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© 2007 Chris Ehimemen
Published by Mattyson Media
an imprint of MAMM
Chris Ehimemen

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ISBN 1 874646 74 0

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Bible quotes are from

The King James Bible, NIV, New King James, or
the Amplified version unless otherwise stated


Stepping into significance.
My thoughts on these pages today is about a young
teenager, who would be considered a nobody in today's
society; a biological accident, a miss-fit, unsecured,
unpolished, un-presentable, a shame, a total disappoint-
ment. These were symbols and image of a young lad who
was conditioned by physical, parental and environmental
factors to fail in life. He has been totally stripped of the
privilege to be loved, accepted or be associated with. He
was a wild man, who is only considered best for the
He is exposed to physical, environmental, emotional and
mental dangers too many times. A young man daily
abused in every measure you could imagine. He stood no
chance to succeed and no hope at all. He had no life at all.
The only life he knows was that of the wilderness, of
animals, tamed and the un-tamed ones. A child never
remembered for anything good. He was never considered
or recommended for anything progressive in the family.
He was only best for being a shepherd. Why so many
controversy about this young guy? Why the focus on his
background, history, character and attitude? Why the

interest in his optimism to survive and live, despite the
blood limitations he faced?
The reason is God never forgets anybody. Remember
God's word in Psalm which says:
Psalms 27:10
“when my father and mother forsake and forget me, then the
Lord would pick me up.”
God has a plan for everyone. His plan is enveloped in the
word of prophecy He spoke about you. God has already
finished his workings about you; he has concluded your
mission on earth with its events and experiences. Your life
is not accidental, the events and experiences of your life
are not unknown to God. They are part of the processes
He would use to work things for your good.
Each time God remembers anyone in the bible, something
positive starts to happen in the person's life. He
remembered Rachel after being barren for so long, she
had Joseph. He remembered Jonah in the belly of the fish,
the fish vomited him on dry land to fulfill destiny in
Nineveh. He remembered Noah and He ended the flood
on the earth. God remembered Hannah and she gave
birth to Samuel. He remembered Joseph after two years in
the prison and elevated him to be second in command to
the King of Egypt. He remembered the children of Israel
after 430 years of slavery, and freed them in one night so

they could live to worship and serve him. Every time God
remembers, a new chapter begins in the person life.
The pages of this book is juiced with sudden turn around,
new breaks, un-imaginable victories and feat, great
accomplishments by normal human like us. You would
uncover in this book, how a little decision is so powerful
to stir you into destiny. You will find how positive
attitudes can save you many internal and external attacks,
and push you forward to confront your obstacles with an
overcomer's mindset. You would be aroused to fight for
what you believe. You would be fired up to be responsible
for your life, it decision and outcome.
In this book, your understanding would be opened to
make you see responsibility not as boredom but
opportunity. No more would you be afraid, no more
would you run away from adversity, no more would you
remain in the dark or at the back. You would be inspired to
get up, shake off and take off. You would become a
national hero after reading this book. You would be
recognized as a giant killer, responsible for killing giants
that pose threats to our community, nation, continent and
Malaria, HIV & Aids, illiteracy, abortion, terrorism, child
abuse and trafficking, un- employment, hunger, draught,
poverty, bad roads, in-adequate power supply, poor

housing, health, insurance, cultism, climate change, bad
governance and much more are giants in the land that
have held many nations captives.
I believe today is the time for people of responsibility to
stand up, accept the challenge and say no to these giants.
Enough is enough! Time has come to put an end to their
tyranny and slavery. This is the purpose of the book, to
create an awareness of our responsibility to defend our
nationality and uphold God's Kingdom on earth.
The life of David is a sure character, personality and
history everyone should read this year. His life would
encourage you, motivate you, inspire you, and teach one
major lesson to get responsible; as you get set to step into
significance. This is the book for the family, for the
community, for the nation and for the entire world.

Chris Omo Ehimemen.



From Saul to David.

Everyone born into this world has a call from God. That
call is the call to responsibility. Saul in first Samuel chapter
ten was called by God to lead the people of Israel. He
started on a promising note until he allowed pride,
disobedience, anger, strife and bitterness get the better of
him. In chapter fifteen the bible gave an account of a man
that has already fallen from God's favour, possessed by
demons, and lost control of his authority to lead. He was
totally exited from the responsibility to lead the people of
Responsibility is the decision to act on something or
decision to take an action. Anytime one refuses to act on
an instruction that would profit all, it is regarded as
irresponsibility. In first Samuel thirty-one, Saul lost the
war against Philistine; he also lost his sons and his own
life. Why? Irresponsibility. He failed to act on Gods
instruction to destroy completely the Amaleks.
Irresponsibility is sin before God. It is total negligence of
Gods thought on any matter. It is costly and punishable.
Saul lost his life and his sons' also and his lineage was
erased by God to be Kings. His exit created yet another

responsibility, because responsibility can never be fully
exhausted by a single person. God's call is a call to
responsibility, a call to act on his instruction for our lives,
nation, families and organizations.
God's gift and call are irreversible, but responsibility is
Romans chapter eleven verse twenty-nine says the gifts
and the call of God can never be withdrawn (the living
bible translation). No two calls are ever the same, but
responsibility is a work, duty, that anyone can fit in. For
instance, Moses was called to lead Israel out of Egypt, but
Joshua was called to take them into the promise land.
Their calls were different but their responsibilities were the
same: to advocate for Israel before God. When Moses died
God immediately put Joshua as a replacement for Moses
responsibility. Responsibility is continuous and eternal.
Our God would never leave any responsibility vacant.
Remember he said in the book of Matthew, that if we do
not praise him, he would raise up stones to take the
responsibility. That is why it is said that no one is
indispensible. So you see every exit creates responsibility.
Responsibility is the platform God uses to promote his
children. Saul exit created David opportunity.
Responsibility is opportunity. Saul's irresponsibility
created David an opportunity. His carelessness birthed

David responsibility. Someone reading this book might
have been careless with his or her marriage, finance,
children, job, time, client, investments; you are just setting
up someone else's promotion. Your fall would be some-
one's rise. Take your call serious; treat the responsibility of
your call with importance.
In first Samuel chapter sixteen, David was anointed King
at the age of seventeen. He never became King until he
was in his thirties. Why the long wait to ascend the throne
after being anointed King. The reason is because a man of
responsibility does not need public, national or global
publicity before he or she starts to function. When David
was anointed King it was done privately amongst his
family. His brethren never really saw David anointing
that day as anything. They still saw him the same way and
treated him the same way. They never saw him as their
future King and treated him with love and respect. They
were callous to the aim of Samuel's visit and the change it
will bring in their brother's life.

Responsibility does not need position to function.

Remember I said responsibility can still function even
without position. In first Samuel seventeen David
accepted the responsibility to kill goliath, Israel number
one threat. He was not King then, neither was he part of

the army then. He knew to be Israel's King he must act, he
must eliminate any threat to his people. He accepted the
duty to eliminate a national threat like goliath. You may
not be a medical doctor, yet you care so much to bring
quality health care to interior villages. This is responsibil-
ity. It is not more about your call, because your call could
be positional and may not be transferable to someone-
else. Your responsibility is transferable.
Accepting responsibility to do anything noble is free and
has no limitation. It only takes a decision to act. That is all
it demands. So know today no one, no lack of qualifica-
tion, connection should stop you again to be everything
God expects you to be.
From Elijah to Elisha.
First Kings nineteen gives an account of Gods fiery
prophet Elijah. After conquering Jezebel's prophet of Baal
at Mount Carmel, he ran away in fear when a death
sentence was placed on his life by the wicked queen. He
suddenly forgot Mount Carmel victory, God sending
down fire on the altar to the shame of the prophets of Baal.
He totally forgot the power of his God; he bowed to fear
and hid from Gods enemy. Elijah lost his self-esteem and
the confidence in his God to protect him. Fear ended his
call and transferred his work to Elisha. We can put
personal limitation on Gods call for our life, by willfully

disobeying Gods instruction.
Fear of the enemy is irresponsibility. Because you are
transferring power, authority and the right that was given
to you by Christ to the enemy, this amounts to irresponsi-
bility. It is your responsibility to stand in faith and resist
the enemy, and he would flee from you. God hates
irresponsibility. It always set us backward not forward. It
is a wall not a door, it limits not promotes.
In First Kings chapter nineteen and verse seventeen, God
told Elijah to anoint Jehu King over Israel and Elisha as his
replacement. Irresponsibility creates opportunity, Elijah's
irresponsibility as displayed in him fearing Gods enemy,
became Elisha opportunity to be Gods vessel. Jezebel was
part of Elijah's giants to conquer, but fear transferred that
responsibility to Elisha. Our carelessness can be costly
and would transfer both our work and its reward to
someone else.
Moses was known to be the meekest man on earth, but his
anger always gets the better of him. In Numbers chapter
twenty, Moses could no longer resist nor condole the
children of Israel murmuring and complaining. God told
him to speak to the rock so his children could get water for
their thirst. Rather he hit the rock and called Gods
children rebels and stiff-necked in anger. That singular act
of disobedience ended his call and opened the opportu-

nity for Joshua's ministry. Irresponsibility is punishable, it
always birth someone else's promotion, elevation,
ministry, or call. Watch what you do because you may just
be announcing another person's season, and ending
yours prematurely.
From Judas to Matthias
Judas was one of Jesus' twelve disciples, in fact he was the
treasurer of Jesus' ministry. Judas was also known to be
greedy. He was a man of coins. Due to his greed, he sold
his Master for silver coins.
Acts 1:20-22, Peter clearly said “let his work be given to
someone else to do……”
Greed transferred his work to Matthias. In the responsi-
bilities or work of our callings we are replaceable. God has
many who can fit in your role, work and responsibilities.
This calls for discipline, dedication to duty, humility and
faithfulness from us.
Romans 8:6 says: “to be carnally minded is death, but to be
spiritually minded is life and peace.”
Our flesh hates obeying God. It is of this world and only
wants to obey and satisfy worldly things. The flesh would
always want us to do irresponsible things and make us
end our calling prematurely. Obeying our flesh that is
prune to sin would lead to death, corruption or our early
exit from our call on earth. That is why we have the Holy

Spirit, who strengthens our inner man (that is our inner
spirit) with power to resist the longing to satisfy the flesh.
Like Joseph and Jesus the Holy Spirit, will energize you
with the needed daily strength to overcome the flesh, and
shun every act of irresponsibility. It is possible to fulfill
your call as a parent, a professional or a minister with the
help of God and receive all God's reward for you on earth
and in eternity.


