Marine Robotics Modeling

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Modeling of Marine Vehilces

for Robotic Applications

Lecce July 29th, 2004

Giovanni Indiveri,

DII – Department for Innovation Engineering

University of Lecce, Italy

Describe the kinematics and dynamic models necessary to design motion control systems for
robotic marine vehicles.

ROMEO: Institute for Naval INFANTE and DELFIM: Dynamical Systems and Ocean Robotics Lab,
Instituto Superior Técnico - ISR, Lisbon, Portugal
Automation, CNR-IAN, Genova, Italy

DII – Department for Innovation Engineering

University of Lecce, Italy

Page 2

* Kinematics of a rigid body

* Newton-Euler dynamic equations for a floating rigid body

* Fluid forces and moments (principles)

* An introduction to thruster models


* AUV, ROV and surface craft models


* Model Identification issues and techniques

DII – Department for Innovation Engineering

University of Lecce, Italy

Page 3
Elementary vector operations

a , b , c  R 31
a  b  aT b
a  b  S (a )b  b  a
 0  a3 a2 
 
S (a )   a 3 0  a1 ; S(a)  -ST (a)
a a1 0 
 2
(a  b )c  [ca T ]b
 c1a1 c1a2 c1a3  a  (b  c )  b (a c )  c (a  b ) 
 
[ca ]  c 2a1 c 2a 2 c 2a 3   ([bcT  cbT ]) a
c a c a c a 
 3 1 3 2 3 3  (I 33 (a c )  [ca T ]) b
a  (b  c )  b (a c )  c (a  b )
 ([ba T ]  I 33 (a  b )) c

DII – Department for Innovation Engineering

University of Lecce, Italy

Page 4
Kinematics of a rigid body

ei : i  1,2,3 orthonorma l basis of  0 

d 1  d1   d 1 
(ei  e j )   ei   e j  ei   ej  
dt  dt   dt 
 ei  e j  ei  e j  0
1 3
ω 0 / 1   eh  eh 
2 h 1
ω 0 / 1  ei  ei 
d 1 d  0
ρ ρ  ω 0 /1  ρ
dt dt

DII – Department for Innovation Engineering

University of Lecce, Italy

Page 5
Kinematics of a rigid body
ru ,c  c  u
d j 
vi / j 
i Oj 
do  do  d o 
v p /o  p  o   p  c   c  o  
dt dt dt
d c 
 p  c   ωc /o  p  c   v c /o 
 v p / c  ωc / o  rc , p  v c / o 
 v c / o  ωc / o  rc , p

DII – Department for Innovation Engineering

University of Lecce, Italy

Page 6
Rotation matrixes and angualr velocity
ra ,p  p  a
da  d b 
ra , p  ra ,p  ωa / b  ra ,p
dt dt
ra , p aRb bra , p : a
ra ,p  bra , p
a 2 a T a a b 2
ra , p  r a ,p ra , p  Rb ra , p 
b T a T a b b T b
r a ,p R b Rb a ,p r r a ,p ra , p 
RT R  I 33
ra , p aRb bra , p  aRb bra , p
S (ω a / b ) aRb

DII – Department for Innovation Engineering

University of Lecce, Italy

Page 7
Dynamic equations

 (ru ,p ) body mass density

V time - constant body volume
dV  d3 ( p  o )
m    (ru ,p ) dV

m ru ,c    (ru ,p ) ru , p dV

T 
2V  (ru , p ) v p / o  v p / o dV

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University of Lecce, Italy

Page 8
Dynamic equations

 (ru ,p ) body mass density is assumed time - constant, i.e.

 
 0, but may be non - uniform, i.e. 0
t r
Newton ' s Law :
d 0 
dt V   (ru ,p ) v p /o dV  

Leibnitz Theorem
f (x ) f (x )
d f g d

dx g (x )
F (x , z )dz 
F (x ,f (x )) 
F (x , g (x ))  
g ( x ) dx
F (x , z )dz

DII – Department for Innovation Engineering

University of Lecce, Italy

Page 9
Dynamic equations
Newton ' s Law :
 d 0  
  (ru , p ) 
 dt
v p / o 

dV  

d 0   (ru ,p ) dru , p
 (ru , p )  0
dt ru , p dt
d 0  d d
v p /o  ( p  o )  0 (u  o )  0 ( p  u ) 
dt dt dt
 v u / o  1 ( p  u )  ω1/ 0  ( p  u ) 
 v u / o  1 ru , p  ω1 / 0  ru ,p  vu / o  ω1/ 0  ru , p
d v p / o  vu / o  ω1/ 0  ru , p
because 1 ru , p  0 (rigid body)

