Comparison of Peri-Implant and Periodontal Marginal Soft Tissues in Health and Diseas Perio 2000 Vol 76 PDF

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Periodontology 2000, Vol. 0, 2017, 1–15 © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

iley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Printed in Singapore. All rights reserved PERIODONTOLOGY 2000

Comparison of peri-implant and

periodontal marginal soft tissues
in health and disease

The structures of the soft tissues, including the implants and teeth, and explore how the unique fea-
epithelial and connective tissue elements, that tures of the implant–mucosa interface impact on clin-
envelop a dental implant are in many ways analogous ical features of peri-implant tissues in health and
to those that surround the natural dentition (57). As is disease.
the case with teeth, dental implants also have an
intra-osseous component that is situated within alve-
olar bone and provides structural anchorage, and a Gingival and peri-implant
component that is transmucosal and facilitates epithelial attachment
attachment of the dental restoration. Although the
periodontium and peri-implant supporting structures Dental endo-osseous implants are placed into a surgi-
share similar histologic and clinical features, there are cally created osteotomy in alveolar bone. Generally,
several fundamental differences between the anchor- the alveolar bone is accessed via a surgical incision in
age and attachment of teeth and implants. A key dif- the mucosa. The transmucosal attachment is formed
ference is that there is no periodontal ligament or after adaptation of the mucosal wound edges to the
cementum around dental implants, with the alveolar transmucosal part of the implant. Therefore, the soft-
bone coming into direct contact with the implant tissue attachment around the implant develops fol-
surface. lowing surgical intervention, unlike that of the tooth,
As is the case with teeth, the transmucosal compo- which develops simultaneously with the periodon-
nent of implants needs to provide a physical and tium and remains structurally continuous with the
physiological barrier between the external oral envi- surrounding tissues. Following implant surgery, the
ronment and the underlying tissues. The implant– epithelial cells at the wound edges are coded to prolif-
mucosa interface also includes a sulcus resembling erate and cover the wound to ensure wound closure
that associated with teeth, as well as an attachment and continuity (55). These cells have the ability to
apparatus. Indeed, the architecture of the supra- adhere to the implant surface and to produce a basal
alveolar transmucosal components, consisting of a lamina and hemidesmosomes, creating an epithelial
sulcus, junctional epithelium and connective tissue seal that resembles the junctional epithelium around
attachment, is similar around implants and teeth teeth (55).
(Fig. 1). Although both the transmucosal component The gingival junctional epithelium is part of the
of implants and the transgingival component of teeth attachment apparatus between the tooth and gingiva.
have a sulcus (in health)/pocket (in disease) and a The innermost cells of the junctional epithelium form
connective tissue attachment, important differences the epithelial attachment apparatus, which ensures a
exist, which have clinical implications for the mainte- tight seal against the tooth surface (20) (Fig. 2A,B,D).
nance of peri-implant mucosal health, as well as for This adherence to the tooth surface means that the
the diagnosis and management of peri-implant dis- junctional epithelium plays a critical role in tissue
ease. This review will compare and contrast the anat- homeostasis and defence against microorganisms
omy of the transmucosal (gingival) components of and their constituents (20). Similarly, it is universally

Ivanovski & Lee

Fig. 1. Cross-section of the buccal

dento-alveolar region (A) and of the
buccal and coronal part of the peri-
implant bone and mucosa (B). Simi-
lar anatomical components (i.e.
sulcular epithelium, junctional
epithelium and connective tissue)
are present in both periodontal and
peri-implant mucosa. Sections were
stained using periodic acid–Schiff
(PAS) and toluidine blue. Original
magnification 340. Adapted from
Berglundh et al. (16).

accepted that the integrity of the epithelial attach- the epithelium is restored. The apical cells of the bar-
ment between the implant and the peri-implant rier epithelium terminate approximately 1–1.5 mm
mucosa is critical for maintaining osseointegration coronal to the bone crest, and are separated from the
(44). bone by a noninflamed, collagen-rich, cell-poor con-
Consistent with the epithelial structure and nective tissue zone (16). It has been shown that
arrangement of the natural dentition, the peri- epithelial proliferation is initiated at 1–2 weeks of
implant mucosa consists of a well-keratinized oral healing and that the mature barrier epithelium is
epithelium at the outer surface, which is continuous established after 6–8 weeks of healing (19).
with a sulcular epithelium lining the lateral aspect of
the gingival sulcus (57). This inner lining epithelial
attachment of the peri-implant mucosa resembles Gingival and peri-implant
the junctional epithelium of the teeth in its histologi- connective tissue
cal characteristics. Berglundh et al. (16, 17) showed,
in an experimental animal study, that an epithelial In an experimental animal study, Berglundh et al.
structure of a few cell layers in thickness extends (16) histologically demonstrated a complex connec-
approximately 2 mm apically from the soft-tissue tive tissue arrangement around teeth, consisting of a
margin. It is believed that the formation of this barrier fan-shaped pattern of supra-alveolar principal con-
epithelium facing the implant is a natural result of nective tissue fibers projecting from the root cemen-
wound healing, with the epithelial cells proliferating tum into the soft and hard tissues of the marginal
along the exposed implant surface until continuity of periodontium in lateral, coronal and apical directions

