APR) and

Performance Related Pay are some of the major strategies which they can use for the

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enhancement of the motivation of their employees. Remember, motivation is necessary for every

organisation to execute the criteria in a perfect manner, and the company has a great chance to

execute the same thing in a professional and exceptional manner.


The main perspective of this assignment is to examine the clinical experience in

concerning with the Site Supervisor and then write a report pertaining to the same factor. This

entire analysis is very significant. The entire analysis has revealed that there are certain problems

that specifically associated with the company through which they can operate in the market with

proper ease and effectiveness. The company can maximise their operations by overcoming on the

challenges with proper strategies and recommendations mentioned above, and increase their

competitiveness in the same manner to maintain their assistance.

pg. 14

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