DII – Department for Innovation Engineering

University of Lecce, Italy

Page 10
Dynamic equations

Newton' s Law :
 d0 
 u p  dt p o 
 (r , )  v /  dV  i i
F external

v p /o  vu /o  ω1/ 0  ru ,p
d d
vu /o  0 (u  o ) ; a p / o  0 v p /o we want to expressit in  1 :
dt dt
d d d
a p /o  0 v p /o  1 v p /o  ω1/ 0  v p /o  1 ( vu /o  ω1/ 0  ru ,p )  ω1/ 0  ( vu /o  ω1/ 0  ru ,p ) 
dt dt dt
d d 
 1 vu /o   1 ω1/ 0   ru ,p  ω1/ 0  vu /o  ω1/ 0  (ω1/ 0  ru ,p )
dt  dt 

DII – Department for Innovation Engineering

University of Lecce, Italy

Page 11
Dynamic equations
Newton ' s Law :

 u , p p /o
 (r ) a dV  i
F external


d 1  d 1 
a p /o  vu / o   ω1/ 0   ru , p  ω1/ 0  vu / o  ω1 / 0  (ω1/ 0  ru , p ) 
dt  dt 
remembering that
m ru ,c    (ru ,p ) ru , p dV 

 d 1  d1  
m  v u /o   ω1 / 0   ru ,c  ω1 / 0  vu /o  ω1/ 0  (ω1 / 0  ru ,c )    Fi external
 dt  dt   i

DII – Department for Innovation Engineering

University of Lecce, Italy

Page 12
Velocity and acceleration interpretation
p x
d 0 d <1>
vu / o  (u  o )  0 ro ,u
dt dt
vu /o   (u ,v ,w ) T
u  surge
v  sway z
w  heave
ω1/ 0   (p , q , r )T 1
 d1   du dv dw 

p  roll  v u /o    , , 
 dt   dt dt dt 
q  pitch 1 T
 d1   dp dq dr 
r  yaw  ω1 / o    , , 
 dt   dt dt dt 

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University of Lecce, Italy

Page 13
Torque equation

 d 0  
V  u , p dt p /o  u ,p
 r  v  (r ) dV  i u ,i
N external

 
Iu    (ru , p ) I 33 (ru , p  ru , p )  ru , p ruT,p dV inertia tensor

 d 1   d 1 
Iu  ω1/ 0   ω1/ 0  Iu ω1/ 0  mru ,c   vu /o  ω1/ 0  v u / o    Nuexternal
 dt   dt  i

,i i - th externally applied torque with respect to u

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University of Lecce, Italy

Page 14
d 1
M ν  C( ω1/ 0 ) ν  τ ext Nonlinear dynamic equation

ν  ( vTu / o , ωT1/ 0 )T  R 61 State vector (<o> inertial reference frame)

T T external
τ ext
  (Fi , N )
i Control + hydrodynamic + disturbance terms

 mI 33  mS (ru ,c )   mS (ω1 / 0 )  mS (ω1/ 0 )S (ru ,c ) 

M    ; C( ω1/ 0 )   
 mS (ru ,c ) Iu   mS (ru ,c )S (ω1/ 0 )  mS (Iu ω1/ 0 ) 

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University of Lecce, Italy

Page 15
Summarizing (continued) X,Y,Z,K,M,N NOTAZIONE SNAME

m (u vr  wq  xG (q 2  r 2 )  yG (pq  r )  z G ( pr  q ))  X
m (v  wp  ur  y G ( p  r )  zG (qr  p )  x G (qp  r ))  Y
2 2

m (w  uq vp  z G ( p 2  q 2 )  xG (rp  q )  yG (rq  p ))  Z

I x p  (I z  I y )qr  m yG (w  uq vp )  zG (v  wp  ur )  K

I y q  (I x  I z )rp  m z G (u vr  wq )  xG (w  uq vp )  M
I z r  (I y  I x )pq  m xG (v  wp  ur )  yG (u vr  wq )  N

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University of Lecce, Italy

Page 16
Hydrodynamic interactions
T T external
τ ext
  (Fi , N )
i  τhydro  τctrl  τdist
hydro dp
τ  τ  τvisc  τ rest
Inertial force U 2l 2 U 2
Froude Number : F 1/ 2   
Gravitational force l g
Inertial force U 2l 2 Ul
Reynolds Number : R   
Viscous force Ul 
 [Kg/ms] viscous shear coefficient

v [m2/ s ] kinematic viscosity  [0.8,1.8] 10 -6 m2/s for

fresh and salt water between 0 and 30 Celsius

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University of Lecce, Italy

Page 17
Hydrodynamic interactions

R  0.6, 1.210 6 (@ U  1m/s l  1m )

Equation of motion of an infinitesimal volume of Newtonian, incompressible ant time-constant
density fluid: the Navier Stokes Equation

u 1 1
 (u   )u   p   u  F
t  

u local velocity; p pressure; F force per unit volume (ex. F =  gh k ).

