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Lesson Plan in Grade 8 English

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. Note details and sequence of the story

b. Identify the important events in the story
c. Appreciate the values of understanding, love, obedience, and loyalty

II. Subject Matter: The Tale of Ch’unyang

Ref. G-8 English Module

Pages 31-35

Materials: LCD, Pictures, laptop

Values integration: understanding, love, and obedience

IKSP: Love story of Banna and Laggunawa

III. Procedure:

A. Preparation
*Review of past lesson on the elements of short story.
B. Motivation: Brainstorming: Have you heard love stories from your parents or
C. Presentation
1. Unlocking of difficulties through context clues (look for a strategy)
Choose the meaning of the word from the box beside the sentence that best
describes the underlined word.

_____1. The tale of Chunyang is very interesting to read. A.judge

_____2. The magistrate is autocratic in his place.
_____3.The new pavilion of Rizal Park in Manila is a B. fictitious story
photo bomber. C.entertainer
_____4.The disconsolate suitor of Chunyang went for a D. large building
special training. E. agre
_____5.Yangban hasten their relationship to Chunyang F. quicken
by giving a ring. G. roaming
_____6.Teenagers are fond of wandering around the H. sad
city at night.
_____7. Her mother is a kisaeng in the bar.
_____8. The magistrate did not consent about the
2. Pre-reading activity
The teacher gives guide questions.
Where did the story happen? When did it happen?
Who is Ch’unyang? How do you describe her?
How did the story begin?
What is the problem or the conflict that the main character encountered?
What is the highest point of interest in the story?
How is the problem or the conflict resolved?
What happened at the end of the story?

3. Reading of the story

a. Oral reading of the story by the teacher. Students follow with their eyes.
b. The students read the selection silently by themselves.
4. Discussion of the story
Group Activity (The teacher gives guide questions for discussion.)
Group 1. Describe the setting of the story.
Group 2. Tell something about the personality of each character in the story.
Group 3. Map the sequence of the story through this plot chart.

Rising Action Falling Action

Beginning Denouement/ Ending

Group 4 . What is the theme of the story.

Group 5. What lessons have you learned from the story.

5. Processing
a. Presentation of work by group.
b. Critiquing of group work by the teacher with the students.
D. Valuing
If you were Chunyang, would you have done the same? Why?
If you were the son of the magistrate, would you have married Chunyang? Why?
E. Generalization/ Summary
The teacher summarizes the elements of the story of Chunyang.
F. Application/ Enrichment Activity
Sketch a comic strip of a part of the story that you like best.
IV. Evaluation
The teacher gives a short quiz.
____________ 1. Where did the story happen?
____________ 2. Who is the main character of the story?
____________ 3. Who Yangban in the story?
____________ 4. Who is the suitor of Chunyang?
____________ 5. What is the literal meaning of the word kisaeng?
____________ 6. Who is the suitor of Ch’unyang?
____________ 7. What is the highest point of the story?
____________ 8. How is the story or problem resolved?
____________ 9. How did the story begin?
_____________ 10. When did it happen?

V. Assignment (optional)
a. Create a short slogan or draw a poster about the theme of the story “ The Tale of
Ch’unyang” or “Banna and Laggunawa”

Prepared by:


Rizal National School of Arts and Trades

Liwan West, Rizal, Kalinga

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