Sources For Jahkai Pettway Research Project

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Bechara, Dennis. “The Development of Puerto Rico.” ​​, 1 Oct.

1982, Accessed 13 Jan. 2018. is a website packed with qualitative and quantitative facts about Puerto Rico and

how it grew over the years. It mainly explains how poor the economy and living

conditions were and how natives immigrated until the island gained its prosperity back.

This source is very useful because it has a lot of facts and proves my claim that people

move for economic reasons just like the Puerto Ricans did.

​Diary of Second World War German teenager reveals young lives untroubled by Nazi

Holocaust in wartime Berlin​. 15 June 2013,


Accessed 13 Jan. 2018.

This source consists of diary entries from a German teenage girl during the holocaust and

world war II. She describes her school being bombed and the concentration camps she

seen, but did not completely understand it until she got older. This is useful because it

supports my claim that people migrate for safety, like how Germans moved to avoid the

destruction during the time period.

“A German Soldier’s.” ​My Dear Wife​. ​German Propaganda Archive​, Accessed 13 Jan.


This source is a letter from a German solider to his wife and children during the world

war II. He talks about how the fields are silent and filled with death. Even though he

knew the war wasn’t really going in Germany’s way he told his family to have hope for

victory. This is useful because it proves my claim that people move for safety because

Germany was filled with warfare at the time, and nobody wants to be apart of a country

losing their war.

“How many educational institutions exist in the United States?” ​National Center for

Educational Statistics​, Accessed 13 Jan.


This source is a chart of all the school in the United States in each year. The year 1930 is

most important because it is during the time of my grandfather’s migration to the United

States. This source can be useful because the great number of schools in America during

this time period could be a motivation for my grandfather along with other Puerto Ricans

to migrate.

“Puerto Rico: A U.S. Territory.” ​Puerto Rico Report​, Accessed

13 Jan. 2018.
This source consists of a brief paragraph talking about how Puerto Rico came together as

a whole. One of the facts it has explains when the U.S. gained Puerto Rican allowing

immigration to happen. This source is not very useful beside that one fact because the

others talk about political purposes that I am not discussing in my project. I will most

likely still use this source.

Rivera, Magaly. “Puerto Rico’s History.” ​Welcome to Puerto Rico!​, Accessed 13 Jan. 2018.

This source is a timeline of Puerto Rico’s history and important facts. The most important

facts I might use for my project are the dates of schools being introduced, dates of natural

disasters, the great depression, etc. This is useful because these things all relate to my

claim that people migrate due to economic and educational purposes because Puerto

Ricans did when their territory lacked it.

Rodriguez, Dominica. Interview. By Jahkai Pettway. 6 Dec. 2017.

This interview with my mom and I, consists of her brief description of our family history.

I asked her a bunch questions leading to the main question of what motivated my family

to move or migrate. She described my grandfathers struggles in Puerto Rico with getting

an education and a good job. She then explained how her my grandma and her family

fled Germany to escape world war II and the holocaust for safety. I will based my whole

project around my grandparents.

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