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Lesson: Architecture ..................................................................................................................................... 2

Lesson: Persistence Layer ........................................................................................................................... 11
Lesson: Backup & Recovery ........................................................................................................................ 15
Lesson : Hardware....................................................................................................................................... 21
Intel & SAP: Co-innovation for Real-Time Computing ................................................................................ 22
Cisco Systems SAP HANA Solutions ............................................................................................................ 24

2013 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 97

Lesson: Architecture

SAP HANA Database Architecture A running SAP HANA system consists of multiple
communicating processes (services). The following shows the main SAP HANA database
services in a classical application context.

Such traditional database applications use well-defined interfaces (for example, ODBC and
JDBC) to communicate with the database management system functioning as a data source,
usually over a network connection. Often running in the context of an application server, these
traditional applications use Structured Query Language (SQL) to manage and query the data
stored in the database.

2013 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 97

The main SAP HANA database management component is known as the index server, which
contains the actual data stores and the engines for processing the data. The index server
processes incoming SQL or MDX statements in the context of authenticated sessions and

The SAP HANA database has its own scripting language named SQLScript. SQLScript embeds
data-intensive application logic into the database. Classical applications tend to offload only
very limited functionality into the database using SQL. This results in extensive copying of data
from and to the database, and in programs that slowly iterate over huge data loops and are hard
to optimize and parallelize. SQLScript is based on side-effect free functions that operate on
tables using SQL queries for set processing, and is therefore parallelizable over multiple

In addition to SQLScript, SAP HANA supports a framework for the installation of specialized
and optimized functional libraries, which are tightly integrated with different data engines of the
index server. Two of these functional libraries are the SAP HANA Business Function Library
(BFL) and the SAP HANA Predictive Analytics Library (PAL). BFL and PAL functions can be
called directly from within SQLScript.

SAP HANA also supports the development of programs written in the R language. SQL and
SQLScript are implemented using a common infrastructure of built-in data engine functions that
have access to various meta definitions, such as definitions of relational tables, columns, views,
and indexes, and definitions of SQLScript procedures. This metadata is stored in one common

The database persistence layer is responsible for durability and atomicity of transactions. It
ensures that the database can be restored to the most recent committed state after a restart
and that transactions are either completely executed or completely undone. The index server
uses the preprocessor server for analyzing text data and extracting the information on which the
text search capabilities are based. The name server owns the information about the topology of
SAP HANA system. In a distributed system, the name server knows where the components are
running and which data is located on which server.

2013 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 97

Business Example
A customer need to transform his landscape to improve his global performance

and lessen his IT administration task. He needs to turn to SAP HANA technology

and learn the new architecture of SAP HANA Appliance.

Figure 1: Index Server Architecture

At the top is the Connection and Session Management which creates and manages

2013 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 97

sessions and connections for the database clients such as SAP BusinessObjects

Reporting tools or applications.

The Transaction Manager is the component that coordinates transactions, controls

transactional isolation and keeps track of running and closed transactions.

The client requests are analyzed and executed by the set of components

summarized as Request Processing and Execution Control. Once a session

is established, database clients typically use SQL statements to communicate

with Request Processing and Execution Control. For analytical applications the

multidimensional query language MDX is supported in addition.

Incoming SQL requests are received by the SQL Processor. Data manipulation

statements are executed by the SQL Processor itself. Other types of requests are

delegated to other components.

Figure 2: SAP HANA System Landscape Connectivity Overview

For example, Data definition statements, such as definitions of relational tables,

columns, views, indexes and Procedures are dispatched to the Metadata Manager Planning
commands are routed to the Planning Engine that allows financial

planning applications to execute basic planning operations in the database layer.

2013 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 97

The SAP HANA database offers programming capabilities for running

application-specific calculations inside the database system. The SAP HANA

database has its own programming languages. SQLScript is used to write

database stored procedures. Procedure calls are forwarded to the Stored Procedure

processor.Incoming MDX requests are processed by the MDX engine and also forwarded to

the Calc Engine.Features such as SQLScript, MDX and planning operations are implemented

using a common infrastructure called Calc Engine.