Comparison of periodontal and peri-implant soft tissues

Fig. 2. Histological sections of the peri-implant mucosa fol- the abutment (indicated by red arrows): sulcular epithelium
lowing 8 weeks of healing. The image in the center shows a (A); barrier epithelium (B); and connective tissue (C). Histo-
section stained by hematoxylin and eosin. Environmental logical sections (hematoxylin and eosin staining) of the
scanning electron microcopy visualization (5003 magnifica- epithelial layer (4003) (D) and the connective tissue (2003)
tion) was performed of different areas along the surface facing (E) are also shown. Adapted from Tomasi et al. (90).

(Fig. 1A). In a later review, Schroeder et al. (83) periosteum of the alveolar bone crest, extending to
schematically described the gingival fibers according the mucosal margin (16). These fibers are orientated
to their preferential orientation. This schema identi- in a direction parallel to the implant/abutment sur-
fied dento-gingival, dento-periosteal, alveolo-gingival face (16, 31) (Figs 1B and 2C,E). This is in contrast to
and periosteo-gingival fiber groups that attach the the attachment of connective tissue to teeth, whereby
gingiva to teeth and bone; interpapillary fibers that collagen fibers insert into the root cementum in a
connect the vestibular and oral interdental papillae to perpendicular direction (16). It is important to note
one another; and circular or semicircular transgingi- that the difference in the orientation of collagen
val and transeptal fiber bundles that connect adjacent fibers, under the strict plaque-control regime of the
teeth to one another. study, was shown not to be of clinical significance as
Peri-implant mucosal connective tissue attachment the implant sites were devoid of inflammatory cell
has somewhat similar clinical and histological fea- infiltrates and the cuff-like barrier provided adequate
tures to that of teeth. However, the main difference is protection against the biofilm. From a morphogenetic
observed in the cellular composition and fiber orien- perspective, Berglundh et al. (19) reported, in a
tation. The connective tissue surrounding the dental canine model, that the connective tissue of the peri-
implant is in direct contact with the titanium dioxide implant mucosa was organized after 4–6 weeks of
surface and it contains a dense network of collagen healing and that the maturation of the tissue took
fibers which, in major bundles, originate from the place between 6 and 12 weeks of healing.

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Subsequently, Tomasi et al. (90) reported the corre- surfaces. Histomorphometric analysis demonstrated
sponding histological findings in a human study, that the length of direct connective tissue contact was
demonstrating that the peri-implant mucosal seal similar between the implants, but there appeared to
developed completely within 8 weeks of healing. be less bone loss around roughened surface implants
In another animal study, it was reported that a compared with the other surfaces. Therefore, the
large number of fibroblasts were found in the peri- authors concluded that although the different surface
implant mucosal attachment tissue close to the characteristics did not influence the healing pattern
implant surface (65). The fibroblasts in this histologi- of the peri-implant mucosal tissues, they did have an
cal compartment were orientated with their long axis impact on the final location of the most coronal
parallel to the adjacent collagen fibers and to the bone–implant contact (22). The findings were further
implant surface. These histological findings were not confirmed by subsequent studies (25, 58).
consistent in more lateral compartments of the peri- In contrast to the previous studies, recent preclin-
implant mucosal attachment, where greater vascular- ical trials and human case reports by Nevins et al.
ity and denser collagen fiber structures were observed (66–68) suggested that it may be possible to pro-
but fewer fibroblasts were present. The authors con- mote the formation of perpendicularly attached
cluded that the fibroblast-rich barrier tissue, which connective tissue fibers to the implant surface with
lies immediately next to the implant surface, plays an the use of laser-microgrooved abutments. These
important role in maintaining an adequate seal assertions are based on a series of studies (66–68)
against the external environment. investigating whether precisely defined microchan-
nels on the implant abutment surface would pro-
mote connective tissue attachment rather than
Factors influencing the adaptation, which in turn may limit apical migration
peri-implant mucosal barrier of the junctional epithelium, ultimately preventing
crestal bone loss. The microchannels were gener-
A similar mucosal barrier formation has been ated by a computer-controlled laser ablation tech-
observed among different implant systems, including nique that created a microgrooved topography.
both nonsubmerged and submerged types. Abra- Although it was reported that the composition of
hamsson et al. (1) investigated and compared the the peri-implant mucosal attachment was similar to
marginal peri-implant mucosal tissues between one- that in previous studies (18, 36–38), polarized light
stage and two-stage implant systems in an animal microscopy of the mucosa–implant interface
model. The histological features described in the revealed functionally oriented collagen fibers aligned
study were in agreement with previous reports (22, perpendicularly to the implant abutment surface
57), with the mucosal barrier surrounding the (67, 68). The presence of perpendicularly attached
implants in one-stage (nonsubmerged) and two-stage collagen fibers was also confirmed by scanning elec-
(submerged) systems being similar to each other in tron microscopy (67). Remodeling of the bone in a
terms of both dimension and composition. coronal direction was also observed, which was
An in vitro study showed that attachment and pro- attributed to inhibition of the epithelial attachment
liferation of human fibroblasts, epithelial cells and and to promotion of connective tissue attachment
connective tissue cells are affected by the surface to the abutment surface.
topography of titanium implants (23). Based on these It has also been suggested that a perpendicular
findings, it was suggested that different surface tex- orientation of the subepithelial connective tissue
tures could be used to guide mucosal cell attachment attachment at the transmucosal part of the
to the dental implant. However, an in vivo study implant can be achieved by altering the chemical
demonstrated that the surface characteristics (i.e. characteristics of the implant surface, rather than its
roughness) of the healing abutment surface did not topography per se (84). It was observed that the
influence the dimension and composition of the peri- peri-implant connective tissue at chemically
implant mucosal attachment (6). modified hydrophilic implant abutment surfaces
In an animal study, Buser et al. (22) investigated appeared to promote the formation of a mixture of
the soft-tissue reactions to nonsubmerged unloaded collagen fibers with both parallel and perpendicular
implants with different surface characteristics at the orientation (see Fig. 3). In contrast, the hydrophobic
crestal area (i.e. rough sandblasted, fine sandblasted implant surfaces were associated with a dense con-
and polished). The authors reported no significant nective tissue with parallel-running collagen fibers
differences in soft tissue between the three implant and low vascularity (84).

