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Ha Noi Office

Office of the Representative to

the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
United Nations
Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization

The UNESCO’s Culture Program’s

Priorities in Viet Nam (2012-2016)

For more information on UNESCO

Culture Program and possibilities to
join hands to promote the role of
culture for sustainable development in
Viet Nam, please contact :

UNESCO Office in Viet Nam

23 Cao Ba Quat, Ha Noi
Tel. : +84 (4) 37 47 02 75
Email :
Thematic area 1: Cultural Heritage
The overarching goal of the thematic area “Cultural Heritage” will
be to strengthen governance of the culture sector to ensure inclu-
sive and sustainable growth. Current high growth rates, rapid ur-
banization and unsustainable tourism development continue to put
pressure on Viet Nam’s cultural heritage and those who manage it.
Finding ways to keep the balance between preservation of cultural
heritage and socio-economic development, whereby the country’s
cultural heritage is adequately managed while its contribution to
sustainable development is maximized, remains a challenge and
will be the broad outcome of this thematic area.

Thematic area 2: Cultural Creativity

The overarching goal of the thematic area “Cultural Creativity”
will be to create an enabling environment for cultural creativity
and expression to flourish in Viet Nam. Support will be provided
to strengthen the creative economy, which transforms creativity
as raw material into assets, offering new employment opportuni-
ties and forms of revenue at the local level. An emphasis of this
thematic area will also be given to ensuring that vulnerable com-
Culture is a source of personal pride. It has the power to inspire and unify, and it can reveal munities and individuals participate fully in cultural life, maximize
a nation at its best to the outside world. The unique, transformative power of culture can be lever- their capacity for creative expression and enjoyment of diverse
aged to improve socio - economic conditions in communities that often have a rich cultural heritage cultural goods and services. These are fundamental to the building
but in which people nevertheless sometimes live in poverty. of socially inclusive and creative societies and enhancing overall
quality of life.
The cultural sector offers a great and unexplored potential for partnerships. Partnerships in the
area of culture can bridge the funding gap of public entities, provide interesting investment op- Thematic area 3: Cultural Diversity
portunities for the private sector, but require environmentally and socially sound approaches that The overarching goal of the thematic area “Cultural Diversity”
respect and benefit local communities. Such partnerships offer opportunities to develop capacities, will be to ensure that development policies and interventions are
transfer knowledge and excellence and foster entrepreneurship. It aims to optimize the compara- culturally appropriate, so that cultural diversity continues to flour-
tive advantage of each partner and pool resources, while maintaining a balance between public ish in Viet Nam. It will mainly target the country’s ethnic minor-
and private interests, ensuring transparency and mitigating high transaction costs. ity com-munities, as it has become apparent that socio-economic
growth has not benefited the Kinh/Hoa and the minority groups
Capitalizing on UNESCO’s recent achievements in promoting culture as a driver and enabler of equally, because of the application of a “one-size-fits-all” ap-
peace and sustainable development, strictly complying with gender equality and human rights proach. This thematic area will promote culturally appropriate
principles, and involving a wide range of stakeholders including international organizations, gov- approaches, which will on the one hand ensure that the cultures
ernments, civil society, the private sector and the general public, UNESCO’s Culture Program in Viet of ethnic minorities are not negatively impacted and on the other
Nam will focus on 3 thematic areas : Cultural Heritage, Cultural Creativity and Cultural Diversity. hand contribute to the effectiveness of development projects and

• Networking and branding: launch a

national cultural sector entrepreneurs’ net-
work, events programme and website; launch
a Creative Viet Nam brand;
Creative industries development for the diversity of cultural expres-
• Talent building: pilot training programs
sions – strengthening the sustainability of creative industry in Viet Nam to promote creativity, entrepreneurship and
management in selected schools, universities
and for small businesses;
Project timeline : 4 years
Budget : 800,000 USD • Intellectual Property: pilot capacity
building programs on Intellectual Property
rights; establish online specialist Intellectual

