DISPENSE - Logic Specifications

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Logic specifications

Examples of first-order theory (FOT) formulas:

•  x > y and y > z implies x > z
•  x = y ≡ y = x
•  for all x, y, z (x > y and y > z implies x > z)
•  x + 1 < x – 1
•  for all x (exists y (y = x + z))
•  x > 3 or x < -6

Ch. 5 83
Specifying complete
A property, or requirement, for P is
specified as a formula of the type
{Pre (i1, i2,..., in) }
{Post (o1, o2,..., om, i1, i2,..., in)}

Pre: precondition
Post: postcondition
Ch. 5 84
•  Program to compute greatest common
{i1 > 0 and i2 > 0}"
{(exists z1, z2 (i1 = o * z1 and i2 = o * z2)"
and not (exists h "
(exists z1, z2 (i1 = h * z1 and i2 = h * z2) and h > o))}"

Ch. 5 85
Specifying procedures
{n > 0} -- n is a constant value"
procedure search (table: in integer_array; n: in integer;"
" "element: in integer; found: out Boolean);"
{found ≡ (exists i (1 ≤ i ≤ n and table (i) = element))}"

{n > 0 } "
procedure reverse (a: in out integer_array; n: in integer);"
{for all i (1≤ i ≤ n) implies (a (i) = old–a (n - i +1))}"

Ch. 5 86
Specifying classes
•  Invariant predicates and pre/post
conditions for each method
•  Example of invariant specifying an array
implementing ADT set
for all i, j (1 ≤ i ≤ length and 1 ≤ j ≤ length and i≠j)
implies IMPL[i]≠IMPL[j]
(no duplicates are stored)

Ch. 5 87
Specifying non-terminating
•  Example: producer+consumer+buffer
•  Invariant specifies that whatever has
been produced is the concatenation of
what has been taken from the buffer
and what is kept in the buffer
input_sequence = append (output_sequence,

Ch. 5 88
A case-study using logic
•  We outline the elevator example
•  Elementary predicates
–  at (E, F, T)
•  E is at floor F at time T
–  start (E, F, T, up)
•  E left floor F at time T moving up
•  Rules
–  (at (E, F, T) and on (EB, F1, T) and F1 > F) implies
start (E, F, T, up)

Ch. 5 89
States and events
•  Elementary predicates are partitioned into
–  states, having non-null duration
–  standing(E, F, T1, T2)
»  assumption: closed at left, open at right
–  events
•  instantaneous (caused state change occurs at same time)
•  represented by predicates that hold only at a particular time
–  arrived (E, F, T)
•  For simplicity, we assume
•  zero decision time
•  no simultaneous events

Ch. 5 90
Events (1)
•  arrival (E, F, T)
–  E in [1..n], F in [1..m], T ≥ t0, (t0 initial time)
•  does not say if it will stop or will proceed, nor where it
comes from
•  departure(E, F, D, T)
–  E in [1..n], F in [1..m], D in {up, down}, T ≥ t0
•  stop (E, F, T)
–  E in [1..n], F in [1.. m], T ≥ t0
•  specifies stop to serve an internal or external request

Ch. 5 91
Events (2)
•  new_list (E, L, T)
–  E in [1..n], L in [1.. m]*, T ≥ t0
•  L is the list of floors to visit associated with
elevator (scheduling is performed by the
control component of the system)
•  call(F, D, T)
–  external call (with restriction for 1, N)
•  request(E, F, T)
–  internal reservation
Ch. 5 92
•  moving (E, F, D, T1, T2)
•  standing (E, F, T1, T2)
•  list (E, L, T1, T2)
–  We implicitly assume that state predicates
hold for any sub- interval (i.e., the rules
that describe this are assumed to be
automatically added)
•  Nothing prevents that it holds for larger interval

Ch. 5 93
Rules relating events and
R1:When E arrives at floor F, it continues to move if there is
no request for service from F and the list is empty.
If the floor to serve is higher, it moves upward;
otherwise it moves downward.
arrival (E, F, Ta) and
list (E, L, T, Ta) and
first (L) > F
departure (E, F, up, Ta)

A similar rule describes downward movement.

Ch. 5 94
R2: Upon arrival at F, E stops if F must be serviced (F
appears as first of the list)

arrival (E, F, Ta) and

list (E, L, T, Ta) and
first (L) = F
stop (E, F,Ta)

R3: E stops at F if it gets there with an empty list

arrival (E, F, Ta) and

list (E, empty, T, Ta)
stop (E, F, Ta)

Ch. 5 95
R4: Assume that elevators have a fixed time to service a floor.
If the list is not empty at the end of such interval,
the elevator leaves the floor immediately.
stop (E, F, Ta) and
list (E, L, T, Ta + Dts) and
first (L) > F,
departure (E, F, up, Ta + Dts

R5: If the elevator has no floors to service, it stops until its

list becomes nonempty.
stop (E, F, Ta) and list (E, L, Tp, T) and
Tp > Ta + Dts and list (E, empty, Ta + Dts, Tp) and
first (L) > F
departure (E, F, up, Tp)
Ch. 5 96
R6: Assume that the time to move from on floor to the
next is known and fixed. The rule describes movement.

departure (E, F, up, T)

arrival (E, F + 1, T + Dt)

R7: The event of stopping initiates standing for at least Dts.

stop (E, F, T)
standing (E, F, T, T + Dts)

Ch. 5 97
R8: At the end of the minimum stop interval Dts, E remains
standing if there are no floors to service.
stop (E, F, Ts) and
list (E, empty, Ts + Dts, T)
standing (E, F, Ts, T)

R9: Departure causes moving.

departure (E, F, D, T)
moving (E, F, D, T, T + Dt)

Ch. 5 98
Control rules
Express the scheduling strategy (by describing “new_list”
events and “list” states)

Internal requests are inserted in the list from current

floor to top if the elevator is moving up

External calls are inserted in the list of the closest elevator

that is moving in the correct direction, or in a standing

Ch. 5 99
R10: Reserving F from inside E, which is not standing at F,
causes immediate update of L according to previous policy

request (E, F, TR) and not (standing (E, F, Ta, TR)) and
list (E, L, Ta, TR) and LF = insert_in_order(L, F, E)
new_list (E, LF, TR)

Ch. 5 100
R11: Effect of arrival of E at floor F
arrival (E, F, Ta) and list (E, L, T, Ta) and
F = first (L) and Lt = tail (L)
new_list (E, Lt, Ta)

R12: How list changes

new_list (E, L, T1) and not (new_list (E, L, T2) and
T1 < T2 < T3)
list (E, L, T1, T3)

Ch. 5 101
Verifying specifications
•  The system can be simulated by providing a state
(set of facts) and using rules to make deductions
standing (2, 3, 5, 7) elevator 2 at floor 3 at least
from instant 5 to 7
list(2, empty, 5, 7)
request(2, 8, 7)
new_list(2, {8}, 7)
⇒ (excluding other events)
departure (2, up, 7 + Dts)
arrival (2, 8, 7 + Dts + Dta *(8-3))

Ch. 5 102
Verifying specifications
•  Properties can be stated and proved via
new_list (E, L, T) and F ∈ L
new_list (E, L1, T1) and F ∉ L1 and T1 > T2

(all requests are served eventually)

Ch. 5 103

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