Sin is simply a thought, an image, a decision and an act of
irresponsibility. Anytime one decides to sin, he or she has
decided to be irresponsible or un-accountable. When Saul
decided to keep the fattest animal for sacrifice against
God's order to destroy all, he simply told God he was not
to be trusted and that he was irresponsible. Look all
around us; acts of irresponsibility abound from small to
great. When one refuses to sow his tithe, he is simply
telling God he cannot be trusted with His resources. Also
such act of irresponsibility has given the opportunity to
the devourer to destroy what God has given his child.
Remember irresponsibility exits, destroys and terminates
Gods plan and provisions for his Children.
It is so clear that someone's failure is another's success.

When Adam failed in the Garden of Eden, God quickly
brought to view the substitution plan of salvation
through our lord Jesus. Corinthians says the first Adam
was of the flesh or the earth, but the second Adam which
was Christ was a life giving spirit. Adam's failure in the
garden was Christ's success on Calvary. Christ succeeded
where Adam failed God.


God still works every act of irresponsibility for his own
perfect plan. God is never late or unaware of the conse-
quences we face when we act irresponsible or un-
accountable. He turns someone's failure into another's
success. Where Elijah was afraid, Elisha soared in bold-
ness. The un-accountability of our heroes past is creating
future success and victories. The corruption and un-
righteousness in the land is birthing a call for repentance,
righteousness, integrity and excellence in our homes, in
the community, in our nation and in the entire world.
No mistake is accidental; it just created an opportunity for
a miracle. This is not a license to sin at will, but is to create
awareness that God can use someone's error as another's
elevation. Every time the enemy tries to put an obstacle on
God's plan through sin or an act of irresponsibility, God
uses the enemy's obstacle as his children's opportunity or

call. That problem you face has just opened a program
God wants to execute. Our mistakes, pain, guilt and strife
only create an opportunity for God to turn out better. If
only people would understand that we serve an inex-
haustible God. He can never diminish, he never becomes
empty, he cannot be in want, or lack anything. He turned a
rod into a snake, used a rod to divide the red sea. Caused a
donkey speak to a rebellious Balaam. God made the sun
and moon to stand still for Joshua and Israel's sake, until
they have victory over their enemies. Turned water into
wine, walked on stormy water, raised a dead man to life
after four days. Our God turns out better, more glorified
each time the enemy brings obstacles our way.
Today is your day, the day the lord as made, celebrate
today because today is your day to succeed, to be blessed
and be highly favored; a day to be elevated, to get a
breakthrough and to be victorious. Almighty God has you
in remembrance today, today is the day of your call, your
marriage, your healing, your deliverance, your prosper-
ity. Today is your opportunity, celebrate today.

We need to understand that our choices are opportunities.
Moses said in Deut 30:19 “…I have set before you life and
death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you
and your descendants may live.” Any time a choice is made
an opportunity is created either for life or death, for
blessing or a curse. Choices are doors, they are leading us
somewhere. They are either leading us to be blessed by
God, or inherit a curse due to disobedience. Choices limit
or empower the enemy. When Adam ate the forbidden
fruit in the garden, he empowered the enemy legally to
become the god of this world. Each time we act irresponsi-
bly we empower the enemy to oppress and enslave us.
Our choices can either give power to the enemy or take
power from him. Elijah gave power to Jezebel when he
ran for his life after her threat. Fear is sin; sin is an act of
irresponsibility, so anything done in fear is not done in
faith and is an act of irresponsibility. Get it!
Our lives are the outcome of our choices. Who we give
authority to rule determine how it turns out. Balaam gave
himself constantly to be manipulated by an evil King. The
outcome was death by the hands of Joshua. Satan entered

Judas and he betrayed his master for silver coins. The end
was suicide. We release the forces of life or the forces of
death by choice. The ten spies released the force of death
over three million people. It was not a surprise that many
died in the wilderness. Remember the administrator that
doubted Elisha in 2 Kings 7 and said if God even opened
the windows of heaven, the economy of Samaria would
not change. Do you know that he was crushed to death by
the feet of hungry people before entering the city gate?
Unbelief cost him his life, irresponsibility caused him exit
from Gods abundance.
The nation of Israel was always known to quickly turn
and serve other gods. Idolatry was an easy sin to commit.
This act of irresponsibility constantly brought the wrath
and judgment of God upon them. In the closing phase of
Joshua's ministry, he gathered the nation of Israel and
their elders reminding them of the danger of following
other gods. In chapter twenty-four verse fifteen Joshua
made an open commitment to Israel that as for him and
his house, they would serve the Lord. He made a choice of
whom he and his household would serve. That is why
there was no account of disorderliness in Joshua house.
God has promised not to manipulate or force our will to
obey him. God believes in our choices and free will to
obey him. That is why when Adam made the wrong

choice of eating the forbidden fruit; his act of carelessness
opened the plan of salvation through Jesus Christ. God
has made up his mind to bless us with irreversible
blessings. He has chosen not to lie to us, and He is commit-
ted to bring every of his word to pass.
Our choices determine the experiences of our lives.
Proverbs 18:21 says; death and life are in the power of the
tongue. Our choice can open door to life or door to death
in our lives. We choose the experiences of life by the way
we choose our spoken words. Job constantly spoke fear
concerning his life, home, and possessions. It was not too
long before he lost all in a single day. His fearful words
became the events and experiences of his life.
Rehoboam the son of the King Solomon was the Successor
to the throne after Solomon's death, but he never inherited
his wisdom. Rehoboam discarded wisdom; he totally
neglected the counsel of the priest, elders and counselors
of his father's chamber. He sought the evil advice of his
peers and it caused him ten tribes and a premature exit
from the throne. Proverbs says in the multitude of counselors
there is safety. It also says in the multitude of counselors plans
are accomplished. Irresponsibility can cause you an early
exit of all God has in store for you. It destroys great plans,
ideas and vision. It shuns helpful association that would
support smooth transition of your dreams.

The great danger about irresponsibility is that it would
never alert you about the future. It tells you everything
would remain the same, and that you are in control. You
are wrong there. Nothing is permanent, things would
change, seed-time would bring harvest. Evil friendships
would bring destructive ending. Watch your relation-
Daniel purposed in his heart he would not defile himself
with the Kings meat, and the wine he drank. Your choice
to say NO would be misunderstood at times. Daniel and
his three brethren refused food sacrificed to the King's
idol. They asked for beans, water and vegetables instead.
The request sounded insane, but the eunuch granted
them and found out after ten days they were healthier
than those who ate the Kings delicacies.
Your choice has opportunity and carries power. It would
affect your health, finance, children, business, job, if only
you know how to make right ones. Daniel's choice
affected their health. You may not be eating the best of diet
now, if only you would eat it with prayer and
thanksgiving, you would be amazed what the little would
do in your health. Choices are powerful because it would
separate you for favor. Daniel choice separated him to be
favored by the eunuch. Each time you make a godly
choice it separates you for Gods favor.

The choice you make is the true test of discipleship. Jesus
said he that wants to follow him should take up his cross
and follow him. It only takes a resolute choice to do that.
To shun every worldly enjoyment and fun to follow Christ
is considered foolish by the world. The choice to follow
Christ is painful every step, but it has great gain tomor-
row. Paul through timothy said godliness with content-
ment is great gain. Your choice to follow Christ is great
gain and no loss at all.
In making any choice you still have options either to say
yes or no; do good or bad, bless or curse, go forward or
backward. There is no neutral ground while making
choices. The door we decide to open is the experience we
would encounter. Make up your mind today you would
make choices that are centered on obeying God and you
would eat the good of the land.

Believe in Yourself
The power of self-image is BELIEVE. God can never allow
you do what you have not seen and believe. Your belief is
connected to your personality; your personality is
connected to your ability. Your belief creates your person-
ality, your identity, while your identity projects your
Each time God calls a man the first thing He addresses is
the self-esteem. God knows unbelief is costly and it is an
obstacle to fulfilling his plans. When he called Gideon in
Judges 6, he found him hiding from their enemies,
looking for dinner at night. He was physically strong and
healthy but inwardly has lost hope in himself and in God.
In verse twelve; The angel said the Lord is with you, you
mighty man of valor.
Do you notice God only works with those who realize
who they are in Christ? God could not accomplish much
with Gideon until he believed in himself. Doubt always
destroys self-esteem and limit Gods power in our lives.
Faith is magnetic, it magnets Gods manifest presence into
any situation. As long as Gideon remained in unbelief,
complaining about his background and past; Israel

remained in captivity.
Your doubt would put the lives of many in continuous
bondage. Your faith would bring hope, healing and
restoration to the world. Our key character, David was
always relegated to the back, to the wilderness to tend
after his father's flocks. He believed in himself, these were
the reasons God gave him victories over the lion and the
bear more so over Israel enemy, Goliath of Gath. God is a
rewarder of those who diligently seek him. God rewards
faith, He rewards our faith with his presence. Faith gives
God the upper hand to bless you, favor you and promote
you. Doubt gives the enemy the authority to steal, kill and
destroy every good thing God has given you.
Jesus said in John 14:12 that; the works he did, greater
works than these we would do because we believe in Him.
Christ has given us enormous power over the enemy. But
many do not believe. Doubt is a wall to Gods power in
manifestation. To step into significance, to go from the
back to the front; one must believe. Our unbelief always
limits our loving God. You can do much more with your
life right now. You can still have more of what God has in
store for you in your life time and afterwards. It is tied to
your believe.
Hebrews 11 is the documentation of men and women of
faith. They were faced with similar challenges and

situations, but their strong faith in God turned all that
around. They experienced a shift, a turning point in their
lives. Hebrews 11:2 says “…for by faith the elders (men
and women of faith) received a good report.” Faith always
produces a good outcome. Things would always work for
your favor when your faith is in God. Your reason to
believe in the ability of God is the same reason to believe
in yourself. Our life is hidden in Christ and in God. We can
do all things through Christ that strengthens us. We only
can do what He does through us. For he works through us
to do his pleasure. Without him we can do nothing.
Consider God as flood of power and abundance, you as
tunnel covered up with a lid. Faith takes away the lid and
allows Gods inexhaustible power and abundance flow
through to the lives of many around us. You cannot tell
the great things God can do through you when you let
him. Faith makes us carry and express the image of God. It
helps us display the abilities of our great God. Hebrews
11 tells us about those who displayed Gods abilities in
them. Faith was the secret. They had limitations not
different from ours, yet they overlooked all that and
placed their confidence in God. Today we read about their
exploits many thousands years after.
Faith in God shuns personal limitations and puts its trust
in the ability of God. Everything we do is in the ability of

