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Waukee Schools

Cindy Herren @cindyherren

Miércoles 21 de marzo, 2018

"Inspiring Young Learners with Computer Science" 13:15 hrs

Jueves 22 de marzo, 2018

Teachers 16:00 hrs


iPad or MacBook
iBooks descargados: Getting Started with Code 1 & 2 by Apple Education

Technology has changed the world we live in, and learning how it works is fundamental. Coding is an
essential skill that teaches problem-solving, develops teamwork, and inspires creativity. Learn how you
can engage your students in the world of coding with cross-curricular lessons and the Everyone Can Code
resources designed for teachers.

About Cindy: Universidad Regiomontana, Matamoros #430, Col. Centro, Monterrey, N.L.

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