Comparison of periodontal and peri-implant soft tissues


Fig. 3. Histological views of connec-

tive tissue reactions adjacent to the
transmucosal part of hydrophilic (A)
and hydrophobic surfaces (B). Colla-
gen fibers are partially extended and
attached perpendicularly to hydro-
philic implant surfaces, whereas
newly formed dense connective tis-
sues run parallel to hydrophobic
implant surfaces. Masson–Goldner
trichrome Stain (original magnifica-
tion 3500). Adapted from Schwarz
et al. (84).

Although the connective tissue attachment out- width of the natural dentition, the peri-implant
comes with laser microgrooved topography and mucosal attachment dimensions are also regarded as
hydrophilic surfaces are promising, further investiga- being relatively consistent in most cases. In a canine
tion is warranted to investigate the effects of topo- model, Cochran et al. (24) examined the dimensions
graphical and chemical modification of the implant and relationships of peri-implant mucosal attach-
surface on the establishment of peri-implant mucosal ment in nonsubmerged one-part implants under
attachment. unloaded and loaded circumstances. The results
illustrated that the biological width was consistent
and similar in both loaded and unloaded situations.
Biological width However, it is important to note that there are sev-
eral factors which may influence the dimension of
The term ‘biologic width’ refers to the entire dimen- the biologic width around peri-implant tissues,
sion extending from the connective tissue attachment namely the different designs and surface characteris-
to the apical extent of the junctional epithelium. The tics of different commercially available implant sys-
dimensions of the biologic width of the natural denti- tems and various placement protocols. These
tion were studied by Gargiulo et al. (29) and Vacek variables are often related to the quality of the muco-
et al. (91) in humans. The authors of the earlier study sal seal and determine the amount of crestal bone
reported that it consisted of a gingival sulcus, an loss that occurs during the establishment of the bio-
epithelial attachment and a connective tissue attach- logical width. The effect of these variables is explored
ment, and their average values were 0.69 mm, in the following sections and is summarized in
0.97 mm and 1.07 mm, respectively (29). The latter Table 1.
study confirmed the results of the earlier study,
reporting average values of 1.14 mm for epithelial
Surface characteristics
attachment and 0.77 mm for connective tissue
attachment (91). The authors of both studies con- Cochran et al. (24) reported that there were no differ-
cluded that the most consistent value between indi- ences in the dimensions of the newly formed biologic
viduals was the dimension of the connective tissue width between implants with a titanium plasma-
attachment (69). sprayed or a sandblasted acid-etched surface. These
In the case of the peri-implant mucosa, compara- findings were consistent with the results of subse-
ble histomorphometric findings were reported with quent preclinical studies, which reported similar bio-
respect to the attachment dimensions in numerous logic width dimensions around implants with rough
preclinical studies. Berglundh et al. (16, 18) described (acid-etched) and smooth (turned) surfaces, with a
2 mm of epithelial attachment and 1–1.5 mm of con- tendency for the biologic width to be greater on the
nective tissue attachment separating the epithelium rough surface, but this was not statistically significant
from the bone crest. As is the case with the biologic (5, 6). Subsequently, Watzak et al. (93) demonstrated