God. God's ability becomes our ability. If nothing is
impossible with our God, hence nothing is impossible
with those who believe God. Matthew 19:26 says “… all
thing are possible to those who believe.” Believing in God
is enormous possibility. This is a life without irresponsi-
bility, because anything done outside faith is sin and I said
sin is an act of irresponsibility. So living a life of faith is to
live a responsible life, a life that influences and blesses
many. This is the life God expects us to live, a responsible
life. A life like our God that continues to love and to bless
It was another stormy day. The disciples of Jesus were on
stormy water when they saw him. The first reaction was
to run or seek for help. Everyone froze in fear except Peter.
Peter seeing Jesus walk on the stormy water, asked if this
is you ask me to come to you. Jesus said, “come” and that
instance, faith rose in Peter, he walked on stormy water to
Jesus. What did Peter do differently? He simply believed
the word of Christ to come. As far as I know, the word
come became his stepping grounds. He was walking on
Jesus word, which equally gave him balance to walk on
water. Jesus possibility became Peter possibility. What
Jesus could do, Peter could do also. The stormy water did
not limit Jesus' transportation, so it could not limit Peter's
own. Faith in God would make him express his power any

day, any time through us.
So you see we are not strong in ourselves as individuals. 2
Timothy 2:1 says; we should be strong in the grace of our
lord Jesus Christ. We find faith and strength in Christ
only. On our own we are weak and un-dependable. We
would crack at the smallest of adversity. But in our God is
everlasting strength and power. The book of Isaiah 40
says he gives power to the weak and to those that faint he
increases their strength. Our God wants to lavish his love,
mercy and power to us and through us.
Jehoshaphat King of Judah in himself and his entire
armies could not defeat the armies organized by the Kings
of Moab and Ammon. In 2 Chronicles 20, Jehoshaphat
sought Gods help. There are times in our lives; the enemy
organizes multitudes of challenges before us. Like
Jehoshaphat we lose sight of any available solution but
God. Turning to God does not make us cowards or
chickens. Turning to God brings out his ability through us
or in others. God has so much ability that He wants to
show off to the world. Our human strength, resources and
doubt always stand his way. God released his ability
through praise and singing of chosen singers to him. The
conclusion of the matter is that each of Gods enemy
helped to destroy the other. God put confusion in their
midst. God gave Jehoshaphat and Israel victory. So you

see God can give you the needed breakthrough, promo-
tion, child, healing, deliverance; all you need to do is
believe. Your belief releases his ability.
Moses saw himself as inferior and insufficient to go to
Pharaoh. His past hunt him, the mission God sent him
was scary. God was not ready to delay his children
deliverance, he asked Moses to cast his rod on the ground
and it became a serpent. He asked him to put his hand by
his side and it became leprous. This God did to show him
His ability through him. Remember Moses tried to deliver
Israel once as one man, by killing an Egyptian. It led to his
quick exit from there. It shows our human effort only can
do little or nothing. To accomplish much, God has to flood
through us His enormous power and love to people
around. God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above
what we ask or think, according to His power at work in
us. God does not work alone, he can only work and
manifest through us. God wants to share everything He is
and has with us and the rest of the world. The way in is our
belief in His Son Jesus.
I have always seen myself too young, not ready to be used
by God to bless the entire world. As I renewed my mind
with the word of God, I started to see all I want to do with
my life is all God Almighty want to do through me. I am
only a channel my faith in Him gives the Holy Spirit

access to flood my heart with God's love, mercy, compas-
sion, healing and inventions to my world. The more I
allowed Him the much I accomplished with my life on
earth. The more I yielded to the Holy Spirit the more
meaningful my life became. There is no me without God,
there would be no you without him either.
Daniel 11:32 says those that do know their God shall be
strong and do exploits. To know God is to believe him.
Believe is link to manifestation. Your faith in God makes
you strong in adversity and causes you to do exploit. Faith
produces exploits. Anyone who can believe is the one
who can accept the responsibility to do mighty things.
The church has harbored enough unbelievers. People
who do not believe in themselves, and do not accept
responsibility for their lives. The church is a people called
out or separated to God. We are not a reserved, coward,
lukewarm people, God has given the mandate to produce
good works and bear good fruits that would remain. The
church would never amount to her true potential until she
starts to believe in herself and in her great God.
I have come to realize it would take an action of faith to
manifest the ability of God on your inside. Everything you
would ever become is stored inside of you. Faith turns
those abilities loose. Consider Hebrews eleven. You
would realize that it is a book of supernatural feats that

resulted from faith in God. Believe or faith in God would
put your supernatural accomplishments in the memories
of men and in the archive of time. If you would believe
today, you would shift from ordinary to the extra-
ordinary; from natural to the supernatural; from weak to
strong, from backward to forward, from the tail to the
head, from victim to victor, from cursed to the blessed,
from disappointments to being favored. It is your turning
point, your shift has begun; accept the responsibility

Have a fresh mindset.
Change is not a sudden event it is a gradual process.
Change is an internal process. It starts from the mind. We
have totally gone physical about warfare in this
technological age, such that everything is solved by
science. There are solutions offered in a flash as problems
arise. Science is raising its bar against any likely obstacle
to come its way. Despite this massive development of
knowledge, neurologist say humans use only five percent
of its mind capacity. It means our obstacles still have the
upper hand. That is why the third world nations are either
behind or catching up, they are still asleep trying to wake
up and discover themselves. The advanced countries are
experiencing economic gravity; they have gotten to a
peak because of loss of direction they are crashing down.
Their culture, education, health insurance policies,
marriage, parenting, and much more are suffering by the
day. Why the sudden decay? The major part of our mind
has been left under-developed and it would not take
another degree from an illustrious university to attain
such; it would take the daily renewal of the mind by the
word of God.

Romans 12:2 says “be not conformed to this world but be
transformed by the renewing of your mind…” The world
we live in has a culture that is corrupted and rooted in
evil. That civilization is governed and supervised by the
devil; he is the god of this world. This is the reason our
minds cannot function at Gods frequency because the
devil always plants the wrong things in our minds to
incapacitate the mind.
Have you notice the kind of entertainment, fashion and
music we have lately, they all smell the devil. Why this?
He has stolen the other ninety-five percent ability of the
mind that can only function by the renewing of the mind
by the word of God. Everything I see this evil world can
produce is old and recycled. Nothing fresh, nothing new
and inspiring can come forth because the devil is against
transformation, he loves stagnancy; he loves Luke
warmness. It is only God's word that can bring about
mind and human transformation.
God's word is fire. It burns up every negative ideology
that the devil has planted in your mind through its earthly
devices. God's word is hammer. It breaks every
stronghold of failure, low self-esteem, disappointments,
poverty and lack, frustration in our minds and releases
them to endless opportunities. God's word is a sword and
you can use it to confront every thought in your mind that

is against your finance, health, marriage, business and
bring them to the submission of Christ. The sword of the
Spirit which also is the word of God can discern the intent
or rather content of your mind and flush out every last
implant of the devil in your mind. The word of God is
water it cleans your mind and refreshes your mind with
Gods idea.
So you see the reason why education cannot make you a
better and fulfilled person. You will need to daily listen,
study and meditate on God's word. Renewing of your
mind would release the latent ninety five percent ability
of your mind. Because the word of God transforms but the
world system is controlled and manipulated by the devil
deforms. The devil has designed the system of this world
to deform the power of our minds. That is why our
marriages are deformed; marriage of the same sex is right
but not biblical. Having weapons and using them without
thought is right. Sex trade and drug trafficking in casinos
and reputable bars are right as long as the owners pay
their taxes and can offer some tips to the authorities, it is
right. Abortion is right as long as the baby dies and
mummy stays it is ok. But it is still murder. Separation,
divorce encourage freedom that is deforming parenting
today, this evil world says it is right but God says I hate
divorce. So you see with all the potential of the five

percent of the minds ability, our world and its system is
still deformed. The solution is the renewing of the mind
by the word of God.
To try to conform and be like this evil world is to submit
your life to total mediocrity. To live a life that is five
percent powered is great inefficiency of the mind. We see
the reason for non-excellent: no mind renewal by the
word of God. The devil has made the world believe the
bible is only for the Christians, for those going to the
church, the clergy and priests; not for the entire world and
for all religion. God word, the bible, is the only way out.
As far as the devil is concern, he never wants you to read
the bible. The hotel would give all the services you need
but not a bible. Why? The devil knows that the day you
fall in love with God's word, the day you start living a
transform live and you start to experience transformation
in all you do. Because the result you start to get is such that
the devil cannot supervise and control. Its source is God's
Psalm 1:1-3 makes us understand that the person that
shuns the evil system of the devil, and accepts responsi-
bility to renew his mind by God's word by listening,
studying and meditating on God's word; he would be like
a tree planted by the river, bringing its fruit in season, its
leaves will not wither and all the person does will prosper.

This is the man I always want to be.
Transformation into Perfection
God has a plan for you that cannot be accessed by a
deformed mind. Romans 12:2 says “…be not conform to this
world but be transform by the renewing of the mind, that you
may know what is good, acceptable, perfect will of God.” God
does not want our lives just to be good but better each new
day. Our lives should be moving closely to Gods purpose
for us. But the deformed mind controlled by the devil
would always be the obstacle. The deformed mind would
create strongholds that would keep you down in your
thoughts, it would take away the energy, motivation and
zest you need to serve God and to be everything God
wants you to be.
As you study Gods truth it frees your thoughts from those
strongholds of the devil. The word of God releases to you
fresh ability to rise and soar over any challenge. It changes
you to the very image of God. Remember, this evil world
already has a culture and image that it wants you and I to
conform to. The culture is rooted in evil and lust. It can
never propel you forward into your destiny; rather it
would mar your peace, joy, happiness and prosperity.
Sin is an act of irresponsibility. A life of sin is a life without
accountability to anyone; it is a life without purpose and
meaning. The purpose of the devil through the deformed

mind is, to make you a captive and a victim forever. The
devil wants you to be a slave to pornography, gambling,
cheating and greed, drug addiction, sickness, poverty and
much more. He wants to make the life these strongholds
represent physically to look normal to you. He wants to
make failure every time normal to you, divorce and
bitterness normal to you, lack and poverty normal to you,
delays and backwardness normal to you. Do you see his
strongholds? They always appear to be normal. But the
devil is a liar because “…he, who the Son of man sets free, is
free indeed.” Those normal circumstances of lack, delays
and frustration are destroyed as you meditate on the truth
in this book. You are released into your future full of favor,
breakthroughs, victories, promotions, progress, joy,
peace and greatness.
There is nothing normal about the life you are living now.
That life is below Gods best for you. It is a blur picture of
God's plan for your life. Why should sufferings and pains
be your normal experiences when you can enjoy the
abundant life Jesus came to offer? Today is the day to
accept responsibility to transform your mind by daily
studying, hearing and meditating on the word of God.
You have to stand against every stronghold the devil
wants to throw against you. You can experience healing,
strength, power, prosperity, good success, peace and joy

again and again as you study Gods word. Perfection is
about growth or maturity. God wants you to grow and be
everything He wants you to be.
Arise today and refuse to accept the normal life of hatred,
bitterness, strife, confusion, delay, lack, frustration,
discouragement, disappointment and defeat that the
devil wants you to adjust to. That is not your life but the
culture of this evil world. Eject these strongholds from
your mind by daily submitting yourself to the truth of
God's word. It is never late to live the abundant life in
Christ, a life of progress, peace, joy, health, power,
strength and victory. Make today that day.

