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Learning then comes easy

A new approach to learn English adopts the

obs are going high-
profile and designa-
tions come as fancy informal, passion-based route through love and
as ‘Velocity engineer’,
‘Global engagement lead’
romance, science, kama sutra and movies!
or ‘Utilisation lead’ these
days. Inspiring awe
amidst ordinary mortals.
But what Suresh Nam-
boothiri discovered dur-
ing his sufficiently long
stint in the corporate
world was to the contrary.
A lack of knowledge of
English came as a chink
in the armour of the
high-flying executive.
“Mails from top honchos
lacked the finesse one ex-
pects and had grammati-
cal mistakes. Obviously,
the juniors dared not cor-
rect their superiors and
they in turn didn’t like to
acknowledge they lacked
in anything.”
So what has Suresh
done? He has done what
he wanted to do for long -
follow his passions and Suresh Namboothiri with his CDs. Each series comes in a single CD.
create something really
different and useful. A se- based on interests. This presents the lessons in ing 495 lessons they cost
ries of CDs that teach resulted in five topics: the best suited package. Rs 1350. The stress is on
professionals English in Movies, Science, Love & “Right in the early stage quality, notes Suresh
a disarming manner! Romance, Kama Sutra the weaknesses are ad- while pointing to the
Explaining, Suresh and Success Secrets! dressed so that the learn- global nature of the team
says, “We did a survey on Keeping these as the er develops confidence which had members from
why the language was not framework, the lessons very fast. There is an au- the UK, US, Singapore,
being studied and came were framed to teach the tomatic tracking of the India and Japan. The
to know that it was for professional English. progress,” he explains. recording was done in
many reasons. No one (These are not meant for Not only does the user LA. The total expendi-
wants to learn in a regi- children below 16 years.) pick up English, he also ture came to over Rs 50
mental manner. When It took a whole of two adds up to his knowledge lakh.
you are free there is no ac- years and 26 people work- base on the subject. For “It was real language
cess to the material. Fi- ing around the globe to instance, the CD that engineering,” enthuses
nally, most books and CDs complete the task. “We teaches English through Suresh who is an engi-
are bulky. We have ad- completely avoided aca- Movies will give the per- neer by qualification and
dressed all these griev- demics as we did not son a fair idea about the has been COO with Tata
ances in our ‘passion- want another Wren & process of movie making, group and was responsi-
based’ package.” Martin. It has been says Suresh. The CD us- ble for the conceptualis-
Making use of the shown that most learning ing Success Secrets gives ing and sculpturing of
services of a psychiatrist, happens when there is an tips on team building and the interiors of Tata Indi-
the team concluded that element of the unexpect- time management, in the ca. “I used my automotive
“in most cases women ed and the informal. For course of the lesson. “In experience here with the
speak better English be- instance, you will most the case of Kama Sutra, CD.” He next plans CDs
cause they read Mills & probably remember what there is a mix of tradi- on the themes of football,
Boons! So also boys who that teacher who came in tional and new, in that we cricket and Bush jokes
watched cricket and to fill a free period talked refer to Vatsayana and to and lies! Eventually he
stored all the statistics in about, rather than from methods of safe sex.” hopes to enter movie
their brain.” the regular classes,” ex- Care has been taken to making.
This meant that if one plains Suresh. make it artistic rather The CD is not yet
has interest in a subject, The CDs, each of them than voyeuristic, he says. available at bookstores.
one picked up informa- with 700 hours of learn- The CDs stress on how Purchases can be made
tion pretty fast. ing, are customised. The it is hardwork and perse- online through the web-
The next step was to software developed by the verance that matters, not site
make a broad classifica- team analyses the learn- money.
tion of the populace, er’s level of English and With 128 units cover- JAYALAKSHMI K

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