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Table 1. Summary of factors that may determine the biologic width dimensions by influencing physiological bone
remodeling and/or peri-implant mucosal integrity

Factors that may influence Positive influence Negative influence No influence

soft-tissue integrity and/or
physiological crestal bone
 Hydrophilic vs hydrophobic  Titanium plasma sprayed vs.
Surface characteristics
sand blasted and acid sandblasted and acid etched
etched (84) (24)
 Hydrophilic acid-etched  Dual thermal acid-etched
vs. hydrophobic machined (Osseotiteâ) vs. turned
(85) surface abutment (5, 6)
 Commercially pure titanium
vs. titanium plasma sprayed
vs. sandblasted and acid-
etched (93)
 Rough sandblast vs. fine
sandblast vs. polished (22)
 gold alloy, Porcelain (3, 94)  Commercially pure titanium,
Abutment materials
aluminium oxide (3),
zirconium dioxide (94),
gold alloy (8, 92)
 Peri-implant mucosa
interface thickness (≤ 2 mm) (18)
 Repeated abutment removal
 Subcrestal placement of
tissue-level implant (22, 32)
 Platform switching  Two-stage (piece) implants:  One-stage implant vs.
Implant design
(12, 51, 60) Biologic width re-establish- two-stage implant (4, 27)
 Internal connection ment 2 mm apical to the
compared with external microgap (36–38, 73)
connection (30)

that the biologic width was not influenced by modifi-

Abutment materials
cation of the implant surface after 18 months of
loading. Commercially pure titanium has been the material of
In contrast, Schwarz et al. (84) investigated the choice for dental implant abutments because of its
effects of implant surface chemistry (i.e. hydrophilic- well-documented biocompatibility, as well as its
ity) and microtopography on both soft- and hard- physical and mechanical features (9). In an attempt
tissue integration around implants, demonstrating to improve esthetic outcomes, there has been a trend
that hydrophilic surfaces resulted in a more intimate towards the development and use of abutments made
soft-tissue attachment. The authors concluded that of other materials, such as tooth-colored materials.
soft-tissue integration was influenced by hydrophilic- Abrahamsson et al. (3) demonstrated that the type of
ity rather than by topography. Furthermore, in a abutment material influenced the mucosal attach-
subsequent human clinical trial, three healing abut- ment. In this animal study, four types of materials
ments with different surface characteristics, namely were assessed: commercially pure titanium; highly
hydrophobic machined, modified hydrophilic sintered aluminium-based ceramic (aluminium
micro-rough pure titanium and modified hydrophilic oxide); gold alloy; and dental porcelain fused to gold.
micro-rough titanium-zirconium alloy, were used to Commercially pure titanium and aluminium-based
evaluate the effects of hydrophilicity on peri-implant ceramic established similar conditions for mucosal
soft-tissue integration. It was demonstrated that the healing and allowed routine formation of epithelial
dimension of the junctional epithelium was consis- and connective tissue attachment to the abutment
tent, regardless of the healing abutment surface (3). Abutments made of gold alloy or dental porcelain,
characteristics, while the quality of epithelial and however, appeared to have a negative influence on
subepithelial connective tissue contact with the heal- wound healing and connective tissue attachment,
ing abutment was improved by hydrophilicity (85). resulting in the margin of the mucosa receding and