Figure 3: SAP HANA High Availability – High Availability – Disaster


High Availability per Data Center – Scale-Out with Standby Available today HW

partners: Fujitsu, HP, IBM, more to come.

High Availability across Data Centers – Disaster Tolerance Planned for General

Availability of BW on HANA

HW partners, planned: Fujitsu, HP, IBM, more to come.

Solutions depend on HW partner technology.

2013 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 97

Figure 96: Scale Out – High Availability

Figure 4: Scale Out – SAP HANA Database Landscape

High-Availability enables the failover of a node within one distributed SAP HANA

appliance. Failover uses a cold standby node and gets triggered automatically.

Landscape Up to 3 master name-servers can be defined. During startup one server

gets elected as active master. The active master assigns a volume to each starting

index server or no volume in case of standby servers.

Master name-server failure

In case of a master name-server failure, another of the remaining name-servers

will become active master.

2013 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 97

Index-server failure

The master name-server detects an index-server failure and executes the failover.

During the failover the master name-server assigns the volume of the failed

index-server to the standby server.

Figure 5: SAP HANA High Availability – Node Failover (Standby)

The General Parallel File System (GPFS) is a shared-disk clustered file system

developed by IBM.

Figure 6: HANA Disaster Tolerance – Cluster Across Data Centers

2013 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 97

The mirroring is offered on the storage system level. It will be offered together

with the appliance as an special offering by our partners. The hardware partner

will define how this concept is finally realized with his operation possibilities.

Performance impact is to be expected on data changing operations as soon as

the synchronous mirroring is activated. The impact depends strongly on a lot

of external factors like distance, connection between data centers, etc. The

synchronous writing of the log with the concluding COMMITs is the crucial part


In case of an emergency the primary data center is not available any more and a

process for the take-over must be initiated. So far a lot of customers wished to have

a manual process here, but an automated process is also able to be implemented.

This take-over process then would end the mirroring officially, will mount the disks

to the already installed HANA software and instances, and start up the secondary

database side of the cluster. If the hostnames and instance names on both sides of

the cluster are identical, no further steps with hdbrename are necessary.

It would be possible to run a development and/or QA instance of the three tier

installation on this secondary cluster hardware, simply to utilize it until the

take-over is executed. The take-over then would stop these dev. and/or QA

instances and mount the production disks to the hosts. It would require an

additional set of disks for the dev. and QA instance.

So far no hot standby via log shipping is available or even log shipping by

recovering of log backups on a standby host. This needs some changes in the

engines of HANA database which needs time to be realized. Both solutions are on

the agenda of HANAs future.

2013 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 97

Figure 7 Data Replication Methods

There are different technologies how to load data into SAP HANA (different data

provisioning scenarios) which are covered in the Unit ―Data Provisioning‖.

The methods are:

• SAP Landscape Transformation

• SAP Data Services

• Flat file upload

• Direct Extractor Connection (DXC)

Figure 8 SAP HANA System Landscape

2013 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 97

Lesson: Persistence Layer
Business Example

In case of power failure and restart of the system, we need to know if the system

is able to recover data or not.

Figure 1: Persistence – In-Memory Data Is Regularly Saved to Disk

Data pages and before images (Undo log pages) are written on the data volumes.

After images (redo log pages) are written on the log volumes.

2013 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 97

Figure 2: SAP HANA Persistence: Shadow Memory Concept – Details

The savepoint consists of 3 phases:

Phase #1:

• All modified pages are determined that are not yet written to disk. The

savepoint coordinator triggers writing of these pages.

Phase #2:

• The write operations for phase 3 are prepared.

• A consistent change lock is acquired → no write operations are allowed.

• All pages are determined that were modified during phase 1 and written

to a temporary buffer.

• List of open transactions is retrieved.

• Row store information for uncommitted changes made during phase 1 is

written to disk.