The access into your destiny is opportunity. Opportunity is the
responsibility you are willing to accept and execute. Many
would remain where they have always been because they fail to
accept responsibility for their life. Complaining does not change
anything. Rather it makes the person angry, bitter, discouraged
and defeated. We all have a past, our regrets, our pain, our
challenges they are all there in our history and memory. But God
wants us to rise to a new level by taking the responsibility of
turning our complaining to confronting our obstacles.
David was always a secluded child. He was always left in
isolation from love and family, the family he knew was the one
with the father's flocks in the desert. But he never allowed those
negative factors de-energize him. He constantly focused on his
responsibility to his father's flock. He gave it his all until the
responsibility start to open opportunities of greatness for him.
We would realize in the coming chapters what to do with every
opportunity God brings our way. Do not miss this section
because something is about to happen to somebody's destiny; a
shift, a turning point is about to manifest that person is you.
Nothing would again stop you ever as you meditate on this

See Opportunity
The reason for your constant complaining is because your
eyes have not seen. Apostle Paul elucidated in second
Corinthians that eyes have not seen, ears have not heard,
it has not entered the heart those things God has prepared
for those who love him. The challenges you are facing
presently have been prepared by God to bring about a
turning point in your life. God wants his children to see
that every event and experience they face on earth have
been prepared by him to make them strong and victori-
ous. The storm of life is not to ruin and defeat you but to
lift and promote you. God has a purpose for every storm,
wind and fish in your life.
When Jonah ran away from Gods mission for his life he
met a storm along the way to Tarshish. He ended up being
thrown into the stormy waters and received in the mouth
of a big fish. You may say it was Jonah fate or a coinci-
dence, but it was part of God's plan for him to go to
Nineveh. As humans, we are myopia of Gods tools to
move us to our destiny. We are so conventional with the
ways we feel God should do things for us. God is not a
man and never does His things like a man. He is Almighty

God, the “more than enough Father,” our eternal rock of
ages. He still provides money from the mouth of fishes,
turns water to wine; multiply five loaves of bread and two
fishes; He has not change at all.
Apostle Paul prayed for the church of Ephesus in
Ephesians 1 that the eyes of their understanding might be
opened. We need to be constantly illuminated with truth
in our inner spirit man. We see through our inner spirit
man - the one that was recreated and transformed at the
new birth or salvation. All we see in our physical world
are challenges and lots of problems. These woes would
destroy any man's faith. But if you can see with your
inward eyes (i.e., the eyes of your inner spirit), you would
walk through the fire and not be burnt, you would run
and not faint, you would have the victory.
In the storm of life God wants you to see opportunities.
When you see a Goliath, he expects you to see your
throne. When you see the red sea he expects you to see
your promise land, Canaan. Your vision of your storm
would determine Gods provision of intervention in your
life. When Lot took the fertile lands going to the road of
Sodom and Gomorrah, all that was left for Abraham was a
barren land with nothing. Then God came through for
him, he told him as far his eyes can see he has given to him.
This included what the nephew had. Abraham's eyes

lighten up and he saw fertile and watered lands in every
direction, because he refused to see scarcity. What you see
is what you would receive, what you say is what you
would get. Your vision and spoken words are creative
tools to change any situation.
When David was in the desert with his father's flocks, he
saw opportunity. His responsibility to keep and protect
his father's flock was opportunity for him. He killed the
lion and the bear that tried to attack the sheep. He saw this
responsibility from his father as opportunity. That is why
in first Samuel chapter seventeen, when he saw goliath,
he was not intimidated but he saw opportunity. The
opposition was different this time but the same opportu-
nity. In the desert the opposition was the lion and the bear,
at the war front it was the mighty goliath of Gath. The
opposition changed but not opportunity. Our opportuni-
ties are enveloped in our daily responsibilities. How well
do you do what is assigned to you by your boss, parents,
pastor or God Almighty. It would determine your doors
and your rewards.
In every phase of our life, our oppositions and challenges
will change. But God expects us to know our commit-
ments to our duties should remain the same. We must be
faithful in our responsibilities and then the faithful God
would reward our faithfulness. How do you see the

health report? How do you see your financial statement of
account? How do you see security in your country? How
do you see unemployment? How do you see the character
of your child? How do you see the economy? How do you
see the future?
These and many question worry us daily they are the
challenges and opposition we face in our lives, but God
expects us to see victory, breakthrough, favor, promotion,
healing, increase, abundance and peace. The next time
you face any challenge say these words;
-when your bank account is in the red and there are bills to
pay, say opportunity.
-when you receive a negative report of your health and
you are afraid, say opportunity.
-when you are given a sack letter, and you do not know
what to tell your family, say opportunity.
-when the one who says he loves you, betrays you and
marries someone else, can you say opportunity?
-when the landlord says the rent is due and you lack the
cash to pay, would you say opportunity?
-when you lack capital to start your dream business,
would you see opportunity?
-when your children are told to return home for unpaid
school fees, would you see opportunity?
-when your abandoned house project lingers because of

lack of cash, would you realize opportunity?
All the above listed oppositions appear frightening in
their order but would you see opportunity with the inner
eyes of your spirit man. Theses oppositions are temporal,
just as the lions, the bear and goliath also were temporal in
David life. Your opposition and challenge would change
but definitely that phase would pass. Samson saw honey
in the lion he killed with his bare hands. Others would
have seen meat, skin for leather and cloth but he discov-
ered honey. Your perception about your challenge should
change today. Accept the responsibility to face your
oppositions. See victory, success, favor, breakthrough,
healing and prosperity.
The bigger the challenge the surer the opportunity for
victory. Goliath of Gath was big, huge and terrifying. But
David was small, inexperienced but bold. Goliath was his
access to significance, he seized the moment and today we
read of his great accomplishments. Do you have a huge,
terrifying opposition like Goliath you are facing today?
You know running away from that situation does not take
it away; it would multiply and come in bigger form. The
question is how do you seize opportunity, how would you
maximize opportunity. Join me in the next chapter as we
find out how to recognize and seize your moment, remain

Seize Opportunity
As a teenage shepherd, David was accustomed to facing
his opposition. When the bear and lion came to steal and
kill any of his sheep, he attacked them and recovered the
sheep. The opposition never scared him away rather it
drew him towards it. Faith is magnetic. It only functions
when our fear of opposition is eliminated. When the
young lion rose against Samson to tear him and eat him,
the normal thing was to look for a sharp object to defend
himself and kill the lion. Rather, the fierce Lion aroused
the anointing in Samson and he killed it with his bare
hands. Faith is magnetic. Faith pushes you forward
towards your challenges and gives you the clearance to
plunge the sword of the Spirit into your challenges.
Anytime you are faced with adversity, trouble, or distress,
it is time to show your faith. Releasing your faith makes
you to seize the moment, your moment of victory. Know
that you cannot face the same opposition in the same form
twice. They become bigger as you run in the race of life.
David as a teenager in the desert was confronting lions
and bears but on the battle front, he was facing a giant
called goliath. His opposition was bigger so his faith in

God became bigger to face goliath. To seize and maximize
our opportunities our greatest responsibility is to increase
our faith.
If our opposition always multiplies its size, so we as Gods
children would need to increase our faith. We would need
to keep hearing Gods word to build faith and exercise it
daily in our confessions, prayers and routines. Hebrews
Eleven gives an account of heroes of faith. People who
literally overcame odds by human views are unconquer-
able. Faith does not consider the size of your challenge or
the history and experience of your opposition. Ephesians
chapter six says with the shield of faith we quench the
fiery darts of the wicked. Faith is for winning battles and
wars of life. It is for maximizing opportunities to be
favored, blessed, promoted and progress in life. Your
faith is needed to end the opposition's reign and authority
over your finance, marriage, children, health and busi-
While the army of Israel stood in fear and listened to the
threat of goliath, David's faith propelled him forward
towards the enemy. Fear would pull you back, it would
make you procrastinate your victory, it would make you
reconsider your stand in the situation, rather than
advance towards the enemy. The army of Israel for forty
days reconsidered Goliath's proposal to rather be slaves

again than fight. But David understood faith does not
consider or surrender to the enemy. He knew faith always
overcome the circumstance. Faith floats and soars over
odds while fear sinks and gives up in the face of adversity.
Fear always considers the size and history of the opposi-
tion. The armies of Israel were intimidated by the history
of goliath. Goliath was the philistine champion who from
his youth had never lost any war. But I have good news for
you; I have never heard a man who has faith in God lost
any battle or war rather. What is the history of sickness,
failure, poverty, disappointments in your life and family?
1 John 5:4 says, “this is the victory that overcomes the
world even our faith.”Our faith in God overcomes the
system of the world. By faith you can re-write your life
and family history to health, success, victory, favor,
blessings, promotion, breakthrough and prosperity.
Second Corinthians says while we look not at the things
which are seen but the things which are not seen. For the
things which are seen are temporal, but the things which
are not seen are eternal. The sickness in your body is
temporal it would pass for Gods health is in your body
cells. God expects us to consider more, and see more what
surpasses our present situation. God's prosperity, joy,
peace, abundance, favor, victory surpasses all the nega-
tive oppositions you face now. If only you would believe

