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Library Policy

Folder Stuffing
-After the librarians have numbered and processed the music, the directors and assistant directors
will stuff the folders with music bearing the corresponding number.

Syllabus Policy (Please include in your syllabus)

The Choral Department assigns a folder number with accompanying choral sheet music to all
students at the beginning of the semester. We ask that you return all music after the final concert.
Failure to return music will result in an “Incomplete” grade until music is returned or
reimbursement is finalized.

Music Handout/ Library Policy

-Directors/Assistant Directors will pass out music to their choir.
-Directors/Assistant Directors will record each students’ music folder number on their roster.
-Directors/Assistant Directors will collect all the music right after the final concert or in the next
-Directors/Assistant directors will order the music and track the missing numbers.
-One week after the final concert, they will send a warning email to students with missing music
(warning about an incomplete grade/asking the student to come discuss reimbursement for lost
-If Directors/Assistant Directors still do not receive the music five days after the warning is sent,
it will result in an incomplete grade until reimbursement is discussed and finalized with Dr.
Gentry and the librarians.

Checking out music

-To check out music, please sign out the music in the red three-ring binder on the choral librarian
-When the music is returned, please sign it back in. It is your responsibility to file the music back
to the shelf.
-The librarians are not here to file music you personally checked out. They are responsible
for dealing with music for the choral groups.

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