2013 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 97

• Current log position is determined (log position from which logs must be

read during restart).

• Change lock is released.

Phase #3:

• All data is written to disk. Changes are allowed again during this phase.

• Temporary buffers created in phase 2.

• List of open transactions

• Row store check point is invoke

• Log queue is flushed up to the save point log position

• Restart record is written (containing e.g. the save point log position)

Shadow paging is used to undo changes that were persisted since the last

save point. With the shadow page concept, physical disk pages written by the last

save point are not overwritten until the next save point is successfully completed.

Instead, new physical pages are used to persist changed logical pages. Until the

next save point is complete, two physical pages may exist for one logical page: The

shadow page, which still contains the version of the last save point, and the current

physical page which contains the changes written to disk after the last save point.

After restart, the system is restored from the save point versions of the data pages.

This way all data changes written since the last save point are automatically rolled

back. After the save point is restored, the log is replayed to restore the most recent

committed state.

2013 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 97

Figure 3: Persistence Layer in SAP HANA Database – System Restart

Actions during system restart

• Last save point must be reloaded plus:

– Undo logs must be read for uncommitted transactions saved with last

save point (stored on the data volume)

– Redo logs for committed transactions since last save point (stored on

the log volume)

• Complete content of row store is loaded into memory

• Column store tables may be marked for preload or not

– Only tables marked for preload are loaded into memory during startup

– If table is marked for loading on demand, the restore procedure is

invoked on first access

2013 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 97

Lesson: Backup & Recovery
Business Example

In case if we need to refresh an environment with another one, like refreshing

testing environment with productive environment, we can use backup and

recovery procedure to do so. Or if a disk failure appends, we need to know which

data will be recovered.

Backup & Recovery

Database copy:

Figure 1: SAP HANA Backup/Recovery – Database Copy Using Backups

SAP HANA SPS06 Onwards: Backup and Recovery Database copy from m nodes to

n nodes

A database copy using backup/recovery is with SPS06 possible for a scale-out

2013 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 97

system with m nodes to a system with n nodes (m>n)

This functionality is needed for example when you want to use a copy of your

production system for tests on a smaller QA system.

Hint: If the target system has less resources, e.g. less CPU and RAM,

performance cannot be expected to be the same as in the source system.

To copy a database:

1. Create a data backup of the source database

2. In the target database, configure (m-n) additional index servers to match the

source system configuration (.ini file parameter). You can choose yourself

how you want to distribute these index servers across the available nodes

3. Recover the data backup of the source database into the target database

Note: Before the recovery is executed on the target system, SAP

HANA will check whether it has been configured appropriately.

Figure 2: SAP HANA SPS 6 onwards : Backup and Recovery Database copy from

m nodes to n nodes

2013 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 97

FAQ: SAP-HANA-Database – Backup and Recovery

Note: 1642148

Figure 3: Backup & Recovery – Save to External Backup Destinations


• User starts backup via SAP HANA studio

• Database triggers a global database snapshot (backup manager in master

name server)

• Commits for all transactions on hold

• Master name and index servers create snapshots of their persistent storage

• Commits allowed again

• Master name server and index servers write snapshots to backup destinations

SAP HANA studio monitors progress

Manual configuration backup (recommended: every time a data backup is carried

2013 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 97


• /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/hdb/custom/config

• /usr/sap/<SID>/HDB<instance no>/<hostname> (without sub-directories!)