Assume u irrotational and  = 0, F =  gh k and solve for the dynamic pressure induced forces:
Fdp and Ndp

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University of Lecce, Italy

Page 18
Added Mass Terms

Fdp   (M11 M12 ) ν  ω1/ 0  (M11 M12 ) ν 
d 1
Ndp   (M21 M22 ) ν  ω1/ 0  (M21 M22 )ν   vu / o  (M11 M12 ) ν 
 T
τ dp  F , N
dp 
dp  R 61 
d 1
τ dp  MA ν  CA ( ν) ν :
 M11 M12  S (ω1/ 0 ) 033  M11 M12 
MA    ; C A ( ν)    
 M21 M22  S ( v u / o ) S (ω1/ 0 )  M21 M22 

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University of Lecce, Italy

Page 19
Added Mass Properties

ω1/ 0  0  v u/o  const . 

Fdp   (M11 M12 ) ν  ω1/ 0  (M11 M12 ) ν   0 D‘Alambert Paradox

These terms were derived under the following hypothesis:

• the body in the fluid is rigid
• the fluid is incompressible
• the fluid is ideal, i.e. inviscid (=0) and irrotational (no angular velocity)
• the fluid is unbounded except for the rigid body itself

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University of Lecce, Italy

Page 20
Added Mass properties
 M11 M12 
MA     0 and depends on  and the body shape only
 M21 M22 
Tfluid  νT MA ν
 S (ω1/ 0 ) 0 33  M11 M12 
C A (ν )    
 S ( vu / o ) S (ω1/ 0 )  M21 M22 
ˆ  033  S (M11vu /o  M12 ω1/ 0 ) 
C A (ν )   
  S (M11 vu / o  M12ω1/ 0 )  S (M21vu /o  M22ω1 / 0 ) 
Cˆ (ν )  CˆT ( ν )

C A (ν ) ν  CˆA ( ν ) ν

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University of Lecce, Italy

Page 21
Added mass computation

Added mass coefficients may be computed analytically for simple shapes;

Refer to

• Guidance and Control of Ocean Vehicles, Thor I. Fossen, John Wiley & Sons, 1994

• Theoretical Hydromechanics, N. E. Kochin, I. A. Kibel, N. V. Roze, John Wiley & Sons, 1964

DII – Department for Innovation Engineering

University of Lecce, Italy

Page 22


d 1
M ν  C( ω1/ 0 ) ν  τ dp  τvisc  τ rest  τctrl  τ dist X,Y,Z,K,..(notazione SNAME) sono

dt le somme delle componenti x, y, ECC

di questi TAU

τ dp  MA 1 ν  C A ( ν ) ν
(M  MA ) ν  [C (ω1/ 0 )  C A ( ν )]ν  τvisc  τ rest  τ ctrl  τdist
ν  ( vTu / o , ωT1/ 0 )T  R 61  0  inertial frame

<0> may have constant linear velocity with respect to an arbitrary inertial reference frame,
e.g. <0> may move with a constant irrotational ocean current.

DII – Department for Innovation Engineering

University of Lecce, Italy

Page 23
Current effects

(M  MA ) ν  [C (ω1/ 0 )  C A ( ν )]ν  τvisc  τ rest  τ ctrl  τdist
ν  ( vTu / o , ωT1/ 0 )T  R 61  0  inertial frame moving
with the fluid, i.e. assuming a constant linear current,
u  surge  x vel. w.r.t. the fluid
v  sway  y vel. w.r.t. the fluid
w  heave  z vel. w.r.t. the fluid

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University of Lecce, Italy

Page 24
Viscosity effetcs

to the relative velocity of the body w.r.t the fluid

τvisc  τdrag  τlift

for a sphere Fdrag   U 2SCd (R ) : S  d 2 /4
R  Ul / 

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University of Lecce, Italy

Page 25
Marine Hydrodynamics, J.N.Newman,
Viscous drag coefficient of a sphere The MIT Press, 1977

