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You missed a flight due to a problem at the airport.

Write a letter to the airline. In your letter

 describe what happened that caused you to miss the flight

 explain how missing your flight affected you
 make it clear what you would like the airline to do

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing with regard to a flight which I missed in the last week.

I received a call from your customer care asking me to come to the airport late because
the departure is delayed. As it had been agreed with your customer service
representative, I arrived at the airport two hours late and found that my plane flew on
time. Hence, I missed the flight.

Due to this missed flight, I should purchase a new ticket in order to reach London. I
cannot afford to do it because it is an unplanned expense for me.

I am expecting a full refund of my missed flight as it was due to misleading information

provided by your airplane. I would be extremely grateful if you could credit the same
bank account from which the ticket was purchased.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Artur Yolchyan


answer to the questions with the Grammar - ‘in the last week’; ‘was / had
b been delayed’; ‘flew’ - had flown; ‘it’ –
u this; ‘I am expecting’.
 A
l good range of relevant vocabulary.
l Wording / phrasing - ‘customer care
 Some
e excellent cohesion within department / team’; ’should’ – have to;
t and between them with ‘reach’ – travel to; ‘airplane’ - airline
‘because, as, hence’.
 Some excellent grammar structures
with some close to perfect sentences.

Overall score 7.5 +

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