Figure 4: Backup & Recovery – Recovery Scenario – Disk Failure (Data


SAP HANA studio provides additional information on the backup overview tab

with SPS06 onwards

• Progress information on the currently running data backup, with information

on the services included in the backup

• Last successful data backup with information on Start/end time, duration,

size, and throughput

• Detailed information on this data backup by clicking “More Information”

2013 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 97

• Backup overview tab in the navigator in SAP HANA studio

Figure 5: SAP HANA SPS6 Onwards: Backup Information in SAP HANA Studio

SAP HANA SPS6: Backup catalog in SAP HANA studio – overview tab

• The Backup catalog provides detailed information on data and log backups,

e.g. start/end time, duration, size, throughput

• In the navigator in SAP HANA studio you can choose the Backup Catalog tab

• Per default, only data backups are displayed. There is a check box to also

display log backup

• More detailed information, e.g. status, destination type, location, and

services included in the backup are available and can be selected

Figure 123: SAP HANA SPS6 Onwards: Backup Catalog in SAP HANA Studio


• In general there are three data sources involved in the recovery process:

– Data backups stored in the file system

– Log Backups stored in the file system

– Online logs

2013 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 97

Figure 5: 3 Recovery Scenarios

Figure 6: Backup & Recovery: Feature Overview

2013 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 97

2013 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 97

Lesson : Hardware

General SAP HANA Hardware Specifications

SAP HANA is sold as a pre-configured, pre-installed appliance that is delivered directly from
the hardware partner. SUSE Linux SLES 11 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux for SAP HANA are
the only supported operating systems, and Intel E7 processors are the primary supported chips.
Samsung RAM is currently the primary memory used by most of the hardware partners.

Most partner systems use on-board 15k RPM hard disks (4x ratio for main memory) for data-
volume backup and Fusion I/O SSD cards (1:1 ratio for main memory) for log-volume backup.

SAP ensures the quality, availability, and performance of the certified systems through a
rigorous process of end-to-end quality testing, performance testing, and continuous early
access to next-generation technologies from all of its partners.

SAP HANA Product Availability Matrix (PAM)

SAP has recently made the SAP HANA supported hardware matrix available on an open
website. Since the supported configurations are changing so rapidly, we’ll simply insert the link
to the site here so you can always get the most up-to-date listing.

SAP Certified Appliance Hardware for SAP HANA

Additional Infrastructure

SAP recommends that customers deploy 10 gb network data connections. SAP has no
preference on external storage/SAN; rather, it is determined by the server vendor.

Multi-Node and Scale-Out Options

SAP HANA is a linearly scalable database, meaning, you can string together multiple physical
servers into a single logical database instance and achieve linear performance results for every
additional server added to the landscape.

Currently, SAP HANA has certified several vendors for multi-node scale out. Literally, you just
add another node/server to the landscape, and you immediately enjoy an exponential increase
in performance, in addition to the additional memory. Refer to the SAP HANA hardware partner
section of this chapter for more information on the various scale-out offerings from the individual

In 2012, SAP recently completed the first 100TB benchmark for the 16 node scale out solution.
The data set consisted of five years of Sales and Distribution Records (100 Billion records) and
was run on a single logical server consisting of 16 nodes. Each node was a certified IBM X5
machine with eight Intel E7-8870 processors with 10 cores, running at 2.40 GHz. The total cost
of the 16 node system was roughly USD$640K.

2013 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 97

SAP HANA was able to scan 100 Billion rows/Sec on the 100 TB dataset and was able to load
16 million records/min. SAP HANA’s compression algorithms were able to achieve 20x
compression on the raw data when loading into memory, going from 100TB on disk to 3.8TB in

Typical query results were:

BW Workload: 300ms — 500ms

Ad-Hoc Analytics: 800ms — 2s

No database tuning, indexing or caching were needed to achieve these results. To put that in
context, the closest competitive database is roughly 1000x slower in the same benchmark and
several times more expensive.

Intel & SAP: Co-innovation for Real-Time Computing

For more than 10 years, Intel and SAP have worked together to deliver industry-leading
performance of SAP solutions on Intel architecture, and a large proportion of new SAP
implementations are now deployed on Intel platforms. The latest success from that tradition of
co-innovation is available to customers of all sizes in the SAP HANA, which is fully supported
only on the Intel Xeon® processor E7 family.

The relationship between Intel and SAP has become even stronger over the years, growing to
include a broad set of collaborations and initiatives. Some of the most visible include the

Joint roadmap enablement. Early in the design process, Intel and SAP decision-makers identify
complementary features and capabilities in their upcoming products, and those insights help to
direct the development cycle for maximum value.