I n Viet Nam, the creative industries are in a UNESCO recognizes a major opportunity to develop
Property services;

relatively early stage of development – the an inclusive range of connected activities under- • Infrastructure: pilot cultural mapping
country is still in its infancy as a market econo- pinned by partnership and proposes the project and setting up of creative clusters in selected
my and sector growth has been suppressed by a “Creative industries development for the diver- locations;
rigid approach to subsidy in culture, low levels of sity of cultural expressions – strengthening the
awareness of the potential for the creative sustainability of creative industry in Viet Nam”, • Investment: review international and
industries, weak demand from a mar- which aims to support the Government of Viet national investment policies and models;
ket which has not prioritized higher value Nam in bringing this strategy into full operation. deliver planning, feasibility and testing for a
creative goods and services, widespread creative loan fund;
intellectual property infringement, inappro- The overall objective is to establish a regionally
priate business management capacity and recognized and appreciated cultural sector, which • Audience: establish an audience devel-
specialist business support for cultural actors. contributes significantly to the country’s economic opment programme to build new audiences,
growth, cultural wellbeing and social cohesion. deepen existing audience relationships and
To address these challenges and capitalize on diversify audiences for the culture sector;
the great abundance of creative talents in Viet The specific objective is to strengthen the
Nam, the Government is currently develop- policy framework, capacity, confidence and • Policy: provide policy recommendations
ing the Framework into a National Strategy for coordination of cultural actors to realize their based on successful pilots.
Creative Industries to 2020, which is planned to be potential in contributing to the country’s
approved by the Prime Minister by the end of 2013. economic growth and sustainable development.

• Enhance the adaptability of tourism services and

products in World Heritage sites in Central Viet Nam
in the context of climate change;
• Strengthen the capacity of tourism actors to ad-
Development of an Adaptive Tourism Strategy dress the challenges posed by climate change.

in World Heritage areas Activities

Assessment of climate change impacts on heritage

Project timeline : 3 years tourism :
Budget : 300,000 USD • Establish a diagnostic survey report assessing cli-
mate change impacts on tourism development, with
Viet Nam is one of the four high risk coun- In this area, from provinces of Quang a particular focus on vulnerable groups.
tries in Asia affected by climate change, with an Binh to Quang Nam, heritage tourism has • Identify the best practices/case studies in World
annual loss of 1.5% of the GDP caused by severe recently become one of the leading industries in Heritage tourism management, especially in the
weather. The central region, home to four World local economic development. The impacts context of climate change.
Heritage sites in Vietnam (Phong Nha - Ke Bang caused by climate change and disaster risks
National Park, Hue Complex of Monuments, Hoi make this area highly vulnerable and faces lots Development of an adaptive tourism strategy in the
An Ancient Town, My Son Sanctuary) and Cham of challenges in socio-economic development. central provinces’ World Heritage Sites :
Island Biosphere Reserve, is among the most The ultimate goal of the proposed project is • Integrate climate change issues in tourism strate-
affected areas. The eastern central region to reduce the climate change impacts on key gies;
has been seriously impacted by rising water actors in heritage tourism, with the particu- • Develop disaster Geographic Infomation System
levels while the western area has become lar emphasis on the most vulnerable groups in maps;
more vulnerable due to drought, the central area. In order to achieve this ulti- • Develop an adaptive tourism strategy for the
landslides and flooding caused by both the mate goal, the proposed project aims to sup- world Heritage sites;
changing weather patterns and weak port the development and pilot the implemen- • Establish an action plan/solutions for alternative
development plans, which result in the over devel- tation of a climate change adaptive tourism tourism products to sustain tourism development
opment of electronic water dams in the uplands. strategy in World Heritages Sites in central Vietnam. during severe weather;
• Pilot the implementation of the adaptive tourism
strategy. Documentation and sharing information
will be an integral part of the whole process.

• Strengthen knowledge, abilities, skills and be-

haviours of people with direct responsibilities
in heritage conservation and management;
• Improve institutional structures of the man-
Capacity Building Strategy for agement boards of World Heritage sites in Viet
World Heritage Management in Viet Nam

