CCTV Guidelines 120110

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Controlling Officer:
Manager - Governance

Approved by General Manager: June 2010


1. OVERVIEW......................................................................................................... 3

1.1. Aim ......................................................................................................... 3

1.2. Key Principles......................................................................................... 3
2. PRELIMINARY INFORMATION.......................................................................... 4

2.1. Background ............................................................................................ 4

2.2. Objectives............................................................................................... 4
2.3. Legislative Framework............................................................................ 4
2.4. Ownership of the CCTV System............................................................. 4
2.5. System Description................................................................................. 4
2.6. Camera Locations .................................................................................. 5
2.7. Public Information................................................................................... 5
2.8. Advice to Staff ........................................................................................ 5
3. RESPONSIBILITIES OF ALL DEPARTMENTS.................................................. 5

4. AUTHORISED STAFF ........................................................................................ 6

5. MANAGEMENT OF ACCESS AND VIEWING OF CAMERAS ........................... 6

6. RECORDED MATERIAL..................................................................................... 7

7. POLICE CONTACTS AND USE OF THE SYSTEM ........................................... 7

8. BREACHES OF THESE GUIDELINES............................................................... 7

ANNEXURE 1 ............................................................................................................ 9

ANNEXURE 2 .......................................................................................................... 10

ANNEXURE 3 .......................................................................................................... 11

Version Date Approved by Amendments
General Manager

1 9 June 2010 Original

2 3 March 2011 New installations in amenities buildings and Marie
Bashir Mosman Sports centre included
3 29 March 2011 Amended to allow for publishing on web site and
change of name of document from Guidelines to
Operating Procedure

Mosman Council CCTV Operating Procedures Adopted: June 2010 2


1.1. Aim

To reduce the potential for crime in the Mosman area, enhance community safety and to assist
in the management of risks through assessment of behaviours and actions of persons in public
places following reported incidents.

1.2. Key Principles

These operating procedures contain the overall standards in accordance with which Mosman
Council’s CCTV system will be operated.

These are based on eight (8) key principles:

 Principle 1
Mosman Council’s CCTV system will be operated fairly, within applicable law, and only for
the purposes for which it is established or which are subsequently agreed on in accordance
with these guidelines.

 Principle 2
The system will be operated with due regard to the privacy and civil liberties of individual
members of the public.

 Principle 3
The public interest in the operation of the system will be recognised by ensuring the security
and integrity of operating procedures.

 Principle 4
The public will be provided with clear and easily accessible information in relation to the
CCTV system.

 Principle 5
Regular monitoring and evaluation of the system will be undertaken to identify whether the
purposes of the system are being complied with and objectives are being achieved.

 Principle 6
Access to the CCTV system will be restricted to authorised staff and contractors only as
nominated in these guidelines.

 Principle 7
Information recorded will not exceed that necessary to fulfil the aims and objectives outlined
in these guidelines.

 Principle 8
The retention of, and access to recorded material will only be for the purposes provided by
these guidelines. Recorded material will be kept no longer than is necessary to meet the
aims and objectives outlined in these guidelines.

Mosman Council CCTV Operating Procedures Adopted: June 2010 3


2.1. Background

It is recognised that the threat of crime is an important factor impacting on the actual and
perceived security and safety of certain areas in Mosman. In an effort to address these issues
Mosman Council has developed a number of crime prevention and community safety initiatives
one of which includes the use of CCTV.

Although Mosman Council has developed several initiatives to combat crime in the area it is
recognised that crime will never be totally prevented.

2.2. Objectives

2.2.1. The objectives of Mosman Council’s CCTV system are as follows:

 To reduce crime levels by deterring potential offenders.

 To reduce fear of crime.
 To assist Police in the detection and prosecution of offenders.
 To help secure a safer environment for those people who live, work and visit the areas
that are monitored.
 To assist Council in general claims management.

2.2.2. The CCTV system may also be used for intelligence gathering on individuals and
locations, in relation to criminal offences as required by the NSW Police Service.