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University of Lecce, Italy

Page 26
Viscous drag coefficient (frictional term)

Cd = Cf + Cp frictional + pressure terms

Marine Hydrodynamics, J.N.Newman,

The MIT Press, 1977

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University of Lecce, Italy

Page 27
Viscous drag of a ship‘s hull

Froude‘s hypothesis:

Cd(R,F)  Cf(R)+ Cres(F) frictional + rsidual terms

Wave resistance

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University of Lecce, Italy

Page 28
Viscous effects: the lift forces
• Hydrofoil (propellers, sails, rudders, control surfaces, wings, etc.)
• Vortex shedding (turbulence effect causing oscillations)

Hydrofoil effects
Marine Hydrodynamics, J.N.Newman,
The MIT Press, 1977 (NACA 63-412)

Flift   U 2SC lift (R ,  ) : S  hydrofoil area

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Page 29
Lift coefficient (hydrofoil)

Marine Hydrodynamics, J.N.Newman,

The MIT Press, 1977 (NACA 63-412)

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University of Lecce, Italy

Page 30
Lift: Vortex shedding

As predicted by a stability analysis of

von Kármán, the ultimate downstreem
vortex configuration is antisymmetrical
and thus produces a lift force

Marine Hydrodynamics, J.N.Newman,

The MIT Press, 1977

DII – Department for Innovation Engineering

University of Lecce, Italy

Page 31
Restoring Forces
Weight and buoyancy


d1 visc rest ctrl dist

(M  MA ) ν  [C (ω1/ 0 )  C A ( ν )]ν  τ  τ τ τ
τvisc  τdrag  τ lift
 Fwb    mI m I
f 3 3   1
k0 
τ rest
    g 
  
N  mS (r ) m S (r )  1
k 
 wb   u ,c f u ,B  0 
mf  V (underwate r vehicle) or mf   (surface craft)
ru ,B  position of the center of buoyancy w.r.t. u ( 1 )
g  gravitational accelerati on  9.81m/s2

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University of Lecce, Italy

Page 32
Control forces and torques

(M  MA ) ν  [C (ω1/ 0 )  C A ( ν )]ν  τvisc  τ rest  τ ctrl  τdist

These may be generated by control surfaces (hydrofoil surfaces), rudders or

propeller based actuators.

A simple thruster model is usually used for control design purposes (see
Guidance and Control of Ocean Vehicles, Thor I. Fossen, John Wiley & Sons,

DII – Department for Innovation Engineering

University of Lecce, Italy

Page 33
Basic Thruster model
τthruster  f (ν ,n )
   D 4Kt (J 0 )n | n | : D , n propeller diameter and revolution rate
Va : Speed of the water through the thruster
Kt  a  bJ 0 : Thrust coefficien t
J0  : Advance number
Va  u (1  w ) : w wake factor  (0.1, 0.4)

n> 0, Va < 0
n> 0, Va > 0

n< 0, Va > 0 J0
n< 0, Va < 0

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Page 34
Basic Thruster Model (continued)

 Tn |n |n | n | T|n V| aVa | n | produced thruster force

q  Qn|n |n | n |  Q|n V| aVa | n | produced thruster torque

At low speed (eg. ROV vehicles) the terms depending on Va are


For electrically driven thrusters, n can be related to the applied thruster voltage
by standard electrical motor models.

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University of Lecce, Italy

Page 35
Control surfaces and rudders
Horizzontal plane
  a  r2 
  x Lift force
 b r  X z
 0 
Drag force
τ rudder
 
 0  nozzle
 
 0  r
 c  
 r  rudder
a ,c  0

A vehicle equipped with a single stern rudder cannot, in general, turn „on the spot“.

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University of Lecce, Italy

Page 36

Maximum current velocities can reach up to 3m/s Wind

Thermal and wind
generated currents
- Shallow water waves
-- Definition: Wave Length > 1/20 Water Depth -10m
-- Velocity is determined by water depth (d)

- Deep water waves Negligible

-- Definition: Wave Length < 1/2 Water Depth environmental
-- Velocity is determined by wave period (T) disturbances

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University of Lecce, Italy

Page 37
Disturbance models

Surface crafts Wind loads Wind induced currents Thermal induced


Shallow water Wind induced currents Thermal induced

underwater vehicles currents

Deep water
underwater vehicles

Common approximation in designing control systems: constant disturbance in the global

reference frame  kinematic modelling for underwater currents
 bias force term in the dynamic equations for wind disturbance