Project timeline : 4 years Conduct a situation analysis of status of con-

Budget : 600,000 USD The World Heritage sites are managed by servation and management of World Heritage
management boards consisted of specialists in sites :
a variety of fields. The capacities of different • Assess the effectiveness of management sys-
management boards vary, both in management tems of World Heritage sites in Viet Nam;
structure, number of staff and staff • Conduct needs assessment for capacity build-
capacity. Most of the staff do not have ing of World Heritage site managers;
S ince its ratification of the 1972 Conven- access to up-to-date information and materials • Identify the best international practices in
heritage conservation and management that
tion concerning the protection of World cul- regarding heritage management and conservation.
tural and natural heritage, seven sites in Viet can be adapted to Viet Nam.
Nam have been inscribed on the World Herit- This proposed activity aims to assist World
age List: Ha Long Bay and Phong Nha - Ke Bang Heritage site managers to identify current Improve Viet Nam’s policy framework for
National Park are natural sites, while the five and future needs for a better implementa- heritage management and conservation.
remaining sites are cultural: Complex of Hue tion of the World Heritage Convention and to
Monuments, Hoi An Ancient Town, My Son improve professional skills for management and Conduct capacity building activities for World
Sanctuary, Central sector of the Imperial Citadel of conservation. All of this will contribute to the Heritage site managers. The capacity building
Thang Long-Hanoi, and Citadel of the Ho Dynasty. sustainable development of the heritage sites. activities will be carried out with a learning-
by-doing approach, which allows site managers
to apply what they learn in workshops in their
everyday work. E-learning materials will be
produced for future use.

• To preserve the cultural values of traditional textiles of

ethnic minorities groups for future generations;
• To generate income opportunities for ethnic minority
groups by connecting them with wider markets;
Promoting the ethic minorities’ traditional textile cultural values and • To diversify the design industry by connecting them to
traditional values.
their contribution to economic growth and sustainable development
Project timeline : 3 years Activities
Budget : 500,000 USD
Conduct research :
V iet Nam’s official 53 ethnic minority groups only make up 14% of the total population while the Kinh eth- • Survey and collect information on traditional textiles
with participation from members of ethnic minority
nic majority (also referred to as ethnic Vietnamese in many official documents) make up the remaining 86%
of the country’s 86 million population (data available from Census 2009). These groups vary greatly in size, groups;
level of integration into the majority population and levels of socio-economic development. The majority of • Produce publications to disseminate the survey results.
minority groups still practice and retain their traditional culture, customs and languages, but these traditional
cultural resources are becoming greatly at risk due to the rapid rate of urbanization, migration and other
forms of socio-economic development. Raise awareness :
• Organize awareness raising workshops at a regional
In Vietnam women are the predominate producers of traditional textiles. The knowledge of traditional patterns and national level;
and motifs has been transmitted orally from generation to generation. Unfortunately, however, the transmis- • Set up showrooms of traditional textiles and promote
sion of knowledge about traditional patterns and motifs is rapidly being lost. This is due to a number of factors their cultural values.
as a result of rapid economic development and subsequent social transformation. Because the knowledge is
not documented this loss is significant – not only for the ethnic groups concerned but for all Vietnamese. By
thoroughly documenting and raising awareness about the richness and importance of this aspect of intangible Build capacity :
cultural heritage, the project will contribute to the effective transmission of this heritage to younger genera- • Training and capacity building for design students, SMEs
tions and will also strenghen this heritage’s role in economic development. and production groups;
• Develop sustainable production and marketing training
The project will also create links between cultural expressions of ethnic minority groups and wider creative
industries, thus promoting the economic development of these groups who are currently in a vulnerable and materials.
marginalized position.
Strengthen networks :
• Facilitate the cooperation between textile-related SMEs
and ethnic production groups;
• Develop market linkages for sustainable economic de-
• Strengthen the management system of the Ha Noi Old Quarter in line with
international standards and practices;
• Ensure the participation of local communities in the preservation of the Old
• Enhance the capacity of the Old Quarter Management Board in research, herit-
age management, and tourism development.

Tools for urban heritage management Activities

Conduct a comprehensive socio-economic research in the area :
in Hanoi’s old quarter • Identify the current state of land tenure, of the public infrastructures, of public
spaces and of traffic issues;
• Inventory tangible and intangible heritage in order to develop appropriate
Project timeline : 4 years safeguarding measures for this heritage, in the face of rapid socio-economic
Budget : 500,000 USD development.