2.3. Legislative Framework

2.3.1. Mosman Council’s CCTV system will operate in accordance with the relevant legislative
requirements listed below:

 Privacy and Personal Information Act 1998

 Workplace Surveillance Act 2005
 Security Industry Act 1997

2.3.2. The state guidelines, NSW Government Policy Statement and Guidelines for the
Establishment and Implementation of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) in Public Places,
have also been considered in the development and implementation of Council’s CCTV

2.4. Ownership of the CCTV System

2.4.1. Mosman Council is the owner of the CCTV systems.

2.4.2. Council retains ownership of all equipment, recorded information, and documentation
pertaining to the system.

2.5. System Description

2.5.1. The CCTV system contains a number of cameras which are networked to stand alone
digital recorder units located within each facility.

2.5.2. Recordings are taken 24 hours a day; however the screens are not monitored live.

2.5.3. All images are generally recorded and retained for a minimum of 10 days with some
systems having archiving facilities. As each systems image management disk becomes
full it automatically overwrites.

Mosman Council CCTV Operating Procedures Adopted: June 2010 4

2.6. Camera Locations

2.6.1. CCTV cameras are located in and surrounding both Council facilities and public space.
The following is a list of the camera locations:

Council Facilities
 Civic Centre & surrounds
 Library, Library Walk & surrounds
 Art Gallery and Community Centre
 Occasional Care Centre/Allan Border Oval
 Mosman Swim Centre
 Rawson Oval Pavilion
 Balmoral Baths complex
 Drill Hall and Marie Bashir Indoor Sports Centre
 Rosherville Amenities
 Clifton Gardens Amenities
 Balmoral Tramshed & Amenities
 Spit West Amenities
 Vista Street Car Park – entry points

Public Space
 Hunter Park - sculpture

2.6.2. Cameras will not be used to look into adjacent or nearby premises or buildings, unless it is
explicitly for the purposes of following (in real time) participants in a crime, which
originated in the public domain.

2.6.3. No sound is recorded.

2.6.4. ‘Dummy’ cameras may be used as a deterrent when deemed appropriate.

2.7. Public Information

2.7.1. Information regarding the CCTV system will be made available on an ongoing basis to the
public via Council’s website.

2.7.2. The existence of the cameras outside and inside administration buildings will be clearly
apparent to the public with signs that CCTV cameras are operating are displayed at
entrances and at other key points. See Annexure 1 for a copy of a standard form of CCTV
The signs will:

 Inform the public that cameras are in operation.

 Identify Mosman Council as the owner of the system.

2.8. Advice to Staff

2.8.1. Council staff will be informed of the operation of the CCTV system through the existence
of signs at the entrance to the respective administration buildings.

2.8.2 Formal advice will also form part of the new staff induction package as produced by
Human Resources.


3.1. The successful operation of the CCTV system requires a collaborative approach across all of
Council operations. This includes Governance, Assets and Services, Community Development
Admin, Library, Cultural Services, Children’s Services and Information Technology.

Mosman Council CCTV Operating Procedures Adopted: June 2010 5

3.2. Assets and Services will be responsible for the overall project coordination and systems
maintenance of the CCTV system. They will also be responsible for the physical maintenance of
the cameras and for the ongoing software administration of the CCTV systems.

3.3. Information Technology (IT) will be responsible for providing software and communications
support as required.

3.4. Governance will be primarily responsible for the monitoring, reviewing and retrieval of footage and
the enforcement of these guidelines.


4.1. Access to the CCTV system will only be for authorised Council staff and contractors. Whether
staff and contractors are operators or managers, they will meet the highest standards of probity.

4.2. Authorised staff and contractors involved in the operation of the CCTV system are required to
adhere to Mosman Council’s Policies, in particular, Mosman Council’s Code of Conduct.