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University of Lecce, Italy

Page 38
From Physical principles to Engineering modeling

Structure of the
Newton Laws
dynamic equations

Kinematics Engineering modeling

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University of Lecce, Italy

Page 39
Engineering modeling approach

ν  (u ,v ,w , p , q , r )

d 1
Rigid body eq. M ν  C(ω1/ 0 ) ν  τ

dp visc rest ctrl dist

τ τ τ τ τ τ 
 (X ,Y , Z , K , M , N )T Hydrodynamic derivatives

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University of Lecce, Italy

Page 40
Hydrodynamic derivatives

ν  (u ,v ,w , p , q , r )T ; τ  (X,Y,Z,K,M,N )T ; X : R q 1  R

X  X (ν , ν,  r )  X (u 0 ,v 0 ,...,  r 0 )  X 0 (u  u 0 ,v v 0 ,...,  r -  r 0 )T 

Taylor expansion
 
 (u  u 0 ,v v 0 ,...,  r -  r 0 ) T X 0 (u  u 0 ,v v 0 ,...,  r -  r 0 )T  h .o .t .

  2X  2X  2X 
 ... 
 uu uv u r 
  2X  2X  2X 
 X X X 
Jacobian X 0T   , ,...,  
; Hessian T X 0   vu

 vv
v r

 u v  r 0  
  2X X 

  u ... ...
 r  r  r  0

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Page 41
Hydrodynamic derivatives (continued)
 X  1  2X 
Xa    ; Xab   
  a 0 2  a b  0

X  X 0  Xu  u  ...  X uv  u v  ...  X  rr

 r  r

 X  Ns
e . g . Xu     (Fdrag )x  Xu u : Xu  
 u  m
X u  MA 11 11 add mass term
2D surface vessel ν  (surge, sway, yaw )T :
 Xu 0 0  u 
  
τ  D (ν)ν   0 Yv Yr v  ; Xu ,Yv , Nr  0
 0 Nv Nr  r 

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Page 42
Hydrodynamic derivatives (eg.)
ν  (u ,v ,w , p , q , r )T
τ  (X,Y,Z,K,M,N )T
underwater vehicles :
τ drag  D ( ν ) ν 
D ( ν )  diag (Xu ,Yv , Z w , K p , Mq , Nr )  linear drag

 diag (Xu |u | | u |,Yv |v | |v |, Zw |w | | w |, K p|p | | p |, Mq |q | | q |, Nr |r | | r |)

quadratic drag

These coefficients must be estimated experimentally

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Page 43
Hydrodynamic derivatives: normalization systems

m (u vr )  X uu  Xvrvr  Xu |u |u | u |  NOT normalized

m (u  v r )  Xuu   Xvrv r   Xu|u |u  | u  |  normalized

 3
m  m L
u  u U : U  u 2 v 2  u 0
v  v U
r  r N s 1/m
  2 2  L  1   2
Ns / m   Xu  Xu  U L     Xu UL
 
2  U  L  2

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Page 44
Hydrodynamic derivatives: normalization systems

Guidance and
Control of Ocean
Thor I. Fossen,
John Wiley & Sons,

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University of Lecce, Italy

Page 45
AUV motion equations : the INFANTE vehicle

„Multi-Objective Optimization Theory with
Applications to the Integrated Design of
Controllers / Plants for Autonomous
Carlos J. F. Silvestre, Ph.D. Thesis,
Technical University of Lisbon, IST,
Portugal, June 2000.

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University of Lecce, Italy

Page 46
AUV motion equations : the INFANTE vehicle

Common mode of Common mode of

stern plane deflection rudders deflection

δ  ( d ,  b ,  s ,  r )

Differential mode of Common mode of

T Thruster input
bow and stern plane bow plane deflection
The center of buoyancy is deflection
0.41m below the CM.

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Page 47
AUV motion equations : the INFANTE vehicle
T d 1
ν  (u ,v ,w , p , q , r ) ; M ν  C(ω1/ 0 ) ν  τ
mu  mvr  mqw  X ; roll neglected
mv  mur  Y ; Iy q  M
mw  mqu  Z ; Irr  N

X  (W  B ) sin   C X u 2  [C X   b2  C X   s2 ]u 2  C Xww w 2  C Xqq q 2 

b b s s

 C Xrr r 2  C Xw w b  C Xw w s  C Xwq wq  C Xq  q b  C Xq q s  C Xu u T

b s b s

Similar expressions hold for the other degrees of freedom.

