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Areas to Consider in Writing and Evaluating an Effective Speech

• Intro grabbed interest, introduced speakers, and set up presentation

• Intro established speaker’s credibility and audience rapport

• Intro previewed main points clearly

• Body organized clearly (using a clear organizing principle)

• Body main points clearly discernible and easy to follow

• Body included clear, logical, natural transitions

• Conclusion reviewed main points clearly


• Content and wording were adapted to needs of the clearly specified audience

• Content included credible support

• Sources cited clearly and completely

• Tone and word choice appropriate for audience and occasion

• Language was specific, unambiguous, appropriate, and strong

Visual Aids:
• Visual aids attractive and easy to read

• Visual aids carefully edited

• Visual aids greatly enhanced presentation

• Visual aids consistent among all speakers

Q & A:
• Organized thoughts before responding

• Answers were detailed yet concise, and stayed on topic

• Remained calm and poised; exhibited patience

• Demonstrated adequate knowledge of topic to answer questions

• Paraphrased or incorporated question early in response

Speech Writing with Judy Steiner-Williams

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