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Computers for Healthcare Lab 4 /13

Instructions: In DC Connect, open the “Lab 4 Starter” file and save to your H drive as
YourName Lab 4, i.e. “Ron Simcoe Lab 4”. Complete the following questions. All questions are
worth 1 mark unless noted otherwise. NOTE:I am adding JPEGS of each finished so you will
know exactly what pictures to use and where they should be positioned in the document.
Additionally, please save the JPEG picture “Privacy Policy” somewhere on your computer
before you begin. You will need to insert it in step 2.

1. Add a picture above the text “Lakeridge Health” on the title page using a search for online
pictures. Search for “Lakeridge Health Oshawa”. Use the “Lab 4 Page 1” JPEG to view the correct
image and where to place it. Resize to exactly 2.4 inches high by 5 inches wide. After inserting
the picture, apply picture effect soft edge 10pt. {2 Marks}
2. Add a picture positioned to the top right hand corner of page 2 with square text wrapping. Use
the attached picture in DC Connect called “privacy policy”. Resize to approximately 2 inches high
by 2.9 inches wide.
3. Add a picture directly to the left of question 7 on page 2 using online pictures. Search for
“electronic information”. Use the “Lab 4 Page 2” JPEG to view the correct image and where to
place it. Use tight wrapping and crop the picture from the left so that the left side of the picture
starts at the lock. Resize to exactly 1.6 inches high by 1.2 inches wide. Add a blue, 18pt glow
picture effect. {2 Marks}
4. At the bottom of page 2 just below point 13, use shapes to draw an oval on the left side that is
1.0 inch high by 1.7 inches wide (Don’t worry about the page break as shapes are not affected by
it but make sure you don’t place them at the very bottom of the page). Now do the following.
{3 Marks}
a. Make 2 duplicate copies of the oval and change each to a different colour of your
b. Use the shape effect bevel divot for all 3 shapes.
c. Move one shape to the far left edge, the other to the far right and then align all 3
shapes to the top and distribute them horizontally.
d. Group the shapes
e. Add text to each shape that specifies its colour. For example, if the shape is Red the text
is “Red”.
5. Add the references on page 3 into the sources section of Word’s bibliography tool using APA
style. Don’t add the periods after the initials and always assume the first initial is the first name
and the second initial is their middle name. Once they are added, delete the reference
information on page 3.
6. Add the Butler citation at the end of question 3 and the Ross-Kerr citation at the end of question
10. Remember that citations have the period after them and not before them.
7. Insert a bibliography (References) using APA style on page 3.
8. Add Non-Breaking space on page 2, Point 1, so that the words Lakeridge Health’s are always on
the same line.
9. Add a Non-Breaking hyphens on page 2, Point 12 so that the entire telephone number stays
together on the same line.

Save, attach and submit via DC Connect.

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