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Page 48
AUV motion equations : the INFANTE vehicle

For path following and trajectory tracking

it is useful to introduce alternative
variables, i.e. the angle of attack and the
side-slip angle.

Moreover constant currents can be

modeled kinematically.

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Page 49
AUV motion equations : the INFANTE vehicle
ν  (u ,v ,w , p , q , r )T (vehicle speed)
vcurrent  (uc ,vc ,wc ,0, 0,0)T (irrotational fluid)
ν r  (ur ,v r ,w r , p , q , r )T  ν  vcurrent (relative vehicle speed)
Vt  ur2 v r2  w r2 w 
(w +u )
2 2 ½
w r  ur tan  :  angle of attack
wr   wr   wr 
  arctan   arcsin   arcsin 
 ur   u 2 w 2   V 2 v 2 
 r r   T r 
 vr 
vr  Vt sin β : β side - slip angle  β  arcsin 
 Vt 

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Page 50
AUV motion equations : the INFANTE vehicle kinematics

λ  ( ,  , )T Euler angles vr 
| vr |
d wr VT
λ  Q (λ ) ω1 / 0
1 sin  tan  cos  tan  
Q (λ )  0 cos   sin  
0 sin  cos cos  cos  

Following „Nonlinear path following Control Systems for Autonomous Oceanic Vehicles“, Pedro
Encarnação (to be plubished in 2001 as PhD Thesis, University of Lisbon IST, Portugal)
assuming VT constant implies:

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AUV motion equations : the INFANTE vehicle

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Page 52
INFANTE main hydrodynamic derivatives

Normalized hydrodynamic derivatives

x 10-5

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Page 53
INFANTE: a stern dominant dynamics

The sign of Yr plays an important role for course stability.

Stern dynamic
r>0 pressure force

Y‘r r r>0

Residual sway u
wr force
Bow dynamic
pressure force

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University of Lecce, Italy

Page 54
The DELFIM Vehicle
T d 1
ν  (u ,v , r ) ; M ν  C(ω1/ 0 )ν  τ
mu  mvr  X ; roll neglected
mv  mur  Y ; pitch neglected
Irr  N ; heave neglected

 Xu 
X VT 2
 Xuu  XuuuVT  Xvv β 2
 Tc
 VT 
2 r  Force generated by the common
Y VT Yr Yv   mode of the stern thrusters
 VT 
 r  Torque generated by the differential
N VT 2  Nr  Nv   Td mode of the stern thrusters
 VT 

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Page 55
The DELFIM Autonomous Surface Craft (ASC)

Stern dominant

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Page 56
Trimming trajectories and paths
ν  (u ,v ,w , p , q , r )T  ( vT , ωT1/ 0 )T ; p  (x , y , z )T position
λ  ( ,  , )T orientatio n (Euler angles)

d 1 d d
M ν  C( ω1/ 0 ) ν  τ ; p  0R1 ( λ ) v ; λ  Q (λ ) ω1 / 0
dt dt dt

x  ( vT , ωT1/ 0 , λT , pT ) T  (u ,v ,w , p , q , r ,  ,  , , x , y , z )T  (xTdyn , xTkin )T

x  f (x, u) : u  τctrl

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Page 57
Trimming trajectories, what are they (intuitively) ?

x  ( vT , ωT1/ 0 , λT , pT ) T  (u ,v ,w , p , q , r ,  ,  , , x , y , z )T  (xTdyn , xTkin )T

x  f (x, u) : u  τctrl

Intuitivel y the trimming trajectori es are given by

xkin (t ) : R  R 61 such that xdyn (t )  ( vT , ωT1 / 0 )T  cost.

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Page 58
Trimming trajectories and paths

cos cos sin  sin  cos  cos  sin  cos  sin cos  sin  sin  
R1 ( λ )   sin cos sin  sin  sin  cos cos cos  sin sin  sin  cos 
 
  sin sin  cos cos  cos  

1 sin  tan  cos  tan  

Q (λ )  0 cos   sin  
0 sin  cos cos  cos  

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Page 59
Trimming trajectories, what are they (technically) ?