As one of the oldest developed areas of Hanoi, Massive tourism development also threatens Build capacity for the Management Board of the Old Quarter :
the Old Quarter has a history that spans 1,000 the distinctive values of Hanoi’s Old Quarter. • Management staff will be equipped with skills and knowledge in safeguarding
years and represents the eternal soul of the city. and managing urban heritage through series of training and workshops;
The Hanoi Old Quarter acquired its reputation as a The proposed project aims at safeguarding and • The management board will also be assisted to develop proposals for technical
craft area and a trading hub when King Ly Thai To promoting Hanoi’s Old Quarter through improved and financial assistance from the International Funds for restoration projects.
decided to build his palace there. The Old Quarter urban heritage management. In doing so, models
differs itself from other heritage areas in Vietnam can provide decision makers with specific tools Develop an Inclusive Management Plan for Hanoi’s Old Quarter, which will serve
by its unique “tube house”, design which gives to deal with emerging concrete issues in urban as the essential urban management tool to achieve sustainable development :
the streets a homogenous look. Besides, the Old development. This effort is consistent with the • Development of the first draft of the management plan;
Quarter is also a rich religious heritage site with UNESCO’s commitment to promote urban herit- • Organisation of consultation workshops with relevant stakeholders;
many old temples and pagodas located in the area. age conservation and sustainable development. • Implementation of the Plan will be supported by urban regulations covering a
wide range of issues such as a zoning plan, planning for development of infra-
Like many other ancient towns, the Old structure, architecture and construction regulations.
Quarter is under great pressure due to rapid urban
development and a dramatic increase of Develop Guidelines for urban heritage management and technical guides for the
the population. The small area of the Old conservation and restoration of buildings and structures in the Old Quarter :
Quarter is now home to approximately 80,000 • These guidelines will be beneficial and applicable for other ancient towns
people. Not only does overcrowding worsen throughout Vietnam.
the living environment, but it also results in
the degradation of old houses, each of which is Raise local community awareness in safeguarding the Old Quarter through pub-
being occupied by a large number of families. lic meetings and publishing the Citizen’s Guide.

• Implement a comprehensive capacity building strat-

egy in order to uplift the presentation and operation
of museums in Viet Nam;
• Develop tools for future museum development
• Strengthen the roles of Viet Nam’s museums in the
Strengthening the role of Viet Nam’s museums country’s socio-economic development.
in sustainable development
Project timeline : 3 years
Strengthen Viet Nam’s Museum Network:
Budget : 500,000 USD
• Create joint promotional materials for the network;
• Conduct capacity building needs assessment with
member museums.
Viet Nam has 160 museums spread through- tion will also gear toward attracting international
out the country’s cities and provincial towns. Most visitors, whose number is on the rise but little at- Develop and implement capacity building activities
of these were established by the Government in tention to museums in Viet Nam has been paid. based on the results of the training need assessment:
the wake of the Indochina wars as propaganda • Examples of the activities can be: strengthening
tools that present a narrative of Vietnamese Since 2012, UNESCO together with Viet Nam Her- customer services in member museums; Improving
history using similar exhibits and display con- itage Association have established a Viet Nam outreach programs in member museums; or building
tents. With a few exceptions (e.g. Viet Nam Mu- Museum Network, a forum for information shar- the capacity of member museums in developing me-
seum of Ethnology, Women’s Museum and Ho Chi ing and capacity building for primarily museums dia products.
Minh City Museum) visitation rates are low and located in Ha Noi but also further afield. Currently
activities organized in the museums are poor. there are about 400 members from over 100 mu- Each activity will include the following components:
seums in Viet Nam participating in this network. • Organize training courses on related topics;
Viet Nam has attained Lower Middle Income The proposed project aims to support the opera- • Member museums develop pilots to be implement-
Country status and as the living standards of its tion of Viet Nam Museum Network and maximize ed using knowledge gained during the workshop.
people steadily improve, especially in urban ar- the contribution of Viet Nam’s museums to the • Pilots proposed will be judged on a competitive ba-
eas, there is a growing demand for high quality contemporary society and sustainable develop- sis and seed fund will be provided for selected mu-
and diverse cultural products and services. This ment of the country. seums to implement pilots, with the UNESCO’s close
presents a great opportunity for the country’s supervision and technical support;
cultural institutions, especially museums, to reno- • Evaluate the results of pilots;
vate approaches and make themselves more at- • Produce a guideline/manual for future use at other
tractive and accessible to the public. The renova. museums.