Comparison of periodontal and peri-implant soft tissues

bone resorption occurring, with the epithelium–con- of nonsubmerged implants on marginal soft- and
nective tissue attachment being established apical to hard-tissue healing. The authors observed that after
the abutment–fixture junction (3). Moreover, in one year of function subcrestal placement of one-
another preclinical study, Welander et al. (94) ana- stage implants resulted in osseointegration to the
lyzed the soft-tissue healing associated with abut- rough-smooth surface interface, and hence more api-
ments made of titanium, zirconium and gold alloy, cal establishment of the biological width at the
demonstrating that the mucosal healing to abutments expense of the crestal bone.
made of gold alloy was inferior to that of zirconium
and titanium abutments. The junctional epithelium
Abutment removal and reconnection
and the marginal bone levels were found to extend to
a more apical position at the gold alloy compared The effect of repeated abutment removal and subse-
with the titanium and zirconia abutments at quent reconnection on the marginal peri-implant tis-
5 months of healing. It was found that the connective sue was investigated in a canine model (2). The
tissue in contact with the gold-alloy abutments con- frequency of the reconnection used in the study was
tained fewer collagen fibers and fibroblasts, but once every month for 6 months, and one-piece
increased numbers of inflammatory cells, compared implants with an external hex abutment connection
with the corresponding tissue at the titanium and zir- were used. The results showed that disturbances in
conium abutments. Therefore, it was suggested that the soft-tissue interface caused by the process of
the composition of connective tissue at the gold-alloy repeated abutment removal resulted in a more apical
abutments may be representative of compromised repositioning of the connective tissue zone. The
mucosal tissue adaption, resulting in apical extension authors suggested that the normal sequence of
of the epithelium and hence the position of the mar- wound healing following abutment removal and
ginal bone (94). replacement caused epithelial cells to proliferate and
In contrast, a subsequent preclinical study by Abra- protect the exposed breach in connective tissue. Con-
hamsson et al. (8) found that the peri-implant soft- nective tissue and marginal bone remodeling then
tissue dimensions were not influenced by the use of occurred to ensure re-formation of the biologic width
either commercially pure titanium or gold-alloy abut- dimensions, resulting in the characteristic finding of
ments. Similarly, in a clinical study comparing tita- crestal bone resorption around dental implants
nium and gold-alloy abutments, Vigolo et al. (92) placed at the level of the bone crest. Although the fre-
reported no clinical difference in peri-implant mar- quency of abutment removal in this study did not
ginal bone levels and of peri-implant soft-tissue heal- simulate routine clinical scenarios, it did illustrate the
ing between the two materials. The contrasting importance of soft-tissue integrity for the mainte-
findings between these studies may be attributed to nance of the marginal bone levels around an implant.
methodological differences, including the type of
implant systems used in the studies.
Implant design
It has been demonstrated that the soft-tissue dimen-
Position of implant–abutment interface
sions of both one- and two-part implant designs are
In a preclinical study, Berglundh & Lindhe (18) inves- almost identical (1). Clinical evaluation of one- and
tigated the effects of the location and dimensions of two-stage surgical protocols has also shown similar
the transmucosal attachment during wound healing outcomes in terms of soft tissue integration, with no
following implant placement. The authors demon- effect on the resultant biologic width (4, 27). This was,
strated that at sites which had the peri-implant however, in contrast to the findings of Hermann et al.
mucosa thinned (to a width ≤ 2 mm) before wound (38), who found that the soft-tissue dimension of
closure and abutment connection, angular osseous one-piece implants was relatively smaller than that of
defects developed at the implant marginal border and two-piece implants. The biologic width of the one-
the original soft-tissue dimensions became re-estab- piece implant more closely resembled that of the nat-
lished (18). Consequently, it can be concluded that a ural dentition (38).
certain width of peri-implant mucosa is genetically A series of studies conducted by Hermann et al.
predetermined and the dimensions of this soft-tissue (36–38) demonstrated that in two-part implant
are preserved through bone resorption. Moreover, in systems, bone remodeling occurred in an apical
a clinical study, Hammerle et al. (32) investigated the location of 2 mm from the microgap (i.e. the
effect of subcrestal placement of the polished surface implant–abutment interface), regardless of the

