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Light Cues

Light Cue 1: Opening of the show Auditorium

Light Cue 2: *Beanie is messing with machine* “First, you activate…” Turn on 1st machine
Light Cue 3: “To prove my point” Turn on 2nd machine lights
Light Cue 4: Cued with Sound Cue ___ and Witches cackling* All Areas currently on flash,
Machine lights flash, manually press yellow hue ? MANUAL CUE ON COLOR SUBS
Light Cue 5: As Beanie and Mr. Wright Ad lib through the machine malfunctioning Slowly Fade
auditorium to 70%
Light Cue 6: *Beanie cries* Need a way to have small pools of lights to silhouette witches in
what would be Areas 11-15
Light Cue 7: “Who are all of you” Auditorium
Light Cue 8: “What did you do? How did you bring us here?” Hold red until line “Book
machine?” from all three witches MANUAL
Light Cue 9: *Witches begin to exit after* “Then we must find that Beanie” Black/Blue Out
Light Cue 10: *Beanie gets set on stomp DSR* Slow rise to Forest
Light Cue 11: “Lets go girls!” Add lights for the chase scene however you want MANUAL
Light Cue 12: “Stand back or you'll regret it” Forest
Light Cue 13: *Librum throws water* “Im melting…” All Areas Off except Area 3 with Red or
another color added
Light Cue 14: “No you're not” Forest
Light Cue 15: “Get to the machine before they do” 2 second Fade to Black/Blue Out
Light Cue 16: “It’s over here!” .5 second Rise to Auditorium
Light Cue 17: *Candy takes Out books* Machine and Area Lights flash with colors (play with
this) MANUAL
Light Cue 18: *Candy puts books back in* Auditorium
Light Cue 19: “right where they stand!” Blue lights added to Area 3,8 / whatever you can think
of for a frozen effect
Light Cue 20: “gnawing at our door” Fade to Auditorium
Light Cue 21: “let me introduce you to a few people” Areas 11-15 Full with silhouette light
Light Cue 22: “Im scared, Im really scared!” Auditorium at 75%
Light Cue 23
Light Cue 24: “Snow White?” Color change of some kind to signify Queen
Light Cue 25: “No dont eat that-” All Areas Off except Area 3,8 at 75%
Light Cue 26: “Apple?” Return lights to how they are at LIGHT CUE 24
Light Cue 27: “May I have this dance?” Party lights? MANUAL
Light Cue 28: “maybe just a little longer” auditorium
Light Cue 29: “to take her down” All Areas except 5 Out
Light Cue 30: “Oh look they’re at…” Forest
Light Cue 31: “What does this look like a hospital?” Blue “frozen” lights on Areas 3,8 All Areas
except 3,8 Out
Light Cue 32: “cooking in my oven” Forest
Light Cue 33: “Oh yes please” Oven fire lights on MANUAL
Light Cue 34: “Right there!” Fire/Burning effect needs to happen
Light Cue 35: “We did it” Forest
Light Cue 36: “Lets hurry then!” All Areas except 1 Out
Light Cue 37: “you won’t be around to see it” Castle
Light Cue 38: “Not so fast!” Frozen lights on Areas 4,3,2
Light Cue 39: “But not for long” Castle
Light Cue 40: “AHHHHHH you cursed brat” Some sort of dramatic melting light?
Light Cue 41: “Look what youve done” Castle
Light Cue 42: “and pay our respects” Black/Blue Out
Light Cue 43: *characters enter* Auditorium
Light Cue 44: *Beanie kisses Snow* Yellow Colored lights fill the stage then dim to gray
Light Cue 45: *Right after last cue* Fade Out of gray to Yellow again
Light Cue 46: “our books dont exist” Gray fills the stage
Light Cue 47: *Beanie fixes machine* Gray Fades and an array of lights and color fill the stage
Machine lights on
Light Cue 48: “I think ill miss you most” Areas 11-15 Full with silhOutee light
Light Cue 49 “I hope you learned your lesson” All Areas Out except Areas 1,2,3,4,5,8
Light Cue 50: “ my new friends” Fade to Black