God above the present, and trust him to propel you
forward, you would experience a shift, a turning point in
your life today.
Hebrews eleven says “NOW faith is…” This means faith
does not delay or procrastinate, faith faces the opposition
today. Faith kicks out poverty, sickness, curses, failure,
and backwardness today. These experiences are not
normal and definitely not God's best for you. So today
take the responsibility to rise in faith and kick out every
negative thing you do not want in your life today.
Remember it is only your faith that can give God the
permission and access to bring every of his word to pass
in your life.
Do not regard the circumstance.
The woman with the issue of blood was faced with a
health condition. Her health got worst and made her
broke. But the opportunity came to meet Jesus for the first
time. Your faith would always create an opportunity to
meet change. Faith would attract change. She kept
hearing of the mighty miracles and healing Jesus did, and
made up her mind to touch the helm of Jesus garment.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. The
testimonies of healings arose and built her faith, she did
not need to see Jesus; all she needed was to touch the helm
of his garment. Faith is now. She did not delay her action

for her miracle. She immediately acted her believe, she
touched Jesus garment when he was coming her way; she
became healed. She seized her opportunity to touch the
helm of Jesus garment, despite her health condition. Faith
does not consider, think again, or get comfortable with the
opposition but faith would propel you towards change.
You cannot sit down, and cross your legs, in the negative
circumstance and say you have faith. Faith would seize
the moment, faith would maximize the opportunity.
Abraham was not satisfied being rich with gold, silver,
flocks and men servants. He wanted an heir to what he
owned. Then God came through with a promise to make
him a father of nations. In Genesis fifteen, God brought
Abraham at night to count the stars, he lost count numer-
ous times, it came to his understanding the promise God
gave him. He believed God was able to do what he says he
would do. Romans chapter four makes us understand
that Abraham did not consider the old ages of himself and
the wife. He knew Gods promise is sure collateral; it
would never fail but come to pass. Anytime God declares
his word, he never considers any circumstance. He fore
sees the change and moves towards resolution of the
situation. What are you doing about your illness, jobless-
ness, lack, failure, disappointment and frustration lately?
It is your time to seize the moment, receive Gods best for

you. Each time you face the opposition it is your moment,
do not let it slip you bye, the opposition are doors to your
promotion and elevation in life.
Whatever we consider we surrender to. Unbelief would
make you surrender to failure, disappointment, poverty,
sickness because most people feel it is normal to be a
failure, sick and poor. Based on this they have surren-
dered their lives to fate: this is not good enough. The ten
spies considered the iron chariots, the giants, the walled
and fenced cities in Canaan and brought an evil report to
the rest of the people of Israel. Their report ended the lives
of the majority of that population in the wilderness. Why?
Because they could not in faith seize their opportunity. It
takes faith to receive anything from God. God told Israel
the land of Canaan was theirs to inherit, but unbelief kept
many of them out of that blessing. Only Joshua and Caleb
got the promise because they knew faithful is God who
said and who would do it.
Faced with Death and Judgment.
God was about to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah but he
was not ready to carry the act without informing his
servant Abraham. Abraham pleaded with God to spare
the land because he knew his nephew Lot and family
were citizens of that land. God promised to deliver his
nephew and family but destroy the land because of its

wickedness. God always provides opportunities for us to
escape death and the judgment of living irresponsible
lives. Still man refuses to seize the many opportunities of
God's love to him. The people of Sodom and Gomorrah
refused God's provision to repent and escape destruction;
they chose the life of irresponsibility to sin willingly.
Today the world is faced with the outcome of disobeying
Gods word. New diseases are breaking out, war and
terrorism are on the rise, and disunity among tribes and
ethnic groups is a norm in our society. We are faced with a
flood of woes in our nation and community. Judgment
and death are the visible and eternal outcome of man's
irresponsibility. The only way out is to embrace and seize
Gods love for us, expressed on the cross by Jesus. The
access to peace and blessing is to receive Jesus as Lord and
Lot and his family embraced and seized God's love over
judgment and destruction. They escaped for their lives.
They maximized the moment of God's mercy and ran
from Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot and his family had to put
their sole confidence in the Lord's provision to escape
destruction. Faith was at play here again. It helped Lot
and his family seize the opportunity to flee Gods destruc-
tion penalty on Sodom and Gomorrah.
We have seen in this chapter how putting your faith in

God would help you confront your opposition. It would
help you accept the responsibility to seize and maximize
every opportunity to experience victory, success, break-
through, prosperity and progress in your life. Today is
your opportunity; seize God's abundant love for you

Press For More.
To step into significance you must apply pressure. You
would need force to go through. David had to overcome
the discouragement form his siblings. He had to shun
discouragement from the armies of Israel. He had to over
look King Saul well read out war history of goliath. David
had to press in faith in God to conquer goliath.
Intelligence, strength, muscles; qualifications are not
enough to face your oppositions. You would need an
unwavering faith in God to overcome the wiles of the
God has so much for us to enjoy, but the enemy of our soul
has sworn to steal, kill and destroy. He has sworn to make
us slaves for eternity like goliath swore he would make
the children of Israel. But our God wants us to arise like
true champions and press in faith, prayers, thanksgiving
until we have the victory. The enemy is like a roaring lion
seeking whom he may devour. The devil presses to
capture careless believers, their joy, peace, visions,
dreams, homes, children and finance. Our responsibility
is to press by resisting the devil consistently, Gods word
promise he will flee.

All that the enemy has stolen from you, you cannot
recover by sitting down crossing your legs, you would
have to press on him, by binding the strong man first and
then gain access into his store. David had to press on
goliath speaking faith-filled words. For every curse and
fear goliath spoke David spoke faith. David never gave
goliath the opportunity. He never empowered goliath,
because fear empowers the enemy. Fear gives the enemy
the access and right to oppress, intimidate and enslave
you. But faith takes away the power from the enemy.
Goliath was still tall, huge and intimidating. David's faith
did not change the size of goliath, but his faith in God
overcame goliath. Faith always overcomes the enemy no
matter the size and history. What are you going through?
Your faith in God would soar and gain the victory. As you
press, you will change; as you press, you will grow; as you
press, you will experience a breakthrough. David never
ran away from goliath, he pressed forward by running
towards goliath with his sling in his hand. Remember
God is never pleased with those who draw back. David
knew that, he pressed forward instead of being pushed
backwards by the size and fearful words of goliath. Faith
always goes forward, God always wins, He is the
Almighty that can never be intimidated by any goliath. So
beloved, press for the best God has in store for you.

Significance is intentional
Gold is a precious metal that is of great value to us, but at
first it was just a dirty material buried deep in the earth. It
meant nothing as long as it remained that way, until it was
subjected to heat and pressure. This precious jewel
emerges. Its significance was as a result of intentional
intense heat applied to the dirt material buried in the
earth. Your step to significance would not come easy; you
would go through many pressures. The pressures would
not kill you, but work for your good, beauty, favor,
promotion and peace.
David asked on three occasions what would be given to
the killer of goliath as reward. Because rewards are
catalyst for action. David was not satisfied just killing
bears and lions, he wanted really combat that would end
his insignificance. Goliath was just that opportunity. Your
sickness, your drugged addicted child, unemployment,
lack, frustration and disappointment are just your
opportunities to step into significance. You are not in
them to sink and be buried in them, remember you are
more than a conqueror. You are meant to soar like the
eagle, run and not be weary, walk and not faint. You were
not made to be pitied but to be envied; you are the son and
daughter of the King of the earth. The only one that has
never lost any battle, He is called the eternal rock of ages,

the rock that has killed several goliaths in time past and
was never broken to pieces. He is your confidence in
battle, your source of strength and victory. Press for more
victories, press for more rewards in your life. Your child
will return saved and healed, you will be promoted; you
will be remembered and favored. You will have children,
you will be married. Do not run backwards God wants
you to press, because it is only those that press that would
receive the reward.
That child you believe God for is not in vain, keep press-
ing like Hannah, you would receive your Samuel. Your
waiting would be rewarded. God is a rewarder of those
that diligently seek him. God is looking for your faith in
that situation, so you can have your reward. He is by you
with your reward in his hands. Beloved where is your
faith, can you press more in faith, would you endure till
the end. God is faithful to do what he says concerning
you. Press, do not give up.
As I write this book I encountered many obstacles to
abandon and procrastinate this life changing project. My
mind was clouded with other projects, my body did not
want to get up early and do three pages daily as planned.
My family needed my attention, my friends and partners
needed my association, and the ministry needed my
input. Sometimes I felt I needed a break from all these

routine, I felt I have done enough. But when I remem-
bered that God's reward is in his hand, and that I would
receive it, only if I run faithfully to the end, I made up my
mind to press on; to defy all odds to see the completion of
this book. You will receive your reward if you will not give
up. Promotion comes from God, he would lift you up in
due season. He is watching your faithfulness in laboring
for him in your home, community, on your job. He has not
forgotten your labor of love, God is coming to reward you,
to lift, favor and bless you where you are now. It would
not be too long, press forward.

Change Your Approach
It is imperative we know that God changes his methods
and chooses his tools and human vessels to do his mighty
counsels. He is never short of provision; he knows the
appropriate supply for the present or future demands of
his children. When we see the life of David, God taught
him how to change his approach in maximizing opportu-
In the wilderness
When David was in the wilderness and was faced with
opposition from bears and lions, which came to steal and
kill his flock. As a shepherd he was used to a staff and rod,
he was also used to his sling and stone. His approach was
to attack any lion or bear with is knife, rod or staff because
these were the defense tools that came naturally to him.
When the lion came, he quickly drew the sheep from the
jaws and claws of the Lion or Bear with his staff and killed
them with his knife or rod. This was how he protected
himself and his flocks in the desert. That was his natural
approach to his oppositions in the face of danger. This is
familiar to our everyday living, we tend to solve our
financial, marital, parental, business, emotional issues the

same way we have heard, seen and were taught by people
around us.
Things change so also are the methods God uses to solve
our every problem. God never have a permanent human
supplier to meet your needs. If this is so then the human
supplier becomes God. There is no one who can meet
every need and still yet not be in need like our God. He is
the All sufficient one, the great resource God. God expects
us not to put our confidence in our relationships, our
businesses, marriages, money, skills and intelligence, our
qualifications because these and other dependable would
fail. Our God does not have a regular way to meet your
need; He would always come through when you need
him the most. He is never late but on time. If God can
choose his vessel and supply then you must change your
approach to every opposition. David chose the rod, staff,
knife, and the staff in the wilderness but when he faced
goliath, his approach changed.
Facing goliath
When David faced goliath he was facing a different
opposition in a different environment. In the desert, it was
the lion and the bear, on the battle field it was the
Philistine champion goliath of Gath. David lacked war
experience because he was only a shepherd. Have you
ever felt inadequate sometimes when you face situations

on your job, marriage, finance and ministry? You just feel
you do not have enough love, skills, experience, and
money to do or be everything God expect you to be. Your
present is not the total picture of your life. Your present is
only a process to your future. Being a shepherd was only a
process to becoming a great warrior in Israel. His skills as
a shepherd did not match on the battle field where sword,
spear, bow and arrows were the norm.
So you see David stood no chance against goliath. Each
time I picture this battle I saw on each occasion disadvan-
tage on David account. Again David knew this goliath
was another opportunity and there was need to change
approach to this fight. So when he was to approach him,
he was with five smooth stones in his bag, his shepherd
staff and sling. He knew that the other tools were extra
baggage that would not fit there. So he went with what he
felt he needed. David was just four feet compared to
goliath nine feet, this was a disadvantage. The only thing
that could go that distance and height without Goliath
crushing David at first contact, was the sling and stone.
So you see David's choice of weapon was inspired by God.
God helped him change his approach in facing goliath, by
helping him choose how he would defeat goliath. God
wants to help you progress and prosper but your faith in
Him would give him the access. So you see God has your

best interest in mind. He wants you to win always and
that you experience victory, breakthrough and deliver-
ance all the days of your life. In part three, I would share
with you ways you would experience Gods victory every
day in your life.