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positioning of the implant relative to the bone crest maximum penetration of the probe tip remaining
(i.e. depth of placement). The authors speculated that within the junctional epithelium (14, 61). However, in
the greater apical extension of epithelial attachment the presence of an inflammatory lesion, the epithelial
in submerged two-part implants could be attributed attachment loses its barrier function, allowing the
to microbial contamination (or leakage) from the periodontal probe to penetrate beyond the apical
microgap after the abutment connection. Conse- extension of the junctional epithelium and into the
quently, as the implant is placed deeper subcrestally, connective tissue (14, 72). The extent of probe pene-
this leads to more apical extension of the junctional tration is influenced by factors such as probing force,
epithelium and hence deeper pocketing. More angulation, probe-tip diameter, root surface anat-
recently, Pontes et al. (73) conducted a similar pre- omy, inflammatory state of the periodontium and
clinical study to evaluate the histomorphometric out- firmness of the marginal tissues (79). Despite the limi-
comes around implants inserted at different levels in tations associated with the use of a periodontal
relation to the crestal bone and under different load- probe, it is still considered to be one of the most
ing conditions (73). The results were consistent with important diagnostic tools for the assessment of peri-
those of Hermann et al. (38). odontal status and for the evaluation of the outcomes
The issue of crestal bone loss resulting from the re- of periodontal therapy. Likewise, probing around the
establishment of biologic width apical to the implant– peri-implant mucosal tissue plays a crucial role in the
abutment interface has more recently been addressed assessment of peri-implant mucosal health. However,
by changes in implant design referred to as ‘platform in addition to the established limitations associated
switching’, which results in a horizontal mismatch with probing around periodontal pockets, the unique
between the diameter of the implant and the abut- features of the peri-implant mucosal structures can
ment. The rationale for this approach is that the further influence the pocket-depth measurements at
internal repositioning of the implant–abutment inter- peri-implant sites.
face would shift the inflammatory cell infiltrate, Ericsson & Lindhe (26) investigated the probing
formed at this interface, away from the crestal bone, depths around natural teeth and dental implants in a
resulting in biologic width re-establishment in a pre- canine model. The resistance offered by the gingiva at
dominantly horizontal, rather than vertical, dimen- teeth and the peri-implant mucosa at osseointegrated
sion (51). In turn, this minimizes the vertical bone titanium implants was assessed in response to a stan-
resorption that occurs as a result of physiological dardized probing force of 0.5N. The results revealed
remodeling associated with biologic width formation. that probing of the dento–gingival interface caused a
It has also been proposed that platform shifted slight compression of the gingival tissue, whereas, at
implants have a biomechanical advantage by moving the implant sites, it resulted in both compression and
stress concentration from the outer edges of the a lateral dislocation of the peri-implant mucosa.
implant (60). A recent systematic review and meta- Moreover, the average probing depth at the implant
analysis of nine clinical trials concluded that platform sites was deeper than at the tooth sites. At tooth sites
switching was indeed a desirable design feature that with healthy gingiva, the tip of the probe terminated
minimizes vertical crestal bone loss (12), although its close, but consistently coronal, to the apical cells of
effectiveness is variable and dependent on the fea- the junctional epithelium, whilst at implant sites, the
tures of individual systems. probe tip penetrated apical of a laterally displaced
junctional epithelium and ended close to the crest of
the alveolar bone. However, the results reported in
Probing periodontal and peri- this study were not in full agreement with data
implant pockets reported in subsequent experimental studies. The
deeper penetration of the probe tip at the healthy
Probing of the gingival sulcus aims to assess a num- peri-implant sites reported in this study may be
ber of periodontal parameters, a major one being the attributed to the high probing force employed (0.5N).
measurement of the pocket depth, which is the dis- In a subsequent study, the extent of penetration of
tance from the most apically penetrated portion of the peri-implant probe in health and disease (mu-
the junctional epithelium to the gingival sulcus mar- cositis and peri-implantitis) was investigated in a dog
gin. Numerous studies have demonstrated that the experimental model (49). A smaller standardized
periodontal attachment apparatus provides an ade- probing force, of 0.2N, was applied in this study. It
quate physical barrier (or seal) against probe penetra- was reported that the average probing depths at
tion in the absence of inflammation, with the healthy sites and at sites with mucositis were about

Comparison of periodontal and peri-implant soft tissues

1.8 mm and 1.6 mm, respectively. However, at sites A B

with peri-implantitis, the probe penetrated close to
the alveolar bone, exceeding the connective tissue
level by a mean of 0.52 mm, and the average probing
depth was significantly deeper (3.8 mm) than that at
healthy sites. Hence, the authors concluded that
probe penetration was affected by the density of the
peri-implant connective tissues and demonstrated
that periodontal probing with a light force was a reli-
able diagnostic tool for distinguishing healthy peri-
implant tissues from diseased ones. Furthermore,
Etter et al. (28) evaluated peri-implant mucosal heal-
ing using standardized probing with a force of 0.25N
in an experimental model, reporting complete re-
establishment of the mucosal integrity/seal within
5 days without eliciting an adverse inflammatory
response. C D
Probing depths at teeth and implants were further
evaluated in both healthy and inflamed sites in pri-
mates (82). It was demonstrated that the probe tip was
located at a similar distance from the bone in healthy
tooth sites and implant sites, whereas in the presence
of inflammation (i.e. mucositis and peri-implantitis),
the probe tip at the implant sites was consistently
located at a more apical position than at inflamed
tooth sites (Fig. 4). The authors concluded that in the
presence of inflammation, probing depth measure-
ments at implants are not fully comparable with those
at teeth, and the inflammatory status of the soft tis-
sues had a more profound effect on the probing depth
measurements in peri-implant tissue compared with
gingival tissue. Moreover, in a subsequent preclinical
Fig. 4. Histological views of peri-implant and periodontal
study, Abrahamsson & Soldini (7) demonstrated that a
tissue probing in health (A, B) and disease (C, D). Adapted
light probing force (0.2N) resulted in penetration of from Schou et al. (82).
the probe to similar depths at healthy tooth and
implant sites. The distance from the probe tip to the
alveolar bone crest was approximately 1 mm at both the vascular plexus of the periodontal ligament. The
teeth and implants. From these studies, it can be con- vascular network of the junctional epithelium collar,
cluded that probing with a light force (0.2–0.25N) in known as the gingival plexus, is different from that of
noninflamed tissue results in penetration to similar the gingival epithelium. Anatomically it extends from
depths, in relation to the bone crest, at implant and the coronal to the apical terminal ends of the junc-
tooth sites. However, in the presence of inflammation, tional epithelium, both vestibularly and orally, as well
the probe tip penetrates more deeply into the peri- as interdentally. This vascular network of mainly
implant connective tissues, reaching closer to the post-capillary venules is rich in anastomoses and
alveolar bone crest compared with tooth sites. resembles a thin vascular basket. The capillary loops
have been shown to have the ability to increase in
size and number in response to inflammation. During
Vascular structure of gingiva and inflammation, in response to lymphokines or other
peri-implant mucosa inflammatory mediators, the capillaries resemble
high endothelial venules and facilitate migration of
The human gingival tissue is a highly vascularized neutrophilic granulocytes. The fact that the venules
complex. The main sources of the gingival vascula- of the gingival plexus develop into high endothelial
ture are the large supraperiosteal blood vessels and venules that proliferate under challenge suggests that