Auditorium: Areas 2,3,4,7,8,9 Full Area 1,5 at 70%

Forest: Areas 1,2,3,6,7,8,9 Full, Green on Cyc
Castle: Areas 2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10 Full with Some color on Cyc
Sound Cue 1: Pre-show during setup
Sound Cue 2: “In a matter of seconds. First” Machine sounds for the Book machine
Sound Cue 3: *witches start cackling* Malfunctioning tech sounds
Sound Cue 4: *Beanie and MW try to fix machine* Your cueing them, explosion sound
Sound Cue 5: “join me on stage” [Stage Fright - Zootopia (whole sog) underscore for the
withces coming alice]
Sound Cue 6: “Silence both of you and you too principal” stop Cue 5
Sound Cue 7: “dont you realize what happened?” creppy witch music
Sound Cue 8: “ Book machine?” End Cue 7
Sound Cue 9: “Mr. Wright was right” nature music
Sound Cue 10: “Not so fast my pretties” End Cue 9
Sound Cue 10.5 “Lets get them girls” [100 Rat Dash - Ratatouille (as much as you need)
uderscore for the chase scene]
Sound Cue 11: “Take them out” *takes out books* Weird harsh tech sound like another
Sound Cue 12: *Candy puts books back in* End Cue 11
Sound Cue 13: “Right where they stand” Freeze spell sound
Sound Cue 14: *Story characters enter* More upbeat happy fairytale music
Sound Cue 15: “Meeting all you has been my childhood fanatsay” Fade out of Cue 14
Sound Cue 16: *Snow eats apple* Lighting, spell, and errie sound althoughter
Sound Cue 17: *Characters all go to dance with queen this will be qued with them* Country,
then german then 90s then tango song bits
Sound Cue 18: “A hospital?” Freezing spell sound again
Sound Cue 20: “Now that were here” Eerie castle music [The Giant Skelton - Kubo and the
Two strings (0:10-0:50) Use for Castle ambiance]
Sound Cue 21: “Not so fast” Freeze spell sound
Sound Cue 22: *West is dragged off* Upbeat happy music fade out on “But wheres snow”
Sound Cue 22.5 Right after cue 22 [Stuff We Did - Up Soundtrack (0:00-0:37) If you know how
to loop this that would be awesome for the sad underscore after they realiee Snow is “dead”]
Sound Cue 23: *Beanie kisses snow* Some kind of music clip that raises to a happy climax but
goes down to a dark sound at the end
Sound Cue 24: “Bring on the Wicked Withc” Happy ending music that will grow louder after
Beanies last line “my new friends” [ (not
sure on times yet)]
Setting (Beanie and the Bamboozling Book Machine)
Example Scene:
● What I would describe it simply as
● Specific set pieces I have in mind already
● Final notes/things I’m having trouble with
Scene 1:
● School auditorium
● Book machine, podium, chairs, award tables,
● Basic school set up, similar to one we had in middle school
Scene 2:
● A clearing in the forest
● Stump, forest scenery (not too sure what exactly)
● Something that's tripping me up is later there is another forest scene and I don't know if I
want this “setting” and the later one to be the same per say, like if I want to use the same
forest “setting”
Scene 3:
● School auditorium
● Same as scene 1
● Just the same layout as scene 1, but I want everything to be a little messier
Scene 4:
● West’s Castle
● Crystal ball, table
● This is a very short scene, so I’m not sure if I want to dedicate a whole scenery change
to it or just have it without set?!?!?
Scene 5:
● Candy’s Cottage/Clearing in the forest
● Oven, “House”, rocks, forest scenery
● This is the scene I referred to in scene 2, having trouble figuring out if I want everything
to be mobile and change it or have scenes in different parts of the stage
Scene 6:
● West’s Castle
● Same as scene 4
● Still have the dilemma here where I don’t know if I want to dedicate a whole set change
to this
Scene 7:
● West’s full castle
● Cage, some way to distinguish this is a castle (this is my most troublesome scene)
● I want to have it like a medieval castle in the simplest way possible, if that’s not too much
to ask. I was thinking of some panels like jakes that change to have different scenes on
them, but I’m not fully in love with that idea.
Scene 8:
● School auditorium (same as scene 1 and 3)
● (same as scene 1) but sort of “revived” like order has been restored

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