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tikz pgf - How do I control the spacing between two tikzpictures?

- TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange 03/01/18 16(08

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How do I control the spacing between two tikzpictures?

If I have two tikzpictures next to each other, how do I control the spacing
between them?


\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.5,>=latex, font=\sffamily]
\draw[red] (-1.19,-1.19) rectangle (1.19,1.19);
\draw [->](-1,0) -- (1,0);
\node[right] at (0:0.95) {$\alpha$};
\draw [->](0,-1) -- (0,1);
\node[right] at (90:0.95) {$\beta$};
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.5,>=latex, font=\sffamily]
\draw[red] (-1.19,-1.19) rectangle (1.19,1.19);
\draw [->](-\thetae+180:1) -- (-\thetae:1);
\node[rotate=-\thetae, right] at (-\thetae:0.95) {$\alpha$};
\draw [->](-\thetae+270:1) -- (-\thetae+90:1);
\node[rotate=-\thetae, right] at (-\thetae+90:0.95) {$\beta$};


{tikz-pgf} {spacing}

asked May 12 '16 at 15:25

Jason S
978 4 17

1 Answer

Like most latex constructs, a tikzpicture is a box so spacing is controlled as it would Página 1 de 2
tikz pgf - How do I control the spacing between two tikzpictures? - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange 03/01/18 16(08

be between two letters. You have


which is like


and puts one word space between them so they are side by side if they fit on the line.

You could have a blank line to put them in separate paragraphs one above the other,


to force them out as far as possible, or any other space construct that you need.

Particularly in standalone you might want a fixed width so


edited May 12 '16 at 15:31 answered May 12 '16 at 15:29

David Carlisle
427k 33 1022

what if I want them to be flush against each other? – Jason S May 12 '16 at 15:29

1 @JasonS just put them next to each other, latex doesn't insert any space zzzz zzz stuff to force a
linebreak in this comment: \end{tikzpicture}\begin{tikzpicture} – David Carlisle May 12 '16 at 15:30

3 @JasonS Put a % after \end{tikzpicture} to hide the newline character from TeX. – Henri Menke May
12 '16 at 15:31

If I do \end{tikzpicture}\begin{tikzpicture} there is still a small space between the rectangles,

though – Jason S May 12 '16 at 15:33

1 @JasonS If I use outer sep=0pt,inner sep=0pt on the tikzpicture they touch (but it messes up the inner
node spacing, not sure how to set it just for the outer box) – David Carlisle May 12 '16 at 15:43 Página 2 de 2

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