4.3. The following table demonstrates the level of delegation for the staff as nominated to access the
CCTV system:

Delegation Title Depart

Level 1 General Manager GM
System administration Director Corporate Services CS
and authorisation to Manager Governance CS
view / retrieve / copy Administration Officer - Insurance CS
footage Manager Assets and Services E&P
Property Supervisor E&P
Manager Ranger Services CS
Level 2 Director Environment and Planning E&P
Authorisation to view Team Leader Open Space & Asset E&P
footage. Management
Team Leader Rangers x 2 CS

4.4. In addition to the above the Lessee of Mosman Swim Centre has access to view video footage
recorded from the Mosman Swim Centre System. Mosman Swim Centre has its own protocol for
access as approved by Council.

4.5. Non-authorised personnel will not be permitted access to the CCTV system at any time.


5.1. Council does not have a control room for the purpose of operating the CCTV system.

5.2. Authorised staff and contractors are only to view footage at work stations in situations that would
not enable public view. Authorised staff should also ensure that unauthorised staff do not have
access to reviewing footage

5.3. Access to the CCTV system is for authorised staff and contractors only. For security the system
is password protected.

5.4. All access will be in accordance with the flow chart attached as Annexure 3.

Mosman Council CCTV Operating Procedures Adopted: June 2010 6


6.1. The retention of, and access to recorded material will be only for the purposes provided by these

6.2. Access to and use of recorded material will only take place:
 In compliance with the needs of police in connection with the investigation of a crime or for
police intelligence purposes.
 If necessary for the purposes of legal or insurance proceedings, for example to assist
Council or its Insurer(s) or Solicitor(s) in properly considering issues of liability and

6.3. Use of recorded material by the media will only occur after approval by the authorised person
from the Northern Beaches Local Area Police Command. Recorded material will not be sold or
used for commercial purposes or for the provision of entertainment.

6.4. Recorded images shall not, under any circumstances, be used to publicise the existence of, or the
operation of the CCTV Program.

6.5. Appropriate security measures will be taken against unauthorised access to, alteration,
disclosure, loss or destruction of recorded material. Recorded material will be treated according to
all relevant or appropriate legislation and standards, to provide continuity of evidence and to avoid
contamination of evidence.


7.1. Contact related to the CCTV system between Council and the Police will be conducted strictly in
accordance with these guidelines.

7.2. Police officers will not be permitted to remove any recorded material, operate recording
equipment or have contact with any recorded material at any time unless under the terms of these
operating procedures or subject to the execution of a search warrant or other relevant legal

7.3. Any change in arrangements for police use of the system must be agreed to in accordance with
the relevant provisions of these operating procedures before implementation.

7.4. All requests from the Police for footage must be received in writing stating the time and date of the
incident for approval. Release of the relevant information on CD or DVD will be by the General
Manager or his delegate. Refer to Annexure 2 for a copy of the Request form.

7.5. All written requests for footage are forwarded to the Director Corporate Services for action. A
database of all requests shall be maintained by the Manager Governance.

7.6. Police requests may include a request for permission to view footage with an authorised staff
member prior to making a formal request in relation to a specific incident. These requests will be
negotiated directly with the General Manager, Director Corporate Services or Manager


8.1. The CCTV system operating procedures will address the interests of all who may be affected by
it, and not be confined to the interests of Mosman Council or the needs of the criminal justice

Mosman Council CCTV Operating Procedures Adopted: June 2010 7

8.2. Prime responsibility for ensuring the CCTV operating procedures are adhered to rests with the
Manager Governance who is also the Privacy Officer. This responsibility includes ensuring that
breaches of the operating procedures are investigated and remedied to the extent that breaches
of the operating procedures are within the ambit of Mosman Council to remedy.

8.3. The Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 authorises the Privacy Commissioner
to receive and investigate complaints about alleged violations of privacy. Any member of the
public is entitled to lodge a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner. Mosman Council will
cooperate with the investigation of any Complaint by the Privacy Commissioner.

Mosman Council CCTV Operating Procedures Adopted: June 2010 8


Example of standard CCTV signage

Mosman Council CCTV Operating Procedures Adopted: June 2010 9


Copy of Request for Footage form

Mosman Council CCTV Operating Procedures Adopted: June 2010 10


Mosman Council CCTV Operating Procedures Adopted: June 2010 11

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