Paul said in 2Corinthians 2:14 thanks be to God that gives
us the victory in Christ Jesus always. We have the victory
always because we are born of God. To examine from our
hero of faith David how he overcame goliath, we would
discover hidden secrets to overcome our daily
oppositions and win every day, every time. We would be
looking at motivation is key, confess Gods word, and
confidence in God as Gods weapon in defeating the
enemy any time he comes against you.

Motivation is Key
If there is any reason why anyone would want to step into
significance or take action to experience a shift, a turning
point, motivation is that reason. There should be a reason
for you wanting to move, to take action towards your
bright destiny. Bears and lions were not goliath the
champion of the Philistine. What advantage would a four
feet boy have over a nine feet giant? It does not make any
sense, yet David took action and refused to be still like the
army of Israel for forty days and forty nights. You may ask
me Chris, how did David motivate himself? How did he
push himself over and beyond his opposition? David
knew the power of testimony. He never forgot in a hurry
how he handled and overcame his opposition. Remember
the size of the oppositions always multiplies; they would
never diminish or go away. He told King Saul how he
overcame the lion and the bear in the desert while tending
to his father's sheep. To everyone, this was another story
tale read in one of the bed time stories. But to David it was
Testimonies are motivators. They would always make
you shun the history of your past, poverty, pain, disap-

pointments, failures, discouragements and write your
own stories of favor, blessings, promotions, breakthrough
and victory. Testimony will move you forward when
every reason in your head says you should stay behind.
Testimony would give you courage to try again when
there is possibility of failing. Testimony emboldens your
efforts towards victory. Goliath talked down the armies of
Israel for forty days and night. He robbed Gods armies the
will to fight and because he infused fear into their spirit.
Fear always rob you of authority and empowers your
opposition. Fear transfers the victory to the enemy.
Remember the environment around the armies of Israel
was filled with fear. They lacked the will power to engage
the enemy and experience victory. Fear took their will
power away. It made them visible and defeatable.
Each time David was reminded his disadvantages, he
spoke about the faithfulness of God to protect and give
the victory. The perspective of Israel's armies of goliath
was a huge and terrifying giant. But David's view of
goliath was victory. Testimony changes your perspective
of the opposition. It fills your mouth with faith filled
words and renews your mind from fear and defeat.
Complaining stems from ungratefulness, when we
cannot find a reason to appreciate God, it would be the
major reason for going backward. David found a reason

to thank God for helping him defeat the lion and the bear,
his testimony moved him forward to real battle, which is
the battle against champion goliath. Testimony always
moves us forward and not backward. Any time you share
your testimony it builds your faith, and changes the
expectation and outcome of any situation. It changes the
outcome of any test to triumph. With your testimony you
can expect your turning point, your deliverance and
progress in any area of your life.
David's testimony changed the outcome of the battle with
goliath. Goliath expected another fearful soldier but met a
courageous David who would not accept fear and
cowardice. Your testimony is your victory, anytime you
with-hold your testimony, you cage or postpone your
victory. Do not give the victory to the enemy. Do not
empower the opposition by not giving your testimony.
You lose courage, faith and ground when you do not
share your testimonies. Testimonies embarrass the
enemy; they expose the weakness of the enemy. They
make the opposition easier to overcome despite its size
and history. Testimony is another way you magnify and
enlarge your God in any situation.
When you enlarge God with your testimony the opposi-
tion becomes smaller and defeat- able. God told
Zechariah who is the mountain before him, it would

become a plain. The rent, debt, hospital bills, health
conditions look mountainous and huge, but when you
share a testimony of how God saw you through last
month expense, it enlarges your Gods intervention in the
present and future opposition. You make God big, very
big in any situation when you testify.
Testimony tells us the outcome of the situation. The
testimony of your un-born child, miracle job or house is a
proof God is working the circumstance to your favor.
Testimony does not only change the outcome, it also
changes your attitude to the situation. It inspires faith in
you instead of fear, boldness instead of timidity. David
was so inspired with faith and courage over goliath, with
his victory over the lion and the bear. Goliath had war
experience David had proven experience. Testimony is
proven experience; it always has a successful outcome.
David was successful over goliath, so you would win over
every opposition. You will overcome by the word of your
testimony. Enlarge the greatness of our God today, you
will overcome.
Joshua and Caleb were sent with other ten spies to view
the promise land. The ten saw giants, walled cities, iron
chariots and everything that made the land “un-
takeable”. They were intimidated by the size and history
of their opposition. They came to the camp of the Israelites

and watered down their faith in God to receive the
promise. The ten spies were fearful and lost their courage.
Their opposition was visible and terrifying and it changed
their courage to cowardice.
It takes courage to step into significance. Joshua and
Caleb were known for their courage - courage to go
forward, to press and receive their inheritance. When
every negative circumstance says do not attempt again,
courage says it is opportunity seize it. Courage always
despises fear and stretch to have all it has been promised
by God. Courage is Gods major pre-requisite for achiev-
ing greatness. Remember what God told Joshua, in Joshua
chapter one, he on four occasions told him to be of good
courage. Courage always soars over fear. It sees God
being magnified and enlarged in the situation you are
going through. Courage always puts you on rest mode in
God, and then allows God to perform.
Courage is our confidence in God not our natural abilities,
educational qualifications, social relationships, affluence
and wealth. It takes courage to lead people, it takes
courage to love and forgive someone who hurt your
feelings. It takes courage to try again when at other
attempts you failed. It takes courage to start a new
business venture or expand an existing business. It takes
courage to say yes I do to someone you cherish to spend

the rest of your life with. It takes courage to leave the past
behind and step into Gods master plan for you. It takes
courage to act in faith and obey God when he instructs
you through his human vessels. It takes courage to be
trusted and believed after a terrible and regretful past.
It takes courage to offer restitution of things you stole. It
takes courage to say I am sorry to someone you offended.
It takes great courage to give to someone or the things of
the Kingdom, when giving is not convenient and money
is scarce. It takes a lot of courage to continue in prayers
and thanksgiving, when the physical manifestation of
your prayers is not in view. It takes courage to love and
trust again after several disappointments. Courage in the
midst of the storm or crisis is a great motivation. When
everyone was defeated with fear and doubt, Joshua and
Caleb found courage in the promises of God. You will
need unwavering courage to stay motivated in that which
the Lord has called you to and prepared for you.
Anytime I hear a testimony of someone, it increases my
courage in the Lord. Testimony can change anyone inside
out. It can make you taller than any goliath on your path to
your throne. It can make you so strong on the inside that
you are able to tear apart a lion or a bear with your bare
hands. Testimony would always expose the weakness of
the enemy. One truth about the enemy is that he has no

power over you. The only power he has is the one you
gave him last time. Your testimony puts you in charge and
on top, over and above the circumstance. It takes author-
ity and power from the enemy, leaving him with the only
ability to roar and not bite. When I am ashamed to share
my testimony, Christ becomes ashamed of testifying
about me to the Father.
Our testimonies empowers Christ priestly ministry in our
lives. When you shut your mouth about the faithfulness of
God towards you, you are saying you are afraid and you
just empowered the enemy with authority not only to roar
but to bite and frighten you. Fear is the fuel of the enemy.
When you do not share your testimony you lose courage
and become filled with fear and worry. No wonder the
children of Israel always murmur and complain. They
easily forgot the faithfulness of God in their lives when He
delivered them from four hundred and thirty years of
slavery. They quickly forgot how he brought judgment on
Pharaoh and helped them cross the red sea. God's
memory about them was their constant complains. They
never empowered the intercessory ministry of God
towards them. They never shared their testimonies of
God's greatness in their lives. It was pathetic, God
decided to end majority journey in the wilderness.
Complaining wearies God. Testimonies enlarge the

abilities of God in our lives. Testimonies strengthen the
heavenly priestly ministry of Jesus Christ in your life.
Because your testimony always portrays what God has
done in your life just as Christ have done for us two
thousand years ago. It magnifies the power in the blood
and name of Jesus.
David told Goliath his testimony, he said to him“…you
come against me with a sword and a spear but I come
against you in the name of the Lord of Host.” He told
Goliath God was able to deliver him into his hands.
Testimonies are prophetic in nature because they tell us
what God has done in the past; they flash a light of hope in
our heart of what God would do in the present circum-
stance. David testified to King Saul what God did in the
desert to the bear and the lion, pointing him to what God
will do to Goliath they fear. David defeated Goliath by
telling him what God has done. I believe it is time for us to
start telling every Goliath in our lives what God has done.
Remind the enemy how God healed you last year even
though you were told you have a deadly sickness now.
Because your testimony empowers the ministry of Jesus
to heal, deliver, protect and provide in your life.
Your testimony would fuel your faith and cause you to
advance towards the enemy with total victory to your
account at the end of the day. Jesus is awaiting your

testimony today. He wants to do something He did years
ago today in your life. Things around you may look
insignificant now your testimony can change all that
today. If you would testify how he brought you through
the last storm to someone or your circumstance, you have
committed into his hands the authority to do more today
for you. Remember today when you share your testimony
it's a way of saying Lord thank you for what you have
done and thank you is worship. You cannot worship this
way and not experience the faithfulness of God. Your
testimony would make the name of Jesus by the power of
the Holy Spirit not only relevant yesterday but today and
Have you ever sat down to think about all His faithfulness
in your life in time past -every victory, deliverance,
breakthrough, promotion, success and favor He has given
you? Have you ever testified to someone or in church
God's numerous blessings in your life? Do you expect
your present circumstance to change and become a
stepping ground? Your testimony about what He did for
you would empower him to do exceedingly above what
you could imagine today, tomorrow and throughout your
life time. Your testimony is what makes God's ability
relevant and significant in your life today. You have made
God powerless in your life enough. Today is the time to

intentionally share like the Samaritan woman who met
with Jesus at Jacobs well, all what you remember God has
done for you. As you do, you will experience his mercies,
power and faithfulness in your life.