Ivanovski & Lee

they play a role in selective homing and entry of lym- alone or in combination with microbiological testing,
phocytes (83). for monitoring periodontal and peri-implant soft-
In comparison with the blood supply of the peri- tissue conditions during supportive periodontal ther-
odontium, the corresponding vascular structure of apy. The authors reported that bleeding on probing
the peri-implant mucosa originates ‘solely’ from the alone had higher diagnostic accuracy for disease pro-
terminal branches of the larger vessels of the supra- gression at implant sites than at tooth sites. The diag-
periosteum from the outer (vestibular) border of the nostic value of bleeding on probing was even greater
alveolar ridge (17). The blood vessels lateral to the when combined with the presence of microbial
junctional epithelium in peri-implant mucosa, as in pathogens at the implant sites. The positive predictive
the gingival vascular arrangement, form a character- value for bleeding on probing frequencies of more
istic ‘crevicular plexus’ and are continuous with the than 50% at implant sites was 100%. In other words,
supra-periosteal vessels. The ‘crevicular plexus’ any site bleeding at more than half of the recall visits
found lateral to the junctional epithelium of gingiva over a 2-year period had disease progression (33).
and peri-implant mucosa have matching location Therefore, it can be concluded that bleeding on prob-
and composition, suggesting that the source of ing is an important diagnostic tool in monitoring
leukocyte migration and accumulation is equivalent peri-implant mucosal tissue conditions.
in the two tissues (17). However, the richly vascular-
ized connective tissue adjacent to the root cemen-
tum in teeth has been found to be almost completely Periodontal and peri-implant
devoid of vascular supply in the corresponding peri- diseases
implant tissue (17). It has been hypothesized that this
‘inflammation-free scar tissue’ impairs the defence The term peri-implantitis is defined as an infectious
system of tissues surrounding dental implants and condition of the tissues around osseointegrated
may make the peri-implant mucosal tissues more implants with loss of supporting marginal bone
susceptible to bacterial challenge (17, 22). (≥ 2 mm) and clinical signs of inflammation, includ-
ing bleeding on probing and suppuration (35, 80, 96).
Peri-implant mucositis is defined as inflammation of
Significance of bleeding on probing the peri-implant mucosa without marginal bone loss
(50, 76).
Bleeding on probing occurs after the insertion of a The existing literature points to similarities
probe into the gingival sulcus with light pressure between periodontal and peri-implant diseases in
(0.25N) and is indicative of the presence of an inflam- terms of etiology, pathogenesis, risk factors and
matory lesion in the gingival tissue (42, 47). Absence clinical presentation (34). The initiation of the two
of bleeding on probing, on the other hand, represents diseases is dependent on the presence of a dental pla-
periodontal health, with a high negative predictive que biofilm, and few qualitative differences have been
value, of 98.5%, for disease progression (41, 46). reported between the biofilm found at periodontal
Bleeding on probing has also been employed to and peri-implantitis lesions (34). In both disease enti-
assess peri-implant tissue health. It has been demon- ties, a similar composition of the microbiota (gram-
strated, in an experimental animal model, that bleed- negative anaerobes) was found at affected sites (9, 13,
ing on probing is more evident in the presence of 52, 62–64, 87), although several studies have reported
inflammation and that its frequency increases with the presence of certain microbes, such as Staphylo-
the severity of the inflammation (mucositis vs. peri- coccus aureus and Candida albicans, which are not
implantitis), whereas healthy peri-implant sites show normally associated with periodontitis, at peri-
no bleeding on probing (49). These findings were implantitis sites (21, 45, 53, 78). This may indicate a
confirmed by a prospective clinical study (40), which potential role of gram-positive facultative cocci and
investigated the prognostic value of bleeding on other putative pathogens in the development of peri-
probing in patients with progressive peri-implantitis, implantitis.
and demonstrated a high negative predictive value The host inflammatory response to the accumula-
for bleeding on probing. This suggests that the tion of biofilm in peri-implant mucositis appears to
absence of bleeding on probing is a reliable indicator be identical to that found in gingivitis; however, per-
of peri-implant tissue stability. Furthermore, Luter- sistent accumulation of biofilm may elicit a more pro-
bacher et al. (59) evaluated the diagnostic value of nounced inflammatory response in peri-implant
assessing the prevalence of bleeding on probing, mucosal tissues than in the dentogingival unit (34). It