• Strengthen dialogues between civil society and Govern-

ment decision makers on cultural rights and ethnic minority
• Enhance capacities of government agencies to support
Promoting inclusive and culture-based community-based management of cultural resources;
• Enhance capacities of government agencies to design and
development among ethnic minorities in Viet Nam implement development interventions with a culturally ap-
propriate approach;
• Develop tools for culturally appropriate policies and inter-
Project timeline : 5 years ventions that the Government can then apply to programs
Budget : 1,000,000 USD targeting ethnic minorities.

Viet Nam’s official 53 ethnic minority groups Activities

only make up 14% of the total population, while
the Kinh ethnic majority make up the remain- ethnic minority communities in Viet Nam as
• Provide training on cultural rights and culturally appropri-
ing 86% of the country’s population of 86 mil- part of an effort for the country to become an
ate approaches in working with ethnic minority communities;
lion people (data from the 2009 census). These inclusive society, in which cultural diversity
• Create an enabling environment for dialogues between
groups vary greatly in size, level of integra- flourishes. By introducing a culturally
civil society and Government institutions working with eth-
tion and level of socio-economic development. appropriate approach into development poli-
nic minorities;
The majority of minority groups still practice cies and interventions, it is expected that the
• Establish pilots to integrate culture and culturally appropri-
and retain their traditional culture, customs gaps between the Kinh majority and ethnic
ate approaches in various development interventions such
and languages, but these traditional cultural minorities will be reduced, and the ethnic minori-
as economic development, education, health and environ-
resources are becoming greatly at risk due to ties will be able to increase their participation in
mental protection;
the rapid rate of urbanization, migration and governance processes, obtain gainful
• Establish pilots to showcase the cultural richness of the
other forms of socio-economic development. employment, receive quality and relevant
communities as well as challenges faced when safeguarding;
education and have equal access to health and
• Generate tools for culturally appropriate approaches (such
This proposed project aims to address these social services. UNESCO is adamant that the
as tools for cultural mapping, integrating local culture into
needs by strengthening capacities of relevant culturally appropriate approach will, on the
school curricula and environment, local economic develop-
governmental institutions to support one hand, ensure that the culture of ethnic mi-
ment initiatives, promoting indigenous knowledge for envi-
development and implementation of norities is not negatively impacted; while on
ronmental protection, promoting cultural rights among ethnic
culturally appropriate programs, which the other hand will contribute to the effective-
minority communities) for adaptation at the national level.
contributes to the realization of the rights of ness of development projects and interventions.

• Strengthen the interpretation systems for

World Heritage sites in Viet Nam to enhance
visitors’ experiences and appreciation for local
cultural values;
Promoting sustainable tourism development at
• Improve opportunities for local communi-
World Heritage sites in Viet Nam ties to participate in and benefit from tourism

Project timeline : 3 years Activities

Budget : 300,000 USD
Within the framework of the UNESCO’s • Develop information materials;
I nformation is a very important element in efforts to strengthen the interpretation
• Establish Tourism Information Centers;
tourism. If presented accurately and attractively, systems at World Heritage sites in Viet Nam, the
information can enrich visitors’ experiences, proposed project aims to develop innovative and
bring visitors closer to the destination and local sustainable tourism products and services • Develop handicraft products which reflect
communities. In heritage or cultural tourism, which can significantly contribute to sustainable local, cultural, environmental and historical
information helps to increase visitors’ awareness tourism development at these sites by characteristics, produced by local artisans
on the importance of heritage preserva- encouraging visitors to stay longer, using traditional skills and local materials;
tion, leading to appropriate actions and spend more money, experience more
attitudes toward heritage. attractions and revisit the region. • Train World Heritage Specialist Guides follow-
ing UNESCO standards;

• Develop media rooms for My Son, Thang Long

and Ho Citadel.