Confess Gods word.
Words are powerful. Death and life are in the power of the
tongue. The words of our mouth are the source of the
events and experiences of our lives. Victory, success,
divine-health, protection, deliverance, promotion, favor,
to mention a few, are all product of the words of our
mouth. We have what we say. We experience what we
declare with our mouth. Nothing comes to pass until we
authorize it. Our words carry creative power to enforce
the forces of life or death in any situation. By our words
we transfer legal authority to demons to afflict us with
defeat, failure, disappointment, frustration, sickness and

Faith comes, fear comes……..

Faith comes by hearing and hearing God's word; also fear
comes by neglecting the hearing and studying of God's
word. We give faith or fear entrance in our life by what or
whom we listen to. The armies of Israel continued to listen
to fear filled word s from Goliath for forty days, without
listening to God for a single day. They chose to hear
Goliath the enemy than hearing God from a prophet of

God. We can see from their experience that the more they
heard Goliath, the more discouraged they became. The
more fear they listened to, the more clueless and disabled
they became. Jesus said we are condemned or justified by
the words of our mouth. He meant that we are set free,
blessed, favored, or prospered by the words of our mouth.
Also we can either enslave, or put ourselves in bondage
by the faithless words we speak. The armies of Israel
accepted defeat, slavery and bondage because they chose
to hear daily for forty days and forty nights the words of
Goliath over God. We either accept fear or faith, victory or
defeat, disappointment or favor, destruction or deliver-
ance from whom we choose to listen.
Romans chapter ten verse seventeen says, “Faith comes
by hearing and hearing the word of God.” we receive
faith, blessing, victory, prosperity, breakthrough by
continuously listening to God through his word. So it
means if I choose to hear or study Gods word daily, it
means I have prepared myself and have accepted his
mercies, goodness, power and faithfulness to manifest in
my life and your life. The truth is who we choose to hear is
the circumstance, event or experience we will see in our
lives. It is proven whom you hear determines your daily
experiences. The entire nation of Israel chose to believe
the ten spies' report above that of Joshua and Caleb. That

act of unbelief in the ability of God to give them Canaan
made majority perish in the wilderness. Proverbs says the
words of our mouth bring life or death. The words of the
ten spies, they chose to hear and believed made them
experience Gods anger, judgment and un-timely destruc-

Different Reaction, Different Experience.

Everything you say would come to pass. Our words have
the power to produce life or death. We are powerful
beings and our tongue can release positive or negative
messages that would determine positive or negative
experience. The words you say determine your experi-
ence. David refused to listen to goliath. He refused to
accept slavery and bondage. He spoke back to Goliath at
every point, Goliath spoke to him. He understood that if
he could win Goliath in the battle of words, he already has
determined the outcome of the fight. Our warfare over life
circumstance and the enemy of our soul is fought with
words not with physical weapons. Our words are quicker,
faster and more effective than any weapons ever made in
history of creation. David kept speaking until Goliath
kept quiet. Your words carry power and authority to turn
any negative situation around in your favor and put the

enemy under your feet.
Before David released the stone from his sling, he released
Gods word from his mouth. He spoke victory ahead of the
battle; he gave God access to prepare an opportunity for
his stone to meet the right target in Goliath body.
Remember the word of God is a designer of the thoughts
and intent of the heart. God knew Goliath fore head was
exposed, so when David spoke about victory, he already
sent Gods word to locate an exposed portion of Goliath's
body. The forehead was located. When the stone was
released it located his forehead and Goliath was defeated.
Any time you read God's word, it exposes the scheme of
the enemy and how you can defeat him. The word of God
tells you how to bruise and aim at the forehead of the
enemy. So you see, you are not disadvantaged at all but
privileged. God has given us privileged information in
His word. We know the outcome of any negative circum-
stance from God's word, when we speak it in faith daily
and consistently, life will always respond in our favor.
God told Joshua if he would not separate himself from his
word, by meditating and consistently speaking his word,
that he would make his way prosperous and have good
success. Our mouth is like the rod of Moses God used to
divide the red sea. Each time we speak his word in faith
we divide every red sea and negative circumstance

around us. God's word is a sword that pierces apart, so
rightly using his word would pierce cancer, poverty,
disappointment, failure, delay and deliver to you the joy
of victory. Today God is ready to go ahead of you to make
your rough paths of life smoothened. All you need to do is
to believe his promises of health, prosperity, favor,
deliverance and protection concerning you and speak it
with authority, it will not fail but come to pass.
Make your own path.
With your words, you will create your own path in life.
Moses said to the nation of Israel to choose life. The book
of wisdom says death and life are in the power of the
tongue. So if you choose life, success, health, protection,
provision and you speak it consistently, it will line up for
you that way. Your words release the sword of the Spirit
that cuts apart any limitation on your way. So what you
are going through is not solely in God's hand to change,
you have to change the words that come from your
mouth. This will only happen by the renewing of your
mind by the studying and hearing of God's word. So
when the word of God is in your heart, it will flow
naturally each time you open your mouth because out of
the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. When you
fill your spirit man with God's word you are also empow-
ering your words with the supernatural, creative ability of

God. You are not disadvantaged but favored of God. Your
heavenly Father has made warfare easy for you; he has
given you the victory always. Today seize the opportunity
to walk in victory.

Confidence in God
Life is a battlefield, it is a battle of words and its battle
front is our mind. This battle is not fought and won with
physical logistics, military machineries and strategies; the
battle of life is fought and won by our confidence in God.
In first Samuel chapter seventeen we could see vividly
Goliath of Gath had every advantage to win David. He
had the military skills, experience and competence. He
had an intimidating monstrous figure that would scare
and defeat any opposition at first sight. Remember
goliath had a history of no defeat in battle; all these factors
were against David because he never had any of these
The amazing question is, “how did David overcome
goliath in battle?” David never put his confidence in any
military strategy, equipment, ammunitions or education.
David's trust was in God. In Psalms 100:8-9; the man of
God David advises us to put our confidence in the Lord
rather than in a man or government. Why should our
confidence be in God? Man always disappoint and fail
because as man we are limited in wisdom and available
resources, we cannot readily solve all human problems.

King Saul never had an answer for Goliath neither did the
armies of Israel for forty days and night. They froze in fear
at the enemy's threat. They gave authority to the enemy.
Fear gives authority to the enemy. It makes you lose the
will to confront the enemy in faith. Fear always magnifies
the negative situation; it always makes the opposition
look superior and stronger. King Saul and the armies of
Israel saw Goliath as bigger stronger and more superior.
Fear would make God in you less and the situation big.
First John chapter four verse four says, “you are of God
little children and have overcome the world, for greater is
he that is in you than he that is in the world.” Our faith
magnifies and enlarges our God in any situation. Our God
is big and great and He has a history of no defeat at all.
Anytime we release our faith in prayers, praise and
thanksgiving, we enlarge him, we make him bigger than
the situation. We start to see him so big that we lose sight
of the situation, our only focus become God's word and
love for us; not the circumstance. If you would accept the
responsibility to pray, praise and thank him through the
situation you are going through, you will see him strong
on your behave. Paul and Silas were put in prison for their
love to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. The torment and
cold in the prison could not stop their prayers, praise and
thanksgiving to God. God comes down in an atmosphere

of praise, his manifest presence is felt all around us in the
atmosphere of thanksgiving; his power is made available
in time of prayer. The prison shook, the prison chains fell
off, the prison gate were opened wide; because God was
too big to contain the prison. God becomes the size of your
worship, prayer, praise and thanksgiving you offer to him
in any situation. If you pray, praise and thank him more in
any and every situation, He enlarges and his magnifi-
cence over-shadows the circumstance and our God
becomes the only object of worship and adoration.
I do not want sickness; poverty lack delay frustration
disappointments defeat failure to become my focus,
worship and objects of adoration. I only want God to be
the centre of my universe. I want him to take the centre
stage of everything. I know too that is your desire. As we
pray, praise and thank Him, our expectation of the
situation start to change. All start to work for our good
and favor. We start to see God for who He is, He is ever
faithful to do what he promised you. You can change your
expectation and experiences of your life by changing the
way you pray, praise and thank the Lord. When you pray,
praise and thank the lord you give him access to be God in
the situation. Your total confidence in the wisdom and
power of God will always put you over the opposition. No
man could have thought just only a stone thrown at

Goliath's head would defeat him and rewrite his history
of one defeat. David trust in God released his wisdom and
power to overcome Goliath. God's wisdom and power is
available for you today, if only you will pray, praise and
thank him through the situation.
Where is your confidence?
David said in the book of Psalm chapter twenty verse
seven that some trust in chariots, some in horses but we
will remember the name of the Lord our God. Confidence
is self-assurance, the feeling of certainty and expectation
that something good would happen. The challenge with
our believing is that it is always on things and people that
are never certain and can change. Jesus is the same
yesterday, today and always. His word concerning you
and I would never change. His word for us can always be
trusted because His word is collateral for our believing.
Anytime it seems that you cannot wait for the promise
any longer and you want to give up on what He promised
you, remembering His promises inspires you with fresh
faith, infuses hope and expectation to your believing
causing you to take bold steps towards significance.
Just like David our confidence is in the name of the Lord.
Any time we call the name of Jesus, that name becomes a
strong tower we run to and we are safe. When the name of
Jesus is mentioned, every knee of mortal- Kings, man-

made gods and negative circumstances all bow. Our
confidence is in the Lord. Hannah said “… by strength
shall no man prevail.” Our trust in the Lord releases his
ability and wisdom to change any circumstance in our
Remember when Jesus and his disciples were crossing to
the other side to preach the gospel of the Kingdom. A
storm arose that created panic in which the disciples did
all they did all knew best to keep the ship afloat and on
course. All efforts failed until they came to Jesus and
brought him into to scene, all he needed to say was peace
be still and so it was. What was the difference? The
disciples trust and confidence was in their fishing
experiences on stormy seas. That knowledge failed
because in that particular challenge it could not deliver
their boat from sinking. Their knowledge on sea was
limited in this situation, until they accessed Gods wisdom
and power to bring in peace to the storm.
The disciples' faith was in their experience as fishermen
and men of the sea. That knowledge failed when it was
applied to the storm. Are you a professional? A career
person or an employee or an employer of labor and your
day or business is going through a storm. You have done
all you know professionally to make the financial and
administrative storm to cease, but it met a dead end. I