Collaborative product optimization. Intel engineers located on-site at SAP work with their SAP
counterparts to provide tuning expertise that enables SAP HANA and other software solutions to
take advantage of the latest hardware features.

Combined research efforts. Together, researchers from Intel and SAP continually explore and
drive the future of business computing. As a result of these efforts, customer solutions achieve
performance, scalability, reliability, and energy efficiency that translate into favorable ROI and
TCO, for increased business value.

Operational Success and Management of Real-Time Events

2013 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 97

In-memory computing based on SAP solutions on the Intel Xeon® processor E7 family enables
greater business agility and innovative usage models that let companies respond to changing
conditions in real time.

Scenarios such as monitoring customer and supplier activity can generate petabytes of data,
the value of which depends on the ability to distill it into actionable intelligence.

SAP HANA and the latest Intel Xeon® processor E7 v2 family with up to 15 cores per socket
deliver rapid data analysis that discerns patterns and trends so you can adjust your just-in-time
supply chain rapidly. You can also model ―what if‖ scenarios to structure sales and promotions
for optimal outcomes based on the latest sales and pipeline information.

Features of the Intel Xeon processor E7 v2 family such as 37.5MB of L3 cache, Intel®
QuickPath Interconnects, and quad-channel integrated memory controllers with max memory
speed of up to up to 1600MHz deliver extraordinary capabilities for businesses of all sizes that
implement SAP HANA for functionality such as business intelligence and data analytics.

Especially the up to 24 DIMMs per socket with 64GB max DIMM density which allow up to 6 TB
in 4-socket, up to 12 TB in 8-socket or 24 TB in 16-socket servers provide SAP customers
significant improvements for large transactional workloads e.g. BusinessSuite on HANA.

Performance Optimizations of SAP HANA with the Intel Xeon® Processor E7 Family

SAP HANA benefits dramatically from high-speed Intel® QuickPath processor- to-memory
interconnects and the latest processor instructions, Streaming SIMD Extensions e.g. Intel®
AVX. Those features eliminate many I/O bottlenecks, so processor headroom is available to
generate excellent throughput and responsiveness. SAP HANA is also engineered to take
particular advantage of RAS (reliability, availability, and serviceability) features of the Intel Xeon
processor E7family, especially error correction through Machine Check Architecture Recovery,
for mission-critical implementations.

As a result of the high level of performance optimization for servers based on the Intel Xeon
processor E7 family, SAP HANA can provide businesses of all sizes superior results for data
warehousing implementations such as business intelligence and data analytics. Assured
Performance with Mission-Critical Advanced Reliability of the Intel Xeon Processor E7 Family

Machine Check Architecture Recovery, a reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS) feature
built into the Intel Xeon® processor E7 family, enables the hardware platform to generate
Machine Check Exceptions. In many cases, these notifications enable the system to take
corrective action that allows SAP HANA to keep running where an outage would otherwise

Hardware based on the Intel Xeon® processor E7 family enables SAP HANA to fail over from
one processor socket to another in the event of a processor failure and to handle memory errors
with as little impact to workloads as possible.

Copyright© 2014 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved

2013 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 97

Cisco Systems SAP HANA Solutions

As part of the ―Unified Appliance Environment,‖ Cisco has developed a full portfolio of SAP
HANA appliances based on Cisco Unified Computing System™ (Cisco UCS™) spanning from
the smallest T-shirt sizing, supporting as low as 64 GB memory, up to large scale-out solutions
which can support up to 8 TB of usable memory. Depending on the compression factors, the
Cisco appliances can support databases up to 56 TB, the largest currently supported by SAP.
However the Cisco technology can support up to 20 TB of usable memory, which corresponds
to uncompressed databases up to 100 TB or more.

