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(1-4) : There are four questions based on the same puzzle. Answer the questions
based on the given information
A,S,O,D,F,T are members of a family consisting of 3 men and 3 women among
whom there are two married couples. we also known that:
I. O is the son of S
II. T is the daughter of D
III. F is the grandson of A
IV. D is the mother of a girl and a boy
V. S is not the father of O
all the relationship mentioned above are between these six persons only.
1. T’s grandmother is
a) D b) F’s mother c) A d) S
2. A’s wife is
a) D b) T c) S d) NOT
3. D’s husband is
a) O b) F c) A d) NOT
4. O’s father is
a) F b) D’s father c) S d) A

(5-8)(i) There are two lecturers, two singers, one doctor and one engineer in a group
of six people – A, B, C, D, E and F.
(ii) The doctor c is married to A who is a lecturer.
(iii) The engineer is married to B who is of the same profession as that of E.
(iv) C, A, B, and F are married couples and nobody in the group has the same
(v) E is F’s brother.
5. Which of the following is a pair of singers?
a) A and D b) B and E c) E and F d) A and F
6. How is E related to B?
a) Brother b) Uncle c) Father d) None of these
7. Which of the following pair is a couple?
a) A and B b) B and F c) A and F d) B and C
8. Which of the following is a pair of lecturers?
a) A and B b) A and F c) A and D d) A and E

(9-12) Passage:
1) Five men P, Q, R, S and T read a newspaper
2) The one who reads first gives it to R
3) The one who reads last has taken it from P
4) T was not the first or last to read
5) There were two readers between Q and P
9. Who did Q pass the newspaper to?
a) R b) T c) P d) S
10. Who did the news paper last?
a) Q b) S c) Cannot be d) None of the
determined above
11. Who read the news paper before S?
a) Q b) R c) T d) P
12. Who read the newspaper first?
a) S b) Q c) Data d) None of the
Inadequate above
(13-16) Passage:
i) Jayant, Kama, Namath, Asha and Tanmay are five members of the family.
ii) They have their birth dates from January to May, each member in one of these
iii) Each one likes one particular item for his/her birthday out of Bengali Sweets,
Chocolates, Pastries, Ice Cream and Dry Fruits.
iv) The one who likes Pastries is born in the month which is exactly middle in the
months given
v) Asha does not like Ice cream but brings Chocolates for Jayant in February.
vi) Tanmay who is fond of Bengali sweets in born in the next month immediately after
vii) Namita does not like Dry fruits or Ice cream.
13. What is the choice of Asha?
a) Pastries
b) Dry Fruits
c) Ice-Cream
d) Can’t be determine
e) None of these
14. Which combination of month and item is true for Jayant?
a) March- Pastries
b) February - Pastries
c) February - Ice cream
d) Can’t be determine
e) None of these
15. What is the choice of Kamal?
a) Dry Fruits
b) Bengali Sweets
c) Ice-Cream
d) Can’t be determine
e) None of these
16. In which month was Kamal born?
a) January
b) May
c) January or May
d) Can’t be determine
e) None of these

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