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The world’s most popular questionnaire for measuring

personality Type
The MBTI Step I (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®) framework provides
the basis for lifelong personal development, and improved
organisational effectiveness.
The Myers-Briggs Step I assessment
The MBTI Step I framework looks at four areas that determine individual Type. The four areas are:

 Extraversion (E) – Introversion (I)

Where you prefer to get or focus your energy
 Sensing (S) – iNtuition (N)
The kind of information you prefer to gather and trust
 Thinking (T) – Feeling (F)
The process you prefer to use in coming to decisions
 Judging (J) – Perceiving (P)
How you prefer to deal with the world around you
How it works: an individual completes the MBTI Step I questionnaire, which covers all of the areas
mentioned above. Their answers, along with a feedback session from a qualified practitioner, help the
individual to arrive at a four-letter MBTI personality Type – ESTP, for example. Due to the combinations
available, there are 16 MBTI personality Types in total.
MBTI Step I: self awareness and personal insight
The Myers-Briggs assessment is the first step to a journey of personal development:

 Offers an easy-to-understand way of exploring personality differences

 Has a range of reports which provide different levels of information and practical applications
 Has a proven effectiveness and track record, with over two million assessments administered
 Gives a positive view on personality Types and difference – there are no ‘better’ or ‘worse’ Types

MBTI Step I: key features

 Uses the Myers-Briggs framework to define 16 personality types
 Road tested over the last 70 years, outstanding credentials
 Highlights individual strengths and how to capitalise on them
 Provides practical applications and problem-solving over a broad range of issues for individuals and
 Interpretive reports support practical application
 Easy administration via the OPPassessment platform
 Questionnaires and reports available in multiple languages

How do I buy the MBTI Step I instrument?

In order to maintain rigorous standards of quality in the field of personality assessment, access to the
MBTI questionnaire and associated products is restricted to qualified MBTI practitioners. This means that
in order to use and buy the MBTI Step I instrument, you must attend our MBTI Foundation Programme.
However, there may be a quicker route to gaining access, depending on which qualifications you already
hold. Visit our MBTI training page to find out more.

How do I find MBTI-qualified practitioners if I need help?

Take a look at our Find a partner page for providers of psychometrics training and consultancy in your

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