Cisco UCS: A Unique SAP HANA Solution

Cisco UCS is a single unified system entirely programmable through unified, model-based
management to simplify and speed deployment of enterprise-class applications and services. All
Cisco UCS SAP HANA appliances are intelligent infrastructure that can be managed through
the embedded, single management plane across multiple Cisco UCS rack and blade servers
(Figure 1). This radically simplifies operations and lowers costs. The model-based management
applies personality and configures server, network, and storage connectivity resources. Using
Cisco service profiles, which define the model, it is simple to provision servers by applying a
desired configuration to physical infrastructure. The configuration is applied quickly, accurately,
and automatically, improving business agility, staff productivity, and eliminating a major source
of errors that can cause downtime.

The Cisco Fabric Extender Architecture reduces the number of system components to
purchase, configure, manage, and maintain by condensing three network layers into one. It
eliminates both blade server and hypervisor-based switches by connecting fabric interconnect
ports directly to individual blade servers and virtual machines. Virtual networks are now
managed exactly as physical networks are, but with massive scalability. This represents a
radical simplification over traditional systems, reducing capital and operating costs while
increasing business agility, simplifying and speeding deployment, and improving performance.

Cisco UCS helps organizations go beyond efficiency: it helps them become more effective
through technologies that breed simplicity rather than complexity. The result is flexible, agile,
high-performance, self-integrating information technology that reduces staff costs and increases
uptime through automation, providing a more rapid return on investment.

The excellent performance combined with the broad range of usable memory make the Cisco
UCS SAP Appliances an excellent, easy-to-manage choice for analyzing massive amounts of
business data.

2013 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 97

Figure 1. Cisco UCS SAP HANA Architecture

SAP HANA T-Shirt Sizes Offered

The Extra Small (XS) and Small (S)-size appliances are based on the Cisco C260 M2 rack
mount server with 2 Intel® Xeon® Processor E7-4870 (2.4 GHz) and up to 256 GB of usable
memory for BW and 512 GB for SAP business suite on HANA. This configuration is primarily
used for development, test, and small production SAP HANA systems with uncompressed
datasets up to 1.75 TB. The Cisco UCS appliance incorporates a persistency layer, based on
internal SSD drives that require no additional drivers tainting the Linux kernel.

The Medium (M)-size appliance is based on the Cisco C460 M2 rack mount server with 4 Intel®
Xeon® Processor E7-4870 (2.4 GHz) and up to 512 GB of usable memory for BW and 1024 GB
for SAP business suite on HANA. This configuration is ideal for use in mid-sized and larger

2013 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 97

production environments such as the one used by Medtronic, a large, worldwide manufacturer
of medical devices (see customer example). The persistency layer is provided by two Fusion IO
cards to avoid possible bottlenecks in duo card configurations sharing the same PCI slot.

SAP HANA Scale-out offering

The Cisco UCS solution that has been certified for large SAP HANA implementations is a
uniquely scalable appliance. It allows customers to easily adapt to the growing demands of their
individual environment by incrementally adding Cisco B440 M2 blade servers with 4 Intel®
Xeon® Processors E7-4870 (2.4 GHz) and up to 512 GB usable memory each, as needed. For
every four Cisco UCS blade servers, the persistency layer is provided by an EMC VNX 5300 or
a NetApp FAS 3240, depending on customer preference.

The ―basic configuration‖ of the Cisco scale-out offering is made up of redundant fabric
interconnects with embedded infrastructure management, a Cisco UCS C200 server for SAP
HANA studio, a Cisco 2911 for secure remote management, and one enclosure with support for
up to 4 Cisco B440 blades. The basic configuration can easily scale by adding up by a literally
infinite number of Cisco B440 M2 blades servers each and the correspondent storage from
EMC or NetApp. The beauty of Cisco’s scale out architecture that it can be extended by
additional blades and storage units without shutting down the HANA system as we have proven
at eBay where an existing HANA system with 4 TB was extended to 12 TB on the fly without
any downtime

Copyright© 2014 Cisco. All rights reserved

The other Hardware vendors. Please refer PAM for further details.

2013 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 97

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