x  ( vT , ωT1/ 0 , λT , pT ) T  (u ,v ,w , p , q , r ,  ,  , , x , y , z )T  (xTdyn , xTkin )T

xdyn  ( vT , ωT1/ 0 ) T ; x kin  ( λT , pT )T
x  f (x, u) : u  τctrl , x  R n , u R m „Multi-Objective
dt Optimization Theory
xkin  (xTkin ,i , xTkin ,o )T with Applications to the
Integrated Design of
 xdyn   Fdyn (xdyn , x kin ,i )  B ( xdyn )H ( xdyn , u ) Controllers / Plants for
d       Autonomous Vehicles“,
x  F ( x , x
 kin ,i dyn kin ,i   )  0
dt 
kin ,i   Carlos J. F. Silvestre,
x kin ,o   Fkin ,o (xdyn , x kin )   0 
  Ph.D. Thesis,
Technical University of
Lisbon, IST, Portugal,
E  (x, u )  R n m :f ( x, u )  0 equilibrium set June 2000.

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Page 60
Trimming trajectory
xkin  (xTkin ,i , xTkin ,o )T eg., xkin ,i  ( , )T xkin ,o  ( , pT )T
 xdyn   Fdyn (xdyn , x kin ,i )  B ( xdyn )H ( xdyn , u )
d      
x  F ( x , x )
 kin ,i dyn kin ,i    0
dt 
kin ,i  
x kin ,o   Fkin ,o (xdyn , x kin )   0 
   

  Fdyn (xdyn , x kin ,i )  B (xdyn )H ( xdyn , u ) 0 
E  (xdyn , xkin ,i , u ) :       
 Fkin ,i (xdyn , x kin ,i )  0  0 

 g  ( xdyn , xkin , u ) : (xdyn , x kin ,i , u )  E r 

  x kin :  g , x kin  Oext  g  where Oext extracts xkin from  g

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Page 61
Trimming trajectory

Why introduce the concept of trimming trajectories ?

• The trimming trajectories of an AUV are helices parametrized by linear speed, yaw rate
and flight path angle (Vsin =cost.)

• Tracking a trimming trajectory == stabilizing a generalized error to zero.

• There exsists a reference in which the linearization of the generalized error dynamics is
time invariant.

Building on the concept of trimming trajectories, one can also define trimming paths.

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Page 62
ROV models

• No hydrofoil lift surfaces

• Slow operating speeds (u < 1m/s)
• Overactuated dynamics (8 thrusters)

Dominant hydrodynamic loads are:

• Drag
• Added mass
• Restoring forces

Disturbance forces may include:

• Cable loads
• Thruster-hull interactions

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Page 63
The ROMEO vehicle

ROMEO: Institute for Naval Automation, CNR-IAN,

Genova, Italy

Max. operating depth approx. 500m

Weight approx. 450Kg
Height 1m
Width 0.9m
Length 1.3m

3 Canisters,
2 for batteries,
1 for elecronics (VME bus)

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Page 64
Identification Methods

Towing tank methods:

• Planar Motion Mechanism (PMM)
• Scaled models (in general)

System Identification methods

• On board sensors
• Full model

Shallow water towing tank, European Development

Centre for Inland and Coastal Navigation, Duisburg,

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Page 65
Identification example: the INFANTE vehicle

Based on PMM experiments performed on the Marius vehicle.

Pros: Drawbacks:
• High measurement accuracy • Cost
• Complete model • Scaled model issues
• Well known technology • Repeatability

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Page 66
Identification example: the ROMEO vehicle

m   k   k | |  |  |    
θ  (m , k ,k | | )T
y    dt (measured)
 (estimated off line)

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Page 67
The Least Squares Method
y 0 (t )  H (x (t ),t )θ  y (t )  H (x (t ),t )θ  ε
 y 0 (1) 
 y (2)   h11 ( x(1),1) h1m (x(1),1)  1 
 0     : m n
     
  hn 1 (x (n ),n ) hnm ( x(n ),n )  m 
y 0 (n ) 

E y [ε]  0  E y [ y ]  H θ and  
cov(ε)  Ey y  Hθ y  H θ T   2I

J LS  y (t )  H (x(t ),t )θ  y (t )  H (x (t ),t )θ  y (t )  H ( x(t ),t )θ

T 2

θˆ LS  arg min J LS 

HT Hθˆ LS  HT y 
if  H T H 
 1

θˆ LS  H TH H T y

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Page 68
The Least Squares Estimator Properties

ˆθLS  HTH 1HT y

1) θˆ LS is linear in y
 
2) is unbiased, i.e. Ey θˆ LS  θ

 
ˆ 
ˆ  ˆ

3) cov θLS  Ey θLS  θ θLS  θ   H H 
 T
 2 T 1

   
4) cov θˆ LS  cov θˆ ULE being θˆ ULE any other unbiased
linear estimator

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Page 69
Over and under fitting