have found out the race of life is not won by strategies
only, you would need total trust in God to win in the battle
of life. For the last six to eight thousand years, it has been
documented our God has never lost any battle. God has a
proven and mind breaking history of victory always. His
wisdom and power are always relevant in any life
situation. You can put your trust in this and go to rest.
Our victory in life is a function of our trust in God.
Fix your eyes on Him
Hebrews chapter eleven verse two says “looking unto
Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.” vision is
everything. Remember when Jesus told Peter to come to
him on the water, literally speaking no one walks on
water. It would be totally absurd to walk on water,
because such person would sink. But right in front of the
disciples, Jesus was walking on water; He totally defeated
Archimedes's principle of floats on any object on water.
Peter's vision of Jesus walking on stormy waters totally
inspired him to walk towards Jesus on water. Jesus is our
perfect mirror of victory in any situation. You may be in
debt now, a stormy marriage, barrenness of the womb and
unemployment: just look unto Jesus and all you would
see is victory.
when he walked towards him. There is no fear in Jesus, no

impossibility in Him. Looking at him through his word
would fire up faith in your heart to trust him in every area
of your life. The more you meditate on his word day and
night, the more you will see the way in the wilderness, a
road in the Dead Sea, and a path on stormy waters. The
more you look at Jesus the brighter your journey in life
becomes. That is why the path of the righteous man shines
brighter and brighter unto the perfect day. Why such light
and brightness? He is following closely God's word.
God's word is light, Jesus is the light of the world, so you
see when you follow his word, when you focus on God's
word all you would see is light no darkness at all. Your
understanding about any matter becomes clear, no
You see victory. You see lifting up while others are seeing
a casting down. You see plenty when others are seeing
scarcity. You are laughing while others are seeing trou-
bles. The more you look and focus on Jesus through his
word; you would be filled with knowledge in any matter
of life. Your life becomes full of wisdom. You start to walk
talk and live like Jesus. Indeed as He is so you are in this
evil world. You can exceed all your expectations for the
year. You can still do more with your life. As you make up
your mind today to focus on Jesus, you will see the end of
the race which is victory. He is the author and finisher of

our faith. Through him you are certain you will finish
well. I know how the year will end for you; it will end with
so much laughter and plenty of joy. It will end well for you
because your focus is on his word.
Look, say and live
For by strength shall no man prevail.
For I walk by faith (trusting relying putting confidence) in
God not by sight (sensory perception, what I see hear or
I can do everything I am called to do through Christ who
gives me the strength.
The joy of the Lord is my strength.
I am strong in the Lord's mighty power.
I am not afraid of hard times when it comes for my heart is
fixed, strong trusting the Lord.
Some put their confidence in chariots and princes, but I
put my confidence in the Lord God.
My trust is in the Lord, I am like Mount Zion that cannot
be moved.
I do not have the spirit of fear but I have the spirit of love,
power, boldness and a sound mind.
There shall be no opposition able to stand against me all
the days of my life.
Who are you this mountain before me; you would become
a plain ground of victory.

I lift up my eyes to the hills from where comes my help;
my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and
With man this is impossible but with God nothing shall be
I thank my God that has given me the victory always.
God has promised never to leave me nor forsake me.
I will hold fast everything He has assured me in His word,
for He is faithful who has promised me.
I will not neglect my trust and confidence in God because
it has great reward for me.
I do not consider what I feel or see, because what I feel or
see is temporal but what I do not see is eternal, sure and
Faithful is God who called me and will do it.
The Lord has opened a wide door for you no man can
God has sworn by His holiness He will not lie to me.
God is for me who can be against me.
God is my shield and buckler my shade upon my right
God has delivered me from every evil work.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous but God delivers
him from them ALL.
God has delivered me from six troubles yea from seven

will He deliver me.
I am confident of this God that has begun the good work
in me would complete, establish and finish it.
I am confident my hands that laid the foundation of this
business, marriage, ministry, finance and building, would
finish it.
No weapon made and fashion against me would prosper.
There is no enchantment and divination against me.
He that touches me touches the apple of God's eyes.
I have not seen the righteous forsaken neither his seed
begging bread.
Those that fear the Lord would not lack any good thing.
These are words of wisdom and comfort if you meditate
on them on a daily basis, you will not only be nourished
but you will experience what it talks about.
Your confidence has a reward.
God is the rewarder of those who diligently follow him or
serve him. Our God never owes. His word says his reward
is always with him to give every man according to his
works. Your faith in God is neither foolishness nor
cluelessness; it is simply putting your total confidence in
the wisdom and power of God. They called Noah mad,
jobless when he announced the world was to be destroyed
by flood. Noah prepared the ark for a century plus. The
longer the project took, the more his generation saw him

as a fool, for the world to end by flood. But Noah kept his
trust in God and he was rewarded at the end. His family
and animal species in the ark were the only survivors on
planet earth; the flood eliminated every other thing.
Confidence in God requires a lot of patience. Hebrews
chapter ten verse thirty six says, “… ye have need of
patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might
receive the promise.” It takes confidence to obey God. It
takes courage to stand alone for what you truly believe in.
It takes uncommon trust in the Lord to endure ridicule
shame and negative criticism from family friends and the
world, for not compromising what God said concerning
you. When every other known strategy fails, trust in God
never disappoints, because faith pleases God. Your faith
in God is like sacrificial offerings to him. When he
perceives the aroma of your faith, God chooses to favor
you and bless you. Faith is diligently searching and
seeking God through his word. When you now find him
you experience his rewards. God never journeys through
life with his children without rewards here and there. The
rewards are not from our intelligence and brilliance; the
rewards are as result of diligently relying and putting
confidence in the Lord. So you see putting your trust in
the Lord is lot of hard work. You have to accept the
responsibility to be discipline to study, meditate and

speak Gods word at all times.
If you will do this, God will show you his faithfulness in
every area of your life. Do not throw away your faith, your
confidence in the Lord. Do not forget his faithfulness
towards you, your family, your job, your business, your
health your ministry your finance. Your confidence in the
Lord is evidence that what God said to you in his word,
you will receive and it will not delay. It is the reason you
are holding on to Gods unfailing promises regarding
every area of your life. God is faithful who has promised
you all these benefits in his word. If He did not have them
in store he would not have said so in his word. What is
your decision today? Will you give up on God like others?
Will you complain rather than think about his faithfulness
towards you? Will you stop reading and listening to God's
word because of few disappointments, setbacks and
defeats? Remember God is not a man that he should lie,
He does everything he says. Hold on.
A Better Report; a Better Ending.
Hebrews chapter eleven verse two says, “by faith (our
confidence in God), the elders (men of faith) obtained a
good report.” Faith does not focus on the events around
you now; it focuses on the end matter. It might have begun
roughly for you throughout the year, things kept falling
apart; theses are not reasons for you to despair and quit

believing God. Your faith in God always wins at the end;
you'll come out better and happier. Because your faith
puts everything about your life and circumstance in the
care of God. Your confidence in God will not only sustain
you but put you over the situation. If my faith gives God
access into my life, it also means God knows how to work
every unfavorable factor for my good.
Sarah was childless for nine decades of her life, despite
Gods promise to her. Yet by trusting God she birthed Isaac
in her old age. Faith in God always has a positive outcome
no matter the history of disappointments, failures, defeats
and setbacks. Faith in God never considers the history of
the problem; it specializes in writing great story ending
with blessings, favor, deliverance, prosperity and
progress. Today you can rewrite your own story about
yourself. David uplifted his family's name and status by
solving a national opposition called Goliath. He became
an ancestral lineage of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
Matthew chapter one verse one says Jesus the son of
David, the son of Abraham. David's faith determined his
placing in the family tree of Christ; faith placed him before
Abraham the father of faith.
So it does not matter how people are faring around you,
their success and accomplishments, focus on Jesus, you
will have a better report and a better ending. This is why I

do not envy anybody, their material possessions and
accomplishments. I only focus my eyes on Jesus, his
promises for me, knowing well it would be a better
ending than I could ever imagine. Do you believe this, do
you receive this? Rise up in faith and accept the responsi-
bility not to give up on God. Y O U WILL T E S T I F Y!
I believe every page in this book has been inspiring,
motivating and encouraging to you, your home and
organization. I know that you have made up your mind
to shift from positional leadership to responsibility
oriented leadership like David. I'm certain that from
today, you will speak the right words not to necessarily
change the situation but to build your faith, and cause
your confidence to flourish in any circumstance. It is your
season to step into your destiny with courage and fix
focus on being the victor God as made you to be. The
giants are meant to be defeated; through accepting
responsibility you become a giant killer, threatening our
national peace and prosperity. By obeying your call and
rising to its demands, you extend the victory at Calvary to
every area of the nation.
Do not waste any more time trying to dialogue with the
giants that defeated and enslave your fore fathers. Get up,
let faith rise in your hearts with the sword of the Spirit in

your hearts and hands to cut into pieces every standing
giants on your way to stardom.
Focus your eyes on Jesus and walk over every storm of
life, put your entire trust in the Lord and see your confi-
dence rewarded not neglected. I am certain God will
reward your every tear, sweat and trust in him this year.
You will testify.

Do you have a Relationship with Jesus?

Everything in your life has been on hold until now. Your
decision to have a relationship with Jesus cannot hold
on another sixty seconds longer. If you believe you
cannot overcome sin, Satan and this evil world on your
own, you will need the Prince of Peace and the
overcomer of this world in your life. Would you say this
prayer with me please?
Jesus, you showed me love by dying for me to set me free
from the power of sin and Satan. I accept I am a sinner and
I cannot overcome sin and Satan on my own. I accept you
into my life as my Lord, master and savior. I am washed
with your precious blood, I am a new person, I am born
E m a i l m e y o u r t e s t i m o n y o f s a l va t i o n o n

Transformation Resources
For more of these transformation resources, call
Nigeria +234-8138641532.
Monrovia, Liberia +231-888626018.

Heal the land partners

There is no hope for humanity without Jesus in our life
and world. That is why the major mission of the ministry
is to restore hope to many across the world going through
discouragement, disappointment and defeat. Would you
be part of this end time laborers spreading hope, healing
and restoration to the nations of the earth. Be a partner
today, with your love seed of $10 (ten dollars) or more. We
would be able to take God's healing power to nations of
the world through publications, seminars, tapes and on
radio. Thanks for being a co-laborer with God. You will
testify. Call +234-8138641532 (or) +231-888626018 for

About Healing Power World Outreach.
Vision: is to take Gods healing power to people in
adversity through publications, tapes, seminars and on
Mission: is to raise a people who would renew their mind
daily by the word of God and the prayer language. Who
would become result oriented in all their endeavors and
be exceptional leaders in righteousness integrity and
excellence in these last days.
Our outreaches:
-Prophetic Intervention: this is a program where people
experience firsthand the move of the Holy Spirit through
prophetic ministry.
-What is stopping you? This is an exposition time where
people discover the truth of God's word, break limitations
and fulfill their destiny.
-Jesus is in town: this is our healing crusade program
where we enjoy the teachings and the healing power of
our Lord Jesus Christ.


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