Comparison of periodontal and peri-implant soft tissues

has been reported that the extent of the inflammatory complications (43). The nature of the connection (ex-
cell infiltrate appeared to be more pronounced in ternal vs. internal) can have an impact on technical
peri-implantitis, where it may extend to the bone complications, such as screw loosening, and in this
marrow (34), compared with that described in peri- regard an internal connection appears to offer an
odontitis where the lesions were well contained advantage (30). It should also be considered that the
within the connective tissue compartment (48, 54, 81, nature of the implant–abutment connection (e.g.
86). This may be attributed to structural differences platform switching) may also influence the diagnosis
between the periodontal and peri-implant mucosal of peri-implantitis as it may affect the ability to probe
tissues. around implants (50).
Although plaque is recognized as an essential Another consideration in relation to the design of
pathogenic factor in the development of both the implant–abutment/restoration connection relates
periodontitis and peri-implantitis, the etiology of to the potential for peri-implant tissue problems
peri-implantitis is multifactorial, and changes in local caused by clinician error. Incorrect seating of implant
ecological conditions that favor the growth of bacte- componentry, and in particular subgingival cement
rial pathogens are critical in the establishment of retention, are factors which can create a local envi-
peri-implant disease (64). The subgingival location of ronment that leads to the initiation of peri-implantitis,
the implant–abutment connection is an important especially in susceptible patients. In a case-series
consideration in this context. It is noteworthy that report, it was shown that excess luting cement was
this interface is the subject of great variation between associated with peri-implant disease in 81% of 39
different manufacturers, and hence the choice of cases, and upon removal of the excess cement, the
implant design may be important, especially in sus- clinical signs of disease resolved in 74% of these cases
ceptible patients. Indeed, it is widely accepted that (95). A recent study has shown a direct correlation
multiple features of implant design, and the ability of between the depth of the implant crown margin
practitioners to manage these appropriately, has a below the mucosal margin and the amount of unde-
significant impact on the development of peri- tected residual cement (56), underlying the impor-
implant disease (50, 74). tance of avoiding or limiting the submucosal extent of
Two characteristics of implants that can play a role the restorative margin in cement retained restora-
in the development and progression of peri-implant tions.
disease are the implant–abutment/restoration con- It is generally recognized that iatrogenic factors (e.g.
nection and the implant surface. excess cement remnants, inadequate restoration–
abutment seating, over-contouring of restorations,
implant malpositioning and technical complications)
Implant–abutment connection and can predispose to peri-implant disease (50, 74). Clini-
peri-implant disease cians should have appropriate clinical training and a
thorough understanding of the relevant implant sys-
It has been shown that bacteria can colonize the tem in order to avoid these problems, which may
microgap at the implant–abutment interface and cause significant problems in susceptible patients.
reside within the internal components of implants,
and this provides them with an environment shel-
tered from host defences (39, 70, 75). The design of Implant surface characteristics and
the implant–abutment interface determines the size peri-implant disease
of the microgap and therefore will influence the
degree of microleakage (88), with biological conse- It has been suggested that the roughness of the
quences being soft-tissue inflammation that can lead implant surface, as well as its chemical composition,
to bone loss (38). has a significant impact on the amount and quality of
The stability of the implant–abutment interface is plaque formed (89). Indeed, both hydroxyapatite-
important in minimizing biological complications. It coated and rough-surfaced implants have been asso-
is reasonable to expect that loosening of the restora- ciated with increased incidence of biological compli-
tion would have a negative impact on the health of cations (15, 71). However, these findings are of
the peri-implant tissues, as the interface between the limited relevance to contemporary practice as the
implant and abutment is usually below the mucosal implant systems used in these studies are no longer
margin. Indeed, in a clinical report, the incidence of manufactured. Furthermore, the initiation of bone
biological complications was linked to technical loss around hydroxyapatite-coated implants was

Ivanovski & Lee

associated with the delamination of the coating, and subgingival cement retention, will lead to loss of soft-
hence the biological mechanisms are different from tissue integrity and hence to peri-implant disease.
the conventional peri-implant mucositis–peri-implan-
titis pathogenesis. A recent systematic review based
on human clinical trials found no evidence of References
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