• Build capacities for relevant agencies

through the establishment of a mecha-
nism for networking and cooperation in
ICH safeguarding;
Strengthening national collaboration and capacity on
• Develop detailed implementation
community-based inventory of intangible cultural heritage guidelines for conducting inventories
of ICH;
Project timeline : 2 years
Budget : 200,000 USD • Conduct ICH Inventories of selected
communities and/or ethnic groups and
Since its ratification of the UNESCO 2003 in establishing inventories of intangible cultural use the inventories as a basis for de-
veloping safeguarding projects.
Convention on the Safeguarding Intangible heritage, considering the convention’s provisions.
Cultural Heritage, Viet Nam has made
significant progress in promoting and integrating Other MoCST agencies, whose mandates, Activities
the text into national legislative instruments and programmes and activities are directly
putting its operational directives into practice. involved in some or all ICH domains, are still • Organize training courses on com-
In 2009, the National Assembly passed an unfamiliar with community-based safeguarding munity-based inventory of ICH for se-
amendment of the Law on Cultural Heritage in measures under the UNESCO 2003 Convention. lected institutions;
conformity to the UNESCO’s 2003 Many of their programmes and activities have been
Convention. In June 2010, the Ministry of criticized for being implemented with a • Implement community-based inven-
Culture, Sports and Tourism (MoCST), issued the top-down approach and for lacking participation of tory-making projects (fieldwork practi-
Circular No. 04/2010-BVHTTDL pursuant to the concerned communities. There is also lack of cum) with hands-on activities;
new law amendment. The circular regulates the collaboration among the agencies involved.
inventorying of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) The proposed project aims to bring together all • Conduct a national review workshop
and elaborates nomination files for the National relevant agencies to establish a coordinated ap- on the results of the ICH inventory pro-
Inventoryof IntangibleCulturalHeritageinVietNam. proach for conducting inventory at the national level. jects;
• Develop guidelines for conducting in-
Under MoCST, many agencies such as DCH, the Developing a community-based inventory is ventories of ICH.
Viet Nam Institute for Culture and Arts, the a fundamental step in ICH safeguarding and
Viet Nam Institute for Musicology and vari- one of UNESCO’s priorities in strengthen-
ous provincial authorities in the country, have ing national capacities for safeguarding ICH.
built a good understanding and expertise

• To equip educators and learners with the

knowledge and skills to understand ICH
that is conducive to sustainable behav-
iours, lifestyles and practices grounded in
traditional wisdom;
incorporate Intangible cultural heritage into the UN
Decade of Education for Sustainable Development • To raise awareness about the value and
importance of ICH as a form of education
Project timeline : 2 years that can promote sustainability of local
Budget : 200,000 USD traditions and knowledge;

• To immerse the education sector in the

The UN Decade of Education for Sustainable De- The project is proposed to raise awareness and importance of integrating validation for,
velopment will end in 2014. This target date pro- capacity of teachers to incorporate ICH in forms and cultivation of, local identities and
vides a stimulus to accelerate progress towards of local knowledge and practices into teaching knowledge systems into the formal educa-
achieving the aims of the decade. Underlining and learning in order to reinforce cultural diver- tion system.
the importance of sustainable development is sity to drive towards sustainability. Designed as
the necessity to re-orient education systems in an inter-sectoral collaboration between UNESCO’s
a manner that is cognizant and inclusive of lo- Education and Culture sectors, the project aims to Activities
cal cultural practices and knowledge systems. identify and promote innovative approaches in
Having evolved over generations in specific integrating ICH into learning environments and • Develop pilots that use ICH for school
ecological and social contexts, these practices curricula in schools. Through the project, teacher curricula in a variety of locations, repre-
and knowledge systems, instilled in our intan- educators, teachers, students and communities, sent a diversity of ICH elements, school
gible cultural heritage (ICH), form the basis for as well as policy and decision makers, will be en- levels and types of activities, and with
sustainability in all its dimensions. Widespread gaged in appreciating the relevance of their ICH participation of stakeholders in both cul-
adoption of the UNESCO Convention for the as a mainspring of cultural diversity and a com- ture and education sectors;
Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Herit- mitment to sustainable development. The project
age (2003) provides a great opportunity for un- will facilitate new pathways of inter-generational • Disseminate the pilots through the user-
derstanding and safeguarding ICH through ESD. transmission that is central to the vitality of ICH. friendly tools and channels.

• Integrate the methodology in the cur-

ricula of teachers’ training in universities
and colleges.

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