 
ˆθ  H TH 1HT y

ˆ 

ˆ  ˆ T
J LS (θLS )  H θ LS  y H θ LS  y 

a  2 pdf (mean   dim( y) - dim(θ))
J LS (θ) /  2 has
moderately good fit  2 (θˆ LS )   (test for underfitting)

Assuming a good fit

J LS (θˆ LS )
this can be used to test overfitting :
ˆ 
dim( y) - dim(θ)
Hp. Testing (Gaussian case)

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Page 70
Hp. Testing (Gaussian case)
h0 : 1  0
 p(accept h0 |h1 true)  a (eg. a  5%)
h1 :1  0

 ˆ
then h0 is accepted if 100  f (a )
| |

eg . a  5%  f(a)  51.02%

 ˆ
Compute  and 100 : if  51.02% there is a 95%
| |
confidence that   0.

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Page 71
Identification schemas

m   k   k | |  |  |    

Thruster Model Identification

  Ct n | n | thruster output force

n   T  n | n | T motor torque
Neglecting the motor dynamics implies
  Ct V |V | V applied motor Voltage

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Page 72
Identification schemas
  Ct V |V | V applied motor Voltage

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Page 73
Heave model identification

Antartica Expedition 1997-1998

(data collected by Massimo Caccia,
CNR-IAN, Genova)

Depth measured with a depth meter

at 10Hz sampling frequency.

5 experiments
1,2 positive buoyancy
3 neutral
4,5 negative buoyancy

Speed estimated off line with a

Savitzky - Golay filter. Steady state
value is estimeated by averaging.

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Page 74
Heave model identification (standard model)

mw  kw w  kw |w |w | w | F  G B
w  0  F  kw w  kw |w | w | w | G B

F  ez  kw w  e z  kw |w | w  ez | w | G B  e z

yH θ
y s  F1  ez , F2  ez , , Fn  ez 

 w1  e z w1  ez | w1 |  1
H s   

wn  ez w n  ez | wn |  1

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Page 75
Heave model identification (eta model)
mw  kw w  kw |w |w | w | F  G B ; F  ez  kw w  ez  kw |w |w  ez | w | G B  ez

  1  F  ez  0
F  F  
  1  F  e z  0

F  ez  0  F  ez  kw w  ez  kw |w |w  ez | w | GB  ez  0
F  ez  0  0  kw w  ez  kw |w | w  e z | w | G B  ez  F  ez 

yH θ θ  (kw , kw |w | , GB  ez , ) T
y e  Fd 1  ez , Fd 2  ez , ,0
, Fdm  ez ,0,0,
 w d 1  ez wd 1  ez | wd 1 | 1  0
 
 
 wdm  ez wdm  ez | wdm |  1 0 
He   
 wu 1  e z  wu 1  ez | wu 1 |  1 Fu 1  ez 
 
 
 wup  ez  wup  ez | wup |  1 Fup  ez 

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Page 76
Heave identification results: propeller hull interactions

Standard model:
kw = (116 ± 53) Ns/m
kw|w| = (403 ± 145) Ns2/m2

Eta model:
kw = (50 ± 12) Ns/m
kw|w| = (424 ± 28) Ns2/m2
= (0.57 ± 0.03)

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Page 77
Heave results

Loss of efficiency in the

upwards motion is over 40%

The standard model overestimates

the total weight to compensate
for the unmodeled loss of thrust
in the upward tests.

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Page 78
Heave static pool tests

DII – Department for Innovation Engineering

University of Lecce, Italy

Page 79
Heave static pool tests

DII – Department for Innovation Engineering

University of Lecce, Italy

Page 80
Other Degrees of freedom

The same proceedure may be applied to the other DOF.

Added mass terms may be also estimated by using (suitable) time-varying inputs.

DII – Department for Innovation Engineering

University of Lecce, Italy

Page 81
Modeling applications

Control system
Modeling design


DII – Department for Innovation Engineering

University of Lecce, Italy

Page 82

= Newton dynamics; hydrodynamic interactions;

 application scenarios; relevant disturbances; propulsion systems; model parameterization

ROMEO: Institute for Naval INFANTE and DELFIM: Dynamical Systems and Ocean Robotics Lab,
Instituto Superior Técnico - ISR, Lisbon, Portugal
Automation, CNR-IAN, Genova, Italy

DII – Department for Innovation Engineering

University of Lecce, Italy

Page 83

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